UPDATED: An attempted coup in Russia?

Update – “coup” aborted, Progozhin leaves Russia for Belarus, will not be prosecuted [jump]
The breaking news from Russia today is that Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder and leader of the Wagner mercenary group, has “declared war on Russia’s military leadership”.
Allegedly, Wagner units have started moving eastwards from Ukraine toward Moscow, taking the city of Rostov-on-Don.
According to various reports from Western media outlets, the FSB has already opened criminal proceedings against Prigozhin.
Vladimir Putin addressed the nation a few hours ago, accusing the mercenary leader of treason and vowing “decisive action”:
⚡️FULL PUTIN SPEECH ON WAGNER REBELLIONhttps://t.co/6WheR7HKNm pic.twitter.com/FSlNLADCxg
— Going Underground (@GUnderground_TV) June 24, 2023
Other reports claim the Russian air force has already taken out Wagner units.
So what’s going on here?
- Is this another act of stage-managed conflict to fuel a narrative?
- Are Wagner in the pay of Western nations in an old-fashioned colour revolution?
- Is this the response of a Russian Military sick of Russia’s “special military operation”?
- Or is Prigozhin the face of a Russian Nationalist movement who are tired of Russia working to a globalist agenda?
- Will the “special military operation” morph into a Russian civil war?
Discuss in the comments below.
UPDATE: New reports are claiming that Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has negotiated a “truce”, halting the Wagner march on Moscow and ending the incipient “civil war” before it began.
As part of the terms of this deal Prigozhin will leave Russia for Belarus, and will not face any criminal charges. Remaining Wagner units will be signed to new contracts with the Russian military.
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Russia did not invade Ukraine in February 2022 nor at any time after. The only war in Ukraine is the 9 year old conflict in the east. Everyone was exposing the fake news coming from Ukraine in the early months of 2022. What happened? It’s just as fake as it ever was. The US and China would like nothing more than to lure Russia into Ukraine and start a war between the former and the EU in order to weaken the two before US and China go to war with each other. You must not forget that the “pandemic” had nothing to do with “new normal”. It was a pretext to fund world war 3 and transnational weapons monopolies. Obama never left office, He is needed to appease workers in the US and soften the up to accetp war. Trump and Biden’s presidency is as fake as the pandemic
If you are following the Ukraine/Russia ‘war’ and its developments, the matrix still has you…
Russia did no invade Ukraine yet. Its a fake war. The war in the east is real and has been going on since 2014.
También se trata de las ventas y compras de armas de los Lobis Armamentistas Globalistas y que tanto como a Rusia y Ucrania es lo que les da el despegue de sus respectivas economías, es una guerra defensiva y contra………
Sorry if this has already been posted here:
A complete and rational analysis at last: https://open.substack.com/pub/bigserge/p/russo-ukrainian-war-the-wagner-uprising?r=1crci7&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
Still Dreaming of Belt & Road
June 26, 2023
Efrat Fenigson @efenigson
@S_Yerushalmi reporting:
Bibi Netanyahu’s Office and the Chinese President’s Office are in advanced talks ahead of Netanyahu’s visit to Beijing next month. Political sources say: The visit is intended to signal to Washington that Netanyahu has options. “Netanyahu will not stand and wait for an invitation to the White House. He works in parallel channels”
And I wonder what such a trigger word might have been that it could have sent such an innocuous comment straight to pending …
Slightly OT, though nevertheless important imho:
Does anyone recall the source of the prophecy about Russia being completely surrounded prior to End Times? (which we would seem to be witnessing firsthand). Prior to the Return of Christ?? Thought it was Dostoevsky, but it doesn’t appear so.
I do recall such a scenario vaguely from my youth, but don’t recall the precise source. So any help would be appreciated from those of a more religious orientation …
The first casualty in war is the Truth.
I’d be inclined to take Prigozhin at his word. He was simply reacting to the prospect of the disbandment of PMC Wagner in the best way he knew how. By demonstrating the PMC’s military superiority over the regular Russian army. No coup intended.
Stick a rifle in a regular army recruit’s hand and tell them to go shoot at trained, professional mercenaries. Then sit back with the popcorn and guess who will win?
This was Russia’s problem (from what I recall) with the first Chechen war in Grozny.
But consolidation of power also plays into it. Nobody can tolerate a rival. Especially one critical of all one’s military decisions.
Watching Russia State TV earlier today, the line was all about Prigozhin being a traitor and making the argument that the private army should be disbanded.
Prigozhin imho provided the best military counter-argument to that by getting to within 200km of Moscow, disabling all military bases and air fields en route, as if they didn’t exist. Then departing peacefully with minimal bloodshed.
What better way to make a point than with an utterly superior display of talent?
Prigozhin denies trying to overthrow Russian government
I don’t know and don’t pretend to, but the March on Moscow rings more than a tad false and theatrical to me, and makes me think of a half-baked, put-up, Mussolini’s March on Rome.
If you are interested in the opinion from Russia, then Vagabard is generally right.
The layout is this:
30% – support Prigozhin, as they hate the officials of the Ministry of Defense whom he opposed.
30% – repeat Putin’s words in everything.
25% – are chauvinists who hate people from business (including PMCs).
15% – support the West.
Best analysis of “P’s Coup”:
(English is available w a single click.)
It’s quite long; in order to bypass what you are likely to already know I advise scrolling down to the heading “Everything We Know About P’s Coup Attempt in Russia” by Marinella Mondaini
A few highlights from the entire link:
–Did Russian Intelligence allow P’s obvious powerlust & friction w Russian Defense Dept to continue developing in order to flush out the internal supports for anti-govt action?
–A useful result from permitting P’s “March for Justice” is that he is no longer a political force– he WAS becoming quite the hero and w political aspirations.
