New World Order: The International Criminal Court and War on Russia
Simon Elmer

“It is in the ranks of the Party, and above all the Inner Party, that the true war enthusiasm is found. World-conquest is believed in most firmly by those who know it to be impossible.”
George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
On 17 March, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, for the illegal deportation and transferal of children from occupied regions in the Ukraine into the Russian Federation, which it judged to be a war crime. 123 states are party to the judgement of the International Criminal Court, including Brazil and South Africa but not including India, China or Russia itself. The USA also doesn’t recognise the authority of the ICC. Indeed, in 2018, the US threatened to arrest ICC judges if they pursued an investigation of US military personnel for war crimes committed in Afghanistan; and in 2020 the US imposed sanctions against two judges for investigating human rights violations by the US military. So why has the ICC — apparently at the bidding of the US, and certainly to its benefit — issued a warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin? The answer lies in how this warrant will be deployed by the US and its military allies in the geopolitical struggle against Russia.
First, the West, through what is in effect its kangaroo court, has put pressure on parties bound to enact the ICC warrant to arrest Putin if he visits their countries, effectively prohibiting him from diplomatic relations with the rest of the world.
Second, the USA is forcing NATO states to choose between alliance with the West — which means, first and foremost, allegiance to the US dollar as the dominant reserve currency of the world — and the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), three of which are not parties to the International Criminal Court. As an example of which, last week South Africa invited Putin to attend the BRICS summit in August, effectively aligning itself with this growing economic alliance of nations and its threat to Western hegemony.
And third, by including the Russian President on a list of wanted criminals, the ICC has laid the legal ground for a declaration of war against Vladimir Putin himself. The same legal trick was used in 1815 when, in response to his escape from exile on the Island of Elba, the Congress of Vienna declared war not on France but on Napoleon Bonaparte himself, whom they declared a ‘criminal’ for violating the terms of his banishment. More recently, in 2003, the USA and its European allies declared war not on the Iraqi people but on the government of President Saddam Hussein, thereby justifying their illegal and genocidal invasion of Iraq and the theft of its oil reserves as a desire for ‘regime change’.
As it did with the equally manufactured war on Iraq, HM Governments like to declare war in March, as it gives military campaigns in the Northern Hemisphere the maximum time before winter returns. If I were a betting man, I’d have a flutter on the most servile Parliament in UK history declaring war on Russia this or next month. The UK brazenly sells arms to Saudi Arabia, Israel and other criminal states, so if all we were going to do was sell him some armour-piercing rounds containing depleted uranium there was no need for the pomp and circumstance that attended President Zelenskyy’s visit in February. When the UK state dusts off the stained-glass windows and gets its monarch out of mothballs, you know it means murder. And just like we were in 2003, the UK will be at the rear of a long coalition led by the US, endorsed by the UN, financed by the arms dealers and energy companies and paid for by us, the tax-payers.
But whenever we do go to war, I believe it will be declared against Putin himself, as a criminal wanted by the ICC, in pursuance of whose arrest the West will justify its illegal war on Russia and theft of its oil and mineral resources. In this respect, the ICC warrant is the ratification and legal form of the unilateral judgement of the USA — which was imperiously announced by US Vice-President Kamala Harris at the Munich Security Conference in February — that Russia has committed ‘crimes against humanity’, and that Putin will be held personally accountable.
As a measure of the influence the West has over the so-called International Criminal Court it funds and why so many non-Western nations refuse to recognise it as independent and impartial, the ICC, which was founded in 1998, has issued no equivalent warrant for the arrest of the Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman and before him the King of Saudi Arabia, for crimes against their own people and war crimes against the people of Yemen; of the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, for the genocidal treatment of the Palestinian people; of the Presidents of the Ukraine, Volodmyr Zelenskyy and before him Petro Poroshenko, for the ethnic cleansing of the Donbass; or of the Presidents of the USA, starting with Barack Obama and George W. Bush, for war crimes committed by US forces in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Libya, and in every other country they have invaded since the end of the Second World War.
When NATO — which is the military form of US hegemony in Europe — declares war on Russia, I believe it will do so not on the grounds of the military defence of the Ukraine but on a legal basis. In doing so, the ensuing conflict will be placed outside the political realm, and therefore not open to debate in our legislatures. Like the equally manufactured ‘war’ on COVID, this will be a war for biosecurity. And like all wars of biosecurity, it will be waged not against the Russian people but for them; not to defeat them but to save them; not for our benefit but for theirs. And like the police who, under coronavirus-justified regulations, beat the non-compliant with weighted truncheons, sprayed their eyes with tear-gas and shot them with rubber bullets in order to ‘protect public health’, we’ll make those Ruskis free — or they’ll die trying!
The more recent example of a war waged against a head of state is the so-called ‘decapitation strikes’ launched by the US military in 2011 against the President of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, who two years before had initiated the Gold Dinar as an alternative currency for Africa. The Dinar was intended to divert Africa’s oil revenues towards state-controlled funds rather than through US banks; and just as Gaddafi was assassinated by US-backed rebels for this threat to the dollar, so the criminal cartel we call the US Department of Defence will attempt to do the same against Vladimir Putin. Doubtless the gloating crime bosses in the US military who took pleasure in circulating photographs of the dead and mutilated bodies of Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein one day hope to add the body of Vladimir Putin to their list of assassinated Presidents.
There is a problem with their plan, however, which is, of course, that Russia is not Libya or Iraq or the other small countries the US invades with impunity as the rest of the West sits on its hands in the International Criminal Court, the European Court of Human Rights and the United Nations. Russia has the second strongest military in the world and the largest nuclear arsenal; and it has just reaffirmed — very publicly — its alliance with China, which has the third strongest military in the world. Moreover, the Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council, Dimitry Medvedev, has made it very clear that any attempt by a foreign power to enact the ICC warrant and arrest Putin — or to invade the Crimea — will be taken as a declaration of war, and that Russia would respond with all its military capabilities, including nuclear missiles.
However, beyond the military balance between NATO and the Moscow-Beijing alliance, there is the balance of foreign debt. The USA has a national debt of $31.6 trillion, giving it a public debt to GDP ratio of 94.75 per cent. This has risen from 63 per cent in 2007, the year the last Global Financial Crisis began; from 55 per cent in 2001, the year the US launched the so-called ‘War on Terror’; and from 31 per cent in 1981, the year Ronald Reagan was elected President and began to impose the monetary and fiscal policies of neoliberal capitalism not only on the USA but on the rest of the world too. The US external debt to GDP ratio — that is, the debt owed by the US Government to other countries, which increases the risk of defaulting on repayments and decreases economic growth — is 93.28 per cent. In comparison, Russia, with just $422 billion of debt — 1/75th that of the US — has an external debt to GDP ratio of 26.43 per cent, while China’s is just 17.71 per cent. In the UK, the ratio is 298.49 per cent, which is among the highest in the world. This is only one measure of the financial crisis Western capitalism is facing.
