WATCH: Alternative Solutions to the Banking Crisis – #SolutionsWatch
Ellen Brown, frequent Corbett Report guest and author of The Web of Debt and Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age, joins James to discuss her latest articles on the bank runs that are leading us toward the event horizon of the quadrillion-dollar derivative black hole.
Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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WHO Totalitarism?
All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes
What is Inflation-Professor Wollf
All War is Evil. No More War
The Bankers Plan for All of Us
All War is Evil. No More War
What You should Know about the Federal Reserve by Peter Shift
No More War. Peace & Liberty Not War. No More War.
The Federal Reserve is a Criminal Organization Owned by Evil World Elite
No More War. No More War. No More War. No More War.
Ron Paul & the Federal Reserve
All Wars are Evil
Liberty & Freedom or the Federal Reserve?
All wars are Banker Wars.
Crooks Control the Federal Reserve
All wars are Banker Wars.
All Wars are Bankers Wars'-Wars:f
All War is Evil. No More War
Skills and knowledge, the most valuable asset anyone can have.
…- Alternatives to the banking crisis:…
…- Compel Nuremberg 2.0 Common Law Tribunal, laying out evidence demonstrating proof of the hoax/psyop nature of ‘Event Convid’…
…- Lay out evidence inculpating the Bankster/Gark’ class as ringleaders and instigators of the aforementioned plot, viz: – Repogeddon, Sep, 2019/imminent banking system meltdown, etc., and *Everyone Else* on down the marching-orders food chain so involved… – Lay out evidence demonstrating the afforementioned plot constituted a prima facie Human Rights/War Crime *Of The Gravest Magnitude*, given the whole amounted to a de facto declaration and waging of war (by biochemical means) upon the *Entire Human Race*, during which *Multiple* fundamental human rights were *Systematically And Comprehensively* violated, *En Masse*…
…- Pass *Appropriate* judgement *And* sentencing for these crimes, per Nuremberg and Geneva codes and conventions, and those deriving from them…
…- Hang Banksters and Garks (‘specially Pharma Bros’ and ‘Cost of Living’/’supply chain disruption’ speculators), Pols, ‘Crats, Spooks, Academics, diverse Media Denizens and *All Other* ‘nudge-unit’/behavioral psych scumbags, as well as sundry enforcers, from the neck until *Dead*, *Dead*, *Dead*…
…- Burn the whole entire extant system down *TO THE FOUNDATIONS AND SUB-BASEMENT LEVELS*, with *Copious* applications of napalm and MOAB bunker-busters, if need be…
…- Common People issue own currencies/negotiate economic/trading relations and contracts *Themselves*… – Organized into mutual non-profit trusts along the lines of co-operative credit unions, if so desired and practicable, with said public-issued currencies idealy backed by a gold/silver standard or some other acceptable *Non-Fungible* backing, as a limit to potentially infinite currency issuance…
…- Too much?…
…- Ok then – Not *Too Much*: – Add Usury and *Any* form of fraud-based issuance of credit (ie: *Debt*) to the TBD common law statutes as a *Capital Crime* amenable to the *Appropriate* penalties for same, in recognition that both of these are socially/civilizationally *Caustic* corrosives on the same level as WMDs…
A government that represents the people….hmmmm, re presents the people as what one wonders?
Persons perhaps?
Tried that. No joy in it, nor life
Let the dead bury the dead….
I’m afraid the raison d’être of Government everywhere is mistrust in human nature.
Ambrose Bierce. The Devil’s Dictionary
…- That being said, it does however have the advantageous fundamental property of being strictly finite in quantity… – Would you prefer monopoly money (- per rule #11*)?…
Why John F Kennedy was executed: >
Executive Order 11110 – June 4, 1963 – JFK vs. Federal Reserve
Published by The Foundation for Truth in Law
An interesting scenario comparing banking practice to the spreading of manure. >>>
DEBT: How The Federal Reserve System WorksSeptember 27, 2019
DEBT: How The Federal Reserve System Works | The Liberty Beacon
Tennessee Governor Signs Bill to Protect State Funds with Gold and Silver
March 24, 2023
Tennessee Governor Signs Bill to Protect State Funds with Gold and Silver – Activist Post
Several other states are considering their own sound money bills this month, including Alaska, Idaho, Maine, Missouri, Mississippi, South Carolina, Vermont, Iowa, Kentucky, Oregon, and more.
