The digital ruble: It’s finally here!

The Bank of Russia’s CBDC is officially Russia’s third form of currency

Riley Waggaman

The wait is over! The Bank of Russia’s centralized, programmable digital token officially received the State Duma’s blessing on Tuesday.

Safe and convenient concepts such as “digital ruble platform”, “digital ruble platform participant”, as well as “digital ruble platform user” and “digital account (wallet)”, now have concrete definitions provided by pages and pages of legal mumbo-jumbo.

The approved legislation designates the Bank of Russia as the sole operator of the digital ruble platform. The Central Bank will be responsible for all aspects of “Russia’s” CBDC, including functionality, safety, and “the correct accounting” of transactions.

Interfax provided some more details about what was included in the final version of the bill:

The adopted law clarifies the ban on crediting digital ruble accounts, as well as on the accrual of interest on the balance of digital rubles. It is also prohibited to open joint digital ruble accounts (for several users).

The document also establishes the Central Bank’s right to block a platform participant (bank) from conducting a transaction if the regulator suspects it is being carried out without the client’s consent. In this case, the Central Bank will inform the bank or the client about the possibility of sending a second order using the same details and for the same amount. Upon receipt of a repeated order, the Central Bank will be obliged to honor it.

In addition, according to the law, the Bank of Russia will be able to enter into agreements with other CBDC operators [i.e., other central banks]—not only of a foreign state, but also of a group of foreign states.

By the way: Interfax’s report also featured an interesting comment from first deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia, Olga Skorobogatova, who is very excited about the possibility of creating not just “national” CBDCs, but CBDCs for “a whole space”. And just think: some gullible worrywarts claim CBDCs could undermine what little remains of national sovereignty.

The main provisions of the law will come into force on August 1, 2023.

The legislation also paves the way for a multi-phase project designed to integrate the digital ruble into Russia’s economy.

RBC explained:

As stated in the materials on the digital ruble on the website of the Bank of Russia, the Central Bank will introduce [the CBDC] in stages: “First, we need to conduct a pilot on real digital rubles with real clients, and work out basic operations with banks (opening and closing digital wallets, transferring digital rubles between citizens, payment for purchases and services using a QR code). In the future, the range of operations will be expanded. […] The decision to scale the digital ruble will be made based on the results of passing all stages of the pilot and taking into account the feedback from its participants.”

A VTB representative told RBC that the testing will take place in “friends and Family” mode—using a small circle of customers and bank employees. Banks will test all the main operations: registering and opening a wallet, replenishing it, withdrawing funds from a digital wallet to a non-cash account, transfers from one client to another, as well as payments and self-executing transactions, according to Alexei Matveev, head of the payment business development department at Alfa Bank.

I won’t waste your time explaining why the digital ruble is no different from the digital euro, or the digital peso, or whatever kind of soul-crushing digital token your own government is currently shilling.

Yes, there have been valiant attempts by the internet’s most revered intellects to portray the digital ruble as a sanctions-busting, sovereignty-protecting, completely voluntary, extremely friendly and benign digital coin.

But unfortunately these Very Serious Pundits are very seriously misinformed.

A closing thought before I leave you.

Guys, this was huge big news—the digital ruble is now official. It now has a formal legal status. It’s happened. It’s here and it’s probably not going away. For better or worse (probably for worse, but you never know!), the ratification of this law was a historic event.

And where’s the coverage? THIS HAPPENED TWO DAYS AGO.

I checked RT.com, the #1 source for Russia News. Nothing. (Or maybe I just didn’t see it? Or maybe they are seconds away from filing a report about this momentous event, which occurred almost 48 hours ago?)

Come on, now. People seem to be interested in Russia. There is also much interest in CBDCs. But for some reason, when you put these two things together…crickets.

Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.


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Jul 20, 2023 10:01 PM

Hey so what, let them crash and burn, let’s face it Russia never really got out of communism and if their CDBC tanks (which it will inevitably do, as this whole Digital Crap is just that: crap and just does not work) I really don’t care, another communist bites the dust ? good ! (Yes I am a proud child of the cold war you leftist whiners !)

