No, “Covid” STILL doesn’t come from a lab
Kit Knightly

The big Covid news the last couple of days has been that the US Department of Energy, via the Wall Street Journal, has claimed that a laboratory leak is the “most likely” origin of “Covid”.
Citing “new evidence”, a DoE panel has amended their assessment from 2021, essentially switching “we don’t know” to “it probably came from a lab”.
This is just the latest step in the lab-leak theory’s remarkable journey from fringe idea to mainstream position, or from “conspiracy theory to government debate”, according to Forbes’ article timelining the whole process.
You know what OffG thinks of the lab-leak theory, we did a fact-check on it back in 2021, and then addressed it again in 2022: “Lab leak” theory makes no sense, and only reinforces the mainstream narrative.
Further, it can now be used as fuel for the “new cold war” narrative.
The US can blame China for creating the virus, while China can either claim it was natural or that the US released it in an act of “bio-terrorism”.
Both sides will claim the other side’s vaccines don’t work, but that theirs do. And, make no mistake, both sides will still very much want to vaccinate everyone.
In some ways this is a symptom of the failure of the Covid narrative. The greatest propaganda push of all time ran out of steam just two years in, and is suddenly fighting defensively simply to hold itself together. Because the “lab leak” debate is very much a fallback position. A retreat in good order, protecting – at all costs – the fundamental lie of “Covid”, viz – there was no new disease.
Let’s say that once more with feeling….
There were the old flu symptoms, there was a new name, and there was a crappy test.
And that is all.
This is the one admission the establishment will never make, because it totally breaks their narrative.
Kills it stone dead.
Every other “admission”, debate or idea – “lab leak”, early treatment, government panic, “we underestimated natural immunity”, “the vaccine trials were misleading” – can eventually be brought back around to justifying lockdowns and other authoritarian “public health measures”.
If not for Covid, then for the next “pandemic”.
Patrick Henningsen put it perfectly on Twitter:
For those of you who are getting excited over the recent ‘Lab Leak’ psy-op by US govt, understand that by endorsing the myth of a Covid super virus, you are enabling all the stupid & dangerous ‘mitigation’ measures too…
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) February 27, 2023
Further, every other admission preserves the idea that while governments might lie, they might manipulate, they might “panic”, they might be incompetent, they might be corupt, they may even do quite obscene things, they definitely don’t just make stuff up and pretend it’s real.
That’s a very important line that needs to never be crossed. They will tacitly admit to almost anything else – never that. Because once you start pulling on that thread, who knows what might unravel.
Hopefully the US Department of Energy and the Wall Street Journal throwing their collective weight behind the “lab-leak” theory finally wakes people up to what it really is and always has been.
There’s an old axiom in politics that says you should never believe something until it’s been officially denied.
The reverse holds true: Never believe something once it’s been officially endorsed.
They’ll admit to anything but the truth.
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I do not know which is the worst disinformation, the official US narrative of the alleged Wuhan lab leak, or the OffG one of no virus. The evidence which has been consistently smothered is the coding done in early 2020 when the virus was isolated showing the inserts and then later in 2022 all of the patent evidence of Dr. David Martin showing it was not a “novel” virus but one “patented” in the US going back some 20 years. Therefore, it is a “lab” virus and not a natural Coronavirus which you do not patent. It was not meant to kill billions but only to be unique enough and be a bit more lethal than previous Coronaviruses making the rounds, and to be a basis for the entire scare – for lockdowns, and the other lockstep plans including the vaccines. All of the evidence produced by experts since the Plandemic began destroying each official narrative, and you guys say their was no virus deliberately released. You must be controlled opposition.
I finally agree though I have to confess that I’ve been doubting the natural orinin of this betacoronavirus they gave the rather uncommon and dramatic name “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome” virus, too.
I’m a biologist but in this case my knowledge about genetics and molecular biology were not of much use to shed light onto that question. But finally I’ve built my own opinion concerning the question of the proximate origin of “SARS”.
The genetics of viruses is a complicated thing. Their genomes can change quickly, they can evolve in a speed that is unbelievable, they can exchange segments of their genomes.
They are mobile genetic elements that have co-evolved with pro- and eukaryotes and there is an overwhelming diversity of these small genetic elements called “viruses”. All this contributes to the fact that it is very difficult to asses the origin and the evolution of viruses.
Today I consider “SARS” as a plain and simple human betacoronavirus, like the two other human “common cold” betacoronaviruses which have got much less dramatic and awe-inspiring names (hCoV-OC43 and hCoV-HKU1).
There is a strong genetic resemblance between the genomic sequences and the arrangements of genes in “SARS” and hCoV-OC43. “SARS” could be a mere substrain of the latter.
Also the assuption that the “furin cleaving site” were a “proof” for the lab-theory is wrong. There are furin cleaving sites in a plethora of human and animal coronaviruses. Furing cleaving is not a “new feature”. The two human betacoronaviruses mentioned have got furin cleavage sitres too, both are viruses that have been circulating in the human population for ages and never did great damage to humanity.
Nope. “SARS” isn’t new, it’s most probably a substrain of a plain and not too dangerous respiratory human betacoronaviruses which has evolved clandestinely and ofer decades or centuries in the human population and if some crooks and political criminals had not decided to (ab)use it for their sinister plans and ends, for pipe dreams of dominion and profits, nobody would have noticed that it even existed.
Still want to know what “EcoHealth” is doing with US tax money spend abroad in BSL4 labs.
Something NOT healthy…
1918 flu experiment:
article re same:
Pandemic of autism – direct link with ‘vaccines’. Dr Exley on aluminium in vaccines. Predictably, Exley’s research has been defunded. Aluminium is toxic to the human body. Therefore any aluminium in vaccines is introducing a toxin into the body. Why isn’t Bill Gates investigating the pandemic of autism?
“There was NO NEW DISEASE!”
I disagree. There definitely was a disease, a pande**c, although not a new one but indeed a very contagious one and thank God the authorities did what it took at the cost of great unpopularity to contain the spread (Sarcasm). This disease is a grave threat, not to human health but to world financial and banking systems, and therefore to the world economy. It’s called Quantitative Easing, aka Q.E. in financial circles.
The Q.E. disease affects capitalistic entities called Central Banks whose role is important during Capital’s latest stage of major financialization. This disease appeared AFAIK in 2008 amid the Great Financial Crisis and the FED (but also the CB of Japan and the European CB and other CBs I shouldn’t wonder) has been sick with it ever since. At its worst, the Q. E. disease infects the financial, banking and economic systems with real vir**es – or exosomes or whatever you believe is the contagious agent, if you believe in contagion that is. These vir**es are DOLLARS created out of thin air. After incubation, the infected entities produce high inflation, throwing large chunks of the population in poverty not unlike what is happening in Argentina (95% inflation (1), about 37% unemployment and 40% under poverty line).
The first symptoms the financial system in the U.S. is shortly going to suffer from the Q.E. disease and infect banking and economic systems in developed countries were reported not by China but by the Bank of international Settlement as it informed in its Annual Economic Report of June, 2019 (2) on the deterioration of the credit standards in the leveraged loan markets and the surge of collateralized loan obligations, symptoms similar to the surge of collateralized debt obligations that precipitated the subprime crisis of 2008. Read (3), (4) and (5) for three consistent timelines of the events that led to the Q.E. disease of the FED.
And so, on September the 17th, 2019 the FED started spreading
vir**esdollars out of thin air infecting Wall Street trading houses with the tune of 19.87 trillion (6)vir**esdollars during the fourth quarter of 2019 – 3 months; and 62% percent of that amount went to six trading houses only. To have an idea of the magnitude of this number, consider that amid the worst of the GFC, from December 12, 2007 to July 21, 2010, a period of 31 months, the FED had a cumulative 16.1 Trillion (7)vir**esdollars in loans to Wall Street.After major financial trading houses in Wall Street and elsewhere in the world have been infected with two-digit-trillions-of-out-of-thin-air-paper-money, it was of utmost importance that these deadly
vir**esdollars don’t reach the real economy, not under any circumstance or the developed economies would end up like Argentina in no time. Hence, it was decided that the world economy should freeze for a few years, and to achieve that a twin vir*s was imagined out of thin air to mirror the real vir*s. You all know the rest of the story.So, when you enter the official websites of Central Banks, you’ll see that their reports are full of mentions for the pande**c and how it plunged the world economy into recession and how grim the future shall be because of this event; they are not lying to you, only their are talking of the real pande**c, the one produced by the Q.E. disease that sickened not people of flesh and blood but the capitalistic system.
The remarkable thing is that not one nail has been produced on these dizzying trillions, not one. And why is this relevant, because it shows the disproportion between real and fictitious economy. Capital has become divorced from production – couldn’t be otherwise. It is no longer serving and could no longer serve the purpose it set itself to fulfil a couple of centuries ago, and is now endeavouring in the creation of the means of its own abolition.
