The UK is “rationing” vegetables…& it’s all about normalization
Kit Knightly

The past few days have seen certain fruits and vegetables “rationed” by major UK supermarkets. Aldi, Morrisons, Tesco and Sainsbury’s have all put limits on customer purchases of peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers.
Just yesterday, Lidl added their own name to that list.
Many – including Justin King, former Sainsbury’s CEO – have jumped at the chance to lay the blame at Brexit’s feet.
But that doesn’t make much sense, since Morrocco – whence the UK imports a lot of salad vegetables – obviously isn’t in the EU. Further, Ireland has been affected too, plus we’re only 5 months removed from France (and other EU nations) facing their own “catastrophic food shortages”
The other side of the Brexit divide is firmly set on blaming any shortages on the weather. Of course, that’s also helpful to the establishment narrative since the “bad weather” angle can be swiftly and easily parlayed into discussions about climate change. In fact, it already has been.
The real reason there are shortages – supposing there are real shortages, not just psy-op nonsense like the toilet paper fiasco at the beginning of the “pandemic” – is that, one way or another, they have been engineered.
How to create a tomato shortage…
1) Tell people there’s a tomato shortage.
2) People panic buy tomatoes.
3) There’s a tomato shortage.
Don’t be part of it folks.— Dr Zoe Harcombe, PhD (@zoeharcombe) February 27, 2023
The cost of producing, harvesting and transporting all crops has spiked because the cost of oil and gas was deliberately inflated. The cost of growing crops has increased because there is a “shortage” of fertiliser – likewise purposefully created.
Both of these are “blamed” on the war in Ukraine, but both the energy crisis and fertiliser crisis predate the war in Ukraine (see here and here). We covered this in detail last spring when “food shortages” first hit the headlines.
Speaking of Ukraine, it’s currently easier to get tomatoes in war-torn Kherson than in London. That’s the reality we’re being presented with.
No tomato shortage here – but I’m in Kherson, a frontline Ukrainian city that gets shelled by the Russians daily, not a British supermarket.
— Lindsey Hilsum (@lindseyhilsum) February 23, 2023
In short, the rationing is just another narrative that doesn’t make internal sense. It’s due to Brexit but isn’t. It’s due to the weather, but not everywhere. It’s in some stores and not others and apparently in some places but not others and supposedly only affecting major supermarkets.
According to one farmer, these supermarkets could make up the shortfall in imports by buying domestically grown produce, but are refusing to incur those costs. Further evidence that the food shortage narrative must be serving a purpose.
And all the while empty shelves and rationing are being normalised.
Neil Oliver nailed it in his most recent monologue:
They’re rationing tomatoes in the supermarkets. We’re told it’s about supply chains, bad weather and the price of heating, but right now, in terms of the messaging, I suspect it’s more about pushing the word – rationing. Less about any believable shortage of food and more about getting us used to hearing the word.
No doubt, if experience is anything to go by, the rest will come later. My money says the rationing app for our smartphones is already sitting on a hard drive somewhere, ready when we are.
For now, it’s more of a familiar process of psychological manipulation. Get us acquainted with the general idea of food scarcity so that we’re well-primed when the planned reality is unrolled.
We were given the same treatment with words like “lockdown” and “pandemic”, “mandate” and “denier”. Nudge, nudge. Rationing is a word from our parents’ and grandparents’ generation, a bit like “War in Europe” and “Fascist” and now they’re back in fashion once more. Rationing, I ask you, while the landfills swell with fresh food dumped every day.
That’s all it’s about. And it is carefully calculated.
Just as Roald Dahl is the first little taste of retroactive censorship – made acceptable by both his controversial legacy and the fact he wrote for children – this is the thin end of the rationing wedge. It’s just tomatoes, after all. No hardship is it?
And yet the head of the UK’s Farmers Union said it would likely get worse, calling it “the tip of the iceberg” (he wasn’t even making a lettuce pun, which is an awful wasted opportunity).
Maybe we should all eat insects or lab-grown paste instead of importing vegetables, amiright?
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tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber – all out of season salad crops for the uk, so they’re imported – like a lot of the other out of season veg and soft fruits at this time of year. Eat seasonally, shop as local as you can at markets and (real) farmers markets – and grow your own. Stop being nudged & controlled!
Food has always been rationed in the UK – because it is ridiculously overpriced or at least distorted. Tomatos are a good example, since they can be produced locally and, being one of the more pricey vegetables (strictly a fruit), can also be imported.
They are plentiful here in Georgia, at 6 lari or 2 pounds a kilo.
The supermarket chains – the families behind Sainsbury and Tesco in particular – have acted as scalpers, and the British have fallen behind it, defining themselves by where they shop.
It is not Britons’ fault, however, For that you must go back to two world wars that destroyed the eating habits of two generations – in the case of WW2 rationing was artificially extended until 1954.
