Fear and Loathing in the City of Westminster

CJ Hopkins

Our descent into City Airport was like the drop-ship scene in the movie Aliens. The BA CityFlyer Embraer 190, a narrow-body twin-engine airliner, rolled over into a 40-degree bank and started bucking like a mechanical bull. Simulated “chimes” began chiming frantically. Flight attendants bolted for their seats.

The German businessman in the seat beside me, obviously a nervous flyer, immediately adopted the “brace” position. I gripped his shoulder reassuringly and shouted into his ear like a drunken redneck, “WE’RE ON AN EXPRESS ELEVATOR TO HELL! GOING DOWN!”

And so began my latest trip to London. This time, I wasn’t there to talk to “the Left” or to hunt down endoparasitoid xenomorphs. I was there on Serious Conspiracy Theorist Business, which I explained to the chirpy MI6 operative posing as a “survey taker” that followed me out of Border Control asking questions about my “nation of residence” and my “experience with the passport scanners,” and so on.

She was wearing one of those rubber “Mission Impossible” masks that made her look like a middle-aged British woman. I waited for an opportunity, head faked, juked right, and lost her in the crowd. As I entered the “Arrivals” lobby, I turned and shouted in her general direction, “NOT MY FIRST RODEO, MR. PHELPS!”

I don’t know what was up with all the shouting. I’ve been experimenting with different types of medication for this sinus condition I’ve had for months. My Sinus Specialist diagnosed me with “long” or possibly “permanent Covid,” or some yet-to-be-named debilitating syndrome caused by some other bio-weapon that produces cold-and-flu-like symptoms and has a survival rate of 99.8 percent. So, maybe it was bad reaction to my meds. Whatever it was, I was feeling jumpy.

And the climate-change apocalypse didn’t help. Emerging from the Tube in Westminster was like walking into an enormous open-air sauna. Bodies were lying all around on the sidewalks. AFP photographers in hazmat suits were taking pictures of the carnage.

Herds of corpulent American tourists staggered through the streets in semi-fugue states sweating profusely and thumbing their phones like an invasion of alien albino hippos trying to call up to their UAPs and arrange for immediate emergency extraction. I pushed and shoved and elbowed my way down Tothill Street to my pod hotel, checked in, and proceeded to get hopelessly lost in the maze of identical Kubrickian hallways that eventually led me to my luxury pod, and cleaned myself up for the night’s festivities.

What was I doing back in London in the middle of a heat wave?

Well … OK, I’m allowed to tell you about it now. As you are probably aware, Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Russell Brand were doing this public event last Thursday….

…but that’s not what I was really there for.

Not that the Thursday event wasn’t fun. It was. Despite the rather pricey tickets, there was a good size house and spirits were high. Russell Brand was in top form, pouring out torrents of intellectual free-association like an English Neal Cassady and nailing the punchlines of all the jokes. Michael was also firing on all cylinders. He worked the house like a seasoned politician, whipping the crowd into a veritable frenzy of anti-totalitarian fervor.

Stella Assange took the stage at one point and briefed us on the official crucifixion of her husband, which, sadly, now looks like a fait accompli. Matt, who had just made it to London that morning, and so was jet-lagged and delieriously sleep-deprived, dispensed with the speech he had rewritten on the plane, and just winged it, and somehow pulled it off … because that, as they say, is show biz.

Here’s the money part of Matt’s speech, which he paraphrased in London (emphasis mine):

“What Michael and I were looking at was something new, an Internet-age approach to political control that uses brute digital force to alter reality itself. We certainly saw plenty of examples of censorship and de-platforming and government collaboration in those efforts. However, it’s clear that the idea behind the sweeping system of digital surveillance combined with thousands or even millions of subtle rewards and punishments built into the online experience, is to condition people to censor themselves.

Early the next morning, Michael, Matt, and a secret cabal of international journalists, editors, organizers, political satirists, academics, and other Very Serious People whose names I am not at liberty to mention gathered in an undisclosed location and spent the better part of the day sharing harmful misinformation and strategizing about how to defeat (or marginally disrupt) the network of governments, Intelligence agencies, global corporations, NGOs, and so-called disinformation experts known as the Censorship Industrial Complex.

There were delegates from the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, and other nominally sovereign countries.

This heretofore clandestine meeting was conducted in what appeared to be a WWII-era air-raid shelter that had been converted into a private BDSM club under military-level OPSEC protocols (i.e., the meeting was conducted according to the protocols, not the architectural conversion). I’m not entirely sure why that was. We weren’t doing anything even remotely illegal. However, given that I’m under criminal investigation here in Germany for tweeting the cover art of my book, and the IRS’s sudden interest in Matt, and Kit Klarenberg’s recent experience in Luton, perhaps the abundance of caution was warranted. The last thing we needed was the UK Thoughtpolice goose-stepping in like Basil Fawlty and dragging everyone off to Room 101.

Anyway, that’s what I was actually there for. I had never met most of the people in attendance, except online on the double-encrypted Russian-backed dark-web conspiracy-theorist channels where we hatch our right-wing-extremist plots to defend people’s rights to freedom-of-speech and engage in other harmful anti-Democracy behaviors. I’m still not sure who I actually met in London, as we were all wearing identical Mickey-Mouse masks and speaking through portable voice modifiers. (In any secret meeting like this, you have to assume you’ve been infiltrated!)

After the obligatory arguing about the agenda, we settled in and shared our country reports, which, unsurprisingly, were all variations on a theme. I won’t go into all the details. Michael Shellenberger’s non-profit has been tracking those developments. Matt Taibbi and Racket News are reporting it. Other alternative media outlets are reporting it. Millions of people all around the world are talking about it, writing about it, and arguing with each other about it. Your Twitter feed is probably full of it. Alex Gutentag just published a huge article about it.

So, what is it, exactly, that is going on?

The thing that was horrifying about listening to my colleagues reporting on the state of things in their countries — or, rather, the thing that should be horrifying but is becoming a mundane fact of life — is that more or less the same totalitarian program is being rolled out in countries throughout the world. The censorship. The official propaganda. The criminalization of dissent. The pathologization of dissent. The manipulation of our perception of reality. The coordinated transformation of the world into a smiley-faced neo-Orwellian police state in which politics no longer matters because society has been divided into two basic classes, i.e., “the normals,” who are prepared to mindlessly follow orders and parrot whatever official propaganda they are fed, and “the deviants,” or “extremists,” who are not.

Seriously, all satire aside, think about the implications of that.

As you sit there in whichever nominally sovereign country you’re sitting there reading this in, ask yourself, “how and why is this happening?” Then ask yourself, “why is it happening now?”