At their meeting in Moscow last week, Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of China since 2013, said to Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation since 2012: ‘Change is coming that hasn’t happened in a hundred years, and we are driving this change together.’ Both these men have long experience of leading their countries and, in Putin’s case, years in his country’s security services. They have consistently run rings around the senile automatons, bankrupt game-show hosts, recovering alcoholics, born-again fundamentalists, former bankers, ex-hacks and World Economic Forum puppets struggling to formulate the foreign policy of the West as they pump more and more magic money into their failing economies.
US hegemony — which has lasted less than 80 years — is nearing the end of its bloody and genocidal history, and a New World Order is on the point of forming. However, the more its economic monopoly over the globe wanes, the more the US flexes its oversized military muscle. The challenge facing the rest of the world is to survive its downfall. Like all school bullies who don’t realise the playground has turned against them until they’re surrounded and without a friend to turn to, it isn’t going to be pretty. Either China will become the new hegemon as the lead partner in a Beijing-Moscow axis, or the US will take us all down with it — and a king whose crown is threatened is a dangerous thing! As Richard III told his doomed army in 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth Field:
Our strong arms be our conscience, swords our law.
March on! Join bravely. Let us to it pell-mell —
If not to Heaven, then hand in hand to hell!
Simon Elmer is the author of two new volumes of articles on the UK biosecurity state, Virtue and Terror and The New Normal, which are available in hardback, paperback and as an ebook.
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Hand in hand to hell skipping gayly over a heaven spread upon Earth unnoticed…
Or ought we trudge?
Would you like some disgust sprinkled over your exasperation Sir?
Thank you
My enemy’s enemy is my friend
This Court of International Criminals is just another example of “West vs Rest”: a minority of countries trying desperately to impose their EU$A-centred “Rules” on the global majority:
Is there an active international arrest warrant against Henry Kissinger?
Of course not! Kissinger is a pay grade or two above the disposable, branch managers like Nixon, Pinochet and Putin.
Is there an active international arrest warrant against Henry Kissinger?
Asked 10 years, 1 month ago
Infowars in 2010: It seems that Henry Kissinger as Rockefeller’s right hand man had to be at the meeting even though there existed an International arrest warrant from France and Spain who wish to charge him with war crimes from the Chile war. The Spanish and French say Henry Kissinger is implicated in the death of French and Spanish in the war in Chile.
Is this an accurate description of the situation. Is there an international arrest warrant from Spain and France against Henry Kissinger out there?
Action To Arrest Wanted War Criminal Kissinger in Ireland
The Sovereign Independent
May 13, 2010
Henry Kissinger has an International Arrest Warrant out for him and an attempt is made to enforce it in Four Seasons Hotel Dublin Ireland where he was staying 8th May 2010.
I’ve not found the arrest story in the print edition, but it’s worth reading anyway.
The Sovereign Independent
Issue 2
March – April 2010
For Nixon and Pinochet, see earlier post: The Trials of Henry Kissinger
Kissinger, Putin, and the “New World Order”
by William F. Jasper
January 9, 2009
Kissinger, never one to let a crisis got to waste, has been busy on an important new-world-order project in Russia with Vladimir Putin. Although it has gone virtually unreported in the U.S. media, Kissinger has been featured prominently in the Russian media during his many trips over the past decade to Moscow to meet with Putin and Yevgeny Primakov, the former KGB terror master for the Soviet Union in the Middle East. In 2007, Kissinger and Primakov were appointed by Putin to co-chair a bilateral “working group” of Russian and American political insiders to tackle issues such as global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and nuclear threats.
Novosti, the Russian “news” agency run by Putin-friendly apparatchiks, reported on the new working group in an April 26, 2007 story, noting that “Kissinger, U.S. secretary of state from 1973 to 1977, has been a frequent guest in Russia since Putin took office in 2000.”
A Novosti story on July 13, 2007 reported on Kissinger’s “closed door” meeting with Putin, Primakov, and a delegation of former U.S. officials at Putin’s presidential residence. The Novosti article, along with multiple photos of the event, contrasted sharply with the absence of any coverage of the conference by the major U.S. media, which should have been on top of such a meeting of world leaders and should have let the American public know about it. Accompanying Kissinger were: former Secretary of State George Shultz; former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin; former Special Representative for Arms Control, Nonproliferation and Disarmament Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr.; former Senator Sam Nunn; and Chevron Chairman and Chief Executive Officer David O’Reilly.
All of the Kissinger-led U.S. team, save for O’Reilly, are high-level members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), lending credence to the belief that this is actually a project of the CFR, the premier organization pushing for a new world order for much of the past century. Like Kissinger, the CFR and its publication Foreign Affairs also refer explicitly to a “new world order” . . .
In December, Kissinger was back in Russia meeting with President Dmitry Medvedev, Putin’s protégé. Again, no coverage in the U.S. media, though the Russian press considered it newsworthy.
Humanity is caught up in such a sorry state of affairs.
There is great power in the hands of the un-elected.
So-called sovereign governments controlled by WEF globalists and oligarchs, enslaving the people, working for the corporations, and the banks.
The very people who should not be allowed to possess power.
This combination of power, greed and ignorance is certain to end in disaster.
Powerful people that want the whole world to remain divided into rich and poor.
Their whole effort is to keep you as unintelligent as possible, so those who have power are never questioned, their intentions are never questioned.
Oligarchs, banks and corporations cannot rule over the sovereign rights of the individual!
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, basically means that humanity still lives in many kinds of slavery.
Otherwise, there would be no need for the Declaration.
The very need indicates that people have been deceived for thousands of years.
We has been deceived in such a cunning way that unless we rise above ourselves, we cannot see in what invisible chains we are living, in what bondage, in what invisible prisons we are confined.
Freedom in all dimensions means that wherever we are born, we are part of one humanity.
Nations should consciously dissolve, religions should dissolve, because they are all creating bondage.
Our basic right is to be ourselves.
Freedom is such a spiritual necessity that without it we can never attain to our full potential.
Who am I?
This question will become the way.
The way is within you, the truth is within you.
You have to realize who this consciousness inside you is?
This is the only way.
If you can understand what it is, what this consciousness is, what it consists of, you have found the way.
If you can go into your consciousness, if you can feel, see, realize the nature of your consciousness, that is the way.
Meditation is the way.
Meditation has no object, no content; it is just an opening, an invitation.
An Authentic Religiousness, needs no prophets, no saviors, no churches, no popes, no priests, because religiousness is the flowering of your heart.
If religiousness spreads all over the world the religions will fade away.
It will be a tremendous blessing to humanity when people are simply people.
Coming to the ultimate awakening, coming to the ultimate experience of yourself and existence through meditation, you become so silent that your own intelligence is revealed to you.
Yet, the religious experience is totally misunderstood, misinterpreted.
The misinterpretation comes from the priest and the politician, those who try to convert religion into organizational, political strategies.
Drop all religions, forget about all their religious beliefs.
Are their interpretations right?
You are collecting all kinds of religious information that seems to be important to you.
Why does it seem important?
It seems important because it covers your ignorance.
It helps you to feel as if you know.
Yet you have no criterion to judge the true from the false.
It is mere hearsay, knowledge which is ignorance.
Unfortunately, ninety-nine percent of humanity belongs to that category.
You read religious books, but cannot even be sure if the person is talking from his personal experience or hearsay.
Are you sure that the one whose words you are taking in, whose knowledge you are imbibing, is authentic?
