Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: To Heal the Great Divide

Edward Curtin

It has been fifty-five years since Senator Robert F. Kennedy stepped onto the presidential nominating stage to try to mend the massive breach that had opened in American society. The country was torn asunder by the Vietnam War, racism, poverty, the assassination of President Kennedy and the soon-to-be killing of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Chaos reigned as Lyndon Johnson lied and Richard Nixon matched him in verbal and actual treachery.

A war between Middle America and the elites running the government was breaking out across the country. A great divide between whites and blacks, rich and poor, the working class and the upper class was opening wide.  The Tet Offensive had just ripped the face off the official lies about the course of the war in Vietnam and the emperor, Lyndon Jonson, stood naked and would soon announce that he would not run again.

On March 16, 1968, Senator Kennedy declared his candidacy with these words:

I do not run for the presidency merely to oppose any man but to propose new policies. I run because I am convinced that this country is on a perilous course and because I have such strong feelings about what must be done, and I feel that I’m obliged to do all that I can.

I run to seek new policies – policies to end the bloodshed in Vietnam and in our cities, policies to close the gaps that now exist between black and white, between rich and poor, between young and old, in this country and around the rest of the world.

By the end of 1968, a plague year if there ever were one, Richard Nixon, together with his goon squad, prepared to occupy the White House, Vietnam raged on, and everything King and Kennedy stood for seemed lost.  Ignorance, vituperation, and the divide-and-conquer technique long practiced by the power elites set into the body politic like a deadly cancer.  Something died, all hope seemed lost, and the perilous course RFK spoke of was never stopped.  Jackals with polished faces have sat in the White House ever since.

Today hope is resurrected.  Enter Robert F. Kennedy Jr center stage who will declare his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president on Wednesday, April 19, in Boston, Massachusetts.

The wheel of history has turned and 2023 resembles 1968 in many essentials.   The divide in the country remains but has greatly widened.  The CIA and the intelligence agencies totally control the mainstream media now.  The Pentagon’s budget has increased exponentially.  The U.S. wages a savage war against Russia in Ukraine under the blatant lie of defending freedom while supporting Nazis and greatly risking nuclear war.  It provokes war with China. 

Permanent war is government policy with military bases and CIA and special forces all over the world, waging semi-clandestine wars, or maybe just wars that people don’t want to know about.  The gap between the rich and the poor has widened while the elites mock working class people as moronic deplorables.  The Department of Defense controls the development, manufacturing, clinical testing, supply, production, and distribution of the mRNA vaccines, while the criminal pharmaceutical companies reap obscene profits.  Lies are piled upon lies in what amounts to an Orwellian nightmare.  And while LBJ and Nixon have been replaced by Joe Biden, the warfare state roll on.

Some things have changed, of course.  In 1968, liberals were turning against the U.S. war against Vietnam and were growing wary of the CIA.  Today they support all the Democratic-led wars and love the CIA.  They trust the obvious media lies and those of a proven liar such as Anthony Fauci.  Nowhere is this sadly truer than with the extended Kennedy family, who in their support for Biden, Fauci, the CIA, etc. have betrayed JFK and RFK.  Their smugness and support for Biden against their brother who is carrying on his uncle’s and father’s legacy is betrayal of the worst kind.

Despite a family actively opposed to his candidacy, despite all the media lies about him, and despite the odds makers giving him little chance, RFK, Jr. is entering the race.  It is an act of supreme moral courage.

Like his father in ’68, he is the only candidate who can heal this nation’s great divide.

That he is opposed by a huge array of people who will lie about him because he is a truthteller does not deter him.  Those lies immediately started up again as soon as word got out that he might run.  It’s an old story.

Trash will be thrown at him.  Every blemish of his nearly seventy years will be dredged up to paint him as a villain, a flawed man, a hypocrite – name all the negative terms you can think of and the real hypocrites, in their self-righteous rage, will use them against him.  They will bounce off him.  He is ready.

When Bobby, Jr. was young, his father handed him a book and said with urgency, “I want you to read this.”  It was Albert Camus’s The Plague.  He read it and it has informed his life ever since.  Just as in 1968, we live in plague times, and the plague is US, it runs through all our institutions and, as in Camus’s books, the rats are running wild, devouring truth and the values that can redeem us.  As he has written in his beautiful and important book, American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, Camus’s analysis of Sisyphus and the ancient Greeks has taught him an important lesson:

It is neither our position nor our circumstances that define us, according to the Stoics, but our response to those circumstance; when destiny crushes us, small heroic gestures of courage and service can bring us peace and fulfillment. In applying our shoulder to the stone, we give order to a chaotic universe. Of the many wonderful things my father left me, this philosophical truth was perhaps the most useful. In many ways, it has defined my life, and has allowed me to find serenity and purpose even in the most trying and tragic circumstances. (p.287)

Despite its brilliance, American Values (see this) was completely ignored by the mainstream press.  Why?  Because it revolves around “Chapter 9, Senator Robert F. Kennedy” and the long war between the Kennedys and the CIA that resulted in the deaths of JFK and RFK. 

In this chapter, RFK, Jr. brilliantly shows that he fully grasps the CIA’s evil history.  All the other chapters, while very interesting personal and family history, pale in importance.   No member of the Kennedy family since JFK or RFK has dared to say what RFK, Jr. does in this book.  He indicts the CIA.  This is probably not a small part of his extended family’s animosity toward him.  Family taboos must be protected, as if they were state secrets.

But his indictment of the CIA is the fundamental reason why it and the media will at all costs try to prevent him from getting the nomination.  The character assassination will be intense.

Kennedy knows he faces an uphill battle for the presidency, but no matter what forces are aligned against him, political and familial, he will not back down.

He will surprise all the pundits, for his appeal crosses party lines.  He is tough and very smart.  He has been so hated and falsely maligned by the mainstream media for so long that he is skilled at keeping to his message, which I think will be positive and inspirational, something that this country is desperate for after so many years of lies and treachery.

Even Biden’s supporters in the Democratic party know he is a flawed candidate on his last legs, laboring to keep his words straight and his steps solid.  While he may have long served as the establishment’s war puppet, there are many nervous Democrats who want to finally cut their strings with him.  And the Republicans are a party in disarray, internally torn and tired of the Trump saga which will not end.

Two clowns don’t make for a pretty picture running the country and the world into the ground.  Biden and Trump and their predecessors are naked now and not just does one boy see it and shout it only to be ignored.  There is a growing feeling throughout the country that truth and goodness spoken clearly are desperately needed to unite the country through common values. Bob Dylan got it right back a few years:

While preachers preach of evil fates
Teachers teach that knowledge waits
Can lead to hundred-dollar plates
Goodness hides behind its gates
But even the president of the United States
Sometimes must have to stand naked

Every day Americans are bombarded with bad news: the U.S. war against Russia via Ukraine, the lies about the “threats” from Russia and China, the collapsing economy, toxic spills, gun violence, corporate gangsters ripping off the average American and funneling those monies to the politicians who pimp for them, the egregious Covid-19 and “vaccine” lies that are daily being exposed as deadly frauds, the growing threat of nuclear war, etc.

Bad bad news, and with it a growing public sense of hopelessness.  A pall of unacknowledged depression smothers the country.  People are dying for hope, as they were in 1968.  In their inner hearts there is this desperate yearning for one brave soul to stand up and tell Americans the truth about what has happened to their country.  Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is the only one who can move Americans to hope again.

For years he has been telling harsh truths that many who profit from the lies do not want to hear. That our waters are polluted and the chemical companies are criminals; that the pharmaceutical companies are criminal enterprises polluting people’s bodies; that the CIA is organized crime polluting people’s minds and assassinating its anti-war leaders; that the Pentagon is a criminal enterprise not defending but risking American’s lives and their livelihood; that the U.S. government has joined with mega-corporations to run a Mob-like fleecing of the American people; that not one of Sirhan Sirhan’s bullets killed his father, Senator Robert Kennedy, who was shot from behind at close range by a CIA hit man; that the so-called Covid vaccines are very dangerous and have never been appropriately tested and many people are dying and being injured as a result; that Anthony Fauci is a liar and fraud who fronts for Big Pharma (see this) in the Covid-19 crisis that is an intelligence-run operation controlled by spooks working with medical technocrats; and that we are close to losing our country and any semblance of its democratic ideals.

These are not liberal or conservative positions.  They are self-evident conclusions of a patriot, as they should be for everyone.

And because they have become such to more and more Americans who can think without reacting, Kennedy’s voice and his candidacy will grow in strength across the great divide.

The media attacks will be intense and simply full of lies.  They love to call him an “anti-vaxxer,” when he is not opposed to all vaccines.  But no matter how many times he has explained this, the media twist it to serve their masters.

For example, The New York Post recently published a slimy piece that could serve as a template for all the propaganda aimed at Kennedy.  Let me quote:

Robert has said Sirhan did not actually participate in the murder of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy during a Los Angeles presidential campaign stop in 1968.

This of course is a lie.  RFK, Jr. has said that Sirhan fired a pistol but none of his bullets hit the Senator.  He has said a CIA hit man shot his father at close range from behind as the official autopsy clearly showed, while Sirhan was standing in front of the Senator.

Lie number two.  The Post writes:

In it [a speech], he implied that those who oppose vaccines are being persecuted more severely than Anne Frank, the German teen who hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam before being sent to her death at Auschwitz.

He never implied that. His point was clear: that in the coming digital surveillance state there will be nowhere to hide, not even in an attic, because the surveillance technology will track everyone everywhere, day and night.

These are but a few examples.  Look and you will find them everywhere now and in the coming days.

The hyenas with polished faces will try like hell to dismiss Robert f. Kennedy, Jr. as a flake, a fraud, and a conspiracy nut on an ego-trip.  Too many people can now see through such propaganda.  He is the real thing, our best hope to bridge the great divide that has been created by the elites to divide the American people.

He will not back down, and all people of good will who believe the U.S. can still find its way out of the morass we find ourselves in, should back him up.  He has warned us, he has given us his voice, and his moral courage should be followed by all who hope to hope.

The pundits who dismiss his chances will then be shocked.

Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.


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May 14, 2023 1:27 AM

Another messiah of sorts, another representative of the God thy state leading us to the promised land somewhere over there and then.
Oh, and don’t forget to vaccinate yourself and your children as our new messiah has done and as our heavenly state has ordained.
Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar.
What did Caesar make?
Nothing. He is owed as much….

Apr 25, 2023 10:12 PM

RFK Jr’s speaking issue will no doubt be a huge detractor. I think on 2024 any viable candidate will have either a silver tongue or a willing media to defend them. RFK Jr has neither – no chance of getting elected.

Apr 23, 2023 5:48 AM

RFK Jr. is already at 14% when half of Dems didn’t even know he was running yet. He’s got a shot.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 22, 2023 12:21 PM

No mention of Palestine or the Palestinians by this champion of the people.
Guess Junior learned the lesson …
The Democratic candidate? Sure. He’ll definitely get behind the HRC candidacy when the time comes. Woof!

Human values
Human values
Apr 22, 2023 10:37 AM

When man gives his power away to another man, he loses his power.

