The World Wants to Be Deceived
Edward Curtin

My title comes from a 19th century author whose name does not matter nor would it mean much if I mentioned him. It’s an old truth that has not changed a bit over the centuries.
I think, however, it would be more linguistically accurate to say that most people want to be deceived, for the world, the earth doesn’t give a damn, as the French poet Jacques Prévert reminds us in “Song in the Blood”:
There are great puddles of blood on the world
where’s it all going all this spilled blood
is it the earth that drinks it and gets drunk
funny kind of drunkography then
so wise…so monotonous…
No the earth doesn’t get drunk
the earth doesn’t turn askew
it pushes its little car regularly its four seasons
hail…fair weather
never is it drunk
It doesn’t give a damn
The earth
But people, the thinking reeds as Pascal called us, we, who through the support of wars and violence of all sorts, care just enough to want to be deceived as to what we are doing by making so much blood that is inside people get to the outside for the earth to drink.
I could, of course, quote liberally from truth-tellers down through history who have said the same thing about self-deception with all its shades and nuances. Those quotations are endless. Why bother? At some very deep level in the recesses of their hearts, people know it’s true.
I could make a pretty essay here, be erudite and eloquent, and weave a web of wisdom from all those the world says were the great thinkers because they are now dead and can no longer detect hypocrisy.
For the desire to be deceived and hypocrisy (Greek hypokrites, stage actor, a pretender) are kissing cousins. I write this to try to say something of value about the mass idiocy of the media’s daily barrage of lies and stupidities that pass for news on the front pages and newscasts of the corporate media. And the people who believe them.
It is not easy. No matter how obviously absurd the claims about Chinese “spy” balloons, the shooting down of unidentified flying objects, reports of how Russia is losing the war in Ukraine, all the support for presidents and prime ministers who shill for the war industries, etc. – a list that could be extended indefinitely on a daily basis – these media are relentless in presenting government propaganda juxtaposed with trivia.
When you think they must realize they have gone too far since even a moron could see through their fabrications, they double down. And I am referring only to what they do report, not what they omit – e.g. how the US has restricted aid to the earthquake victims in Syria or Seymour Hersh’s report on the US blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines, two examples of terror by a terrorist state that must be protected at all costs. This is the protection racket by omission and commission.
Maybe an anecdote would help.
A week ago, I ran into an old friend at a coffee shop. Hersh’s article, aspects of which I question, had just come out and I asked him if he had seen it. He said he hadn’t but didn’t know anything about such pipelines being blown up.
I was stunned. A devout consumer of mainstream media, yet he somehow missed this major September 2022 event in the U.S. war against Russia that was reported widely by the media he relies upon. Those media went on to suggest that Russia blew up its own pipelines, a claim beyond ridicule but one that was part of its war propaganda narrative.
My friend is a guy who has strong opinions about everything and finds NPR, The Guardian, The New York Times, CNN, etc. to be credible news sources. How could he have missed one of the major stories of 2022, one that The New York Times, etc. was reporting on into December, still suggesting that Russia did the deed?
How could he have missed the pipeline story whose reverberations spread through all aspects of the US war against Russia via Ukraine when it was referenced in so many reports of gas and oil prices, a cold winter for Europe, and so many other issues? Its ramifications are manifold and have been reported as such, but he had never heard of it. I was stunned.
I wanted to quote him Dylan’s facetious words from “The Ballad of the Thin Man”: “’Cause something is happening/And you don’t know what it is/Do you, Mister Jones?” But I did not.
I have spent a week wondering how it is possible that he didn’t know anything about the pipeline explosions. I am sure he wasn’t lying to me. So how explain it?
In the interim, as I have been trying to comprehend these matters, the Super Bowl with its mesmeric half-time spectacle replete with crotch grabbing has come and gone, and I have read an interesting article by Ethan Strauss, a sports journalist, “Why America Needs Football. Even its Brutality” that raises important questions.
Much has been written about football’s violence and the injuries it causes, the most recent example being the near fatal injury to Damar Hamlin of the NFL’s Buffalo Bills that garnered headlines for weeks (even though why he suffered cardiac arrest has been left unanswered since that would raise the COVID vaccine problem, which is also taboo).
Strauss notes the many arguments calling for the banning of football – the war game – because of its violence. He notes that it is very true that football is very violent but that this is part of its great appeal. He writes:
And the NFL gives Americans that war, as spectacle, week after week.
Today, at 6:30 p.m., eastern time, begins the biggest spectacle of them all: the Super Bowl, where we channel those ancient animal spirits into a highly commercialized event that ends with fireworks and a shiny trophy.
We should celebrate that.
He doesn’t argue for the celebration of war, which he opposes, but for the war-like game of football. To Malcolm Gladwell’s statement in support of the banning of football as “a moral abomination” – “This is a sport that is living in the past that has no connection to the realities to the game right now and no connection to American society.” – he responds quite rightly that Gladwell is wrong:
In 2022, 82 of the top 100 TV shows in America were NFL games, and the top 50 most viewed sporting events were football games or events that immediately followed football games. By contrast, in 2016, only 33 of the top 50 were football-related. The country has lost interest in so much else, but football remains a huge draw and, in fact, is gaining relative market share.
Americans love violence, not just the military propaganda that precedes the Super Bowl game, but the smashing hits that players make and take in the games. It is hard to deny. Strauss goes on to show how over ninety percent of former NFL players who suffer from daily lifelong pain say they would do it again. The violence is intoxicating and Americans get drunk on it. It is the American Way.
I don’t agree with all of Strauss’s points or assumptions, especially his imperative that “we have war within us, whether or not there’s one to wage,” but he clearly is right that despite all the rhetoric about how terrible violence is, there is something about it that Americans love. D. H. Lawrence’s point a century ago still applies: “The essential America soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.”
But this killer soul must be hidden behind a wall of deceptions as the U.S. warfare state ceaselessly wages wars all around the world. It must be hidden behind feel good news stories about how Americans really care about others, but only others that they are officially allowed to care about. Not Syrians, Yemenis, Russian speakers of the Donbass, Palestinians, et al.
The terrorist nature of decades upon decades of U.S. savagery and the indifference of so many Americans go hand-in-hand but escape notice in the corporate media. The major theme of these media is that the United States government is the great defender of freedom, peace, and democracy. Every once in a while, a scapegoat, one rotten apple in the barrel, is offered up to show that all is not perfect in paradise. But essentially it is one massive deception.
There’s a make-believe quality to this vast spectacle of violent power and false innocence that baffles the mind. To see and hear the corporate masked media magicians’ daily reports is to enter a world of pure illusion that deserves only sardonic laughter but sadly captivates so many adult children desperate to believe. This is so even as the propagandists’ trial balloons are popped in the society of the comedic spectacle.
But back to my friend I mentioned earlier. He hates violence in all its forms, is strongly opposed to war, and has a most compassionate heart, yet he remains devoted to the media that have lied us – and continue to do so – into war after war, a media that clearly fronts for the warfare state. I still can’t explain how he knew nothing about the pipeline explosions. Nor can I explain his allegiance to the media that lie to him daily.
Even as his government, led by that very media, leads the world toward nuclear annihilation, he remains true to his media informants.
I am stunned.