A belief is not a truth.
Organized theistic religion does not have any approach towards truth,
Because truth is intrinsic in your consciousness, beyond your mind.
It is not a thought.
It is not a question of philosophy, nor a question of theological discussions.
It is a question of deep meditation that leads you beyond thinking, beyond mind.
Come to your own realization.
Truth is a search, not a faith.
It is an inquiry, not a belief.
Truth is eternal, and to find it means you also become part of eternity.
Truth has no name, and truth is not confined in any system of thought.
Truth is not a theory, a theology, a philosophy.
Truth is not intellectual or emotional; truth is existential.
Truth is the experience of that which is.
You must change to know it and to be it.
You have the truth.
Your being is the truth.
Revelation is not an answer but an existential no-mind experience.
This whole existence is intelligent, caring, compassionate, loving, but it is not a person.
It is not limited in any way, it is unlimited, infinite and eternal.
There is no beginning, no end.
Whatsoever exists can go out of existence.
But existence itself cannot go out of existence.
It is continuously evolving towards higher peaks and higher peaks.
It is continuously fathoming depths beyond depths.
There are skies beyond skies, there is no end to existence, it has no boundary.
When you were not here, it was there.
When you will not be here, it will be here.
We come and go, we are just waves in this vast ocean of existence.
We come and go, existence remains.
Those priests, imams and rabbis, who have taken away your individuality, your freedom, your intelligence.
In its place they have given you bogus beliefs, which mean nothing.
Talking about every possible impossible thing they know nothing of,
Their systems are purely creations of imagination.
The end result of believing, of having faith in a truth that you have not realized yourself,
It is hearsay.
For the first time, humanity can be one, no divisions.
What divides all the religions?
Just small details, meaningless details, about their idea of god.
But if there is no god, all those differences disappear.
Accepting a personal god creates unnecessary problems which are insolvable.
Any hypothesis which creates problems rather than solving them is useless.
When I say there is no god.
I am not saying that I disbelieve in god.
Even for disbelief, god has to be.
I am simply saying there is no god, has never been.
All definitions are inventions.
There is no language of intelligence.
There cannot be by the very nature of the phenomenon.
It happens beyond mind and language is part of the mind.
One humanity is enough.
And one religiousness is enough.
Meditation, truth, love, authenticity, sincerity.
A quality, not something organized.
The moment organization comes in there is going to be violence,
No-mind is the greatest rebellion that has ever happened.
I’ve been frustrated for years at the constant misspelling of the term “New World Order”. It’s New World Odor, dummies. New World Odor. Geeze…
‘Newly Whirled Odor’ would also work
Ha, ha… lol. Good one.
No, it doesn’t smell bad enough.
And what a miasma it leaves in ones olfactory senses! 🙄
Also hoping the stink Bragg has created rubs off on him and the Democrats.
Maybe the ICC posse after Putin was called upon to redirect attention from the Nord Stream war crime as the chickens came home to roost in Washington, particularly on the heels of Seymour Hersh’s report, cited by Putin himself. Maybe a new round of accusations against Putin beats the war drum for future intervention, with propaganda ever trying out pretexts to gain popular consent to the death march.
Maybe manufacture of a multipolar world is one of the objectives of the war in Ukraine, as global means of governance now make US hegemony obsolete, while the uniformity of technocratic power across national borders is hidden behind geopolitical blocs in constant struggle. Maybe for such purpose rumors of the end of American empire are greatly exaggerated, as they have been before, especially given globocap’s globocop still serving as enforcer of international rules-based (dis)order (what we say goes).
Maybe all these maybes and more are certain to amount to keeping us captive to the class war that makes all sides to conflict to have a lot more in common than the enemies we’re made to imagine, such that ruling classes form the Inner Party where true enthusiasm for war is found because it undermines our common cause against them.
The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact. (Orwell)
We should all note that the ICC, which ignored all the evidence of crimes against humanity committed by governments around the world during the “pandemic”, still has not taken any action despite that being its only purpose.
Yet another failed global organisation.
ICC / IPCC : designed lobsided on purpose by influen$ers, not by jurists or scientists. The NYC based UN was crippled too soon after its inception.
Who (WHO!) takes these clubs serious today 2023? Some sheep in remote mountain pastures.
Look at our track record. We’ve somehow made it this far so we will probably make it a little longer, and maybe even longer still.
Sorry, but the notion that the global empire’s hegemony is being threatened in any way is a mirage.
Jesse Zurawell interviews Prof Isa Blumi again, a discussion which becomes all-encompassing.
Isa Blumi on Perspective with Jesse Zurawell – 4 April 2023, 4/4/23, 56 minutes.
“GUEST OVERVIEW: Isa Blumi is an historian of the Islamic world, the Ottoman Empire, Albania and Yemen, serves as Associate Professor at the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Stockholm University.”
The conversation begins with the US-created war in Yemen, regarding the growing stigmatizing of the Ansar Allah, incorrectly called “Houthi” by the mass media. This faction is being attacked for not coming to the negotiating table, under conditions for the negotiations which are immensely unfavorable to it. And it seems that its supposed ally, the Iranian regime, is selling it out, as part of a “rapprochement ” with Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States. The US has been carrying out this war for 8 years, there have been American casualties and massive atrocities against Yemen’s civilian population. The discussion then proceeds to the matter of Saudi Arabia/Gulf States and oil politics, both in the Middle East as well as the world. Oil and its price are vital parts of the entire global banking/debt system which is in a deepening crisis.
The discussion then moves to the matter of how allegedly the world is moving toward a multipolar order, the dollar weakening and likewise the power of the empire. The reality is that both the US/NATO faction and the BRICS faction, in particular China, Russia, Brazil, are acting as partners in a global transformation of the way we all live, enabled by the last three years of Operation “Pandemic” (aka “COVID”) and the hypnotizing of the world’s populations via “the virus threat to health.” So many activists and analysts (e/g/ Pepe Escobar, Math Ehret) in the West wish to see this as “America’s downfall” and somehow the triumph of good, or at least better, power centers. Far from the truth. It’s more of the same, only more savage. Lula’s accession in Brazil? Saudi rapprochement with Iran? NO PROBLEM. So many activists are still lost in a 1960s reference system re the “evil empire,” not realizing how the world has changed (not that there were good sides then, but even less so now).
The episode ends with Blumi’s excellent rant about the ailing modern world, how the “smart” phone is pushing uniformity all across the world, and how it is vital for movements to maintain autonomy and not align with any centers of power, which are now all part of the same network. He will be back with Jesse soon.
RE: how it is vital for movements to maintain autonomy
That, is solid advice.
So, The Hegemon is Capital, the USA being the strongest (Western) expression of it ?
George Orwell should have said:
It is in the ranks of the Party, and above all the Inner Party, that the true war enthusiasm is found.
World-conquest is believed in most firmly by those who know they will make peace impossible.
My U.K friend received a 500£ gas and electric bill for the last quarter. She;s been really tight in how she has had it on. FFS
My rent has gone up again. bills, food. everything has gone up.
You might be surprised by this. NO one gives a fuck about the type of bullshit deliberate distraction you alt media lot are being told to print.
