The War on Reality (Revisited)
CJ Hopkins

Reality isn’t what it used to be. It never really was, but that’s another story.
This one isn’t about reality per se. It’s about the War on Reality, the one we’re in the middle of, the war that started when the War on Terror was cancelled in the Summer of 2016. It’s actually an extension and an evolution of the War on Terror, and the War on Populism, and the rollout of the New Normal in 2020 … but that is also another story.
I want to focus on the war that is raging currently, on the Internet, in people’s workplaces, homes, among friends and families, and in people’s heads. I’m pretty sure you know the war I’m talking about, regardless of which “side” you feel you are on.
The War on Reality is a civil war, but it is much more than just a civil war. It is an asymmetrical, polymorphous, metastatic, multiplicitous war. An ontological free-for-all. It has no conventions or rules of engagement. There are no battle lines. The battle is everywhere. Alliances shift from day to day. It is chaos, unrelenting, inescapable chaos.
An omnipresent, immaterial, omnipotent organism attacking itself.
It is continual, and completely unwinnable. It is unwinnable because it has already been won. It ended in victory the moment it began, and now we’re doomed to go on fighting it forever, or until some less ethereal leviathan is born, or reborn, out of its ashes.
Unfortunately, that’s rather likely, the less ethereal leviathan scenario. It may not come about in my lifetime — and, selfishly, I’m hoping it doesn’t — but this state of affairs cannot continue indefinitely. As I wrote in an essay in June of 2021…
The global capitalist ruling classes are implementing a new official ideology, in other words, a new ‘reality.’ That’s what an official ideology is. It’s more than just a set of beliefs. Anyone can have any beliefs they want. Your personal beliefs do not constitute ‘reality.’ In order to make your beliefs ‘reality,’ you need to have the power to impose them on society. You need the power of the police, the military, the media, scientific ‘experts,’ academia, the culture industry, the entire ideology-manufacturing machine. There is nothing subtle about this process. Decommissioning one ‘reality’ and replacing it with another is a brutal business. Societies grow accustomed to their ‘realities.’ We do not surrender them willingly or easily. Normally, what’s required to get us to do so is a crisis, a war, a state of emergency, or … you know, a deadly global pandemic. During the changeover from the old ‘reality’ to the new ‘reality,’ the society is torn apart. The old ‘reality’ is being disassembled and the new one has not yet taken its place. It feels like madness, and, in a way, it is. For a time, the society is split in two, as the two ‘realities’ battle it out for dominance. ‘Reality’ being what it is (i.e., monolithic), this is a fight to the death. In the end, only one ‘reality’ can prevail.”
I wrote that almost two years ago, in the relative calm before the storm of fascistic, hate-drunk mass hysteria and systematic official persecution that was unleashed on “the Unvaccinated” in the months that followed. If your memory of 2021 is hazy, my year-end column, The Year of the New Normal Fascist, or this video compilation by Matt Orfalea might help sharpen it back up. Since then, the madness of the reality-changeover in progress has intensified, albeit somewhat more subtly … or at least Keith Olbermann is not shrieking hatred like a meth-addled Goebbels.
GloboCap, Inc. and its innumerable subsidiaries, agents, assigns, political puppets, media goons, and other loyal minions are desperately endeavoring to enshrine the official Covid-19 narrative in the annals of “history.”
According to new figures from the WHO, “almost 15 million excess deaths” (or “a total of 336.8 million lost life-years”) had been caused by the virus by the end of 2021, none of which had anything to do with ventilators, or the classification of anyone who died of anything (i.e., cancer, heart disease, an auto accident, etc.) who had also tested positive as a “Covid death.”
Previously perfectly healthy young people are dropping dead left and right from heart attacks and other “natural” (or “undisclosed”) causes that have nothing to do with the experimental “vaccines” that they did not need but were coerced into taking, which saved millions or 100 million lives.
The masks that didn’t work worked, except that they didn’t, but that was only if you studied how they worked in reality. Being locked down, forced to wear medical-looking masks, gaslighted and terrorized by official propaganda, bullied, segregated, censored, demonized, and otherwise systematically tortured, was actually good for people’s mental health, except for “people with existing mental health conditions, and children, and people with disabilities, and adolescents, and people without financial or social security nets.”
Meanwhile, cognitively dissonant New Normals are taking to the Internet to claim that no one knew better at the time, and that, OK, sure, “mistakes were made,” but if we “science-denying conspiracy theorists,” who they censored, demonized, and systematically persecuted for over two years, had just spoken up…
We did tell you so in 2020, asshole. You demonized us, censored us, segregated us, got us fired from our jobs, sent in the goon squads to beat us and arrest us when we protested, shut down our bank accounts to punish us, and so on. It's all documented in books like this …
— Consent Factory (@consent_factory) May 19, 2023
I could go on, but you get the picture … or, rather, you either do or you don’t. Because it’s not just the folks at GloboCap, Inc. that are fanatically waging this War on Reality. Everybody and their brother is trying to ram their “reality” down everyone’s throat.
You got the “Viruses Do Not Exist” people. You got the “There Are No Neo-Nazis in Ukraine” people. The “Putin Is Our Savior” people. The Vote Blue Cult. The Multipolar people. The Transgendered People’s Army. The Doomsday Clock Hucksters. The Folks Who Still Listen to NPR. The Insurrection Truthers. The Insurrection Deniers. The 9/11 Truthers. The Moon-Landing Truthers. The Cult of Trump. The Church of Russiagate. The Rothschild Obsessives. The Anti-Racism Racists. The Anti-Anti-Semitism Anti-Semites. The Mass Formation Movement. The Cult of Marx. The Cult of Capital. The Climate Change Fanatics. The Musk Cult.
The list goes on and on.
Historically, we humans have not done very well in such psychotic ontological environments. When “reality” is shattered into a thousand little shards, and things fall apart, and the center does not hold, we tend to get rather scared, and confused, and agitated. We start to panic. We try to put “reality” back together again. This does not work. This worsens our panic. We start looking around for a new “reality.” We start looking for a savior, a leader, a Führer, someone with a vision, and the will, and the power, to impose a new “reality” on the ontological chaos that is making us so confused and agitated, and scared, and angry, and restore some sense of ideological cohesion so that we don’t have to think about “reality” on a moment-by-moment basis anymore.
This is the time of dime-store messiahs, tinpot tyrants, zealots, gurus, hustlers, hosers, scam artists, quacks, snake oil salesmen of every variety, fanatical revolutionary movements, new religions and political parties, and so on. Typically, eventually, once the hapless masses have been repeatedly duped, and bilked, and betrayed, and gaslighted and humiliated to the point where they can’t even think anymore, literally cannot think because their brains are broken, and they just want someone to make it all stop … well, to rephrase an old Buddhist platitude, “when the masses are ready, the despot will appear.”
I think you know how this story ends.