If you do not have answers to those questions, it might behoove you to attempt to come up with some. That is basically what I’ve been trying to do — in a satirical and sometimes not so satirical manner — in these Consent Factory essays for the last seven years. I’m not going to summarize it all again here. I’ve done that, repeatedly, in my essays and books. I did it the last time I visited London to give a talk at the Real Left Conference.

I did it again at this gathering in London. It did not go over all that well.

The thing is, most of us are so laser-focused on the trees that we cannot see the forest. But our adversaries see the forest. They see the forest like fucking eagles. They own the fucking forest and everything in it. While we hop like squirrels from tree to tree, distracted from distraction by distraction, from limited hangout by limited hangout, they are building a big fucking fence around it and deploying the Forest-Ranger Sturmabteilung.

I’m reminded of that infamous Karl Rove quote. He was referring to the USA, of course, but it was GloboCap (i.e., the Corporatocracy) that he was really speaking for whether he knew it or not…

“That’s not the way the world really works anymore … we’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
The New York Times Magazine

If we do not want to end up “studying that reality,” the global, pathologized-totalitarian reality that is being subtly and not so subtly implemented simultaneously in countries throughout the world, at some point we had better come up with some actual answers to those questions above.

The supranational, globally-hegemonic, post-ideological system of power that runs our world — whatever you need to call it — has answers to those questions. It has a story. It is a story about a beneficent global empire governed by authoritative scientific experts who are trying to save the world from Whatever and protect everyone from “disinformation” and “harmful” speech, ideas, and so on. Like every good story, it has an antagonist. Us. We are the official enemy.

Right, Left, libertarian, anarchist, Islamic fundamentalist, Christian fundamentalist … it does not make one iota of difference. There is only the Empire, and those who oppose it. The Empire does not give a shit why. It is conducting a global “Clear-and-Hold” operation, wiping out internal resistance and establishing ideological uniformity. It could not care less what you think you believe in. All it wants is mindless obedience and rote repetition of its propaganda. That’s how totalitarianism works.

And there I go with my story again. If anyone has a different story that makes sense of the last seven years — and arguably the last 30 years — honestly, I would love to hear it. My story fills me with fear and loathing, but the only other coherent story I’m hearing at the moment is the Empire’s story, and I think we all know how that one ends.

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Jul 3, 2023 6:19 PM

We’re history’s actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

That’s right, mr nobody- you’re an actor, a fake, and we are left with our soul intact, to just study evil and the limits of human failure by studying you and what you do..

We’re not stuck in here with you- you’re stuck out here with us.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 3, 2023 2:01 PM

The irony is the resistance against the system folk are more dependant on said system than the vast majority of folk in the world. Internet connection, mobile phone tech, air travel, hospitality, electronic ticketing systems, energy supply, and so on.
It’s like rebelious school teens used to be back in the 80s, just talk and a lot of hot air, but at the end of the day we all enjoyed what the world had to offer. All fakery like the secular martyrs of today ala Assange.

jody b
jody b
Jul 2, 2023 11:16 AM

I think you have nailed it. Many folks I speak to are of different political, religious, persuasions, but all are being targeted by the ’empire’. Invariably in my discussions with other ‘dissidents’ the phrase, ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ gets uttered.

Jul 2, 2023 2:52 AM

I strongly believe that most of “disident” discussions are part of the big narrative. Programmed distraction of most free-thinkers to keep the certain subjects off discussion.. 5g, starlink and weaponized EMF seem to be taboo.. enough data out there to make a solid argument..

Jul 1, 2023 11:22 AM

I am not a fan of Taibbi or Shellenberger (or Greenwald) or gun toting, misogynistic corporate liberal redneck Hunter S. Thompson.

Neither am I an acolyte of new age guru and climate fraud denier Russell Brand despite him doing a truly excellent job during the plandemic.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 2, 2023 5:23 AM
Reply to  fatalist

Come to think of it, and after further review, they all kind of suck, out loud.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 3, 2023 8:30 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Just jiving. Sort of.

Jul 1, 2023 11:14 AM

While I understand the relevance of the term ‘globocap’ isn’t it somewhat pandering to the emerging globalist new world order ?

Klaus Schwhab is German, his father was a Nazi but his mentor who he seems to worship is something much more sinister, he’s an American. Henry Kissinger.

For me this apparent global system is because we still live in an all encompassing American empire. European countries had no choice but to join in American middle east wars and take the refugees from them.

The riots in Paris are caused by two cultures being thrust together for the benefit of capitalist profit. These young Arabs are second class citizens in a forthright and often racist French culture. Simply fodder for the industrial meat grinder. They appear to have a deep resentment, triggered by one of them being shot by (allegedly) racist police.

I see Hopkins is still using Nazi imagery in his articles. Never mind. I’m sure the German authorities aren’t monitoring his work despite him being subject to a criminal investigation. Craig Murray was jailed for eight months, Alex Belfield for five and a half years on trumped up, politically motivated charges.

Jul 2, 2023 11:44 AM
Reply to  fatalist

Yes, I’m surprised he’s allowed to travel freely & without restrictions, considering the case the German authorities have levied against Mr Hopkins. Fortune indeed.

Messenger Charles
Messenger Charles
Jul 2, 2023 4:42 PM
Reply to  fatalist

There were more than a few that were Nazis in name only!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 1, 2023 1:40 AM

Help! Help!

Vaccine GENOCIDE protester arrested for swearing !

Not much happened; in two parts!

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Jul 1, 2023 12:37 AM

Mr. Hopkins cements his reputation as one the world’s premier translators of reality-through-biting-sarcasm with the following “diamond in the rough” from the article:

 It is a story about a beneficent global empire governed by authoritative scientific experts who are trying to save the world from Whatever…”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 1, 2023 2:02 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Yes, agreed, but Whatever can be so scary.

Almost as scary as a deadly Virus

Jun 30, 2023 3:38 PM

Help! Help! The OffG algorithm has gone bonkers! I penned a two-line comment in which I mentioned two CARTOON CHARACTERS by name and it went into pending file!


Jun 30, 2023 3:36 PM

I swear I’m not a champion of Woke…but, really, an audience full of Mickey Mouse faces? Isn’t that just a bit exclusionary? What about Donald Duck? Is he chicken shit?

Jun 30, 2023 3:02 PM

The right use of satire

Messenger Charles
Messenger Charles
Jul 2, 2023 4:44 PM
Reply to  Stephen

Satire is now racist and anti-Semitic!

