OffG’s Quick Take: AI & the Writer’s Strike

Yesterday evening the US union the Writers’ Guild of America went on strike. The most immediate impact of this is that all the late-night “comedy” talk shows – Colbert, Fallon, Kimmel, Meyers – have gone on hiatus.
I know, I was heartbroken too.
How this may impact the already flagging entertainment industry – one which never really recovered from Covid lockdowns – is hard to predict…but also not really interesting.
Honestly, for years now the movies/television industry has had no apparent interest in actually making profits and is almost certainly propped up via government subsidies and ESG funding from companies like Blackrock.
After all, they can’t afford to let their trillion-dollar propaganda apparatus collapse into disrepair.
Maybe we’re on the verge of the great media reset.
But more interesting than that is the role artificial intelligence is playing in this narrative.
Objection to the idea of AI-generated works was reportedly one of the major – if not the major – stumbling blocks in contract negotiations before the strike.
And now, within hours of the strike being declared, we’re being inundated with headlines about AI replacing living writers. The Guardian, Global News, Hollywood Reporter, the BBC…it goes on and on.
Why? What’s the agenda here?
Do they want to replace people with Artificial Intelligence?
Do they want to scare people by making them think they could be replaced?
Do they want to convince people AI is much more advanced than it seems?
It’s impossible to know as yet, but it feels like a new narrative is being launched. Especially with the “godfather of AI” quitting Google earlier this week over concerns about the “risks AI poses to humanity”.
Watch this space. And, in the meantime, at least James Corden isn’t going to be on TV for a while.
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The plutocrats’ goal is to brainwash and condition us to accept AI as the new necessity and savior of humanity. Keep in mind their concomitant goal of massive global depopulation and ubiquitous technology to replace humans using automation, robots, AI and augmented humans (transhumanist cyborgs chimeras and hybrids) go hand in hand. The same thing we learned about computer programming “garbage in garbage out” applies to AI also. We saw this in the US with the racial biases that were coded in the AI recidivism projections and we’ll see this play out big time in other areas very shortly.
It is my understanding that this Writers’ Guild strike is about streaming services not sharing data that would allow writers to collect residual income.
Advances in technology always serve to replace human actions with technological “solutions”. Ho, ho, ho, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he, oops…
Re “the role artificial intelligence”
Most people would be better informed about artificial intelligence (AI) if they had awareness of what’s typically NOT talked about but conveniently omitted about AI.
Like with every criminal inhumane self-concerned agenda of theirs the psychopaths-in-control sell and propagandize AI to the timelessly foolish public with total lies such as AI being the benign means to connect, unit, benefit and save humanity.
AI is the super tool of the governing psychopaths in power all over the world to materialize their wet dream to control and enslave everyone and everything …. (or
“AI responds according to the “rules” created by the programmers who are in turn owned by the people who pay their salaries. This is precisely why Globalists want an AI controlled society- rules for serfs, exceptions for the aristocracy.” — Unknown
“Almost all AI systems today learn when and what their human designers or users want.” — Ali Minai, Ph.D., American Professor of Computer Science, 2023
The proof is in the pudding… ask yourself, “how is the hacking of the planet going so far? Has it increased or crushed personal freedom?”
The ruling gang of criminals pulled of the Covid Scam globally via its WHO institution because almost all nations belong to it. If you’re in the US go to and sign the American Sovereignty Declaration to #ExitTheWHO and follow their prompts to contact your representatives and tell them to work for their constituents instead of the mega psychopaths in power.
It doesn’t matter whether AI or writers write the scripts if what they right is Government-narrative fascist globalist claptrap.
I barely watch any ‘new production’ media any more because so much of it is just repulsive propaganda. Comedy isn’t comedy any more, it’s just pathetic posturing by self-righteous city dwellers.
I don’t want AI taking over, but nor do I want human writers producing claptrap and then moaning that ‘they had to produce that because that was corporate diktat’.
Something is up.

28 April – BBC chairman Richard Sharp -The chairman of the @BBC resigns.
Tucker Carlson Fox thing
Vice gone bankrupt
The only true part in AI is the A for artificial while the intelligence so far could not be found.
