The Meal(worm)y Mouthed Monsters

Sylvia Shawcross

And so we have to go back to discussing insects I’m afraid. It is just the way it is going to have to be because there are far too many things we disagree on now—even more things than since we last realized that we all didn’t really want to eat insects. That fact being the only thing we could actually all agree on and which was happily uncensored.

Some didn’t agree with this probably because they have a vested interest in cricket/maggot manufacturing or think somehow that the mass slaughter of insects will somehow make up for the mass slaughter of cows and chickens now occurring for the sake of the planet and/or humankind or both. Or neither.

I don’t quite get the reasoning behind killing off animals to save animals because it is kinda like waging war to prevent war and we know how that has always worked out.

In any event, consider the mealworms of the world. Just last month the EU approved the production of Alphitobius diaperinus, a species of beetle commonly known as the lesser mealworm for human food. I suspect they knew all along even way back when they named the things “mealworms” that they were going to make meals out of them but perhaps it is all just coincidence. (And before anyone goes on a long descriptive correction on the term “meal”, I’m well aware of meal as a ground substance but am now desperate for anything remotely humorous in this ghastly world and to hell with anyone who wants to ruin my feeble efforts today.)

Now where was I?

Oh yes. As edible larvae A. Diaperinus are just squirmy whitish things with a nervous system and three sets of legs. Actually I don’t know if they have a nervous system or a brain really or even if they’re squirmy. I should look that up but I don’t want to. What the hell do I want to know really about bloody insects beyond the fact that I don’t want to eat them. Anyway, they are small. And they “are” whitish. This much I know.

A. DIaperinus has been observed inhabiting the scrotum of a rat. (The things you learn from Wikipedia. I mean, they also have other habitats but that kind of stood out to me.) They’re considered pests around the world. So what better way to make everybody happy and solve world hunger while also including the eradication of pesky little bugs than to eat the things.

Yes. It is all so simple isn’t it?!?!

I realize this may be a letdown for the rats who may have actually gotten quite used to squirmy scrotums but really… if it is to save the planet they’ll simply have to sacrifice like the rest of us… well except for the elite. They don’t have the word “sacrifice” in their lexicon I don’t think. They just think we’re all being dreadfully ungrateful for their Herculean efforts to build their idea of Utopia I’m sure.

And speaking of words, I just want to know what the word diaper is doing in Alphitobius diaperinus’s second name? Maybe they got that wrong. Certainly there was a diaper shortage in the UK I know in 2022 but surely they wouldn’t have misinterpreted that and instead of making more diapers they started breeding A. diaperinus?

Oh Lawd, I wouldn’t put it past them these days. The things that are done these days through computer glitches and algorithms and misinterpretations and miscommunications… like world wars e.g. It’s very hard to trust “them” now.

Yes, “they”, whoever “they” are, are a little insane and quite out of touch with reality. And you’re not really allowed to broach that observation with them. We could ask them if they accidentally started making mealworms instead of diapers but that wouldn’t work, as usual. It makes them prickle and sputter and get all emotionally overwrought and purple in the face and rush away in a mad nervous dash. We know this now. So we don’t say anything anymore. It’s just easier isn’t it?!? Of course it is.

And speaking of insane, as I write this the US has shot down four “unidentified flying objects” in US and Canadian airspace. By the time this is published in a few more days heaven only knows what other high entertainment we’re going to be subjected to. I don’t know about anybody else but when I woke up to the news of the first one I just laughed and laughed and laughed. And then I laughed.

Spy balloon? Really? How profoundly interesting given that satellites up there can zoom in on and know if Great Aunt Tilly has clipped her toenails this week. For heavens sakes! Of course maybe these balloons can spy in some new novel way. Who knows. There’s nothing like old technology resurrected to thwart the newfangled stuff. Gets ‘em every time.

