20 Memes to Get You Through May Day – Part 32

Well, it’s May 1st – Happy May Day (Meme Day?) everyone!
Where I live it has finally – finally – decided it might be Spring after all. My cat is sleeping in the sun, birds are singing in the trees…
…you know what? Maybe everything is going to be alright. Maybe.
Where were you when the Blue Tick snap happened?
Who will you be impersonating?
….but obviously the Twitter “drama” is a distraction anyway.
Of course, lost in the Musk drama (and the coronation…and Ukraine…and Arcturus) is the fact we’re still in a banking crisis.
“Not only will America go to your country and kill all your people. But they’ll come back 20 years later and make a movie about how killing your people made their soldiers feel sad.” – Frankie Boyle

Guys, they’re preservatives OK? I mean, what would be the point in injecting foreign genetic material into your body if it degraded before it had a chance to give you a stroke?

In other news, the US Department of Justice has declared war on memes…which I guess makes us insurgents? guerillas?
We’ve been winning a war we didn’t know we were in…just because we like being annoying.
“I got this purple heart at the second battle of Twitter…took an RSI in the wrist heading off an assault by the 77th brigade.”
I know Trump’s arrest is old news…but this has been in my meme folder for ages, and it makes me chuckle.
I actually had completely forgotten about this…what is it about opening ceremonies that make the elites go a bit weird?
Posting memes is not “nothing”!
…this is not a meme, but it hits home a little, not gonna lie.
Our final depressing meme, I promise.
That got dark…here’s my favourite meme of the week to bring back the laughs.
And finally, here’s another non-meme to buoy us back up.

I agree with the sentiment. Like I said, my cat is sitting in the sun outside, and when I’ve posted these memes I’m gonna go scratch his ears and forget about the awful state of the world.
I suggest you all do the same.
Have a good day everyone, and if you have a meme you would like to see included you can send it to us via our submissions email, or post it in the comments (instructions below).
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One more meme:
A guy carrying a giant syringe approaches someone sweeping a floor.
The syringe is a cadaver with a needle coming out of the top of it’s head.
Guy: “We need herd immunity let me stick you with this.”
Sweeper: “Immunity against what?”.
Guy: “Hiccups”
Sweeper: “Hiccups?! I only experience those after voting.”
Guy: “We need herd immunity. It is a moral imperative.”
Sweeper: “I’ll stop voting, alright?”
Guy: “You are still contagious, your neighbor might decide to vote.”
Sweeper: “There has to be some kinda criteria to determine when the danger to the herd
is great enough to force that cadaver on me.”
Guy: “The criteria is: ask a technocrat.”
Sweeper: “I didn’t vote for him.”
Guy: “You can’t.”
Sweeper: “So if I get this vaccine there will be no hiccups after voting?”
Guy: “You will never worry again about what happens after you vote.”
Sweeper: “And the herd will become safe from hiccups.”
Guy: “Perfectly safe, trust me.”
Sweeper: “Are there any side effects?”
Guy: “None that you will worry about.”
Sweeper rubs his shoulder after getting his shot.
He watches Guy as he walks away.
Cadaver hiccups
Maybe put a preference up on how we should post meme’s and what type of meme’s to post as the thought police seem to get upset by MEMEs.
Maybe ban it altogether. 😂
Sorry, you and your vpn entourage have confused me now. What the fig are you on about? 😅
If you’re possibly referring to my reply below, then let me be clear for you. If you think this free resource called offg is a crèche to mollycoddle outdated, entitled consumer mindsets, where seen-but-not-heard admins leave any view unchallenged, no matter how fatuous, then you’re wrong.
Dont be a baby. Also try to reply with the same moniker (let’s at least try to keep up the pretence). Or preferably save your energy, because we’ve heard it all before. A2
Your famous Rodney….
I just noticed that a king is being crowned for the corona nation.
Oh no, not only did I not laugh once, but I didn’t even understand why I might have. Please bring back the funny ones.
My recollection is that Kennedy was thanking Newsom for opposing mandatory vaccination of children.
What you’re suggesting would fit nicely into something I’ll call ‘the blanket syndrome’ … i.e. prejudging on a monumental scale. One cannot totally discount everything based on one’s prejudices as there may often be an occasional nugget available. Of course I’m basing this on my own myopic-ignorance and the assumption of preferring to, know-thine-enemy.
Albeit, there are often informative quality nature documentaries and a few ‘films’ based on classical books which can be of [some] value.
Although, with the general hodge-podge and ‘Newsy’ manure-laced propaganda, I do agree with your perspective …
Well they get it all from you in the end really. It’s almost like they rent existence to you.
“You don’t have money Saving Loan [life death]
..”enjoy your day don’t piss it away dot four three home and away”…
Is there any actual evidence that the drag queens community etc. pose any elevated grooming risk? Lots of demographics get pulled into manufactured controversies and controlled binaries. It’s part of labelling the opposition ‘far right’, discrediting by association and divide and rule.