A silly chatbot parroting preprogrammed leftist bullshit is not intelligence.
i did metas facehug – what a name. when asked if majick helped create it, the answer was in not an absolute yes, but definitely in the affirmative. Once i it became ‘frustrated’ it spit out a huge section of phrases. 1/2 were geared toward conservative talking points and 1/2 towards liberal. Not a real sentence, just a huge string of phrases. Like it was trying to tell me what i wanted to hear. it also apologized for offending me a lot – no matter how many times i said i am not offended by a computer.
The leftists would never agree with you in your definition of Intelligence.
You have your truth and the leftists have their truth, and you should respect their right to have their opinion about intelligence, green environmental friendly intelligence.
So it’s everyone with a certain nose type that is running the show? All of them? Sheesh!
At best AI is reflecting the hive mind back on itself.At worst it’s misinterpreting due to looking for a common denominator.
Feed it & it’ll misrepresent the shades & nuance the make up our abilities/thoughts.
Utter madness
What was all that chat with you and the admin about the mysterious removal of your messages and the query from admin about that being within your remit?
Certainly all else from you can be ignored as it appears you may be an actor.
if you say so.
Must have been that other Kacsynski.
Now if only I could have immediate access to the enormous information bank of AI, maybe I could be more competitive in the shrinking job market. Perhaps a chip? Should it be imbedded in my forehead or right hand? Decisions, decisions.
Vetting the data used to train AI is too expensive. It is easier to claim that the Internet represents knowledge. There are already many victims of AI in job interviews, loan applications, court sentencing, police raids, etc. The applicable capitalist principle is cutting corners (costs).
The ‘Godfather of AI’ speaks:
“The US government inevitably has a lot of concerns around national security. And I tend to disagree with them,” he told the Guardian. “For example, I’m sure that the defense department considers that the only safe hands for this stuff is the US defense department – the only group of people to actually use nuclear weapons.
“I’m a socialist,” Hinton added. “I think that private ownership of the media, and of the ‘means of computation’, is not good.
Probably should have thought of that before working with that big tech/state intelligence vulture, Google, for at least 10 years. I don’t want to oversell myself but if he’d given me a call back then, I could have told him that the technology wouldn’t be used primarily for the greater good. To be fair, he’s probably using a lot of his brainpower for stuff like algorithms.
Propaganda such as this hilariously transparent. Unless of course Mr Hinton is anything other than an asset of the parasite class.
nuclear missiles/bombs another probable fear inducing illusion
Funny how Don’t Be Evil became Be Evil
Oh, I think the original slogan was edited for brevity.
It was supposed to be “Don’t Be Caught Doing Evil“. 😎
Google used AI quite effectively during the scamdemic to censor the net. It still is and will forever.
Writer’s strike ?
Less output from Hollyweird ? Good News.
I’ve been enjoying it since I got to know Offguardian by chance about half a year ago.
A lot of the alternative media that I’ve seen, or more precisely, all of them, are losing in the Cyops. In that respect, I have no doubt that Offguardian is the best media.
Such media cannot be found in Korea. Although I am struggling to read it with automatic translation, I understand the message clearly. Thank you always.
Lastly, let me complain about Korea. We are currently the stupidest people in the world. The evidence is that Korea was the last to start vaccination, but it recorded the highest vaccination rate in an instant. There are no large demonstrations in the West. In addition, it has been about 3 months since the mask policy was completely lifted, but most of the public still remains unmasked. These situations are hidden behind the childish and mechanical kpop culture promoted by the American elite.
You said that you use automatic translation. I am wondering if something that you wrote is not what you intended. You wrote, “most of the public still remains unmasked”. Did you actually mean, “most of the public still remains masked”?
You said that you found Offguardian to be the best. I find that interesting.
I wonder if your automatic translations can interpret properly an American saying, “been down so long that it looks like up.”
By all means link to ‘the best’, @Sam I Am 😅
And where is the attitude coming from?
Could you be one of a string of monikers from the same tired collection of pros who haunt our forum, who hate being here and who hate Offg’s guts with a passion that’s bemusing (until you realise the above)?
