Bath time for babies
Sylvia Shawcross

Well it is possible to be optimistic about the future really. I know that’s a ridiculous statement but truly, if we look at the span of time one day, oh maybe 100 years from now, maybe less, we, the mooing herds, will be getting reparation monies and recognition. We will be loved and cared for again by governments around the world for the hardships and nonsense that we endured.
The First Nations of all the countries colonized around the world know what I’m talking about. They were taken by weakness of disease brought to them by the invaders; had their land seized and were driven onto reservations; had their way of life taken away; their children taken and schooled in new ways, their histories and languages nearly eradicated.
The utter hubris and judgment and criminal treatment and exploitation by the colonists and their ideal vision of the colonies was simply devastating. And didn’t the ones in charge of it all hail it as improvement and weren’t they the heroes and organizers and leaders of the brave New World? Or so they believed of themselves.
But mostly, oh the money to be made in utopia! Hence our notion of compensation now.
So isn’t it entirely possible that in a hundred years all those in countries affected by WEF policies will be compensated for pretty much the EXACT same things for pretty much the EXACT same notions of utopia?
The elite and their crews, left in their decadence and privilege to do little else but sit and think and heaven forbid—feel, will begin to feel guilty that they were the only ones to benefit from what they did to the actual middle class and blue collar people and will start to discuss things like equity and inclusion and classism and all that jazz. And they’ll start thinking they need to celebrate the lost heritage of all these peoples who had it stolen from them in the name of worldwide uniformity. Oh the parades I foresee…
But never mind all that. Now the dark part I’m afraid. The question remains why is it that human beings, as educated, as experienced as clever as they are keep on doing the same things and expecting different results? Why oh why? We haven’t figured it out yet have we?
Oh well, who really knows the ins and outs of anything ultimately? I can say at least that the suffering mooing herds see the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer and some can even see the hijacking of the environmental agenda—the clever ones.
Sometimes it feels like you are walking down a grey street in any city in any of the first world nations and there underfoot is a rivulet of greyish water streaming and in the background a baby screaming.
And you run to the sound of a child in pain and find a child naked on the pavement and standing over the child is a person who looks like any leader of the so-called free world, a Schwab, a Macron, a Trudeau, a Biden, a Sunak, a Zelensky and they are holding an empty basin.
And you ask why? Why did you do this? The water, they say, is dirty. But what of the child, you want to know? And they explain that the child was just their excuse to fill the basin. They didn’t need the child anymore.
And the child is Democracy and Freedom. They threw it out with the bathwater because the bathwater was capitalism for everyone and the baby an impediment to their plans for a worldwide utopia. Ostensibly.
Once upon a time Democracy was not entirely corrupted. Once upon a time Freedom was guaranteed. Once upon a time. Once upon a time you could say what you believed. Once upon a time.
Now we can’t even remember why we’re standing there with a dying child.
Sometimes we remember that we were countries many in the world wanted to immigrate to for a new life. We stood for something. It wasn’t all bad. Have we really forgotten that already? It wasn’t so long ago either. We believed in the individual’s right to freedom, opinion, religion, gender, healthcare and the right at the end of the day to be part of an election process that heard our collective voice.
We were tolerant and hard-working. We were free to become whatever we worked to become. We believed in peace. We were utopia to the broken, persecuted, poor and those who believed in what we stood for. In the time before the psychopaths. In the time when Democracy and Capitalism were not all mixed up together.
Truthfully, it might not have been utopia for everyone but we realized this and began the process of reparations in many different ways. We promised that to those who came here. We were the land of the free. Mostly we thrived—we, the nations of immigrants. In the time before the psychopaths.
The best of times are gone now. New immigrants are leaving before finally settling. And the generations coming up, if they even stay, will spend a long long time recreating, if they can even do it, what they lost. They just haven’t figured out they’re losing it. And there is no way to tell them because intolerance is being sold as tolerance and war is being sold as peace and censorship is sold as good for everyone and the complete dismantling of any pretence of democracy and freedom is for the sake of the whole planet.
That is what we’re told even as corporations amass billions and war profiteering runs rampant and politicians make more money than can be reasonably expected for their efforts and the banksters… well the banksters do what they always have and make mockery of us all.
They weaponized the good will of many until the will of many became an obscenity. Dividing and distracting us all until we forgot who we used to be. What we stood for.
And we can only hold on to the goodness we remember. For it was there. Growing. It could grow again. Maybe even sooner than we think. That’s the part they never appreciate—all those who would be empire-builders.
Earworm for the day:
Sylvia Shawcross lives in Canada. Visit her substack.
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I am not to sure why the 2.5 rating.
Sylvia, I think your writing is great.
Once enough experiments have been done to satisfy The Science, and correspondingly once The Scientists have found what they’re looking for…they will throw out the baby and keep the bathwater.
Madness and morality have never made good bedfellows.
