Wait…are they REALLY going to do a UFO psy-op?
Everyone from whistleblowers to the White House is suddenly talking about aliens...but why?
Kit Knightly

Late last week it was widely reported that the United States government had recovered an intact alien spacecraft from a crash site.
The supposed revelation comes from one David Grusch, a “former” military intelligence agent, who turned “whistleblower” and told the press that this supposed craft “distorted time and space”, was “bigger on the inside than the outside” and made some rescue workers ill.
Just today, he added more to the story, claiming the Vatican has known about this since WWII, and they helped Mussolini retrieve a downed UFO.
Now, assuming none of this is true, it’s not an especially noteworthy incident in and of itself. After all fringe figures coming forward claiming to be “whistleblowers” does happen, and they often tell ludicrous stories with no supporting evidence.
These can occur organically or be staged by agencies of the state, and either way the press is always happy to give them air because a) they are distracting and b) they discredit real “conspiracy theories” by association.
But that’s not what appears to be going on here.
For starters, Grusch wasn’t just given space in the media, he was given at least a small amount of credence by them. They allowed him to talk without mockery or even much questioning.
I mean let’s compare and contrast the coverage of a man claiming a literal TARDIS exists to the coverage of doctors claiming covid vaccines are dangerous or masks don’t work.
Corporate “fact-checkers” seemed to have missed a gimme here, don’t they?
More than that, the UFO psy-op didn’t even start with Grusch. The Biden administration was actively feeding the UFO story for months before he came forward.
In June 2021 the US intelligence community released a report claiming it knew about unknown flying objects in US airspace.
In January of this year the Pentagon released files claiming they knew about 247 “unidentified aerial phenomena” in US airspace in 2021 alone.
Then in February Biden announced a new taskforce to study these UFOs.
What’s noteworthy here is the way the press have picked up the UFO ball and really run with it. It’s everywhere and, again, not in the “ha, idiots believe in aliens” way. They are actually taking it seriously, or at least pretending to. And, again, this attitude pre-dates the “whistleblower”.
In February, the Guardian ran an opinion piece from the head of the British UFO Research Association, headlined “Most UFOs – like the Chinese spy balloon – can be explained away. But what about the other 2%?
Then, in April, Live Science asked simply, “Are Aliens Real?”.
Later that month it was revealed that six different “UFO whistlblowers” had already spoken to members of congress (presumably Grosch was one of these six, the other 5 remain unnamed).
In May, the journal Popular Mechanics – inveterate, if not shameless, 9/11 truth “debunkers” – published a piece headlined “6 Solid Reasons to Actually Believe in Aliens”. Later that month, NASA’s UFO taskforce released its findings publicly.
Then – would you believe it – the day after Grusch first published his claims, there was a “UFO crash” in Las Vegas Nevada which made international headlines.
And the day after that The Hill reported that inside sources claimed “that UFO information was inappropriately withheld from Congress”
Today the Independent endeavors to answer the question that should be on everyone’s lips, “Why everyone is talking about UFO sightings, even though there is still no hard evidence”, while Fox News is hosting interviews with Navy pilots discussing “credible claims” of UFO sightings and calling them a “daily occurence.”
Even voices from the alternative right/conservative sphere, people who you would expect to be somewhat skeptical, have climbed on this bandwagon.
The refrain is that these headlines reflect the US “admitting” something they previously denied, or that this is leaking out against the wishes of the government (or the globalists who control said government).
This is nonsense. Governments don’t “admit” anything – even undeniable physical realities like buildings falling at terminal velocity. What governments do is use the language of “admission” to seed narratives.
Never has this been more obvious than right now.
Consider that Grusch has already been allowed to testify in front of the house of representatives. A privilege never afforded to any serious Covid skeptic or 9/11 truther.
Consider also that Mr Grusch’s former lawyer was Charles McCullough, the first ever Senate-appointed inspector general of the US intelligence services from 2010-2017.
He’s being given the biggest platform in the country, while represented by “former” intelligence officials.
Is that how you treat a whistleblower who is embarrassing you or endangering secret plans?
No, it’s how you treat an asset who is part of a story you want the public to hear.
Clearly, this is a narrative roll-out.
The real question is: Why?
And, honestly, I have absolutely no idea. A distraction maybe, but it’s a weird card to play when we already have “climate change” and a “special military operation” on-going, not to mention residual old pandemics and incipient new ones.
No, the distraction argument doesn’t really hold water, but neither do the standard explanations of money or power. What legislation can UFOs force through? Who could seriously try and levy an alien defense tax?
It’s possible Grusch is a “suicide bomber” of the type we are all familiar with, who will ultimately self-destruct and be shown to be a charlatan, along with “revelations” that he’s a covid skeptic, climate denier, 9/11 truther or other “conspiracy theorist” – thus making truth movements look foolish, and humiliating anyone who endorsed or believed him.
But even that’s a stretch right now, given the sheer amount of mainstream endorsement he’s got already.
There’s only one other angle I could possibly think of, but it’s pretty out there.
In the Alan Moore graphic novel Watchmen – spoiler warning, I guess – the villain’s master plan is to end the Cold War and save humanity by staging an attack on earth by a pan-dimensional alien life form. His theory is that proving aliens exist and mean us harm will unite the world against a common threat and prevent the US and USSR nuking us all into oblivion.
… given the current level of globalist insanity can we totally rule out that some WEF focus group has wargamed that idea and decided it might work?
…would it actually work?
Who knows, the world stopped making sense a long time ago.
Do alien life forms exist? Have they been coming here and crashing their spaceships for the past 70 years or more?
I don’t know, but I’m fairly doubtful.
But I do know that – true or not – it would never be in the news if it wasn’t serving a purpose. And I know that basing any of your opinions or beliefs around what the US government – or any government – tells you is both irrational and historically illiterate.
Governments all over the world might suddenly claim that aliens are real…but they all claimed the pandemic was real, too.
How far will they take this story? I don’t know, but I will leave you with this:
Early this month SETI staged an exercise where they mimicked an alien transmission to Earth from Mars. Highly noteworthy, given the historical power of exercises to predict the future.
The supreme irony in all of this is that from now on we so-called “conspiracy theorists” are going to be trying to convince our normie friends that aliens don’t exist.
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I just hope that the Aliens travelled here in a carbon neutral fashion and that they have been vaccinated.
I don’t think that would save them from the Van Allen Radiation Belt.
Assuming of course that they should be concerned about us in the first place.
Let’s also hope they are using the proper pronouns. The last thing the world needs is more transphobia.
Don’t worry, they bought carbon credits to offset their emissions!
😂 😂 😂 👍 🙏
I just hope they’re germ free…We’ve already enough trouble caused by germs…
It could well be OUR germs that kill them, as in *War of the Worlds” from HG Wells to Orson Welles. A deep subject, of alien vulnerability and its virus pandemic. Quite a switcheroo.