But maybe it is not a spy balloon…. Maybe it is aliens or they had a payload of anthrax or nuclear warheads or they’re just practising getting us used to shooting things down and running military operations in our up-until-now-with-the-great-reset peaceful countries…. Or maybe it is just a distraction.

Whatever it is, it is important to be afraid and off kilter. This is the whole point of it all. We know that now. We just dutifully forget all that happened last week and worry about what is happening today. That’s our role. To be first class idiots. We’re good at it.

We’ve already forgotten about Hunter Biden, Russiagate, Epstein’s list, Pfizer revelations, the Oklahoma train derailment (and Texas and South Carolina), loss of freedom of speech and censorship and universal ID and all sorts of government scandals and the fact that somebody important wrote an article just released that seems to confirm that the US sabotaged “The Pipeline” in Europe. You see, in the real world that is considered an act of war I’m afraid. And that would bring us the Third World War and of course make everybody hate the Americans because that is on the agenda apparently to bring down the western world and stuff. It is what the Banksters have decreed I suppose given the mess they’ve put us in.

We’ve forgotten everything mostly already. Haven’t we? Look at those balloons!

Thank heavens for short attention spans. There’d be too much to worry about otherwise. I’m just worried a little bit about the so-called conspiracy theorists. So much of what they’ve said has become reality that when the government tries to make us all believe overtly or covertly the aliens have arrived the conspiracy theorists will disagree because they pretty much know a distraction when they see one.

If you think about it… when did the conspiracy theorists become the normal ones and the normal ones become the conspiracy theorists? Regular people will be screaming “it’s the aliens” and wearing biohazard suits and tinfoil hats and masks and needles in their arms and slaughtering chickens and disinfecting their eyeballs and the conspiracy theorists will be sitting with their arms crossed saying, “Nope. Don’t believe it.” Funny how it is now.

Oh well… ours is not to question why, ours is but to do and die and eat mealworms and be afraid and forget history and stuff. Until they finish this thing and we can clap and/or boo and go home for a nice cup of tea.

Also, we must save the mealworms. What did they ever do to deserve such a fate? (I mean besides the rat thing.) P.S. If WW3 breaks out by the time this is published I’ll be annoyed and might have written about something other than insects. Until such time it will be insects. Next week we may discuss the sadly romantic plight of the luna moth during its larval development.


Favourite quote from the commentary section of my last piece supplied by the insightful thoughtful niko—about the Canadian trucker convoy:

“Somebody, after all, had to make a start, as Sophie Scholl said, if only because what may be believed by many remains unknown and powerless until expressed by some. We are social beings who learn by example, and in these Orwellian times of universal deceit, bearing witness to truth is a revolutionary act, capable of inspiring others to emerge from fear, repression, lockdown and other prison conditions of police states.”

And here’s your most obvious earworm for the day:

Syl Shawcross lives in Quebec, Canada. Apparently.


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Rolf Brandt
Rolf Brandt
Feb 22, 2023 10:30 PM

What a lovely story about Alphitobius diaperinus, the lesser mealworm.
  The poor animal is going to be ground up to meal, hence the name. Yet they are so lovable having worn diapers just as we do when we are babies. So, I followed the earnest summons to ‘consider the mealworms of this world’.  
 Why would they be mass killed ? Who instigated this mass murder. No wonder in their anguish they are getting squirmy and hiding in odd places with rats that can not be named in polite company.
  This forces us into some some inescapable contraditions, and we wonder who is behind all this. ‘They’ did it of course. But if you ask ‘them’ and question ‘their’ story, ‘it makes them prickle and sputter and get all emotionally overwrought and purple in the face’.  And of course we don’t want them. So we forget the whole story. that’s easy. As both attention spans and memory are getting shorter and shorter…
  Sylvia, this story is a master piece (or more PC: a mistress peace).
It produces chuckles and bursts of laughter while casually mentioning all the bad things happening around us and to us.
Humour is a powerful weapon. One that ‘they’ have no answer to. And at the same time it attracts
dissidents and spreads like wildfire. Sylvia, thank you. And my compliments to you.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Mar 6, 2023 1:12 AM
Reply to  Rolf Brandt

Dear Rolf, your kind comment keeps me going. It is, when all is said and done, quite absurd. Thank you.