Trump or who ever International Criminal Court and War on Russia
is bullshit.
Normal people dont give a fuck, nor do alot of the alt media viewership.
Its doesn’t pay there bills or offer solutions into how they can see a light at the end of this nightmare.
Talking bullshit about reality TV star film actor billionaires doesn’t really cut it.
Trotsky said you may not be interested in the war, but the war is certainly interested in you.
My grandad was an ordinary working bloke who just wanted to pay the bills. He wasn’t interested in this sort of bullshit and couldn’t care less about the billionaires of his day either. His brothers were killed in WW1. The whole family were recruited. When he was a young man after WW1, 50% of all the tax revenue collected in this country was used just to pay off the interest on the huge debts that were run up to fight the war. Then politicians screwed up the economy and he went through years of depression and austerity. Then came WW2 and he served 7 years in the RAF when he was not a young man any more. His wife was left to bring up the family on her own. His teenage children served in the war. Then he was demobbed and came back to a bankrupt country that was one big bomb site, and years of austerity, with food rationing lasting into the 1950s. That’s what happens when the politicians you don’t care about screw things up..
You might want to ask why your friend has a £500 fuel bill and why your rent and everything else has gone through the roof.
There are several reasons. Here are a few of them.
Politicians in America increased the amount of money in circulation by 38% in 2 years, $5.9 trillion. That’s $5,900,000,000,000. They just printed off that amount of toilet paper money. They did the same in this country. They printed off £850 billion over the same period. That’s £850,000,000,000. They did the same in the EU. They printed off 2.5 trillion euros. That’s 2,500.000,000,000. All that toilet paper money creates inflation. Everything costs a lot more every time you go to the shop. You may not be interested in that, but you and your friend carry the can for it, along with millions of people like you.
Over a period of many years, politicians have subscribed to the Global Warming agenda. They virtually declared war on conventional sources of energy, trying to ban coal completely, refusing exploration licences for oil and gas and starving it off investment. They decreed that in a few years time all cars have to be electric. So who in their right mind is going to want to invest money in a new oil refinery? No investment, no exploration, declining production. Artificial shortage, rising prices. At the same time, nuclear power stations have been closed down by the same politicians for ideological reasons. So how are we supposed to keep the lights on? By building thousands of daft windmills that don’t work, are unreliable, and require huge subsidies to be viable. Those subsidies go on your friend’s bill.
For political reasons, western countries decided to sanction/ boycott Russian oil and gas. This was mainly delivered through pipelines to those countries. Pipeline oil/ gas is the cheapest and most efficient way to deliver it. Some of those pipelines have been blown up (Nordstream.) Russian ships have also been banned from western ports. So western countries have had to scrabble round the world looking for replacement supplies of oil/ gas and paying through the nose for it. Russian gas is being replaced by fracked LNG from the US, at several times the price paid for Russian gas. LNG has to be compressed and liquefied at huge, complex and very expensive terminals, transported on specially built LNG tankers and kept refrigerated at very low temperatures (or else it blows up.) This refrigeration itself uses up a lot of energy. When it arrives at its destination, it has to be turned back into gas at another LNG terminal. A lot of this LNG infrastructure does not currently exist. It is having to be built from scratch at huge cost, along with expanded port facilities and new pipelines.
Those are some of the reasons for your friend’s fuel bill. There are others. Politicians “liberalised” the wholesale gas market in the EU, allowing wild speculation and driving prices through the roof. The value of the £ sterling and the euro has fallen substantially over a period of time because of general economic mismanagement, driving up the price of imported energy.
There are other reasons, but I’m hogging more than enough space already.
You may not be interested in any of these, but they are interested in you, and your friend.
western countries decided to sanction/ boycott Russian oil and gas
They did very littledeciding. The Empire issued the order and the rest obeyed.
How do you explain Russia’s economy doing so well.?
U.K has the highest gas and electric fee’s on customer in Europe.
The whole nonsense that Brexit would reduce costs for the customer.
Very good Paul.
well, they should give a fuck, it’s the fact they don’t got them where they are.
empty vessels, keeping up with them jones’sloans. morons. spare me the cost of living poverty shite, been there, done that, still am. these consuming cunts don’t “give a fuck” about what they actually cost us all. as long as they have more. more, more.
if they understood what matters in Life, most of us may never have ended up thus.
but they didn’t, and cannot it seems. Only when they are starving and freezing will they turn into the vicious, rotten rabble the CIC require to take us all down. even then they will only seek to satiate their own sickness, not redress injustice or others misery.
FUCK THOSE WHO HAVE ONLY GIVEN A FUCK ABOUT THEMSELVES, buried their empty heids in the materialistic sand to the detriment of us all, especially nature.
“normal people don’t give a fuck,” exactly, well fuck them. they are more than half the problem.
Half awake people sit online all day watching TV whilst saying they dont watch TV. (internet, blogs, comment boards, Twitter etc alt media channels is still watching TV!!!)
Out of interest the half awake people, what have they achieved apart from fooling for shill channels promoting the latest non important talking points.
Then selling the half wake lot, some fake populist politicians like Trump, Boris. Orban, Nigel fraud. etc.
The ICC. Formed via the ‘Rome Statute’ treaty. Hence an offshoot of Rome.
Rome. Once centre of the Roman Empire. A unipolar world, with satellite nations orbiting a centre. Hegemonic, until Constantinople made it bipolar/multipolar.
Latin. If Greek is the language of philosophy (with its subtle variations/shades of meaning), then Latin is the language of law (with its inflexible nature).
Was it not the legal system that rubber-stamped numerous unjust Covid laws? So what credibility could this legal system have these days?
Maybe all lawyers should be trained in non-Latin based languages as part of their basic training to be more philosophical. More truth-based. Putin, as a Slavonically trained lawyer, would be able to help them out in that respect.
The question of hegemony is too short-sighted. The answer is always:
UN hegemony!
The next question is: who has power over the UN apparatus? That is already the tricksters of the digital and financial mafia under the umbrella of the Eugenic-Rockefellers in the usa together with their pilot project of the communist dynasty in China.
Together they have worked out the house rules for slaves in the past years, the Chinese Agenda 21 (o-ton Bourla!).
So China, together with its sponsors, will naturally become the new hegemonic power, especially as the eYuan takes over the role of the dollar. Russia is China’s little brother, so to speak. Interesting only because the Russian peoples are more independent than the broken Chinese technocracy slaves.
The war is ONLY about which mob rules which territory, because Zion is also playing along. And they will burn the earth they cannot have themselves. This has nothing to do with hegemony, because that is certain: Rockefeller-China and its Silk Road, including the lead currency eYuan!
A German, you’re right: Hegemony by a nation which is only a mask for the billionaires like Rockefellers and Rothschilds and their ilk is certainly not any national hegemony. War is simply one of the ways TPTB are destroying the nation-states.
I spose you’ve all heard by now that the Fed has announced CBDC will begin in July.
I don’t usually dismiss something as “fear porn”; but in this case I think it appropriate. Even allowing that the Fed has been plotting CBDCs for a long time, it still takes ANY bureaucracy far more than three months to actually get something going. Too many bailiwicks involved, too many little two-bit empire builders.
