WATCH: Beyond the Reset
This excellent short film is a darkly humorous journey into one possible near-future. We all hope it never happens this way, but of course the best way to guard against it is to be aware of the danger.
I hope you all watch and share – especially with any fence-sitters or ostriches of your acquaintance.
I should add a thank-you to the commenter who posted a link to this today. Much appreciated.
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Holy Moly this was brilliant.
Not to sure about this film.
Type of film that is made to rattle the alternative minded which would fit Catt’s idea of Fake binary.
Thanks for the film really what we thought at one moment that we would be moved out after all the terrible things that happened her in France like having to sign a form if you went out even for a 1K walk – that was what was ‘allowed’ apart from shopping. Here a weird siren goes off on the first of the month (it is for future emergencies) to test it works i guess. If that goes off any other time – they may be coming. We had our bug out bag ready! Love and freedom to everyone! May it last longer and longer…..
Great work. Thanks for sharing this.
Remember boy that your forefathers died
Lost in millions for a country’s pride
They never mention the trenches of Belgium
When they stopped fighting, and they were one
A spirit stronger than war was working that night
December 1914 cold, clear and bright
Countries’ borders were right out of sight
They joined together and decided not to fight
All together now
All together now
All together now
In no man’s land, together
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(Together, together)
In no man’s land, together
The same old story again
All those tears shed in vain
Nothing learnt and nothing gained
Only hope remains
All together now
All together now
All together now
In no man’s land, together
All together now
(All together)
All together now
(All together)
All together now
In no man’s land, together
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(Together, together)
In no man’s land, together
All together now
(All together)
All together now
(All together)
The boys had their say, they said no
Stop the fighting and let’s go home
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go home!
The boys had their say, they said no
Stop the slaughter and let’s go home
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go home! (All together)
All together now
(Together, together)
In no man’s land, together
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together)
All together now
(Together, together)
In no man’s land, together
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(Together, together)
All together now
The boys had their say, they said no
Stop the slaughter and let’s go home
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go home! (All together)
The boys had their say, they said no
Stop the slaughter and let’s go home
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go home!
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(Together, together)
In no man’s land, together
All together now
(All together now)
All together now
(All together)
We’re in all in together, indeed. Cameron was right about that, at least. Each man and woman plays their part. Which are you playing?
US has concentration camps ready for civil unrest. It has stockpiles of materials to smooth matters over for its oligarchs, despite professing a free market. Does it have food stockpiles?
It doesn’t need them because insects are dried and readily available here in France they have built a huge insect factory!
This was posted by a so-called insider back in 2010 and was supposed to happen back then. It was far-fetched back in 2010 but now not so much.
As I am sure you know, the US Economy is about to crash very soon. This event will have catastrophic effects on the American People. There will be many deaths due to what is going to happen. I will, to the best of my knowledge, give you the Timeline of events as I see it, some of these things you know are going to happen, others you might not know about. If you leave the United States within the next Week or so, you will be spare this fate. If you do leave, do not go to Canada, it is not safe. Go to either South America or Africa. Move near the Equator Everywhere else will eventually succumb to the events that are about to take place. You thought ‘chemtrails’, ‘population control’, ‘nwo’, ‘Planet X’ and ‘illuminati’ were the most of your troubles, you are sadly mistaken. I am assuming most of ATS posters are American, so this WILL affect you. Hoarding food, Gold, Silver, Guns act. These will not save you from this fate. I write these events to save those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to listen so please do not bother with petty comments. Thank you and here is The Plan for the United States of America. It will unfold in time.
1.) US Economy Crashes. Dollar becomes worthless.
2.) Americans panic. Looting, murder, stealing, riots happen.
3.) Martial Law is declared. Military steps in, Borders close, all of America stops. Your ‘freedom’ is now null and void. All Guns are banned and Gold is banned (This may happen immediately after #1.)
4.) Americans are put into camps (not concentration camps.) to maintain order.
5.) Some succumb to Starvation*, other people also will be murdering themselves.
6.) The Chinese and Russians cut off ‘Power Grid’ to the United States of America.
7.) The Chinese Invade the USA, maybe the Russians also.
8.) Because nobody will be armed except for the ‘Peace Keepers’ the USA will fall.
9.) All of America is destroyed and split up between the nations who conquer it and most Americans are killed.
10.) The United States of America ends as we know it.
Now as far as I know, this is the ‘plan’. I hope it does not happen, but I am sure it will. If you can leave the US within one week I suggest you get out. I have given instructions on where to go earlier. The US Economy should collapse within one month which will set these events into motion. Also expect some natural disasters to happen also.
This is a grave time for the USA. Leave if you can and be spared this fate.
*There is a food shortage in the US that has not been broadcast in the Major Media. Some sites have covered this. When the Dollar collapses the price of everything will rise due to Hyperinflation. This will make most of the American People panic and thus Martial Law will be initiated, and then comes in China’s takeover.
If you plan on staying in America or can’t leave, good luck. If you do decide to leave before Martial Law is activated, do so within the next few days-week. When Martial Law is active, the US Borders will close and you will be stuck. Plane tickets only cost about $1000-$2000. If you are short on money, sell whatever you own and buy a plane ticket out, even if it’s your Car. Which do you value more, the Car or your life? If you don’t have a Passport, try to get one rushed to you immediately by googling ‘fast passport’. Also, if you get overseas before the US Economic Collapse, change currency immediately as the Dollar will be worthless.
fear porn then and now, alternatively we have been lied to as usual and the septic tanks (yanks for those not so well informed) have much much bigger oil reserves than they have lead us to believe so maybe the immanent dollar collapse is more smoke and mirrors
Build back better under the Conservatives In the U.K:
Holiday home reforms: Renting out properties on sites such as Airbnb could become more difficult under the proposals.
Michael Gove plans that would force homeowners to seek planning permission if they want to rent out their properties as holiday lets.
BRIBERY is the root of all evil:
The Heritage Party was formed in 2020 to defend our heritage and restore our nation.
The Heritage Party stands for common sense principles and policies:
Protect our culture and heritageTraditional family valuesProtect children from grooming and sexualisationNational sovereigntyControl our bordersFinancial responsibilitySelf-sufficiency in skillsSelf-sufficiency in energyNo more lockdownsFrom the Heritage Party Manifesto:
Liberty and Free Speech
The Heritage Party will assert, promote and defend the principles of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of belief and liberty of conscience.
There should be no law or penalty for expressing controversial opinions, making jokes, or engaging in banter. This means supporting the freedom of speech of people who have differing views to ourselves, even if we find such opinions offensive. Everyone has the right to freedom of belief, freedom of speech and freedom of expression, provided they are not inciting violence or crime, or directly threatening another person.
Everyone must have the right to discuss and criticise all ideologies and texts without fear of being harassed by the state for their opinions. This right has been eroded over recent decades by the burgeoning concept of so-called ‘hate speech’, which is a term used to impose ‘repressive tolerance’, whereby only the prevailing ‘politically correct’ viewpoint is tolerated, and other views are stifled or sanctioned, even if they are held by the majority.
Nobody should be dragged through the courts or fired from their jobs because someone has accused them of ‘hate speech’. The Heritage Party will repeal the legal framework which has led to repressive tolerance so that everyone can once again feel free to express themselves freely, whether in social settings or on-line. We will require that Codes of Conduct for employment allow freedom of expression outside the workplace and demand that Codes of Conduct at Universities encourage, rather than restrict, diversity of opinion. Digital social media platforms should be open to all and not be allowed to censor legal opinions simply because someone considers them to be ‘politically incorrect’; they should be classified as publishers if they engage in such arbitrary censorship.
Free speech must also be ensured in the media, both mainstream and social media. Broadcasters, reporters, journalists and commentators must be free to say anything they wish provided it is lawful and does not incite crime or violence. The state should not be allowed to shut down people and organisations on the spurious grounds of ‘misinformation’, ‘disinformation’ or ‘bias’.
