The Great Divide
CJ Hopkins

Robert Kennedy, Jr. is running for president. I could not possibly be more excited. So, I’m going to give Bobby some unsolicited advice, which, if he knows what’s good for him, he will not take.
I feel OK about doing this because, even if Bobby, in the wee hours of the night, when the mind is vulnerable to dangerous ideas, were to seriously consider taking my advice, I am sure he has people — i.e., PR people, campaign strategists, pollsters, and so on — that would not hesitate to take him aside and disabuse him of any inclination to do that.
OK, before I give Bobby this terrible advice, I have to do the “full disclosure” thing. I’m a pretty big fan of RFK, Jr. I don’t generally get involved in electoral politics, but, if I were a Democrat, I would definitely vote for him. Also, he was kind enough to blurb my book (which isn’t going to make his PR people happy) and invite me onto his podcast, RFK, Jr. The Defender, to talk about “New Normal” totalitarianism. So, I am fairly biased in favor of Bobby Kennedy. I think he is an admirable, honorable human being. I would love to see him in the Oval Office.
That isn’t going to happen, of course. The global-capitalist ruling classes are never going to let him near the Oval Office. They learned their lesson back in 2016. There are not going to be any more unauthorized presidents. The folks at GloboCap are done playing grab-ass, and they want us to know that they are done playing grab-ass. That’s what the last six years have been about.
As I put it in a column in January, 2021:
…This, basically, is what we’ve just experienced. The global capitalist ruling classes have just reminded us who is really in charge, who the US military answers to, and how quickly they can strip away the facade of democracy and the rule of law.
They have reminded us of this for the last ten months, by putting us under house arrest, beating and arresting us for not following orders, for not wearing masks, for taking walks without permission, for having the audacity to protest their decrees, for challenging their official propaganda, about the virus, the election results, etc. They are reminding us currently by censoring dissent, and deplatforming anyone they deem a threat to their official narratives and ideology … GloboCap is teaching us a lesson. I don’t know how much clearer they could make it.
They just installed a new puppet president, who can’t even simulate mental acuity, in a locked-down, military-guarded ceremony which no one was allowed to attend, except a few members of the ruling classes. They got some epigone of Albert Speer to convert the Mall (where the public normally gathers) into a ‘field of flags‘ symbolizing ‘unity.’ They even did the Nazi ‘Lichtdom‘ thing.
To hammer the point home, they got Lady Gaga to dress up as a Hunger Games character with a ‘Mockingjay’ brooch and sing the National Anthem. They broadcast this spectacle to the entire world.
Does that sound like the behavior of an unaccountable, supranational power apparatus that is prepared to stand by and let Bobby Kennedy, Jr., or Donald Trump, or any other unauthorized person, become the next president of the United States?
So, here’s my bad advice for Bobby.
Fuck them. They’re not going to let you win, anyway. They are going to smear you, slime you, demonize you, distort every other thing you say, and just generally lie about who you are and what you believe in and what you stand for. They are going to paint you as a bull-goose-loony, formerly smack-addled, conspiracy-theorizing, anti-vax fanatic no matter what you do. If you tone down your act and try to “heal the divide” and “end the division,” they are going to have you for lunch, and then sit around picking their teeth with your bones.
You know, and I know, and the American people know, that the things you say you want to do as president — which I know you sincerely want to do as president and are crazy enough to actually try to do, i.e., “to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country” — are things … well, as Michael Corleone once put it, that they would “use all their power to keep from happening.”
So, fuck it, and fuck them. Tell the truth.
Not the ready-for-prime-time truth. Not the toned-down-for-mainstream-consumption truth. The truth. The ugly, unvarnished truth. The scary, crazy-sounding truth. The angry, divisive, uncensored truth.
Yes, there is a “divide.” A great divide. A chasm. A schism. A gulf. An abyss. A gaping, yawning, unbridgeable fissure. A Grand Canyon-sized fault in the foundation of society. A rupture in the very fabric of reality.
As I noted in another 2021 column, the global-capitalist ruling classes have decommissioned one “reality” and are replacing it with another “reality” … corporate feudalism, pathologized totalitarianism, global corporatism, or whatever anybody wants to call it. Whatever we call it, everyone feels it. OK, I’m going to be obnoxious and quote myself again …
“During the changeover from the old ‘reality’ to the new ‘reality,’ the society is torn apart. The old ‘reality’ is being disassembled and the new one has not yet taken its place. It feels like madness, and, in a way, it is. For a time, the society is split in two, as the two ‘realities’ battle it out for dominance. ‘Reality’ being what it is (i.e., monolithic), this is a fight to the death. In the end, only one ‘reality’ can prevail.”
The folks at GloboCap are right on the verge of permanently implementing their new “reality.” In that “reality,” an apocalyptic virus (with a survival rate of roughly 99.7%) nearly wiped out the entire planet, and would have, if not for the Emergency Health Measures (i.e., mass house arrest, forced conformity rituals, cancellation of constitutional rights, censorship of dissent, official propaganda on a scale that even Goebbels could never have dreamed of, fomenting of mass hysteria and hatred, segregation and persecution of a designated scapegoat underclass) imposed on society by our admittedly imperfect but well-intentioned government and global health authorities. In that “reality,” the “vaccines” they forced on billions of people (who did not need them) are “safe and effective” (despite the fact, which even they now acknowledge, that they have seriously injured or killed millions of people). In that “reality,” a few hundred unarmed Trump supporters horsing around in the Capitol Building was an “insurrection,” or “attempted coup,” or … well, you get the picture. There are no neo-Nazis in the Ukraine. The Russians blew up their own pipelines. And so on.
What I am trying to get at, Bobby, is that those of us who have refused to convert to the new “reality” — which I am guessing is approximately 25-30% of the global population — are not looking for a leader who can “heal the divide.” We are in a fight. We are fighting for reality. We’re fighting for what’s left of reality.
And, at the moment, we are getting our asses kicked.
So, fuck it. What have you got to lose? Throw out the playbook. Fire your PR people. Go for broke. Tell the truth. Tell folks what we’re up against. That it isn’t something an election is going to fix. That it isn’t something a new president can fix. That it isn’t fixable. That it is a fucking fight. And not one according to the Queensberry Rules. A ball-kicking, eye-gouging, chair-swinging, bar fight. And that sometimes, like now, when there is nowhere to run to … well, you have to stand and fight, even if you know you’re going to lose.
That’s it. That’s my bad advice for Bobby. Hopefully, one of his staff will spot it and delete it before he reads his email. Otherwise, I’m afraid he might be tempted to take it. He’s already leaning in that direction. And … well, you know how those Irish love a good fight.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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Rule of Law- a favorite of the lawyers.
Legislation is a fiction of Law.
Not true, not real, make-believe.
The lawyers preside over a high class racket run by criminals for the benefit of criminals.
Who fashions all our “laws” save the lawyers?
A fictional authority over fictional beings.
Death is the wages of sin- the person is a dead thing….
He’s controlled opposition. Full stop.
No, don’t stop. You might be right, but you’ll need a little more. Please elaborate- evidence, links, etc.
Luckily, there are still people who show some backbone. Like this TimTruth and his take on RFKjr, those pushing climate change agenda and the network that sells cures for covid. Video starts at 00:30.–Tricky-AF
I’ve had a problem with the “radical”, “truth-telling” writings of CJ Hopkins for quite a while, but I never bothered to address this problem in detail, before, because I couldn’t remember where I’d read the passage, that red-flagged him, for me. I don’t make accusations without citing (primary) sources. I just didn’t feel like digging the material up, before, but now I’ve put the time into it. It took maybe 15 minutes to locate the symptom.
I never trusted CJ, and in exactly the same way that I never trusted gatekeepers Al “Limited Hangout” Cockburn, Noam “Let the Unvaxxed Starve” Chomsky or Mendax Assange… all of whom have been known to say “the right things,” at various times, to attract believers, yet all of whom have failed the 9/11 test. The 9/11 test is an important test. If you fail it, at the very least, you have no fucking idea what is actually happening in this world. You may as well believe that Henry Kissinger was the conscience of his generation. I’ll let you slide on Cold War Tall Tales of Apollo or even the incredibly bad acting of the Sandy Hook Repertory Theater Troupe (which is Advanced Curricula material, in any case) but if you fail the 9/11 (or JFK) test, you’re either a child, a Dupe or a Shill.
Which is CJ? He wrote:
“Now, before my conspiracy theorist friends get all excited about where I’m going with this, I’m not suggesting that the 9/11 attacks were some kind of US government plot, or extraterrestrial reptilian plot*, or that any of the terrorist attacks that have followed — the actual terrorist attacks, that is, not the ones by deranged individuals who swore allegiance to ISIS on Facebook — have not occurred more or less as reported. (Frankly, it doesn’t really matter if they didn’t**. The overall effect remains the same.) What I’m calling into question, or examining, or ridiculing, is the ideological narrative surrounding these attacks, and Terrorism, and the War on Terror, or whatever it is we’re calling it this week, and the sanctimony surrounding this narrative, which the “Homeland Generation” has grown up with.”
If we break down that first sentence into separate statements, for clarity’s sake, we can extract an astonishing sentence (the other component, the dismissive stuff about “conspiracy theorists” and “reptilians”, just isn’t that astonishing, sadly: it’s textbook NORMIE gaslighting):
“I’m not suggesting that [ … ] any of the terrorist attacks that have followed [ … ] have not occurred more or less as reported.”.
