“A Global Digital Compact” – UN promoting censorship, social credit & much more
Kit Knightly

Late last month the office of the United Nation’s Secretary General published a policy document on aims for the future of the internet.
A follow-up to the 2021 report “Our Common Agenda”, the new report’s title says it all really, “A Global Digital Compact”. That’s the goal, international legislation that would seek to control and enforce the use of digital technology.
The proposed clauses promote everything you’d expect them to promote.
Digital identities linked with financial access:
Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries. Digital technologies may help to reduce leakage, errors and costs in the design of social protection programmes
Environmental or climate change-based social credit systems:
Sensors and monitors connected to the Internet of things, cloud-based data platforms, blockchain-enabled tracking systems and digital product passports unlock new capabilities for the measurement and tracking of environmental and social impacts across value chains.”
Public-Private Partnership:
Partnerships between States, private sector and civil society leverage the capacity of digital tools to provide solutions for development across the Sustainable Development Goals. Examples include the Digital Public Infrastructure Alliance, the Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability and public-private partnerships for disaster response.”
Countering online “harm”:
Disinformation, hate speech and malicious and criminal activity in cyberspace raise the risks and costs for everyone online […] we must strengthen accountability for harmful and malicious acts online.
Those are the obvious ones, there’s also more sneaky, insidious language regarding “equity” and “access”. The report is concerned there are many people in the world (mostly the developing world) who don’t have regular access to the Internet.
This concern would be more honestly expressed in the language of control – people who don’t consume digital media can’t be hypnotised, people who don’t communicate online can’t be censored, and people who don’t rely on digital banking can’t be controlled.
To sum up, the Digital Global Compact is a piece of globalist legislation serving the final aim of globalist policy: Control of all aspects of life, achieved by inserting a digital filter between people and reality.
Banking, communication, media consumption, shopping. Every interaction you have will be through a digital membrane which can both monitor your exchanges with the world and – if deemed necessary – deny you access to that world.
An interesting final point to note is the words the report doesn’t use. “Globalist” and “globalism” do not appear once, “vaccine passports” or “vaccine certificates” are likewise not mentioned. Neither are “social credit” or “central-bank digital currency”. They are discussed, but not mentioned.
They seem to be avoiding buzzwords they know will trigger resistance or set off alarm bells. Would they have done that before the skeptics started winning the Covid conversation? I don’t think so.
You don’t have to take my word for any of this, of course, you can read the whole report yourself.
There’s nothing surprising in there at all, obviously. But it’s definitely a “quiet part out loud moment”, and a link to send to those people who still dismiss you as a conspiracy theorist.
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To sum up- we’re fcked.
The Common Agenda is championed by the big4 under ‘digital transformation’.
How far it will be possible to phase out PriceWaterhouseCooper and their three buddies from access to Australia’s wallets and power buttons will have to be seen.
We do not know for how long they have been advising the Australian governments but it probably is years or decades. As we now look at the many crises in this country, educational sector, health sector, and housing sector one would have to say they have a dismal record. No ill feelings, it was the wrong way and we just need to revise that when the stock take is that bad.
Regarding the relentless digitisation which the big4 promote we can read on the BBC (about hacking) what is behind that (you need to scroll down to close the end):
“Lucrative contracts from governments such as the UK or US are a major revenue stream for many cyber-security companies too.
As one Middle Eastern cyber-security researcher says: “The cyber-security intelligence sector is heavily represented by Western vendors and greatly influenced by their customers’ interests and needs.”
The proper reply to UN documents is a big yawn.
Or a subsidy application, if you’re part of the network.
The Bible. It’s all there. All the information you need to see you through.
How about we start to live offline analog lives. Its also better to be offline activists than online. Because our future freedom depends on offline activism!
All you need to know about the UN is what prosperous eugenics family donated some of the most expensive land on the planet on the upper east side of Manhattan in the late 40s to build its headquarters.
“Control of all aspects of life, achieved by inserting a digital filter between people and reality.”
No ‘BAU’ ‘digital filter’ or no ‘digital filter’?