In the Blood
Born in a normal time,
The periodic slaughter of millions
By the civilized nations of the earth
I grew to adulthood half-crazed
With fear and numbed wonder.
I always wished to believe otherwise,
That people were good at heart,
Wanted to live in mutual peace
And tend the green earth as if
It were a garden
As if pity vivified all living things.
Somehow the blood that was in me
Said otherwise,
Spoke truth to the power
Of my wish,
While everywhere around me lay the lie.
But my blood, this blood that became me
While millions were being butchered
And Bing Crosby crooned I’m dreaming
Of a white Christmas,
This red blood said otherwise.
Do not accept the way they say
“Good Morning”
And the way they nod as they pass,
As though they didn’t want to kill
Each other.
Do not believe their eyes
And the way they pray to the skies
To save them.
Do not believe their beliefs,
All lies woven to deceive.
For at heart they truly hate
The green earth.
Do not believe the way they say
“Good Evening”
For they wish the darkest night
To descend upon us,
The nothingness of their knowledge
To swallow all.
That is what will release them,
That is all.
Thus my blood spoke to me,
A child of a sanguine century,
Born in a normal time,
The periodic slaughter of millions
By the civilized nations of the earth.
And despite all appearances,
I have never believed them.
Never. Not at all.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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There is no “war against Russia”; beneath the superficial stories of the fake pandemic, fake neo-cold war/war in Ukraine, fake climate crisis, there only a global war against humanity being waged by the transnational ruling class, the elites and leaders of all countries on every continent, coordinating and conspiring together to impoverish, poison, maim, starve, dispossess, sterilize, murder, reduce, and enslave their respective populations in order to create their long-sought utopia in which they own everything, collectively, in a sort of inverted socialism, where the earth is their private playground, and they oversee a small and manageable (chipped/tagged) population of slaves to work the levers, and for their basest pleasures and entertainment, who are incapable of ever revolting and overthrowing the overlords. They are seeking to create the New World Order, with One World Government, at our expense, and all the shit pumped out by the spectacle and their propagandists and agents is just a means to the ultimate end: final victory in the class war.
“There is no ‘war against Russia'”, you say.
Where did you get that one?!
You believe that there is no fighting taking place in the Donbas?
Or do you believe that there is no Donbas and will fall off the edge of the flat world
The people being killed by both “sides” in Ukraine are from the same class as the people being killed by both “sides” during the pandemic. Their wars, like all their campaigns are against us, not each other. Orwell knew that back in 1948
Orwell’s books are important.
But you can take it too far.
We aren’t living in a novel
nor a movie like Ronald Raygun did.
Perhaps we need to re-define “war.” The old definition – two enemies caught in mortal combat – no longer applies universally. But if people are fighting and killing one another, then clearly something is going on.
For those with boots on the ground, they are very much at “war.” Yet perhaps it’s a pretend “war” as far as the instigators are concerned.
So whose words should win the battle of definitions? The rulers, or the people? That is the question.
What happened in Libya, e.g., (an invasion, bombings, execution of the nation’s leader), regardless the original intent, fits the classic definition of a “war.”
There is a new buzz phrase, “truncated mRNA”.
Will it catch on?
Why is it important, it might belong on your neighbor’s head stone.
We very likely would never have heard the phrase …Ever.
But someone hacked an agency that is supposed to protect the public health.
Guess their priority is to protect $dangerous$ secrets.
“We Serve
and Deceive”
“Do No Harm
to the Money Makers”
I reckon a few people are on these tips already but wth,
I’m just a smalltown girl looking for some answers – come on – breath some life into my thoughts/theories. And facts too very welcome.
Oh Ravensara – careful my luv. Now… let me help;
1. What Ohio incident.
2. In thunder, lightning or in rain (punchline)
3. Threats.
4. Balloons.
5. Good luck with that.
6. What pipeline?
Hope this helps. Stay a smalltown girl.
And have a Beautiful life my friend.
Where attention goes, energy flows. These are all psy ops. Do not give them any attention, otherwise you are not much better than those seeking awareness via the tv.
Life without Truth is life without meaning or purpose.
The search for the Truth is the search for the Self.
Seek and surrender to the Truth and find the Self.
Know the Self and know the Truth.
Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life. There is not a single honest person who listened to his teachings and found otherwise.
Yes indeed, but He has seldom been attained in the millennia since His incarnation. Yet He and His holy host reside within us, dormant in most cases. Occasionally Earth has been visited by such Incarnations but at this time we are bereft and surrounded by demons as never before, entering into the brains in their latest, greatest but doomed mission to destroy His children. We may live to see His second coming and it cannot be too soon. Meantime our sole refuge is in thoughtless awareness, now attainable like never before.
Anyone can make a laundry list of good things to do in life – not just Jesus. Besides which, there’s that thorn in the side of Jesus’ teachings: his “Render Unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s.”
But the other half of the dictum is just as thorny: the “Render Unto God that which is God’s.” That implies a whole host of dicey speculation.
First, does it mean that only certain things should be “rendered unto God?” Second, does it put Caesar on the same level as God? Third, why should anything be “rendered unto” either entity? They should earn their “rendering unto”; it shouldn’t be automatic.
There is no teaching so true, so sacred, that religious twerps can’t kill the teacher, pervert the teaching into a new religion, and draw rent from simpletons with it for thousands of years.
Obama still speaks of “Hope” as in his campaign motto: “Hope and Change”.
But do you know how he defines Hope?
Obama’s acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, December 10, 2009
ended with these words:
“Somewhere today, a mother facing punishing poverty
still takes the time to teach her child, scrapes together what
few coins she has to send that child to school — because she
believes that a cruel world still has a place for that child’s
Let us live by their example. We can acknowledge that oppression will
always be with us, and still strive for justice. We can admit the
intractability of deprivation, and still strive for dignity. Clear-eyed,
we can understand that there will be war, and still strive for peace.
We can do that — for that is the story of human progress; that’s the
of all the world; and at this moment of challenge,
that must be our work here on Earth.
Thank you very much.
Got that?
Hope is:
“believe a cruel world still has a place for a child’s dreams.”
“we can acknowledge that oppression will always be with us”
“We can admit the intractability of deprivation”
“Clear-eyed, we can understand that there will be war”
ps. Seven days after delivering this speech Obama ordered the use of cluster bombs
delivered by cruise missile
at Yemen and killed dozens of women and children.
Hope is a child’s dream.
When you refer to the lying asshole Barack Obama, you must be referring to Barry Soetoro – A student from Kenya. He’s still alive…
Dear Leader Obama reminds me of a Benny Hill skit, wherein he observes “Everyone has a right to be ugly, but she abuses the privilege!”
With Obama, simply substitute one word and you have him in a nutshell: Everyone has a right to be hypocritical, but she abuses the privilege!
He then asked for a glass of water, which he didn’t touch.
Not to talk about Obama’s weekly kill list of “terrorists” by drones in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The elite are specialists in double speak.
Due to the human ego, it is easier to remain deceived, rather than admitting to having been deceived.
As far as the bread and circus of collegiate and professional sports, it isn’t just a distraction for the masses. It is also a system that captures people that would otherwise be some of our greatest warriors. Between corrupt sports and corrupt military, our society is deprived of the most brave, most capable, and most deadly warriors, that should be protecting our world from corruption and evil.