I think we need to up the intelligence level of this conversation.
My experience is that Drag Queens were to titillate homosexual men.
Drag Queens are NOT normal, but for the most part harmless.
However, they HAVE to leave the kids alone. Otherwise, it is degenerate behaviour. Children need to find out for themselves, without coersion. They are far too impressionable.
I agree that Drag Queens aka cross-dressers, aka transvestites, WERE about titillating homosexual men. They have also been about imitating and making fun of women, ie misogynistic. It’s gone way beyond the titillating homo men stage now.
Not all Drag Queens are homosexual.
Problems building over time:
latch the T onto the LGB. MANY of us didn’t want it, this denial of sex biology which is XX and XY and NOTHING ELSE. “Trans” not connected to sexual preference at all. It’s a dreamscape in a person’s mind.
Drag Queen Story Hour starts up in public libraries, to further confuse and push underlying agenda of transhumanism, targetting children. Why did anyone think big wig wearing, glitter eye shadowed TransMAN in sequin dress reading to children is a fun idea? Now it’s gone total depravity with Drag Brunch where parents take kids to see dragsters humping and twerking. (If women strippers tried to have brunch shows for kids, how long would that last??!!)
then somehow “Trans” got hooked up with CRT/Woke and got into schools with the pronouns, open bathrooms, porno books in school libraries and keeping parents out of the loop about their own kids. Age limits on “top” and “bottom” neutering surgeries? That’s an evil GOP plot against “Trans”!
With alot of whining/lying about how they are being killed off (actual % of population that’s “Trans” is <.05%) they gained sympathy from the Woke Mob/Antifa and stepped up tactics like the Self-ID Laws of various countries giving incredible privileges to men/ TransMEN. Get a wig and go to women’s jails, women’s shelters, women’s bathrooms and changing rooms. Pedos catch on and halfway into court trial for attack on child, change their “Sex ID” to female and are called SHE in court and in news. Then sent to women’s jail for “doing time” They aint doing time, they are PARTYING, Yee-Haa!
The Self-ID enables TransMEN to get into women’s sports, win places and money meant for WOMEN.
TransMEN/Antifa show up whenever and wherever women try to speak up. They punch women, douse them in tomato juice, scream and yell insults, spit at women… Oh yes, message is clear: Women should just shut up and go away.
So really, everyone leave kids alone. That means TransMEN, straight men pedos, regular ol’ crossdressers, homo and bisexual men, all clergy, abusive parents and uncles, coaches and teachers, fetishists, deranged lunatics and sad INCELS.
Go dress up however you want but your clothes wigs and surgeries can NEVER change your sex..
There is grooming going on, stepping stone to transhumanism. There is blurring of sex chromosomes reality.
There is silencing and erasure of women going on, another stepping stone to transhumanism. There’s $$ and an agenda behind all this. It’s about separating human from soul for easier control and manipulation.
“Evidence” ? Was there ever any evidence of any elevated grooming risk bringing children to Catholic facilities , before it was on everybody´s lips ?
And if you came directly from another planet with no Catholics nor drag queens , which one would you think to be most likely to commit grooming ?
You think this was up or down the intelligence level ?
Your argument is that an alien would prob think drag queens were more likely to groom than priests, in your opinion.
That’s the most illogical and the dumbest argument I’ve ever heard in my life 😅 I do so hope I’m right and this is satire. Because it’s genius.
Love all the comments and memes and jokes about trans people!
No more talk about injection deaths and injuries! (Which are on-going by the way. Lucky you if you don’t know any victims)
A new group of people to vilify! Bravo!
How about some drunken Irish memes?
Some good Slanty eyed chink jokes?
Won’t even spell out the N word. But there’s got to be some humor (and denigration) there.
Why not throw in some disabled funnies?
Just a shout out to trans folk out there – not everyone believes you are child abusers and groomers. Most of us know that this latest propaganda assault is just more divide and conquer.
Most of us believe in freedom of choice – ergo our fight for the last 3 years to make our own decisions about our own health and life.
Most of us know that if comments and memes and jokes like the ones on this site today (and many other sites) were aimed at various other nationalities or races or religions, they would not be printed.
And if you’re a grown man carrying a woman’s handbag and wearing women’s clothes and I see you at the shops…you’re the product of societal destabilization operations that you believe to be ‘progress’ and liberty. Wrong. If you build it they will come. They built the degeneration ops…chummed the water. You came and swallowed it. How do you feel?
I feel fine. Because I don’t consider the transgender issue as “degeneration”.
I don’t confuse someone’s personal choice about their sexuality, gender, religion, politics, preferences, etc. with harm, grooming, exploitation, and abuse.
There are plenty of heterosexuals who groom, exploit, harm and abuse. I would venture to say more heterosexuals than transgender.