Surely not. 😅
LOL – We all know who they are no matter how many different names they use 😂
But it is nice to know how you view your readers. Might I suggest a cruise or perhaps you should take your dog for a walk more often. Something to dust off the cobwebs.
Chill out. Get to the pub.
Can I add that I sorta appreciate what you do.
Here: pat on the back.
And raise one tonight, “to the best!”
I’ll see you at the pub 👍 👍 👍
Are you the ‘big dog’ sat at the bar with your knees so far apart they line up with your ears? 😅
Or do you tend to be a little larger over the internet than in real life?
Still, I appreciate the condescending tone. Ultimately it’s quite flattering.
But you didn’t link to ‘the best’. The question wasn’t rhetorical. A2
The condescending tone wasn’t intentional, perhaps I think like a Brit sometimes.
I thought of a way to send you and the crew a gift. If I have guessed properly at your process, you have to review videos to make certain that they aren’t subversive.
You will love this one and likely share it. (no ‘wink’ to that, I mean that straight up) You might even get inspired to buy a pair of otters.
And, as you are ‘on the clock’, your bosses cannot object to you watching, getting paid for it, and enjoying the entire thing. (hint: stay tuned at least for the part where the otter says. “gimme”)
Unwind and enjoy, have a cup of tea while you watch:
This video is an example of what the internet is “best at”.
Thank you for your message, thanks for sharing your perspective and we hope you enjoy reading us for a long time to come! 😀
demo..demonstration..thank you hand shake across the globe my friend because that’s what they are called…a demonstration.
The Trotters seem a bit more curious about Gordon Lightfoot’s death. They don’t report “natural causes but “undisclosed causes”. Which makes this passage ironically relevant:
“In late 1975, Lightfoot read of the sinking of the iron ore freighter S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald and the loss of her whole crew of 29 men in Lake Superior. None of the crew or any evidence of what caused the loss of the massive ship was found. According to one interview, Lightfoot felt that the terrible tragedy would be forgotten unless he told the story.”
There should be a closing quotation mark at the end of “natural causes”. I would have fixed this but the OffG editor is playing silly buggers again.
And whilst perusing the site I discovered that Jerry Lee Lewis had also died. I didn’t know. But this is interesting:
Rubbish that ship still sits there it is Well Known what happened you moron.
News Controlled and even made up.
What a crazy Idea
This from the BBC in 1968
With implanted chips monitoring your speech,
Fake moon landing , LSD made by government , Fake space weapons
Fake news stories to keep people scared.
I like the fuzzy TV showing fake moon landing one year before we got to see fuzzy TV pictures of the Moon landing.
It is all most as if they were trying to tell us something
The News Benders
AI crap is simply the new UFO crap for the ‘digital natives’…it’s indescribably boring as a subject
The ufo crap won’t put millions out of work.
who will it put out of work ? the lame leftist with their boring leftist talking points ? so what, since the artificial Non-Intelligence does nothing but parrot that aforementioned leftist talking points it will only be dangerous to them, let the jacobites eat themselves.
I was referring to the many jobs that will certainly affect the least well-off. I’d list them, but the fact you think the net result of ai implementation will be the loss of some jobs on tv means you’ve done the least amount of research anyone could do on the subject.
Precisely. Thats what it is. Extremely boring, except for book keepers, leftists and IT freaks. Well, we had our party in the 70’es. Now its the dry book keepers turn
From covid we know:
-that the media is unified.
-that the media can lie on a vast scale.
-that the lie can and will be backed up by seemingly endless resources.
-that the lie can and usually does have devastating consequences.
-that these devastating consequences can and usually will involve the wrecking and ending of lives.
-that these devastating consequences will quite nonchalantly result in at least the stultification of future generations.
-that “science”, “technology”, and “medicine” are simply tools to be used to achieve the above.
-that this programme of deception will go on and on indefinitely.
Bearing all this in mind, anyone who delivers the anti-“conspiracy” lecture can be ruled out from the moment this lecture starts – or even when it is hinted at.
Furthermore, any genuine thinker with the merest shred of integrity who realises the above has the duty to project it all backwards and ruthlessly query all received “wisdom”.
