No, Saudi Arabia did NOT do 9/11
Kit Knightly
The bombshell 911 news this past week, is that a freshly-published court filing from Jul 2021, has revealed at least two of the 19 alleged “hijackers” may have been recruited by the CIA.
Now this isn’t exactly “news”, after all it has long since been established that the CIA, FBI and/or any other US alphabet agencies simply must have been involved. It couldn’t have happened without their involvement.
Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, the new release doesn’t go that far. Instead, the testimony from Donald C Canestraro – former lead investigator for the Office of Military Commissions – discusses the “intelligence failures that led to 9/11”, while focusing mainly on the “hijackers” and their backgrounds.
According to a report in Grayzone, the court filing relies on anonymous testimony from “high-ranking CIA and FBIA officials”:
…the filing is a 21-page declaration by Don Canestraro, a lead investigator for the Office of Military Commissions, the legal body overseeing the cases of 9/11 defendants. It summarizes classified government discovery disclosures, and private interviews he conducted with anonymous high-ranking CIA and FBI officials.
That should be a red flag, right there. Rather like Sy Hersh’s recent “revelations” on Nord Stream 2, any use of “anonymous insider sources” should always set off your internal bullshit alarm. It’s more likely to be a limited hangout than anything else.
In fact, any discussion of the “hijackers” at all should engage your inner sceptic.
Reality check: The hijackers’ names were supplied by the FBI. Virtually everything we know about those men came from US intelligence sources or the 9/11 Commission Report.
After the FBI managed to collate the names of the 19 men responsible for 9/11 within a couple of days, handily aided by their seemingly fire-proof passports, it was promptly revealed that at least four of those men were still – in fact – alive. They had never been on the planes and had no links to terrorist groups of any kind.
This was explained away as “confusion” and due to “arabic names all being very similar”, but whatever the cause it certainly calls the rest of the list into question.
Really, since the CIA and FBI are – or at least should have been – prime suspects with regard to any terror attack on American soil, nothing they release can be counted reliable information and nothing they say should be taken at face value. Concerning suspects, or anything else.
The filing has also led to renewed discussion of “Saudi links” to the terror attack (including in our comments section yesterday), since [again, from Grayzone]:
Many agents who spoke to Canestraro headed up Operation Encore, the Bureau’s aborted, long-running probe into Saudi government connections to the 9/11 attack […] Canestraro’s investigation concluded, at least two 9/11 hijackers had been recruited either knowingly or unknowingly into a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation which may have gone awry.
Blaming the Saudis for 9/11 has been the acceptable face of 9/11 Truth for at least the last 15 years. Even mainstream papers have questioned “Saudi funding” for 9/11 or published reports on “suspicious links” between Riyadh and al Qaeda.
The New York times did a big, glossy long-form article about it just two years ago.
It was the thinking normie’s opinion, the “lab leak” theory of 9/11.
Any Guardian comment section concerning 9/11 would be full of talk of Saudi Arabia. It was always permitted, while comments on explosive residue or building 7 would be removed.
A subset of journalism has always been those who construct complex narratives through navel-gazing over-analysis of “leaked documents” or court-ordered releases, without ever acknowledging the possibility that the source of this information makes it potentially entirely false. These same people lambast “conspiracy theorists” for making things “too simple”.
But sometimes the truth is very simple, and even in complex events there is usually a kernel of causation at its heart that can be summed up in one sentence.
Analysing Islamic terrorist in-fighting or how Saudi intelligence assets may have funded terrorist cells, “blowback”…all of that is just picking gnat shit out of pepper.
In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter where the hijackers came from and it doesn’t matter who the hijackers worked for, because the planes didn’t bring the buildings down.
Talking about who was flying the planes and why is akin to debating what kind of saw the magician used to cut the lady in half.
Analyzing the illusion is not the same as seeing the reality.
The official narrative of 9/11 is literally physically impossible. Any and all analysis of 9/11 needs to start from there, or it will be fundamentally flawed.
What matters is that they found explosive residue in the dust. What matters is the collapse of Building 7. What matters is the obvious cover-up and suspicious behaviour.
Like this guy…
…or this guy…
…or these guys…
Do they look Saudi Arabian to you?
Did the explosions destroy receipts regarding trillions of dollars in missing Saudi Arabian money?
Did the Saudi Arabian government publish 10,000 pages of transparent cover-up?
Did Saudi Arabian companies go on to make billions in profits from the Saudi Arabian “war on terror” or invasion of Iraq?
Did the Saudi Arabian military hold plane hijacking drills or stand down normal air defence procedures on the morning of 9/11?
No, they didn’t.
At the end of the day, only one government profited from 9/11, only one government was capable of doing 9/11 and only one government did 9/11.
…and it wasn’t Saudi Arabia.
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During the height of the covid/mask wearing hoax and delusion, I decided on a little experiment based on talking to one property manager client I have, who is also a very successful broker.
I attempted to explain to him WHY I don’t wear masks, but his silly, rote-responses and explanations prompted another question from me;
“So….who really did 911?”
“Oh, everyone now knows it was the Saudis”
So I randomly asked people I knew/semi-knew, all wearing masks, outside, the same question;
‘Islamic terrorists’
“The Saudis”
So there ya go! A nation with, truly, a collective, room-temp IQ.
If anyone’s takeout from my investigation is that the Saudis were behind 9/11, let alone that’s my own conclusion, then they surely haven’t actually read it. Key quotes as follows:
“Bayoumi’s contact with the hijackers and support thereafter “was done at the behest of the CIA through the Saudi intelligence service.” Alec Station’s explicit purpose was to “recruit Al-Hazmi and Al-Mihdhar via a liaison relationship”, with the assistance of Riyadh’s General Intelligence Directorate.”
“Given Hazmi and Mihdhar appeared to be simultaneously working for Alec Station in some capacity, the June 2001 meeting may well have been a dangle. No intelligence value could be extracted from inquiring whether the Bureau knew who their assets were, apart from ascertaining if the FBI’s counter-terror team was aware of their identities, physical appearances, and presence in the US.”
“Alec Station’s tireless efforts to protect its Al Qaeda assets raises the obvious question of whether Hazmi and Mihdhar, and possibly other hijackers, were in effect working for the CIA on the day of 9/11.”
“The real motives behind the CIA’s stonewalling may never be known. But it appears abundantly clear that Alec Station did not want the FBI to know about or interfere in its secret intelligence operation. If the unit’s recruitment of Hazmi and Mihdhar was purely dedicated to information gathering, rather than operational direction, it is incomprehensible that the FBI had not been apprised of it, and was instead actively misdirected.”
“Alec Station, a powerful rogue CIA team answerable and accountable to no one, sought to infiltrate the terror group for its own sinister purposes, without the authorization and oversight usually required by Langley in such circumstances.”
“The pair had entered the final phase of preparations for the impending attacks. If a criminal probe had been opened, they could have been stopped in their tracks. Instead, as foreshadowed by the officials in contact with “CS-12,” an intelligence investigation was launched which hindered any search efforts.”
“The FBI’s eager complicity in Alec Station’s coverup may have been motivated by self-interest, as one of its own was intimately involved in the unit’s effort to recruit Hazmi and Mihdhar, and conceal their presence in the US from relevant authorities.”
“The public’s understanding of the 9/11 attacks is heavily informed by testimonies delivered by CIA torture victims under the most extreme duress imaginable. And Bikowsky, a veteran of the Alec Station that ran cover for at least two would-be 9/11 hijackers, had been in charge of interrogating the alleged perpetrators of the attacks.”
As for the source of the information potentially being “entirely false”, of course that’s at the forefront of my mind whenever I’m leaked something, or documents are released via official means – whether’s that’s court documents or official paper trails emanating from national archives and FOIA requests. I do not take the contents of Canestraro’s declaration as gospel – I in fact plainly disagreed with quoted anonymous FBI representatives who said that Alec Station was attempting to recruit Hazmi and Midhar due to CIA pressure, and challenged their analysis.
Hey Kit, this piece was not meant as a direct response to your article (or even a criticism of it), I was just using it as a source for Canestraro’s quotes.
The target of the piece is the “Saudi links to 9/11” theory in general (most especially its supporters in the mainstream media), and the Canestraro testimony specifically.
Further, it’s attempting to demonstrate how often “leaks” and “releases” are covert propaganda operations which support overt propaganda narratives – something I’m writing a lot about lately.
As you say, your article doesn’t take the testimony at entirely face value, nor does it endorse “the Saudis did 9/11” theory, and any implication to the contrary on my part was unintentional.
THE BUSH MAFIA HYJACKED THE GOLD from under the twin towers, whilst everyone was looking up, they were busy in the basement. Biggest Gold Heist in history.
WTC7 was all about getting rid of the evidence of MAFIA business. imho.
Maybe we should ask the guys, a certain state on the levante coast was and still is the biggest profiteer of 9/11
The 9/11 Official Story Retold in under 5 minutes
“Now this isn’t exactly ‘news’, after all it has long since been established that the CIA, FBI and/or any other US alphabet agencies simply must have been involved. It couldn’t have happened without their involvement.”