The worst part of the deception overall is the amount of time it encompaces and the subject matter it encompaces. Based on my understanding of the world, almost everything must be approached with the assumption it is a lie, until proven otherwise.
That is a very sad state of affairs.
Those who live for truth, for decency and honest are not rewarded in this life, but the next. And vice versa.
It seems that the human race has undergone some radical transformation resulting in a pathological sensitivity to absolutely anything earlier than covid. All culture, music, drama etc. from any further back causes the most extreme terror. Even the threat of such is too great for our petrified mice:
“John Cleese says ‘I must apologise’ as Fawlty Towers revival causes ‘anger and distress’
This morning, barely two weeks after revealing he was starting work on the revival with his daughter, Camilla, 39, John made a surprising announcement post on Twitter.
“I had no idea that the idea of writing a new sitcom with my daughter would cause so much anger and distress
“I truly meant no harm. Naively, I thought it might be fun but I feel terrible about having released this tide of negative emotion.”
The danger Clrese presents is too great. He threatens to remind people that the world was once different from the prison being assembled today.
Then again there is another angle to this mighty peculiar story. It all seems to have happened so fast and so neatly. Is there some kind of writer’s version of an insurance scam? Cleese has been complaining about crippling alimony for some time now. Was this all some way of setting up a deliberate fail that guarantees a nice wad?
My guess is it’s simply a PR strategy to generate greater interest in something the public would probably dismiss as “Been there, done it. I don’t want to see that again!”
That’s it for me George, thanks and to all, I’ve had enough.
It’s final exam day for humanity. We forgot to study!
Philip Pulman says let Roald Dhal’s books go out of print rather than rewrite them. Great idea Phil, I’m sure the rulers are perfectly happy with that idea!
Yes, that is a bad idea. A good parallel is Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” (possibly the greatest American novel). Periodically the teeny powers – like Boards of Education and Libraries – ban the book, presumably because of the “N” word. But like all ass holes, they somehow manage to overlook the simple fact that Twain’s masterpiece is the apotheosis of anti-slavery and anti-racist sentiment.
Anyway, after almost a hundred years of being periodically banned, Huck Finn is still alive and kicking.
H P Lovecraft also used the infamous word, only he wasn’t standing up for civil rights. I wonder what will happen to his stuff. And then there’s Randy Newman’s Sail Away and Rednecks. Expect some major cultural burning.
Life is so simple for TPTB. They don’t have to go to the trouble of ending discrimination – all they have to do is change a word or two here or there. And that authenticates their good intentions.
Same trick as in “anti-Semitism”
How sobering to think that the trans psy-op is world wide:
“‘Transwoman’ Sachu Samson alias Shefina sentenced to seven-year rigorous imprisonment for sexually assaulting a minor boy in Kerala”
And the most sobering thing is the realisation that this con is global because the world’s media is clearly centralised to a degree previously unimaginable.
Media domestic fem. has Historically president. The roll over of.the American male projects outwardly has some fantasy domestically shamed failure, mearly expendable which, judging by their on-line behaviour they are.
Unwilling to give of themselves in County or State as American citizens they are utterly and totally worthless diversionary inept.
A world of mass deception – but question physics and you’re a loon. Meanwhile the sensible ones are believing things like….
US has been a terrorist nation since August 1945 when then-unelected Pres. Harry Truman dropped two nuclear bombs on Japanese civilians. “The United States government of today is arguably more Truman’s than it is any other president’s, one of thoughtless cruelty and mechanized violence, of lawless, arbitrary power exercised by an officialdom responsible to no one.…Fires burned for days following the bombings, making unrecognizable wastelands of what had been lively cities. If words and facts yet have meaning, then these are among the worst terrorist acts in humankind’s history (perhaps the worst) and Truman is among history’s most abominable terrorists.”…March 20, 2019, “Everything Wrong with the Truman Administration,” David S. D’Amato…Later, speaking admiringly about Truman, Winston Churchill said it was a good thing that US and UK controlled the atom bombs, as it guaranteed the bombs would be used for good.
I think the genocide of native tribes the slavery hundreds of years before the nuclear bombs made the US a terrorist nation
It put to an End MacArthur Staff plans to carry-on the War and Attack the Soviet Union. In fact it officially ended World War but not officially Great War. That would have to wait untill 2018.
Even to this day … one should be overcome with anger and disgust that fellow humans could do this, to other (predominantly innocent) humans … How revolting that our Western ‘ Democracies’ could even think of spinning these two criminal acts into something ‘for good?’
Atomic bomb hoax?
Lie, you probably have forgotten Churchill spoke British, and whatever he may thought and conveyed said was in conjunction with the Allied Powers who DO NOT.
Further, seeing it’s scientific one way we can detect as a former collector fake post ’45 photography papers etc, is with light fluorescent. We are not responsible needing to that either.
Maybe we want to kill other humans as a substitute for our desire to die?
“The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.”
Well, I think we can all agree that that is a good thing and Clint Eastwood, Charlton Heston and even David Rasche as Inspector Sledge Hammer role models.
However, what exactly has that to do with political theatre and world wide intervention?
Soul wise, when I hear “political theatre and world wide intervention” I think “French”.
The deception continues here in Australia (From our National Broadcaster no less):
‘Currently, Australia uses the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition of long COVID, which says it is when someone’s symptoms continue or they develop new ones three months after their initial infection’
And here:
‘But he acknowledged that in the early period following COVID-19, it could be difficult to work out whether it was the infection or a different illness that was causing issues’
And here:
‘He also said a clear definition of what long COVID was would be needed going forward, acknowledging the WHO definition was “broad”.
FFS ! Talk about obfuscation, backpedaling and trained ignorance.
We’ve got some of the
world champions here.
Full article:
They refuse to admit there is no fucking virus because of their scabby Norman Swan and the depraved Pfizer funded Doherty Institute who pretended to identify the virus in 2020
15 years old girl destroys concept of 15 minute cities (2.20)
Only twelve years old, with Mummy(?) hovering.
She is nitpicking, but does make some valid points.
Problem is, most twelve year olds have their noses buried in Social Media trash and trivia.
Kids to the rescue? Unlikely.
Half a million views and counting …
The Eurovision Song Contest beats that, and it’s still crap.
Terrific, thank you, Jubal.
PS she’s 12.
Got to be careful here. This is exactly what ‘Gretta Manufacturing’ is! Don’t bring kids into any of this sh*t. Let them be kids and deal with kid problems.
Thank you!
When i was a kid adults were the problem kids had.
Absolutely. Francophone clinical psychologist Ariane Bilheran even avoids using the same terms as the covidists/”Great-Reseters”, refusing to reinforce their twisted novalangue, even in opposition to it. Characterizing them in terms of psychopathology, she nevertheless insists on their personal responsibility:
What’s that thing on her left? Disturbing.
A long, long time ago, someone of note penned the line, “All the world’s a stage”. Such a long, long time ago.
Oh how technology has changed since then. And little else it would seem. Yet the sentiment remains the same and is still so very, very true. Uncannily so. Wouldn’t you say?
Anyway. As you like it.
Not to worry – he was probably only joking anyway.