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Jun 30, 2023 12:29 PM

It’s the Apocalypse
Or in fact just shortly after it

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 30, 2023 7:27 PM

You never know. Until maybe you get a memo.

Jun 30, 2023 7:54 AM

What a pathetic joke. The “whole world” that you speak of is the same “whole world” engaged in anti-Russia sanctions and was previously mandating Covid vaccinations.

Want to really see the forest? Get the hell out of Europe for a minute and go someplace truly free, like Namibia. Bonus for you: they all speak German and English there. Pick up a paper. Talk to folks on the street. You’ll think you’re living in another universe.

Your pathetic “NWO” is nothing but a gaudy cruise liner which got holed by an iceberg called reality in 2008 and is only still afloat because it takes a minute to sink such an enormous monster.

Europe and people of European descent are NOT THE WHOLE WORLD!!!

Jun 30, 2023 1:09 AM

Romania vs CCP China’s Wuhan Flu https://pennybutler.com/ccp-wuhan-flu/

Jun 30, 2023 1:09 AM

Romania vs CCP China’s Wuhan Fluhttps://pennybutler.com/ccp-wuhan-flu/

Jun 29, 2023 11:06 PM

The satire is more factual than the factual stuff he’s been putting out recently. A welcome return, viva CJ.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 29, 2023 10:28 PM

I enjoyed the humour in this dark story.

One possibility of the Why is that – apart from having been in the planning phase for a couple of hundred years or, who knows, for thousands of years from when the ETs/Anunnakis first created the human slave races – they wanted to contain us and own the fruit of our labour all along and too many of us got away from them, became too independent and wealthy in modern times.
They want to own it all.

The How? Here’s one very likely explanation: Our self-absorption with trivial day-to-day life and our lack of curiosity for the bigger picture.

Why Now? Perhaps because their money syphoning is coming to an end. The financial system is crashing.

I’m open to hearing of other scenarios.

Jun 29, 2023 9:54 PM

Yeah, well. They can plan and plot away and scare us shitless. Like they’re always doing. And always have.

If we don’t obey, the devil will get us.
If we don’t obey, some hitlerian foe will get us.
If we don’t obey, the commies are coming for us
If we don’t obey, covid will kill us.
If we don’t obey, our cbdc will starve us.


That is all you need to do.
And start being creative. Because that is the only point of being human. Wit and creativity.

Jun 29, 2023 9:54 PM

The domination of the political and sociological is what I am seeing just now, science and reason is suspended, itself a sociological observation- that is, that reason is itself a commodity susceptible to whims and fancies of human nature.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 29, 2023 8:16 PM

“Gleichschaltung” came to my mind when I read the article.
A couple of years ago Hitler was on the way to be rehabilitated in the public in the usual insinuating smokey MSM manner.

I heard family members and colleges talk about maybe he was not that bad, he made jobs for Germany, he jailed Rothschild, the Versailles Treaty was unfair beyond the absurd, the Yuus betrayed Germany, was it the Allies and not the nasis who made the hell camps without food, etc.
At some point I only had the Nurnberg laws as a sure card on pure racism.

It was Russia and Lavrov who kicked nasism back to their right place at that point. But the totalitarian ideology is still moving behind the curtain whatever we call it technocracy, transhumanism, nasism, communism, corporatism. A dear child has many names.

This is how I see my surroundings. Everyone says and hail the same headlines; the moslems, green wave, clima, lgbt, same way of thinking, same buzzwords, same group thinking. “Gleichschaltung”.

Jun 29, 2023 11:02 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Only I don’t know what it means.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 29, 2023 8:01 PM

Everything should be assumed to be controlled opposition when it has this kind of backing and promotion. That assumption shouldn’t be pulled unless proven otherwise.

What was the outcome of Matt Taibbi’s congressional testimony other than more praise of Musk?

Brand dated a woman for two years that has two brothers both married to the Rothschild family. Then there is the fact that he is a product and active participant of Hollyweird. Those are two entities that do not garner any trust what so ever.

I don’t know much about Michael Shellenberger, and I wouldn’t bet a scheckel that he can be trusted without proof. Small hat and big nose organization?

Don’t mind me, I’m just a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

Jun 29, 2023 11:33 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

I don’t think you can totally condemn everyone because they don’t agree with you (or with us) 100%. And surely the Brand comment is OTT: He once dated a woman who has brothers married to Rothschilds? How many steps removed is that? Is he responsible for who a former girlfriend’s family married? Let’s keep our paranoia within certain bounds. There is quite enough to be “paranoid” about without taking it to this level!

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 10:28 AM
Reply to  mjh

“How many steps removed is that?”

…- She was/is *literally* a Rothschild sister-in-law, *Twice Over* (One of her bro’s has since divorced). She also only happens to be the ex-wife of Imran Khan (late of Pakistani Prime Minister fame)…

…- Go read up on the Goldsmith clan sometime… – You’ll want a *very stiff* drink by your side, and be prepared to *strap in* nice an’ tight…

…- Thomas’ take on this, and in all other respects is *Entirely* on point.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 30, 2023 8:10 PM
Reply to  mjh

You call it paranoia, I call it critical analysis and that any connection to Rothschild is suspect. If I were Interpol, and investigating possible international crimes, I would not ignore that connection.

I never said that Brand doesn’t speak some truth. I never said I disagree with him in whole. I said he is a Hollywood “actor” and suspect as controlled opposition.

I will exercise any level of paranoia, and critical thinking, as I desire.

Jul 1, 2023 11:57 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Taibbi was also the kind of abusive American frat boy that makes people despise Americans.

Brand dated Jemima Goldsmith family, one of the jet set elite, part of the most right wing ultra eco fascist family in history. Even Monbiot called her Uncle Edward a Nazi.

That may be why he is a covert climate fraud denier and supports Club of Rome elitist Malthusian Vandana Shiva.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 29, 2023 7:45 PM

Seriously, all satire aside….

I really think you should make that your motto from now on CJH. The longer this goes on, the more impotent the satire becomes. Your enemy doesn’t care if you sing his song ironically. Just so long as you sing his song.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 29, 2023 7:13 PM

Michael Shellenberger, Russel Brand and Matt Taibbi, a trio of virus pushers, discussing “disinformation and misinformation”? Rich!  😀 

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 30, 2023 12:44 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

How unsurprising a comment! Unless the above journalists agree with you that viruses don’t exist all the work that they do exposing and documenting government criminality has no merit?

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 12:53 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

…- How unsurprising a strawman…

…- ‘Nice’ try: – 2/10…

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 1, 2023 8:26 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

For the 1231st time, i do NOT say “viruses don’t exist,” but “no proof that viruses exist.” A negative cannot be proven scientifically. If you think otherwise, prove that unicorns don’t exist.