Feb 19, 2023 4:29 PM

Is hearing something different out of each ear kind of like talking out of both sides of the mouth?

Because, in one ear, I’m hearing “they” want people to start eating insects; and in the other ear I’m hearing at least 80% of insects are gone, dead, extinct, pushing up daisies.

I can certainly relate to the 80% gone trope just from around where I live.

Here’s my point: what if the push to offer insects as a food source is actually a cover for the rapid decline of insect populations?

After all, eating insects probably won’t kill us. But extincting them just might.

Feb 19, 2023 3:36 PM

Meat and not cocaine found guilty of deforestation shock:

Gotta keep that deep state revenue stream flowing!

It’s curious that there’s plenty of evidence in mainstream medicine that excessive meat consumption can cause cancer but that argument never seems to be employed in the current campaign against meat-eating. I guess they don’t want people connecting diet to disease even when it works in their favour – plus keeping one of their most trustworthy depopulators in place.

Feb 18, 2023 8:44 PM

Feb 18, 2023 6:54 PM

On one level, it seems strange that those who rule over us (and we all know who they are), should bother to push this utter garbage and filth on people.

But it does make some kind of sense. If you can get people to say that a man in a dress is a woman, and get them to eat insects and celebrate paedophile grooming of children, you can get them to say and do anything.

War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.

And dictatorial rule by a Davos cabal of megalomaniac billionaire weirdos like Gates, Bezos, Musk, Soros and Fink is the apex of democracy and human civilisation.

Feb 18, 2023 6:50 PM

It was 105 degrees on August 28th of 1984 in Chicago. A heatwave had engulfed the Midwest. No one was talking about climate change on the radio as we drove home from the hospital with our newborn son in tow. Heatwaves in the Midwest were not uncommon at that time of the year and still aren’t. 99 balloons played on the radio as we baked in the car with the air conditioning on full blast. Al Gore had just won a seat in the U.S. Senate. Maybe the coincidence of assuming all that power coupled with the heatwave and a few zealot environmental lobbyists pushed him off the deep end early in his career. Clearly, he has not recovered and is still drowning in the bullshit. Once a fool, always a fool. Just flip to your back and backstroke your way to the shore and everything will be fine…. I digress.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 19, 2023 2:18 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Our post 01’s 60 70’s cars just had bloody freezing to cool with a single rattling fan motor. AC was a spark plug. A Cunt was a popular saying working on a Jaguar.
Weather was the ever changing climate, but I know what you mean. It’s everything anything society bombardment imo.

Peter Wright
Peter Wright
Feb 18, 2023 4:13 PM

Mealworms with or without affinities for the dangly parts of rats’ genitalia would not be my choice. However, we should not condemn all insects as poor food variants. Dried and salted Mopani worms, fried grasshoppers and flying ants are valuable nutrients for tribal people in Southern Africa who cannot afford real meat.

I have eaten all three, Mopani worms make good bar snacks, and grasshoppers fried with garlic are similar in taste, texture and appearance to frogs legs. Flying ants are a bit oily for my taste.

The danger lies not in whether insects are good or bad food sources, but in the attempts by the one-world-order criminals to force us to choose them instead of proper meat.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Feb 19, 2023 11:23 AM
Reply to  Peter Wright

These insects you refer to are only eaten because these people cannot afford real food, as you say, or because there is no real food to be had, and it’s either that or starvation.

Maybe the Swab is sending a very suble messsage to the people of the world?

Peter Wright
Peter Wright
Feb 20, 2023 10:02 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

True on both counts Peter, but I must confess to quite enjoying, dried, salted Mopani worms with a beer once or twice. If one did not look at them, they felt in the fingers and on the tongue, like those snacks that resemble short, stiff pieces of roasted spaghetti or macaroni. The name escapes me.

