This Week in the New Normal #57

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. UN agrees “historic” ocean treaty
Just yesterday it was reported that after “a decade of negotiation” the UN has finally agreed on the text of a new treaty to “protect” up to 30% of the world’s oceans.
The treaty would grant the UN jurisdiction over huge swathes of the ocean currently considered international waters. Notionally, this power would be used to “protect biodiversity” and “combat climate change”, but these are vague briefs of every piece of “green” legislation.
According to the Guardian, the treaty is “crucial” to fulfilling the UN’s 30×30 pledge, a program which aims to “protect” 30% of the worlds land and 30% of the world’s oceans.
A less forgiving reading of the situation would say that, steadily, the UN is granting itself legal authority over 30% of the world’s resources. Allowing them to either harness them as they see fit, or create deliberate shortages by refusing permission to harvest or mine them.
Following the announcement the EU has already pledged over 800 million euros to “protect the ocean”.
This includes money to the IUU Fishing Action Alliance to prevent “unregulated or illegal” fishing, as well as millions to developing nations in barely-disguised bribes for signing over their sovereignty.
Whatever comes of it, it’s clearly a huge step forward in the power of the UN as a global governmental body.
2. Don’t worry, the holy oil is on its way
I understand many of you have probably been worried sick about the status of the oil to be used in Charles III’s coronation. Well worry yourselves no longer – it’s on the way.
Having been harvested from olive groves in Jerusalem, scented with jasmine and amber, and consecrated in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher by the Patriarch of Jerusalem himself, the oil is ready to be flown to the UK and daubed on the foreheads of both Charles and Camilla.
Now, maybe some of you might recoil at the hypocrisy of an avowedly anti-human monarch claiming any connection to Jesus Christ or the true values of Christianity.
Still more of you may wonder how a man who so resolutely wants us to “trust the science” can possibly justify claiming to be king because God chose him using holy olive oil.
And finally, a good portion of people may have a wry smile and at the fact His Royal Highness the Climate Warrior wants to limit how many children you have and where you can drive, but is fine buying a seat on a private jet for magical salad dressing…to rub on his forehead.
But you’re all disgusting cynics. For shame.
3. Experts Urge UN to go full Mr Burns
Back to the UN again, where the plans to control the land and sea are meeting “recommendations” to control the sky as well.
On Tuesday, Scientific American reported on a panel of “experts” who are urging the UN to take legal authority over the stratosphere. They suggest this power could then be used to control climate change through “solar radiation management” strategies including “stratospheric aerosol injection” (that’s the totally not chemtrails you absolutely never see in the sky).
Now, the letter takes the tone that such SRI tactics need to be carefully monitored and regulated because “we only have one atmosphere”, but this is a normalisation technique as old as the hills.
Blocking out the sun to prevent climate change is so cartoonishly hubristic that it would be rejected out of hand by most thinking people. Suggesting it needs to be carefully regulated is a way of advancing the case whilst appearing to criticise the practise.
This follows reports from last year that Bill Gates was investing heavily in techniques to “mitigate” climate change via stratospheric aerosols.
The memes have come full circle, and the plan really is to block out the sun, like Mr Burns in the Simpsons.
BONUS: Boring re-run of the week
For some reason “Partygate” is back in the papers this week, apparently there’s new evidence in a new report. Our position on that particular non-issue is as it ever was…
The only reason to ever discuss #PartyGate is as evidence the people in charge never believed they were in any danger from #Covid. Every other aspect of it is irrelevant.
— Kit Knightly (@kit_knightly) March 4, 2023
It’s not all bad…
This week’s good news takes a more pro-active turn.
If you’re interested in protesting the UK becoming a cashless society, you can have your say via the Save Our Rights protest group. Click here to complete an online consultation (deadline March 9th) or email your MP (deadline March 20th).
Secondly, later this month Real Left will be hosting a “Left against WEF” event in London. Panelists – including CJ Hopkins,Paul Cudenec and Piers Corbyn – will be discussing the financial, environmental and medical cases against the WEF. as well as how we can take action moving forward.
The event runs from 10am-5pm on Saturday March 25th, and tickets can be purchased through the Real Left website.
Also we saw this tweet, and thought it may speak to the experience of a lot of our readers…
Those who believed the narrative will never understand the stress the rest of us endured:
Seeing the world go mad
Unable to question
Censorship rampant
Friends & family brainwashed
Vilified & insulted
Denied medical treatment
Forced to quit our jobs
Unable to travel
And more!— Dr Ahmad Malik (@DocAhmadMalik) March 3, 2023
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention Australia’s new CBDC pilot or the next vaccine gold rush.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Total BULLSHIT written by absolute FUCKHEADS!!!
“And now for the weather…”
In the 60’s my uncle, now dead, worked as a decoder for the MOD in Whitehall. On one occasion I remember his expressed disgust that the Duke of Edinburgh, on a Royal visit to Australia on the royal yacht, had wired a demand that the RAF fly out a set of cufflinks he had forgotten to take with him. With the Duke as a paternal example, is it any wonder that Charles believes he has royal exemption and that his pronouncements on protecting the planet are only for the Plebs?
The only surprise is that it’s taken a while for them to start gunning for the only European hold-out against the Convid narrative:
Insurance analyst on the impact the vax is having:
Illegal drug peddling criminal scum pushing their corporate poison on the weak and vulnerable because it doesn’t matter if they get ill from it. Protect the weak by shooting them up with weaponised corporate/military manufactured shite screams the treasonous criminal media. Hooray for the British Government. Long live demonocracy.
Elderly and vulnerable to be offered spring Covid booster jab (
Oh for fuck’s sake (from Graud):
A Merchant of Venice with a “re-envisioned production, Shakespeare’s merchant is living in 1930s east London amid the rise of Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts.
Smashed glass off stage foreshadows the battle of Cable Street in 1936 though there are also echoes of Kristallnacht in the intermittent sound.
At the centre stands Oberman’s Shylock, the Jewish moneylender who demands “a pound of flesh” ….”
“This Shylock is a matriarch and pawnbroker, dignified and steely, who is spat upon and verbally abused by powerful men on the street and has antisemitic graffiti daubed on her house. Those threats and assaults carry a gendered menace. Oberman plays the role with a righteous anger and great inner strength. Her demand for flesh seems less driven by simple vengeance and more an outraged response to Mosley’s campaign of antisemitic persecution – as well as a single mother’s fearful defence against the rising forces conspiring to render her powerless.”
Any day now: Oliver Twist with Fagin as the heroic central character.