What a concept. Assets backed by physical reality, rather than economic mysticism…
Wonderful, Paul. I’m glad to see Governors taking their jobs seriously. However I don’t see how you can protect some dollars and not others, so I still say we need another currency completely apart from the dollar.
I really don’t think it’s necessary to back it w a precious metal; I even think inflating the currency is OK so long as said inflation doesn’t outstrip the growth of the economy, products, etc.
If the dollar had remained gold-convertible TPTB would have found a way to be in possession of all the gold, so I’m not sure that convertibility buys you any security, although the symbolism might be worth a lot in our circumstances.
I say our initial security requires TWO factors: sound money apart from the dollar and sound, secure vote count at the polls. With these two I’m confident we’d soon see the take-off of the movement for dissemination of assets now monopolized.
Thanks for posting this; good reason for optimism!
Why is the Irish pound called the punt?
Because it rhymes with bank manager.
That said, we actually need more banks, local community banks. Owned by the people, for the people. Peace to the banking shacks! War on the banking palaces!
…- Why? – Is the bank manager called ‘Hunt’?… – Are they a runt… – I’m drawing blanks here, help me out!…
…- Amen to your last point, tho’ – community credit union co-op trusts/mutuals *Publically Owned*… – Issue your own currencies, people!… – Not a law in the world to stop you (yet… 😉 )
poont on..
Money is a public utility and should never have fallen under the control of private central banks. Now the creditor class has replaced normal government investment in public purpose (fiscal policy) and seeks to become the sole creator and controller of money by first hollowing out governmental departments until nation-states are completely dissolved and the world can be run as a corporate collective entity.
The Collective West vs. Traditional Values
“…the plutocratic elites are the only ones with a clear motive, almost unlimited means, and the opportunity to create an unconventional and unnatural ideological system that will serve only their interests and which will be impossible to question. It would be very naive to think that this monstrous ideology is an internal problem only for those countries that practice it, because its creators, financiers, and advocates have hegemonic, imperialist, and neocolonialist plans and ambitions for which it was created after all. Aspects of this ideology that are easily recognizable and felt in the internal political life of the countries of the collective West simply serve the purpose of realigning those societies for the continuation of even more aggressive expansions and military interventions.”
“These ideologies are manifested together as an attempt to destroy all nations, traditional cultures, and religions by first destroying the traditional family, founded by a man and a woman in the desire to raise offspring together in love and harmony. Pseudo-liberalism, therefore, seeks to “liberate” the individual from that healthy security and support that a natural family provides to a normal human being, replacing it with its freakish surrogates. At the same time, the goal of liberalism is to replace the collectivism of traditional nations, societies, cultures, and religions with corporate collectivism, in which the individual at the “end of history”, will be reduced to a mere property of the company.
In order for an individual to be successfully and permanently uprooted from the traditional family environment and turned into a being that can be easily manipulated for the purpose of efficient exploitation, it is necessary to fulfill a whole series of preconditions. Thus, pseudo-liberalism seeks to “liberate” the individual from all true and authentic spirituality and religiosity, from any applicable knowledge other than that which is absolutely necessary for work and production, and from any political awareness of true human rights and freedoms. Such individuals are thus completely denied the right to any kind of true self-realization, and all their life choices are narrowed and reduced to mere production, profitmaking, and consumption.
This sinister goal is practically impossible to achieve if parents are not removed from the process of raising children beforehand. In the ideal case, it is necessary to bypass the parents completely and to reach the young people as early as possible, more and more often already in kindergarten, indoctrinating them, first of all, with the destructive poison of LGBT and gender ideology as a guarantee that, by creating very vulnerable individuals, the manipulation of them in the near future will be complete.”
“Elite? War Racketeering Corporate Fascist Eugencist Oligarch Mobster Psychopath Criminals are anything but that.”

