OffG’s Quick Take: Lockdown was NOT a “policy mistake”…It was murder.

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Yesterday, the Telegraph reported on “new research” which claims that lockdowns saved only 1700 lives in England and Wales. A “drop in the bucket” compared to the harms done:
The science of lockdowns is clear; the data are in: the deaths saved were a drop in the bucket compared to the staggering collateral costs imposed.”
This is not a revelation, it’s not an admission, it’s not the system checks-and-balances working. Rather, it is public relations, perception management. Just one more example of the revisionism we highlighted in the most recent This Week in the New Normal.
It’s a campaign which pretends to accountability and honesty, but is really about carefully managing the covid autopsy. Ensuring any and all Covid conversation is had purely on the establishment’s terms, whilst lulling those freshly-awakened by the pandemic back into a sound sleep.
The “new research” is basically a re-statement of the fundamental lie masquerading as “confession”. It “admits” that lockdown had little to no impact on “covid deaths”, which is just a backdoor way of maintaining the fiction that “covid deaths” really happened.
It doesn’t question the efficacy of the tests, the definitions of “cases” or “deaths”, or any of the architecture of the Covid scam. It just reinforces the basic underlying assumptions:
Covid was indeed a thing, and it did kill people.
Both of which are proven lies.
The truth is lockdowns didn’t save any lives at all, and none of the “consequences” of lockdown were a surprise. We go into this in our “40 Facts” on Covid.
The poverty, the depression, despair. The shuttered stores and closed hospitals and bankrupt businesses. They were all predictable, and all deliberate.
They knew that’s what would happen…that’s what it was for.
That’s why “Covid” was invented.
Lockdown was not a policy mistake, it was a policy success.
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Calling it a pandemic doesn’t really fit with the rest of the article. I suppose that is the last bastion. The most important lie of all. As long as it is called a pandemic then they can regroup and pull another 1918/ 2020 later.
global bio enhanced conspiracy comes to mind.
let me rewrite this article in one sentence;
“There is no such thing as a virus or transmission of disease (in other words, detox) so therefore lockdowns were, and always will be, unnecessary”
Its nice to see an article that actually say that COVID was not even a thing. Any discussion of the covid con that doesn’t openly admit there is no such thing as covid in the first place is just plain wrong.
‘Lockdowns bad’ conversations are so easily manipulated to frame the ‘we need to prevent them by v@xing more ppl and earlier next time’ narrative?
The daily telegraph was also complicit in the murder and dont think for one minute this article means they are any good for stating 3 years old of date information.They sold the lockdowns jabs and testing hard and whored the masks and ridiculed those who couldn’t wear them, they attacked anyone who didn’t do the Bs19 Mindcontrol compliance dance.
Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (Margaret Anna Alice)
Yep, we knew by March 2020 that it was organised murder of the old
“The poverty, the depression, despair. The shuttered stores and closed hospitals and bankrupt businesses. They were all predictable, and all deliberate.
They knew that’s what would happen…that’s what it was for.
That’s why “Covid” was invented.
Lockdown was not a policy mistake, it was a policy success.”
Well said. And OffG was among the most resolute of the very few media who opposed Con-19.
“Failings” are designed into the psyop so that they can be debated endlessly – giving the pretense of genuine inquiry.
“Lessons were learnt” — Chilcott Commission on Con-WMD. Meanwhile TB.Liar of Dodgy Dossier is a Director in House of Rothschild, and the MI-6 spook who sexed up TB’s dossier sits in the House of Lords.
“World’s first baby is born from a transplanted uterus implanted by a robot – and it brings hope to tens of thousands of American women who lack a womb”
(Daily Mail)
Isn’t it incredible how they pick on the most fantastically rare afflictions to sell the most outlandish artifical “solutions” whilst the amount of actual suffering skyrockets amongst a larger and larger mass of people?
Thanks for the great insights – that you bring up when not on the Left-Right hobby horse.
Think of it as my Stockholm Syndrome.
Uh… by ” American women who lack a womb” I think they actually mean men, pretending to be women.
Lockdowns are a prison management technique for unruly prisoners where they are denied access to regular prison facilities. Applying the term lockdown to ordinary citizens during the covid fiasco was a psychological word manipulation technique used in order to condition those citizens to to behave like prisoners, obey orders and stop critical, independant thought.
In the privatised prisons of the “greatest democracy”, not just lockdowns but isolation is a routine administrative tool, apart from slave labour. There are cases of isolation (sensory deprivation) for years. Perhaps this was inspired “The Count of Monte Christo”.
The judges who review such cases are the same business-friendly ones who send the outcastes to jail. The guiding principles: profit above all, and recycling the useless eaters (garbage) for profit.
There are +/-256 nation states, each is a prison which is much like a chemists crucible. Each has its own set of ingredients: its own culture, its own social custom, its own language, its own history, and each promotes its own preference system via from birth to death propaganda; Every one inside is blended to be a conforming part of the whole. Unless and until you out grow the programming your up-bringing brings; you are prisoner of the state the Oligarch and their powerful right arm corporations own, control and manage. But the International people (global monopoly powered corporations) manage those who manage the member nation states.
the cioven covid the the juice the vax all cover for phased array 24 and 7 slow cook 5g init
an intelligece test, that the majority of people failed, damnadly….so, on with the Reset.
This just in:
Syphilis is back and no-one should ever have sex again.
Those Russian bastards have caused some kind of world annihilating ecological disaster in Ukraine.
And the US government apparently has an authentic alien spacecraft.
Double decker bus found on moon? Why not?
Tru$t the $cience…
Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there’s hardly a healthy human left.
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a masked human face forever.
COVID-19 = CONJOB-1984
Good article as far as it goes. . . but can someone tell Catte that trashing the Covid myth will do nothing to avert the next ‘virus’ scam? As long as ‘virology’ is given credence we are all under notice. . . and the ‘measures’ will be in again because there will be a much worse ‘virus’ so the arguments against the ‘Covid’ measures will not apply even if they are officially acknowledged. They really are way ahead of us.
You’re absolutely wrong. All the blather about virology is red herring, bullshit par excellence.
Whether the contagion concept proposed by virology is correct or not has no consequence as regards the simple notion that NO PERSON CAN BE MADE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WELL-BEING AND HEALTH OF SOMEONE ELSE AND BE FORCED TO ACCEPT MEASURES DETRIMENTAL TO ONESELF ON TOP OF IT.