‘Most’ ‘economic thinking’ is ‘short run’ and ‘redundant’? ‘It’ ignores the ‘supply side’? ‘Growth’ {and ‘civilisation’} depends upon ‘cheap’ F.F. – those so called ‘halcyon days’ are ‘over’. ?
“The crisis now unfolding, however, is entirely different to the 1970s in one crucial respect… The 1970s crisis was largely artificial. When all is said and done, the oil shock was nothing more than the emerging OPEC cartel asserting its newfound leverage following the peak of continental US oil production. There was no shortage of oil any more than the three-day-week had been caused by coal shortages. What they did, perhaps, give us a glimpse of was what might happen in the event that our economies depleted our fossil fuel reserves before we had found a more versatile and energy-dense alternative. . . . That system has been on the life-support of quantitative easing and near zero interest rates ever since. Indeed, so perilous a state has the system been in since 2008, it was essential that the people who claim to be our leaders avoid doing anything so foolish as to lockdown the economy or launch an undeclared economic war on one of the world’s biggest commodity exporters . . . And this is why the crisis we are beginning to experience will make the 1970s look like a golden age of peace and tranquility. . . . The sad reality though, is that our leaders – at least within the western empire – have bought into a vision of the future which cannot work without some new and yet-to-be-discovered high-density energy source (which rules out all of the so-called green technologies whose main purpose is to concentrate relatively weak and diffuse energy sources). . . . Even as we struggle to reimagine the 1970s in an attempt to understand the current situation, the only people on Earth today who can even begin to imagine the economic and social horrors that await western populations are the survivors of the 1980s famine in Ethiopia, the hyperinflation in 1990s Zimbabwe, or, ironically, the Russians who survived the collapse of the Soviet Union.” ?
“It is this belief in a new digital revolution which gave rise to the much-derided article by Danish politician, Ida Auken – originally titled “Welcome to 2030: I own nothing, I have no privacy, and life has never been better.” More popularly known as “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” It is a world of digital currencies and digital IDs, vaccine passports and 15-minute cities, electrification and driverless cars. All of it based around the “energy too cheap to meter” from wind turbines and solar panels, and all of it operated by autonomous artificial intelligence within the “singularity” of the “internet of things.”
It is a mirage, of course… one only visible to so-called “virtuals” – people whose lives and careers are now so detached from the material world that, were there not so many of them, could otherwise be diagnosed as certifiably insane. The real world, meanwhile, looks more akin to the second global collapse – the first being the collapse of the integrated economies of the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean empires sometime around 1186 BCE. The majority of ordinary people have seen their living standards decline over the past two decades – a process compounded and accelerated by two years of lockdowns followed by a year of self-destructive sanctions on key resources.”?
Can this …whatever it is …. help save our planet?
Could this ….whatever it is …. help us prepare for future climate change?
Note how the outcomes are conveniently amorphous – “save our planet”, “prepare for future climate change”. But these outcomes are being pressed with breathless urgency as something we desperately need …..and once that meme has been sown, we can then sneak in the “whatever it is” bit. In this case:
“Enter AmazonFACE: a Brazilian experiment of “unprecedented scope,” which will simulate climate change using towers that spray carbon dioxide into an exposed section of the rainforest. Three of the six towers will release carbon dioxide while three will serve as controls and will not emit any carbon dioxide. In effect: the Amazon rainforest has turned into an experimental laboratory for scientists to test the future effects of climate change in real-time.”
In other words a vast amount of fiddle faddle which, whatever else it is, will definitely amount to vast sums of dosh being siphoned away on wacky projects which no-one in the general public will ever be able to check up on.
How much dosh?
“Britain is contributing 7.3 million pounds” and “Rishi Sunak pledged 80 million pounds to the Amazon Fund”
Money which, I am sure, will be as well spent as the untold gazillions on face nappies, distancing signs, visors, plastic barriers etc. in that “fight against covid”.
Back to the original article:
“It feels like a gambit from a sci-fi movie, but it’s 100 percent real.”
The first part of that sentence is right.
And isn’t hyperbole always a giveaway? If something was real, you’d just say, “It’s real”. You wouldn’t say, “It’s 100 percent real”. The percentage reference introduces the slippery slope of gradation.