Liberty also means that individuals have autonomy over their own lives, as well as individual responsibility for their actions and choices. The state should not seek to impose its own ideologies on individuals, nor force or coerce individuals into making choices concerning themselves or any aspects of their life over which they should have rightful autonomy. Individuals have responsibility for their own finances. They also have responsibility for their own health, and no-one should be forced or coerced to take any medicine or vaccination without their consent.
The draconian lockdown laws and regulations implemented during the Covid era were an egregious and unlawful attack on our civil liberties. The Heritage Party opposes arbitrary restrictions on citizens and businesses and will ensure there are no more lockdowns.
The technology now exists to create a dystopian 24-7 surveillance state where everyone and everything can be monitored continuously. It is therefore more important than ever to guarantee liberty and ensure that individuals continue to have the right to privacy and anonymity. The law should ensure that people can live a private life by default unless they choose otherwise. Personal information should not be held without consent. This principle should also apply to personal financial transactions. Cash must remain an option for purchasing goods and services at retail outlets for people who choose not to use electronic payment methods. We oppose any moves toward a ‘cashless society’ which would discriminate against many vulnerable, elderly and poorer people who do not have access to banking and electronic payments.
In addition, the state should not attempt to unduly interfere with family life or micro-manage families and relationships. Parents are the primary educators and carers of their children, and have the right to bring up their children as they wish, either through home education or in school. There has never been a requirement for parents to register children who are home educated or a compulsion to place them in school. These freedoms should not be removed by the state.
Heritage Party leader David Kurten calls out misleading statements by newscaster and makes common sense points about the UK’s role in the Ukraine:
David Kurten (
Well said that man.
Your a fucked up 19 transgenderist who’s relience education is a microsoft link.
Who is David Kurten, where is his paper you’ve endorsed? So I can’t read it…Idiot! Paste it out ffs!!
Isn’t it interesting – this barrage of highly suspicious responses to my posts about the Heritage Party from the OffG misdirection network – Clive Williams, Stop The Prison Mentality, Jane, wardropper etc – are so desperately lacking in content and so clearly full of desperation in a very forceful “SHUT IT DOWN” way that they have made me realise just how important and real a threat this party is to the existing power structure and how the establishment must be very scared about them gaining momentum. Fact is, David Kurten is highly charismatic and talks the right language – COMMON SENSE. He seems very sincere and his manifesto is spot on. He’s not some stuck up arrogant Etonian prick who thinks the sun shines out of his ass and that he was born to lord it over people. I like to give people who step up forthe right reasons a chance. If they suddenly start changing their tune and turn out to be agents of The Scum, I can change my opinion as new information comes forward. But as it stands, I have listened to David talk about a wide range of difficult to navigate issues and he’s shown real vision, class and calibre on every occasion. He is also very well versed in the world of Westminster, which is huge because it’s all well and good talking a good game in your own comfort zone, but we need someone who knows the system from the inside and David is that man. I’ll take David Kurten over the treasonous verminous disingenuous lying scumbags Starmer and Sunak any day of the week. Labour and Conservative need to be exposed, burned to the ground and pissed on by the British public and I will do what I can to assist with that process.
As I said in my post below, where the posters I mentioned waded in with their nonsensical talking points trying to shut me down – your posts have motivated me to start getting behind this party more than ever and I may get in touch with them to do what I can to help build them up. Thanks for providing the motivation to do that.
I’ve read some of the Heritage manifesto. Nationalism, militarism. Very worthy and sure to be a game-changer.
Give it a rest. There’s only one good option currently available anywhere: Do. Not. Vote.
Whilst I agree that these are desirable goals, the reality of a transnational Federal/Socialist agenda, will take more than a wee bit of effort to dismantle…
The world’s economic systems currently embrace financial fraud – combined with mafia racketeering, which is enforced via socialized extortion. There are hundreds of millions of people employed within this entrenched system. The willful idiots are in charge.
Virus propaganda is incitment to crime. To poison people with midazolam for example. To inject virus. To poison with CO2 using masks etc. How does this party settle these contradictions in the text? Universal vaccination helps protect everyone. Nobody can be singled out. How can this party expect to lead without themselves warning of virus propaganda? Accepting that vaccination can not be virus since that is poisoning and incitment to crime? If the party refuses vaccination then who will warn of the virus propaganda? The state leave it to a keyboard warrior to tackle such a collosal problem ? No I didn’t think so, afterall we are all in it together.
What a stupid attitude
You missed nothing.
I watched it, and am none the wiser.
My own imagination, along with things like, “Brave New World”, “1984”, knowledge of what war does to people and what sort of people actually want to go into politics; those are enough for me to create the “bleakest reminders” of apocalyptic likelihood.
Just a shout out to any and all transgender folk out there – There are some of us who are not buying into the new vilification. The same vilification targeted at homosexuals years ago. Remember when that was a mental illness?
Remember when Jews would infect us with typhoid? Remember when Blacks would infect us with whatever and had to drink from different water fountains? Sit in different sections? Remember when we couldnt hug people with HIV?
Remember what it’s like to be called mentally ill because you won’t wear a mask or get an experimental injection?
Think what you like about whatever anyone chooses about their own personal health, sexuality and gender, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this constant barrage of ridiculous portraits of transgender people is beyond the pale. And coming mostly from “this side” of the fence makes it all the more disappointing.
Doesn’t anyone else see through the agenda and the obvious propaganda? That this is yet another wedge in the human rights movement.
I’m constantly amazed.
Does it ever occur to anyone on these sites and comment boards that someone reading just might be a transgender person?
Far be it from me to suggest anything to anyone, but my God, maybe, just maybe see all this drag queen in kindergarten class for what it is.
There’s no doubt for me that the call and response regarding this issue are both engineered.
I haven’t seen so much prejudice toward differently-minded people, but more a resistance to this agenda being artificially magnified and shoved in our face. The call: increasingly emotive statements by large companies, like Nike and tampax et al choosing a trans woman to represent biological women, and increasing footage of trans women beating biological women in sports like UFC or swimming etc. And the response: angry twitter feeds calling trans people freaks, homogenising everyone with any sort of opposing view into one category called ‘wrongthink’ – be it people with a liberal but traditional perspective on gender, or be it openly prejudiced beliefs that homosexuality is linked to a rise of satanism, they all get put in the same basket.
I reckon there are a lot of paid operatives pushing both sides. I think there’s probably a huge surplus workforce to tap into since covid.
Scrolling through twitter, this whole non-issue feels like a fake binary simulacrum.
We brought in a Law. It is Ilegal to teach Homosexuality in Schools to Children because of AIDS & further STD’s. To STOP you anti-social moronics from being afraid of becoming Social home front privilege gobshites.
The “new vilification” is what this has been about from the beginning. And every single tiresome strand in this utterly phony non-issue has been a total charade. Here is the latest example:
From The Independent:
I love it when the media slyly reveals the mechanism at work. When Dylan helpfully calls herself an “easy target”, she is inviting the “hate” which can then be triumphantly emblazoned across the wrathful banners of the self-adoring virtue signalling plastic heroes.
Meanwhile, The Equality & Human Rights Commission has provided advice on the clarification of ‘sex’ in the Equality Act 2010 in a letter which states,
See what happened there? After God knows how many years (decades? How long has this shit been going on?) we have gone round painfully slowly in one vast circle …. to arrive at a conclusion that was bleeding obvious from the very start!
Indeed, the “conclusion” was something sensibly taken for granted for millennia …. until “The Science” arrived and tried to re-write those millennia.
The dismal fact that the entire rhetoric of human rights could be manoeuvred into the cramped space of an oxymoronic nullity and that it worked is a tribute to the hypnotic power of the media backed by a “science” that is frankly run by a mafia.
Undoubtedly the trans thing has reached the point of “going overboard.”
However, the sorry history of humanity proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that whoever is in the driver’s seat tends to go beyond merely establishing its preferred set of rules on everyone; and eventually begins enforcing those preferred rules physically, by way of torture and murder.