Central bank digital currencies, being a form of voucher at the plantation store, will by definition be ration coupons. This is conditioning.
Nope 1940-1 US went on rationing with corn food products sugar substitutes. Our allotments farming etc and war time staple rationing finally Depending Where you lived came to a close into 1954 ISH!
Learn by listening dummy,..some of us know when WE were born Europeans to note disinformation shitters.
And btw wherever you are together as Allies conjointely with The United States feed and taught Your Welcome., shite Opinioned “British” Rubbish.
But WE do have great BUG BUGERS!
Crazy in NSW as well. Shortage of spuds, partly, apparently because of tiff between Woolies and potato farmers over increased production costs for growers and apparently the supermarket want the supply at the old price which the farmers can’t afford to do. Result for fish & chip shops: precut bulk chips for frying are sourced from the US. They are a good chip but a scandal that the spuds have to be airfreighted in from America. Stone the crows. Chip spuds from America. What next for Aussies?
NSW selling the fake potatoe famine,
BTW Most veg and fruit is airfreighted from one part of the world to another in some cases apples from the UK are sent to Africa to get waxed then brought back ago to be placed in warehouses to be sold over the year, so normal folks can have apples all year around.
With respect mate. potatoes are the worse sprayed crop and most GM’ds hence why they put shit like that in the community s.
“The real reason there are shortages – supposing there are real shortages, not just psy-op nonsense like the toilet paper fiasco at the beginning of the “pandemic” – is that, one way or another, they have been engineered.”
I suppose that, since prepper information 101 seems to have been mostly censored/erased down the memory hole, it isn’t surprising that people come instead with the cheap conspiracy theories that aren’t even worth the electricity it takes to light the pixels in your screen.
OK, this is shortages 101:
So, what do you really want to do about vegetable shortages?
If it’s possible for you at all, get a greenhouse and grow some vegetables. Clearly, not everybody has this option, but it’s by far the healthiest and most environmentally-friendly one.
If not, just buy different vegetables to the ones that there are shortages of. If the shortage is across the board and there are few fresh vegetables of any sort, buy jars or tins of vegetables. They don’t have the same nutritional value as fresh vegetables, but they’re better than not eating any vegetables at all.
Alternatively, don’t eat vegetables, get unhealthy, and believe that it’s all a psy-op. From a prepper perspective, it’s best if the stupid people engage in behaviour that is likely to kill them earlier. Less competition if things get really hairy. But it’s very, very important that you keep these conspiracy beliefs to yourself and that you are very strict in reducing all vitamins from your diet. We preppers don’t want you to screw with any of our family or friends, thank you very much. Kill yourself quickly and without much fuss, please.
Given that we’re a nation that hardly produces much at all, which barely even has a labour force, certainly not one capable of working farms and factories, which is committed to endless wars and debt, which alienates countries on which we are dependent, which has a suicidal green energy policy and very expensive energy, which depends on the pound sterling being globally tradeable, a luxury unlikely to continue for much longer, which is busily destroying itself as a society, which faces the greatest public health disaster in history and is mired in complacency in the face of all this, it doesn’t take much of a conspiracy to make things a lot worse than they already are: The downward spiral has begun and they’d struggle stop it even if they wanted to!
Shuuush! You’ll wake the vegetables…
Heh, heh… Welcome to Yemen…
The UK outright banned the truth at the start of one of their most successful recent terrorist campaigns.
If we just went back to seasonal products as in pre EU bollocks we could be self sufficient and not need any trade deals.
Tesco and Aldi are limiting customers to 33 units of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers
33 cucumbers, blimey the Masons will be well chuffed!
What..? They got covid marshall inspecting your shopping trolley.?
I did once buy half a kilo of tomatoes that cost more than half a kilo of gold…in Switzerland.
I hardly think a temporary shortage of tomatoes, cukes and peppers in a few large chains which usuailly buy bulk at very low prices is something to write home about. Cukes are available where I live but at the tail end of winter I can’t afford to buy this summer vegetable in March. Tomatoes and peppers are pretty damn expensive too, compared to say carrots and cabbage.
While showing the tweet of a Channel 4 propandist who reminds us that Kherson is being shelled daily because of course the Donbass has not been shelled daily by Ukraine for nine years and counting.
Your last sentence: Noticed that, too.
Your first sentence is a lie.
The rest of your message is denial that (the objective fact) uk supermarkets are “rationing” products “isn’t a big deal” because of some made up nonsense you have personally experienced
Opinions are like arseholes
Yes YPB, I thought that’s what you were. Thanks for the confirmation. 😂
It should be pretty obvious by now that the global parasite class is trying to kill us one way or another, wating for the revolution is the equivilant of a rabbit in the headlights, be proactive, grow some food, your life may depend on it.
