Disarm the IRS, De-Militarize the Bureaucracy, & Dismantle the Standing Army
John & Nisha Whitehead

“There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors that those governors, whether legislative or executive, should be restrained from keeping such instruments on foot but in well-defined cases. Such an instrument is a standing army.”
Thomas Jefferson, 1789
What does it say about the state of our freedoms that there are now more pencil-pushing, bureaucratic (non-military) government agents armed with weapons than U.S. Marines?
Among the agencies being supplied with night-vision equipment, body armor, hollow-point bullets, shotguns, drones, assault rifles and LP gas cannons are the IRS, Smithsonian, U.S. Mint, Health and Human Services, FDA, Small Business Administration, Social Security Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Education Department, Energy Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing and an assortment of public universities.
Add in the Biden Administration’s plans to swell the ranks of the IRS by 87,000 new employees (some of whom will be authorized to use deadly force) and grow the nation’s police forces by 100,000 more cops, and you’ve got a nation in the throes of martial law.
We’re being frog-marched into tyranny at the end of a loaded gun.
Make that hundreds of thousands of loaded guns.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the number of federal agents armed with guns, ammunition and military-style equipment, authorized to make arrests, and trained in military tactics has nearly tripled over the past several decades.
As Adam Andrzejewski writes for Forbes, “the federal government has become one never-ending gun show.”
While Americans have to jump through an increasing number of hoops in order to own a gun, federal agencies have been placing orders for hundreds of millions of rounds of hollow point bullets and military gear.
For example, the IRS has stockpiled 4,500 guns and five million rounds of ammunition in recent years, including 621 shotguns, 539 long-barrel rifles and 15 submachine guns.
The Veterans Administration purchased 11 million rounds of ammunition (equivalent to 2,800 rounds for each of their officers), along with camouflage uniforms, riot helmets and shields, specialized image enhancement devices and tactical lighting.
The Department of Health and Human Services acquired 4 million rounds of ammunition, in addition to 1,300 guns, including five submachine guns and 189 automatic firearms for its Office of Inspector General.
According to an in-depth report on “The Militarization of the U.S. Executive Agencies,” the Social Security Administration secured 800,000 rounds of ammunition for their special agents, as well as armor and guns.
The Environmental Protection Agency owns 600 guns. The Smithsonian now employs 620-armed “special agents.”
Even agencies such as Amtrak and NASA have their own SWAT teams.
Ask yourselves: why are government agencies being turned into military outposts?
What’s with the buildup of SWAT teams within non-security-related federal agencies? Even the Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Education Department have their own SWAT teams. Most of those officers are under the command of either the Department of Homeland Security or the Department of Justice.
Why does the Department of Agriculture need .40 caliber semiautomatic submachine guns and hollow point bullets? For that matter, why do its agents need ballistic vests and body armor?
For that matter, why do IRS agents need AR-15 rifles?
Why do local police need armored personnel carriers with gun ports, compact submachine guns with 30-round magazines, precision battlefield sniper rifles, and military-grade assault-style rifles and carbines?
Why is the federal government distributing obscene amounts of military equipment, weapons and ammunition to police departments around the country?
Why is the military partnering with local police to conduct training drills around the country? And what exactly are they training for? The public has been disallowed from obtaining any information about the purpose of these realistic urban training drills, other than that they might be loud and to not be alarmed.
We should be alarmed.
As James Madison warned, “We are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties.”
Unfortunately, we’re long past the first experiment on our freedoms, and merely taking alarm over this build-up of military might will no longer suffice.
Nothing about this de facto army of bureaucratic, administrative, non-military, paper-pushing, non-traditional law enforcement agencies is necessary for national security.
Moreover, while these weaponized, militarized, civilian forces which are armed with military-style guns, ammunition and equipment; trained in military tactics; and authorized to make arrests and use deadly force—may look and act like the military, they are not the military.
Rather, they are foot soldiers of the police state’s standing army, and they are growing in number at an alarming rate.
This standing army—a.k.a. a national police force—vested with the power to completely disregard the Constitution and rule by force is exactly what America’s founders feared, and its danger cannot be overstated or ignored.
This is exactly what martial law looks like—when a government disregards constitutional freedoms and imposes its will through military force, only this is martial law without any government body having to declare it: Battlefield tactics. Militarized police. Riot and camouflage gear. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Drones. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Concussion grenades. Intimidation tactics. Brute force. Laws conveniently discarded when it suits the government’s purpose.
The militarization of America’s police forces in recent decades, which has gone hand in hand with the militarization of America’s bureaucratic agencies, has merely sped up the timeline by which the nation is transformed into an authoritarian regime.
