DISCUSS: Arcturus – The latest “Covid variant”

Late last night, the world was rocked – ROCKED – by the announcement of yet another variant of “covid”.
XBB.1.16 – codenamed Arcturus for as yet obscure reasons – is actually just a sub-variant of Omicron, and is “fuelling a rise of infections in India” amid concerns it:
it could be one 1.2 times more infectious than the last major sub-variant.
The supposed “surge” of cases has already meant mask mandates are returning in certain parts of India.
You’ll notice it’s only ever sub-variants of Omicron these days, never full variants. This is doubtless for very complicated taxonomic reasons and has absolutely nothing to do with the next Greek letter being Pi, which would make the “Pi variant” sound very silly.
Back to Arcturus, which has apparently been in circulation since late March and is only hitting the headlines now for unknown reasons. According to the media, it’s one of over 600 sub-variants of Omicron, and is no more deadly than the others, although it might take over from “Kraken” as the dominant form in the UK.
Apparently, they’ve started naming variants on the “that sounds kinda cool” basis. It’s becoming impossible to satirise, to be honest.
Time Out magazine is keen to update us all with the latest info, including the “symptoms to watch out for” with Artcuturus, which are:
- Runny nose
- Headache
- Fatigue (mild or severe)
- Sneezing
- Sore throat
…or, you know, the same as every other strain of “Covid”, and every other endemic (and mostly harmless) respiratory infection. Except with one interesting new tweak, according to the Metro:
However itchy eyes or conjunctivitis has also been flagged as a possible new symptom of the variant – particularly in cases involving children.
Which is a very sneaky thing to say as we round into hay fever season, don’t you think?
Oh well, at least the NHS’s Spring Booster campaign just started. That’s a lucky piece of timing.
All in all, whenever a new “Covid” story hits the headlines, it feels like the final season of a long-running TV show. The format is tired, all the best actors have moved on to new things, the directors and writers are no longer invested in the story, and the whole thing is just an exercise in going through the motions. But what do you think?
- Will there be a new “wave” of Covid?
- Will they try to bring back masks in the UK? Or is it just a holding exercise?
- How many kids with hay fever are about to get “Covid”?
- How are they choosing the names of these variants?
- Will we EVER get to the long-awaited Pi Variant?
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Sorry to be so commercially opportunistic. Not being sure of the functions or potential gain for any body, but just in case yer’ interested:- i’m selling my pet Amoeba ‘Andromeda’ @Rockbottom price inc. Patents & Copyrights for 75 years.
This, 100%.
The ‘pandemic’ may be over, but their vigilance never ends. It’s so unattractive in females, and unmanly in males.
Nah mate, if you really rate her work then pay her the respect of making a recommendation in good faith, rather than using it to aim some needless snide judgement at off-g. This diminishes her work and I think you’re full of crap, tbh. A2
As Dr. Yeadon explains some in the mainstream are now admitting “covid” origin could be a lab creation and release but there is a strong mainstream expert contingent that maintains the zoonotic origin theory. You know, a bat bit a pangolin that then had dirty toilet sex with a Wuhan wet market employee. This nicely keeps up the (calculated) confusion to wear folks down mentally and keeps them from questioning whether there was anything “novel” here other than a run of the mill FLU going around. It also helped to have the MSM parroting the “novel” chant over and over and over 24/7. No FLU to see here, move along folks.
As Catte Black points out there was no reason to assume a deadly “novel” non-FLU disease in the first place with a few older people succumbing from FLU like symptoms in Wuhan. But apparently better safe then sorry so let’s send some samples out for extensive genetic analysis and call up our trusty Gyro Gearloose of big data Neil Ferguson to rev up his handy dandy digital Doom and Gloom Projectorama Machine to get folks’ bowels loosened up. Then a bunch of people theatrically dropped dead in the street and other public places no doubt from the “novel” corona monster. This didn’t last too long as we segued into the 24/7 exaggerated death/case count in which traffic accident and shotgun deaths were counted as “covid” if they had tested positive on a PCR test that found “covid” in coke bottles, paw paw fruit, a Kware bird, goats and other interesting and apparently vulnerable objects and life forms.
An early ’20 outbreak of “covid” on the Diamond Princess cruise ship provided a perfect real life laboratory to calculate the IFR (infection fatality rate) which seemed to not be out of range of a nasty seasonal FLU. Wisely our “health” and state authorities were not fooled by the “covid” which was apparently not only deadly but had evolved a cunning and predatory intelligence that enabled it to imitate ordinary seasonal FLU. Lock downs, masking, social distancing and “covid” vax operation “warp speed” proceeded apace.
Meanwhile seasonal FLU in mortal fear of its much more vicious and deadly “covid” cousin took it on the lam for a couple of years in ’20 and ’21 and laid low sipping marguerites on a remote Caribbean island. No point in playing hero or sacrificial lamb for human scum that for many decades had been relentlessly but futilely attacking it with seasonal FLU vaxxes.
The result of the global response to the novel “covid” monster ?
The CEO of a mult-billion dollar insurance conglomerate publicly posted data that death rates post vax are up by as much as 40 percent for working age people age 18 to 64. Post VAX not post “covid”. Lock downs have probably caused millions of deaths globally from economic deprivation (starvation in some countries), suicide, depression, avoidance of critical care, drugs, alcohol, child/spousal abuse and a general increase in violence. Serious psychological damage has been inflicted on developing brain in infants and children caused by masking, isolation and disruptions in education.
If this were just an ordinary FLU this response would be an atrocity of the highest order. But we are not dealing with an ordinary FLU. Follow the science! If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, craps like a duck…it’s not the FLU…it’s the “covid”, man.