Feb 18, 2023 11:34 AM

You have to be slight wet behind the ear’s to think that the presidents son can walk in to car phone warehouse/cash converters laptopmobile wkimart to get his laptop fixed.
Thats some stupid.
Who was it that broke the woke story.?? Project varstias who OFF G editor called independent journalist.  😂 
Name me a real independent outlet/ journalist which has a boards of directors with links to the security state and banking / weapons manufactures.
That is retarded TV that they’ve sold you for the nonthinkers.

If b list celebs need approval from there management to post under the contracts there on.
Everything they do it monitored.
Are you retarded enough NOT to think that presidents son wouldn’t have a full time Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), watchers on him at all time because he is the presidents son .!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The CEO of a shit company I worked for had 24/7 security team everything was logged even down to your company phone.

Manufactured contrived talking points by The military-industrial complex (MIC)  alt media is what your feed as you cant think but repeat.

Imagine if the people you get your ALTmedia of did real journalism rather regurgitate ism.

Feb 18, 2023 1:08 PM
Reply to  fertility

Man you do a good job of pretending to be a ‘troll’.
Point of fact, just to mess with your twaddle … Joe Biden was NOT the president when his son, Hunter, was alleged to have submitted his ‘laptop’.
Be mindful that at this juncture, I suspect that nobody really gives a rat’s arse about an alleged laptop, simply because the whole governmental structure, in the US and other Western-Nations is being exposed as being monumentally rotten. The Lords-of-the-Manor are now succumbing to their own greed and the peasants have become restless, as well they should be.

Feb 18, 2023 7:29 PM
Reply to  fertility

Is this really so out of character and so hard to believe?
Clinton had 24/7 security but it didn’t stop his extra curricular activities with Monica L. or his dozens of trips on the Orgy Express to Paedo Island. He just dismissed his security.
You can say the same about Harry’s Nazi Fancy Dress Fun or the rest of the royal family, Andrew, Charles, or any number of well connected politicians and celebrities, Savile, Cyril Smith, you can draw up your own list. They get away with it for years and decades because they are connected and protected and they are fireproof.
But they are often also so incredibly stupid, arrogant and entitled with it that occasionally even they trip up and not all of their criminal antics can be covered up for ever.
Yet they still routinely get away with most of what they do. The Clinton Crime Family has countless murders and serial criminality to its credit. They could give the Borgias a run for their money. For decades they have been raking in billions from the corrupt money laundering machine known as the Clinton Foundation. And still do, with complete impunity and zero accountability.
Ditto the Biden Crime Family. The Big Guy has been raking in his 10% for the past 50 years, using Junior as his bagman. Though it’s hard to see how Hunter finds the time with all the crack and hookers and producing his artistic masterpieces for $500,000 a time.
When the revelations get too embarrassing (Assange, Seymour Hersh, James O’Keefe, whoever) just get your toadies and stenographers in the MSM to run a few smear campaigns, or blame Putin.
Or scream racism and anti semitism. That always works.

Feb 18, 2023 11:12 AM

The insect thing is this new alternate media idiotic, regurgitated shit.
Not long ago on YT loads of videos by the naturopathic consciousness lot who shown evidence of the fake food chain being infected with all that nonsense.
Roll on a decade later, its woked up reformatted MSM news repackaged to the not so wise as cutting edge on alt media.
Lets be honest you got to be a fucking idiot to buy from something called mart which means death where there isnt anything which is considered food.
You cant call yourself awake setting foot in them death shops as the horrific lighting would zapped you and there is NOTHING to eat.

Look how quickly during the Bs19 hoax the car parks of theses shitholes where turned in the military style testing centers.

comment image

comment image

Feb 18, 2023 10:19 AM

“We’ve already forgotten about Hunter Biden, Russiagate, Epstein’s list, Pfizer revelations, the Oklahoma train derailment (and Texas and South Carolina), loss of freedom of speech and censorship and universal ID and all sorts of government scandals”.