Jul 20, 2023 4:44 PM

Russia is not the good guys!

Jul 20, 2023 12:30 PM

the only difference between a $1 bill and $100 bill is your imagination

money is pretend, a game all the slaves agree to play

all countries are human farms, your owners are human farmers

Rob Kinn
Rob Kinn
Jul 19, 2023 2:33 PM

The only safe digital currency is not tied to a central bank. PERIOD. The central banks are the life-sucking mechanism of evil elites.

Jul 18, 2023 11:08 PM

Who is the good guys in this…..?

Jul 18, 2023 3:24 PM

As long as CBDCs stay limited usable outside each nation’s borders, the WEFers have failed to dominate the Globe.

Maria Johnson
Maria Johnson
Jul 18, 2023 10:52 AM

Hmmm — Russians in general, and students in particular, are world leaders (together with China) in Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects with a more nuanced/methodical approach to science and related subjects that teaches identifying problems that are solved with critical thinking and analytical skills.

Meanwhile the USA and UK are more disposed towards trans gender issues and male lipstick rather than bothering their wooly heads with STEM subjects ..

Perhaps the “east” (rather than the “west”) is more capable of rationalizing digital currency issues …?

Jul 18, 2023 4:20 AM

I guess what’s up for Grabs is the new digital financial system and 21st century narrative. Russia is having a crack at it (narrative setting) and seems to have its house in order, well at least better than most people thought, particularly after the Soviet debacle of the 90’s. Doesn’t mean its right or wrong and that the bigger global conspiracy is not real as alluded by Anthony Sutton.

The anglo powers have lost control of some of the narrative, and are acting like spoilt private school boys, in the way that only they can do!!!! Also, I mean sometimes it feels like the editors here want to bury their head in the sand too and cry with them, when Russia gets proactive.

The thing is the people now have the power to create a decentralised financial architecture and regained some of the powers of narrative setting (Tik Tok etc.). The cost of narrative setting is as cheap as it’s going to be. So we need to revisit the relationship between the public/private fiducial trustee and the straw man to get a better and fairer deal for anglos and the rest of the world. If we collectively don’t pay the bills or the fines they’re royally screwed. If we collectively take action against them, they will adapt, no questions.

We need a better deal from the monotheistic slavery god they created 500 years ago (King James Bible). We need a new god.

We need to keep our focus and look at what’s really playing out and has been playing out the whole time.

Jul 19, 2023 5:14 AM
Reply to  Saltwater

“I mean sometimes it feels like the editors here want to bury their head in the sand too and cry with them [the fading Anglo powers]”.

Yes. OffG’s preoccupation with Russian bashing seems to me very English and very Insular.

“England, this precious stone set in a silver sea” — The Bard

“A mess of Russians” — The Bard.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 19, 2023 12:07 PM
Reply to  NickM

Disingenuous. Perhaps you have a job to do, or maybe your memory failed you here, but we’ve had this conversation before. Highlighting globalism is no more ‘Russia bashing’ than US bashing or Anywhere Else Bashing.

Patriotic media like katyusha.org call Russian CBDCs a globalist agenda. Take up your ‘Russia bashing’ accusations with them.

Jul 19, 2023 9:25 AM
Reply to  Saltwater

Great comment!

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 19, 2023 11:38 AM
Reply to  Saltwater

sometimes it feels like the editors here want to bury their head in the sand too and cry with them, when Russia gets proactive.

No. Off-g believes in balanced reporting. It’s not at all biased to point out similarities between Russia and the West. Every country is developing its own CBDC alongside the IMF / WEF, with the end drive being a globalised and standardised digital currency system. Russia’s CBDC has been implemented by studying foreign policymakers, so seems no different.

Patriotic Russian news outlets have long pointed out it’s a globalist system.


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 17, 2023 8:21 PM

Any account on the recourse to digital currencies and possible phasing out of cash that doesn’t mention its drivers: the complex inflation, unemployment, low and negative interest rates (zeo-bound), and the attempt to shorten time circulation of capital through digital payments for increased profits, and only enumerates its social effects, is uninformed at the worst and biased at the best.