Fox News played a key role in the theft of the 2020 election. But having now been given access to over 40,000 hours of Jan-6 video footage, the backtracking has begun.
Mar 7, 2023
MYTH BUSTED: J6 surveillance Footage shows Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick walking healthily through the Capitol AFTER Democrats claimed he had already been killed.
Sicknick died days later from unrelated causes. Democrats used this officers dead body as a political prop
[5 min video clip]
Tucker Carlson: No honest person can deny this about Jan. 6
Fox News
Mar 6, 2023
Fox News host Tucker Carlson says Capitol videotape not released to the public shows that Jan. 6 committee members lied about the alleged ‘insurrection.’
Tucker investigates? Are you for real?
Do you retarded goons ever bother to read anything? I state in the first sentence:
They’re now having to backslide because the J6 footage is being released; though they happen to get first look.
That’s not the point mate!
Tucker investigates is a travesty at all time in whatever he investigates.
He is not to be trusted with whatever he says being a compulsilier lier.
I’ll make whatever point I want to make. And I ain’t your “mate”!
So funny…
Carlson (06:50): “They’re all on the same side.”
So why is Fox News breaking ranks?
Tucker Carlson: There is no justification for this
Fox News
Mar 8, 2023
To maintain the binary and keep the debate going within its permitted limits? Always look at what these mainstream “subversives” NEVER say
Biggest mistake is to keep a debate going maintaining the binary and so omitting and belittling all other possibilities which might or might not be interesting.
It’s an arrogant way of stating that we are good and they are bad. Which is a dead end for any discussion.
You might have misunderstood the point Sophie was making. A2
Yes I might have!
Please do not confuse the true original christian church – Catholic Church – with cheap imitations fabricated 1500 years after Jesus time!!!
It was the Church who built civilization, who created hospitals, charities, orphanages, universities [as opposed to academies for the elites only], schools, etc, etc… It was christianity who gave dignity to marriage, to women, to children, to the elderly, to the poor, disabled, etc, etc.
It’s not a coincidence that after 1500 years AD, revolutions and wars started being more frequent with time, gradually giving way to pagan doctrines and traditions which essentially are translated into the “law of the jungle” or “the fittest of the fittest”!!!
And if today this Catholic Church is weaker and in turmoil, it’s because it has been infiltrated by freemasons [ecclesiastical freemasons – 19th century], jewish/communism agents [from the 1930s onwards] and all the liberals they allowed into the priesthood in those seminaries controlled by them throughout the 20th century.
Do not forget the royals are PROTESTANT ANGLICANS, a “church” born out of fornication, adultery, divorce and murder!!! Some ‘church’, hey???
So get your facts right!!!
eh, rome was pagan old bean, before their conversion.
i think quite a few “original christians” would take serious offence to that opening line.
straight facts.
The only True Church is in Spirit.
The RCC was founded by a man, a pope with his bishops, in 590. Emperor Constantine, a man with his bishops, had created the Christian religion in 325.
Their empires, beliefs and worship. Their kingdom.
Jesus Christ is Spirit, not a man.
And really, religion never saved anyone.
Sounds like we need a loving and caring Catholic Inquisition again. What fun that will be for the perverted, cruel child/women abusing clergy which has been going on long before any so called freemason bollocks. Where was the stand from any clergy to stop the closure of places of worship during the scamdemic but allowed turning them in to the poison jab centres? The so called royals are in place via the support of the various religious sects over the past 2k years which is how they acquired their wealth with war, murder, assassination, genocide, torture, rape, child trafficking, drug trafficking, arms trading, confiscation, theft, plunder, oppression, control etc. etc. Bear in mind that many of our so called kings married children so why are we not taught that they were/are paedophiles? All religions are about oppression and control, we do not need religion to believe in a creator if that is your bag. I could go on about many so called pagan practices that have been incorporated into many religions and not to mention the 4x2s.
I do get annoyed when the word pagan is used as some sort of derision like being called a conspiracy theorist and look how all our suspicions have been proved right over the past 3 years, what did the ‘church’ have to say?? I won’t hold my breath.
The destruction of the temple in 70 AD stimulated the diaspora. The holocaust kick started emigration to Israel. The inquisition encouraged the exploration of the “new” world. Somehow the banksters benefit from these events.
Yes, the Vatican bank!
Christianity is a creation of the bankers. The people who brought you the other monotheism and Marxism. Protestantism was invented to prevent Christianity from becoming too monolithic and powerful
I think, I have worked out how to:
(a) Delete The Daily Mail, sending shit to my phone 20 times a day
(b) login in to my tonyopmoc gmail account, without giving google – my phone number – re the reasons in (a)
There is only so much shit, I can take…
So, I no longer listen to Planet Rock – cos they wanted my phone number too..I mean come on..its just an internet radio station…you want me to sign in…you want my baby photo’s too???
So I am on Radio Caroline now, and I want to go..The Line Up is awesome
My Dad suffered several years of education at Ushaw College in Durham.
It looks completely and utterly totally beautiful
They’ve got – well the best line up I’ve seen in a long time
So I have got 6 weeks to get fit. My wife said Wow – Yeh
I went to a normal school, with both boys and girls
I did not want to be a Priest, I just wanted to be normal…you know – nice… grandkids…maybe great grandkids
Outbreed the Evil Fuckers, trying their best to kill us
Just yesterday it was reported that after “a decade of negotiation” the UN has finally agreed on the text of a new treaty to “protect” up to 30% of the world’s oceans.
The treaty would grant the UN jurisdiction over huge swathes of the ocean currently considered international waters.
Yeah, erm I get that you don’t like the “globalist” UN, but it’s not a country.
And, lol, I’d like to see the UN kick the US navy out of international waters.
(No, I really would …)
The UN may not be a country, but it sure looks set to become a government, which is much more of problem than merely being a country.
Both the US and the UN are controlled by the globalists, so it would just be another punch-and-judy show anyway.
I’d like the United Nations to be bombed into dust, with all members present. The United Nations has presided over the murder of hundreds of millions of sovereign citizens. I can only assume no one has clued you in.
Dr. Peter McCullough:
Ya, your honor. I really meant to hit the other guy. You know, the one who was standing next to the victim. I know I hit the victim quite a few times, and put him in the hospital for three months. But I really meant to do it to the other guy.
Please release me from custody. Maybe recite a rosary for me. I’m realllllly sorry…
Dr. Peter McCullough flip-flops, now says Covid vaccine harms are unintentional, calls for “forgiveness” and “amnesty” (
He’s just one man.