That’s all there’s to it. End of story. Case closed.
Moreover, some patented imbeciles are proposing that viral contagion is in fact the “synchronization of a detox process” or some lunacy to that effect. Think it the fuck through. The virus is some microscopic piece of shit flying around that’s relatively easy to control, for example by the use of respirators. That’s total bullshit, of course, but they themselves claim this, so use it against them – why should anybody be forced to wear the fucking thing if it works? Those who want to are protected, the rest – leave them alone. Ditto all the other shit. You can easily use their own arguments against them.
Now, let’s say that we embrace this synchronization thing. Nobody knows how this shit works, how people get synchronized. All we know is that it’s not a virus, a pathogen, something else. Whatever it is, we know shit how to stop it. It’s probably safe to assume that if you separate people, they won’t be able to synchronize. What fucking better argument do you need for locking people down than that?
Be thankful for viruses and don’t open no cans of worms. Your myopia is very likely to backfire on you.
Opening cans of worms is what we are here for.
Well, possibly not if we’re stood on a tower of cans, and opening them makes us tumble back down the (rabbit) hole we’re trying to escape from. 🤷♂️
(this is a metaphor for constructing logical arguments)
Actually bothering to read the scientific papers claiming to isolate a virus might be helpful. Clearly you haven’t. I can’t take anyone seriously who by this stage hasn’t been able to figure out that virology is simply a cargo cult science. This is probably the most important thing you had to figure out over the last 3 years and you didn’t even bother to do the most basic research.
“someone tell Catte that trashing the Covid myth will do nothing”
Corona virus was just their tool. The criminals have other tools, and are still in power.
Why is TB.Liar now the owner of “a modest fortune” and and a director in Rothschild companies, instead of being hung for treason? Because the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist criminals who fabricated 911, WMD and Covid-19 as tools are still in power.
Tony the B.Liar is one of the AZC’s sharpest tools. And Starmer the present leader of New Liebore (who used the AZC anti-Semitism tool to dislodge the Socialist leader of Labour) is merely Tony’s tool.
There are many open questions. Who were the stakeholders in the Covid enterprise? What was offered to whom, and what was given in return? Which form of contract did the stakeholders agree to? What alternatives where on the table?
The last question is relevant before you can classify the Covid enterprise as “murder”. Most global policies will have downsides, and millions of deaths is not unusual. We all trade the health of others for our mobile phone batteries. Does that make us murderers too?
It makes us complicit in the theft of raw materials, social disruption, war and murder just to have the latest gizmo that tracks us and may cause harm to our nervous system.
Only because we reached the number of the beast 66 comments, I comment here as no 67.
As I was saying already from the start, the lock down was a success because 2/3 of the population obeyed it immediately, and this shows there is 100% political control of the global population.
Only a few 3-5% like myself quickly discovered there was something wrong, the rest 90-95% ran voluntary with their full legal signature to the cliff…………………LOL.
Then it took 3 month before somebody 10% woke up to the scam, and after them we had their 10% “followers”, and then the 10% “I donno” …………..LOL.
The rest is history.
for we battle not against flesh and blood…
Yep. “The Exorcist” was a real-life movie.
At the moment, the only thing lacking is the green vomit.
“for we battle not against flesh and blood…”
… but against Long Stupidity.
“Against stupidity the Gods themselves are powerless” — Euripedes.
From the point of view of governments it was a mistake. That’s why so much public opinion on ‘covid’ is still being suppressed and banned by the mainstream media. They are frightened because they know a large proportion of the public never believed them. The Telegraph articles are a lightning rod for anti-government opinions, with a small focus.
No mistake it was all intentional.
Murder is murder no matter how you dress it up…
It was not an unintended error or an honest “mistake”, the plutocrats knew what was going to happen. They knew what would result when they stopped people from interacting, having social gatherings from attending religious services amid a deliberate fear campaign that terrified the gullible masses. They knew the emotional trauma would follow when they stopped people from having funerals for loved ones, when the “experts” locked the elderly away and facilitated their deaths from drugs and “treatments” they knew were harmful to them! No this was no accident it was genocide.
Pop up summer Vaccine covid centers are still open where I am based.
The normies all got the invite for the very important summer booster and the uptake with the regulars is still very high.
Couple of the normies I no, even got covid really bad recently. 🙄
One of the old boys I no, is on 7 including the flu jabs. he had ovid 3 times.! also been in hospital with pneumonia. Problems seem to happen after the jab but no one has put 2 and 2 together yet.
Does any one no if your normies beat that ? 7.
There is a lot of weak and hypocondric people out there who are in much need of someone who care for them.
So hospital and doctors are those they go to, in lack of normal care fro each other.
‘Pop up’?
Don’t you mean drop off?
Adolescence is a crucial time. It’s when the child becomes the adult. Countless numbers have been deformed in their adolescence by the covid assault. A stunted generation waits in the wings. And, of course, it will raise the following generation by passing its ineptitude on. The masses will become increasingly stunted intellectually, emotionally, socially etc.
We have a neighbour of around 40 years old who lives on the Internet. My wife saw her attempting to clean her dog with an extended brush from a distance while she never once took her eyes off her smartphone. That the pre-covid generation were so hooked on cyber space goes some way to explaining the effectiveness of the viral con. That con speeds up the deformation.
Addiction begins in the brain, ferments in the body and comes to rest in the grave.
Compared to adolescents, it may be far worse for those now 1-4 years old, who underwent the worst of masking (by adults), distancing and isolation.
A Short History of Virology
A. F. Chalmers in his book What is this thing called Science?, says one of the pivotal issues with virology was that it invented itself as a field before establishing if viruses actually existed:
In this instance, a virus particle was not observed first and subsequently viral theory and pathology developed. Scientists of the mid and late nineteenth century were preoccupied with the identification of imagined contagious pathogenic entities. The observations of the naïve inductionist did not identify a virus a priori, and then set about studying its properties and characteristics. The extant presupposition of the time was that a very small germ particle existed that may explain contagion. What came thereafter arose to fulfil the pre-suppositional premise.