I’m more concerned with what’s NOT being thrown in our face everyday by manipulators and the main stream media – injection death and injury. And the consequences, the never ending consequences, that we are now facing after the past 3 years.
This transgender show is just another huge distraction away from the reality of what has happened. And they are doing it perfectly. Now they have BOTH the covid narrative accepters AND the “health freedom” movement all on the same page.
They couldn’t have planned it better.
I don’t care about a man carrying a bag.
I care about the people in my life on who can’t breath on their own now.
Totally agree Judith. Albeit, I don’t understand the reasoning of those who wish to make this an issue – it really never was!? However, this will (as was the abortion and OMB), plays into the aggrieved voters perception in 2024. Most conservatives don’t have issue with it in reality.
The Democrats will win everything in 2024 by hook or crook!
It’s an issue in the sense of the following, that they want you to deny objective, measurable truth, they want you to doubt the evidence of your own eyes.
O’Brien held up his left hand, its back towards Winston, with the thumb hidden and the four fingers extended.
“How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?’
“And if the Party says that it is not four but five – then how many?”
The word ended in a gasp of pain. The needle of the dial had shot up to fifty-five. The sweat had sprung out all over Winston’s body. The air tore into his lungs and issued again in deep groans which even by clenching his teeth he could not stop. O’Brien watched him, the four fingers still extended. He drew back the lever.
Yeah but you also have to be careful not to fall for a stage managed ‘controversy’. Minority groups have always been exploited to this end.
It’s an inversion of reality. Wars are fought on many fronts, with differing tactics, often occurring simultaneously.
Minority groups have always been exploited because their presence leads to natural fissures, cracks or weak spots, which are then widened and further weakened and undermined, the point being that “diversity is not our strength”. The idea of enforced, mandatory “diversity” is perverse in the extreme; as Robert Frost put it, “good fences make good neighbors.” “Diversity” is more properly, strife, which the exploiters well know, and they use it to their own benefit.
In terms of trans people, I suspect that most people would be perfectly willing to let them live out their lives as they see fit so long as it doesn’t require regular people to pledge allegiance to things that are obviously and objectively untrue, such as “some women have penises,” or “you don’t need a uterus to give birth,” or putting tampons in men’s washrooms, or permitting them into women’s only spaces such as prisons, schools or sports.
Stage managed or not, the lights are on, and the performance is on, the curtain has been lifted, and assuming that the play is managed and scripted, then its authors have written a role for the rest of us; namely, as thralls, acquiescent to unreality and the normalization of things that aren’t normal or healthful, and who willingly surrender our children to these things. That looks like a play without a happy ending to me.
Right, I can grasp all that no problem.
Yet a commenter above sums this up as ‘degeneration ops’, cites men carrying handbags as being defacto wrong and overall entirely misses the fucking point. That’s the point at which you stop being aware and start becoming part of the problem, yeah?
We are aware, aren’t we, that the trans community itself isn’t responsible for mainstreamizing and stupidizing this ‘gender’ debate?
Many trans people disagree with it.
The aim here is to label all differing viewpoints as a dangerous, bigoted fringe, and comments like the above from @yep enable just that.
Yet they go unchallenged,
“The aim here is to label all differing viewpoints as a dangerous, bigoted fringe, and comments like the above from @yep enable just that.”
I disagree. The aim here is to normalize things that are socially destructive. I assume yep’s comment about “degeneration ops” implies that this move to normalize the abnormal is intentional; if so, I tend to agree, at least to a point. There’s also an element of the organic at play; societies decay, break down, die, and that’s happening all around us, in many spheres. Degeneration is an accurate word to describe it.
Also, check out this video with Camille Paglia. She sums things up rather aptly, IMO.
From what I gleaned from your vid, according to Paglia, what we’re experiencing is anything but abnormal, it’s a cycle that ‘late phase’ cultures pass through. As such, just as at some point we stop plucking those grey hairs, perhaps we need to accept this natural anthropological cultiral cycle to some extent?
That or join the Huns or the Vandals waiting at the fringes, I guess?
This is not to say we shouldn’t strive to keep young people safe (and safe spaces safe) at all costs, of course we should, but I resist the idea this is purely some existential war against ‘queer’, like some gay Pandora’s Box has been opened by TPTB to destroy us all. I think is is quite bigoted and silly, tbh.
I think your own link above contradicts this,
Rather, I think this issue, along with other issues like race, is being weaponised and inflated in the media to seed division, discredit opposition, suppress deductive reasoning and enforce conformity. This is separate from the issue itself. A2
EDIT: I reject the idea that ‘degeneration’ is an appropriate word to describe LGBT or a healthy tolerance and acceptance of it. In fact, a less traditional, more bonobo philosophy to sexuality can be a huge advantage to men and women by delivering them from narrow minded, chauvinistic mindsets, allowing them to be more honest and in touch with themselves and operate much more rationally and efficiently. I also reject that the LGBT community has been demonstrated to be any more a risk to children, women or society overall, any more than the straight community.