Kazimierz Lyszczyriski was burned at the stake in Poland in 1689 because he concluded that the idea of God was unsupportable. Just one of many “heretics” dispatched for rejecting the prevailing rules. Homosexuals were also dispatched – still can be today in some Muslim countries.
It may be that the best defense really is a good offense; and that trans persons do not wish to end up like so many other outliers throughout history. And it would be foolish to say those kinds of things are no longer possible – because as long as distaste translates into hate then into physical violence, these kinds of things are very much still possible.
I don’t buy into any of that from the very beginning. “…. trans persons do not wish to end up like so many” etc. I have no idea who “trans persons” are. What I have seen are, on the one hand, extremely pitiable young people going into paroxysms of anguish and doubt – as they always have done – only this time over a matter that doesn’t even make any sense especially from their point of view (prepubescents asked – even demanded – to “choose” their gender?) and, on the other, these odd old clearly masculine dudes with a token gesture made towards some “feminine” clothing. (In the absence of clearly defined biological gender, the whole issue is relegated to the old reactionary notions as to what constitutes “male” and “female” – richly ironic, don’t you think?)
And as far as the high profiled matter of how “distaste translates into hate then into physical violence”, this is the old liberal hand wringing over how the leprous lower masses seem to embody some kind of metaphysical disease. What we are facing is apparently “Hate” just as in the Middle Ages it was The Devil.
Or perhaps these people are working for the state in the first place. The government’s propaganda arm, the mainstream media gives them the oxygen of publicity. That beardy ‘influencer’ (whatever that is) that is all over the media and the doctors’ leader with the clown glasses look especially suspect.
“The transgender discourse’s fundamental anti-epistemology, which is at the heart of all of this, manifests in how the mainstream of this ideology emphasizes a radical anti-essentialism, in which is implied the position that nature and being are totally malleable, and that narrative, that intentions, can actually transform reality at its very foundations.
This is the explicit extension of capitalism’s colonizing operations into the sphere of self-identity, manifesting an ethics of commodified desire.
…. the feminine form (and to a lesser extent the masculine), which by the participants is desired and integrated into themselves, has become an exaggerated commodity, the product of an inherently exploitative capitalist propaganda apparatus.
Pornography is so obviously the wellspring of a vast part of the images which supply the material, particularly for the reconstituted feminine form.
What’s more, the transgender discourse has an inherent affinity to neoliberal ideology since it embodies the notion of a radical self-authentication in synergy with market forces and consumer agency.”
The problem George, is explaining precisely how the transition from M to F or vice versa, is to be conceived without violating the three laws of logic (i.e. identity, contradiction and excluded middle) because those laws do not account for change (transition).
Transgenderism in itself is a made up word for something that does not really exist. Actually believing, into adulthood, that a person is the wrong sex, is on the face, either a bold face lie, or a mental disorder similar to multiple personality disorder, or schizophrenia. The reason this condition is referred to as Gender Dysphoria.
Reagan, during his administration, the same that gave Big Pharma Legal Immunity, also defunded mental health treatment. Both of these actions are related. By defunding mental health, now Big Pharma could step in and claim those monies to “develop” mental health “medicines”. You know “medicines” like psychotropic drugs that make people suicidal, or murderous, and that are linked to almost every modern mass shooting that doesn’t involve criminal vs. criminal.
Transgenders make a good subject matter for TPTB for several reasons. It is a known mental illness, and this will play into their desire to use mental illnesses in general, especially PTSD, as a means of denying what are supposed to be inalienable rights. Vilifying a small segment of society as the basis for curtailing freedom for security, and for implementing more divide and conquer strategies, is an old playbook. Mental illness will be a lynchpin for more government overreach for gun control, censorship, and imprisonment, all via Red Flag Laws, AKA Extreme Risk Orders. This will all lead into full implementation of “Pre Crime” laws that will be the natural extension of Red Flag Laws. The consolidation of the medical services into a despotic system will continue as well, and the reason mental illness is on any and all gun forms, and why doctors now ask if you own guns.
First they came for the family unit. Then they came for the children. Then they came for the mentally ill. Then they came for the mentally retarded. Then they came for my neighbors. Then they came for the food, guns and gold. I didn’t speak up. When they came for me, no one was left.
True but this whole transgender matter can also be seen as the ultimate (so far) phase of consumer capitalism in that it has intensified that self-loathing so necessary to consumerism to an extreme degree. The citizen is made to feel the most radical self-disgust and therefore in need of a transformation from the waiting councillors, druggists and surgeons. (It also blends in nicely with the health variant with the symptomless “deadly virus” that requires constant vaccinations.)
I don’t disagree. Self loathing seems to be a common mind set for those that choose to live a life of chemical saturation. Drug addicts, alcoholics, sex addicts, etc.
I think the part that we miss, because most of us cannot relate to the evil and nefarious nature of our enemy, is the impact of mind control programs like Hollyweird, Operation Mockingbird, MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi. The amount of social engineering that has been going on since the 1930s cannot be ignored when evaluating the status of society.
Like it or not, the world is a freight train, loaded with explosive chemicals, going downhill without brakes, that is going to crash into people.
The only way to stop a threat like that is by derailing it. At this point, the sooner the better, I think.
Thank you so much for this post. You make it absolutely clear that, as I replied to another comment, “distaste translates into hate.”
I find the idea of mutilating one’s body to attain some perceived ideal monstrous. But those who choose to do it are not therefore themselves monstrous. That would be the height of absurdity.
A.I art just recently been given to the plebs.
How long have they had it for.?
Is anything in the news, sports, entertainment real?
Although the film was preaching to us converted, it might be useful to show others who are still in denial. The hero found his way into the garbage truck, but left his very useful plunger handle behind. The obvious result of such foolhardiness is that henceforth all wooden plunger handles will be removed from these premises, which will make clearing a blocked toilet a bit of a challenge. We can test how effective the film is when the next lockdown creates the run on toilet paper, and another run on toilet plungers…
Recent Past
It may be a possible scenario for the near future, but it also happened in the recent past.
Launched over the Easter full moon. Conveniently goes viral.!!
Using the MIC alt media.
The ritual for the not so wise to watch. if they get something less than the ‘Beyond the Reset’ they think there luck is in…!!
Ironic thing about the CIA film is most people actually do live like this, whilst pretending they dont.
‘Bleak reminder’?
If I remember correctly Nietzsche was not exactly a glass half full kind of fellow.
It is unlikely they would let their prisoners have so many creature comforts and have so little to do. It is more likely they would bring back the gulags with their slave labour, starvation diets and brutal punishments. At least the gulag slaves didn’t have to wear muzzles. The gulags of the future would be muzzled. The slaves would drop earlier from insufficient oxygen.
Some have wondered who financed this video. One possibility is the dairy industry. The video defends the existence of vast berds of tame passive bovine creatures in enclosures.
The documentary also ignores the most sinister aspect of the new dystopia – the compulsory clot shots.
Apologies. The film does cover clot shots in great detail. This video wouldn’t have been allowed during the darkest phase of the scamdemic. It is surprising they allowed it to be shown now.
Your first sentence says it all admirably.
One of the most glaring features of my own life is that ‘the authorities’ have always seen to it that I have as little spare time as possible to use my own brain and my own talents to the full.
That tells me that they are afraid of the creative potential of mankind, and would like to suffocate it.
I have been lucky, in the sense that I have always found employment in the field of music – the field which gives my individual life meaning – and now that I am retired, I can indulge my abilities to the full – my way, since I have the mental and physical health to be able to do so.
This is not the situation for a great many people, sadly, and that is what I believe we are really fighting to remedy.
On a related note, I saw a comment today on morality and its evolution, deploring the fact that European and North American education is generally falling way behind China, and basically blaming the unbridled access of young people, and even young children, to the technical developments connected with the internet, without any corresponding attention being paid to their moral development.
Of course I don’t want to live in China, because to me GroupThink is clearly a backward step in evolution, but we need to take note that the complete absence of supervision of what our young people are constantly exposed to is going to cost us dear.