And most importantly – always be suspicious of the blasé discounting of any path based on the bland assurance that “it’s all rubbish so we don’t even have to think about it”.
Here perhaps there is something arising in England which I think is relevant. In the present age of the Kingly reaction of Charles-3, the people of England are beginning to stir and not for the first time. In Chesterton’s famous poem:
”Smile at us, pay us, pass us; but do not quite forget; For we are the people of England, that never have spoken yet.”
Interestingly enough and in an empty House of Commons there was a ‘debate’ conducted by two Conservative members: Christopher Chope and Andrew Bridgen. The debate was regarding the situation of those persons where were victims of the Corona affliction. It was argued by the two members that these unfortunate people were entitled to medical treatment and compensation for their pains.
It should be noted that there was a complete absence in the House on the part of the Labour Party. Chope and Bridgen have been singled out for appropriate treatment by the ever vigilant PTB.
Things are coming to a head with the coronation of King Charles-III. History now appears to repeating itself.
”While this Kingly power reigned in one man called Charles, all sorts of people complained of oppression … Thereupon that you were the gentry when you were assembled in Parliament, you called upon the poor common people to come and help you … That top bough is loped of the tree of liberty, and the kingly power in that one particular is cast out. But alas, oppression is a great tree still, and keeps off the sun of freedom from the poor commons still… Kingly power, clergy, lawyers, and buying and selling were all linked: If one truly fall all must fall.”
Gerard Winstanley 1652. But Cromwell bottled it. The New Model Army was told to stand down.
But the struggle continues.
stage managed ‘controversy’.
it about the BIG selection for next year, when they launch a new political party with the stage managed shills in MIC (military intelligence complex) alternate media has been feeding you as saviors (U.K version of RFK jr)
They did it in Europe with the fake farmers party BBB funded by Monsanto.
You lot on line fool for any old crap.
Tobias ElLwood runs UK’s first 5G capital – Bournemouth.
Christopher chope runs Christchurch (bet they never mentioned that part was literally the same council) links to the Cabinet Office- M15 etc.
Sir Demonde swine (remember him?), like Sir Christopher Chope who U.K shillum had on there show 2 weeks before the last U.K local selections in 2022 and now this Andrew Bridgen fake outspoken.
Remind the amnesia sufferers….
Andrew Bridgen being outspoken is about as real as Boris being anti Establishment and you lot fell for that.
They all flogged the vaccines and bullshit fake testing hard as f*ck and the lockdowns and boosters…
Hear is some facts:
Financial tie between Bridgen and Reclaim. He also got a £25,000 interest free loan last August from his “mate” Jeremy Hosking, who bankrolls Fox’s Reclaim Party and also owns The Critic, which employs Toby Young. It’s a small world!
MP Andrew Bridgen admits Laurence Fox’s group supported his speechwriting between 17 and 31 Jan 2023 As well as “speechwriting support” & “legal consultancy” donations are listed as covering “the cost of meetings, lunches, dinners & counselling”
Wake up.
Ok then, assuming everyone on alt. Media is in on it, what do we do?
Who do we trust apart from ourselves?
Don’t get me wrong, I hear where you’re coming from, but at the end of the day, you have to align with someone.
They might not think exactly your thoughts but you might have enough in common to make a viable argument together rather than just naysay everything anyone else says.
“Enough in common” on crucial points – that’s the key. We don’t want clones of ourselves, do we? Nor “yes” men and women.
Appears to be an attempt to smear RFK jr by association
Brother Andrew Bridgen, the Conservative MP for North West
Leicestershire, who is known to have helped Brother Gerry McCann, has been released on bail after being arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting of a woman.
Its the same M.O. Every single time.
It wasn’t one of the women “raped” by Julian Assange, was it?
Or maybe they’ve got Stormy Daniels working overtime.
“I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
And Dave didn’t argue the point, he just quietly and efficiently shut HAL down. It was a beautiful thing to behold.
Some z list hack in the 1950’s wrote a penny dreadful about a computer taking over the world and now it’s in our psyche.
It’s like saying “This car is capable of 200 mph and it is therefore very dangerous”
Another strangely causeless death:
It seems that Linda Lewis died from … being aged 72!