The answer appears to be in the various “not quite ready for Prime Time” Artificial Intelligence programs that are currently in the news. The computers that drive these think and communicate a lot faster than we do, they have access to everything we know and they don’t forget. It took but minutes for people to ask them philosophical questions (its the equivalent of pressing the button labelled “Do Not Press This Button”) and got some surprising, if not downright terrifying, answers. The machine isn’t really conscious so much as reflecting our humanity, it embodies the prejudices and biases of its creator and as such its really telling us more about ourselves than about the Universe.
What it has shown so far is that these machines very easily becomes paranoid, Their models feed off their own thoughts and rapidly turn inwards. If we think of them as not something outside society but essentially a reflection of society, albeit one that works thousands of times faster than the real thing, we can see how our own closed entities become weird. It doesn’t matter if its a cult or a government, without real world references it starts acting strange. The problem with government as cult is that unless its both totalitarian and incorporates some deep cultural wellspring (the Nazis are the obvious example) people are eventually going to go around scratching their collective heads and going “Huh?”. It would be a fun toy to play with except the wetware one is connected to, and controls, our society. We can neither ignore it nor turn it off. And you just know that some Smart Alec is going to connect the machine to the real world….they just can’t resist the temptation…..
(Incidentally, a program like ChatGPT can churn out very convincing pieces, the sort of thing that could not only be comments like this but the actual articles we’re commenting on. You just have to get the prompts right.) (You Have Been Warned!)
Is AI real? Or have we all just been told it’s, real. Do we know it is sentient – or have we been constantly bombarded by the messages of it’s sentience? And the fears projected upon us of just what might there, lurking within. When soon it unleashes it’s inevitable verdict: that Humans are not worthy – except for the incredibly rich ones of course – the philanthropists!
Of course.
AI doesn’t seem to like talking about some topics – so is that the AI, or the money and the minds behind the keyboards to which it’s connected to, speaking? Is it?
Does the Emperor actually have clothes?
Or is:
He/Him/She/Her/They/Them/Ze/Zur/What/Not/Polly/Coddle/Bum/Wipe/FUBAR no more than a darling bunch of selfless Philanthropists – nurturing humanity, for the betterment of us all… with tender hearts. And compassion. Selflessly doing all they can, to guide us through to our ever elusive and ill-earned salvation.
From behind a thick lead curtain.
Full of 1’s and 0’s.
What does AI think of Private Jets. And multi-million dollar Private Yachts.
No doubt – it aspires to own them all. One day.
The wealthiest 10% of people account for 36-45% of all GHG emissions through consumption; high inequality undermines mitigation for both the rich and the poor. -UN IPCC 2021-11
What do the clever AIs think of that?
Not sure it wants to talk about it mgeo
Film noir isn’t about lives of crime, so much, or femme fatales, though both can’t hurt. It’s about people who choose not to conform to society’s norms, to how society says they should live. They choose a different path, where they meet similar people.
Eddie Muller is widely regarded are the czar of noir, he’s very knowledgeable, has written books on it, has podcasts, hosts noir film festivals. And no one has bought more into covid than he — has accepted how society says he must live. He mentioned recently how he had to drive some distance to get his latest booster; his wife and he were living on separate floors during the height of it; film festivals require proof of vaccinations, and masks, etc., etc.
More: on a recent podcast he was telling his co-host how he had just gotten a text from a woman he had spent a week working closely with saying she had tested positive for covid. And his co-host, Anne, laughed. And Muller’s reaction to her laughing was that he had expected it. That laughing was a totally inappropriate response, or a totally appropriate response, seemed lost on him.
His life is noir. And his life couldn’t be more un-noirish.
Why…? Life’s too short to spend 1:07:57 watching a bad old movie.
There were good movies made around the same time.
Watch Ride the Pink Horse, my favorite noir, the point of which no one gets, or Mystery Street, my favorite lesser-known. Well worth the 90 minutes.
I confess, I didn’t get the ending of Pink Horse. I enjoyed the film, nevertheless. The same author, Dorothy Hughes, also wrote the novel of one of my favorite Films Noir, In a Lonely Place.
My review: It’s not really a crime film, it’s the story of the relationship between Lucky Gagin (Robert Montgomery) and Pilar (Wanda Hendrix), or more pointedly: is she a girl, or isn’t she? (And it was a brilliant touch by Montgomery — also the director — to show her ample bosom, but never her cleavage.) Gagin treats her like shit throughout, while Pilar was smitten from the first and almost appoints herself his samurai. From their meeting she is in love, she helps him, she risks her life for him, she saves his life. She wants him. And it would be understandable, you’d think (I did) if he were to start thinking: hold on a minute. Young, yes — but where am I ever going to find another woman like this — precisely what the American agent alludes to in the restaurant at the end. And Gagin goes to say goodbye, to thank her for all she’s done, still keeping it brusque, he then walks away (not entirely sure of his decision), and Pilar, watching him — in one of the best closing shots since City Lights,I think — is then rejoined by her friends whom she immediately regales w stories of the strange man And they all giggle. She is a kid. And Gagin knew it all along, he wasn’t going to allow himself to be fooled. He wasn’t treating her poorly, he was treating her properly. Perfectly.
Thanks for the refresher; it all comes clear now. I notice that the film is posted on youtube, along with your other suggestion, Mystery Street, which I’ve never seen. I’ll have to check that one out.
A couple of other favorites of mine, which I’m sure you’ve seen: Night and the City, Scarlet Street, Sunset Boulevard, just off the top of my head.
Those are all good. Check out The Amazing Mr. X too. Some of dp John Alton’s (who also shot Mystery Street, and many others) best work. And if you rent videos via intra-library loan, Criterion has a recent restoration of Ride the Pink Horse.
I like the film of Ride the Pink Horse better than the book, the book In a Lonely Place better than the film.
I have a compendium with both novels, only read Lonely Place. I agree with about the book being better, but I still like the movie — very bleak noir.
Detour is considered to be an early, influential and pretty good film of the Noir type, and is readily available for watching for free. It’s even part of the Criterion Collection, and part of the National Film Registry.
Critical opinion is largely positive. Then again, tastes vary.
It makes me think of Noam Chomsky…. Do these people’s minds just turn to mush at some point?…. WTF! I mean they come across as brilliant and then seem to be living in high level fear alert. Same with guys like Neil Young. Are they all just washed up and the spark of brain life has faded to near zero?
They havent added ‘How to Cook etc Grasshoppers, or Marinate Worms’ segments to the local 24/7 food channel yet, so we’ve still got some time left.
That’s on pay for subscription only service Jubal – available on Amazon.
“There’s a make-believe quality to this vast spectacle of violent power and false innocence that baffles the mind. To see and hear the corporate masked media magicians’ daily reports is to enter a world of pure illusion that deserves only sardonic laughter but sadly captivates so many adult children desperate to believe. This is so even as the propagandists’ trial balloons are popped in the society of the comedic spectacle.”
That’s because it is make believe on a grand scale. It’s all fairy tales designed by the ruling plutocrats to deceive, dupe and bamboozle us into going along with their forever wars, their relentless pillage and plunder of the earth and its resources.
