The Frog of War
Sylvia Shawcross

There are seven types of frogs in the Ukraine. So whenever you look at the map of the Ukraine to see how the war ”They” (we can’t call them the elite anymore because it upsets people so we’ll just call them Them with a capital T or They with a capital T to be gender and class neutral…)
Where was I? Oh yes…
When looking at how the war They are peddling is going it is important to remember the frogs because everything else is just noise and misery. The frogs however are carrying on as they do.
Frogs are completely carnivorous and eat all sorts of bugs because they are frogs. Humans are, e.g. not frogs and do not normally and very occasionally eat bugs but only in a pinch or for special events.
Many intelligent frogs are concerned about the terrible future for frogs because human beings are about like you know 10,000 times bigger than they are and they apparently are going to be eating “their” bugs now.
This is a terrible threat to the frog’s way of life and they are mostly, with the exception of one type, innocent peaceful creatures who only want to make tadpoles and gulp and sing and hop and stuff.
They have, after all been doing this for 265 million years at least starting apparently in Madagascar. It is entirely wrong of us to erase this vibrant history of frogs to cater to new social constructs that involve the mass misery of frogs by eating their food. It is appalling. The frogs will starve.
Certainly there are a few countries in the world such as France who like eating frogs and this holocaust of frogs has been carefully re-scripted to look like gourmet meals much like the plight of the crickets and cricket croquettes of Ireland now.
The frogs looking on know full well this is not gourmet food but unable to garner any plutonium and having no opposable thumbs have been unable to help their comrades. This is a source of great sadness to the frogs who every 25th of February can be found howling in swamp circles all around the world.
However, the swamp circles are not the important thing here. The important thing is the “edible” frog of the Ukraine and Europe Pelophylax esculentus. Unlike the mealworm there is no clue to the importance and possible utilitarianism of the Pelophylax in its latin name. It is sometimes called the European black spotted frog but this is no longer politically correct as labelling something as having spots is highly hurtful and triggering. In the country it is simply known as the edible frog, much to its deep horror.
The Pelophylax esculentus are deeply guilty and may quite possibly be the cause of the complete collapse of Civilization. They deserve to be served up on a slice of anchovy toast with plum grapes and red peppers. Particularly those living in the Ukraine.
Pelophylax esculentus has been mucking about with DNA ‘lo these many years. The Pelophylax is a crossbreed from two other types of frogs and the fertile female offspring of a Pool Frog and a Marsh Frog can reproduce without using any of the breeding male’s genetic material. So, in essence, she produces clones of herself with the same DNA.
The parents of the Pelophylax obviously inspired scientists to create biolabs mucking about with DNA all over the Ukraine. Resulting in all sorts of terrifying possibilities that may bring down the entire world.
Now some argue that the concept of biolabs in the Ukraine is purely Russian progaganda so instead of calling them biolabs, let’s call them what Victoria Nuland (USA Undersecretary for State) called them in the senate*: Biological Research facilities. Mentioning such things causes the powers that be to become apoplectic over fake news and stuff.
They could well be correct but we, the mooing herds, will never know. Ours is not to know, ours is but to do and die as we know. We are only at the moment allowed to acknowledge such types of research in Wuhan because we’re supposed to be apparently mad at China now or so some believe. Mind you, it doesn’t look like China itself funded the research, or so some believe so being all mad at China is questionable here. Or so some believe.
But to some it does seem obvious we are going to war in the Ukraine simply to finally save humanity by eliminating the ultimate inspiration for humanity’s destruction by destroying once and for all, all the Pelophylax esculentus. It has to be I’m afraid.
We simply can’t have these frogs inspiring anybody to do things like eliminate the need for males e.g. or mucking about with DNA or eating all our insects and stuff. Honestly. I’m afraid life can mean some hard choices. And those frogs are guilty as hell. They don’t even deserve a Nuremburg 3.0—throw them in the pot with some parsnips and be done with it.
Next week we may discuss how to think positively while pondering the abyss.