P. do you mean CBDC trials ?
During the past decade the Australian government has imposed Income Management in various places, mostly “outback communities”…The government has learned a lot about how to impose CBDC from these “trials”…
What makes anyone think that NATO, including the USA, can invade Russia and win?
What makes you think it is about winning? In the clearest examples, Vietnam and Afghanistan, the US did not fight those wars to win, but to prolong them as long as possible.
Whatever “winning” means, but relatively speaking, if we win, the MIC loses. They won’t have that.
We “win” by not playing the game…
Good point. They should go in planning to lose. That way the operation can be called a success when they lose.
The only “successful” war would be one that insures an encore. In that regard, WWI was hugely successful.
Agreed. And also, wars aren’t run for charitable reasons. They are run for money, and why stop while there is money to be made from arms production.
The fearsome fighting men/ sorry, non binaries, they have at their disposal, G. Transsexual Team Six, the 3rd Heavy Lesbians, and the President’s Own San Francisco Gays to take the enemy from the rear.
Fearsome warriors one and all.
I don’t know what effect they will have on the Russians, but they certainly frighten me.
never underestimate the vicious evil of these types, still, LOL, haha
Historically, the banks and/or Big-Business. always win … The PEOPLE always lose.
Its thought that counts.
The war isnt suppose to be won, its suppose to be continuous.
When, or if, NATO declares war on Russia, I’m afraid that the Western Empire will be signing its own death warrant.
The only Occidental army to speak of is the US Army. All the armies in Europe are worth shit, if they can be considered to exist at all. The US Army is good at bombing the fuck out of places with no air defense, where they’re unchallenged, but that’s about it.
Most of all, I can’t see how any Western Empire’s soldier would be motivated to go to war with Russia. Especially if the fucking body bags started coming back from the battlefield in kinda large numbers.
The only motivated soldiers I can see are the Ukrainians because they hate the Russians and want to free themselves, naively thinking that it’s possible. The rest of the world doesn’t give a shit. Maybe the Poles might be somewhat motivated – they have (regional) superpower ambitions and probably think that they can annex part of Ukraine, if not the whole fucking thing, and become Europe’s power center (backed by America).
So what does that mean? Are we ultimately heading toward nuclear war? Because that’s the only way how the US can accomplish anything with Russia? Or China? I wouldn’t rule that out. The Western Empire is out-and-out fucked up. Going down the tubes as we speak. Decadent, lazy, indebted, entitled, complete out of touch with reality. Yet arrogant in perceiving itself as the best thing after sliced bread and entitled to be on the pedestal on which it places itself. On the other hand, it looks like the rest of the world has had enough and feels that it has a chance to free itself from the American yoke.
Not good, not fucking good.
I don’t think that what some peddle as a game played on the global chessboard by omnipotent bankers holds water. Sure, they try to steer things in their favor. But there is a struggle going on.
Apropos of the Poles. At one time they were a very large number of Poles in Western Ukraine which made claim to the Polish settlements in Volhnyia numbering up to 100,000 souls. Unfortunately they were to receive a visitation from those two gentlemen Mr Bandera (OUN-B) Ukrainian nationalists, and Mr Shukeyvich (UPA) Ukrainian Insurgent Army. There are gruesome pictures available – if you can bear to look at them.
And today it is apparently a no-no to mention in either state of Ukraine and Poland. And there we have those lovely gentlemen Mr Zelensky and Mr Duda acting as though that massacre in 1943 never happened. The Ukies just got a little bit out of control. Yes, of course!
The German Government considers it would take around two years to develop (train & equip) a sizeable, effective army…(They ignored Trump when he tried to get them off the USA military teat)…The USA, too, has trouble…It has invested in and focused on dominating the sky – bomb the hell out of countries from on high, then send in the army to mop-up…It’s hard to see a US/NATO invasion by sky at the moment, as the Ruskis have exceptionally good anti-aircraft defenses,. However, there’s pleaty of Romanians and Poles who can be used as fodder for a land invasion. What another war-of-attrition “meat-grinder” that’ll be…
Send in the F35 Flying Turkeys.
I wouldn’t write off our forces quite so quick, J.
We have the military genius of Generalissimo Ben Wallace to fall back on, Keyboard Colonel Tugendhat, our 2 aircraft carriers (though they do seem to break down rather a lot), our 10 submarines and 18 frigates (though they seem to break down and run aground rather a lot as well), with our shiny new F35 Flying Turkeys providing top cover.
And Tommy Atkins will soon make short work of Johnny Russian and show him what’s what. Though Tommy’s a bit short of artillery and shells at the moment (having sent it all to Zelensky.) Tanks as well. But there should be some new Ajax armour on the way soon, provided they can eventually get it to work. Still, Tommy can always rely on cold steel to do the job, because Johnny Russian certainly doesn’t like it up him. So nothing to worry about really. It’ll all be over by Christmas.
‘We have the military genius of Generalissimo Ben Wallace to fall back on, Keyboard Colonel Tugendhat…’
Thank you Paul. I needed a laugh.
This is anothr hoax being used as a smoke screen to keep you occupied while the parameters of your new “undetectable” ghetto are being finalised
Parisians Say to Hell w the Courts! They’re Occupying Black Rock.
The Trials of Henry Kissinger–The-Trials-of-Henry-Kissinger:2
The Trials of Henry Kissinger is a 2002 documentary film directed by Eugene Jarecki and narrated by Brian Cox. Inspired by Christopher Hitchens’ 2001 book The Trial of Henry Kissinger, the film examines war crimes alleged to have been perpetrated by Henry Kissinger, the National Security Advisor and later Secretary of State under Presidents Nixon and Ford.
I’ve not read the book:
The Trial of Henry Kissinger is a 2001 book by Christopher Hitchens which examines the alleged war crimes of Henry Kissinger, the National Security Advisor and later, the United States Secretary of State for Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Acting in the role of the prosecution, Hitchens presents Kissinger’s involvement in a series of alleged war crimes in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Chile, Cyprus and East Timor.
I don’t remember reading the Kissinger book by Hitchens, but I did read his “The Trail of William Jefferson Clinton” which was very good. I have not read that one in a while, and as many of my perceptions have changed since I read that it probably deserves another read. But I still admire Hitchens greatly for helping me learn how to think more critically. For that alone he is well worth the read. That book on Clinton helped me open my eyes to the corruption of what passes for the left, which I used to be a proud member of. There are many other books that helped me see through the left vs right bullshit but Hitch was one of the early ones.
None of this means I agree with all of Hitchens’ political stances though, but I really do enjoy his writing style.
Chris Hitchens turned into a neocon warmonger on 9/11. That is absolutely unforgivable.
These men are pawns maintaining kayfabe during this transition from the old system into the new. These are corporations, not sovereign nations.
Definition: International Criminal Court: A gaggle of criminals posing as glorious pots, whilst pointing fingers at black kettles…
The article mentions B. Netanyahu, so I don’t think this is off-topic.
Netanyahu is facing criminal charges in Izrael itself.
He has recently tried to pass a law(s) that would give the Knesset the power
to overrule the judiciary. (Pretty sneaky trick)
This trick caused massive, massive protests in Izrael and Netanyahu *apparently* backed down from making the law changes (so it appears) for now.