If you think you have an excuse not to, you lack imagination, or just the will to do it.
We’re self sufficient in staples for 2 people, and we’re upping our game aiming for 80% self sufficiency in food, from only 48 sqM of raised beds, and 7 sqM for compost making. We preserve a fair bit in jars with a pressure cooker, also getting into fermenting, we don’t have a freezer yet either.
I was surprised to find you can get greens year round in the UK with a bit of good planning (Asian greens, lambs lettuce, other brassicas in winter etc), this chap is based in the NW in St Anns, supplies a weekly crop to 26 members of his family from 2 allotments and a small garden, probably the most efficient veg gardener I’ve seen in 20yrs of growing, this is his comprehensive free ebook, his YT channel is very informative too, weather you’re a new gardener or very experienced there’s somthing for all levels IMO.
Although I’ve been growing 20 yrs, in the last few years there have been major insights into regerarative soil science, I think we’re up to 7 different spcies of N fixing microbes besides the well known Legumous species, some live on roots, some inside roots, and even some inside plant tissues, obviously these cannot be utilised in conventional agriculture since conventional methods destroy the soil biota. There are a lot of microbial innoculant type products coming to market off the back of this research, but with some digging (lol) you can find easy methods to make your own, Korean Natural Farming is way ahead in this respect, diversity, no dig/till, and covering the soil with living roots or at least compost year round (mimiking nature) is the key.
Making Lactic Acid Bacteria serium for the garden (if you have clay
soil this stuff is like magic, tho good for any soil type) making LAB
also got us into cheese making.
For anyone interested in the health implications of ‘gut biota’ the similarities with diversity of soil biota should be obvious, if you’re unaware of this, look for lectures on “Quorum Sensing” by Dr Christine Jones on Youtube, mind blowing stuff.
Grow on.
Very well said, Pete, Kudos!
We are plagued by monkeys. So until I put up a hot house to protect what I grow, I still rely on the farmers supply to the supermarkets.
Fortunately, living on the Natal South Coast, we don’t have shortages of fresh vegetables. Our only concern is the inflation and the horrendous cost of said product. Pensions not keeping up. The ANC has all but destroyed SA.
The importance of fossil fuels, part 4031:
Not so long ago there were no peppers, tomatoes or cucumbers to be found in the UK during the winter, what made this possible in recent times?
I buy my vegetables from a farm shop. Currently, they have no peppers, tomatoes or cucumbers for sale – simply because they are not winter vegetables! There are plenty of other vegetables you can eat during the winter months. The talk of rationing is just crazy (like so many other scares in recent years).
The food is shite anyway. Even the fresh stuff isn’t great. Eat organic for a week and you’ll know what I mean. Tasteless garbage.
The people want change but won’t change themselves. It’s ironic really. Give me fire, and then I’ll add the wood!
Stop going to supermarkets. Buy as local as possible.
The supermarkets running out of food might seem like a nightmare, but maybe this is the only way people will change their eating habits.
Propaganda blames rising costs (“inflation”) and shortages on
– Wages that are too high.
– Disruption in supply caused by industrial disaster, weather (climate change), epidemic (covid), distant war (Ukraine), etc.
The true causes include these:
– Massive “stimulus” from central bank to rescue private banks under the guise of aiding the productive economy. This the major factor. It leads to asset price inflation followed by the next economic boom and crash.
– Rigged competition including oligopoliess, privilege (extraction of unearned income), propaganda to cause panic buying, price gouging, gigantism, poor choice of products and inefficiency.
– Dismissing domestic alternatives to favour imports.
– Extreme rise in income of the wealthiest, warping prices.
– Government incompetence, waste (including useless projects to benefit cronies) and corruption (including privatisation).
– Imperialism including tariffs, embargoes and coercion to accept usurious loans.
You forgot “going direct” with their trial run of UBI aka furlough.
Reason number 1.) “Dismissing domestic alternatives to favour imports.”
The UK has been a net importer of food for at least 150 years. When was the last time the United Kingdom’s balance of trade was positive? The UK populace is parasitic, period.
Any country should promote and support domestic products and services. That goes against the dogma of globalism and the tyranny of “free trade agreements”. Simple examples of goods affected include milk and (sustainable) timber
Nah, it’s all just an eggsistential threat!
According to the author of ‘Consciousness of Sheep’, the food shortages are due to the effects of lockdowns on supply chains. He gives some good examples of this.
Government is trying to blame brexit and Putin (the current favourite scapegoats) for food shortages, but main reason is the result of lockdowns and their devastating effects on many businesses.
Btw for home gardening if you’re short of fertilizer, cut down any old weed, or use grass clippings, soak them in a bucket of water till very tinky. The brown liquid is a pretty good fertilizer. And of course you want to keep any vegetable kitchen or yard scraps to mix w a little soil to make compost. (Good breeding ground for bugs for your chickens too)
Caged rabbits are a pretty good source of meat, although it’s very lean. You might want to start practicing with both chickens & rabbits– find out what wild forage they can eat– or what you can grown for them.