He becomes a loser. He gave away his power to someone else. So the other person can make important decisions for him. Like decide whether to make war or what kind of legislation you must follow.

Giving away power means just that.

Who did you give your power to? Does it matter? Yes, it does matter.

But then again, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you no longer have the power to make decisions in your life.

Is that what you really want? I doubt it.

If people believe that poor people and black people and the working class and the young are represented by an old white man born in the upper class, even the highest one in one sense, an upper class rich man, a multimillionaire who socializes with other rich people, then people are utterly stupid.

This whole thing is stupidity.

Where’s your sense; does it exist?

All it takes for authoritarian rule to exist is You giving it power.

Apr 22, 2023 3:52 AM


It has to be admitted that the readership here is a mixture of communists, feminists, zionists and neocons. To them the Kennedy family with it’s opposition to the bankster’s WW2 is a red flag. They would sneer at JFK’s ruthless conspiracy speech. They claim to disbelieve the media but swallow all the media propaganda the bankster owned media has defecated into the public space. Unsubstantiated crap about his womanising,etc.

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Apr 21, 2023 9:46 PM

I used to enjoy the intelligence and open minded comments here, but I have dipped in to find that I no longer fit with the majority of commenters’ low opinion of RFK Jr., his father and his uncle. This indicates to me the truth of the saying that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. The CIA assassinates the best using bullets and lies. That the seeming majority of commenters here cannot understand this simple fact does not bode well for anyone. If you cannot recognise the truly good guys, then the future is even bleaker than I had imagined. I don’t write this in an effort to be popular, because popularity is not a test of truth. The mob is an ugly unthinking beast. Edward Curtin gets my vote.

Apr 22, 2023 3:53 AM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

Great comment.

Apr 23, 2023 6:11 AM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

It’s brigadier by Biden’s minions.

Apr 21, 2023 4:11 PM

Deja vu – Tucker Carlson on Robert F Kennedy Sr’s presidential race announcement on a platform to end the bloodshed in Vietnam and in cour cities, to close the gulf betwen black and white, rich and poor… young and old.


This story – the attempt to turn the U.S. away from war – is bigger than the BRICS or any other issues the alt media has discovered so recently. The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the steroid-shot this has given the BRICS is directly related to the control of U.S. foreign policy by the neocons.

I understand that few television channels covered Kennedy’s announcement in Boston. https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1649098808293224448?s=20

The establishment is going to pull out all the stops (please, God, not the guns again) to stop Kennedy.

Unfortunately much of the population has been trained in self-censorship. The very issue for which Kennedy is known, his campaigning on vaccines, will turn off those in the electorate who refuse to consider that the ‘coof shot could be in any way dangerous.

As Jim Breuer noted as Joe Rogan’s podcast guest, the injured and their relatives will do anything to avoid blaming the shot. The establishment uniparty already has the minds, if not the hearts, of many people, having created group think, having schooled people to reject individual opinions and experience, and to argue only from authority.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Apr 21, 2023 4:36 AM

Mr.Kennedy Jr. embodies the fait of all the Kennedy’s. They are complete and utter political degenerates, destined to accomplish nothing because they know nothing not to mention accomplished nothing.

Mr.Curtin, can continue to hope. America needs more than hope if it’s going to politically survive the shit storm on its door step.

Mr. Kennedy Jr. will just get you there a lot sooner.

Apr 21, 2023 5:45 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

With their foundation in bootlegging…….. No different than Al Capone. At least that’s what my hard right, Indiana born and raised, father-in-law liked to say. Is the Kennedy family condemned because of it’s roots? Some seem to think so. The sexual abuse of Marilynn Monroe by the family comes to mind among other things. Good looking, intelligent, dynamic speakers make for good leaders. Gotta give them that. So were Bill Clinton and Barak Obama. AH DEED NAUGT HALVE SEX WEETH THAT WHOA-MUN, comes to mind. Bobby Junior seems to be the cleanest of them all. Would he be any different? Would he continue the kneeling and begging for forgiveness from the United Nations like the current administration. The United Nations should be disbanded. If Bobby made that promise, I would vote for him. We know that won’t happen.

Apr 22, 2023 3:42 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

fwiw- I was just over at Allison McDowell’s wrenchinthegears website and she had a post on RFK Jr, and I thought it was very interesting that his maternal grandfather became extremely wealthy off of coal. Yet now RFK demonizes the coal industry.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 23, 2023 8:18 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

The United Nations common diversion is consumerist communism, merely a predictable digtal currency shielding imo.

Apr 22, 2023 3:56 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

Your comment is a pile of neocon dogshit.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Apr 25, 2023 2:15 AM

Necon? Necon is a fake term, something degenerates like the Kennedy’s made up to serve their agenda.

It’s like the left vs right. By now I would have expected people would have woke up ( pardon the pun) to the notion that it’s all the same BS, or is it dogshit?

I don’t know but I would expect by now a certain amount of intellect would identify the false traits and start to bet against it.

Gore Vidal would have spelled it out on our newest Kennedy-mania.

John K
John K
Apr 22, 2023 2:53 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

Except that “political degenerates” in America tend to be promoted and celebrated, not assassinated. I guess you’re one of those “single bullet theory” guys, huh?

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Apr 25, 2023 2:16 AM
Reply to  John K

Does this one fly planes?

Apr 20, 2023 7:38 PM

Yeah great. Just saw a video where Kennedy says his son is a mercenary in Ukraine and he is proud of it. Destroyed any respect that I formerly had for the guy.


Apr 21, 2023 12:06 PM
Reply to  Klipfisk

It’s his SON. And he had to mention that himself because sooner or later the msm was going to blast it over the fold.

Did you listen to the entire speech? Have you listened to him at all over the past 3 years?

Do you know his litigation history?

By the way, I’m not crazy about the Ukraine situation. We should under no circumstances be there. But there is nothing Kennedy can do about it right now. At least he talked about it and gave his perspective.

And what Kennedy’s son, or any other family member does, is not Kennedy himself.

Should any of us be judged on how a family member chooses to live?

Apr 22, 2023 3:46 PM
Reply to  judith

He’s a mixed bag. Climate change stance may get him elected. It worked for Biden. Projecting the death of the planet got their attention. Will Bobby keep up the narrative? That would be telltale. Creating division has worked to the advantage of the left. Time will tell if Bobby Jr. is just another lefty loony.

Apr 22, 2023 3:43 AM
Reply to  Klipfisk

Yeah, RFK Jr. is a lefty, believes all the lefty fake corporate propaganda. Thinks J6 was really an insurrection and believes all the shooting psyops.

Apr 22, 2023 3:42 PM
Reply to  Klipfisk

Saw that clip too. Felt the same way. And he has been doing so much good in exposing the Covid lies.

Raz Putin
Raz Putin
Apr 20, 2023 7:03 PM

RFK’s involvement in the faux cLIEmate change agenda proves that he is nothing more than an establishment shill and controlled opposition agent.

Apr 21, 2023 6:23 PM
Reply to  Raz Putin

Yep. But you cannot discount the good work he has been doing on exposing the Covid lies. The climate change stance totally destroys his credibility in my eyes. However, a lot of people have bought in on climate change. You never know.

Ron Marr
Ron Marr
Apr 22, 2023 7:03 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

As long as he is agreeing there is a virus at all…he’s laughing in your face!

Ron Marr
Ron Marr
Apr 20, 2023 2:53 PM

It’s a two headed eagle and the show must go on.

Apr 20, 2023 1:28 PM

Scraping the bottom of the barrel into trying to get people to engage again and they’ve wheeled out croaky RFK jr, an establishment guy through and through.

Apr 20, 2023 3:45 PM
Reply to  fertility

Yes, RFK Jr. believes in the global warming hoax, despite the fact that it is now obvious to all that the global warming/climate change hoax is part of the Great Reset. The banking cartel oligarchy/WEF is going to use the climate change hoax as justification of building a digital slave grid over us, where our carbon footprint will be tracked and connected to a social/slave credit score.

Years ago, RFK Jr. said that those who disagree with his stance on the global warming/climate change hoax should be treated as war criminals and locked up:
Crackpot RFK Jr.: Jail Energy CEO’s in Hague For TREASON – Punish Climate Deniers (Video)
(totalitarian much?)

And RFK Jr. also tweeted about the lockdowns being good for the environment:
I would also like to know RFK Jr’s position on climate lockdowns, as I recently saw a tweet from him where he remarked on how the covid lockdowns were good for the environment:
#Coronavirus #lockdown hasn’t just slowed #COVID-19, it reduced lethal air pollution + associated #mortality. When lockdown lifts, risks of status quo will return + could worsen as govs weaken environmental regs + pour billions into polluting industries.

Now, as recently as three months ago, he appears to still endorse the global warming hoax (renamed climate change because he posted on CHD that carbon was an “existential threat”to the planet (so apparently completely unaware that there solar cycles, called grand solar maximum, when it gets warming, and grand solar minium, which we may be heading into, when it gets colder)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Mod 3 months ago
I’ve spent 40 years fighting to stop the oil and coal titans from contaminating our water, our air and our children with toxins, arsenic, benzene, PAHs, the mercury that has poisoned every freshwater fish in America — AND the carbon which now poses an existential threat to our planet.

I’d also like those in the “medical FREEDOM movement” to take a serious look at his stance on the fake pandemic. Though RFK Jr. does call out the pre-planning with Event 201 and others, he continues to endorse the fraud that there was a pandemic, and he does not call out the bogus PCR test, which was responsible for the entire fraud, including the fraudulent case numbers, the fraudulent death count, etc. And RFK Jr also endorses the Orwellian notion of people who are asymptomatic (i.e. healthy) but test positive on the bogus covid test should be given early treatment–but how do you treat “no symptoms”? Is there a special drug for feeling completely healthy? Here’s a quick video where researcher, Allison McDowell, reviews the first chapter of RFK Jr.’s book:

RFK Jr.’s “Mismanaging a Pandemic” Narrative: Testing, Early Treatment and Repurposed Drugs

Apr 20, 2023 4:56 PM
Reply to  Amanda

Carbon gasses are stable. Period. Proven by the most reputable ecology research center in the world. Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. 90% of greenhouse gas is water vapor. The United Nations climate assessment is hogwash. The climate may be changing but carbon is not the cause. Nor is methane. Temperature inversions caused by photo chemical smog do occur on a localized basis where short waved sunlight can penetrate and long waved heat radiation is trapped just like a greenhouse. The conditions are extreme and happen on hot summer days in the absence of wind in many metropolitan centers. Catalytic converters on internal combustion engines have helped alleviate much of the problem. Electric cars in such urban centers make perfect sense. But not on the scale that they are working on. Pollution is the issue. Not climate change. We can do better but their plan is absolutely crazy. World leaders that keep repeating over and over that the world is ending should be jailed. Sorry. The United Nations is the cause of all our problems and should be disbanded.

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 21, 2023 4:16 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

I agree that pollution is an issue contributing to the way we are creating more extreme weather events, but it is not the only issue.

In the eloquent words of Charles Eisenstein …. “Earth is best understood as a living being with a complex physiology, whose health depends on the health of her constituent organs. Her organs are the forests, the wetlands, the grasslands, the estuaries, the reefs, the apex predators, the keystone species, the soil, the insects, and indeed every intact ecosystem and every species on earth.