–There had previously been friction between P and Russian govt. Efforts to bring P’s forces firmly w/in the control and purview of Russian Defense Dept were not entirely successful– like requiring all mercenaries to register w Defense, etc.
–Was P promised more support than he got, as entrapment?
-more- at the link
Ah, even more info here & more excitingly written:
Are there Russian unpaid volunteers? And is it really the practice of Shoigu’s MOD to send them away from where they’re protecting their families & locales?
Couldn’t find the “Click” and can’t read Spanish. But have a look at the link I’ve signposted above (https://open.substack.com/pub/bigserge/p/russo-ukrainian-war-the-wagner-uprising?r=1crci7&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post). It clarified muchas things for me, and convincingly explains the “march on Moscow” I had found particularly strange.
Thanks, StStephen. Both elespiadigital & roloslavskly make the same point as BigSerge: that Prigozhin didn’t want to bring Wagner under MoD control. One of the sites also made the point that he’d had some recent unassociated financial setbacks in business– and that his daughter had been denied some sort of financial license or whatever by St Petersberg govt.
Since Prigozhin’s always seemed a bit of an hysterical grandstander it could almost be described as his version of the Canadian Truckers demonstration. I believe him when he says the shooting down of the 2 aircraft was a mistake. I don’t think he could have given orders for such an action.
Speaking of which– I wonder exactly how that happened. Did soldiers really get nervous & shoot down the aircraft w/o orders? Bizarre! Of course they did have the equipment & ammo to do it.
(Sorry about elespiadigital; it usually displays a box covering part of the screen w choice of English or Spanish)
I used to fall for Poo tin’s speeches. Here was a strong leader standing up against the corrupt West!
But to believe this is to not realise how far fallen this world is. Poo tin is controlled opp. They got all sides covered. Just like Trump, China, etc.
Jesus said there will be rumours of wars and many false prophets.
See to it that you are not perturbed. Stand strong, put your faith in the Holy One. You are going to need it!
fuck off with your magic J. Take your abrahamic slave cult drivel with you.
Religion has become a one-to-one thing – and, frankly, that’s the next logical step for further human evolution.
Crass materialism is going nowhere, but of course we are currently witnessing its desperate denial.
Abraham belonged to his time and his place, and has nothing much to say to modern man, but J. spoke to the future as well as the present 2,000 years ago.
Try as you might, you won’t find anything suggesting a slave cult in the New Testament – which is not to say that corrupt, retrogressive people can’t try to use the Gospels to promote cults. We already know they can.
We are actually quite free to build a personal relationship with the Spirit, because nobody is telling us how we must interpret the books of the New Testament.
Those books are pointers, guidelines and inspiring words, which would only belong to a cult if a would-be ‘leader’ insisted upon their enforcement.
In that respect, we have to realize that a group of people calling themselves some sort of ‘Christians’, doesn’t automatically mean that they have the faintest idea what they are doing.
Best to read up on it, then make up one’s own informed mind.
Jesus loves you.
The Great Reset is already here. 2020 marks the beginning of the most ambitious reshaping of the public psyche since WW2. Indeed, the project may go further than that. The masses are being re-educated into nothing less than a complete denial of the concept of human as it has stood since at least the enlightenment. In fact the re-shaping even denies more basic concepts that go back much further e.g. the gobsmacking erasure of sex itself.
That part of the project alone is devastating. The transgender psyop has been marked from the beginning by a curious sexlessness. This comes from its exclusion of any concern for actual relationships. The very term “non-binary” hints at a lack of coupling. Thus this psyop actively DENIES sexual activity. It also throws the young into a solipsitic prison where mental illness is guaranteed.
But that is only one strand in an ongoing saga which aims, as always, to intrude on the activities of the minions and render these minions neutered and defenceless. This age old struggle has acquired a deadly new acceleration.
If it’s the “most ambitious reshaping of the public psyche”, perhaps it might be a good thing if you shut the fuck up about it and stopped regurgitating and propagating this bullshit. There is NO Great Reset, apart from the perception thereof implanted in your skull. Things are progressing gradually just like they always have.
Observe reality, not how it’s spun for you by the media cocksuckers.
Sure RP let’s talk about something else instead. How about fluffy little kittens?
Not bad, actually. If your nano-brain can’t come up with something more meaningful, such as a positive, constructive alternative to the nefarious global developments, it’s better if you talk about fluffy little kittens or something like that.
FFS, shut the fuck up about the Great Reset. There’s no such thing. It’s a perception of an inevitable future implanted in that pea-sized brain of yours. The more you run at the mouth about it, the more real it becomes.
Ah so grasshopper, reality depends on my belief in it? Let me get comfortable now. Umdiggydiggy………
The reality is that the Great FUCKING Reset exists because you keep FUCKING yapping about it.
Shut the feck up, and there will be no Great FUCKING Reset.
There will be the usual goings-on, developments this way, that way, the other way.
The Great FUCKING Reset is the same non-existent concoction as the FUCKING COVID.
Get it through your thick head.
Hi Jacques. Almost everyone scrolls past your expletives. Yes things fucking suck we know that. If you use less aggression in the comments, you will reach at least some people.
How can I possibly improve on the scintillatingly astute analysis of that? Such depth! Such insight!
It is IMO. If we refer to the current time period as the GR and nothing more, the impression left on our mind is that we are going through a time period which guards no connexion whatsoever with the previous developments, which could not be predicted from these as a probable continuation. This in turn leads to the belief in the idea that a group of people arbitrarily, as if out of pure wickedness, decided to impose on us this thing out of the blue.
The reality however is that what is termed GR is the completion of the movement of digitisation of the economy which was well under way years ago.
I think we lose a great wealth of considerations by just referring to it as the GR.
The Great Reset does not imply no connexion whatsoever with what happened previously. Quite the opposite. It must be a reset from something. The term simply indicates an attempted drastic mutation. And it will indeed be that. To try to ditch the term is to deny the scale of what is happening.