Add the Savile Inquiry to that list. How did a celebrity magician, child abuser and necrophile not only get away with all that for decades but gain a knighthood, become marriage guidance counsellor to the heir to the throne, obtain apparent free run of Broadmoor and spend every New Year’s Eve for a decade with the PM? Who cares!

Feb 18, 2023 7:39 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Or Epstein and Maxweii swaning around Balmoral and Sandringham and rolling in and out of Buck House like a yoyo.

Fran Crowe
Fran Crowe
Feb 18, 2023 8:49 AM

Big Tony tried something similar, it’ll’ll never catch on 🤔.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Feb 18, 2023 8:08 AM

I must confess to an aversion of flies. Imagine a fly sandwich! Yuck! Even better a bluebottle soup. Who in their right mind is going to feast on that! Guess I will just have to stick to some vegetarian fare.

Feb 18, 2023 9:35 PM
Reply to  Graham Greene

Yeah, those little wings and legs get stuck between the teeth. It’s worse than popcorn! 🍿

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Feb 19, 2023 11:25 AM
Reply to  Ort

Pubes do it for me. These days i try to only date Brazilians.

Feb 19, 2023 2:01 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Worse yet: Pubes with nits……. I have had the “pleasure” of viewing one once. GAG……. Brazilians?

Feb 19, 2023 2:32 PM
Reply to  Graham Greene

Flying pustules of infectious bacteria. Flies. Bacteria have this amazing ability to encapsulate themselves in the presence of lethal stressors. Later when the environment is more suitable they, sort of, germinate, like a seed and come back to life (probably partly why botanists consider bacteria to be plants). Which is why an autoclave is the only effective way to kill most of them. Dry heat helps in a more modern dishwasher but you can’t kill’em all. That’s why insects, in general, are disgusting. (Larva crawling around in their own waste.) These pustules of bacteria are not exclusive to a fly (a metallic green blowfly crawling on fresh pile of dog crap comes to mind)…………….GAG………… Insect farms will require VAST amounts of chemicals to control bacteria and mold. A nightmare waiting to happen. When these “farms” get infected ( Not if, but When they get infected) all HELL is going to break loose. It’s just a matter of time. GAG……………. Where is PETA when you need them…….. They have been known to protest the killing of cockroaches. (Just kidding on needing PETA.)

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 18, 2023 6:38 AM

Beyond globalists is a better concept…

Feb 18, 2023 6:02 AM

A lot of food (no bugs) for ingestion and rumination here:

Feb 18, 2023 3:47 AM

The Earworms are scary. But I should have known: it’s Google. So after listening to Nena’s “99 Red Balloons,” videos of Vladivostok, Slovakia and related things popped up for my viewing pleasure. I’ve been watching lots of videos of Central Asian, Central European and Far Eastern Russia of late.

So do I really, at 79, want to say goodbye to the beautiful state of Maryland (always vying for the highest per capita income in the US) and head out to Turkmenistan? Nah, probably not.

But I bet you mealy bugs hit the food stands here in Maryland before they do in Ashgabat.

Feb 19, 2023 2:40 PM
Reply to  Howard

Florida is looking better than ever, isn’t it? I have my eye on a spot. I am only 66 but the snow in in the little-finger-of-the mitt (Leelanau peninsula) of Michigan is wearing me down. Woods, water and wildlife benefits are falling behind as I enter into the winter of my life.

Feb 18, 2023 3:21 AM

We haven’t seen McBugburgers or Finger Lickin Bugwings yet, so I don’t reckon Bug food will catch on.
Another distraction from the Psychoturds.

On the other hand, the grazing, growing, fattening, caging, injecting, locking up, continuous milking, artificially inseminating, abusing, docking, debeaking, slaughtering, slicing, dicing, culling and exploitation of billions of SENTIENT creatures every year continues on a mega industrial scale.
If we can’t respect the rights of animals (God knows most dogs and cats in the West lead a pampered existence) what hope have we got?