Jul 3, 2023 7:16 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

You are repeating counter-propaganda created to show that anyone who opposes the biosecutity state is completely ignorant and deluded.

Anyone can take 20 seconds to find electron microscope images of viruses.

Let me try (in vain) to get this through to some people here:
The debate is not whether the things seen in the microscopes exist, it is whether those things cause disease and have the amazing abilities (flying in the air, surviving intact through sewage waste, surviving outside a host for any length of time) that virologists claim they have.

Jun 29, 2023 7:00 PM

My, Am I the only to have felt insulted by that? Read it twice to be sure that it’s not some subliminal bias I’m carrying.

But no, just felt like the chattering classes tapping the rest of “us” on the head. Whilst they go on a jolly & feed eachothers ego’s. Felt a glibness too that reminded me of our host’s. Brand has the money to make it a free event. I remember him turning up at Occupy Parliament Green 2014. He bought everyone fing Pizza’s. I refused.
Just reeks of shills C/O (intentional or not)

Where’s the raw anger?
Where’s the rage at the unnecessary suffering?
Where’s the Vax injured families being given a voice?
Why hide?
It’s like a little industry leading people where exactly?

If you haven’t already, please, decouple as best you can from this grid that is slowing suffocating everyone. Don’t place your hope in things like this or people like that.

Die trying it’s the only death worth having.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Jul 1, 2023 11:14 AM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

”Here I stand, I can do no other – God help me.” Martin Luther. Have you got the bottle – I haven’t unfortunately, Have you? ‘God Help me, much as I would like to be, I am not a Saint. Are you?

Jul 2, 2023 11:48 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

No, am no Saint. But as I understand it. Death doesn’t make one a Saint but one’s deeds in life that do. Helped more people than I’ve harmed, if that helps you & no, I will not cower. Seems for many of “us” it was always heading towards this clash.

Jul 3, 2023 7:18 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Westerners are completely domesticated and there will be no public displays of anger…. until perhaps the internet goes down.

Jun 29, 2023 6:48 PM

Know your enemy, the WJC, the Tavistock Institute, The Committee Of 300, The Fabian Society, The Council On Foreign Relations, The Club Of Rome, The Trilateral Commission, The Centre For National Policy, The Atlantic Council, & last but not least The World Economic Forum.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 12:58 PM
Reply to  Violet

…- You forgot teh Builder-Burgers…

“The Committee Of 300”

…- Was that them guys at Thermopylae?…

Jun 29, 2023 6:35 PM

It is perhaps reassuring that in the movie, once the real “Wizard of Oz” was discovered hiding behind the curtains, he no longer appeared as an awe-inspiring monster, but an unexpectedly timid, insecure, childish neurotic, albeit with a certain amount of clichéd wisdom.

I expect that if he had been hauled before a court that knew what it was doing, he would have pleaded not guilty, on the grounds of having mankind’s best interests at heart.

But that ideal court – the one that knew what it was doing – would hopefully give him at least a life sentence without parole, because he had presumed to know more than anybody else about what constitutes mankind’s best interests.

That’s where we are right now, except that such a court doesn’t exist in today’s world.

The devil runs riot.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 29, 2023 11:49 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Recalling the sinister second sense of his words, and the psyops that Hollywood initiated against all of us realists, with the same sorry Wizard of Oz as its avatar, he replied when Dorothy accused him, once back in Oz, “You’re a very bad man!” “No, I’m a very good man, I’m just a very bad wizard.’ Therein lies the mind-“flock” and the psyjob: Using the wizardly evil “through the Looking Glass” reversal of meanings, he is diverting us from the real game: he is, in fact, very “good” as a wizard, but a very bad man. And that was the point of the film, to use such high production values to make us fall for his magic shtick. He used the tinseltown ploy of offering up the four companions on their mission to kill the Wicked Witch of the West, drafting them into what should strictly be his dirty work, because, like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, he has conned others into doing the work for him/them (episode of conning friends into painting the fence, in the Twain novel, while they kick back and watch at their leisure). It was a synecdoche precisely for what they did to Judy Garland in real life, and those young years when she was unbelievably studio-abused and put upon as a child actress, micro-managed by sicko studios into early alcoholism and spiraling drug addiction, that led to her young and untimely death in London at 47. What a deal for Dorothy Gayle, better off with that conk on the head. It’s mostly what the spy game, as in CIA, is all about, too. We’ve seen it all our lives, with prestidigitator nuke-happy warmongers accusing others of cowardice and conning them, like Oliver North, or The Quiet American, with all kinds of fantasy derring-do, so… Read more »

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 10:46 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

…Astute take, re: ‘Stage Magic’, John…

“The Circus-Circus is what the whole hep world would be doing on Saturday night if the Nazis had won the war. This is the Sixth Reich.”

…- Hunter S. Thompson.

Jun 30, 2023 4:18 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Still, I’d imagine even Nazis would get bored after years and years of same ol’ same ol’…

“Nothing endures”, and “Everything changes”, sort of thing.

There’s also the encouraging fact that even the most abominable humanoids sometimes have wonderful human offspring.

We are occasionally nothing like what our mom and dad were, and I’m sure that goes for the offspring of Nazis too.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 30, 2023 8:13 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes, one among other encouraging facts.

Unfortunately, as someone recently pointed out to me, it remains a truism that in many corners of Germany as well as that parallel suburb of Oz that might be called USA Inc., they have merely been “re-educated.”

I have seen too too often that that is so. Ach so.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 30, 2023 8:01 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

I somehow knew that HST would agree. I had almost writ the Fifth Reich but Hunter LeapFrogged my conservative take into the Sixth, which given his dependably addled clairvoyance in those respects is probably much more correct. [Wake me up when we approach the 7th, we will need to be fully alert. So far this has only been lucid dreaming. It all reminds me of the road sign I saw outside the Aachen border crossing in ’74:

“Letzte ausfährt vor dem grenzgebeit.”

Or words to that effect, Jawohl ! Heel clicks. Or in other words, “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.”

Locally encroaching German actual accents are yet a big surprise! Especially from Ringling.

But Hollyweird has always been infested with Nazis to saturation, just well-camouflaged. I was at school 60 years ago in NoHo with, believe it or not, the 2 siblings Peter and Erich von Stroheim, both sons of the import actor. 5 years of them!

Must all be the ol’ mise en scene expertise on those studio lots nearby. HQ of Oz! ]

One of my all-time favorite lines about The Enemy is from the more ancient scriptures, I forget where, I think in “Proverbs” but certainly as a Wisdom text:

“With the sincere He is straightforward but with the devious he shows Himself astute.”