It assumes these developments as unjustified for a “fine, smooth system” like ours, and thus its purpose is deliberate control the population.

IMO, the above account and many comments show symptoms of CCDS aka Chronic Cake Deprivation Syndrome, which blinds them to the possible objective economic drivers of these developments and makes them focus only on their social effects:

comment image

kevin king
kevin king
Jul 17, 2023 11:18 PM

Errgh. I think the main problem is that the system will be centralised and controlled by a group of criminals who can then use their slave token to imprison you in an open air prison. This has nothing to do with economics. It has everything to do with exploitation and enslavement of the world’s population. The point is the criminal bankers need to be taken out of the economic system.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 18, 2023 12:07 AM
Reply to  kevin king

I respectfully disagree. I’m willing to bet anyone anything that if we were shown around by TPTB the shape of the economic, financial and banking systems and how our daily living as we know it is so dependent on their smooth functioning and would be FUBAR if it all stopped and how the “fixes” they are coming up with is to keep it afloat. If then we were given the keys of power and told “thanks for taking over, we’re out”, I’m sure we would hand the keys back and say “No thanks, I don’t think I’m up to this thing; keep in charge and good luck” and run as fast as we can.

Here is a clue that this thing is moving on its own and the big cogs of the system are just trying to prevent it from going bust: remember negative interest rates? AFAIK, Japan are still applying them. Whoever could have imagined that bankers would accept fo pay their customers for making loans? It’s contrary to the foundations of capitalism. Paying the public if they borrow money. There people are greedy aren’t they; well, some force, compelled them to give interest money for people borrowing from them, instead of charging them. That force must be irresistible.

I’m willing to be persuaded of the contrary. Anyone prove to me that the system can go on as we want it and everything will be fine.

Jul 18, 2023 12:51 AM

I very much doubt that I’d give the keys back to TPTB. I suspect that I would just say … how utterly banal. Why did you make such a simple concept sound so complicated? Something a schoolboy could master in an afternoon, after all.

Negative interest rates would be an incentive to withdraw money, yes, from such an account, provided there weren’t also advantages to leaving the money in it (as with the convenience of card transactions over cash transactions for example).

Public perception, I suppose being key. Propaganda merchants playing their role.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 18, 2023 8:32 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Not necessarily to withdraw from an existing account but to make loans in general, and no guaranteed future compensations either to the bank; the move is caused by the combination of low inflation and low interest rates. The objective is to incentive consumption and for that bankers accepted to loose money. How could that be possible? This policy have been pursued in Europe and US for some years after the GFC. This was applied also between banks. A centuries-old tradition – usury, the foundation of banking – have been abandoned, reversed and I find that only possible if an impersonal force compels the bankers to do that (the logic of Capitalism). Why else would they do that, throw away money if they could help it? Bankers?

My thesis is that this system is moved by its own inertia, forces its way on the wills of TPTB and the only thing these are doing is to keep it from stopping abruptly; ignoring this force and just focusing on its effects and on the “evil ones” is biased.

If you were in charge and you make abrupt changes to the system, while the world population is not yet ready, and still dependent on the current way of living, hell will break loose. To today’s capitalism, the world is but a small village where everybody knows and makes transactions with everybody else. Running water in our homes, internet, energy, may well be dependent on remote companies and banks in distant countries, etc. If we were given the keys of power, we would be in Lenin’s position in 1917, and it was easier then with a capitalism not so much totalitarian like it is today. Now you know what happened in Russia then.

Conditions to transition to another system doesn’t come from a group taking power and forcing a change; history shows that that lead to regression and violence. We have to have the back of the great majority of world population including, needless to say, the armed forces; otherwise you make them your sworn enemy if their livelihood still strongly depends on the current system. To get world support for a transition towards a system without a State, monetary or wage system, – anything else would be going back to square 1 and if we don’t agree on that that’s a big problem too; meaning in-fighting between us – and in which production is made for consumption, world population’s dependence on this system must weaken, and that’s only possible if things get bad enough, which they are, not because of some PTB, – why would they want to make us their enemy? – but because of this force I was talking about.