Your earworm for the week:
But it was a hard choice because who of us doesn’t like this one:
Syl Shawcross lives somewhere on the planet and sometimes writes things for no reason whatsoever and doesn’t necessarily believe a dang thing she writes. This opinion piece is the result of someone desperately searching for a way to be amusing in a ghastly world. And I like the word ghastly and intend to use it frequently. It is like a ghost and a gasp all rolled up into one which is how the world feels today. Which of course is what They want.
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Fuck the “upset” slaves
Another enlightening article by Sylvia. I didn’t know that Ukraine is such a hotbed of intelligent frogs. But now that I know I am concerned about their future. To alleviate their fear of the future we should tell them that Bill Gates is buying up huge tracts of land in the Ukraine in order to grow … crickets. Of course the bulk will be for export but – maybe at night – the frogs could secretly gorge on ‘his’ crickets ?
Where was I? Oh yes…
More good news about the future: Klaus can forge ahead with his plans to feed all those useless eaters. And Zelenski – being uber-popular on film and music festivals – will lead the concert of frogs, given his talent for playing the piano with his …
But I digress ..
Back to Klaus: He keeps growing his crowd of Young Global Leaders. They are now in almost every country except Greenland. ‘He’ (meaning Klaus) has so many of those YGlobs that he is thinking about selling them. But to whom ?
Maybe Sylvia can help us in her next story.
Syl, I love that frog in military drag picture.
Is that the real frog or the clone?
Not that it matters, really.
Why the asterisk after “senate”?
it was a link unfortunately missed in the editorial process:
Heh, heh… Good writing Sylvia Shawcross.
I grew up in a rural area of many lakes, ponds, and marshlands. Some years there were so many migrating frogs, cars would skid off the roads from the debris of the previously living… Kids in my neighborhood would go out at night and “shine” frogs. We’d collect buckets of them in less than an hour.
I know it might sound gross to some, but we’d stun the larger one’s by hitting them over the head with a hammer. Then we’d cut off their legs and have an enormous feast of fried frog-legs. Parents didn’t really give a damn, because we were just kids having “clean” fun. Some parents would also partake of the feast.
That was over 55 years ago. Frogs in my former residence are nearly extinct from the use of herbicides, pesticides, and lawn care poisons… No one remembers the nightly chorus, or any other sounds of a late summer night…
How did humans manage to overpopulate the world without such devices?
Belgium – home of the EU, NATO and dubious castles – leading the charge into surveillance…. what a shocker.
BTW China just brokered a deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia while Russian inflation falls below 10%. THe US experiences a massive bank collapse and in the UK #IStandwith Gary is a thing. What a time to be alive….
Btw., cricket flour costs 100 times as much as wheat flour. What is the motivation to allow it for human consumption? Unless as an excuse for unforeseen health effects, maybe…
Chitons, found in all insect material, is toxic to humans, and is known to have adverse effects over time. You can search for and find studies, unless they have already be glory holed.
Unfortunately, everything we are experiencing today, and behind the scenes, has been about consolidation. Consolidation of Food Supply, Power Supply, Fuel Supply, Consumable Supply, Water Supply, Medical Services, Medical Supply, Corporate Entities, Transportation Assets, Land Assets, etc. etc. etc.
You will own nothing and be happy.
Translation: We will steal your property, kidnap your children, and use drugs and mind control to make you think you are happy.
It is chitin. It comes from the exoskeleton of adult insects, prawns, etc. Some of us are allergic. It is not found in grubs that people have been eating for a long time.
You have a strange sense of humor.
The frog article made me smile.
Mr. de Zayas is an unswerving idealist. He seriously believes that politics is not merely a power game played by corrupt elites, but must be “capable of learning.”
Since when don’t you have to learn in order to perform well in a power game?
How about this for an earworm, being spotted and all that?
perhaps, escargot is the answer…? 😉
Jeez, why does no-one ever mention beans?
Thjat would be too simple, and not amenable to control.
I believe it is now considered racist to mention beans.
There goes me “frogs make you smile”. Nice one Mum (r.i.p.) Your Son.