I’ll count on it! What ELSE?!

Meanwhile “Wilkommen, Welcome, Bienvenus!” – “Cabaret” ( as sung by Joel Grey, photo still, seen as the header in Hopkins’ previous post, with the “quixotically” 1930s radiant “smile”)

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jun 29, 2023 6:27 PM

Something unsettling about the celebrityness of it all. Probably just me, but it doesn’t seem to fit. I remember feeling that way when Amy Goodman and the likes were headlining “antiwar” conferences and presentations. And most here know what she’s all about. Hell, I think Taibbi was at those too. I called it the Antiwar Gravy Train. It just goes on and on and “nothing ever really seems to come from it” (RIP Tom P.)

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 29, 2023 7:53 PM

That is the very nature of Controlled Opposition.
You control the opposing point of view by leading it to do nothing.

Jun 29, 2023 10:06 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

You don’t have to control the opposition – you just have to have an opposition. It automatically gives substance to your position if someone opposes it. And human nature takes over from there.

Thousands of years of human history have drummed into the public mind that opposition is essentially bad. All the wars that have ever been fought have been – or been presented as – caused by someone opposing something. So it makes people almost instinctively leery of “opposition.”

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 29, 2023 10:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

How do you control that you get the outcome that you want?
By leading the opposition.

How many times do we have to witness opposition that accomplishes nothing before we figure out that TPTB control both sides?

Anything and everything that is “trending” or going “viral” is controlled, PERIOD.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 11:37 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

…- Actually, you are both correct, Thomas. – Howard’s point is a subtle one that most people very seldom ‘get’: – What you focus on expands, and you give your own power away, more-or-less *Voluntarily*, to that to which you *attend*, by simple virtue of that attention… – Moreover, They *Depend*, *Absolutely*, on such ‘opposition’ – It validates and justifies Them, grants them ‘resistance’ against which to ‘push back’ that otherwise would not be there… – Here then, Thomas, is your ‘controlled’ opposition as ‘puppeteered’, ‘choreographed’, ‘pantomimed’… – and *Ever* fruitfully usefull to Them, just as Howard asserts… …- The solution? – *Certainly Not* to ‘do nothing’, of course… No, rather we ought to repudiate Them, renounce Them, reject Them…- *Utterly*… *Absolutely*… *Completely And Totally*. We *MUST*, *All Of Us*, turn our backs upon them, shun them utterly, and vote with our feet… – By that last bit, I *Most Definitely Do Not* mean ‘walk away’ … – *I Live Here*, this is *My Home*, and *I* most certainly ain’t going to just ‘up sticks’, and go *Anywhere Else* away from it, *Of My Own Volition*, for *Anybody Else’s* sake… …- *By Rights*, we ought, *Unanimously*, to send these evil fuck-sticks ‘to Coventry’ *For Good*, with neither exception nor the *Faintest* possibility of parole or mitigation… – *By Rights*, They ought to be run out of every city, suburb, town, village, ‘burg, county, borough, district, parish and prefecture, adorned in feathers and dripping with tar, and with a legit *Hailstorm* of not inconsiderably sized rocks at Their backs as They run… – If They will not run, then dragged by the hair if necessary… …- Let Them try Their luck in the wilderness. …- That would be about *The Most* charitable, benign, and ‘fair-and-square’ dispensation that They, so far, deserve…… Read more »

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 1, 2023 11:32 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Law abiding citizen, religiously and deliberately financing State violence through their taxes calling others “controlled opposition”. If your taxes are deliberately paying for State violence locally and abroad, what right do you have to judge possible State-paid actors? It’s your money that got in there in the first place. CO is a useless concept IMO that only results in division and draining you energy, trying to figure out whether any “whistleblowers” that come your way are up to date with my oh so advanced level of knowledge of things. Do they push this or that message? CO. Do they have lots of money? CO. Are they trendy? CO. Have they been seen shaking hands with Kissinger? CO. Have they been present at Davos? CO. Are they rich? CO. Are they too poor? Fake, so CO. Etc, etc. The problem is not that you shouldn’t disagree, the problem is the labelling. To the mind, to disagree with someone is never an excommunication, on the contrary: a disagreement – and that’s all you can absolutely assert, that you disagree, or not, with the others point of view, and that’s all you need to be in, or not to be in, vis-à-vis the others – is a hope for another exchange. To put under the label of CO is to exclude definitively from my circle of equally-suspect-like-minded-people. I wonder where did this concept come from? Drop the labelling thing; if you have a functioning brain, you don’t need to label; you can agree or disagree conscientiously and that’s all you need to be in peace. The CO labelling is inadequate because, as I said, unless you live out of this civilisation, we all are co-responsible through our votes and taxes which finance the action of the State and therefore we are worse than… Read more »

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jul 3, 2023 5:15 AM

As far as I know all the persons highlighted in the event are British. And as far as financing controlled opposition goes, that is one of the reasons that the Five Eyes exist (Really six eyes. Can you guess the sixth eye?). Meaning all governments are running their versions of the ministry of truth.

CO is real period and matters. That you think it should be ignored is a you challenge. Also just because I call someone CO, doesn’t mean that I think they speak zero truth. It means that person cannot be fully trusted and is more likely than not pushing a team evil agenda by less obvious means. For example Brand politically is with out a doubt a collectivist.

I will continue to label and categorize as I see fit.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Jul 1, 2023 11:24 AM
Reply to  Howard

Which boils down to the Voltaire’s ultimate position. You must simply cultivate your garden, all else is folly. Actually I don’t believe in that because it is right. Seriously: work that one out if you can.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 30, 2023 12:32 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

There are no avenues left by the rats for any exit from this, that is why God alone has the answers, and provides them, by His(Her/Its?) providence to each of those who tune in, on a “need to know” basis, just like all other major wars. I am not saying I know all about what that means, or even that much, only that I can work with it more now, seeing that, but turning the soul to its inner goodness, and the God of all that, has always been the ultimate trajectory out of such a, ahem, impasse as we are seeing ~really~ develop. Always the same, really, only now “mushrooming” technology has shut off all other apparent exits. CJ Hopkins has been seeing the problem for some time, but in response to his questions, that is “the 3rd Way” and the only one some see now. Me too. It is communicated covertly, too, like the spy agencies, only now as “Spies for God” (Myles Connolly: “Mr. Blue”). (Progressive coffee clatches and group movements have very low levels of expectation now, based on what we’ve seen for decades, and getting ever more minimal on that front!) But it seems to me more and more wonderful that there is still always a Way. It’s just above us. I guess we just have to keep the best of that under our hats! Even beyond the most sophisticated prying. God can communicate with his children on infinitely discreet channels. They don’t know that, so that’s an edge! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Mr. Jones, the Ark is an incredible radio transmitter for communicating with God!” ~ Nazi Dr. Rene Belloc to Indiana Jones, in the original film, Raiders of the Lost Ark (And we know how that shtick turned out for him and his crime partners in… Read more »

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 11:49 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

“There are no avenues left by the rats for any exit from this”

…- Indeed. – The dickweeds have *Nowhere Left* for Them to run to…

…- Or: “What is sauce for the goose, also…”

…- And I concur with your faith… – *Somewhat*…

Jun 30, 2023 6:18 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

The allowed voice of decent, the Globalist backed Anti-globalist, in a word Distraction.