Do you think that TPTB need all this crises to live like kings? Do you think they need us as their enemy? Put a target mark on their back? They were doing fine in the preceding decades making business as usual discretely and giving people – in the West – enough to pacify them (Welfare State). Now, they can’t and the West itself is becoming hell.

Again, it’s not the question of of a change of power, i’s a question of being ready to welcome it.

Jul 18, 2023 10:13 PM

Appreciated your input, though … dunno.

I’ve lived in Eastern Europe in more-or-less Commie times. Wandered off the beaten track (more than occasionally). Nevertheless…

I’m not actually totally anti-Commie (it having many positive social aspects imho), though I was raised on Western horror stories of gulags and Stalinist show trials and am religious to the very core (Christian). So not much of a Commie it has to be said, to put it mildly.

Nevertheless, there were social aspects that I found very refreshing.

My guess would be that such a materialistic philosophy needs to find a way to accommodate Religion. Otherwise it’s (rightly) doomed.

Sorry if that digresses slightly from the original discussion, but it surely needs to be said …

Jul 19, 2023 7:11 AM

I agree, negative interest rates are very odd, and may well be a sign that something is going wrong with the Angle Zionazi Capitalist system. Looking for possible reasons, what do you think of these:

  1. Unproductive capital in the private sector. Public money simply going “offshore” as happened with “quantitative easing” instead of being invested in public infrastructure.
  2. Destructive capital in private wars. Public capital burned up in Resource Wars and Pipeline Wars against small but strategic or resource-rich countries such as Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Central Africa, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Profits from sales of these resources were privatized and went to “the mighty handful” of private owners: it was the costs of the weapons and destruction which were socialized and borne by the public. War Loans increased inflation and depreciated the value of money.
  3. Negative interest is still profitable: the public must pay the bank for “keeping their money safe”. This was the beginning of the great Italian banking clan, the Medici. First the clan was known as a nest of bandits, and Florentines put thick bars on their windows to protect against robbery. Then the Medici “went legitimate” and offered to “keep your money safe” in their bank — in return for payment. Then they found ways to invest profitably, and give the depositor a few crumbs. Finally they hit the real jackpot when the Medici were invited by Charles 2 to start up “Bank of England e Compagnia” with a “Sanction” (in those Oldspeak days, to Sanction meant to Allow) to “Print new money up to 50% of GNP”.
  4. Ownership. This is not known nearly well enough: The money you deposit in your bank becomes the banks property; it is no longer your money. Instead, you receive a “promise to repay” (same as is written on your GB Pound note) — subject to conditions. A bank can legally refuse to let you withdraw what you regard as “your” money because it is no longer your money. Disreputable countries such as Cyprus, India, Britain and the U$A have already sprung this $cam. It contributed to decrease confidence in the U$Dollar and the GBPound.
The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 19, 2023 2:52 PM
Reply to  NickM

All these factors participate one way or another in currency losing its value and in encouraging reinvestment in financial assets rather than in production, or just holding onto cash under the mattress, or in a bank (hence negative interest rate). N°1 for sure: not only private investors evade their money away from real economy; banks themselves shy away from it. No money to be made it seems in main Street. N°4, certainly; like what happened in the recent bank crisis. N°3 is interesting; so negative IR is an old thing. These negative rates were not applied to the general public by to businesses who could afford it and between banks; they were afraid if they apply it to the general public, people rush to the banks to withdraw their money, in cash. Cash is a 0% interest asset, better to have than negative rate; that’s one motive for replacing cash with digital currency: without cash, banks could avoid runs if they attempt to apply negative IRs… And this is indeed may be interpreted as people losing control over their money. Digital currency is currency which is always in the account, that is, not in my physical possession and under my total control; it is mine only to the extent that I’m the formal owner; but what can be done to that currency, under the digital format, is out of my control. My critique is that we focus on that but dismiss looking into the impersonal economic drivers that demand these developments…

All in all, it’s a headache to understand how all this works… One thing is sure “they” neither are in control of things.