The fascinating thing is, GloboCap, Inc. (i.e., global capitalism, corporatism, or whatever you need to call the supranational network of global corporations, governments, banks, military contractors, media and entertainment conglomerates, pharmaceutical behemoths, assorted oligarchs, non-governmental governing entities, etc., that are currently running the world) cannot afford to let that happen, and is tirelessly working to prevent that from happening.
Traditional (i.e., 20th Century) totalitarianism does not work for GloboCap, Inc. Capitalism, though it can adapt to anything, has never been inherently inclined toward fascism or any other form of totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is a value-coding machine. Its objective is to completely code society with its values, its official ideology (i.e., “reality”). Every aspect of society, not just politics, culture, and so on, but the most intimate aspects of people’s lives.
Capitalism is a value-decoding machine. Its objective is to completely decode society of any values that impede the free flows of capital, rendering everything and everyone a de facto commodity, transforming societies into markets. It can adapt to totalitarianism and other varieties of despotism when necessary, but left to its own devices, or … you know, granted dominion over the entire Earth, and every creeping thing that creeps upon it, it sets about decoding and destabilizing values, destabilizing value and meaning itself, until, ultimately, everything means anything, or nothing, or whatever the market determines it means or is worth at any given moment.
The point is, the ongoing War on Reality is not a means to an end. It is the end. The official ideology (i.e., “reality”) that GloboCap, Inc. is implementing is not a set of official values or beliefs. It is the absence of any values or beliefs, any non-commodifiable values and beliefs. Values and beliefs are fine, as long as they’re just empty signs, logos, meaningless identity statements, and not principles and beliefs you are trying to live by, and that you are crazy enough to fight to preserve.
Those kind of values have to go, so that the people of the New Normal future can be free to believe that war is peace, ignorance is strength, two plus two equals five, men have periods, Donald Trump is a Russian secret agent and literally Hitler, Vladimir Putin (who is also literally Hitler) invaded Ukraine for no reason whatsoever, or certainly not because of anything to do with GloboCap, Inc., or NATO, or the non-existent Ukrainian neo-Nazis, and then destroyed his own pipelines in the Baltic Sea, or whatever blatantly ridiculous nonsense they (i.e., the people of the New Normal future) are told to pretend or to actually believe by Rachel Maddow and the other talking heads you saw in Orfalea’s video.
And, if that doesn’t sound like your kind of future, or reality, the “everything is a floating signifier” reality … no worries, you can always drop out of the “mainstream” and join the carnival of “conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, Covid deniers, Russiagate deniers, climate change deniers, disinformationists, malinformationists, transphobes, white supremacists, violent domestic extremists,” and assorted other freaks and curiosities of nature that are actively being quarantined, or are quarantining themselves, in ideological ghettos where normal consumers never have to see them and they (i.e., we, the deviants and freaks) are preyed upon by legions of charlatans, demagogues, agents provocateurs, and other such spiritual and emotional parasites, until the day comes when we find ourselves spastically tweeting about an 86-year-old Chomsky chasing naked sex slaves around Epstein’s island, ripped to the gills on Viagra and Ecstasy, and probably freshly harvested adrenochrome!
That, or you could withdraw from society completely, and go live in a Kaczynski cabin in Montana, or Idaho, or wherever folks are doing that these days, as several of my readers advised me recently, and forage for berries, and barbecue squirrels, and, well, you know, defecate in a hole in the ground.
I’m sorry, I realize that all sounds pretty bleak. I guess I’m in a bleak mood these days, or running short on passionate intensity … or something. There’s no shortage of passionate intensity out there, if that’s what you are looking for. Don’t let me stop you. It’s just that, whenever I switch it off for a while, that passionate intensity, that howling maelstrom of warring realities, and listen closely, I hear the slouch of Yeats’s rough beast, whose hour, apparently, is coming round again.
I’m not sure which “side” it is slouching our way from, but probably that doesn’t matter.
Oh well…as the French say, plus ça change, and so on.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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After I finish an article I usually ask myself, “Did I personally learn anything new of value?” I would have say with this article it was zero. As to Hopkin’s snide comment regarding the debate revolving around the reality of the physical existence of SARS-CoV-2, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” and the actual scientific physical evidence for this “novel” virus when stripped of its pseudo scientific Potemkin Village of fraud and deceit is non-existent. The entire scamdemic’s atrocities against humanity involving the murder of millions is founded on this specific deceit. If and when the majority of humanity ever realizes this, then the deceits built upon it like a Jenga tower collapses down to its original block, the “virus” itself. This includes the “disease,” covid 19, the Drosten rt-PCR and antibodies “tests,” (none of which have ever undergone a real validation study required by FDA regulations), the variants, and the bioweapons referred to duplicitously as vaccines. Thus a continued serious debate regarding the physical existence of this “novel” virus is perhaps the greatest danger and threat to our Overlords for maintaining their fraudulent narrative, and would short circuit their upcoming attempt, about which Gates constantly smirks, most probably with the fictitious Marlburg virus. The perpetrators of this horrendous crime foresaw this problem prior to their rollout, and threw the Wuhan lab and its foreign financial supporters under the bus as a back-up narrative after the bat soup narrative fell apart. This had the added value of sucking in most of USA conservatives, thereby diverting the actual threat to the heart of the psyops. I found Hopkin’s scornful aside regarding this as far less than useless.
Is there a virus or is there not a virus? It really doesn’t matter, and the plandemic year of 2020 proved that!
They said there’ll be a terrible new sickness that brings death to all humanity. And that we must help each other and ourselves and be protected from that sickness. They said vast numbers of people will die, millions of deaths in the US and at least half a million in GB, unless we act and do as they recommend.
They said everyone is in danger. They said they want to save lives.
Lies. That’s what they’ve been saving, or trying to. They are failing. Everyone who has researched these things knows and cannot not know some vital things.
That they lied.
They deceived humanity. There was no pandemic. There was no new sickness. So it doesn’t matter what is the cause of the new sickness that wasn’t there. It’s not about the virus, even though the liars said it was and they blamed the virus for everything they did. Liars lie, and lies are lies. They are not real.
What’s real is the truth. There’s just one truth. It’s as simple as 2 + 2 = 4. It is so, eternally. It doesn’t change.
Lies are many and they keep changing. The difference between truth and lies is clear and simple. But from the perspective of lies or a liar, the truth is not known. If one only knows lies, one doesn’t really know anything. ”Knowing” that 2 + 2 = 5 is worthless. Believing that 2 + 2 = 5 doesn’t make it so.
“Population decline, not climate change, is an existential threat, says Paul Morland”
Ok guys, what about these Anti-Racism Racists, what are us folks going to do about them?
Excellent article.
More than the array of ideas there are the numerous possible futures laid out for us. A massive cyber attack, a new deadlier virus, WHO interment camps, CBDCs, net zero, 15 minute cities, inadequate heating, food shortages, having nothing, being happy.
Being at war with China, being at war with Russia. Big brother.