What about and Ladybirds are beautiful for my NHS Sister, who never hurt anyone, dismissed talk of multicultural racism as an emotional sickness. (r.i.p.) Your Brother.
I have been chastised for using the word “elite” to describe you know who, and I like the word “They” which may be less offensive to those who have complained. But “They” is also a popular pronoun for a non-binary transexual (I think) so it may be confusing…
Can I get your permission to use “They” instead of “elite”? It IS your invention after all.
oh heavens of course. But don’t even try to explain to me a non-binary transexual pronoun thingie… i’ve quite given up understanding all that nonsense.
It’s ghastly.
THEY: The Hierarchy Enslaving You
(Sorry for no attribution as I don’t know from where its originally from)
Please! How about asking John Carpenter instead?
I think you should continue using the word “elite.” It’s a word conceived in snobbishness and for its entire duration meant to connote a hierarchy of persons.
“Oh, my dear, we’re your betters! Call us elite! Thank you so much.”
It’s a disgusting word. Please – please! – continue using it when discussing the psychos who feel and act superior to the rest of humanity.
Brilliant article!
Take a closer look and you might find these labs in your local hospital.
If you dare ask what they get up to security is on hand to show you the way, to the exit that is.
And the above sums me up perfectly 😉
Scientists who would be gods. To what end?
Our end dear syl. We in our current format who can think and feel.
We are witnessing the depop and dehumanization agenda(21) at full throttle
in the guise of saving the planet. Those scientists involvolved in these demonic ventures are as bad as the ones giving the orders. Having listened to the excuses first hand for playing God sent shivers down my spine. Call it evil.
I gotta sit down with the 17 objectives of the WEF and figure out which ones might make sense and which ones don’t. I haven’t wanted to. It is all predicated on how bad the situation is with the planet and how can any of us really know this? For every fact there is an alternate fact. For every opinion there is an opposite opinion. And every scientist in every field thinks “they” are the experts in the end of the world… We need some logical minds on all of this.
(which is not to imply I myself am the logical mind on this… )
Actually, it’s either just theatre to distract from the real thrat or a hope to escape the real threat that way. All this extravagance because… well… some people can’t handle straight.
And the real threat is?
The real threat is that the tried and true is running out of steam. The extravagance is like Madonna having a face lift, a crazed attempt to suggest another chapter to a story that has come to an end.
To polish their own egos Syl.
And when they’re done doing that they will die, just like us.
Silly buggers.
Exactly. 👍
Scientists are often Monsters.
Make the world a better place?
Benefit the human race?
Of course it’s never true
It’s not what monsters do
I’ve said this numerous times, and I’ll continue saying it:
Science cannot be used for anything but evil.
It’s that simple. It doesn’t matter what “good” things science does: eventually everything science touches turns bad.
You just don’t go around insitutions asking what they’re up to you flaming moron. Lol!
Frogged marched exist where did you go next, the Buzz Stop.
Good one. It’s becoming a ritual now on Wikipedia to use whatever silly pronoun a celebrity prefers to describe them.
I’m always reminded when encountering wokeness of a 4th grade teacher I had. She was a nun; and, I’m sorry to say, she was the least attractive human being I’ve ever seen – plus, she was very mean.
Anyway, one of my fellow students mistakenly referred to another nun as “she.” This teacher went off. “She…is a cow!” Not the other nun – but the word “she.” “She” was in her view only fit to be used for bovines.
Wonder if the cows give a shit what they’re called?
It’s truly bizarre that you bring this up. I attended a parochial school, c. 1961-69, staffed by the Sisters of Mercy (RSM).
Once in a while, a pupil would innocuously use the word “she”, usually referring to one of the nuns. For example, Sister Sebastian might ask a class, “Did Sister Perpetua tell you about the spelling bee?”
A pupil might reply, “Yes, she told us yesterday.” Sister Sebastian would pounce on thie reply, barking, “She? ‘She”s the cat’s mother!”
I inferred from multiple instances of these exchanges that the correct term was supposed to be “sister”, e.g., “Yes, Sister told us yesterday.”