If this “science” in Brazil has any validity, then (a) CO2 only affects the vicinity of where it is generated (b) all rich countries that pollute (through production or imports) are absolved of any need to finance mitigation in poor countries.
“Our Common Agenda”? And who is “our”? It’s certainly not adult humans with authority of design, negotiation, consent or reject policies and actions OUR governments intend to carry out. Public-private-partnerships are code term for the corporate state, the definition of fascism by Mussolini.
So when are you going to call the laughable submarine drama as a fake? The way it’s being promoted just screams “psyop” to me.
Digital-ID will be setup by your ‘government’ as a legal Trust, with split title.
The office of ‘beneficiary’ will be a legal-fiction (corporation) that they created soon after you were born, and he who creates, controls.
In their system the People occupy the office of the debtor, or payee, responsible for all the debts.
It looks like one solution is to legally & lawfully separate yourself from this legal-fiction that they created.
Create your own Trust to interact with the Commercial world, with a legal-persona that you control occupying the office of ‘beneficiary’ while the State becomes the debtor/payee.
Stop identifying with the legal-fiction that they created in order to deceive us.
When organisations immediately say things like “We care about your privacy” it rings alarm bells.
“Public-Private Partnership:”
This is what ruined Britain under the New Liebore regime of TB.Liar & G.Brown.
Re Partnership:
“Daddy, what’s Business Ethics?”
“Suppose a customer buys a $10 item and pays me with a $100 bill by mistake. He turns to leaves with his purchase, and here comes the question of business ethics: Should I share the $90 with my partner?”
If I could send a link to someone who thinks I’m a conspiracy theorist, it would only confirm their diagnosis. “I’ve got nothing to hide. What’s wrong with being inclusive? It will help to stop the climate catastrophe. I suppose you support online hate.” Etcetera, et bloody cetera. Oh yes I nearly forgot- ” It would have stopped the Kovid Karnage, seven million needless deaths, obviously you don’t care about them.” I’m completely stumped as to what might influence the Television Hordes.
Is it possible that Assange, being one of a handful of hacker/journalists who has the ability and the wherewithal to expose the Plandemic, will be ‘Epsteined’?
We know it was planned at least ten, maybe twenty years ago, so they set him up, and locked him up to avoid awkward questions and investigations.
His Life clock is ticking.
Protected to death.
Of topic,
Admittedly this is saying a lot but this might be the most insane thing I’ve read yet:
“Queering nuclear weapons: How LGBTQ+ inclusion strengthens security and reshapes disarmament”
This mentions “the common belief that queer identity has no relevance for nuclear policy”.
That not a “common belief”. The lack of relevance is so fucking glaring that no-one with a brain would have suggested otherwise.
Now get ready to dive into crazy like you’ve never seen before:
“During this Pride Month, we would like Bulletin readers to understand that the visible representation and meaningful participation of queer people matters for nuclear policy outcomes. Discrimination against queer people can undermine nuclear security and increase nuclear risk. And queer theory can help change how nuclear practitioners, experts, and the public think about nuclear weapons.”
We are informed that about 10% of the general population identify as gay.
So we can safely assume the same applies in the halls of authority.
Does that mean gays have considerable sway over decisions and decision makers?
Just askin.
I don’t think it’s safe to assume anything. What does it mean that 10% “identify as gay”? Does that mean they are gay? Or (always a valid suspicion with these polls) are they just ‘avin a bit of fun? As for the “halls of authority” – well who knows what goes on there? And if it’s true that gays have considerable sway over decisions and decision makers, what does that mean?
Considering that last point we seem to have done a bit of a turnaround. Back in the old John Wayne days, the ideas of “fags” having decision making powers especially in the military would have been viewed as a weakening of national defense. Now it’s “worrying” that there aren’t enough gays/bisexuals/non-binary/multiple-quandrangular/whatever running the military.
“queer” has another meaning, and “pride” is one of the 7 deadly sins.
Just sayin.
They are taking the piss. Don’t you realise? At some point you have to accept that by reacting to it, you’re doing exactly what they want.