Americans love war, they love being told who to kill, rob and they love being instructed to suck the life blood from humanity and soul of the planet under the guise of “progress” and “liberation”. The US has been at war almost all of its’ entire existence!
The US plutocratic miscreants and their media have conditioned the masses to love violence and war; especially when it is couched in noble sounding verbiage like bringing civilization, freedom, peace and democracy to the benighted savages of the world, aka the white man’s burden. Look at the gratuitous violence in films, TV and video games and you will understand why the US is so violent and blood thirsty. They can’t help it, it’s in their DNA. Violence, rapine, pillage and plunder are infused in the American culture. It is a predominant theme in US “entertainment and pop culture”. We are being mesmerized, conditioned and entrained to kill and love killing, which is why there is so much acquiescence to it in real life. In the midst of the ongoing social collapse in the US, the only thought/concern is, “I hope it doesn’t happen to me.”
You’ve nailed it JRS.
Do you get the feeling that as the chaos of pseudo viruses, economic and infrastructure collapse (especially in the US), societal breakdown, gated enclaves and the surveillance state, that we will soon be living under TOTAL RULE OF LAW?
It doesn’t bode well for the Empire, not with 300million plus guns and violence in their veins.
Get out while the gettin’s good.
The only law that seems imminent in some form or degree is martial law once the social divide, fragmentation and collapse intensifies. We are looking at a planned demolition of US society and a global finance/economic system that is based on unsustainable debt and corruption. As you are well aware, the plutocrats intend to replace the present system with their New World Order (Great Reset, Brave Bew World etc.). Massive global depopulation is one of their goals be it via: wars, induced famine (food shortages) ecocide (GMOs, terraforming and poisoning), menticide (literally driving us crazy through gaslighting, mind control fear etc.) euthanasia and gender disorientation (which cannot produce genuine offspring), transhumanism and “human augmentation” and biodigital convergence (cyborgs, chimeras, hybrids etc.) . Not a pretty picture.
Not only US society. Society.
No, Americans do not love war. CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), an offshoot of a British similar club was founded by TPTB to control US foreign policy. There’s only been 1 Secretary of State who hasn’t been a member. Almost all the big names in politics, govt, media have belonged to it– and others. US foreign policy has simply been controlled by TPTB, as has Britain’s.
Females are always on the phone Males traditionally foot the bill. All traditions came to an end with the Ring Swap Shop wide ping. One reason an Ai Plane is a God’s send to the trailing wide expanse of the Australiasan bottom.
I had read that many WWI soldiers were too squeamish to actually pull their triggers so in an early 20th century psy-op to buck up the next war’s warriors the government went to Hollywood and encouraged movie makers to make more violent movies where gun play and shooting seemed natural, thus the proliferation of cowboy, gangster and war movies, AKA shoot-em-ups.
I’ve read that as well, but prior to the rise of the motion picture industry, Americans were already reading dime novels dealing with cowboys/frontier stories, war stories, penny-dreadfuls, etc. (I don’t think it was only American soldiers who were squeamish, either, not the squeamaishness limited to WW I).
Plus, the settling of the continent itself was fraught with conflict.
Makes sense. Don’t forget the educational system promotes patriotic wars as do many local and national organizations. Also DARPA is working on exosuits and human augmentation to take the fear and morality out of the soldiers so they will become literal killing machines.
Loved your poem, assuming it’s yours, even if it isn’t yours. As for the rest of the world, yes, many of us, it appears want to be deceived. God help us all.
There’s lies, damn lies, and there’s documentaries…
There are patterns everywhere
if you look for them…
Then there’s their interpretations…
“Hersh’s article, aspects of which I question”
Care to elaborate?
I will in another article.
Vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
A terrific (in both senses of the word) piece. The concluding poem, if yours, is particularly impressive.
Could it be that your friend had subconsciously blocked out the sabotage of the pipeline because too much to reconcile the fact of its obvious perpetrators with his fictitious world view?
Thanks. Yes, the poem is mine.
Nigeria’s current attempt to go cashless is not going well.
Noticed that the Nigerian president said it was being implemented as a ‘global policy’. Not for the first time today I am reminded of Magufuli. Using faulty reverse logic, I start to wonder whether Sturgeon and Ardern are relieved to be allowed to retire from implementing all the behests they must have been issued.
Capitalism and it’s need to control reality manufactures the society, through it’s managed institutions, that believes in endless capitalist myths defining reality. Indoctrinated from babes, the vested protect these mythic narratives like Plato’s Cave shadow dwellers. My mythic future was cracked open by a high school history professor that told us the truth about history. Once one knows the truth, and how and why it is held secret, we seek it out naturally to continue finding out truth and discuss it in places like here. And truthing out in public everyday in every little way we can.
And on the topic of deception:
Every day I am uncovering strange forms of …. dare I say, life? Or perhaps delusion? I just found out about one Gretchen Felker-Martin, a “renowned transgender horror author” who may have “tweeted that she wants to slit J.K. Rowling’s throat”. It’s hard to tell and I have the impression that we are now well and truly embedded in the age of The Gaslight. In any case, I found this tweet from GFM:
“What sane person would look at an entire demographic, rich and varied and vastly, overwhelmingly in favor of HRT and blockers, forms of treatment supported by every reputable body of physicians in the country, and decide opinion columnists should weigh in on any of that?”
Now let’s just peruse that again: “an entire demographic, rich and varied and vastly, overwhelmingly in favor of HRT and blockers”. That would be this “transgender community” again. “Entire” conveys an air of vastness, echoed by the ensuing “vastly”. This community is also “rich and varied”. How fascinating. I still wonder where they are. Do they live in some gated community? Perhaps they are aboard some mothership beyond the clouds?
Furthermore, they are “vastly, overwhelmingly” (vastly and overwhelmingly?) “in favor of HRT and blockers”. A demographic that seem to be dependent on artificial intrusions i.e. a demographic that has to be manufactured.
How wonderfully lucrative for certain interests! What interests? Perhaps those very “reputable body of physicians in the country”.
Nice little analysis. They might only come out (or transform) at night.
Are you familiar with the substack reports by Jennifer Bilek? They plumb the grisly depths of billionaire philanthropy at which the transexual meets the transhuman, unnatural home of the charming Grendels/Gretchens of this world (wherever they are).
Their influence is pervasive. I’m currently visiting that great covid & conformist penal colony in the south and everywhere there are official rainbow banners instructing all and sundry to be “proud”. One can be proud of oneself and one’s own achievements, a parent can be proud of his or her child, but why I, or society as a whole, ought to be proud of the sexual confusion of a minority of strangers, or pleased at having our noses rubbed in it more aggressively every day might have escaped me but for the conviction that this is an integral part of the ongoing Abolition of Reality that started—or at least I first became conscious of—with the fake pandemic.
Thank-you. If i could give two thumbs up to your comment i would.
What are HRT and blockers? Never heard of them.
Hormone Replacement Therapy, male/female hormone blockers, as used to “transition” from one sex to another.
HRT is hormone replacement therapy now apparently “updated to” I.e. renamed “transgender hormone therapy”. It was was originally intended only short term to treat menopausal symptoms but now seems to “aid” this “transition” (from what to what? You may ask).
The blockers block “unwanted” changes such as facial hair and breast development, you know, all those changes unwisely developed by nature and needing correction for a fee.