Jun 29, 2023 8:34 PM

It’s called co-optation, or the elite forming an elite. It’s all justified by the co-opted as a need to “reach people” or in the name of having a “real effect”… or “I’m just not an organization person” in some cases. And it does seem to be necessary at one level, and yet ultimately divisive–and often destructive to the internal politics of a resistance org.–or maybe it happens too because an org. has long ceased practicing internal politics, and thus has abandoned democratic forms.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 12:00 PM
Reply to  fxgrube

…- All of that, and the copious opportunities for spook central infiltration, subversion, or just plain ol’ setting up an astroturfed big-top marquee, right from the offing, to sucker-in unsuspecting rubes… – Which many of the items in your comment, fx’, *may* in fact be symptoms thereof and thus a usefull ‘tell’ – tho’ *YMMV*…

…- *Seriously*, this whole ‘organization’ cannard tickles me no end, *Every Damn Time* I see it…

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 29, 2023 10:35 PM

That’s definitely possible. The price ticket might also have put me into high alert.

Jun 29, 2023 11:30 PM

25 years ago — when I still lived in the US (and also was 25 years younger!) — I thought Amy Goodman was great, a true radical critic. What has happened to her? Or is it to me? Or is it to the world?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jun 30, 2023 12:55 AM
Reply to  mjh

true colors, that’s all I can figure. They were hiding behind the two party political system, and that worked during the Bush years, but when Obama came on and before 30 days were out, he proved he, and the democratic party, was the same damn thing, that’s when true colors came out. This scamdemic clarified that even further. I think it’s all coming down to freedom, again.

Jun 30, 2023 4:30 AM

9/11 already provided that clarity. The scamdemic confirmed it.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 12:05 PM
Reply to  mjh


…- Cue, de rigeur Neo/Morpheus meme re: WickedPedos’ bios ‘Early History’ sections… 😉

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 30, 2023 10:12 PM
Reply to  mjh

I see this more and more, not just in USA Inc. but it’s pandemic throughout the world, straight outta Hollywood cum Wall St. I listened raptly to Amy broadcast live at 6am from Cairo, and Tahrir Square, breathlessly lauding the first budding and blossoming bouquets of the Arab Spring, 2011. In a rapture she tuned us in live to a speech by Mohammed Morsi (RIP?) who declaimed to the crowd from his platform in front of them, ” If I do not accomplish these reforms in my first 6 months I will step down and join you in your protests.” Amy Goodman was all about that charade, in support of his proclamations and the crowd. Or so it seemed, listening. Some while later I read in the New York Times that standing next to Morsi on that podium was the head of the Muslim brotherhood and that basically that whole routine was a fascist coup. Not to mention the crowd was infested with agents provocateurs sparking peaceful protests into melees. Years later, fairly recently, I found that, like so many people at WHO, CDC, IMF, UN etc etc and other such globalist pranks, Morsi had been educated largely at USC (and what’s more when my own father was still teaching law there). Morsi then taught at Cal State Northridge (where as another family fun fact my sister got her teaching certificate). Supposedly he worked as an engineer for NASA on the space shuttle nose cone etc. I believe I read recently that that bona fide had been debunked. Whatever. The key takeaway from that whole charade was that almost all of the Arab Spring was just what we see in all our US & Brit spy provocateur stage magic, mostly another convoluted imperialist prank perfected through consultancy with nearby Hollywood.… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 30, 2023 12:21 AM

Nothing ever has come from it! Whenever we have had some charismatic torch bearers, whether or not that plays into a fatuous cult of personality which we see too often, nonetheless the better ones are eliminated and the impetus dwindles through fragmentation into all kinds of faux left or other faux movements, to disperse the social energies horizontally in different directions, and defuse any precious spirit of change. I used to wonder about it a half century ago, as a youngster, before I’d seen it way too often, how everything got diffused and diverted. I could smell a rat. Then I learned a little bit about how the spy agencies do things, studied their infiltration practices and the rest, and realized that altogether that was “not a bug but a feature” of our society. But back then, it was just how USA Inc. did things, or undid things. Now, their nasty nazification of all these methodologies has spread like an infection, a pandemic, throughout most of the world, which would seem to be the core point Mr. Hopkins is making here, and I saw that too. I guested on radio saying that, in interviews almost twenty years ago, and said it would only get worse, until the flames were licking around the consoles of too many comfy peoples’ big screen tv’s. And then? Would there be any time to change? (Castro said in a two hour speech the day after JFK was murdered, 11.23.63, that “we know that the worst form of capitalism is imperialism, and the worst form of imperialism is Nazism,” in much those same words, putting his finger exactly on where the blame existed in all that sorry fiasco.) This is why many of us have always maintained that centering in prayer and growing closer to God… Read more »

Jun 29, 2023 5:23 PM

It should be unquestionable by now, to everyone in here at least, that the world is a big theatrical stage and everything is covertly managed from the backstage by the directors. The question remains though, who are they, what are their structures, their history and their belief systems?
I think that the inconvenient truth can begin to be discovered in the works of the people who have researched the so called Illuminati, or Family, or System, or deep-state (they always come with many names). A book I read recently which offers a very holistic view on the matter, based solely to the testimonies of individual whistleblowers who have managed (or are trying) to escape the system is “An Illuminati Primer: Understanding The System Through the Eyes of its Whistleblowers” by Veronica Swift. It can be downloaded for free from her website, you should read it and it is guaranteed that the more you start looking into it and read the actual referenced material the more you will start believing it, as outlandish as it sounds. Kubrick knew and he tried to speak…