Dr. Mark Bailey comments:
Because a scientific theory demands evidence that has repeatedly been tested and corroborated in accordance with the scientific method, it is clear that “viruses” never even reached the stage of a theory. According to the science, they remain mere speculation.
Troubles fade when we stop believing in things that are not true.
“A. F. Chalmers in his book What is this thing called Science?, says one of the pivotal issues with virology was that it invented itself as a field before establishing if viruses actually existed:”
In his next edition of “What is this thing called Science?”, Chalmers could add that atoms were invented by Democritus before establishing that atoms even existed.
“What is this thing called Science, indeed? A daring leap of imagination for a start. Followed by years, centuries, even millenia of experimental “verification” (Latin for “truthifying”).
The same is true for bacteria. They were believed in before they were discovered. Once they were discovered the interpretation remained the preexisting belief rather than investigation into whether they caused disease. Same goes for the notion of cancer cells. There is a belief that these cells spread around the body infecting other cells with cancer. What really happens is the acidic condition is widespread in the body and so damaged cells appear everywhere. This is particularly the case if addiional acidification occurs as a result of treatment. In genetics there is again the same fallacy. Obesity is the result of certain genes it is argued. Infact it goes far beyond the notion of medicine. This can be called DARVO. Blame shifting is widespread in every area. From the class room to the board room. It is narcassistic abuse. DARVO is short for Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender. The denial has been going on all along. It didn’t begin with ‘covid’: Air pollution isn’t bad for you. The glyphosate is safe in the food. It is just those tin foil hat wearers that fear radiation. There is plenty of affordable housing next to nuclear power stations. etc. Narcassistic abuse is so widespread that it could be called normal behaviour. That is the scale of the problem that makes this sort of thing possible.
“Covid was indeed a thing, and it did kill people.
Both of which are proven lies.”
FINALLY OffGuardian doesnt leave any room for discussion or doubt on this topic – took you guys a while 😉
I’ve been following Off-G for years. That’s been their position on Covid from the start. They’re just neutral on other viruses.
As opposed to the mainstream media who didn’t leave any room for discussion or doubt on the deadliness of covid from the very beginning. And they’re still shovelling it out. And they always will.
Everybody knew the ‘msm’ were a mob of liars . The problem was not so much the ‘msm’ but the mainstream themselves. It is they who left no room for discussion despite knowing how unreputable their sources were and having done no investigation themselves. It was relatives, friends, business associates, the local community etc that didn’t leave room for discussion. It wouldn’t matter what was said in the ‘msm’ if nobody read it or took it seriously. As it happened it didn’t matter what we said because we had already been discredited beforehand. There is blame for sure if someone feels comfortable watching trash and would rather trust trash than descent people. They keep going back for more. No journalist would have a job spouting such abuse if there wasn’t readers ready to put up with it year after year. They relish having a gutter press and looking up to lowlifes.
Very true, the policy is multi-faceted and is obviously still ongoing as it opened the door that leads to UN2030, and all based on this deception.
Announced just before they start the U.K covid inquiry.
the Tv newspapers ratings will be massive.
The Mass’s do love this type of TV reality soap drama.
Not like they would create a separate drama/s to overshadow this inquiry and the alt media personnel s will help implicate that.
This came out yesterday and is worth a read.
UK COVID inquiry in crisis as Conservative government tries to conceal pandemic crimes.
I prefer the term ‘injected’
Why not fuckccinated up?
“Lockdown was not a policy mistake, it was a policy success” Absolutely!
98% effective..
“Welcome to the last part of this detailed look at the ongoing disintegration of the West, with particular reference to America, France and Britain. If these articles have induced fear then please try to balance that with the greater awareness that they have given you. After all it is what you don’t know that gets you. Please make sure to catch up with the previous instalments for the whole picture, and to read my book The Key to Time for even more.
We are alive during the end of the Kali Yuga (see previous blog for deep background), a period of increasingly visible degeneration and accelerating collapse. People, slow to perceive their own shortcomings (though quick to perceive the shortcomings of others) cannot easily square themselves with the reality of this decline and fall, so they have constructed a matrix in which to live where they can spin themselves all sorts of fictions about their own nature and the condition of the world around them. The dominant narrative of this unreal matrix is that of progress. So you have the reality of the world – decline and fall – butting heads with the lie that we tell ourselves about progress and improvement. It is on this battlefield, where truth wrestles with fiction, that we all live our lives.
From time to time glimpses of the truth of life can be found. If you know what you are doing these can be seen in the movements of the planets (astrology), the turning of cards (Tarot) and in the source code of all existence, numbers (numerology). Other less structured methods are also available, and all human beings, whether they connect with these sources or not, have moments in their life where the veil slips and truth appears to them.
The central problem is that the lie is very deep and the matrix very strong. This means that even when we do manage to see the way things really are then we fall back, very quickly afterwards, into our default state of illusion. Conspiracy theorists should take note here: the first step upon awakening is to escape the matrix, the second step is often to fall back into it again, and the third is to believe yourself enlightened when in reality you are deeper in the lie than you ever were before. We easily fall back into the matrix, and become immersed once again in the lie, because it is so damn attractive! The lie is that human life on earth progresses and improves, whereas the truth is that it merely changes. The way to make things better for yourself is to see the lie and step out of it…
As we decline further and fall faster so the lie – that the decline you are witnessing with your own eyes must be called progress – is repeated more and more, until everything becomes inverted. This is happening right now, in obvious as well as subtle ways. We saw it during Covid when God-given personal freedom was curtailed by authoritarian governments under the pretence of helping others. Obvious examples of decline – the removal of children from education, the loss of personal autonomy, the biggest transfer of wealth in human history, the forced separation of loved ones – was re-classified, within the matrix, as progress. Things which were clearly damaging and destructive were reframed simply as the responsible and ethical things to do. This is the nature of the Kali Yuga, and the attraction of the lie of progress. Within the Kali Yuga it will always be more appealing, for most people, to live the lie, rather than deal with the truth. And the truth is that our civilisation is in terminal decline. It is however, most definitely possible to exit the matrix, one step at a time.