If we continue to degrade them, drain them, cut them, poison them, pave them, and kill them, earth will die a death of a million cuts. She will die of organ failure—regardless of the levels of greenhouse gases.”

Most of all, we need to change the way we regard Nature and to reclaim our respect and reverence for Her.


Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 21, 2023 6:02 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Pollution, unless you mean chemical trails and cloud seeding, is not causing any climate issues.

Our governments are using ground based doppler radar and other airborne technologies to manipulate weather and make it more severe and severe weather more common.

Apr 21, 2023 6:12 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Been there. Majored in it. Sucked in as a kid. It is all crap. Get over it. Earth operates on a geologic timescale. Not a human life time. Period. Species were lost. More species will be lost. New species will be born and lost again. It has been happening over and over and over for millions of years. Worshiping wildlife and nature is one of the problems. The concept that humans will die out because we are losing species is junk. Every niche that is vacated by a lost species will immediately be reoccupied by something else. There will be no imbalance because new occupants will create a new balance. Just like “invasive species” occupying disturbed habitat. Build it and they will come (or should I say, destroy it and they will come). Either way. Perception is everything. Propaganda is driving the perception. As a professional biologist I spent decades protecting and enhancing habitat for endangered species at great cost. I know the game inside and out. Story telling is name of the game to garner support to further your agenda. And no I am not drunk. Maybe a little later. You gotta get over it. There is a god and it’s not nature.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 23, 2023 2:39 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

If Eviloution was real, there would be fossil records of intermediate species. There are none. Even Darwin said that if we cannot find those intermediate species in the fossil record, that his theory is wrong.

Eviloution is just a theory that is used to guide people away from God and push the idea of goo to you and me.

Do you think it is possible for a tornado to run through a junkyard and build a functional automobile?

We are complex biological systems that have been designed by a greater power.

Apr 25, 2023 12:29 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

And you think that divine power just went to sleep at some point? Maybe. Maybe not. I knew a Pentecostal Church member who was convinced that Satan created fossils to distract Christians and there was no such thing as evolution.

It’s all about perspective.

Like sedimentary rock.

Layers of microscopic lime settling embedding and preserving a multitude of sea creatures thousands of miles away from the nearest ocean.

Analogous organisms found on all the continents occupying, essentially, identical niches.

Continental drift is a tough concept to grasp for most. The idea that the continents are floating islands that slowly move because of the convective currents of molten rock beneath is so cool.

Change is inevitable.

Is God manipulating Earth to bring about those changes or did he create the mechanism to function independently while he sits back and enjoys the show?

The evidence of the constant change is everywhere.

I become mesmerized every time I have a chance to watch a backhoe digging a deep trench. Tens of thousands of years of history being excavated in an instant. Colored layers. Glacial erratics.

Every piece tells a story.

I pulled a rock from a spoil pile that was buried in 15 feet of glacial till. A piece of sedimentary rock broken from the limestone that had once lain beneath a 2 mile tall glacier that sat on top of what is now Lake Michigan.

That rock became a focal point.

Kept it on my desk for decades where it laid in wait for new story to be told.

A trap.

Apr 20, 2023 3:58 PM
Reply to  fertility

Yes, IMO, RFK Jr. is with the establishment–the idea that he’s part of the medical freedom movement is completely absurd. Other than speaking out about Event 201 and other simulations and table top exercises, the rest of his positions are completely with the establishment narrative:

He NEVER talks about the scientifically fraudulent PCR test, which was the key to the entire fraudulent/fake pandemic psyop and led to fraudulent case counts and fraudulent death counts. He continues to promote the idea that there was a deadly virus circulating in Wuhan, though Rappoport noted that people were always getting respiratory sicknesses in Wuhan due to the toxic air pollution and that they were diagnosing people as having the “deadly virus” based on whether they had pneumonia (so no test at all!!). And RFK Jr. also promotes the Orwellian lie that those who were asymptomatic (i.e. completely HEALTHY!!!) but tested positive on the fraudulent test, should have been given early treatment. He also promotes the establishment BS about GoF research and the bogus lab leak, which only helps provide support for the WHO pandemic treaty/amendments to the International Health Regulations (which surely will protect us from future lab leaks from rogue scientists). And of course, all of this BS about the Wuhan lab leak and China cover up, is quite helpful for the neocons who are trying to get us into WW3.
So, YES, he’s with the Davos crowd on the global warming/climate change hoax, and certainly with the establishment on the fake pandemic.

IMO, the medical freedom movement has been infiltrated and sabotaged from within. Here’s an excerpt from a Diana West post that should be read in its entirety (she gets the no virus, no pandemic truths): https://dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/4421/Dr-Robert-Malone-A-Risk-Analysis.aspx “What kind of Opposition is that? If Malone’s ideas hold sway, the answer is a subverted opposition. This is exactly how influence operations work. Groups are subverted from within; operators subtly shift the agenda of one side to match or complement or get out of the way of the agenda of the other side. Are we not watching this process in real time? To be sure, we have seen an internationally active vaccine-developer and mRNA vaccine originator, find his way, Johnny-come-lately, to the fore of the anti-covid-vaccine movement to help “broaden” it into a “we’re not anti-vaccine/we’re anti-mandate” movement”



Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose meticulously researched and rigorously sourced analysis, leads readers on a staggering journey to learn about:

the key enablers and henchmen pushing for gain-of-function research

the economic motives behind gain-of-function research

successfully engineered “chimeric viruses” that can infect and kill humans

the coordinated effort to silence speculation of COVID-19’s laboratory genesis

the complicity of scientific journals to hide the origins of COVID-19

the role of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China’s biowarfare/biodefense program

the relationships between US health, military, and intelligence bureaucracies and scientists and their Chinese counterparts

the roles of Bill Gates and Sir Jeremy Farrar in helping to orchestrate China’s global cover-up

The Wuhan Cover-Up unveils a global conspiracy of epic proportion and lethal consequence.

How is any of that from his book “resistance”?? Seems like he’s just promoting the entire establishment narrative. What a joke!

Apr 21, 2023 12:08 PM
Reply to  fertility

Croaky RFK, Jr.


Apr 22, 2023 3:59 PM
Reply to  judith

I have been thinking about the perfect and accurate adjective/adverb for while. That’s a good one. Not sure I would put it in writing, however. Not a good character for a presidential candidate. He is so hard to follow. I have seen numerous interviews.

Apr 20, 2023 11:27 AM

In relation to the RFK assasination I think one fact sticks out.

The shot, was from about 3 1/2 inches behind the right ear of RfK. It’s 2023, and still there’s been no one to explain how Sirhan completed this magical feat.

Anyways, this book
Lie Too Big to Fail, A; The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, by Lisa Pearce and Jame DiEugenio, is probably one of the most up to date and comprehensive books on the subject.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 21, 2023 5:43 AM
Reply to  TFs

The RFK security man, that was also a CIA man, had the exact same gun as Sirhan Sirhan. The security guy shot RFK in the confusion and commotion. Sirhan Sirhan was a MK-Ultra victim, just like Lee Harvey Oswald and Ruby. Look up Louis Jolyon West (AKA Jolly West).

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 24, 2023 2:37 PM
Reply to  TFs

What nobody realizes is that new science shows JFK committed suicide. JFK shot himself in the back of his own head to confuse people into think he was assassinated.

Only because he wanted eternal immortality in the news and history books, and if you dont believe this, you are anti-science or a self-hating jew!

Apr 20, 2023 10:31 AM

RFK Jr. tweet from Jan. 12, 2022 pushing Novavax. THINK.


Apr 20, 2023 10:49 AM
Reply to  Tike
Apr 20, 2023 10:59 AM
Reply to  Tike

^ ^ ^ That image capture can no longer be found at the CHD website, but there is this:


Apr 21, 2023 12:20 PM
Reply to  Tike

There is no one on the face of the earth who has fought the vaccine program more than people at Children’s Health Defense. No one.
I had no idea about vaccine injury until I started to listen to Bobby Kennedy in April 2020. I listened to him on every podcast I could find, and then on a show called Truth with Polly Tommey, a woman who has been fighting the vaccine for over 25 years.
That lead me to Children’s health Defense where I have been listening to other parents, Doctors, Scientists.
I watched Vaxxed, and Vaxxed 2.
Think what you like about Kennedy, but listen to his story about how he got involved with the vaccine injury movement and how he has stayed involved since 2003.
I have never seen a more dedicated group of people than the folk at CHD.
I do not always agree with them or their views (and I let them know) but they are warriors.
They saved me from taking that injection which has harmed so many many people.
And there is nothing wrong, in my opinion, in wishing we had safe vaccines. Or working toward them.
That would be a wonderful thing.
But they are not safe. Thats why the US congress passed the 1986 Vaccine bill which gave/gives pharmaceutical companies complete immunity.

A fact, one of many, that I learned from Bobby Kennedy and CHD.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 20, 2023 7:27 AM

FYI – 
We are getting repeat DDoS attacks at the moment, which means someone is bombarding us with thousands of login attempts in order to kill the site or make it inaccessible. 

The window you see before accessing the site is Cloudflare screening out the bogus requests. 

If we weren’t doing that the site would probably be down, so please be patient. 
Hopefully we will be back to normal soon.

Apr 20, 2023 4:37 PM

Figured as much. Leftist technology conscripts hard at work honoring the requests of our fearless leaders to stop mis and dis information so they can continue working toward “saving the world” from climate change and starvation while preserving wildlife from extinction. Just wait till AI is in full swing. None will be safe from the bots.

Daily Wire podcast celebrity Matt Walsh was just hacked and his personal information was distributed by Twitter. Death threats at his home, hate mail, Etc.have forced him to hire around the clock security to protect himself and his family. Not good.

It was through his phone. They have suggested an insider in the company was involved. No one can be trusted. No one. Now is the time to update your passwords. Write them down on paper. Don’t store them electronically. Turn off your phone and treat it like a phone booth in your pocket. Get off of social media. Stop watching the MSM. Watch your bank accounts like a hawk.

These. People. Are. Literally. Crazy., and will do anything the President’s administration tells them. And it is coming directly from the White House.

There is a way to stop it. (Or, at least, slow it down).

Guess what I am thinking.

And Bobby Junior is not the answer. Having him run will do a lot of good by bringing out the harm that Biden has done (and Trump too). The craziness needs to become a focal point. Bobby will do that.

Disband the United Nations to start. Their latest effort to legalize pedophilia should be enough to turn your head and make you think twice.

Hold your nose when you vote and remember you are voting for saving freedom for your descendants.

The tyranny won’t end on it’s own. Voting for tyrants will only make it worse.

No one is perfect but the distinction between bad and good is crystal clear.

The enemies are out in the open.

We need to grow a pair and publicly recognize them for what they are.