100% correct. You mean to tell me, that a guy in a cave, in Afghanistan, armed with NOTHING, but a laptop and a satellite phone (supposedly) – evaded detection by the entire INTELLIGENCE APPARATUS OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE, and brought down the Twin Towers, on 9/11 ? WATCH THIS:
The 9/11 Official Story Retold in under 5 minutes
Hah! Tell that to Amerikans, the ‘most misled, misdirected, and therefore the most gullible people on the face of the planet’ ~ Alan Hart
During the height of the mask-stupidity, I asked 10 maskerz around me, ‘So who really did 911?’
EVERY – ALL 10 – answer was ‘terrorists’, or;
“Everyone now knows it was Saudi Arabia!”
Nur Stämme von Frauen und Männer-Kinder .. werden in kleinen , selbstregulierenden Gruppen .. Gesundes produzieren … um Durch die kommende Zeiten zu überleben …
(Admin’s attempt at a translation using Deepl. Corrections encouraged)
“Only tribes of women and male children … living in small, self-regulating groups … will be able to survive through times to come…”
Sure… and Bin Laden was a Chinese guy…just shove your crude and stupid arguments up your goddamn ass and FUCK OFF, shitheads!!
With your permission I’d like to collate and publish these works as a collection of short poems.
Exactly captures the essence of it all…
Very clever to leave the option of SA involvement. Useful today thinking of the timing. SA builds ties with Russia & China, SA dedollarizing, wait they did 911; let’s invade to protect the oil.
If you follow the money and the politics, Israel had a large hand in it.
The whole operation was 100% kosher.
Putin dun it.
I think Christopher Bollyn gives a very good account of what happened
All roads lead to isn’trael and America. Would not surprise me though in the least if Britain too isn’t involved up to the eyeballs.
Yes. Mr. Bollyn was right on the money from day one. A huge number of well documented investigations have failed to prosecute even one fucking participant. Let’s just think happy thoughts and go shopping…
Christopher Bollyn is an agent hired to push one of the major elements – “Israel did it” – of the massive 9/11 distraction propaganda campaign. Virtually all the information, true or false, propagated by both agents and genuine people is distraction propaganda that hides the essential truth that 9/11 was really just a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terror Exercise and demolition job where the planes were faked and death and injury were staged – see
Even when I believed all the Israel propaganda (the Five Dancing Israelis, the Mossad “art” students, etc) I wondered how people worked out that Israel “did it” as, ultimately, it all had to be under the auspices of the US government. Israel is not going to orchestrate the plane shenanigans or go in under the noses of the US government and organise demolitions.
This is not to say, of course, that Israel wasn’t involved – even massively so – but then so was Saudi Arabia and so was my own country, Australia. There is no way that Little Johnny Howard just happened to be paying a “surprise” visit to Washington on 9/11 … and the UK, Canada, Pakistan – you name it – every man and his dog was in on 9/11.
It’s not WHO (my goodness so very many) it’s WHAT that’s more important. What was 9/11 – as stated earlier, it was an exercise and demolition job, not an “inside job” per se.
With psyops the important thing isn’t to work out who was responsible but what kind of event the psyop is and how our minds are controlled to believe things that aren’t true – particularly those of us who, a priori, are highly skeptical of what they tell us – we are also vulnerable because those in power also want to control our minds … and I have to say the difficulty I have in getting out that death and injury were staged on 9/11 shows just how successful those in power are in controlling ALL our minds, not just those of the willing believers.
In his article on distinguishing fake leaks, number 5 on Kit’s checklist is:
If your “leak” tells you what you want to hear, it’s probably a fake leak.
Disbelievers of the 9/11 narrative are so anchored in the notion of the evil US government cold-bloodedly and callously killing all those poor people – which is EXACTLY what the perps intended – that was a belief they want all the disbelievers anchored in and boy have they done a good job of it. Well, we know they’ll kill people, we certainly know that now if we didn’t before … but they like to make it so it’s the opposite situation of what they tell us. When they tell us they’re killing people, they’re not and when they tell us they’re saving people …
So what was the point of 911? That’s really the only real concern. Whether it was 19 Arabs with boxcutters, or dancing Israelis, or CIA operatives, or a complete fabrication – whatever it was, the WHY of it must be worked out: why fake it, why make it real, why anything?
Was it all done so Larry Silverstein could join the billionaire club? Or so PNAC neocons could invade the Middle East? Or so George W. Bush could come off looking like a real true genuine Cowboy on a white horse?
Maybe we need to invade the archives and see what was on the verge of being revealed that TPTB wanted to remain hidden? Maybe instead of focusing on what happened on 911 we should be focused on what almost happened.
There is always a fundamental purpose of psyops, isn’t there? Psyops are perpetrated remorselessly – big and small – all over the world constantly and there’s a fundamental purpose for all of them so even if we concern ourselves only with the fundamental purpose – to keep us better under control – that reason is sufficient, no?
My interest is mind control – how it is effected and thus how to avoid it. My interest in showing WHAT event 9/11 was is that most people don’t understand its nature … and the reason they don’t is due to one thing only – mind control through propaganda. Understanding how propaganda is used to control our minds is of crucial importance, wouldn’t you say, Howard?
Sure, what 9/11’s point was other than the usual is good to work out but not everyone has to focus on the same aspect, do they? Who is focusing on the fake binary propaganda strategy? Why do so few chime in with me? I wasn’t the first person to work out 9/11’s true nature – Simon Shack for one worked it out at least a decade before me but on OffG – while some people are obviously aligned – not very many are despite the fact that I’ve been pushing the staged death and injury barrow for five years now … the main point not being that death and injury were staged but that they had a special propaganda campaign encouraging disbelievers to recognise that people other than terrorists were responsible (throwing various groups into the mix) while at the same time encouraging them to believe the lie of death and injury.
I’m going to try and come up with a better term for a psyop than “mind control.” That term implies almost a hands on situation; and that’s not what a psyop does.
Managing to convince people of one thing – even presenting compelling evidence – is not really “mind control.” It is more in the nature of persuasion.
The very term “mind control” gets into the “mass psychosis” type of scenario – which, I think, borders on out and out bs.
Besides which, how does tricking people work to “control” them? People do not become zombie like automatons simply because they have been tricked into believing something. In fact, it is a very dangerous path to tred to trick people, simply because there is a chance they’ll discover the trickery.
This is why I do not accept that “mind control” is the crucial goal of a psyop.
Mind control not a crucial goal of a psyop, Howard?
I don’t understand. The nature of a psyop is to make people believe something that isn’t true, right? Making people believe something that isn’t true is mind control, that’s what mind control is so it’s simply the nature of a psyop to control your mind … whatever the goal is beyond that mind control is another matter but mind control is intrinsic to a psyop.
Please tell me how making you believe something that isn’t true isn’t mind control.
The term persuasion does not imply deception and a psyop involves deception so persuasion is not appropriate but mind control suits perfectly … and there are so many tricks used in the mind control, my goodness. Preying on all our biases and fears. Nothing could be more “mind control” than a psyop.
To believe something that isn’t true is a huge part of the human condition – people do it all the time, whether anyone deliberately sets out to make them believe.
How many times do people say “Oh I believe he’s guilty – he just looks guilty!” without having the slightest evidence or without anyone having tried to convince them to believe the person guilty.
Especially if someone doesn’t like a particular person, he will be far more likely to disbelieve anything said. Or conversely if someone likes a particular person, he will be far more likely to believe what that person says. How many Americans said George W. Bush was someone they’d like to have a beer with? A born aristocrat, and they thought he might join them at the pub for a beer?
It’s only mind control in the sense that the believer is in effect controlling his own mind in order to believe what he already wants to believe.
My father, to give an example, hated the British and didn’t trust them. I was never able to discern a reason for it – and certainly there had been no psyop to make him believe that way. He wouldn’t even watch a British movie!
I honestly think you’re reading too much into the nature of a psyop.