Comfrey plants cut off at ground level (don’t worry: they’re tough as hell and grow back easily) make the queen of fertiliser teas. Just stick the whole plants in a tub, fill with water and wait a week. As it matures and gets deeper brown over time, and more and more farmyard-smelling, water it down ten of plain water to one of tea, and water onto your plants: complete ace plant food!
We are never short of fertilizer! We use human urine. Get over the “yuck” factor. It’s easy to collect and easy to use and has not only an almost perfect NPK ratio, but loads of micronutrients too. Just make sure to dilute it 5:1 with water. Of course don’t use it if you have a urinary infection or other disease.
There is no fertilizer shortage as long as humans are peeing
And crapping, Edith. I use a composting loo on my boat, and empty the bucket into my on-shore composting bins. Rich black chernozem comes out of them in about a year. Brilliant stuff. Being a man living aboard solo, I can separate my pee into a separate container, and water that straight onto my beds. Lawrence Hills of the famous Henry Doubleday Research Association – now ‘Garden Organic’ at Ryton, near Coventry, Britain – reminds that it was known formerly by the euphemism ‘household liquid fertiliser’… 🙂
One of the first things Vietnam did after driving out the invaders was to design a simple toilet. It featured a concrete slab – maybe over a pit – that rerouted urine to a container for immediate use in farming.
Thank you Rhisiart & Edith. Improvements over my haphazard method.
the international rules based order gives then the freedom to plunder the planet. why they are not asserting the right to loot* a little more?
* loot apparently is a word borrowed from the Indian language
gives *Britain the freedom to plunder
Something else that is happening is that people are being conditioned to be humiliated and degraded.
It began post 9/11, with the US TGA airport screening – removing shoes, belts and jewellery, full body image scanning, pat downs etc.
Covid enabled businesses to turn away those who were unvaccinated and the unmasked incurred the wrath of the fervent mask wearers.
Some books in US middle schools describe sex acts most adults wouldn’t even have thought of.
And the reduction in foodstuffs gets people used to doing without in a more meagre lifestyle. But if you’d like to try some alternative foodstuffs new to the market…
Alas! Due to the miracle of cognitive dissonance, most people unconsciously avail themselves of the “workaround” of denying that they are being humiliated and degraded.
By “denying”, I don’t mean overtly and explicitly denying, if you see what I mean– although if confronted, I expect that the more occluded the person, the more they would vehemently dispute the charge.
I mean that they are, by and large, Normals who are Normally programmed or conditioned to tell themselves that they are simply prudently and pragmatically adjusting and adapting to requirements over which they have no say or control.
For instance, my sibling and her spouse travel by air now and then– in recent years, mostly to visit their grandchildren living out of state. They’ve never complained, or even criticized, the totally bogus TSA hoop-jumping circus in place since 2001.
They are happy to comply and submit. Even though they don’t make a fuss about it, or boast about their willingness to submit to TSA nonsense and Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic fetishes, in a way they are nominally proud of their capacity to function and do what they want to do without getting hung up on the inconvenient and troublesome implications of their submissiveness.
The West has more or less suspended the “Global War on Terror” bugaboo, although the social rituals are still in place. But if airports required visitors to paint their faces blue and wear propellor beanies, my relatives would go right to Amazon to stock up for their next trip. And they wouldn’t feel degraded or humiliated in the slightest. 😡
Paying more (special membership) can exempt you from such treatment. Airport and airlime staff flout the rules all the time. Security consultants have shown the rules to be quite ineffective.
Most people are also wokking all the time around their employers’ unreasonable restrictions.
with all the hysteric beefing up the UK active presence in the Indo(ocean)-Pacific(vast ocean), WHY hasn’t the price of fish come down?
I think you should all contact your political representatives and demand they do something about it.
Why-because I think AA makes valid suggestions
I think you’re an idiot. I was being sarcastic and if you can’t tell, then you are an idiot.
Ya, count me in, man. How long you been posting here? And fuck that bullshit about the peace sign, I’ve heard it before. It’s for whackos.
I think you’re a troll actually, been watching your inane comments.
Well you come straight at me with this 77 bullshit for a fucking obvious sarcastic comment, I can see why dude. I’ve been around, man, and I am an old hippie. I could give two shits about that crap about the peace sign.
Satanic? You believe in that shit? “Promoting people into government”? What the fuck is wrong with you? Jesus. Hey, you can be weird all you want, but when you get into accusing people of bullshit, then fuck off.
And like I asked, how long you been commenting here? I’ve been commenting here quite some time now but don’t recall seeing you around? Are you on some kind of troll mission?