Share the wealth.
Covid for ET! What a great idea. Except it won’t work. We could try vaccinating them…
Earthlings! O…..meh
Come on, you cant mean that. Then they will jump and spread spike protein through their arm gasses and breathen over to the entire global population and its over. Doomed.
“Daimonic Reality by Patrick Harpur examines UFOs and a wide variety of “paranormal” phenomena from a rather unique angle. Although Harpur never fully defines the daimonic—“the daimonic that can be defined is not the true daimonic,” as Lao-Tse would say—it seems to exist both inside us and outside us. Like the Greek daemon and unlike the Christian demon, it takes both good/healing and bad/terrifying forms, depending on our commitment to rationalistic ego states.
In a sense, the daimonic is like the collective unconscious of Carl Jung, inside us as a part of our total self that the ego wishes to deny, outside us in all the other humans who ever existed and in the dreams, myths, and arts of all the world. But Harpur follows Irish poet (and Golden Dawn alumnus) W. B. Yeats as often as he follows Jung, and traces some of his ideas back to Giordano Bruno and the alchemical/hermetic mystics of the Renaissance. The daimonic is just a bit more personalized and individualized than Jung’s species unconscious.
Harpur’s major thesis is that unless we recognize the daimonic (make friends with it, Jung would say) it takes increasingly malignant and terrifying forms. For instance, the Greys of UFO abduction lore, he says, are deliberately mirroring our ego-centered and “scientistic” age—showing no emotions of the humans they experiment upon, just as the ideal science student feels no emotion and has no concern with the emotions of the animal being tortured in his laboratory.”
Despite dealing with many subjects common to conspiracy theories, this book does not quite fit into that category. We are the conspirators, so to speak. We have repressed the most creative part of ourselves and now it is escaping in terrifying forms.”
This is the HOW behind this psyop: The “invasion” will be a Potemkin Village holographic attack where real attacks will scare the world into the final goal of ONE WORLD protecting itself from aliens. Sounds crazy, but makes sense: https://twitter.com/spartajustice/status/1684364874271293442?s=61&t=YnUUXYyJSeFI1RkjEPboUw
Everyone should watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDY7t6HihCw
(The moment at 33.28 felt extremely ominous, considering the man talking)
As well as all the older testimonies at their channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmNzkxVwAYg&list=PLnrEt2fIdZ0aBgPuVF0C_T559YR20eDTc
This is one reason why they are pumping up the alien(-threat) narrative at this specific period:
Yea, Yea. We all watched the first episode of Dr Who in 1963
They’re selling the TARDIS – and you’re biting?
The aliens in your pic look sort of like giant grasshoppers….I wonder if that is the plan…aliens becoming a food source….???
I WOULD be inclined to believe it might be as you suggested…a unifying force…”us against them” ala “Independence Day”…OR
It could be the ultimate blame for vaccine deaths…somehow the alien presence has caused some immune poisoning and that is the reason most of the population has dropped dead…
I like the giant alien grasshopper food source theory best…but then there would have to be real aliens to eat, and as you say, that seems doubtful considering the mainstream is suggesting it.
I’m inclined to see this as another element thrown in the mix to confuse and keep us off-balance, and more inclined to accept official absurdities. Yet another psychic contagion to breakdown our resistance, until, as with boosters, our immunity is bust and they can convince us of anything, no matter how absurd. What your colleague C.J. Hopkins (bless his black heart) refers to as “The War on Reality” and I prefer to call its ABOLITION.
Has anyone just stopped for a minute and asked why, if these fictional beings are so tremendously advanceed, travelling billions of light years and are able fly the way they are “reported” to fly…are they always crashing? And always on all places-earth?
The craft was “bigger on the inside than the outside”
That is precisely the kind of an air fryer I’m looking for.
But regarding to the issue of Martians, they can’t be more inopportune, coming in the middle of the great reset.
I always switch off when I hear “retired US military/intel”.
It is more interesting- informative, even, to listen to random mad people in the street.
America is an armed madhouse where insanity is the norm. Clown world rules and I have no doubt they will try for an alien invasion scenario as things get really desperate.
AKA: Clowns In Amerika
A great tool to demonstrate earths rotation is a gyroscope.
How does it work? (from 3:20) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIqfbvb-HHs
Let a pilot explain: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sJFc6Tj4aAcI/
In the International spacestation. THe spacestation is orbiting the earth every 90 minutes. So with a gyroscope you can easily show the rotation of the station around the earth. Because the gyroscope wil not rotate.
I haven’t done full reading up on gyroscopes yetbut from whatever I have done so far I’m not convinced of its soundness and authenticity.
What this ex-helicopter pilot says resonates with me — https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=deoLBQTtXJw
Rob Durham
“Do gyroscopes really appear to drift over time due to the spin of the earth? Have you tested it for yourself?”
It should be a high school physics practical!!
This is how a gyroscope works, and now you can demonstrate the rotation of the earth. The earth shoul spin some 7 degrees within 30 minutes.
Love it – their gyros aren’t upside-down when planes from Europe land in Australia.
Admittedly i thought this was the least likely option, but im sure John Titus gave us a list of possible false flags that would give central banks a reason to flood the globe with more currency to alleviate the liquidity crisis. Lockdowns during this period delay massive and immediate inflation (as with Covid).
My guess was cyber attacks, but hey, the world keeps getting weirder..
If they can fake a moon landing, they can easily fake aliens landing on the planet.
Precisely and congrats for your argument.
By the way, best documentary I’ve watched on the subject:
You should also not miss the related:
You can find them in odysee.com among other places
Sure, just channel Busby Berkeley for the choreography
If anyone thinks there is no evidence for UFOs, they should just get a good high-frame rate, high-def IR camera and get their own pictures. They will have no trouble capturing otherwise cloaked UFOs on film because they’re ubiquitous.
This is the sort of comment which really begs some sources. A2
It’s also a comment that begs some clarification: does ‘cloaked UFO’ mean top-secret military shit or some type of natural atmospheric phenomena, or does it mean little green extraterrestrials not of this planet flying around in spacecraft not of this planet? The existence of the former should be taken for granted. The latter has almost zero probability.
They fly at light speed across trillions of miles of Space only to crash into the backyards of bohans and meth heads? More evidence please..
Moore’s Watchmen of course being a blatant plagiarism of Raymond Hawksey’s 1974 novel Wild Card. In that novel Edward Kennedy was president, in a further attempt to discredit the Kennedys as being masters of the false flag operation.
It is true and they are coming. They are not good aliens=from Heaven.
They are demonic beings from Hell.
Why? because you all have forsaken God and abandoned all belief in God or hate God and blame God for the evil that human beings do.
When you do that, that means you belong to the demonic fallen angels of Hell, and they will not only own you, they will eat you.