But that’s only a inference, since the nuns never forthrightly explained why they were so “triggered” by the innocuous and correct use of the pronoun “she”.
It was puzzling, and I especially always wondered why they referenced “the cat’s mother”. Most of the nuns were of Irish heritage, so perhaps it’s an Irish idiom.
Even as a young anti-authoritarian, I always found this correction niggling and pointless. But it would’ve behooved the nuns to at least clearly explain their objection and the appropriate term to use instead of bewildering us with obscure (to us) references to the cat’s mother. It haunts me to this day! 😉
Sister Felicia of Sacred Heart of Mary in Baltimore, MD was the only teacher I ever encountered (in 8 yrs of Catholic school) who made a fuss over the word “she.” And I mean she was furious with the student.
She was also the only mean nun I ever encountered. Most were very nice and very patient with students.
In the Netherlands it is the same. I also learned to avoid “she” because it would be disrespectful. So I stick to that.
Most swamps have been “reclaimed” as real estate with devastating loss of species.
You mean “developed”. So much wonderful “development” globally in the past few hundred years.
No matter from what angle you look at it we’re in the shit, and it’s more than kneedeep, kneedeep, kneedeep.
That is when you grit your teeth, throw your shoulders back and plough on through. There is no other choice.
I see what you did there. 😉
haha now i do too
Syl, you write so sweet.
My wife is like my Mum
A Childminder
When we moved here, we had two children Boy5 & Girl2
Both could swim really well, cos we both went swimming with them, almost since birth – just chuck em in and they swim…well better than me…
So she gave up her job to be with our babies – just like my Mum..
So I dug a Massive great hole at the back of our garden…filled it with water about 2 feet deep…
My wife was always brilliant at it, but wanted to get paid for it.
It took 12 months (including training courses) including numerous checks of both her and me to be Officially Be a Registered Childminder (Which I totally Approve of)
The Social Services Completely Approve of Our Frog Pond
We have never been short of frogs or kids (got 3 grandkids now and their friends come round too)
It’s pretty here too.
Fake Pandemic, and the jabs ssem pretty useless too
So cheer up
YOU WILL LIVE and we will get rid of these useless evil bastards currently in control
We don’t like Liars and Cheats
You are such a joy Tony. I hope you collect all these into a book for the grandchildren… these snapshots of a life like memorylove dancing
Don’t forget the Manchester Boys Brigade & Oldham, it made you what you are today.
I dont get the article.
I am presuming, I would have to lick a frog to get what the hell your on.
National Park Service Asks People to Stop Licking Toad that Causes Hallucinations
Maybe I’ll try that for my next article
The frog caricatures a poisonous foregin species btw. May I ask is that intentional.
nothing i do is intentional…
You need to lick a toad, not a frog. Some species, most notably “The Colorado River Toad” have glands that produce Bufotenin, a substance similar to DMT. (Its not recommended because the toad also makes a lot of other unpleasant substances, many highly poisonous.)
Don’t ask questions, switched.
Just lick the frog.
Then again:
Compatible Leftists getting all upset about Gary Lineker didn’t seem too bothered when Matt Le Tissier was sacked.
UK Column had it right:
The jibe froth is anoher resurrection of that old time Lefty preening from the barricades but not really mode.
Gary Lineker getting more news that Hancock and the oppsite of the left seem to be using that as a cover for Hancock and pushing the stop the boat psyop as a deflection to how much things now cost the average jo.
Lineker is also texts about P****stine (the name of the county which triggers pending) and what happens there.
It’s the 🌈 connection if you ask Kermit the frog. Come to think of it, has anyone seen Zelensky and Kermit in the same room 🤔 I think it’s the same muppet with different handlers.
Don’t be a Muppet…dummy.
Don’t tell the frogs. They’ll be hopping mad.
I digress.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-08. Transplant recipients rejecting organs. Telegraph’s lockdown files, while con not yet exposed is testing (blog, gab, tweet).