There’s a book title: Madness and Morality. 🙂
I just found something I think you might like.
Beautiful. And very sad.
It may be time to re-examine the evidence for that given how germ theory and Western power have revealed themselves for what they are.
Given what we know now, it is FAR more probable that this is another lie, and the real reason for the eradication of entire indigenous tribes is firearms and Old-Testament driven racism and genocide.
They literally hunted them down like rabid dogs and killed them all off.
Today The Front Page of The Daily Telegrapgh reached the limits of total insanity…
If my wife (we have been together almost like forever -well over 40 years – subtlely breast fed our kids)..She is being encouraged by the UK Press..There is nothing wrong with her..she hasn’t got cancer or anything wrong with her so far as we know…and if I decide I want to be a woman – you know – she has her breasts cut off, and I have my dick cut off…The UK Government will pay us loads of money .
They obviously do not like us – cos we are normal..
We still make love,,and most of the time get on.
Maybe the Powers in Control – don’t like our Grandchildren and Friends
They seem completely normal to us too.
Has the Daily Telegraph gone AWOL..left their kids in control????
Cos someone is taking the p1ss – not to mention the mass ongoing slaughter in The Ukraine
Today, we have been swapping plastic records in our front room..I got the record player working…took awhile..but my girl was impresed…I said it was my job to turn the record over..
I just fell in love with her the moment I saw her…
Do you remember when we were kids…and we were hitching a lift back to Stonehenge Free Festival after swimming naked in the river at Amesbury
This white van stopped to pick us up
He said get in…so I asked her…what was he playing in his van..
My Girl is as Bright as a Button ..she hasn’t forgotten anything since 1981 when we met
We like the same songs and a guitarist who can play
RIP James Dewar
“Robin Trower – Bridge of Sighs – BBC 1974 HD”
Still Here
I have always loved that saying, “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”…so many good examples of people doing that. You weave this in so well in this article…wonderful work. Thank you for spending the time to write these gems. I love how they make me think beyond the objective “events” of our times.
‘The Australian’, (a Murdoch newspaper) reported, 14 March 1994, that during student/youth demos against the French government’s plan to reduce the guaranteed youth wage by 20%, marchers in Nantes shouted “We want the right to live, the right to work !” and “Balladaur give us jobs !” France, according to the report “was on the brink of exploding.”
‘The Australian’, 28 march 1994, headed a report on the French disturbances “Do you hear echoes of [May-June] ’68 ? it cites a young person-n-the-know, “In reality, young people are protesting [about] their dim job prospects, based on their unshakeable lack of faith in the future.” “The ’68 generation was gaily utopian. the 1994 generation is somberly realistic…More important, while the earlier generation fought to bring down the establishment, this one is fighting to join it,” offered Le Monde.’
The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 April 1994, reported having tracked down a young person-in-the-know, a student, “sipping coffee in a student cafe near the Sorbonne, who made it clear that his generation was the 1960s in reverse. It wants what its parents have, and are rebelling, often violently, because it cannot get it. “We are not out to destroy the establishment – we just want to be part of it.”
I was lucky, i was born into the Boomer Generation…We had A Future (The name of the carrot They dangled in front of us)…Today’s youth ? There is no carrot, only student debt tied like millstones round their necks, unaffordable houses, precarious jobs, threats of being replaced by robots…Very little opportunity to own anything, and they’re not happy about it !!
A report to the French government claims that of the numerous arrests during the current disturbances, most were aged 17 – 18, and only about 10% of those arrested were immigrants…
Somebody pointed out that they had to be young, to enable the government to do away with online anonymity under the guise of age checks.
And how many were 1st and 2 generation ‘French’ ? I suspect almost all of them
Sylvia Shawcross,
“Bath time for Babies”…almost spot on…We had 3 Grandkids staying last night..the youngest who isn’t quite 1 years old yet – but not quite ready for the paddling pool with her two older boisterous brothers, and their girlfriend (oldest 7)
All these Gay People should consider (and I know many – all of whom I like as friends)…
is that unless they fake it (as some of them have)
They can’t Reproduce.
Whilst I and my lovely wife have again had a garden full of kids today – paddling pool, fast waterslide (original ™) no actually free…people round here give stuff away…
Grandkids and their Friends…
And so far as I know..None of us have been jabbed. and none of our cars are ULEZ compliant
have you noticed?
when WEF & the so-called leaders of the free world make announcements, they don’t include any references to consultations or surveys made, or even a reference to public opinion. they simply state what needs to be done, as if there are no other possible choices.
i think that is how a cabal operates.
Prigozhin has left Belarus & a Wagner rally is scheduled in St Petersburg?? Really?
There is no point listening to Russian or NATO military propaganda.
Dane Wigington from Geoengineering Watch joins Mike Adams with final warning for all surviving humans on planet Earth:
Banned by Twitter, a sure fire indicator of an undisclosed reality, sadly.