“A big shout out to the people of France. Turn sockpuppet Mini Hitler and his Grandma into piñatas.”

“The Pyscho Nazi’s need to go, NOW!”
That first picture shows all one needs to know.
…- Ahhh… – Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke…
(…- Dinosaurs > That *One* Comet, When… 😉 )
Rockefeller was a smart man. Meet a lot of people, saw a lot of societies around the world.
Had a lot of people willing to obey and do everything he demanded running in his butt for money. Interesting question:
Could he have had some good reasons to wish people the sheeple all dead?
Age old gold, its price now only subdued due to NYC Comex manipulations to protect the U$.
…- On point, Antonym…
…- Comex as well as the *Entire* LBMA and adjacent frauds is a *Freakin’ ***GARGANTUAN*** Ponzi Scheme*!!!…
…- *Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick*…
…(…- I could wax lyrical on the rest of the handful-*Quadrillions* derivatives complex, hanging like the proverbial Sword of Damocles above the feast, but I won’t here… – Can you spell ‘Rehypothecation’, then define that term, then describe what’ll happen when a handful of gold ETFs get margin-called, like the recent SVB/Signature bank-run shitshow, only with *Completely Fucked-Up* counterparty collateral chains where nobody knows who owns, *Or Owes* what, and the whole damn ship capsizes?… XD XD XD…)
I’m reading Niall Ferguson’s ‘THe Ascent of Money’.Ferguson says people don’t like bankers for three reasons – debtors resent creditors, occasional crises and racism. He doesn’t mention a fourth reason – the credible evidence that so-called elite finance have been engaging in a conspiracy for well over a century.
Much of the evidence comes from Carroll Quigley, for example:
“The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences”.
I look up Quigely in the index and references and of course he’s not there. Nobody’s telling me Ferguson doesn’t know about Quigley. It’s another example that “mainstream” academia and media will just lie to your face.
1. Government solution is CBDC.
2. People’s solution is Bitcoin.
3. Real solution is Privacy cryptos, which don’t reveal balances, purchases,or donations, like Bitcoin.
The only cryptos that maintain complete privacy are Monero, Dero, and Pirate Chain.
You better get a little of each in case government and banks go banana republic.
Peoples solution is just stop complying with their shit.
…- I dunno about you… – My solution is trading fags for homebrew:… 😉
Gold, silver and copper. You can make coins of all these 3 metals in your garage.
Easy trade, easy exchange, easy accessible commodity and true physical value.
If government participate in our civilisation they can get a few dime from the stake.
KISS Keep It Simple Stupid. I fixed it for everybody on this planet once and for all!.
This is the solution from Y.Varoufakis from DiEM 25 Greece. He is talking about the CBDC at least as I understand, presenting it as a socia friedly solution against the antisocial cartel of banking system. He make this comparison “Coal miners have found out the hard way that society does not owe them a permanent subsidy to damage the planet. It is time for bankers to learn a similar lesson”
So, I wonder where all the glass came from for the bakers to slurp their whisky?
Coal and Silca make glass.
How about the windscreens in the EV’s?
Oh how about solar panels? They don’t realise that the Photocell in PV is made from silica glass
Sometimes there is no help for stupid people.
Absolutely !
….makes a lot of sense, seeing as it is exactly what the BIS have told us they want to implement. Bankers have always implemented things that will make the world a better and more harmonious place. When the bank of banks says such a thing, we know that everything is going to be ok and super, and we don’t have to worry about things at all.
Hope you’re joking !
…- The BIS is Mother, The BIS is Father… – Sasuga, BIS-Sama!…
Y fakis is not the brightest head in a public schools classroom you could find.
Our centre earth consist of floating lava burning coal, gas and oil to the upper layers.
Thus coal is a natural part of combusting and for same human use. If someone doesnt like the coal dust in the area, there are plenty of engineering made filters.
Pls dont destroy a discussion with this fakis leftist crybaby attitude to coal. China recently opened 8 coal factories again under our banker scam energy crisis.