References: Look up
(1) Argentina’s inflation rate at 95%, highest since 1991, Reuter
(2) Annual Economic Report 2019 – Bank for International Settlements
(3) Evidence Suggests U.S. Financial Crisis Started on August 14, 2019, Wall Street on Parade
(4) Wall Street’s Financial Crisis Preceded COV**-19: Chart and Timeline, Wall Street on Parade
(5) A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation, The Philosophical Salon
(6) Nomura, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs Received a Cumulative $8 Trillion from the Fed’s Emergency Repo Loans in Fourth Quarter of 2019, Wall Street on Parade
(7) The Fed Has Pumped $9 Trillion into Wall Street Over the Past Six Months, But Mnuchin Says “This Isn’t Like the Financial Crisis”, Wall Street on Parade
The enemy to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is the corporations their executives, and their Oligarch owners { Crowd C}. The governments used to belong to the voting people {crowd V}, hence the government officials responded to the voters, but the corporations have stolen the governments from the people and now the governments respond to the corporations. .
An offensive to defrock, limit or reduce to powerless entities the corporations would be highly productive, a revolution against the governments would gain absolutely nothing because government officials respond to those who control them. The governments have given all of their power and all of the resources within the governed territories to the Oligarchs. Governments transferred its monopoly power and its resources to the corporations by and thru the device of incorporating a for-profit, a not for profit or a special interest so that no voter in the governed masses could have veto power by voting or access to the affairs of the non human organizations [the corporation].
Regarding corporations, absolutely. As the highest form of capitalistic enterprise, where interest bearing Capital tries to appear unrelated to labour (before its complete withdrawal therefrom) it is the last form under which Capital is employed and shall naturally morph into the social ownership of the means of production. Corporations are the form most resembling what would be the economic activity in a communist mode of production, only without being subjected to interest bearing capital – or any other capital – ownership.
As for governments, I hope you’re right. I’m not sure about their relationship to the governed people as opposed to the relationship with heavy economic interests, under Capital. Under it, IMO, governments through the State always end up siding with heavy economic interests no matter what, regardless of the forms these may take in a necessary succession (up to corporations). I can’t see how this could not end up happening under Capital. If it doesn’t however, that would mean that a government – under popular pressure or not – has willfully pulled the rug under the financial sector that sustains the economy, which is a revolutionary act that will drag the State and thus the government themselves to the same fate, their existence under the form they had till then being no longer necessary.
It’s all very well saying there was no virus, but you have to account for some extraordinary respiratory symptoms – and I am not merely talking about people who were intubated or given remdesivir. Most of us know people who suffered from these (and there was a strange precursor going around schools, affecting staff but not pupils, in January and early February 2020, too). SARS-CoV-2 indubitably came from a lab. Any virologist will tell you this. It is a Sarbecovirus of Lineage B. Viruses of this class do not have furin cleavage sites, but SARS-CoV-2 does, and it is widely known in virology that this could not have emerged naturally.
No. You need to account for it. Simply positing some virus because [meaningless, clinically unvalidated “test”] does not qualify your contention for ‘default assumption’ status.
If you actually want us to take virologists seriously as credible exponents of legitimate science and veracity, which apparently you do, how about assuaging our skepticism a little by answering the following questions:
Why do virologists have their very own definition of ‘isolation’ which does not correspond to any normal person’s understanding of the word? Why are viruses never isolated* directly from individual or even aggregations of samples from patients whose living tissues are supposed to be nature’s own prolific virus factories, to the point where they are literally killing people? Why are virologists apparently the only species of scientists who can definitively claim to demonstrate specific causal relations without ever experimenting with an independent variable (i.e. the presence of a virus) in their in vitro studies?
* Involves no actual isolation of anything.
I am fully aware of the issues surrounding the isolation of viruses, but your reply does not address the concerns I raise in my post. As far as I am concerned, this whole discussion is centred on epidemiology, and, as such, two matters are paramount: 1) the nature of a cluster of symptoms and 2) transmissibility. You have just side-stepped these with a lot of turgid and petulant comments.
YOU are expanding on the concept that because a VERY SMALL MINORITY suffer worse symptoms than the vast majority, the VAST MAJORITY must be treated just like the vulnerable:
Freak them out about dying and allow the stress and social mistreatment inflate their vulnerability.
You have just side-stepped these with a lot of turgid and petulant comments.
Pot calling kettle black.
Time for you to grow up.
What a silly reply. You seem to think I have got some agenda. I haven’t.
It’s also important, many people argue, not to get drawn into a trap of denying viruses exist, since this is not actually a requirement in order to successfully counter the ‘Covid’ narrative.
Many argue that by engaging in this way we give a lot of needless ground and energy, plus sacrifice integrity in the eyes of many.
We might argue such a sacrifice is worthwhile… but these tradeoffs should also be acknowledged.
The fact is, there is no evidence of there having been an above average number of people sick, either with the same disease or with similar diseases. Once we reject the fallacy of a single cause which seeks to give ‘Covid’ any number of exotic properties to cover all manner of fatalities, then the onus is on proponents of the ‘Covid’ narrative to explain how we were at risk and how this justified radically reshaping our lives.
To use an analogy, if TPTB managed to convince 70% of humanity that aliens had been poisoning our water, and radically changed healthcare protocol in unprecedented ways proven to cause deaths, would it be worth our while, once it became clear that even including these collateral deaths we weren’t at heightened risk, to debate the existence of aliens?
To most people virology is a purely abstract thing. Most people won’t look into the science. Most people think only in terms of risk – risk to themselves and their loved-ones.
There was no risk from ‘Covid’. People were lied to, and this is starting to be admitted openly now.
Why muddy the waters with these virology debates? The whole scam has never been more evident than now.
SARS-CoV2 does NOT exist.
The panic which led to the Pandemic was the sensationalizing of a seasonal communicable illness, and exacerbating the widespread lack of self-informing of the nature of individual immunity, herd immunity and causing the widespread propaganda and serious health compromising dis-information.
Since you have invested so much into further dis-information, “Any virologist will tell you this. It is a Sarbecovirus of Lineage B.” No SARS_CoV2 has EVER been isolated from any victim from autopsy, neither can its “existence” be claimed WITHOUT the use of the fraudulent PCR.
This is Copium at its worst. By encouraging the belief that the Medical Industry DID NOT KNOW until many weeks afterwards, you are advocating for limitations on responsibility of culpable medical professionals.
I suggest, since you are trolling, that you should protect yourself from what ever else you’ll act like you believe then spread dis-nfo:
Put 2 plastic bags over your head, secure with double twisted elastics around the neck,
and enjoy your mendacious BS spread.
You haven’t got any valid data on which to conclude that such a virus a) is transmissible or b) produces symptoms or c) was widely circulating in the population. At the same time you completely ignore the fact that normal respiratory infections dropped to almost nothing during the ‘pandemic’ while apparently ‘Covid’ was surging. It was clearly a case of a catchall test and a brief ‘Covid’ diagnosis fad, artificially encouraged by unprecedented changes to healthcare protocol which made diagnosing ‘covid’ a forgone conclusion in most cases. The data is meaningless.
We have been around the block with this, and I request that you provide recent sources for what you’re saying in future. NOT old papers from 2020.
Thanks, A2
This word is a blatent give away the someone is aiding and abetting in terrorism. This charachter Robert Malone used it in this tweet:
There is no warnings on these documents. It would be like walkiing into the reactor in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and nobody put any signs up to warn you. Any reasonable and responsible adult would put a warning but Malone and twitter no. Say you were a corporation for example and had some legal problems over ‘mandating vaccines’. You could say you looked at a second opinion and this Malone charachter was aiding and abetting in terrorism. He tricked you into thinking there was a “pandemic”. There was no warning given in his information. I was watching this trip across the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. There was old glasses from a drinks machine and they had a radioactive warning already on them from when they were manufactured. This is extreme negligence not putting warnings on anything mentioning ‘pandemic’ etc.
Exactly, the US Department of Energy declaration implies two things they want to carve in stone for the public opinion :
Then, it means they try to cover-up definitely the big lies.
So it’s not a DARPA-derived (or suchlike) bioweapon?
All viruses exist in In Silico and fevered imagination only.
Not a single virus of any description has been shown to actually exist through the agency of proper science.
The red pill is a gob-stopper, not easily digested.
Few even bother to try….
‘corupt’ should be ‘corrupt’
“No, “Covid” STILL doesn’t come from a lab”Dude, why keep denying the obvious?
This thing has been independently sequenced multiple times over. A university-lab with 1000 EUR worth of the right equipment will do. All this shit about ‘postulates’ and ‘never been isolated’ are uttered by people not hindered by any lack of knowledge.
Explain the almost complete absence of the flu during that period.
You stopped people going out and about plonker how would you know anything.until you learn to read: influenza symptoms, ‘flu’ boxcar yankie jab boy.
So how come ‘covid’ wasn’t stopped with lockdown, masks etc? Why wasn’t it prevented by the ‘vaccines’?
Explain the patents on the lab Corona virus taking out in Oxford and US too. You can find it on google.
Fact is absence of flue in the period, Fact is a laboratory virus called Corona virus was patented in UK and US before the scam broke out. Fact is the whole bs was agreed and created as a global emergency test in 2006 by almost all countries in UN.
Conclusion: Corona comes from a lab but as substitute for the normal flue all planned and organised globally by UN.
Please showcase your knowledge and describe how a virus is isolated, how it is sequenced, and how it is proven to be contagious. Preferably on the basis of scientific paper.
There is NO SARS-CoV-2, nevr was and never has been.
sARS-CoV-2, the fraudulent PCR, the disparagement, ad hominems and the propagation of fear by those that “know”.