People should know what experiments were performed scientifically &
The Consequences, in terms of priorities.
33 years ago, I first took to Dane seriously,
Because of the High Auroral Accoustic Research Programming,
& insider Knowledge. WTC7 was Interconnected.
Dane is pure carbon: a diamond…
Fortunately, Mr. Wigington is not so focused on geoengineering that he ignores the dangers (more like: the horrors) of 5G.
He has but one agenda: trying to preserve what’s left of the world humans stumbled upon. And that agenda is all inclusive (unlike so many other agendas).
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” (Frank Zappa)
The whole premise of democracy – and concomitant overlapping ideologies s/a liberalism; capitalism; individualism; consumerism; corporatism; etc. – was invoked to proffer the masses the illusion of empowerment and control; when, in reality, it was always intended as a means for the pathocracy to subvert, nay subsume said majority into a nice, neat malleable, obedient and massified glob of senseless, emotional and intellectually weak species of non-Being. Hence, for anyone to have any remnants of nostalgia for such a sick and sinister phenomenon begs the questions: in what era of the West’s timeline was democracy anything but a means for the kakistocracy to acquire and accumulate as much power and control as we bear witness to today? in what era of the West’s timeline was democracy nothing but a ruse; designed and delivered for the masses to enjoy a few crumbs on the table of empire whilst simultaneously eviscerating anything or anyone that had the audacity to stand in its way? in what era of the West’s timeline was democracy not killing just other peoples, customs, religions and creeds; but, also, slaughtering birds, bees and beasts of prey? in what era of the West’s timeline was democracy designed and delivered for peoples of the world to evolve mentally; emotionally; physically; spiritually? I believe, subsequent to answering any one – or all – of these questions in a serious, studious and sensible way there really is only one answer: democracy – and all of the other concomitant ideologies of the day (i.e., capitalism; consumerism; individualism; materialism; etc.) – was never designed by the kakistocracy for engendering fluffy and warm concepts s/a ‘freedom and equality’; instead it was invoked as a means to conjure up the world as we see it today, i.e., an open-air, digital panoptic prison! That is all!! RGB-Y3 out!!!
In an ironic way, you have partially sugar-coated democracy. That is, you left out the part calculated to appeal to the mass of humanity: mob rule.
Everybody and his brother wants to rule (except for a few of us “conspiracy theorists” who see rulership as one of the greatest evils of all).
Democracy is telling the people: YOU GUYS RULE! So even if it were actually put into practice, the result would be exactly the same. Maybe even worse.
If the King (or whatever) wants my land, there’s a slight chance my neighbors might take up for me. But if it’s my neighbors wanting my land, there’s no one I can turn to.
That’s right. Nothing but libertarian culture and voluntarism will work.
For this, the masses need to be trained to adopt these values. I’d hate to be under the rule of those who wanted the unvaxxed locked up and punished.
And from history we know how the masses enjoyed the gladiator vs lion “games” or how they they flocked to the pyres to watch “witches” being burned to death.
On the upside, I note that quite a few very young people are open to voluntarism. It may be too late though.
Sylvia, (I love you’re here)
Your offerings have been pretty much fun so far. This is dead serious and right on the money so to speak. A perfect and morbid reality … but but but we were the immigrants who flocked to the Americas and made it impossible for the First Nation peoples to live their blessed lives of plenty with hard work and reverence for Mother Earth. We as immigrants failed to respect and to be amazed and to revere all life. What goes around comes around, I guess.
Thanks for the earworm.
I look forward to more.
(What’s so Funny ’bout) Peace, Love and Understanding?
Hey Pilgrim – Ok Ok I got your point. I’m kinda a peace love dove sort of gal. Thanks for posting the terrific “Dates and Dead Guys” link. He is good with quite a bit of humor thrown in. Exceptional delivery of history. Loved it. I’ll research further.
Glad to hear that you enjoyed it. Cheers!
I just now watched this. Thank you so much for posting it. It was great.
Glad you liked it. He has some interesting and engrossing material on his channel.
Thanks for sharing this. I’ll see if I can get hold of the books mentioned in the video.
Democracy is antithetical to freedom.
Democracy is nothing more than a variation of collectivism. The mob rules. Two wolves and a lamb deciding what will be for dinner.
Freedom and Liberty can only truly exist with Anarchy. Anarchy really meaning, “no government”. Not chaos as TPTB would like all of us to believe. What makes no government elusive is the unwillingness of humans to take responsibility for themselves and their own local community. Also that the vast majority of people are amoral, of poor character and of bad ethics.
This is why we are constantly beleaguered by conflict and tyranny.
The language of the aggressive competitive corporate power point presentation transferred to the recent wave of oddly convenient global pathogens:
“Inside the Race To Create the World’s First Anti-Fungal Vaccine
As climate change shifts where fungi live and how it functions, researchers are racing to create new therapies to stay ahead of the game.”