“To believe something that isn’t true is a huge part of the human condition – people do it all the time, whether anyone deliberately sets out to make them believe.” Sure it’s part of the human condition and what those in power do is understand our inclination-to-believe profiles and target us accordingly. When I tried to convince my sister and others that the evidence showed that the moon landings was one event that was actually real, the brick-wall reaction I got from them prompted me to wonder if those in power might exploit this inclination to disbelieve by encouraging those inclined to disbelieve into disbelieving a rare true event in order to undermine them boy-who-cried-wolf style so that they would get the reaction: “You’re just a moon hoaxer conspiracy theorist, why would I believe anything you say.” Sure enough, my first port of call to test my hypothesis was Bill Kaysing, the first person to say astronauts didn’t land on the moon, and as I read his Wikipedia profile, the sly obviousness of him being an agent leapt at me from the page like an evil jack-in-the-box. They made ‘Ol Billy Head of Technical Publications at Rocketdyne and told us he had a nephew, Dietrich von Schmausen, who was an alien scientist. I couldn’t help chortling. You see how well they understand us, Howard? They didn’t pull any punches with Billy, they didn’t make him a lowly clerk at Rocketdyne whom we might accept as being clueless. No with great chutzpah and complete and extremely well-founded confidence that no disbelievers of the moon landings would question his title or his absurdly-named nephew – even those disbelievers very familiar with controlled opposition and revelation of the method – they made him Head of Technical Publications. I tell the disbelievers about ‘Ol Billy – it has zero impact. Our prejudices only make our minds easier to control, that’s what our prejudices do. I KNOW that mind control is intrinsic to psyops from my personal experience of awakening to that mind control. I didn’t feel particularly mind-controlled with the terrorist story because even though I “believed” it, I instinctively felt that 9/11 was being used for manipulation and my attitude was to determine not to get caught up in any hysteria. However, once I woke up to the US govt being responsible I was very much seduced by the narrative of “the evil US govt cold-bloodedly and callously killed all those poor people” and was sucked in by various agents and their material even though we see revelation of the method in that material to a reasonable degree. When I awoke to the propaganda campaign targeted to the anticipated disbelievers – which took the ridiculously long time of 4 whole years of dedicated research – I felt like a dumb bull in the dark being yanked viciously by the nose-ring this way and that – it was one of the most visceral feelings I’ve ever had in my life. I was under mind control and all the 9/11 disbelievers who adhere to the notion of the “cold-blooded and callous” killing are still under that mind control. Of course, there has been way, way, way more cold-blooded and callous killing happening with the covid scam … and with this scam people have been mind-controlled into believing that they might catch a terrible disease and that an untested injectable product is “safe and effective”. There is no reading too much into psyops as being mind control, Howard. I wonder what you think mind control is – do you think it’s only what happens under MK… Read more »
I’m not going to get details straight, but there were large bonds due on Sept 12, 2001. Big bonds owed to US that were under the auspices of George Bush the First. Having to do with moneys acquired i.e. stolen after World War 2.
The day after 9/11 the SEC put an emergency stop on all bonds that were due ergo letting Bush Sr off the hook.
Sorry for dearth of details. I believe Corbett reported on it. And I had read about it on other sites, also, a few years back.
That’s just one thing that was going on behind the scenes.
Thank you. I do recall the Corbett report – I think it was “911 Trillions.” I’ll have to revisit that. At the time I saw it (on a site called Top Documentary Films), I didn’t know who Corbett was.
Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitts were my go-to people since 2014.
Who would have thought they would be major voices in what would become this dystopian nightmare.
Never would have pictured Corbett being interviewed by Bobby Kennedy, and becoming a regular with Dr. Meryl Nass.
And Austin Fitts! I am so glad she is getting a voice after what she went through in the 90’s. Do you know what Andrew Cuomo said to her when she started speaking truth to power about the federal housing corruption? “I’ll put you in prison”. (or words very close to that effect)
Aint karma a byatch.
9/11 – When the laws of physics were suspended for a day.
I’ve heard that the paid schill and pseudo scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson is doing a lecture about the narrative really is what happened, I promise, Guv’ – it’s the consensus ya know – at the Royal Society next month.
You would think, that 22 years of lies and coverup would be enough without the pseudo scientist adding to it.
22 years later, people are still hanging on to illusions spawned by numerous limited hangouts. They are willing to entertain all sorts of garbage, but the notion which becomes rather obvious once looks at the WTC physical evidence and the laws of physics (and the Pentagon building evidence too), that this was a false flag operation, carried on by the US military/intelligence services, is totally a no go zone for them, too unsettling perhaps? Spend some time at the AE911Truth page and look at stuff, if you dare.
Another irrelevant article about an irrelevant subject. No Lawful actions followed the events of 9/11/2001. All subsequent military actions have obviously been illegal, and terminal to the falsely targeted.
There were plenty of independent and accurate investigations following the event. The majority of the world’s populace didn’t give a shit. Parties that should have been held accountable for the largest domestic security breach in history, are still at large. Three Middle-Eastern countries have been reduced to smoldering rubble, and civil chaos reigns supreme. Hooray for “big oil” and civilian rights to air travel…
Go ahead and post your silly “no planes” bullshit. It’s irrelevant to current issues. You don’t know who the fuck is zoomin’ who, and you really don’t care.
Sometimes an entire dynamic might hinge on one tiny speck of phenomena affecting it. What looks totally irrelevant in light of the hugeness of the dynamic might cause the narrative surrounding it to unravel.
There’s no way of knowing. All anyone can do is keep poking until the right spot is found to inflict just the right wound.
Nothing has ever managed to make a significant dent in the narrative. Maybe the plane issue could; or maybe nothing ever will.
The only certainty is that the more time that passes, the less likely people are to care.
Irrelevant subject? The biggest terrorist attack is an irrelevant subject? Ok CIA
Hello Koba: Two points. “It’s irrelevant to current issues.”
Current issues are the ongoing censorship of free speech by non-governmental agency and media. These collage bred twats need hot pokers stuffed up their asses.
The second issue is the laxity of civil populations regarding civil enforcement of Constitutional guaranties. The “enhanced” funding of organizations such as MI6, Israeli Mossad, and CIA, should have ended on day one. None of these mafia organizations should be allowed to exist…
The “terrorist” attack of 9/11/2001 required the combined agency of the above operatives. Obviously, the attack was an inside job…
Just as anyone with an IQ over room temperature knows that the CIA was the organization executing (pun intended) the murder of Jack Kennedy in Dallas, the same holds true for the 9/11 false flag event, which was the most toxic FF prior to covid-1984. In the case of JFK, the CIA was ably assisted by the FBI, the Joint Chiefs (who hated JFK for vetoing air cover of the Bay of Pigs and Operation Northwoods), the Mossad (for his position denying nuclear weapons for Israel), and big capital (for officially ordering the withdrawal of over 10,000 US “advisors” from Vietnam). As to 9/11, the Mossad played an even more dominating role than the CIA. And Dick Cheney, then Acting President and chief neocon, played a crucial role. And the US neocon movement was and is an arm of the Israeli Zionist movement. As retired 5 star general and failed presidential candidate Wesley Clark intimated, a major objective was to put the American traumatized brain dead behind the invasions and toppling of seven middle eastern countries over the next 5 years, with only a limited success in Syria (thwarted by Russian involvement) and a failure, so far, with Iran.
I have a great regard for Kit Knightley’s take on various myth busting analyses, but I have to admit that I just skimmed this article as the points forwarded were obvious for the last two decades.
Also, recall the JFK statement that he intended to disband the CIA and scatter them to the wind. Thus he had to go.
One “government” facilitated 9/11 locally, but the orders originate from those without any national allegiance, the private central bankers who, as Greenspan said here, are above any law.
Of course Saudi Arabia did 9/11.
There is no doubt about it whatsoever
Just like Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK.
We know that the Shady Wahabians did it, because just before the planes hit the twin towers, the hijackers wound down the cockpit windows and tossed out all their passports.
And if that isn’t conclusive evidence, then I don’t know what is.
And then there were the famous Five Dancing Saudis, who were caught celebrating and filming it all.
Then there was the 200 strong Saudi intelligence team of agents and explosive experts who were rounded up immediately afterwards and quietly expelled back to Saudi Arabia.
And all the dual national Saudi nationals at the highest levels of government, intelligence and law enforcement.
I think I’ve proved the case adequately.
Anything else is just a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory.
Yes, those Saudis certainly have a lot to answer for.
All their money and their assets will have to be confiscated in due course like the Russians, just as soon as they stop selling oil in dollars and stop buying US weapons.
The story that had led alt news this past week — legal documents tying Saudi, CIA to 9/11 “hijackers” — has been upstaged.
It was never as big as Tucker Carlson’s prime time announcement of the CIA’s complicity in killing JFK.
If you doubt: you may notice that Tucker Carlson no longer has a job.
Tucker Carlson leaving just before Biden announces his candidacy. The timing seems ‘fortuitous’.
Biden’s now free to ride out like Brezhnev/El Cid for another term with one fewer critic. With Dominion voting at his side, how could he fail?
El Cid ending
When Murdoch capitulated to Dominion, I wrote: He has done what he needed to do to confirm the globalist narrative. He folded, in order to justify Dominion’s claim.
Rough dates:
Dec 15 Carlson says CIA source admits re JFK: “we did it”
Apr 19 Murdoch caves to Dominion and the 2020 election narrative
Apr 19 RFK Jr announces run for president
Apr 24 Carlson fired
TBA Biden or some other mask announces run
Just occurred to me that in popular culture, namely V for Vendetta, it is the dissidents who wear masks.
That’s an inversion of what we see. Politicians may tease us, by frolicking maskless, but it is they who push the masks, not dissidents.
Of couse Tucker, whose name rhymes with butter, could be utterly slippery.
Irony being a love of the British (of which persuasion I am thankfully only half, or in the modern lexicon, bi) the tuck shop is a phantasmagoria of tranformational options as Roald Dahl described in Charlie’s wonka.
Stocked with all manner of goods, from fortune cookies promising same-sex bliss to Pfizer gobstoppers, the tuck shop manger finds herself out of place and, baby, baby, Out Of Time.
The tuck shop disappeared in the 1970s. Shortly after, all those with tainted memories were eliminated by a whitewash of anti-white hysteria, puréed Smash potato and powdered egg, but that is an irony for a less tiresome day.
Was Tucker ever a threat to the system, given that papa was CIA? Are we allowed to speak of such scandals in polite company. Some readers from preppy and boarding school backgrounds bristle at the mention of intelligence.