Sorry Maarten you are nothing more than a “merethan”.
A person’s innate immunity is the best there is for humanity.
Congratulations! You have the “proof” that over 200 institutions around the world have been unable to provide!
There probably is something it, though the reasons may be more prosaic. 5G transmitters have to be much more powerful (than say 2.4 ghz), otherwise they don’t get the range
Dunno. But I recall this being quite a good documentary about how some are more sensitive to wireless radiation than others
Generation Zapped (2017)
and when did mRNA gene therapy based vaxxines actually arrive in the shots, flu or otherwise?
In another matter, tied also to depop, Tetanus shots in Africa pushed by Billygoat ‘Satan’ Gates contained a sterility compound.
anyone evt correct me..
powerful relates to amplitude as seen in a scope, while energetic relates to wavelenght. the old NMT 900 phones had coverage up in the mountains, while newer, more energetig 450 had higher resolution, but slightly less reach. 5G is close to microwave, hence more energetic with much higher bandwith when I wanna check out pornhub. but very short range, hence a stupid antenna every 100 meter.
the body takes damage two ways. termal, as in a long wavelenght but powerful. that is you in front of a military radar, cooking your eyeballs.
the other is more tricky to see, when waveleght is shorter close to microwave and start interfere with your electromagnetic brain and nerves. this is what they will not admit to. this fields do aqtually not need extrem ampitude to be harmful.
The lab took a leak on piss-poor fools who ate the bat soup. Finally, the truth is starting to come to light. It may take a long time still to come, or leak out. But you can be sure after several generations of further investigation by the foxes guarding the hen house that people then, long after it matters any longer, will get the full report, with all but the words a, an, and the redacted. Alas, it won’t matter, though. Science says we’ve got only a few years, and then a few more again after that deadline, before the end of the world from climate change. Then there’s WW3 and nuclear armageddon, giddy-up. Maybe the alien invasion will save rather than destroy us all, kinda like that sci-fi film odyssey. Or maybe while we’re waiting around on whatever comes next (cyberwar, anyone?), we’ll just have ourselves another plandemic, and cures (aka final solutions; cf. Doktor Billy Goat Gates) will work their way through the population once more to produce disease to do us in for good that go-round. Round and round we go, until we drop dead, piss-poor fools one and all.
Nothing left to say, except “yes, spot on.”
A revised version of “An Introduction to Genetics” has been released, after complaints from terrain spoilers.
The new title simply reads “An Introduction to …” with an ellipsis replacing the offensive word. The reader is thus cleverly enticed to look further within to work out what the book is about.
No immediate clues though. No easy giveaways, since all images have been removed (they were clearly all faked). Likewise all references to the ‘v’ word have gone (since none of the editors could work out what an ‘isolated virus’ meant anyway)
But it’s not all deletions. Two new chapters have been added:
“How to reach your 10-a-day anti-virus social media posts target” and “How to Spoil an Otherwise Jovial Party” enhance the revised version further.
“The Power of Mind-numbing Repetition” is also included as an appendix
Genetics as a cause of disease is also a red herring (other than some rare congenital diseases – even that’s doubtfully linked to dna/heredity, unless it’s to do with deficiencies or toxic exposures of the parents/grandparents, and their defective bodies then engender defective babies, etc).
Not only can genetics be blamed on diseases caused by man-made toxic exposures and depleted or processed or genetically engineered foods but, ingeniously, they feed us this story to make us believe we are helpless, except for relying on the medical establishment with their drugs and vaccines.
Nevertheless, there are some who would prefer to throw out genetics entirely
You deleted my dangerous comment again.
I always believed in that bat theory.
Because I got tired of the eternal “coming from an ape in Uganda to 1 Western tourist returning home to US and Europe”.
The bat theory is complete nonsense, as is the lab leak theory. Covid is a construct – it stands for Certificate Of Vaccination ID. That was the purpose of the false flag op – to coerce scared populations into accepting a ‘vaccine’ passport that can be used as a control device. Not just to enforce toxic injections and bioweapons but also to track, trace, tag, for surveillance, control money etc. The idea is a modern-day slavery system. Slavery has been one of the most lucrative industries ever. Catherine Austin Fitts nailed it. Any discussion around viruses is a distraction. It never had anything to do with health or prevention of ‘disease’. The entire agenda has been cooked up by criminal organisations and foundations which operate like global mafias – eg: WHO.WEF, UN, BMGF, Gavi. Throw in the corrupt banking world and financial institutions – BIS, Fed Reserve etc. The whole thing is a giant ponzi scheme to keep populations poor, ill, miserable and ignorant.
And here’s Catherine Austin Fitts on the Central Bank Digital Currency threat now upon us in the very near future:
Schrodinger’s Box definitively proven to be empty. There never was any cat.
There couldn’t have been any cat. A ‘cat’ is a bourgeois concept given to the masses.
Ever seen a cat in sealed box? No, of course not. Therefore all images of cats are faked; CGI used for videos of them
“I think therefore I shouldn’t have” as someone once said (at least in the revised vote-winning version)
Or we can say that these admissions are part of a strategic retreat from an unstoppable, inexorable onslaught of incriminating revelations, emergence of the truth step by step and one of many celebratory events for us with many more and far greater ones on the horizon.
Though they miss the mark in terms of the [real] science they confer a very bad look on the perpetrators, even identifying the minion cohort besides, i.e. the ” labs ” and the agencies which funded them, however fake their operations are.
Agree – slowly, slowly catch the monkey.
Link above: How Rockefeller corrupted the healing arts.
The Henningsen link makes me kind of sad, Kit. UK Column were incorruptible on the COVID psy op – and apparently still are. I just can’t watch them any more, though, because they seem to have used up all their brains and balls in 2020 and 2021 and have fallen for the “war in Ukraine” psy op all the harder in 2022-23. A good critical mind like Henningsen’s is now wasted poring over maps of troop movements and territorial gains and losses that surely bear as much relation to reality as “positive PCR test” figures did two or three years ago. With UK Column and the Ickes buying the narrative, OffGuardian now stands almost alone in seeing that the war in Ukraine is just “COVID” in a new dress. In fact, without wanting to stir shit between you and your colleagues, I get the impression that YOU stand almost alone at OffG in asking the right questions about Ukraine.
If I’ve understood you correctly in the articles you’ve written about “the war”, you are making, almost alone, the crucial point that whether or not “there’s a war” matters about as much now as whether or not “there was a virus” mattered in 2020-22. If you ask me, I’ve seen no more evidence of the former than I ever did of the latter: Air-raid sirens going off every time Joe Biden takes a toddle round central Kiev, flashes in the sky and loud bangs in the distance behind BBC and CNN reporters with supercereal expressions on their faces, endless photos of big holes in the ground and burly-looking men lying on bridges with machine-guns pointed at enemies still too far away to see – I’m about as convinced by all this as I was by photos of rows of ambulances in hospital carparks and videos of mass graves outside New York that turned out, on enquiry, to have been mass graves for a hundred years before “COVID”.
But sure, I’m not going to argue too hard against some military “expert” who comes along and tells me that I don’t understand modern warfare, that troops don’t engage on the ground any more, that five thousand square miles of territory really have been won and lost and won again in the Donbass, just as I wouldn’t have argued with some medical “expert” who came along in 2021 and told me that SARS COVID 19 had three and a half more “spike proteins” because the framus intersects with the ramistan etc.
Because both would be missing, or deliberately hiding, the real point. “By their fruits shall ye know them” – and the “fruits” of “COVID” and the fruits of “the war in Ukraine” are too strikingly similar to one another for anyone to really need to be interested in what they are “in themselves”. Or rather – and this is another point that I’ve heard almost no one but you make, Kit, and that you should continue to make repeatedly and to expand on – the fruit of the “Ukraine” lie consists not so much in a “second helping” of the fruit of the “COVID” lie as in a slightly different variety of poison apple designed to counteract the growing sourness of the first kind, which even the normies were beginning to find it hard to swallow. After over two years of every single government in the fucking world agreeing that “we had no alternative” but to implement exactly the same measures in exactly the same way the total absence of conflict and disagreement was prompting even one or two of the sheeple to interpret the old “all in it together” slogan in a way slightly different from the way it was intended to be interpreted. And then hey presto! along comes a big, badly-needed dollop of conflict and disagreement in the form of the good old-fashioned geopolitics of the “Ukraine war”. Move along guys, no single world government to see here:..alex
“Convenience” and “Comfort” are the two prevailing values that no one but the Collective Waste express as a primary motivation.
The Ukraine Crisis is only orchestrated to cater to the citizens of the CW’s first instincts.
I would hazard that the citizens of Donbass would argue otherwise.
Having followed the “Canadian Decent into Fascism” since the Yugoslavia/Serbia illegal military operation, plus 9/11 and all its distractions I have found that in almost all cases the prevailing attitudes of that fallout are that of upholding one’s narcissism, expressed as, “I am told I am not safe, therefore I must make myself feel GOOD”.
Enter Wokeness…
the ‘resolution’ will be televised…
I’m sorry, I don’t understand. It seems to me there is a confusion in these parts between two separate issues.
In the comments, several people have said essentially, “OK, I buy the no-new-virus or even the no-virus-at-all bit, but I had symptoms lately unlike anything I’ve had previously.” And they were immediately derided, by administrators and others, as “deplorables” unable to judge their own physical condition.