Think about what the supposedly vigilant, truth-telling, wise-about-the-world CJ is suggesting, via what he’s not suggesting, in that sentence. Big Media’s “news” skits aren’t carefully-crafted Orwellian mood-organs, they’re reporting the Truth! The Control Structure is actually fighting actual terrorists, rather than staging events, in order to mine the political platinum of Terror among the populace! Also, George Washington chopped down a cherry tree, and he could not tell a lie, right? Our Owner-Controllers are noble characters! Believe, little Serf! Believe!
(Maybe CJ has revised his position on 9/11 since the last time I checked? But this was written in 2016 or so… he’d had 15-ish years to have figured things out, or what he was going to say about them, by then, no?)
*Yes, of course, duh: imputing sinister motives and deeds to the US Gov, with absolutely no historical precedent, anywhere on the planet (just ask The Native Americans) is clearly and ludicrously equivalent to deplorable fantasies of the biophysically impossible! We hear ya, Normative CJ.
**This is where your idiocy and/or mendacity goes up on the marquee in flashing lights, Normative CJ. It matters a fuck of a lot. If Duh Masses can be shown that their “own Government,” staging “terrorist attacks,” was the force behind civilian casualties, Duh Masses would finally, perhaps, snap out of it. Duh Masses, as it is, believe their Gov is doing its “inept best” to protect them, and Duh Masses, therefore, write Gov a naively eager blank check to do whatever Gov suggests is necessary, ethical or not, logical or not, moral or not, to “stop the bad guys” and “save us”. I think my Sarcasm button is stuck.
When it comes to the Plandemic, CJ didn’t come to realize it was all bullshit early, not even eventually, but as soon as it was announced if not earlier than that. Virus or no virus, there was no pandemic. Something in the danger range of the seasonal flu, is not a pandemic. And if it’s in the range of seasonal flu, there’s no real need for it to exist at all especially when the flu “disappears.” I agree, that 9/11 is kind of a litmus test but with respect to CJ, I don’t think youv’e scored a “gotcha” moment yet.
That’s how they lure you in: the designated pied piper says a few of the right things, earns your loyalty, then herds you in the desired direction.
They divide up us “Skeptics,” demographically, by seducing us, in various directions, with various pied pipers. CJ Hopkins appeals to older Skeptics, Elon Musk appeals to younger Skeptics and so on.
Elon Musk seduces the tech bros (the faux-tech-wizard, fronting for NAZA, says a few “right things” but seduces his fans toward Neuralink and “colonize Mars” and crypto, right?); Russell Brand’s irritating Posh-Cockney schtick seduces his fans toward his friend Yuval “Useless Eater” Harari and that brand of Fabianisms; Joe Rogan coaxes his herd of believers toward accepting the UFO bullshit that is one apparent plank of the China-model Techno-Gulag trap.
Rogan showed us how it works: he got his large following, overnight, by making skeptical comments about the Apollo narrative, remember. After his following developed, he renounced his Skepticism… and seduced his followers into renouncing theirs. Further, Rogan appeared to resist the FauxVid1984 hoax but his “resistance” functioned to “confirm” that a novel virus actually existed and was a “new threat” (rather than being the annual Flu X Mass Hyponosis)… a mystery virus that has yet to be isolated (as opposed to “reconstructed”) in a lab. If they can get you to believe that C*V*D is REAL, they can derive ongoing benefits from this boogieman. If they can get you to believe in a “pandemic,” they can afford to let you be Skeptical of some of its “cures”.
CJ Hopkins didn’t threaten the Ruling Structure, by using sarcasm against the Plandemic, because he targeted and seduced people who would’ve rejected the Plandemic any way. What CJ does is manage Skepticism… like all the other Alt News “Heroes”.
If one of your Alt News Heroes has a large following on a platform owned and controlled by The Ruling Structure (which platform isn’t?), you have to ask yourself why they’re allowed to exist: why were they allowed to gather a huge following? Why weren’t they eliminated like Mark Lombardi or Gary Webb? Also ask yourself, again, what’s more likely: that CJ is stupid, naive or not to be trusted? Who can possibly “believe” the 9/11 narrative and not be one of those three descriptions? And now CJ Hopkins is cheerleading a candidate in America’s Laughably-Phony Kayfabe “Election” Narrative? You must let your Logic override your sentimental attachment to a Cult of Personality.
Tom, you write:
Well, either 9/11 a litmus test or not. Why should CJ get a pass?
Resisting the State-Generated Hypnosis is like one of those dreams from which you wake up… only to realize you’re still dreaming until you wake up, again…. only to realize… and so forth. If a “hero” of ours fails even one smell test, I think it behooves us to be brutally frank, with ourselves, and question the mechanism behind our credulity re: the Hero Factory.
Charles and Camilla in broken England are invited to be the guests of honor at the All England Agricultural Show.
After they preside over the opening ceremony, the royal couple dutifully walk around to mix with the farmers and look at the exhibits.
Soon Charles gets bored and heads for the beer tent, and Camilla walks over to admire the prize bull, and never did a male animal have such splendid equipment!
Camilla is shocked and amazed at the size of the beast’s machinery, and calls over the bull’s attendant, Farmer Clarkson, for a talk.
“That is a fine animal you have there,” says Camilla.
“Yes, your highness,” replies Clarkson. “He is a champion, and the father of champions.”
“Really?” says Camilla, getting excited. “Tell me about him.”
“Well, my lady,” continues the farmer, “this bull went to stud three hundred times last year!”
“Really?” exclaims Camilla. “That’s amazing! I must tell my husband about this.” And she runs off to get Charles.
She finds him in the beer tent, boozing with a bunch of farmers.
“Come with me, Charles!” snaps Camilla. “I am going to show you an animal that will make you feel ashamed of yourself!” And she drags him over to the bull.
“Now, my good man,” says Camilla to Farmer Clarkson, pointing to the bull’s balls. “Tell my husband what you told me about this bull.”
“Well,” replies the farmer, “as I was explaining to Camilla here, this magnificent bull went to stud three hundred times last year.”
“And that, Charles,” interrupts Camilla, “is almost every day!”
“Very interesting,” slurs Charles. “But I bet he doesn’t have to screw the same old cow!”
“God save King Charles”
The coronation of King Charles The Turd, will be tomorrow at Westminster Abbey.
How gullible are you?
Charles ‘The Great Reset’ WEF hypocrite,, heir to the right royal criminal conspiracy and friend to Jimmy Savile the great deceiver and pedophile.
Charles will finally be crowned the king of lies!
By the sniveling Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby another deceiver, who has no knowledge of God and is deceiving everyone by pretending that he does know God.
Selling the greatest fiction ever invented in the whole history of the world.
All are hypocrites.
Promoting institutional mental illness and organized superstition!
Do you know anyone who has ever met god?
The basic desire to be a leader arises in people who are suffering from an inferiority complex.
It does not matter whether they move into the political world or into the religious world; the will-to-power is an absolute indication that the man feels himself inferior to others and he wants to prove to the world that it is not so.
It is not only a question of proving to the world; through the world he wants to prove it to himself too, that he is not inferior to anybody.
The only way mind can manage it is to make everybody inferior to you.
There are millions of priests in the world who depend on a single concept of God.
Drop that idea and all these will be nowhere.
Right now they have great prestige, power.
Who will be the pope when there is no God?
What will be his position?
The religions have given humanity great fictions to live in.
Now all those fictions are broken and the masses have nothing left to live for, hence the anguish.
It has to be understood.
Ordinarily people live only through the symbol, they have forgotten the real.
They cling to the symbol, so much so that the symbol becomes the barrier to the real.
As do the Marxist woke virtue-signaling zombie army destroying the western world at present, it is the most dangerous cult, because they play into the hands of every cunning politician.
The cult has no mind of its own, no intelligence of its own.
They despise themselves, their past, their family, all of humanity, freedom, individual merit and intelligence.
Their mental illness supports and promotes every kind of perversion which they have weaponized to destroy the very fabric of society, to destroy the lives of vulnerable children and to enslave all the confused, unconscious masses.
In their hands everything becomes poisonous.
They are already slaves to their own retarded ideology without any resistance.
They are obedient to a utopian Marxist totalitarian status quo that will destroy them, when they are no longer useful..
So who will become the revolutionaries that will take down this globalist death cult and their totalitarian hive-mind.
Who is this rebellious?
If we continue to live accidentally, then the situation is going to become worse.
It is better that society takes a new formulation, a totally new program.
Old programs have failed.
We can create individuals with great intelligence, individuality, and each generation will be a better generation than the outgoing one.
Then evolution will be in leaps and bounds, otherwise we are stuck.
We have been stuck for thousands of years.
Howsoever dark the night may be, there is always a possibility for the dawn to be very close.
The progress should be in the hands of creative, intelligent people, the progress should not be in the hands of the retarded politicians and globalist war-mongers.
Politicians wars against their own people can now be stopped and the terrorist, psychopath, criminal, war-mongers can disappear, permanently.
This is possible for the first time in the history of humanity.
Everyone has been asleep not only the past three plandemic years, thus allowing billions of people to be deceived, injured and murdered by the globalist mRNA eugenics agenda, but for their entire lives.
Since 2020 people were coerced, frightened, propagandized, tricked and threatened like cattle into taking a highly toxic, experimental and damaging fake jab.
And even after all these crimes against humanity have been committed, it is still impossible to this day to talk freely about these crimes without being censored, ignored. ridiculed, dismissed as conspiracy theorists.
And still not one person has been held to account?
Unfortunately, the whole justice system and the police only work for the interests of the so called elites,
The very people who have planned and executed these monstrous acts.
So I don’t see justice happening any time soon, unless people reject outright this flawed justice system.
People of each country need to come together to create conditions to arrest and prosecute all of the perpetrators using newly launched peoples courts, where the people of the land, our lands, appoint honest, independent judges with committed juries – Nuremberg 2.0 – so we can see these criminals brought to real justice!