Add Coca Cola to that list of Smash potato and powdered egg.
More importantly, do people have the freedom of thought that can determine if the above post contains anything of worth — who was it who said, you are what you eat?
Either way, you’re on a roll. I was still pondering masks (worthy of an article or two) but you’ve moved on.
Tuck shops were still around when I was at a UK school, to half put your mind at rest.
You’re right though. It’s the inputs that matter. The outputs naturally follow
That’s because preppy boarding schools and universities are breeding grounds for establishment lickspittles and other assorted goons for hire.
I’m not convinced that Tucker’s “firing” isn’t just a psyop to further cement him with MAGA folks, so he can ramp up feeding them what TPTSB (the powers that shouldn’t be) want them fed. And, they’ll be eager to lap it up, by now viewing Tucker as being “one of us” just like Trump.
Yes, before the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic imposed the New Abnormal, the only “good guy” who wore a mask was The Lone Ranger.
(I’m excluding occupational masking, since I’m sure that there are both good and bad surgeons, welders, etc.)
After the mask regime was imposed, I joked that mental health caregivers would probably see a spike in petty criminals, e.g. small-time muggers and robbers.
The criminals would complain of anxiety and depression because their masked presences would no longer inspire terrified respect from victims and bystanders.
You may have seen a fairly recent story about the New York City mayor requesting that “COVID” mask-wearers at least briefly lower or remove their masks when entering retail establishments, just to reassure staff and customers that they weren’t criminals.
The fun never stops! 😷
There was a guy who went around at the height of the covid hoax, and when people told him he had to wear a mask, he just put on his Lone Ranger mask.
What has Tucker do with the price of rice??? 🤔 🤔 🤔
Who cares if a CIA agent was sacked from a jewish mainstream media platform or not… who cares? I’m sure he’ll find another place to carry on his propaganda to perpetuate myths like ‘elections’, ‘dems vs reps’, ‘capitalism vs communism’, ‘west vs east’ and ‘USA vs Russia/China’!!!
When everything’s a fake binary who needs reality? I see where you’re coming from
Carlson is just a millionaire shilling for billionaires.
A harmless safety valve for the disgruntled proles to keep them on the uniparty reservation.
He’s on a $20 million a year contract with Murdoch.
Oh my God, watching those videos again. You just have to wonder.
I mean the guy in the first one who makes sure that you know he WAtCHED THE WHOLE THING FROM BEGINNING TO END. And look at him! Not shaken up at all. Not in shock at what he has just witnessed from beginning to end. He sounds like he’s describing a home run with bases loaded in the ninth inning.
And Larry. Oh my God.
I couldn’t watch the George and Dick show. It’s only 8:30 in the morning.
Thank you for this post, Kit. We do need to keep the absurdity front and center.
Not to mention the criminality.
Its clear that only ONE govt did not profit from the events of 911.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement that Israel ‘benefited enormously’ from 911 should really be viewed in the context of enormous number of dual-nationals involved in and around the whole of the 911 event and the PNAC movement.
Elements of the US govt did benefit also but its clear this event was really ‘internationalist’ or globalist in its conception and execution.
Whoever is behind 9/11 is also behind the Convid scam. This is evidenced by the exact same media blackout on significant events and the total adherence to blatantly false accounts of what happened. They had their people embedded in all the major intel agencies to ensure compliance to the agenda. Who or what has the power to achieve this internationally? The same people who want to bring about the One World Government. Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kissinger and the international banking cartel families, royalty and players – some of whom we will have no idea who “they” even are. That crew did it. They are behind all of these major crimes and also for the major world wars. We saw the same pattern of assassinations of whistleblowers in the wake of 9/11 too, to shut people up and keep them in line. I don’t believe these people respect borders, or any group of individuals or any country for that matter – they care for their own little clique and its objectives and nothing else. 9/11 was about bringing down the USA and establishing power in the Middle East. This is what we see has happened following it.
During the scamdemic, we saw just how much respect these scumbags have for the people of Israel – NONE. They literally turned Israel into a lab for Pfizer, and its inhabitants (who come from many different ethnicities and backgrounds) were officially designated as labrats for this criminal corporate entity. Countries are corporations, under their system – they are not what people think they are. Israel was then the first country/corporation to introduce vaccine passports to access basic services – unthinkable when you consider what it is supposed to be – a sanctuary against this very kind of activity, in the wake of historical crimes.
These criminals just see the world as one unit/corporation which they must control, and Israel is all about gaining control of the Middle East, come what may. These people control the UK and the US, hence the unquestioning nonsensical involvement in wars based on blatant lies, trashing any good reputation they may have had in the process. I have no respect for my own country, the UK, because of the influence of these scumbags. I hope our new King gets boo’d offstage at his coronation. He is part of the problem – an agent of filth. These people have the power to turn national armies in to treasonous entities – as we saw during the scamdemic – traitors to their countries, traitors to themselves. It’s not about one country, it’s about a group of internationalist criminals drunk on power. They must be exposed for the filth that they are and their power somehow removed.
It’s the same old story on an increasingly globalised scale, fear is the currency of control which is what is desired, control. Keep the masses in a constant state of underlying fear and uncertainty with a belief that our heroic authorities and governments will look after us in our times of crisis. When in reality it is those very governments colluding and complying to bring about the crises. AIDS, the war on cancer, 9/11, the war on terror, Covid, the war against Russia, the engineered climate crisis, world banking crisis, etc., etc.
“These people control the UK and the US,..”
Also, China, Russia, India, and several other countries around the world.
100%. We are watching in real time, as these criminals attempt to put the final pieces in place for the long planned One World Government (Communism’s dystopian plans coming to fruition).
Your post led me to this horrifying image of Commie Kissinger and his One World Government whores:
1966 reference to the plans of the Communists to establish a One World Government:
The Communist Takeover Explained (1966) – YouTube
Good pictorial evidence of the oligarchy-politico nexus with India in focus. This one as well as the Putin, Xi ones you posted.
They are on it together. I will even walk a step further and say about my country, India, is that even the main opposition poltiical parties, including regional political parties, are all so corrupt that the global oligarchs can and is already managing to control them with money and probably blackmail/threats too.
So, I guess we can all safely assume that those reports of Saudi Arabia switching sides and going with BRICS are really true? 😉
Or is it really the global controlling “elite” colluding to bring about a one-world-government out of the engineered chaos of wars, “pandemics”, banking crises. It looks like a change in dominance coming from the east with the western democracy era now coming to an end? That’s what worries me. Is the east fed up with US/western hegemony or is at all a larger strategic plan for the “new world order” I hate the US attempted world dominance, but I’ equally worried about an eastern communist era emerging.
I share your concern about how ‘anti-globalist’ BRICS really is, now that it’s obvious both Russia and China are up to their eyeballs in the Covid-hoax. I was just trying to inject a little levity into the proceedings, hence the winking emoticon.
fwiw- here are a bunch of links I’ve collected on Russia going along with the Great Reset, and James Corbett’s take on BRICS and how it seems committed to global governance and Agenda 2030.
Yes, Russia is complicit in the Great Reset, But if you disagree with me that’s okay.
“But the digital ruble is different” Didn’t your mother tell you to stay away from CBDCs?
Russia is still complicit in the Great Reset: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?” — one year later
The digital noose tightens around Russia: Your identity and civil privileges, all conveniently stored on a convenient app
Russians are also “dying suddenly”- Russian activists document “sudden deaths” among young athletes
No brakes on Moscow’s biosecurity charade: PCR tests & genetic injections will forever protect the “epidemiological well-being of the population”
The OTHER Globalist Conference
And in The BRICS Summit: What You Need to Know, I pointed out that the Ninth BRICS Summit—held in Xiamen in Southeast China in 2017—featured a reaffirmation of the group’s commitment to the United Nation’s Agenda 21/2030 scam, a recommitment to fostering a “global economic governance architecture” and a renewal of their subjugation to the World Trade Organization….
The RICS, at any rate, have pushed the biosecurity nightmare as hard as any of the Western globalist regimes, which should give you an indication of how interested they are in “sticking it to the globalists” and freeing the peoples of the world from the death grip of the technocrats…. We need reminding from time to time that the belief that the BRICS group (or any combination of its members) represents a true opposition to the global agenda is hopium of the worst sort.
And what better way to do that than by quoting their own speeches from their own socially-distanced, biosecurity-promoting, “vaccine”-loving, digital currency-pimping summit?
Very well said!
So I watched the original footage from 9/11 when it used to be on youtube, the first few minutes before and after the second “plane crash” in New York. I think it is also available on so download and make your own copy now.
In the first seven minutes, there is no plane. The cartoon plane disappearinh behind the tower followed by kaboom only appears after approximately eight minutes.
Basically you see the regular programming interrupted with news of an explosion. In the first seven minutes there is NO plane. None of the reporters already in helicopters staring at the first tower make any mention of hearing or seeing a plane. They are talking about the fire in the first tower and then they say…oh there’s an explosion in the second tower.
They are in a helicopter doing NOTHING but staring at the towers and neither see nor hear a giant plane approaching at low altitude. The first suggestion of a plane comes from a CNN producer who just happened to be in some tall building with a view on the tower and he saw a plane.