Distraction time for Netanyahu and Izrael.
For two days straight the Izraeli police have invaded the AlAqsa Mosque and beaten and pummeled worshipers. And this during Ramadan.
Today, in response to the provocation Palestinians have fired rockets out of Lebanon at Izrael.
How far will this escalate?
You can kiss the protests against Netanyahu goodbye.
Izrael is under attack and during Passover.
Glad I am not downwind of Washington D.C., assuming we have a limited nuclear war.
If it is not limited to mutual decapitation strikes – Moscow, Berlin, London, Washington – then it doesn’t really matter where you are. You are dead.
If your boosted and triple jabbed, mask, social distancing it will add some protection. 😷
None of that, but I do have an anti-radiation iodine supplement.
My insurance policy, if I can find it later, buried under all the smoldering radioactive rubble.
Should tensions continue to be racheted up and nuclear conflict appears certain US military bases in Australia will be incinerated as a warning to the US government to back-off. Russia will have to do it before Australia’s recently contracted (already obsolete) nuke subs are delivered in a couple of decades time.
Australian government is just itching to get into The War. The coming National Budget in May will impose austerity on age pensioners, to free up some funds – to pay for the subs. Austerity will kill-off the grannies The Jab failed to eradicate.
An interesting article, one I’m broadly in agreement with.
However seems at odds with this websites insistence ‘they are all in it together?’
I think any objective analysis must conclude that whatever the past things are now taking a different path.
I’ve said many times things are more than reminiscent of late 30’s Germany.
RE: However seems at odds with this websites insistence ‘they are all in it together?’
I think that this is a weakness for Off-G. I used to argue against this idea here. But I have largely given up. Basically, my position is that I don’t have enough information to tell and therefore am open to different points of view.
To your point, see this quote from CJ’s piece the other day:
‘Yes, of course, there is intramural political and ideological conflict within the confines of so-called “normality,” just as there is intramural competition between global corporations, but challenging the ideological system itself is impossible, because there is no ground outside it from which to mount an attack. This is probably the hardest thing for most of us to come to terms with. There is no ideological territory outside global capitalism. There is no “outside.” There are no external adversaries. There are only insurgencies, and counterinsurgency ops. ‘
Capital has defined all ideologies, it has entirety colonised our minds; even our conception of a Communist mode of production is made possible thanks to and with the categories of Capital. In this sense, there indeed exists no ideology, no ideas that don’t have their origin in the bourgeois mode of production which, as Gramsci said, is “everywhere, like the air we breathe”, not just in the economy but in the arts, architecture, philosophy, the sciences, musique, literature…
There is however no need to any “ideology”.
The insurgency, the opposition, the streets protests, the online protests, all of us, are still at the “negation” stage: we just don’t want the current reality; we don’t like it but without knowing really with which “ideology” we want to replace it because there really aren’t any, but the “Geist” somehow pushes us to fight, impersonally, without knowing where we’re heading and what does it look like on the other side because, o surprise, it isn’t really an “other side”, only this very side, just befriended with itself, devoid from its contradictions. That is why IMO Mr. Hopkins says there is no adversaries, because there is no person or flesh and blood to whom you can point a finger and say “it’s your fault”, not even to our famous psychopaths, precisely because we’re all professing the same ideology, so no one can throw the first stone; Mr. Hopkins has no enemy of flesh and blood, as a true Communist would not.
After a while this simple negation starts morphing into “negation of negation” as we realise that the “ideology” we seek “outside” is really in there, right here, only not yet manifested; it’s Capital spelled in another – maybe Martian – tongue; and we disown our previous negation as we try to understand, stare into that which we previously didn’t what to know anything about; it’s a different mindset, more mature than burning down banks but somehow this burning – literally and figuratively – is an unavoidable step toward maturity.
Or more eloquently by Frederick Engels:
Anti-Dühring (1877), Part I, Ch. XIII – Dialectics. Negation of the Negation
I disagreed with the premise of that piece and the idea that ‘there is no ideological territory outside global capitalism’ – if there weren’t I don’t we would be seeing the current war in Ukraine.
The US was an ideological territory outside ‘global capitalism’ almost up to the founding of the FED. Even 50 years after that momentous event Kennedy determined to wrest back control by printing his own debt free currency which cost him his life, so there is ground to fight this on.
The writ of the financial oligarchy is large but it doesn’t hold a permanent and omnipresent one. Certainly in terms of everyday transactions people hold more power than they think.
What the war in Europe represents is an earlier temporality of Capital. Earlier than the stage of global dominance that negates national sovereignties, borders, etc. It so happens that different temporalities of Capital can be contemporaneous because of its fluid, non-as-a-block mouvement. So, what we are seeing with this war is a remnant force trying to impose that earlier temporality. The same can be said of what Trump represented: a remnant force that tries to counter the centrifugal force of the main mouvement, which is colossal and with decades of inertia. And that is IMO why we find placing Trump convincingly difficult and confusing : his conviction to smash that centrifugal force, spectacularly displayed in discourses and actions couldn’t be realised even while exercising power for four years as commander-in-chief of the the armed forces.
Earlier temporalities of Capital contain globalised Capital as a potential, that’s why they can’t be considered as ideologies outside global Capital for they necessarily bring it about, like the acorn surely brings about the oak; just give it time. If a pre-FED era is brought to the world in 2024, a few generations onward shall witness the same state of affairs as we do in 2023.
Regarding the last paragraph, yes, we have power to effect radical change; that means cutting ties with the current system. However, the romantic image of a small farmer or family business as the symbol of that change is misleading so long as they’re based on production for profit, not for consumption, because, first, small businesses exist within a context of much larger ones; if not, then small necessarily either becomes big, is absorbed by more successful business or dies, as is always the case under Capital.
i agree, but i also do believe we’ve been had by the CIC for a veryyy looong time.
who knows the truth? i’ve also suggested that they are all in it together, but they are still entitled to scrap it out for their spheres’ of influence..
What is the CIC?
that expletive i use too often, “c***s – in -charge”.
Lol – ok cheers.
This is akin to the Police, Investigating the Police, with the inevitable result, that no malfeasance occured.
Even if it is too obvious to say no malfeasance occured, there will be no actual enforcement.
Besides, the World’s Supreme Court was built in Israel by Rothschild, so this court is just a stop gap.
Red or dead, the old slogan. It will be decided between the Chinese communist and the Zionist mafia in the USA for everyone. The Gog Magog theme of the bible becomes plausible …
The ICC warrant against Putin is a publicity stunt to further demonize the Russian leader. Who will enforce the warrant? It is merely an inconvenience an attempt to limit Putin’s range of movement and effectiveness. But he will circumvent that easily.
The world is rapidly choosing/taking sides and the US/NATO/Israel axis of insanity is not the side the Global South, the Arab block, the expanding BRICS alliance and Oceana (with the exception of the Five Eye vassals New Zealand and Australia and non Five Eye lapdog Japan) want to be on or play for.