While I don’t disagree with much of this analysis, there’s a simpler and easier way to describe and understand the new “reality” which is being constructed all around us physically and inside us mentally: the civilization formerly known as the “West,” with its liberal emphasis on nationalism, citizenry who have rights (free speech, guns, etc), representative participatory democratic governance, equal justice under (natural) law, and private property/money are all being “sunset” as they are now part of an outdated “legacy organizational structure.” The threat of populist revolts means that this structure is no longer useful to the GloboCap elites and they intend to replace it all over the West with the Chinese model of technocratic governance, where individuals will either succeed or be punished in direct proportion to how well they conform, obey, submit, and support the ruling elite regime. With AI and other technological advances now making it possible, this will all be accomplished at the granular level of the individual via the use of constant surveillance, ubiquitous propaganda/nudging, zero privacy, social credit scoring, forced medical treatments, travel/movement passports, and programmable digital currencies. They intend for us all to be part of a permanent and omnipresent digital panopticon gulag from which there will be no escape and no resisting.
That’s their hope for sure, and the scandemic was likely a test run to see just how easily it is to get people to follow orders and comply and how much pushback they may get and from who.
Oh man your post is so old fashioned it can only explained a dragging depression inflicting social media. Your propagandist freedom of speech is already through a digitalised dollar visa card.
AI speak again?
What, when society refuses to accept the Principle of Reality himself, God, It becomes a free-for-all of who can ram their reality down everyone else’s throat? Color me shocked! SurprisedPikachuFace.jpg
Here’s a real life example of The War on Reality. And it’s been going on for a very long time. But I doubt if it’s breaking news to anybody here.
Is This Why Pediatricians Push Vaccines? – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
“Previously perfectly healthy young people are dropping dead left and right from heart attacks and other “natural” (or “undisclosed”) causes that have nothing to do with the experimental “vaccines””
To be honest, this is another fake narrative. These numbers are so low, it’s most probably the same as before the vax. And this is even more suspicious since I’ve nevere seen anybody do the actual comparison (before-after vax).
At this point, the entire reason for the fake virus + fake vax has to do with getting people used to more control.
The vax is a killer.
In the Philippines:
In Australia:
In Europe:
If the vaccine saved only 1 person from getting it and die, it was worth the whole shit
Really, all the lost lives due to vaccine injuries would be worth it, for just one?!
Its sarc. A parody on what a libtard could burst out. Recall Madeleine Albright..
I still think what I expressed in a comment a few months ago: it would be helpful to everyone maybe if we put sarcastic comments in italics so that those in doubt about the writer’s intentions could understand. Sometimes we get the meaning, sometimes we don’t, and, alas, some of the readers here seem to have totally lost any sense of humor and irony.
I thought it prob was! Hehe
mmmm…i am one little person and i can tell you that i have been to 2 funerals, had a brother in hospital with a heart attack and bleeding on the brain, had a friend in Italy scream at me “he’s been compromised” from this Wax and the guy two doors up from me has blood cancer..sooooo..lets multiply my experience to form a comparison of the “numbers” by say, a conservative 1 million “little people” and we get roughly 6 million associated health issues..does that help with the mathematics of possibiliies???
As one of the “Viruses Do Not Exist” people — more precisely, the “Viruses, Like Unicorns, Have Not Been Shown to Exist” people — I am amazed by C. J. Hopkins’ ignorance or arrogance in equating us to “Folks Who Still Listen to NPR” (a veritable smear) and in claiming that we are trying “to ram [our] “reality” down everyone’s throat.”
What rubbish. The reality being rammed down everyone’s throat, by entities as apparently diverse as the WHO, Anthony Fauci, RFK Jr., and C. J. Hopkins, is that the Virus is real. On this view, it’s just a matter of deciding how dangerous it is, the only question on which these entities differ, and how many rights to abrogate now — and to abrogate later when the Virus is gain-of-fictioned into being still more dangerous.
In C. J. Hopkins’ bullying analysis, TheScience(TM) has spoken. Despite the volume of that voice, however, he who insists that something exists has the burden of proof. And it hasn’t been met (see link below). But if you point out this fact, you must be an NPR listener or Trump cultist.
That’ll learn C.J. Hopkins to put a laundry list in his articles!
Because that’s all it is: a laundry list of things people get riled up about – a bullet point list without the bullets.
If he were presenting the virus or any of the other things on his list as erroneous, most likely he would have said so in the body of the article.
I’ve read all of his articles that have appeared on OffG; and not once has he excoriated those who doubt the existence of viruses. GloboCap is the main, if not the one and only, object of his rancor.
Perhaps he sees the emphasis on the existence of viruses as a distraction – which may well be offensive to those who promote that view. Nevertheless, it is a distraction. The problem isn’t what teey weeny particle exists – it’s what madmen are trying to do to the rest of us.
He’s presenting many of the items as erroneous, by including “Huckster” or “Cult” in their names (and I agree with him on most of those items).
But I also object to many other items in his list of deviations — for example, “9/11 Truthers” or “Moon-Landing Truthers.” How did we fall so far as a society (and here I am borrowing I think from Edward Curtin) that the concept of truth could be turned into a term of abuse?
Hopefully I managed the link correctly this time (without the nonbreakable space [nbsp]):
It is concerning to me to see so many commenters on this site to take this extreme view of denying or challeging the notion that viruses exist and can cause disease, which is frankly stone age retrograde thinking, simplistic, childish, unscientific, perhaps even ridiculous, and could be frankly entertained mostly out of ignorance, and strangely it looks as if the admins are allowing if not encouraging this alternative parallel universe deviation from facts, that should be sacred, I just want to ask the virus-deniers, what about herpes, oral and genital forms? These infections are so common that Almost anyone had it or has it, unless he/she was living under a rock or protected in a buble by level 4 biosafety screens. What about mumps? A very common typically mostly a childhood disease that can in fact affect humans at all ages, can cause not only inflammation of parotid glands, which may havd a rather benjng course, but also pacreatitis or orchitis (in males). Mumps infection or disease, when affected subjects display symptoms is very contagious. You believe rubella or rubeolla do not exist? How about papilloma viruses? This unscientific view in the context of understanding the scandemic is a distraction and it is counterproductive, a shrewd flase lead, do not fall into this trap. You really think you have a better theory that explains these diseases mentioned above?
May I link you to my comment below, regarding this?
I don’t believe in weighing in heavily to enforce an ‘orthodoxy’. People here have questions, and there’s no stopping that. I do object to people weighing in heavily in order to bully/shame others for any reasons, whether from the perspective of germ orthodoxy or terrain theory. And this happens here more frequently from a terrain theory perspective lately.
Yes, there’s little-to-no formalised hypothesis-driven science supporting terrain theory at this time. Likewise, virology has mysterious gaps in understanding which are glossed over defensively in a telltale fashion by virology institutions.