There was no reason to assume the existence of a virus, any, ever…
…- ‘House MD’, seasons 6-8 (post-‘Huddy’) comes to mind, complete with the ever more tiresomely contrived ‘novel’ medical ’emergencies’ intersecting with the Protag’s accelerating descent into ever greater and more tedious depths of arrant batshittery, medical malpractice, outright criminality, depravity and general all-around sociopathic/addictive functional collapse…
…- On that note, and acknowledging that whole ‘history rhymes’ thing, I note with interest this new-fangled star-trek-sounding alien Andromeda strain is the second to ’emerge’ from India, where if we all cast our minds back to the hazy lazy crazy days of summer ’21, the arrival of Teh Dreaded Delta™ heralded the onset of what can only be seen in retrospect as a concerted collective brain-fart and complete-and-total psychotic break with reality by the Elite Esablishment/MSM complex… – This psychotic break culminated a couple months later in the otherwise *Completely Inexplicable* decision to drop *ALL* mention of things Convid, *Entirely*, and instead clear the MSM news-bulletin decks, from top-o’-the-hour-to-bottom, *In Their Entirety*, of *Every* network, *Right Across The Board* and *For 8 Straight Weeks, Solid* no less, in order to instead engage, with nigh-on autistic, laser-like hyperfocus, with the otherwise unaccountable idee fixe about the Taliban inevitably booting Uncle Sam’s flabby Walmart arse out of Afghanistan, 20 years overdue… – Historic moment?… – Sure. – But *Not* that historic…
…- That was the moment for me, I *KNEW* we’d *Won*… – *That* particular round, at least… – And that the tide had finally turned… 😎
…- Keep on truckin’, peeps!…
Didn’t you notice the fascistic aspect of House MD? He behaves in an entertainingly obnoxious way and gets away with it because he’s the only guy who can get the cures to “run on time”.
It also had a religious dimension. House the atheist is a miracle worker (in one episode he can cause the paralysed to walk again) He always knows instinctively what to do. And though he appears as a heartless bastard, that’s because he sets his subordinates tests of character just like the Old Testament God.
…- Oh *Yep, Yep*!… – Slavoj Zizek said something about how latterday fascism is ‘playful’ and knows how to laugh at itself… – Also that thing about how when Fascism came to America (ie: The ‘free’ world) it’d be wearing a red-white-and-blue stripey sweater and a mickey mouse mask (Hunter Thompson? – I dunno)…
…- More to your point, George, – You notice how Dr House is at one and the same time both *King* of his domain, and also the *Court Jester*, simultaneously critiquing his own (+ team of neophyte underling’s) shit as he goes along… – The *Proverbial* trickster Loki… – Ho ho ho!…
…- The one episode I did admire was where he admitted he got his inspiration from that one ‘untouchable’ janitor/doctor dude in the Japanese hospital… – That might’ve atoned for the rest and given the whole enterprise some fig-leaf of legitamicy…
…- Otherwise:… – *Nah*… – Narcissistic Ego-Wank Hollyweird, *Yet Again*…
(…- And *Believe You Me*, at one point, I *Loved* that show… – Sherlock Holmes + Medicine, an’ that)
Oh I’m a fan. I have the complete box set and have watched it perhaps three times now. It’s incredibly bourgeois, plot by numbers and faux soul-searching stuff. With the obligatory tasteful acoustic number for the little “meaningful pause” bit towards the end. (True they’ve had some beauties there – Ricky Lee Jones’s “On Saturday Afternoons 1963”)
So I suppose I’m a sucker for this complacent affluent crap.
Re: bogus “atheist” rejoinders, there was that Simon Pegg movie Paul about the alien who comes to mock religious fundamentalists – but note how he has the name of the original evangelist, also that he can work miracles (makes the blind see and brings the dead back to life) and has his own message to preach – which is sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll i.e. he sings the consumer song.
And another one.
The Script guitarist Mark Sheehan’s shock death aged 46 sparks wave of tributes (msn.com)
These shameless scumbags in the media and government know no bounds. If you search “died suddenly” and click “news”, you get a list of all the New Normal “died suddenly” deaths from the last few days.
But you don’t just get that. You also get a banner saying this:
“Died Suddenly is a 2022 American anti-vaccine propaganda film produced by Stew Peters. It promotes false claims about COVID-19 vaccines and Great Reset conspiracy theories.”
False claims about COVID19 injections, right next to a list of people whose lives have been terminated by the fact they succumbed to the lies and propaganda of the war criminals and liars and scumbags from the media, government and “medicine”.
Covid-19 is named so for the year it was discovered which was 2019. Surprising to me the indoctrinated don’t realize that we are into the fourth year of this. I have several neighbours that own testing kits, and one of them told me two others have covid and one lost his appetite. Saw them out walking their pets a day later. I despair for them. I’ve told them I’m unstabbed and I think it’s hurting people, but they don’t question anything, like the fact I’m alive and well after all this time, but instead seem to have a dark hypochondriacal joy in declaring their illnesses.
It’s actually year 5.
“Variant ? Varies from what ?”
— Jon Rappoport —
Except it hasn’t hit the headlines. The first time I read about this variant is here.
FYI, posted at the aptly-named Yahoo site on April 11, 2023:
according to wiki, Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation Bootes,
(guess it’s time to pop down to the local chemist…)
Which is near the Corona borealis.
If they named the variants delta, gamma etc different hypnotic states and the moronic variant
Then they are talking the piss.
‘Serpens Caput’ would be a good name for the next virtual virus variety.
I have 1 friend who lost her baby, another who’s periods have stopped all together, 2 friends who are having tests for cancer, 1 female and 1 male both under 50 and on Thursday I go to a funeral of a 62 year old…all fully vaccinated against covid and fine before 2020..I can’t help but think something is going on.
More time-delays are still required before the new ‘e-social/monetary/governance’ system can be implemented globally.
These headlines are floated out like bait on a fishhook, the social-emotional reactive data-streams provide the cybernetic feedback to adjust the next headline.
