The Criminalization of Dissent (Revisited)
CJ Hopkins
Greetings from Thoughtcriminal 231Js1736/23!
That’s my official Thoughtcrime Case Number, which my attorney needs to reference in all our official correspondence with the New Normal Thoughtpolice.
I think I’m going to silk-screen it on a T-shirt and wear it on my first day in Moabit Criminal Court, “the largest criminal court in Europe with 340 judges and 360 prosecutors.”
That’s right, the Berlin State Prosecutor’s office is pursuing its criminal investigation of me for allegedly “disseminating propaganda, the content of which is intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization,” which according to Germany’s Grundgesetz could send me to prison for up to three years.
My attorney wrote to them and politely explained how ridiculous their investigation is and why they should summarily drop the charges, but New Normal Germany has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to Thoughtcrime, especially Thoughtcrime involving any kind of Covid-denying propaganda.
The “propaganda” in question is these two Tweets.
Which, OK, I just disseminated them again, so there’s another three years in prison. Or, I don’t know, maybe it’s six years in prison, i.e., three years for each separate count of Thoughtcrime.
I wrote those Tweets in German, so let me translate.
The one on the left reads, “The masks are ideological-conformity symbols. That is all they are. That is all they have ever been. Stop acting like they have ever been anything else, or get used to wearing them.” The hashtag translates as “Masks are not a benign measure.”
The one on the right is a quote by Karl Lauterbach, the Minister of Health of Germany, tweeted by Die Welt, a national newspaper. It reads “The masks always send out a signal.” And, yes, Karl, that’s exactly the point I was making.
The image is from the cover art of my book The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021), which was banned in Germany by Amazon, Inc. two days after I tweeted the above Tweets. (It appears to also be banned for sale in German bookstores, but I don’t have confirmation of that.)
My attorney just received the screenshots of these Tweets from the Berlin State Prosecutor a few days ago. Up to then, we didn’t know what they were, and we couldn’t find them, because they have been censored by Twitter, presumably on the orders of the German Thoughtpolice. We knew they featured the cover art of my book, because the Prosecutor’s office described it, but we didn’t know about the “Covid denial.”
So, essentially, I’m facing criminal charges, and being threatened with who knows how many years in prison, or thousands of Eurodollars in fines, for (a) stating what has now been widely acknowledged, and what was generally understood by every serious epidemiologist until the Spring of 2020, namely, that mask-mandates do not work, and thus are nothing but symbolic measures designed to generate and enforce mass obedience, and (b) insulting the Minister of Health of Germany, who happens to be a fanatical serial liar who is directly responsible for the serious injury and death of … well, we’ll never know how many people.
Neither of which are actual crimes. Not even in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The pretext for the charges I am facing is the swastika behind the mask, which, as I noted in a recent essay, is a play on the international bestseller, The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich, by William Shirer, which you can buy in any bookshop in Berlin.
Incidentally, my book has also been a bestseller, at least on Amazon (in countries where it’s not banned) and Barnes & Noble, but I’ve still got a little ways to go before I get to Shirer territory.
So, there you are…those are my Thoughtcrimes.
I’ve been writing about the “New Normal” as a new form of totalitarianism for several years now. I wrote about it in one of my essays, The Criminalization of Dissent, in May of 2021. Some of my colleagues rolled their eyes. They thought I was being hyperbolic again. I wasn’t. This is what I meant. It is literally the criminalization of dissent.
I wasn’t the only one covering the story of the criminalization of dissent in Germany. The New York Times reported on it in April of 2021…
The country’s domestic intelligence agency says it will create a new department to deal with extremism among conspiracy theorists.”
German Intelligence Puts Coronavirus Deniers Under Surveillance
As did Aljazeera…
For intelligence officers to be legally allowed to start observing parts of the anti-lockdown movement, Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) had to create an entirely new category of groups because the ‘Querdenkers’ do not fit neatly into the existing classifications of right-wing or left-wing. The new category is for groups suspected of being ‘anti-democratic and/or delegitimizing the state in a way that endangers security.’ The designation allows intelligence officers to gather data about individuals and their activities, and could in a further step include shadowing people and tapping their communications.”
German Spy Agency to Monitor Some Anti-Lockdown Protesters
I was not a member of the “Querdenker” movement, or any other movement for that matter, but I doubt that makes any difference to the BfV or the Berlin State Prosecutor. Anyone even vaguely prominent who spoke out against the “Corona measures” is fair game for threats and prosecution. The beneficent-sounding Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, or BfV, is basically Germany’s FBI.
It’s now two years after the above stories were published, and they are still on the hunt for “Covid deniers,” “conspiracy theorists,” and other such persons suspected of “delegitimizing the state” … whatever that Orwellian language means.
Of course, it doesn’t matter what it means. It means whatever they say it means. That’s what it means. It means it doesn’t mean anything, and they do not have to pretend it means anything.
It means, “Shut the fuck up. Get in line. Do what we tell you. Say what we tell you. Think what we tell you. Or we will fucking get you. We will make up some charges and prosecute you. We will censor you into Internet oblivion. We will shut off your fucking bank account. We’ll send the IRS to your house. We’ll ruin your career. We’ll hurt your family. We will extradite you to the USA and lock you up in Supermax prison for 175 fucking years.”
How am I doing? Do I sound hyperbolic?
And, no, of course I’m not just talking about Germany. The criminalization of dissent is being rolled out everywhere. Ireland is just the latest of dozens of countries all throughout the West that are criminalizing so-called “hate speech.” The specifics are different but the message is the same, “Watch what you say, or we will prosecute you, or otherwise seriously fuck you up.”
Oh, and also, I should probably mention, my lawyer advised me not to republish those Tweets. He completely understands where I am coming from, but it is his job to look out for me and to try his best to … you know, keep me out of German prison, which I’m not making easy for him.
Now, I want to be very clear about this. I have no desire to go to German prison. I am about to turn 62 years old. I’m not at all interested in tossing anyone’s salad or having my salad tossed by anyone, especially not a pumped-up, tattooed member of some local Turkish drug gang, or an actual German neo-Nazi, but I’m not going to be intimidated into shutting up or toning my act down to placate the New Normal Thoughtpolice.
The thing is, I don’t respond well to bullies. I feel a particular antipathy toward them. I’m not very fond of liars either. And totalitarians … there’s another group of people I don’t like. I am not ashamed to admit my bias against such people. I wish them ill. I am sorry about whatever vicissitudes of fortune or experience turned them into lying, bullying, totalitarian creeps, but they can suck foul wind out of my ass if they think I am going to bow down to them. They can do what they want to me. They have that power. They can silence me for a while if they want. But they cannot make me silence myself.
And they cannot make me pretend to respect them.
The Germans are real big on respecting authority. So am I. But authority is earned. It does not stem from a title or a uniform. It stems from knowledge, experience, integrity, and honorable behavior, not from brute force. Fascists, totalitarians, and the like do not deserve our respect. They deserve our scorn. They deserve our derision. I have plenty of it for them.
Also, there are the kids to think about. I don’t have any, but other people do. What kind of an example are we setting for the kids if we start censoring (or “sensitivity-editing”) ourselves every time some fascist bully threatens to put us in jail if we don’t? A lot of the young people are already pretty pussified as it is these days. I’m certainly not a tough guy or anything, but sometimes, in life, you have to fight, and it doesn’t really matter if you get your ass kicked.
Oh, and, if you’re contemplating writing to me and telling me to “get the hell out of Germany” or inquiring as to why I haven’t “gotten the hell out of Germany,” please do not do that. I am extremely tired of hearing it. Instead, just wire a high six-figure sum into the Swiss account I will be setting up shortly, and, I promise you, I’ll get the hell out of Germany, and send you a postcard from an undisclosed location somewhere in the Ionian Sea.
In the meantime, I’ll definitely keep you posted on Case 231Js1736/23, and maybe I’ll go ahead and do up that T-shirt. Wait, what am I thinking? This is New Normal Berlin! I could find a VC, round up some 20-year-old, transgender, Ayahuasca-guzzling tech bros (or “tech persons with penises” or whatever the proper “non-harmful” nomenclature is at the moment), and start up some type of totally Bitcoined bespoke Thoughtcriminal T-shirt business!
The way things are going, I’ll probably make a killing…or at least I’ll be able to cover my legal costs, which, after that last little gratuitous outburst, Lord knows what kind of new charges I’ll be facing!
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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Go get ’em, tiger.
Just please send us a complete scorecard.
I’m OffAir for 1 month for typing two conjoining words, Covid Gestapo.
Wow. Well, they are pretty damned conjoined.
Best thoughts!
Insatiable ego relishing in the drama and now your book is a best seller.!
Every time I see theses internet constructed court cases.
They all have the same M.I.C M.O.
How could he travel? (That Censorship Conference in London)
In Germany if you are charged with an alleged crime, you can still leave the country?
You’re trusted not to skip bail, to disappear?
Must be the case. Anyone here know the Law on that?
Actually a test.
It seems a reply to a comment far down the thread was put into “pending”.
I was just wondering if my writings deserved potential censorship scrutiny.
Moneycircus brought to my attention an article in the Guardian which frets over the threat to the European Green Deal “from conservatives”. Not knowing much about this “European Green Deal”, I turn to Wiki which is an invaluable source of info as long as you understand its purely negative value i.e. its aggressively propagandist function. I read: “The European Green Deal, approved in 2020, is a set of policy initiatives by the European Commission with the overarching aim of making the European Union (EU) climate neutral in 2050. The plan is to review each existing law on its climate merits, and also introduce new legislation on the circular economy, building renovation, biodiversity, farming and innovation.” Now isn’t it interesting that this “deal” was “made” in the signal year of 2020, the year of the Great Rhetorical Reversal when the “Right” driven neoliberal revolution was suddenly halted and allegedly trashed by the “Left” driven Fight Against The Deadly Pandemic, when the media ceaselessly implied there had been a sea-change in political sensibility and the “Right”, the Tories, the Reactionaries etc. were now on the run? And this Green Deal is … what precisely? It aims at “climate neutrality”, where laws must be reviewed for their “climate merits”. And then we get this list of “circular economy, building renovation, biodiversity, farming and innovation”. Why – it’s the language of the corporate pep talk! Then this almost teasing note: “The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, stated that the European Green Deal would be Europe’s “man on the moon moment”.” They really are having a laugh! Man on the moon indeed! “The European Commission’s climate change strategy, launched in 2020, is focused on a promise to make Europe a net-zero emitter of greenhouse gases by 2050 and to demonstrate that… Read more »
George, just to clear it up, my polite request to kindly shut the fuck up about the BBC included the Guardian too.
Moneycircus ain’t the BEEB.
Focus Man, focus!
Good luck with that request!
Beeb is the Web has been for 100 years . So that out the way it been freely available to anyone if you want it. The End. Yes no it’s up to you. Americans of course speak American. Case in point the Demonstration 1968. It was also the last year we had Atlantic ocean voyages., of friendships. 1968. Now it has been fifty five years soo, what’s up??
You just made zero sense.