In a long-term decline, things don’t go vertically all the way down, all the time. There are bound to be periods, up-phases, where it looks like the lie might even be true. Many of us have lived through one of those periods, very roughly from the end of the Second World War until 9/11. That period was, for most, one of growth and expansion where we could either experience good times or have the promise of them to come. And although some of us undoubtedly did very well out of it, it was, in the end, a fiction, and with the arrival of the new millennium the decline and the fall became more apparent, to more and more people. The fact that I can even write this, and it be read by thousands, is proof positive that the fabric of the lie is tearing in all sorts of places. The lie, the matrix, the illusion of progress, is a pyramid scheme that relies on more and more recruits in order to keep its show on the road. So, though this article may be well read, it will also generate pushback and ridicule. This is exactly what we would expect at the end of the Kali Yuga.
Democracy – one pillar of the illusion of progress – will, said Socrates, via Plato, always land up in mob-rule. And mob rule can only be followed by one thing, dictatorship. The pattern is clear from history. As democracy degenerates, and people get sick to death of being unable to go about their daily business without interference, they will always turn to a strong leader who promises to straighten things out. This is why the biggest enablers of the coming authoritarian rule, those who are pushing dictatorship closer and closer are the biggest believers of all in progress, the activists.
Extinction Rebellion. Animal Rebellion. Insulate Britain. Just Stop Oil. BLM. All of these, and more, are enablers of dictatorship. Either they will be the dictators themselves, so flushed are they with their own sense of righteousness, or they will produce a hard-line response which will bring in dictatorship from the other end of the political spectrum. And if it happens know, for sure, that it was these progressive zealots who held the door wide open for it. Every time I see reports of traffic jams, smashed up businesses, missed appointments and worse, as a result of progress-worshipping protestors I count off more converts to the need for a dictatorship to ‘put an end to this’. This is not my belief, but it is what I see, and it is incredible to me how others cannot see this, but that is also the nature of the Kali Yuga and the strength of the lie of progress. Things cannot be made better by people who are themselves broken, and in fact such people, because of their brokenness, only ever make matters worse. And be in no doubt about it, many of these activist types are broken to their very core.
One sign of this brokenness is the idea that things should, can and must be constantly updated and improved. This charade, which sits at the heart of the lie of progress, is baked into the cake of our civilisation. We have long believed, and increasingly without thinking very much about it, that things should, can and must get better all the time. We have believed, through technological, ethical and social progress, that people will live longer, healthier and more prosperous lives, and it’s only those straight white men and their outdated systems of inequality that get in the way of the inevitable utopia. It’s all very attractive, but it’s a fiction. Things don’t get better, they merely change, and that is good enough, if we can learn from those changes. And we often learn more when the changes are hard, than when they are easy. But in the Kali Yuga most people refuse to see this and will be happy to conspire in the ongoing attempt to expand the human race into oblivion.”
Extract from “From Monarchy to Democracy and Beyond. Part 3” by Richard Abbot:
“God-given personal freedom was curtailed by authoritarian governments under the pretence of helping others.”
That’s it, in a nutshell.
Personal freedom is “God-given” because you can see it in the wild, enjoyed by most creatures from ants to chimps.
“Curtailed by government under …helping others”, hence the importance of Laws, as seen by Plato.
Keywords: “Authoritarian” and “pretence”. Hence the importance of critically aware people capable of detecting — and eliminating — Power seekers and Hypocrites. TB.Liar should never have made PM, let alone be allowed to accumulate his “modest fortune” for services rendered to various Rothschild banks.
“The descent to the Hell of Perverted Intelligence is made via a creature with the face of a benevolent man and a terrible sting in the tail.”
No coincidence that this appeared in the DT. It allows compatible leftists (the largest group of lockdown supporters – most work in the public sector and were designated “essential workers” which should’ve caused some problems for their professed belief in equality but didn’t) to dismiss critics of lockdown as “far-right” and “more concerned with profits than people”.
Once upon a time they believed that “poverty is the biggest killer” – some probably still do and refuse to see the contradiction with lockdowns but most probably now think it’s “racism” or “patriarchy”.
internet nonsense.
If you actually go back to early days of covid, videos are still up.
Alex jones, (banned hosting platform)) and his clown of fools PJW, Health deranger (brighteon platform), David whitehead & Michael tarsion and his clown of fools etc Tommy 10 names kate special branch sandhurt Kate hop where very very very pro lockdown. supplement sales where through the roof and the d.u.m.b.s where getting exploded as Team Trump was getting the abused child out democrats Adrenochrome camps and nukes where placed under western building and the west was under attack as crazy moslem commi lefties homeless crazys attack organized by China where out to kill you.
Arm up get supplement sale kits, End of the world Armageddon family food packs and Trump & his Team of payriots and Populists has this under control.
The reason empire states building turned red was to warn us about the reds coming.
The virus is real and spreading some of them had had it and it was the worse thing ever.
They think the biggest killer of all time is gay bashing and transphobia. Try the following Graud grind up for puke-inducement:
“War brings urgency to fight for LGBT rights in Ukraine
Campaigners hope a new law will show LGBT soldiers that the country they are risking their lives for cares about them”
Pardon my totally unacceptable Neanderthal sensibility but the very notion of “LGBT soldiers” seems like some kind of bizarre parody.
Ukrainian MP Andrii is a groovy “progressive” Christian who’e all for same sex marriages and utterly opposes “Vladimir Putin’s homophobic claim that there are no gay Russians”. Fuckin’ Russian backward bastards!
“Anything that our enemy hates … I will support …This law is like a smile towards Europe and a middle finger to Russia. So I support it.” And the war against Russia now takes on the cast of a struggle for LGBT rights.
But it’s still an uphill struggle even within enlightened Ukraine and “gay soldiers are often badly bullied even on the frontlines”. Well I suppose when you’re getting bombed by the opposite side, you can still find time to bash gays on your side. And we all know that homophobic hate is far more appalling than, you know, actual warfare.
We hear of “campaign group LGBT Military, which shares photos and stories of gay fighters”. Well it’s just so important isn’t it?
And “(m)any gay Ukrainians are not out to their families, or have been rejected by them. If they are legally single when they are killed, those relatives have the right to take important decisions. Some fear their partners might be banned from their funeral, or not even notified of their death”. The banning of gay partners from funerals is more important than, you know, actual death.
After which, I just can’t take anymore.