It appears that the plandemic and the war on gender will be utilised in tandem to depopulate. The war on gender is at least 250 years old. The first phase is weakening gender roles. The suffragettes were widely opposed and were the first wave. The vote is useless so their objectives were more sinister. The Soviets pushed gender role reversal to the limit and were the first to send women to war. Bit by bit gender roles were shredded. The first repulsive steps towards surgical genital mutilation were taken during the Weimar republic, as was the promotion of homosexuality. These offensives were resumed after WW2. Each decade had a thickening stream of “trans sexuals” paraded by the media. In parallel homosexuality was progressively promoted and legitimised. How far ahead were the banksters planning ? The language was tranformed. The word “homophobic” was coined by a pornographer. The default pronoun “he” was grotesquely and clumsily replaced by the plural “they”. The boiling frog analogy is most apt when applied to the generations old was on gender. The current ramping up of neutering and it’s extension to minors is startling and smacks of desperation. Resources are running out and the clot shots were not as deadly as they hoped.
The mad ramping up of sexual neutering has had it’s share of low comedy. Some feminists are apparently offended by the worst and most outrageous “trans” offensives. This is funny because the feminists were the storm troopers in the early war on gender. The grotesque and insane excesses we are now witnessing would not have been possiblle without the steady erosion of gender roles over a long period of time. This is continuous revolution in action. As Marx once infamously said : “Races and classes that can’t keep up
must perish in the revolutionary holocaust”. This can be extended to revolutionaries that can’t cope. The commie folk singer Pete Seeger sang “turn,turn,turn”.
Pete Seeger? I feel like sending you Christie Moore’s Viva la Quinta Brigada.😉
Correct. None of this tyranny rights b.s. would be on the radar without college degreed white women shouting it from the rooftops via the feminist megaphone. I’m very much enjoying the Frankenstein they created coming back to bite them in the ass, with the invasion of “female spaces” by dudes with five o’clock shadow in dresses.
They’ve been invading Malle spaces – sports since the 70’s. Karma’s a bitch!
I have read accounts in which very wealthy, white males are identified as principle promoters of all things trans (start with ” the world’s only known transgender billionaire” – Jennifer Pritzker and her family). And don’t forget the CIA either – that counts as wealthy white and male.
“Races and classes that can’t keep up
must perish in the revolutionary holocaust.”
— from the big book of things that Karl Marx never said, but were falsely attributed to him by fascists
you’re full of shit.
reference, or f off with your nazi propaganda.
The banksters, their greedy character, was that which made possible the civilisation everyone is nevertheless unreluctantly enjoying.
How can that be squared, then? To be consistent you either have to speak of *both* the advantages and drawbacks of Capital as the basis of the economy – and you can’t have one without the other, any village fool knows that – or have to reject it wholesale.
“God laughs at men who complain of the consequences while cherishing the causes.”
Jacques-Benigne Bossuet (1627-1704)
It would have been best if we had remained hunter gatherers. Our species would have lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. Admittedly this is not possible given the nature of our species.
Yes, agreed. Unfortunately, our tool-making and accumulation abilities got greater and greatet and as a result our idea of private property changed from being use-value to being exchange-value.
I just know this, there is wisdom in the way reality evolves. It doesn’t evolve at random, there is purpose in it. We may call it the homeostatic power of nature which makes a slight wound heal on its own, but if the wound is deep, well…
In any event, whatever happens shall be for the good of the whole universe, that’s why we shouldn’t feel sadness about how things evolve. After all, what’s humanity, what’s the Earth compared to the universe? A grain of dust.
Now what you need to do is somehow resurrect (Jesus style) all those who were tormented and killed because they deviated from the good and proper image of a man and a woman and a child.
Start with the female infants who were set out to die because they had the audacity not to be males. Then move on to the homosexuals who dared ignore their God given masculinity. Might as well throw in the heretics who used their minds for something other than a clearing house for scriptures.
And, finally, all the women who found second-class citizenship less than the perfect lifestyle. Imagine women thinking voting mattered; that’s a male prerogative, as all righteous and true humans very well know.
Ah, but those damn pesky bankers, whispering their sinister sweet nothings into people’s ears, telling them it’s okay to be different. May they burn in hell!
Self mutilation will complete the circle and ensure that no more sub normal humans are born with the defective tendency? If there are not enough volunteers for reassignment, it may become compulsive for all the Functional Illiterates? Aargh!
It’s Tranny World; like Roosters standing on an enormous pile of Feces, crowing their hubris: No fit males, many less Cocks, much less hens, even less eggs.
This is what Human Self-annihilation looks like.
Funny ?
This could be considered funny except for the grim implications. I have invested in air tickets at the exorbitant rates now prevailing to a distant destination. If it goes ahead it will be my first overseas trip in four years. It is fake news like this that send chills down my spine. The ruthlessness of the political, corporate, bureaucratic, medical, military, police,propaganda, entertainment, union and other establishments and their ability to act as one globally was horribly evident during the many waves of convid. Have they released the pressure only to clamp down again as part of an eternal cycle of torture ? The craven stupidity and passiveness of the public was also evident during the monstrous psyop. Muzzles have started appearing again. It appears the sheeple are game for another round.
Stunning work by the medical boffins, the poor devils must be exhausted. They’ve got to find more variants to keep up with the gender boffins, who’ve got to keep up with the climate boffins who’ve…..
Anything to keep YOUR mind off what the VAMPIRE PARASITE STATES HEGEMONY is plotting next, for those that survive… Which theatre will you and your children be required to act in next, to satiate the parasites?
I’m told that Revelation is the esoteric revealing of the dirty business plan. In mystery religion code of course.
The first one was said to have been “highly contagious”. Then the next one was said to have a hundred times more contagious.
Personally I always thought “highly contagious” was the highest level, but apparently not, its a hundred time higher, but is it? Because with each so called strain It keeps getting more and more contagious. With all the strains we must be into the thousands more contagious than “highly contagious”. But wait, there is a more contagious strain according to this story.
Lets just put this stupidity to bed now. Please OG stop broadcasting this shit. Lets shine the light on the soaring death rate statistics and start naming the Ministers all over over the planet who are exiting through the back door without being questioned.
Meh, I cannot be arsed with covid, the govt, big pharma & mainstream media so, i’ve tuned out & don’t care about, what any of those scam artists have to say. It’s all blithering B.S!
According to that pandemic scenario in the Rockefeller Foundation report from 2010, they anticipated that the serfs would put up with pandemic pantomine for THIRTEEN YEARS before getting fed up of dystopia and reaching for the pitchforks in earnest.