SO true. Although I don’t fault George for that as I do read his posts, so I’m as guilty as all of us are. But I remind myself of your point at least once a day now, when I am stupid enough to read the idiotic “news feed” and find myself getting outraged. That doesn’t always stop the outrage, but it does help me get it under control. Sometimes….
I like George’s posts too. But I’ll still point out his shortcomings. Honestly, if you’re getting outraged it means you haven’t fully grasped the nature of the beast. It’s all manufactured to steer us, our emotions and behaviours. Do they ever speak truth? Of course, but the point is they can’t be trusted so it’s better to assume everything is bullshit or lies until shown otherwise. And even better if you ignore them totally because that’s what disarms them.
Pimp my bomb!
Many assumptions here. One, that “queer people” are all against nuclear weapons. Two, that anyone outside the halls of power has the slightest affect on “nuclear policy.” Three, that “queer theory” (whatever that might be) is so broad it embraces even nuclear weapons – do certain bombs has labels which read “Can only be launched by queers?”
Pride Day/Week/Month is another example of PR taking a good idea and making it absurd beyond belief.
Having a knack for PR should be as suspicious as, say, having a knack for assassination.
In Tranny World, all nuclear decision makers must be dickless, as there is no future for Trannies. No chance of second thought…
Refresh the tree of Liberty with the tyrants…
I’m sure they will be enforcing a wonderful business opportunity for themselves at all our expense in order to make sure the whole world has all of their new and critically important technology.
“achieved by inserting a digital filter between people and reality”
Perfectly expressed, Kit.
This is so hypocritical of the controllers:
“Disinformation, hate speech and malicious and criminal activity in cyberspace raise the risks and costs for everyone online […] we must strengthen accountability for harmful and malicious acts online.”
How about doing away with disinfo and hate speech in the MSM and criminal activity in politics, the institutions and Big Biz, and holding the malicious individuals involved to account?
When and how will the costs – physical harm and death – to all those who listened to the disinformation by politician, health officials and the mainstream media relating to the now openly admitted not safe and effective Covid jabs be compensated for?
The excess mortality rate in all the much-jabbed countries don’t even begin to tell the whole story of this criminal endeavour.
I inadvertently got sidetracked into a long covid thread today and it appears the Covid vaccine fans are still convinced about the wonderful vaccine. Sad to say but the brainwashing operation is far from over.
What do you expect when there’s no strategy in place to wake up the masses and all the dissidents are fine staying in their eco chambers. This will definitely help others waking up.
Good points. I think there is still a wall of money being thrown at convincing people about the dangers of long covid and about the benefits of the vaccines. Money buys a lot of influence….. but truth will eventually win.
I sadly agree.
I had a conversation yesterday with a dear friend. She just cannot believe Doctors would administer these shots if they knew they were dangerous. That people who took the shots were better off because they did not get cvid. (What???)
Many/most cannot wrap their heads and hearts around the fact that medicine can be corrupted. Or that the government would lie to us.
I generally to do not participate in conversations of this order because I just get too frustrated.
Some people may be slowly waking up to the fraud, but from what I see most are still believing in the official narrative and are rolling up the sleeves, not for Summer sunshine, but for Autumn bivalents.
It is indeed: “Leftist Taylor Lorenz ‘Survived’ a ‘Terrifying’ Maskless Situation“
How about easing up on Public-private Partnerships? In essence, this is either (a) shovelling public wealth into the trough for the biggest swine, or (b) changing laws to make the public dependent on them.
Ah but they love to bundle, don’t they? Disinformation and criminal activity both “raise the risks and costs for everyone online.” Who would have guessed that disinformation costs as much as being scammed online?
Yes, you lost a hundred bucks – but someone told you something that may not have been true: so it’s as if you actually lost two hundred bucks!
“You better watch your step, pr else Robbie the intelligent robot will turn you in.” 😀
I still recall when Chomsky wrote down most of the “science ” around manipulation of language for propaganda purposes during the 1960s . I also remember mocking it as tedious and claiming that it couldn’t possible have any effect outside of academia . A joke in some circles being that only Germans would ever fall for that shit ! Not funny or unbelievable these days ?