As I say below, the process of observable contagion has had many explanations throughout our history (spirits, humours, gods, curses, germs, viruses, nocebo etc.). Whatever explanation we choose to adhere to, whether popular or not, whether backed up by formalised ‘science’ (with or without the quotes) or not, it’s not really relevant when it comes to the fake pandemic and Covid propaganda.
Here’s my comment. I hope you can see what my point is: the pandemic logic failed on its own terms, therefore our work is done. We needn’t deconstruct the basis of modern medicine to make a stronger argument, or as part of some rearguard action to avoid future scams being perpetrated against humanity.
Anyone who wheels out the “denier” term of propaganda, designed in Pharma/CIA psyop labs to smear by association with Holocaust denial, isn’t worth discussing with.
This makes me feel decoded.
The Buddhist platitude is actually ” when the student is ready the guru will appear”, and it’s only relevant to Tibetan Buddhism, not Zen or the schools of SE Asia.
And though it can become a tool of a tricky guru to rape you, it has a deeper and more profound meaning which can only be understood with deep prolonged meditation.
Tip:the guru is you.
Buddhist Philosophy is unimpeachable. Nihilist writers should not be expected to understand.
When the “student” is ready (has integrated past lessons), he will see what is already close to him in a new light.
Your last 2 sentences reveal the core of your attitude.
Blow me.
There’s two words for you.
Now that’s Buddhism!
I have no core.
Your last sentence reveals the core of your ego.
By the end of 2021, those experimental injections (sometimes miscalled ‘vaccines’) had been in circulation for nearly an entire year. No, the only relevant framework for excess-death comparisons would be the year 2020, and there’s still no evidence I know of that excess deaths were up that year at all.
There were no excess deaths in 2020.
World death rate estimates
Year Total deaths per day Crude death (per 1000)
2020 59,230,795 162,276 7.60
2019 58,394,378 159,985 7.57
2018 57,625,149 157,877 7.55
2017 56,935,173 155,987 7.54
2016 56,331,837 154,334 7.55
2015 55,822,989 152,940 7.57
2014 55,412,196 151,814 7.60
2013 55,088,432 150,927 7.64
2012 54,836,846 150,238 7.70
All these statistics are estimates, because there is no way they can calculate every birth and every death in the world. They use the United Nations as their source, however, different statistics give different numbers. So, none of these global statistics are credible.
I had the same thought. The 8 billion is probably only a guesstimate.
I imagine they some day issue a new science report showing from a new angle never seen before we “in reality” are only 2 billion.
There are some countries who have credible statistics, and they have shown no excess deaths in the plandemic year 2020. For example, New Zealand:
Year Number of deaths
2022 38,574
2021 34,932
2020 32,613
2019 34,260
2018 33,225
2017 33,339
Click ”TABLE” to see the numbers.
Wouldnt someone try to blow up the plus 10% excess in 2022?
Just for reference. China has a natural death rate of 11 mio/year out of 1,4 billion.
As a rule of thumb, you cant conclude anything if the excess is not well above 1/1000 as our universe is non-linear in time and incidents.
I think it’s not so much a “war on reality” as a rewriting of perceived reality which will have the effect of manufacturing a whole new strain of humanity.
The parasite class work through long term planning. They know that the implementation of their aims cannot happen within one generation. Therefore I have no doubt that they have set out a structured approach with calculations on the efficacy of their propaganda alongside enforcement of new practices on successive waves of new population.
Thanks to the three years of covid terrorism with the accompanying masks, distancing, lockdowns, deprivation of health facilities etc. there has been a horrendous effect on at least some of the babies born within that time – not to mention those infants already born in the years previously who have had their formative years blighted. This has led to at least some in these generation suffering increased acquirement of autistic habits, knee-jerk suspicion of others, general sense of despair as an automatic character trait etc. And this compounded by the aggressive pushing of transgenderism which breaks down natural sexual development.
In short, the parasite class is working on the incubation of an increasingly servile and manageable public, enfeebled, self-divided and infinitely malleable.
You’re probably right about the parasite class’s long term goals – which is proof positive of their insanity.
Anyone who would entertain the notion that anything can be planned over a generational period would be by definition clinically insane.
Especially given the rapid-fire changes the very technology they’re pushing are bringing about.
They want to tap into the brain – the Last Frontier – and, neuron by neuron control the population. Think about it: trillions of neurons, and these loony tune nutcases imagine they can pinpoint just the right neuron to achieve the result they want. Complete lunacy.
The so-called “ruling elites” behave as if they were stock characters in a Vaudeville show.
Oh they’ve been indulging in generational planning for quite some time now – from at least the time of the 50s when “the teenager” was invented and the young had a spending power they never had before. The overlords sniffed gold in them thar callow nippers and have been pitching the newest selling points in that snappy “with it” language ever since.
Discussion about the virus/no-virus debate:
As the booze, games, ‘sports’ and news manufacturers grow richer, the punters grow NUMB AND DUMB.
I’ve met dogs with a higher IQ than the average punter.
Totalitarian trivia.
I hear this all the time….😂
“a meth-addled Goebbels.”.
Literally… see Norman Ohler’s ‘Blitzed’ about Pervitin.
Why no votes? Chem trails are a regular phenomenon these days but people still think conspiracy theory. Yesterday’s conspiracy theory today’s spoiler alert.
Chemtrails are natural. Its like harvesting your farmland.
Transhumanism is like glasses, plastic tits and tooth implants.
Earthquakes in Turkey happens all the time.
Speaking of ‘experts’:
Here lies (in both senses of the word!) the essence of “the experts”:
Note the oxymoronic title:
We “know nothing” about these viruses – and yet we know they exist and that there are more than a million of them?
Does this not conform to that “protection racket” rap? “You need us to protect you from X. We don’t know what X is but we’ll tell you later!”
Not surprisingly, the EcoHealth Alliance wikipedia entry starts off with:
“EcoHealth Alliance is a US-based non-governmental organization with a stated mission of protecting people, animals, and the environment from emerging infectious diseases.”
Again, “protection racket logic”. The very purpose, i.e. the entire justification for the existence, of EHA is dependent on “emerging infectious diseases”. Thus, according to their own mission statement, they have to find these viruses.
These are “the experts”!
The chances of any deadly virus coming from mars is a million to one the scientists said, but still they come. They are all here today between us and they are in millions.
We are all in The Eve of The War
This is a bonus for those who say there is no virus – a freebee. It’s like they’ve come right out and said “Yeah, we’re making it up as we go!”
Last week I heard a news report on BBC radio from “BBC’s Disinformation Reporter.” The report was from somewhere in Africa. My local NPR station in Manhattan runs BBC News Hour from 3-4P daily. King Charles wasn’t wasting his opportunity.
“BBC’s Disinformation Reporter” ???? WTF !
The essence of oxymoron.
That’s most likely all of them.
The war against reality is being waged for that most contested battleground: that space between your ears. The ability to think critically should be your weapon of choice. Time to cerebrate. Before it’s too late.
Nice one!
I dont understand it.