If a huge passenger plane were flying at that claimed but impossibly high speed: EVERYONE in a five kilometre radius would have run the hell away from the sound even if they could not see anything from ground level in a canyon of skyscrapers. You would not need someone to tell you there was a plane. There would be a disaster scenario on the ground outside the towers.
If someone shows me footage of a plane crashing into those towers and doing what a solid object would do in that situation, I’ll change my opinion.
All that footage was scrubbed from youtube. Now you mostly see the sensational collapse. Plane footage is very limited and either shows the cartoon plane disappearing behind the tower or planes flying like ghosts into buildings without breaking up.
Good point.
And what about the footage of the first plane? So perfectly shot by the film-makers who just happened to be right in that area making a documentary about a fire station in the downtown location.
I’m assuming you’re familiar with September Clues. I had watched a couple of their videos some ten years ago or more. The thing that stood out about their analysis was that they didn’t just focus on “Da plane! Da plane!”
They analyzed footage well before and well after the “attack” – and showed how the particular elements comprising the overall scene could only have been pieced together. There were anomalies throughout the footage: lighting, shadows, even wrinkles in places – things most people don’t even notice.
I probably did. I’ll have to search for it again. I’ve watched so much stuff now that I can’t remember that one specifically at this moment. Speaking for myself, I always felt there was something fishy about the “planes” although I couldn’t put my finger on it at first.
It took me a while to piece it together. The biggest evidence for no planes is the absence of evidence.
Look at the 2019 Bek Air crash. That’s what happens to a plane when it crashes into a solid object. It’s a rare example of a plane crashing into a building without exploding and you can see the damage to the plane from a tiny house.
A plane crash (x2) at the towers REQUIRES a HUGE debris field on the ground OUTSIDE the towers IMMEDIATELY upon impact. It wasn’t there. We have a whole HOUR of footage of people strolling around right underneath the towers supposedly after a plane slammed into a building above their heads.
Maybe go the whole hog: No buildings. No New York. No USA. Makes things even simpler
The more physical reality that one can deny, the simpler the world becomes. And the less work required to understand it
Where did the sound come from?
9/11 [1st plane]
Where did the sound come from? How about a sound track?
Plausible. But do you actually believe it, given all the mannerisms of the firemen?
The “Holy Shit!” and all that takes place off camera – understandably, of course, as the focus was the plane hitting the building. So you really can’t go by what was happening on the ground.
Truthfully, if this is the “Only existing footage of lst Plane Hitting…” then it is more questionable than ever.
Thank you for posting the video which proves there was no passenger plane crashing into the first tower.
Looks like you have never taken video editing 101. You’re making an assumption that the soundtrack was not created and inserted for a specific video footage.
This video..which emerged some days later is itself is proof of the absence of any passenger plane. You see a fireman look up, then the camera pans to another direction because the photographer already knows what is going to happen and is conveniently located at pretty much the only intersection in the are where you can get a clear view of the towers from ground level.
And apart from the fact that you don’t really see a plane, no passenger plane is capable of flying at that speed at low altitude.
Unless Osama bin Elvis was able to break the laws of aerodynamics….
Having watched it through in slow motion with maximum zoom, it is admittedly a little strange.
When the camera turns to focus on the WTC building, there’s a very faint shadow that moves down (from the sky) diagonally towards the top right corner of the building. Followed by a puff of white smoke in that exact location i.e the top right corner.
Then the main explosion takes place further down a fraction of a second later. Followed by the explosions on the other sides of the building. There’s no obvious (visible) connection between the first (top-right corner) and second of those that I could see, so that may have happened internally.
How about a cruise missile?
Or maybe both – a plane and a missile 🤔
Sorry Kit. The government you speak of was doing another government’s bidding. Namely, Israel’s. Qui bono? Both. Massively.
Oy vey.
The two most important general quotes in relation to 9/11 are: “All propaganda is lies, even when one is telling the truth.” George Orwell “The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.” Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist. Sure, Saudi Arabia nor Israel nor many other governments other than the obvious one “did” 9/11, sure, the buildings came down by controlled demolition, sure, there were no planes. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. All as bleedingly obvious as can be. But so much written about 9/11 however true is ultimately propaganda because it is all distraction from the most important aspect of 9/11. The most important aspect of 9/11 is that which suppresses the truth best and that aspect is the fake binary propaganda strategy – see Catte’s article. Our options were: A. Terrrrrrorists did it. B. US government did it (with various degrees of involvement by other governments) When it was really C. US government “did” it but they didn’t do what they said was done. All they did for real was bring down buildings, there were no terrorist hijackers or passenger airliners and they didn’t kill and injure people (at least not in general). The evidence clearly shows that 9/11 was, in reality, a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation in the form of a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terror Exercise comprising numerous smaller exercises and drills, many of which they informed us of … with a crucial few they didn’t, for example, those showing us all the images of the clearly unmaimed “injured”. Some of the items forming the prong of the fake binary targeted to the anticipated disbelievers: 1. Israel did it – masses and masses of “Israel did it”, Five dancing Israelis, “art” students in the buildings, Jewish employees in the towers receiving advance warning, etc – they even have an agent devoted just to Israel propaganda – Christopher Bollyn 2. All kinds of suspicious companies in the towers and people targeted to be killed in both the towers and the Pentagon – see Jeremy Rys’s brilliant propaganda film, Conspiracy Solved! – had me totally sucked in 3. Indignant loved ones of those who died or were injured unsatisfied with the 9/11 Commission – Bob McIlvaine, April Gallop, Jersey widows 4. The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry representing the indignant loved ones However, even though they’ve done a brilliant job of implementing their fake binary propaganda strategy suppressing the truth of staged death and injury (not to say no one died or was hurt) we have to hand it to them – they let us know clearly underneath the propaganda that death and injury were staged. They have reporters tell us that empty ambulances and rescue vehicles paraded past the rescue centre set up in West Manhattan, they present miracle survivor stories that have zero credibility, they present images of the alleged injured that in no way distinguish themselves from images we’d expect in drills and in some cases are particularly unconvincing, they present obviously photoshopped family photos, eg, those from Bob… Read more »
I suppose this is all designed to reinforce the lie that there were planes and hijackers involved at all. Unless of cause you believe a bunch of jihadists crawled out their caves in Afghan travelled across the world to hijack a bunch of US commercial aircraft which they controlled at impossibly high speeds at low altitude to make direct hits into the towers without breaking up on the outer concrete/steel pillars and the pentagon which had the inprint of a missile strike. Flight 93 never made it of course and disappeared into a little a farmers field.
As soon as you’re able to read the piece and intelligently grasp the point it’s making, I think you’ll agree your concerns aren’t relevant here. A2
go to hell Smearing Sy Hersh How low can you go. lwet me see your researhc of Nordstream. got none STFU
All I know is its NOT the jabs & its NOT Israel
“It was the thinking normie’s opinion, the “lab leak” theory of 9/11.”
The Saudi canard is raised by the deep state precisely so that media dive back into the Riyadh riddle, just like the Wuhan whodunnit.
The Covid respose, like the 9/11 response, was planned in advance. That tells you everything. Those who bristle at suggestions it was an inside job, however, are likely to take the same attitude towards the Covid response being an inside job.
In other words, the Saudi canard does nothing to shift public opinion, any more than arguing about whether a virus escaped from a Chinese lab.
Riyadh Riddle and Wuhan Whodunnit. Very good!!! Well done, you.
Established in 1997 by Zionist Bill Kristol and Robert Kagan, PNAC was a neocon think tank that from the very outset sought to entangle the US in a war with Iraq.
Its long term goal was to secure America’s position of global dominance into the 21st century and, infamously, said that it would be impossible to rally the public around this goal without some “catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.”
The Zionist entity cannot survive unless the US of As is an effective, absolute hegemon. They will stop at nothing to ensure this. Unfortunately for the Zionist entity, they did not figure in a bunch of things about the USofAs like rampant obesity, wide-spread drug abuse, isolationism, etc. What they did get right was the hypocrisy and corruption of the USofAs elites.
As Kit says, “sometimes the truth is very simple”.
No Planes
As long as the limited hangout “truth” movement pushes the “planes” lie we will never get to the truth. Moreover we can always be led back to the 19 boxcutter wielding cavedweller theory. When are we going to admit the truth that there were no planes ? There is absolutely no evidence planes flew into the towers. The videos show physical impossibilities and must neccessarily be fake. The media has consigned the sequences of the “collisions” to the Memory Hole for very good reason. There was insufficient wreckage and what there was was of the wrong type. There are no credible independant witnesses to the planes and their interaction with the towers. On the other hand there many that were located suitably at the right instant and looking in the right direction and saw no planes. Insider photographer David Handschuh was one and he admitted as much on the David Rose show. The videos showed impossible maneuvers. The speeds claimed were well outside the flight envelope of any airliner. Limited hangout serves the morally bankrupt purpose of exonerating one of the main accomplices, the media. The very media that enslaved us during convid.
Exactly. The thing is that all one needs to do is to stop at proving that there were no planes. All of the other elaborate theories as to what did happen are unnecessary. We can only speculate. But it’s a 100% sure that there were no planes.