It’s brazenly obvious. “Stay ahead of the game”. What game? Are supposedly deadly globe threatening pathogens “a game”? Of course not. Oh yes there is indeed a “new game” but it has nothing to do with anything life threatening. Indeed it is merely a continuation of a very old game – the old thrashing out of the latest “hook” to rope everyone in to parting with their money – or, in this case, finding an excuse to rob the public purse.
So our main mountebank, the World Health Organization, has “released a list of 19 fungi that pose the greatest threat to public health”. Obviously, these professional charlatans have been busy grafting away the conceptual apparatus. And this time the buzz word is “Fungi” – which had a preview via that trailer known as The Last of Us i.e. another of those “strangely prescient” fictional presentations whose strange prescience can then be commented on by the media to strengthen the meme by repetition.
Of course, for maximum effect, it helps to cross reference other franchises – in this case:
“Climate change is expected to heat the planet and shift weather patterns, altering not only where we can live but where other species can thrive, too. The shift in temperature will alter where different species of fungi live –– and potentially make it easier for some to survive in the human body. In fact, climbing temperatures are the most immediate factor influencing the rise in fungal infections.”
This paves the way for a LARGE HEADING:
(Capital letters are the visual equivalent of the discordant jab on the soundtrack of a spooky movie.)
After which, you can almost hear the throb throb of the deep base note from John Carpenter’s The Thing when you read that “climbing temperatures will affect the fungal genome”. Then lots of bio-gloop before the distressing news that “(c)urrently, no vaccines to prevent fungal infections exist. That’s partly due to a lack of funding interest from pharmaceutical companies.”
Their “lack of interest” is due to the current lack of enough scare tactics to gain support from a suitably large customer base.
We need a hero and one Karen Norris “professor at the University of Georgia’s Center for Vaccines and Immunology” has “made huge strides” to create a “pan-fungal vaccine” which is currently showing promise.
And so on and so forth – more bio-gloop-de-doo-dah, ending with
“We all recognize there is a need,” Norris says. “There are 1.5 million people a year around the world that die of invasive fungal infections — that’s enormous.”
Indeed – it is essential that we constantly repeat that “we all recognize” since the new franchise desperately needs this constant emphasis on the tried-and-tested marketing signals in order to germinate a truly sustainable etc. etc. etc.
Could be another winner.
The effort of thinking is clearly far more burdensome than we previously imagined…
Perhaps humanity has managed to conflate the organic with the deliberate; so that “thinking” is merely what goes on in the mind rather than an attempt to piece things together in some coherent manner.
To many people – a growing number – “thinking” is anything they happen to be ruminating on at the moment. One can even be high as a kite and still “thinking” so long as something or another is floating around up there.
“I think therefore I am” has become “I have an I-phone and watch TV, therefore I think I am.”
Or maybe most souls are already captured by the matrix and lack the ability to truly think anymore. Forever trapped in hell on earth.
“it is possible to be optimistic about the future”
Socialist activist Danny Haiphong and Global investigative journalist Pepe Escobar back China’s 3,000 years of diplomatic finesse against the U$A’s Elephant-and-Donkey-in-a-China-shop.
“NATO CRUMBLING as Russia and China Assume World Leadership”
When I see the ‘socialist’ DH proudly telling us about the Dunhuang solar farm as some sort of ‘environmental achievement’, it puts me off.
It’s easy enough to criticise the US. No reason to rush into the arms of China.
Isa Blumi, no supporter of the US, is highly sceptical of the benign intentions of China.
Time will tell.
Thanks for introducing me to Isa Blumi. I approve this intro to her book, Destroying Yemen:
“Since March 2015, an international coalition of forces—Saudi led and supported by Britain and the United States—has waged devastating war in Yemen. Largely ignored by the world’s media, the resulting humanitarian disaster and full-scale famine threatens millions. Destroying Yemen offers the first in-depth historical account of the transnational origins of this war… ”
As you say, Time will tell. And quite rapidly. Not long after Isa Blumi’s cry of despair was published, China surprised everyone by patching up an age-old quarrel between Semitic and Aryan: the quarrel between Saudi Arabia and Iran! This stunning example of “China’s three thousand years of diplomatic finesse” will probably bring an end to NATZO’s coldly money-driven crucifixion of small but oil-rich Yemen.
Isa is a he, by the way. I don’t think he would bother with any other pronouns 😀
I would recommend his book on Yemen, his articles, and many interviews with Zurawell here (the last one on SE Asia (4 July) was yet another eye-opener) :
I don’t think he would share your optimism about China’s part in what is going in Yemen, but I’ll leave you to discover that.