‘the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be‘
Reality, as opposed to Truth, began with religions, then leader worship, the print media, television, social media and the cult of celebrity.
We are drip fed reality by the exploiters.
I got tired after a couple of sentences, really. No hope? Everything already set in stone? We are doomed? Really? While there are so many people (really) who are aware and have become aware. Me among them. I also know the Assholes are trying their very damn best to get and keep The Whole Thing going. Who is to say it’s going to work? But if one declares the work is already done – fait accompli – then there is certainly no need to proceed. And that’s where I sign off. I’m tired of all the doom (on either side). So what are we going to do about it? Moan? Once more? Repeat, repeat? Get the engines going, everybody. Go for the good. Which is simply there. Hang on. Really.
Same here. I used to appreciate CJ at the beginning of the pandemic. I get how he feels, I get where he’s coming from and I understand it’s hard to make a living raising “awareness”. But lately I don’t find his writing either helpful or engaging and he’s lost the wit that characterized his writing a few years ago. Why did I click on the article? Just to assure myself that I’m not the only one suffering fatigue from CJ dissing everyone and everything.
The authors [sometimes -ed.] read the comments, so why not make a positive suggestion, rather than coming on here to diss further?
Let’s dare to break the cycle. You didn’t used to appreciate CJ’s writing, you still do, the writing is still there and still superb and still very relevant! Lately you feel on a different page to the author, ok, fair enough. So why not read the whole piece and come back with suggestions for things you think deserve more of a positive spin? 🙂
We can buoy each other up. We all have that power in this forum. All of us.
I don’t read the comments, Sam, but, if I did, I wouldn’t take readers’ anger personally. I’ve been making readers and audiences angry for a long time. I have found that folks tend to enjoy it more when it’s someone else (i.e., not them) that I’m making angry.
Rather than for your sake, CJ, it was for this little community’s sake that I interjected. 😅 Sometimes we forget how to create positive vibes ourselves, and opt instead to passively farm that role out to others, and complain when our individual cravings aren’t catered for at a given moment.
Also, dear commenters, this forum is not a guaranteed line of communication with authors. Some authors peruse, some interact, some glance, others only turn up to make a correction if it’s flagged on another platform. Some authors don’t read comments at all. This is a public forum, so always best to couch your constructive feedback with all that in mind.
Thank you.
Hopkins: I don’t read the comments, Sam.
Sam: It was for this little community’s sake that I interjected.
An exchange to rival the best of Bret Stephens and Gail Collins.
Yeah, everybody like the scapegoat. “Someone ought to be guilty of my own weakness”. Thats why the whole thing is so difficult.
So we are back to Matrix: The little crowd of resistance who insist of facing the ugly reality, with traitors inside who wish to go back to the comfortable illusion world, and agents running in our butts all the time, realizing we are fighting against ourselves and only survive because we choose to.
“Mr. Anderson why do you continue to resist? Is it about love, could it be freedom, why why do you continue to fight Mr, Anderson”.
“Because I choose to”.
everyone’s in agreement generally. can we not go into the planes/no planes, bombs/no bombs, it was bush/it was cheney ? shit’s gone awry. agreed? it’s been coming for a long time. buckle up. get together.
The planes were unreal. The war on terror was triggered by non existent planes.
Much is being made in this forum about the no-virus exponents phrase – as if that was somehow the single most significant thing Mr. Hopkins had to say; and as if it somehow cancels out everything else he had to say.
He also said something about the climate change advocates. Maybe I’m daft or something; but that one little “cut” did not turn me against every other thing Mr. Hopkins had to say. I don’t demand that anyone whose judgement I respect agree with me on everything I happen to believe.
Besides which, it has been said over and over unto infinity that the Covid “disease” was a whopping hoax whether there was a virus or not. Yes, disproving the virus pulls the rug right out from under the disease. But the rug was already so ragged and moldy that pulling it only ended up with a fetid mess in your hands.
I didn’t demand anyone’s agreement, I invited proof of “the virus”. And I don’t know what’s going on where you live, but where I live plenty of people are still masking, sanitizing, getting jabs (not just convid jabs), etc, etc, because they still believe in imaginary viruses. Enormous harm was already being caused via this pseudoscience even pre-convid and it won’t stop until the fraud is fully exposed. It’s not a trivial issue.
I am a bit saddened by Hopkins sarcastic response to the scientific conversation around the existence of sars coV2 and evidence regarding its non-existence. Interesting that he did not include the “virus is real” contingent, which of course is the mainstream narrative, in the groups he mocked, so am I to think he is one of them after he has said covid is a hoax?
Cant we just say the whole mess is by purpose to confuse. I recall Karl Grove:
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
So “we” define a virus and a vaccine, and “you”, all of “you” will be left with endless discussions and study what “we” did!
I think this is the root of CJ Hopkins article too.
I just did some research; and neither a virus nor an oxygen molecule can be seen under a regular microscope. However, apparently both can be and have been seen with an electron microscope.
My point here is that, even though it’s difficult to “prove” the existence of an oxygen molecule, we have no trouble accepting its existence. Yet we refuse to grant the virus, which is approximately 500 times smaller than an oxygen molecule, the same benefit of the doubt.
To my knowledge, no one has ever said “Until you can show me an oxygen molecule, I refuse to breathe.”
“both can be and have been seen with an electron microscope.”
Proof? Nothing is “seen” under an electron microscope. These instruments take photos. Samples are prepared for photos by paining them with lead and other lovely things. Scientists then point to some features on the photos and claim these are viruses, though photo comparisons have been made between photos allegedly showing viruses and photos showing cancer cells, they look just about identical. [See URL] A virus is 500 times smaller than an oxygen molecule? Though its protein coating contains…. a bunch of oxygen molecules and carbon ones? A carbon molecule is bigger than the oxygen one. Alleged Coronavirus particles are 120 nanometers, oxygen is 0.120 nanometers and carbon dioxide is 0.232 nanometers.
In other words, scientists sometimes see what they choose to see.
Schrödinger’s cat comes to mind (or does it?) :
So it would appear different research yields different figures.
But then, why accept that oxygen molecules (which can only be “seen” by an electron microscope) are real; yet doubt that viruses (which are claimed also to be “seen” by an electron microscope) are real? Especially if the oxygen molecule is so much smaller?
What matters is not whether something exists so much as what use is made of that existence.
They say “guns don’t kill people: people kill people.” I say “viruses don’t kill people: scientists kill people.”
I think Howard meant it’s 500 times larger than an oxygen molecule. 120 divided by 0.240 (for O2: 2×0.120) does give 500.
But holding one’s breath is so much more uncomfortable than attacking someone for having a different view on an issue!!
There is also (a) a misconception of having to make a choice now (b) a fear of having to abandon a precious belief (paradigm) (c) a need to appear confident.
An old quotation from Reader’s Digest used the phrase “hardening of the categories”. This afflicts some commenters.
No kidding, imaginary viruses can’t be seen under a regular microscope.