Now we find ourselves struggling to retain some semblance of freedom in the face of administrative, police and law enforcement agencies that look and act like the military with little to no regard for the Fourth Amendment, laws such as the NDAA that allow the military to arrest and indefinitely detain American citizens, and military drills that acclimate the American people to the sight of armored tanks in the streets, military encampments in cities, and combat aircraft patrolling overhead.
This quasi-state of martial law has been helped along by government policies and court rulings that have made it easier for the police to shoot unarmed citizens, for law enforcement agencies to seize cash and other valuable private property under the guise of asset forfeiture, for military weapons and tactics to be deployed on American soil, for government agencies to carry out round-the-clock surveillance, for legislatures to render otherwise lawful activities as extremist if they appear to be anti-government, for profit-driven private prisons to lock up greater numbers of Americans, for homes to be raided and searched under the pretext of national security, for American citizens to be labeled terrorists and stripped of their rights merely on the say-so of a government bureaucrat, and for pre-crime tactics to be adopted nationwide that strip Americans of the right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty and creates a suspect society in which we are all guilty until proven otherwise.
Don’t delude yourself into believing that this thinly-veiled exercise in martial law is anything other than an attempt to bulldoze what remains of the Constitution and reinforce the iron-fisted rule of the police state.
This is no longer about partisan politics or civil unrest or even authoritarian impulses.
This is a turning point.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we are sliding fast down a slippery slope to a Constitution-free America.
If we are to have any hope of salvaging what’s left of our battered freedoms, we’d do well to start by disarming the IRS and the rest of the federal and state bureaucratic agencies, de-militarizing domestic police forces, and dismantling the police state’s standing army.
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at www.amazon.com. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]
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Mr. Whitehead does an excellent job of pointing out the obvious, and reference to the 1789 quote of Thomas Jefferson was right on. The originators of the Confederate States included provisions for States militia, in order to protect against invasion of boarders by foreign “states” including any attempt at Federal overreach.
This all dissipated with the conversion of States militia into “National” guard regimes. Seems no one paid attention to this loss of provision to States sovereignty…
It would also seem obvious that weapons are pretty damn useless if there are no pigs or idiots to utilize them… Where do the pigs come from? Are they just magically falling out of the sky?
Don’t just appreciate one half of the picture: the point of view of the general public toward this heavy armament of US agencies and which goes along the line: “Why are they arming themselves so heavily, even agencies having nothing to so with security? Aren’t they supposed to serve us?
The other half is their point of view, which could go along the line: “Reports say things may go out of hand; something is cooking and we’d better be ready for the worst.”
Think about it; you don’t arm yourself to the teeth for the fun of it. Fear drives such behaviour.
We have to get the taxes inside havent we? One way or another. Pay or you will be sacked.
Thats the way it is, and thats the way it always be.
The creeping neo-feudal kakistocracy is almost beyond the point of derailment. We saw and experienced how the COVID PSYOP further terrorized and conditioned the populous to accept increasingly more “emergency authorizations” and intrusions into our personal space and lives by TPTB. Most people have acquiesced to the whittling away of their “rights’ and standard of living. Most Westerners are too afraid of their government and media, too preoccupied with banalities and the shock of the new normal perversions being foisted upon us daily to even think about doing anything to right the ship. Most of us are too fat too out of shape and too intellectually dull to do what it would require to mount a sustained resistance movement.
I think it’s even worse than most people acquiescing to “the whittling away” of their rights. I honestly think most people simply don’t see it that way. In their minds, as I see it, they have their “rights”; they were told to do certain things; and, lo and behold, they still have all their “rights.”
It’s a rather bizarre way of thinking.
Better pay your taxes and no sudden moves, cowboy. Those colours run deep, freedom ain’t free; this is America, founded with firepower by god-fearing folk who knew to shoot first and ask questions later. Overwhelming force is used again and again, because it gets results quick.
Refresh the tree of Liberty..
Urging people to kill? Unless you are willing to kill, stop posting this nonsense, please.
Good lol with your pacifist revolution in front of heavily armed government stooges. Quit posting this nonsense.
Here is the problem with leaving governance up to the horrid capitalists:
Igor Berkut seven years ago about state of Ukraine
The Big Property Owners, which were created through 50 years of privatization and consolidation, aka the globalization of fascism, have created these monsters who are quite willing to eradicate an entire population of say, Ukraine, via any means necessary to plant their vision. And sadly, Putin, whose mother is Jewish, is only to happy to acquiesce. And why? Igor explains here (notice that the man rarely blinks) that the Israel business industry is too dense, so they need more space for up and coming Israeli graduates.