The Russians are not going to allow Putin to be Gadhafied and the US is too cowardly and inept to do it on their own The NATO expansion to include Finland and possibly other Russian neighbors is setting the stage for a regional if not global conflagration! The mad dogs in New York, Washington D.C. London, Brussels and Tel Aviv are people who only have a hammer so they treat everything they see as a nail. Left to their insanity they may smash the whole world
“…non-five eye lapdog..”, haha
you could have been vindictive there if you had wanted, good effort.
It is dangerous to ignore the pattern of history, as the world is doing – still no lessons learned. Much of the terminology circulating reflects the end WW II. But the end of WW III will not be the same, as they knew during the Cold War. Forgetfulness is dangerous.
A mere pedantic point, but wouldn’t it be more accurate to say that the NATO coalition are financed by the financiers of the energy companies and arms dealers: the international money lenders and usurers. That said, a very good review of the situation indeed.
Good Article
But it should have dealt with what the plans are for Ukraine. Will it supplant or replace Israel ? I think the blockade on Russia will start killing children soon. The military operations will begin when the country is sufficiently weakened. The loot will pay off some Western debt.
You don’t “weaken” Russia just like that…
It’s an immense place – something which Americans in Washington cannot grasp.
The Bolsheviks had no problem in overthrowing the czar. Western covert agencies stroll in and assassinate figures they don’t like. The sad fact is that the banksters are omnipotent.
The banksters can certainly wreck anything they choose and everything they touch, but overthrowing figures isn’t the same as overthrowing Russia.
Try the same scenario in reverse:
Can the Russian mafia overthrow the USA?
Whether it’s Great-Great-Grandad Biden, Donald Strumpf or yet another Kennedy, the USA is a lot bigger than any of them.
I can’t help feeling that the sleeping masses in most countries are just waiting for the right spark to kick their brains into realizing, “Hey, you know it actually doesn’t need to be like this!”…
Money, banks or bank owners are not omnipotent. Only God is omnipotent. Worshipping false gods like money, banks or bank owners, people, is what’s wrong.
Thus far the US/EU sanctions have not and will not weaken Russia without causing major damage to Europe’s economy (fuel, energy and trade etc.). The EU’s fecklessness and its vassalage to Washington is hurting Europe severely. As long as the proxy war continues Europe will suffer and once it turn hot Europe is toast! In the meantime Russia and China are driving a shift away from the US dollar and the non Western world is tripping over themselves rushing to join the Eurasian team that is leading the way to global de-dollarization.
Ukraine is merely collateral damage, a sacrificed pawn in this game of geostrategic warfare.
: 0
eh, russia needs no-one, in terms of real-life resources, it’s a bit bigger than Iraq, or Vietnam.
With respect I see the so called Ukrainians becoming the new Palestinians whose memory is kept alive to give Parliament something to rail against in the manner that Syria used the Palestinians in the fifties.
As for the Russian blockade it’s clearly hurting Europe and again us more than Russia but Russians maybe psychologically or maybe it’s making them hate us more?
There is no Russian blockade. They kept selling energy to the EU (and UK and US), but said you have to pay in roubles because we can’t use euros or dollars any more because of your sanctions. Then the EU pretended to stop buying Russian energy completely. It didn’t – it bought just as much as before through Indian and Chinese middlemen with a big mark up. A nice little earner for Mr. Singh and Mr. Wang.
Potentially off-topic, but what can we make of Kennedy running for US President?
Democrats will froth at the mouth, ecstatic at the thought of an intelligent representative in the White House.
But the Washington system will twist and corrupt everything he says and does until he will, essentially, become corrupt himself.
They have had so many decades of practising their hit jobs on people who try to get others to use their brains, along with the lethal influence of out-of-control media, that they won’t have the slightest difficulty wrecking him.
You don’t even have to be clairvoyant to see it – it’s like it has already happened.
Trying to get the American people to use their brains is an exercise in futility anyway. They prefer the infallibility of their guts.
Possibly, but you assume that winning candidates represent the will of the voters…
You’d think RFK Jr would be a natural for the Dems, but he’s an “anti-vaxxer,” so a non-starter for many of them.
Best case scenario: a huge waste of time and money
Worst: the killing off of the health freedom movement
Very astute comment.
On-off topic, but Corbett had a good piece recently about that JFK “the idea of secret societies us repugnant” speech the other day, which is worth sharing on OffG.
“What a surprise.”

“The apple does not fall far from the tree, does it?”
Joe Kennedy was based! I still marvel at the fact that Frank Roosevelt actually made him ambassador to Britain on the eve of war. Kennedy, unlike Roosevelt (and Churchill) was totally opposed to war.
His sons and his grandson paid the ultimate price for his “appeasement”. The banksters take a dim view of peacemongers. Neville Chamberlain was also probably liquidated.
Always like the playground analogy to describe world powers. The UK (my country) seems to come across as that shitty little nasty kid egging on the big bully. Playgrounds getting messy though. I’m going with the US taking us all down with them….unfortunately. China hegemon seems pretty bleak too…..
I disagree and using your analogy, I see the UK as the meek wretched little kid, desperate & eager to fit in, easily manipulated by the big bully who pushes them forward to goad the opposition into being the first to show aggression.
i see it as a seasoned cabal of evil motherfuckers who have fucked over the world, or parts of it, for far too long, and ruin everything when they do not get what they want. they have contingencies for contingencies.. scheming perfidious horrors. they are expert in their field.
and we are talking about it’s scum, city of london, all it’s corporations, including the USA.
a lot of islanders are decent enough people, they’ve just been sold out so long ago they will never realise it.
the english (sic) ruling class may well be nasty and wretched, but they’re light years ahead in being conniving evil cunts.
them, and their pals in Rome.
i’m not excusing the d(e)utch or french or spanish etc et al for their ravages and guile, btw,
and them dutchy lowlanders seem far too tight with London , long time
Ummm. Interesting. I like that one too.
Maybe Chris Hedges is wavering:
‘The oligarchs have bought off intellectuals and artists to serve commercial interests.’
And here:
‘It is one of the great ironies that the corporate state needs the abilities of the educated, intellectuals and artists to maintain power, yet the moment any begin to think independently they are silenced.’
From his latest excellent piece on inequality in the US:
If Chris Hedges is wavering, it’s because he was told to waver.
What is it that made all these lefty truthspeakerstopower so such shit scared during the covid era, yet so vague, but bold now?
So sure of a wider war? I just don’t see it, but then I’m not an author of books on new normals or terror.
Planning a trip to the epicentre of evil ? If you’ve got your own jet or yacht you should be okay.
A New World Order is on the point of forming. Not sure its a world order, looks more like a decentralization of wealth, technology know-how and information distribution.
There is no room in the world for a new Hegemon.
Meanwhile the UN Security Council refuses to investigate the Blowing up of Nordstream 2 (only China, Russia and Brazil voted in favour). Truly the “international rules-based order” is a wonderful thing.
Some might ponder, for example, why the explosion just happened to occur on the birthday of Victoria Nuland’s husband (26/9). Who doesn’t celebrate those special dates by blowing up some vital infrastructure?
I didn’t understand this sentence: ”123 states are party to the judgement of the International Criminal Court, including Brazil and South Africa but not including India, China or Russia itself.”
Russia, India and China didn’t sign the Rome Statut.
referring to the BRICS crowd, two did, 3 didn’t.