Correction: tiny particles can and have been seen with EM. There is no science showing that any of those tiny particles fit the definition of a virus – which includes causing a contagious disease – not simply existing as some tiny thing that can be seen on EM.
Why not do some more research and read the methods in a “virus isolation paper”?
You can “accept” whatever ideas you like, but science is not about “accepting” dogma. And the world did not refuse to “grant the virus”, it did the exact opposite – went along with insane, harmful “measures” based on blind acceptance.
Your choice if you want to continue on that path, but some of us have higher standards. We require evidence, and will continue to call out the pseudoscience of virology. We won’t be shamed or bullied into going along.
And lol, since when is it necessary to believe in anything before breathing?
Moved from below.
I think you’re getting suckered into debating a moot point here, and therefore you’re missing CJ’s point.
I’ve posted a lot about this subject here. I’m very familiar with this debate.
I think a common trauma response, post Covid, is to attempt to control all outcomes moving forwards. I.e. rather than seeking to upgrade our senses to better detect future hazards, we seek to remove all possible hazards from our path as we stumble blindly on.
This is illogical and impossible to do. It’s akin to endlessly indulging a spoilt child, instead of teaching that child a sense of proportion.
Unseating ‘germ theory’, far from ensuring no one can be ‘duped’ by future ‘pandemics’, is indulging the spoilt child – indulging humanity’s ignorance and gullibility.
It’s also a complete waste of time.
Our awareness of observable contagion, acquired over thousands of years, and explained by various different processes throughout our history (germs, humours, spirits, nocebo) was successfully weaponised against the public in a global propaganda campaign in 2020. Regardless of the specific mechanicism we attribute to this observable contagion – microorganisms via germ theory or nocebo via terrain ‘theory’ – it can still be weaponised against us in future propaganda campaigns just the same.
In fact I think nocebo could be weaponised against us far more easily.
“There’s a nocebo mass-spreading incident taking place. Wear a mask to cover your face, shield grandma from your deadly nocebo effect. Save a life today”
Anything can be weaponised if your propaganda machine is big enough.
No. What is needed is to up our shrewdness – up our logical, deductive and critical thinking skills – so we are less gullible in future.
There is no evidence supporting a pandemic. Therefore, that is all we need to reject the pandemic narrative or ‘Covid’. We don’t need to tear down the foundations of pathogenesis in order to do this. We can simply say that 2+2 doesn’t equal 5 and reject it.
We could have wholesale rejected the pandemic narrative right away. We needn’t have refuted any of it if people hadn’t lost their critical faculties due to fear-inducing propaganda.
Now that the pandemic narrative has completely collapsed and retreated into a purely irrational belief system, we needn’t keep refuting details of it – like germs etc. To keep doing so is another form of being captured by the narrative and ‘quarantining’ ourselves, as CJ aptly put it.
There was no pandemic. Let’s leave it there. Let’s preserve our energy to re-educate and deprogram people from brainwashing propaganda which can convince intelligent people that black is white, and right is wrong.
Sure, work on terrain theory in your spare time if you want to – ie. get some viable science, form a competing, testable hypothesis and begin the slow process of unseating the pathogenetic orthodoxy, similar to Galileo/Darwin from eras paet – but let’s be very clear, it’s logically redundant at this point. The argument against the pandemic is won. It was always self contradictory and always fell apart well before we needed to take on anything like germs/viruses.
We are still in tough times and every morsel of energy counts. Let’s make that energy count. Let’s reject the faulty pandemic logic and stop over explaining ourselves, I say. Let’s focus that energy on educating people about how propaganda works.
This is one of the best comments I’ve ever read.
Nice one!
Sorry to intrude here in this topic; I don’t, usually, but a molecule of oxygen refers as a rule to O2, that is to two atoms of oxygen held together. I might be missing something but how can a compound presumably complex be 500 smaller than two atoms of oxygen?
Perhaps you meant 500 times larger…
The masked jabbing lot will continue to mask up and get jabbed till the day they die. That was the logical outcome of their fixation. Once that initial step of covid belief is taken, the whole of the Earth’s atmosphere is declared toxic to human life. This is the implication of the covid narrative which, if actually stated, would be rejected by everyone without hesitation. But the masked jabbers never realise that.
Well said.
Quite right. He also said something condemning everyone who takes a clear “side” on who is in the right about the war in the Ukraine. [My “the” gives me away, I guess] But I didn’t therefore throw my computer against the wall and scream “Nazi.”
You don’t need to enter the virus/no virus debate to show that there was no new novel virus in 2020. Dr. Denis Rancourt’s studies of all-cause mortality does that quite nicely. But both RFK Jr and CJ apparently, have chosen to ignore his work. It’s a political decision, not one based on evidence.
You have such a curious perspective, CJ.
On one hand, you proudly and unabashedly declare that COVID was a hoax:
But then you believe in microscopic death particles, without proof.
This is bad enough! But then you ridicule people who are exposing the truth.
Like this:
And here, replying to a Nick Hudson thread, where he too is ridiculing the people speaking the #NoVirus truth:
Can you please explain how we get from “THE VIRUS IS REAL!!!” to “COVID is a Hoax!”??
That’s what I call, “Bobby’s Gulch” (named after RFK Jr), or alternatively, the “Del Bigtree Gorge”. It seems like an impossible gap to cross.
Nice job exposing one of the shill authors here, on this shill site.
That’s right, condemn O-G overall. And your better alternative???
Your evidence offg is a shill site? If you can’t provide that, then your evidence you aren’t a shill yourself?
You know, I think I just realised the world is far more complicated than simply asserting stupid shit 🙄
Easy, this CJ is duel ethics he’s his own self centre.
“That’s what I call, “Bobby’s Gulch” (named after RFK Jr), or alternatively, the “Del Bigtree Gorge”. It seems like an impossible gap to cross.”
Whatever we call it, its a deliberate attempt to confuse us and each must find their own platform
Capitalisms end-point is the Monopoly.
Monopolies are by operation Totalitarian.
The only “alternative media” is a blank page.
All the rest is noise.
If you lead by example we’ll all follow, I promise 🙂
A blank page will force you to think,verbose blabbering will drain your energy before you even start.
Whatever makes you happy 😉
Not much of a reader then.
So your approach moving forwards is no one say anything?
I’m an avid reader, in fact all the info that I take in from media is text.
No tv,no radio, no images.
This site and a few others are my go-to sources for good topics,serious debate and constructive criticism.
The extreme suggestion I made in my first comment was a polite criticism to a decline that I notice in all the alternative media.
The attention of the readers should not be diverted to endless discussion about trivial topics. The historical moment we are going through is extremely serious and it requires the focus of all the available minds.
Brevity is gold in this moment,both from authors and commenters.
My suggestion in moving forward is that everyone should make their point without any unnecessary wording, to optimize the attention of the readers and to leave room for reasoning and critical thinking.
It’s not a war on reality, it’s a satanic war on christianity, a war on everything good God created.