With redirected behavioral psychology from the people against the elites, which will see the guilty executed!
To deter future psychopath nightmares happening.
Hence, don’t be afraid of totalitarian people.
Fear is not natural, it has been created.
It has been imposed on you by the politicians, the flawed legal system, organized religion, the legacy media, and the behavioral psychologists.
Fear is the antithesis of freedom.
The more fear you have in you, the less is the possibility of freedom.
The more fear is there, the less is the possibility of rebellion.
How many times has humanity been witness of pictures like the one above: a presidential candidate, all smiles, projecting confidence and inspiring hope, surrounded by their fans holding signs with positive messages for the future. It’s a cliché, a ritual in Western “democracies”. I have to put the word within quotes because the electoral process reflects how antidemocratic Western societies are: the electoral process is the only period of time in the year in which official and opposition efforts concentrate on encouraging the public to be interested in public affairs, voice their opinion, shout out their grievances to would be all-eared politicians. As soon as the electoral process has ended, the official palaces resoundingly slam their doors on us, not to open them till the next election. In the meantime, our voice is not officially needed; voting machines we are only.
The picture of the all-smiling candidate to the POTUS renovates the hope of the (world) population that are tired from the current status quo. The candidate won’t do what they must but what they can; could anyone object to that? Reasonably not. Only the candidate perfectly knows that what they can do is not enough, and that’s why that smile is hypocritical.
Willing to do what they must, the candidate to the POTUS would be the saddest man or woman on earth, and would disown of their own presidency in favour of popular rule; until such a candidate shows up, enjoy the nth reedition of this well-known movie.
Dying Suddenly
The two minute hate slot has a new hero:
The loading up of rotten tomatoes commences immediately:
“A film promoting an anti-vaccine conspiracy theory has been accused of helping to drive the harassment of bereaved families. In a rare interview with the BBC, the man behind it says he is “happy” about its influence – and believes the people responsible for Covid vaccinations should be executed.”
Actually calls for execution are understandable – but only if you really understand the circumstances which, of course, remain totally unreported here. So the call for execution appears without context and is therefore “crazy”.
“We met the film’s creator, Stew Peters” who “is a former bounty hunter and rapper from Minnesota who built an influential podcast and social media network through the pandemic”.
See? He’s a “bounty hunter” (?) And he cashed in on “the pandemic”. Bastard!
“His film, called Died Suddenly, portrays a striking but false narrative – claiming that swathes of people are suddenly and suspiciously dropping dead in large numbers, and that Covid vaccines are to blame. The film misuses images and manipulates data to paint a persuasive picture that the vaccines are very unsafe – contrary to vast amounts of scientific research”.
Vast amounts! I mean like really really vast amounts of amounts!
“We asked Mr Peters about the fabricated evidence within the film, including clips of blood clots and birth defects which the BBC and other researchers have traced back to medical training materials pre-dating the pandemic. But he refused to answer direct questions.”
“Medical training materials”?
And let’s face it: nobody here is answering – or even asking – direct questions!
After this, the argument goes: Sure there have been a few deaths here and there and that’s a frightful shame but “on a population level, vast amounts of data from different teams of independent scientists around the world suggest that overall, the vaccines have saved millions of lives”.
More bland – and contentless – reassurances:
“We asked Mr Peters why he’d included examples of people supposedly “dying suddenly” from Covid vaccines which were easy to disprove – including clips filmed before the pandemic or before the vaccines were available.”
Now the warning:
“While the film might contradict the best evidence we have, it’s super-charged a trend. Now online trolls use the keywords “died suddenly” to search for stories of personal tragedies and link them without evidence to Covid vaccines, often bombarding family members with unpleasant messages in the process.”
Don’t join this wave of hateful haters!
But this is funny:
“Look at virtually any announcement of a sudden celebrity death online and you’ll now see strange messages appearing underneath, linking their passing to Covid vaccines and often using the hashtag #DiedSuddenly.”
Actually – Look at any announcement of a sudden celebrity death online and what you won’t find is a clear explanation of why they died.
But it helps if you can cite one instance where the hateful haters “got it wrong”:
“Perhaps one of the most surreal moments of our interview came when we asked Mr Peters about the on-field collapse of American football player Damar Hamlin. The Died Suddenly Twitter account jumped on the news in early January, using the #DiedSuddenly hashtag and linking the player’s injury to Covid vaccines. Mr Hamlin is still alive, and said recently that his doctor has put his injury down to commotio cordis – a rare condition where a blow to the chest causes cardiac arrest.
But Mr Peters continues to insist Mr Hamlin “died suddenly”.”
After which, lots of pleasingly absurd “conspiracy stuff” about the Hamlin case where he really died even if he didn’t – or maybe he’s been replaced by some “deep fake” technology etc. This leading on inevitably to Alex Jones and “the American conspiracy playbook”.
All of which reveals the true substance i.e. the old QAnon move in which some supposedly oppositional figure or phenomenon is a state controlled puppet designed to discredit genuine critique.
Yeah, it figures. Wasn’t Stew Peters one of those people flogging the while ‘snake venom in the water’ rumor a while back? He always struck me as a suspicious character.
I can’t help wondering if it ever occurs to outlets like the BBC that their critique of someone like Stew Peters says far more about them than about him? The very wording of their critique is so melodramatic that you would think it’s tongue-in-cheek.
The media has never been subtle. The wording is always (at least) melodramatic just to make sure the most of the punters “get it”.
Off topic, though it refers to a (phony) “Great Divide”:
Ever get the impression of media bias?
“Exclusive: Zooey Zephyr responds to her political silencing and Montana’s attacks on trans children: ‘I show up with my head held high’
Wave of anti-trans bills won’t stop Montana representative, or the state’s LGBTQ+ community, from moving forward, Zooey Zephyr tells Josh Marcus”
Well Zooey is talking here – so you can expect “her” views to predominate. But note how the article proceeds in the neutral “factual” mode:
“Despite being barred from the floor of the Montana House of Representatives for speaking out against a gender-affirming healthcare ban; despite being intentionally misgendered by colleagues; despite Republican colleagues falsely claiming she led a violent riot; despite her supporters being arrested by riot police for protesting peacefully; despite anonymous strangers calling in fake threats about her and her girlfriend to police in the hopes of unleashing a lethal SWAT team; despite Montana legislators passing a suite of bills targeting transgender people; despite the fact that the legislative session is now over and the Republican lawmakers at the front of this crusade hold a supermajority in the state legislature, Zooey Zephyr – the state lawmaker at the centre of the resistance to Montana’s swirling anti-LGBTQ+ campaign-slash-battle over democracy – hasn’t lost hope.”
And so we hear about “the far-right” who “will throw away our democratic principles to achieve their ideological goals”.
Orwellian reversal. The trans con has been massively funded by the tiniest of minorities from the beginning.
We hear once again about that famous yet mysterious “LBGTQ+ community” and that “the very existence of trans, non-binary, and intersex people” is about to be written “out of the state code”. (Note the curious echo of that “denial of Israel’s existence”.)
Get ready for another roller coaster reversal:
“As Shawn Reagor of the Montana Human Rights Network told The Independent, “These bills are aimed at impacting every aspect of life….They go from how we are born to how we’re identified in our death,” he added. “They are deeply concerning.””
These devastating bills are on the other side from what is being claimed here i.e. it is the pro-Trans movement that aims to totally alter all human biology.
And we have again this claim “that if they passed the gender-affirming healthcare ban for youth, they would have “blood on their hands,” as such treatments can be a lifeline for young LGBTQ+ people struggling to find themselves.”
Or alternatively a lifelong mutilation. (Cynical note: People “struggling to find themselves” are excellent for business.)
But Zooey struggles to be heard!:
“Her supporters joined the fight too, packing the capitol viewing gallery and chanting, “Let her speak!” once House Republicans started refusing to let Rep Zephyr participate in floor debate.”
And let’s fuel the flames of “the culture wars”:
“The exile mirrored developments in other states like Tennessee, where a group of Democratic lawmakers who joined in an anti-gun violence protest at the capitol were stripped of their seats in a move observers said was totally unprecedented in state history.”
And even more blatantly here:
“The Democrat said she hopes those paying attention to Montana understand that while Republicans around the country may be getting bolder about silencing their critics, the right has a long history of trying to making certain groups into bogeymen. But with enough visibility, activism, and a refusal to give in to hate, those groups can shift the culture from demonising them to recognising their full humanity.”
And a false equivalence:
“I think the right is trying to create a bogeymen out of trans people in the same way they tried to create bogeymen out of gay people in the 1990s,” she said. “What they will find is the same thing that they found when they attacked gay people in the 1990s. Trans people are not bogeymen. We are a part of your communities. We are your neighbours. We are your colleagues. We are your friends. You are never far from a trans person or someone who cares deeply about us. That’s true whether your are in Memphis or Miles City, Montana, whether you are in a coffee shop, an office, or the governor’s mansion.”
But “Zephyr said she wasn’t deterred”. Of course not. “She” has the weight of the entire media behind her.
And note one of the links:
“Inside Montana’s ‘disturbing’ attack on trans kids and the campaign to silence lawmaker Zooey Zephyr”
Fascinating. “Trans kids” is a contradiction in terms since, by definition, they haven’t reached puberty and are therefore in no position to “decide” their sexuality. Furthermore, if their impressionistic minds are swayed by the relentless psyop around them, they will be mutilated both chemically and physically.