Jul 18, 2023 1:45 AM

Why we would “WE THE GOVERNED, ENSLAVED PEOPLE”, hand the keys to the currency system back? Certainly it is not because the digital system is complicated or more costly than paper or coin currency? There are many reasons why we the people would not hand the power to issue currency back to the political system or to the oligarchs and the corporations they control now have. and use to keep in control of “WE THE PEOPLE”. The REASONS NOT TO HAND THE CURRENCY SYSTEM BACK are to numerous to list; the main reason “WE THE PEOPLE” would not hand the keys to the currency system back is because “WE THE PEOPLE” would be able to practice democracy. We could by one vote for each person,decide and make, change, delete, expand or enhance the budgets governments must have to operate. Imagine the power of limiting the MIC spending to $10 for the entire of the next fiscal year? In other words, if WE THE PEOPLE WERE IN CHARGE, government would then be forced to respond to “WE THE PEOPLE”. Once the people had the keys to the currency system, there is NO WAY THE GOVERNED IN ANY OF THE 256 NATION STATES, would HAND THE KEYS TO THE CURRENCY SYSTEM BACK TO THE POWERS THAT USED TO BE.
It is also likely if the currency system were in the hands of “WE THE PEOPLE” that the people could find ways to restart their small businesses, and to make education, health care, roads and bridges free to the people and find ways to, make the corporations, oligarchs, military pay to use the people’s roads, educational and pharmaceutical facilities and hospitals.

Jul 18, 2023 2:02 AM
Reply to  eman

Indeed ‘WE’ the people.

Though some retrograde dissidents may object to any concept of ‘WE’.

Such types of course, being quite happy with a nefarious, ne’er to do well, concept of ‘THEY’. But not, as yet, fully comfortable with a concept of ‘WE’, per se.

Pronouns of course being vital in modern parlance.

‘We’ vs ‘They’. Who wins? Collective success vs Interminable parananoia. You decide

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 18, 2023 9:45 PM
Reply to  eman

Sorry I didn’t make myself clear regarding digital currency, or digitalisation in general. I didn’t mean that it was more costly than the traditional way of proceeding. On the contrary, digitalisation means less costs across economic and financial processes, and gains in terms of less circulation of Capital.

My point is that the system as it is today, concretely, on the ground, in terms of our – we people of flesh and blood – real dependence on it in concrete things like eating, rent, working, saving, spending, heating, electricity, …; the totalitarian web that it has woven around us to the point we don’t see it (like the fish doesn’t see the water he’s in) is so intricate and giving so much trouble threatening to stop every now and then that if it stopped today, billions would see their lives threatened. That even if we were given the keys of our small town, today, we wouldn’t know how to administer it, things being so connected with everything else in a complicated way, that we will end up doing the same things that were done before. I’m talking today’s reality here; not what *should happen* but what *is*.

Why I’m making this point? To draw attention to the idea many have that the solution is to “take over” things whenever possible and that’s it; and I’m saying no, that’s not the way IMO. Many believe it’s about exerting force against TPTB and everything will be fine (you know, à la John Wayne). Of this view I wanted to highlight the falsity. Our dependence on the system *today, concretely* is still so strong that if force, strong enough to effect change, is exerted to the end of radically change the system while “WE the people” is still not constructed as an undivided consciousness of the necessity of change, meaning the bulk of humanity is not ready yet, is still a multitude of diversities, then destruction will necessarily follow as History proves.

The impersonal power of Capital is busy making things worse and worse, and when they are worse enough, change will come like a butterfly coming out its chrysalis.

Of course, when that time comes, when WE the people is constructed as an undivided consciousness, I agree with every word you say, considering you are saying them today; as, in truth, there would be no doubt, then, as per what to do, whatever should that be.