In 2022, I used to joke….only 11 more years to go….
Maybe THEY would had not Cummings and Bunter given the game away… I don’t think it aided their cause having dim Whitty as the front man either.
A site for sore eyes:
Is this India’s way of getting back into WEF good books?
They’re in them all right, all the governments are. The enemy of every country is it’s government. The nation V nation ruse is so effective, misusing our natural tribal instincts and blind us to the real enemy.
It is civilization, not tribal instincts. The main reason that the Global South chose CoVid1984 “Lite”, now realize that the Collective Waste wants them dead.
To me tribal instincts are a natural products of living beings and civilisation is an artificial additive. I’ve seen quotes from so many famous* people from many times saying civilisation is impossible without slavery of some sort. I’m afraid I can’t understand the second sentence.
This brilliant site is worthy of promotion:
Where is it described that the viruses have never been isolated and have never been shown to be contagious
There aren’t any!!! Sshhh you aren’t supposed to say that.
That’s the reason influenza supposedly disappeared in 2020
I’ve seen the first time line and it’s very useful indeed.
The new variant is of course related to 2019-nCoV.
(see here https://nextstrain.org/ncov/gisaid/global/6m?s=hCoV-19/Wuhan/Hu-1/2019)
You can find the paper describing that first covid genome here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2008-3
I already showed that that genome only exists as a computer model, and they randomly picked the genome closest to the one they wanted it to look like. They did not even looked at the other 1714056 genomes also calculated by the two computer programs.
See here:
So I hope your World of Warcraft character got his jabs because outside of a computer it doesn’t exist!!
Just as mathsplaining sold the world neoliberalism, a fascist economic policy, cartoonsplaining sells biological processes, such as “viral-like particles, (VLPs)”, not to be confused with actual viruses.
Can you link a scientific paper describing the isolation of an actual virus? Or one that proves contagion?
Alan Lash, PhD in Mathematics and Masters Degree in Mathematics:
‘We constantly have ideas presented to us by the experts that show us a way of living and believing. They are all models, presumably based on rationality and logic. These ideas are presented as an end-all. They are presented as if there is no other truth. Gödel showed us that this mechanistic view of nature doesn’t hold up against the most basic scrutiny of logic.
There are human truths.
There are spiritual truths.
There are deeper truths in the cosmos that we are not allowed to understand.
Whenever a politician, or an authority, or even a friend tells you that all is known, that there is a model which defines the truth, and that by following the model the future will be known, be skeptical. There are mysteries beyond human understanding that escape even the deepest logical reasoning of man.
And that was proven, by a man.’
Great article. Here it is in full: https://brownstone.org/articles/models-do-not-and-cannot-reveal-all-truth/
Global Warming Update:
Best of the Best: ?
a.The ‘bird serial killer’
b. The ‘Johns Weather Forcasting Stone’.
Thanks les.
Instant classics.
Good to see the Movers and Shakers pulling their weight.
Well, pulling something anyway.
For George Mc.
Some of the backstory on the Bud fiasco:
On Alissa Gordon Heinerscheid:
‘Digging through her personal biography, we find all the predictable signs of tremendous detachment from regular life: elite boarding school (Groton, $65K a year), Harvard, Wharton School, coveted internship at General Foods, and straight to top VP at the biggest beverage company in the world.’
The rest here:
In the casino world of the betting economy, even when stocks plummet, as they did when this ad came out, those who bet that it would profited. That’s the problem with the financialized economy, when even disaster capitalism enhances profits.
This is a bizarre article, in rightly criticizing Heinerscheid, the author decides to make his piece about Karl Marx:
In the late 19th century, the blindness of class detachment was a problem that so consumed Karl Marx that he became possessed with the desire to overthrow class distinctions between labor and capital. He kicked off a new age of the classless society under the leadership of the vanguard of the proletarian classes. In every country where his dreams became a reality, however, a protected elite took over and secured themselves from the consequences of their deluded dreams.
The “overthrow[ing of] class distinctions between labor and capital” is only possible by first overthrowing capitalism. Marx would be the last person to accept euphemisms as replacements for changes in the material well being of the working class.
If there is one vector that best describes the direction of every disastrous change we’ve seen in the last 3 years is class warfare. That’s why this author bizarrely shifted the focus of his article to Marx, as class and capitalism were Marx’s defining focus. Capitalism is what made the the parasite class of Rockefellers, Gates, the WEF, Blackrock, et al so fabulously weathly and powerful that they now have decided they can take over the world. The right want to blame it all on the CCP (who is just another capitalist oligarch organization). For them, capitalism = freedom. Therefore our new dystopia must all be due to Marx even though, it is not Marxism which led us to this point.
Yes the bit about Marx doesn’t show a lot of actual knowledge of the subject. And this kind of thing amuses me:
Thus implying that only in “every country where his dreams became a reality” (and are there countries where Marx’s dreams became reality?) “a protected elite took over and secured themselves from the consequences of their deluded dreams”. Presumably in all countries unaffected by the pesky dreams of this Marx chap, there was no protected elite shovelling the shit onto others!
And sure enough, the essay continues with “people who in recent decades have drunk so deeply from the well of the Marxian tradition”. It’s all bloody Marx’s fault! Any day now someone will produce a just-discovered manuscript from Marx detailing the covid coup!
But it gets worse:
Coz wealth inequality and social stratification just ain’t there, are they?
Did we ever? Did anyone ever?
RE: …in every country where his dreams became a reality…
This is literally Utopia (Greek for no place).
And Marx’s Materialism*, that is, material reality, the real material and empirical distinctions between the fabulously rich and the rest of us, has been twisted by this author into Marx’s dreams. I don’t recall Marx ever talking about his dreams, but in what country has capitalism ever been overthrown (the USSR and China for a few decades maybe), that is, a place where his ideas could possibly become, let alone “became reality”?
*As opposed to Idealism, the realm of ideology and propaganda which this author seeks to reify.
the bizarre insanity is that the morons are whining about a trans woman selling lite beer as if transgender people can’t drink beer.