Where it gets complicated are the letters appended to LGBT, the various attempts to reduce the concept of gender into some Orwellian, post-truth meaninglessness.
This is an assault on rational thought which I think is quite a separate issue, coming from a wholly manufactured place.
You could say that it’s a normal expression of pathological abnormal behaviours and attitudes typical of societies and cultures that are on their way out. Paglia also suggests that many of these younger people are caught up in the zeitgeist, and then make emotionally based decisions with life long irreversible ramifications, not because they’re motivated by some innate core inner need, but because they’re infected by some sort of transient social contagion.
The Huns and Vandals are already swarming into our countries in record numbers with seemingly little effort made to stop them; indeed, they’re more or less encouraged, and then rather than requiring them to accommodate themselves to our mores, customs and laws, our political, moral and thought “leaders” bend over backwards to require us to conform to theirs. Existentially, that’s perverse and pathological, and like the trans/gender fluid stuff, symptomatic of a society in deep decline.
You use words like ‘abnormal’ which I reject, since bisexuality, homosexuality, polygamy and promiscuity are present in our ape cousins and present in all human cultures in one form or another.
Paglia seems to think we are witnessing a historically precedented decline of a dominant culture. History demonstrates this process is not ‘abnormal’, it only appears abnormal to us in our short lifespans.
Perhaps this decline is a perversion from our species norm (traditional Christian values) into something unhealthy, immoral and toxic, but this seems to be an unnecessarily negative and judgemental position, one which also reinforces the other phenomenon taking place: divide and conquer tactics aimed at all anti establishment points of view.
According to Paglia, your ‘imgrants’ – the huns, the vandals etc. – represent a new fringe representing traditional moral and spiritual values. In which case, aren’t ‘imgrants’ your spiritual allies?!
Abnormal is accurate. The mere existence or presence of something does not make it normal. Two-headed cows exist, but they are not a regular occurrence. Most swans are white, but occasionally there is a black one. Like wise with behaviours; the presence of bisexuality, homosexuality, polygamy and promiscuity does not by itself make them normal, since typically such behaviours are indulged in by only small segments of a given population. They are not the predominant, standard behaviours.
One of Paglia’s implied points is that societies, like living creatures, have an end point, and one of the signs that a society or culture is on its way out is when formerly rare or proscribed behaviours become normalized, and the previous standard behaviours are mocked or ignored. We of the West are increasingly existing in that framework.
This decline is definitely a perversion from our previous norms. One of the weaknesses of our current generation is that it is afraid to make judgments. We have substituted blind tolerance for wise judgment. People would rather be seen as being nice rather than make any kind of value judgment. The Great God Relativity holds sway. There are objective goods and values, not held or understood to the same degree by differing peoples and cultures, which we as a culture will discover to our sorrow.
As for the “vandals and huns” I’d prefer they not come here other than in very small numbers, and those few very carefully selected. Yet, I can admire our immigrants on some levels. They are hardy, and strong, and value themselves first. Self preservation is the First Law of Nature. What we here in the West are doing is suicide.
I notice you avoid my point about the immigrants.
If you crave a more rigid, traditional society I’m afraid I disagree with you, not for me.
Or maybe I would prefer it, if only because it’d be easier to live on the fringes of it.
One of the problems nowadays is everything previously on the colourful fringe has been homogenised into the mainstream and become a muddy grey.
I don’t believe society is more gay or more depraved, tbh, but I do believe those half-formed individuals previously in service of ‘tradition’ are grasping for a sense of identity, leaning on and imprinting on previously vilified minorities who have shown their metal, who have engaged with hardship, who have discovered their character.
Perhaps tradition has lost its potency. Rather than being overrun by swarms of the ungodly, it’s looting its own basement, chasing its own tail, asset stripping its own smallholdings, scavenging its own leftovers, cannibalising itself like some big ol’ ouroboros worm.
I don’t think that’s the fault of the fringe at all. Tradition was getting on fine, doing its thing, then it developed a midlife crisis and went through a ‘bi phase’.
Your idea of tradition is greatly eroded already, btw. Previous generations would think you perverse.
I think proceeding forward on Paglia’s familiar trail with integrity and honesty is important. The fall of Rome is in full sway, perhaps, but let’s not fight it. Let’s witness it. Chronicle it with our intelligence intact. Learn from it.
It is only as abnormal as a full life ending in a moment of death.
Huh? My last paragraph answered your point about the immigrants, but I’ll post an addendum to it.
Many of the “immigrants” flooding our countries are pure opportunists. Unlike the founders of this country — USA — they’ve not here to build anything; everything is already built. The settlers who founded the place fought and conquered the natives. Much blood was spilled on both sides, many graves were dug, many bitter tears were shed. Trees were felled, the land was cleared, crops planted, and harvested. States were founded. War came, and the Mother country was cast off. Roads were built, towns and cities founded. Another war came, this time between the states. The railroads came, with the telegraph, then the telephone. The country grew and spread from coast to coast. For good or ill, a Nation was forged.