Cannot one deny the existence of a “new illness” caused by a “new virus” and still think that the symptoms many people report (EVEN those who refuse the virus hypothesis) are real? They are certainly not novel in the sense that they have never been found in sick people before—after all there are only so many ways to feel ill—but their gravity, their combination and their duration may well be fairly unprecedented, and this could be for many different reasons, such as increased air, soil and food pollution, increased radiation of various kinds, a social climate of increased fear and tension, not to mention the so-called vaccines themselves.
It is one thing to disbelieve the virus theory and the existence of a new virus-based illness, whether naturally or from a lab. It is another to discredit people, some of whom also reject the above theory, who claim they are experiencing something they had never experienced before in quite the same way, and to claim “We know better. You are NOT experiencing anything new.” The question of what CAUSES this experience is a different one, but when one starts by condescendingly invalidating the experience of others because of one’s own convictions, one is on a slippery slope. You can reject their interpretation, and may well feel called to argue against it, but to my mind must begin by honoring their experience and try to learn something from it. Otherwise what difference is there between us and those who say to the multitudes who claim the so-called vaccine harmed them that this is not possible and they must be imagining it?
I don’t know if I can speak to the difference between “us” and those who deny the reality of harmful vaccine side-effects because clearly “us” is a pretty broad church. But I can certainly tell you why I am inclined to laugh in the face of people who say they “had COVID” but am not inclined to deny the experience of those who claim to have suffered “vaccine” damage.
Whereas the overwhelming majority of stories about “COVID symptoms” seem to involve ludicrously vague and unfalsifiable claims about such things as “losing one’s sense of smell” – and in the especially absurd case of the obviously entirely imaginary “long COVID” even vaguer and less checkable claims about “feeling kind of bleh” etc. – the reports I have read on “vaccine” side effects seem, at least in many cases, to involve things that are clearly verifiable and falsifiable, such as dropping dead of a heart attack at age eighteen.
Of course, if there weren’t multiple reports of real and serious damage ensuing from the “vaccine” then I’d tend to be dismissive also of anyone who came to me and said “I dunno, after taking that COVID jab I just don’t feel myself any more” but couldn’t specify exactly how. There is nothing “condescending” about ignoring a hypochondriac, any more than there is about ignoring some fashion-victim teenage boy who has gotten it into his head that he “was born in the wrong body” and demands that his Dad pays some quack doctor to chop his testicles off.
Oh and by the way, no “administrator” anywhere in the world over the past few years ever called anyone a “deplorable” for saying they “had symptoms” or “felt sick” or anything of that sort. The only people who ever got called “deplorables” were the people who said they felt perfectly fine because not dragging yourself into the “overwhelmed” hospitals once a week every week and demanding to be put on a respirator meant you voted for Trump and hated Mexicans. So you seem a bit confused? Do you think you might have “long COVID”?
I would attribute ‘new symptoms’ to ascertainment bias. But whatever the case, how would symptoms prove a virus ? Wouldn’t you have to prove a virus ?
Sure, I had a bad cold in 2022 too. Usually don’t get them – last one about 5 years ago when death in the family and other stressors pulled me down.
Perhaps we should more closely examine why we develop these symptoms. The “enemy” usually is a lot closer to us than out there.
Probably environmental pollutants, poor diet etc. Body’s way of detoxing itself.
I’ll hazard a guess that some are vocal in invalidating the (living to tell the story) experience of others because this was supposed to be a LETHAL novel virus, so bad that the whole world had to come to a grinding halt, and not just for 3 weeks to flatten the curve. Anyone who claims they “had Covid” are justifying the imprisonment insanity — and that’s infuriating. My 83 yr old mother was sick with “something” that dragged on for the whole month of Jan 2020 but we didn’t quarantine her, put her on a vent and drug her with Run-death-is-near.
Pneumonia/bronchitis? Elderly people are susceptible to symptoms of respiratory disease, particularly if vitamin D deficient, as many are.
I was almost convinced that this virus didn’t exist aside from being the regular seasonal flu. I am almost 60 .I have an unadulterated immune system, refused to be coerced into it and have been very healthy as I always have been apart from a few common colds over the years, that I rid myself of in a matter of days . I take vitamines ,supplements , eat healthily and do sports outdoor in nature. I had a bit of a cold after New Year , would never do the ”test kit”, got rid of a few light symptoms that lasted a few days.However, this is where my doubt comes in , none of the symptoms ,however light they were; followed the same pattern,no sinus congestion at all, but I completely lost my sense of smell for over one week and it still has not come back to it’s original acuteness? I am a foody and a trained sommelier.I have always practiced with essential oils for the layered notes,they just are no longer perceptible and I am perplexed and distressed that it might not return! So….I’m kind of leaning to maybe this virus is like no other ?
We’ve all been infected with an illusory correlation phenomenon regarding covid, due to oodles of propaganda.
Lots of people randomly get ill all the time, sometimes for the first time in years. 2020 was no exception. However in 2020 we were all Derren Browned into drawing the same cum hoc conclusions. It was ‘covid’.
Even though people who were ill weren’t testing positive and people testing positive weren’t ill, it didn’t matter. If circumstances conspired, if an illusory correlation presented itself, we were all bullied mercilessly into seeing that correlation equalled causation. A2
Bat soup. It’ll always be bat soup to me. Best story ever.
Yes, there wasa famous ice hockey player:
Pavel Batsoup.
They certainly made up the existence of viruses and almost everyone, including most of the media, is pretending that the viruses are real!
I want to rephrase that:
almost everyone, including most of the media, BELIEVES that viruses are real!
And refuse to investigate it thoroughly!
Forgive me for being a bit skeptical of thoroughly investigating something which the investigators deem not to exist.
This conundrum plagues an opposition that makes real what it then tries to eradicate, overcome, fix, resolve or manipulate.
But the belief in viruses or various beliefs in viruses serves some purpose for those who give it reality by their weaponising of it or defences against it.
All of which shift and change with shifting purposes and meanings that then mean whatever circumstance dictates.
I see much more than polarised non dialogue on being right about others being wrong about genetic hacking packets that magically perform such functions as to reveal the deceiver hiding in plain sight.
There is the underlying terrain that expresses as a need to distance and mask from what we hate or fear within, and readily associate with or assign to evils out there, or in the body, in the genes, in the godless exposure of helplessness to terror stalking invisibly through anything and everyone.
Naming or defining is creative act – or would be if we communed with the qualities of which we are moved to speak. But a false witness can run off with a phished identity that is proved lost by attempt to get it back.
Unwise to make a claim we are not willing to substantiate, and thus become entangled by those who readily set endless hoops to go through while shifting the parameters to use up our resources.
But when others make claims and set them as basis for imposing zero tolerance for modelled risk, then they are to be required to substantiate their claims. They simply cant, by the way.
Yes and please stop repeating al this nonsense about imaginative theories and other fictional options. Let’s consider the bullshit is over and lets concentrate on more imminent threats to our apparent wellbeing. Whatever that maybe for you.
I do not think it’s done with the bullshit, and if people still do not understand that they are being lied to by all the governments around the world this bullshit will continue.
We are being told that there are millions of dangerous virusses around us. The virologist and governments use ‘scientific’ papers to back this up. Read these papers and you will understand that the existance of virusses has never been proven.
It is not that difficult for an investigator to point out the flaws in the research of another.
LIke here:
Please whatch this video:
What I miss on this site are explenations like the link above, or like these:
I agree 100%, Kit. The conservatives and libertarians in the USSA are falling for this limited hangout big time. You don’t have to be WOKE to be stupid (but it does certainly helps.) Here is comment of mine posted on a substack from this past weekend.
The one thing that The Powers That Shouldn’t Be fear is losing their narrative to the truth that SARS-CoV-2 never existed in the first place. While logically you can never prove that something doesn’t exist (the famous Australian black swans), with items of importance, if you claim that something exists, then you must provide evidence, and preferable iron clad evidence.
Lose the existence of SARS-CoV-2, everything else in their narrative swirls down the toilet (where they belong) including the fake covid-19 illness, the fake rt-PCR test, the fake reasons for lockdowns which killed the economy, the fake masks, the fake debate between whether the fake “novel virus” originated with a love match between a bat and a pangolin or the one favored by conservatives, by gain-of-function at the Wuhan Lab of fake Virology, killing people in hospitals by the thousands with Remdesivir and ventilators, and most of all, the need to inject billions of arms around the world with this deliberately toxic, “spike protein” bioweapon. I also recommend a few of Andrew Kaufman MD videos on Bitchute where he deconstructs the methodology of “peer reviewed” papers showing the existence of SARS-CoV-2. These papers collapse into one of Aristotle’s favorite logical fallacies, that of circular reasoning. While as a chemist, they were easier for me to follow, Kaufman is an excellent teacher, and any intelligent person can.
I also highly recommend Sasha Latypova’s (a brilliant pharmaceutical consultant) Power Point presentation that gives very strong evidence that the entire psyop was run by the US Department of Defense, that all the contracts to purchase the vaccines by the DoD never mentioned them as “vaccines” but rather as “countermeasures” so the FDA and CDC had no “legal” right to regulate them, and HHS, the Big Pharma purported manufacturers, and the captured “regulatory agencies” were basically wag the dog frontmen. Do exactly what we order and you will get tons of money and total immunity. In short, the leaders of our military have declared war on the American people.