They are entitled to drink beer. I’m entitled to not have to look at a narcissistic, psychopath who is promoting to children that they should sexually mutilate themselves on a beer can while enjoying a beer. Nice try!
Your statement is a bit rash. The Science hasn’t yet properly analysed the beer drinking abilities of transgender people. It will take at least another two editions of the Encyclopedia Brittanica to properly assess this with reference to the 3,764 proven strains of transgenderism.
The way the trans thing is panning out is decidedly weird. It’s hard to avoid the feeling that the whole gender scam is now being pulled – which suggests that the rulers never intended it to be some kind of ultimate gambit but only a makeshift ploy that they could easily dismiss after it had caused the required distraction – and a bit of damage to that underclass they so despise.
Fear IS the problem, not the ‘virus’ says another Professor of microbiology and immunology:
Review of the jab by 57 scientists and experts. When reading, keep in mind that they believe there is a disease called covid:
– Covid vaccines cause more harm than any other vaccine, as an unprecedented 1011 studies show. mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.
– SARS showed that natural immunity persists for at least 12-17 years. Immunity induced by covid infection is robust and long lasting. Yet, health authorities everywhere disregrded this.
– It is unknown how much spike protein is produced, and in which cells.
– Test on mice shows that the spike protein causes a covid-like response.
– Test in vitro showed that the spike protein could induce clotting.
– Seneff et al (2022) described a mechanism by which the mRNA vaccines may interfere with DNA repair.
– After vaccination, there is consistent alteration of gene expression in many different immune cell types. Cardozo and Veazev concluded that covid vaccines may worsen the disease by suppressing interferon response.
– In general, autopsies were not performed. However, one autopsy confirmed that the vaccine disperses rapidly to nearly all parts of the body.
– Brown et al. (2021) and Servelitta et al (2021) suggested that among the symptomatic infected, the vaccinated are as infectious as the unvaccinated, even in highly vaccinated communities. Acharya et al. (2021) and Riemersma et al. (2021) both showed that both groups have very high viral loads. A U. of California study – after 76% of the workforce had been vaccinated (by 2021-03) – showed that 75% of the vaccinated contracted symptomatic covid (by 2021-07, by which time 87% had been vaccinated). Studies by Kirsch in Denmark (2021, 2022) concluded that those vaccinated more times were more susceptible to covid.
– “Covid-19 vaccines: An Australian Review” in Journal of Clinical & Experimental Immunology 2022-09-21
Covert report from Australian govt. shows a 52% increase in excess all-cause deaths in 2022 compared to 2020.
Yes – but only in that virtual world where the “pandemic” first began.
I like that – a virtual virus.
The globalists are committed to keeping us petrified of ever mutating invisible microbes and pathogens, it’s easier thatn keepingus afraid of “terrorists”. Terrorists don’t create money from vaccines, tests and wholesale social reengineering like a fear driven fake “pandemic” does.. These miscreants don’t care about our health and wellbeing, if they did they wouldn’t allow GMOs,ecocide and so many other unhealthy products to reach the markets.
The lockdowns worked, the masks worked (I saw a lady drivng all by herself with a mask on in 85 degree weather today). They have conditioned the masses to the fear porn and most will react to the exagerated numbers, fake visuals images.and propaganda just like the past three years.
They have to know they’re running this into the ground. Covid is fast becoming a laughing stock, even among the nearly brain dead. So why are they doing it?
Is it because so many are catching on that this is agenda driven; and they’re desperately trying to look stupid and bumbling so that they get laughed at rather than shot at?
The believers persist. I just got a helpful message from a friend showing “cases” by region. He got all the jabs. He is aware of mutual aquantances who dropped dead from the jab.
My theory is that they know that everyone knows it’s shit and, indeed, that’s why they keep pushing it. It is sheer sadistic taunting. They are saying, “We know this is crap, you know this is crap, and we know that you know. But see here! Look at how we can continue to grind this crap out. In fact we’ll make it even crappier as we go along! And there’s nothing you can do about it! AHAHAHAHAHA!”
Journalism has always been an easily bribed industry, except that today, it’s ALL crafted opinion aimed at keeping up the left/right facade and no factual truth.
“John Swinton (1829–1901) was a Scottish-American journalist, newspaper publisher, and orator. Although he arguably gained his greatest influence as the chief editorial writer of The New York Times during the decade of the 1860s.
Perhaps the (apparent) John Swinton quote (around 1880) is relevant here where, after someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying:
“There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.
There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.
The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
Eh? Most of the people who believed, still believe in it. They are only laughing at the politicians who ‘mismanaged’ it but to them it’s a very real disease.
But it’s irrelevant anyway. TPTB know that every single person can know it’s a hoax, cos at the end of the day all that matters is we do as we’re told.
Hmm I think more people do lip service than you might think, and would be happy to believe it was all an overreaction as long, as they’re safe and healthy.
That’s another important role the vaccines serve, because while there’s demonstrable risk associated with them (for example Jamie Foxx had a stroke I saw on twitter) then this encourages people to double down, justifying taking the vax by the ‘risk’ posed by Covid.
Until the entire “Pandemic”/”COVID-19″/”SARS-Cov-2” is revealed to be a con job, indeed virology itself, we’ll be subject to future declarations of “dangerous variants,” not to mention “new unique viruses.” Isn’t this message clear?!!
It is to me! 😉
Psychos in suits
In grand boardrooms
Mammon’s prostitutes
Spreading doom and gloom.
There is no SARS-Cov2 or “Covid”. The End.
Unlikely. Didn’t they skip all the way from delta to omicron? Has anyone ever explained that one?
They’ll jump to Xi when a variant comes from China
Then we will know CoVid1984 is truly irrational!
After Pi, I guess it’s the “e” variant…
Fuck I’m rocked.
Maybe it’s just a coincidence but there’s mainstream chatter about a 2023 global recession; a variant of the 2020 global recession.
The authorities used lockouts, The Jab, quarantines, and massive cash handouts to solve the 2020 global recession; expect the same for the latest one ?