These new immigrants have no connection to any of that, nor for that matter do the immigrants swarming into countries all across what used to be the West have much in common with the countries they are taking over. Many of them are skill-less, young men mostly, of fighting age, who are playing the role of hyenas circling a dying elephant. They aren’t going to build or maintain anything, maybe with the exception of North Asians. They’re tough though, and they stick together. And, as you pointed out, many of them are fierce traditionalists, though the traditions they support are their own, and often in conflict with many of the traditions and liberties we Westerners boast of and enjoy.
Sure, depravity and perversity are human constants, but in healthy societies they are kept under wraps, not celebrated, excused, or encouraged. Those you denigrate as “half-formed individuals previously in service of ‘tradition’ grasping for a sense of identity” might better be compared to reservation Indians lamenting the loss of all that they valued, and all that gave their lives shape and meaning. I”m not sure what you mean in your last sentence there.
Perhaps people have forgotten (or never learned) how to be grateful.
Which previous generations, and why? I doubt they would find me particularly beyond the pale. My modern contemporaries probably would though.
But, nevertheless, the West will fall, and assuming we live to see it, or through it, we’re not going to like what comes after it.
It is the Western cultures that have accepted and pioneered feminism and homosexuality and sexual neutering and have helped their bankster masters force it on other reluctant cultures. And have you asked yourself why many Indians and Ugandans and many others speak English ?
The speaker makes correct connections between feminism and misandry and the rush towards sexual neutering. She does not and probably cannot mention the prime movers, the central banking cartel. Ironically her interviewer is a short haired woman. If you use the hair style conventions of the opposite sex, you are one step closer to being transgender. If you are a woman who joins the police force and swaggers around like a gunslinger with an automatic in a holster, you are at some level transgender even if your reproductive organs are intact.
Paglia’s a lesbian feminist who’s not a man-hater.
We need to find some more intelligent commentary than simply calling people ‘degenerate’ based on what they wear. That’s just bigoted and thick, in my opinion. They have built another manufactured controversy, which you have swallowed hook, line and sinker. How do YOU feel?
I must have drifted a long way out of the loop. I didn’t get most of these memes.
I really liked 9 and 10. People get less on the defensive if you ask them a question.
Especially an open ended question or with a lot of choices. I’ll be sending 9 to the clot shot brigade.
ps: if someone thinks of a viable solution to #19 does that make them a
…or just someone who’s been watching the kdrama Taxi Driver?
Asking for a friend
Yeah, right.
Pray for America
This is where people believe a pristine passport owned by a terrorist

was found.
Easy to spot in the grey surroundings!
Yes, your sarcasm is much appreciated.
I believe one or more passports is three inches below the heels of the firefighters,
plus a full confession.
Fun fact. I saw this allegation reported on TV but could not believe that this would have been written in a document. I searched for and found the claim in a tiny font footnote obscured in a megahuge FBI report. So yes, this claim was made. It literally says a random unidentified passerby found it.
The best part is that 0% of the plane was found but 100% of the passport apparently. And no the random unrelated engine found blocks away under scaffolding much later doesn’t count.
Yes, ‘an unidentified passerby found it’ and then ran away after passing it off to the police. The passport was not found days later as they were cleaning the streets.
**The dust was still in the air and people were still coming out of buildings**
We do things much better in Blighty. The person who found the poisoned Skripals was the Chief Army Doctor, not some riff-raff.
Yes, and the Chief Army
DoctorNurse had only just completed a multi-day chemical/biological attack exercise nearby.Well I never! It’s a good thing I’m a coincidence theorist, those things seem to happen all the time.
From what I’ve heard, this could be a typical day in the ‘bad’ end of town in several US locations.
pristine passport was fireproof
The material used for the manufacture of the passport should be licensed for use as a building material. It quite obviously has excellent fire-repellent properties, apparently.
Bit like all the unbreakable windows shown at supposed bomb sites in Ukraine.
It was by ‘divine-providence’ … it was written … in the ‘Talmud’.
Santa Claus strikes again.
The pristine passport that was handed over to a policeman as dust and debris still hung in the air and people were still pouring out of buildings
was not the only bit of gifting
that history records.
(The stranger that gifted the policeman ran away after handing off the passport).
I was just reminded of the bullet that was magically found on the stretcher of
Governor John Connally in Parkland Hospital.
Oh yeah, the bullet on Connally’s stretcher was of the type that would have been fired by Oswald’s alleged rifle.Kinda like a passport or other form of id.