Paul, I’m willing to forgive the doctors. I want those at the pointy end of the pyramid and all their assets. I want confessions, rollovers & prison sentences for Pharma heads and CDC, etc traitors. I want sizable rewards and medals for those who spoke out early.
I want every person harmed by the shot, every business owner shut down by lockdown, etc compensated out of the mountainous assets currently held by the thieves.
And I truly believe that if we speak about this and create a political platform for it that it can occur. I am not interested in what is possible in the world created by TPTB– but in what lives in the hearts of the just. Real America needs only a spark which we deny them with our silence.
Hello Penelope: I hear what you’re saying, and somewhat agree. But Tort lawsuits against corporations are complete nonsense. Tort courts of law follow Statutory (corporate) legalese, which has been on sale for over 150 years. See: American “BAR” Association…
Criminal charges need to be brought to the attention of States Attorneys General, and Grand Juries established in every jurisdiction. No indictments means no prosecutions. Here’s a link I’ve posted before. Most readers ignore the relevance of what Mr. Martin has been saying for nearly two years. >
January 25, 2023
The point of my above post was that health “care” practitioners are the end users of vaccination schedules. Vaccinations that have murdered and injured hundreds of millions of persons in the last 120 years.The number one contributor to childhood Autism, is the direct injection of toxic poisons into the bloodstreams of babies and children. These health “care” workers are guilty of murder, assault, and manslaughter. Jus’ sayin’…
A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has it under voluntary control.
If what I’m saying ever breaks through, you’re going to find out how dangerous good grandmothers are.
They’ve passed laws that permit them to murder us; what makes you think we can’t pass some to return a just world?
Dr. Peter McCullough flip-flops, now says Covid vaccine harms are unintentional, calls for “forgiveness” and “amnesty”
I suspect I may be one of the few that follow his Telegram channel.
For those NOT paying attention Dr. Peter McCullough has been openly pointing the finger at the US DoD and loudly accusing it of being the mastermind behind all of this BS.
Perhaps he had a tap on the shoulder by people you just don’t want to be tapped on the shoulder by.
What the fuck would you expect anyone in that position to do then, FFS.
McCullough is definitely controlled opposition. I listened to his podcast for a while but I just couldn’t believe his claims that he had treated thousands of COVID cases.
Most truthers are like flies around shit, all the while considering themselves enlightened.
Here’s a 20pp document providing many truths re. the dangerousness of the injections, and re. the global scam that’s been perpetrated on the world:
“Mike Whitney’s antivax grab-bag: memes, blurbs and links”, at:
The down-vote must be from one of the AI bot trolls…
Yes, I agree with you. There are of course some people who visit this site who are still falling for the ‘official narrative’, and who will thumb-down the truth-tellers’ posts. However… there have been many, many posts here on Off-G, by numerous commenters, which should never receive any down-vote, and yet they do… making me think that those sorts of down-votes could well emanate from what I call ‘bot-trolls’.
Just look at all the trolls/’bot-trolls’ out this evening! Your comment has received (at time of my typing this note) 4 thumbs-down, and my reply [printed below this one, I think] to your comment has two thumbs-down! None of which are justified, of course.
You’ve finally been snufftt by the away team Lol!
I just watched the movie Groundhog Day again and realised that it presents a good “crash course” model of what the media does. It’s all about capture I.e. the media ensnares the public in the same story day after day. The public go through the changes that the Bill Murray character experiences from shock, to anger, to railing against the repetition, to sarcasm etc. Before finally lapsing into the realisation that “this is the way it is now” and we “may as well get with the programme” and “make the best of it”. It’s interesting how at the end of the film, Murray propose that he and Andie MacDowell stay in the town even after the cycle is broken. See? Repeat the dreary mantra often enough and the punters will come to love it.
I have been living in the shadow of my wife’s death since spring of 2017 and with the dis-articulation of my family’s relationships due to Covid, I finally put a plan together to move on and get out of dodge to where I can golf 7 days per week if I so choose. My family is now lobbying for me to stay put so that I can participate in lives of my grandchildren (at their request). And I have yet to learn to play jazz piano………I was so looking forward to it…….
I play an old harmonica because I believe music is important.
NVAP = New Variant Assessment Platform
HomeCoronavirus (COVID-19)
The New Variant Assessment Platform (NVAP) is an offer of UK capacity and expertise to detect and assess new variants of SARS-CoV-2 around the world.
From: UK Health Security Agency
Published: 20 May 2021
Mar 5, 2023
Exchange: Jan 25, 2021
Damon Poole: Have you spoken to Tedros about nvap
Matt Hancock: Yes – messaged
Poole: No promises but I’m trying to land a Bill gates endorsement of the platform
Hancock: Tell him that considering how many people I’m getting his chips injected into, he owes me one!
Yes course there’s serious questions to be to be sorted out since March ’20 I still say depending where you are.
Geo-engineering or weather control has been a fave at The Guardian newspaper where it was routinely ridiculed in articles like “My month with chemtrails conspiracy theorists” (2017).
Gradually, The Guardian slipped in stories like “What if it’s too late to save our planet without geoengineering?” (2021) while failing to disclose that Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funds both The Guardian and geo-engineering research.
The turning point seems to have come in 2010. That year, in May, The Guardian published “Bill Gates’ cloud-whitening trials ‘a dangerous experiment’.”
Then, in September, The Guardian accepted BMGF money under the guise of a new development website. “The Guardian launches global development website with Gates Foundation.”
The Guardian moved from being critical of geo-engineering, before ridiculing the idea as a conspiracy theory, and finally promoting it as a not-so-bad idea after all.
The likelihood is that geo-engineering has been going on for decades. It was a military research project into weather warfare long before it was rebranded as climate engineering to save the planet. In Moscow cloud-seeding is a staple to ensure the sun shines on Victory Day.
By the time the media tells you about research, it may already have been deployed.
If you are new to the topic Dane Wigington is the researcher to consider if not entertain.
Hello money circus: Yes. I’ve been more than aware of the geoengineering/weather control agenda for over 20 years. Weather control (SRM) “research” has been ongoing…
Geoengineering: A Half-Century of Earth System Experimentation
Of course we can all ignore the practical relevance of articles such as this: >
Potential for Aerosol Dissemination of Biological Weapons: Lessons from Biological Control of Insects
Biosecur Bioterror. 2003
Potential for Aerosol Dissemination of Biological Weapons (
Old news rebranded as new news hurts.
So you’ve now noticed disclaimers fade away good for you clap clap.