The world conspiracy in general is spiritual in nature, and is led by the jewish luciferian cabalists of the synagogue of satan… One of their goals is to reverse the order of all things, and to achieve that they want to destroy everything and rebuild according to their satanic ideologies.
On the list of conspiracy theorists you forgot the ‘flat earthers’, the ‘alien believers’ and all the pagans who follow and parrot a certain “Awakening” or “Great Awakening”, those who speak of ‘consciousness’, ‘evolution’, ‘energies’, ‘vibrations’, ‘frequencies’, ‘cosmic’ this and that, etc… most of them don’t even know that what they’re following is paganism.
These people are then following the teachings of luciferian Alice Bailey, who wrote a book called “A Planetary Awakening” – there you go…
A Planetary Awakening: Reflections on the Teachings of the Tibetan in the Works of Alice A Bailey: Reflections on the Teachings of the Tibetan in the Works of Alice Bailey: Newburn, Kathy: 9781577332176: Books
Didn’t god create satan?
So? He didn’t create the path Satan chose, and keeps.
Put the bibles away and give it a rest.
Yes indeed, God created LUCIFER!!!
But when God informed His angels that He was going to create man at His image, and that all the angels should venerate man [venerate isn’t to adore or worship, ok?], lucifer got furious in his pride because he didn’t think angels should venerate man… so he rebelled… and God threw him into hell… and his name became satan, aka, the accuser!
Yes, God created Lucifer, the brightest angel in heaven!!!
No, Lucifer comes from a mistranslation from Isaiah 14:12 where Isaiah is talking about the Babylonians.
The name “Lucifer” does not apear in the Hebrew or even the Greek.
If you actually want to challenge what you’ve been told, this guy goes into it in great detail.
Lol, obviously you are not a catholic, otherwise you would have seas of information from the early church fathers, from all the saints, doctors of the church and popes.
God has revealed tons and tons of information from the time of the apostles until now, and it’s all recorded in what’s called “Magisterium of the Church”.
God revealed infinite information about the fall of lucifer, about hell, etc.
God revealed specifically how lucifer’s rebellion took place in heaven and how he was thrown into hell, changing his name to satan, meaning ‘the accuser’.
HAHAHAHAHA, you wanted me to believe a dysfunctional lunatic calling himself “esoteric Eddie”, with the most preposterous and ridiculous theory in history? That satan was an alien? HAHAHAHAHAHA…
Do you even know what esoteric means?
Scripture and christianity [catholic church] has nothing esoteric, on the contrary!!!
The monotheisms were the forerunners of totalitarianism. You had the ghastly story of the poor bugger that collected sticks on the sabbath being stoned to death. Hell is a particularly sadistic concept. I wouldn’t want my worst enemies have to burn for all eternity and have red hot tridents stuck up their arses forever. The unforyunate part is that the truly evil – Dubya, Bliar, Castreau and others too numerous to list here are unimpressed by the fate allegedly in store for them.
Truth did not create lies.
If you by god with a small g mean the devil, then yes, the liar created lies.
No. It was a mistranslation.
Religions like Christianity have barely a kernel of originality and are there not to help people find God but be an impediment. To distract you by telling you that God is up there, when he is in there. In YOU.
Christianity is a creation of first century bankers and their associated philosophers. It universalises the God of the bankers. It displaced a great number of religions and cultures. When it reached a critical mass a rival monotheism was introduced to divide and conquer the world. Bergoglio strongly reinforced the banksters fake convid narrative and forced the clot shots on his employees.
Hahahaha… where did you get that silly idea from? Christianity a creation of first century bankers? Back then banks didn’t even exist!!! And the great majority of christians were poor.
Bergoglio is an infiltrated wolf, an ecclesiastical freemason vowed to destroy everything holy and sacred. If you are a christian [which doesn’t look like], then you know these are the end times, right? The Catholic Church has been infiltrated since the 19th century, first by freemasons and then by communist agents – communism is jewish, is talmudism and luciferian cabalism… the biblical whore of babylon:
= 19th century – Heritage History | War of Anti-Christ with the Church by Rev. G. E. Dillon (
= 1936 secret B’nai B’rith meeting in Paris – 1936 Catholic Gazette – Plot Against The Church –
= Revelations of former communist lawyer Bella Dodd who converted to catholicism – Bella Dodd — From Communist to Catholic –
= AA-1025: the diary of an anti-apostle – – AA-1025 (
= Masonic plan for the destruction of the Catholic Church – Totus Tuus Maria • THE MASONIC PLAN FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE… (
What totally interests me is your idea of [a] “good God”. It’s a radical concept …
I don’t see why it’s “radical”… only a non-christian would state such a thing.
You must probably don’t know the history of creation…
All the wrongs of the world weren’t caused by God!!!
In “The War on Reality (Revisited)” writer C.J. Hopkins pays rightful tribute to the psycho-spiritual-sarcasm brilliance displayed by videographer Matt Orfalea, conveying in Mr. Hopkins’ near-inimitable style that same psycho-spiritual-sarcasm in the literary format – the sane response(s) to (literal) Hell-on-Earth coerced conditions, forced upon a victimized humanity by World Economic Forum/World Health Organization/U.S. Department of Defense de facto Nazi Fourth Reich historic-magnitude medical fraudsters/world record-breaking mass murderers…
For the past approximately 1,150 days, my team has been investigating the PCR and the claims of a virus. We have published our findings throughout that time.
Lately, my reporters and I have come under pressure from political operatives associated with a presidential campaign. We have been pressured to deny or change our scientific findings in order to protect the political prospects of the Lab Release guru, RFK Jr.
One of the original “wars on reality” is exactly this — political science designed to confuse and deceive people, and get them on board for some other purpose.
Also CJ you spew out all these positions supposedly associated with your perceived war on an enemy that you don’t name or define other than to say “reality.” Are we to assume that your reality is the right one?
You may be “right” but in my reality, I still say, show me your data, especially on the existence of SARS-CoV-2. What are we to make of all the governments who say they don’t have a paper showing its existence?
I recall when I challenged CJ to prove the virus, and his reply was “fuck off”. That’s his reality.
Links to your work? Please …
1: PlanetWaves.FM
CJ, you’re welcome to shove some “SARS-COV-2 does exist” reality down my throat by citing a valid scientific study showing that “it” does exist. I challenge you to!
And lol, so it’s the NO-virus people who tried to impose their “reality” onto others the last 3 years? Really?
Yeah, since I’m a dastardly, radical “pathogenic virus existence not proven” kindred spirit, I winced at that phrase too.