I learned much about this “war” in Ukraine from reading the comments from tweet posts in this article today:
Ukraine’s Future Lies in the Great Reset
THEN, I discovered this Tweet thread:
Christ Gnosis
I’m not sure why, but I’m the only person on the English speaking internet covering the #HeavenlyJerusalemProject, and how the Israeli/Ukrainian/Russian/American billionaire Igor Gekko (aka Igor Berkut) has announced the movement of Zionism to #Ukraine, called “#Khazaria Rising”
I wish there were an article confirming all of the above…
Write the article yourself and send it to Off-Guardian. You can do it.
The relentless reset coup with its inaugural covid fraud can be seen in microcosm with the case of Professor Sucharit Bhakdi. See this timeline:
The whole phony outrage factory is on display here with the continuation of project covid still manifesting its airtight unity and amalgamating with the well and truly petrified “anti-Semitism” meme. Note how the latter charge is easily refuted by Bhakdi’s very clear statements. Note also how the original Holocaust narrative is once again wielded like a sacred icon that must, under no circumstances, be “contaminated” by comparison with any other event – unless of course permitted by the ruling hoaxers.
Naturally the Wikipedia page on Bhakdi displays the irrefragable pronouncements on the covid catechism and a maniacal insistence on “fact checking” which, by itself, is a giveaway. Ask yourself:
If a knowledge resource was truly reliable would it have to constantly emphasise how reliable it is?If the “facts” given were trustworthy, why do we need to be constantly told they have been checked and re-checked?
How you gonna disarm the IRS?
Can we quantify the central bank’s armed force in political terms… as the militarization of the central bank implicit in the Marx stuff.
I’m personally bored with fascist vs communist but I get the impression that it is a pillar of the Off-G world view.
That is surely where the discussion begins.
IRS can be disarmed by armed people.
That is the true and primary purpose of the 2nd Amendment.
What I find of value when looking at events and belief systems and ideologies from the historical point of view is that one sees the context that made necessary their manifestation and their demise, and one appreciates the reasons for the conflicts that may have risen without being judgemental and without clinging to labels.
The communist have a lot to answer for.
We really don’t. You should ask why your CIA lied so much about us. By the way what’s communism?
Disarming and demilitarisation of control freaks, alpha males, sociopaths and psychopaths might be a bridge too far.
When propaganda mouthpieces publish a narrative, the first thing to do is to ask:
Anyone given a platform that survives with out interference, must in present times be regarded as tolerated.
It does not make them complicit.
Why are they telling me this? — Totally the right question.
Not tolerated? Money Oink!
On the topic of our “freedoms”, this from Norman Lebrecht’s Slipped Disc site:
From a desperate online petition by multi-instrumentalist Fiona Fey:
Last week I was served a noise abatement notice by Lewisham Council that forbids me to play any musical instrument in my home at any time.
I am a musician, it is my job to practise.
If I do, Lewisham Council can force entry, confiscate all my instruments and fine me £5000.
The hours I was practising were usually between 11 and 3 – not early morning or late at night, the instruments I was practising regularly were guitar, singing and low whistle (70-80db – the volume of a conversation)
The Lewisham Environmental Health Officers (EHO)s stated that volume and time of day is irrelevant, any music noise that can be heard by someone else can be classified as a nuisance….”
Now read that last part again:
“any music noise that can be heard by someone else can be classified as a nuisance….”
What an insight that gives! Music “noise” (?) which is bad IF IT CAN BE HEARD BY SOMEONE ELSE!
So music is OK as long as it’s totally private?
The Matrix is the ultimate goal of consumerism: “You will stay in your sealed compartments, you will not talk to each other, and you will only receive what we give out!”
Wow, the music critics are tough in Lewisham. They must have their work cut out with all the rappers.
Wait a minute: are you saying rap is music? That explains a lot.
Whenever I hear a piece of rap (which is quite frequently in my neighborhood) I think someone’s having an auction. Being a farm boy, I attended lots of auctions as a kid.
Now I know why I never see any goods change hands (except for drugs of course).
You live and learn!
I believe the idea is to quash joy.
Joy is the enemy of fear.
Joy raises the physical frequency of the our bodies and our world.
The Bible says to “Make a joyful noise”.
Sorry to say, but you are going to have to fight.
On a serious note.
Can you build a soundproof room where you live?
Well, music might be “offensive” to some people; so the good folks at Woke, Inc., got right on it and banned music.
This, unfortunately, is how you separate a good from a bad rule: by carrying it to its extreme.
At this rate, the day will come when two lovers whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ear will have to be banned because some nosy neighbor with a listening device gets their shorts in a tangle.