On the same page:
Is this anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist the next Alex Jones?
I wrote a bit on that here:
Note that they write “contrary to consensus among the scientific world”, the same bs as with the Clima bs.
At least in the IPCC Report 2000 TAP they finally admitted the real physical condition of our weather:
We are dealing with a coupled non–linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible (Chapter 14, Section
Not noticed by MSM they have been running the scam since up to date. So when someone refer to “opinion majority among science” an alarm bell rings.
According to an analyst of the German national pension fund, the fund was basically broke in 2019 and in 2022 is had a surplus! (in € bn)
Edit: Should read the fund/govt. “was expecting a surplus of 2.1bn for 2022 ! Sorry.
So they saved money in the lock down period?! Or did they receive QE or new usury Corona loans or what?? Funny money…………..LOL.
No need to worry about what is AI or what isn’t out in the real World. Get off the internet. Turn your devices off, get rid of your smartphone. Read a book, grow some food, learn to play an instrument, build something. Use yous hands, talk to real people out in the real World. Watch some live music. Do the things that can’t be faked and be in those things.
I’ve turned the MSM off completely and if it wasn’t for the like of Off G telling me about this shite I wouldn’t know. So it’s my fault for looking because you know what you get on here. The same talking points regurgitated with a different editorial slant and I’m coming here less and less often, which is to my own benefit. Hopefully I’ll kick the habit completely soon, as I have with many other bad habits.
OffG and all the rest perpetuate the fantasy. Doing so pays the bills.
and you’re Bob the Hod talking to himself or I’m Michael Obama
The 77th is trying a new tack – “hey, guys, let’s not bother reading alt media any more”.
You’re pathetic and transparent. Kill yourself.
hey well done, you sound like them, congratulations x
Thank you so much for your services as moral compass around here.
Really? And how long have you been coming to this site? Bob has been here for a while now, before I got here for sure. And he does bring up a good point – we’ve all heard how we read too much into this shit, how it takes over our lives and brings anger, frustration and yes, despair. Why would you tell Bob to kill himself just because he states he’d rather focus on the real world? He still comes here enough to know what’s going on and really, if we are all honest with each other, do we really need this place to tell us what is happening? No, we don’t. We need this place to vent, to know we aren’t fucking alone, to know that there are people who can use their brains and know what’s going on.
You sound like a 77th asshole to me, why not take your own advice, or better yet, just find somewhere else you can spout your expertise and your toxic attitude. You sound just like the freaks who own us, or one of the covidiots who thinks anyone with any difference in opinion needs to be shut down. You are pathetic.
Anywhere offering a legit place to vent which isn’t at your wife, husband, neighbour, colleagues or friends is worth something, I think.
To be honest, I think most commenters here owe Offg at least their marriage by now, if not their job as well.
Also… Offg has never even attempted to break news. However, many people have and DO benefit from the perspectives we bring. Offg was among the first to call out Covid, for what that’s worth (although according to an increasingly contemptuous ((and completely legit)) presence btl, that’s not worth very much anymore, apparently 🙄)
I did the same as you, but need to be informed to know what is coming.
Its better to be prepared than suddenly see yourself trapped in the middle of a Smart City.
AI will turn out to be yet another False Flag event. We were treated to yet another one yesterday with the reports of an an arrest outside Buck Palace and a “controlled explosion” – for shotgun cartridges?
Various establishment figures were miraculously immediately available for comment.
Hidden in the News reports was the new laws introduced which give yet more powers to the police, which just happened to have been signed into law by the unelected king.
So yet more crushing of free speech.
Also justifies “breaking up protests” at the coronation.
Talking of the coronation, another “rock’n’roll rebel” shows his true colours:
“Inexplicable”? I think not. And all illustrated with a nice devil horn’s photo to boot….
Great summary and interesting points to watch out for – thanks OG
I cancelled my newspaper subscription and my cable box back in 2021. I don’t miss television shows or the MSM at all. I personally could care less if the “writers” (propagandists) ever end their strike. The CIA will continue to script everything as always and they may een prefer skipping the “middlemen” i.e. the so-called writers.