MIT’s own documents on the “plane crash” are pure garbage GIGO modeling and cite “CNN” as the reference for calculating the speed of the “plane”. But as I explained in a different comment, the first seven minutes of CNN footage immediately after the explosion show no plane. The cartoon plane silhouette was added in a few minutes later.
A friend of mine knows someone who died on one of the planes.
How do you explain that?
Not trying to be argumentative. I don’t believe in the official narrative AT ALL.
But I’m not sold on the no plane theory because where did all those passengers go?
And, as I stated, I have a friend who lost a friend from work.
This is anecdotal. It would be useful if you could name the person and name the alleged flight he or she was on. Many of the alleged passengers did not appear on the Social Security Death Index. The alleged flights had an unrealistically low occupancy. No hijacker in history has ever obtained the controls. The challenges to the alleged hijackers in flying the planes accurately to their destinations and the challenges of flying them into the centre of the towers at the impossible speeds cited are quite insurmountable.
Oh, my friend has told me the name of her friend. And the flight she was on. I certainly would not print it here in a discussion like this.
I am not attached to any particular theory, but I do question the no plane.
And,again, did NO ONE of the hundreds of airline employees working that day speak up and say “We did not fly those planes”
I don’t believe hijackers took over. I would believe remote control over that.
But it still puzzles me.
In any case, like the assassinations of the 60’s, I do not believe we will ever get the the full detailed story.
I do not for a minute believe anything “official”.
Judith, the number of people I happen to know very randomly connected to psyops amazes me, especially considering I don’t know very many people.
— someone whose insurance agent allegedly died in the one of the towers
— a little girl who was the classmate of someone who allegedly died in the Barcelona van rampage
— friend of the parents of someone who was a classmate of someone whose mother allegedly died in the Manchester bombing
— two women who went to school with the alleged Christchurch shooter one of whom was good friends with one of the two police officers who allegedly died in the Wieambilla, Queensland shooting which has all the signs of a psyop (we are told that Rachel McCrow “received serious injuries to her leg and commenced treating her own wounds whilst using her body worn camera to record her observations at the scene” – if she only received serious injuries to her leg why did she die? Where is the evidence from the camera? Just like the plane into the Pentagon. Where’s the evidence?)
— and then there’s Julian Assange’s father who simply won’t listen to me when I tell him Chelsea is an agent and Collateral Murder was faked.
Don’t waste time wondering how this or that was possible – who knows? – just go by the evidence. There is zero evidence of the nominated passenger airliners and clear evidence against them. How on earth has this covid psyop happened – how on earth are so many health professionals going along with the killing and maiming caused by the protocols? How on earth? WTF? WTF? Every day I feel a sense of incredulity at it even though I know it’s all happened before.
There were no Arab highjackers. All three flights leaving Boston were taken out of the pilots’ control by drone technology, which was fully developed in 2001. These planes were flown to an Air National Guard base in western MA. A few “collaborators” were taken off the planes and the rest, including the crew, were murdered by poison gas. So your friend was murdered but not by a collision into a building.
I regard the argument as to whether planes collided with WTC 1&2 as a red herring, for the simple reason that anyone conversant with basic physics and chemistry (which I taught for some years) would realize immediately that they could never have resulted in the total destruction. It was a diversion. I, myself, lean toward the “no plane” position, but if planes did collide with the towers, they were not the original planes that left Boston and were drone controlled.
What brought down the towers was either nanothermite, planted micro nuke triggers, or a la Judy Wood (an accomplished professor of material engineering before she was defrocked), directed energy weapons. Probably a combination of all three. Nanothermite could not explain how a girder was hurled 600 feet to impale in an upper story in a building across Liberty Street.
As stated, just as the planes and kerosene fires of the official story were a diversion for the weak minded, the plane/no plane debate is a further diversion.
Lots of proof by assertion here. I doubt you have any way to rule out a purely thermite-driven collapse tbh, but regardless, thermite remains the only documented, peer-reviewed scientific evidence so far to explain the mechanism of the twin towers’ collapse.
Have you looked at the research?
I suggest we’re certainly not required to weigh this evidence equally against ‘dustifying’ DEW theories, whether powered by storms or shot from satellites or wherever.
If we can reach a sane, reasonable judgement that 9/11 was an inside job then we should reject the narrative, and all the narrative-seeded talking points. We should also place our imaginations on hold. This isn’t crop circles or mothman prophecies or something charmingly occult. It is people’s lives and futures.
“… thermite remains the only documented, peer-reviewed scientific evidence so far to explain the mechanism of the twin towers’ collapse.”
How very interesting. Since covid, “peer-reviewed” tends to inspire suspicion in me. Can you point me to this material?
I think “thermite/nanothermite” is simply one of the great multitude of misleading propaganda threads.
1. What other high rise steel frame buildings have been brought down by thermite? If none can be cited wouldn’t it be rather strange to use this technology for the first time in this situation?
2. Why would they have needed to use thermite rather than tried and true explosives? Do you necessarily believe that they used thermite only to avoid the telltale sounds of explosives? I mean they showcased WTC-7’s perfect implosion to us from seven vantage points – they don’t seem to need to worry about telltale signs of anything surely.
I think the “molten metal” theme is propaganda and that all evidence for it is pseudo-evidence.
Very interesting that supposedly after the Great Fire of London:
“Among the burnt objects retrieved from a shop near Pudding Lane were melted pieces of pottery that revealed the effects of temperatures as high as 1700 degrees Celsius”
My instincts tell me that the melted pieces of pottery were planted just as the melted beams of steel were after 9/11.
This video shows workers using flashlights, a still image from which was put out as showing molten metal – cannot find evidence of that image now but I know I’ve seen it.
The answers given here seem to indicate issues with using thermite to bring down the towers.
It’s on architects and engineers for 9/11 truth.
While we’re right to scrutinise anything claiming to be ‘peer reviewed’ more closely in a post-Covid world, I haven’t seen anyone suggest there’s anything inherently wrong with the process if done properly. It’s getting qualified people to check your work, at the end of the day, nothing more.
There’s plenty of incentive within the ranks of passionate upholders of the official 9/11 narrative to publish a paper refuting the thermite scientific evidence, but to my knowledge this hasn’t been done satisfactorily. It is mostly just ignored and dismissed in sweeping ways, like you’ve done here.
In terms of video of molten steel, I’m afraid we’ll have to disagree. I have seen multiple videos showing molten metal, which have satisfied me that what I’m witnessing is indeed molten incandescent metal.
Since molten aluminium doesn’t incandesce in the way shown in videos taken of ground zero rubble and visibly flowing out of the burning towers pre-collapse, and knowing what metals were present at the site, many exceptionally qualified people have felt able to conclude this was molten steel.
Assuming that this video footage isn’t all hoaxed or doctored – in which case let’s submit this evidence for peer review – I think it’s compelling and not to be dismissed lightly.
We take it as a given that if A&E wasn’t set up as a controlled opposition organisation it will certainly be infiltrated, right, Sam? I mean, that’s a given. Sure, there will no doubt be a significant number of genuine members but some will be controlled opposition agents so we certainly cannot take at face value everything produced by A&E.
“In terms of video of molten steel, I’m afraid we’ll have to disagree. I have seen multiple videos showing molten metal, which have satisfied me that what I’m witnessing is indeed molten incandescent metal.”
You may well have seen multiple videos showing molten metal but what tells you they are of molten metal at Ground Zero and even if they are of molten metal at Ground Zero what says they aren’t images fabricated after the event?
What needs to be understood, Sam, in the 9/11 propaganda strategy is the enormous reliance on the limitless elasticity of the Emperor’s New Clothes effect. They have pushed out oodles and oodles of truth because they know the majority will simply not believe it. Truthers have been fooled into thinking that it’s the genuine truth-tellers telling that truth because they cannot countenance the perps telling it whereas it is the perps because they know they can rely on TENC effect … no matter how eye-watering the truth they push in our faces … and it works for them to do that propaganda-wise because when they tell us the truth and we know it is the truth then they can mix that truth with lies to make us believe those mixed-in lies too, right?
I’ve bookmarked this video to where FDNY worker, Philip Ruvolo, says:
“You’d get down below and you’d see molten steel, molten steel running down the channel rails.”
I’d say this is scripted. What are “channel rails”, Sam? I think they’re made up and that’s one of their little “revelation of the method” indicators that this is scripted and Philip didn’t go “down below” and see molten steel “running down the channel rails”.
I’m not going to keep discussing it with you, Sam. If you believe in molten metal so be it. I’m willing to look at anything you put forward as evidence but unless I think that evidence is convincing my mind is pretty much set on molten metal being yet another piece of distraction and obfuscation propaganda.
Lots of questions without answers. I’m afraid we’ll have to agree to disagree. I have seen very compelling evidence of molten metal, and I don’t think your rebuttal has changed my mind one bit.
I know that things can be fabricated and doctored, and that institutions can be infiltrated, but this doesn’t mean they were in the ways you assume.
An appeal to possibility is not a logical argument, and it appears this is your only evidence or you’d probably stop speculating and post the hard facts demonstrating your case.