His opinion of China is irrelevant, and his book on Yemen is out of date. Now that China’s diplomacy has persuaded Crown Prince Saud to stop thinking of himself and and his country as though he were merely CEO of an Anglo Zionazi Oil company, NATZO will have to find a new catspaw to “lead” their dirty war on Yemen. Or invade openly. Or give up.
NATZO does not dare invade Yemen openly — no more than we dare invade Ukraine openly — because that would mean a direct confrontation between the EU$A and the Axis of Resisttance (Yemen, Iran, Arabia, Russia and China). Already, in Ukraine alone with only Russia as our opponent, the EU$A has found itself outgunned, outspent and outmanned. We cannot afford to go to war against Arabia, Iran and China as well.
The Yemen war too over petroleum piracy.
China’s diplomatic finesse backed by the factories and know-how of Europe and America shipped over at our expense.
Yes. As early as 1945-50 the great French poet and thinker, Paul Valery, predicted that we in “the West” were committing economic suicide by outsourcing our only advantage — our technology — to “the more populous, the more hardworking and the more socially cohesive part of the world.
There you have it: for the past 70 years the West has been driven by Leaders intent on having the West commit economic suicide.
The latest shining examples being Anna Liza Baerbock, Liz Trust, Mirella Marin and similar Green Girls in Government. Thank goodness they are being sacked Left, Right and Centre.
Thanks for the excellent link, Nick
What part of China’s Skynet System of Social Credit Scoring, Facial Recognition Surveillance, Democide of Religious Peoples, Health Passports, QR Code Scanning, Organ Harvesting, Human Trafficking, and implementation of CBDC, is benign, or “good”?
Since when are Communist Dictators becoming Global Leaders a good event? WTF do you think WW2 was about?
That anyone can think this way is complete and utter cowardice and peasantry.
When only the government has guns and power, book burning, genocide and democide aren’t far behind. Some people are just completely ignorant of history.
China is communist in name only. They may be accused of many faults, but not that one 😄
China has a ruling oligarchy that styles itself communist. Just like the US has a ruling oligarchy that styles itself democratic.
All government will progress to totalitarianism if not held in check.
What is China then, in your mind?
Here’s Don Fardon’s original recording of Indian Reservation. The Cherokee Trail of Tears gave the lie up front to everything the American experiment supposedly stood for. As everyone knows, the Cherokees went to the Supreme Court – and won their case. But Andrew Jackson, President #6, refused to honor their decision.
Don Fardon – Indian Reservation – YouTube
Empire builders still delude themselves, continue to deny all empires crumble. They do not see, do not see nuclear Armageddon approaches.
A bit OT, probably also already posted, but worth a watch:
Has Gezzah been seen around lately?
stopped watching as soon as IDF Avi turned up, Mr Rebel ‘Mossad’ News with his bullshit around two minutes in…. … always gets past security to ask Thunberg and that twat Bourla from Pfizer questions at Davos, never gets bothered by anybody…it’s all so obvious…control both sides…
I often think about Gezzah and wonder the same thing. Anyone … ?
Several months ago Gezzah posted a couple comments; then nothing since. Every now and again somebody asks about him.
A couple years back he said he was posting his comments elsewhere – but he didn’t say where.
Here’s a man who wrote a book about diplomacy, but what he meant was sheer force:
“In the face of this situation we would be better off to dispense now with a number of the concepts which have underlined our thinking with regard to the Far East. We should dispense with the aspiration to ‘be liked’ or to be regarded as the repository of a high-minded international altruism. We should stop putting ourselves in the position of being our brothers’ keeper and refrain from offering moral and ideological advice. We should cease to talk about vague — and for the Far East — unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.”
― George F. Kennan, American Diplomacy, 1951
“unreal objectives for the Far East such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization” — American Diplomacy, 1951.
Since those heady days of U$ moonshine, Mao has shown that the U$ is a paper tiger, and the Chinese Communist Party has created a prosperous middle class 600M in size, equivalent to twice the U$ population, while the U$ middle class is sinking into poverty and oppression.
The problem is no one dare to mention the one and only solution. Its so simple, but people are afraid of losing their fiat and fake money.
“In the End times the losers shall be the winners, and the winners shall be the losers”.
No one is born a psychopath. A baby not given adequate Love becomes a self centred problem child, who then becomes an adult with an empathy defecit. And presto! A psycho is born.
It’s really not that complicated. All that’s needed is to keep telling the child over and over and over how much better than everyone else he is – and, presto, another psycho emerges.
At around 2 years old Situationist Guy Debord was farmed out to his gran to raise him, the ‘job’ being too much for his mum…In a biography he’s quoted as saying, his mum “loved babies, but couldnt stand kids.”
PS: how much love is “adequate” ?
This article reminds me of Frantz Fanon, because sixty years on from his untimely death – us white folks still don’t get it. We were and are the “empire-builders” and the imperialism never stopped. Our lifestyles are the result of deeply entrenched structural racism, deepening impoverishment, active immiseration, and ongoing imperial expropriation and illiberal dehumanisation happening right now.