But do you think what is termed the GR is a continuation of a mouvement of digitisation that started earlier, or a break away from that mouvement and then it is something totally new and different? If the latter then saying “the GR” is self-explanatory as the ahistorical novelty is understood; if the former as I believe it is then by just saying it’s “the GR” we risk occulting the historical content that leads to it.
To be frank I’m less concerned about how we refer to it than understanding it – this time period – for what it is, but I find repeating and focusing too much on the term on the contrary makes us dismiss its content. Maybe I’m just whining about people repeating GR this, GR that without keeping in mind what it is…
“Digitisation”? I see this GR as something the parasite class have finally started to apply because the huge crash the Left have been predicting for so long is now looming too close and the GR is now being implemented. This doesn’t mean they will -or even can- get away with it. But they will push it as much as possible.
Your problem is that you see the world through the lens of “the parasite class vs. the poor oppressed class”.
You assign guilt for every negative phenomenon, for everything you don’t like to the alleged “parasite” class and more or less implicitly insinuate that the solution is to eradicate the “parasite class”.
This has very little to do with reality, especially the naive idea that you can eliminate the alleged “parasite class”, whoever the fuck they’re supposed to be.
Solace to you might be that you’re not the only deluded twit operating this way.
So, why don’t you stop constantly whining about it and either a) actively oppose it and/or b) proposing something different that’s more to your liking.
Are drastic changes ahead? Is digitization a “drastic” change? Hardly. It’s been going on for something like half of a century. It’s a continuous process.
…perseverare autem diabolicum.
Errare humanum est…
And speaking of suckers…
Hello George Mc: You must be referring to the neutered and defenseless intelligentsia of the masses. The civilian public has been so media bamboozled and overwhelmed, they can’t even figure out what’s between their legs…
Public enemy number One is the military/industrial/legal system that hijacked rational public debate in the late 1800’s, and turned the world into a fucking circus…
Yes, but is Putin a tranny?
The sexual dysfunction is not necessarily orchestrated ( but certainly exploited) . Other animals have been observed to exhibit similar abnormal non-reproductive sexual behaviours when under stress factors such as overcrowding, habitat loss and pollution.
It can signify nature’s way of dealing with the human problem. Blaming it all on the cabal will only carry us so far.
If we don’t remove the parasites destroying the biosphere ( through not just pollution and macro-scale destruction but also by meddling with genetics) nature will come up with a more radical and unilateral solution. It would be nice to think that only the bad apples can be culled but somehow I don’t think there will any such judgment because true divinity does not judge.
Rather, it wil be a real Great Reset– probably a pole shift which will truly wipe the slate clean.
Gonzogone, A couple of studies indicate that those having sexual identity problems are high on the autism spectrum. It’s worse in the US, cuz we’re the worst w the vaccines.
Childhood vaccines, esp in such overwhelming numbers damage kids’ brains, they become at least mildly autisitic and look for the solution to their discomfort in sex-change.
Well put, George, but tell us how you think that spins into the Russian politico-militaro psychodrama.
Strangely, I’d hazard a guess that the psyche of many who read OffG hasn’t been at all ‘reshaped’.
Speaking personally, I’m just a heck of a lot more angry than I used to be.
They can’t implement.
It’s a ruse. It’s to make the 2020 “Awake” believe a beast system is coming so we accept the “Saviour” that halts it & supposedly saves us.
I know many here are Atheists. But it’s just hubris. We are not an accident. The “Devil” has control over this realm. We are being led to a “False light”. Whomever “Saves” us from the Wef/Agenda 21/2030 is what some call, the anti Christ.
We’re being taken to the brink to accept a demon as our saviour. But it will come at a cost. The cost is to further, voluntarily, accept further corruption of our Souls or as some call it DNA..
Looks possible to me that Putin and Prigozhin may have delivered a present to Kiev via Belarus? Could be Russia exile Progozhin will lead an army of Belarus prisoners to Sumy, Ukraine and thence to Kiev… a second front near Kiev.. could be in play.. quite interesting. it may be months before the meaning of the Prigozhin coup is sorted out.
Right. What are the facts?
Fact No. 1: Prigozhin is one bad motherfucker.
Fact No. 2: Prigozhin is closer to Kiev than before and closer to Poland too.
Fact No. 3: Belarus is getting nukes.
The rest is a bunch of bullshit that could mean anything, and people can yap about it as long as they did about stats about how many cases of COVID there were on any given day or whether virus is virus or exosome.
I just saw this comment from one Robin Monotti:
“It’s black & white, authored, in print, in a hard paper volume, yet Great Reset denialists will still call it a “conspiracy theory”. The “Great Reset” is about implementing a digital control grid via the Trojan horses of “vaccines”, “climate” & Central Bank Digital Currencies””
Remarkable. It’s not even “hidden in plain sight”. It’s just…. in plain sight. And it’s just a bit of a laugh really.
But then again the magic noise “conspiracy theory” just makes it …. all go away.
Robin Monotti has been solid from the start.
One should trust one’s instincts. When something in the back of the head tells you that what you’re observing is a crock of shit, the chances are high that, indeed, it’s a crock of shit.
The something in the back of my head head that tells me that what we’re observing is a crock of shit is the existence of essentially an autonomous army in Russia. Creating a unit kinda outside the legal framework to do stuff that can’t be done officially? Definitely. Allowing the existence of a sizeable independent armed force? In a rather autocratic country like Russia? Give me a fucking break!
I don’t have the first clue as to what’s going on, but the chances are high that any of the official or semi-official explanations is as distant from reality as the claimed mortality of the alleged virus SARS-CoV-2.
“One should trust one’s instincts. When something in the back of the head tells you that what you’re observing is a crock of shit, the chances are high that, indeed, it’s a crock of shit.