Hell is coming to this earth, and earth is about to become part of Hell.
Your choice. The Sun, we have will vanish and be replaced by the black sun they emits fire and darkness all because you love science and technology which are in reality the powers of Lucifer and the fallen angels and will take you from God and bring you to the absence of all life, in Hell where there is eternal death and destruction and you too will devolve into demonic creatures owned by Hell.
Your choice.
It was all your choices.
Also soon all of your science and technology will stop working.
It was just to tempt you away from God to the dark side.
Here is some proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CYbfkeBR30&list=WL&index=4&t=32s
It wasnt my choice. It was the politicians fault. They did and said it. I never did anything.
I voted for Madeleine Albright as President because I wanted change, change the whole damn shit. It was not my choice it turn out blue.
All my neighbours said I should do it, and I did it because they said I should. Therefore it was their choice and not my choice.
My family and my wifey said I should do it, and because they said it, I did it. Their choice again!
My television said it. Everybody did it. Their choice, I was just a follower. What do you expect me to do?
You want me in hell for just doing what everybody said I should do? I never ever did choose anything.
Not sure if you are being ironic or not, but to give an answer to your question:
„All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells, are within you.“
I liked that one 🙂 .
So what you are saying, or confirming, is that I am “larger on the inside than on the outside?”
Whew, that’s a relief. My doctor just suggested that I seriously might be running out of room and where to put it all.
Now, who needs space vehicles? (I know I don’t.)
Step one – take responsibility. No-one should ever do something because someone else told them to. You do what you believe is right, always.
How you vote is between you and the ballot box
Liked that, only I would wish it was not always women who says it.
We men should say that same thing more frequently than women. But God condemned man for being the coward giving the woman and the snake the guilt for his betrayal, and the woman only to have pain at birth for taking the forbidden offer giving by a superior being.
I never vote, since 9/11. But thanks for sharing.
It could be a pen name for trans.
We don’t know anything about God, newer and newer proofs(?) are popping up in connection of deliberate mistranslations of the Old Testament. Like the book. The GodS of Bible which in a way another “UFO” proof but the timing of these is rather interesting, why now?
There is an interesting series from a guy called Aewar, Shadow Rome where one of the piece is about book hunting and falsifying them in the past.
I do believe we have a creator simply because the creation is so perfect but don’t the rest.
We do have a creator: The Universe. No need to invent a supernatural deity. You are it, you can sense it, you can feel it, you can know it.
Well then. No need to “disinvent” One either.
You might like a yt channel called Archaix. Look up his stuff on the dark satellite. The 7 kings fits it quite nicely with the video you shared
You sound demented and throwing out curses at the world will not make it better for you.
It sounds like the “God” that you refer to is not really a God at all. It also sounds like you think you yourself are exempt from such heavy-handed and over-arching punishment, because you belong to God’s elect tribe who will be “saved” when the Divine Judgment comes down on us.
So, this God you talk about, set up the entire history of sinful humanity ( and by definition created Satan) so he could take perverse pleasure in Judging it (his creation) after a few thousand years of gnashing of teeth? Or is He just doing God’s work, weeding out the undesirables (that he created) and keeping the true God’s people?
Have I got that right? Is He saving just the 144,000 chosen ones (direct descendants of Abraham, no doubt) out of the sinful billions and do you imagine yourself among them?
Its a choice. You have to choose. You have a free will. You cannot sit on the fence hoping waiting claiming crying whining.
Your ancient father made a mistake which cannot be forgiven. Therefore you have to show your free will.
Your free will have chosen the horns which you believe in, and you blame God in the same way as the horns blame God, and you will therefore be judged for your choice. Be a man and stand by yourself.
You don’t understand the concept of free will then from the sounds of it
Little Owen frets in the Graud:
“Extreme websites peddle conspiracies, but what about the mainstream outlets that do it too?
Owen Jones
Would you believe that a fifth of the adult population of Britain have either taken part in anti-vax protests, or are prepared to do so? Or that about 4 million people have attended protests against the introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)? What about the idea that The Light, an anti-vaccine, anti-lockdown newspaper, has about 3 million subscribers, and has at some point been distributed by nearly 4 million people?”
Just take a few seconds to grasp what Owen finds offensive:
-That there are any people at all who query the coerced injections into their bodies of substances that have never had anything like the time to be tested.
-That there are any people at all who won’t blandly submit to an entire transformation of our entire system of exchange.
-That there are any people at all who think lockdown was a bad idea.
How dare they!
Also keep in mind:
-. The jab contents are oficially secret
-. The governments (all) have undertaken not to examine the content; they must return any batch with visible contamination to the vendor
-. This applies to many other medicines, except generics.
It’ll be pretty easy to tell if this UFO thing is a psyop: the “aliens” will just by chance have an agenda which precisely mirrors that of TPTB.
Oh, since we’re on the subject of sci-fi:
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Best advice (and best sci-fi) ever 😄
We can laugh and joke about this but there is a serious side.
If they really are going to do it, it’s not going to be a naughty homesick young alien that they will try to sell us.
The key is to have a look around at some other news stories like this one about transferring solar power from space to Earth:
Now, let’s say that one of these power satellites just happen to be “hijacked by hostile aliens” and powerful, destructive energy was to destroy significant portions of the planet.
TBTB then have a squeaky clean excuse to announce a “war against extra-terrestrial terror” and impose drastic restrictions and without even having to fake a spaceship, big-eyed 1950’s film props or even a bottom probe.
Of course, these events will happen far, far away from any “civilised” society and “VIPs”
I agree but would add: There are no satellites in the space, they are huge helium balloons below the firmament, what remains then is only the energy weapons part.
At 10:11 that was a NASA rocket.
“satellite” launch, notice the height: 34kms…
These are examples of yo-yo de-spin kicking in to stabilise the rockets soon after they launch. On one video in the compilation it’s even labelled this way. It’s very dishonest to present this as some sort of jelly firmament 😅
I didn’t make the video + emphasized and giving the time of the 7th rocket which was the NASA’s. Because of it please address your opinion about dishonesty where it belongs, thank you.
A far easier excuse is destroying one of your own satellites, by shifting it from a safe position or irradiating it from the ground.
Yeah, but my idea will make a better film.
Nahhh, more probable to use some of their already deployed space-based weapons. They could and are using them to modify the weather and induce tectonic activity, they could easily blame the “aliens” for it. Imagine something like a climate-ET-terrorism bonanza, and why not also throw in some climate-induced pandemics while you are at it? They could even deflect some asteroids to hit the planet (or simulate it) and blame the aliens as well. The only problem: it is becoming more and more overwhelming a theater to maintain. But they have AI to assist them now, and they are currently testing the waters. Probably gathering real world data to train their AI models…
WARNING… viewers’ discretion is advised, as regards images in the 2nd of the two items below.