Anyone else getting a lot of déjà vu experiences lately ?
I read something outrageous on a nut-job swivel-eyed loon conspiracy theory site. like chemtrails or Nick Hancock wondering when to release the Kraken.
Then, a few months later it’s reported as fact by MSM.
Weird !
The United Nations IS the cause of all of our problems. They must be defunded and disbanded. Once that happens Oligarch control freaks will be left holding the bag and the flashlight deep in the woods with no one to help them find their way out of the mess they created. Toss your phones, computers and routers in the trash and they are done.
Useful graphic for showing what’s happening to life expectancy:
It must be those collapsing health care systems. Funny how they’ve all collapsed on every continent at the same time….
Crabb is a fucking nut case employed by the big pharma funded scumbag Burnett Institute, he should be ignnored.
Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical pinguidic ceremony.
Shut up! I order you to shut up!
Unintentionally (?) hilarious article:
“Despite all manner of global catastrophes facing young people, Gen Z’s preferred style of streetwear telegraphs pure ease.”
Yes indeed, when facing the apocalypse it is still important to consider fashionable attire.
And this:
“Sloganwear now is hyper-specific, earnest and sarcastic all at once. It also tells us a lot about what’s important to a generation that grew up with the internet”
Oh DO tell me “what’s important to my generation”! I don’t want to be left out!
I’ve scarcely ever half-read a more vacuous article…
Saw a lad wearing an ‘anti’ bent carrot t-shirt make of that what you want. ’84 Big Bro Big Sis..Lol!
100% must watch clip here explaining the details of the New Hampshire USA highest level drug cartel, organised crime and money laundering scandal involving the world’s most powerful which has been documented and exposed by a local multi millionaire. A local man of good heart and high wealth called Mike Gill was approached by “the cabal” but instead of becoming another bought and paid for scumbag servant to these pieces of shit as many do, he set about gathering evidence on them so he could mount a criminal case. However as he found out, this cartel had everything like the local legal system and law enforcement sewn up, everyone and everything was bought and paid for. This was the case at every level he went to with the info.
This involves fentanyl and a 80,000 lbs (40 tonnes) bust where the fentanyl miraculously disappeared post bust and no-one knows where it went. These are the scumbags putting fentanyl in the US drug supply – the whole of the US fentanyl is/was being done from corrupt New Hampshire, according to the evidence presented.
Ghislaine Maxwell bought a house in New Hampshire, and we all know what world she was in.
When they busted Trump’s Mar A Lago home recently, they were looking for all the evidence Trump has from this case. .
It’s a huge story for sure. This has the potential to finally see some of these scumbags shipped off to jail, or worse, where they belong, and also open up the conversation about how this model and this network are violating all of our nations and destroying our existences on Earth. Putting fentanyl in the drug supply is mass murder. This crap ends up in the UK drug supply, and you can bet that a similar network of lowlifes are behind it.
Many of the best researchers say that we need to decriminalise all drugs because the reason it is illegal is purely for the benefit of these scumbags. This would pull the plug on their money supply so they would not be able to run all these elaborate operations which are all funded with illegal drug money.
This is not an isolated case. We have The Mena Connection (involving the Clintons and drugs and airports etc) and Barry And The Boys (vids about this can be watched on Bitchute) ie Barry Seal, and we also have Iran Contra and the case with the guy whose name escapes me now (Corbett actually did a good presentation on him years ago) as examples of these same deeply criminal operations in other parts of the country/world. New Hampshire is a massive one, and it has been totally busted by Mike Gill.
Watch and share this video, this is a very important story which needs to be aired everywhere because we now have prima facie evidence that little more than a bunch of criminals are controlling our countries and running scams and corrupting our institutions, so we had better do something about that and our best weapon right now is to shine the light of truth on these people and spread the word about those who have caused so much harm to our world and lives. They’ve ruined all of our existences whether you like it or not, and after they poisoned so many with these illegal Convid injections, shooting up 6 month old babies and unborn foetuses with their corporate poison. Are you really going to let these cunts get away with this?
Quickie: James O’Keefe Resigns & Here Is Why – Mike Gill, Corrupt DEA, Bill Shaheen, Dick Anagnost – YouTube
Gary Webb is the guy who Corbett did a doc about.
“Many of the best researchers say that we need to decriminalize all drugs because the reason it is illegal is purely for the benefit of these scumbags.” True.
“Regulation” of drug use is the preferred way of picking people’s pockets for a living. As I’ve been saying for over 50 years. The only one’s who benefit from control of products, are the one’s who manufacture the products. Everyone else gets screwed…
It’s the illegal criminal element of the drugs market which suits them. It opens up more avenues for corruption and criminality, which is the world our governments operate in. They’re the fucking criminals with their corporate scum partners in crime and their banking mafia masters encouraging their treasonous ways. These people are full of sin, like the people in Westminster, Lords and Commons, utter pondlife and spiritual scum.
Hello Mucho: Please don’t ideate pond life with Westminster. It’s an insult to frogs, bugs, and other more intelligent beings… About prosecuting criminals. >
January 25, 2023
Lori Lightfoot kicked out in Chicago primary with risible vote share:
One guess what she blamed:
Nothing to do with the city’s runaway crime levels then….
Pied Piper Piers Corbin. The alt media self proclaimed geriatric leader of the demonstration movement was more than happy to take 10K in a fake big pharma sting.
Amnesia in alt media is real..
Since most alt. media nowadays is either still buying wholesale into Covid fear or is too eager to re-immerse themselves in 20th Century geopolitical binaries to remember covid anymore, I do hope you’re as quick to take advantage of their open comment forums to accuse them of being controlled. A2
The Bipolar Schizo Stockholm Syndrome Mind Control called alt media.
After 3 year of telling people not to believe the politicians, who sold the lock-down -death jabs, dont kill grannies. Fucked your lives up beyond belief and killed your friends and family’s.. (remember.?)
And Just like that from fake binary to now go and write to your MP ‘s and this is to be done via a state operative save our rights apart of keeping Britannia Fooled brigade set up by the establishment and donations from the idiots.
Nice going,…You really are the MSM.
RE: real left in the make believe word of politics with Piers corbin who took 10k cash to not discuss vaccines (remember that set up) to now being real – because CJ is there.!!
As others have said before me, when it comes to January, February, March, April, May the operatives in alternative media start shilling the ‘Politics is now real psyop’ as there donor sponsors creators give them all the coordinated script.
This Is all about fooling the very venerable readers. YOU.
Alt media is not alternative, there the controlled opposition.