Yup. Your comments are a crock of shit…
Last time I checked, 8 of 10 top headlines were Wagner, Putin, Prigo-prima Donna, at the Graun-yawn, just like Covid… what else does one need to understand actually, seriously ?
Pass the soap ? Or make your own soap ? Simples.
Why bother reacting ? Better resolve issues…
I don’t know & there are few facts available, therefore my dogmatic conclusion is . . .
Why are there so many people on this site who imagine that their speculations are knowledge??
Who is fooling whom here? The Pres. of Belarus is a close confidant and/or ally of Putin so, why would he want to be seen to be offering succour to a traitorous boof-head like the ‘alleged’ leader of Wagner?? The kabuki sucks … because it is so low-down on the plausibility index. Even the deranged FBI orchestrate better scams than this, made-for-TV charade. Machiavelli would blanch at the amateurish attempt at deception. To the planners – how bloody embarrassing.
Saudi was a close ally of US. Why did it take in every other ousted satrap or terrorist leader?
The Guardian very briefly mentioned Russian security agents finding boxes filled with money in Wagber’s St Petersburg head office. 37 million dollars to be precise.
It hasnt been mentioned again and appears to have generated little interest, but whenever i find 37mil in a box, 3 questions spring immediately to mind.
1. Who’s is it?
2. Who’s was it?
3. What’s it for?
I’d be unsurprised to learn that the CIA have a receipt for a similar amount. They have plenty of form in this area after all. And perhaps Prigozhin is being rewarded with a holiday in Belarus after stealing 37 million dollars from the Yanks.
Perhaps not, we’ll see. But it makes more sense than the current narrative.
Objective, Matt, AБВГД
Receipt? Do they have audited annual accounts?
Matt, Rusvesna reported it, too. But the source or purpose is unknown. Maybe getting a bribe wd be more secure in one’s Swiss account, no? Could even be a story planted by Russian govt to discredit Prigozhin. Did you see my comment & link about Russian Intell?
(Jun 26 7:12 pm)
But if you’re going to launch a surprise invasion, you totally line up your forces on the border for everyone to see and every news agency to report for a few weeks first, right? That’s war 101: always broadcast what you’re about to do! Liosaid
I wont be reading or donating to Off Giardian any longer after someone refused to post my comments and you continur to promote the idea that Trump and Biden are real presidents. The elephant in the room has been the financial oligarchy’s favourite son, Obama.
From day one I have claimed that the fake pandemic was about transferring trillions to the war machine for WW3 whilst you all clung to the failed hypothesis of “new nirmal”. Maybe someone out there will finally listen to my theory of Obama’s covert presidency and his official “return” with a GOP in a unity WW3 ticket You’ll see. Goodbye forever
Your mind. Your view. Bye.
I’d tend to agree with you. Certainly insofar as the “new normal” or “Great Reset”. Totally nondescript terms, concepts that will keep people busy for eons while stuff gets concocted behind their backs.
Most of the shit that people get hot under the collar about are red herrings.
OK, you say Obama is the main agent for Anglo-Zionazi-Capitalism in the U$ Democratic Party. I say Obama and Clinton. Obama was born to bankers who laundered CIA drug money. Lord and Lady MaClinton of Arkansaw ran a bloody trail to the airport that landed CIA drugs; and finally married into Rothschild bank Goldman Sachs. So they have rights to the title. But where is your proof?
“Ideas are free but facts are expensive” — Technology proverb.
“First Principle of Military Strategy: Never march on Moscow” — Monty.
“La Russia ha 3 grandi generali, il generale neve, il generale fango e il generale distanza; nessuno li ha mai sconfitti.” — From the movie Mussolini ultimo Atto (1974)
Can’t read it without translate what’s it’s say…please.
Wagner isn’t a private security contractor.
Wagner is a cover story for an active duty Spetsnaz unit.
Wagner was created in 2014 as a way to get Russian forces deployed in Syria legally without amending the law which forbids Russian forces to fight outside Russian borders. Later in 2014 the Duma passed a law allowing Russian regular forces to deploy and fight in Syria however Wagner remained and went on to fight in Libya , Sudan and other African nations..
Wagner are Ukrainians
Whoever comes up with these narratives is like a child who thinks he’s invisible when he closes his eyes. They don’t think anyone will notice the obvious incongruities in their stories. The whole “2016 Russian election interference” and “Putin’s chef” history of Prigozhin and Wagner wasn’t being mentioned in the MSM stories about the “coup” at first, and now the efforts to tie up the loose ends of the mismatched narratives are laughably awkward.
Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder and leader of the Wagner mercenary group of you believe tha—- looks exactly like this fella….
For months Prigozhin has publicly criticized the Russian military high command as being ineffective and a hindrance to military tactical success. If anything I think he was contacted and seduced by Western intelligence and bribed to take action to thwart Russia’s successful counter to the failing Ukrainian “counteroffensive”. I notice that Putin is handling this just like in the US; where the big dogs aren’t held accountable or punished for their misdeeds.
The original leadership at the start of the “SMO” (war) did seem to be pretty awful and deserved all the criticism it could get. It reminded me of 1941 (Barbarossa) or even the Russo/Finnish (Winter) wars where the overwhelming superiority Russia had in materiel and manpower was squandered disastrously by bad planning at both the strategic and tactical level. However, times change and the present Russian military leadership seems to have got it right — their SMO isn’t about conquest but change. (Thanks to our western media we tend to think that history started on Feb.22 last year, neglecting to years of constant harassment of Russia by the west plus a rather nasty low key civil war in the east which left me wondering “What too them so long to react?”.)
The reaction by the Russian government to Wagner seems entire correct and fitting. There’s nothing to be gained by making matters worse, by seeking retribution. Like it or not Russia’s involved in a far bigger conflict than this relatively low key action in Ukraine. It has to secure a favorable outcome or be destroyed — not physically, but ideally Balkanized and ripe for (western) exploitation. Because after that — onto China!