THe PTB are going to war in Ukraine, darling (we, the people, aren’t, we are being told that the Government is) and the reason is to completely destroy the place so that the Jews can get a bigger Israel so they can get lost from the small empire they currently exist in, surrounded by far too many nasty Arabs.
I’ll be called a anti-vaxxer for that, an antisemite, a far-right racist, anything to stop everyone having to actually examine the facts and see if the evidence fits the thesis.
That’s a sacking offence in Government or in the MSM these days.
Jews behind Russia-Ukraine war to form new Jewish state – Islamic scholar“According to MEMRI, Mraweh Nassar said that the West has forsaken the Jews because the Zionist project will fail in two years.”
Don’t forget cannibalism. Frogs like to eat other frogs regardless of the species. In case you did not watch the Corbett report on March 6th, it was suggested that lab grown meat could develop into cannibalism. There is a California based vat grown meat company that wants to grow “celebrity meats”. I have a list of favorites in mind…………. Kind of like sushi.
Just when you thought the world couldn’t get crazier, it just does. Every day. Celebrity meats… good gawd….
That will be meat grown from celebrities tissue, no not a joke either. I bet awkward Billy G is behind the venture. It turns the stomach just thinking about it.
Here I was thinking to myself that OffG is avoiding discussing Western
support for the Nazis in Ukraine. And, I thought, if they aren’t avoiding
it they are deflecting with nonsense such as, “it’s a fake binary”.
I was therefore relieved to see an article about Ukraine’s frogs.
Am certain that the author is couching her message with similes
or some such device. But hop as I might I cannot land on the right
lillypad to get a proper angle and see just what the author is
hiding behind her big green lips.
It is a pretty big Sign when a website avoids talking about support
for Nazis. I feel sorry for authors that have to attempt to write
*something* but feel they really have to make small jumps
to test the water.
Here is a frog you probably haven’t heard of
but should have.
Billionaire who funded the far right (aka neo-Nazis) militias in Ukraine
and the oligarch that made Zelensky. He paid for his tv comedy program
and his Presidential comedy campaign.
This oligarch also will loose a fortune if the Donbas succeeds in breaking away.
He has massive financial holdings in the Donbas.
(As an aside, did you know that the second largest gas field in Europe is in…
you guessed it.)
Next lily pad .
After the 2014 US neocon sponsored coup he was given authority over an oblast of Ukraine (territorial division) because he was experienced at hiring thugs to act as a “police force”.
This guy got whatever roles he wanted. Not someone to mess with.
He was even made head of the largest(?) Jewish organization in Ukraine at one time. Who is going to stand up to this guy in one of the most corrupt countries in the world?
Kolomoisky ?
It is so telling. I did an internet search to see what results came up based upon my clues found above.
First thing I found was an article at The Guardian (you know, that other one).
And they name a different oligarch!
Is Kolomoisky being written out of history by a MSM curtain?
Here is an article from 2014 found at Haaretz.
It is heavily white washed but nonetheless his stink still comes through.
If you hit a paywall try this archive instead:
Does he look like a frog?
I’m still thinking on this one Levi.
I am all for the editor(s) of off-G presenting Sylvia’s whimsical humor on occasion, and in her own fashion has shown herself over time to be in complete opposition to the fascist technocratic reset. You remind me of Stalin’s famous quote, “Show me the man and I will show you the crime.” I am no friend of the Ukonazi’s to say the least, but if you want every article on off-G to focus specifically with this issue, I would suggest that you start your own substack and write a new article every morning on the subject. I assume all 3 of your subscribers would welcome this,
As to your comment on “fake binary nonsense,” I assume you are referring to the “no SARS-CoV-2 theory.” I can think of nothing more fear inducing to our Overlords than that this should catch fire among the global population at large. This is why they have done a sudden and massive global media campaign about face regarding the Wuhan lab leak, which, of course, plays right into their WW III agenda while keeping the “novel and lethal virus” narrative alive. I find you an incredibly shallow thinker, Mr. Tate.