Yes ‘digital security’ is all the rage right now. The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) sent a letter to its half a million members saying that the servers their ‘outsourced service provider’ Capita used to store all critical member ID information (you know the sort of thing: DOB, NI number, bank account details, sex etc etc) was ‘hacked’.
Our recompense for this ‘efficiency’ is one year’s free access to some website that ‘helps clients with the potential effects of identity theft’.
As USS doesn’t need to manage its investments in any way but as a total fund, it doesn’t need any data whatsoever of a critical nature stored on a hackable server: it can store them in old fashioned safes on old-fashioned paper.
So when you see ignorant f***wits at the UN talking about ‘digital security’, they are basically saying: ‘we want to expose you all to having your private information hacked in a way that wouldn’t be possible in the analogue era.’
Not only information but the money in your bank account too. Safer as cash stuffed under your mattress or gold buried in the back yard.
The (scum) are always promoting some crap, isn’t it about time the parasites crawled back under their rocks & left humanity to live in peace. Fcking weirdos need to be put in a insane asylum for the rest of their miserable lives out of harms way. Just wishful thinking on my part.
If enough of us wish for it maybe it will miraculously happen.
We all need to know and understand how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are being used as a euphemism for tyranny and despotism.
This is a great place to start.
SDG16: Part 1 — Building the Global Police State
For real humans, the only choice is to resist the non-human system being imposed.
Those that resist must also except that death or imprisonment is a potential result.
Choose how you go if you can.
If history is a lesson, tyrants do not return power back to the people peacefully, and many innocent people will hang in the process.
Find your hill and stand your ground.
The Tree of Liberty is thirsty.
Some of us are fully prepared and armed as we have been recommended.
Come and get us, turds.
The newspeak is getting worse and worse. From “Common Agenda” to “Global Digital compact”.
It reminds me of Confucius teaching: If language and word is not correct, your actions will be futile.
They do it for the greater good.
Is what swindlers and fraudsters always do.
And people like to believe the lie, as the lie saves them from their burdensome own responsibility
I can only shake my head and wonder why people act so obedient and dependent. Yet they do.
In this world you have sadists, masochists, and people who get really hurt.
Guess it’s for people who can see to avoid the hurt as much as possible and try to help out the ones who got hurt (and want the hurting to stop).
As for my masochistic friends who believe that I am a conspiracy theorist: they like a good beating, so sending this report to them won’t help them very much…
Strange world
Great presentation:
I start to hate the internet. Fuck it i gonna go analog soon!
Thinking the same thing. Goodbye bad habits.
Analogue will be banned as “hate-deed”.
When it isn’t regurgitating corporate gloop (“cloud-based data platforms, blockchain-enabled tracking systems …. unlock new capabilities …environmental and social impacts across value chains.”), the language used is permeated by fear: repetition of “social protection” along with “hate speech and malicious and criminal activity … harmful and malicious acts online” which are supposed to be minimised or abolished. But I can’t think of any “environment” more vague, vaporous, and insecure as this mysterious cyber-currency realm. You really want your entire wealth to be “beamed up” into this technological black hole?
The boilerplate and superfluous neologisms, with a liberal sprinking of hopium (promises), are meant to overwhelm attempts to evaluate and keep track of what is being said. This is far easier on video.
The Malthusian Pretext is a hunter/gatherer ideology of economy. This is a pretext for an imposed or engineered scarcity, and a suppression of labor multipliers like mechanization and technology. Indeed, the promise of the industrial revolution was not long ago heralded as a benefit to labor, in the form of increased leisure time and shortened work weeks.
However, another aspect of the Malthusian Pretext is a reduction of labor as a “cost of doing business,” rather than as an asset to a production of wealth in and of its own right. Labor competes with rent and profit, a point illuminated by Lizzie Magie’s 1904 Landlord’s Game. Her game was plagiarized 30 years later by Parker Brothers and named Monopoly. Modern Malthusianism is old world feudalism with a Corporate Interface.