Answer the question and I’ll leave it at that. How long have you been commenting here?
Its probably simpler than people think. At various points in the produce supply chain there’s essentially an auction. If there’s a restricted supply for whatever reason then someone, somewhere is going to go without. “The West” has been used to being at the top of the heap, able to buy as much of whatever they want for so long, that people have just assumed this situation is natural, they’re entitled to as much of the best as they want. But the reality is that they’re just one voice among many and its quite possible that the crop you were used to enjoying has made its way to (say) China.
People in the UK are nowhere as rich as they think they are. Sure, many have money, often far too much (so they can spend a small fortune on artisan bottled water, for example) but overall they’re really living off hand me downs, the leftovers. I’ve seen this with both relatives and friends; they’ve been playing at being upper middle class Americans for so long that they have started to believe that its a real situation and not a form of a cargo cult. So if you want year round salad greens and other market garden produce then you’ll have to grow it (and work in the farms that grow it), not rely on flying in it from thousands of miles away.
The Icelandic version of this is just as dramatic and sickening.
Everybody’s favourite biscuits, crisps, ginger ale, etc. have disappeared from the shelves.
I’d so appreciate a real journalist finding out where they went, but those journalists have also disappeared.
Along with my anger, I can still see how funny this ridiculous pantomime really is.
In fact, although I always thought the classical pantomime was a very British thing, I get the feeling that somebody is teaching the rest of the world all about it.
Perhaps that will be good for international relations in the long run…
Maybe in England, not here in Wales!!!
Local produce market shopping may be the answer.
I think that if one asked the farmers, they would be laying the blame for this coming engineered crisis at the feet of gov’t and the large supermarkets who have held them to ransom for years. Not just this rogue gov’t either but many previous gov’ts.
The same people who engineered ‘covid’ are also all over the farming industry. Even kill gates is interfering with our nations food supply. He wants to vaccinate the cattle. What could go wrong eh?
Those who frequent OffG, probably won’t have problems getting hold of what they need. Those who have bothered to ask questions, and visit sites such as this one, would have by now caught the scent of NWO rats in our political system and would have been preparing by forming their own local communities and keeping allotments, etc.
Whereas those who get their cues from MSM will be doing what the gov’t tells them, ie; chasing their tails and going hungry.
In 2019- Poverty in the UK is ‘systematic’ and ‘tragic’, says UN special rapporteur Prof Alston is an independent expert in human rights law and was appointed to the unpaid role by the UN Human Rights Council in June 2014. He spent nearly two weeks travelling in Britain and Northern Ireland and received more than 300 written submissions for his report.
He concluded: “The bottom line is that much of the glue that has held British society together since the Second World War has been deliberately removed and replaced with a harsh and uncaring ethos.”
Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has caused outrage for criticising Unicef after it stepped in to help feed hungry children in the UK for the first time in its more than 70-year history.
Jacob Rees-Mogg who hedge fund was 700million pre Brexit now worth 6 billion
told parliament child poverty had gone down over the last 10 years (during austerity.)
there just as deluded and out of touch as alt media.
last week Tory Therese Coffey Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (A fat f*ck who hasn’t ever missed a meal), who told people to get a better job which paid more to avoid starving and her recent bit of advice was eat turnips, which arent even in season.
Labour’s Rachael Maskell also accused Ms Coffey of ‘shifting blame for food poverty on to people because they are on low wages and are poor’.
Last week, Rishi Sunak United kingdom Conservative PM hosted a Tory fundraiser at Savoy where guests are served Mediterranean tomatoes, potatoes and purple sprouting broccoli – hours after minister told the rest of the UK to ‘just eat turnips’ as supermarkets ration veg.
The Conservative’s have been quite happy seeing people get sanctioned and children starved & the poor being starved to death over the last 12 years due to the policy’s they brought in.
Alt media doesn’t mention this why.?
They dont represent the poor- there brought and paid for by donations from the rich.
This is clearly all Putin’s fault.
He has just signed a decree creating a shortage of tomatoes.
There is no limit to Vlad’s villainy.
We all need to get back on our allotments and Dig For Victory.
Time to show that blighter Vlad and Johnny Russian what’s what.
Actually, you’d do better to NOT DIG for Victory. Practice no-dig vegetable growing. The soil heals, the veggies love it and you have less work to do each year.
Tree-lined streets everywhere – and not a single fruit tree or nut tree amongst all the trees…
Local parks and gardens – and not a single vegetable growing in any of them, not even herbs growing…
“Get out there and sow some wild seeds !” Johnny Appleseed, i quoth…
Dont wait ’til After The Revolution…
And dont wait for Johnny Appleseed to lead you…
(“dont follow leaders, and all that…” 1960s folksinger)…
If you want a fruit, nut or avocado tree in your yard you’ll be years ahead if you “air-layer” a branch on an existing tree.– just slice part way through w a diagonal cut, wrap soil in w plastic bag around it. When the roots form, cut it off & plant it. Lots of videos on the net about how to do it.