It’s becoming a “line of entrenchment” in the ‘culture war’ between those who suffer from democratic liberalisation and colonisation nostalgia – those to whom western imperialism and colonialism weren’t all that bad – even beneficial and educative for the colonised. They should be more grateful really, now ‘Westerndom’ is undergoing siege and the retrenched response is that we gave them “Freedom” and “Democracy” which had their halcionic heyday. Now ‘they’ are corrupting all that.
Well, hey – liberal democracy is the highest form of capitalism; so who and what on earth were we working for in the mnemonic utopic “time before psychopaths”? All our freedom came at the expense of all of their unfreedom. And who the fuck are ‘they’?
Along with all the liberalisation and democratically imperial and colonial nostalgia, we now have projective prostalgia for the time when we ourselves will be compensated for achieving the highest material conditions of living ever achieved by subjugation, criminal treatment, exploitation, and imperial expropriation continuing to happen right now.
So the First Nations do know exactly whatever is being said – that we white folk in the First World are claiming we are the colonised, subjugated, and exploited now – to the point where we will one day require even more reparation and recognition than we are already living? For the “hardships and nonesense that we endured? That may raise an eyebrow or two among the First Nations and in the current Third Worldised colonies n’est-ce pas?
Can you hear that? That is Fanon laughing at the sheer scale of the utter hubris of it all. He appropriated the word “phobogenesis” to account for the irrational and imaginary-symbolic creation of fears and anxieties; when one’s owned shadow-project becomes the source of one’s owned stress and anxiety. Retreat into remembrances real or imaginary is another classic displacement defence against one’s own imaginability; of ‘my’ ego and the intrusive but imaginary-symbolic ‘other’ that is in fact my split alter-ego. As a split-psyche eliciting the dream-facade where das Man (“the They”) are disrupting my false memory nostalgia – maybe they will compensate me one day – just like when we recompensed and repaired the centuries of expropriation that formed the very fabric of these utopic oneiric remembrances?
Meantime in the real world, for Fanon the black person was the “phobogenic object” causing distress by their epidermalised appearance. Is the white person now becoming their own imaginary-symbolic phobogenic object as a persecutory paranoic projection? Is ‘whiteness’ really under threat, or are we just building ego-complexity to block out and distort the liberal, democratic, free capitalist imperialism we worked so hard to build and defend – before the imaginary psychopaths of our own imaginability began to invade the fact that we were complacent and silent for so long?
“White Skin, Black Masks” is the inversion of Fanon’s title appropriated for the time when white skin becomes the victim of its own economic victimology; and those who worked so hard to colonise the First Nations now share their victim status – taking on our symbolic black masks to block out the unwanted intrusions of our own psychiatric imaginability.
Now for the dark part I’m afraid: we are not the “becoming black” of the world, and we are not victims excepting of the very same split-psyche that allowed us to moralise away their pain as our freedom for so long. Now we feel it? Then stop projecting and introjecting nonsense to affirm the very moral ego-complexity that needs the whole world to satisfy our libidinal, illiberal, irrational, imperial economy.
One day we will get over our individualised ‘self’; realise it was the only ever mechanism of imperial control; it was only ever an imaginary-symbolic defence against the negative aspects of the world we do not want to see in ourselves. Without all that energy diverted into imaginary-symbolic defence against ourselves, we might actually address the very real harms and injustices in the world we are hiding from in our imaginary illiberal sanctuaries.
“Oh the parades I foresee…”
Great comment; thank you.
Perhaps we the white sub-species are experiencing deja vu via reincarnation. Because of course the earliest empires were not white per se but darker. Even so, the Northern white tribes were not subjugated until the Romans – who, of course, were also white.
The ancient world was one conquest after another – kind of a “last man standing” dynamic – for thousands of years until Greece and Rome straightened everyone out by conquering them all.
The only way to separate humans and violence is with a nuclear crowbar. All the little sub-species do their thing whenever and wherever they can.
(I find it interesting that every other creature on earth has a species and sub-species. Not us. We have “races.” Typical human hubris.)
I got many more downvotes last time. Is that a sign of gradual acceptance that not only was the past not that great, free, or democratic for the supermajority; but the Third Worldised continue to support our phantasies by providing their labour and materials for free?
On a separate note: we don’t have ‘races’ or sub-species; the genus Homo is a a singular genus and species. If all the epidermalised distinctions — white folk are the most recent; between 5-7K BP. Before that: we are phylogentically and phenotypically all black.
I suspect the dearth of downvotes has more to do with it being Friday than with fewer people railing at anything which questions the prevailing ideology in this forum.
After all, the white man – who singlehandedly built human civilization, don’t you know – is being systematically reduced to a mere serf in HIS world.