I too am happy not to discuss this anymore.
i noticed you introduced the micro aggression of repeating my name often during your reply. I apologise if I’ve ticked you off, however I have to interpret the facts as I see them and head where the evidence leads me, and I know you’d have it no other way.
I didn’t know that repeating someone’s name was considered microagression, Sam, and I will endeavour in future not to do that – I guess it’s just a habit I have and don’t feel as if it reflects aggression on my part but maybe it does.
You haven’t ticked me off, I just disagree with you … as I do with virtually the rest of the world including most of my friends and family so nothing I’m not used to, that’s for sure 🙂
Well, I’m sorry we can’t be more united but that’s the way it is, I guess! That’s the way the cookie crumbles 🙂
I know I said I’d stop discussion as I’ve resolved not to keep arguing with people when it’s clear neither of us will change our mind, however, this discussion has prompted further thought and investigation on my part so I am engaging for a little longer at least. Also, I hate it to be thought that I have indulged in logical fallacy as that is something I feel I instinctively avoid in my argument and would always want to correct if ever I strayed into it. You say: “An appeal to possibility is not a logical argument, and it appears this is your only evidence or you’d probably stop speculating and post the hard facts demonstrating your case.” Further elaboration of the appeal to probability fallacy: “A mere possibility does not correlate with a probability, and a mere probability does not correlate to a certainty, nor is just any probability that something happened or will happen sufficient to qualify as knowing that it did or will happen.” Couldn’t agree more, however, my claims that thermite and molten metal are distraction propaganda occur in a compelling context and I shall put forward clear facts that make up that context: 1. There is no history of any high rise steel frame building being demolished by the use of thermite. I consulted ChatGPT on the subject of the use of thermite in building demolition and it is quite interesting the different answers obtained with slight variation of the question. The only two buildings ChatGPT nominated (in two different responses) where the answer involved thermite was the remains of the Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma allegedly bombed by Timothy McVeigh (and said to contain incriminating records relating to paedophilia if I recall correctly) and the Skyline Towers, Virginia … again AFTER collapse. Using thermite on the remains of a building ties in with the link I put in my previous answer to Quora where it is said that thermite needs to go on top the thing it is destroying. So I revise my claim about thermite. I think it is perfectly possible that thermite was used in the destruction of the WTC … AFTER the initial demolitions. WTCs 3, 4, 5 and 6 weren’t completely destroyed on the day so it would make perfect sense that if thermite is used on the remains of buildings that it was used to finish off these four buildings while not used in the outright demolitions, no? 2. In normal demolitions charges are used to cut under rather than on top of but where we see molten metal in the towers is way towards the top – I’m not suggesting that with the twin towers all the charges were at the bottom of the buildings – I think we’d assume they’d be placed at intervals up the building but why would there be molten metal right at the top. Someone who supports planes being responsible for the molten metal says that if thermite were used the building would have collapsed immediately … a good point (even if planes had nothing to do with it of course). Why would the buildings keep standing once the charges had taken effect? 3. Even if thermite were used why would molten metal be an issue and continue for weeks? Wouldn’t there simply be enough material in the charges to cut the steel and then end of? Where is precedence of this phenomenon? 4. There is clear evidence of loads of fakery on 9/11 so the possibility of even more without clear evidence of its authenticity hardly falls into the category of “argument for… Read more »
You don’t get it.
1. Nanothermite has been demonstrated, through experiment, to be present in the WTC dust in large amounts.
2. There is NO innocent or natural explanation for its presence.
3. Its presence therefore demonstrates prior intent to destroy the buildings by people with enough funding and high level access to pre-plant explosives.
That’s why it matters so much.
Is it the full story? Probably not, and the scientists who discovered it never claimed it was. They have repeatedly said there could have been or probably were other explosives/incendiaries used. But so far only thermite has been proven to be there. As such it’s the single most powerful proof of prior intent and an “inside job”.
Which is why unprecedented levels of disinfo are aimed at discrediting, diverting and confusing the facts surrounding it.
And it’s certainly worked very well on you as you regularly regurgitate almost all the phony talking points.
In the first few years after 9/11 one of the main truth sites had a questionaire asking readers what lead them to believe 9/11 was an inside job. (A bit of a misleading way of describing the events of that day. One of the prominent perpetrators was physically outside the borders of the United States.) There were a limited number of options. There was no mention of the unreal interaction between fragile airframe and massive structural steel building facade. The media stopped showing the penetration of the South Tower a year or two after the false flag. If they had continued showing it indefinitely people would at some point realise that the videos were fake. The disappearance of the sections of the videos showing the impossible was classic Orwellian Memory Holing. Sadly the truth movement insisted the planes were real, sidestepping the physically impossible or defending it with science and common sense bending arguments. What could have been the strongest case for fake news was deliberately discarded. The purpose was to deflect from the central role of the media and to thus imply it’s credibility.
You argue the evidence, don’t you? So submit definitive evidence of faked plane footage and people will use it. Unfortunately some things remain ambiguous, and while we may have suspicions we can’t prove it either way, therefore we can consider it in context but it can’t be the thrust of the argument.
Basic critical thinking. If you are a normally intelligent person able to serve on a jury, you should be able to grasp this. A2
I think almost everybody on the planet knows a friend of a friend who died on those planes. I know two people who have both insisted that someone they know died on those planes just as everybody has a neighbour’s aunt’s dogwalker who was 25 and healthy and dropped dead from “covid”.
Invariably when I ask for more details, they are never provided.
Agreed. Just to add, no black boxes were found at any of the sites, none.
You’re missing the point of the article, which concludes that the planes are immaterial. If you’re arguing that shouting ‘no planes’ into the void brings you any closer to any truth then you’re mistaken.
Try to remember your basic critical thinking skills to construct a logical premise which allows you to refute a false narrative without getting sucked into ad hoc, piecemeal deconstruction/revisionism where none is necessary, and iwhich doesn’t ultimately serve the official narrative by adding to misdirection and confusion.
The narrative setters introduced planes, and you’re discussing planes. Whether it’s the absence or the presence thereof it makes zero difference, your discussion has been prescribed and dictated to you.
Let’s try harder people. Come on! A2
There were planes & passengers. But they sure as hell never flew into 2 towers, the Pentagon or the ground. They were disappeared along with their occupants. They were a small part of the many “exercises” going on that day.
“Hi Mom, it’s Mark Bingham”.
Rather than resorting to any sort of proof by assertion we could simply refuse to be drawn into definitive statements on immaterial matters, for fear of being kettled, corralled, squeezed and exhausted by the narrative setters. They knew we’d come after them, so they laid traps along the way. A2
‘NATO war-drills start soon in Europe and will cascade into other large-scale manoeuvres…This year will see the biggest deployment of United States troops to the European continent since 1949…NATO operations will stretch from Iceland in the North Sea to Germany and Baltic states, all the way down to Romania and the Black Sea…The massive mobilisation involves all members of the 30 member NATO block, plus partner countries…
Russian forces will be prodded and provoked, “incidences” will occur – as the Barbarians look for weak points, gates though which they can pour…The Hot War is Hotting Up…
(JFK kept a cool head during the Cuban Missile Crisis…They got rid of him…_
Yep. I live in Iceland and the state news told us yesterday that the police are going to practise using horrific new crowd-control weapons, and there will even be snipers around for those occasions when ‘important’ (criminal) people come to persuade us to assist in WW3.
Needless to say, those crowd-control weapons will not be melted down after the exercise, nor will those snipers suddenly find themselves unemployed.
Iceland’s current Prime Minister – who is like a very clever newly-graduated university student with three kids to look after (okay, her husband is a tower of paternal strength) – was never going to tell Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo to go home and fuck themselves when they last visited a few years ago (strangely without the crowd-control or snipers).
In addition, she is politically overwhelmed by the two tough guys who share the actual running of the country with her:
One is the Finance Minister (Conservative), who has a shadowy history concerning the Panama Files.
The other is the Minister for Infrastructure (whatever that is – it’s new) who represents the wealthy farming families who control what’s left after the Finance Minister has wrecked any forward steps which might have been taken by genuine Icelandic culture or welfare infrastructure during this last administration.
In other words, things here are exactly like a British Conservative’s hottest dream.
Oh, I forgot: The Faroes are under pressure from their owner, Denmark, to take anti-Russian steps in their local waters…
Crowd control weapons for Iceland? Wow. What’s next? Crowd control for Senior Centers?
One country? Really? That’s it, end of story? I guess we can’t speak of it here. Weird.
I will speak. Israel was the mastermind. AMAN military intelligence to be exact.
Preposterous article.
Mossad by way of deception thou shalt make war.
I’m not convinced by that. It’s clearly a seeded narrative and very simplistic. Probably part of the usual divide and conquer strategy to cripple the 9\11 truth movement, A2
I agree, Albert … as far as I’m concerned, there is very much that is very good at OG.
Unfortunately, an apartheid state on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean is not their beat.
The idea that a country would cold-bloodedly traumatise its own citizenry remains verboten. Like rather than accept Covid was a manufactured lie people reach for lab leak theories or distort the data to support ‘covid deaths’. The very idea we are in a media simulacrum, that the news we’re fed is largely curated pulp fiction, and the mere concept that some events are purely ‘wag the dog’ freaks people out.