Politics is a free energy machine. Imagine a cat strapped to an AC generator, opposite is buttered bread, the cat always lands on it’s feet and the bread always lands on the buttered side. And around and around they go, forever. Or you could turn a shit over to look at something different. Everything is perfect, you just don’t realise it yet. It’s a cosmic joke that you haven’t got yet. It’s best to die laughing.
Pathetic people that still believe in Fairy Tales like the story of the “outsider” Trump against the Globalist… Boy, a member of Skull & Bones (the Blackstone guy) was behind him, or the story of “antivaxx-not-antivaxx” R. F. Kennedy Jr. Man, he used to work for an NGO funded by Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation and the like. Funny how a man whose father and uncle were killed by the Dark Forces behind those institution has the gut to receive a salary from them.
Well, but he hyped your book and invited you to his podcast so he’s the right one to defeat the Beast System, right?
Bird With Two Right Wings
by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
And now our government
a bird with two right wings
flies on from zone to zone
while we go on having our little fun & games
at each election
as if it really mattered who the pilot is
of Air Force One
(They’re interchangeable, stupid!)
While this bird with two right wings
flies right on with its corporate flight crew
And this year it’s the Great Movie Cowboy in the cockpit
And next year it’s the great Bush pilot
And now it’s the Chameleon Kid
and he keeps changing the logo on his captains cap
and now it’s a donkey and now an elephant
and now some kind of donkephant
And now we recognize two of the crew
who took out a contract on America
and one is a certain gringo wretch
who’s busy monkeywrenching
crucial parts of the engine
and its life-support systems
and they got a big fat hose
to siphon off the fuel to privatized tanks
And all the while we just sit there
in the passenger seats
without parachutes
listening to all the news that’s fit to air
over the one-way PA system
about how the contract on America
is really good for us etcetera
As all the while the plane lumbers on
into its postmodern
manifest destiny
They are just censoring him into oblivion. I’m a raging RFK Jr fan and I didn’t even know he was running until a few days ago.
Also, the gaping problem with this take is that you’re acting like Trump was some sort of outsider. Sorry bro, Trump is definitely a lackey for the same old neocon ruling class, the PR firms just market him as an outsider and his supporters get to be the ignorant scapegoats. Try googling Jared Kushner or something.
Drumpf and RFK jr are not comparable. Drumpf was bailed out of his bankruptcies by the banksters because he could be used as a suitable puppet. He pandered shamelessly to Israel throughout his term. JFK on the other hand opposed Israel’s nuclear ambitions and paid with his life for it.
They both assist(ed) in making people believe the system works. It does but only for TPTB.
Imagine Trump v Bobby in 24?
Bud Light will definitely be scarce …
Lo and Behold! First thing I see on todays So I’ll post it. Not that many here will pay any attention to it.
Superlawyer Robert Barnes — The Real History of Robert Kennedy Jr. – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
This is RFK Jr PR propaganda. In his declaration speech, RFK Jr lied openly about the history of his uncle and father and THEIR role in overthrowing a bunch of governments and advancing Latin America’s death squads, left out a lot about his own background. Global Research is jumping on the bandwagon.
JFK’s first foreign policy speech in the senate in 1957 supported Algerian independence. The Algerian OAS was closely aligned with Israel and hated him for it. The OAS very likely contributed a shooter in Dealey Plaza.
JFK created the Green Berets, the US Special Forces, used for offensive action and counterinsurgency war. They, together with the “Alliance For Progress,” managed by the Agency for International Development, a CIA front, went on to create Latin America’s network of death squads. How many people have they killed over the years?
In general, JFK instituted a new strategic military policy called “flexible response” to replace Eisenhower’s total reliance upon nukes, enabling the US armed forces to fight large conventional wars.
Yes, JFK supported the termination of the French empire, so that the US could pick up the pieces. When it came to the US empire, JFK had a different view. He appointed John McCone, the head of the Atomic Energy Commission, to be the head of the CIA after Alan Dulles resigned (forced out). The “Company” went on to overthrow governments in Ecuador, Guatemala,El Salvador, British Guiana, Iraq and de facto oust the Canadian government, because prime minister Diefenbaker, whom JFK “hated” (per Bobby Kennedy), refused to arm Canadian air defense missiles with US nuclear warheads, and to integrate Canada’s military into the US North American military grid. The one operation McCone opposed, the overthrow of the Diem regime in Vietnam, happened anyway because JFK pushed for it.
And JFK made a point of standing up in support of the Shah of Iran as his government mowed down protesters in the streets in July ’63.
Sickens me how people buy Camelot illusions.
Howard. Great link. This confirms my impressions of RFK Jr. Despite knowing that the CIA murdered hos wonfather when he was only 14, and his uncle when he was 9, yet he sticks to his guns, metaphorically. He may not stand a chance against the amoral PTB, but he carries on regardless. JFK once said: A man does what he must, and that is the basis for all morality. The choice he has made is to follow his conscience. The concept of a politician having a conscience is sadly very rare these days, but there are still a few, and maybe all they need is a leader to help them find their own courage. Is the CIA going to kill then all – literally and metaphorically? Hope springs eternal, and any calls to violence means you surrender your own morality. If all our problems are man-made, they can be solved by man…
Let me guess it’s something US dollie little wonder people search for themselves all over the global web.
In most cases, Global Research is an excellent site. I’ve been looking at it regularly, for the past three years.
The readers of this forum, I think, have no idea what propaganda actually is.
Propaganda is always tied to an agenda: no agenda, no propaganda. Conversely, where there is an agenda, there will always be propaganda.
The almost universal distaste for RFK Jr in this forum is agenda-based. So when a particular comment presents a piece of propaganda associated with this agenda, that comment garners beaucoup upvotes.
How do I dare surmise it’s propaganda? Because anytime someone presumes to get inside someone else’s mind and tell you what they’re thinking – THAT’S PROPAGANDA!
The American system is far too corrupt for anyone to make a dent in it. So of course it’s absurd to imagine RFK Jr will prove an exception. His candidacy will amount to nothing. But I wouldn’t presume to say he damn well knows it and he’s just trying to entice yet another generation of Americans to “work within the system.”
He may actually believe it’s possible to save the system from itself. Even though it isn’t.
Let the selection process begin.
There is no voting our way out of these circumstances.
Tyrants do not return power back to the people peacefully.
There’s hope a billion tyrants won’t be soo hard on..we-earoils.
Purely on the networked image these pollies are addressing US dental agencies.
Bobby will need a few minders in that bar room, but yes a fight it must be otherwise a prison cell awaits.
Never an R or D Again!
Fictional Jesus is alleged to have said ” Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth”. The banksters certainly want a meek and submissive populace. They certainly got what they wanted as the world’s spineless response to convid demonstrated. He may as well have said “Cursed are the peacemongers. They get in our way. Their descendants will be slaughtered.”
i do think Jesus would have been of an antivaxer persuasion.
I gather he was anti-money so i think that is nearly the same thing.
The ‘earth’ he was talking about is the one in which their grave will be dug.
Allegedly, he also said
-. do not fail to work or invest to increase your wealth
-. those who have more wealth will get more
-. give away all your weaalth
-. poverty will not be resolved.
Vote for me!
I’m different!
I’m not a corrupt, degenerate, lying corporate, globalist, Zionist puppet!
About 3 years ago Grey Wyatt said everyone in the ‘health freedom movement’ will pivot (at a future date) towards ‘safer’ vaccines, turns out he was spot on!
Q.Where do you stand on climate policies that are being enacted right now?
A. “In terms of the ‘carbon industry’ all the things that people are trying to do to promote, to end carbon we should be doing anyway,
because you know carbon means cutting down all the mountains in West Virginia”
“the binary choice, vote for me and I’ll set you free” JFK junior.
Off topic but Gordon Lightfoot has just died of “natural causes” – now the most common cause of death everywhere. Indeed so common we may have a new pandemic.
Very sorry to hear of his passing.
Not saying your hypothesis is wrong but he was 84 i believe.
I was curious about the “natural causes” so I just typed that into a search engine and got this:
“It might not seem to mean much at all. But when a death certificate says a person’s death was “natural,” it is really ruling out the involvement of external causes. The person did not take their own life and they were not killed by somebody else or in an accident such as a car crash or drug overdose.”
The implication is that the death must have been caused by SOMETHING but those other causes are ruled out. And at one time the news channels always told you the cause. Now they don’t. Or very infrequently. It’s getting more and more obvious.
Just another one appearing to go against the narrative, while supporting the narrative. A more palatable Trump. Yawn.
Sorry, in my world celebrities are out of fashion – this Kennedy figure can take a hike with the rest – and stay there.
Not much of a fight. But I hope it will be. And when the fight starts, leave the pen at home and bring weapons.
“Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.”
-Lucy Parsons
The great divide runs between those who ‘keep hope alive’ that we will be saved by the very institutions ruling over us, and those who know better. If we the people are going to stop our abuse as lab rats for any social engineering scheme in store for us, we’re going to have to form our own means of self-defense, and advance on-the-ground alternatives to the powers that shouldn’t be.
The great divide runs like a paradigm shift from bargaining with our masters for crumbs of reform in a slave system to organizing means of resistance to smash our chains. Anything less than our self-emancipation at this do-or-die stage of war on humanity is not only illusory but unworthy of who we can be. Like the Hopi say, we are the ones we have been waiting for.
Vote Communist in the next election. If the U$ Communist Party is dead in your ward, resurrect it by forming a cell.
At the very least, tell Bobby Jr you will vote for him if his platform includes jailing oligarchs, Russian style, or shooting bankers, Chinese style.
The Marxists are the creations of the banksters. They wouldn’t shoot banksters.
All the communists have become global capitalists.
“Bobby ! Bobby ! I Want Bobby !”