Ukraine is all about distracting from the whole covid – climate change reset and steering us back to that comfortable little Left/Right rhetoric where we can talk about Nazis and Neocons and whatever. The emergence of the biosecurity state is the single greatest fascist move that has ever happened. And the acknowledgment of this is now being submerged in a resurgence of that old showbiz tomato throwing contest.
I so so agree with you George Mc
I agree, but not totally. A big part of the Ukraine war is about a distraction from more and more truth coming out about the scamdemic. But like most major psy-ops false flags (ironically the fictional virus is the patsy in this one), the Ukraine war had other objectives besides just a diversion. As the debt based money system goes into collapse, more and more fake fiat in the form of debt issued by central banks has to be taken from the future to prevent systemic collapse, and war is the greatest rational from our psychopathic Overlords as to the production of debt and sticking the populace with it.
Around 2/3 of the U$ government budget depends on “defense” (spelt with an s there). Some money goes directly to cronies. Vassals and countries purportedly under threat also buy armaments for dollars. Peace would be very bad for the hegemon.
Conflict in the Ukraine on the surface is a European Continent vibrating buffer zone., overlayed from past domesticated home front policies.
The debt that is being generated through money funnelled through to BigPharma, BigSickFood, the WarMachine is created on purpose in order to enforce programmed CBC / the Great Reset.
The war between Europe’s most resource-rich countries, Ukraine and western Russia, is not only a side-show for us plebs, with plenty of potential for more fear porn, but also part of the “you’ll own nothing but we’ll own everything” agenda of the Reset/4th Industrial Revolution.
The timing was perfect for the fat tyrant (Johnson) who was able to dash off to Ukraine as Partygate became awkward. The lifting of his CV19 restrictions was done under cover of the handy coincidence of a European war which apparently demanded the U.K.’s total support as there is an American industry requiring support so no questions can be asked.
But here’s one : what was Victoria Nuland’s brief when she took her job?
I would say the the worst act of fascism is neoliberalism – the privatization and monopolization that has taken place over the past 50 years and TEACHING IT in universities! STILL! Now these transnationals run roughshod over the sovereignty of nations, further corrupt public education, demand a near trillion/yr in defense welfare support, cavort with intelligence agencies to surveil and censor, imprison truth tellers like Julian Assange and generally plan to reduce the world to serfdom.
But I think we’re at the part in the western where the snake oil salesman is being driven out of town, so WHOever these liars are that need so much censorship, their time is coming to an end. People have also called to fire Victoria Nuland.
The West isn’t supporting the ‘Nazis’ in Ukraine. They’re setting them up to be dead meat by ensuring that the war is fought to the last, often Nazi, Ukrainian.
The West is doing the orders of the mafia that wants to take control of Ukraine.
Lighten up, Levi.
It isn’t ‘a website’ which is putting your knickers in a twist.
It’s the refusal by some people to see everything through a bitter cloud of victimhood.
It doesn’t go without saying that the author even has ‘a message’.
Whether she does or not, I like it when another human being bothers to try and cheer me up.
The deadly serious, purely factual and depressing reality of life is always right behind us, so it’s not as if we’re likely to forget it or ignore it. One just has to step outside for a breath of fresh air now and again.
I “do” try wardropper. 🙂
TY for that
TY too, syl.
There isn’t much in our human society that encourages optimism these days.
Hopefully avoiding a tread mill bobbing up and down thinking of Sunday school shopping.
You know Levi, I can’t tell you what I know to be true about this but I can tell you what you are faced with when opening up the idea with people: 1) It is Russian propaganda and how dare you 2) Zelenski is Jewish so how could there be nazis and 3) Just because Bandera made a pact with Hitler and helped kill off a few million people doesn’t mean that people who support Bandera now are nazis because Bandera represents the freedom of the Ukrainian people. That is the argument back. It truly is and all those nazi badges and symbols with the Azov battalions are photoshopped. I forgot that one. These are the arguments I’ve heard.There is just nothing a human can explore with reasonable discussion in this world anymore to figure things out. You’re on your own. I cannot say one way or another because I figure I pretty much know nothing.
Theatre of the absurd. Don’t make a moutain out of a mole hill.