Time to dry out.
it’s a CIA disinfo bot. they’re everywhere. apparently the objective is just to derail discussion, because, as you say, they make no sense.
So do you want Off-Guardian to also shut the fuck up about the Guardian?
And while we’re at it, why don’t you draw up a list of sources no-one is supposed to mention?
George, for fucks sakes, I’m just fucking with you, yap about whatever the fuck rings your bell. Who gives a shit? We only have one life, and if running at the mouth about the BBC is how spend yours you must, go for it, mahn!
Anyways, I was just using you as an example of the pitfalls of seemingly opposing something, but in fact being just as affected thereby as if you swallowed it hook, line & sinker in the first place.
PS: Since you’re such a linguistic connoisseur, I hope you’ll appreciate the above anastrophe.
Hero worship excuse me gents but if the rest of the world ever finds out what an earth is happening in the British Isles, beyond a tadpole in the Manchester Canal BBC it’ll be a miracle.
Off Guard is when On Guard is off Duty you Propagandist buffoonery Docking Cronie.
No doubt your reach of preferences carry no further than your own door handle.
All Quiet on the Western Front was Banned in France till 1963. As you may or obviously not be aware of, “Western Front” was fought over on our Eastern Front. 🤡
It was also the year we ratified you were either Homosexuality left right either Male or female. Homosexual Male or a Lesbian. Or a Dandy…Comic. Entertainer. Little Hitler.
A “Clown” button needs to be invented for degenerates;
i vote Clive as getting the first “Clown” vote.
not a clown, it’s the CIA.
A homey told me here at the beach “Cclowns In A
merica” He said, not me
Bingo! Every petty tyrant who ever lived firmly believed and the ones remaining still firmly believe “a title or a uniform” is exactly where authority comes from.
When you view the history of humanity, and notice the endless array of those desperately seeking the titles and trappings affixed to authority, you begin to understand there’s a monstrous perversion of both authority and ambition at work.
Which brings into play the ever popular nature vs. nurture argument. (I of course blame human nature, not human nurture.)
History makes it appear human existence has been nothing but one war of conquest after another. This is simply because that’s what those in “authority” demand their scribes record.
Title-uniform-glory: the true “Axis of Evil.”
any uniform represents order, like striped lawns and straight roads.
can’t be having nature and shaggy indigenous ones ruining the landscape, . . send out the constables… etc
: )
Straight roads are for those whom are automatically predisposed to rechargeable. Ie electrical grids trillions of batteries wasted tonnage,.. while we continue to educate generation’s of synthetic lubricantican engineers. The Human Species are measured paired into believing, it’s not the size of the stools, but merely the question of size that resides in rear of one’s owned property Madame.
this thing is clearly a bot, programmed to shit up threads with nonsense
can’t you just prevent it posting OffG?
This is not a problem of German origin, being a conquered nation, but is a problem of USA empire origin.
Not that this means much in regards the authors predicament
Correct. Never comply.
Bravo CJ.
Changing of the guard at the CFR, change of language and change of policy ?
BBC: “Ofcom to investigate episode of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s GB News show”
Hilarious. The Deep State “investigates” its own straw man.
And this:
“An Ofcom spokesperson said: “We are investigating whether this programme broke our rules requiring news and current affairs to be presented with due impartiality.””
There’s no such thing as “impartiality”. (The “due” only shows the writer is on automatic pilot .) And that is why we need a genuine diversity of channels.
Would you kindly shove your reports about what some fucking BBC is spewing up your ass, man?
Why do you keep devouring this shit so keenly?
Would you kindly stop fucking screaming at every fucker to shut the fuck up so you can fucking impress them with how fucking loud you can fucking shout.
If you’re going to throw invective around at least learn some new words.
You don’t get it, eh?
You – and everybody else – need to detach yourself from the umbilical chord through which BBC and whatever other conduits of horseshit you follow keep indoctrinating your brain. Why the fuck do you even read that shit? Can’t help yourself? Masochism? Stockholm syndrome?
How many more confirmations do you need that what you considered a relatively well-functioning society ain’t one no more if it ever was? Isn’t it patently clear that the BBC is full of shit? You like to consume that crap? Keep it to yourself.
Don’t worry about me, worry about your consumption of putrid shit. And this applies to everybody who still follows mass media.
It’s ‘umbilical cord’, not ‘umbilical chord’.
Ha ha … I was thinking of maj13#11 or l’accord de la sixte napolitaine …
You’re quite a grammar nazi with a keen eye for spotting spelling transgressions though!
Perhaps you could fix this by replacing both the fucking “c” and the fucking “ch” with the more appropriate “k”. Ever heard of Jan Hus?
I will join the Moodies then, still “In Search of the Lost Chord.”
Since, apparently it is.
Correct, noise that goes in is not necessarily the sound chord that is connected to Georges organs.
And you just don’t get it that I DON’T regard the BBC as a reliable source except in a negative way I.e. it indicates where the parasite class is going by showing what they want us to believe.
And I love this: “You – and everybody else”. You against the world, eh?
And I note you haven’t you haven’t taken my advice about extending your vocabulary. There are thesauruses available on the net.
Your vocabulary is not much to write home about either, not to mention the substance you’re producing. Even if you had the whole fucking lexis up your ass, it wouldn’t be of much help. Incidentally, note that English is only one of several languages I use, not the primary one, mind you, and I sure can’t remember all the fucking words. That being said, I can run circles around your BBC-fucked up self nonetheless, mainly because your drivel is devoid of substance, apart from regurgitating what the BBC fucks decided to rinse your head with today. So, fuck off about vocabulary already and focus on what matters.
What matters is that by clinging to the manure produced by the BBC and other mass media cunts, you’re following THEIR NARRATIVE, regardless of your stance thereto. Even if you reject 1000% what they say, your thinking still revolves around the topics they serve you and basically from the angle they serve them. Moreover, you’re constantly in a negative mode and, most importantly, your grumbling and whining prevents you from actually formulating any positive, constructive ideas of your own.
In other words, they got you tethered on a leash, obedient as a lapdog.
By extension, this applies to other issues and areas too. In your case, for example, the incessant infatuation with Marx, various other dead guys, and the past in general.
Gotta tax that brain of yours to a greater extent and look to the future, come up with something new. Capisce?
Am I against the world? Absolutely not. The world can suck my dick. I’m not against anything per se, as long as they don’t infringe on my ass, which rarely happens because I usually get the fuck out before they have a chance.
Hope this explains it kinda conclusively.
I had no idea I was addressing such a polymath multi-talented genius albeit one who has to prove his credentials by insisting on them himself. And I now see what is “positive”. To shout and shout and shout, scream “FUCK” at the top of my voice and denounce everyone for not being as brilliant as I claim to be myself. Oh and also to discount the whole of history apparently.
Fuckin’ fuckin’ fucketty fuck!
Ooh I feel better already!
I don’t denounce you, George, I was just kindly asking to shut the fuck up about the BBC.
No need to drown yourself in this rather inane issue. Just shut the fuck up about the BBC.
Are you “Disgusted”, dude?
Its turning into ‘Hells Kitchen’ George, as Gordan Ramsay would say to his critics “fuck off and fuck off now”! Here we have to be a tad more diplomatic or do we?
No worries, George. It’s the troll of the week. It’ll be gone in two shakes …
Notice no mention of CJH’s predicament. No words of solidarity for him.
Fuck you, loser. Nobody’s forcing you to read nothing or to agree.
“Words of solidarity” (sic)? What is that? The fake concern people are voicing, while deep down they don’t give a shit?
I wrote a post about how people should regard the oncoming totalitarianism, you’re welcome to read it. Or not. Your choice, you can keep trying to hump my leg instead.
With all due respect to the author, he’s taunted the government, perhaps not realizing that stuff like freedom of speech has been cancelled, and he’s getting slapped over the wrist.
People will have to learn how to oppose this crap in ways other than putting a fucking target on their chest.
“Investment in MSM narratives IS mind control” I share your bemusement & annoyance at this constant fetching & carrying of the MSM narratives. A lot of fear porn here. But woe betide any that point that out.
I AM pointing that out. As is OffG, CJH and all the other writers.
Bulletin from Beyond: he’s not following their narrative, by anyone’s fair lights, he is analyzing it to a certain depth, always useful as a prophylaxis against them: “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
Never thought of that?
What a surprise, from a perennial (well, with the small sample size of the thread, anyway) sophomoristicate.
“It’s not much use thinking of a thing until you think it out.”
– Mr. HG Wells
UNLESS you think it out.
(My version added a wrinkle)
Your a totally illiterate worldly pee stain it’s a wonder even your neighbour’s can put up with your rambling negativity.
Simple. Just like the CoronaPrank, one needs to know the destructive rhetoric, the gas lighting and dis-info before it becomes banal, so one can further inform themselves on what is actually accurate.
When it becomes banal is when the sheep bleat the only accepted narrative, like parrots.
See? The Graud is now echoing with,
“Ofcom to investigate GB News and TalkTV over impartiality rules
Rightwing TV channels’ use of politicians as presenters comes under scrutiny following complaints”
The “Right wing” is apparently taking over.
“GB News and TalkTV’s willingness to push opinionated television news in a manner not traditionally seen on British television has left Ofcom playing catch-up, trying to apply a broadcast code written in a different era dominated by the BBC and ITV.”
Ridiculous stuff but the rest of the article centres on the pipe dream of the BBC’s hallowed impartiality now being threatened by “Right wing demagogues”. And the sinister noise about an “outmoded” set of censorship rules which must be “updated” signals a tightening of info management.
Their entire complaint about “politically motivated ” content was always itself politically motivated.
But this is an old trick: setting up a phony “threat” which the “public” complain about so that the authorities can sweep in and impose restrictions they had already planned on.
Window dressing by Ofcom.
fuck those guys
You have been counted Thought Kriminal 236824. Consequently you have been de-banked and will not be able to function in our society. Pack your belongings into a zip bag and report to your nearest re-educational facility for psychological evaluation and rehabilitation.
CJ’s case may never see the light of day because the glare of publicity would expose the massive holes in their dark veil of deception. Here’s hoping.
His book is a bestseller so the PR done wonders.
A jealous man, huh?
One of the things I think needs to up for discussion is the criminalisation of lawyers and judges who lie in court rooms but are not under oath.
I think that every word that lawyers and judges say should be assumed to be under oath and they should have humungous prison sentences for lying in court.
They do so so frequently that it is shocking…..
Isnt it you who have misunderstood something? In Court they tell you: ‘here you must lie all you can’. In Court they only take the spoken word and official reports for value.
Thats why they say, “you are now under arrest, from now on everything you say will be used against you”.
They accuse you for something and you defend yourself all you can with lies, which is the judge and the accuser’s job to reveal and prove is untrue.
Weird world but thats what they told me after I had been drinking 6 pints and was zigzagging home in my open sports car..
Thats why they say, “you are now under arrest, from now on everything you say will be used against you”.
That formal arrest caution you quote is not used in the UK Erik.
“Miranda” rights. Less popular here by the year, in USA INC.