Jul 18, 2023 7:23 AM

Negative interest also discourages saving by customers. The longer they leave savings/deposits with the bank, the more they lose.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 18, 2023 8:34 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Meaning banks encouraging reserve loss, hence less business for banks. Odd coming from banks. This contradicts the foundation of banking.

Jul 19, 2023 6:32 AM

I agree that banking is an important function in social life: humans are not squirrels. We may squirrel away our provisions each one in a private store, but we are also social animals like the bees, and pool our honey for public redistribution.

The trouble is, Private / Public Partnership has become a Con-game, where a minority of Private interests have cornered the market in Public Capital; and the same ‘mighty handful’ of owners of the public honey is now aiming to take over the private acorns of all the little squirrels as well.

“You will own nothing and be happy” — Klaus the Schwab, WEF spokesman for Minority Ownership of Global Capital.

Jul 19, 2023 7:35 AM
Reply to  kevin king

the main problem is that the system will be centralised and controlled by a group of criminals who can then use their slave token to imprison you in an open air prison

This is already the situation, Kevin.

Since 1971, when the “World’s Reserve Currency” the US dollar was decoupled from gold, the federal reserve has been able to print (lend) as many dollars as it likes. And as it makes about 33% profit on every dollar loaned, it likes it a lot.

Could this be the reason for the US’s national debt rising from $300 billion in 1971 to $32 TRILLION today?


Jul 19, 2023 8:46 AM
Reply to  Stewart

The mind-boggling enormity of the problem is evidenced by the annual interest payable on this “debt” of $32 trillion dollars – currently standing at $643 billion.

That’s 643,000 lots of one million dollars payable to the shareholders of the banks for the privilege of using their services. For one year.

When you discover that the US has had to borrow more and more money in order to pay this interest, it becomes obvious that there is only one possible outcome to this game – the Banks end up with everything.

It is the same for every nation enslaved by the global network of “central banks”.

It is the foundational problem of the World today.

The love of money is the root of all evil, indeed.

We need to stop playing their game.

Jul 17, 2023 6:03 PM

15 countries are likely to have an operating CBDC by 2030 (reading between the lines):


15 versions of retail CBDCs expected by 2030.

A ‘retail CBDC’ being the one rolled out for individuals/households/businesses to buy stuff via commercial bank (or ‘non-bank’) “wallets” (digital pounds/rubles/euros etc) and wholesale CBDCs’ being for transactions between financial institutions

“… and BIS expects there to be at least 15 retail and 9 wholesale CBDCs publicly circulating worldwide by 2030.”

Jul 17, 2023 4:31 PM

This meme/observation is doing the rounds. Think it encapsulates what some are (mis)interpreting as paranoia. Think it might help explain why some aren’t offering their trust to certain people.

Pre positioned Pied Piper’s are a thing anyway..

“The elite are powerful enough to give you both an enemy, & a hero, & have them work off of one another to keep you distracted & loyal. The average citizen is not mentally equipped to fight a strategy like that”

“Whenever they need a hero will shall provide him” Albert Pike 33° Freemason.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves” Lenin.

Don’t allow anyone to attribute assign some mental illness to your insights or intuition.

Jul 17, 2023 12:11 PM

It’s obvious the killing off of cash is a necessary prerequisite to the tryranny of CBCDs. East and West, the techno-totalitarians have your money in their sights. And it’s illusory to think they’ll show any greater mercy for Bitcoin. During the fabricated “COVID” hysteria, cash was conveniently deprecated as a virus vector, thus discouraging its use, and deepening the important inroads of digital into the pockets and consciousness of les moutons. We need to retain cash if we’re to preserve what personal freedoms and privacy we still have.

Twirling “Google Earth” over from Russia to the small country at the physical centre of Europe though not yet fully integrated into the Fourth Reich, we find…

The question of cash has been put to the vote in Switzerland! On 15.02.23, the Mouvement Libertaire Suisse submitted more than 137,000 certified signatures! In total, more than 160,000 signatures have been received for the popular initiative “Cash is Freedom”! With the help of committed collectors, supporters and committee members, this gigantic collection success was handed over to the Federal Chancellery in Bern!