I once admired Russell Brand. But his grim trajectory shows us where politics is heading | George Monbiot | The Guardian Try this on for comedy dross
I’ve read worse. But thanks.
Gave you a thumbs up.
Russell Brand is controlled opposition.
He is a Hollyweird social engineer.
He dated a woman for two years that has two brothers married into the Rothschild family.
He has been close to the English Royal Circus.
He is great friends with Yuval Noah Harari , the WEF stooge that says “Free will is over” and that most of us are “Useless eaters”.
Russell Brand with his cuddle buddy
Hmmm those two look like the odd couple, a right pair of prats.
I never admired George Monbiot, particularly after I learned that the green nutcase has a country pile in Somerset and therefore has to consume myriad amounts of absolutely unnecessary carbon gallivanting 250 miles every weekend from London.
The day he decides to either stay put in London or become a country farmer forever banished from the Big Smoke is the day his green extremism might not be full of over-bearing hypocrisy.
Yeh ! How dare him !!
I used to admire him, then when I met him he started some vicious rant about ”illegal immigrants” when he was talking about refugees. I didn’t bother to listen to him after that.
Really? TheAlbanian refugees or the Ukrainian ones?
He even looks like the stereotypical self-loving posturing academic “progressive”. Just look at that carefully tilted sanctimonious mug. Don’t you want to hit it with a frying pan?
I knew he was a c*nt when he said “obesity is an incurable disease”. Also claiming to be vegan while shooting and eating an animal. C*nt of the highest order. Perfect graun columnist.
I love it when an odious hack tries to ingratiate himself with some perceived “groovy young things”:
“In 2014, the Guardian asked me to nominate my hero of the year. To some people’s surprise, I chose Russell Brand. I loved the way he energised young people who had been alienated from politics.”
(My favourite example remains Clive James on the Sex Pistols: “I could see the point of their anger. I even thought their music had a certain vigour.” Yes, us wild young ones loved punk rock because it had “a certain vigour”!)
“He appears to have switched from challenging injustice to conjuring phantoms.”
Well we can’t say that of you, George. Because you never had to switch!
And now, feel the irony!:
“It’s hard to decide which is most dispiriting: the stupidity of some of the theories he recites, or the lack of originality. He repeatedly says he’s not a conspiracy theorist, but, to me, he certainly sounds like one.”
“Lack of originality” followed by the most hackneyed vomit: “conspiracy theorist”.
And such vomit sets the standard for what follows.
“His videos appear to promote “natural immunity” ahead of vaccines….”
How dare Russell! Nothing can be promoted ahead of vaccines! Especially when you’re waiting for the next cheque from Pfizer!
Engage automatic pilot mode: Blah blah far right conspiracists blah blah anti-Semites blah blah
Ten references to “conspiracy”, five references to “the right”, two references to “fascism”, one of which links it to “conspiracism”.
Ah well, look on the bright side: this article shows how Seriously Concerned Bug Advertising Cow Hating True Lefty Leftist George clearly feels (or, to be more precise, his handlers clearly feel) that more and more people are starting to experience an unfamiliar sensation between their ears i.e. they are starting to think. And that’s not good at all, is it George?
The wonders of Nature.
Ya never disappoint Pilgrim dear
I couldn’t pass that one up.
Is this really about glysophates?
“It’s turning the frogs GAY!!!!!”
The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is just a pretext for those nations of primarily white people to usher in their Great Reset.
If they don’t comply, welcome to the meat grinder. Just another brick in the wall.
Is it only primarily white people involved in the Great Reset? I hadn’t thought about it. Aren’t south american, african nations also involved in implementing it? Or are you speaking of the leadership?
Are the 1.5 billion Chinese not to mention the Japanese and South Koreans primarily white? I am constantly surprised how the WOKE tentacles invade everywhere, often subconsciously. The CCP is the poster child of the Great Reset.