Junk food will be the last to be rationed.
They manipulated the price of energy higher to cause a food crisis…
Of we have burned up all the cheap and easy stuff so now what remains is very expensive to produce – and is driving inflation including food prices through the roof.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
Some key points from this Financial Times article:
Man…I’ve been hearing this argument for 20 years now. For 20 years, I’ve been hearing how fracked wells will dry up after a year or two. I heard it less after those wells produced for 10 years. And even less after we crashed the price of oil by flooding the world with supply. But now that we’re exploring less and therefore producing less, I should have guessed that it would crawl out of the woodwork again.
Oil is found around 5,000 to 15,000 feet down, in reservoirs beneath impermeable caprock, which halted its upward movement from deeper down. It didn’t move from the surface down to 20,000 feet, then stop, reverse direction, and start moving up to get stuck under the caprock. Nope. It started deeper than it currently is and has been migrating upward. That means that it probably didn’t start its journey on the surface, but somewhere deep inside the earth. It’s also full of sulfur which is not found in organic material, which means it probably didn’t start off as plants and dinosaurs. In short, oil is not a fossil fuel and supply is not limited in the way that we commonly think; oil is being generated someplace deep in the earth and is, to some extent, renewable. We might have reached peak political willingness to produce oil, but there is no evidence that production costs have become unsupportable or that we have reached peak ability to find and produce supply.
Riddle me this batman…
If there is so much easy oil left then why are we:
Oh and if oil is abiotic can you point me to the section in an annual report from one of the majors detailing how their fields are replenishing.
I don’t expect you to respond. They never do
5,- Poisoning farmland, water supply and even acquifers quite permanently.
6.- Seizing private land the owners won’t sell, even in small towns.
The fact of food shortages isn’t really surprising since the Dutch Farmers have been told to sell their farms for ‘wilding’ which of course means in shortages in both crops and livestock. So the Green Utopia beckons provided we will have enough to go around. Moot point. Still there’s always fly sandwiches and bluebottle stew! Yummy, yummy can’t wait.
It’s the pig, cow and chicken farmers on the whole that are being shut down…
‘There Is No Climate Emergency’ — The Real Environment Movement Was Hijacked
Yes there’s no CO2 caused climate emergency….but than there’s weaponized weather – High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). Did you know that a titanium rod the length of a telephone pole driven at ultra-high speeds can create a 7 – 8 Earthquake. Flood, draughts and intense storms can be weaponized and have been by the MIC.
Nukes (which were always a fancy belief that never really worked, beyond scaring people) are passé. Electromagnetic fields and radio-waves are the weapons – no explosives, almost no trace of when or where.
And for some reason, we’re mostly sitting back and letting them get away with it, without making a peep. “Damn, what a gullible breed!”
We’re not gullible – well, actually, we are that too, but, at a less cerebral and more visceral level, we’re all simply afraid to be the first one to meet the full force of the “New Normal Law”…
“1984” was, after all, a cautionary tale.
But there will be a breaking point, when those who, in the words of Icelanders, “have a bone in their nose” will suddenly want this mess summarily ended.
I would rather like to live to see that, but perhaps it isn’t necessarily a good thing for the soul to see really drastic retribution up close… “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord”, has to be in the Scriptures for a reason.
Klaus Schwab sings ‘Imagine’:
Follow the science.
We had roast chicken only for Easter and Christmas dinners…Strawberries – only when in season…Both foods are available year round theses days, and taste bland…A lot of foods taste bland these days, but there are loads of seasonings, many artificials, to spice things up…Blandest of all are the gas-ripened fruits, all picked and stored before their juicy juices are developed…Just like modern culture – bland…And there’s canned muck, we had that back then too…The good news is:The CDC and stake-holders have announced the setting up of a massive bureaucracy that will employ “experts” to look into “Nutrition”, and will also look into our body’s nutritional needs…We can expect the revelation that mechanised corporate faming has nutritionally depleted the soils; and maybe that nutritional deficiencies is why us humans (and birds, bovines, monkeys, etc) are easy targets for “viruses”…It’s most likely that parallel to the discovery of nutritionally deficient foods little billy gates “Vitamin enriched: / “Nutritionally delicious” vat goo will be mandated…It’s also most likely “nutrition”, like “pandemic”, “vaccine” etc, before it, will be subject to re-definition…So too “organic” – after all, as little billy gates vat goo hasnt been treated with pesticides etc, it must be “organic”, mustnt it ?As for “fresh food”…Supermarkets redefined “fresh” some time ago…Generations raised by TV probably think “fresh” means “picked green and held in cold storage for months”, not “picked a day or two ago”….