He must be a 50s child: The 50s when it seemed every young American male Teen Idol was named Bobby…
in 1962 Marcia Blaine still wished she was “Bobby’s Girl”…
“Dont follow leaders
watch the Parking Meters”, sung another Bobby…
though many seems to think it was
“Follow leaders
pay the Parking Meters”…
The last bastion of resistance?
Wow! It seems the French are not asleep!
Only fools get emotionally involved in these Punch and Judy shows.
Tweedledum and Tweedledummer.
No white knight, whether it is Kennedy, Carlson, Trump, Putin, Xi, or the Tooth Fairy, are coming to save us.
All sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Yeah, just get right with yourself, sit back and watch the evil burn it’s self out. It’s like a bomb has gone off and you are upset because the pieces aren’t flying the way you expected them to. I’m guilty of it too.
No, I just don’t like seeing people charging down the rabbit holes and blind alleys that are provided for them. Yesterday Trump, today Kennedy, tomorrow some other synthetic deep state product. It’s a waste of time, effort and nervous energy.
Not a Democrat. Bobby Junior is a lunatic. Period. I love his position on vaccines. That is where it ends. Period. Climate change is happening. But why is it happening.
Climate Change is a McGuffin. A pretext for tyranny. A euphemism for the global cabal to talk about we the people waking up to their crimes against humanity.
It is Weather Manipulation and Geo Engineering.
In case you hadn’t noticed, EVERYTHING is a “pretext for tyranny.” The spin doctors work day and night coming up with ways to tyrannize anything that happens.
What do you think of this?
Posting this again, as my computer rebelled the first time, so if it shows up twice, sorry about that!
CJ, I’m writing this comment just after reading your article but before reading any of the comments… 100% with you!! Go RFK Jr! Let’s go out (if that is to be our fate) fighting!! I have followed his words and CHD for the past few years and watched it move in an increasingly vocal and radical direction. I’ll admit I haven’t always seen eye to eye with “Bobby,” as I am no fan of climate catastrophe talk, but if he is willing, and eager, to expose and oppose government/corporate/WEF destruction of basic rights and freedoms, then he deserves support. [I would support him if I were in the US, but am an American long resident outside the US so no longer vote in US elections.] Of course he can’t win, but…
I say I’m writing this before reading the comments, because I totally expect that many, maybe most, of the comments will criticise, denounce, attack and deride you and RFK Jr. And I will probably respond to some of those comments, even though there seems little point in doing so. Your article is entitled “The Great Divide” and you point to one key division, but the divisions among Off Guardian readers, alas, seem just as intense. If a commenter disagrees with an author, he/she/they/it seem compelled to denounce them in vicious terms as paid opposition, false flag, shill, or moron. Maybe that’s what they are or maybe all these attacks just reflect our polarised world and the contempt and rage it breeds. If you hate the imposed NWO, folks, let’s give CJ {and Bobby} a fighting chance, and not take them down. Why fight among ourselves when there are real, powerful enemies to fight?
Go mjh. I couldn’t put it any better than you just did. I recently watched the Netflix series, “The Messiah” so herewith, spoiler alert. The point is that if a Christ like figure were to appear now, then the PTB would attack and crucify him, just as they did before. But just because a good man gets nailed to a cross, doesn’t mean there is no point in hoping for a better, kinder, fairer and more meaningful world. The fact that we live in hope, is our only strength. RFK Jr. may not be to everyone’s exacting lily white standards here, but by God, he is making waves and – as his father said in South Africa – those little waves of hope and defiance can sometimes form a tsunami. I conclude with the simple test contained within Viktor Frankl’s “Man in search of Meaning”: there are only 2 types of people – decent and indecent. RFK Jr. is without a doubt a decent Human Being.
Hope is a sign of weakness. We need more than hope.
Rebellion is based on hope.
We need hope or course, but the particular hope or faith in politicians is a perishable good that should have expired long ago.
I watched an interview with RFK Jr. last night and was impressed by him, assuming he means what he says.
The one fly in the ointment is his love for solar panels and hatred for nuclear.
The fact is, ‘renewables’ are part of the globalist scam and he will understand pretty quickly that if he doesn’t unravel that then he can’t unravel anything else.
If RFK Jr. want’s fairness in politics and competition in business he’s going to get a fright when he finds it impossible to keep people warm/cool when energy cost’s remain stubbornly high because renewable operators are fleecing the taxpayer and not delivering on their promise of cheap, abundant energy.
Nuclear power is the ultimate renewable – and it’s front and center of the oligarchs’ wish to keep their wealth and power. And when the grid goes down – which it will – all 350+ nuclear facilities will go into meltdown.
When that happens, we can finally scrap all the nuclear bombs – because they won’t be needed any longer to destroy humanity.
Many developments can make a nuke plnt a disaster. E.g., drought (no water to cool), breakdown in the auxilliry diesel generators to shut down/restart, cheap construction, “human error” (impractical procedures”), evasion of mounting spent fuel.
Capitalism cannot exist without high-level collusion, cutting corners, exploitation and devastation.
Covid shattered the media illusion and brutally demonstrated that there was no plurality of channels. There was only one channel with innumerable heads. Thus I referred to “The Hydra”.
The political illusion had already been dispelled for me long before. Indeed – long before Corbyn but the Corbyn episode momentarily sent me into an infantile regression whereby I briefly imagined there could be something meaningful to come out of an election – namely a re-instalment of something approaching an actual Labour Party as opposed to the “New Labour” Blairite Thatcher clone.
Oh fool that I was! For the proverbial record, I acknowledge that Corbyn would have made zero difference even if he had been elected. But that statement may be belied by the staggeringly desperate kerfuffle that determinedly trashed his prospects. Clearly there were forces above that considered Corbyn a threat. But the threat came not from Corbyn himself but from a worry that his election may stir up a hope in the Leftward portion of the masses. That wasn’t going to happen. Hence – Jeremy got the Hitler treatment.
And that was the end of that chapter. The dream is over. Starmer’s rabbit eyes are not even worthy of despising. It’s over now. Of course I speak of the UK. But the US is no different. You can have Bush (1 and 2), Clinton, Obama, Biden, RK Jnr etc. You could resurrect JFK – or Abe Lincoln. Hell, you could even have J H Christ in there. Makes fuck all difference.
As Ellen Meiksins Wood once said, in this world of ours we have unprecedented political freedom – but only because power no longer lies in politics. It lies in the economy, in finance. Vote for who you want. They could even get in. Makes no difference because guess what – the covid, climate, Ukraine, transgender, whatever show will continue as before.
They don’t matter. We matter.
“If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.”
-Mark Twain
Sorry CJ I’m not buying what RFK Jr. is selling…
Using the present corrupt and morally bankrupt political legal system to attempt any real and meaningful change is not viable avenue any longer. CO2 is not our enemy global warming is a carbon tax credit scam that makes you the carbon they want to reduce. Meanwhile toxicity our real and present danger (from toxic pesticides and other industrial age chemicals, microwave radiation, poison shots etc. etc.) is rapidly depopulating our world of humans and many other species of God’s creation. Do not forget all of the 193 nation state signatories of Agenda 2030. All the governments of our world are complicit in this mass genocide plot.
There is no political solution.
Now that the evil powers that be have decided to criminalize peaceful protest in many places in our world, they have ensured JFK’s warning about what comes next via violent revolution.
PS don’t eat the rich because you’ll probably get gout or something more toxic. eek…
No, no, R., this time it really, really, really will be different.
They may have lied to us a thousand times before, but this time they really, really, really are being honest with us.
And the Irish always lost their fight.
But, we love the Irish spirit and soul any way, so here is an Irish song from our beloved Marianne Faithful who had the spirit too that many of us are willing to fight for. Ireland
Your right CJ. He’s got nothing to lose. So open the viral truth tap and plant that simmering seed.
Nothing to lose? He is a billionaire his vast fortune , many mansions , private jet , yacht and privileged position among the global elites is at risk if he were to follow through with any of the promises he will make , should he get elected/appointed POTUS , which at this point is a real possibility.
Some more smoke and mirrors may succeed in keeping people on the Uniparty reservation one last time.
Do you have proof he is a billionaire ?
He’s not a billionaire, he’s just a poor multimillionaire, estimated net worth 60 million dollars.
That would be the first obstacle with JFK jr – his viral truth tap is that viruses exist and we just need better vaccines. He’s also on the population caused climate change train.
Never again trust a politician.
And also never confuse them with their deceased cousin.
“So, while observing the Tory, and by extension the national, psycho-drama, I keep one eye on the actors rehearsing in the wings, all of whom will do nothing but charge harder and faster toward ruin. Neither the country nor the world can be improved by Tories, not because they are Tories, but because they are politicians. This fact might help us to see that all politics, right, left, centre, green, extreme, mainstream, populist, nationalist, globalist and revolutionary, all of it is the domain of the Soul-less. All political movements are willing to use state power to impose their will, to compel you to deny your conscience and force you comply with their ideas. This is true of all politics, without exception, and while there is no doubt that hardcore conservatism is repressive to the Soul, the Modern Left, which in the UK takes the form of Labour, the SNP, Plaid Cymru, the Greens and the Liberal Democrats, is actively anti-spiritual. The Tories are a corrupt lot, no doubt about it, and both candidates represent nothing more than a continuation of progressive policies (albeit driven at the speed limit), more taxes, more division and more war, whether that be with Russia or China. Of course, almost all senior Conservatives are empty shells devoid of any philosophy or purpose other than to hold power, but the Left is no better because it isn’t actually a political force at all, but a spiritual one, or more accurately an anti-spiritual one that seeks to kill God and replace it with tyranny by committee. Sure, the Tories are morally, ethically and philosophically broken, but the Left is soul-less and spiritually bereft. Being Left does not make you a good person. In fact it may do quite the opposite.”