Hence people leap for some geopolitically-affirming ‘interference’ to blame for 9/11. Some evil baddies pulling the strings, pushing the US’s hand on the plunger as the twin towers detonated.
But really, you miss the point. Regardless of Mossad collaboration, or MI5 or MI6 collaboration, or any other outside collaboration, or any geopolitical advantages gained AFTER by any state actors, the fact this was an orchestrated event from the top down, and the fact that the US had all the ingredients internally to orchestrate every single part of it, is THE most important thing. It wasn’t anything organic or real or true. There were no terrorists or security beaches. For all parties – except the innocent civilians brutalised by the event – it was a simulation in every conceivable way. It was a sting, and those who weren’t immediately in the know soon engaged cog dis and went along with it.
That’s a huge revelation. Like a spotlight dropping to earth in the Truman dome.
If another country pulled the strings then you’re basically lending credence to the official narrative, upholding the myth that countries don’t brutalise their own citizenry in this way unless they’re infiltrated by outside terrorist states. A2
“If another country pulled the strings then you’re basically lending credence to the official narrative, upholding the myth that countries don’t brutalise their own citizenry in this way unless they’re infiltrated by outside terrorist states.”
Nah, don’t agree with that. We’re not really talking about another country, we’re talking about an ideology, and the US destroyed that myth all on its own long ago. So did Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union, etc., etc. What myth are you talking about and who would believe that?
Besides, if it’s true, i.e., that the US was infiltrated by the zionists who spearheaded 9/11, then it’s true. Who cares about myths.
Meanwhile, in the back blocks of SA the Saudis and their greedy co conspirators play games:
Could tis possibly be true?!
Good blog link, thanks
This is also a good, recent video called “empty planet”. Clear presentation with some good stats.
interesting, especially the three different fake tiffany dover’s in another article on the same website
I doubt it.
It seems to me that people are still getting pregnant like there was no tomorrow.
Aren’t even men are getting pregnant these days?
Nature apparently always sees to it that children WILL be born, and I am personally very grateful for my life, although the world view I now have is not at all what I expected it to be when I was younger…
This brings to mind a passage from Kurt Vonnegut’s underappreciated 1973 novel Breakfast of Champions, or Goodbye Blue Monday:
When Dwayne Hoover and Kilgore Trout met each other, their country was by far the richest and most powerful country on the planet. It had most of the food and minerals and machinery, and it disciplined other countries by threatening to shoot big rockets at them or to drop things on them from airplanes.
Most other countries didn’t have doodley-squat. Many of them weren’t even inhabitable anymore. They had too many people and not enough space. They had sold everything that was any good, and there wasn’t anything to eat anymore, and still the people went on fucking all the time.
Fucking was how babies were made.
· A lot of the people on the wrecked planet were Communists. They had a theory that what was left of the planet should be shared more or less equally among all the people, who hadn’t asked to come to a wrecked planet in the first place. Meanwhile, more babies were arriving all the time—kicking and screaming, yelling for milk. In some places people would actually try to eat mud or suck on gravel while babies were being born just a few feet away.
And so on.
OMG! At this rate, we run the risk of getting down to a population the world can actually sustain!
(Oh shit, did I actually say that?)
Also, considering that the USAF has been experimenting with remote controlled aircraft since WW2, and that the military has had full capability to fly any airliner remotely since at least 1995, the most likely scenario is that the planes carried no people. Just CIA created backstory garbage that could be used as evidence of people.
Not to mention that there were 10s of false hijackings called out that day. Some from multiple aircraft. Imagine the confusion that would create for any legitimate response.
I know someone who was in the vicinity on the day and he said he saw a plane heading to the South tower but from his vantage point couldn’t see it hit the building.
Some say they used holograms.
Whether they used remote-controlled planes or holograms or something else has little relevance. The only important information we need about the planes is that the nominated passenger airliners didn’t crash and the footage indicates obvious fakery.
This means we have zero evidence of any of the deaths of the alleged 265 passengers.
The most important fact about the planes: nobody died in a plane.
OK, then all of the passenger lists are fake. ?
All of the staff at the airlines and airports in Boston are in on it. ?
No airline employees ever spoke up about the fact that no passenger planes flew out of Boston. ?
All of the FAA and NORAD radar sightings and phone calls are fake. ?
I do not believe planes actually caused those buildings to collapse. That seems pretty ridiculous to me.
But no planes at all? No passengers? Not one single airline employee speaking up then or now?
I am not invested in how it all happened – like I am not invested in whether viruses exist or not – it was another crime against humanity among the many crimes against humanity.
But the no plane thing doesn’t make sense to me.
some of us come at it the other way – it is completely beyond doubt that ‘plane crashes’ did not cause the WTC towers to ‘collapse into their own footprints’. Completely. ergo – all the questions you ask have some kind of answer. Not knowing exactly what those answers are does NOT in any way invalidate the first fact. As with covid – we don’t know exactly where the virus came from – or, really, if there was any ‘new’ virus at all and this was not all just renaming the common flu virus – but that does not invalidate the fact that the whole covid story was all BS, from ‘the deadly pandemic!!!!!’ to ‘vaccinations are safe and effective!!!!’ or ‘masks save lives!!!!’ etc – going to laugh or barf if I keep that up –
There were no planes.
aye probably blue beam tech which will be used to carry out a fake alien invasion if it comes to that
one of the few things we can know for certain about the whole narrative ….
The CIA Assassinated JFK and RFK, ran MK-Ultra, MK-Naomi, etc. etc. etc., so why should anyone be shocked that the CIA is linked to the Criminal Event of 9-11.
Many experts stated that a Criminal Event like 9-11 could have only been carried out by a fixed frame entity. A state sponsored entity.
The War on Terror was just a pretext for the Patriot Act and the Public Health Emergency Powers Act. Both were used heavily during the PLANNEDemic of CONVID-1984.
Afterall, who the F believes that kerosene (Jet Fuel) can melt steel.
Where we are today is directly related to the Criminal Event of 9-11.
The very reason the crime scene was cleaned up and covered up at Warp Speed.
All I recall back in 2001 when watching the events unfold on TV, while I still had the ability to short the US markets that morning, before I could place my puts, the TV networks had photos of all the “high jackers” plastered on the screen. That was even before they knew what the hell was happening.
Now thats reporting, is it not? I mean how do you get that information so quickly?
There were no “hijackers” and 9/11 was done for the benefit of the Zionist state.
They lied about the threat of Communist takeovers in Korea, Vietnam Indonesia and several South American countries. They lied about the threat of terrorists in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and around every corner.
They lied about the AIDS virus, the SARS virus and Covid.
Why the fuck would they be telling the Truth about 911?
Tucker Carlson has been un-personed… He’s become a non-person…
The MSM will not ever speak of him again…That’s Final !
As some say, God takes the good guys first. The rest of us are getting yet another chance.
Tucker Carlson’s daddy was a CIA man.
Do you seriously think anyone makes it as a talking head on any major network without being controlled?
You’re right. Carlson is probably being “cancelled” in order to give him instant credibility in the alt-media. It’s probably no coincidence Don Lemon got fired at CNN as well.
Don’t worry.
He was likely bored with the job, and had saved enough money never to need to work again.
He seemed to change horses a few years ago, but he was never my go-to source for news. You don’t work for Fox and have free rein to do whatever you like.
Yeah, he used to be with MSNBC. But his show was more celebrity than news oriented (but then so is all of MSNBC). It’s the station politicians go to for a spit ‘n shine celebrity make-over.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-04-24. Bridgen MP: Midazolam used for C19 in NHS Guideline NG163 👍 by Hancock = involuntary mass euthanasia
Yes, this is more detail on iatrogenesis during that time.
In my humble opinion you guys are taking statistics too serious. All statistics must be subject to quality control in real life.
Normies make up 99.99999999999+% of my world…
I’m always bumping into them, always stumbling over them…
Ditto here.
People of the Lie.
But…but…but – doesn’t the Saudis’ two-step away from the petrodollar and (God forbid) toward the yuan PROVE the Saudis did 911? Don’t you see? America was just waiting for them to tip their hand!
Uncle Sam is on the case! You go girl!
So Saudi Arabia didn’t do 911. I’m not sure who is suggesting they did although the evidence is there they supplied funding and low level operatives or the patsies.
A major step forward would be an article pointing out who did do it or who at least the evidence points towards who had serious involvement….
We know who did it … what most are mistaken about is what 9/11 WAS. When it is established what it WAS then it’s easy to see who.
They lied about the terrorist hijackers.
They lied about the planes crashing into buildings.
They lied about how the buildings came down.
You don’t think there’s anything else they lied about?
The deep state (headed by International Finance) did it. Especially the governments of the United States, Israel, “Great” Britain, Canada, Australia and so on. The neocons demanded it with the PNAC document.
The media were the foremost among the accomplices followed by the military, the covert agencies, the rotten political structure, the bureaucracy, the corporations and so on.
The third photo shows two of the greatest liars in history.
The third photo also shows one of the most dangerous men on earth, the other is a dunce.
I agree 100%