When whispering becomes more offensive than spying…that’s when you know your society has stopped circling the drain and finally gone down.
Bit off topic this, no?
I suppose we could write to our MP’s.Congressmen (?) in the Great Satan.
Lysander Spooner 1870
The Constitution of No Authority
“The Constitution has no inherent authority or obligation. It has no authority or obligation at all, unless as a contract between man and man. And it does not so much as even purport to be a contract between persons now existing. It purports, at most, to be only a contract between persons living eighty years ago. And it can be supposed to have been a contract then only between persons who had already come to years of discretion, so as to be competent to make reasonable and obligatory contracts. Furthermore, we know, historically, that only a small portion even of the people then existing were consulted on the subject, or asked, or permitted to express either their consent or dissent in any formal manner. Those persons, if any, who did give their consent formally, are all dead now. Most of them have been dead forty, fifty, sixty, or seventy years. And the constitution, so far as it was their contract, died with them. They had no natural power or right to make it obligatory upon their children. It is not only plainly impossible, in the nature of things, that they could bind their posterity, but they did not even attempt to bind them.”
The Constitution was invalid as any binding or legal document except to those who signed. Neither can it be claimed it was/is the law of the land or was/is the Supreme Law of the Land.
The men who signed never had the right (or the consent of the people) to bind an entire population, any descendants or future immigrants, to any law or to any corporation purporting to be a state or federal government.
Neither does Congress (or the States) have the right to pass laws, claiming governance over free men and women.
The only way so-called “laws”, statutes, mandates, edicts and codes are enforced is through the use of violent force, ignorance (ALL CAPS legal fictions) and deliberate fraud by employees of government, judges, police, lawyers, court employees and agents or officers of any incorporated entities posing as government or quasi-government agencies.
I suggest people acquaint themselves with the entirety of Lysander Spooner’s No Treason essays, as its principles still apply to all forms of government and the law.
I’m pretty tired of hearing about Donald Trump. I try not to be judgmental but the guy is a distasteful egotistical jackass.
But sometimes when something gets constantly shoved in my face I end up checking things out.
So, the verdict is that Trump has been found guilty of “sexual abuse and defamation.” $5 million will be the penalty for his sin.
But, get this: per a report from NBC news, the plaintiff, E. Jean Carroll, brought her case for this incident that occurred in the 1990s.
Now here’s the interesting quote from the report:
Say what???!!!??? Here’s a woman who claimed that Trump raped her (he was found not liable) and some 20 years later she’s saying that she’s a “massive” fan of his show?
I know. I should be thinking about other, more important things. Which I will now go do.
Consensus opinion… and consensus has not proved itself over the past three years.
I give not a toss for Trump.
Which raises the other question: Why women alleging sexual assault from powerful men always seem to act so long after the event.
in the context of freedom of speech, the united states of surveillance-and-bombing is currently undergoing the process of Sovietization.
a question worth asking:
does Sovietization imply arming social service agencies with military grade weapons?
Soviet is a complex idea… as this picture evinces.
Chronicle of Dissent – War To End Wars, Or Prelude?
Do you even know what the word Soviet means?
Remember their motto.
“You will own nothing, and be happy”
We will steal your property
We will kidnap your children.
We will control your mind so that you think you are happy.
We are all at war with our respective governments, and have been for centuries.
Most just haven’t figured it out yet.
That is one of the characteristics of 5th Gen Warfare. They don’t want the enemy to know they are at war.
We are the pollution.
We are the drugs.
We are the terrorists.
We are the carbon.
We are the virus.
We will all have to make a choice.
Live on your knees sucking on government peter, or risk everything for individual liberty.
What do you think the 2nd Amendment is for anyway?
The new IRS: shoot first, ask for an audit later. Gives new meaning to that old certainty of death and taxes. Can’t wait for the next plandemic with the white coats come knocking on my door carrying a needle in one hand and a Glock in the other. We’re rapidly devolving into a state where the only freedom remaining will be to choose the manner of our execution, and still next to no one seems to give a shit – that’s the biggest threat.
The one remaining inalienable right: the right to be wronged…
Dictatorship of the Bureautariat
A bloated bureaucracy is one of the hallmarks of societal collapse throughout the ages.
Add, incompetent impotent blockblustering bloated bureaucracy &
I’d agree…
The IRS has been a bit starved of manpower for some years so this move to increase staffing isn’t so much increasing the headcount as getting it back up to the level it has been. In its current state its not able to enforce the tax code that well which has encouraged wholesale cheating, especially by the better off who not only have a lot more at stake but also can afford the accountants and lawyers to cheat with. Put simply, the IRS is outgunned.