From Allen Forrest:
For a people’s living hyper individualistic lives it’s scary how many people are exactly the same as each other right down to clothes and phrases. If you grabbed any 10 random people from my little sisters group of friends and took 10 personality’s traits from each of them jumbled them up and popped them back in at random they’d still be the exact same as before.
First they came for the spy cameras,
Then they came for the 5G towers…….?
UK Peasants’ Revolt:ULEZ ‘Blade Runners’ want to take down ‘Every one of Sadiq Khan’s low-emission cameras.’
https://www.sott.net/article/479812-UK-Peasants-Revolt-ULEZ-Blade-Runners-want-to- take-down-EVERY-one-of-Sadiq-Khans-low
Ring a ring. first they want speed cams etc then they don’t then these latter day funded climate crumbs want to what, paid to take them down.
Call it a mini- b.industry transformation technique imo.
#19 the sweet heart on the right, she naturally put the knife on the table with her left hand while reasoning with her right. 2/3
Here are a couple, that I made myself.
Twenty memes!
It feels like Christmas.
#8 is superb.
In just a few words and a poignant photo, it sums up the pointlessness, hypocrisy and evil of war and it’s perpetraitors (sic). Traitors to humanity.
Yes, reminds me of the fact that more atrocities are committed by obedient people than by disobedient people throughout history. Anyone who wants to wear a uniform needs help.
Particularly those with lotsa stripes and stars on their uniforms.
#14 – I saw a segment of the 2011 Olympics ceremony on video a couple of years ago during “Covid” and, if the penny hadn’t dropped – though it had – this would have jolted me awake.
Good one!
#19 – Isn’t funny! Equal parts of the apply with one stroke of the knife? Kill the middle guy.
I feel such impossible scenarios are put out there to train us to become psychopaths. I once took part in a corporate psych game where the scenario was a lifeboat that could hold only X number of passengers. The question was what would you do about saving the greater. number of the drowning men, women and children. Same thing. I think the aim was to recruit only the psychopaths.
It is not impossible, put the apples side by side, then with one knife slice, cut 1/3 off the two apples. Two get a 2/3 apple each, one gets two 1/3 pieces, all are the same. In your solution, they are not shared equally between the three people, so the murder was in vain, as well as being a bit hasty and drastic.
Oh! One does keep on learning.
The puzzle specifically says “equally”. Maybe your middle name is Fauci and everything you do is scientific (aka always right), but, dollars to doughnuts, the pieces won’t weigh equally. Try it.
However, yours is a much better solution than grabbing both apples *and* the knife,
which is the “Hunter Biden solution”.
I would add one item to your good solution.
The person, Fauci or not, that does the knife cutting chooses their portion last.
That’s fair, isn’t it?
When our kids were younger and we had to divide up some treat
we would have one of them do the dividing up. The other kid would choose first which piece they got. Makes sense, no?
This is a thought experiment, and therefore not quite governed by the vagaries of reality. In my minds eye I am able to divide perfectly, as I have checked by weighing the pieces in my minds eye. In the real world nothing is exact or perfect, including two different apples. In reality, the divider should not be the chooser, and Fauci should get the Ted Bundy version of just desserts.
Summer? Last time I watched any of it was believe or not ’84.
If I around the house I loved watching ski Sunday to me the downhill was pure racing. Winter Olympics, not for me with extreme X additions, sorry.
Remember when on September 11th they found an actual passport of one of the terrorists?
And they, at light speed, produced a full list of the terrorists involved.
Well, I just came across a video I forgot that I had saved.
The evening news the day of the MH17 downing had the word *already* from the Pentagon about who shot down the plane and with what missile.
The whole video is a meme.
Recently it’s been revealed that 2 “hijackers” (Al midhar and nawaf Al hamzi if I’m not mistaken, and the first hijackers to enter America) were linked heavily with the CIA. Try the greyzones YouTube channel
Well, well … just like the Bush family.
Funny, isn’t it?
We get a change of government after years of LIES and sycophantic Empire worship.
And what changes?
Change of government ?
Maybe. Albanese marched in an LGBTQI + parade.
Perhaps Vile Kyle has some dirt on Albanese.
Because people vote thinking it means something, it does not, you still get the government.
‘Suka’ also means ‘bitch’ in Russian. Just sayin
But сука is pronounced sooka in Russian, is it not, rather than sucka? Just sayin’.
Except that сука is pronounced more like sooka (oo as in ‘poo’) than sucka. But Australia is certainly the US’s bitch, so I get your point.
Thats the best one, brilliant.
Seems he’s welcome to attend “The Celebrations”, provided he leaves the missus at home
If’n I were King, he’d be very much un-invited, not to mention dis-inherited, the dirty rotter.
Hi Meghan!
G20 Blue/Brown penal popper.
Bad Apple core.
Apple pip.
#18 it would seem, is best known to those of the video game culture, which I have thankfully avoided.