You can disagree with one attempt to be positive, in an article full of otherwise harsh, unflattering realities, without immediately going full retard and accusing an outfit of being controlled opposition, you know? XD A2
Scary New Normal: Pilots being incapacitated and dying in flight.
Pilots and flight attendants who recently had cardiac arrests in-flight and “died suddenly”… (
For hardcore dummies, let me rephrase it better.. No matter how old you are, or how you died. Every death worth mentioning is now labeled #SuddenDeath by the mass media. It’s just another psyop with the same pattern as #DiedSuddenly Works well on naive people who follow alt media. can’t you see it?-Tranquilizer @Tranquilizero
spot on, Iv’e witnessed pure deception from both sides over the last 3 years, its expected from the generation of vipers, whats the difference between fear of a deadly disease and the fear of vaccine? pure BS
Two shills in tandem. Quite a few on board at the moment.
We need to ask: How many people below the age of 50, right down to teens, would ordinarily have “died suddenly” before the C-shot roll out?
The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty with Michael Rectenwald
“Michael tackles his biggest and most important subject yet with his new book The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty. With a depth and breadth that is unmatched, his new book delves into one of the most profoundly totalitarian and far-reaching new (and not so new) political, social, and economic agendas in contemporary history.”
1921, when the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) was established, was also a significant year for many other reasons, as researched in this Truthstream Media masterpiece Overlooked: Lost in The Shining Hotel | Ep: 2 – The Management
I’m a bit disappointed that His Highness didn’t give more thought to the carbon footprint implications of his Magic Holy Oil. Camilla could have just nipped into Sainsbury’s instead when she was doing the weekly shop and picked up a 500ml bottle of extra virgin olive oil. Never mind.
It seems Charlie Boy is having trouble booking any music acts for the big Coronation shindig.
All the people who have been approached have discovered prior engagements and other urgent commitments.
Charlie and Camilla and Justin Welby may have to improvise and entertain us with a bit of karaoke.
Garry Glitter’s probably available
That’s an idea. I think he’s out on parole now, got early release. But Rolf Harris is still banged up, and of course Jimmy Savile is no longer available as MC.
Rolf can do it via Zoom. And Gary’s got a lovely ankle bracelet – so he’ll fit right in. Saville might be a bit of a push tho.
What about all those rockstars knighted by his mother? Not even them?
A little bird encoded on king charles ear on new £2 coin?
An oldie but a goodie:
No surprises here.
Johnny, I know it seems “obvious” that flu was simply rebranded as covid. But in fact, one respiratory virus typically displaces another; this is commonly known among medical researchers, epidemiologists, etc. Here’s some science on it:
By the way, the site has lots of info re covid, Ukraine, and our struggle for liberty. AFAIK the site was the first to begin factual reporting and criticism of the controlled media’s reporting on covid.
Penelope, I know the Swiss make excellent chocolate, timepieces, and hiding places for the suited looters to horde their cash, but I’m a little wary of swprs.
A nice tidy website but a tad too meticulous to be completely believable.
Thanks for your comment.
We must keep pushing, prodding and poking the sleepers.
You call unsubstantiated claims ‘science’ P!
Still waiting for proof of the existence of transmissible viral pathogens.
BTW Viroliegy and others explain how the techniques/technology for isolating such things, if they existed, have been available for years. Wonder why they don’t just use them and shut up all us ‘disbelievers’
Protecting the Oceans
I see no problem with protecting the oceans from oil spills,whaling,overfishing, oil prospecting, plastic pollution and so on. The problem is that no one is really protecting the environment anywhere. It’s like putting up signs in an ever shrinking nature reserve that mandate dogs on leashes and warn of heavy fines. Dog owners are unfazed and let their artificial animals run riot and defecate knowing that there is a 100% guarantee that there is no enforcement.
You think all dogs are robots?
Dogs were created by breeding by our pre agricultural ancestors.
Novax loses this game:
Cause THEY make the rules.
But we already knew that didn’t we?
There’s an interesting development in Australia. For as long as statistics on cause of death have been recorded the main causes of mortality have been heart attacks, stroke and cancer. But suddenly that has changed. Now it’s dementia. It is known that the spike protein and the lipid mrna nanopartcle can both cross the blood/brain barrier. The spike protein is speculated to have prion like properties and the lipid particle…well who knows what effects that has once it gets into the brain? It’s certainly bound to be a spanner in the works.
Get ready for a geriatric zombie apocalypse which is going to rid the developed countries of their “useless eaters”!
Shines a new light on the “saving granny” bullshit.
And here’s another strange event:
Nothing to do with the vaccines!
The average age of so called covid deaths is now 86, most actually died of dementia, heart disease, COPD and normal old age and the only connection to covid was a fake PCR or RAT within 28 days before they died.
How does one die of dementia?
Perhaps they’re re-branding Alzheimer’s as dementia? Doing so kind of dovetails with the geoengineering push, since aluminum nanoparticles are the primary ingredient in chemtrails – and the suspected culprit in Alzheimer’s.
So by pretending Alzheimer’s is just garden variety dementia, they can give aluminum a free pass.
You simply forget to live.
Can’t remember
I think the terminology has been updated since, but when my elderly father died in 1994, although the death certificate listed “dementia” the cause of death was “organicity” and “sepsis”.
Dad was in a nursing facility, and during his final months he was subdued and often “out of it”– but, frankly, it wasn’t clear whether this was truly dementia, or the effects of multiple medication.
Anyway, at the time the doctor explained that “dementia” wasn’t considered a direct “cause of death”. Rather, diminished brain function resulting from physical deterioration (aka “organicity”) is strongly correlated with failure in the so-called “immune system” and other biological maintenance systems. Ultimately, the secondary consequences, e.g. fatal infection (“sepsis”) and organ failure, cause death.
All of the above used to be colloquially known as “dying of old age”.
The nano-lipids include anti-freeze. They protect the spikes in blood, and get them through the blood-brain barrier.
Yesterday I found out the chief heath officer in Australia who has relentlessly peddled the poison jabs watched his own daughter die from Astrazeneca jabs at age 20, he then peddled the poison for 5 year olds
So many coutries have stopped the vaccination program but Australia is still recommending a fifth jab. The nation is brain dead.
You’ll like this one, Marilyn.
We’ve become so addicted to kissin US and UK arse that we gave Big pHarmer a peck on the proverbial posterior too.
The Nation is something more than simply “brain dead.”
A sickness of the soul unto Death.