You’d think there would be a middle way…
You havent watched it have you.?
There is a scene, where by testing the new shot, you can get the perks of different food, new digs and upgrade social credits.
The following scene. The person across from him gets it and then not long after is dead and being picked up by hazardous waste.
also our reality is created by our believes.
I would say, not entirely.
We can live within the reality of our beliefs, while still acknowledging that others live somewhere else. And we can even use our imagination to attempt to go to that ‘somewhere else’, if we care enough.
I’ll just pass on a piece of earnest advice which my spiritually-minded piano teacher gave me long ago, concerning the interpretation of Beethoven’s music:
“We must try to go to that place (in the soul) where Beethoven was when he conceived this music if we hope to get close to a passionately convincing and honest interpretation of it”
To say this is a difficult thing to do goes without saying, but I have always found it to be a bright guiding light.
Wise words Wardropper.
Wave Resonance Reverb
Peaks & Troughs & the Pitch
Thunder & Lightening
Beethoven & Haarpstrings
Pulsating & pummeling
Staccato to crescendo
Climate change Euphoria, rumbles in the jungles of catatectonic
Manmade manifestations of madness manipulating mass hysteria
Whilst waging war… with Chemical Weapons.
Feel the anger, sense the solution
Smell the Spring,
Feel the Light,
& Within.
Вос Креси
И е Ядосан
I.e. Jesus has Risen
& is angered.
Brother. I.U.R.
International Universal Recognition.
World gone mad in computing terms, of Regulating A.i.
So, first the Finance Houses & Financiers address
Fiscal insanity or the Chinese will Nuke them first,
With second hand Pakistani Nuclear Warheads…
On Kim’s latest well tested rocket,
With Elon’s guidance … math is Gold & Silver Reserves
Aladdin & AliBaba Can be regulated.
A Trojan Horse tale, though,
With a Jack n’ Pony Ma tale interwoven, of
Sovereign directional change,
& accountability within… Lie to me.
Confucius say, Mafia.Marx.&Muslim,
All are accountable ,
In quantum terms.
China prefers Trade
Over Worldwide Warfare…
And probably Beethoven,
Even the dog 🤣
It is Del Bigtree. It is just a couple of weeks till he accepts his website needs vaccinating. Escaping in the garbage disposal is pointless. The website will still need a warning on it.
He will come around. Vaccination is the greatest invention in history. As an antivaxxer it is difficult for him to adopt a pro vaccine position. Remember tho that vaccination applies to the straw man. The body of writing. There is no need to fear vaccination. It is safe and effective. We have a public health emergency so Del Bigtree is needed to help vaccinate these websites. It is fun. What is his problem?
The shareholders, board of directors and senior executives of Big pHarmer would agree with you Jane. Tarzan, on the other hand _ _ _ _ is smarter than the apes.
What “public health emergency” – a 0.23% global infection mortality rate doesn’t even vaguely count.
“There is no need
to fearfor “vaccination.”Fixed it for ya!
There is a need for it. Didn’t you see how many died without the warnings up? Warning is care. It is protection. Wouldn’t you be better off with universal protection? The CDC and WHO with virus warning on their documents and production? All the kings men defending you from virus propaganda? A little care goes a long way.
If you’re being sarcastic, then haha. If you’re serious, then boohoo.
you sound like a purposely programmed moronic ai algorithm tbh
A literal chatbot.
Antibiotic pills or injections your choice Madum Lol!
Jane: The first sign of madness is said to be talking to oneself…
May i respectfully suggest that you give yourself a good talking to, too: t’wit t’woo &
Remember wise Owls cross-reference ChatGPTeenagers.
Janine Small announced on behalf of her evasive CEO@Pfizer, that your ‘good’ vaccination was never actually tested as to whether it would prevent …
TRANSMISSIONS of ANYTHING ! Therefore, your alpha bravado ‘good’ vaccine may even
Conceivably have been spreading ANYTHING ‘unwittingly’, and you are so dumb as to wait 75 years until you ‘NEED TO KNOW’ ? You clearly believe in utilising humans as
Experimental guinea pigs and therefore, it’s good to know you are well oiled and vaccinated. Something about… ‘insane in the membrane’, rings a bell…
Testing Testing,
From a narcissist to a realist Jane:
“If you think they’re out to get you, then they’ve got you already”
So, the normies are right?
I don’t know…the comment is about the fear and paranoia that is present in many folk. Fear of a bleak future is a bleak present.
The only way to prevent the bleak future is to be aware it’s heading our way. What you’re advocating is blissful ignorance.
Get behind the wheel of your car blindfold because what you can’t see won’t hurt you!
Nowhere do I advocate ignorance, unless the absence of fear is a form of ignorance? Please don’t fabricate opinions for me, your superficial analysis is unhelpful.
It may not be that they’re out to get us; but rather that these self-styled rulers have nothing to do. Their minions create their wealth for them. They have way too much free time; so they keep coming up with one scenario after another. And they have nobody to play with; so they keep erecting their schemes around us.
This is what they’ll do to us; that is what they’ll do to us – and don’t let us forget it! They’re coming for us – yes they are, they really are this time, they’ve got it all worked out this time. They’ll show us they’re the Masters of the Universe.
And then their nannies put their schemes on hold. “Bedtime!” nanny says. “But I have just one more human to enslave!” “It’ll have to wait: bedtime!”
Bending over backwards to make it all seem as benign as possible ain’t ya. “They’re just big kids messin about.”
The real people in charge (the nannies) are good guys of course
Holy shit man
These people are psychos. They imagine they have the right to scheme the rest of us into a corral. But their schemes have no chance of succeeding unless We The People play along.
Throughout history The People have played along – but only up to a point. Then the psychos have to start all over again from square one.
They are indeed “just big kids messin about.” They’re spoiled brats who never grew up – and never will. Besides not being sane, it’s not even adult to imagine one can completely rule over an entire planet filled with 8 billion people.
They are infinitely more worthy of contempt than of fear.
The storming of the Bastille says different.
The gullible masses do have their moments…
You consider the French Revolution to be a success then?
(Not my) King Charles is a fervent supporter of the WEF. What role in a global government is there likely to be for a King of a Nation? So as well as selling his own Country down the river, his stupidity will ensure his own demise.
Royalty is still at the apex of the real but covert power structure. Don’t believe the nonsense about “constitutional monarchy”. It may be a reality on paper, but when the same Medieval system of grace and favour still doles out knighthoods and life peerages, and when the monarch/crown is still the biggest landowner in the country, royal power remains very little dinted.
The “royalty” are controlled by the banksters. The czar was disposed of like trash.
Charles regularly sought the advice of Jimmy Savile – not the best indication of soundness of his judgement. I wonder what it was about Charles that Diana found so disagreeable?
this and his other vids are a fascinating very well researched insight into those that call themselves “royal”, obomber even gets a mention,
“From Monarchy to Democracy and Beyond. Part 1” — Richard Abbot:
Charles, of course, will be told to abdicate in favor of Prince William – who is much more appealing to the public than his dad.
Bear in mind that through the years Charles has been compared (physically as well as mentally) to Alfred E. Newman. Not the best image for a King.
At around the turn of the year 1900 various groups were expermenting and communicating with each other on the subject of esoteric seance, golden dawn, thule society etc, as their “skills” in this field increased “contact” was made with a number of “entities” reputedly of the 5thD, prominent within this group of entities was one who inhabited the bodies of some prominent players, moving from host to host… (“time, is on my side, yes it is…”)
One such prominent and infamous among them was crowley,
I turned up this random little fragment the other day, that others who are aware of what i write about may find interesting, it explains alot
At this juncture which has prompted such animated films as displayed above grasping the full depth of what is at play and summoning whatever you feel personally is your “faith” has never been so important, “faith” regardless of its fixation and as long as it is positive is better than the abyss of despair “they” would prefer us to go down.