But before this first popular initiative (Switzerland has a system of so-called semi-direct democracy — only semi-better than representative democracy) could be voted on by the Swiss people, a second initiative has been launched to plug the holes in the first. The earlier initiative, while demanding that the preservation of cash in the Swiss economy be written into the Swiss Constitution, did not consider the ability (or lust) of Government institutions and Big Business not to accept any but digital in transactions. The initiators explain:

Whoever wants to pay in cash must be able to do so! In short: “I pay in cash”. In future, for example, it will no longer be possible to discriminate against people who wish to pay in cash, as is already increasingly the case. In future, it will still be possible to pay in cash at all public sales and service outlets…

In addition, this initiative aims to guarantee cash withdrawals for the Swiss population — and to prohibit tracking with new technologies. The amount of cash available in the event of inflation, as well as the cash payment ceilings already introduced in other countries, are also important points that we will be enshrining in the Constitution for the benefit of the Swiss population with “Whoever wants to pay in cash must be able to do so! (I pay in cash)”.

Jul 17, 2023 2:55 PM
Reply to  StStephen

We shall see…

Oh, and that’s an accidental pun in the first line. It’s “tyranny” the TTs are trying to impose and the Swiss initiative attempting to stymie.

Jul 17, 2023 5:57 AM


‘Last week the WEFers held their summer camp in China. More to come, they warned us. More pandemics, more catastrophic global warming, more inflation, hell on wheels, they promise us, Armageddon is coming. Be very afraid. ”

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 17, 2023 5:12 AM

Riley, Riley, Riley,…. Don’t you realize? This is Off=G. People here love to hear about digital currency and rave about how much it sucks….. Unless it’s a digital ruble. In that’s case, it’s all good.  😀 

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 18, 2023 12:23 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Russia Gulag is good because you are secured universal income.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Jul 16, 2023 11:54 PM


It is curious that Waggaman has chosen to focus on this rather than the much more interesting and positive news about the proposed ban on gender reassignment surgery. Perhaps he supports the sexual mutilation of children.

Jul 17, 2023 1:34 AM

I have no idea about Slavsquat, but I was pleased with this much more interesting and positive news, as I noted here:

Jul 17, 2023 2:15 AM

By the way, when we talk about the future of Russian children, which will obviously be protected from mutilation by sex change, see, at the expense of that, with what the Russian responsible factors want to associate it with (sorry to link to my comment again, but it somehow fell behind in the articles; it is interesting, however).
I suppose that when today’s Russian children grow up, CBDC, blockchain, smart contracts and other such things will be widely accepted social norm.

Jul 17, 2023 2:53 PM

Please Mr. Mammal (or, is it Ms. Placental?) don’t be so binary… Except sexually speaking, of course! Why suggest Mr. Waggaman is a monster only because he inform us of a different development than one that interests you more? Because it’s “positive”? Come, come. If we only focused on positive news, where would we be? As ignorant as the rest! And must you persist in giving each and every one of your comments a heading? It’s most school-marmalish.

Jul 17, 2023 3:17 PM

And in some further (see my comment re the popular initiative to preserve cash, above) positive news from …Switzerland:


Jul 16, 2023 8:38 PM

“You will own nothing and be happy”

Now shut up and eat your bugs!

Jul 17, 2023 1:55 AM
Reply to  turesankara

I am sure that the scientists of Tomsk State University (TSU) will agree with this.

“[28.03.2023]TSU scientists are developing valuable additives based on invertebrates that can be used in the food industry to ensure the country’s food security.[…]As part of a new project supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation, scientists are investigating crickets, marble cockroaches, and mollusks.