Corporations have no business “governing” (creating a system to ensure that society functions in a healthy manner) the world because they have zero interest in it. Listen to Igor Berkut talk about the problems that come with “owning” a country:
“Recent documents received from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) show that the Department of Defense (DoD) was behind the pandemic. Big Pharma was an extension of the government once the pandemic was “officially” declared to mass produce the “countermeasures”, which in the public eye are referred to as vaccines. This is an extremely interesting video from The Kim Iverson Show showing that there may have been more to the pandemic than we previously thought. You don’t want to miss this!”
SHOCKING FOIA DOCUMENTS: COVID Pandemic Was a Secret DoD Operation
Family of 24-Year-Old Who Died From COVID Vaccine Sues the DOD
Case filed by attorney Ray Flores with support from Children’s Health Defense.
“This is a very important case to watch. The family of George Watts, Jr. a 24-year-old man who died from COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), the Chief Operating Officer of the Operation Warp Speed at the time that George received 2 doses of Pfizer injections.”
More Class Lawsuits should follow. Not every judge is a “Safe Pair of Hands” for the regime. Witness Judge Napolitani broadcasting the Truth about Ukraine.
Every little helps.
Main takeaway is this: No one is quitting the fight. The mainstay organizations are still at it. Working for us to fight those that are complicit and culpable and there are a lot of them. Steve Kirsch is another good source as is the High Wire. These organizations have newsletters and need donations to keep fighting. Fauci needs to go down while clutching his “humanitarian” trophies as he is tossed in a jail cell.
“Big Pharma was an extension of the government ”
Quite the contrary; In Late Stage Capitalism the government is an extension of Big Business. Ambitious politicians carry out policies for lucrative sinecure after retirement: eg, TB.Liar’s “modest fortune” of 100 Million in service of Goldman Sachs and other Rothschild banks; eg, Lord and Lady Clinton’s blood-soaked $100 Billion which enabled them to marry their daughter into Goldman Sachs.
GK Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc (two Christian Communists) traced the Capitalist takeover of Britain between 1500 and 1900 — from the theft of Church land under the Tudor reign of terror, to theft of Common Land, herding of common people into industrial slums, and colonialist resource wars; first under Elizabeth 1’s East India Company and later under Anglo-Zio & Anglo-American corporations. One hundred years after GKC & Belloc, we eat the rotten fruit of Late Stage Capitalism.
Still are.
Where have you found this capitalism of which you speak anywhere on this earth for the last 30 plus years? I am most interested to learn where I should be headed.
Cynical and psychopathic. Incredible any “owners” are able to live themselves in a dry grey concrete society like this.
Did the DT mention the long list of serious adverse reactions with, just in the U.K., more than half a million life changing injuries and thousands of directly attributable deaths?
No – fancy that.
Perhaps they chose to point out the global infection fatality rate of 0.23% instead?
No – fancy that.
Ah well they must have focused on the 1-19 year old category with its 0.0003% infection fatality rate and that giving this group experimental untested drugs was bound to cause more damage than it prevented?
No – fancy that.
But thankfully they did spend the “emergency” hollering “Safe and Effective” – which just like the rest of Johnson’s corrupt and fraudulent reign of terror was a damned lie.
Well I say hang them for their Crimes against Humanity.
Talk of infection or fatality rate can come after the existence of the disease is established.
It makes no sense to reiterate for umpteenth time that COVID was a health event. Likewise it’s completely idiotic to carry on about the virus, or the non-existence thereof, any of that crap. It’s inconsequential.
There are two issues concerning COVID that matter:
1) The impact of the countermeasures on rights and freedoms. COVID did one thing – established and cemented the idea that people are responsible for somebody else’s health and therefore must accept their rights, freedoms be restricted and their comportment controlled, allegedly in collective interest. That, of course, is complete bullshit. And no statistics, no tests, absolutely no nothing is needed to argue that. All the countermeasures – assuming that viruses, contagion, and all that shit works as claimed, which is not entirely certain, but it’s irrelevant – would protect the individual without the need for collective compliance. In other words, whoever wanted to protect themselves was free to and would have been safe. That’s all there is to it, case closed.
2) The other issue is how COVID fits in the global reshuffle that is allegedly taking place. The creation of multipolar world, flight from the dollar, wars, the shit that’s happening on the geopolitical scene. Was COVID launched intentionally to facilitate the reshaping of the world, in which case the fact that it originated in China would imply a global collusion, or was it a welcome trigger that everybody exploited?
Should the shit that’s going down now, and the implications, be regarded through the lens of COVID?
1) The rational thing to do when faced with potentially deadly contagion, is to do pretty much what was done. Everyone has to pitch in; continent, country, city, village, neighbor, family member.
2) What just about every outlet wants you to focus on right now. Besides, you just used the virus to make your point. It matters.
WHO just partnered up with EU to create a global vaccine pass, in the name of the virus.
Viruses and contagion are the genesis, the enablers.
This is hopeless. People like you will carry on and on and on. It would behoove you to read and allow to pass through brain the stuff that you’re responding to.
There is NOTHING rational about the aforestated. Regardless of whether contagion even exist, which is highly debatable and just about certain insofar as the allegedly contagious flu is concerned (the flu is most likely caused by cold temperatures, as evidenced by statistical analyses, not by viruses, but that’s completely beside the point). The point is that all of the various measures, if they work at all, and let’s suppose that they do, DO NOT require to be applied on a nation-wide scale or global scale.
You scared shitless of a virus? Perfect. Lock your ass down and stay locked down for ever and ever. You’re safe. What business of yours is it if I do the same, and potentially croak? None. Ditto all of the other countermeasures.
Don’t you make responsible for you own well-being and health. I might take it into consideration and at my discretion do something to “protect” you, but I won’t be forced to do that, and I certainly won’t do anything detrimental to myself to protect your ass. Frankly, I couldn’t give a fuck about your health and well-being. That’s your responsibility, don’t get me the fuck involved in it.
Viruses and contagion are no genesis. They’re a vehicle. A convenient, clever one, but there are a number of other possibilities.
He isn’t scared of a virus. He knows its a mailstrom of bollocks.
Your statement regarding point 1 is just not true! In making that statement you are actually perpetuating the fake pandemic logic, while claiming you’re against it lol
There was no precedent for locking down anyone. Or masks. Or social distancing. Or ‘quarantining’ healthy people. You are still drinking the kool aid and not even realising it.