Given that we have lost to augmentation such a huge proportion of our friends, neighbours and colleagues the weight of responsibility rests even more squarely upon us,
and never forget “they” do so despise being laughed at, it reminds them of the truth that they are sold, sold for a brief shot at power from one who never concedes power, merely gives the illusion of it
Cell Phones
Destruction of brain cells
Multiple sclerosis
Memory loss
Early Alzheimer’s disease
Heart attack
Heart disease
Cardiac arrhythmia
Heart palpitations
High blood pressure
Chest pain
Brain cancer
Breast cancer
Thyroid cancer
Lung cancer
Prostate cancer
Colon cancer
Ovarian cancer
Testicular cancer
Respiratory infections
Spontaneous abortion
Birth defects
Hair loss
Hair losing color
Broken bones
Eye pain
Dry eyes
Retinal detachment
Decreased sense of smell
Hearing loss
Inability to concentrate
Sleep Apnea
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Muscle pains
Joint pains
Hip replacement
Knee replacement
Skin rash
Depression in children
Suicides by children
Heart attacks in young people
Strokes in young people
Cancers in pets
Shortened lives of pets
Proliferation of cell towers to enable cell phones to work
Proliferation of satellites to enable cell phones to work
Disappearance of birds
Deaths of birds
Disappearance of bats
Disappearance of insects
Disappearance of worms
Disappearance of frogs
Disappearance of wildlife
Deaths of wildlife
Dead and dying plants
Dead and dying trees
Dead and dying marine life
Child slavery in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Genocide in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Extermination of the lowland gorilla
Genocide in West Papua
Massive pollution of groundwater in China
Enormous amount of electricity to power the cloud
Enormous amounts of toxic waste
Enormous amounts of discarded plastic
Loss of touch with nature
Social isolation
Loss of touch with reality
Wow a shorter list than the serious adverse reactions to CV19 “vaccines”.
Jesus that must be every illness known to man. So before cellphones I guess people lived forever!
At least they were alive…
I don’t call what was in that video, ‘living’…
All those things were happening before cell phones, but I get your point.
The escalation is horrifying.
Five downvotes (and counting). Amazing!
The addiction lies heavy on some.
This list was made by Firstenberg. He seems to have missed the slavery and the suicide nets at Foxconn.
Worse, you end up punching screaming obscenities into the opposite hand at a microsoft chip.
You’ve no idea who the other is, for all one knows it could be a concert hall full of Chinese Scientists falling about laughing, munching on fried grasshoppers. The day will come when its a ” that’s was me ya dumb cunt”!
‘Fuck! I thought I was sharing what’s happening in this Country not to two Streets over…bollocks!’
Satanic minions intent on destroying God’s creation and His people.
Repent and be baptised.
Communities of connected people will be able to survive the reset but not as individuals…
It could be a message to the techies – that if they don’t start sabotaging the technology it will soon be too late.
Pinned by 3D Epix Inc.
10 days ago (edited)
I would like to address the most common and re-occurring comments here:
2. I have never watched I Pet Goat II until people started mentioning it here.
To me, that claim is not credible.
I, Pet Goat II is a 2012 Canadian animated short film written, directed, produced and edited by Louis Lefebvre. The film features a commentary on American society and politics, particularly covering presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, with allusions to Osama bin Laden, the War on Terror, Biblical theology, and Arabian imagery in a post-apocalyptic setting. The title is a reference to The Pet Goat (often erroneously referred to as My Pet Goat), the book President Bush read to children at Emma Booker School in Sarasota, Florida at the time of the September 11 attacks which ends stating “more to come”. The film is known for its strong use of cryptic symbolism.
Louis Lefebvre began production on I, Pet Goat II in 2006. By 2008, he had established his studio, Heliofant, in Montreal, Quebec, employing various 3D animators, and the Tanuki Project who scored the film. Lefebvre predominantly used Autodesk Maya, V-Ray, FumeFX and RealFlow software for rendering sprites and animation. I, Pet Goat II was released on June 24, 2012.
I, Pet Goat II
Dec 31, 2013
Did the prisoner have the opportunity to vote for a presidential candidate?
That would be funny if you think about it.
Perhaps after he makes his choice on the screen he notices that
all along his connection to the internet had been accidentally unplugged.
Yet his laptop gave him a big Congratulations, Patriot! message
for voting followed immediately by a waving flag gif.
By the way. Have you noticed how often OffG
reminds everyone that the Ukraine conflict is
110% the fault of Britain and the US?
On the contrary we have a continuous stream of articles critical of Russia. Were you being sarcastic ?
Please explain the role of Victoria Nuland during the Obama reign of terror?
There ain’t nothing humorous about it.
Though I suppose, you’ve got to laugh….
I do next to sweet f’ck all, but my wife makes our home (especially our kitchen) and our garden absolutely stunningly beautiful, such that our Grandkids ask their Dad, can we please go home to Nana and Grandad
They were Born Here
It will be OK. We both love them to bits, but first we have to get rid of the moths..You see a big largely empty house, is not too good, without being filled with loads of little kids.
We are going to have so much fun this summer
Moths can be stunningly beautiful.
– in their place…
In my bedroom, I want them out.
How about your dinner plate?
Nice one.
I think I’ll just eat the plate…
Hopefully it’s recyclable and sustainable.
On a positive note, we do have the option to vote for people who are infinitely preferable to the utter pondlife currently running this place into the ground:
Manifesto — Heritage Party
LOL, you’re funny.
Easy on the crack.
Sarcasm – right…?
I don’t know you well enough to be sure.
Ok to all of you people leaving these comments, please direct me to people who represent positive change in politics. Or are you happy for Brits and this country to stay on the blue vs red merry go round forever, never veering from it, because there is no point?
Have you read this manifesto? If so, please critique it in an adult intelligent manner, as opposed to leaving these childish, pathetic comments.
Do you think I don’t know about rigged elections and all the rest of it. Elections are rigged – I KNOW – the Heritage Party address this very issue in this manifesto FFS. However, that is not reason to just disengage from politics. We have to take over politics – WE THE PEOPLE. DO YOU NOT GET THAT. We have to become the dominant force and we have to build it ourselves. David Kurten is walking the walk in this respect. That’s one of our ONLY ways out of this. At both the national and local level. We have to build something alternative to this corrupt cesspit which currently rules our lives.
I like David Kurten, he’s a breath of fresh air. Why are you opposed to him and his party?
As Brendon O Connell has said many many times, these criminals don’t want people like us anywhere near the political arena. You all come across like operators, desperately trying to demoralise people into thinking there is no hope.
The fact that all 3 of your comments are virtually identical speaks volumes.
LOL, you’re funny. Easy on the crack. Sarcasm – right…?
Is this what your paymasters tell you to write?
In response to your clear attempts to shut me down on this, I’ll keep posting LOTS more about the Heritage Party. Thanks for providing the motivation to do that.
wardropper – very possibly a shill/operator
I’m 76, Mucho.
No energy for such nonsense.
You’re perfectly free not to like my comments, but you assume too mucho.
After all, these are your own words: “We do have the option to vote for people who are infinitely preferable to the utter pondlife currently running this place into the ground”.
Such statements don’t have the credibility they had 25 years ago.
You’re welcome.
On a more serious note though, the name.
Seriously, The Heritage Party. If ever there was a political party doomed to fail, because of its name, this is in the top 5.
Anything else they write after that is nowt but word salad, cause they’re already doomed.
I read your later comment detailing the Heritage Party.
Since I’m a confessed cynic (unlike your detractors here), it’s okay for me to point out that just about every political party known to man starts out with pretty much the same platform as the Heritage Party. The proof, as they say, will be in the pudding, should it ever come to a boil.
As a non-Briton, Anglophile, I largely approve of the manifesto. It’s far better than anything your Tories or Labour parties offer.
That being said, I can’t see the party winning anything. I’m generally reconciled to seeing Britain, both the actual place and the Britain of my imagination ( admittedly a fantasy construction, but with real roots) being destroyed in the next few decades — racially, ethnically, culturally, in virtually every way possible other name. Also, quite possibly physically destroyed via war.