Back to the UN again, where the plans to control the land and sea are meeting “recommendations” to control the sky as well.
I recall in 1946 both Truman and Churchill claimed their nations owned all of the land under the sea in the world and 20 miles inland. In America this gave rise to Continental Shelf Act 1954 and to the Environmental Protection Act in 1973-4. The former act forced taxpayers to pay for seismic testing (prospecting for oil) around the globe and to develop into a science the propaganda that mankind could control the natural environment given to us by our maker.
It was the Scranton Commission in 1946-49 that developed the idea that nations could best prevent competition from would be entrepreneurs to the privately owned domestic oil and gas concerns licensed by these two nations, simply by regulating the environment. Everyone would need to bare the expense of an environmental survey before being able to compete for a license to extract oil or gas. This meant only the major global entities could afford this. Major oil companies could pick up the government data that showed the results of the seismic testing for $195. How many billions do you think it cost the government to get the get and compile the data in those reports?
Re 1. this is Jizzlaine Maxwell’s diabolical TerraMar Project.
Re 2.
Still laughing with the magical dressing for His Royal Highness 😂 😂 😂
That really tickled me, too!
Russia’s Wagner chief threatens to pull out of Bakhmut
In a video released on 4 March 2023, Yevgeny Prigojine threatens to withdraw the Wagner Group from the Russian front in Bakhmut.
[The video is up on Voltaire, but it’s in Russian. Can anyone tell us what he says?]
Reuters says he’s complaining of lack of ammunition.
Duckman, what an interesting site! I didn’t see anything about Wagner, but eman says the problem of the ammo supply of the 4th was real, but now resolved.
the’claim of blackmail to quit unless more ammunition while at the time was correct, is old hat.. The Kremlin fixed the supply problem and just yesterday Wagner admitted it was solved.. ?
and the raggle taggle remnant of the queer, coke heads “army” of unfortunate old men and little boys have been kindly told by wagner that they can go home… to a firing squad no doubt?
as biden requests persons of note to head to the “hotel” (bunkers) and the command plane (doomsday craft) flies from Iceland and on to europe we can but wonder what next..?
but still as the hair sniffer has sacked those ensuring that “minutemen” only fly if ALL the correct protocol is in place we can but wonder..?
If the evidence linking the biden “family” to the creation of the “covid vax weapon” was released then vlodyqueer would nought to bargain with and we could all go back to nice happy ending….
eman, thx for the response.
Many oligarchs are probably admiring and wishing they too had their own private army like Prigo has…Some might think that as the USA has the most incarcerated people in the world its prisons would be prime recruiting grounds, offering the crims reduced prison terms, or freedom. in return for battlefield service…
But there’s no chance America can ship its crims to Ukraine to fight the Ruskies…Most of the crims are held in corporation owned private prisons wherein the crims produce for giant corporations such as Walmart for minimum costs (any slave wages paid are reclaimed for the cost of food and accomodation)…A win-win for some US oligarchs : highly profitable…
Prison or the battlefield, we’re bred like rats in a cage…
I often wonder if the spend down of our strategic oil reserve, armament sent to Ukraine or abandoned in Afghanistan, etc is for the express purpose of reducing the strength of the US military in comparison to Global private army. Hard to see any other purpose in vaxxing our military.
“There’s never a cop when you want one !”
But there are bouncers (aka security guards) everywhere, probably more of them than cops in Sydney ? Which side will they be on if The Revolution breaks out ? Will they bite the hand that feeds them, or go over to the rebels ?
My observation, having interacted with a few, is that they will eagerly seek being deputised – as the state’s bully boys – if promised they can crack as many nuts as they like…(During ‘the pandemic’, one of them, masked, pointed a temperature gun at my head before allowing me entry into a local chemist shop – enjoyed it, like a kid with a toy gun)…
I think you may be right… (100,000 US soldiers injured by an ‘anthrax vax’…Gulf War veterans injured by ‘vax’…Seems the army’s just there to be guinea pigs for Big Pharma ‘vax’ trials…Cant use the crims for ‘vax’ trials as they’re Corporate Property)…
A question for Piers Corbyn: Are you an agent provocateur?
An agent provocateur (French for ‘inciting agent’) is a person who commits, or who acts to entice another person to commit, an illegal or rash act or falsely implicates them in partaking in an illegal act, so as to ruin the reputation of, or entice legal action against, the target, or a group they belong to or are perceived to belong to. They may target any group, such as a peaceful protest or demonstration, a union, a political party or a company.
In jurisdictions in which conspiracy is a serious crime in itself, it can be sufficient for the agent provocateur to entrap the target into discussing and planning an illegal act. It is not necessary for the illegal act to be carried out or even prepared.
Prevention of infiltration by agents provocateurs is part of the duty of demonstration marshals, also called stewards, deployed by organizers of large or controversial assemblies.
Piers Corbyn is arrested after telling anti-vax mob to ‘hammer to death’ MPs and ‘burn down their offices’ in shocking video from London lockdown protests
Dec 19, 2021
Anti-vax campaigner Piers Corbyn has been arrested on suspicion of encouraging people to attack MPs’ offices. Mr Corbyn, 74, was arrested in south London in the early hours of this morning. ‘The arrest relates to a video posted online in which people were encouraged to burn down MPs’ offices,’ the force said. In the video, Mr Corbyn says:
“We have got to get a bit more physical. It means we have to take down these lying vaccinators and we got to take down these lying MPs and things. We got to support and welcome all of those who have rebelled or voted against Boris, ie rebelled from the Tories or my brother and his mates – they voted against the measures yesterday, which is a step forward. We have got to support all those and we’ve got to hammer to death those scum, those scum who have decided to go ahead with introducing new fascism. You’ve got to get a list of them … and if your MP is one of them, go to their offices and, well, I would recommend burning them down, OK. But I can’t say that on air. I hope we’re not on air.”
Video of Corbyn’s Statement
Note: The following tweet is dated Dec 15 (Wednesday); so Corbyn’s speech wasn’t at the Saturday protest as reported (implied?) by the Daily Mail.
6:03 PM · Dec 15, 2021
Piers corbyn here asking people to burn down mps offices, why is this man allowed on our streets. @metpolice @kierstarmer @jeremycorbyn @BorisJohnson @pritipatel lock this man up fgs
[Video clip: 2:09]
The Guardian also claims that the Corbyn speech occurred on Saturday
Piers Corbyn arrested on suspicion of calling for MPs’ offices to be burned down
Video shared on social media shows anti-lockdown protester criticising MPs who voted for Covid curbs
Maya Wolfe-Robinson
Sun 19 Dec 2021 05.29 EST
Piers Corbyn has been arrested on suspicion of encouraging people to burn down MPs’ offices. The Metropolitan police said a man in his 70s – whom they did not name – was arrested in Southwark, south London, in the early hours of Sunday. . . .