Gaddafi was a FM:
The CIA and Saddam Hussein was a spook:
Here a German language article (machine-translated), to this ‘children-kidnapping’-nonsense:
You should be very critical of Roeper’s articles and check his arguments, especially for what he leaves out (!).
This is not to say that everything he writes is wrong, but with him you can be sure that he will always defend Russia in everything and that his view is therefore one-sided.
Compared to the roles in court: he is the defender, his pleas are in the interest of the defendant, exclusively. In order to come to an assessment, one must also examine the opposing position.
Good article summarizing the hypocrisy of a failing hegemon….except for the closing false binary conclusion planting the seed of suspicion and fear regarding the “new hegemon”:
“Either China will become the new hegemon as the lead partner in a Beijing-Moscow axis, or the US will take us all down with it.”
Becoming a leading partner in a new way of transacting with other economies free of the petrodollar doesn’t necessarily mean becoming the “hegemon”. BRICS or SCO or whatever will always be a somewhat messy partnership with so many players all of whom have something to contribute. There’s a difference between being a shepherd herding cats instead of sheep and a “hegemon”. BRICS and SCO have never, unlike NATO, been about military might.
Mikhail Bakunin:
‘In every State, the government is nothing but a permanent conspiracy on the part of the minority against the majority, which it enslaves and fleeces.‘
Pierre J Proudhon:
‘To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.’
(He left out ‘vaccinated’ but we can forgive him that’. They weren’t invented then).
Vaccination had existed for a good half-century before Proudhon’s quote (longer if one includes the version brought back from the Islamic world).
I stand corrected.
Thanks Edwige.
Indeed. Forced vaccinations have also been a thing since the beginning of their wretched existence as well.
The oligarch maintains his wealth and superiority of power by concentrating power within control of the oligarch. First rule of power concentration is to divide the masses into polar opposites…then to pit the opposites against one other in wars so that only the few really have the power to decide the outcomes.
The nation state system divides the people of the world into 256 different polar opposites.
No one escapes. Everyone is a prisoner of one of the nation states.
The thinking, beliefs, and customs of the residents of the nation states are homogenized by education, propaganda and reward systems and taught to hate or fear all the people homogenized within the other nation states.
The USUK Bio-Security State proudly presents and will willingly export to Any destination fuk’d, of your choice, DumDumsDowners, as approved by the [email protected].
Depleted Uranium Munitions.
Stand Proud & loud Charles lll, chucky d’turd
Over shredded wheat, always
Starting your day, by raining
Uranium On Everybody, first:
‘coz’ You know it makes sense…
Spray some Atomic Element No. 92,
On your plants, in depleted form,
daily, and chat with them,
Before they lock Putin up they should do a body count of how many innocent children and women were slaughtered, maimed, crippled, burnt, starved, poisoned, enslaved, sexually assaulted and psychologically destroyed by the US MIC and it’s underlings.
Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, parts of South America, parts of Africa, etc etc. It’s a litany of psychopathic bloodlust.
Yeah, lock up our inglorious leaders, past and present, on Mururoa Atoll, and they can eat each other.
Oops, ‘its’.
Kind of like the parable when Jesus interceded in a stoning; wrote on the ground the sins of each stoner; and said “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”
Let’s see now: who is Jesus? That’s right: he’s the one whose teachings we base all our morality on. Whereas his nemesis Satan is the one whose teachings we conduct all our activities on.
i do not see the society in which i dwell giving Jesus a first thought, never mind a second.
i do see masses wholeheartedly engaging with wanton, wasting selfishness. serving themselves/evil.
You don’t have to read or research a lot. Just look up what US did to N. Korea.
I don’t know if you’re a poet or what, but the phrase “mouth-balls” (with an ungainly hyphen, no less) made me snort out my tea. Thanks 🙂
I, believe it is a typo and should be “mothballs” 😆
There seems to be some disagreement on hyphen usage Sam.
The English language must be the only language where a word like phonetic is not spelled fonetically.
You mean, “fonetikeli”.
The biggest criminals on the planet also acting as the arbiters of justice.
It’s a fallen world full of lies, corruption, depravity, immorality and greed.
Fortunately it’s in the end days and a spiritual Great reset is now due…
The only ‘spiritual reset’ we’ll witness Paul is the one that begins with ‘l’.
There are no saviours coming to rescue us.
We made this mess and we must take responsibility for it.
I didn’t make this mess.
You take responsibility for it if you want.
agree, but a lot of people embrace it…
the “I”, i despair of too,
whilst i get J’s point,
the “I” is much of the problem.
Yes. I get your point too.
Herbert Spencer says it the best:
“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance — that principle is contempt prior to investigation.”
So is it “we” or “I”?
me me me, exactly.
i know what J means tho’, the inner struggle.
Surely Christ in You saves you.
There will be no spiritual reset: that was merely a phase humanity went through on its way to its ultimate destination.
I’ve coined a phrase (at least, I think it’s original): The Trajectory of Species. They begin and go through various phases until they finally end.
The “lies, corruption, depravity, immorality and greed” collectively represents this final phase of humanity. These things were not foisted upon an unwilling and unsuspecting species by a pack of ravenous predators posing as a ruling class. Rather, they were willingly and with full knowledge accepted by a species which has reached the end of the line.
It does little good for any particular member of the species to protest “I did not bring this about – so include me out!” Of course countless persons not only did not bring it about but actively fought to prevent it.
Unfortunately, this Trajectory sweeps all protests, all attempts to halt it, all foreknowledge of what’s coming aside.
There will be no further Renaissance. Humanity will not rise Phoenix like from the ashes of ignominy; not this time.
Only time will tell.
Suggest you repent and get baptised in the Holy spirit…
And all the children of Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists etc etc, plus all the Christians of the ‘wrong’ denomination will perish?
Under your God of Love?
That’s how the cookie crumbles I suppose.
Yes, sin is in everyone, and that’s what speaks on behalf of it. This world of sin is now exposed, but it’s wrong to think that it’s the end. God will never allow Humanity to be killed by Satan.
Only Satan will be killed and destroyed.
Satan is not human.
The Bible says that Satan will be allowed to run amok for 1,000 years before the Almighty puts a stop to his shenanigans and creates a perfect world.
It also says that He will intervene to prevent the world being ruined. Should be a relief for Dr. Greta and the Global Warming Brigade.
‘The Bible says…
Please: chapter, verse and version. 🙂
‘Should be a relief for Dr. Greta and the Global Warming Brigade.’
Heck, no! That makes them fear the loss of their talking-garbage baksheesh.
That’s optimistic…
Oh come on, this level is clearly one of the levels of hell on eternal? rinse and repeat. It’s the hurtplace, the place of pain. Periodically it simply gets too obvious to be ignored, as in ‘is the fall of Atlantis (or Atlantic) NOW, or then? They were simply waiting for the technology to catch up. Couldn’t be done without smartphones and the necessary infrastructure. Periodically ‘they’ experience what I shall call ‘significant reversals.’
Deus ex machina. Expect the unexpected, but for fill-in-your own blank’s sake, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION.
We may even be catapulted into a nicer yuga, if enough of us INSIST.