Why do you think there is a political solution to the situation we are all in?
An Honest Politician is an oxymoron if there ever was one.
If such a being actually existed, would we be where we are today?
Here’s an important article that shows that green energy is a pipe dream because we don’t have the materials for it:
After reading the comments, I think even the tide of change is causing polarity.
I for one think that their total dominance surveillance technocratic state is so anti-human that it will destroy itself.
While we are facing a daunting and dreadful time, it is also a time of opportunity because of what will be revealed to the world. Anyone that thought that life in this world, or in anyone’s life time, would be without humbling, and for some, humiliating, sufferance, has not been paying attention. Life has always been mixed with pestilence, famine, war and death, forever. What sets us apart is how we cope with that sufferance, and how we use it to fuel prodigious endeavors.
They will not win. The only question is how long, bad and devastating it will be, and what those that make it to the other side do.
To put it in perspective.
Babe Ruth, one of the greatest hitters in baseball, was also the strike out king for at least as many years. The moral of the story is, that you cannot hit a home run, unless you have the courage to step up to the plate, and risk striking out.
It doesn’t matter how many times they knock us down into the dirt. It only matters how many times you are willing to get up.
Thanks, Thomas. I’m right beside you on that road. So far so good.
Thanks Thomas, part one Churchillian part two from the Invested into the Hall of Fame Batting Averages.
Looks like WW3 is shaping up between the US/EU/Ukraine/Israel vs. Russia/China/rest of the Middle East:
Does it occur to you ww3 is the ultimate fear porn?
If we have – or are told we have – a “near miss” nuclear war how much keener will everyone be for that reassuring World Government to ensure it Never Happens Again?
Something to think about.
Propagandist for the home front ww1 ww2 public domains sphere, the title is World Covid-19. By all means go there check it out., ww1 ww2 didn’t finish there were Nation realignment implementatist owing to sub posted publications.
Looks like the Satanic Reset is already well underway in Naziland. All signed off by King Scumbag III:
Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act 2023 (
I sincerely hope that when this cunt is officially coronated, the entire ceremony is drowned out by the sound of booing and the words “traitor” and “cunt” being screamed by many thousands of patriotic Brits.
(Not my) King Charles is at the head of the third recent coup in the U.K. The Windsor estate paid how much inheritance tax and how much death duty despite being worth several billion £’s? How many people were asked to vote for him? Exactly how does his fervent support of the WEF fit with the words in “Rule Britannia” which he has sung numerous times over the years.
But Hey Ho we should stand for the National Anthem – I definitely will not.
If he is already King and enjoying the benefits of the previous ruler, why the coronation at public expense?
Your not obleiged to, neither are you requested to attend Church services as for corona-virus act ’20 it was A Public Bulletin Advisory if only other people minded their own business., had said where they live.
Another high achieving young man slaughtered by these criminals. I remain hopeful that the law will catch up with these scumbags and justice will be served. I know it’s wishful thinking, but I do not accept that these people will get away with this forever.
Former NHL Player Dead At 38 After Heart Attack (
The clot shot is still killing.
We can add Lance Reddick to the ever increasing list, and by an amazing coincidence Jamie Foxx is “recovering from a medical complication”.
Safe and effective might have been the mantra but it was all hot air for untested, experimental drugs.
So what, is he a family member.. a friend ?
Hockey players die every day and year around.
You cant blame everything on Pfizer and say all hockey players are innocent babies which Pfizer has an obligation to put pampas on and give baby feeding bottle.
Some day you guys must learn to be adult enough to take adult responsibility on your own, and not only when you are 77.
If we only had a luxury life like he has, we would be more than happy.
Our family live in a sewage pipe system under Moscow Libtard City. All we owe can be contained in a shoebox, but we dont criticise any banksters or politicians because we are happy we have each other.
No, you should be happy. You have seen nothing yet.
Being pushed in Youtoob suggestions makes it suspect,not to mention it’s a facile narrative – what does it show that we don’t already know?
Having attempted to smash my phone various times and it refusing to die, I’m certain no surveillance camera will succumb to a bat, and certainly not an armoured drone.
Be better to watch the Quinta Columna conference where he shows the contents of the jab in real time. And the poet gives a rousing CTA
We should not watch or share this kind of thing. It’s not teaching us anything, but with every watch it’s making itself a foregone conclusion. Be careful of what you allow into your mind.
On the one level you are right. Visualisation works very well for personal motivation and success.
However how can we turn this around? Just by ignoring the things they have in store for us? Our politicians have been captured. And how long can we refuse the oncoming shots or ‘violate’ lockdown and mask mandates of the future?
Our western politicians appear as brainless automatons. This could be why:
Here’s a short list of what happens to politicians and other people with power to sway the people who are/were against the C-shot roll-out, the lockdowns and masking.
– President Magafuli, dead – Tansania
– President Pierre Nkurunziza, dead – Burundi
– Prime Minister Ambrose Mandvulo Diamini, dead – Eswatini
– 12 politicians died within one week in South Africa, January 2021
– 4 cabinet ministers died within one week in neighbouring Malawi because a court of law found that the poor rural communities would be unfairly targeted by lockdowns, whereupon the government did not mandate the lockdown. These 4 politicians died within 48 hours of announcing the No Lockdown policy for their people. Six days later: Lockdowns; March ’21: AstraZeneca shot roll-out.
– In May ’21 the government of Haiti refused to purchase further AstraZeneca doses due to side-effect concerns. By June 2021 the country had still not begun the C-shot roll-out.
In the night of 7th July, 28 heavily armed men broke into the house of President Jovenel Moise and shot him dead. Shortly after, the country began its C-shot roll-out.
– In the autumn of 2020, Thomas Oppermann, Mario Ohoven & Franz Klein in Germany made public their concerns over the C-shots.
Opperman was Vice President of the German Bundestag (government) who criticised Merkel’s Corona measures without first running it by the parliament. End of Oct, he demanded a debate in parliament re basic human rights enshrined in the German constitution. He said he would publicise his position on this issue on the government TV (ZDF) current affairs program “Berlin direkt”. Before he could do that he died suddenly. Cause of death unknown.
Ohoven had been President of the Federal Chamber of Commerce for medium-sized businesses since 1998. He had written to the Chancellor several times to plea for an end to the lockdowns that were mandated in Germany over and over. He had also questioned whether they were in line with the constitution and had threatened to have lawyers look into this and, if necessary, seek redress at the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany.
Two days later he died in a car crash on the autobahn.
Klein was the CEO of the German Hotels & Hospitality Association. He had threatened to sue the government before the German Federal Constitutional Court when in November the government made even tighter amendments to its pandemic “laws”. Two days later he died suddenly.
Such “died suddenly” incidents of influential persons who had protested the official agenda of those who pull the strings in government, industry, finance & the economy has occurred over and over throughout human civilised history according to John Perkins, former US NSA agent.
That’s why our politicians are running scared and dance to the tune of these thugs who are our real oppressors.
Great info – thanks. I call this gun to the head politics.
Yes I realise – but I also believe that Magufuli will be the golden thread. Great account – because these are the truths that will lead to the reckoning. And yes- all our politicians looked scared from day one of the C psy-op.
Who is the question. Why follows.
Excellent information! Thank you.
Head of the snake needs severing…
These spineless politicians can start a war anywhere they like and without any questions yet for some reason have not thought to deploy those same military assets against our real oppressors.
There was also the minister of finance of the land Hessen who called out his own government over the devastating effects of lockdown politics (forgot his name). He was found dead ‘near railway tracks’, implying he’d been run over. But the pilot hadn’t even noticed and didn’t hit the brakes. Am I to think the man ran at the train from the side?
Right, but these were people who were openly against the machine. Do you really think they can’t simply quit?
Why don’t any of these politicians resign their positions instead of being complicit in tyranny and genocide? Makes me believe they’re fully on board with the globalist plans.