Les, even in CA you can’t buy a decent orange in the market, although the backyard ones are yummy. And I understand that a good part of the obesity problem is that the antibiotics they feed the animals to fatten them fatten us too. Antibiotics fatten both of us through killing certain good bacteria in the microbiome (gut). The bacteria that survive are the ones that excel at absorbing carbs, etc; anyway, the ones that pack on the pounds.
It’s a sin what they’ve done to the food supply.
I wonder what little billy gates vat goo will do to our gut bacteria…
Recent research on the health destructive effects of (ultra-)processed food point to little billy’s vat goo as another de-pop weapon…
Most supermarket apples are pasty & tasteless, not much juice…Picked before ripened and cold storaged for sure…Time we reclaimed road verges for fruit trees – Johnny Appleseed would advise…
“Fake Meat will put an end to vegetarianism ?” I mean, How could they resist ?
70% of our immune system is located in the gut.
Rationing? This is total bullshit! My local supermarket is operating as normal, aside that is, from all the stuff that disappeared during lockdown days. What has happened is that the price of everything has doubled, that’s the real rationing!
This is a globalist psy-op, pure and simple; the usual problem-reaction-solution methodology the plutocrats employ to push their social reengineering agenda along. They want people to accept the notion there is scarcity, shortages and the need for sacrifice which they blame on any number of things they’ve made up, created or caused such as: the “climate crisis”, the Ukraine coup d’état and an unsustainable debt based inflationary crisis to further their agenda. Their playbook is thin but effective. This is why they keep running the same old okey-doke on us over and over.
How come ‘we’ are entitled to eat salad vegetables out of season anyway?
We’re not, Alan. It’s just part of the ridiculous pampering of the Pampered Twenty Percent of humankind, which we in the over-rich countries have come to regard as our right (hah!).
Despite all the Off-G crew’s certainty that all of these upheavals are just engineered cod-crises, deliberately ginned up by the ‘all-in-it-together’ alleged whole-globe globalist conspiracy, these – real – shortages are coming towards us right now, in dead earnest, as the Earth begins it’s work of correcting our current condition of entirely unsustainable ecological overshoot.
That much graver problem has nothing to do with political class-war swindling, and is caused by a much more potent process that is permanently beyond human control: the homeostatic, self-correcting life system that runs this planet, and keeps all we little human farties alive. Mam Gaia you can call it, if you’re not too entranced by fanatic reductive mechanistic materialism as your basic philosophy: dawkinsoidery.
I have not the least doubt that the gics – the gangsters-in-charge – will try to parlay both the fake, and the actually-real, shortages into ways of controlling us. And the gics’ rackets, of course, need to get the finger – and the vigorous boot. No question that we should fight them to a standstill, and destroy their whole worthless criminal parasite class when we can.
But none of the gics’ swindling and our responses too it will do anything to wish away the actually genuine shortages, of just about everything, which are now baked into our near future: because of too many of us (temporarily!) demanding entirely too much of the Earth’s life-support systems. Most especially us, the greedy PTP.
I’m afraid that Off-G’s editorial team, and quite a few of the btls here, are cultivating carefully the illusion that all the shortages are just deliberately engineered gic-swindles, as some of them undoubtably are. But the uncomfortable fact is that Off-G is maintaining a wilful blind spot about the much bigger, entirely real shortages that are now unavoidable in the near future, because of absolutely real overshoot.
Nowhere is perfect, of course; and despite the inevitable blind-spots, Off-G is still a damned good website, run by an exceptionally good team. Nevertheless, this blind-spot is a real fault with this website. Needs a bit of soul-searching…
Hear the man!
The real shortage is healthy soil. Decades of unnecessary patented chemical fertilizers and patented GMOs have depleted much of the fertile farmland, Ukraine being the most recent land grab by global conglomerates. Russia is currently the largest organic produce exporter in the world.
Can’t disagree with that, ST. Give your land the mercy of no-till growing and organic fertilising – both perfectly easy to do, and requiring much less labour and much less cost – and you can get back to climax healthy living soil communities, who will guarantee you fulsome crops of healthy food year after year, indefinitely. Completely independent of the Peak Energy crisis, too. This is the wave of the future – because we have no choice. Get surfin’! 🙂
Maybe more of us should simply grow our own? I don’t have to buy any of the following until at least the start of May, because I grew enough of them myself last season:
Onions; garlic; squash; potatoes; carrots; parsnip.
We have enough sprouts and cabbage to last until the end of March.
I’ve frozen broad beans, peas, celery to help out in April and May.
OK, I’m buying a courgette a week, some tomatoes each week, ditto a bit of fennel, a pepper, some lettuce.