They seem to live by words like “trust”, that naturally say to me “bad faith”, while insisting everyone else live with “good faith” intentions. The clock is ticking on these approaches though.
Man, Tom O’Neill really digs into that ambience of off the record misconduct in his impressive tome [CIA Operation] “CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the ’60s.”: Specifically, the interviews he bookends this massive investigation with, of Vincent Bugliosi and his historic perjuries, and suborning key witness Terry Melcher, as the Los Angeles DA in prosecuting the Manson cult. Bugliosi as may be remembered, wrote the best selling true crime novel of all time “Helter $kelter” and after further review his assistant prosecutor Stephen Kay told O’Neil, as quoted in his 2020 [CIA Operation] Chaos book, that if he had known all this at the time of the ’70s trial, he would have lobbied for a mistrial, and said that O’Neill had uncovered enough “new” crucial evidence to bring a new trial. In a word, Manson & Sirhan: unlikely bedfellows. But both victims. Unlikely in that Sirhan was squeaky clean, as were most of the Manson groupies (prior to the murders) whereas Manson was persuasive as a perp since he had spent half of his 35 years behind bars. £4£$4$ I only have the temerity to throw that much shade on “Vince” insofar as we have known for at least twenty years that he was a CIA cog and/or wheel, not the least of which is revealed by his bogus trilogy-sized book “Reclaiming History” and his dutiful self-aggrandizement of bs undergirding the JFK Warren Charade.. O’Neill gives chapter and verse about Bugliosi’s prior fascist commitments in Los Angeles prosecutorial government and his very COINTELPRO harassment of student protesters, throughout the 1960s in LA County, and that preceded the Manson verdicts. Currently I saw that after his 20-year stint investigating Bugliosi and the CIA in LA, etc, that Tom O’Neill has recently turned his attention to my… Read more »
Hitlers world view was imported into the US by Alan Dulles circa 1945 , then exported to Ukraine circa 2016 by Obomber . It has now triumphantly reemerged in Germany with a decidedly middle eastern flavor
Nope. All of Hitler’s high ranking civil servants stayed in power after WWII and what we are now seeing is their grandkids (literally) going bonkers just like their papa.
Actually, Hitler’s worldview was imported from America in the first place. Americans learned it from the English, who are the inventors of eugenics. Sure, Hitler had his own flavor of it, but he didn’t invent it.
Exactly correct. USA Inc. was teaching eugenics to worshipful proto-Nazis at the Brookings Institute in the early 1900s onward.
…and (b) insulting the Minister of Health of Germany, who happens to be a fanatical serial liar who is directly responsible for the serious injury and death of … well, we’ll never know how many people.
Appropriately directing righteous indignation toward (still freely walking this Earth) premeditated Fascist/Nazi mass murderers is undoubtedly a dirty job, but somebody (Everyone! 🌎 ) has to do it – and CJ Hopkins earns great moral credit and appreciation for successfully performing (what has become) the absolutely necessary dirty, dirty task…
I’ll get one of those tshirts 😉
I’m so sorry, CJ. If I could, I’d send you the six-figure amount so you can get the hell out of there. I hear, Mexico is pretty laissez-faire, so long as you don’t annoy the cartels.
At any rate, here’s another moral supporter, for what it’s worth.
Hang in there, CJ! I respect your courage and commitment!
There’s much more to know about Orwell:
Yes, you have to wonder where he got his visions from … He was certainly well-connected.
Orwell was buried in a prim little well-trimmed Church of England cemetery, if memory still serves me. And he was a regular for services in that church.
Don’t get me wrong, not that I disrespect that, I was schooled in one like it, and post-schooled in others, right before crossing the pond and hanging out in Paris on Pont de la Cité and at Our Lady of the Flaming Roof.
But as Peter Mathiessen said of his CIA-trainee twenties in ’50s Paris, that after two years of hanging out on her sidewalk cafes, very near that Pont, he checked in with his handlers and confessed, “I just can’t play for the Team anymore.” Older, and wiser. As participant in a Left Bank process. At least then.
Just saying, Orwell reminds me (only a little, but just for contrast) of our All American Ms. Bernardine Dohrn, first as a photogenic “radical” spewing fire in many flaming screeds from her undisclosed location, as head gang moll of The Weathermen, glorying in the “Pigs” bloody carnage at Sharon Tate’s like she couldn’t get her fill of all the gore, in the aftermath, and roundly praising the (MKUltra) killers? – then a few years later a tenured prof for tranquil decades into a now cozy retirement, and with hubby Ayres, at U of Chicago.
Some things just don’t add up! Or maybe they do: as just more “Acts” ~ in the bread-and-circus sagas of the Theatre State($)!
And Orwell was sort of the dawn of that reversible jacket, in some ways?
Which of the two profiles (masks?) was/is (the most) real?
“Too many masks.”
~ Greta Garbo, in a letter to a friend explaining her reasons for bolting Hollywood.
As for Huxley, I had dinner once with his widow Laura, as she was my attorney father’s client, in 1967 (mid-teens, with few clues) and I looked for her book the other day, “You Are Not The Target” with a foreword by Aldous. My heart jumped and I took a few short breaths, when I saw that one cover featured a close up of Sharon Tate’s face. How did that happen? I am looking for answers about our Hollywood Huxley’s, but any that come are stacked with numberless questions. They we’re both part of the epic early UCLA LSD projects (1950s, when it was fully “legal”) and as I now find, my father was attorney to the dean of the UCLA Medical School and, in fact, also its very founder, General Stafford Warren, a key figure in the Manhattan Project and professor emeritus then from 1965 to until his death, also when Mr. MKUltra, Dr Louis Jolyon West came there to head the psychiatry department from 69 to 89 (the same exact years that Curtis LeMay came to retirement and then demise in Newport and LA). Laura told me that night that she was teaching at UCLA, and certainly psychology, two years before Dr. “Jolly” West was made its chair of the Psychiatry Dept. As I often say, “Only in Hollyweird.” She had to have known West, and my father must have. Check out Louis Jolyon West at Wikipedia, one of their more credible entries, and his connection to “treating” Jack Ruby. In 1963 and forward. Also, he had offices at the HAFMC Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic in 1967. Then they both moved to LA not long after. All those facts are added recently in my quiver, but maybe most shocking was Sharon’s photo on Laura’s book, I vaguely… Read more »
All those facts are added recently in my quiver, but maybe most shocking was Sharon’s photo on Laura’s book, I vaguely remember seeing that edition on shelves years ago, but didn’t make the connection 40 years ago, her face was much fuller on the cover (motherhood? interrupted?).
Laura died in 2008, I think. She was a very good friend of Timothy Leary, naturally. It was not at all clear in my take of her, that night, that she knew the missions of her entourage, she seemed an innocent, or that he was a CIA spymaster, or collusive, at least knowingly. She always came across as an erudite gypsy. Like many of my later friends, she got her start as a concert pianist. (In Italy over a century ago. Giving recitals even before Il Duce arose.)
Check ✅ this cat out, for a few serious spine-tingling connections. Wikipedia even acknowledges his key MKUltra project directorships (in SF & LA , OU, etc etc) and his 1964 diagnosis of Jack Ruby as (quite suddenly) psychotic.
AFTER he had “treated” Ruby in his 1964* jail cell.
Alone, just the two of them:
*I read that he first visited Ruby in jail in 1963?
She was a facist imo so was Huxley.
Really? Very interesting accusation, I will have to take a closer look. I am a little biased, of s she was very cordial in the hour or two I spent with her at dinner and quiz me about my screenplay which was about two men in the San Francisco tenderloin whacking each other in a knife fight and then being reincarnated 9 months later to the woman who made them rivals. AWKWARD! I called it “Places of Exile” a bit of sophomore existential pretense, but it was a silent film and she thought it was very visual the way I narrated it and suggested she let me introduce her two young friends who might be able to help me Steven and George they were both students at her high school extension courses wanted USC and the other at UCLA or through UCLA. Since it was a black and white film and silent and they were so young I didn’t want to muck it up with a soundtrack and declined. She was startled, with her still thick Italian accent she protested mildly but my two young friends I introduced them to each other and they already have quite a lot of backers in Hollywood. I really think you would like Steven Spielberg and George Lucas.” But actually this might sound like a Dodge but I’m very happy I did not get mixed up in all that. Especially now knowing all the bizarre connections my father had with UCLA and quite apparently MK ultra! Who needs that. I am not even sure that I am outside their reach today, given just how much surveillance I notice and quite a lot of casual Street interviews. My father passed himself off as a lifelong Democrat and as president of the United Nations ssociation in… Read more »
My space cut out, so this was my Hollywood Finale: (continuing from above): Unmistakably. The middle of the film has a sequence in which he abducts Philip Marlowe, shoots him up with drugs and Truth serums, etc etc, nightmarish, and through many a hallucination plays out the entire operation of MKUltra or Manchurian Candidate, but 25 years before Sirhan and 20 years before JFK Dallas. Burl Ives was a client of my father and my older sister showed me pictures of them together smiling though I never asked for one, the whole charade left me a little cold, and bored rigid. But it’s interesting about Ives since he was a 33rd degree Freemason and one of the most highly decorated in the world with special medals of merit yada yada yada. In the book “Master of the Mysteries” & the more significant 2016 updated edition it has a large photograph of my father’s client MPHall and client Burl Ives. These were quintessentially people of a (seemingly) artistic type though rather insincere to put it mildly, Ives was once a musical companion of Pete Seeger and The Weavers, and their rad crooner Will Geer, who always struck me as a good person. But perhaps that was on my rad Mom’s say so. But now I have begun to check out The bona fides of that whole Hollywood crowd. There is an awful lot of stage magic and, much less light magic, in Hollywood and it flies in the face of the better people we had from that era like Charlie Chaplin and Greta Garbo. A lot of shade has been thrown on many of those actors and artists who inspired me the most, but much of that comes. from the very hardcore Nazi element in old Hollywood. And new Hollyweird! I… Read more »
Sorry for typos, not too too unintelligible, but I got a new phone and now with dictation chops I didn’t have quite enough time to edit and spell check. The OffGuardian software sure always times out too quickly for novelists but there are so many other upsides I won’t whine.
I know that the very gifted poet Kenneth Rexroth dissed Aldous deeply & repeatedly and after I read the gists of his contempt for Aldous Huxley it was hard to ever take him seriously again. It was too spot on, though I never met him, I’ve seen enough footage and reportage and his own sometimes curious books. As for Laura she was very nice to me but you really have to wonder about her crowd. I was totally shocked out of my shoes and shorts when I saw a close up of Sharon Tate’s face, almost too large to recognize right away, until I did, with a jolt, but gracing the cover of Laura’s book “You Are Not the Target.” WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT!!?? Wow, talk about your old double speak. Or Orwellian NewSpeak. Crazy. As it gets! No wonder I always felt the need, and keenly, for a better map, back in those days. Our school, Harvard, was around the corner from Laurel Canyon, and many of the wannabe cadets were taking off after school to visit the rock scene there. I would ask about it but was never invited, mostly sneered at! No wonder, no shame, it was all of it being fronted by the CIA as a fabricated pseudo-hip culture, mostly to sell drugs and ensnare the singers and musicians, when those weren’t actually agents themselves! (The late Dave McGowan and his exposé “Weird Scenes in the Canyon” tells so much of that Operation. Part of CIA Operation CHAOS and FBI COINTELPRO. He died at 55 in 2015 after a bizarre threat, which he posted. He was the 1st, apparently in the world, to publish an extensive analysis debunking the Main Sewer Media “riffs” on 9/11.) Now I get it! No wonder! Amazing, but not as… Read more »
Blair was eastern seaboard that’s why modern GenX. Americans have trouble understanding his books, they were published in London as in Town….across the Atlantic published in New York City., as in an American City. We never needed to carry ID.