Nobody likes paying taxes, me included. But they’re an essential part of our fiscal life. Contrary to the popular notion that they ‘pay for’ things they don’t actually do anything of the sort. What they do is ‘retire’ money. Since the government is constantly creating money (OK, its not technically the government but it effectively is) then we have to retire it at more or less the same rate because if we don’t it will increase the money supply. This is how we get massive deficits — it requires no discipline to create gobs of money, to create tax cut giveaways and fund wars, but its virtually impossible to pay for what we create without fatuous proposals that invariably take it out on the poor, the elderly and other groups that lack the resources to push back (and haven’t got that much to give, if the truth be told).
So, yes, I hate taxes but the situation we’re in threatens all of us. (….and don’t give me any more of that “Trickle Down” crap, you know as well as I do that its BS)
Trickle down is another phrase for tsunami up.
Unfortunately, 80,000 new IRS agents and 100,000 new police will not be on the lookout for murderers, rapists, arsonists or cat burglars. Their guns will be aimed at thought criminals, enemies of the state, ‘science deniers’ and 77,000,000 deplorables. They won’t protect Supreme Court Justices or Right to Life advocates, but they will defend to the death (not theirs of course) Transgender bullies, school board members who believe parents should have no say in raising their children and BLM/Antifa terrorists whose main weapons are bricks and Molotov cocktails.
The Constitutions has been dismantled and the new Jacobins smell blood.
What they really want is any property any ordinary people may still own. They want to decimate what’s left of a middle class that has just a tad bit of autonomy and may be able to live without government payments, ie UBI. The IRS could care less about ideology, be it “right” or “left.” And really, if we’re honest, it isn’t even the IRS that wants your autonomy, it is the owners of the globe that want that snuffed out asap. The IRS are merely the enforcers.
And make no mistake – while they seem to defend the “left” right now, that can turn on a dime once a new figurehead (POTUS) is in place. When “your side” starts issuing edicts, mandates and confiscation, will it matter whose ideology runs the show, or will it be essentially the same theft with a different flavor? Many on the supposed right are making all the right noises now, but how long will that last once they think they’re the ones in control? Not long would be my guess.
The right making all the right noises is on simple social issues but invariably they then say this is all because of communism which goes to show what their continual noise will be.
The chickens are coming home to roost. No one – and that’s a capital NO ONE – in American society has ever been more greatly honored than the military and police.
Many have tried to warn the American people that no good would come of this adulation. And by golly, so it has.
The people know – they’ve always known – that all we need a huge standing army for is exploiting the Third World. And that was A-OK with them.
They’ve always known that we need a huge police presence to protect the exalted middle class from the lower classes. That too was A-OK with them.
Better Safe Than Sorry has been the American mantra since day one. Now the dynamic has reached its inevitable conclusion – when safety and sorrow finally merge into a totalitarian witches’ brew.
Not true. Not all of us think that way. Some of us have been fighting against their wars for a very long time. Me, since the Vietnam war as my dad was there. We are not our “leaders”.
Yes, the majority are stupid and both physically and mentally lazy but not all of us! Go to substack and see all the doctors and scientists and journalist who know the true nature of our “leadership”.
Unfortunately, it’s the majority opinion that carries the day. Those of us who don’t like the status quo have very little input.
The psychos who run everything can point to The Majority Report and say “See: Democracy is alive and well and working beautifully in America.”
I think that all minor public service jobs should be fully tooled up.
School crossing patrols, lollipop ladies, school dinner ladies, librarians, car park attendants, rat catchers, public convenience attendants, park keepers, swimming pool attendants and the like, all clearly need automatic weapons, body armour, night vision equipment, armoured vehicles, tear gas and riot control equipment to carry out their duties on a daily basis.
Because those are our democracy human rights rules based values and that’s just who we are.
There is simply no alternative.
USA is on the precipice of failure or so it seems. Endless wars, war on their own people, arming, dis arming nations. I have the feeling more natural disasters are coming if they do no change their wicked ways.
You’re forgetting that they are exceptionalists.
They will continue their wicked ways, because their politicians’ tentacles have reached into all other nations, and because the politicians of all other nations like doing business with them for some reason…
The USA will not “change its wicked ways” until people realize that it is not ‘the nation’ which is at fault, but its corrupt, individual politicians.
Deal with them, and the deterrent consequences will allow the nation to recover.
Americans should start with their list of recent presidents, then through the senators, congressmen, supreme court justices, until they get to all the minions with conflicts of interest.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-05-06. EU parliament: jab autopsies from hell. We are free people, govern ourselves, are sovereign, not parliament (blog, gab, tweet).