Unfortunately, your (1) is the entirely logical outworking of belief in germ theory when greatly amplified. Thus, I will continue to argue that the existential issue is paramount. Bridge to far ? Remember that lockdowners regarded your lot as completely daft.
Kindly shove any and all mentions of the germ theory back into the orifice wherefrom you’ve extracted it. I’m totally, totally, totally fucking sick of this germ-theory red-herring horseshit.
Read the post again, and read a recent discussion about an article on this topic.
The virus is a VEHICLE, a very convenient and superbly clever one, but only one of many that can be used for the same purpose.
Get it through your head.
And kindly shove your fevered quest to expose the evil cabal behind a purported global scam. Would that there were only an evil few we could draw and quarter. You can’t round up almost the whole of humanity (including governments) that were hammered into supine terror by the Vehicle of amplified GERM THEORY.
No, no, no, and no.
It wasn’t the germ theory. Even if germ theory is 100% correct, it in no way means or implies that any of the countermeasures must be mandatory collectively. The way the mechanism is claimed to function, they’re perfectly fine
to be used individually.
During COVID, people were fooled into accepting not only responsibility for the health of others, but also having their livelihoods destroyed and society fucked up. This was the problem – not some red-herring germ theory shit.
They could use any number of things if somehow you and the other anti germ theory fanatics convince them that germ theory is a crock of shit.
Note: I pretty much agree that the germ theory doesn’t hold a whole lot of water, but using this as a strategy against the medical tyranny is endlessly stupid.
As above, your statement regarding point 1 is just not true. In making that statement you are actually perpetuating the fake pandemic logic, while claiming you’re against it.
There was no precedent for locking down anyone. Or masks. Or social distancing. Or ‘quarantining’ healthy people. You are still drinking the kool aid and not even realising it.
Nonsense, “If it saves one life!” Or have you forgotten ? Pointedly: as long as belief in cough and kill grandma persists …
That’s just missing the point I’m afraid.
Those who imposed the measures and/or supported them, yet were not the actual minds who made covid work, but were the cogs in the wheel so to say, surely want to believe that it’s all not that great, in retrospect.But who could have thought?
Well, it doesn’t take too much thinking, but that is exactly what the problem is. These people can’t think. Or don’t dare to think. And they like it that way. They like to be in the wrong. And then forget all about it, similar as to how they forgot about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, after which the discussion moves to nitrogen, climate, Ukraine, what not.
Mad world.
Twenty reasons NOT to have lockdowns:
a couple of threads that may interest and inform, a name we know all too well:
you may need to run the second one through tor or similar, some other names “we know well” will be evident
his true linneage revealed, mother pnina, father shlomo (mike)
the link to pnina/mike/shlomo here
Off topic but relevant – Australia’s brave new world – for the sheep!
But new facial recognition technology for sheep (four-legged ones at this stage) is proving they do indeed look different. It could help solve one of the great productivity quandaries for sheep producers — matching ewes with their lambs.
Genesmith managing director Mark Ferguson said his company’s facial recognition technology aimed to identify a flock’s most productive ewes and, in turn, improve their bloodlines.
But wait, there’s more ….. “Facial recognition technology is not the only option for farmers to identify their livestock; DNA testing and products such as bluetooth collars are also available.”
As Leunig would put it: ‘They’ve been rammed by the shears’
(Tried to post the artwork May Hem, but I couldn’t manage it).
Australia is the perfect continent for ..they all look the same.
Aab aab,
(That’s baa baa backwards, cause I’m a black sheep).
Locked down, locked out, locked up, locked in.
As the Turds kept spewing out their spin.
Locked down, locked out, locked up, locked in.
What the fuck for ?
It was all for nothing.
Apple is helping to make the unreal world real – for the gullible. Their new headset will be equipped with 12 cameras, six microphones and a variety of sensors that will allow users to control it and various apps with just their eyes and hand gestures.
Apple said the experience won’t cause the recurring nausea and headaches that similar devices have in the past. I wonder what the dose of emf frequencies will do to the brain – assuming the users of this device have one.
It will create your virtual digital twin/avatar. So there’s no need to participate in real life any longer as Apple’s new headset will place its users between the virtual and real worlds.
Something else to do as you sit at home happily receiving your £1600pcm UBI (in the UK)
Doesn’t do anything to the human male brain experience other than essentially you are your own sphere., male female that’s the only partical difference. Yes some can feel uncomfortably qweesy, but that’s because Purists essentially use Scientific technology as you’ve pointed out.
The overriding factor is of course a safe environmentalist induced addiction for that, all these types of devices have issued warning instructions etc.
All in fed up with people: drug Inc acting like childern there is no denying that.
I tried a site called “How to break out from Apple’s jail” but jailbreaking was so difficult that I gave away my iPhone and Big Mac instead. The gifts were much appreciated;, “Blessed is he who gives, as blessed as he who receives”.
Saw this a couple days ago. The original implication was that you can walk anywhere and the device will guide you around any obstacles while being totally absorbed in the device. Like a car that has cameras that allow it to hold the road, brake, tilt against against a steep slope, maintain a safe driving distance, automatically change into off road mode when the terrain changes, etc. Just like that but for walking in a city. I would want one that came equipped with a self defense system. That would be fun. Robophone.
We got by in California without any lockdowns.
The word itself is a horrible concept. We coined it in the US for the practice of locking people in cells when there was trouble in the general prison population. The use of the word says a lot about the mindset of those using it.
Its goes back Martin along with Vog mask fashion and the normies inflation emerging prevalence in the Financial Times housing market property bubble of 2008-12.
Lockdowns are crimes against humanity, every single public leader who supports them should be treated as a criminal.
Those who advocated for lockdowns are complicit in tearing families apart, in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world, in casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies into even further grinding poverty- in murder.
Being a decent human being and supporting lockdowns are mutually exclusive. If you supported lockdowns, you also supported: suicide, depression, drug overdoses, domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse, missed medical screenings and procedures, wealth inequality, mass starvation and destitution.
In terms of the most horrendous acts on the part of mankind, the Lockdown ranks up there with any of the worst events in history.
Keep in mind the impacts of these murderous policies have just started their lifecycle.