I didn’t put the link of stupid varoufakis because i agree with him, I want to point out that the politicians are starting to talk about the CBDC as a solution and that’s isn’t good news
I apologize. I read your comment wrong and agree with your conclusion.
there is something very wrong with this comparison.
it’s just let them eat cake, again.
subsidised industries, ffs, wherever not for the profiteering few? no, blame it on them dirty workers, sniff
A4E etc WINDFARMS! etc the list is endless, timeless, warmongering.. . . . . . . .
“coal miners have found the hard way,..” fuck off.
As of Dec 31, 2022 Deposit Insurance Fund stood at $128.2 Billion– 1.2% of all INSURED deposits. And w Silicon Valley they extended the insurance to the UNINSURED, too.
is an interesting banking article. I think it’s possible to construe what’s happening as “on purpose.” If so, why, what’s the rush in getting to the next (programmable money) step?
The only positive spin I can put on such a possibility is that the cabal is alarmed at the degree of public awakening.
I continue to be surprised at the degree to which you all find people to be still sleeping. Everywhere I go I ask people what they think, whether they trust govt or media, whether they think they were told the truth about covid, what’s behind the hike in food prices, etc
I don’t often get a deeply knowledgeable answer, but most are in the right direction.
I keep off the subject as I assume (wrongly perhaps) it is all or nothing. They will just call or think me a CT and I would rather keep some limited common interest or family relationship going. Actually I feel cut off by it. An intelligent inquiry into what they think, as you suggest would be much better. But then I find I don’t care what they think if they have not bothered to look into it.
Martin, a lot of people need encouragement to tell you what they think, especially stranger-to-stranger. But these topics ought not be verboten; how are we to be good citizens if we never exchange views & information?
In the grocery or gas station I will generally catch a stranger’s eye & say “Wow, somebody’s making money on these prices, and it ain’t us.” Thus, I’ve aligned the two of us together against larger forces. They generally respond in agreement & I then ask, “What do YOU think is going on about this covid thing?”
Or, if they seem a little less enthusiastic about conversing I’ll stick to the same subject, “Why do you think we’re seeing these prices?”
If you draw people out as to what THEY think they’re MUCH more interested in any bit of info you can plant or a reference to an easily-remembered website.
I find that it’s my most wide-open questions that get other people to just LAUNCH & tell me all sorts of things I already know. At a bus stop where I knew we’d have a few minutes to talk I made eye-contact, smiled & said ironically, “So what do YOU think about the world situation?” Guy absolutely launched– all about George Soros & terrible things he was doing to countries.
When you encourage others to talk, and plant a bit more, you reinforce their desire to talk to others.
Sorry to preach. Regards,
Thanks Penelope, I got talking to a guy on the bench outside a supermarket who did pipelne inspections and I asked and so what do you think about what happened in the Baltic Sea? But unfortunately time ran out when his wife came out. We shook hands and I forgot his name,I should have got his facebook or something though im not on it. it’s hard to build community, though he lived nearby.
Greg Mannarino and Ed Dowd both predict massive consolidation in the banking system in preparation for CBDC. It’ll either happen quickly (uncontrolled collapse) or over several years (controlled collapse). Dowd also predicts an emergency rate cut by June.
You would think that interviewer (I think she’s from KITCO) would have sussed out the financial collapse plan given shes had those guests on. Additionally Gerald Celante was on who she seemed to treat as some old eccentric. You do often wonder if they are a bit stupid or know but simply don’t wish to hear the truth
TFW: KITCO With the whole ‘Fed’s Gonna Pivot’ narrative…
(G O L D B U G G E R) C O N T R O L L E D O P P O S I T I O N
Richard Wollf, Steve Keene, and Michael Hudson are better.
The Safer Solution:
Hate to say it …. Bitcoin.
China, Russia and a bunch more have decided to ditch the US dollar in favour of gold backing their currencies. Trade between them will now occur in their currencies and soon that will evolve into a currency that will be backed not only by the resources they trade in but also in gold, Bitcoin and perhaps even the US dollar.
The US dollar is not going anywhere anytime soon however its hegemony is over. It’s no longer going to be the reserve currency.
Ukraine was the pawn in the game. The US and UK thought they had this figured out, their stupidity played right into the trap.The World needed an excuse to divorce but it equally required Europe to decouple from NATO and the UK. The EU as it stands now will implode. A more effective version will arise from the ashes.