Tolerance is one thing but normalizing aberrant behaviors is another.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Apr 20, 2023 5:03 AM


I think the administrators should avoid publishing articles on the Kennedy family. There is a vast reservoir of hatred for the family in the readership. Maxwell and Jeffrey Strahl lead the neocon attack dogs but they are ably supported by a large number of others – Frey, Researcher and many others. I assume of course that the intent is to investigate the 60’s murders and determine the identity of the perpetrators. In this case I assume the intent was to support the only candidate that stood up to the world government during convid and who had a record of opposing the autism causing “vaccine” regimen forced by the banksters.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 21, 2023 5:48 AM

Then there is John Kennedy currently in Congress that thinks we should have “Stop and Frisk Laws” to combat “violence”.

Apr 20, 2023 12:04 AM

Are there words I can’t use and I don’t mean expletives?

Apr 20, 2023 12:01 AM

Can’t post

Apr 19, 2023 11:22 PM


George Mc
George Mc
Apr 19, 2023 9:33 PM

The following comment would appear to be posted twice. Ignore the other posting since it wouldn’t permit me to edit it.


“What are ‘nepo babies’ and why is the internet talking about them?”

I’ll bet you didn’t know “the internet” could talk about anything but apparently it must have evolved into some kind of godlike life form with a will of its own.

As for “nepo babies,

“They’re all over Hollywood!”

Like some kind of disease?

“New York Magazine recently declared 2022 the “year of the nepo baby,” publishing an “all but definitive guide to the Hollywood nepo-verse” through its pop culture publication, Vulture.

A nepo baby, in case you haven’t heard, is the offspring of a famous person who follows their parent into the creative industries, and often is met with success despite the competition.”

Despite what competition? The whole point about being a “nepo baby” is that there is no competition.

“We love them, we hate them, we disrespect them, we’re obsessed with them. On the latest @nymag cover, @kn8’s extremely-overly-analyzed story on Hollywood’s nepo-baby boom: http://vult.re/3WbhzOD”

“We… we … we …”

We are being told not only what to do but what we already do. And these “nepo babies” don’t have to become famous. They are already famous. And thanks to them, it seems that no-one else can elbow their way in. It’s a closed shop. A solipsistic little fishbowl. From now on unto the end days. Which to be sure may already be here.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 19, 2023 9:27 PM


What are ‘nepo babies’ and why is the internet talking about them?

I’ll bet you didn’t know “the internet” could talk about anything but apparently it must have evolved into some kind of godlike life form with a will of its own.

As for “nepo babies,

“They’re all over Hollywood!”

Like some kind of disease?

“New York Magazine recently declared 2022 the “year of the nepo baby,” publishing an “all but definitive guide to the Hollywood nepo-verse” through its pop culture publication, Vulture.

A nepo baby, in case you haven’t heard, is the offspring of a famous person who follows their parent into the creative industries, and often is met with success despite the competition.”

Despite what competition? The whole point about being a “nepo baby” is that there is no competition.

“We love them, we hate them, we disrespect them, we’re obsessed with them. On the latest @nymag cover, @kn8’s extremely-overly-analyzed story on Hollywood’s nepo-baby boom: http://vult.re/3WbhzOD”

“We… we … we …”

We are being told not only what to do but what we already do. And these “nepo babies” don’t have to become famous. They are already famous. And thanks to them, it seems that no-one else can elbow their way in. It’s a closed shop. A solipsistic little fishbowl. From now on unto the end days. Which to be sure may already be here.

Apr 19, 2023 11:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

‘Closed shops’ are ubiquitous George. Business, sport, entertainment, private education, the media, public service etc etc. The meddling middle class rule the roosts.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Apr 19, 2023 9:19 PM

I was in base camp in Vietnam the the assassination of MLK was announced there were race riots among the troops across the country, even close friends fell out for a time . When RFK was assassinated a few months later I was somewhere in north east indo china , interdicting the Ho Chi Minh trail , Ho himself was also dead by then we were told ? There were mainly shrugs among the whites and hispanics and a generally unstated , “how do you feel now ?” , question in the eyes of the black troops in my unit. Back in base camp a profound sadness had set in among the politically aware , Mutiny was in the air , and refusal to go to the field became common among the draftees ! From the point of view of many of the troops that war was over , although in DC the pretense continued for several more years. I rather foolishly as it turned out voted for Nixon who was promising peace with honor , A monstrous lie ! I should have wrote Alfred E Newman as several of my bunker mates did .

Apr 19, 2023 8:39 PM

RFK jnr is yet another actor on the world stage, perpetuating the contagion and nuclear radiation myths, yet ignoring the real danger to humanity; authoritarianism, governments and the unlawful, injustice system. 

His role is clear and he does it well: defending multiple lies and frauds that government, courts and the media perpetrate to keep people in the dark, not just about health – germ theory is false – but how the entire political system in every country is a scam based on multiple frauds.  Read Lysander Spooner, for further reference in the area of Constitutional Law. 

Politics and “the law” have always been a front for a powerful network of families who control nearly all the wealth, land and populations worldwide.

Whilst the NYT and Washington Post vilify RFK jnr, for his mantra of “safe vaccines” – an oxymoron – they simultaneously legitimize him to many within the freedom and truth movements.  

The establishment media pulled the same scam when they vilified Trump using the Russiagate hoax.

RFK made millions fixating on Fauci, pushing the hero-villain narrative again, but never indicting the medical profession, germ theory, Rockefeller medicine or revealing the pandemic was a psyop. 

Fauci is one tiny cog in a giant wheel: He’s the PR face of a much larger deception by all “governments”, reaching back centuries to the frauds of Jenner, the Royal Society, Louis Pasteur and Koch’s germ theory. 

Generating and perpetuating fear through mass mind control is how populations are socially engineered. And why multiple media sources, read from the same scripts and repeat the same lies. 

Mass mind control is simpler than people think.

“The mob believes everything it is told, provided only that it be repeated over and over. Provided too that its passions, hatreds, fears are catered to. Nor need one try to stay within the limits of plausibility: on the contrary, the grosser, the bigger, the cruder the lie, the more readily is it believed and followed.”  Alexandre Koyré. 

Apr 19, 2023 11:53 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Even discounting viruses, we’re still left with bacteria. And even one lone bacterium could still salvage the germ theory.

Yet we should conclude RFK Jr. a plant simply because he hasn’t trashed germ theory? He may be a plant; but I don’t think it has anything to do with germ theory.

Art Costa
Art Costa
Apr 20, 2023 12:31 AM
Reply to  Howard

The first life on Earth were bacteria. There would be no life without bacteria…same goes for CO2.

There is little evidence that bacteria actually “cause” infections. Bacteria can be found eliminating decaying tissue and cell debris thus supporting a healthy body.

Apr 20, 2023 10:30 AM
Reply to  Art Costa


Tuberculosis is caused by a bacteria that can be seen with an optical microscope. It is infectious and can be cured by antibiotics.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 20, 2023 3:02 PM

I’m heading off a terrain theory discussion here. It’s off topic. Thanks, A2

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 20, 2023 3:31 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Indicting germ theory is in the middle of a list along with indicting the medical profession, Rockefeller and exposing the pandemic lie? 😅

The fact that subverting scientific paradigms is a historically slow and tedious process, on a geological scale as compared to anything else in that list, passes you by apparently.

The fact that hypothesis-led science requires a counter hypothesis in order to move forward, and that by bypassing this convention you’re actually seeking to challenge the foundations of modern science itself not just germ theory, also passes you by, apparently.

The fact that the whole IQ level of your argument is radically lowered by these oversights passes you by too, apparently.

Questioning modern paradigms like germs are interesting/fun discussions to have sometimes, but let’s be clear, there’s nothing in danger of supplanting germs on the horizon, so let’s get our worldly priorities in order maybe. 😅

This is closed now. It’s off topic. Thank you.A2

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 7:17 PM

More Patriot pacification.
More false Hopium.

We ain’t seen nothing yet.
They ain’t seen nothing yet.

Apr 20, 2023 4:23 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Yeah, more hopium, group think BS–this guy, who calls for those who disagree with him on his global warming/climate change hoax to be treated as war criminals and locked up, is going to heal the “great divide”? What a joke!!

He supports the Green New Genocide Deal, and this climate change/global warming hoax is part of the Great Reset–the oligarchs are using this hoax as cover for global genocide (you can’t support a modern economy of 8 billion people on solar panels and windmills–billions are going to die from these insane policies)

Given that we are on the verge of the greatest economic collapse in the history of the world, the collapse of the dollar, a global genocide operation with bioweapon injections and the enslavement of humanity under the global banking oligarchy’s digital slave grid (CBDCs and digital ID), you would think that people would want to discuss these serious issues and scrutinize the candidates on their positions.

Apr 19, 2023 5:44 PM

Ironic, isn’t it, that the biggest online belittlers and critics of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are Democrats. They hate him for his anti-vax stance…which is weird…just WEIRD

Apr 19, 2023 8:01 PM
Reply to  Kreditanstalt

Controlled opposition works through the process of faux vilification.

Hero-Villain narratives are a key feature of any psyop.

Democratic voices in the media are intel controlled psychological operations. As are Republican voices in the media.

Both parties work together against the people. However, traditionally, the Republican Party has been (falsely) viewed as promoting individual rights because of the 2nd amendment issue and abortion. Whereas, the Democratic Party has a history of promoting collectivism, expanding government and promoting faux healthcare (iatrogenic murder).

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 19, 2023 9:40 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I’m disappointed that Fauci is not a “villain” (I liked him for that one), or that it doesn’t matter who he is/was in the Hero/Villain narrative.
And now, I’m angry over all the time I wasted. explaining to friends and family that they shouldn’t be listening to the obvious motherbucking bastids because they’re all the same, both working against the people.
So, according to your research, what are those of us who do not intend to roll over and die supposed to do?
Redeem the villain? Villainize the hero? Keep our shirts on?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 20, 2023 4:45 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

Fauci’s a fucking psychopath.

Apr 20, 2023 4:41 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

so seems most of the world these days.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 20, 2023 5:42 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Normalized sociopathy.

Apr 22, 2023 4:10 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Could not have said it better myself. Weird that PBS and the MSM, in general, has elevated him to hero status.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 8:49 PM
Reply to  Kreditanstalt

He isn’t Anti-Vax. He is supposed to be Anti-Fauci and Anti-CONVID1984 Vax.

Another poster below has a link to an article where it is exposed that he expected people coming to a party at his house to be tested.

RFK Jr. is just another banker boss puppet POS.

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 19, 2023 11:10 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Agreed, but he will be another great distraction. The great white saviour rides again. Does he have a white horse? No matter = Hollywood will provide.

Apr 20, 2023 4:27 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Yes, this whole campaign reminds me of the hope and change crap that just brought us more of the same.

And I’ve noticed that some substacks out there have been converted from places where people can openly share opinions to propaganda outlets for political campaigns where critical thinking, rational concerns, and differing opinions are NOT allowed and will be held up as examples of wrong think.

Apr 20, 2023 4:25 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Yeah, how about that info (the party requiring bioweapon injections)!!

Sorry, he’s a total fraud. He’s with the WEF/Davos crowd on the climate change hoax and even tweeted about how the lockdowns were good for the enviroment.

Apr 19, 2023 3:52 PM

It might be helpful to compare Mr. Kennedy Jr. with Ralph Nader. Both have effected at least a modicum of worthwhile issues.