The impacts will also go unreported. We are already living in The Matrix. The media manufactures disasters where none exist and ignores the real ones which are piling up at a shocking rate. The psychological mutilation of the public itself is now probably chronic. The old solidarity, weak though it may have been, is gone. This was even celebrated in spring 2020 and most prominently by the Left who gleefully told us that going back to the old normal is the worst thing that could happen even while they offered not one single insight into any new normal. They were the controlled gatekeepers of the void.
You’ve gotta wonder, don’t you Maxwell: Has evolution gone into reverse?
Honourable mention should also go to the scientists who reversed earlier findings to support each of the demands and restrictions on the public. They also evaded fresh findings of harm over the last 4 years. E.g., over 1,000 papers showing harm from the jabs.
“Honourable mention” ??
Irony alert! Do you mean, Dis-honourable mention?
Its propaganda Red flag using Drug Inc from the 60’s you clown. Are you pee tested or blood tested where You Work or have worked before anywhere. Generalist crapola. imo.
Tru$t the $cience…
Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there’s hardly a healthy human left.
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a masked human face forever.
COVID-19 = CONJOB-1984
The always well-informed Meryl Nasse talks about the next step by TPTB.
One Health is THE umbrella that intends to cover everything from health mandates to climate, food, trade, economics, research, etc. MANDATES. Thanks for posting this must watch video.
It doesn’t matter. The big fat majority still have no suspicion anything was dodgy. This is just the cold hard fact. It’s likely always been like this down through time.
Yep, How many people do we need and to do what? Why is your focus on blaming the victims rather than exposing the murderers?
If the masses weren’t the gullible, naive, brainwashed fools that they are, this evil that’s been perpetrated for 3+ years, worldwide, would not have been able to ‘succeed’ (from ‘The-powers-that-should-NOT-be’s point of view) as it has. If no-one on the planet was gullible (ie, if there were no ‘normies’, no ‘sheep’), then this evil wouldn’t have been able to get off the ground, let alone play out as it has, in these horrific ways. And with every chance that things may well get immeasurably worse, if the masses don’t suddenly wake up.
I recall, very early on, shortly after the injections had been ‘rolled out’, here in the UK, two women (Louise Hampton & Fiona Rose Diamond) went to an ‘injection centre’, where masses of gullible people were queuing up, waiting for their ‘jab’.
Louise and Fiona were trying to provide those very gullible people with the actual facts, re. what was really going on, and re. how dangerous the injections truly are. However, the footage of their attempts to ‘wake up’ some of those people demonstrated that the ‘sheep’ truly are ‘terminally gullible’. For the footage showed people in the queue telling Louise & Fiona to ‘f– off’, and ridiculing them in other ways. When, of course, the two young ladies were doing something very commendable: they were trying to prevent harm from being done to those who were gullibly queuing up for a ‘jab’ which they naively thought would be beneficial.
Of course the evil perpetrators need to be exposed. But if the masses weren’t so unbelievably naive, the perpetrators would not have been able to take this as far as they have, at this point in time.
I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40-45 years, and so have many other people on the planet.
What a pity it is that the masses aren’t equally ‘awake’…
The masses = them asses.
One of their little jokes…
… proving once again that fascism is immaturity on steroids.
I would guess that at least half of those who got the poisoned dart were forced by their employer to do so. Even Jamie Foxx, who is now paralyzed and blind after the jab caused a brain clot:
Jamie Foxx Suffered ‘Near Fatal’ Blood Clot After Hollywood Studio Forced Him to Take the Jab
No, no! According to the expert consensus, sudden paralysis, blindness, and blood clots are among the myriad symptoms associated with the unfortunate and poorly-understood novel malady known as NTDWTV* Syndrome.
*NTDWTV = Nothing to Do With the Vaccine
We have a choice of impressive medical terms: nocebo, idiopathic, iatrogenic, cryptogenic, nosocomial, immuno-compromised, contra-indicated, pre-existing, relapse, psychosomatic. Also remember anecdotal claim, self-confirmation bias and coincidence.
I reckon a majority of people suspect at least something dodgy was going on. Most of them just don’t want to admit it it, or really see just how deep the rot goes.
You can’t talk with middle class fellow American men public, not when I say much anyway. It feels like blank switch off platform as they discuss something else.
The tv media is utter feminist commercialism with health related adverts.
The majority actually don’t care because, in their eyes, they have their old life back and it’s as close to “normal” as it always was. So what’s the problem ?
The problem is that the catastrophic effects of lockdowns, the “vaccine” and other elements are a slow dripfeed on the populations of the world and are thus “manageable” in the minds of the blind.
All true. The missing piece is the reason(s) behind the lockdowns; i.e., to forestall another financial crisis by reducing demand for liquidity, casualties be damned. We must always remember that TPTB could not care less about the rest of humanity; they are psychopaths without empathy. All that matters to them are power and wealth.
Absolutely. The entire Covid thing was merely a ploy to both obscure and find a way around the implosion of the world economic regime.
That implosion is still underway; but the pretense of funneling “new” money into the system to “stabilize” it has, once again, kicked the can a bit farther down the road.
And by artificially increasing the “wealth” of the billionaire class, it makes it look like the system is alive and well and still going strong. Their billions and trillions wouldn’t even buy a property in the low rent district of Monopoly.
Peculiar. A little checking indicates this so called study is well over a year old and just some working paper (not a “Landmark” study) by long time economist colleagues Steve Hanke and Lars Jonung. Trotted out now for some reason. It was heavily criticized by the establishment when it first came out. Now its being used, by that same establishmenty, to do exactly what the author indicates, perception management.
(From Wikipedia) In 1992, Hanke, Kurt Schuler, and Lars Jonung – then a professor at the Stockholm School of Economics – released a book in both English and Estonian containing a blueprint for an Estonian currency board.[15]After Jonung was appointed chief economic advisor to Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt, in 1992, . . ”
Looks like they’ve been government propaganda pushers for decades.
The paragraph at the end of the Telegraph article is hilarious:
“A government spokesman said: “We are committed to learning from the Covid Inquiry’s findings, which will play a key role in informing the Government’s planning and preparations for the future.”
Now it’s a “Covid Inquiry” and “Landmark Study”.
Like ya, OK, we’ll believe you Telegraph that a government spokesman said that. But wait, isn’t it supposed to be a “spokes2SLGBTQT+?