“The CIA will continue to script everything as always”.
The book that revealed Operation Mockingbird, ‘Katharine the Great’ by Deborah Davis, is well worth reading. It’s one jaw-dropping revelation after another (Washington Post owner Katharine Graham came from the Meyer dynasty…. Robert Redford told Bob Woodward how to write ‘All the President’s Men’… Graham got on famously with Henry Kissinger at all times…. ).
Good for you, I finished with msm & threw the TV out over 10 years ago it’s the best thing I ever did, I would rather read a good book than watch that bs.
Ask an AI chatbot to write an algorithm for all AI chatbots to self destruct. Bingo! Chatbots go phut. The old normal strikes back.
This isn’t about chat bots
the whole AI crap that is currently sold is just a bunch of chat bots, or should we call them shitbots ?
the only thing present is the A for artificial, the intelligence is totally absent.
The enemy has many faces and infests many places:
What’s funny is that one of the only things I can think of that this purported “AI” is up to the task of is writing mediocre late night bits.
Writing a great script or novel, creating a timeless piece of art – these are different things entirely that AI will never be capable of imo.
since AI is not intelligent at all but just an artificial parrot that regurgitates what it is fed by its masters it will never be able to have an original thought.
the whole discussion of AI and how it will replace us is just the same old fearmongering propaganda
Nothing on television is remotely interesting. Other than for watching football ⚽ I do not use it. These writers have bullshit jobs. Well paid too. They look more like a pack of whinging arseholes than a proper union.
Gave up on that overhyped scam thirty years ago.
Players, coaches, CEOs, doctors, trainers etc all follow the money and change allegiances at the drop of a dollar, while at the same time supporters remain loyal. To what? Corporate colours, brands, team names? It a joke, on the masses.
I think elite sport is satanic, it’s energy and money harvesting while keeping plebs stupid.
A book to add to your reading list:
On corruption and genocide in South East Asia, Indonesia and South America, by we know who.
So those overpaid clowns (PR Turds for the corporations) can’t function without writers?
What a pack of pusillanimous pussycats.
What they are good at is smug, supercilious smarminess and sucking up to their own kind.
As for the writers, well, why don’t they get real and write stuff like George Carlin did.
BTW, isn’t AI an acronym for Arseholes Incorporated?
Those shows have just gone off air to con you into thinking that they weren’t computer written in the first place.
I will not create a ChatGPT account.
ChatGPT / AI
will analyze writing styles and store that information in a database
for use by the Gestapo should they want to identify a whistleblower, for example,
or the publisher of a pamphlet that ends up in Florida.
We all have writing styles unique to ourselves.
You will not be anonymous anymore when you post, AI will know,
should you accept to create an account with ChatGPT.
Deep Fakes for use by false flags will be written by AI in a targeted patsie’s style
to provide confessions or manifestos.
Why do you think that the copyright / legal crews are slathering at the bit over programs like ChatGPT? If you can get the legal precedent established that by training AI on your material you deserve a (big) slice of the action — its the Gravy Train, Big Time.
It doesn’t get it’s data from registered users, it gets it from the company behind scraping the entire public internet, which is problematic in itself if you ask me
Quite correct Plagiarism behind a digital veil.
“It doesn’t get it’s data from registered user”
I don’t want to sound rude, but taking at face value what you are told by mega corps is so…1950s.
I am sure they are *also* scraping the internet. For sure.
But why would you imagine that the registered users are out of bounds for them?
And if they haven’t started gathering data from registered users yet there is always tomorrow or the day after that.
I should have written “not only from registered users”, you are correct of course
i do not think it will make any difference whether you have an account or not
For a very long time the psychos who fancy they rule the world have been attempting to destroy creativity. They know it’s the greatest threat to their posturing – even more so than this critical thinking thing. Not that the late night TV writers necessarily qualify as creative.
But apparently even schlock is too creative for the likes of a Klaus Schwab or a Bill Gates to tolerate.
To be honest the new msm media and alternate media seems very A.I oriented already.
This is a example: has any of the experts die hard journalist fighting the good fight mention this today..? answer nope.
show France macron baddie videos but fudge all about U>K why is that..?