Also expect the implementation of CBDCs and Digital IDs to help combat the latest
recession variant ?
I suppose calling it “The Indian Variant” is “racist”, so that’s a no-no. So how about “The Curry Variant”, or would the authorities and sensitive people deem that “racist” too ?
“the “Indian variant” is racist”
they appreciate the sensitivity to some words … and yet … they subject people to lockdowns and vile quarantine regimes that are worse than jail incarceration. Hypocrisy is left right top bottom and centre!
How about Churchill’s mass murder crime scene variant.
Too offensive to the old empire?
From guess who?
How about a sub-variant from the sub-continent?
Yep! That would get you into a right … Irish-stew. oops! I mean a right, stew …
Now they are not only targeting the old people – here in Down Under, they’re pushing for flu shots AND covid booster shots (my mum gets the text messages – they are so in your face); they are now also really getting stuck into children. In Australia, with the highest child allergies and asthma rates in the world, I foresee a mass die-off of children if parents are stupid enough to allow their children to receive these injections.
You know why it’s called Down Under ?
Cause we’re Down Under the thumbs of the Empires, old and new.
what is in the milk we buy from the supermarket?
an explosion on Monday at a Texas dairy farm (South Fork Dairy) has turned 18,000 cows into 18,000 charred carcasses.
why does milk production need such a substance that causes an extraordinary explosion?
CO2. Cows are farting. As you will know, greenhouse gasses are warming up the globe and cause disasters EVERYWHERE.
This time it was cows, next time its coming to a neighbourhood near YOU.
The cows are probably fine, but some dodgy insurance documentation is feeling a bit under the weather…
Lawyer Anna de Buisseret confirms in this discussion that we have some super dodgy people controlling the milk in the UK. Good lead for true journalism, I would say. Which forces are controlling the milk industry in the UK? Especially with all this talk of loading up milk with mRNA.
Anna de Buisseret w AJ Roberts (bitchute.com)
C4 explosives can be hidden in the most carnage inducing locations.
It is another deliberate destruction of another element of our food supply.
It doesn’t seem to be abating.
Yeah, I just added another Yahoo story about Arcturus to my “COVIDganda” folder the other day:
So far, local news isn’t flogging this new “COVID” bugaboo– or virusaboo– but I’m sure it will sooner than later.
BTW, I still notice a fair number of masked people in the nearby shopping center, even in today’s freakishly hot (86°F/30°C) weather. As I crossed the street on my way there, a solo masked driver or two zipped by. 😷 😡
Where are you located, Ort?
Havertown, Pennsylvania USA– it’s a suburb of Philadelphia.
NB: I don’t know how my name appeared in this reply, but I would appreciate it if you could either change the name to my screen name “Ort”, or delete it!
They took the magically protective perspex plastic glass down last week.
A few of the cult members felt worried due to this. They felt exposed. 👀
Whist a majority said the environment felt different more open, airy, spacey.
It really does effect the space your in.
You feel more claustrophobia with the perspex plastic up and from a psychology point of view, it really did effect the work place or the shops that had it in.
Usually when there is a new bullshit out, I would hear it from them first.
Now I hear it from the alternative media lot.
ALDI were the first to take down their ‘virus proof’ screens here in Australia.
Proof that the IQs of Germans always has been a tad higher than the rest of us, but still not THAT clever.
Even more infectious!!!!
I wish Vegas would open the line on Mask Wearing and Getting The Death Clot Shot leading to Died Suddenly.
My guess is that the Casinos would fear the house wouldn’t win.
Fear is the mind killer.
Subvariants to watch out for:
Sneezing: Achoo-rus
Headache: Ache-to-us
Dizziness: Arc-tour-us
Feeling cold: Artic-us
good one. thanks!
I’m developing an allergy to sensational stories.
That’s the good news…
My intolerance’s get triggered.
Well, I suppose if you are an unscrupulous evil greedy bastard who figured out all you have to do is make something up out of thin air and you can make billions and billions of dollars, rubles, yuans, or rupees, then you’d be inclined to do it again and again until you were somehow stopped. Hell, that’s better than the guy who “invented” the Pet Rock and made millions. It’s like war and the MIC. The Never-ending Story.
There is nothing unusual at all happening in India – it is pure propaganda which is being foisted on the easily misled Western media consumers in order to manufacture rationales for massive vaccine dumps that will be subsidized by taxpayers.
India is the most important market for the global vaccine business, because it is by far the largest: 1.3 billion people with a biddable fascist government and a health system almost completely co-opted by the Bill Gates operation.
The African continent has nearly as many people but more than 50 governments that need to be individually manipulated and subdued by the Gates/Pharma machine. India is the prize: Getting everybody vaxxed will result in staggering profits.
The uptake of the “Convid vaccines” was low in India, not meeting the expectations of the Pharma ghouls. This translates into massive numbers of pre-produced poisonous vials sitting on the shelves with a shrinking number of readily available arms.
Manufacture a crisis in India in order to “sell the solution” and dump massive amounts of vaccines on “Third World” countries all subsidized by taxpayers from Western countries with, of course, profits going straight to the Pharma corps and their parasitic investors.
In India the government is purposefully attempting to induce COVID VARIANT ANXIETY SYNDROME (CVAS) in the population.
Vaccine resistance among the people of India is strong due to a long history of being used as guinea pigs for pharmaceuticals, ranging from dangerous contraceptives to deadly experimental vaccines.
The mainstream media’s reporting on the latest iteration of the “COVID CRISIS” in India is now crafted to a messaging platform that aims to ramp up fear of ‘new variants’ and coerce compliance to vaccination during a period of increasing resistance, both in India and abroad.
For those paying attention respiratory diseases including COPD, TB, and respiratory tract infections like bronchitis leading to pneumonia are always among the top ten killers in India.
People in Delhi are suffering from untreated respiratory and lung conditions that are now becoming serious. Delhi even saw its first oxygen bar open in 2019, where wealthier residents can pay for a 15-minute blast of oxygen during toxic periods.
The “Virus” is the perfect cover story to conceal the reality of what is happening in India.