Yet Mr. Nader’s effectiveness began to wane after he ran unsuccessfully for President, first in 1996 and 2000 with the Green Party; then again in 2004 with the Reform Party; then finally in 2008 as an Independent.

There’s something about running for President and losing which, unfortunately, turns off the American people. Perhaps Mr. Kennedy should re-think his decision.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 19, 2023 4:15 PM
Reply to  Howard

That’s kind of how I’m looking at it. He might want to consider running third party,

Apr 19, 2023 4:38 PM
Reply to  Howard

He might want to rethink his public stance on the existence of viruses and man-made climate change if he truly, genuinely, intends to run as a potential candidate for Hope and Change™.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Apr 19, 2023 5:52 PM
Reply to  ChairmanDrusha

Wow, it looks like “germs don’t exist” is the new flat earth psyop – designed to make us all look like fools.

They’re manipulating the convo so that everyone who thinks covid or climate change are hoaxes are now associated with this terrain theory stuff, whether we want to be or not.

Apr 19, 2023 3:08 PM

I get dual feelings abt RFK Jr’s candidacy. Listening to him, reading his opinions, some of the work he has done (not all) gives good feeling. At same time it is turn off – when he uses certain language like “my own party – Democratic party” and also not stating things that I want to here like : Both Parties, Alphabet soup Agencies are corrupt and criminals; Vast majority of “elected” officials are corrupt, they don’t care abt their citizens – they only care abt themselves and their pay masters; Covid is scam at world level – there was NO Pandemic etc.

Don’t want to go that Barak “Peace Candidate cum Drop more bombs while i pickup my Nobel Peace Prize” hope route. Question comes to mind, what if RFK Jr were not from Kennedy family ? Wouldn’t people – those who believed in Democrats, and even in Republicans – question “what if he turned out to be Obama or Bernie Sanders” ?

As an Immigrant who came some 25+ years ago in US, personally I have came to conclusion that US political system is beyond repair – one cannot “get in” unless you are part of system or will have to become part of system – system is corrupt to core. It is not working for average citizen.

Apr 19, 2023 3:37 PM
Reply to  8thAvatar

You’re of course correct that the US political system is corrupt to the core. However, you may be quite wrong when saying it’s “not working for average citizen.”

It is working exactly how the majority of citizens want it to work. Take away the corruption and the people would cry “Foul!” A system which is not corrupt cannot be gamed by Joe Six-Pack or Jane Soccer-Mom.

Most people would rather chance negotiating a corrupt system than one which brooks no corruption. Imagine a world where knowing influential people means absolutely nothing because they cannot and will not hand out favors to their friends: this is not a world for most people.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 19, 2023 4:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

Most people probably shouldn’t be voting.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Apr 19, 2023 7:51 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

if it makes you feel any better, their votes are rarely counted

Apr 22, 2023 4:20 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Many alt media people are saying the same thing. Just like the jury pool. (“If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.”) A minimum of 35 years old to vote and or hold any political office. At least 55 to be president or a senator. Stuff like that. Reading comprehension proficiency. Etc. Comments like these will most definitely raise someone’s ire.

Apr 19, 2023 7:09 PM
Reply to  Howard

Most people would rather chance negotiating a corrupt system than one which brooks no corruption.

I am not sure abt that. Citizen didn’t want Iraq war (don’t know what %), they wanted Wall Street crooks and their Govt/Fed partners (Greenspan et. al) indicted and jailed for 2008 crash – instead crooks went on to make Millions, they want Covid crooks and WEF elites indicted and jailed. But, i guess citizens I am talking about are small in numbers ?

Even if what you are stating were the case, i’d say, allow Equal Opportunity in corrupt system or Democracy in corrupt system too !

If a politician or Banker or wealthy connected Elite is able to hide his/her name from Epstine’s Black Diary and keep things out of public knowledge, Corporations and their leaders get away with paying fines for their crimes w/o anyone going to Jail (2008 Financial crash, Pharma fines, Coivd scam, Endless War Profiteering .. so on) , then Joe Six-Pack and Jane Soccer-mom should have means to get their Traffic violation ticket or other “unlawful” things get taken care without taking steep personal financial/mental toll.

Apr 19, 2023 11:46 PM
Reply to  Howard

From what I’ve observed Howard that should read Joe and Jane Obesity.

Apr 22, 2023 4:22 PM
Reply to  Johnny


Fran Crowe
Fran Crowe
Apr 19, 2023 8:06 PM
Reply to  8thAvatar

Is there any country in the world where the system is not corrupt??

Apr 22, 2023 4:27 PM
Reply to  Fran Crowe

The real statement is this: The current White House administration is the most corrupt in the history of the world.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Apr 19, 2023 12:59 PM

This could be a part of the great awakening/ counter point to the great reset ultimately leads to the same thing.
In other words if we’re talking about representative government as a solution…no thanks.Ever.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Apr 19, 2023 12:37 PM

The only way they would allow him to win is if he supports their “sustainable development” agenda, and it looks like he does, unfortunately.


We don’t need a new facade, we need an exorcist:

Call the Exorcist

“Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.” Gandhi

“You might be among those who have noticed that the people in authority in our country appear increasingly insane. It ought to be self-evident that this is deeply disturbing, but I will explain anyway to allay any residual mystification. In a sane human society, authority is granted to those who are trustworthy. People earn trust by demonstrating their allegiance to reality. Things generally work better when the people running them maintain cordial relations with reality. Now, you understand why so many things don’t work in the USA.”

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Apr 19, 2023 4:08 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

There are psychopaths, who have no conscience, then there are their minions, who are evil, because even though they DO have a conscience, they choose to take the bribes and they’ve made the conscious decision to support a psychopath, despite the harm they are doing.

Our Biggest Problem? The People of the Lie

Apr 19, 2023 7:32 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Just one thing:
She highly recommends this audiobook, but we can see in the video that so does the Wall Street Journal…

Apr 19, 2023 7:58 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Straight Talk,
“We don’t need a new facade, we need an exorcist: Call the exorcist. ”

Perfect. Who are you? You write awfully well & a much wider audience could benefit, if you don’t already have such.

Apr 19, 2023 11:42 AM

another one looking for a saviour

Apr 19, 2023 11:21 AM

Here’s one for you Ed, from another wordsmith:

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 20, 2023 1:36 AM
Reply to  Johnny

That reminds me that what followed the tubulence of the late ’60’s and early ’70’s was the self-help and New Age “movements”. I see it already happening now, people are already retreating to getting-off-the-grid, miracle cures etc. TPTB have us coming and going.

Apr 19, 2023 10:40 AM

‘Jackals with polished faces have sat in the White House ever since’ – not quite, the jackals sat in the White House until Trump shocked them all and won that great seat. Unfortunately, for him and all the rest of us, the jackals still controlled pretty much everything else at the upper levels of the US and Trump managed to accomplish very little during his tenure while dealing with the jackals constantly at his heels and throat, until they finally got him out of the white house with a brazenly stolen election. I like RFK well enough – and it’s clear those jackals, whose main political force right now is the ‘democratic’ party, aren’t going to let him anywhere near the White House. [pending haha]

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Apr 19, 2023 10:11 AM

Whatever happened to Bernie Sanders? I wanted to believe in him again this time! Then I hope AOC picks up the torch now? … Oh wait, one Kennedy springs into the arena! Just you wait CIA baddies! Wait, one De Santis will save us all!! Trump’s not dead either!! …
Cut the BS please. Who the F still believes anyone can change the game running from inside the National Security Party with two aisles, one named Republican, the other Democrat?

Apr 19, 2023 10:41 AM
Reply to  Red Corvair

Good ol Bernie is still there, he’s just saying things the rulers don’t want said so gets no press

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Apr 19, 2023 11:55 AM
Reply to  siamdave

Bernie is a commie prick hiding behind his socialism agenda… Owns how many houses???

Time for him to shrug of his mortal coil.

Americans need to fight for a America Robert Kennedy envisaged.

He should join the Republicans and rid America of the RINO’s and devilish Democrats, who are neither liberal or democratic.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Apr 19, 2023 12:56 PM

Yeah, because the Republicans have a sterling track record of sticking up for the common man.

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Apr 21, 2023 2:10 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Another “socialist”. And the Democrats have? Only to gain the votes needed as we can clearly see from the last two cycles of elections. And who exactly is the common man? I am many things but certainly common! Capitalism is certainly not perfect, but I have always hoped that there would be a stronger social consciousness installed into businessmen.

What happens when you run out of the money the capital pigs have generated?

Apr 22, 2023 4:31 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Hold your nose when you vote or take a knee to the United Nations like the current treasonous tyrants in the White House.

Apr 19, 2023 6:04 PM

Commie prick? Socialism? Surely you jest. Just because the man talked about maybe addressing the blatant and inefficient income distribution problems he’s suddenly A Socialist/Commie. Never mind he never once advocated a truly Socialist position and was really only discussing some kind of reforms to the monopoly “capitalism” we currently live with.

Sadly, even his minor points were simply too much for about half of a fully brainwashed American public who sees any type of reforms as “commie” due to that good old Cold War indoctrination. While those on “the right” bitch and moan about the shitty situations we find ourselves in, they will allow the filthy rich to keep getting richer while telling themselves if they just work as hard as Bill Gates and make sure he pays the minimum in taxation as well, they too will be a billionaire someday. And let’s don’t even mention the worship of the filthy rich, some of whom somehow make the right noises but never change one fucking thing. Lookin here at Elon and the Donald to name only two….

Commie? Please. Sanders turned out to be just another neo-liberal shill, who may bleat about some of the problems, but will do NOTHING to change them. The man would not even buck the system enough to run third party and stick to his supposed Socialist principles. Some commie he is.

Oh, and in case anyone should take any of this little rant as defense of Democrats, hardly. Bernie doesn’t seem to have a problem going along with them and selling us all out doing it, telling us to get out there and vote to change things and protect “American Democracy” from the scary Donald, for fuck’s sake. Just like the other side that bleats endlessly about freedom but refuses to believe our economic situation is not freedom at all, and is killing ordinary people, while the rich keep getting richer from all that freedom to rape and pillage their voters bestow upon them. While those voters continue to take it in the shorts and pay more every day, they tell themselves at least they voted for freedom as they stand in line at the nearest food bank.

Sadly, both sides idiotically still believe if they just get out there and vote for “their side” things will change.

As for those houses of Bernie’s – I’m thinking he “earned” those in our system, a nice little payoff for doing his part and herding people back into the Democratic party. I’ve not seen all of his houses, but I’m betting they aren’t anything like Mira Lago or Gates’ mansion in Seattle, are they? And I’m betting there aren’t any helo pads or mega-yacht slips in any of them. While he pays fealty to the owners, his price to do that isn’t all that steep and he’ll never reach their echelon. But he empowers them to get even richer, so in that respect he’s earned his relatively small payoff. Most of them come pretty cheap and hope for the big payoff someday. Some make it, some don’t, but they all try.

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Apr 21, 2023 2:01 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Yes he is a commie prick. I live in South Africa and understand that the communists have for 50 years more tried to destroy the US from within!