On Saturday, Piers Corbyn addressed crowds outside Downing Street at an anti-vaccine protest in Westminster. Thousands of protesters had gathered from 12pm in Parliament Square, from where they marched through the capital. According to the Met, officers suffered minor injuries during “scuffles”. Police say that the arrest, on suspicion of encouragement to commit arson, took place at 1.45am.
It appears that Corbyn’s circus performance – including fire-breathing, speech and “arrest” was coordinated with both the police and media to give the impression that the call to violence occurred at the Saturday demonstration. The actual speech was recorded and tweeted on Wednesday 15th. But the “arrest” was delayed until Sunday 19th. This would make Corbyn as genuine as Thunberg.
Saturday (18th) – Outside Downing Street:
Hugo Talks discusses the Saturday protest, here:
In addition to examining some media coverage (GB News) Hugo Talks also discusses the staged agitation outside Downing Street. This can be seen here:
At 25 secs into the video we see the lamppost which Corbyn stands next to when giving his speech – on Wednesday 15th. The tree momentarily comes into the shot a second later. Presumably, Corbyn and the camera person were given permission by the police to stand in that spot; being right outside the entrance to Downing Street. The main road is clearly open while Corbyn gives his speech (a bus is going past) and there can be no more than a handful of people standing on the pavement.
Ah, those well known beacons of truth wikipedia and the daily fail. What would we do without you?
If you had bothered to read the above post, you’d have noticed that I’m flagging both the Mail and Guardian articles as being misleading; that is, in implying that Corbyn’s speech was at the Saturday protest. In the follow-up post (which hadn’t appeared when you posted) I go a bit further and suggest a conspiracy with the police.
The Wikipedia quote is just a definition of “agent provocateur”. There’s some discussion on the Talk page, but I don’t see anything problematic about the one quoted.
BTW: Do you represent the “Real Left” or the “Real Right”? It’s getting difficult to tell them apart!
Given that Corbyn’s speech happened on Wednesday – directly outside Downing Street – why did it take until Saturday evening for Priti Patel to get “sickened”?
10:00 PM · Dec 18, 2021
Priti Patel has hit out at a video clip showing Piers Corbyn encouraging people to ‘hammer MPs to death’ and burn down their offices
Home Sec slams ‘sickening’ clip of Piers Corbyn telling people to ‘hammer MPs to death’
18 December 2021, 21:57 | Updated: 18 December 2021, 22:12
9:14 PM · Dec 18, 2021
The Piers Corbyn video is sickening.
I back the police to take the strongest possible action against him.
eAUD is the sound donkeys make.
That usual suspect, the UN is in a diabolical protection racket where, just like in NAZI Germany, with the Protectorates of Moravia and Bohemia, that euphemism, ‘protection’ means annexation.
It can be the oil from a can of anchovies for all I care.
Why ruin a good can of anchovies
unleaded would be better, watch those candles!
or snake oil
Or poo and wee, come to think of it.
“We frighten the pants off everyone with the new strain”
“When do we deploy the new variant”
I’m sorry but… am I fucking missing something here? Why on earth aren’t these stupifying bell-ends under arrest? And put away for a long, long time? Instead of being allowed to write books and wank on in the woods for the sake of ‘entertainment’?
Am I tripping? Fuck me sideways.
(Sorry all – but this one got me jolly batey)
this article might help you understand the “great reveal” stage we are now witnessing, if “understanding” the actions of psychopaths is something you really want to do, illuminating and spot on all the same, article was written a year ago…
Thanks Duckman – always open to a read.
What grinds me the most is the complete and utter lack of ‘Accountability’!
Without that, why would there be any reason for these OBVIOUS psychopaths, to be inclined to behave any differently; they’re overtly, smugly sure they can and will get away with absolutely anything!
Just like any other psychopaths.
But these repugnant slime are on the public ticket, pay for nothing through expenses, whinge about their tax-payer funded salmon and cucumber triangle-cut sandwiches and pick up a pension as the cherry on top.
And who’s going to stop them? Why should they change?
Drives me potty Duckman.
unravelling the relationship of all of this to “scripture” is what fascinates me, I sincerely believe we know but 5% of where this is truly heading, but clearly those who have (so we are informed) so uncannily been in the right place at the right time throughout history could tell us more..
so much of our world (and specifically) the ancient world is an intentional muddle for us, the true relevance of such plazes as giza plateau are only now giving up their secrets
some time spent investigating “project looking glass” is worthwhile, the older interviews that seemed unfathomable at the time of release, now seem on point
a young american lady that used to publish on wordpress as “walk in light” was gifted with very clear vision of current events relevance with “biblical” scripts
I do not know how to use “wayback” it may be possible, it was she who first alerted so many to the gottenherd tunnel opening ceremony,
as the satanists openly state “your god is not listening, only our god is listening”.
Perhaps what they refer to here is their infiltration and control over main stream religion since year dot
If you knew the destination it would be far easier to nudge the wheel a little here, a little there, assuming you knew the destination (the desired outcome shall we say?)
Last take and a broken record for some:
the thirteen families=the fallen, nothing more, nothing less, ultimately they lose and face oblivion, but they know it is their purpose to do as much collateral damage as they leave the building..
“they” do not like being mocked, so we know what we must do
I hope I may humbly reflect the thoughts of some here. Maybe I’m wrong – and I would accept that. But it feels to me that the destination is here and now and right before us all: “We need to say, “NO””.
No more voting for lying demented clowns: if you can’t come up with better… then you’re out. No grace period. No more fancy cars. No more pomp and ceremony, extravagant meals, and even more extravagant wage packages. And pensions. No more being elected on the strength of nothing more than bullshit. From now on it’s all performance based – if you perform well… you are justly rewarded. In the interests of the many – not the few, at the expense of the many.
No more Klaus Swabs. No more Cruella DeVille’s. No more ‘penetrating ze cabinets’. No more ‘Unelected Officials’.
If this beautiful planet really is fucked – then let’s start by banning all private jets, muli-million dollar yachts, joy rides into space and cars that can do 0-100 in two seconds.
And if we eat bugs – you eat bugs.
And not on our dime either – YOU have to pay for it.
And if you don’t like it: you can fucking well do something about it.
Or you can get out. It’s not the job for you.