Check out the ‘slaughter counter’ on this site. It’s horrific.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Feb 18, 2023 1:30 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I’m not so sure that this pseudo food won’t catch on. The public has been conned into thinking Muckdonalds was food, so maybe it wouldn’t be too hard to convince the muck graisers that Finger Lickin Bugwings was also food worth buying.

Then open a chain of Buttfucker’s restaurants.

Feb 19, 2023 2:53 PM
Reply to  Johnny

That’s why they will use some kind of hormone to prevent the larva from turning into winged adults. The prolegs on the larvae will be the bigger issue. All that crunchy chitin. And how will humans react to that hormone used to keep the larvae in a perpetual state? Kind of like the preschoolers in South America that were entering into puberty because of the growth hormones being pumped into the beef produced there. I wonder who produces those hormones? I am thinking of Dana Carvey’s “Church Lady” character: Was it …..Satan (I meant Big Pharma). https://youtu.be/MQpV3ST6Kso

Feb 18, 2023 2:19 AM


Mobile phone towers and pesticides have decimated the insect population and as a result the bird and reptile and amphibian populations.

Feb 18, 2023 2:38 AM

Fear not.
Those insects will be back with a vengeance.
Insects know how to survive everything.

There are squillions of them in each species, and all it takes is for one mommy worm to love one daddy worm very much (in some cases not even that), and the whole thing begins all over again . . .

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 18, 2023 3:31 PM

Yes. Insect populations have declined nearly 80% in the last 30 years. Civil populations ignore the linkage between electromagnetic broadcast and the decline of fundamental abilities of the Natural world to survive. Here’s a small excerpt from a more recent study:


“Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. Therefore, electromagnetic interactions inevitably influence the biotic world in a multitude of ways.

There are two primary manifestations of electromagnetism: the magnetic field (magnetism), and the electric field (electricity); which when oscillating in synchronicity produce electromagnetic waves, i.e. light (Maxwell, 1865). For a summary and definition of the key electric and magnetic terminology used within this review, see Table 1. Whilst electromagnetic waves, and to some extent magnetic fields, have in many ways driven the rise and evolution of life on Earth, the influence of electric fields alone should not be understated.”

The ecology of electricity and electroreception
Sam J. England, Daniel Robert
Published October 12, 2021
The ecology of electricity and electroreception – England – 2022 – Biological Reviews – Wiley Online Library

The article closes with these wise words of grossly dysfunctional wisdom: >

“The electric field should be viewed and appreciated as a major driver of evolutionary adaptation within biological systems, not only at the atomic, molecular, or cellular levels, but also at the organism and ecological scales too.”

It’ll be a little late to acknowledge fundamental issues when we’re all dead…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 19, 2023 5:16 AM

People haven’t cared about our birds for 30yrs. They look at them as pests., it’s disheartening yet they bleat on about the weather.
Prove me wrong, I’d love it.

Feb 18, 2023 2:13 AM

Loved the “earworm” – 99 RED (CCP) Balloons! Video looks like East Palestine, Ohio

“If I could find a souvenir, just to prove the world was here…”

Like, profound, dude…

Gary Jordan
Gary Jordan
Feb 18, 2023 12:04 AM

I’m terrified of rats. But of rats that have Alphitobius diaperinus wriggling about their ballsack, I’m doubly terrified.

les online
les online
Feb 17, 2023 11:14 PM

Milk Wars. The untold story of pious vegan ideologues, militant activists, and raw milk maxxers in a battle for the soul of America.