But I can grow enough parsnips for an entire winter using only 1 square metre. Ditto winter radish. 1.5 sqm for cabbage from December 1 to March 31. 2 sqm for carrots. Ditto for winter beetroot, Brussels sprouts and turnip. 2.5sqm for garlic. 6sqm is enough for potatoes, including sharing some with others. Another 6sqm will give you enough celeriac and swede to last the winter. And 12sqm gives you enough squash to give people Christmas presents.
Obviously you need to know what you are doing and you don’t get those sorts of yields in Year 1 of taking on an overgrown jungle.
But you can within 3 years.
If you can’t rely on supermarkets to want to supply you with healthy vegetables, do something about it.
Grow your own is one option. Joining a weekly box scheme is another. Going to farmers’ markets is a third option.
Ask yourself a question as to why your interests are aligned with those of supermarkets.
If they aren’t, you don’t want to see them as your primary port of call for purchasing vital food.
Where are you grazing the meat producers ?
Running free in the forest-permaculture farms, David – when we’ve got them finally…
Admirable but the Division of Labour plus a local market economy make small farms far more efficient. Why are they not viable? I grew up when half term was called Potato Picking week. We had a sack of potatos in the larder all winter and apples on straw, and picked stuff in season, and kept pigs and sheep so I am with you. But we lived in the country. I don’t think small holdings work now.
Too right! I’m growing enough food on my little plot to give more than half away. If it’s a window box, dear hearts, start growing what you can: it’s as good for your head to make garden as it is for your health and your pocketbook.
the farmers market near me are for the solvent
dangerous comment alert again.
Corona i not
The latest psy-op subdivision is clearly aimed at the Western branch of the global movie audience. These are the ones who – in global terms – “never had it so good”. But now their “special privileges” have run out. And this day was long prepared by what is clearly the favourite – indeed, almost the only – period to be represented in mainstream media movies i.e. World War 2. The nomenclature of “the wartime economy” has always been the ideal mode of speech across all channels. And there is no population more spinelessly compliant then the British. Note how two of the authors in the firing line for wokist censorship, Ian Flaming and Roald Dahl, were both British intelligence assets. They like to try out their manoeuvres on “their own” first. I have no doubt the Brits will gladly leap to the requisite performance.
Possibly also related to what the farmer describes in that video, my missus heard a report that greenhouse growers in the UK were excluded from payment schemes to help them to cover their increased energy bills over winter. They weren’t deemed important enough to support and so many chose to grow nothing rather than lose their crops to the cold.
The engineering we are missing is the chemical clouds every day. They might allow one day to not give the game away! We are being weathered engineered!
MSM alternate media ….. 😂

They do! On my local forum someone posted a sky like that to tell me it was quite normal and that was before normal became new.
Him ? Normal ? Not to put a too finer point on it, “idont think so !”
Oct 28th over southern wisconsin just like that
Cornwall, 3 or 4 days a week we are whited out by chemtrails. They can be seen switching on or off and turning across different flight paths. Checking the live flight data available shows many of these trails are not on commercial flight paths. I have tried telling people about them since the 90s but most even deny what I am showing them live above them. Stupid is as stupid does.
UN Sustainable Development Goal 2.3 as agreed in 2015:
“by 2030, double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale producers, in particular women,indigenous peoples, family farmers, pastoralists and fishers”.
How’s that one going? Almost like it was meaningless verbage designed to leverage more power for the UN….
BTW I wouldn’t let some nonsense from the Scotsman given them quite such a free pass on climate. By their own admission, it’s abnormally cold weather in North Africa that’s partly to blame. Cold is warm, Orwell never thought of that one. I’m also not convinced about the toilet paper panic buying analogy – salad stuff can’t be stored long-term like toilet paper.
Ah ha, Europe hasn’t got “indigenous” people…….yet, but they’re working on it. Also, some of the salad stuff may not store like it but it does taste like it.
how long does it take to become “indigenous”, is that just the most successful survivor? does a bit of neanderthal make me “indigenous”?
and, go speak to the basques or balts and ugrics, even albanians.. about “indigenous”.
a funny thing about the UK is that it hates that word, and through all their decades of “community” shite, they never once recognised Older Inhabitants, as indigenous.
indigenous implies right. can’t be having that.
I was making a satirical comment on just that point, with a sting in the tail about the industrial immigration being used to”rectify” the whiteness “problem”. Note the “! ” device I employ to invoke an atmosphere of gentle irony which would be destroyed if I were to vigorously wave a red flag and shout through a megaphone JOKE COMING.
noted ; )
Fossil discoverys show people living in this (UK SE) region over 100K years ago.
I think that qualifies as “indigenous”.
Yew don zay. Wel nok me down wiv a fevver. Gor blimey. Stone the crows. Fuk moi owd boots. Oim jus an owd gammon from Howling, Zuzzex, an I aint ad no ederkayshun loik yew yewneeverzity boiz..
UNsustainable development is dead right, Ed.