Same as it always was.
Reminds me of the Nestle infant formula scandal back in the 70s and 80s. Exploitation of the most vulnerable.
Corporate malfeasance knows no bounds.
Other factors:in India: (a) bad news about the local pharma industry including generics (b) some poster boys for the jab dropped dead.
This year, most governments must close the books on the tens of millions of expired jabs, bought under covert (“confidential”) contracts.
The witch-docters (Big Pharma) are doing their best to sell their “technology” as applicable to every jab. With enough bribes, they may do it. .
Maxwell, I’m curious to know your view on the causes of the crisis the world is going through, which has the economy at its root, I think you’d agree. Is the primary cause personal or impersonal in your view? Do the big cogs of the system make the decisions they make while perfectly affording not making them and in this case a reform is all that’s needed, or are they inexorably constrained by the logic of Capital to do what they do, meaning our deliverance rests on a radical transformation of the bases of the economy ? Thanks.
Do the big cogs of the system make the decisions they make while perfectly affording not making them and in this case a reform is all that’s needed, or are they inexorably constrained by the logic of Capital to do what they do, meaning our deliverance rests on a radical transformation of the bases of the economy?
The latter.
Here’s one example:
Pharma was told at a financial analyst meeting in late 2018 that unless they could come up with some new drug that would guarantee a nice revenue stream, they would cease to be a for-profit industry in 2-3 years.
A friend was told by one of Goldman Sachs pharma analysts a full decade ago that the pharmaceutical industry would go negative growth as their present stable of blockbusters went off patent as there were essentially no more unmet medical needs.
This then required that Pharma either go to a new business model or invent new diseases. The Covid Operation coupled both and this was one aspect of the Operation that not only created the immediate profit but ostensibly gives the Pharma industry a lifeline into the future.
The exigencies of the system demanded that Pharma “blow up the current system” and invent a new one or they would be going out of business.
Keeping in mind that “health management” is the biggest ROI for huge financial investors and the pandemic business model is a mammoth financial investment opportunity.
The Covid Operation what it was designed to do.
That’s also my view. Thanks.
This cohort study for the period 2010-2019 (official pubmed publication) confirms that the pharmaceutical industry had every reason to be concerned. Its conclusion as can be read from the full article:
“In conclusion, among 10 of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, revenues generated from the sale of cancer drugs have increased by 70% over the past decade [2010-2019], while revenues from other medicines have decreased by 18%. Revenues from cancer drugs accounted for 25% of the net revenues generated in 2019, up from 14% in 2010. With the cost of cancer drugs rapidly rising, further work is needed to understand how this increase in sales revenue reflects industry profit, and how this is linked (or not) to improvements in patient and population outcomes.”
In other words, from 2010 to 2019, at least 14% and at most 25% of the revenues had an increase of 70% while the greater chunk (75%-86%) of revenues decreased by 18%.
RE: There is nothing unusual at all happening in India…
Not quite. Denis Rancourt has shown that with the jab rollout in India, 1 in 100 are dying after the injection, that’s huge.
You are correct- I could have been more specific. Here is a link to that paper:
Probable causal association between India’s extraordinary April-July 2021 excess-mortality event and the vaccine rollout
“Variants” are great cover stories for numerous things.
I’m waiting for the Custard Pi variant to splat us right in our masked up faces. And incidentally, remembering that omicron is an anagram of moronic, Arcturus is only one letter short of ‘u r custard’ – let’s hope they find an ‘Arcturus D’ variant!
Who cares how infectious it is? It can be as infectious as it likes so long as it is not virulent.
Hey, did ya see that thing that just wizzed over your head?
That was the point of this article 😉
Karen cares, and she is the one phoning the police, the city council, the media and the politicians.
So if you dont get your mask on, and are the only non-vaccinated in the neighbourhood then…………. 👽 .
At some point, in the next 1-2 years, there will be a truly high mortality ‘variant’. Initially, there will be localised outbreaks, but eventually, it will go full global pandemic.
All those previously ‘on the fence’ regarding whether or not to take the vaccine, will pay to queue-jump – that’s how desperate they’ll be – in the face of high mortality.
Only the most hardened refuseniks will resist the pressure to get jabbed – to avoid joining the bodies in the streets. And most of the refuseniks, of course, will end up relocated to quarantine camps, from which few will return.
Thanks for the heads up. Allows us here to take the proper precautions.
I think the key is staying afraid and waiting for the signal on what to do from the proper authorities.
That and a few extra jugs of sanitizer to go with the extra toilet paper will allow us to be prepped up for the next big one which is inevitable as you so expertly note.
No amount of healthy food and exercise can help us now. That’s as useful as taking a BB gun to a dinosaur ranch.
Stay safe my friend.
Oh ffs – don’t you get it yet?
He does. The problem is in applying formal, empiricist, amnesic logic to a field – reality – where dialectical mouvement is what moves History.
Let’s say part of humanity is sick, decadent, useless, lazy etc, and the rest sane, morally strong, restrained, etc.
Formal logic would describe in that state of affairs two, not one, but two mutually exclusive humanities; since decadence, sickness, laziness, etc are to be morally condemned, the sane humanity has the moral obligation of purging the “second” humanity, so that wholeness in health is again restored.
Whereas dialectical logic would see in that state just a particular stage in the evolution of *one* humanity, which shall clear through forces that aren’t – never could be – exclusively unidirectional from one part (active) toward the other (deliberately seeking to render it passive to that effect) as formal logic would recommend but through the free interaction of both parts of the whole.
Those who apply formal logic to reality are also – of course – empiricists which makes them not consider that NEVER humanity acted as two disconnected blocks when considering long enough time periods.
A truly high-mortality illness like the one that simply hasn’t happened at all during the covid swindle, Xav? Is that what you mean; something like – oh I dunno – an actual pandemic, in the actual dictionary definition of the word? With mass deaths and everything? Which we haven’t yet had AT ALL during the swindle, not so far…? You know, with actual bodies piling up in the streets? Which has only happened so far in staged-video schlock…
The only real victims of the swindle so far are the people who’ve died because of ‘the measures’ taken – supposedly – to ‘protect’ us against the non-existent ‘pandemic’; together with all the victims of the poison-stabs…
The ‘pandemic theatre’ was for the benefit of the insufficiently perspicacious, to cushion the blow for the coming real, high mortality pandemic.