Dr. Phillip Altman 100% shares the perspective of Sasha Latypova.. Altman and Latypova can easily be described as the “tip of the spear” in the rapidly growing global effort to bring the Fascist eugenicist mass murderers to justice, and eventually to maximum security prisons for the remainder of their pathetic, disgusting, criminally-insane lives…
Dr. Phillip Altman “The (COVID) Game is Up”
There’s a lot of gaslighting towards people who say they had an different illness.
‘Oh you’re just brainwashed by the media – We know there was no new illness because we are so much cleverer’.
Who are we to tell people what they had or didn’t have?
It’s pretty arrogant, and pretty sheep-like as it can’t be proven.
No one can take away your gift to yourself. Unless you choose to give them power to make you trash yourself!
The shock treatment by Media & political corporate lockstep was extreme. To suggest this doesn’t heighten paranoia or sensitivity to any and every thing as a potential threat is silly.
We don’t know that flu is one thing, nor so called covid.
If a seasonal detox is its function, then there can be variations of exposures and sensitivity to exposure, just as to ‘news’ media and political manipulations.
You have your experience and can revise or reinforce it to serve whatever you want.
I see nocebo as the most significant factor, not just acutely as a false pandemic!!! but through Rockefeller grooming, regulator capture, bought science, corruptions of all kinds.
Conditioned expectations running on false definitions and beliefs ‘stamp’ a past onto a future that never is.
Hello SI55: Yup. The denial freaks have pretty well dominated OffGuardian pages for at least the last year. The majority of them have never perused medical journal pages or read peer reviewed studies, which clearly define gain of function research, CRISPER technology, and/or may include technical definitions and characteristics of micro-biological interactions.
They just down vote. Because that seems the popular thing to do…
Wha the hell are you talking about? Whoa.
‘There was NO NEW DISEASE!’ – that is a position I endorse.
All the subsequent strands of the narrative as Patrick H. alludes in his tweet are dependent on the one thing that no one will mention – there is no virus.
Anyone triggered by that claiming they ‘had it’ the only question is – how do you know?
That should nullify the ‘virus is real’ meme as all this was dependent on a PCR test that was not supposed to be used for diagnosis according to its creator and when being run at approx 40-45 cycles is completely useless anyway.
That this has suddenly being floated once again in the media is probably at least to keep the lie in the media that the virus was real and also ramp up pressure on China over its support for Russia.
There was a video on the Schiller Institute in which an interview with a US army General quoted him as saying they were planning for war with China in 2025.
That is an unpopular view here due to the ‘fake binary’ meme but war between Russia and Ukraine isn’t appear real to some either despite the huge casualty numbers reported by objective commentators Ritter and MacGregor.
That’s right!
Exactly, it was a pure psyop that could be controlled and adjusted in real-time for each nation.
It’s very cold & calculating and involves our own ‘leaders’, that’s probably why many still attach to the ‘leak’ narrative.
Well, Catturd, you only got one of them wrong, but it was the most important one.
You don’t ‘we’ for me, cat turd.
Look! Something shiny!
I don’t think pharma ran this operation. They were hired to produce to DARPA specs and market it…and in return make hundreds of billions of dollars. It’s a military operation, as best I can tell, but headed by a network of global financiers. The struggle for control and power is managed behind the scenes.
That’s not the point.
The point is that people clearly see through the bullshit, whoever is running it, and voicing it, albeit in a very careful way.
In other words, the fact that there is no dissent to speak of doesn’t mean that people en masse have swallowed the crap. My guess is that the next time they tried this shit, if they do, they’ll face much harsher opposition.
One one realizes that the whole “novel virus” was a sham and a scam (a rhyming songwriter’s dream), drilling down the rabbit hole, even past DARPA, is important, very important.
It may not have been your point, but I made a point and I think it describes what’s been going on regarding Operation Covid. You may believe that Harrelson let the “cat out of the bag”. I hope you’re right but I’m doubtful.
what Bob down the shops is saying 3 years ago. 3 years later when it is safe to say things which is mainstream fake noise.
Mystery solved!
Having children in their early 20s, or even before 20, was the Old Normal for human race for millions of years. 100 years ago having children at an age of 16 was normal in most countries.
Considering the rise in hearth attacks, I expect new studies showing that women who delay having children also are at risk of hearth attack.
What is so difficult to understand that everybody is at risk of hearth attack in the New Normal? We just need to subsidize The Science with enough money to provide studies for different groups of population which will show what everybody can see: The risk of hearth attacks increased.
Anyone would think that there is an agenda to depopulate! BMGF wouldn’t happen to fund Imperial College, would they?
There. Was. No. Plague.
Declaring that is the final act of cognitive independence.
Well, the FBI head is now pushing it which means surefire lie (remember they pushed Russian hacking in 2016). Fox News reported it and then the Fraud report them which is how the media fake binary works. His evidence?….
“There’s not a whole lot of details I can share that aren’t classified,”
That’s about as blunt a demonstration of contempt as one could (not) wish for.
Other lowlights from this morning in the Fraud:
1) The very rich aren’t really getting richer (the possibility that they might be moving wealth from money into assets isn’t something the Fraud could consider).
2) More organ transplants on the NHS if only they had AI! (can we start with Viner?)
3) The countryside is a “white middle class club” and that has to be changed (they don’t even say it’s true and it isn’t – although I doubt anyone about the Fraud has met the rural poor for decades – but it’s how it “feels”). As Patrick Wood has repeatedly pointed out, the smart city agenda doesn’t mean they’ll leave rural areas alone.
Finally, a pertinent warning of another fake divide they’re bound to push:
The first time I’ve read a Kit Knightly article and not given it 4 to 5 stars. It got just one.
I’ve had Sars-Cov-19 and in my fifty plus years, I’ve had countless flu’s, colds and even Ross River virus.
This was none of these things (although best resembled Ross River). It had very definitive symptoms and is most certainly, if not new, something I’ve never had before.
I don’t know enough to definitively say it was a virus, but it was a new illness to be sure.
I firmly believe whatever it was / is, it was / is man made and thus came from a lab.
Are you out of your mind?
So, your read articles posted here, most of them quite pertinently explaining that SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 are a complete crock of shit, a hoax of historic proportions, total bullshit. Demonstrated using every imaginable way, biologically, statistically, mathematically, logically.
And you say that you “firmly believe” that it was a virus that came from a lab …?
What the fuck?
It’s not a mutually exclusive proposition.
It’s possible that Convid is exactly as you said, and that there is some sort of “virus” or sick making agent in play, running concurrently. TPTB have tools at their disposal that we know little or nothing of.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” — Dubya Bush
I’d be open to that if ALL of the available evidence didn’t say that it’s a bunch of crock.
No, I said I’d suffered an illness, with symptoms unlike any I’d had previously in my many years. The closest being Ross River Fever.
I said I didn’t know if it was new or old, or even if it was a virus, but that I believe it is man made, and thus came from a lab.
It cost me over $40K in lost wages to refuse the jabs.
I spent months campaigning against the government response to a situation that was clearly not a pandemic but a grab for power and control.
I am a strong supporter of Off G and particularly Kit Knightly’s work.
I think he’s wrong when he says this (whatever it is) did not come from a lab.
That’s it, that’s all.
“Ross River virus disease is spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. Most people who get Ross River virus do not feel sick. For those who do get sick, symptoms include joint pain and swelling, muscle pain, fever, tiredness, and rash”
I can’t see how the above symptoms,except from the swelling from the mosquito bite, are different from ifluenza’s and common cold’s.
Anyway, I think that like many of the people who opposing the lockdowns and vaccines you’re falling to the crucial mistake believing that there was really a deadly new virus and a new disease. I bet that you believe that masks do protect.
Masks don’t work. To suggest I think they do, while you insist I think there was a new and deadly virus, when I’ve said no such thing, is gaslighting.
I’ve said I was sick in a way I’ve not been sick before and that while I don’t know if it was even a virus, I believe whatever it was, it was man made in a lab.
That’s it, that’s all.
Go gaslight someone else
Sorry if you see it as gaslighting , this wasn’t my intention. I can see now that the biggest success of ”covid pandemic” psychological manipulation is that the majority of people (even the ones that opposing the lockdowns,masks,”vaccines”) believe that there was and still is a new “disease”.
Wouldn’t it be funny if there were a Convid scamdemic, and there was something else lurking in the background making people sick in a new way?
Well well, so in your 50-odd years you’ve had some illnesses that have resembled each other. “Covid-19”, the “disease” covers all those bases (“definite symptoms”). The rest, as you sagely remark, is your belief. Only your belief, unfounded except on what you’ve been told.
I don’t believe I was sick in a way I’ve never been sick before, I know it.
It’s not based on anything I’ve been told, it’s based on personal experience.
The level of gaslighting in this comment section is truly unbelievable.
As are the strawman arguments and abject failure to read and comprehend my basic assertions.
I was absolutely ill in a way I’ve not been ill before. Fact from personal observation.
The name for the causative agent of this illness is widely known as Sars-Cov19. I didn’t make this name up, it’s just the name this agent has been given.
I’ve said quite plainly, I don’t even know if my illness was caused by any virus.