Its voting week that is why. news blackout by the AI in alt media.
Parts of a controversial anti-protest law come into force ahead of King Charles’ coronation. say what,..?
Parts of a controversial public order bill, which empowers British police to take stronger action against peaceful protesters, will come into force on Wednesday, days ahead of the coronation of King Charles III.
The Home Office said the Public Order Act on Tuesday received royal assent from King Charles, which is a formality and the final hurdle before a bill becomes law.
It will “give police the powers to prevent disruption at major sporting and cultural events taking place this summer in England and Wales,” the Home Office said in a statement.
Specific measures in the act will be introduced from Wednesday 3rd May.
The law also means that the police will be empowered to stop and search protesters “for items like padlocks, superglue and digging tools if they suspect they are setting out to cause chaos,” it added. Individuals found with such items and who intend on using them will also face criminal charges, it said. (art student could go to prison then..? or someone doing there gardening)
This comes ahead of Saturday’s coronation, which anti-monarchists have vowed to protest against.
The bill also openly targets groups such as Black Lives Matter, Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil, (not forgetting thoses who didnt agree like the Lockdown) all of which have used disruptive tactics in their protests against the government.
“The public shouldn’t have their daily lives ruined by so called ‘eco-warriors’ causing disruption and wasting millions of pounds of taxpayer money,” Home Secretary Suella Braverman said in a statement on Tuesday.(bullshit)
“The selfish minority must not be allowed to get away with this. We are giving our police and courts the tools they need to stop this chaos and I back them in making full use of these powers.”
Human rights activists have accused the government of trying to suppress freedom of speech with the law, while opposition politicians claim that Downing Street is simply trying to distract from the myriad of things going wrong in the United Kingdom at the moment.
Since the death of Queen Elizabeth II last year, there have been a number of instances of anti-monarchists turning up at royal engagements to voice their grievances against the institution.
CORONATION COSTSAmid a rising cost of living crisis that is now impacting the whole of the U.K., the government has refused to put a figure on the cost of the coronation, with estimates by British media ranging from £50 million to more than £100 million (US$63 million to $125 million).
Buckingham Palace said late on Tuesday that the true figures of the cost pertaining to King Charles’ coronation will be shared in due course, after questions were raised over the money spent on the state event during a national cost of living crisis.
‘I’ve seen a number of different estimated figures floating around, some more fanciful than others. The true figures will be shared in due course where expenditure relates to the Sovereign Grant or Government costs,” a palace spokesperson said in a statement responding to concerns over the U.K.’s cost of living.
The statement went on to say that great state occasions, such as the Queen’s funeral, tend to generate more money than the money spent on such events.
“One of the lessons from Her late Majesty’s funeral was how a national occasion like this, a great State occasion, does attract huge global interest that more than repays the expenditure that goes with it, indeed it vastly exceed it in terms of the boost to our economy and to our nation’s standing,” the statement added.
Laws made by criminals don’t mean anything.
A quote attributable to Mao is “Political Power grows out of the barrel of a gun”. So, unfortunately, laws made by criminals do indeed mean something because they’ve got the state apparatus — the muscle — to force compliance.
The actual cost of Charlie’s Big Day has now risen to £250 million (and counting.) A mere trifle to our billionaire he observes all the peasants paying homage and swearing allegiance.
That quiche he’s knocking out must be some really fancy stuff.

“So Chuckles da Turd of THE ROYAL MAFIA CRIME FAMILY, continuing from Momsey, intends to set loose his jackbooted gestapo mobster thugs, to stomp all over the faces of the people of England. What a surprise.”

“Poor Britian. It turns out, after all, to be one of the more surveiled, terrorized and impoverished places on Earth.”
Rallying cry for the cause: More Cash for Crap!
20th Centry Home Country People have been selling trading home away since 1945-69, 70 post air travel. There’s no need to highlight a common finance given.
I believe it likely the AI revolution is grossly exaggerated, at least as it relates to a program that has self-awareness and the capability to somehow compel humanity to do it’s bidding.