NB In both cases there will be no contagious pathogen at work.
Maybe you could save the dogmatic alarmism? Maybe you’re right, but you have no way of knowing, and making out like you do just seems a bit hysterical! A2
The refuseniks will know the bodies in the street are jabbed bodies.
They are the only ones who got a learning curve from the first waves. No jabs = no clots, No jabs = no heart attacks, No jabs = no sadds.
The sheeple learned nothing. They will still think they will survive if they avoid contact with the refuseniks.
Sorry to break it to you but you, – and I and everybody else – are also sheep**. It’s with our tax money that the State bought the jabs, paid the ventilators, the medical staff, in short made possible the whole theater.
Is coming, I agree.
One thing about the scamdemic is how blatantly false it is when you actually look at it. Just on it’s face, it’s bullshit. In a real pandemic, everyone will see people die, not just hear statistics and anecdotes about it. Think smallpox, or bubonic plague. Even the most committed Convid fear junkies know this, on some deep level. They know, without perhaps being able to formulate the thought, that something is incongruent with what they’ve been told, and what they’ve actually experienced.
But, when TPTB release whatever it is they have concocted, people will visibly sicken and die from it, rapidly, and gruesomely, then they will feel justified in their paranoia, and many of those who were skeptical, will, in the face of undeniable deadliness, line up for whatever cure is offered. Like you say, the rest will go to camps, there to end their days.
It will not require a “virus,” though they might use that again; there are other ways to make people sick.
TPTB have already ‘released whatever it is they have concocted’. It remains as yet inactive in its lipid coating…
Got a fat portfolio have you?
Mmm XD? (ex dividend).
A pecuniary interest Xavier?
And you’d want to survive to live in a despotic world run by people who only want to enslave you / abuse your children/ destroy your culture / deprive you of the few possessions you have and the roof over your head? You’re welcome to that most unwelcoming of all worlds. I’ll say no to the end because the plan to reduce the world’s population is not in the interest of anyone but the scumbag trillionaires. Let’s leave them to it and they’ll have to learn to clean up their own shit, literally and metaphorically.
Maybe then the world will finally recognize the powerful healing properties of ozone therapy, which was curing ebola until the doctors were kicked out of the country!
The Miracle of Ozone Therapy
“Ozone is probably one of the most miraculous healing therapies available on our planet at this time. Through its oxygenating power, it successfully treats and cures a wide range of serious degenerative conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver, and kidney disease.
More Than Hot Air
Ozone is very potent electrified or energized oxygen (O3). Oxygen is more essential to life than food and water. Without it, we would die in minutes but in big cities the levels in the air are decreasing, causing widespread ill health. Oxygen is carried to every part of the body by the red blood cells and is essential for the functioning of every cell in the body, as well as stimulating a healthy immune system.
Ozone also forms a protective layer around the earth; but some scientists point to the danger of high ozone readings as the cause of respiratory problems, so many are prejudiced, dismissive, and simply refuse to look into it.
Yet ozone therapy has been in use since the 1800s; and in 1896 the genius Nikola Tesla patented the first ozone generator in the United States, later forming the Tesla Ozone Company. After that, the Institute for Oxygen Therapy-Healing was formed in Berlin and the man credited with founding naturopathy, Dr. Benedict Lust, began practicing in New York, writing many articles on ozone.”
“Not only is ozone good for you, but it may be one of the most powerful healing substances available to us.
It took me a very long time to get educated about it but now I’m going to classify ozone with vitamin C as one of those unique and cheap cures that the medical establishment doesn’t want to know much about because there’s no easy money in it.
Actually, it’s just the US medical establishment that keeps its head in the sand. It seems ozone is widely used by medical doctors in Japan, Germany, Cuba and maybe Italy. Its widespread use in Germany apparently resulted from the need for powerful medicine after World War II when there was no money for it.”
Oxygen is the root of all healing. Ozone treatment delivers O3 (we breathe O2), it’s nature’s most powerful oxidizer, it’s a cleanser, it leaves no toxic residue and our own white blood cells produce it. You get much better blood flow and oxygen into the cell.
The truth is that ozone therapy should be in every hospital and every household because it can PREVENT the infection from taking hold and/or support your immune system.
When you wrote “full global” you didn’t really mean it did you, because the cream of society would’ve had ample time to hide underground in… where was it again? Oh yes, in Geneva under the CERN.
Well there is the key. Taking the medical drama series House MD as guide, the Covid Chronicles could go something like this:
*Initial run whilst the premise is still “hot” and “cool”. Covid in its youth being glamorous and cute.
*Variations with newer novelties e.g. Covid’s long estranged wife turns up with a new partner creating tensions etc.
*Covid insults a police officer and suffers sadistic backlash – but of course gains the upper hand.
*Covid ditches his medical team for an updated model.
*Covid suffers a nervous breakdown and has to go into a mental rehabilitation ward with blatant steals from One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.
*Covid commits a crime and goes to jail with blatant steals from The Shawshank Redemption.
*Also not forgetting such old favourites as The Musical Episode, the Alien Invasion Episode, the spinoff cartoon series etc.
Could still run for a while yet.
.Arcturus,hmmm….oh yeah,I remember now.I think I have something by them,Horn headed Norwegians.Probably could use the publicity. https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Arcturus/292
They should do Covid: The Final Variant next.
“The traditional name Arcturus is Latinised from the ancient Greek Ἀρκτοῦρος (Arktouros) and means “Guardian of the Bear”, ultimately from ἄρκτος (arktos), “bear” and οὖρος (ouros), “watcher, guardian”.
Courtesy of Wikipedia
Arctic, Ursa Major, King Arthur, pole star, etc. – all derive from the centre of the Zodiac as interpolated upon the celestial sphere.
The Zodiac is mankind’s most important calendar…