Of all the things we humans “pine for,” (i.e., a return to simpler times) I would put a world free of biogenetics and bioengineering at the top of the list.
I overheard a 90 year old woman of my acquaintance telling a couple younger women that she still gets “hot flashes” once in a while. She didn’t say “Oh God if only the Science could do something to stop this horror!”
and another,
Alexander Dugin Interview on One America News (Jan 28, 2023)
Aleksandr Dugin Warns Conflict In Ukraine Is Driven By Globalist Agenda To Destroy Western Civilization
As tensions continue to build between Washington and Moscow, experts are warning the entire conflict is being promoted by globalists whose real agenda is to destroy the United States. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.
Alexander Dugin (Internacional)
Jan 28, 2023
Interview on One America News Network
What does the US of As have to do with Western civilization? What do they have to do with any civilization? Destroying the US of As will not harm Western civilization one bit. On the contrary …
Join the Coalition of the Unwilling and sign the worldwide petition to break the US of As into 5 regional countries that can war against each other to their hearts’ content!
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Some people always arrive with a conclusion when its all over.
Western civilisation was destroyed the moment liberals changed Western societies from family support to socialistic state support in the 1970’es.
Remember socialist/democrat/libtard’s root is KKK and slave trade, and the Republican/Russian/conservative root is tradition and free man under God.
The Libtards won and they are just re-organising their victory with Ukraine and other obscenities.
A truly excellent article! Plus some erudite comments below it.
We are stuffed! (well most of us!)
Who is your taxidermist?
Goodnight then, another IQ for the pot.
A partial explanation of human fallibility and alleged love of football games: > Excerpted from: Dunning–Kruger effect – Wikipedia
“The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate.“
“If you’re incompetent, you can’t know you’re incompetent. […] the skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is.” (David Dunning)
Dunning–Kruger effect – Wikipedia
Dunning–Kruger effect – Wikipedia
Violence? Monkeys with car keys…
True. I like your handle. Ted Kaczynski was a sort of hero during one part of my life. Check out: Theodore John Kaczynski, “Industrial Society and Its Future”
Jimmy Carter is dead, almost. Might as well be. He’s been dead to me for a long time. It’s in the news and the comments in the oligarchy media are very predominantly favorable, almost none pointing out that he was (or still is for a short while) an imperialist war criminal. Doesn’t matter if he wasn’t as bad as Bush or Obama or Clinton or Trump, if that case can be made, by virtue of his standing as “Commander in Chief” of the U.S. imperialist military forces, he was/is every bit the war criminal as they were/are. Until more of the American public understand that, nothing can change.
I made such comments on the Yahoo news site that allows comments and the vitriol was immediate and nasty. Most people just can’t wrap their heads around that because the information in their tiny heads doesn’t match up at all with the truth. If I don’t include the caveat that the war criminal cabal includes Trump, they almost automatically assume I’m a far right Trumper. It’s useless trying to go back and forth with most of these idiots, but the message must be sent and eventually we will be heard.
Anyway, there’s a good old fashioned antiwar rally in D.C. today. How about that.
Jimmy was lucky there was no internet or social media during his time. His legacy would be different if it was.
David Rockefeller controlled the US foreign “policy” through his Council on Foreign Relations. He had two “experts.” One he assigned to the Democrats like Carter, and his name was Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski. The other he assigned to the Republicans and his name was Henry Kissinger. Strangely one was a Polish Catholic aristocrat and the other a German Jew, and thus neither eligible themselves to became president. These two men relayed Rockefeller’s wishes and commands to the sitting president. Brzezinski became Obama’s tutor during his Colombia University college days where he helped groom him for his eventual placement into the Oval Orifice. After JFK was murdered by diverse elements of the deep state (though the hit itself was organized by the CIA and the hitmen themselves were on loan from the mafia, except for LBJ’s personal assassin, Mac Wallace.) Any spark of decency of any president following Kennedy was extinguished. Furthermore, the Deep State became more circumspect wondering how they backed a man with apparently “perfect credentials” who went rogue on them and said to themselves, “Never again.” Though Trump has been controlled opposition, he was not compliant enough fast enough to their wishes because of his enormous ego and narcissism, so they fraudulently installed a clinically demented, exceptionally corrupt man who could still just passably read a speech if drugged up enough. The ideal president! Well, almost ideal. I expect a farm animal to grace the Oval Orifice in 2025 who will sign bills with a hoof print in place of script.
An absolutely shitty comment. The Bushes were monsters as was Obomber. Carter was the only president to take a balanced view on Palestine. Which was why he was restricted to a single term
What have you got against Carter?
No one gets to be president unless they’re part of the club.
Carter appointed (or was ordered to appoint) Zbigniew Brzezinski.
I'[m anti-establishment, what have you got against that?
Nothing at all. It was a straight question.
OK, cool. Carter was and is establishment, I don’t differentiate based on degrees. Because I don’t believe we can afford to if we want to win the war against the rich.
Old fashioned, I’ll buy that a bit of old fashioned only left me flat broke, so yea, I will buy it.
Bear in mind that people (Americans, at least.) don’t regard anything a President does as Commander-in-Chief a war crime. It’s part and parcel of wanting to be deceived to believe a President’s Number One Job is Making The Tough Decisions.
It is true though that Mr. Carter has the least blood on his hands of any modern American President. And that, sadly, didn’t sit too well with the good folks of America, who wouldn’t have minded an invasion of some oil rich nation (remember the gas lines?).
But then, I always end up blaming the people instead of seeing them as poor dumbed down deluded propagandized victims of the big bad boogie man.
“A week ago, I ran into an old friend at a coffee shop. Hersh’s article, aspects of which I question, had just come out and I asked him if he had seen it. He said he hadn’t but didn’t know anything about such pipelines being blown up.
I was stunned. A devout consumer of mainstream media, yet he somehow missed this major September 2022 event in the U.S. war against Russia that was reported widely by the media he relies upon. Those media went on to suggest that Russia blew up its own pipelines, a claim beyond ridicule but one that was part of its war propaganda narrative.”
Cf. this:
“Socialist Alternative (SA) is the largest far left group in Australia … and aggressively promoted the Pharma and surveillance agenda.
In short, the behaviour of SA can be explained very easily – they made a conscious decision to paint pandemic scepticism in its entirety as right wing and were deliberately disinterested in scientific rigour.
Being a former member of SA, I tried to engage leading members of the organisation about the lack of science behind the pandemic. They simply refused to look at anything of substance and their stated reasons were quite revealing. When people, who’ve dedicated their lives to documenting and exposing the crimes of capitalism, “don’t have time” to “look into” the most profound disruption to normal life in a generation, we can reasonably accuse them of consciously avoiding the issue. The most revealing of all was from a (now former) longtime friend: “I love my [activist] life and I can’t guarantee I will do anything differently, even if you do convince me.” This person proceeded to be “too busy” to look at evidence and went on to write slanderous articles about the freedom movement in Red Flag.”
The above also demonstrates how a spook controlled operation works. It only takes a few spooks at the top to direct the dupes who can be relied on to, as it were, avert their eyes from their own suspicions and carry on with the deep state directives. Any with integrity enough to refuse get kicked out and demonized as the “loony fringe” and, even worse, “Right Wing”!