‘When you calculate greenhouse gas emissions based on nutrients instead of calories, measured by CO2 micronutrient content, the environmental impact of dairy milk is less than a third of oat milk,’

I was gonna switch to almond milk but i read how little actual armond juice was in a carton.
I then concluded “Rather expensive water” …
Everything can be weaponised ! (Offg’s resident guru)…

les online
les online
Feb 18, 2023 12:45 AM
Reply to  les online

‘Milk is a proxy war for societal forces to wage an information war over agriculture, artificial meat, animal husbandry, and much more.
‘Whoever wins will control the future of food. The stakes have never been higher.’

Feb 18, 2023 6:17 AM
Reply to  les online

Vegans are no more ‘ideologues’
than dairy consuming humans are suckling quadrupeds les.
Some Vegans may be overly passionate about animal welfare but it’s an issue of the heart not the head,

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 18, 2023 8:17 AM
Reply to  les online

Drink Milk
Americans are idiots.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Feb 17, 2023 10:56 PM

Well, maybe William Cooper was right. Or David Icke, maybe there really are lizard people among us. Or maybe others were right that the scare of an alien invasion would be the final solution/tactic for a one world government. But shit’s coming one after another now, here in the 21st century. That’s a fact. Something like 3-400 million people were killed by democide in the 20th century. That was the good old fashioned hard way. Now they’ve got so many more options. We still got 77 more years in this one. Oh, there’s that number 7. I better stop.

Feb 18, 2023 2:14 AM

Bill Cooper predicted 9/11. That was awesome.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Feb 18, 2023 6:58 AM

Has Icke ever been wrong?

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 18, 2023 8:36 AM

1.5 billion 1880-1980 where did you get 400 million from? My figure is rounded up but it doesn’t include human conflicts. In any event rather sobbering isn’t it. Btw they died not killed.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Feb 18, 2023 2:03 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

1.5 billion? I don’t where’d you get that? I got the 400 million from research a number of years ago, can’t remember where and too lazy right now to look it up again. But like you said, in any event, the numbers are there of those killed by democide.

Feb 17, 2023 10:28 PM

enjoyed that one thoroughly, got all the humour too ; )

them disinfected eyeballs, excellent, could hardly type it for laughing, : )

insect death, by the thousand?? cars? just saying.

ever checked out them meal-worms for the birds? starlings go daft for them… but they just chitin husks, no juicy grub there…

good torment in a bowl of cereal tho’ ; )

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Feb 17, 2023 10:24 PM

Beyond meat was supposed to be the NWO’s flagship alternative to weening us all off nutrition food, eaten for eons.
Now they are going out of business along with a few other woke NWO companies.
Beyond meat was no better than a skin graft and probably tasted the same.

Bugs are for reptiles, not humans. We as humans are at the top of the food chain, so why should we eat the lowest?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 18, 2023 12:42 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Hey! If you like BeyondMeat, you’re going to LOVE new BeyondFood!

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Feb 18, 2023 1:14 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

‘DIaperinus has been observed inhabiting the scrotum of a rat.’. Not too sure about that. Sounds like bollocks to me.
I digress.

Feb 17, 2023 9:57 PM

Useless Eaters: Drug Them, Give Them Computer Games, Let Them Eat Bugs
Harari: What Do We Do With The Useless Eaters?

And here’s a curious angle on balloons and globophobia:
Rogue Climate Activist’s Startup Company To Release ‘Mini Volcanoes’ To Cool Atmosphere
A Mexico-based startup will next week launch sulphur particles into the stratosphere in a “rogue” move to create a “mini-volcano” effect it says could help cool the planet.
The technique, known as stratospheric aerosol injection, mimics the impact of volcanoes by using a weather balloon to release sulphur, creating a cloud of particles that reflect the sun’s rays and have a cooling impact.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Feb 18, 2023 1:16 PM
Reply to  niko

Haven’t the Mexican gov’t just banned chem trailing over their country?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 18, 2023 3:52 PM
Reply to  niko

Yup. Sulfuric acid is only one of multiple chemical cocktails being released into the atmosphere by geoengineering aircraft. Here’s a little birdie overhearing a “scientific” discussion… >