H G Wells’ teacher was Thomas Huxley – Aldous’ grandfather. Aldous Huxley was Eric Blair’s teacher.
H G Wells’ first “novel” was “The time machine”
Some people believe in co-incidence. – just saying.
I recall most of that posse was at Oxford in the same years, early 1920s, with Graham Greene and Evelyn Waugh.
Greene was my favorite among the malcontents, as he was ever an adversary to the “Weisse Engel” of the “Quiet American”. The Angel of Death to the little people.
As H. Bruce Franklin wrote in his very very very insightful review of the 2001 film version by the Aussie, Philip Noyce, “By the Bombs’ Early Light”:
“Charmingly boyish, impregnable in his innocence, preaching democracy and spewing bombs in SouthEast Asia.”
And then I found out that Franklin was associated with the “Symbionese Liberation Army” and that whole fiasco (psyop?). Like Dohrn, another tenured prof, only at Rutgers for decades. Still, in his 80s?
What a world. He sent me a note in 2004 after I wrote about his essay, saying “Greene sure had his number.” And he recommended “Dog Soldiers by (recently deceased) Robert Stone. All about the spooky (CIA & “affiliates”) drug traffic on the West Coast. A lot rang true, filling in many blanks,
… and $o $SoCal!!
Dr. Louis J. West gave “expert testimony” at Patty Hearst’s trial that she’d been mind-controlled, à la Stockholm $yndrome.
He would know………………….
But does Roman Polanski? Does he know West’s MJUltra connections to Charles Manson?
A safe bet, by now. RP will be 90 in 6 weeks or so.
And CIA ~ oops, LAPD ~ Still has a worldwide hardon for him, apparently permanent.
They say those can be life-threatening.
Thanks Edwige. Love Dom and Chris, their work is just excellent.
Yes, it’s pretty obvious that they are mortally terrified of the swastika and you are not allowed to use it or any analogies to the Nazis, even if you state that you are opposed to the Nazi ideology.
Your intentions don’t matter – this is an actual line i recently saw used by an internet forum Nazi hunter and keyboard activist. The context is that it doesn’t matter what you say- if you use Nazi symbols you need to be taken down, because we are talking about sacred symbols that common folks are not allowed to touch.
Only the elect are allowed to talk about the Nazis and What They Did. It is sacrosanct, inviolable, untouchable- it is their most preciousssss…
( yes that is a reference to Gollum)
The enemies or humanity are terrified of the swastika not because of the Nazis but because of the REAL meaning of the swastika….
search “swastikas around the world” for much more
Love the Hindu version … The Greek version is actually called a “meander” and is not found standing alone, rather it’s a connected chain, as found in red-figure ceramics.
Needless to say, Celt symbol has nothing to do with the others but …what the hell, why not cast some aspersions in that direction too.
PS Ras, thanks, for cluing us dumbshits on the “the REAL meaning of the swastika…. ” . You go!
I had a sensible chuckle at your reply, Victor
Who knew there was a kosher swastika as well?
Are those coins scattered around it, do you think?
just confirmed that any comment containing the proper name of a certain allegedly middle eastern tribe (begins with “J”) goes straight to pending
is this true for other races/religions?
That is a genuine question to the Admins by the way
Horrifying, memorial honouring victims of the holocaust vandalized by rioters.
It was a deportation memorial to German labour work camps during the second world war could mean anyone.
I was sympathetic to the Unherd article, especially when it says this:
“Here we can see that what people label as “hatred” and “misinformation” is often merely an opinion they don’t like or which they fear will encourage bad behaviour. In both the UK and the US, this led to government officials demanding that social media platforms censor “often-true” content, including about Covid vaccine side effects, out of fear that such stories would result in vaccine hesitancy.”
Then I read this:
“What’s more, Facebook and Twitter have also started deleting a significant amount of true content. Between 2020 to 2021, for example, Facebook censored claims that the coronavirus came from a Chinese lab, even though that was always as likely, if not more so, than the natural-origin hypothesis. Twitter also censored an accurate New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s laptop while allowing supporters of his father, Joe Biden, to falsely claim it was a result of “Russian disinformation”.”
And we’re back to the “virus is real and deadly” scenario. You might as well have said,
“Facebook censored claims that the coronavirus came from a Chinese lab, even though that was always as unlikely, if not more so, than the natural-origin hypothesis.”
I see no reason to take this covid bullshit seriously at all on any level.
Except for some reason you cant take your own advice and stop talking about it
You want me to stop talking about what this entire article and most other articles of the last three years have been about?
Actually you seem to be overly obsessed with it, and yes, you and all others should stop being obsessed with it, there are plenty of other offenders to be concerned about which I don’t hear you concerned about.
How do you not be obsessed with something that has devastated so many?
How do you not be obsessed by a crime against humanity?
The lockdown and insane covid mandates were bad enough during the first year, and the mandated shots caused innumerable challenges for people that had to choose between feeding their kids or taking the jab.
But, now – now we are looking at the thousands of people who died and who have been severely injured by those shots.
I know them. Lung disease, stage 4 sudden cancer, brain bleeds.
If it were only the first year insane mandates that we had to put aside in order to get on with life, I would try to un-obsess.
But my heart is aching for the shot victims and their families.
Life is not the same by any stretch of the imagination.
Thank you to all of the people throughout history who were obsessed with human rights.
It’s a Magnificent Obsession.
Yet we sweep the origins of cancer under the rug like a bad habit so the industry can profit from pills or medicine that keep the industry profitable while the true origins are never addressed. B/c to address them only leads to the proof that the system is in denial and as such, silence is the preferred medication.
And people die of poor health everyday, they are only replaced by more people who have to fight for their right to be properly educated to live the life they should have deserved in the first place.
It is an ultimately crucia lissue, all of that 2020 Coronapalooza™ in our collective, worldwide face, masked or unmasked.
Do we watch idly while the WEF ghouls
& Gateses do their worst to impose a planetary Medical dictatorship?
You think there is a more pressing, crucial debate or threat to humankind?
I think the whole point is that belief systems and personal opinion should be respected.
I’m on the viruses-don’t-exist / terrain-theory side but as long as people speak out for freedom and respect other freedom-oriented people, let’s all live in solidarity.
This isn’t a matter of belief systems but about world altering claims made that have no evidence to back them up.
As long as they don’t force or coerce me into their death cult, it won’t be life altering for me. And there have always been and presumably always will be those who think they’re taking the easy road of compliance and ‘belief.’
Frankly, G-Mc seems to have a better positioning of the threat and its true parameters.
It hasn’t changed at all, in nature, with eased restrictions. Until it abates, we abandoned rescue dawgs should all bark away. Always.
That troubles the sleep of the sheeple, and might even wake some!?
(Though we need less feeble help than any of those can provide after all.)
The unusual hand gesture that Karl Lauterbach is making in the image above is identical to that frequently made by WHO official Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Coincidence I suppose.
“The video tapes will be destroyed, yes? I did not know how old she was”
The idea that the clown pictured represents a global leader is certainly worth more than 10000 words ! Clearly a transhuman eunuch?
If you wear glasses, that gesture is not unusual at all. Glasses slide.
There are many grounds on which to criticize Tedros and Killer Karl, but adjusting their glasses is not one of them.
So you refuse to admit the two glasses represents 66. His open mouth and his nose is the third 6 = 666.
The pointing to the right single eye is Sauron’s eye, the eye that sees everything and the eye you can see on all dollar bills? You refuse reality?? 🤗
Yes! I dissent!
Refuse? Refuse? I didn’t read anything about refusal, Erik … may your google translator add that, or interpreted something that way.
Shadow’s post is short, I hope I would have caught the use of the word “refuse” as in “I refuse … “
Wow, that’s heavy
When you bend over glasses fall in the sink hole and dumb arses pay to get them back.
The more obese the animals the less they need to bend over. The fitter working mam-ules had hooks along with us donkey jackets so we avoided sink holes. We are the modern earholed luggers sluggers muggy muggers….so simple…give us our blooming glasses back.
Touching the face is a modified way of hiding it, a nearly uncontrollable response to one’s own lie. A person wearing specs often tries to modify this as adjusting the specs. Which in-your-face billionare philantrophist touches his specs often as he speaks?
Undoubtedly true in context, but if you stop to consider the recent mask wearing madness, you’ll notice that mask wearers are constantly touching, adjusting, and fiddling about with their masks, not because they’re sub-consciously indicating a lie, but because the damn things are uncomfortable.
Same with glasses. Both glasses and masks are foreign objects that don’t really belong on our faces; it’s natural to adjust them. A huge number of the global population wears glasses, either continually, or situationally; it’s impossible not to touch them. Not every adjustment hides a lie, most are innocuous.
I think it was during my earliest Internet ramblings (in every sense) after September 11, 2001 that I began to see a surge in commenters citing “Occam’s Razor” to ostensibly refute and “win” comments thread disputes.
Like “Godwin’s Law”, “Occam’s Razor” was cited as a definitive argument-slayer. Thus, the light-minded adolescents wielded this “razor” as if they were participating in a 1950s switchblade/”flick knife” rumble. It still is a popular would-be definitive “Gotcha!”
This background is presented just to say that I myself will now cite Occam’s Razor to compliment and complement your lucid commonsense explanation. I’ve been wearing glasses for myopia and astigmatism for over 60 years, since I was about 7 years old.
Exactly as you state, there is a repertoire of hand-eyeglasses interaction triggered by habit and circumstance; they are typically reflexive and unconscious. As soon as I saw that photo of the odious Tedros, my first thought was, “Hey, I do that all the time!” As far as I know, I’m not a member or thrall of any sinister secret society or fellowship.
Perhaps such routine physical gestures have interesting psychological significance; I wouldn’t be surprised if the burgeoning would-be profession of “body language experts” includes hand-eyeglasses specialists. But to paraphrase Freud, sometimes adjusting eyeglasses, e.g. pushing them up on one’s sweaty nose or ears, is just a cigar. 👓
Easy PS, people who don’t wear glasses don’t realize this … glasses are a nuisance and need constant adjustment.
I keep asking myself why I wear the damn things when all they do is bring the shit I smell all around into focus.
It is true that glasses slip and slide and such a gesture for us is as common as you clearing your throat.
On the other hand “they may be crippin’ out for their gangstas”.
Throwin’ down hand signs
That would be the most unkind cut, or placa.