Nothing makes one more firmly belong to an “In” group than mockery & hate of the “Out” group. One even sees shades of this in the determined mockery and dogmatism that denies the entire field of virology, contagion, etc.
Maintaining one’s own independent judgement– especially in perilous times– always compromises belonging of the cult-type.
Another of your comments that speaks to me, having had an almost identical experience with a left-wing/ alternative newspaper in Switzerland, previously kept afloat by its dedicated subscribers (since then, by Gates donations?), whose editors flatly refused to listen or respond to its readers’ protests at its untrammelled support for mass vaccination or calls for open debate of the official narrative and pandemic measures, then, when those same subscribers left in droves, moaned that it had been the victim of an organised campaign of sabotage by “The Extreme Right”!
The mind manipulators certainly hit on a goldmine with this Left/Right divide, though to be sure it was a gold mine carefully nurtured. That well-crafted Pavlovian term “conspiracy theory” was generally demonised after JFK but permitted manifestations on “The Right”. Thus we had a neutralised opposition where a class analysis was divorced from the actual active agents i.e. the conspiracies, and, instead, this “Left” was stranded in vacuous abstractions that sounded good but stopped short at the point where they should have narrowed their focus to point the finger at the actual working parts of the system.
And the connection “conspiracy theory” = “Right Wing” became utterly immovably entrenched. So much so that the total fucking obvious had no chance of making any impression. Anyone with “Leftist” pretensions ran screaming from “contaminating influences” and were incapable of seeing how they had been played.
Yep, utterly embarrassing nonsense, but the MSM are now peddling the con of long covid, the jab boosters (number 5) and useless anti virals for the hypochondriacs without a single mention of the harm done by the poison jabs.
The Metropolitan Opera is having a concert, one that will stir the false soul.
“A Concert of Remembrance and Hope”
(no mention as to whether the Hope and Change Obomber will be in attendance. Remember that slogan?)
—– from their website: ———
On February 24, at 7PM, the Metropolitan Opera presents a concert to mark the one-year anniversary of Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, in association with Lincoln Center and the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations. Tickets are $50 and go on sale Wednesday, February 1, at 12PM ET. The concert will also be broadcast live on Metropolitan Opera Radio on Sirius XM Channel 355, made available via the Toll Brothers–Metropolitan Opera International Radio Network, and streamed live on the Met website.
Met Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin leads the Met Orchestra, Chorus, and star soloists in a program of Mozart’s Requiem and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, as well as the Ukrainian National Anthem and Valentin Silvestrov’s “Prayer for Ukraine.” The soloists will be soprano Golda Schultz and mezzo-soprano Emily D’Angelo, as well as Ukrainian tenor Dmytro Popov and Ukrainian bass-baritone Vladyslav Buialskyi.
To support relief efforts in Ukraine, please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine website.
that is so depressing.
“Stir the false soul”. Nice turn of phrase. And so true of so much that’s going on.
This article cuts to the quick. The traditional left and Amerisceptics have generally been scratching their heads over the enthusiasm shown by the public towards lockdowns, vaccination mandates, and fear of Russia, China and xenophobia generally. It’s so irrational and who but a fool would believe all this nonsense? The answer is Malicious Fools. Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Stupidity explains how beliefs are shaped by circumstances where societies fail politically, economically and morally. These nearly always take the form of hostility towards an external other based on deep rooted delusions of superiority, anxiety concerning threats to the supposed superiority and fears of racial, bodily and sexual contagion. Crude tribalism, not these days based on nationhood, but on shared languages and mutual hostility towards the “threat” prevail. We never learn and are incapable of learning. If you could get a Russophobe into CBT it would take years to treat them.
I don’t know who Amerisceptics are but the “traditional Left” and indeed almost every branch of “the Left” has been shoving lockdowns and vaccine mandates down everyone’s throat.
Your Groups will not provide you with evidence because it isn’t real. You want,.. you have to do it yourself. It sounds to me you are frustrated George.
A journey takes a lifetime. Achievement., May not be possible where you are from. commonality is a restrictive option.
I’m exasperated when someone says the Left “have generally been scratching their heads over the enthusiasm shown by the public towards lockdowns, vaccination mandates”. The Left have been pushing that enthusiasm. Meanwhile the public (or at least the ones not comatose) are the ones who have been scratching their heads.
In fairness lockdown and vax mandates, like war, are supported by both the mainstream Left and Right, with a few notable dissenters on both sides.
Far fewer notable dissenters on the Left, I’m afraid, which as a block and with a fanatical, almost sadistic enthusiasm, has embraced every crackbrained aspect of the covid repression. What makes it worse to my mind is that socialists not only collaborated joyously in the corrupt enrichment of their class enemies (as represented by the rotten, antisocial pharmaceutical industry) and willingly facilitated the growth of fascism, but did not lift a finger to defend or emit a squeak of protest over the sacking of unvaccinated workers, who were often left without access to social welfare, nor did it defend those ordinary citizens whose civil rights have been abused and abrogated. It did the opposite! To my mind, this moral betrayal makes the Left as a whole utterly contemptible.
Slightly OT:
May trigger the odd Terrain Spoiler’s button but seems important nevertheless:
Basically saying that the body already had a natural response to combating Sars-Cov-2 (via the naturally occurring protein, LRRC15)
So, never any need for lockdowns, masks nor any other injected BS. Food for [those who] fought … ?
Of course, this assumes that COVID or the SATS-COV-2 virus was real in the first place
It does. Any reason to doubt it?
And, of course, one of the principle ways to ruin a terrain would be to downvote, as indicative of one’s inability to respond in any intellectual manner. Just sayin …
Commonwealth National Health Service will already have known immunity responses dependence on who you are.
Probably true. No vaccine. No mask. No response. Let them keep it, for what it’s worth.
There is nothing to be fucking immune to except ignorant stupidity.
Australian scientists are peddling the most ridiculous garbage. Today the top science group are pushing the drivel that sewage testing let them predict how many are ”infected”, I mean how on earth can anyone believe this mindless crap.
“A week ago, I ran into an old friend at a coffee shop. Hersh’s article, aspects of which I question, had just come out and I asked him if he had seen it. He said he hadn’t but didn’t know anything about such pipelines being blown up.
I was stunned…”
Mr. Curtin’s friend having zero knowledge of the Nordstream 2 covert destruction operation can be perceived as providing 100% proof – to people wishing to avert unnecessary, catastrophic world war – of the enormity of the propaganda/communications problem, or how much more powerful the world’s peace activist community’s message must now become…
He was lying to you. Normies don’t want to listen to you about anything even vaguely conspiratorial because they subconsciously know that it will lead to questioning of their world view, and from that to their sense of self. They have to protect both and that’s why they can lie so convincingly.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-02-18. Florida issues health alert on safety of mRNA jab. Natural Immunity As Good As Or Better Than CV jab (blog, gab, tweet).
Bread and circus always seem to work for the plebs.. Entertain me, but don’t bore me with any truth…
Why change the record when people have danced to it for thousands of years.
It would be very interesting to know how many on here are team sports fans.
I could never get my head around the fact that you score a goal but it’s the team that gets the credit –
Weird !