Re. what’s been termed ‘turbo cancers’.
Many of you may well be aware that a Canadian doctor, Dr William Makis, is posting many articles re. the many ‘sudden deaths’ etc, worldwide.
Item 1 is one of his, from last month, and item 2 is from a link given on item 1.
1) “Turbo cancer sarcomas – 14yo Jeremiah developed aggressive osteosarcoma shortly after his ‘covid-19’ mRNA ‘vaccine’ on Jan. 16, 2022. Pfizer & Moderna mRNA jabs are causing aggressive turbo sarcomas!”, at:
2) “SHOCKING: 14-year-old develops growth from ‘covid’ ‘vaccine’ injection site”, at:
Thanks to Makis and Christine. Somebody are doing something.
There will likely be more and more cancers and other disease from this over the years- like ALL vaccines but worse.
Proving the link to the injections becomes exponentially harder with each passing month.
A long-term, large sample study of overall health and death among vaxxed and non vaxxed is the only way to prove it, and that is likely not going to be funded or even allowed by our non-human overlords to happen.
“In a way, the world-view of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them…By lack of understanding they remained sane. They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm, because it left no residue behind…In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy…For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable…what then?” Orwell 1984
It would be hard to add any further explanation as to why the aliens have chosen this time to reveal themselves to mankind. I love Big Brother.
It’s funny, I never thought in my lifetime it would be ok to talk about or even buy weed out in public. Absolutely never thought it would be commonplace in my lifetime for men to walk out in public dressed as women and everyone to be ok with what used to happen privately and not influence minors. Who would have thought that launching rockets into space would be a common almost daily occurrence, I mean what are they doing, that’s a lot of rockets, oh yeah, it’s for
skynet, oops internet, why aren’t they sending stuff to the moon. Never thought that mass shooting would happen outside of war. Amazing that everything from the voting system to looting has changed the definition of crime and punishment. I also never thought the US borders would be open. So aliens, come on in to the US, Austin is not weird its the US. What will this world/US look like in another 40 years? Instead of trying to take the Alien technology to use it for non peaceful secretive measure’s, embrace it and have them help us, the pictures are on the walls, in cave drawings.Everything you never thought would happen can be easily explained away by the biggest “never thought” of them all: people everywhere walking around attending to their cell phones primarily and anything else secondarily.
The cross-dressers probably aren’t even aware what they’re wearing. They just grab and go. They may forget to wear trousers; but rest assured they will never forget their phones. It’s only their first selfie of the day that reminds them their dress doesn’t even match their phone’s cover.
The mass shootings broadcast around the world 24/7 are all fakes. What I never imagined was all the psyops. I just never imagined those – so many of them week in week out, big and small.
Good ol’ MSM of the BBC (“Billionaire Boys Club”). In lock-step like the most goose-stepping of any Reich. Especially theirs!
I had a long time YMCA trainer ~ a dodgy globalist act ~ at my gym, very normie, telling me that the director at the other Y, whom we both know, was a survivor of the Las Vegas shootout (serial psyop).
Right out of the blue, we weren’t even on that subject.
He said, about 4 years ago, “Yeah, he’s a good manager there. And he’s a survivor of the Las Vegas massacre, too.”
Hmmm. Methinks he sold it a little too hard sell.
It’s all bollocks, or almost all.
The observable universe is ~13b years old. Earth is ~4b years old. Humanity has been around in current form for ~200,000 years. The distances that aliens would have to travel just to fecklessly crash their flying saucer where only some government dolts can find it is unfathomable enough, but the sheer chance that they’d arrive here during this infinitesimally short timespan of humanity’s existence is basically impossible. I think you’d have better odds of hitting the Powerball jackpot twice – with the same numbers.
But the sheer comic value of the establishment trying to sell the “alien invasion” panic will be golden entertainment for sure.
That’s exactly what people thought about crossing the oceans for many centuries.
I totally agree with the last one though.
It is ludicrous to compare crossing oceans on Earth with the distances involved in interstellar space. The probability that extraterrestrials from within our galaxy could locate Earth, even accidentally, in the remoteness of interstellar space has to be extremely low. The volume of our solar system is something like 16 or 17 orders of magnitude smaller than the Milky Way alone (that’s between 10,000 to 100,000 trillion times smaller). Any intelligent signals from Earth in the form of radio waves are only approx 100 light years in radius, which is about 0.05% the estimated diameter of the galaxy. And from outside of our galaxy, the probability of anything locating Earth or a signal from Earth has to fall off to essentially zero.
Theoretical physics resembles religion. To explain instantaneous space travel, they resort to extra dimensions, wormholes and the like.
To justify the public expenditure on SETI, we heard from time to time,that our radio and TV shows – including I Love Lucy – were were already spreading out in an expanding shell. Some warned that this would give the aliens great insight into our capabilities.
It doesn’t resemble religion. It’s just the fact that if you work on theoretical physics it is inescapable to ponder fundamental philosophical questions and therefore theology.
It seems you haven’t read the scientific literature about ESP at all, among other things. Or that theoretical physics does not preclude faster-than-light travel.
Don’t be so arrogant to assume that you know enough to be certain about the possibility of one thing or the other. THAT is exactly what the people back then did as well.
Exta-terrestrial entities are not on the same 3D physical reality – they operate on the psychic level and have been here for a long time, posing as God and his archangels.
I believe in everything my government tells me.
If they say there are Aliens out there, thats because there are Aliens. My government wouldnt say it if it wasnt true. Why should they lie? It does not make sense.
Therefore I believe in my government.
Do aliens exist and are in contact with us?
Is it total bullshit and pure psy-op?
I think that as usual, it is more complex than a simple yes or no answer and as usual the truth is somewhere in between.
If anyone actually takes the time and effort to try to research the alien-contact question sincerely, he will undoubtedly reach the conclusion that something real is going on here (as did J. Allen Hayek among many). It is the same as the climate change question. Yes, the climate does actually change, but not in the way or because of the reasons TPTB tell us.
Extraterrestrial intelligence does exist, and is in contact with our planet, possibly since millennia ago. But guess what. They do not pose any danger to us and actually they can help us advance, evolve and prosper. If we let them.
So it is a real phenomenon, which TPTB know very well about, have actually reverse-engineered technology and are seriously considering to play-out in a threatening manner in the near future for the reasons commenter Researcher posits.
One thing that I find interesting is that this latest alien-related noise crescendo actually coincides with the the very large UFO whistleblower event that Dr. Steven Greer and his team organized these days and which culminated in an event at the National Press Club in Washington DC. Pay attention to how much this event was covered by the media. Around zero. As did the last one which took place just a few days before the 9/11 attacks. Is it perhaps because Dr Greer is doing an honest job and actually tries to convey the peace message? Food for thought…
Aliens are real, they’re just spiritual and usually Go by the name of demons.