Jun 29, 2023 7:51 PM
Reply to  Tryfon

First time I’ve read a 200-page book in under half an hour. A nice horror story, like a mixture of Denis Wheatley’s “The Devil Rides Out” and “The Omen”. It might all be true, or it might not, in which case somebody hopes to make a fair amount of money out of it. Where a normal appreciation of the New Testament is unlikely to lead a person into dangerous byways, on account of its personal encouragement to stay awake and think about yourself and your place in the world, this sort of book just leaves you wondering, “Is it true, or isn’t it?”, the answer to which is not going to be found in your personal experience, unless you are very unlucky in your choice of parents. When you don’t know, admit it, and continue to pursue a path of gathering good information. The caveat in this case, that “I admit when I am giving my own opinion, and otherwise I source my material”, still doesn’t prove that everything in the book isn’t hearsay at second hand, if not third hand. The horrors in it are too far removed from general human experience for us to be able to take them for truth just because they are in book form. That said, everything in the book might be true, and it also could explain the appalling things our current ‘authorities’ are doing to us. Let me put it this way: We have no evidence that even Jesus tried to infiltrate the ‘illuminati’ of His day, in order to frustrate their plans. Nothing gets fixed by infiltration, although there are plenty of things which can be royally screwed by it. Let it be. The naive souls that like to get involved in such things out of idle curiosity are just going… Read more »

Veronica Swift
Veronica Swift
Jun 29, 2023 11:08 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Thanks for your book review, wardropper. In terms of making money on this book, how exactly am I doing that whilst giving away the book for free, which has been the case with the .pdf version since April, 2021. I haven’t made a dime on it, actually. If you want to make your remark come true, I do have a donation button on my website, since you got to read the book for free and you have publicly insulted me multiple times here you might want to consider at least making one of your insults accurate. https://veronicaswift.blog/about/ You would be the first ever to donate, and then your statement that I’ve “made money” on the book would be accurate. The only question is, will your donation cover a cup of coffee, or will it be more of an “I could support myself for a month” kind of amount? I rely on primary sources, not secondary ones. Not a single whistleblower I reference in the book is a second-hand source, and virtually every reference in the book is from a primary source whistleblower, and just to be clear, pages 210 to 264 in the print book are references, so 54 pages out of 265 total pages are references. So no, this content is not second or third-hand, and yes, your failure to notice that (or read it properly, I did write it at least once) is disconcerting. “This sort of book” doesn’t really exist anywhere else I’ve ever seen, that’s why I wrote it. And yes, if you never experienced any of these horrors you were indeed lucky in your choice of parents, and yes, if you haven’t experienced them they create cognitive dissonance like you’re experiencing. I’m not naive, nor am I idly curious, nor was I intending to “fix”… Read more »

Jun 30, 2023 2:02 AM
Reply to  Veronica Swift

You are right that I did not intend to be insulting, Veronica, and I thank you for your courteous reply to my comment. I wasn’t meaning you about the money, by the way… I was just referring to that ‘somebody’ – a publisher, or whatever, who is always interested in dramatic subjects for the business potential. In fact I admit that my comment turned unintentionally into a general rant and admonition to all readers about the appalling things that happen to mankind, yet how powerless we can be in trying to oppose them. You are also quite right that disbelief will not end this System, but my stance is not one of disbelief. It’s just what I would call healthy scepticism – or a critical perspective on something I have little personal experience of, and can therefore only guess at, based on what I have seen other people engaging in. I’ll certainly admit to not being ‘interested’ in Satanic ritual abuse, but that does not mean that I deny its existence. In fact I am certain of its existence, as well as that of the system that perpetuates it. The reason I read your book was to see whether a new perspective might come up, since my wide reading on philosophical, religious and even occult subjects has given me many points of reference and an interest in finding ways to thwart the demons, who are, as you and many others obviously realize, as real as you and I. But I also have in mind what Buddha said: “Never believe anything just because somebody said it.” I very much wish to “end this System”, as you put it, but the tools given to human beings for such purposes are extremely limited, and simply pointing out how sickening true evil is just… Read more »

Veronica Swift
Veronica Swift
Jun 30, 2023 6:46 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Apology accepted, thank you.

I had a longer reply constructed and then my internet crashed and I lost it & can’t remember the entirety of it.

The most important part is that I remember was that I do see progress in the past few years in bringing awareness to the public. Even in the past few months people speaking out has increased quite a lot, at both the survivor and the pundit level. When multiple well-known not-mainstream players start talking about the “demons” in government, progress has been made. There are quite a few speaking out about that now that I’ve seen.

I’m told there’s proof but it is locked up in government red tape. It might take quite a bit more pressure on them to release it. Until then, when solid proof either proves all of them wrong or all of them right, all we really have is a willingness to accept that they’re either truth tellers or there’s a really big movement afoot to make a whole bunch of people make up a whole lot of life stories with some details that most people don’t have the imagination for.

Thanks for your time. Blessings, V

Jul 1, 2023 12:55 AM
Reply to  Veronica Swift

Thank you too, V.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 3, 2023 4:35 AM
Reply to  Veronica Swift

Hell is real. I always believe, as many theologians suggest, or insist, that one of the most hygienic measures to restore spiritual health comes from a keen understanding that Hell is not some primitivist superstition. Taken correctly, it indicates the existence of God and goodness. What else?

“If you’re going through Hell, keep going.”

~ Churchill

Jun 29, 2023 5:13 PM

The United Nations is the enemy. Setting world policy. World leaders are cowards and knee jerk reacting (while on their knees) to the propaganda pouring out of the U.N.. They truly think the world is ending and that they are doing what is best for the people of their respective countries. Disband the United Nations. Abandon the Paris Accord agreement. Investigate. All of them. The list is long.

Jun 29, 2023 6:39 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

The UN is only one of many enemies.

I’m interested in the people and their personal agenda in such organizations.
Men, not organizations, set the agenda.