Apr 22, 2023 4:32 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

The man self identifies as a socialist. That’s good enough for me.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Apr 19, 2023 8:46 PM

> Bernie is a commie prick hiding behind his socialism agenda …

Wish he was, a real socialist is fine by me.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 7:16 PM
Reply to  Red Corvair

There is a reason that BS, the Israelite, lives in the most LGBTQ state in the union.

Apr 19, 2023 9:47 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

What a stupid remark.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 20, 2023 2:46 PM
Reply to  mjh

Calling the remark stupid does not refute the fact that VT, specifically Burlington, is LGBTQ central for the state of VT.
Also does not refute that Tel Aviv is the gayest city in the world.
Also does not refute the fact that Israelites, in the Talmud, have more than 2 genders defined.
Try harder at understanding what is actually going on behind the scenes.

Apr 19, 2023 10:06 AM

Controlled op

Apr 19, 2023 10:00 AM

at the prime of Western Civilisation, girls used to rush to meet american sailors wherever they stop. it was not unusual to hear: i’d love to kiss an american.

fast forward to the present, going through endless wars, MeToo, and Operation Covid, many people are left confused, humiliated, unable to build a loving relationship except with their dog.

Apr 19, 2023 10:43 AM
Reply to  GR-Watch

I think you mean ‘at the prime of Western Civilisation as presented by ‘Hollywood Fantasyland Cartoons’ … the US has bombed like 100 countries around the world since the 1900s – why would anyone be kissing them???

Mr Y
Mr Y
Apr 19, 2023 8:41 AM

> He will not back down, and all people of good will who believe the U.S. can still find its way out of the morass we find ourselves in, should back him up.

People of good will … what’s you estimate (percent)?

Apr 19, 2023 10:44 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

there’s a lot of people of good will out there, but the problem is they’re also people of sheeplike behaviour who think good thoughts but don’t actually want to get too involved with ‘walk the walk’ pushback of bad stuff

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 7:15 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

The only thing that is going to save the USA as a Representative Constitutional Republic, is the Second Amendment being executed to its fullest intent against tyranny.

History has proven over and over that tyrants do not return power back to the people peacefully.

Apr 22, 2023 4:36 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Scary. But true.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 7:13 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

LOL. What a hero POS.

Matt Black
Matt Black
Apr 19, 2023 8:15 AM

Wow, thats two candidates now, one in each party, who are former associates with convicted child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein are running for President.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Apr 19, 2023 10:13 AM
Reply to  Matt Black

you can minus all you like, doesn’t change anything

Apr 22, 2023 4:38 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

But wait.

According to the United Nations, pedophilia is acceptable as long it is consensual.

The United Nations is the cause of all of our problems and should be disbanded.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 19, 2023 7:12 AM

Trump won last time by a country mile.
These corrupted souls in power have no interest in Democracy or Liberty, its all about retaining power. No matter the cost.
Next election will be stolen as well.
Only a refreshing of the tree Liberty will bring about the required change and even that only would be temporary…
Godless people following another master.
Stealing, killing and destroying…

Apr 19, 2023 7:51 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

‘Godless’ hey?
That’s gotta be better than clueless.

There IS NO God outside of you, or, as Jesus said, ‘Be still and KNOW that ‘I’ (the person reading these words) am (able to realise) God.

It’s that simple, and that difficult, for it requires years of diminishing one’s learned ignorance.

Religions are a scam invented by priests and their ilk to manipulate, and exploit the masses.

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Apr 19, 2023 12:05 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Oy vey!

Not religious at all but to diss a huge portion of Americans and others who may believe, is not helping.

Je pense, donc je suis

René Descartes

What you are doing is exactly what Paul misses. We perhaps don’t need to believe in a ‘god’ if we have had conscious upbringing.

Apr 19, 2023 12:52 PM

Beliefs are for believers.
Truth is for knowers.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 19, 2023 2:18 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Know the truth and the truth shall set you free my friend.
Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.
Or just remain in ever lasting ignorance…
“Contempt prior to investigation” as Herbert Spencer famously quoted.

Apr 20, 2023 12:36 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Stay cosy in your cave with all the other billions of believers, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists etc etc.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 19, 2023 2:20 PM

God believes in you.

Apr 19, 2023 5:11 PM
Reply to  Johnny

And when people started doubting religions and priests, government and “the state” was concocted and incorporated as a replacement god.

All the organized religions have special tax status, large land holdings and are connected directly to the government intelligence agencies, disseminating BS, and govt. controlled psyops.

Apr 19, 2023 11:59 PM
Reply to  Researcher


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 19, 2023 2:37 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

You are correct. Mr. Trump won by a mile. Obviously; the “election” was rigged by Democratic operatives, and voting machine tabulations were egregiously fabricated. The January 6th demonstrations were sponsored by CIA and Democratic party interests, not Trump supporters. No one noticed the entire charade was spun by a Zionist owned press… Same ol’. Same ol’…

I don’t pledge support of any candidate who “wins” the election via a paid for electoral collage. Candidates should be selected via Sortition, and all Civil Law effected via 75% public Referendum. All current “legal” Statutes should be publicly reexamined, and the vast majority repealed…

People are led by godless pricks and prickeets. They seem comfortable with this arrangement…

Apr 22, 2023 4:44 PM

Be careful. Dominion is going after people saying bad things about their machines even though the evidence is clear. The 2000 Mules documentary did not have to go there to prove the fraud.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 7:12 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

So if Trump won, would we have gotten round 2 of the Military Operation Warp Speed Death Clot Jab, or just more mandates like under POS Brandon?

We don’t have elections in the USA anymore. They are selections in which we should all stop participating and giving consent to evil.

Apr 22, 2023 4:49 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

I don’t think so. Trump did not take a knee to the UN. He pulled out of the Paris Accord and withheld UN funding. Trump had a built in bullshit meter. Trust but verify. Biden is just a pawn of the administration he installed.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 22, 2023 5:17 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Really? Get serious.

Trump is the one that issued the emergency order in March 2020 that gave money and legal provocation for the mask and jab mandates to every state.
Trump is the one that pressured the FDA to provide the emergency authorization for the death clot jab.
Trump is the one that authorized the Military Operation Warp Speed that developed the death clot jab.
Trump is the one that bragged about how the death clot jab was his greatest achievement.
Trump si the one that kissed J&J’s posterior for money.
Trump is just another banker boss puppet POS.

Wake up.

Apr 26, 2023 11:10 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

I remember. Knee Jerk based on Fauci’s recommendations. His bullshit meter would have seen through the obvious as time went. Are you saying he did not pull out of the Paris Accord and did not pull UN funding? You think the United States would be taking a knee to the UN if Trump was still in office? Would Trump have given WHO the authority over the “next” scamdemic? I don’t think so. It’s all relative. Trump is a terrible person and I don’t want to see him in the White House ever again but if the choice was between him and Biden, terrible is better than tyrannical.

Apr 22, 2023 4:40 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

2000 Mules tells the story.

les online
les online
Apr 19, 2023 7:10 AM

Out: mainstream media (msm)
In: state-corporate media (scm)
Preferred: corporate propaganda media (cpm), but, will use ‘state-corporate media’ as it brings attention to the fusion of the state and corporatations,
and Benny Mussolini did say Facism is another name for corporatism (and he should know)…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 19, 2023 3:34 PM
Reply to  les online

1946 only resides in memorabilia, an interesting question who desides what is or isn’t worthwhile to persue. Rules or Laws…as a ruler it’s a Public implemented complimentary expression of a single entry by a body of persons whom to-gether have no authority to do so. A Tryant.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Apr 19, 2023 6:03 AM

……,,,we come in peace……..that old chestnut

Apr 19, 2023 5:34 AM

To Jubal Hershaw’s 11:23 comment: “Thank God Australia is not like America !”

Another ‘at least’ script as used by non-winners. Except you thank God for it. God is sovereign. He wins regardless. Therefore, He automatically rejects non-winning. 
But anyway, Jubal, I must agree with you about the Australian media. They are the real public enemy number one.  The best way to deny them their life support is on a personal level. Cut these parasites out of our lives. Afterall, they survive by absorbing our precious energy. Hit your ace, then walk off the court. Game over. The meeja will bleat ‘not fair’ but then that’s a taste of their own curry for them.

Apr 19, 2023 5:17 AM


The banksters rule the planet. The Kennedy family have been (literally) targeted by the banksters because of the patriarch’s opposition to WW2. WW2 was choreographed by the banksters for profits, for the fun of a bloodbath, to spread communism and above all for the creation of a new state in the Middle East. Joe sr’s first son was blown up by the banksters in a pointless operation designed specifically to eliminate him. JFK was allowed into the White House for two reasons. The first was to get arch Zionist LBJ in. The second was to have him liquidated in public in the most barbaric fashion possible. This was revenge for Joe sr’s stance on WW2. The revenge continued with the liquidation of RFK and John jr and the framing of Ted in the Chappquiddick psyop.The string of murders also was a message to those who might in future attempt to rock the bankster’s boat.

Apr 19, 2023 5:26 AM


I am baffled at RFK jr’s decision. Regardless of his stance on other issues the banksters and their tentacles in the media, in the covert agencies, in the think tanks and elsewhere would have found ways to neutralise him. His anti vax and anti censorship positions make things more complicated. The neocons would also be disturbed by the intrusion of an outsider in the middle of their Ukraine offensive. We can only hope that he is eliminated by media vilification at an early stage rather than having to face a bloody end.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 20, 2023 2:30 AM

Both of your above posts are so far off the mark it’s ludicrous. Mr. Kennedy is very well aware of the fraudulence of the entire “situation”.

International banking and finance operatives are also aware of the escalating fraud. “Banksters” are simply bag men for an entrenched gang of mafia families. No one in the military or legal enforcement organizations will snuff the mafia bastards, because they’re gutless wonders on the take…

Apr 20, 2023 10:49 AM

Show with facts that anything in my first post was incorrect. Was Joe senior for or against WW2 ? Have you heard of the Focus Group in the UK at the start of the war and do you know what their objective was ? Do you know how and when Joe Junior died ? Was LBJ and arch Zionist or wasn’t he ? Heard of the USS Liberty incident ? It occurred under his watch and he did absolutely nothing about it. Have you read the neocon Podhoretz’ vile article after John jr was killed ? Have you researched Chappaquiddick ?It is easy to make stupidly dismissive remarks, harder to research history and come up with a realistic scenario.

Apr 19, 2023 10:27 AM

Banksters serve trans-national capital aka. GloboCap.

Apr 19, 2023 10:47 AM
Reply to  mgeo

the banksters **are** transnational capital, and everything else to do with ‘money’

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 19, 2023 12:37 PM
Reply to  siamdave

I disagree. IMO banksters are what they are as owners of Capital, that is exclusive ownership of that which is not needed for one’s use, not needed at all, not in the foreseeable future, an aberration from nature’s perspective; they are not what they are an expression of a personal trait, but that’s the heart of the matter isn’t it? The debate is open.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 19, 2023 2:47 PM

Define “banksters”. The International Monetary Fund. The Bank of England. The Bank for International Settlements. All others are subsidiary pawns.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 7:09 PM

As I understand it “Banksters” is another word for “Central Bank Cartel”.
The Central Bank of Central Banks being the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).
The BIS dictates monetary and fiscal policies to the World Bank and the IMF, that in turn direct the national and regional central banks.
The most powerful national / regional Central Banks being the Bank of England (BoE) and US Federal Reserve (FED). Next comes the banks of Germany, Switzerland, Russia and China.