All the gods of the gentiles are demons. When people talk about how aliens taught ancient people things, they’re not completely wrong. The aliens were and are Demons though. If god permits them, demons can easily create weird flying aircraft that crashes with advanced technology, after all demons are angels and retained their superior Angelic nature even after they fell. Food for thought.
You belong to the old dying world, slave.
I’ve researched them too. I disagree thst they pose no danger to us. On the contrary, i think they are a-holes, and “the answer” does not lie with them
Fake aliens to usher in the new one world religion.
Powers that be, just fucking do it.
It will be the most hilarious thing EVER.
I am panic buying popcorn right now
I can’t help but find it comical as well, but as these things usually go, innocent people are gonna suffer and die again…
I have to say I feel certain other intelligence is out there (not necessarily lifeforms per se). Regardless, as the article indicates, the signs do seem to herald a UFO psyop. While I’m fed up to the back teeth with psyops generally I have to say I’m kind of looking forward to a UFO one.
Hunter Valley Bus Crash, 10 dead
Can anyone explain why:
At the back of the bus in the first photo in this article we see no pole or road sign …
… while at the back of the bus in the third photo in this article we see a pole and road sign. Other things don’t seem to match well either.
Wasn’t aware of the bus crash psyop till the recent one in Hunter Valley but I now I see “bus crash” psyops are a thing. I’d rather stick pins in my eyes than watch mainstream media however my local cafe where I have a coffee every morning has a big screen with the sound off and even though obviously I’m not sitting there watching it my eyes seem to glance up and catch stuff … and it’s amazing how often it’s a psyop.
What made me look at the Hunter Valley one wasn’t the cafe screen (although I saw it there) it was a text from a friend telling me about the friend of the daughter of a mutual friend supposedly having died in it. This daughter by amazing coincidence also went to school with the alleged shooter in the Christchurch psyop and was also friends with a police officer allegedly killed in the Wieambilla, Qld shooting psyop. How many connections with psyops can one person have? I’m sure the daughter is not involved in any way, it really is coincidence.
So I’m sitting in the cafe this morning and I see there’s a bus crash in Canada, 15 dead. An article on my phone says “it was thought to be a van but then they realised a bus” – a very common hallmark is the “they thought X but then Y” motif sometimes where the initial thinking compared to the supposed reality is ludicrously different. But hey “van” compared to “bus” – it’s all possible.
Chattanooga bus crash hoax (21 Nov 2016)
Russia bus crash hoax (16 Dec 2016)
Suicide. Shit happens.
Erik, not sure what you mean by both “suicide” and “shit happens”.
If the “shit happens” part means that you think the Carberry, Manitoba accident was genuine because bus accidents do happen in real life then I put to you that that is a strawman argument. I know that bus accidents really do happen and, in fact, my aunt and cousin were in a serious one … but even if I didn’t know anyone personally, of course, it would seem against reality that bus accidents didn’t really happen one way or another.
I’m not arguing for the alleged bus accident being a psyop because I don’t think a bus accident is a likely reality (although in the case of the mass shootings they broadcast 24/7 I DO think they’re an unlikely reality and I don’t believe that a single one has happened for real, similarly I tend to think most – if not all – alleged Muslim terrorist attacks broadcast 24/7 are fake which isn’t to say terrorist attacks don’t genuinely happen but the ones broadcast 24/7 probably mostly are – put it this way I’m not aware of a genuine Muslim terrorist attack).
The reason I suspected the Canadian bus accident is a psyop is that it was suspiciously close to the Australian bus accident (Hunter Valley) and we know that they tend to do similar psyops close together (in my comment above I put links to analyses of one in Russia and one in the US less than a month apart). It’s true I haven’t done any research on the Canadian one to be sure it is a psyop but I can feel it in the slightly “off” reporting. And here we go – another one I didn’t hear about in February in Quebec.
Quebec Bus Crash Hoax – https://odysee.com/bus720:d
It is not the fact of an event type being a likely reality or not, it is the reporting of the event which tells us if it’s a psyop or not. They always, always tell us underneath the propaganda. It’s called “revelation of the method” aka “hidden in plain sight.”
Now this is an interesting 12s video that has no commentary or title beyond School Bus Car Crash which shows what looks very much like a stunt of a car crashing into a bus – practice for a psyop or a film? It’s hard to know the difference sometimes, isn’t it, and, of course, many a film is made of psyops as if they were real events.
Maybe they intend to cause a global famine and blame it on the the aliens.
The esteemed Dr Vernon Coleman’s latest video:
“Is the W.H.O. the terrorist wing of the UN?” (video: 19.31 mins. Transcript of the video also provided by Dr Coleman), at:
Or always you must consider the inverse, it’s excellent intellectual hygiene, if no more: The U. N. may be the terrorist wing of the WHO.
[PPS: My father was long-time president of the L.A. Chapter of the U.N. (John W. Ervin, founder of ecjlaw com until his ’82 assassination) just don’t get me started, it is like Garrison, or Kevin Costner, said in “JFK” “We have gone through the looking glass here, people. Black is white and white is black.”
Or words to that effect.
Freemasonry, in its dualism, bien-cache’, is like that. We have ways of really weaponizing hypocrisy now, but leave it to those guys (my father by the flesh was lawyer to the 33rd degrees, in plenty) experts, everything seemingly now can be reversed, worn for the right occasions that way like a London Fog garment, two sides is OK, but two sides fused into the same dubious intention is a bit much?
That’s how that “High Cabal” runs things now: give you both, and/or neither, and in several triplicates, and 31 flavors of counterfeits. That is quite an effective psyop assault, if you think about it.
They talk a lot these days about a global 7 dimensional chess game. What about 7 dimensional Poker, with a lot of duplicate cards from their deck up some high-falutin’ sleeve? That’s how they do it.]
I take comfort from the ancient sense of Proverbs 14:4
“Where there are no oxen,
the stable is clean.
But large crops come from the strength of the BULL.”
So, in our times, if you want all of this to be productive, get ready for a LOT of steaming StierScheisse.
But super-saturation with the stuff? Hmmmm. May be overkill. Literally!
The UN peace-keepers have also been doing fine work in Africa, so much so that some governments asked them to leave. There would be less excuses to bring in the pecekeepers if there were no terrorist militia that have been appearing and then vanishing conveniently for decades, such as M24 and Boko Haram.
All of the government’s scams to date have used sleight of hand and whatever tech. they had available.
Couple the public’s stupidity and modern CGI and it’s a breeze to simulate an alien invasion.
So let’s make sure we understand their suggestion: these visitors from another galaxy can travel billions of miles problem free but have difficulty with the last few feet, resulting in a crash.
I am copy-pasting from my reply to an identical comment:
If you are looking for simplistic explain-away arguments to avoid thinking about an issue seriously that is a good one.