Some probably are… Others may have been blackmailed into doing the bidding of the puppet masters – such as the many pedophiles we have in government in Australia (and in Brussels and other countries); they fear exposure.
Hollywood thrives on dystopian flicks. Floods, asteroids, aliens, terrorists, nuclear Armageddon, zombies, superheroes fighting the demons, avatars, animated non humans flattened and bouncing back etc etc.
Happy movies don’t sell.
The last successful happy flick was Sound of Music (1960s) and even in that one the Nazis lingered in the background.
Everyone loves fear. It’s a kind of inverted voyeurism.
Religion is proof of that.
Yes, the film added the von Trapps fleeing over the Alps with their Instrument cases to escape the Nazis, amid a tense game of hide and seek, which did not happen in reality. In fact they fled the regime by openly flying to the US to tour, leaving Austria by train.
Also they added a truly terrifying amount of saccharin to the Von Trapp’s repertoire, whereas in reality they performed a lot of renaissance and baroque stuff, as well as some folk songs. XD
Thanks Sam. I didn’t know that.
I’ve never actually seen the whole film, only bits of it.
Loved Mary Poppins when I was a kid though.
🎶Chim chiminee, chim chiminee🎵
then there was war of the worlds with e.g. david Essex, lol
: )
them simpler olden daze.
Are you a Female? Films are for Lads not Women, any way you’ve had it sweetie pie no-one listens to a Kassidy Belt.
America’s final comedy movie was Mad World early ’60’s.
Is that ‘It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World’? Brilliant movie!!
By coincidence, we watched the film last night because a daughter’s friend had never seen it. The best part is the start of the film which is taken from an aircraft flying through clouds and gazing down upon the Alps – a remarkable homage to Leni Riefenstahl’s film about Hitler flying into Nuremberg for a huge Nazi rally – “Triumph of the Will”?
Whoops! On re-reading my comment, I realise this could be wrongly inferred that I am in favour of Nazi propaganda. I was simply noting the remarkable similarity in style where both films open in the same way. The fact that the earlier film deified Hitler, whilst the second was a tribute to freedom of conscience, courage, love, family, music and God shows each story at the opposite ends of the spectrum of Humanity. Quite why they had to make it so saccharine is the mystery, but the formula patently helped sell the film and maintain its popularity these past 57 years.
Bissy looking down at your vault no doubt.
I saw this a few days ago when it was recommended by YouTube. I watched it just out of curiosity, but what I really wonder about is why it would be recommended by a Google video platform at all. Is this part of the officially sanctioned counter narrative? I’m not sure.
They probably reckoned a cute cartoon wouldn’t be much of a game-changer…
It’s on you-tube dummy, the other person said so.
Probably? useless denialist pussy. Your a fucking Cartoon… Covid-19 is over your head, piss off, “they” it’s on microsoft Web thats…They and you are They!.
Bloody Useless.
Usually means avoid.
Title : Covid-19
You -tube is a USArse. They Banned Flims!
This film? Personally I’d shove it Big Sisters Arse.
No offense to flesh & blood Ladies.
That’s my opinion, not like this useless pussy cartoon in the toilet bowl below me, who’s about to be flushed. as scared shitless, it would rather just cling to bowl.
Probably! What an Idiot…
Awfully depressing.
I loved the film…..thank you.
I read a good book about 2 years ago and I am sure that many people who read OffGuardian know it……Everything is Known by Eliza Elliott. Some of the themes in the film and the book are interrelated. Peace.
PS….even some of the Trolls may like it. Opps Sorry….that may be an overreach on my part.
Watch Amazing Polly’s They Still Don’t Get It – There is an AGENDA
What is “social finance”? It’s the corporations’ way to replace normal government fiscal policy investment in public purpose, but with a technocratic twist. They can’t allow another FDR-style federal jobs program like the CCC because then they would have to offer decent wages and benefits as well. Better to just discard national sovereignty altogether.
Straight Talk.
Thanks for the link. I haven’t tuned in to Amazing Polly since bc. Great conversation.
The production value of the animated film is very high. It had to cost a lot to make it (I am guessing at least several $ million). I wonder who funded it and why?
You make a good point.
This is not a cheap production.
There are very rich people who don’t want to subscribe to “their” plans.
The author says it it his own work – in which case mega kudos.
But if it’s funded by others, maybe it’s comforting to know there is a resistance with teeth (and cash)
Multi-billionaires are a bit like the rest of us.
Some are left, some are right, some are a cunch of bunts and some are ok.
Who is the author?
Why? There are essentially two possible reasons.
The obvious one would be making a piece of shit like this with the intention of predictive programming the hapless dissenter masses. Frankly, I think that it’s unlikely.
The more likely reason is that just like all the idiots out there masochistically embraced COVID, the phobophiliacs out there are doing the same with the prospect of totalitarian dystopia.
If you examine the texts and, more importantly, the posts on this website – quite educational – it’s one instance after another of scaremongering, of digging up yet another piece of evidence how they’re after us, how things are fucked up, how there is no escape. How kill baphomet gates will inject everybody and kill us all. It’s not much different elsewhere in the “dissenter” community. They’re all incredulously reiterating doom, doom, doom.
Why is it happening? Some idiot started it and everybody follows suit? It made sense in the early COVID days and they don’t have the brains to move on? I don’t know.
What is a “phobophiliac”?
Oh fuck no! Don’t get him started!
Basically a masochist. A person who revels in being scared shitless. You can credit the invention of the term to me.
Not everyone finds dystopian nightmares scary. It’s just something to be aware of as a possible future.
To me, there’s nothing scarier than knowing this Earth is populated with humans. What that means is that anything goes. Whatever the great big evolutionary brain thinks, it tries to make real.
The concept of just passing on something never enters the picture. If it can be done, it’s a done deal. Period.
so i got it back-to-front !
and i’m not dyslexic…
My immediate take was “someone who loves scaring people.”
It may take a while to become popular,
and if it takes off The Dictionary will inform us
which meaning won the popularity contest…
A person who likes fear, I suppose
a neologism ?
i dont know, but i like it !
rough translation: Fear lover ?
‘though i think “Fear promoter’ more likely…
Do you know about the UK Government’s target of “net zero” by 2050?
Nah, it’s all CGI, so it’s not that expensive to make. Whoever did it was real artist though!
Oleg works for this company:
Blurb from the website:
3D Epix Inc. is a Canadian animation studio based in Calgary, Alberta. We specialize in producing top-quality 3D animations and renderings for film, advertising, presentations, corporate videos, documentaries, training, and educational materials. We offer high production value, affordable prices, a professional approach, and fast turnaround. In over 10 years 3D Epix has successfully accomplished numerous projects for clients from various industries: Oil and Gas, Aerospace, Architecture, Science, Advertising, and others.
They’re are your professional entrepreneur groups chaired by formerly retired Company CEO’s., you imbecile Public faggot buffoonery cronie.
Are you Serious! You Think you’ve found something You’ve ZERO National International Global experiences AT ALL!
Bloody useless and flat out LAZY even with A TOOL called Microsoft.
Idiot! LOOK them up. Fledgling to Global you dumb fashionable Prick.
Fucking denialist smacked Twat Homo.
It was written, directed and animated by Oleg Kuznetsov, who appears to be the man behind 3D Epix. The spoken word is auto-generated. The music appears to be royalty free.
The company specialises in turning around this sort of computer animation quickly.
It could be a project begun during lockdown and completed in Oleg’s spare time, in which case the only cost might be his time, hardly any actual money at all.
We must remember, computer animation is a lot more accessible to small scale industry nowadays.
There’s an email address on his site, you could ask him and report back.
Fine. But I am not checking my critical thinking skills at the door.
Let’s say we were not talking about animation but rather political analysis. If you were considering publishing an author, yet they had contracts with oil and military (government) clients, would that give you pause? Because Oleg’s company advertises that it serves those industries…
Why not email him and ask? In as much as you can ever know someone’s motivation, if you have doubts it’s always best to speak directly to that person. A2
Have you asked him about those connections? I didn’t choose to publish this, you did.