I do believe it was man made in a lab.
That’s it, that’s all.
They don’t understand because they haven’t experienced it. I too am 50+ and in December 2021 experienced an illness qualitatively different than any past experience. It’s hard to explain because it is such an odd feeling and it literally wiped me out to where I could hardly stand for about a week. I am unvaxxed and refused to participate in any testing so there is no official label to put on my illness. However I will add that all 3 of my children and son in law tested positive at that same time (2 adults and 1 child tested by her mutant stepmonster), following our Christmas gathering. We all experienced lost of taste and smell, which I have still not fully recovered from. I also developed unexplained neuropathy within about 2 months. May be coincidental, maybe not. So I think there is “something” out there and I believe it could be manmade, based on the unusual qualitative differences I experienced. By definition, qualitative is not quantitative and cannot be measured, so all that can really be said is to put forth the odd experience and see how it compares with others. I think it’s sad that we get no credit for being rational humans that do not buy into shots, masking, etc. (I traveled across the country by air at the peak of hysteria in May 2020). We had this perplexing experience and are sharing it, for whatever it’s worth. Wow.
Glad to here you’re not dead.
all planted in your head, otherwise you would just of had a lurgy or dose or whatever.
they told you it was novel.
Rather than thrash you (as most everyone else seems want to do), I would like to point out something which may be far more significant than people give it credit for.
Namely, a person’s physiology changes from time to time – maybe even on a daily basis. So something that affects you a certain way today may very well affect you in a completely different way tomorrow.
The difference could even be great enough to make it seem like a completely different illness.
In September I had “something” which affected me differently from anything before. Regular “cold” symptoms, only different aspects accented. A really bad sore throat, loss of taste – except for salt and sweet, which were hugely exaggerated. It lasted a bit longer than a normal “cold.”
It didn’t affect my appetite, other than the exaggerated saltiness made it torture to eat anything. Nor did it affect my ability to walk the dog. It was just different. But then, I felt different all September anyway. It was just one of those weird, bad months.
Man, that sounds like COVID for sure. Stop resisting! Resistance is futile! Everybody has fecking COVID! Fauci, Turdo, and all of them effers say so!
Get on with the program and off you go to the mall to get your boosters!
Seriously? Just having a “cold” is now proof of having bought into the entire Covid ruse?
True believers scare me – no matter what it is they believe.
Lighten up, man. It was joke!
a joke?!!! don’t be ridiculous, Howard’s a confessed misanthrope,
fuck humour, or any glimmer
bless ye Howard, i mostly agree with much of your discourse…
But all the symptoms of “covid”are mix and match symptoms of influenza and common cold, what symptoms did you have?
Isn’t that obvious?
Massmediosis complicated by scaredshitlessoidis induced by the fear porn.
Stella, this reply is to everyone that has commented on my initial posting.
For the record, I don’t do MSM, I do Off G, Corbett and other similar reputable sources. I also read published studies and can model outbreaks reasonably well.
This was not a pandemic, it was an outbreak (or possibly poisoning) of/by something not particularly devastating (I believe man made in a lab) that was used to further control and power by the powers that shouldn’t be.
Here were my symptoms. I’ll start with the ones I’d not had from any previous cold or flu.
Scratchy throat with no other cold or flu like symptoms for a few days before illness set in.
A fatigue that lasted for weeks, even after I’d otherwise recovered.
A breathlessness I’ve never had before.
Then aches and pains, which closely resembled those from Ross River Virus.
I lost my sense of smell years ago, so I’ve no idea if i’d have suffered that or not.
All I’ve said is that I got ill in a way I’ve never been ill before and I believe the cause (whatever that might be), was man made in a lab.
I find people’s responses here darkly amusing.
I’d have expected a more reasonable response from a crowd at a place like this.
Confirmation bias anyone? 🙂
Thanks for your reply, you ‘ll find mine above. Just to add that as for the mRna “vaccines” and masks , is the same for “covid”disease:For me there isn’t a grey zone, is black or white. 🙂
Thanks Stella,
Might want to leave room for the grey.
Not much I’ve looked into seriously, wound up being black and white.
There remains (whatever the casuitive agent) the possiblity that a new form of illness (disease) emerged at the start of this crap.
I’m going to call it Sars-Cov19, because that’s the name it’s been given, but for all I know, it’s got nothing to do with any strain of any virus, Sars or otherwise.
Maybe we should call it by some other name, but if we did, no one would know what we were talking about.
If it were me, I’d call it New World Bullshit-19.
If they take to trying more than one “emergency” on per year, we’d just call the first New World Bullshit-19A and carry on laughing maniacally.
Best of luck with black and white.
If only life were that simple.
Hello Stoffa: Welcome to the scorched lands of OffGuardian denial. Where untrained imbeciles deny the existence of viral pathogens, multiple level 4 bio-labs, and the research of thousands of microbiologists over the course of a 120 years.
You’ll get used to it…
You conflate the existence of viruses with bio-labs releasing ‘Covid’? That’s a logical leap, and if you were smarter than most here perhaps you’d spot that.
If we are explaining what we see, not what the propaganda machine tells us we see, then many argue there’s no need to even discuss bio labs or diseases. Nothing abnormal in terms of disease was observed. Just generic flu-like symptoms.
There were abnormal changes in propaganda-induced fear, applied epidemiology, clinical diagnosis, healthcare protocols, medical treatments and the social contract which resulted in a few things, including the hippocratic oath temporarily going out of fashion and many people dying avoidable deaths. Despite this, mortality wasn’t high.
And I don’t think bio-labs can cause the above. Unless we’re arguing they can? A2
The staff who operate and experiment within bio-lab facilities, don’t give a damn about your opinion…
Another leap. I never denied that bio labs exist. And I don’t much care whether bio lab employees care about my opinion. Bit of an unusual thing to say, unless you’re using circular logic to support your belief in a bio-engineered pandemic? A2
Well, I agree with almost everything you’ve said. As I’ve heartily agreed with everything I’ve ever previously read by Kit Knightly.
Hopefully, as admin, you can check my star ratings for his previous articles.
What I cannot agree with, because personal harsh experience is the strongest evidence I will ever get, is that I was ill with a “normal disease with generic flu like symptoms.”
This simply was not my experience.
I believe whatever it was, I’ve never been ill like that before and that the agent that cause it, was man made and thus came from a lab.
“never been ill like that before” therefore “(it) was manmade” therefore “(it) came from a lab”..
Schooling Works !
Say no more !
My belief that it was man made comes from dark suspicion of previous efforts at bringing forth “pandemics” to gain control of the population, the obvious planning (over decades) that went into the united global response, and yes, the knowledge that gain of function research was and is conducted to weaponize pathogens.
All of this is very strongly evidenced based information.
I cannot prove my belief, it’s just a logical (to me at least) conclusion based on available evidence.
To say there was no new illness, goes against my very personal experience with being ill with one.
I mean it’s possible it was just a new naturally occuring variant of seasonal flu, I just doubt it. It was too different from any I’ve met in over fifty years of dealing with them.
To say therefore there was nothing cooked up in a lab, is therefore the result of poor reasoning, IMHO.
Simply put, I think Kit is wrong here.
That’s it, that’s all.
Well, of course I don’t question your experience. Although please bear in mind, it is statistically inevitable that some people picked up weird bugs or were sicker than they ever have been before in 2020.
Many argue the scam exploited very normal levels of all-cause mortality and disease. The illusion of a pandemic was created not via exponential spread but by exponential coverage.
Remember the rolling death counters and other surreal, macabre and unscientific things? The hysterical wall of sound generated by the propaganda machines?
We’ve been gaslit for two years.
I modeled this outbreak as it emerged, and quickly determined that it was in no way a pandemic as the term had been previously been used for decades.
At the time (within three months of the first wide report of outbreak), I could not see the event as rising much above a bad flu season, if at all.
I did not get “vaccinated” and that cost me over $40k in lost earnings.
“statistically inevitable that some people picked up weird bugs or were sicker than they ever have been before in 2020.”
I know this article is aging fast, as all information does, but no, just no.
Not sicker, I’ve been far more ill in the past.
This time I was ill in a very different way, strongly suggesting a different causative agent.
“Some people”. Sam are you shitting me?
Put together an online poll, available to only Off G viewers.
Ask them if they’ve had a flu like illness that is unlike any they’ve had before in the last 24 months.
Even in that gaslighting, straw-man BS pedaling bunch of simpletons (Sorry all, just an angry reaction to the comment section of this article alone), you will get a positive “blip” at the very least, that any epidemiologist would take seriously.
Kit’s article says there was no new disease, and thus, it could not have come from a lab.
My personal experience says otherwise, and for the many and various reasons, Off G regularly reports, I do not believe this NEW illness was natural, and thus was created in a lab.
Not necessarily a bio lab, for all I know Beyer are trying out the latest version of Round Up and it’s caused mayhem.
But Occam’s razor says it was likely a new (or variant of existing) viral disease.
No apologies whatsoever to those that don’t believe in them.
Go force your way into a level 4 bio lab and sniff the contents of the demon in the freezer. See how you’re both received, and if you make it, how that works out for you.
It’s got nothing to do with bio labs or suggesting viruses don’t exist. It’s simply got to do with looking at the stats, as you suggest.