More than half the population of the planet supposedly wear glasses; the VAST majority aren’t putting any thought into it other than what helps me see better.
But…Tedros and Slaughterbach might be in the group that knows what it’s doing.
OK, capice
Just wearing a mask anywhere outside a surgery bay or fire scene or such like is hiding a big lie!
Wearing it for a virus is a big lie, and not so innocent an act, too. And hiding all but “Your Lyin’ Eyes”
Or liar. Take your pick.
Yeah, I considered that perspective, but most people who wear/wore masks don’t put that much/any thought into it.
Nevertheless, they are sub-consciously expressing a lie.
My point exactly.
(Lying, by incremental default. Mired in the quicksand of an, at times, only vaguely complicit “society”. Such is the epic history of ignorance.)
“They can silence me for a while if they want. But they cannot make me silence myself.”
You might like to believe that, and I would like to believe it on your behalf, but since the psyop, I’ve learned otherwise, at least about myself, who thought likewise, that I am not just not half the man I thought I was, I’m not even half it.
“We have ways.”
Ways you have yet to begin to experience.
Ways you cannot resist.
Ways no one can resist.
That’s what comes next.
Don’t worry, CJ, you might end up, as I did, with an excellent cellmate, just good company and nothing more.
They just want you to know the physical meaning of who’s the boss, of having absolutely nothing and being confined.
You don’t really understand yet, how absolutely insignificant, meaningless and expendable you are.
You are almost flattered by the attention, I understand, completely.
A little exposure to the administrative “process” of GERMAN JUSTICE, perhaps some jail and prison cell time, a taste of what limitless time and resources can do to you to help you on your way to understanding, to learn, that they can turn you, a brilliant intellect, into an incoherent somnambule, a vegetable, a man even your closest friends no longer recognize, nor, when you look in a mirror, do you, either, a man who can’t string two words together, let alone, two sentences.
In a way, I hope you are sentenced to prison.
Not because I want to see you there, not at all, heaven forbid, but I do want to see you a little more brutally educated into reality, and live to write about it.
I bet you’re great fun at parties…
Hey, Negators!
I’m surprised there’s anything left of Julian Assange. It helps having friends, publicity, lawyers and supporters, for sure.
How much would be left of you, Thumbs Downers?
Especially if you are no CJ HOPKINS or Julian Assange.
Yes we are all really scared, Mr MI5. British comedy was always so tacky. Can you be less predictable or is this just what the job is?
Your a comic book that’s really giggling pppfffftyt! Interlectable in the Village 1967. And how pray tell are you going even mount the insurmountable without a little slap and tickle massively gluten verboten?
A straight up Swaz, oh dear going the wrong way. Enjoy your serial seat of learning experience passing though our Great British turnstiles.
There’s nothing like doing their job for them.
Can I recommend a basic English grammar course before your next , essentially meaningless tirade?
I know what hospital food is like without having had to ever eat it. I think CJ has delved deeply into history to know all about the Machine and how it can demoralise its targets.
Not everyone breaks after prison time – see Mandela.
And I hope CJ’s case gets thrown out or he gets off with a stern warning … and then gets the hell out of there.
Mandela is the exception.
Prisons aren’t full of Mandelas, they are full of people whose names we don’t know and never will.
Me, I think CJ is the perfect person to experience, at a cellular level, exactly what he is describing, he should know it intimately.
He, his friends, followers and supporters should be prepared to fully experience and confront the reality he describes which has now reached out and assaulted him.
What CJ warns, reality becomes.
CJ accurately anticipates.
I do understand what you’re trying to say but I think you’re a bit previous.
Living in a true dystopia would be as you describe but we’re not there yet.
There has been more pushback than “they” expected.
Cases like CJ’s are pivotal to our success and I applaud CJ for having the courage to back his convictions (pun intended)
Like moneypox, which was quickly dropped when it was widely ridiculed, prosecutions like this will only serve to discredit TPTB.
I’m not a gambling man but I’d put a few quid on CJ coming out of this smelling of roses.
Great opinion from Austria 😎
Must we oppose #Russia as a matter of law? #GermanBundestag member Agnes #StrackZimmermann is suing Austrian citizen Joachim Schreiber – but for what?
I’m no numerologist, but your case number
231 + 1736 + 20 – 3 = 1984.
It’s a fit-up Guv.
Did you not add the 3 purely coz it didn’t suit your purpose ? #clutchingatstraws
Absolutely! Normally the aim is to find a convoluted way to make 33. For example,
2 + 3 + 1 + 17 + 3 + 6 – 2 + 3 = 33
A bit of dark humour.
Try R. Stei ner anth ropo sophy lectures about this time in the history of human ity: the occ. ult origins of these peo ple orch es T rat ing their co up are easy to trace : they just LOVE the ‘magic’ of their numbers, dates, eclipses, astro logical times, etc. sta y str ong . We in car nated here for a reason. Any fool can see what ‘s going on. Any one still pretending they don’t is send ing a loud signal of kol ussion. You’re actually their worst nigh tmare. As is their prop. A ganda weapon tur ned agai nst them. Cen sorsh ip is a signal of gu ilt; like really, what a bun ch of clow ns; cen sor s hip? Kind of path etic
Thank you so much CJ for taking on these creeps. This is unabashed totalitarianism, fascism, they are dishing out There, here in the US, all over the planet. Let us know how we can support you most. We are on the paycheck-to-paycheck treadmill, so cash is not in abundance. But letter writing and artwork can be provided.
May Universe have your back!
Sandy & Mindy
The real story of “1984” is that language is manipulated to constrain our ideas. NewSpeak is a theatrical device, it’s exaggerated to get the point across. The irony, though, is that because most people know the various movie treatments of this work (the picture at the start of the article is from one of them) the core message of the work is itself manipulated to adapt it to what ‘the powers that be’ want it to say rather than what Orwell was trying to say.
One obvious example of how the message gets ‘adapted’ is in the use of words like ‘democratic’ and ‘totalitarian’. To borrow a concept from another Owell work, its our version of “Four legs good, two legs bad”. Nobody defines these terms but they’re used universally to me “democratic / us / good” and “totalitarian / them / bad”. Its reinforced like a mantra but nobody stops to ask first of all what these terms actually mean and second whether they’re used accurately. Normally this just passes muster since arguing, or even mentioning, it is pointless but when a prosecutor bases a criminal case on this you’ve moved into Roland Freisler territory (except I daresay you’re not allowed to mention the name)(etc.).
(One twist in “1984” concerns Goldsteain’s manifesto. There is the notion that the document, indeed the entire opposition, was contrived as a honeypot to trap people who’s thinking had unsound tendencies. Its an interesting concept.)
There are free thinkers whose ideas cannot be constrained (you can’t unthink freedom) and the others, who lack original ideas already.
At least today, I believe censorship serves to stem the flood of free and diverse information available online which is why internet ID login laws are in the making in Australia and other countries. They do not want the spark of freedom to ignite anyone else.
The Criminalisation of Distress (Rinse & Repeat) Psychiatric Detentions Rise 120% in First Year of 988 As contacts to the new 988 hotline number have risen, so have call tracing and police interventions. By Rob Wipond – May 20, 2023 Replying in an email, Hannah Collins, the Director of Marketing and Communications for VEH, told Mad in America: “Still less than 2% of all contacts, for use of emergency services.” SAMHSA spokesperson Dani Bennett gave the same approximation . . . Both VEH and SAMHSA refused to share any of the underlying data on which this 2% estimate was based. It’s the same rate that VEH and SAMHSA have been publicly reporting for the Lifeline for several years. It’s also consistent with a 2018 internal Lifeline survey obtained by Mad in America through a freedom of information request—to this point in time the only actual data on the Lifeline’s involuntary interventions that’s been publicly released—which showed that on average 2% of total contacts, or 44,000 people, had been subjected to involuntary interventions over the previous year. However, continuing at 2% means that detentions are climbing on pace with the rising number of contacts to 988. This means that, over the past ten months, a staggering 81,000 Americans who’ve reached out to 988 for confidential conversations have ended up being coercively taken to psychiatric hospitals. In 988’s first full year of operation, its call centers are on pace to incarcerate nearly 100,000 people. Bennett [stated] that a majority of the interventions “are done with the consent and cooperation of the caller”—a talking point from 988 leadership that’s repeated often, even by journalists raising concerns about the Lifeline’s involuntary interventions. It remains unclear what “consent” means, though, when some Lifeline call-attendants reportedly tell certain callers that police will come for them… Read more »
It would be interesting to compare this with the increase (or otherwise) of antidepressant prescribing. Adverse medication side effects of psychosis or suicidal ideation can often lead to patients being detained.
Get a dog as your therapist. Cheaper, more fun, and safer. And, if you live in Canada, they won’t put their paw print on your MAID requisition.
On the subject of dissent: My grandfather was a prominent WWII Resistance fighter, a spy of sorts. Croaked on a shitty Gestapo floor. Granny spent a good part of the war rotting in a concentration camp for doing her part. Survived thanks to being a tough woman, the eldest daughter and the head of the family since childhood after her mum died. I spent my kiddie years on her knees listening to wartime stories about anything ranging from living in hiding, sabotaging German bombs in some underground factory, and everything between. Meanwhile, we were living in another form of totalitarianism, the commie variety, and I was learning how to survive unscathed from my parents and their crowd. Later, I relocated to Canada, but then defected therefrom when the political correct culture was starting to morph into what is now known as covidism-wokeism-transmotherfuckerism-new-normal-whatever-the-fuck-you-wanna-call-this-shit. I have been running away from totalitarianism, collectivism, conformism, and other similar shit -isms my whole life. Thus far, relatively successfully. Anyway, having established my authority as a expert on totalitarianism, let me say a few things. What’s happening is not a joke. Yes, indeed, another form of totalitarianism is being foisted on the world. There are multiple reasons why this is happening, some obvious, some questionable, but it doesn’t matter. It’s happening alright and no amount of incredulousness of the ‘how is this even possible’ kind will stop it. Your primary concern right now should be survival. Relying on any of the formerly existing institutes, such as freedom of speech, human rights, justice, shit like that, is ridiculously naive. It’s all been inverted, hijacked, cancelled. Bear that in mind! This in no way means that dissenters should shut up and put up with the bullshit. Ideally, a debate should start about how the actual predicaments faced by… Read more »
Whilst Matt “murdered your granny” Hancock, is swanning around on Celebrity get me out of here…
That’s because he’s a ¢unt!
no wonder they’re so af raid and so des prate nit to believe in Kar ma. Really. Those who know what follows, like that aren’t afraid. It’s what they came here for. Be smart. But don’t stop.
Dood, write normal as in immediately readable/comprehensible. I don think most folks are here to do some kind of acrostics.
They want to shut down speech because it is the ultimate form of human expression. The written word is a documented record of thought, and when it stands the test of time, it becomes historical.
TPTB must control all historical records, else we the people gain wisdom, sooner than later. Wisdom that spawns discernment that will encourage people to defy government.
There are similar speech policies being developed in every nation in lockstep.
The natural progression of all government is tyranny and oppression.
The Tree of Liberty is thirsty.