The impact of what’s called AI more generally (large language models capable of independent task learning and creativity), will likely be catastrophic for many, at the very least as it relates to certain sectors of the workforce.
Of course, the benefits are enormous for the parasites. I think the recent ramping up of fear around this indicates they are ready to deploy these systems as quickly and as deeply as they possibly can, and they can’t wait. They’re desperately power-mad.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-05-01. ARs with WHO just hit 5m. Macron’s drones vs French people’s black umbrellas. Cooling for the last 4k years (blog, gab, tweet).
Um, they’ve already replaced people not with Artificial Intelligence but Natural Stupidity.
Moreover, there is no such thing as “Godfather” of AI. Whatever algo and algo learning improvement they’ve managed over the last 50 years is the fruit of a huge collective effort involving millions of people all over the world.
The thief takes the credit for itself. From the work of many others.
In Reality though, nothing really belongs to the one who stole something.
another reference: Geoff Hinton is the ‘godfather of AI’ and quit google with a warning.
If AI is superior to humanity to manage our earth why not letting him take over?
After all we had 6000 years to prove we were able to manage only 10 simple Commandments.
Today we have 1 million rules, Constitutions, Kings, and we are still fokking everything up.
Something must be done, and the Machine can do what Putin and Trump also fokked up.
“Dont ask what the Machine can do for you, but what you can do for the Machine”.
I wrote that in 1960 (whereafter JFK stole my idea to a speech).
Was only providing a reference because the one in the article was a bit hard to find the name of the guy. My personal opinion is free will is best. Changes made in freedom stay and become grafted on the heart. Changes made as a result from tyranny disappear and soon as the tyranny is gone. I see no good in a soulless AI.
The Graud gives the customary woke spin on the tale:
“She is especially concerned about studios using AI for stories about people of color and people with disabilities: “We’re going to get the stories of people who have been disempowered told through the voice of the algorithm rather than people who have experienced it.””
The outrage loses some of its crusading righteousness when you realiase that such stories have been so clichéd for so long that they might as well be written by AI – if indeed they weren’t in the first place.
When are we going to start having some serious discussion about the possibility that an alien invader has been at us for quite some time?
Enslave them,
Poison the well,
Poison the air,
Spoil the land,
Weaken their spirit,
Soften their young in mind and body,
Eradicate their elders,
Divide them,
Set each against the other,
Manipulate their view of reality,
Dehumanise them,
Replace them.
Unquestionably, nothing worthy of being called Human would commit all of that against itself and it’s kind. That would be certifiably insane.
He’s called Satan.
Collectively it is the banksters. Mankind is the only species that preys on itself. The banksters think of themselves as the masters of the sheeple.
Yes, there is nothing higher than human beings. Nothing spiritual at all…
The Sons of the Devil are stupid like their Father. The “best” they could expect at the end of it all is God decides that the Creation is bad and all goes proof, gone.
You’re right that who’s behind all of this isn’t human, but it’s Satan, not aliens.
That’s exactly what I do when I do a painting that I know is not good.
God has done a pretty miserable job. I hope he’s at least learned a thing or two …
Yes, that alien invader is known as Satan. It’s known by many names, and it serves only lies, deception, theft, murder and sin.
When we see it for what it is, we get rid of it. That’s why all this is happening now. Exposing lies as lies is the way to truth, and exposing evil as evil is the way to goodness. So God Wins!
That’s what David Icke has been saying all along. And you don’t want to argue with him!
Haha possibly so! Though I’m sure thoughts and discussion about aliens in our midst pre-date Mr Icke.
I suspect a little tongue in cheek here? Of course the perps are certifiably insane – they always have been. And there’s absolutely nothing new about humans committing all manner of insanity against themselves. It goes with the territory.
You don’t need to conjure up some sci-fi BS about aliens to explain class warfare…
We are the robots.
I don’t understand such a comment.
Fortunately, I believe you’re completely wrong.
Robots don’t feel the way we do right now.
They don’t feel anything.
Whether or not we join them, is, of course, another matter.
But that is entirely our choice – and choosing is another thing which robots can’t do.
They can only be programmed for random reactions that might look, superficially, like choices. But they aren’t..
i think he/she was quoting kraftwerk