I’m very happy to judge this work on its own merits.
If you have your own doubts by all means do some research on the author.
It’s your website.
I always keep in mind a quote by Mark Crispin Miller about propaganda:
“The hardest propaganda to spot is the propaganda you agree with.”
It’s also quite important that we don’t act like complacent consumers and expect our content to be overly vetted for us, isn’t it?
Offg are not here to nanny our readers. We are fine judging the piece on its own merits. We aren’t default condoning it, or its creator. However we feel no need to be knee jerk suspicious of it either. Yes, it’s more artistic than journalistic, but we mustn’t let scepticism turn into cynicism and philistinism.
Since your main misgivings were the likely costs of creating it, I outlined the company structure for you, plus gave my insights to put your concerns in context. My partner works in computer game marketing, therefore my opinion isn’t completely unqualified. I’m reasonably confident this animation didn’t cost very much to produce at all.
I think you’ll agree, I’ve taken time to answer your point, so let’s move on now. If you discover something tangible and concerning then post it here. Thank you, A2
What are you on about? 🤣 Millions? It’s just computer animation! You can produce something like this on your own PC with a bit of moviemaking software. Cost about $500 tops.
Well, if you were talking Hollywood animation, it would be in the tens of $millions.
Have you ever done any animation? It takes a lot of time…
Full moon manifestation ritual.
Incredibly they don’t show where a comment the guy sends to a website just like off-G is sent straight to pending because it includes the word ‘_ews,’ ‘_ionism,’ or ‘_srael.’
How’d they miss that?
Fuck this movie. Fuck whining about the reset. Fuck whining. Fuck apocalyptic scaremongering.
Not only constantly regurgitating the bleak prospects of the forthcoming dystopian future means that you’re cementing it in your mind and ultimately bringing it upon yourself, but – much more importantly – it keeps you from doing something truly creative, positive, something that could inject new energy in our decadent, decaying, fucked up civilization that desperately needs a POSITIVE FUCKING ALTERNATIVE.
I’ve head it with all them fucking scaremongers, reset regurgitators, covid whiners, and all them other apocalyptic phobophiles.
Make a fucking movie about how you WANT THE FUCKING FUTURE, not about this DISGUSTING SHIT.
Hi Kurt.
How’s it going !
Why not do that yourself? If you know what we all need to do, then spell it out and make that film for all of us since we aren’t capable of coming up with any solutions on our own. If not, then why come here at all?
I do not know what yous all need to do, you need to figure it out yourselves.
I know what nobody should be doing, namely propagating this Great Reset dystopian apocalyptic bullshit, and that’s exactly what this predictive programming crap is doing.
One would say that after the COVID event, people – especially the “owners of the truth”, “dissenters” – would figure out on their own that on their own, but apparently not.
Can’t you see how you’re being played, led where they want you, regardless of whether intentionally or on a useful-idiot basis?
You could say 1984 was “Predictive Progamming”, but millions learned from the lessons that book had to teach.
You don’t get it: this Great Reset is an inevitable step in humanity’s ongoing march of death. As such it’s a step in the right direction. At any point in mankind’s history it could have reversed course and taken a different direction – but it didn’t. So this is where it led. Ignoring it will not make it go away.
But if the tern Great Reset seems ill-advised, then we can call what’s happening something else. Let’s call it Tidily Winks. Or Hoola Hoops. Because that’s all the Great Reset is: a trendy gadget humanity has fun with then discards for something newer and stranger.
oh fuck off human-hating boomer
Talk about a useful idiot, you’re the epitome, man.
Not everyone has the wisdom and the knowledge to do that. One who does is James Corbett. Lavutaris will find The Corbett Report of immense benefit.
Steep learning curve, apparently.
Something creative and positive? Like what? Trolling all the conspiracy theorists at the Off-Guardian again? 😂
Hollywood thrives on dystopian flicks. Floods, asteroids, aliens, terrorists, nuclear Armageddon, zombies, superheroes fighting the gods, avatars, animated non humans falling and bouncing back etc etc.
Happy movies don’t sell.
The last successful happy flick was Sound of Music (1960s) and even in that one the Nazis lingered in the background.
Everyone loves fear. It’s a kind of inverted voyeurism.
Religion is proof of that.
Bit too close to the Shift Button was it. That’s entertainment X Baby Sissy.
A waste of energy to watch it. You can only make good videos about this once, because most people are actually not interested.
Do you have somebody who looks after you ?
I understand you disagree with me? What I’m trying to say is that I think that such a video unfortunately doesn’t work.
We have now entered a world in which our levels of fear, can be fully manipulated by the media to the point of engineering a necessity of action, or despair in the minds of the masses.
I’d say the evil-doers in our species have always known how to do that.
It just looks more sophisticated now, but it really isn’t.
is there another species on this planet where half its number spends its time trying to fuck up the other half- even its own children? Something is messed up
Indeed there isn’t.
Nor has there ever been.
You’re quite right that something is messed up.
What’s messed up is that we are too tolerant of sociopaths.
Political Correctness has made us afraid that one of them might be offended if we criticize them.
That has to change, but human morality seems to evolve unbelievably slowly.
I think we might be talking thousands of years here…
Hovno a.k.a. bullshit.
This American dude said that “the only thing one should fear is fear itself,” so stop scaremongering. There seems to be enough phobophiliacs already.
Fuck fear, fuck the media.
Live your own life, not the one painted by fucks in the media.
I watched it. It is interesting in what it doesn’t say: there’s no happy ending, when he’s taken away from the camp (to be killed?) none of his neighbors come out or are visible, so there’s no hint that his action had any “courage is contagious” effect. You want to root for the guy, but the animation is almost an argument for why one should comply, for all he had to look forward to was loneliness, bad food, boredom and death.
Not sure what you watched.
In the end he revolts and at least attempts to escape via the garbage truck.
The message overall being, do not comply, because then you won’t be taken to a prison.
It is his neighbor that decides to participate in the new trial, and whom is subsequently taken away in a body bag. It is sad that no one else in the camp noticed and rarely went outside.
When they come, and attempt to put you on a train, do not comply. Resistance is the only response.
RE: In the end he revolts and at least attempts to escape via the garbage truck.
I did not interpret that scene that way. Yours is much more positive!
He escaped. We can all escape if we refuse to comply and to think and behave positively at all times.
But he did comply – He was already a dissenter so WHY did he docilely get on the bus when called out? I was like WTF. It made no sense as a character arc.
Why did the Israelites get on the trains in Germany?
I get your point, but the awake dissenters of the era had either already left, or hid in the walls a la Anne Frank.
Yes, I wasn’t sure either whether he was taken away, or decided to stow away. In any case there are plenty of people like him, who will basically just go along with the narrative until they snap and disappear.
But there are also plenty of people completely unlike him – bolshy, awkward, ornery, difficult, informed and intelligent people, who will organize resistance on a large scale from the start.
I saw this not as “almost an argument for why one should comply”- which would indicate a certain willingness – but as a preview of a scenario which is worse than death.
So it’s no so much a question of complying, as of having the will to live sucked out of one.
A horrible thought also struck me: If resistance like that offered by the hero at the end of this movie is going to be against robots, drones and other machines, then the criminals in charge won’t even feel a thing when we lash out, as this guy did. A smashed drone is easily replaced.
Those ghouls have nothing physically to fear, and yet, as bullies, physical pain is the only thing that could actually induce their rancid brains to think about what they’re doing.
One might therefore hope that when Retribution Day comes, the physical component of any punishment meted out will be dramatically evident:
[Samuel Johnson] — ‘Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.’
He escaped in the truck. The filmmaker says so himself. I don’t know how you contrived to not realize that from just watching it.
I didn’t contrive it. I just didn’t pay a great deal of attention, since I was in two minds about watching it at all.
Worst-case scenarios are very much in fashion these days, but, on balance, I reckoned he ‘escaped’. (Escaped to what is another question, of course)