I want names…

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 29, 2023 7:54 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Spot on.
Names of people that should have a short walk to a short rope.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jun 29, 2023 8:14 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yet all of these snakes, including the UN, are firmly attached to Medusa’s head. The known demonic organizations which currently run the planet are like satellites surrounding a black hole. At some point as we try to proceed our understanding toward the center, we have the “event horizon” past which no information may pass to the outside.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jun 30, 2023 6:41 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

I have to disagree with your notion that world leaders truly believe the world is ending and that they think they are doing what is best for their people. In fact, that sounds incredibly naive.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 29, 2023 4:24 PM

You can’t expect a work of fiction written a lifetime ago to be 100% correct about the future but your observations feel like arriving in Oceana. Its at war with Eurasia (of course) but like the war in the book its remote, its really just a tool of social control. Technology changes but people don’t. Orwell himself wrote “1984” to illustrate the power of language to shape mind and thought but one of the neatest cultural tricks played on us was to use this raw material as theme for a dystopian love story. That is, everyone’s seen the movies, relatively few have read the book, even fewer his other works so we can safely ignore the core messages and use it in the furtherance of the very notions it was trying to warn us about. The only problem with this kind of Rovian “bubble reality” is that the view outside the bubble isn’t changed. You rapidly get to the point where you don’t know who’s fooling who. The government in the UK definitely seems to be trying to gaslight the population but from what I’ve been able to learn large segments of the population aren’t with the program. There’s also bits of reality that keep intruding, the strangest being the impending bankruptcy of the water utility that serves London and environs. Its short quite a lot of money — but even so, only about 10% of what’s been lavished on Ukraine — but the question lurking behind this is how can a business like that run out of money? It says a lot about the complete fiction that is the City, their business model is a fantasy of leverage. No wonder the UK is going through a crisis of confidence (recent Guardian article). My suggestion is to just get outside… Read more »

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Jul 1, 2023 11:47 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Thing is that Orwell changed sides in 1945 when he began to work for the British Foreign Office, fingering leftist activists in the West. Which goes to show that it is a common phenomenon to move from one love object to another quite easily.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 29, 2023 4:11 PM

A paradox I see is that many of CJ’s “deviants”, “us” or aka, members of the health freedom movement (for lack of a better term), see the work of Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, Alex Gutentag, Jacob Seigel et al, as the work of “normies” and and have dismissed their work as limited hangouts because they were/are (so far) unable to see that the “pandemic” was a cover story for the the imposition of the new “control grid”, that is, the very censorship industrial complex, that they have so well been documenting. (To be fair, many of them are doing work the likes of which they have been doing a long time.) I see their work as being a bridge to a set of normies that will look at their work (but unfortunately not yet the likes of CJ) and hopefully begin to see the function of the “shock and awe” of the fake pandemic in its true light. There’s still too few of us…

Jun 29, 2023 5:20 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Maybe, but I doubt there’s enough time left for a gradual awakening.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 29, 2023 5:55 PM
Reply to  TRT

Then it’s already too late…

Jun 29, 2023 3:50 PM

Why are these events so expensive? Are us poor uselesseaters forever forbidden to participate ?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 29, 2023 7:54 PM
Reply to  David

Alternative media is also a business. The public love to be pssd on and pay for it. Its called golden shower. You should just be happy you cant afford it.

Jun 29, 2023 3:43 PM

And yet, here we are, C.J.
Aware, and critical.

I honestly think that will always be the case.
The ghouls never entirely wipe out resistance to their evil, even if they can make things very uncomfortable for people with decent intelligence.

“Never give up” is still a motto for many.
Merely existing – on somebody else’s terms – isn’t good enough, because there is no point to it.
We know we can do better than that, and, after all, when has being creative in this world ever been an easy thing?

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 12:35 PM
Reply to  wardropper

…- Amen… – Your point about existing is generally correct, war’, with one notable exception, that being when the ‘Other’ wishes you to simply cease to exist… – Then there is *Every* point to ‘merely’ existing, and moreover, continuing to do so with *Every Fibre* of one’s being…

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 12:36 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

…- If nothing else, it gets *Right Up* their nose… 😉

Jun 30, 2023 4:07 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Still, I’d call that resistance more than merely existing.
It may be all we have left to resist with in a few years’ time…

Jun 29, 2023 3:18 PM

Nature evolves the species The species then proceeds to evolve its history. Tweak the expression “It is what it is” to read “We are where we are” and you’ve got the pickle we’re in.

If you’re familiar with the series “Primeval” (one of the few things the BBC got right), its arch-villain Dr. Helen Cutter offers the perfect solution to our censorship dilemma: go back to the beginning and poison the waters – literally.

Otherwise, hitch a ride with H.G. Wells’ Time Traveler and have a look-see at where we’re going – if we make it.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 12:40 PM
Reply to  Howard

…- We get to be the Morlocks, Davostan gets to be the Eloi?… – Okay, I’m cool with that…

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 29, 2023 3:05 PM

An updated version of The Man Who Was Thursday , by Chesterton in 1908 ?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 29, 2023 2:27 PM

It’s all IIA influence operations and the “censorship” is the psyop. As in: Help! Help! I’m being censored! Come and see the censorship inherent in the system! Of course, for it to work there has to be real people who are censored and cancelled. However, those people are the fodder rather than the objective since we don’t generally get to hear about them – not unless we inhabit the less well travelled regions of the interwebs. Instead, we Glenn Greenwald going on Fox News to tell us how media-oppressed he is!

IIA: Internet Interactive Activities

Jun 29, 2023 2:26 PM

How then, to engage with swamp satire, without to get wet feet, absent some waders,
Through the weeds & saliva filled reeds of Bullrush ?

A dog whistle comes to mind: of Pavlovian calling.

Don’t shoot the satirical messenger, biting the bullet.
The point being, ‘iT’ is happening everywhere: an orchestrated roll out of
Loss of Sovereignty & metabolically controlling, even the author.
You’ve lost that loathing feeling ?
Another Righteous brother ?

Jun 29, 2023 2:20 PM

… “The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects…”

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Jun 29, 2023 1:33 PM

Attending an event featuring Russell Brand. Words fail me (almost). More confirmation that CJ operates in the misdirection weeds.

john dann
john dann
Jun 29, 2023 3:47 PM
Reply to  Mark Millward

I’ll have you know that RB has millions of wonderful, winged, awakened fellow travellers on his journey of discovery and wealth and that he is able to spout, a spirited, spontaneous sonnambulist stream, by the hour, inspired only by the lasting, lingering residue of a once dissipated youth. Show some respect! He is also good, if a bit overbearing, entertainment.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2023 12:47 PM
Reply to  john dann


…- Yup!… – As in: – yet another fucking Monarched performing monkey, straight outta the bowels of Hellyweird…

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 30, 2023 3:11 PM
Reply to  john dann

It seems by the general attitude here on the OFF-G comment section that they don’t understand the concept of “critical support” that is, you work with people where you find agreement, and you respectfully criticize them where you don’t. It is a formula for coalition building while not caving to the lowest common political denominator. There seems to have developed cynical purity tests before those here will engage with others.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Jul 1, 2023 11:53 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Fair enough. You work with whatever to be happens to be available. Or you strive for absolute purity. Not a choice really.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Jul 1, 2023 11:57 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

Of course there is always Voltaire’s garden.

Eric Walsh
Eric Walsh
Jun 29, 2023 1:25 PM

Technocracy is their aim. Agenda 2021 is the means.