I still don’t know where Germany sits in all this. It’s rather a delicate game on many fronts for Germany. They have their own foreign powers to get rid of, the likes of the Greens for example. Other EU states have similar agents that may never be rid of. It’s going to take some time.
France, Portugal, Italy, Spain, and the rest will all line up to trade with China, through Russia. China will most likely undertake rebuilding what’s left of Ukraine proper,once Zelenskyy comes out of his cocaine induced trip, if he ever is allowed to come out if it. Ukraine will be abandoned by the UK and the US much in the same manner the rest of the world will abandon them.
Thats not a snub to these two degenerate nations. It’s a wake up call to its citizens. Who knows. Perhaps They and Canada, Australia and New Zealand will figure it out and build their nations from within this time. Unfortunately that will take very strong leadership which can stand up to the corporate agenda. It will also take a populace that can actually think and want to make a change for the better.
Two highly unlikely scenarios at this moment in time.
I for one have no time to waste in sitting around waiting for this shit show to get played out. The World still has many options and it’s about time we all started looking at them very closely.
You may wanna read this about “Bitcoin.”
Wall St said a few years ago that if they can’t control it they’d destroy it.
I had high hopes for DEFI.
…- Bitcoin:…
…- ‘Anonymous’ (…- Unless you have a spook agency or private-sector equivalent at your disposal, that is…)
…- ‘Secure’ (…- See Above + NSA-level supercluster server farms, or private-sector equivalent… – AES 256 is *NOT* computationally hard (…- In the P vs NP sense, and therefore *Eminently* brute-forcible *With Sufficient Computational Firepower*…))
‘Trust-Free’ (…- See Above: – If you can hack sub-quantum encryption, viz: AES 256, *With Sufficient Computational Firepower*, you can *Fraudulently* edit the ledger *And* propagate to the rest of the network – No ifs or buts…)
…- ‘Free’ and ‘Decentralized’ (…- See Above, – See Also: – Operation Choke Point 1.0, 2.0, Canadian Truckers, MtGox., FTX, Binance, etc., etc., etc.,…)
…- Also: ‘Muh Electric Grid!!!’…
…- SMH… – *Try Again*…
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-25. Moderna Shot Causes SIX TIMES More Myocarditis Cases U40 Men Than CV. Brutality of the French police (blog, gab, tweet).
Banks = War
the Banks=War equation is true only if the banking side of the equation applies to all people of all nations so that everyone uses the same bank, the same currency, and only if the corporations, oligarch owners and bought and paid for politicians are denied any way to weaponize either the banking services or the lending power of the bank against any person, nation, or entity world wide.
sorry i meant Banks=war is always true ,unless the banking side of the equation …one bank set of rules apply to every person in the world on exactly the same terms.
You seem to fall for the UNO advertisement …That would be boring, wouldn’t it?
If a group of people is rebellious, has too few ESG points or is otherwise superfluous, why shouldn’t also set ONE bank one against the other to solve the human problem, since it always earns money from EVERYTHING? The BIS has long since demonstrated this. .
‘All people are equal.’
THAT is the poison of human rights.
They are not, never have been! And that is good and right. Only those who think they have to make everyone equal wage wars to destroy those who don’t fit the pattern.
Hitler used a racial scheme. Today the pattern is constantly changing and the authority is a machine. That is the difference. What both have in common is the relentless cruelty with which they enforce the doctrine of equality: both decide who is allowed to live on the planet.
By what right? The right of science, both times. And that is the EUGENICS.
The Powers of Bank Credit Creation during World War I
Yes and banks hold the debt.
My contention is we don’t need banks, except under the ruling system.
Because of decades of financial abuse, insider dealing, and robbery of the public purse via PPP schemes, climate scams, and big pharma scams, the guilty want to pull the plug. And when they pull the plug, everything goes. Starting with your savings, because as a depositor or unsecured lender, you are at the bottom of the pile as far as the bank is concerned when it comes to any compensation.
When everything is gone and all one owns are worthless bank shares given in exchange for one’s stolen money, that’ll be the time to sell everything one owns in order to get by.