In English? It’s on American TV in American language ya great buffoon. Hey buddy how ya feellun.
Fuck me on-line Yank tankers are nothing more than joke shop employers.
True that.
What is of more concern is the fact that there are in fact no verifiable viruses in existence, whether polio, mumps or sars-cov-2, or any other.
Having witnessed first hand how a fiction can masquerade as a reality, yes the sky is really falling and a mask will lessen its blow, and a vaccine will prevent it from falling on grandma’s head, yet the existence of the virus remains sacrosanct.
They could never get away with that?
Climate change anyone? How about big bangs and black holes?
How about the fact we borrow the fruits of our own labors from a bank and pay them handsomely for the privilege?
Or that legislation is a fiction of law?
Not real, not true, make-believe.
Such is the entirety of our collective existence- not real, not true, make-believe.
The task at hand is to sort the real from the unreal…
..the real from the unreal …yea sure US Dollie right red flag by sorting out each Propagandist Lie.
A From The B….ok: B unreal, in your opinion what is unreal.. post 1968-2021 kindly posted by someone else here. I’ve never seen it before…have you? Probably not..
Sort of like the JFK autopsy.
You could find it and the photographs, although I wouldn’t recommend it for American Children personally,. Where they have pulled back the Gentlemen’s scap., as a mark of respect, and the bullet entre exist wound through the throat. It’s probably on the web. There are countless Millions of Public Files in National Archives as you do indeed like it go ahead search.
Well said. And, on top of that no study ever can predict how lives were supposedly saved. It’s not testable or verifyable. Only if such a study had been conducted with an unvaxxed control group could one gain an estimate of how well locked-down, masked and vaxxed people fared compared with free-roaming and mingling, unmasked and unvaxxed control groups.
Everything else they are saying, like much of The Science, is hogwash.
Computer model. That what “the science” is.
One is told that computers are smart and predict things. This is bullshit. computer algorithms spit out whatever they have been “programmed” to spit out. One can program a calculator to spit out 2+2=6 if that’s what it’s programmed to do.
There is no THE science, just as there never will be THE AI. Both have been hijacked, hacked and programmed to reach desired results.
Um, aren’t you kind of like saying that Covid-19 is real it’s just the study would have to be conducted a certain other way, i.e., with control groups? How can a study be conducted in any manner on something that’s not real? The lockdowns couldn’t have been effective under any measure because it was all bullshit. Or maybe I’m reading you wrong.
I’m definitely not saying Covid was real, nor any virus is real.
But a control group, as described above and IF the results of that had been widely publicised (which it never would have) would have shown that there was no deadly virus, since unmasked, unvaxxed, etc people did not die – compared with many of those “fully vaxxed” had horrendous side-effects and/or died.
Based on your previous posts, I didn’t think so, I just thought the way you worded it indicated that. My bad.
Disease is real they are under [The Covid-19]. Jabbed American ’69’ Lol!
Pfizer is killing your Family for Profit – Gov. proves 92% of COVID Deaths were among the Triple+ Vaccinated in 2022
No mistake.,
Agree it is about total control.
Sign up here.
OffG censors comments because truth should be sacred, to some.
Thew most boring thing on the internet is complaints about oofg censorship… try the bbc or the telegraph or something.. i’m relieved if my comments aren’t posted… i do not wish to be associated with this rag taggle bunch of conspiracy theorists…
I think the most boring thing on the internet is step-brother/sister porn.
I have relieved you, you are now associated with rag taggle {oh boy) conspiracy theorists…
I’m the Captain.
Captain of what? The S.S. Shithandler?
S S Crapper, Mr Kitchen have you met Mr Crapper. I’m sorry Raymond couldn’t resist it.
Cheers ☺
Conspiracy is America’s problem.
House arrest went as intended. The plan was to place pressure on those not reliant on the State, the self employed.
The State required people to take part in the injection experiment and they knew most would not comply and coercion would be required. It was planned globally in advance.
An effective way was to threaten ones lively hood. This was easy for the State to implement this policy through it’s corporate partners (AKA. The WEF Partners) and for most lazy twat employees it was welcomed. These are the dumb mother fuckers who took the coin flip test in order to take a few weeks off work with full pay. These people drove the fake “case” numbers.
As a result, those who were self employed were forced to close through staff shortage and thug tactics from dumb police officers following illegal health orders. Small/medium business was then brought to it’s knees and forced to make a some choices about taking the jab.
Those who believe this is not true ask yourself why was it so that. The bottle shop was open and coffee shop was closed. Why the brothel was open, but the church was closed. Why the harware shop was open, but the gym was closed. Why the kmart was open, but the small health food shop was close.
I haven’t forgot and I have not let any of my friends (now ex friends) forget whenever I see them. I say friends, but they try to avoid me these days. They can’t bare to be scrubbed with the truth and I don’t tip toe around them.
It’s not a, “i’m right and your wrong thing”. It’s more they have no moral compass and we are not the same people. They are now exposed as obedient followers and people who will roll over on command whenever the State requires them to. I prefer to hang out with people who have my back and make no mistake they are more of us than the State would like you to think.
I’m afraid I’m not so lucky as you to have people who have my back (except for my wife). Unfortunately (and I take full blame for this), I’ve been surrounded my whole life with compliers and deniers — people whose reason for being was to be accepted by their “betters” — trusting in the experts and all that.
I have always been the contrarian in the crowd, tolerated because I’m kind of witty and good at things. I’m well tolerated until I get in their faces a bit and then they flee. And I don’t hear from them for a while.
I need to find some new friends instead of the “friends” I have.
“House arrest went as intended. The plan was to place pressure on those not reliant on the State, the self employed.
The State required people to take part in the injection experiment and they knew most would not comply and coercion would be required. It was planned globally in advance.“
And then the state offered (forced?) them to take out Small Business Administration (SBA) PPL & EIDL “loans” from banks to survive. Insufficient loan amounts that they knew their victims would never be able to repay.
It was one of the largest upward transfers of wealth in history — same as with the Tax Cuts for The Rich.
“The Great Reset is in full effect. So you best protect ya neck.” — The WEF Tang Clan
Small businesses fraud is under investigation for scamming my friends all work for Corporations not Public’s small business.