In 1879 American born economic philosopher Henry George published Progress & Poverty, wherein George explores the cause of poverty in the midst of what was viewed as economic progress. George refutes Malthus, and shows how labor creates its own wage, that wages are neither a demand nor a liability upon the wealth or capital of another, but rather, compensation in a value-for-value exchange. George was also against taxing labor and set out land rents as a source for government revenues.
So, in its fuller expression, the Malthusian Pretext, then, is a hunter/gatherer ideology of preferred scarcity, constricted possibility, suppression of technology, economic servitude, war and ultimately genocide. ~ ELM4782
Malthusians need to grow up.
Attempting to redefine Malthus using current buzzwords and beliefs is unhelpful if you are actually seeking solutions for todays disasters ?
The Neo-Malthusians are in charge now, so it’s imperative to dissect Malthus and forever debunk his ancient theory. It should be THE topic of discussion today.
Just think about how dehumanizing and immature that is, to rate a person. It reminds me of Mark Zukerberg’s college rating app. on students. Yet this is the same system that technocrats want to use on us globally.
Dont forget the children, a pure cost in Western Malthusian society. I met a single mother in Latin-A with 11 children, the 7 were her own and 4 from other family.
She walked 5 km a day to the crops where she earned $150/mth. The little house with 3 bedrooms equipped with 3 mobil phones, refrigerator, freezer, TV and stereo, and later came 3 laptops.
The children were all clean and well dressed, and addressed the local school. Their only wish was a steel mesh in front of the windows to sleep more secure from drunkyards and petty thieves trying to break into the house through the windows.
This is a true story. The children were an enormous value to her and themselves, creating networks through fiancees, school, education and some worked.
Enough to be out of reach from suppression and modern slavery.
Do not comply and refuse to participate. In South Africa they are going full steam ahead with Digitals ID’s.
They have issued for comment the National Identification and Registration Bill and also a new digital drivers license naturally with Biometric data. Of course they will also want to use your private property for their convenience and that is where you MUST refuse, they want to use YOUR Cellular smart phone that you pay or paid for. Say NO.
The apps will require invasive permissions, and will use the data plan you pay for. If it is damaged or stolen, will they pay for it?
w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan, David Icke…
Well, this looks very interesting. Thanks.
So you think that the elites were joking when they said that you will own nothing and be happy?
Dinner is served 🦗
The Fraud has been weeing its pants about a mortgage timebomb about to go off under a large section of the UK home-owning sector.
In the short term, this is about getting Labour elected – but in the slightly longer term, it’s about ending the belief in home ownership (the biggest think most people own of course).
Usufruct here we come….
P.S. What’s going on with the Hunter Biden charges? Some sort of deal involving daddy not standing again in 2024? Step forward someone who might be able to counter RFKjr? (Newsom?)
Usufruct here we come….
Well, it works, but not in a Mammon “uber alles”influenced society.
Think: co-operatives. I am a member of a carsharing org, where 300 members share “ownership” of 24 cars/trucks. It is almost 20 years old.
Nothing to do with the parasitic usurious organized crime prank-thought prison we find ourselves in.
They aim to serve humanity.
It is for the common good and I believe in it. They would never do it if it was not good for humanity. They are do-gooders of yous and gois.
the elite will have special and total controll and not be subject but will controll the whole digital system like they now controll the issue of money and credit of which they have UNLIMITED money and credit at their whim and disposal, also special status free from ” a i ” controll and free of all policies they will impose on the plebs general population… dear good God please help us all return to goodness truth and You
If you think God will save you you are part of the problem
Grow A PAIR, Alex.
YOU return to to goodness truth and (God).
Only each person can access the devine by themselves.
It’s also known as, “The Anarchy of Jesus”.
god is waiting for us to save ourselves… again…
…….and again there is only one fateful man who knows and outperform justice.
The rest are occupied in swinger clubs, gay marriages, parades, endless wars, flat earth, clima, women in power, next election, fatty pills, jabs, my life and why wont God save my arse, and other bs.
… or waiting for us to grow a pair and wake up …
He isn’t supposed to do everything for us – how could we possibly evolve if He did…?