(Personally, I wish “the West” would give it a rest and find something productive to do like learn to live with our neighbors rather than dominate them. (I’m an American.(Any sourness in mood can be blamed on spending a few hours up at the Ronald Regan Presidential Library complex — a nearby facility thatIrarely go near because I find profoundly upsetting)(because to little me it represents everything that’s wrong with America.)
Yes, Ronnie Raygun and Maggie Snatcher is where the Empire Strikes Back.
Off Guardian can you specify if my comments were not posted due to your decision? I have been targeted by Facebook and Twitter for years and am under surveillance due to my claims that Obama has been a covert president since 20 January 2017. Otherwise, what did I say that is so offensive?
Perhaps the mad idea that “Obama has been a covert president since 2017” had something to do with it…
I reckon if there was any substance to that theory, Obama would have achieved a lot more when he actually was president of the US.
Frankly, I’d say CondiRice would make more sense, if a ‘covert’ president is what you’re looking for.
She’s certainly a lot brighter than Obama, Biden, Trump and Bush combined, and it should go without saying that at this level of corruption, party affiliation is quite meaningless.
Obama will lead US into a global war with China in a “unity” party with a Republican. There may be a major psyop, a fake attack on A Listers to assemble a fake constitutional crisis. But honestly I am not sure how they will do it. The 22nd amendment will be all the rage but in reality it was repealed when Obama started his 3rd term in 2017. He’s now in his 4th. Do you know where Obama lives? He’s in the Kalorama neighborhood of DC just 5 minutes from the Whitehouse. I sincerely feel bad for you if you really believe that reality tv, insult comic Trump was really the president. Biden is still VP. The clues were everywhere. I’ve known this since 2016 and I am not allowed to have a Facebook page thanks to US intelligence spooks. In 2017 Obama met with global heads of state Merkel, Widodo and Trudeau on different months behind the guise of his foundation. I could go on and on. They convinced the world that millions were dying from a fake pandemic. So, what makes you think they couldnt pull this off as well? Read the headlines. They hint at it all the time. Today a story on CNN in the US is softening people up for it by claiming historically high numbers dont want either president Biden or Trump in 2024. Why was it already determined that Trump would be the leading GOP? He’s supossed to be indicted. You dont really believe that hilarious joke about secret documents in his bathroom do you? It’s a psyop, wake up. Even Putin and every congressman and senator know that Obama is still president. Yiu should know it too. That charade in April 2022 where everyone was gathered around Obama at the Whitehouse and Biden appeared lost was staged. Yes many are unwitting, of course. That day Obama addressed Biden as “VP Biden”. They joke about the very things they want t ok hide from you. I hope you consider what I’m saying. I’m very ill so please screenshot this comment for future reference
So, you wanna’ blame Obama. 9:11 ?
Where on earth did you get the idea that I think Trump is anything but just another place-holder, like the others I mentioned?
My point is that Obama is exactly the same, and not particularly bright either.
America hasn’t had a real president since, well, even before Hoover and others gradually made the requirements for the job such that any fool can sit in the White House.
And any fool has sat in the White House, Obama included.
You’re mad if you believe that Trump and Biden were presidents. Come on now.
Okay, you got me there… 🙂
You are bonkers .
You are adressing racists who believe that the gruesome murder of George Floyd in broad daylight was an illusion.
Who’s on First matters less than nothing since the US President no more runs the country than my dog Chico does. For all it matters, John Adams – the first President to actually reside in the White House – could still be sitting in the Oval Office.
Obama, Trump, Bush, Clinton, Biden: a threadbare puppet show fewer Americans care about every year.
That “Bidan” is unbelievable and doesn’t resemble the former real one, just the name is used.
I believe that Obama is the president, although it is not so important in the empire, where both “parties” are just wings of war machine.
This guy collected a few images.
In other articles he proposes foolish idea that Trump is the president, with whole that nonsense of fight against deep state.
Well of course. Presidents are chosen by the financial oligarchy, not in elections. This is my point. They need Obama to appease blacks but most blacks I know are not fooled by him. Trump is one of the billionaires that presidents like Obama represent. This is true of all countries and their PMs and presidents. So there is no division between Trump and Obama or Democrats and Republicans. They have always been united
Rishi Sunak recently said the Russian action in Ukraine was
He was not challenged this is the mainstream narrative
Despite heavy shelling into the west of Ukraine from the east of
Ukraine in the two weeks before and these regions asking for
Russia’s help
“Unprovoked” is that what it will say in the history books .
“Unprovoked” is that what it will say in the history books .
Depends who writes that history. The way the 21st century is heading, it will probably not be the EU$A.
We reject the globalists and all of their lies.
Talking of ‘unprovoked’, who decided to inflict Sushak upon us anyway?
Has anybody managed to find out why Putin doesn’t intend to press those ‘treason’ charges – at least theoretically?
POOF! The whole thing just evaporated.
What was it? 25,000 mercenary soldiers heading for Moscow?
Funny how nobody saw them…
Scott Ritter in an interview yesterday claimed Wagner Groups total force is around 25000 , and only a few were were sent on the road to Moscow , on which they were strafed by Putin’s still loyal Airforce force before they stood down .This minor revolt is strongly reminiscent of the hysterical reporting of an attempted revolt against the federal government in Washington in January ?These troop numbers bolster the widely held opinion of many of us that this “war” in Ukraine is much smaller than we are being led to believe.
The difference between the two is that the real January 6th attempted coup was behind the scenes. This coup plotters weren’t that bunch of misguided patriots, happenstance vandals and pretend militias that featured so prominently on TV. They looked the part, they could do a lot of damage and hurt, eve kill people but IMHO they were mostly noise. The real troublemakers wore suits and appear to have largely got away with it (and are quite likely to do it again, getting it right next time).