Perhaps that is what is meant by the Swab telling us we will own nothing?
Happiness is subjective and will also depend on the individual and whether they wear a NWO party badge.
There are a few things which have been used as money and have been around for thousands of years, and through many failed attempts at creating alternative currencies. They will even see the back of this financial crisis and current reserve currency.
When you deposit money in a bank, it no longer belongs to you. The bank owns it. The legal position, following a civil case in the UK in 1847, is that you are an investor in the bank. If the bank decides to do a Bankman-Fried, tough. It’s your loss. Of course there is deposit insurance, but good luck with that. It’s like peddling insurance against a nuclear war. [
The banking sector was fucked from the moment they abandoned solvency via their fractional reserve methods. This has spawned trillions in debt which will never be settled but will only get worse.
I’m sitting here with my popcorn, waiting for this balloon to pop.
Certainly back in the 70s in the UK the banks were subject to a 28% liquidity rule. Today it’s more like 1% with loans 100 x assets. Beyond crazy. Back then, you had to show you were a good credit risk to obtain a mortgage, and wait your turn on a list. Now they give them away in corn flake packets. Everything is credit. The banks classify you as a “deadbeat customer” if you are in the black and don’t take out loans from them at 30% p.a. My father bought a car for cash. He’d never borrowed any money and they were trying to pressurise him to do it on credit. He didn’t have any credit history, which they regarded as incredibly suspect and thought he was giving a false name or something. People selling double glazing, new kitchens etc. are more interested in selling you a credit package than the actual product.
The same happened to a member of my family who, apart from a mortgage, had no debt whatsoever. Because they never took out another loan apart from the mortgage, they were deemed persona non grata. It’s no wonder the world is arse about face.
Deutsche Bank is on the brink of going belly up.
If it pulls through, it will only be at the cost of a huge taxpayer bail out.
It has already been getting bail outs for years on the quiet.
Old Hans is going to have to put his hands in his pockets and dig deep.
Then start checking behind the sofa.
Another headache for Sergeant Schulz to add to all the others..
Meanwhile, it’s full speed ahead as we head for the iceberg.
Voltaire said if you see a Swiss banker jump out of a window, then you should jump out after him too.
But that was then and this is now.
The Swiss banks, once rock solid with a gold backed currency, were nobbled by Uncle Sam years ago. Banking secrecy was shredded, and their banks were shaken down for billions by the Chosen Folk in a holocaust scam. Since then, Russian accounts have been raided and stolen on orders from Brussels. The well heeled of the world, Saudis, Asians, have seen the writing on the wall. Stash your loot in Zurich and there’s no secrecy and no security. They have done it to Russia, and it’s only a matter of time before the same thing happens to them, maybe because there aren’t enough LGBT parades and trannies in Riyadh and Beijing.
The UBS takeover cost for Credit Suisse has ballooned from 50 to 108 billion (Sw. Fr., so far.)
The Italian banks are even more dodgy. Given the level of state debt, rising interest rates could be the final nail in the coffin.. But don’t worry – Meloni is sending a few more billion to Zelensky. I’m sure this will all be properly accounted for.
And there are sound hands on the EU tiller in Brussels. VD Leyen is cobbling up an 11th sanctions package, this time targeting washing machines. The first 10 packages were such a rip roaring success she decided to add another one. Perhaps Lagarde will loan another 50 billion to Argentina as well.
And Macron has millions of revolting frogs burning the country down as he goes over to rule by decree in best tinpot dictator tradition.
Meanwhile, German industry has to cut its energy consumption by another 20%. Olaf has to manage the de industrialisation of Germany amongst his other problems, unless BMW can find a way of making cars without energy.
It’s a bit like one of the old music hall acts where the performer puts multiple spinning plates on sticks and has to dash round from one to the other to stop them falling off and smashing.
Still, with the gifted leadership we have in the EU and the western world in general, I’m sure everything is under control and it will all work out well in the end.
An excellent synopsis. The whole western world is in for a very nasty shock…sooner than they know.