We must be prepared for the fact that tyrants do not return power back to the people peacefully.
Tyrants are only ever defeated one way…
You are wrong in your implicit assumption and view that there are tyrants who have usurped power from the people, even though it is to some extent correct.
The problem is that more than enough of ‘the people’ are perfectly aligned with the ‘tyrants’ because they subscribe to the ideology – which is ingeniously crafted, let’s face it – that’s behind all this shit.
This is not about a coup perpetrated against an innocent population. It’s the result of a rather long development.
The only way to fight it is to oppose it with an ideology that is more appealing to the people and will make them ‘take their power back’.
Replacing and opposing the ‘tyrants’ ideology with another that is ‘more appealing to the people’ is not sufficient to to enable the people to ‘take their power back’. That is because the tyrants ideology is backed by the full force and power of the repressive state apparatuses, namely, the police, military, security services, the courts and prison system.
Any dissent that usually ends up in rioting or other forms of violent protests will be put down, perps will be singled out and examples will be made where applicable which is happening already in the world. Any violence will be met with violence by the repressive state forces.
At this juncture the majority of people do not control the private nor the state ideological apparatuses including the MSM and they have no control over the repressive state apparatuses and their forces either.
Its still a divide and rule type situation where silent weapons for quiet wars are still doing a great job in confusing and placating the masses and keeping them busy, busy, busy with the concerns and tribulations of life that have now been ramped up and which they now have to face day by day, and having been made worse by the increasing pace and implementation of the tyrannical global agenda in all its aspects.
So what’s the solution to the problem?
Risking everything thing to keep individual liberty and freedom.
1776 version 2.
Something like that.
People have to realize that they can’t have have their cake and eat the fucking thing too, meaning that they can’t have the comfy albeit obedient suburban existence and retain their freedom too. If they want freedom, they have to assert it at the risk of losing the comfort, at least temporarily.
Plus, the chances are high that they’re not gonna have that comfortable prosperity anyway. Things have changed, not to mention that the prosperity comes from having asserted their rights in the first place.
Please explain how that is going to happen peacefully (if it is to happen at all) under the present conditions, and by what means, with regard to the problems that I have already mentioned regarding the state apparatus and its forces.
As long as free speech is being censored and given the threat of mortal violence by the state, then there is no peaceful solution in the end.
Freedom and Liberty will have to be taken back by force.
Christ is the solution.
So true. All of this that remains is a techno-cul-de-sac and we are all lucky to have it put so bluntly, in fact.
At the root, it is Individualism versus Collectivism.
Only a system that respects this rights of the individual is acceptable, else it is nothing more than mob rules.
The best solution is Anarchy. This of course is only viable solution when the vast majority of people are moral, of good character and ethical. As you indicate, this system we are in has been working long and hard at making people anything but.
Therefore, the likely trajectory of this process will be collapse, violence and conflict.
Right. Anarchy in the sense of absence of hierarchy and focus on the local, as opposed the global, and the individual, as opposed the collective, are the obvious conclusion.
Now, you have to work out some of the inherent problems in this concept and sell it to people.
Be it as it may, everything starts at the individual level. People have to acquire some fucking balls! Rely on themselves.
Sounds like you are trying to resurrect the ‘cult of the individual’ – a modern form of collective consciousness based on interdependence and individualism.
People in general and individuals in particular, always rely on something other than themselves in order to survive whether they have “balls” or not in order to achieve their objectives.
Reading between the lines, the pipe-dream anarchy that you appear to be advocating will be sorted and put down before it ever kicks off by the state and is not a viable solution to our current diverse problems.
CO-, there is no solution to our problem in the traditional sense, like for instance, you’re driving a car and suddenly you get a flat tire; you get out, ascertain the problem as an external, local and known one and whose solution is known; so, you get the spare tire out, read the instructions manual on how to replace a tire, follow the instructions and problem solved. As far as our problems are concerned however, the term “to find a solution” doesn’t even describe what is to be done or simply to be considered, because our problem doesn’t satisfy the above requirements for a traditional problem; it is not external, we are active part of it and any “solution” would demand and imply a change in us, thus we have to have the conscious realisation for necessary change, not an easy thing to have; it is not local but global, meaning it wouldn’t do to “solve it” in a particular nation but requires a change at the roots common to all modern nations otherwise it’s a waste of time; its solution is not known, and any intellectually formulated solution or a dogmatic or ideological one has to impose itself on a, as yet, not-mature majority, hance a dictatorship; therefore, the old order competencies with experience in dictating things would just ally themselves with and continue to operate behind the “new unexperienced order”, thus a waste of time (This happened in 1917 when the Bolshevik State had to be run by the experienced tzarist bureaucrats). Also, It wouldn’t take much time for the new order to discover that it shares much of its beliefs with the old order against the common enemy: those not ripe enough to accept the change imposed. Therefore, anything that turns its back to, and scorns down… Read more »
Yes CR, there is perhaps no fool proof traditional way of solving the current problems, but you can bet that if and when TSHTF there will still be an attempt to solve these problems using some aspects of the past old ways combined with what the opposing forces have already have planned for the not so far distant future (a teleology).
I could be wrong, but I cannot imagine any “pure” epistemological break from some of the traditional ways of thinking and doing things whether or not a new cashless totalitarian society comes into fruition. It’s probably just another a case of ‘old wine in new bottles, and this is just me speculating.
The same oligarchs and some of their minions will no doubt emerge again from their well-stocked bases (unless some miracle happens and they have already been displaced beforehand – but pigs might fly!) and the modified teleological process will no doubt start all over again, albeit with a reduced population and with higher tech and more control with less for them to worry about.
The pattern of their continued survival has never really been threatened because of the ‘octopus problem’ since their tentacles reach out to most parts of the globe and have a complex hold on nearly all governments and meaningful economic, financial and political institutions etc including the security services and the significant heads of state.
Radically different non-mercantilist ways of thinking already exist, for instance within the members of a family, or in communities based on gifts and counter-gifts, or on the ritual of Potlach in Canada. Of course, they can appear to be marginal in their influence but their existence is proof that human communities could survive without wage or monetary systems, and of course without a State; not because one rejects a priori the kind of societies based on Capital but because after the initial historical stages where these societies proved to be better than the feudal ones, after several decades it is producing the same kind of societies, on steroids due to the high tech. I refer to our problem as Capital not because of any dogmatism but because Capital in its general acception is a social relation which permeates everything, simply because our most important task on earth is to reproduce ourselves, to go on living; so much of our activities tries to fulfil that goal, which in turn is related to the questions of how the forces of production are organised in a community. And whether we talk of individualism or collectivism as ideologies, we often forget the background and think that these ideologies operate in a vacuum; because, how the means of production, the land, the material I need to live can be gotten in several ways depending on the economic, legal and social setup. I mean, we can all romanticize with the small farmer or family business but these phenomena exist within a larger economic, political, legal and cultural framework that make possible their existence. The small family business may depend on a large corporation for raw material and finance; and the independent farmer on a multinational employing thousands employees; etc. The relations of production (who own the… Read more »
To give you a short no-nonsense answer, it’s like this.
The existence of beings, including the human variety, has both individual and collective dimensions. In addition, within the collective dimension, the issue of hierarchy comes into play.
Human society is a complex system and it will never be molded into a single ideology, single worldview. Hence, there will always be collective and individual aspects to human existence and interaction.
Right now, things are skewed too much in the direction of collectivism and hierarchy. That makes people weak, dependent, obedient, subjugated. The time is ripe to push hard in the other direction – individualism, anarchy (in the sense of no hierarchy), stuff like that.
The principal solution to today’s problems is to look within and give a fucking deep thought to the meaning of what the fuck you’re doing. Is the rat race really the best fucking way to spend your life, and all the shit that’s attached to it?
If you don’t have the balls to be an individual and you need to be a part of some collective, fine. Your prerogative. Just don’t fucking force everybody else to follow suit. There ARE individuals out there who don’t wanna be members of your protectionist club of chickenshit collectivists.
Firstly, YOU Ros are a socialized individual and remain part of a “collective”, community, society, social formation or whatever other name you wish to call it, whether you like it or not. You do not exist independently of social relations, certain social conditions, laws, rules and regulations, etc etc etc – some of which are imposed upon you that you strongly dislike along with other people. That’s probably why you swear so much. But anarchy and swearing is no solution to the problem.
Secondly, I do not force everybody else to be part of some “chickenshit” collective as you appear to suggest. What social relations they choose to enter into or not is entirely up to them, apart from those that are imposed upon them independently of their will by the state and state apparatuses. I take it that there’s no need to give you a list.
As for “no hierarchy” – give me an example of any nation, society, collective, group or what have you, that actually exists, and is literally free from hierarchical relations some of which may be either overt, covert or both.
I agree there is no single global ideology or worldview, and I’ve gone into it on other threads and need not repeat the stuff here, suffice to say that ideology is inscribed in different social practices, e.g. political, economic, religious, legal and so on and it is not just in peoples hearts and minds.
What say you, without using one “F” word once if you decide to reply?
I truly don’t understand what the fuck you’re trying to argue about since I essentially wrote the same thing above.
Your problem is extremism. Yes, people are part of society, but the extent to which they’re “socialized” is large. Some people are more inclined to do things individually, other collectively. Likewise, there is stuff for which either the collectivist or the individualist approach is more suitable. Fine. However, there should be a reasonable balance.
The problem is when collectivism is forcibly applied in areas where it has no business, and, moreover, used and misused to control people. BTW, it doesn’t really happen the other way around. I don’t know of any instances of anybody forcing individualism on collectivists.
Anyway, there is too much collectivist shit right now and it’s used to subjugate people. Gotta oppose that.
Note that individualism is the MORE VALUABLE approach because one motherfucker with balls is worth more than a zillion chickenshit cowards who are hiding behind one another. That goes for intelligence too. The intelligence of a single smart dude outweighs the mediocrity or, as the case may be, stupidity of a whole society of dimwits.
A healthy society needs to nurture strong individuality because aspiring to be a self-reliant, achieving, self-confident individual is what makes people strong. Hiding behind the ass of some other weakling doesn’t.
Society needs to be an assembly of self-reliant cooperating individuals as opposed to a nondescript mass of inept fuckers, each seeking protection from their equally as inept counterpart. The latter is where the world is heading. FUCK THAT. And if that’s what you want, leave me the fuck out of it.
If you do not comprehend what I have written, then there’s definitely no hope for you. Extremism! You must be joking and you seem to have a fixation around a castration complex. Men with “no balls” and socially castrated (no balls) “inept fuckers” as you call them. What about the women in your “assembly” or are they excluded because they have “no balls”?
As far as accusing me of being a communist in your other post you are barking up the wrong tree. I also suggest you take a course in sociology if you are in denial of the meaning of socialization which you try to twist because “the extent to which they are socialized is large” according to you. As if that makes any difference to the meaning of socialization.
So what? A society can be large or small in which the process still occurs and there’s no way out of that if you are raised in and by a family and educated in a society today, or raised in your assembly of self-reliant co-operating individuals. The members still need to learn how to live within the particular culture – its way of life.