FWIW, it took me a long time to notice that sometimes Hopkins descends into overheated ranting. The entire passage containing this dubious passing disparagement read to me like a false equivalence smörgåsbord or potpourri. 🤔
That’s right, let’s attack Hopkins — after all we have no one else more worthy to fight against. Note that he lists lots of other causes, not just the one you adhere to above all else. His point (maybe, I can’t read his mind) is more likely that even those of us who have attacked the narrative-imposed-from-above, often attacking with vigor and at considerable risk to ourselves, can have our own “hobby horses” (as we used to say in New Jersey when I was a kid, meaning pet peeves) we focus on too exclusively. Can’t you even step back for a minute and consider his point of view as a whole? Maybe you can’t; maybe you are either too committed to your own narrow and exclusive little issue, or else you are a robot or trouble maker. But maybe you can?
Excuse me, but “attack”? Show me.
Or maybe we’re simply pointing out critical lies/delusion that somehow even most in the “freedom” community choose to go along with, and we didn’t appreciate CJ’s condescending remark about us.
Yes, not even likes his sense of “humor” (that is his sarcasm). It can seem condescending at times, I grant you that. But I like his abrasive tone.
I winced but did not take personal his including as the first in his group “the virus does not exist” people. That he has said he thinks covid is a hoax and then mocks those who have gone to great lengths to show based on the scientific method HOW AND WHY it is a hoax is curious to me, that is all.
You can maintain that there was no novel Corona virus going around in 2020 without adopting the position that there’s no such thing as viruses at all. There’s no contradiction in that. That’s basically my position at the moment: that ‘Covid-19’ was basically just the usual seasonal flu.
Denis Rancourt has proven this.
What’s in your “wallet”
What’s in your “mask”
“A Wedding Photograph”
I wonder if CJ’s cynicism gets in the way of seeing reality?
CJ’s position on this reminds me of Noam Chomsky’s response when asked about the JFK assassination: “Who cares?”
Who cares???
That is just a useless DISTRACTION… What matters is what government – obeying their globalist masters – done to nations and how the people suffered from it.
You mean the government and globalist masters that has been lying to the masses for 100+ years about imaginary “viruses”, causing immeasurable death and destruction even before convid, and won’t stop doing so until the fraud is fully exposed?
I too wonder about this virus question. Robert Malone claims that the I.H.U. France has isolated the Sars-Cov-2 virus. That, according to my notes is the institute diagnostic medical care epidemiological monitoring research. (Probably a bad translation). So i went to their website…. Hoping to discover more about wether a God Damned virus exists or doesn’t exist or might or might not or whatever the fuck! They state that the current co-culture strategy is highly time consuming and requires biosafety level 3 lab. They have a new strategy based on high content screening automated microscopy (HCS) which allows large scale isolation of Sars-Cov-2 from clinical samples in one week. Anyway… i don’t know exactly what a clinical sample is…. Or isn’t or whatever the F! I figured if a smart guy like Malone says these guys have isolated the Mother-fu#%er then maybe they have. After going on their website i still don’t know what in the hell is or isn’t going on. I don’t know what to make of all this. I got nearly 12 grand in fines from health Canada for refusing to take a PCR test. I heard the tests were bullshit and i don’t like being told what to do. They threw the first ticket away and the second one is in limbo. In limbo like our F#$ing dipshit govt. and all it’s F$#ing dipshit health agents. I like Malone. He seems like a decent guy and a smart guy. I know a lot of people think he is controlled op or something else.
Anyhow, to sum up my rudimentary investigation i was left wondering what was being isolated and sampled or what is a clinical sample? I still have no idea if there is or isn’t a virus. I might get killed by a falling meteorite. Dear moderator…. Would you mind editing this comment…. I’m busy with advanced research.
My reply is pending. This is my first time ever being put into the pending mode as possible spam. I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize if anyone will be offended by my usage of profanity in my pending response to your comment. I’d especially like to apologize to the moderator if said profanity presents any moral or ethical difficulty. I’d also like to add that i had a difficult upbringing and i consider it a high point of my life to be able to comment on this incredibly valuable website. Thank-you in advance for considering my previous comment for inclusion.
CJ is conflating two different (but parallel) arguments by his “no-virus people” quip:
1. That SARS-COV-2 doesn’t exist and
2. that viruses in general don’t exist.
I admit I am new to your work, but I don’t think that you are making argument #2. It is much more difficult to prove argument #2 than argument #1. I have done enough research that I know that most illnesses have other explanations than viruses, that most claims of virology are most likely false but viruses still may exist. But I think this conflation of his is a bit of intellectual dishonesty to smear those who don’t think there ever was a Covid virus. I have never seen CJ cite or otherwise comment on the work of Denis Rancourt who doesn’t need to talk virology or its proofs to demonstrate conclusively that there was no new pathogen that descended on the planet in 2020.
Thanks for your hard work.
I wouldn’t knock the hermit as a solution to endless squabbles.
Kaczynski, one such hermit, painted societal ills well in his manifesto. He just came up with the wrong solution imho.
Similarly, the Egyptian Hermits withdrew to the desert against a backdrop of the doctrinal disputes of the 4th century onwards. Their writings later forming a significant part of mainstream Eastern Orthodoxy.
The principle being to withdraw in order to reengage at a later date. First ‘holy fool’. Then ‘mainstream news’
fwiw- I always thought Kacynski was a FBI psyop to demonize people who were concerned about technology and how it could be used against us. But since there were no such people and everyone happily embraced the cellphones tracking devices, they decided no need for the psyop and they shut it down:
It’s an interesting theory. There are certainly oddities about the case.
The “scapegoat” location connection (in your article) is weird. The Unab__r Manifesto also suggested a ‘we’ rather than a single ‘I’. And Ted K.’s passivity in defence (for someone who was clearly quite intellectual) could well be explained by his having additional ‘substances’ in his body.
From what I recall, he was betrayed by a brother (or other relative) who recognized his linguistic style. Though that, of course, could also be false information, intended to help create a coherent narrative
“You got the “Viruses Do Not Exist” people. You got the “There Are No Neo-Nazis in Ukraine” people. The “Putin Is Our Savior” people. The Vote Blue Cult. The Multipolar people. The Transgendered People’s Army. The Doomsday Clock Hucksters. The Folks Who Still Listen to NPR. The Insurrection Truthers. The Insurrection Deniers. The 9/11 Truthers. The Moon-Landing Truthers. The Cult of Trump. The Church of Russiagate. The Rothschild Obsessives. The Anti-Racism Racists. The Anti-Anti-Semitism Anti-Semites. The Mass Formation Movement. The Cult of Marx. The Cult of Capital. The Climate Change Fanatics. The Musk Cult.”
Got it. The virus DOES exist. And the official 9/11 story is true. Thanks for the fact checking, CJ.
“And, if that doesn’t sound like your kind of future, or reality, the “everything is a floating signifier” reality … no worries, you can always drop out of the “mainstream” and join the carnival of “conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, Covid deniers, Russiagate deniers, climate change deniers, disinformationists, malinformationists, transphobes, white ….”…
Yep, COVID is real, distinguishable via tests like the PCR which are absolutely valid because “they find the virus.” Thanks again, CJ! You are so “alternative.”
Coronapalooza™ is real. I branded it.
When I read this last part, I’m pretty sure he included himself.