Extract from “I Withdraw My Consent” by Richard Abbot:
Yes, the ‘left’ love government. They want to be it. They want to be the ones telling everybody what to do.
Since none of my comments have been getting posted for a week now, this may be a futile gesture, but i’ll do it anyway. One should read his declaration speech and then read history. Virtually everything he said (aside from the gossip about friends and relatives present at the event) was a lie.
His uncle and father, whom he repeated lauded, were loyal servants of the Empire, parented Latin America’s death squads, plotted to kill Castro, and greatly built up the US military’s conventional warfare capacity, enabling the Vietnam War and further. JFK’s biggest domestic achievement (PBS, in 2013, on the 50th anniversary of his assassination) was the tax cut, overwhelmingly benefiting the rich. RFK jr’s record at Natural Resources Defense Council, where he was head attorney for over 2 decades, was to author pro-business compromises regarding environmental regulations. He for a long time was partner at Vantage Point Capital, heavily invested in “green” energy, medical care and testing/surveillance.
His chief benefactor, Steve Kirsch, who created the Draft RFK Jr for President committee, owns Covid Early Treatment Fund, connected to the Rockefeller Philanthropy Fund and has been heavily invested in digital ID ventures, including the Santa Fe Institute.
There hasn’t been a more blatant Trojan horse ever, intended to divert potentially radical opposition back into the mainstream. Yet people like CJ, Mark Crispin Miller, Celia Farber and Jon Rappoport are falling for him heads over heels. What does this say about the “movement”? I think it’s in really bad shape.
Christine Massey and i talked to Eric Coppolino about this last Friday. You can hear it at
They appear to have been going to straight to trash. I do t know why. They are released now. I’ll monitor and hopefully my removing them will have reset the issue. A2
Once you realize that all the Kennedy “assassinations” were 100% faked and that the news cycle is nearly entirely fictional, it’s much easier to see all the agents posing as independent “journalists“ or “activists”.
They aren’t deceived or hoodwinked. They are in on the con.
Their real purpose is to keep some of the larger, more pervasive lies alive; such as the voting scam, the nation state myth, the democracy lie, the worldwide INjustice system and the deliberate farming and culling of enslaved humanity, throughout the ages using fear programming, disinformation and force.
That is way overboard.
Not at all. Not in any way.
Only the most gullible believe in obviously staged “events“.
3 minutes of politics and 18 minutes of astrology? Did you mean another link?
Interesting article Mr. Hopkins; and one I’d love to believe. However, no matter the authenticity and sincerity of the writer and said message above, this writer feels obligated to point out the obvious vis-a-vis one of those purported ‘Marvel heroes’ of the day; if for no other reason than serving as a ballast in what in the near future will surely be a hot plate debate. Firstly, it should be duly noted that, previous to his meteoric rise in alt news sphere, RFK Jr. was an environmental lawyer for 12 years; and over the course of this interval of time had been trumpeting the benefits of sustainable forms of energy which, in and of itself, sounds admirable and commendable. Unfortunately, there is more to this narrative than meets the eye at first glance: it is a well-established fact that what RFK Jr. is endorsing not to mention envisioning as the future for all energy grids of the world is nothing more than a ruse; that’s been invoked by the kakistocracy to, in effect, retain their power and control over all of our planet’s natural resources; and species of every stripe and kind therein (see Cory Morningstrar’s, ‘’). Secondly, one of the companies RFK Jr. represents and I believe has been a paid shill for is named, ‘Vantage Point'{ customer-focused, technology-driven engineering and consulting firm serving the broadband and financial industries}; and, suffice it to say, stands to benefit – monetarily that is – from the type of narrative and concomitant agendas (i.e., ESG; ‘green money’; ‘BBB’; ‘The Great Reset’; Agenda 2030/SDG’s; etc.) that are a natural consequence of the ideas and ideologies RFK Jr. has been promulgating for some time now (viz., a clear conflict of interest in said scenario). Finally, inside the book entitled, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’, published in 2022, RFK Jr. has allocated 100+ pages to the idea that although the vaccines and agendas of Covid-19 were highly faulty if not fiendish, there will be all sorts of ‘new’ and ‘improved’ nano-tech/bio-tech solutions via vaccinations and other exogenous platforms/therapies in the near future; to serve as the elixir for the ‘next’ pandemic(s). So, subsequent to taking a step or two back; and assessing this much larger picture and context one should, at best, be highly suspicious of this man; and, at worst, downright cynical when proffered the idea that another knight in shining armor is in our midst; about to save the day! That is all!! RGB-Y3 out!!
It is entirely possible that RFK Jr has arrived too late, the Overton Window having closed in 2019. He would have had a mountain to climb even without deep state interventions. The Democratic Convention will see Biden crowned king again as There Is No Alternative (Remember TINA?). Actual assassination, character assassination, Lawfare, Me Too – RFK is a too big a target. Although not openly stated, his speech impediment will enable interviewers to run rings around him. Good men cannot win elections in the “Democratic” World.
I would add that he ought to know himself better than to think he has a chance.
One thing he could do, however, is liven up the debates a heck of a lot.
He’s bright enough to throw several large spanners in the works, and he’s energetic too.
Sympathy for his speech impediment could even give him an advantage – a greater chance to finish sentences than some people have managed in debates – although in fact I reckon there’s been an improvement in his speech recently.
Nobody can do everything like a genius – even Jesus didn’t manage to build a reputation as the greatest carpenter the world has ever seen – so I’m inclined to hope for the best here.
I could wish RFK Jr had taken the trouble to inform himself more about certain issues, but he has certainly done some things extremely well.
It’s hard to expect better than that from today’s USA.
Agree absolutely. And great to have a voice of reason speaking out.
By which I meant you, wardropper. As well, I hope, of RFK Jr
Can’t quite undertand the level of hate being levelled here…but again it’s a Kennedy rising ire. Surely it would be a step in the right direction to have somebody who can string a sentence together in the WH? Somebody who wouldn’t cackle at the brutal murder of a world leader…somebody who wouldn’t head off to play a round golf at warpseed as his foolish followers head to the Capital Building…somebody who can read ‘The Pet Goat’ without struggling with some of the pronunciation…or a totally fabricated liar getting the treatment from ‘Big Mike’ every night. Considering the individuals we have had to endure this last two or three decades I think I’d be pretty relieved in all honesty.
Depends on what you’re after, a little relief, or a cure.
That’s right. I’m not voting for anyone but if the voters voted for a bit of relief, I wouldn’t complain.
“What is one more stone to an overloaded donkey.”
A line from Phantom of Chinatown (1940)
Aye.” A straw man should not lead a donkey to water lest he should be eaten”– from Scrayping the Barrel, the Worst of Nixon.
C: Why all the hate against this candidate? At least the is a cultured man – as if being cultured has anything to do with being able to effect lasting change, once in power; decades of human experience showing it hasn’t having had all kinds of presidents, cultured and not cultured with zero difference in the way they had to carry out politics. The lever of commands being somewhere else. This is a hopeful opinion that has not learned from past experience and dares believe that THIS TIME is the good one like a heroin addict who swears this time is the last time they take their dose.
AA: We may have a temporary relief before things fall onto the old tracks. If one is looking for a radical change in direction forget it. Voting is useless to that end.
NS: Agreeing with AA; however everyone is free to either vote if it’s temporary relief they’re after, or abstain.
TCR: Agreeing with AA and NS. Looks like we haven’t learnt the lesson yet regarding the uselessness of voting to make a real change, so let’s vote again until we learn. What’s one more presidential election after so many past ones, what’s one more disappointment after so many experiences of disillusionment but if it takes one more election, or even more, so be it.
Could you tell me where is the straw man please?
Where is the donkey? ie I couldn’t understand your comment so I tried to equal it’s obscurity – straw, camel’s back,etc like an odd chinese proverb. Making light of it, like a joke, scrayping the barrel, even, gasp, not taking myself too seriously.
Theres so much “hate” because this is just a COMPLETE REHASH of the age old “If we just vote for the right shill” trick… VOTING and gushing over other men like they`re teen idols is just going to perpetuate the cycle, It’s pretty sad to some of us that noone has learned a DAMN THING these last three years, so theres where all your “hate” comes from.
Excellent advice.
‘If you tone down your act and try to “heal the divide” and “end the division,” they are going to have you for lunch, and then sit around picking their teeth with your bones.’
See Zi on ists.
See the team trying to protect a one-goal lead in the third period.
those of us who have refused to convert to the new “reality” — which I am guessing is approximately 25-30% of the global population — are not looking for a leader who can “heal the divide.” We are in a fight. We are fighting for reality. We’re fighting for what’s left of reality. Define the character of the person who will lead the bar fight? Who would that be? I can see the fight now.. liberty seeking drunk humans fighting ptb owned robots..
Well we can stop drinking, for a start…
But this is precisely what we are fighting and willing to die for: Our pint of lager.
This is here we stand, this is here we fight, and this is here THEY die.
These guys are already in big big trouble.
Make mine a real ale.
Let me give you a friendly tip CJ, being a “fan” of anyone particularly a political persona is your first problem. That that someone endorsed some of your work and had you on their podcast which then solidifies your “relationship” or admiration for this person has zero relevance to any sensible political analysis.
The image of RFK, and the Kennedy’s/Camelot overall, and the reality are two different things. I guess you are okay with a guy who has heaped praise on Joe Biden, John McCain and Hillary Clinton.