People are looking at the epidemiology and there isn’t a meaningful ‘blip ‘ indicating a new disease. There are many factors you’re choosing to leave out, and applying a fallacy of single cause.
I think you’re misapplying occum’s razor too.
As I said, statistically it’s pretty much inevitable you’re going to get sick in a new way at some point in your life. So it’s not very meaningful in a broader sense, but I concede it has influenced your perspective.
There are other unprecedented factors you ignore, like levels of broadband anxiety caused by an unprecedented propaganda fear campaign.
But believe what you want.
I have not seen many people on here coming from your perspective, but obviously you’re entitled to your opinion, if you‘re happy to keep it in context and not over apply it. A2
“it is statistically inevitable that some people picked up weird bugs or were sicker than they ever have been before in 2020.” This kind of idle speculation about epidemiology, which you clearly know nothing about yet speak as though you are an expert, has no place in the contextualising of an article that addresses an issue of this gravity and this degree of sensitivity. Are you prepared to give us a run-down of the statistics – historical averages for the appearance of ‘weird bugs’ and all – that have influenced your opinion so fundamentally?
“There are no lab leaks. There is deliberate deployment of bio-chemical warfare agents, toxins of various kinds, including nano-scale particles by which materials that are not terribly harmful can become much more so. This deployment can be done via aerosols, formulations in food, transdermal, etc.”
Sasha Latypova has already been mentioned here.
Also look for Jon Rappoport. This article is from Feb. 2020.
It’s 5G.
Actually, it’s a new case in the Hekigan-Roku …
Now they’ve got 6G in the works (DARPA, i.e.). Already being tested. The test subjects are themselves the antennae (wearing special copper bracelets).
Human 6G Antennas? ‘One of the Worst Ideas Ever,’ Critic Says – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Nobody finds it odd that the Department of Energy is suddenly tasked with investigating viruses and that anyway at the bottom of the article are the words “low probability”.No word on the timing of the resurrection of this version of the scamdemic narrative?
-China is baaaad and evil and a digital dystopia waaaay worse than ours even if they never had a national injection mandate or injection based qr codes.
-China is NATO’s enemy
-South China Sea and Taiwan belong to NATO
-China is baaaad
-China uses 19th century balloons to spy on NATO
-Chinese eat batsoup for breakfast, lunch and dinner
-China steals our technology, jobs and manufacturing
-China spies on its 1.4 billion cities 24/7 watching their every move, every time they jawalk or take their garbage out
-China is eeeeeevil
-China is “most probably” providing arms to Russia
-China our worst enemy and ultimate target is too friendly with our second worst enemy Russia. Both these countries need to be broken up, regime changed, colour revolutioned. If they’re going to to a digital dystopia, they need to be in NATO digital hell.
Did I miss anything?
Is this geopolitical take simply overlooking the state of economic accord between nation states we witnessed in 2020? Perhaps we need to update our geopolitical lens? A2
It could be the Dept. of Agriculture because of farm animals, Dept. of Home Secuity because of surveilance, etc.
China’s peace plan means China may give armaments to Russia, because every MSM outlet says so.
Department of Energy:
Five G?
They cheat at cards and kick their dogs as well. Complete bounders.
This is why I support this site. Actual clear thinking with a good grasp of the nature of power. Long may it last, there a very few places that have it.
Kudos Kit to you and Off-G for being ahead of both Saker and b at Moon of Alabama: they’re both still swallowing the covid swindle, apparently. At least here the crew recognise: there was NO pandemic (and therefore no substance to the lab-leak tosh); just a repurposed and propaganda-inflated normal seasonal flu, leading to a quite deliberate, gob-smacking reduction in economic activity, and then to the hugely-profitable poison-stabs. Both the excellent Andrei and the equally excellent bernhard still won’t see that. “It’s always easier to fool a man than to persuade him that he’s been fooled.”
Pity Off-G is so wrong-headed about ‘all in it together’. Still everyone always has their blind-spots: law of human psychology; all too often, emotional attachment trumps cool Vulcan logic. We’re emotion-governed creatures from way back, but with an optional-use reasoning-capability as a late add-on. 🙂
PS: I wonder what my blind-spots are? Perhaps someone could enlighten me. 😂
Well, clearly OffG would say it was your too-hasty reversion to a 20th Century political model, after most nation states clearly were ‘all in it together’ over Covid. 😅 A2
I would hesitate to read too much into the worldwide agreement on Covid. After all, where there’s money there’s corruption – and by many accounts the IMF and World Bank were right there handing it out to every nation that went along with the ruse. (Belarus didn’t get any: Lukashenko lives. Tanzania got some only after its President was caused to die.)
But, strange to say, the IMF and World Bank don’t seem to be doling the money out to nations which promise to live peacefully with their neighbors.
Ron Unz ( claims to be at the forefront of the lab leak from US theory. He supports the jabs. His explanations and replies resort selective disinerest, confidence in experts, what he heard from acquaintances, etc.Some writers he hosted derided this. At least 2 have left.
I was banned, from posting on MoA, merely for registering a tepid criticism of the reaction to ‘Covid.’ Bernhard has really dug in on the matter.
FWIW, although I used to check in daily and comment occasionally, I fled Bernhard and MoA early on– probably in March, 2020, just after the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic was launched.
I was incredulous, then horrified, when B. jumped on the scamdemic bandwagon with both feet. As I recall, it was more than just a matter of his taking the scamdemic narrative at face value; he virtually ranted about the necessity of “testing” the entire population as expeditiously as possible, and sorting out the “infected” from the “uninfected”.
B. also argued that the persons who “tested positive” should be, without exception, sequestered and quarantined en masse; he actually suggested that the “infected” should be detained indefinitely in sports arenas and stadiums.
I can’t say that it was so off the wall that at first I thought he was being sarcastic; it was clear that he thought he was being serious, especially when he began aggressively and bumptiously censoring comments that either directly or indirectly questioned his lunatic perspective.
I’ve since seen comments claiming that he’s still the “old” Bernhard when it comes to non-scamdemic geopolitical analysis. If they say so– but once I saw the mask drop, I moved on without regret.
still worth a skank, so was saker,
doesn’t make them some bible, or a skanker a disciple..
saker had some excellent guest articles.Yes.
anyway, i agree- they lost cred with the Plandemic, but we all cannot meet on everything, even when we think we should.
There is another point here. And that is, that they deviate for the first time from the zoonosis hypotheses they used in all other fakedemics. This is the first time that there is supposedly an alternative (fake) explanation for a fakedemic.
A fakedemic needs the singular event. It does not work without this singular event. There must be something completely new, because otherwise according to the laws of evolution the human species would have adapted to the thread in the cause of evolution. To pose a threat to humans the virus must be completely new to humans. That is the hypothesis, which by itself is questionable since every autumn and winter there is a seasonal wave of new virus variants.
Until 2022 only a zoonosis was allowed by main stream science for this singular event. There is no proof for a zoonosis in any of the fakedemics in the last 40 years.
It was neither a zoonosis nor a lab leak in the divers swine flu and avian flu fakedemics, the MERS fakedemic, the SARS(1) fakedemic, the BSE fakedemic back to the HIV fakedemic. (HIV is a harmless passenger virus).
It was no zoonosis or lab leak in the case of the monkey pox fakedemic.
It is just make-believe that cost millions of lives, especially in the case of HIV where the highly toxic AZT (Zidovudine) was used against HIV (not AIDS!) in dosages of up to 1800 mg per day(!). Nobody can survive 1,8 g AZT per day over months.
After HIV the theory was that it was in all cases a zoonosis from an animal. One could not declare another fakedemic and come up with a different explanation without questioning HIV. There is no proof for a zoonosis or a lab leak in any of these fakedemics. It was just killer-virus-fearmongering based on bogus tests. In the case of HIV genetic analysis requires at least 13 almost simultaneous zoonoses from 3 different species of apes and monkeys around 1930 in Central Africa. That’s a hell of a coincidence.
But HIV was the blueprint for all other fakedemics. Main stream science never deviated from the unproven zoonosis hypothesis, because any doubt on the zoonosis hypothesis in the other fakedemics would have questioned this hypothesis for HIV, too. After the many deaths caused by AZT and many other highly toxic substances like Didanosine, Stavudine, Fosamprenavir, Indinavir, Nelfinavir, Saquinavir or Tipranavir (all taken from the market) that was not possible.
The reflex was that the SARS-CoV2 fakedemic was a zoonosis, too, also to protect the other fakedemics. They still don’t know from what animal.
The lab leak theory for SARS-CoV2 is as false as the zoonosis theories in the other fakedemics. It is supposed to make the population believe that science could do that. Besides it offers an opportunity to discuss these fake alternatives for the next 30 years and to keep up the false idea that there was a singular event. In this special case it also blames China, which is politically desired, for the moment. That can change fast.
In the case of SARS-CoV2 there is for the first time data how the virus was supposed to spread from one point (Wuhan). However, this data is not consistent. There is ample proof that SARS-CoV2 was in Europe well before December 2019. So, no singular event.
The one article that supported the view that there was no singular event, in this case for the Omicron variant in Africa, was retracted. According to this work Omicron developed gradually all over Africa. That mechanism questions the singular event also for Wuhan.
The article was blitz-retracted 4 weeks after publication because allegedly the results could not be reproduced due to impurities in the samples (Christian Drosten is co-author).