I couldn’t give two shits about your definition of “socialization” and I certainly will not take a sociology course. You’ve obviously taken one, and look at yourself. You say tons and tons of words without saying anything. “Balls” is a colloquial synonym of courage, self-reliance, independence. Stop playing idiot, your collectivist drivel is bad enough. Women have balls too. You’re conflating the fact that humans live in a society, where their actions and various aspects of their existence are interdependent, with sick collectivism, where ball-less limpdick weaklings, parasites, and all sorts of other lazy fuckers hide behind the collective and live off others. And the others are not “society”; the others are individualists who are the only people who actually do fucking something because other collectivists are, to this or that degree, the same parasites as the other parasites. Another sinister aspect of collectivism is the fact that no matter how noble a collectivist ideology seems to be or actually is, collectivism molds people into a bland mass of the aforementioned inept procrastinating fuckers, and such a mass can be easily subjugated and controlled. Hence, there is no such thing as a free collectivist society; that’s an oxymoron. People have to be strong, independent individuals possessing the power and will to kick the ass of any motherfucker intent on infringing on their rights. That, the individual strength, is what needs to keep society in equilibrium, not hierarchically imposed control. I suggest that you take a course in living a real life in the real world, like out in the street. You seem to sociologically challenged (read: fucked up in the head by spending too much time in sociology classes). Last but not least, kindly refrain from attempts to impose your view of the world on others, like “take sociology classes”,… Read more »
One thing is for certain Ros is that you have a good imagination. Imposing my view on others? The sociology suggestion was directed at you alone as an individual not for others. There you go again at twisting and misreading things!
As for saying “tons and tons of words without saying anything”. Well, up to now I think you out do me on that score, because most of the venom and diatribe that you spew out is nothing more than a good advert for the Sex Pistols old records including Anarchy in the UK.
Yes I have lived life in the real world too for all its worth and appreciate the fact that things are not always as they seem.
But who are the “others” I am supposed to “leave the fuck alone” as I am not aware of any “others” that you are referring to who want to be left alone or have requested to be left alone?
There is no intention on my part of “imposing” my “view of the world on others” or anything else for that matter. People are free to accept or reject anything I may state or suggest, including YOU.
Are you delusional?
Above, you’re telling me what vocabulary to use, or not to use to be more specific. Likewise, you’re trying to indoctrinate me with some fucking sociology. So on, so forth.
Why, I know the fuck not, you haven’t addressed ANY of the substance I mentioned. It’s all ad hominem shit.
Shove all of it back up your ass. Including the false analogy to Sex Pistols.
You wanna talk about the subject matter, which in this case is the sinister nature of collectivism, fine. You wanna lay into me, fuck off.
OK I agree that Collectivism can have and does have in particular cases a “sinister nature” but it doesn’t follow that all collectives possess a “sinister nature” does it?
So, what else would you like me to discuss (if anything) in particular regarding the subject matter that you have posted? Bearing in mind that any criticism from me (if any) will be answered in a manner without telling me to “shove it back up my ass”.
Try to tax your tautological mind to a greater degree and produce an actual thought, something that goes beyond regurgitating what they’ve poured into your skull in philosophy, sociology, of whatever shittology classes you’ve been taking. That would be a good start.
There is nothing wrong with a collective; they’re a suitable vehicle for many a task. As long as participation therein is voluntary, doesn’t infringe on individual rights, doesn’t atrophy individual ability to survive, and doesn’t allow limp-dick ball-less fuckers to parasite on others.
I don’t know what you’re criticizing. You’re vaguely bitching about something, mostly you don’t like the idea that people should be individuals first and foremost and then members of some collective, but, frankly, I ain’t got the first clue what you’re trying to say.
Why do you assert that Individualism is by default linked to interdependence?
There are no Human individuals independent of social relations or social conditions. Human individuals have all been socialized one way or another which does not imply that an individual is any less important than the group. That is social individualism. So when we speak of individuals we are really speaking of social individuals because those individuals have at some point, usually from child- hood have undergone a process of socialization and have therefore become socialized individuals (or individuals with a social identity).
This is bullshit.
You use the nondescript word “socialized” in a way suggesting that “resistance is futile”, that everybody has to be some sort of communist.
The fact that people interact with one another doesn’t mean that they’re “socialized” in the sense of being reliant on others.
They transact or cooperate with others.
You’re fucking communist or what?
If you have been raised by your parents or have had some sort of education you have been socialized. Fact not fiction!
Whatever. No use to argue tautological strawmen like this. Take it to your sociology class where you can examine this issue until the fucking cows come home.
Just refrain from using the fact that “everybody is socialized” (whatever the fuck it means in your dictionary) as pretext for forcing people to conform to your collectivist view of the world.
Tom wrote:
The best solution is Anarchy. This of course is only viable solution when the vast majority of people are moral, of good character and ethical.
The question is, are the vast majority of people in reality, all moral, of good character and ethical, just because they don’t end up filling the prisons etc? If they are as you say, how do you determine that?
Its not just a simple question of observing their public behaviour, they might be right ‘bar stewards’ at home or elsewhere. Each nation or society also has its own morality according to local social, religious, political or other beliefs so what happens in mixed cultures with lots of ethnic and other minorities all with different views and standards?
It doesn’t matter.
If one acts with conviction towards good moral and ethical character and is satisfied that the conviction elevates one above the manipulated squabble, whatever any one else thinks is that persons problem:
“One is not responsible for how one is received”.
Whatever the issue is, when the response from others is “I am offended, disgusted, insulted etc. I tell them isn’t it grand we can live in a society that one can choose their narcissim.- but it does not mean that we can also choose to force our convictions on others.
How come we have two comments from seemingly different posters which are exactly the same???
It doesn’t matter.
If one acts with conviction towards good moral and ethical character and is satisfied that the conviction elevates one above the manipulated squabble, whatever any one else thinks is that persons problem:
“One is not responsible for how one is received”.
Whatever the issue is, when the response from others is “I am offended, disgusted, insulted etc. I tell them isn’t it grand we can live in a society that one can choose their narcissim.- but it does not mean that we can also choose to force our convictions on others.
Moral Code is not subject to Culture or Society.
Morality and Law are not always aligned. Societal laws are just and extension of political opinions.
A true moral code would apply across the board regardless of society or culture.
You obviously have not heard of situational ethics Thomas. AND morality is usually culture bound and operates within society. That is of course, unless you want to enter into a spiritual debate about it as well.
Situational ethics is complete and utter BS. It is nothing more than a euphemism for “do as thou wilt”.
While a person might steal to feed his love ones, because he has no other choice, that doesn’t mean by default that the theft isn’t morally repugnant or harmful to another.
Anyone that believes in situational ethics is just practicing cognitive dissonance, and ignoring all the previous acts of transgression that lead them to where they are, such that they use the false rational to justify morally repugnant behavior.
Situational Ethics is exactly the rational used by so called intelligentsia in 1930s Germany.
Even if we judge exclusively by moral principles/penal code, judging something morally repugnant implies one doesn’t wish it to happen again; the repugnant feeling that an action inspires a citizen is equivalent to that citizen making an implicit demand upon their representatives to see to it that the feeling is not experienced again; so moral judgment and sentence pronouncing go hand in hand with reformist action by the State. Now, the only way I know of to reform a situation is through open-mindedly understanding it, and it can’t be understood without its context, immediate and larger, current and historic.
The current Justice System isn’t concerned about the citizen’s legitimate demand not to re-experience or be a victim of morally repugnant actions; it is only interested in punishment and filling prisons which in itself didn’t prove to be effective.
But then, if the State, through understanding, took the necessary steps to transform the large social and economic contexts in such a way that morally repugnant actions become unnecessary, a big chunk of the State would fall. Can’t have that can we?
Let’s not forget that the State which “manages” civil society functions in a problem-solving mode only and therefore its existence is tied to a status-quo in which problems and conflicts exist (Police, judges,… would be out of business if crime disappeared).
Situational Ethics is exactly the rational used by so called intelligentsia in 1930s Germany.
Please elaborate on that statement Thomas.
And what would you do if your loved ones were starving to death and you had no money or other means to feed them – let them all die because you feel it is morally repugnant to steal food for them?
A totally bullshit question. Why would you even waste energy to hypothesize about horseshit like that?
What one should do is everything in one’s powers not to get into such a situation. Either make fucking sure you have the means to feed your family or refrain the fuck from having one in the first place.
Is this what you do in fucking sociology classes? Ponder bullshit like that? Why don’t you learn something useful instead and do some fucking work to make sure that you do have the means.
Philosophy not sociology classes. Some people can work but do not make enough money to make ends meet. Poverty exists in the UK despite social security payments etc. That applies even when everything that can be done fails. According to ‘shelter’ the number of homeless people in England alone is 271,000. Perhaps they should become self-sufficient according to your theory but how can they do that without help and sufficient means?
I don’t fucking know. They have to figure it out. Nobody is responsible for the well-being of anybody else. Everybody is the master of their own destiny.
Help is okay, but the person receiving it has to make most of the effort.
I don’t get what you’re ‘philosophically’ trying to imply. What the fuck is it that you want?
OK, but if “nobody is responsible for the well-being of anybody else” and “everybody is the master of their own destiny” as you categorically state. Then how does that theory apply in the case of babies and young children who are not yet “self-sufficient”, if nobody is supposed to accept any responsibility for their well-being and upbringing in the first place.
Also, if “help is ok” but the children are not yet in a position (i.e. old enough) to make “most of the effort” themselves in that regard and in that particular situation, what then? Somebody, parents or otherwise, surely has to take some responsibility for them for them. If not why??
Kids have to be raised to be self-sufficient and responsible too. Commensurately with their ability to be so.
You can help them get up, but they gotta do the walking on their own.
What’s your point? You sound desperate.
Ros, if there is any “desperation” on my part its trying to figure out why you state one thing regarding responsibility on the one hand, and end up denying it on the other! That’s the point.
You stated categorically, quote (1) “nobody is responsible for the well-being of anybody else” unquote. Then you state (2) that “kids have to be raised to be self-sufficient and responsible too. Commensurately with their ability to do so.” Thus affirming that the kids do eventually acquire a sense of responsibility too.
However, the raising of children requires responsibility otherwise anything goes – so who takes on the responsibility for their upbringing and their well-being if statement (1) applies – the answer you propose is nobody.
This is my last reply to you because unlike you, I don’t revel in inane arguments about total inconsequential bullshit.
People have to responsible vis-a-vis their own selves, their own lives. People are responsible for their own well-being.
That’s where everything starts. Everybody should do their utmost to help others in need, to help them get off their knees if they happen to be down. Sure. But people don’t have no such responsibility, no such duty, and, moreover, absolutely cannot be forced to assume responsibility for others.
Your drivel reeks of the implicit insinuation that people as a collective have some inherent responsibility for the collective’s members. Bull-fucking-shit. First, I don’t see people as a collective, but rather as an assembly of individuals, and second, such an assembly has no such responsibility. They might and should lend a helping hand, but at their discretion, if it’s called for.