RFK has supported H. Clinton on multiple occasions lauding Obama’s appointment of her as Sec. of State. I suppose we should ignore that and get on the phony
“I sit on a man’s back choking him and making him carry me. And yet assure myself and others, that I am very sorry for him and wish to lighten his burden by all possible means. Except, by getting off his back.”
– Leo Tolstoy
“I want to say it emphatically. I am PRO-VACCINE. I have been fiercely PRO-VACCINE. I believe that we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans.” – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
We have been hearing sentiments for decades such as “What will ever make you happy” and “You are a purist” and “He/she isn’t perfect, but we need to be practical” and “If you reject him, who do YOU think would be the right person?” and other similar statements.
“Not revolution, but evolution” people said when Bill Clinton was elected, and we were harangued to see Clinton as some sort of wonderful new direction from the Reagan years.
“We” got NAFTA.
“We” then were told “at least we have Dennis” – finally a man who “matches my personal spiritual values so that I can vote my conscience.”
Say what? Is politics nothing more than picking a guy for a high school prom date?
Weeee – second only to meeeee a candidate for meeeeee and IIIIIII.
I don’t care what any political consumer’s personal little choice is and I am sick of hearing about their latest knight in shining armor.
Oh how quickly “we” forgot about “Feel the Bern” as “we” were getting burned and of course The Mad Hopium Drone King Barack Obama- The Audacity of Hype.
There are a number of implied assumptions behind this “not perfect enough for you” line of assault – and make no mistake, it is an assault, designed to silence people and terminate consideration and discussion.
To say that the “latest-greatest” RFK Jr. is being critiqued because he is “not quite perfect” is to imply that he is kinda sorta there, or “in the right direction” or presumed to be an ally.
What is being pointed out here is not that RFK and The Democrats fail some perfection test – an imaginary test that suggests that he/they are mostly OK but have a few flaws that only perfectionists would notice, and a test that the people being accused of using it are not using – but rather that the RFK Alliance is not aligned in any meaningful way with the majority of the working people and that the notion that they are aligned with us is all a carefully created and totally false illusion.
What are presumed to be “flaws” – which a few of us are supposedly unwilling to overlook in our stubbornness and obtuseness – are actually accurate glimpses through the camouflage of the whole picture, not minor peripheral and insignificant flaws.
They aren’t minor flaws in an otherwise perfect gem – they are indicators as to the true nature of this chunk of scrap metal painted up to look like a gem so as to fool people. Looking through the holes in the fancy paint job at the interior of the object, and saying it is not a flawed diamond, it is a chunk of metal with a coat of paint hastily slopped on to make it look like a diamond is merely pointing out the hypocrisy and unreality of this cultic fetish.
On another level this assault is wrong-headed and destructive, and that is in the implied assumption that politics is a matter of personal taste.
Politics is about the greatest good for the greatest number, not about “what I want.” The narcissistic belly button lint gazing is completely antithetical to working class solidarity, and is nothing more than an amusing little hobby for the pampered and spoiled and selfish laptop leisure class.
Beyond the question of whether or not this particular person is perfect, I also reject the assumption that we are all looking for a person to begin with and that looking for a person is a worthwhile political act.
Looking for a person is the problem, not the solution. Insulting, frustrating, and silencing the most perceptive among us is what is destroying the possibility of a strong movement from emerging and is the tawdry and amoral House Negro work that keeps the ruling class in place. THAT is the problem, and that is a LONG way from the snide and demeaning accusations that critics of RFK et al are being prissy little perfectionists, carping and finding fault for the sake of irritating people or being party spoilers.
This “you are being a perfectionist” propaganda is infinitely more destructive to any grass roots movement than anything that ever comes from the mainstream media and is one of the most important bulwarks of ruling class power.
This is not nit-picking. It is not “being negative.” It is not being a “purist.”
We have tried being polite, reasoning with people, documenting the truth, respecting and considering people’s complaints that we are being too harsh, too radical, that we are making attacks, that we are alienating allies, that we are “being divisive”, that we are hurting “the cause.”
None of that has worked.
The years slip by. Conditions grow worse and worse, The danger grows and grows. The ruling class gets stronger and stronger. Polite nicey-nice, “Can’t we all get along children and play nice?”, is bringing no positive returns and there is nothing to lose by speaking the truth as harshly as need be to get the message across.
Maybe the bottom line is whether or not we all seek the same depth of changes in our society. There is no doubt in my mind that whether under the control of Democrats or the Republicans, the number one beneficiary of political decisions, be they foreign policy or domestic, will be large industries/the extremely wealthy – that is, the general protection of the status quo, and the continuation of a capital-before-people mentality.
Those of us who have stepped outside the system are not the demographic anyone is playing to.
I fail to understand how those, like yourself, who see so clearly the corruption at the top seem incapable of seeing how the corruption at the top merely reflects the corruption at the bottom.
This absurd nonsense of top down hierarchy has twisted both logic and reality for so many millennia that it’s now taken for granted that all ideas and all corruptions find a downward trajectory and follow it no matter what. When in fact corruption always flows upward, from the masses to their leaders/rulers.
The masses are not dumbed down. Rather, their psychotic rulers in their narcissistic madness, are dumbed up to believe they are dumbing down the masses.
If you ever want to see corruption and hypocrisy at its worst, just stroll through any average neighborhood.
It’s not that “I don’t see it” it’s that what you describe does not exist.
Yours is the (il)logic that the plantation system is the result of the “dumbed down” slaves and if only they could “step outside” the system slavery would end.
Corruption flows upwards? You’ve inverted reality.
What you express is a chronic weakness in the thinking of many liberals and progressives, and is itself a product of the specialized and targeted indoctrination that the more educated receive as they are groomed for middle management positions of various kinds to serve the needs and desires of the wealthiest few.
The faulty idea is that somehow those in power and amassing wealth are neutral and benign parties merely responding to and reflecting some brutish, ignorant and morally inferior “human nature” that is bubbling up from the masses.
In practical political effect, that provides cover for the rulers and also make it impossible to build working class solidarity since blaming the every day people for the actions of the rulers estranges the intellectuals from the working class.
Everyday people are aware of the contempt that many intellectuals hold for their presumed inferiors, and this is why the right wing propaganda about “elitists” can gain traction with the public. It also sends all of us off on a fool’s errand – trying to “convert” the masses to “our beliefs.”
Politics, and social arrangements, are not driven or controlled by beliefs, they are driven and controlled by wealth. Only those who are relatively well-off and who identify with the well-off can think that beliefs drive politics and society.
These laments – “if only the common people were not the way they are” – and the implication that if “they” were only more refined and enlightened then we would not see the horrors of Capitalism and empire, come from the position of the house slave, from the “Uncle Tom” stance. The idea is that if the people were better somehow, then the rulers would be as well.
This turns reality upside down. It would have us believe that it is those without power – which is the root problem: the working class people have no power – who have the power to direct and manage the social relations, the economy and politics, and that the behavior of those who do have power are just along for the ride. Clearly, the exact opposite is true.
There is so much power and wealth concentrated into few hands, the average person has so little voice, so little power, so little control over their lives, that is seems ludicrous to me to blame the powerless for the actions of the powerful.
We, the everyday working class people have not consented to any of the things that are going on.
Hell ya we have, at least most of us. 170 million people voted for Biden and Trump. That’s consent.
TRAINED consent. Trained to believe that the latest supposed savior will do it for us. Trained to believe in the shit show of “sides” to the same coin.
It is so much easier to blame the dumbed down people than those who intentionally dumbed them down, and will keep them dumb and content as long as they participate in their own enslavement. Although that contentment is getting just a bit threadbare today, but what can such dumbed down beasts expect? And really, how utterly selfish those beasts are to expect anything more than what they are provided.
Voting for any of them might be consent, but it is learned consent with one hell of a lot of the dangling of crumbs to get the dumb plebes to get out there and vote again. Put your hope in the latest and greatest while we take every damned dime you have, and be sure to fight each other over those dimes now. When the savior turns out to be just another problem, blame yourselves for voting for it, don’t look behind the curtain at the fully orchestrated “options” you’ve been given, just blame the other side for all the problems, or better yet, blame yourself.
Maxwell is correct that those who OWN us have trained us very, very well. And while we sit on our asses blaming each other, those at the top of the food chain congratulate themselves on another mission fulfilled. God knows, they’ve been doing this for a long damned time, surely we see by now that their plans are not only working, their plans are the ONLY options available. Oh sure, there’s violent overthrow, good luck with that, they’re ready for that too. They WANT that so they can tell you they are your only protection from the angry mobs, who are simply unreasonably angry since they’ve consented to the whole damned thing.
Why aren’t you dumbed down Lizzy? Or me? Why are we different? We had the same training. I don’t know, I see a bunch of old people around me who haven’t learned shit and don’t want to. I made the effort and still am and suspect you did and still are too. I did a little research like a good freedom loving citizen should. I opened my mind. So I’ll blame them for voting for Biden and Trump, heck ya.
And the bottom line is, that’s all they’ve (our supposed rulers) got, the representative government system. That’s all they need for consent. That’s where the rubber meets the road imo and where we should plan the full frontal attack. Take it down and start over. We keep playing the same sick game over and over.
“Why aren’t you dumbed down Lizzy? Or me? Why are we different?”
Reminds me of the words of Jezus: “You can’t understand me because you’re not from my stable.”
Perhaps some people are incarnations and others are not. Perhaps that is why some can see and hear and others cannot?
I also wonder why some people are so ‘insensitive’?
Perhaps the secret is that we live? Forever? When we find out, they’ve lost power.
Krishnamurti called it ‘conditioning’.
Every. Single. one of us.
Conditioned from birth.
Conditioned by our parents, siblings, teachers, priests, friends, leaders and the media.