“On a separate note: we don’t have ‘races’ or sub-species; the genus Homo is a a singular genus and species. If all the epidermalised distinctions — white folk are the most recent; between 5-7K BP. Before that: we are phylogentically and phenotypically all black.”
Thanks. You got my upvote for that. Hope you get more.
“Prof.Einstein, what is your race?”.
We haven’t speciated yet, but we seem to be doing our collective best to split off from the phylogenetic tree of life; becoming immaterial as the highest good beyond being.😍👻
I think the downvotes have to do with your overly long and over-wrought diatribes.
Try a better economy of words- complex things can be simply described with some thinking.
The destruction of the socio-economic infrastructure over the past three years has been utterly gobsmacking considering how the “opposition” not only let it happen and not only cheered it on but complained it wasn’t happening fast enough!
Quotes from Frantz Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth that resonate 60 years later. Published: December 6, 2021
BTW: That links to theConversation logo, not the article which I presume is this one:
Thanks for the correct Link:
Fanon rejects the humanism proclaimed in Europe. Based on colonisation, exploitation, slavery and violence, European humanism dehumanises. And so “We must find something different”.
He rejects what is central to European humanism, profit and the reduction of the human to outputs in production.
“If conditions of work are not modified,” he adds, “centuries will be needed to humanise this world which has been forced down to animal level by imperial powers”.
He’s saying, humanising the world means rethinking everything, “work[ing]out new concepts… and setting afoot a new humanity”.
Time as the space for human development
Fanon envisioned time akin to Karl Marx’s great phrase, as “space for human development”.
Frantz Fanon:
“Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness, and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions.”
“The people come to understand that wealth is not the fruit of labour but the result of organised, protected robbery. Rich people are no longer respectable people; they are nothing more than flesh eating animals, jackals and vultures which wallow in the people’s blood.”
“The unpreparedness of the educated classes, the lack of practical links between them and the mass of the people, their laziness, and, let it be said, their cowardice at the decisive moment of the struggle will give rise to tragic mishaps.”
“And it is clear that in the colonial countries the peasants alone are revolutionary, for they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The starving peasant, outside the class system is the first among the exploited to discover that only violence pays. For him there is no compromise, no possible coming to terms; colonization and decolonization is simply a question of relative strength.“
“The basic confrontation which seemed to be colonialism versus anti-colonialism, indeed capitalism versus socialism, is already losing its importance. What matters today, the issue which blocks the horizon, is the need for a redistribution of wealth. Humanity will have to address this question, no matter how devastating the consequences may be.”
“They realize at last that change does not mean reform, that change does not mean improvement.”
“When we revolt it’s not for a particular culture. We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe.”
“Violence is man recreating himself.”
You aint seen nothin’ yet !
But dont worry, be happy.
Why do humans keep doing the same thing?
Evil manifests from generation to generation.
Until you understand and accept Spiritual warfare, you will never fully comprehend the actions of mankind against their fellows.
“For we battle not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of darkness and evil spiritual forces in high places”
Apologies for off topic,
I do care work with disabled adults and one of my charges seems to have suffered a mental breakdown which started two years ago I.e. after a year of lockdown when he was denied his placement and roamed the streets from the wee small hours.
Another one went into a steep decline into premature senility and died.
Even the ones who survived have returned to an impoverished service which will obviously never return to the old normal.
Ok, now I’ll ignore you Jock. You know shit..There and here’s A SLAP in the face from my NHS Sister who died from cancer Mister. She was worth a million of you.
If she took the jab voluntary, it was her own fault. Not the government’s fault.
Thats just how the way it is and how casual life is.
You survive alone inside the jungle for 10 years, and the moment you get out and into civilisation, you die from SADS because you took the wrong decision and made the jab……………………LOL..
Be happy for what you got and still get. Thats my advice to a global population.
You know Clive, the more coherent your comments, the nastier they become. And now I know you’re a psychotic jerk.
US doll knew it…piss off.
Yes, not only did bureaucratic Lockdown disrupt normal human connection but official insanity drained normal life of purpose. No wonder the suicide rate increased but also, as you relate, some people did not commit suicide but nevertheless were tipped into chronic clinical depression.
“Once upon a time Democracy was not entirely corrupted. Once upon a time Freedom was guaranteed. Once upon a time. Once upon a time you could say what you believed. Once upon a time.”
“Once upon a time…”
You got that right.
I thought that, too, until, in retrospect, I realized it never was.
Now, it’s clear what it is, isn’t, never was, only professed to be.
It was always all Fairy Tales and Make-Believe, Smoke ‘n’ Mirrors.
Something most everyone else in the world already knew, and many always suspected.
You saw for yourself nothing you treasured was protected or guaranteed.
Your Constitution, Charter of Rights, how well did they defend you?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
Nuremberg Code?
Always good to see/hear you, Sylvia.