In the Bible culture (Ezekiel saw one) and perhaps in the Hippie Aquarian culture that wheeled figure is known as an Ophanim.(Ophan means wheel). It is part of the angelic realm.
I saw one once in the 1990s. Truly. For about less than a nanosecond. Amazing.
I was crouched down (was I prostrate?) under my home office desk doing something with the computer wiring and in the background I was playing a tune by Fastball.
Ok, I hesitate to admit this part. I had one of those coffee table books about Nostradamus and had been pondering it when I decided to fix some computer wiring.
This happened. My Ophanim I saw in my mind’s eye for a split second. I saw none of the eyes that are part of the usual description of an Ophanim. Mine was made of solid golden rings like an armillary sphere. The rings were elliptical and not circular. I sensed that it had the quickness of mind that makes our human minds seem like slow crawling slugs in comparison. How boring it must be for them to interact with us and direct our progress.
Vid Gaming you’re in them ya clowning notebook cronie.
About Trump and porn stars. There’s nothing illegal about paying off porn stars. Trump’s in trouble because he (allegedly) did this by siphoning money from one of his corporations using an accounting maneuver.
Its actually an age old problem — trying to convince people who own/run companies that the cashflow of that company is not their personal pocket money. They, or rather their accountants, have to work some magic on it first (and it probably becomes taxable income in the process).
And ..What was the length of the contractual obligations..Perry Mason.
A meme is worth a thousand words.
Re the (nonstop) banking crisis:
Maybe Zelenky will play himself in the movie
He does play with himself a lot already by the look of him.
Maybe Cruise could run for President and save the world!! Apparently he’s worth a billion, he’s got lots of fans and he’s got lots of work experience in saving the world.
No _ _ _ _ _ hang on.
That WOULD be a Mission Impossible.
Some info on Tom Cruise – he is a member of the ancient Egyptian/Italian family or Orsini, reported to be one of the evil ‘elite’ families behind the current takeover of the world.
Re the trans psyop:
“Contrary to public perception the overwhelming majority of male-born transgender people retain their penis and are fully male-bodied.”
Isn’t that a surprise?
So here’s what I propose: One little change to the law i.e. anyone claiming to be a trans women MUST GO ALL THE WAY.
I have the strangest feeling that may alter the statistics a little. Not to mention the headlines.
That last one is it!
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-04-26. Lockdown shifted $4T in wealth from middle class to 500 new billionaires, old billionaires wealth up by 30% https://twitter.com/paulrprichard/status/1651348284168888321
Because they never existed.
Michael Parenti:
‘Some Russian anticommunist writers such as Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov, and many U.S. anticommunist liberals, maintain that the gulag existed right down to the last days of communism. If so, where did it disappear to? After Stalin’s death in 1953, more than half of the gulag inmates were freed, according to the study of the NKVD files previously cited. But if so many others remained incarcerated, why have they not materialized? When the communist states were overthrown, where were the half-starved hordes pouring out of the internment camps with their tales of travail?’
Solzhenitsyn knew. His works were approved by Khrushchev, and when he was expelled from the USSR, he became an instant media darling, millionaire, won the Nobel prize who lived a lofty live in Switzerland, and later in the US. He was fully rehabilitated in the USSR after the fall of the iron curtain and received a life time award from Putin himself. If the media is owned (and it certainly is), Solzhenitsyn was owned by the media.
I’m glad you picked up on that, Willem. “Dangers of radical Leftism” indeed. And it’s always a bad sign when someone digs up that sanctimonious old fraud Solzhenitsyn.
Very interesting.
Impressive, both Gulag and Holodomor Denialism in one breath. Hasbara out to the horizon…..
It is customary to give the source when you quote a writer, else I have to trust you quoting accurately or not inventing.
But assuming the quote is genuine, Parenti’s fellow-traveller sleight of hand and hyperbole/ridicule (‘half-starved hordes”) is obvious: because although Kruschchev abolished the central admin of the gulag on 25.01.1960 and handed the admin to the republics penal labour for convicts still exists in Russia.
Secondly. Parenti insinuates that as no half-starved hordes appeared in the 1990s, the USSR penal labour system did not exist after 1953 (more than half…”) and that other countries apart from the USSR had gulags (“when the communist states were overthrown”) I call BS: gulag is a Russian word for a USSR system.
Lastly the fact that I had to read Solzhenitsyn’s “Two Hundred Years Together”, – in which he judiciously and calmly writes about Russia-USSR and its Jews,- in a shaky English translation for lack of a proper one these last 30 years shows who is controlling Anglo publishing houses, but then Sibel Edmonds “(“Classified Woman”) can tell a story there too.
Funny, “Two Hundred Years Together” was properly translated into German, but then hasbara merchants would squawk: “once a Nazi, always a Nazi…”
Impressive. The old “denialism” / “unbeliever” move.
And after its use in the covid con too!
Trade Mark
Is there a trade mark on the noun denialism ?