Olaf had to ditch his grandiose plans to spend another 100B euros on the German military. He simply hasn’t got the cash. He had to bail out just one energy supplier to the tune of 40B euros. 3 large well established businesses went under in a single day. A large construction company like Laings, a bakery business like Greggs, and a confectionery business. Steel and aluminium plants and fertiliser production have come to a standstill. The chemical industry, which supplies the rest of Europe with essential products, is closing and starting to set up shop in America, China, wherever. Car production will have to emigrate as well. VW has got plants all over the world, Mexico, Brazil, Iran, S. Africa, Nigeria, even previously Russia. Production of 5.5 million cars a year will be ancient history. Just to keep going at all, long term extremely expensive capital investment projects in energy need to be produced virtually overnight, like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Oil refineries will have to be rebuilt, LNG terminals costing billions built from scratch, port facilities expanded and new pipelines built. Maybe Olaf or the ECB will be printing trillions of euros, slashing interest rates, and watching inflation skyrocket and the euro go down the toilet, taking the EU with it .Germany will be a de industrialised, impoverished irrelevant backwater, dragging the whole of the EU down with it. I don’t think the Poles are going to get their 1.3 trillion euros compensation somehow.
Thanks for this tour d’horizon of news. I think those who still believe the “it’s all because of cov**” litany must be getting to be an ever shrinking minority; they may not know the reasons for these crises but must by now have a good idea of what the reasons are not.
the revolution is going on now in Germany, France and Israel.. The governed people of the entire western world are rising in search of a solution which no one has yet offered. Revolution without a solution to the oligarch owned monopoly powered corporate tyranny which controls all governments everywhere will only result in greater chaos. . The bankers that survive will round up the solution seeking survivors and imprison them. Welcome to the real world.
Before the revolution can succeed a solution is needed to the governance problem. No government has ever been for the people, by the people and of the people.. work on developing a solution to the governance problem before considering a revolution.
Agreed. There is a force that is slowly gathering shape and substance and its direction is slowly aligning itself against the big cogs of the system. And what is remarquable is that these crises are happening in the countries where Capital is most developed.
The protests in France never stopped really ever since they started (I remember how the French were mocked for their compliance at the very beginning), and that’s what is worrying I think the big cogs of the system: persistence, a slow but sure evolution of the consciences from problem-specific discontent to system opposition. They’d rather face a few episodes of violent outbursts to which the State is only too happy to crack down on and discipline rather than persistent, consistent and peaceful protests.
The big cogs are busy putting in place an all-digital mechanism aimed to solve the problem faced by the banking system. I don’t see it will be welcomed passively. If the situation weren’t desperate, there wouldn’t have faked a worldwide health emergency and wouldn’t have maintained the emergency sensation in the population ever since which allows them to justify unprecedented policies or sudden alterations thereof the moment they see fit. Add to that the rearrangement of alliances that we are witnessing. The novelty we’re seeing I think is this persistent force that is taking shape and countering the inevitable decisions that have to be made to salvage the system.
We are entering a long era of turbulences my friend, soon near everybody’s home.
No, it’s all Putin’s fault. He signed a decree ordering the EU to commit suicide.
If only Putin hadnt fokked up the Crimea and Syria thing for us in West, we could all have been rich today.
Thats a showcase in real time on how dangerous a hitler dictatorship guy can grow up to be for our business.
I drove a borrowed German electrical hybrid vechicle some years ago, they’re quick expensive then, and you needed a charging station at home, and their was also one at his place of business. I can see the application in fact Americans really dont drive very far outside their radius. They are not my thing for the British Isles, and the sales pitch with be through Women imo.
Sounds really good….but where will the electricity come from?
Oh there isn’t any
Actually, as you can pull drinking water out from the air, you can pull electricity out from the air too.
So when everything is locked down, necessity will teach naked woman to sew.
The merged UBS/ CS Bank is more than twice as big (on paper) as the entire Swiss economy.
The financial sector was supposed to serve the needs of manufacturing industry and the productive economy.
Instead, we get this garbage, parasitic finance capitalism at its worst.
With the bloated parasite growing to several times the size of its host.
The tail wagging the dog.
If CS was too big to fail, what is this?