(Which is why I’m strongly against prosecuting the rioters for things like sedition. Criminal damage, by all means. Assault, of course. But sedition? Come on…)
I believe you’re right.
Hard to prove though from where I live…
“why Putin doesn’t intend to press those ‘treason’ charges – at least theoretically?”
Because President Putin is a War Dropper; a man of peace, a builder ratherthan a destroyer. He waited 8 years while his people were growing ever more restive because NATZO and its Ukro-Nazi proxies were genociding Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens. He signed 2 peace treaties with the EU$A (Minsk1 & 2) while we laughed at him, the sucker!, and bulit up the NATZO defense works at Backmut. Then we began to talk about giving Ukraine nuclear weapons…
Putin even halted the SMO after 1 month, to call the Istanbul peace treaty, which Ukraine signed — and which UK PM Johnson arrived in Kiev to scupper in person on behalf of the EU$A.
The Russians have a word for the EU$A: Non-agreement-capable.
“Let your Aye be Aye and your Nay be Nay” — The Good Book..
The reason I wanted to know why is simply because his rhetoric just a few hours earlier had been the rhetoric of severe retribution.
To me, it does seem rather flabby to talk about hauling people to account for treason, then saying, “Oh, never mind”…
It’s because I don’t think Putin is by any means a ‘flabby’ man that I felt some sort of explanation might be nice.
Information is different for different pay grades..
I am reminded of the highway of death as the Iraq army were slaughtered as they retreated from Kuwait.
So yes obviously the mercenaries could travel hundreds of miles down the M4
(not the one in the UK) without them being taken out from the air.
What did they have mobile air defence.
The whole story is stupid.
Stupid is the fashion in 2023…
If the “free press” is to be believed, as soon as the revolt was canceled, they wer redeployed to the battlefront.
Where they belonged. But now under regular Army discipline, no longer a poisonous Public / Private Partnership with divided loyalties.
On the positive side, the “Allies”, pundits and “free press” are crowing about corruption in the Russian military, discontent in Russia, and how weak Putin is. Expect them to keep this up for decades, just as for WW2 lies.
Some results from the failed City of London/ US/UK/ Ukrainian Nazi regime’s failed counterattack in the S.M.O .
One of the take-homes is obvious: Russia is about to implode so clearly Ukraine needs more support… more time… more weapons…. more money… more sacntions… to ” move closer” to NATO….
Meanwhile, Black Rock are sitting on their Ukrainian Reconstruction Bank deal.
BTW John Sweeney’s tweets over the last couple of days have been a mine of comedy gold. He seems to be playing the role of some bizarre Holy Fool archetype. I’m sure BBC Verify will debunk his succession of preposterous claims… perhaps even an episode of ‘Marianna in Conspiracyland’ might follow….
In the reconstruction game, China has been ahead for over a decade or more. Often, it signed deals even before the Great Terroist had finised its destruction, as in Syria and Afghanistan. BlackRock must be very unhappy.
I believe everything the media says about everything . Iive in fear and confusion about reality. Nazis are hiding under every bed. My immune system is useless, as well as a clean diet .
A tree blowing in a breeze is a terror to behold, and the silent soar or an eagle is a nightmare.
The world is filled with bad guys and God is the Devil.
The shortest distance the Wagner Army? Battalion? Land based tanks? Trains? Etc would have to travel to get to Moscow is 450kms AFTER having arranged the logistics
During the 4-6hours travel and set up time nobody noticed them having deserted their posts in Ukraine??? Surprise! An army has appeared Moscow unnoticed while at war….and 12 hours later nope nothing going in
Seems a little made up
And the media report it as if it were the Allies surrounding Berlin…
Gawd, don’t you just hate the MSM… It’s like they don’t realize we’ve heard the word, “propaganda” before, and we know what it means.
So it was a nothing burger after all. – who could have guessed?
Or as the meme says: we deserve better psyops.
Personally I liked this one: mixes cunning, fun and some sort of scare through the veins of the viewer. That is what psyops should be about:
Rolo called it months ago.
I don’t think the whole ‘not-a-war’ can be understood without knowing most of the Oligachs on both sides, centainly the ones high in the pecking order, are duel passport holders.
Moscow had zero interest in Ukraine for the last 3 decades, Poroshenko even offered the Donbass to Putin back in the day and he refused it.
But then there was a global plandemic narrative with the wheels falling off that needed cover, and a crumbling global financial system that needs cover for it’s transition…
We’re being played, again.
That Rolo, is he also a “former” intelligence?
It’s not easy to trust someone when Russia related English sources are so scarce.
Off course you can trust former intelligence.
Former Intelligence are always Intelligence officers who now deeply repent what they saw and did inside the organisation.
They go to church every Sunday and swear they in the future from now on always will be telling the truth, spilling their guts, confessing the world for the good, and they are now only on the side of the goodi goodies. Trust. https://youtu.be/81LQbLtTKSc
lol I very much doubt it, he’s a Ukrainian writer but says he has spent very little time in Ukraine (his family have been in Kiev for centuries), and a lot of time in the west, or at least working for western companies all over the eastern bloc. He has an American accent but reads and speaks Russian fluently, doesn’t speak Ukranian. He’s a supporter of authoritarianism rather than liberalism as a way to run a society, because a caesar is more inclined to keep the people happy whereas a liberal society is too easily captured by oligarchs by design. Although I’d disagree with that fundamentally, I doubt I could win a debate with him on it lol, he does make some very astute observations in his critical analysis, enough to make you go hmm. He seems quite young, I’d say early 30’s but I could be wrong. He has an easy to read straightforward writing style with enough honesty to bring haters from all sides. Just when you think you’ve got a handle on him he deep dives into the esoteric, so I’m probaly not doing him justice.