Alien spacecraft started crashing as soon as our military started taking notice of them and actively started to try to shoot them down, and of course when they actually had the technology to do so. And that happened around WW2 with the invention of radars and directed energy weapons. And very soon thereafter stopped.
If you do take the time and effort to actually research the phenomenon sincerely you will undoubtedly reach the conclusion that something real is going on here. As did J. Allen Hayek for example among many others.
They crashed and burned because they had not allowed for Elon Musk’s quadzillion satellites orbiting Earth.
“Grusch [aka Chicken Licken] wasn’t just given space in the media, he was given at least a small amount of credence by them. They allowed him to talk without mockery or much questioning.I mean let’s compare … the coverage of doctors claiming covid vaccines are dangerous or masks don’t work.”
Interesting point. It strikes me that Jung, whose life work was the study of mass delusion — even wrote a book called, Flying Saucers — never studied the role of the Rulers (aka PTB) in promoting and shaping the mass delusion (aka, narrative).
new scare in the netherlands TINNED PEAS are very bad.
Something else of interest from the Netherlands:
Western proxies need to realise they exist to be thrown under the bus the second needs be.
“Redacted” is a pretty reliable and slick looking alternative US website for news which OffGers might seek out but the host Clayton something jumped the shark IMO recently when he breathlessly reported about a whistleblower conference where supposed eye witnesses saw levitating, possibly alien/possibly human made craft abetted by the US military. Clayton’s co-hostess tried to talk him down from his overly enthusiastic approach to this story but he was adamant, particularly struck by the genuine character of the speakers and how they couldn’t be lying. I’ll agree that they did seem like they were telling the truth but reject the whole alien story in my bones and so I agree with Kit.
He was talking about this probably, you should check it out:
‘they’ do have some previous.
This video contains all three famous “alien threat” speeches given by President Ronald Reagan. The speeches were given in 1985, 1987, and 1988.
You mean, your leader who swiped an enormous amount of money under the Star Wars scam?
And a whole lot more. Bonzo’s step father was a corporate klepto frontman from his earliest days.
Ronny RayGun. So weird, as in Hollyweird. His brain works so uniquely, like a Charlie McCarthy puppet but not as intellectual. What an argument, it almost sounds like a threat.
As Revelations has it: “You shall know the Beast by the numbers in his name: six hundred, three score, and 6.
R-O-N-A-L-D… W-I-L-S-O-N… R-E-A-G-A-N
When a consortium of “business leaders” gave him his Bel Air mansion in 1988 for his retirement, the address was 666 St. Cloud Drive.
Nancy soon went down to the City Planning Commission and had it changed to 668.
Bad for bidness, the original chiffre! People will talk.
Nearby a ways, a mile or so as the crow flies, also in Bel Air, in winding ivied Benedict Canyon, was the Polanski manse, changed in the late ’80s from 10050 Cielo Drive to 10066.
They were long gone by then, and the original house had been razed to the ground and rebuilt. But strange choice of numbers, anyhow.
9/11, boosters, ET, Ukraine, LGBT, Russia, Repeat…
How about some truths that may fundamentally upset their program. Such as exposing their corporate “GOVERNMENT system” for what it is. Informing those who have now crawled out of the woodwork as truth seekers, to explain more about their “germ theory” beliefs, or more accurately, germ hypothesis. These are the two tools they are using to enslave.
I guess since this is never going to happen here, I may take it upon myself to post some.
First up, The Virus Challenge. Let see how many “experts” are going to put their reputation on the chopping block and show us some evidence.
See. The Virus Challenge.
Also, learn that the globalists you think are your Government are in fact “THE GOVERNMENT”… It’s a little like the electronics manufacture “Sharp” and the rip off “Shrap”. Or the sports brand Addidas and Aldidas. The kind of look the same and sound the same, but one is an imposter who has almost taken your country without firing a shot.
Anna Von Reitz has done some great work on this. Don’t worry if she is not from the same jurisdiction as you, as the scam is very similar. Once you understand what is going on one can take steps to minimise the contracts you have with these criminals.
See, Anna Von Reitz.
Alternatively, if you prefer to live in the rinse and repeat bubble to make you angry, stressed, with no remedy, just keep scrolling,
“9/11, boosters, ET, Ukraine, LGBT, Russia, Repeat…”
… add China, Yellow Peril, Iran, Muslim terror, Climate change, Cost of Living, Brexit …. put them all together;
“in the rinse and repeat bubble to make you angry, stressed, with no remedy
I am getting tired of Americans and their dogmatic belief in their bankrupt and failed “demokratsy” they call their republic. Do read this article I wrote a few months ago, it might open some new avenues of thought for you: https://off-guardian.org/2020/09/18/we-do-not-live-in-a-true-democracy/
Very good. I must have missed that one. It was almost two years ago it was published.
Perhaps if we repeated this topic as much as we do 9/11 and ZBugs it may open more minds to this the scam.
All problems stem from root causes. Is these causes we should be discussing and taking action to disengage ourselves from their system.
There are always a certain number of outliers who rebel against the popular narrative. It is a part of the Intelligence “community” job to occupy this fringe of independent thinkers, lest they should discover the REAL discrepancies from the truth.
The radio show “Coast to Coast” was largely addressed to them; the truthful topics the show dealt with like chemtrails were largely tar-brush painted just be appearing on the show in close proximity with alien=made UFOs.
It is this same Intel op which pushes there are no viruses, covid doesn’t exist, no such thing as contagion, flat earth,Trump’s going to clean the swamp, etc, etc.
This part of Intel propaganda is ALWAYS present. It’s best to LOOK for it to ensure you’re not taken in.
There is no such thing as contagious viral disease as it has never been proven scientifically, and, guess what:
it has nothing to do with Trump or the objectively real shape of the Earth.
You’r e just picking the amount of truth you can handle without losing your mind and sticking with it, and that’s fine- but your comment is just more noise.
You are mistaken. You obviously know nothing about the science of virology. However, it is still surprising that you would deny the common experience of contagion. No matter how many times you deny it, it still exists.
“I am happy to report that last night the Washington County (Idaho) Republican Central Committee passed the resolution to halt and ban the covid-19 poisonous injections and to send the resolution to the state Republican Party. They meet in January (not in time for school) but it is in time for next legislative session.” -Sasha Latypova
-more- including text of the resolution, etc:
Oh that’s so cool Penelope. Idaho! Ya baby. The west is going to save everyone else’s butts. Like the Oregon counties voting to join Idaho. Idaho better get ready. Shit, I’m in Richland, I was thinking of going to go up to around Boise, but bought a place here. The way it’s going, maybe I’ll go up there. But that’s good news. Thanks.