I don’t know el Gallinazo… i grow weary of these divides… race, gender, nazis, russians, chinese, etc. etc… it is, as you said, the fascist technocratic nightmare we are all facing. Well that and climate change…. and the insufferable reality of being human
There are no “white” people, there are only racists and persons of various degrees of tan.
And before anybody wilfully misunderstands this comment, I might add that I am of exceptionally low tan intensity, but not as low as an “albino” human.
If in the UK a short trip on that Sl-easy jet to top up your tan might get you out of the great white culling. Just a thought.
Didn’t say primarily white people are being affected by the Great Reset. That is your own bias.
I am saying that the sooner TPTB get primarily white people under total control, they think the faster they can get the rest of the world.
TPTB see mostly free white people as their greatest threat. I think history proves that as being the case when you look at revolutions and uprisings of significance.
I think the real threat to the TPTB is that people will learn to disregard labels and join together to overthrow the TPTB. Other than that, they could care less about race or gender, as long as those concepts can be used to divide and distract they’ll use them, as they have for a very, very long time. By singling out white people, you’re in essence doing their work for them – they want us all to focus on race or gender instead of focusing on who the real enemy is – Them.
What Lizzyh7 said
In his own words a good caucasian neighbor of mine has been made to ‘feel guilty’ by the MSM so I can relate to what Thomas is saying. I don’t read-watch the MSM or buy into that shit so it came as a surprise.
Agreed. The analogy being that, historically, “caucasians” have been the first, and most successful at organizing, to push against political power, from the perspective of the ideal of Individual Liberty and Freedom.
Besides all of us humans organized and aligned against TPTB, TPTB also do not like, and want to eliminate, any form of representative government.
I would like to think that Magna Carta, having been written before the printing press, was at least a grass roots ideology back then. Ideas that I also like to think directly influenced documents like the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, and US Bill of Rights.
My wife had the ultimate idea, and why we cannot trust anything anymore, is that for all we know, all the alternative media live on a government secret base, and at the end of the day, all go to the same bar on base, and laugh at us.
However in the end, we don’t know, what we don’t know.
I think you’re on to something. While the globalists are ultimately after all of humanity, it is we who seem to be their number one priority at the moment. I wonder why that is. Is it mere opportunism, because we’re easier marks than the rest? Too ‘eusocial’ (as E.O. Wilson would say)? Or are they genuinely afraid of us for some reason? One way or another, all the anti-white rhetoric they’re pushing really does need some explaining.
I should have said “caucasians” instead of white people.
“The Frog Chorus and Paul McCartney.”
One of those is not a true identity.
The author’s bio seems a little short on information I would have appreciated it if you’d at least informed us which one of your dicks / cunts she must be sucking on a regular basis for her to get to push mass-murder-facilitating globalist psy-ops like the “Lab Theory” (even if it was “only as a joke guys teehee giggle giggle”) in the columns of one of the few publications that has been doing the vitally important job of showing these mass-murder-facilitating globalist psy-op lies up for what they are
You go girl! Tell it like it is! Thank God there are still people who have the wherewithal to entirely miss the point of an article! Otherwise life would be just too boring!
I thought alex was a bloke.
‘They’ are non-binary. (Ds and Cs are false binaries.)
The name abbreviations that give rise to sexual ambiguity are undoubtedly the handywork of Tavistock or other bankster think tank. Chris, Alex, Sam, Phil, etc. Part of the war on gender.
teehee giggle giggle
I don’t know what miracle will ultimately jerk us back from the brink of the abyss, but I’m pretty sure that having a sense of humour is part of it…
You do realize that syl isn’t pretending to be ‘the world’s saviour, Mk II’…?
For me at any rate, seeing somebody adopt a lighter tone now and then is a welcome relief, and I just know that Klaus Schwab hates that.
You know Klaus personally?
We all know Klaus personally.
There’s one in every classroom…
Maybe if we give alex some time, they’ll come around.
I just this morning got the play on words Syl Shawcross used for her title: The Frog of War—The Fog of War. And I consider myself pretty clever!
So there’s still hope for poor alex. (Even though he also rips into Karen Hunt’s article.)
Yeh ! How dare he/r !