Thanks again!
UK children are looking at day after day of teacher strikes in the autumn…. oh look, guess what the Fraud is seeding as an idea this morning:
It’s okay though – “leading expert” has signed Elon Musk’s letter of concern about AI and he sees the “danger of indoctrination” (but supports AI replacing teachers anyway because it’s how Oxbridge teach their students!). His final call that all this is coming sooner than people think fits in with notions of accelerationism and the drive to get more parts of the agenda in place by 2030.
This is how the veiled system works : with talk about what “could happen” or “is likely to happen” when what they are none-too-subtly hinting at is what they have clearly planned – in this case, ‘fewer teachers being employed – possibly even none’.
The personal face-to-face interaction so vital to the raising of young minds and the nurturing of rounded individuals is to be scrapped for synthetic murmurings that will create biological automatons.
And this is interesting:
““Oxford and Cambridge don’t really use a traditional classroom … they use tutors presumably because it’s more effective,” he said. “It’s literally infeasible to do that for every child in the world. There aren’t enough adults to go around.””
That’s funny. There were plenty of adults to “go around” in the old days assuming parents had enough time on their hands to guide their kids.
And this is ironic:
“A more pressing worry is the potential for hijacking of software by authoritarian regimes….”
As if we don’t already have an authoritarian regime.
Putin is constantly interfering in Oxford and Cambridge’s software products via hypersonic nano waves to influence our youngsters to think Karl Marx, and to vote for Trump the ultra radical conservative right wing extremist..
Its the most disgusting agenda I could ever imagine.
How can any human accept this cold hearted psychopathic agenda that goes contra the clock and contra the way our universe functions.
Like industry swine this will develop all kinds of dysfunctions and deformities.
But on the other hand, if we can do it with animals and in ancient times did it with our fellow men,
Quote anyone but Elon Musk. He wanted a moratorum so that his own AI business could catch up. Having failed to convince anyone, he then revealed his me-too plans.
I wouldn’t worry, I’m sure we will all be masonic trannies with late-stage dementia by 2033
Thanks for your great writing!
Everyone wants their children to be successful. This has resulted in an overproduction of elites. Now too many people in the West manage and govern others. When the city outsources cleaners, that creates contract negotiations, disputes in law, quality control positions, scheduling positions, and so on. One can import immigrants to fill up the lower ranks but their children want to be successful too. Eventually the growth of intermediaries grinds to a halt. Production finds its way to more efficient countries.
How much blame for this lies with the elites?
But who is really managing anything these days when they all seem to be following in lockstep to orders sent from above? The Young Global Leaders WEF program is far from a shining example of critically-thinking thought leaders when they simply follow directives from a collective script. Individual judgement is exactly what this managerial class is NOT being taught, they are more like obedient soldiers.
The U.N. Is Planning To Seize Global ‘Emergency’ Powers With Biden’s Support
“The emergency platform would also give the United Nations the power to “Ensure that all participating actors make commitments that can contribute meaningfully to the response and that they are held to account for delivery on those commitments.””
They are simply messengers, not managers.
We need to pinpoint this ‘from above’ thing that people talk about today.
Somewhere in there are actual people, who can be held accountable.
(I use the term, “people” very loosely…)
“Somewhere in there are actual people, who can be held accountable.”
The “Western” Anglo Zionazi Capitalist regime must be destroyed and rebuilt, top down and bottom up.
Where are Ghandi, Lenin, Mao, FDR, Castro and Khomeini when you need them? Putin is doing a great job but — because of senility in the Communist Party — he is hampered by not being able to change the Capitalist system in Russia from the bottom upward — Putin can only work top down by jailing a few Oligarchs.
More like “effetes.”
Tech net has an aerial car, saw a quick glance looks to be carbon fibre you can flle that under an attitude of social media superiority if you want to.
“Effete Snobs” – Spiro Agnew. US Vice President 1960s…
That word “successful” is called on to do a lot of heavy work…Successful businessman…Successful politician…Successful billionaire…
Successful family man successfully raised a family…
“I wanna be A Success !!”
“Nothing succeeds like failure
and failure’s no success at all”
1960s folksinger…
Successful human being, anybody ?
Two outstandingly successful human beings: Socrates of Athens and Rabbi Yeshuah of Nazareth.
An outstandingly unsuccessful human being — Albert Einstein:
“Everything I touch turns to quark” — Einstein in old age, The Einstein-Besso Correspondence.
Was the magic J.e.w. -undoubtedly a true historical figure as the Bible ( a true historical record as countless millions believe) tells us- … was he born in Nazareth or Bethlehem?
The Lord of the 144,000 chosen ones works in mysterious way indeed. Why is Armageddon taking so long?
Keep the holy grail of (limitless) growth in mind. The stark reality of population degrowth is surfcing in many countries. If the capitalists have any say, they will avoid that at any cost.