Nobody denies that people have to be responsible for their “own selves” Ros and their own lives – I have never denied that fact.
But I must admit I cannot understand your logic when it comes to your denial of the responsibility of a parent / guardian or whatever in raising their babies and young children.
If a child becomes seriously ill and dies as a result, it is the parent or guardian that is held responsible if they have failed in their duty of care and have failed to seek the appropriate medical help for the child. In that case, you are implying that there would be no moral, lawful or any other form of accountability for their actions because they are in no way responsible for the welfare and well-being of the children because you deny they have any such responsibility yet you claim that the children do eventually acquire it!
So if that is “drivel” and “inconsequential bullshit” on my part as you put it, try applying it in practice even with your assembly “of people” that share the same ideas. See how far you get particularly if you happen to have a thief or murderer at loose in your “assembly” – no morals, no law, no rules, no responsibility and no accountability. Good luck.
You are free to have the last word on this issue if you so desire, and I will not bother you further as it is a complete waste of time. I have another reply addressed to you below this one where you have managed not swear!
Funny how they fucked you up in the head with words that are permitted and words that are legit. Kiss my ass with this pompous fake conformism, this high-horse shit about using proper words, being a good citizens (read: an obedient sheeple). Fuck this already. Watch this ( and have somebody translate it and explain the context, assuming that you’re linguistically challenged and don’t understand.
As far as your drivel about babies, that’s a strawman fallacy with no relevance to the aforestated. Totally inconsequential bullshit.
Spot on! Tyrants could be stomping their boots until they are blue in the face if people did not follow them. THAT’s indeed our biggest problem. How to win over the hitler’s little helpers and those still asleep or at least in fear-denial.
So what peaceful solution would you suggest, and how would you go about implementing it? It’s one thing to advocate a solution to a problem – its another to suggest how it could be done and without encountering further problems! Otherwise all the talk is just ‘pie in the sky’.
Who said there is a peaceful solution when free speech is being made illegal and government is censoring?
When free speech is being destroyed, peaceful resistance becomes impossible.
I have covered a lawful and peaceful solution in past threads which largely fell on deaf ears so its rather pointless to repeat it here again. Resistance is never an impossibility – human beings can very resourceful when push comes to shove including you Thomas.
When the laws themselves are repugnant to liberty, and the justice system has become a Just Us system for the Elite Parasite Class, then violence is inevitable.
What about Mahatma Ghandi for example, who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India’s independence from tyrannical British rule?
What? Nothing. You won’t find the answer to a present or future predicament in the past – viz Karl Popper.
However shit happened in India, it was a case of one entity freeing itself from involuntary subjugation by another.
Much more pertinent to the situation that exists in the world today, and will do so for quite some time still, would be the nonviolent collapse of the Second World, as exemplified by the Velvet Revolution. What essentially happened back then is that one inherently dysfunctional ideology (socialism/communism) became corrupted and collapsed. But it only happened because there was another ideology readily available to replace it.
It’s different today. The ideology that spins the Occident’s wheels is corrupted, inverted, hijacked, fucked up in every imaginable way. It’s collapsing, which is why totalitarianism is being imposed to prop it up. The problem is that there is NOTHING to replace it with, or at least nothing viable.
The only thing that’s for sure is that whatever the something to replace it with is, it has to be centered around the individual, the local, the self-sufficient, as opposed to the sick collective, the global, the limpdick chickenshit parasite.
Ros wrote;
However shit happened in India, it was a case of one entity freeing itself from involuntary subjugation by another.
Yes the “shit happened” because of tyrannical British rule, if the British were not there doing the “involuntary subjugation” bit there wouldn’t have been that problem would there?
I don’t give much credence to Sir Karl Popper by the way, his theorizing leads science into a dead end – a Cul de Sac. He should have stuck to philosophy.
Replacing one ideology with another is problematic and I am not suggesting that it can’t be done depending on the means available and what the specific opposing social, ideological, political and economic forces and conditions are.
I have to agree and have never denied it, that the “collective” (to use your term) that we are currently living in is “sick” – or in my terms is in the current state of “social pathology”. The economic base is disintegrating and the social structure as a whole is in a state of collapse.
However, the 65,000 dollar question still remains, what will really end up in its place and will it be centred on local self-sufficient individuals as you suggest. Perhaps that will happen in a transitional phase or period to what will come next depending on the conditions and on the people.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer to that question and we can only speculate on it till the cows come home.
Popper made experiments empirically proving that the future cannot be predicted from the past. Kinda redundant, if you think about it because it’s self evident, but I found that particular bit interesting. Other than that, Popper can kiss my ass as any other dead smartass. You’re probably right that I should have refrain from appealing to him as an authority. Fuck the motherfucker! You don’t seem to understand what’s going on. In today’s society, the majority quite wholeheartedly embrace the various aspects of the “social pathology”, say, consumerist capitalism due to various reasons. Maybe because it exploits easily exploitable human traits like gluttony. Doesn’t matter. The fuckers out there – and you could see the sheer number of them during convid, when they literally opted for killing themselves rather than giving up yet another fix – don’t understand that ultimately they’ll lose their freedom and prosperity, all the things they think they’re preserving by complying, subscribing to today’s shittism. In addition, there are certain real underlying physical problems, energy crisis being a case in point. Ditto other things. For the myopic observer, the problem are the “elites”, the klaus schwabs and kill gates’, who are foisting totalitarian control on the populace. That’s certainly the case, but much more serious problem are all the fucking idiots who not only accept all the shit, but, more importantly, more than willingly subscribe to the ideaology or worldview on the basis of which all this shit is done. Your main enemy are not the elites. Your main enemy are the masses of cretins who understand shit what’s going on. The way out of this is the same thing the early socialists when they were explaining to exploited workers that they have to join forces to amass collective power in order to obtain better conditions.… Read more »
Empiricism is a theory of knowledge (an epistemology) which derives from philosophy not science. What experiments did Popper use to prove that scientifically without using empirical (philosophical) methods?
However, you are right on that score its self-evident anyway – the future cannot be predicted from the past based on a particular number of empirical observations and making predictions about the future from them.
I do understand full-well what’s going on, and have wrote about it often enough here including comments on the fearful, complicit and docile population. But remember fear is a powerful motive that’s been inculcated into the majority of the population via the government and the various ideological apparatuses – medical, political, private, MSM and the state etc.
However, the elites, oligarchs, illuminati or whatever other name is attributed to them, still rule the roost and have governments and their key minions in their pockets. That is, until they are somehow ‘displaced’ and prevented from exercising their power then nothing much will change that will be of great significance for the good of individuals or a collective.
For what its worth, if a small number of individuals in the population make too many large enough waves including violence they will be picked off as sure as hell and taken out of circulation – so what good will that do, and what will that achieve?
Nothing. I don’t advocate violence.
What I’m saying is that there needs to be a debate about a novel worldview, novel “ideology”, new raison d’etre for the future, based on our experience with the various -isms and -ologies of the past, which have thus far resulted in various successes and various failures. Something new has to be proposed and, hopefully, embraced by the populace.
That ain’t happening right now. People are stuck in the status quo.
Many of the issues that you have raised concerning novel worldviews / ideologies by the way, have already been discussed at least in part by various posters on threads long passed.
Unfortunately, none have prevailed to date. All that seems to be happening right now is critical repetition of arguments concerning the current situation which just serves as a useful means of venting the anger and frustration of the posters.
That is precisely because there is no viable strategy in situ to deal with the problems we have to face in any effective practical sense, or in any organized way. Strength in numbers does not exist at this juncture, and there is next to no support for a practical solution at any local level, let alone a global one!
You are correct people are stuck in the status quo and will continue to be so, until they get their asses kicked harder again in the not too distant future.
And you never used the “F” word once!
What’s wrong with fuck? Are you that scared shitless to use words your commanding officer has designated as prohibited?
What a sheeple are you, aren’t you!
If people are being gaslighted into thinking one thing about the tyrants, while the tyrants are actually thinking and doing something else, is that really alignment or just mind control?
People that fear living free will likely never have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the tyranny.
Only 3 out of 100 colonists in the American Colonies stood up to the Crown of England and prevailed. 97 out of 100 rolled over in bed cursing Paul Revere and went back to sleep.
Indeed, Thom … The success of the Cuban Revolution can be attributed to about 20 patriots who survived the initial phase of the landing in Playa Las Coloradas.
Even a seemingly insignificant number of committed tyrannicides can swing the pendulum in humanity’s favor.
While I get your point about the 20 and the 26th of July Movement, I don’t think the end result was really what the people of Cuba wanted.
This really shouldn’t astound me after the last 3 years… but it does. With you CJ.
It doesn’t astound me at all.
Anybody who has paid attention during the last 3 years and has opened their mouth critically in a public arena – must know exactly how you feel, CJ.
Goodbye diplomacy.
It’s time to use good ol’-fashioned English (or German) words again when speaking of the filth that has seen personal mileage in adopting “1984” as their role model and instruction manual.
“Arschlöcher” is the first of the German ones that comes to mind.
I’m for calling them what they are, rather than resorting to ‘language.’
I can tell you from personal experience, “Arschlöcher” will cost you
Precisely, one thousand one hundred & twenty four Swiss Francs,
& 48 hours of your life. Immediately post WTC7,
allowing for inflation…
The judge accepted that I was not backing down: something I deduced from his tolerance of the fact that, when in his court, I very clearly told him that my best friend Brendan from Brisbane would say that he, the judge was also an “Arschloch” , as well as his police officers.
What fucked their heads up, completely, in Bremgarten Kanton
Aargau, was my refusal to leave the police station steps and my calling loudly for a journalist or Anybody as a WITNESS, to my condition & state of ‘Affairs’, dealing with such “Arschlöcher” corrupted Polizei.
Finally, the ‘Arschlöcher Polizei’ agreed between them that one of them had better chauffeur me, exactly as requested ! ! Given the fact that I had no money, no I.D. no House keys, indeed, when they took me from home in the middle of the night, I had only a T.shirt, pants,
Trousers & sandals… I would have been breaking the law, theoretically, for one step on the pavement and they knew it & knew
I was correct, also regarding their wholly illegal behaviours,
48 hours previous. The oldest & wisest of the ‘Arschlöcher’
Said to me, he truly regretted not having the courage to
Question the decision of his young career driven boss…
I replied to him, maybe I would accelerate the fire engine
To his house, in an emergency, but the others….
I quit the Fire Brigade after that.
I’m with you.too, CJ. Sock it to ’em! They’ll rue the day.
With Twitter experiencing ‘problems’ and these riots in France (if true…), it seems they really want to shut down speech.
Not sure why
Maybe something new is coming, for which they need to even more dismantle speech than during the origins of covid. Which would mean that that story will be even more ridiculous than covid and/or more devastating to society as we know it.
What could that be?
Most likely plain desperation from the elites. Covid didn’t work and now the Americans are plainly losing yet another war. So they’re going for distractions.
Alien disclosure …
Poor aliens. Man, they must think they took a wrong turn..
Come to think about it, where does an alien go to register?
Just askin’
prima !