Does that work for you?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 20, 2023 2:18 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Yes. Your chain of command is exacting and quite true. The majority of the public, including nearly all legal institutions, have volunteered to become Accessories to the greatest financial fraud in history.

As long as this economic Medusa is allowed to exist, financial and social chaos will continue to demoralize the masses… Thank you for your excellent comment.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 7:10 PM

So did you get all this information from a ride at Disney World or Wikipedia?

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Apr 19, 2023 11:56 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Years of research and a bit of common sense. You are yet another neocon shill.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 20, 2023 2:50 PM

Why? Because I call out the Kennedy family for what it is?
That you think the Kennedys are good guys says more about you than anyone else ever could.
JFK was a bisexual freak and power hungry POS like all the rest.
All the assassination of JFK proves is that TPTB are not monolithic internally.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 20, 2023 7:55 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

My friend, you either agree with me 100% or you are 100% against me. No grays. You either with me or against me, no ground in-between. If X once did something reprehensible he’s to blame for eternity, and if Y did something good he’s good for eternity. Forget context, forget pressures, forget constraints, forget unintentional mistakes, forget error and repentance, forget renewal; heck, forget the complexity of reality; it’s all simple black and white wherever you look, any time.

See: black and white thinking.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 21, 2023 5:23 AM

You need to work harder at understanding how controlled opposition works. TPTB have gotten this far because they have always controlled both sides of every issue.

That you think RFK Jr. is going to be a savior is ridiculous on its face.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 21, 2023 6:08 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

My friend, I was just indirectly revealing the kind of partial thinking (black and white thinking) you were dealing with in the chat above. 😀

Kind of playing devil’s advocate…

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 21, 2023 6:25 AM

Not that you were displaying that kind of thinking, the other party was.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Apr 21, 2023 12:01 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

An ignorant and imbecilic remark. So who are your good guys ? Killary ?
Drumpf ? Creepy Joe ? Dubya ? Cheyney ? Wolfowitz ? Perle ? Nuland ?
Zelensky ? Bojo ? Starmer ? Netanyohoo ? Obomber ? Dictator Dan ? Horse Face Ardern ? Castreau ?

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 21, 2023 5:25 AM

Right, because if I dare to criticize the hero of the day, then I must support the other evil doers.

All your comment proves is that you are locked into the corrupt government corporation false binary and paradigm of left vs. right, or blue vs. red, or A vs. B.

Two wings of the same predator bird.
Two doors that lead to the same slaughterhouse.

Apr 22, 2023 4:56 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Worst part about him is that he is using his family’s assassination notoriety to get attention.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 20, 2023 7:50 PM
Apr 22, 2023 4:54 PM

Be nice.

Apr 22, 2023 4:53 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Not agreeing or disagreeing. Just plain funny. I will try to use it some time in the future. Out of breath from laughing.

Sonny-Raye Hayes
Sonny-Raye Hayes
Apr 19, 2023 4:48 AM

Hear! Hear! But if Robert Kennedy even stands a chance, how can he survive? Would you want the “protection” of the Secret Service? Or be in the thick of the hornet’s nest? Regardless, give him the pulpit!

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 7:06 PM

What truth do you expect RFK Jr. to espouse?
He has flipped on many issues over the years. Even his own statements regarding the circumstances of his uncle’s and father’s assassinations.

Apr 22, 2023 4:59 PM

His grasp on climate change is all I need to know. Running for president will help expose the Covid lies but that’s all he will be good for.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 22, 2023 5:20 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

He is controlled opposition for the CONVID-1984 narrative. He pushes all other jabs and the lab leak theory, as if it wasn’t just the seasonal flu wrapped in fear porn for the masses.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Apr 19, 2023 4:41 AM

Bravo, Edward Curtin. So many truths in one small space. RFK Jr. is the real deal, and will therefore suffer metaphorical crucifixion. He knows this, but refuses to let the chalice pass his lips. That is moral courage of a truly rare kind.
I suspect that both he and you will be familiar with Viktor Frankl’s book “Man in search of meaning”. TPTB wish us to lose hope, but as long as we nurture hope, we will win. Courage is contagious – lets pray for a pandemic of courage.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Apr 19, 2023 4:46 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

Forgot to say. I’d quite like his running mate to be Tulsio Gabbard. We can but dream. “Some men look at things and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask – why not?”

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 19, 2023 7:35 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

Gabbard, who admires India’s ruling fascist Modi, who has gotten funding from Modi’s party’s political action committee?

Seattle Keith
Seattle Keith
Apr 19, 2023 3:25 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

And who continues to laud American imperial stormtroopers as brave defenders of freedom. She is an imperialist in sheep’s clothing.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Apr 19, 2023 12:30 PM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

Derrick Broze confronts former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on connections to the WEF

She was groomed as a “Young Global Leader” to maintain the fascist status quo.

Austerity, War & Dictatorship… the Charade of Western Democracy Is Over. Can We Lose Those Chains?

“Western liberal democracy and its ubiquitous “austerity economics” is a euphemism for fascism. And the charade is finally coming to an end.”

Apr 22, 2023 5:05 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Was unaware of Gabbard’s participation in the Future Tyrants of the World (FTW) club. Where have I been? “Young Pretties” being baptized into Tyranny. The list to know keeps growing.

Apr 19, 2023 10:49 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

haha ‘a pandemic of courage’ – sarcasm I presume, maybe a bit of despair – not in our lifetimes I’m afraid, the pandemic of passivity is way, way way ahead and gathering scheme as the dumbing down spreads like wildfire …

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 7:05 PM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

RFK Jr. is controlled opposition, period.
No such thing as a “real deal” anywhere near the District of Criminals.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Apr 19, 2023 4:32 AM

While it would be refreshing to have RFK Jr. run and win the presidency, TPTB will never allow another Kennedy to get near the White House. The Democratic Party will do to him what they did to Marianne Williamson (ignore her, out spend her) Bernie Sanders (cheat him out of delegates and primary elections) Tulsi Gabbard (twist her words and paint her as a traitor) and to a lesser degree Elizabeth Warren (make her look more inept than she actually is). The US political system like everything else in the empire is thoroughly corrupt and dysfunctional; so to place all your hopes on RFK Jr is to set yourself up for major disappointment and heart break (don’t rule out the CIA getting one of their Manchurian Candidates to harm him). No one is coming on a white horse to save us, if we don’t do it ourselves, it won’t get done!

Apr 19, 2023 10:52 AM

do it ourselves – exactly. Thoughts on working on that here – Democracy Study Guide – https://www.rudemacedon.ca/DSG/0000-summary.html

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Apr 19, 2023 12:32 PM

And how do you propose w[e] do that? From your selection above i must assume you are a democrat supporter, thus invalidating that desire to save America. Good heavens, Warren is a walking talking moron.

RFK Jr, should walk across the isle and join the good republicans who have shown their mettle in the fight against an amoral Democrat party that gave you this buffoon – Biden.

From an outsider, who knows the power of the policies who runs the US, it’s vitally important to u[s] here in our country who wins in 2024. It may well determine whoever wins in South Africa in April 2024 runs the country. At the moment it is not going to be plain sailing or for the good of SA.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Apr 19, 2023 2:25 PM

Never make assumptions regarding things you know nothing about, in this case me. If the system is totally corrupt how does switching political parties solve the problem? Are you saying George H.W. Bush and his idiot son were champions for peace justice and the people? What about Ronald Reagan the great actor who played his role perfectly and duped folks into thinking he was against large government while he actually enlarged the bureaucracy even more while his idiotic trickle down economics forced his successors Bush the First and Clinton to raise taxes?!

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Apr 21, 2023 2:00 PM

So you are a democrat.

As for the Bushes, they should have been ignored. Reagan was no saint, but he was anti-communist and as tried to warn the world about letting a communist trained ANC take power unconditionally. And before you accuse me of anything, I was dead against the Apartheid government, but they were “the devil you know” and it has taken less than 30 years for the ANC to absolutely decimate the country.

No electricity, no water, railways, most of the municipalities outside the DA run Western Cape ones, are broke and totally dysfunctional.

I take your point about switching parties, yet that happened in South Africa and a liberal democratic small government party evolved; namely the Democratic Alliance.

And to be honest, I would trust the real Republicans rather than the deranged Democrats.

Sorry Musk didn’t stick around here, but happy that he has contributed to your country – one I used to visit and love.

Talking about Musk and Starlink, the ANC demanded that he GIVE them 30% equity in his company for Starlink to operate here. A system we desperately in need of.

I worry about whats happening in the US because it impacts us very badly. Biden has with his absurd policies damaged our already disastrous economy.

That old axiom: “When America sneezes, the world catches a cold”, still holds true.

Damn covid bull and “climate change” or whatever the loony left is calling it will be the end of us.

Renewable energy is an interim and not a solution! If not curtailed, I see a landscape with derelict “wind turbines” and vast areas of solar panels blighting the planet.So you are a democrat.

As for the Bushes, they should have been ignored. Reagan was no saint, but he was anti-communist and as tried to warn the world about letting a communist trained ANC take power unconditionally. And before you accuse me of anything, I was dead against the Apartheid government, but they were “the devil you know” and it has taken less than 30 years for the ANC to absolutely decimate the country.

No electricity, no water, railways, most of the municipalities outside the DA run Western Cape ones, are broke and totally dysfunctional.

I take your point about switching parties, yet that happened in South Africa and a liberal democratic small government party evolved; namely the Democratic Alliance.

And to be honest, I would trust the real Republicans rather than the deranged Democrats.

Sorry Musk didn’t stick around here, but happy that he has contributed to your country – one I used to visit and love.

Talking about Musk and Starlink, the ANC demanded that he GIVE them 30% equity in his company for Starlink to operate here. A system we desperately in need of.

I worry about whats happening in the US because it impacts us very badly. Biden has with his absurd policies damaged our already disastrous economy.

That old axiom: “When America sneezes, the world catches a cold”, still holds true.

Damn covid bull and “climate change” or whatever the loony left is calling it will be the end of us.

Renewable energy is an interim and not a solution! If not curtailed, I see a landscape with derelict “wind turbines” and vast areas of solar panels blighting the planet.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 7:04 PM

While I don’t disagree with your overall perspective, none of the persons you list as being jipped by the Demonrat Party, would have been “good”. Just a bunch of evil POS.

Apr 22, 2023 5:09 PM

Oppressing, you mean. More of the same. Tyranny by the abandonment of the constitution through emergencies.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 19, 2023 4:10 AM

Unless he comes out and says the democratic party (and republican) and the national political system are completely and irrevocably corrupt and completely controlled by the rich and their big corporations, banks, etc., and that democracy in America is a joke, then what’s the use? If he doesn’t do that, then the case can be made that he is controlled opposition whether he realizes it or not because he is in effect giving continued credence (Clearwater Revival – sorry couldn’t help it) to said corrupt and controlled political system. And of course, he can’t come out and say that because then he couldn’t run as a politician for the corrupt and controlled Democratic party. If he really wanted to change things, he certainly wouldn’t run for the democratic party. Therefore, yes, this is clearly controlled opposition in my opinion.