He certainly provides a unique perspective, he’s accurately called the shinanigans of the not-a-war more than anyone else I’ve read, framed as a battle between the international oligarchs, he thinks Putin was duped into the ‘SMO’ by Medvedchuk to instigate a coup.
read what he wrote about his book for some insight, and some of the comments here:
Is anyone gonna call this latest “development” for the total BS it is?
According to Fontanka, during a search of the Trezzini Hotel, which is believed to be the office of Yevgeny Prigozhin, employees became interested in a white Gazelle, which does not belong to anyone from Academic Lane. They began to check it for explosives. When it was opened, they saw boxes full of money.–rusvesna.ru
The entire thing looks scripted and staged/fake. Not buying it.
Also, people quoting Sun Tzu are midwits.
Baddie looks like kojack
UPDATED Covid-19 as a U$ GMO Bio Weapon. The Russian army found EU$A Bio Warfare Labs in Ukraine; do you remember?
“Covid – A Biological War Crime with a first offense in 1966 — Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament”
If you have the leisure to listen it’s all there; told by an insider going way back to the previous century. Dr.Martin was muzzled during Con-19 but is now allowed to speak. The truth can no longer be concealed; though the EU$A are hoping to pin the blame on Wuhan, China 2020 instead of on Chapel Hill, U$A 2002..
Corona-19 virus was a GMO War agent as early as 1961 SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Stress) comes from a GMO Corona virus. A U$ patent was granted to Pfizer even earlier than the 2016 spike protein patent to Moderna. Pharma companies knew what every virologist knows – that vaccines are useless because Corona mutates too fast – but still rushed out dangerous experimental vaccines to an unsuspecting public; with disastrous consequences — which may become even more disastrous in the future if we do not stop Dr.Fauci’s Gain of Function research now.
All this, Doc Martin reveals.
“The Chinese virus” — Donald Trump, POTU$A, 2020.
$6.2 swilling around conveniently for a bribe $5.58 for priggy (less 10% for the “big guy”)? that has now gone, $2.79 for priggy, $2.79 for vlad ?
or “lets put on a show for natzo at the end of air defender and leave their heads spinning as we move huge numbers of troops and equipment to more decisive positions”
watch the cups, wheres the ball?
vicky (there is a special place in hell waiting for you) nuland has declared (& mostly fervently deleted) that the whole thing enters “wwiii proper” on july 11th so things are potentially heading toward something more fervent, but:
suddenly the south ukraine nuclear power station (not zaph after all) where natzo are huddling with their gear is looking like a damp squib, nice try, no prize, suckers, how are things for you all in your giant microwave? the ol pension deal is looking a little thin, you never thought youd signed up to be irradiated ;0) never mind you can use that false flag to wipe your arses
whatever way you view it pieces have been moved in a game that only a very few really understand
one thing we can take away is that had a genuine coup by priggy suceeded we would all be marching toward mandy vax, cbdcs and weffing much faster, that is important is it not? scepiticsm has its place as does faith…
anyone who has studied the history of the redshields knows that when they are pissed we are happy
6 points
6 sides
6 triangles
what part of that is lost on you? or perhaps you dont know what he had inscribed over his doorway?
its actualy ok to speak of your enemy, especially if they want you either dead or enslaved, even if you are told you cannot speak ill of them, ffksake get a grip
some interesting takes here:
the fatima “3rd secret” makes for compelling and timely reading, david told you it was a fake, but we now know who david really is, whoda thort it? icky innit?
lastly an insanely detailed breakdown of linneage and whos who of the international human trafficers who also it seems ship more than wine in bottles, a subject so dark that many even with exploratory minds just cannot go there, its that “oil of ulay” thing again that mel wants us all to take on board, perhaps its time we really did?
living in a world of war, exploitation, corruption and greed is one thing, living in a world where the most vulnerable are subjected to fates beyond comprehension is quite another?
bizzarely i feel we are moving inexorably toward a watershed moment, the more we refine, quantify and repeat our narrative the more effectively the rose tints fall from the faces of the brainwashed as they intuitively question and try to evaluate their rapidly collapsing reality
Easier to take this lunatic out of play.
The Phoney War.
Waiting patiently in the wings, the Trigger Effect to usher in and implement the Treaty on pandemics. The anthrax ‘scare’ one of many precursors, inevitably leading to the introduction of the digital ID the ruling parasites coup de grâce.
“The 2001 Anthrax Deception,” Dr. Graeme MacQueen.
‘When you strike at a king, you must kill him’ — Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Too many holes in the media narrative on the not-a-coup in Russia. Yevgeny Prigozhin ends up in Belarus – is that where the Kremlin wants Wagner forces?
The Pentagon loudly announced it had found another $6 billion in the kitty for Ukraine. Was that a bounty on Putin’s head?
If CIA and NATO had a hand in the Wagner mutiny, Prigozhin now has the Americans as well as the Russians after him – a serious life shortener.
Alternative scenario:
CIA, NATO approached the mercenary Prigozhin and he double crossed them, telling the Kremlin. His “coup” goes ahead, Russian military offers little resistance. The U.S. thinks that’s a sign of support for the rebellion.
Wagner takes the southern military HQ at Rostov peacefully, then gives up on his march to Moscow. Lukashenko gives him asylum, Progozkin’s forces are now in Belarus on Ukraine’s northern border.
Russia masses troops in Belarus by “accident.”
Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu wants to incorporate Wagner fighters in the Russian army under a regular soldier’s contract. But now he will recruit them on location in Belarus – where a rump Progozhin force will also be located.
Otherwise we take Progozhin complaints about the Russian military bureacracy at face value, he fell out with them as we originally suggested – in which case he’s ordered his schyot, pahzhahloostah, for the last time.
More 5d fucking chess!?
If Putin wants Wagner in Belarus he could just tell them to go there.
Oh but – gee, remember ten minutes ago when Wagner basically WAS the Russian army in Ukraine?