It takes endurance and courage to break free.
Besides, this sounds like the 99% crap back during the “Occupy Wall Street” period, circa 2011, no offense Lizzy. Ya, it’s the 99% vs the 1%, we all need to work together to bring them down! I just watched a video of cops in France kicking protesters in the heads while down. That’s just a small, small sampling of people who are and never will be on our side. There is a never ending supply of those who will do the bidding, directly and indirectly, of the psychos wanting to rule us. The 99% thing was fantasy and so is not blaming people who are against what we stand for. We have to face reality in what’s happening and what we’re up against. And I say that relative to the extreme position of a revolutionary struggle for freedom on earth. We are the 20% and we are strong if we want to be.
First off if you think tabulating votes, real or otherwise, is a worthwhile metric for drawing such a hypothesis you are estranged from a more meaningful structural analysis. Try it some time.
But even using your flimsy yardstick the reality is that if “did not vote” were a candidate in 2020 “It” would have won the presidential election 278 to Biden’s 162 to Trump’s 98 using the electoral scam.
In 2016 “It” would have won with 471 electoral votes.
If we get into mid-terms the results are even more overwhelmingly favorable for “It.”
In short you don’t know what you are talking about here.
I don’t think you get it and you’re up and up because someone challenged you. The point was simple, participating in the representative government process, i.e., voting, gives “them” consent. That’s the system, Max. It’s not very difficult.
In other words, that’s the representative government system Max, the citizens vote for representatives and give consent to those representatives, such as in the case made earlier, the President, to make the decisions for them. That’s my point. We, those of us voting for these assholes, are consenting by voting for them.
I’m in agreement with that. What I’m saying is that most people do not consent and know the system is rigged against them.
Corruption, finally, is a matter of the heart. The potential to be corrupted lies in each and every human heart. The answer? Dare I bring up faith in a power beyond us… Dare I risk it?
We haven’t consented? Yet so many of this “we” accept “the things that are going on” without question. Is that not consent?
Every time the “elites” decide to invade and exploit another Third World country, the masses end up with just enough little bit of gain to convince them the venture was worth it.
The working class has no power? The servants of the ruling class all have far greater connections to the working class than to the ruling class. Perhaps if the working class starts calling in these connections instead of turning their backs as long as the recipients of the servants’ wrath are those “others” who reside in all the wrong places – perhaps then the rulers would finally discover just how naked they really are.
The “plantation” analogy has always been a bit dodgy. It presumes too many variables to be absolutes.
The same goes for the binary paradigm – in this instance, the working class/ruling class either-or blame game: either the people are guilty or their rulers are guilty. How about spreading the guilt around? Equality of guilt.
The perpetrator…and the accessories before and after the fact: equally guilty. A fearful symmetry. An almost psychic bond between them, through which they both know what the other secretly wants.
A few hundred years ago in Britain only the wealthy few and higher echelons of society had the privilege of voting. Now it has been replaced by yet another wealthy elite whose malign influence runs counter to our democratic aspirations in our so called democracy. The political class today appears to be in the service of these criminals as was evidenced by the Scamdemic and are now acting as mere gatekeepers for yet more malign behaviour from those holding real power.
Hopkins is controlled – always reinforces official narratives of interest to revisionist historians of the early-mid 20th century.
100%. Same with all the “journalists“ Maxwell named, who support the farce of “elections” and pretend countries are not corporations owned and controlled by the cryptocracy.
Brilliant analysis, but what is the solution? The West’s version of Democracy – as we have been trained to uphold – may be impossible because it is so easily corrupted, given our selfish Human Nature. How about the Swiss system of confederations in which any decisions have to be ratified by an actual vote of the electorate? Who ostracised ostracism?
“Democracy: The most dangerous religion”: 15 articles including this intro by Larry Romanoff.
How easy was it for CJ to become a sycophant.How telling is that!
Isn’t clear now. it’s not vax or unvaxxed thsts the division. But those that think they “see” hijacking & selling out for hits,likrs likes & sales.
These people are still under mind control.
This, basically, is what we’ve just experienced. The global capitalist ruling classes have just reminded us who is really in charge, who the US military answers to, and how quickly they can strip away the facade of democracy and the rule of law.
They have reminded us of this for the last ten months, by putting us under house arrest, beating and arresting us for not following orders, for not wearing masks, for taking walks without permission, for having the audacity to protest their decrees, for challenging their official propaganda, about the virus, the election results, etc. They are reminding us currently by censoring dissent, and deplatforming anyone they deem a threat to their official narratives and ideology … GloboCap is teaching us a lesson. I don’t know how much clearer they could make it.
They just installed a new puppet president, who can’t even simulate mental acuity, in a locked-down, military-guarded ceremony which no one was allowed to attend, except a few members of the ruling classes. They got some epigone of Albert Speer to convert the Mall (where the public normally gathers) into a ‘field of flags‘ symbolizing ‘unity.’ They even did the Nazi ‘Lichtdom‘ thing.
To hammer the point home, they got Lady Gaga to dress up as a Hunger Games character with a ‘Mockingjay’ brooch and sing the National Anthem. They broadcast this spectacle to the entire world.
And yet this is exactly what he wants to do to people that disagree with his views on climate change so bollocks to him too
Well, what I have to say, isn’t going to make a damn bit of difference. Is Kennedy? I doubt it. He hasn’t by now, speaking of the big picture. Neither has Ron Paul. And running with the democratic party, a primary purveyor of lies, propaganda, and deceit, doesn’t exactly give me goosebumps, man. Why didn’t he go Indie, money? If wanted to fight the system, why join it? Nah, I don’t like the smell of that.
So, what does it matter? It doesn’t, he’s not going to save us. Even if he gets some truth out, that’s not going to save us. The American national political system is completely corrupted and owned lock, stock, and barrel by rich people. Only we are going to save us, do you know, know what I mean? (Lee Michaels).
From your Link:
“I do not want you to follow me or anyone else; if you are looking for a Moses to lead you out of this capitalist wilderness, you will stay right where you are. I would not lead you into the promised land if I could, because if I led you in, some one else would lead you out.”
— Eugene V. Debs
Debs ran for US President FIVE times. Yes, I know, he ran as a Socialist, not a Democrat. I wish RFK Jr would also run as a third party candidate. But maybe by trying (futilely, for sure) to win the Democratic party nomination he will get us a lot of exposure for opposition to loss of freedom, loss of rights, etc, and show people they can stand up and fight.
And maybe he’ll gatekeep everyone to do the same thing we’ve been doing for too long, vote in this corrupt two party system.
Here we again 100 years later Eugene. SSDD
Lee Michaels and “Die Internationale” 😉
Es rettet uns kein höh’res Wesen,
kein Gott, kein Kaiser noch Tribun
Uns aus dem Elend zu erlösen
können wir nur selber tun
(There is no higher being to save us,
No god, no emperor, no tribune
To put us out of our misery
We can only do it ourselves
How’s that “sticking it to Nato” thing going? Of course, rather than resurrecting blood-and-soil fascism and sending in the fucking tanks, we could have just respected the will of the people to decide their own sovereignty and borders – as they did with Brexit and 1991.
U.S. Troops May Deploy to Finland Bases Amid Russia Threat
May 2, 2023
American soldiers may soon be deploying to bases near Russia’s border with Finland if ongoing talks on a new defense cooperation agreement (DCA) between Helsinki and Washington prove successful.
Speaker McCarthy says “I support aid for Ukraine” and that Russia should “pull out”
May 2, 2023
#KevinMcCarthy #Ukraine #Russia
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made his strongest comments to date on support for Ukraine on Monday during a news conference in Jerusalem.
Well the consequences of that will probably serve Finland right.
It used to be a cultural pinnacle.
Looks like its future will be as just another US state.
Time to check up on how things are going with Sweden, which used to be proud of its concept of neutrality.
Modern Swedes probably don’t even know what neutrality is any more.
They might have had a hope if they’d invented their own iPhone equivalents, using their own digital technology. But who was going to allow them to do that…?
At this rate we’ll probably all end up as individuals having to master technologies which we don’t like at all, using whatever resources and assets we can lay our hands on.
Some of us might even become rather brilliant at it.
After all, we’ve already discovered that the most ‘successful’ guy in the world isn’t necessarily very bright, haven’t we?
Previously the Big Bad Bear had to watch out where he put his paws in case he trod on some innocent little Finnish and Swedish mice.
But now the little mice are no longer innocent, he doesn’t have to bother.
Neutrality is like virginity. Once you give it up, you can’t get it back.
Sweden, Finland, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, have all decided to give up the neutrality that served them so well for so long.
70 years of peace and prosperity.
They may come to regret their decision.
Finland will now have to get used to a militarised 800 mile border, and find the money for lots of shiny new US weapons. And deploy the Finnish Navy to the South China Sea.
“Tell the truth.”
There is the rub.
RFK. Jr was recently interviewed by ABC
they censored what he had to say in a big way.
The cabal of legacy news , TNI – Trusted News Initiative,
clapped for and seconded the ABC act of censorship.
FB, as best as I can tell, filtered and limited the distribution and sharing
of articles that were critical of ABC’s act of censorship.
I would post a link to one of these critical articles but I sense my post is going to get parked somewhere dark.
RFk being censored is about as real as Alex Jones being censored.
Got air time on tucker for FFS!
No, it is indeed ‘real’.
Here is one of the articles I mentioned that is critical of ABC’s act of censorship.
The “censorship” is straight from the “how the system builds a rebel” playbook, think twice about what you see, friend. <3
“ABC News, brought to you by Pfizer.”
“Pfizer, brought to you by Satan.”