The economy is created by humans – it’s not an out of control beast from another planet. It’s all fucked up because of pure unadulterated greed and beyond woeful mismanagement.
There needs to be Accountability. There needs to be proper consequence. And swift punishment.
Or are we just as bad as them?
In which case – we deserve it.
And nothing will change. Why should it?
Mass hypnosis and cowardice.
Utterly jarring – isn’t it?
Cheers Hank.
(wrong reply to) – can’t delete.
As I’ve been saying for some time, the majority of people are fascistic. The freedom movement (what there is of it) needs to wake up to this reality.
Nov 28, 2021
Swiss reject plan to abolish COVID health pass
The Swiss public firmly rejected a plan to abolish the country’s COVID certificate . . . Sixty-two percent of voters said ‘Yes’ to keeping the health pass, which was introduced in September, and not seek major amendments to Switzerland’s COVID law. The certificate restricts entry to public places, including bars and restaurants to those who are fully vaccinated, recovered from the virus or have a negative test. The referendum took place as concerns rise over the worrying new COVID-19 variant omicron . . .
Opponents of the certificate forced the poll with a petition that garnered 187,000 signatures, way above the 50,000 needed to hold a referendum. They said the pass, which most people use via an app, is discriminatory and amounts to a de facto obligation to get vaccinated. Along with grassroots groups that were formed during the pandemic, the right-wing People’s Party has campaigned for its abolition, despite voting for the certificate earlier this year . . . The campaign even won the support of American anti-vaccination campaigner Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who flew in for a rally in the capital, Bern, earlier this month. . . . Sunday’s poll was the second time in less than six months that the Swiss public has voted on the government’s response to the pandemic.
Nov 28, 2021
Switzerland backs law behind Covid pass in referendum
The law provides the legal basis for the so-called Covid certificate to indicate that a person has been vaccinated or has recovered from the disease.
Opponents claimed the certificate, which has been required since September for access to restaurants and other indoor spaces and activities, is creating an “apartheid” system.
Final results showed 62 percent supported the law in a contest that saw voters surge to fill in their ballots.
The 65 percent turnout was the fourth-highest since women were granted the vote in 1971, in a country where the average referendum turnout is 46 percent.
A majority voted against the law in just two of the 26 Swiss cantons, with the highest support levels registered in Basel City and Zurich.
Insults and death threats
Under Switzerland’s direct democracy system, votes are typically held four times a year on a range of subjects. Citizens can propose new initiatives, or trigger referendums on government policy by gathering enough signatures, as happened on the Covid certificate law.
As in much of Europe, Switzerland has seen growing anger over restrictions aimed at reining in the pandemic, and pressure to get vaccinated.
But in a country where the regular votes normally take place in a climate of civility and measured debate, the soaring tensions around the Covid law vote came as a shock.
Nov 29, 2021
John Bosnić explains how a low metal barricade on a Switzerland street protects the vaccinated from the unvaccinated.
The Swiss people have also voted today in favor of their enslavement by passing the COVID certificate into law, thus proceeding forward with vaccine apartheid.
[36 sec video]
Submission to the new abnormal: fear porn, hardcore bondage, and a fetish for fascism.
Regarding item #3, injecting aerosols into atmosphere, US in fact removed 50% of aerosols and sulfates from the northern hemisphere over 3 decades 1970s and 1990 via “Clean Air Acts.” Peer reviewed studies confirmed that these government actions caused warming in the Arctic. George HW Bush said removing aerosols would stop “acid rain.”…4/8/2009,…April 8, 2009, “Half of recent arctic warming may not be due to greenhouse gases,“ Houston Chronicle, has excellent graph.
Is China hiding alien technology??! Oh, puhlease.
The real left and real right are melding into mirrors of each other, which shows how most humans just want what is right, regardless of how ignorant they are. I once saw a very reliable study (because they said so) that said 78% of all humans are inherently good. Of course, that means 22% aren’t, and we all know which ones make up our political and government, ahem, “leaders”. For those that don’t, they aren’t, for the most part, in the 78%. But the slow but steady focus on freedom (read the Real Lefts agenda) by so many is not going to be put back in the genie’s bottle. And with the internet, as an older person who actually experienced life without the internet (yes, it’s true), and regardless the naysayers that say we should go back to smoke signals and only buy shit from your neighbors, the knowledge level of “What’s going on” by Marvyn Gaye, is off the charts compared to that of my grandpa’s generation who worked as lumberjacks in the north woods of Washington state during the union days of the early 20th century. But then again, they knew what was important. The rich rule and everyone else drools. Maybe we read too much into shit, because in the end it’s simple.
So that adds up to hope. But maybe not for you, it’s too late for you.
Partygate purports partying to be wrong – it wasn’t for me…so I’d say those in annoyance are the easily adjusted lamebrains who helped the exercise flourish
The comments in response to Dr Malik’s tweet are sad, tragic, uplifting courageous and ALL TOO FAMILIAR.
This is a war against the world.
A war against Truth and justice.
A war waged by PSYCHOPATHS.
Blueprint for Environmental Devastation
God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth” [Gen 1:26–28].
Or, in the words of the omnivores:
If it has feathers, fur or fins, kill it and we’ll eat it.
Blueprint for Environmental Devastation
How you are fallen from heaven,
O Day Star, son of Dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground,
you who laid the nations low!
13 You said in your heart,
‘I will ascend to heaven;
above the stars of God
I will set my throne on high;
I will sit on the mount of assembly
in the far reaches of the north;[c]
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.’
15 But you are brought down to Sheol,
to the far reaches of the pit.
16 Those who see you will stare at you
and ponder over you:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms,
17 who made the world like a desert
and overthrew its cities,
who did not let his prisoners go home?’
18 All the kings of the nations lie in glory,
each in his own tomb;[d]
19 but you are cast out, away from your grave,
like a loathed branch,
clothed with the slain, those pierced by the sword,
who go down to the stones of the pit,
like a dead body trampled underfoot.
20 You will not be joined with them in burial,
because you have destroyed your land,
you have slain your people.
May the offspring of evildoers
nevermore be named!
21 Prepare slaughter for his sons
because of the guilt of their fathers,
lest they rise and possess the earth,
and fill the face of the world with cities.
Isaiah 14
not bad, i reserve my earlier judgement ;0)
Lucifer? Or Sargon II?
Here you will find some names more up to date
In Genesis, after each stage of creation, God looks and see that what He has created is good.
Dominion does not mean the wanton
or selfish destruction of God’s Good Creation.