• [RETRACTED] Fischer et al., “Gradual emergence followed by exponential spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in Africa”, Science, 1 Dec 2022,
„Our data suggest prolonged and geographically widespread evolution of Omicron ancestors in patients across Africa. Although partial evolution of Omicron ancestors in immunocompromised individuals or non-human animals cannot be excluded, Omicron did not evolve in a single infection event according to our continent-wide data.”
Main stream science blitz-retracted this article when they became aware that it questions the story of the singular event. And the work of 87 scientists from 42 institutes and labs worldwide (25 labs delivered data) was the victim of impurities in the samples. That is a pretty wide spread for impurities, 25 labs. Does international science have a problem with impurities?
This whole virus mania is a human catastrophe. People were killed by science. People are killed by science.
People aren’t killed by science. They are killed by technology. In some appropriate and accurate definitions, there’s a difference…
How about, people kill people, by science and/or technology.
Could we now talk about the killing part or do we stick with the science vs. technology part?
About that killing part: >
PLANDEMIC Elites BROKE Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act: Author Of 1989 Law: COVID IS A BIOWEAPON!
February 26, 2023
PLANDEMIC Elites BROKE Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act: Author Of 1989 Law: COVID IS A BIOWEAPON! (
Of course there will be the usual ridicule of Stew Peters and defamation of Francis A. Boyle. That way, no one has to do anything about it legally, ethically, or morally…
It is not the virus that kills. The putative medication kills. That holds true for all fakedemics back to HIV.
For COVID-19, countries or US states with little or no measures, like Sweden or Florida, had in 2020 (before any injection was available) the least excess mortality. The excess mortality rose with the injections.
In case of HIV it was AZT that killed persons that had been defined as HIV+ by bogus tests in the 1980s.
COVID-19 passed Africa completely by, though no injections were available in Africa. If COVID-19 came from gain-of-function research, there would be no reason to worry about this research.
The bioweapon hype serves only the purpose to keep up the killer-virus-fearmongering and to secure pharma profits.
The killing part is that there is no proof for bioweapons, lab leaks or a zoonosis for any of the fakedemics in the last 40 years. But there is ample proof for the severe adverse effects of the medications.
People suffer from severe, sometimes lethal adverse effects, while the pharma industry makes hundreds of billions of dollar in profits from the virus fearmongering.
If you are capable of withstanding the onslaught of James “Waterfall of Words” Corbett’s verbiage and actually listen to all the shit he says, there is, here and there, an interesting bit worth checking out.
In that vein, he suggested some time ago that people not only beware of swallowing at face value the narrative weaved by the fucks behind the mass media (that’s kinda a given), but also refrain from formulating their own views based on negating the official narrative. Meaning that negating all the horseshit is correct, but one’s view should revolve around denying some bullshit propaganda.
Instead, people must pursue their own narrative. In other words, don’t make refuting propaganda your world view. Fuck all that shit. Formulate your worldview based on what you believe is right and based on meaningful exchanges with other similarly minded people.
Put your head around the simple fact that the entire establishment, society, politics, democracy, all that shit is out-and-out corrupt, completely full of shit. Perhaps the outer structure of the institutions is still there, but the insides are filled up to the brim with putrid manure, decaying matter, unspeakable shit. Can it be drained, sanitized, purged, rebuilt? I don’t know. Probably not. Certainly not using the “standard” mechanisms, like the farcical election exercise.
My opinion is that people need to start looking beyond the world as we know it. Imagine a different existence, different raison d’etre. In doing so, I strongly recommend considering issues of actual substance, the actual tangible relationship between man and the physical world, not just the abstract concepts wherewith we’ve fucked up our brains.
Anyways, when I see people discuss shit like the lab leak theory, it’s like looking at stuff through the wrong side of a telescope. Shit like that is completely below my discernment ability. What the fuck does it matter?
You make some pertinent points Kurt, but no one can spend all their time with Plotinus, Plato, Krishnamurti, Kropotkin, Bach or Beethoven.
The rainbows of Life and living have many, many colours and hues.
Other fakedemics preceded AIDS/HIV.
So where does all of this leave the poor pangolins…….will they just be forgotten about again?
They’re getting scaled back 🙄
“This is just the latest step in the lab-leak theory’s remarkable journey from fringe idea to mainstream position”
And remarkably like the UFO narrative….
When looking for the truth, find out what you’re not allowed to say
In today’s worlds it is find out what you’re not allowed to write.
The censor thought police under the guise of pending, spam approval.
“Shut up, or else!”
I’m glad someone else remembers that name. What a tragedy.
Jacques Attali. The real global mastermind behind the great reset…
‘The engine of markets and democracy, The Panic, the sheeplike process by which each imitates the other for fear of being marginalized and left behind isnot a malfunction of Western civilization but its very essense.’ should re-publish the absolutely-relevant, astounding article on highly-influential French economist Jacques Attali immediately, especially in light of the mind-numbing, prophetic excerpt from Attali’s best-selling 2011 book (from the Rair Foundation’s article):
“In the next fifty years, new technologies will be developed by armies before being used on the civilian market. For defense or police needs, governments will finance the research needed for the perfection of the technologies of hyper surveillance and self-surveillance. Inversely, these technologies will then have civil applications.
“In fact, these future weapons will essentially be founded on the concept of surveillance. Armies will at once develop digital infrastructures of nomadic ubiquity, surveillance systems for suspect movements, the means of protecting strategic installations, and a network of economic intelligence. Robots (concealed in enemy territory) and drones (flying robots) will relay data, detect chemical or biological agents, and serve as scouts ahead of infantry detachments faced with mined areas or blind spots. Software simulating battle will be permanently updated as close as possible to the battlefields.
“Furthermore, new combat units will be integrated with the means of simulation, surveillance, and striking. New networks and instruments of nomadic ubiquity will allow combatants to stay connected and simulate every kind of situation. Intelligent clothing will serve to manufacture new uniforms; new materials will make it possible to design new shields. Three-dimensional simulation technologies will help prepare and carry out combat missions, while robots will work as substitutes for real fighters.
“Electronic systems (e-bombs) will be able to destroy communications grids and leave an opposing force blind and deaf.
“Marines will play a new part in the fight against trackers, in emigration surveillance, and in the protection of strategic straits. Fighter aircraft will no longer be as useful as today, and will lose their influence over staff thinking and military budgets.
New, so-called conventional weapons will be all the more necessary as unconventional weapons (nuclear and other) become more and more widely disseminated.
[…] By 2040 or 2050, a total of more than fifteen countries will openly possess nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.
“Shortage of oil will also impel the most diverse countries toward the production of civil nuclear power stations. This will lead them to use recycled wastes, known as MOX, for fuel — further multiplying the risks of proliferation and also of “disappearance” of wastes (during the transfer of these radioactive materials). Such wastes could then be used to manufacture radiological weapons mingling nuclear wastes and conventional explosives.
Other weapons — chemical, biological, bacteriological, electronic, and nanotechnological — will then appear. As with the new civil technologies they will prefigure, scientists will strive to increase their power, their miniaturization, and their accuracy. Chemical arms will be capable of seeking out and killing leaders without being detected; pandemics could be ready for unleashing at will; complex genetic arms may one day be directed specifically against certain ethnic groups.
“Nanorobots as small as a mote of dust, known as gray jelly, could carry out stealth surveillance missions and attack the cells of enemy bodies. Then, once animal cloning techniques have progressed, cloned animals could well carry out missions — living animal bombs, monsters out of nightmare.
“These weapons will not be developed solely in the military laboratories of powerful countries but also by big businesses, “circus businesses,” which will find new markets for them. As always, armaments will remain at the heart of the industrial apparatus, and until super-empire is here, public markets will be essentially oriented toward the armaments sector. Big insurance firms and mercenary companies will then pick up the torch.
“Most of these weapons will be accessible to small nations, to nonstates, to corsairs, to pirates, mercenaries, maquisards, mafias, terrorists, and every kind of tracker. In the not distant future, for example, it will be possible to make an e-bomb for $400 from a condenser, a reel of copper wire, and an explosive. Chemical, radiological, and biological weapons will thus be affordable to everyone. Killing more and more people with rudimentary means will become a sad possibility. In cities and on mass transport, crowding will multiply the effectiveness of the most primitive weapons.
“Finally (and perhaps especially), since no war can be won unless the peoples waging it believe it just and necessary, and unless the loyalty of citizens and their belief in its values are maintained, the chief weapons of the future will be the instruments of propaganda, communication, and intimidation.”
You authors of Off-G never get it, do you? Who gives a s—t about the facts? What’s important here is that even the dumbest normie of them all now knows that their government colluded with social media to LIE TO THEM. A baldfaced lie.
That’s the importance of this week’s revelations, not your lawyer mentality as if someone is gonna take this to court.
One would assume there are a significant number of attorneys from around the Earth who read, and consider it one of their primary sources for true information.. Perhaps, after viewing the documentary film which many now perceive as the Most Important Documentary Film Ever Made, “Never Again Is Now Global”, one (or many more) of those attorneys/Off-Guardian readers will find the powerful spiritual motivation to, indeed, “…take this (brutal, ruthless premeditated mass murder) case to court”…
“Never Again is Now Global” – Full 5 hours