If they’re now in Belarus who’s on the frontline in Donbas?
Oh wait no – that was YESTERDAY & all the smart 5d people understand it’s different now. How? Who knows, who cares? It’s just different now. The story’s changed and the smart people just go with it.
Off topic,
The Graud skirts around the unmentionable:
“Britons’ trust in politics has fallen significantly since Covid, report finds
Leading thinktank finds just 6% have full trust in political system, and most support constitutional reform”
Now why would that be?
It is “potentially as a result of recent political scandals, according to a report from a leading thinktank.”
A “thinktank”? Yet another band of “experts” surveying the public mood and filtering it through the mode of acceptable admission- in this case, manufactured indiscretions.
“People ….find our politics are lacking” and “(t)rust in politics is low and has declined quite significantly since Covid 19”. That “the pandemic” is constantly referred to is a (deeply) managed “confession” of sorts. They acknowledge rightly that the “virus” is indeed the big turning point. But exactly WHY is something they CANNOT and NEVER WILL admit. Instead they repeat “ongoing political scandals”.
After which a decent into statistical “analysis” of various regions and a phony fixation on income demographics.
“People are fed up with the way that we’re governed. They’re fed up with the way that the system disadvantages them in their communities. And they want significant change and democratic reform. And as part of that package, whether that’s devolution, shifting voting systems and getting rid of things like hereditary peers in the House of Lords, they see this as part of taking back control of a system that has disadvantaged and disempowered them for too long.”
A mealy mouthed jig that makes some clichéd noises and says nothing. But both they and we know what’s really happening.
Politicking, lack of politcal will, distrust in politics, alienation of youth… Anything to censor the tangible definite difficulties and desperation of the people while continuing to speak from the political pulpit and sell the “news”.
Actually, that Graud piece only underlines the true function of our political class: to provide a theatre of “personalities” we are invited to admire (briefly at most) and then jeer at relentlessly. And surely these performers must realise this function. They assemble on the stage well prepared for the rotten tomatoes (which must be mentioned on the job description) but also assured that they will have many benefits e.g. book deals, televised interviews where they get to prove their acting skills, and, of course, pleasant stacks of dosh. Facing a crowd that cries “BOO!” is a small price to pay for the perks. And indeed, the insults only provide an opportunity to moan about being victimised by “hate”.
And the biggest perk of all is to help out in the thrilling matter of manufacturing scandals. “Please Mr Hancock, just stand there and grope this hot babe’s arse while we take a photo!”
Im tired of all these 6’es.
Thinktank said that 6%, Putin said on 24 June = 66, Washington allocated more $6 billion,
“Britons’ trust in politics has fallen significantly since Covid, report finds”
(although it had already reached rock bottom in Thatcher’s day…)
It’s got to the point where the so-called results of elections for the last few decades are something which only the media have chosen to believe – echoed only by their more gullible readers.
After rock bottom, here is nowhere left to fall.
It should be “Britons’ trust in politicians..”, of course.
This is a Sun Tzu deception to confound and trap the UkroNazis both those residing inside the Ukraine and sponsoring from outside.
Putin and Progozhin have done a deal. Progozhin is heading for Belarus, where he will be accidentally falling from a 10th floor balcony in the next week or two.
While it sounds like the soprano just got a little too dramatic, it’s not quite clear that it’s over yet.
From Pravda:
On June 24 in the afternoon, the government of the Lipetsk region urged local residents not to leave their homes. Wagner military vehicles travelling there.
June 26 to be non-working day in MoscowMoscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin declared June 26 a non-working day in the city.
This decision was made in connection with the counter-terrorism operation regime in Moscow, Sobyanin wrote on Telegram.
Government agencies, city services, continuous cycle enterprises, as well as enterprises of the military complex will continue working as usual on June 26.
Sobyanin urged Muscovites to refrain from traveling around the city and said that traffic “in certain areas and on certain roads” could be blocked.
Meanwhile, a major fire broke out at an oil depot in Voronezh. Regional Governor Alexander Gusev said that more than 100 firefighters and 30 pieces of equipment were on the scene to extinguish the fire. . . a video made in the area of the oil depot suggests that the facility may have been attacked. The video shows a Ka-52 combat helicopter flying above the oil depot shortly before the fire broke out at the facility.
Eyewitnesses also filmed an attempt to shoot down a Ka-52 helicopter over Voronezh
But then it’s already June 25th dawn in Russia now. Surely Wagner boss will attempt to use his forces as a stay out of jail pass for himself, no?
‘The Greatest Show On Earth’ was a circus after all ;-}
We believe its not a circus. We are hoping.
Undoubtedly, this was the work of NATO. NATO is a joke in bad taste, as is the fascist slave state euphemistically referred to as the United States of America.
So, it’s NATO = BAD, Russia = GOOD
Or Russia = BAD, NATO = GOOD.
These are our range of choices.
Just don’t ever remember they’re exactly the fucking same, selling the same fake pandemic & this “war” is just a snuff movie to keep the proles entertained and distracted.
Down votes could only be cult of personality.
Last I checked, we are one of the few countries with an armed populace.
Come and take it, if you dare.
A ‘parallel army’ works well during peacetime. Less so during overt wars.
And/or “if you learn of an assassination plot against yours truly, is it not better to go out ‘all guns blazing'” … ?
So (as we all might under similar circumstances) …..
What’s going on ?
Every local TV “News” framed what little they knew as “Russia in Chaos” !
“In Chaos” is the usual signifier for “We Dont Know” ! –
and passes for both analysis, and a platform for spewing more propaganda…
Old Riley aint reliable at the moment, nor is Simplicius The Thinker…
Everyone is in The Dark ! Speculations abound – and Everyone Has The Right
To Have An Opinion…
“Long Live The Opinionista !”
Russia in chaos ? Here in the UK we are truly fkd up.