Dr. David Keith, John Holdren and Prof. Ken Caldeira Discuss Geoengineering 
Published on March 9, 2016
Dr. David Keith, John Holdren and Prof. Ken Caldeira Discuss Geoengineering – YouTube

As you know, there are hundreds of such exposes’ available to the public…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 19, 2023 6:45 AM
Reply to  niko

Yellow Black Balloons someone launches a rocket yea that should do it. Mt. Popocatastrophe.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 17, 2023 9:35 PM

The elites will still have Lear jets and fillet mignon…

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Feb 17, 2023 11:07 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Yes but it’s all “Carbon Offset” Paul – so it’s OK! These are very important people who are trying to save the planet don’t forget – how else can they get home to one of their homes or mega-yachts or nuclear bunkers or hundreds of thousands of acres of natural pristine beauty or farmland or launchpads for joy-rides into space or essential fashion shows. What would you have them do – return home on an empty stomach!???
Where is your HUMANITY???
Ooh I need to lay down. (On my Carbon Offset log)

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Feb 18, 2023 1:20 AM
Reply to  Michael Swain

Don’t fall off that log. It gets bigger every day.

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Feb 18, 2023 2:09 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Turns out I can’t mate – the bloody bugs have eaten it.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Feb 18, 2023 1:18 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

The Swab says that within ten years everything will be different. Just not for him, or his fellow conspirators.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 18, 2023 3:54 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Mr Schwab is correct. He’ll be quite dead in ten years…

Feb 17, 2023 9:05 PM

Cheers Sylvia! You managed to take all of the bleak and toss it into the air with glee. You gave me a good laugh with this one.

As for the insects…. Ah I just don’t know! If it’s cheap and easy then it’s going in your food! Maybe we can all just catch fish in the tomorrow world. If it’s good enough for Jesus…

Feb 17, 2023 8:02 PM

Since an armageddon is required for the millenial rule of zion over the world, of course, we do want a world war three, we want america and russia to destroy the world so that we can rule over what is left

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Feb 17, 2023 11:24 PM
Reply to  Lea

Yes but… will I still be able to charge my electric car?

Feb 17, 2023 8:01 PM

Is that somebody important who divulged the news someone who may fall into the category of the protocols of the elders of zion playas? Helping to trigger WW3? Why else?

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Feb 17, 2023 7:46 PM

This is a very sad day for Canada so I will have little to say today. I’m off to make a cup of tea. Be well all.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Feb 17, 2023 9:29 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

What’s happened? Has Turdo jumped on the resignation bandwagon?

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Feb 17, 2023 10:28 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

THe Trucker’s commission has concluded that Trudeau’s Emergency Act was acceptable. It will now be challenged in court I guess.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Feb 18, 2023 8:43 AM
Reply to  syl shawcross

“After careful consideration…”, “I have done so with reluctance.”

These sound like codewords for “I received a sizeable backhander”.

In any case, independent inquiries are rarely independent.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Feb 18, 2023 5:23 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

Viva is pretty much describing the mood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z56tCV5Cdw

John Pretty
John Pretty
Feb 17, 2023 7:20 PM

Certainly there was a diaper shortage in the UK I know in 2022

Nope, we don’t have diapers here in the UK. There may have beena nappy shortage that year though.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Feb 17, 2023 7:30 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

That would be the little-known and much under-rated cousin Alphitobius nappyerinus

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 17, 2023 7:51 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Good point.

les online
les online
Feb 17, 2023 8:57 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

They’re nappies in Australia, too. But younger generations probably dont know that…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 19, 2023 7:24 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Happy nappy rash of short-ages,..!!!?? The Bastards! Right, Timing is everything.
1984!!! Sexcrime! We’ll send in the Disco Extended Version Pandering Panzer Divisions.
Generation X is Black is Black I want my Baby Back. The BBBBers of Brighton & Bornmuth. [BBBBBB]
Bless em. The BBBBBBB are officially BeeB.