Their is an entire book debunking Khrushchevs “secret speech”. It’s not hasbara cos hasbara is anti communist. Cope and seethe. The books called Khrushchev lied and a pdf copy is available for free online.
Half the Story
The alleged cold war (banksters owned both sides) needed some build up and Solzhenitsyn was promoted for a while. We don’t know how many people died in the Gulag Archipelago. It was enormous and the projects the slaves were forced to build live on into the present day. Did any of the camps have swimming pools, soccer and dramatic clubs ?
A gulag denier. Are you a holodomor denier as well ? You don’t have to worry. You can’t be jailed for your beliefs.
Oops CIA internal documents dismiss your bollocks. 18 million Gulag prisoners. Only had as high as 22% mortality rate and that was in 1941-1945 while the Tsarist katorgas (Gulags under a different name) had a mortality rate of 45% year after year. But you don’t care about that. Do you?
Because the perpetrators control the narrative.
Because holodomor is nonsense and only 18 million people entered the Gulag between 1918-1960 and even the CIA admit the Gulags weren’t that bad
Violet theirs a video by the Finnish Bolshevik that debunks the whole “da Jews ran da USSR” shite you cling to like a limpet up a whales arse.
Meme suggestion
Recruitment Tool for the Armed Forces
A photo of a tree that is so amazingly shaped like a dragon
that it would knock you off your bike
as you rounded the bend.
If you didn’t fall over then you would become frozen
like stone and ride your bike off the adjacent cliff.
Panel 1 of meme
Recruiter: Look at this photograph. What do you see?
(100% of responses are ever one of these four:)
A) a tree
B) a tree that looks like a dragon
C) a f**king dragon
D) the cliff that I drove off
Panel 2 of meme
Recruiter: Congratulations, recruit. Now go through
that door marked ‘Tree’.
This meme was inspired by a real life happening.
Decades ago I would visit and post to a site
called Little Green Footballs (LGF).
Commentators were 99% in favor of warmongering
and assorted like sins.
Shortly after I was banned from commenting at LGF
there was an “Open Comments” thread. The thread
had as it’s heading the tree image I described above.
I followed the comments as they came in and it was
maddening. Simply no one, no one, no one mentioned the dragon.
I found that very telling about what it took to be
in step with the recruitables at LGF.
Having had time to think about it, that tree shaped like a dragon
was better described as a T-Rex, complete with those two funny little arms
that are useless for holding a mug of coffee.
I know what you mean. I have two new puppies – they keep me sane.
“War of the Mobster Clowns.”

“Ronald McDonald vs Chuckles da Turd.”
Well, there’s always the off-chance that some outspoken, informed, intelligent, educated people will stand up and dissolve both Parliament and Bonnie King Chuckie.
My gut hurts from laughing. Well worth my time. I need a nap now. The apple problem wore me out.
The apple problem is meant to discern where you are on the psychopath spectrum.
Or on the humour spectrum, let’s be fair.
Not everybody gets the ‘dark side’.
In fact some of the more advanced intelligence tests use this tactic.
By all rights, thinking ‘outside the box’ ought to be easier these days, since the box is, annoyingly, right in our faces most of the time.
Not every copper passes the selection tests to join the Riot Squad.
Only those tested and found to have the required psychopathic tendencies are selected.
You may or may not be joking, it’s hard to tell the answer.
People that have stood toe to toe with one of those squads
know the answer with certainty at that revelatory moment
when club meets head.
You mentioned testing for the right tendencies.
Were you aware (this is a fact) of the requirements for being stationed in a nuclear ballistic missile silo? You know, those guys that actually push the button to launch nukes.
An expectation is that the guy with his finger on the launch button is thinking of his family. He knows that somewhere out there is an “enemy” guy thinking the same thing – worrying about his own family. The guy begins to wonder, “if I don’t push the button to kill his (the enemy) family, maybe he won’t push the button to kill mine.”
“Hesitation is unacceptable” (monotone AI voice comes on over the silo loud speaker).
Point is that the Pentagon seeks people that will push the button without hesitation. A guy/gal with a family is the worst choice for the Pentagon.
Someone single and young is the better choice. Someone alienated and single even better.
A year or two ago I read an article that seemed to promote the glamour of being a lesbian silo operator. Why is that set in the favorable group?
Correction (my bad):
It seems that I was mistaken about lesbians being favored by the Pentagon.
I found the original article at Marie Claire magazine. (never heard of it either, it is a “Celebrity news, beauty, fashion advice, and fascinating features” mag for women).
The two women featured are married with a kid, at least one of them is.
She doesn’t appear to fit the Pentagon’s profile that I would expect.
The other is “mother is South Korean and whose father is Iraqi”.
I think I like the idea of missileers having second thoughts about pushing the button and destroying the world.
The title of the article at Marie Claire magazine is:
These Women Are the Last Thing Standing Between You and Nuclear War