What if the aliens only pretended to crash and be killed but really they just wanted to get into the CIA or department of defence laboratories to telepathically take over the minds of all the staff in order to get the staff to admit they found aliens and then once that gets announced and the general public starts thinking that aliens exist it becomes easier to telepathically take over the minds of everyone. I think we might be witnessing the beginning of an alien invasion.
It would appear great minds think alike: the aliens and DARPA both wish to telepathically take over the minds of everyone.
Hint: they’re both looney tunes.
Comedy improvs aside, this is in the bullseye of my wheelhouse. Well, I am from Southern California, and Hollywood, but this one cuts deeper.
I have logged many a visit from all kinds of operatives (who may or may not be aliens, but are certifiable spooks) over the last twenty-five years (see my CV, available aon demand) and it is a recurrent trope of many many “agents” that they try regularly to insert into any running storyline: space aliens or their proxies (quite probably, human agents, but save that for later).
I usually express impatience and find an escape, but one, an Armenian national calling himaelf “Apollo” distracted me long enough in 2017, even despite my grim annoyance, with a narrative that I had some “fine alien lineage” while he tried slyly to dose me with a Xmas chocolate laced with LSD. Long story, only to vouch for its accuracy, while classifyng it. tightly, for the time being (the wrapper looked like fancy store bought, but after further review was shown to be deviously hand wrapped, with a motif of an artistically etched on gold menagerie of wild jungle felines of many sorts and species, so I took that as an added clue. Did I ingest any? I will leave all such shell games to Apollo, high on my suspect list of MKUltra ops, on two little legs. After annoying me with plaudits for my noble alien ancestry (intermarriage with my earthling forebears apparently) he really pressed all my buttons with a narrative of space invaders in the hollows of the earth, à la Indy Jones etc.
Now here’s the alien rub: I have had a half dozen or so encounters, two in 2005, by email, 2010 by a well-heeled character writing a book, 2014 by a character who hails from Ocean Beach near the last address of Ashli Babbitt, then actually several others up north in OC, and then Apollo in the flesh, quite an exotic piece of work, at my Y one Sunday. Caught me off guard, tricky bloke.
Most all of them tried to get me to watch a youtube video about it. The same one!!!
I didn’t.
To me they all had the markings of a real MKUltra psyop, trying to sneak in some dangerously bad actions, was my take.
I told them I have enough problems with terra firma, so no thanks.
In any case, I see all this as a CIA sponsored operation to explode the context and push the borders of their wars against us all “off shore” into space, inner or outer, and thus confuse and conflate all the issues.
To what end? Well, mostly to make their jobs more easy in the quest to control and dominate domestically (or intergalactically).
Just pure psyops. Irregardless of any alien helpmates. They can accomplish the objectives without “them.”
Get some special sunglasses.
“There is only one other angle I can think of but its pretty out there. “
Your article made me think of the Vonnegut book, “The Sirens of Titan”, where a Martian invasion is stage to usher in a new world religion, through the use of shame, perhaps, something similar as AI is used to either thwart an alien attack or help solve the riddle of the alien transmission “that will save the world that we have shamelessly destroyed.” The new religion “Church of the AI (God/Science)”. But then again do they really need an alien invasion for normies to believe in the savior, AI.
Perhaps, they shut off the internet and power, create panic, stage alien invasions and murder millions of people. The scenarios are endless.
A question to ask: If they are going to reduce the population by 7billion, how will they do it? “With vaccines we can reduce the world population by 10- 15%, by starvation 10-15%, by alien invasion…”
Forget the aliens.
A murmuration is afoot:
Consider that many who live in Las Vegas work for the US military, some on highly classified projects.
The first rule, if you want to reply to a writer, who has actually got his work published, is to read what he wrote….
Kit Knightley is no excepton – in fact he is really good – I also like Catte Black – some Suzi Quatro kid off class – writes from the depths of her soul – as if she is a rock star – which she may be too – so far as I know.
Kit: ” Who knows, the world stopped making sense a long time ago.
Do alien life forms exist? Have they been coming here and crashing their spaceships for the past 70 years or more? I don’t know, but I’m fairly doubtful.”
I don’t know either, but I was a bit pissed at the time at 3:00 am many years ago, having a smoke outside on my wooden swinging hammock (I’ve built a new one now)..and I saw this Alien Spacecraft Fly Right over My Head and Gently Land in The Park about 5 minutes walk away – 2 if you are quick…
So I put the Kettle on to make a cup of tea, to make the Aliens welcome..
There was no evidence of anything happening at all.
They did not knock on my door, so went to bed with my lovely wife and fell asleep.
However some c’nt was f’cking about with hot air ballons at the time – Years before Musk..
Richard Branson?????
Personally I preferred the bloke in Iron Maiden – Bruce Dickinson
He could Fly Too, and flew the stranded tourists back home
Rock Star and Airline Pilot – Somewhat unusual.
We didn’t know – just wanted to get home. We had kids and stuff and the airlines went bust
Next you’ll have people doubting that The Thing lurking under the bed isnt real !
Meanwhile: Sydneysiders are being softened up for the next Big Pandemic by last nights showing on TV of Dustin Hoffman’s 1995 “Outbreak” – a fictional depiction of Ebola & friends running rampant, and Dusty’s Heroic Efforts…Such Horror Movies dont fit the definition of ‘Entertainment’, at least not in the 10th Revised Edition of the Newspeak Dictionary…Maybe the looser, wider definition is in the 11th Revised Edition ?
The point is the alien narrative is only possible if you believe in the nature of space they have sold you. Most people believe the Sun is 93 million miles away but have no idea how this distance is calculated. They believe stars are so far away we need to use the speed of light to make them comprehensible (The speed of light is supposedly constant in a vacuum but it isn’t, refer to Sheldrake’s TED talk that was taken down from youtube to find out the truth). All of it is anti-scientific because the truth is no one has any idea how far away these bodies are. Most people don’t realise all of Einstein’s science is nonsense. Dayton Miller conducted hundreds of experiments proving the Earth was moving through the ether but his research was denigrated and dismissed. Anyone with half a brain would realise how absurd it is, but relativity had to be introduced to save the heliocentric model because the velocities Miller was measuring were far, far less than the ludicrous 30 km/s we are supposed to be traveling around the sun.
Most of what you know is simply not true. And most of what you think the universe is, it isn’t.
Don’t forget that Professor Brian Cox can explain the origins of the universe blah blah but also punts global warming. Maybe he nowhere near as clever as we are told he is.
I agree, Kevin.
Further, as the Big Cycle that the Magnetic North Shfit is in on our much-larger-than-what-we-are-told Earth (see
) would explain many unexplained genuine UFO phenomenon. Civilisations from the past living on other continents which are not in the sphere of Sun’s light currently may have some advanced stuff for them to survive in those horrid conditions, or maybe they are in the Sun-lit portion even now but in areas which may be inaccessible to us — like West of West Africa (Atlantis) or north of New Zealand (Lemuria).