Apr 19, 2023 4:55 AM

So is it “Bad Moon Rising” for you?

Apr 22, 2023 5:13 PM

Run Through the Jungle.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 19, 2023 7:02 PM

The USA is not a Democracy, and never has been. That is a lie perpetuated by TPTB because they hate representative forms of government.

The USA is, and always will be, a Representative Constitutional Republic with “some” democratic processes.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 19, 2023 9:49 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

It’s supposed to be a representative democracy. It’s still supposed to be democratic, that was the big discussion back in the day, i.e., direct democracy vs representative democracy. And in the U.S., the lie you talk about is what I’m talking about, the perception that we’re supposed to be at least some kind of democracy. That’s the party line, how our so called rulers play it. So either way, the message should be that the idea of democracy in the U.S. is a joke.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 20, 2023 2:55 PM

NO! The USA IS A REPUBLIC. A Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what will be for dinner. Nothing more than mob rules. The majority always ruling over the minority.

TPTB want you to think the USA is a democracy because they don’t want any forms of Representative government in the world.

The Guards of the US Representative Constitutional Republic are just a bunch of corrupt and evil banker boss puppet POS. Nothing they say should be taken at face value.


Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 20, 2023 3:06 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

You’re wrong dude, representative government is a form of democracy. It’s not direct democracy, it is people electing others to make decisions for them. I’ve had this discussion many times with my brother, who also insisted on the “republic” angle. Your perception is incorrect.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 21, 2023 5:27 AM

Democracy is a form of government.
the USA is a Representative Constitutional Republic form of government, PERIOD.
That we have some democratic processes, does not make our form of government a democracy.

You have been indoctrinated and not educated, on this subject.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 21, 2023 3:24 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

You got a thing man. Quit telling me I’ve been manipulated, indoctrinated, whatever, you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about because you don’t even fucking know me. Get off that bullshit. Read a fucking dictionary or something.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 21, 2023 4:56 PM

You mad bro?
The government school systems and propaganda machine push the idea that the USA is a Democracy because that is nothing more than mod rules. The majority ruling the minority. Mod rules is their pretext for violence and surveillance state.

The USA is a Representative Constitutional Republic and anyone that says otherwise is not informed, or complicit in the deception.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 21, 2023 6:20 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

It’s “mob rule”, and that’s direct democracy which is how we voted weed to be legal in the state I live in. Last time, representative government is a form of democracy, which is “power of the people”. What do you think we do when we vote? That’s democracy, whether it’s direct or indirect. It might not mean shit, i.e., we have no fucking power, but that’s the theory and the definition of democracy and the US form of government. I think you’re not as informed as you think you are.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 22, 2023 5:24 PM

Obviously you have never heard of the Electoral College, that actually elects the president, assuming elections are real.

Like I said, we are, and always will be, a Representative Constitutional Republic with SOME democratic processes.

The three separate but equal branches of government make us a Republic and not a democracy. The Bill of Rights, as in INALIENABLE RIGHTS, prevents the mob from voting those rights away, and that makes us a Republic.

Try harder at thinking.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 23, 2023 11:25 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

You didn’t even know it was “mob” rule until I told you and you evidently don’t know that “mob” rule refers to “direct democracy”, not representative government. Jesus. Thick as a brick.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 23, 2023 2:32 PM

Stop trying to flatter yourself by asserting falsely that I didn’t know what Democracy is.

That you know this, only proves that you are purposefully pushing the same BS that the USA is “democracy”, when it is not.

Try harder at being not being disingenuous.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 23, 2023 7:09 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Look up, “representative democracy”. If you still deny it exists after that, then that’s on you. You don’t seem capable of getting the point here, which is kind of funny. It’s evident you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about Thomas Frey. Here, I’ll try to help you out a little more, it’s a very simple concept. And you have to separate it from the fact that representative democracy, as practiced in the U.S,., isn’t really democracy simply because the politicians do not represent the people that voted for them, i.e., democratically. But that does not mean that a representative government is not democracy in theory. Really, if you don’t get this, you’re either stupid or purposely trying not to, which is what I think. Talk about being disingenuous. I’m gonna check out of this one now, maybe see you down the road.

Representative Democracy: Definition, Pros, and Cons (thoughtco.com)

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 24, 2023 3:58 PM

A Democracy cannot be representative because in a Democratic form of government, the Majority always rule the Minority.

The USA is, and always will be, a REPUBLIC. Specifically a REPRESENTATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.

Calling me stupid, as you outright spread a falsehood, does not make your falsehood true.

It is people like you, that have allowed the Government Indoctrination Centers, called schools, misinform you to the point of intellectual dishonesty as a standard of thinking, that are the problem.

That is called Idiocracy. Good luck with that.

As far as the website you reference, do you even know who the people are that run that site, their associations and motives?

I suggest you read the founding documents and the Federalist Papers and try harder at not swallowing everything academics publish.


Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 24, 2023 9:17 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Here’s a direct quote from what you just linked to:

“The US falls under governmental classifications for both Indirect Democracy and Constitutional Republic”

Exactly what I’ve been fucking saying. Jesus dude, wake the fuck up. It’s not that hard.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 24, 2023 10:46 PM

I don’t agree that we are an “indirect Democracy” and that is some made up horse manure.

Our Founding Fathers made it clear that they are avoiding the Democratic form of government and want to establish a Republic. A Representative Constitutional Republic. Anyone that actually studies the writings of our Founding Fathers, knows this cannot be denied. To quote Thomas Jefferson,

“Democracy are two wolves and a lamb, deciding what will be for dinner.”

Or as Franklin is quoted as saying, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Totalitarianism could also be an Indirect Democracy, or a Direct Democracy when the government controls what the mob thinks and does. Indirect Democracy could also be Socialism, Communism, Fascism, etc.

Or maybe Socialism, Communism, Fascism, etc., are all Indirect Republics, or Direct Despotism?

I’m not going to change my position, regardless, and my position of the same mindset as those that penned our founding documents.

If thinking that our form of Government, that has a contract, called a Constitution, is a Democracy of any king, helps you feel better about academics wordsmithing falsehoods, then good for you.

I’m not going to be gaslighted by marxist inteligencia that thinks they deserve to control the mob.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 24, 2023 9:32 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

And my apologies for my tone. Got carried away. I became interested in this subject over a decade ago from my brother, a right wing, conservative, NRA all that who insisted on the republic definition. I know its a republic, that’s like, duh, and I have read some of the federalist papers, I have them in my bookcase. But voting for representatives is indirect democracy whether you want to admit it or not.

Since we completely disagree on everything, we probably should avoid each other here on out.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Apr 24, 2023 10:51 PM

Academics can call the voting process what they want.

As long as we have a Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the writings of the people that actually created our form of government, then we are, and always will be, a Representative Constitutional Republic.

If we were a Democracy, of any kind, in substantial form of government, then the Bill of Rights would likely already be gone, or missing the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Fortunately more than a simple majority is needed to alter the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and even then, the Declaration of Independence makes it clear that Human Rights are Inalienable, as in, no matter what the majority wants, our rights don’t change or go away.

Good day sir.

Apr 19, 2023 2:56 AM

Ah yes, love this forum: Guilt by Association reigns supreme. RJK Jr. accepts there are problems with the climate – boo hiss! Controlled opposition! And a dozen more unacceptable ideas, any one of which disqualifies him from consideration.

If Mr. Curtin thinks the MSM is the biggest problem facing Mr. Kennedy, he doesn’t know the Alt Media very well.

Apr 19, 2023 2:54 AM

The hagiography around the Kennedy’s is pure fiction, particularly that surrounding JFK. 

Why do people need heroes?

Once anyone establishes their basis for evaluating a situation on the words narrated by their “hero”, or someone they automatically defer to, they uncritically accept these words as truths regardless of the substance of the claims. They are then operating on a level of superficial emotional reaction and are no longer capable of perceiving concepts or evaluating ideas.

Critical thinking or rational analysis is no longer possible.

That is a very dangerous position and one of the many things that get IN THE WAY of movements. Once we get into these waters we are no longer speaking about a movement we are speaking about a “cult of personality.”

Critical thinking and ongoing analysis should be first and foremost. Funny how most of these “health freedom celebrities” are intolerant of criticism on certain things.

They expect people to remain silent, be censored, even (and especially) if they have evidence that runs counter to the narrative of said “leader.”

And then they have the audacity to make claims that those bringing up these falsehoods and contradictions are the ones being “divisive.”

Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult.

The Kennedy/Camelot cult is another example of this indoctrination. 

Do we get to talk about Joseph Kennedy’s support of McCarthy and JFK’s support of Nixon? BTW RFK senior was counsel for HUAC. Both RFK and JFK were huge red-baiting union busters in Massachusetts.

How about JFK’s appt. of John McCone as head of the CIA into the mix. McCone was a hard line cold warrior who among other things founded Bechtel-McCone. No need to review what Becthel was and is and what they have done.

JFK as “man of peace”- Increased military advisers in Vietnam -Orchestrated Bay of Pigs invasion –Helped provoke the Cuban missile crisis by refusing to remove nuclear missiles in Turkey pointed at USSR -Tried assassinating Castro on several occasions -Had the CIA embark on violent political subversion in Latin America and elsewhere, including assassination and the training of right-wing death squads.

JFK was a tool of the military-industrial complex, devoted to the war in Vietnam, servant of the wealthy and powerful- hero-worship dies hard if at all.

Apr 19, 2023 4:00 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

‘Why do people need heroes?’
The same reason they need Gods, saviours, gurus, celebrities, influencers or role models.
They can’t be bothered committing to years of meditative introspection to find the Truth of Being.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 19, 2023 5:24 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Clueless invested interests ask Why, put that fag out..find out for yourself soft-more cronie.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 19, 2023 4:37 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Hey The War is Over There’s been Private Investing for Web Travellers since IT leapt onto a plane and flew to anywhere a Visa Stamp could take IT.
And Your On IT The World of Microsoft! I privately think it’s amazing do You?
It’s The Big PART of Great Reset. The World has Not had Anything like it Before!
Wake UP!
What IS Covid-19 so quit the Crap Post 1989 You an Invester in IT!
Get off your high Chair and say something about People, you Moron.
I used to tell my mother “Mam I’m a Nomad”.
What did you tell YOURS. Nothing! Your a Fake fat fuck Investment Twat a Dollie dismissive Idiot! Asleep at the Wheel piss off.
Microsoft Web is for Everyone Mister. Hard luck for You.

Apr 19, 2023 11:15 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

What are you smoking ?

Apr 19, 2023 12:57 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Too much weed.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 19, 2023 5:10 PM
Reply to  Violet

Oh dear here’s a tissue that doesn’t know the real world bless her.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 19, 2023 5:11 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Past tense forget it dummy.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Apr 19, 2023 4:54 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Don’t forget that even though it was Eisenhower who signed the CIA’s Finding of Fact to rationalize the murder of Patrice Lumumba it was done on Kennedy’s watch.

Apr 19, 2023 2:34 PM

Inconvenient truth.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 19, 2023 3:16 PM