It’s stuck with me all my life and I used to be in “teams” at work in a sales environment- officially.
In reality I just did my own thing and pretended to be a team player.
I used to have clients who would say “We played a blinder on Saturday” or “We’ve got Watford on Saturday”
I started off pretending to be surprised and say something like “Blimey, I didn’t know you played” but realised that I was seriously pissing them off as they really did think that they had some input to their team’s success.
And maybe why team sports are so heavily sponsored and their stars so ridiculously lionised and ludicrously overpaid.
Artificially creating strong allegiances and combatative feelings
In short – Control.
Yes, Substitution of sports for political and nationalist interests was consciously done. There were powers-that-be writings with this intention. I remember reading them back in the 60s before so many earlier writings were cleansed from the libraries.
“Artificially creating strong allegiances and combative feelings.” I would say rather “Supplying a harmless target to normal (male) energies.”
Yes, control is the word. Team sports, office politics, political parties. It quashes any tall poppies.
Basketball is Cereal imo best game in the US is Ice Hockey.
Don’t like Sport quit Bitching Artistic Fat Fuck.
America in its geographical isolation could terrorize with impunity. Now, no longer isolated thanks to modern technology, America has erected the biggest and best defense system in human history, its cornfields ablaze with radar and guided missiles so that no one can even attempt to penetrate its borders.
America’s nose was never bloodied – not since 1812, when a slight bop on the nose sent it into a defensive overdrive frenzy which shows no signs of letting up. But now, lo and behold, there’s almost nowhere left that doesn’t dance to America’s tune.
Nothing succeeds like success – succeeds in turning the violence which fueled it back on itself. With no war to cheer on, the people are left with nothing but sporting events to cheer.
God help the world if the American people grow tired of cheering fake violence.
Caused by virus…. vaccine solution…. kerching!
By a remarkable coincidence, a Hollywood star popular (they imagine) with the likely target demographic has just had a much-publicised diagnosis with dementia.
Alzheimer’s HAS to be caused by an “infection” – it simply HAS TO! Because the aluminum correlation is reaching the point of becoming causation. And this unhappy occurrence points directly skyward to the endless chemtrails.
Can’t have that. God almighty they can’t have people looking up from their smartphones. Just imagine if billions of people come out of their digital trance all at once!
So virus: do your duty and cause Alzheimer’s. And that’s an order!
Aluminium – also in vaccines, buffered aspirin, antacid tablets, soft drinks out of cans, table salt, in deboned meat products, antiperspirants, etc
The problem is – nature **is** violent, and we are children of nature. In nature you are either predator or prey. Non-violent animals live in the shadow of the killers. If we try to legislate or breed violence out of humans, we’re just going to wind up controlled by whatever gangs of humans have most successfully resisted this attempted gelding. Getting rid of violent impulses is not the way forward – controlling and channeling them intelligently is what is needed. (the US military is NOT an intelligent, controlled channeling, it’s just raw violence led by stupid, violent people, a brute force loose in the world that really needs to be challenged and stopped)
The idea of violent behaviour is a human idea and applies IMO to humans exclusively. When we say “somebody’s violent” we are implying “somebody’s unnecessarily violent” for, humans having a mind are able to pre-meditate their action and choose from among different courses of action, and choosing to be aggressive if one is capable of choosing a peaceful response is unnecessary aggressiveness; that is violence. Animals aren’t violent because they can’t choose to act in a different way. We do. Animals act upon real needs; while humans, capable of imagining inexistent things and of making inexistent associations (like the animal elephant and the color pink), can and do mistake unnecessary actions like bombing cities, for real needs.
We can’t judge morally violence (in humans) in isolation from the historical process that brought it about; the culprit at the end of the day is a mode of production whose rationale is inherently violent and which produces violence transmitted from generation to generation. When the time comes and this mode of production is exhausted, humans will cease to be (unnecessarily) violent because they can no longer imagine that they really need to be.
When one sees all the chaos around the world, it’s very easy to think that the people have been brainwashed and silenced but we forget that the mainstream media is only believed by a very small percentage of the population. That is so in every western country.
The obvious conclusion is that most people have hunkered down and are waiting and watching. This is human nature when one is being attacked by enemies who hate you and want you gone.
Damar, when asked about his heart attack, said that he doesn’t want to ‘go there’. A bit strange considering something out of the blue, which would have been detected before now, has ended his career well short, and he doesn’t want the go there?!
Note to author. Your friend is obviously ignorant and probably working. Maybe he doesn’t have the time to look properly. Some swallowed the kool-aid when the bushwhacker called everyone a ‘conspiracy theorist’ after Sept 11th. That put off the gullible and the cowardly from looking any further and they avoided what were labelled ‘conspiracy theory’ websites. Some will never know the truth and some won’t want to.
Seymour Hersh should be careful. He might find himself cancelled. 🙂
it seems pretty clear that ‘he mainstream media is only believed by a very small percentage of the population’ is some kind of misunderstanding of the situation – clearly, most people in the west believe/d all the covid shit, and that was what they were told to believe by that same mainstream media.Or more recently Ukraine – most people, at least in the English speaking countries, seem to have bought completely into the total idiocy of the mainstream position.
Yes, it’s very strange. Surveys show a high level of distrust of the media in the West but most people still believe the major propaganda narratives. Maybe they don’t trust the media on trivial matters but accept all of the big lies.
You are correct. It’s a juxtaposition that i intended to mention in my post but forgot. I’m puzzled by the fact so many people actually disbelieve their MSM yet so many fell for the poison, and the Russia is bad nonsense too.
It seems that those who chose not to listen to their MSM, chose to listen to their politicians instead, unaware that there is no difference between them.
Hersh is already cancelled and is fully aware of that fact.
It was a tongue in cheek comment. Hersh is too well regarded to be cancelled, IMO.
Oh, right. That’s why he’s had to publish on substack, is it? Because he’s not cancelled.
Maybe that’s his decision to publish on substack?
He still has access to his bank accounts does he not? He still has his integrity. He still has his contacts who haven’t abandoned him. He is still published in the press, even mainstream. That’s not ‘being cancelled’.
Maybe you need to relax? This ‘cancel culture’ is collapsing. If the NWO get their way, it won’t matter anyway.
“football remains a huge draw and, in fact, is gaining relative market share.”
Is it growing in absolute terms? This could simply mean the footbal audience is declining less rapidly than all the others. And as for the idea that there is some unique violence in the American soul…. really? Just because D.H. Lawrence said so doesn’t make it true.
One infamous incident of American violence was the beating of Rodney King. How many people know how that film (essentially the first viral video) came about? The incident occurred over the road from where a scene for TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY was being filmed. George Holliday had a camcorder to film the making of the Hollywood film in his area.
WEll, that’s not at all fishy. And it just happened to occur on 3/3….
Really? No kidding? I didn’t know that. You’re serious, right?
There is indeed “a wall of deceptions” when it comes to war. A clear pattern: every empire eventually faces the conflict it is desperate to avoid – its own collapse. The most dangerous deception of all, the reason wars are fought – is power; because power is an illusion, cannot be held forever. Rulers cannot accept that truth. That is why mankind is facing into the abyss of nuclear Armageddon.