Which means the world map we see on television and in school is in reality a fake. In reality the earth is double the size than most people know.
Unknown big size secret territories exist on this planet we dont anything about, only the military who keep it secret for security reasons.
Everything you have been told and seen is a lie, and this is the truth.
Anyway thanks for the video, magnetic shift is an interesting feature..
Thats true. The military and oligarchy know about this and hide the knowledge from us.
The larger Earth area and the continuous magnetic north shift (which hold the Sun and Moon systems aeound it) @ 1 degree every 72 years (but which happens every day little by little) would also explain melting of ice from areas where Sunlight is now reaching and freezing of water in areas where it is not. It is in a way a good system where land and water areas get a break from man-made pollution.
The video shows that due to the slow and steady shift entire Australia will be out of Sun-lit portion in 2100 years; southwest part will be so in just 500 years from today.
One entire magnetic north movement cycle is around 25,920 years.
The magnetic North Pole has been moving faster from Northern Canada towards the geographical North Pole. Over the last 40 years, this movement has accelerated. The speed is now ~50 km/year.
I am not sure if the magnetic north pole shift speed has changed. From what I understand it is a constant speed, doesn’t change.
1 degree = 72 years, for the magnetic north shift (also known as precession of the equinox).
So, 360 degrees (one complete cycle) = 25,920 years
If the claim of 50 km per year speed of the magnetic pole is true then it would mean the distance covered in one cycle would be 1.296 million kms. This, from what I currently understand, may be a large distance coverage area for the magnetic north pole, although the sources I tap into to understand the matter haven’t specified any distance measurement for one full cycle (or maybe they have and I haven’t come across it yet).
The general assumption is that things like speed that happen in the larger Earth system are fixed. They don’t fluctuate. The intelligence that has created such a system aims to provide living beings a stable Earth. Of course, living beings such as humans can mess with the ecosystem and provoke harsh reactions from the Earth’s machinery to heal itself (like our bodies develop fever when overwhelmed with toxins), but the speed of the magnetic north pole is unlikely to undergo any change whatsoever. The harsh reactions would manifest in other ways like volcanoes, rains, etc.
I’ve seen this kind of substanceless, meaningless filler-material stretched out over thousands upon thousands of youtube comments. In fact, nothing makes me doubt whether flat earth or other geo-revisionist beliefs are genuine (rather than bot-driven psyops) more than so much being made out of so very little. Endless, sourceless, info-free waffle! 😅
Thanks guys, but enough. A2
You can easily prove earths rotation with a gyroscope. Léon Foucault had to invent the Foucault Pendulum instead of using a gyroscope, for which he got credits for naming it a gyroscope.
Everything that supposedly “is” has been calculated (i.e., “proven”) by Math – the great master of all human thought (supposedly).
A whole chalkboard filled with equations says the sun is 93 million miles away and Betelgeuse the red supergiant is 500 to 600 light years away.
One is not allowed to question Mathematics – not ever. Otherwise the World Trade Center will come crashing down (oh wait: bad example).
Great post. Yes, Relativity and the Standard Model of Physics are Limited Hangouts, which limit our progress.
So did the spaceship land on a dog?
If so, to amend the accidental death the pilot of the alien spacecraft will escape from the facility he will be taken to then hijack a couple of English fanboys in a motorhome doing the rounds of alien contact points in the American south west.
The little green pilot, let’s call him Paul, will smoke weed, cure blindness and know all about the universe.
On the run from his captors Paul and his motorhome buddies with a girl from a trailer park will get up to all sorts of adventures as they run from a couple of bumbling agents while heading for the house of old lady who owned the deceased dog.
When they get to the old lady’s house mayhem will ensue including an obligatory shootout. The bad ‘non-man’ agency boss will be squashed, Paul will escape in a rescue craft with the old lady, and everyone else after a visit to an alien comic book show will live happily ever after.
See, nothing to be afraid of. Except a sequel.
It appears that our globalizing elites have gotten hold of many of the X-Files scripts and adapted them into a policy directed at the masses who really do want to believe , and are convinced the truth is out there ? Certainly proof that human intelligence is declining rapidly .
“human intelligence is declining rapidly”.
I doubt it. The important feature of human intelligence is its wide spectrum: a few highly intelligent people trying to drag the rest of us upward. As in the old saying about France:
“A few French living in the future and trying to drag the rest out of the past”.
Well, at least they look friendly enough 😉
Though I’ve always wondered why aliens only ever land or crash or are sighted in the USA.
The Unite-the-World-Against-Alien-Invasion scenario (and the concomitant measures to be implemented “for our protection”) is not too far fetched.
Nor is the suspicion that the masses will swallow it up, just as they did when the first men landed on the moon in their aluminium capsule – which I’ve seen or a replica thereof in a museum a few years back, LOL. The proof in the pudding was the live transmission to everyone’s 1960s black and white tube TVs.
Yes, they CAN make this shit up.
Ohhh, they absolutely can make it up. But this doesn’t mean that there isn’t something actually there…
Even Aliens just know that USA is #1, the top, the best, where everything is just bigger and better. They can also very easily get a Big Mac there anytime.
In fact, there IS nowhere else any self respecting alien would want to land, especially so because “the world” IS the USA ( according to beliefs of many who live there).
Aliens do exist, sort of, just not in the way most folks think they do. It’s all very complicated and I’ll refrain from getting too crazy, but the fact is all these stories are holding up a false narrative about what’s actually going on, like they do with covid, or 9/11, or a million other things.
They’re controlling the narrative to manipulate people. Nothing they say about aliens or U.F.O.s or anything else related to this phenomenon is legitimate. Period.
Why is it the Aliens always choose the United States to crash/make contact?
Did you read the article? Mussolini and the Vatican are/were not located in the US.
Ya but it seems they only make contact with Americans.
Why are they so secretive?
Let’s be frank – anyone who believes this crock of shit — is mentally ill and gullible. Same sort of people believe the official 911 story – shoot the Covid Rat Juice and enjoy watching CNNBBC.
Because America is the one and only superior exceptional country in the world. You deal with the Boss, not shithole countries.
On top the Aliens only deal with American children because they are able to keep a secret and open to higher intelligence which the silly adults are not.
Thats why the Aliens only and always choose America.
Inside every Alien is an American trying to get out.
Or vice versa?
It does seem to be a kind of Hollywood-centric phenomenon. I loved that bit in X Files, though, written by Duchovny, the star, where he passes a bus of baseball players in his episode, aliens, and their team name is written on the side, “The Roswell Grays.”
You have to know America a bit, and the sport of baseball, to get that, since “Grays” used to be a popular name a hundred years or so ago for some baseball teams, such as in “The Negro Leagues” before they desegregated baseball. It’s very funny if you catch the whole joke.
And aliens would like it too. It was a spoof on “Field of Dreams.”