Grants are allocated for the implementation of fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research in 2023-2024[…]TSU projects that won the RSF grant competition [among them]:

8. Nutrients of terrestrial invertebrates – a source of food raw materials of new quality

11. Risk communication in the field of healthcare in the conditions of infodemia: transformation of meanings in socially relevant discourses

12. Research of narratives in social media using big data analysis technology (on the example of narratives about vaccination against COVID-19)

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 16, 2023 7:44 PM

The success of a CBDC depends on the elimination of all other allowable currencies which includes cash, cryptos, and PMs. The first to go will be cash. Despite it being a creature of the CBs and usually slowly manipulable through inflation, its great feature lies in its anonymity. And that is anathema to our overlords. Current digital currencies while centralized are not programable. The Duchy of Castreau had to resort to extreme measures to cancel donations to the truckers and to shut their bank accounts. FDR establish the confiscation of gold, and to a lesser extent, silver, simply by making it illegal to own it in any quantity. As to cryptos, its most obvious weakness is the exchanges for conversion to fiat. With the possible exception of Monero, its anonymity is greatly over hyped. So we will just have to watch and be vigilant. Also, with the exponential rise of quantum computers, the wallet codes might now or in the future be easily hacked and confiscated. Russia will follow the rule of all the statist controllers, and introduce it with the boiling frog principle. Eliminate all competitors to it carefully over time. CBDC are the ace in the hole for the collapsing financial system and when hermetically sealed, will mark the closing of the gate to humanity’s prison.

Minstrel Peasant
Minstrel Peasant
Jul 17, 2023 6:48 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

“The first to go will be cash.”

Probably not. The infrastructure for going fully digital is simply not there and won’t be for a while.

One would say that the main point for CBDCs is for the state to retain control over currency and prevent uncontrolled means of payment, such as Bitcoin.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 16, 2023 6:18 PM

A good article and an informative read . Mr Waggaman adroitly points out Mr Putins complicity in the global bankster elites shenanigan’s , from fake plagues and bogus vaccines, to alleged major warfare in Ukraine , and now global control of the currencies used by the masses .

Jul 16, 2023 3:36 PM

It seems entirely voluntary, but, regardless of that, it is doomed to fail in Russia!

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 16, 2023 9:26 PM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

Voluntary then mandatory is the aim if suckers use it.

Jul 16, 2023 1:48 PM

“I checked RT.com, the #1 source for Russia News.”….in ENGLISH, duh!!!!

“I checked RT.com, the #1 source for Russia News. Nothing. (Or maybe I just didn’t see it? Or maybe they are seconds away from filing a report about this momentous event, which occurred almost 48 hours ago?

Where I live, in the heart of the free world in NATOstan, RT (English) is BANNED anyway…..

Without a VPN it is not possible to access it.

In whose world is RT the #1 source for Russian news??? NATO assets purporting to do independent journalists in Russia.


There are a TON of articles in Russian on the Russian language RT. Also on English language TASS.
There are also a crap ton of articles on the digital ruble on RIA Novosti, to name just one big site.


Jul 16, 2023 1:49 PM
Reply to  Rita

ps, type *independent journalism”. But edit does not seem to work.

Jul 16, 2023 2:00 PM
Reply to  Rita

Well, there was actually this article on the English RT. Maybe he missed it, or wrote his article prior to it appearing:

Russia outlines rules for digital ruble

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 16, 2023 6:38 PM
Reply to  Rita

Could be a data dump and no truth to it at all, then it becomes a spectacular failure that cant be recovered from, no really, you can’t make this shit up

Jul 17, 2023 9:09 AM

I agree. It’s an unpopular opinion but I am convinced digital currencies will fail especially in totalitarian NATOstan where their SOLE objective is to control people.

We even know this directly from the ECB and that interview where the two Russian jokers Vovan and Lexus managed to wring out the confession from the Christine clown who runs the Euro clownshow.

As a parallel to cash, I suppose a digital currency is not that nefarious. It only becomes so if it is mandated as an alternative to cash.

As a parallel to cash, it means keeping small amounts in a digital wallet and carrying only your mobile device instead of a credit/debit card + phone to transact when you’re out and about. It’s easier to quickly transfer funds to friends and family.

In China eg, most people already have a form of non-bank digital currency from Alipay or Wechat on their phones which they use to transact with each other and with merchants. So a bank controlled digital curreny account used with a phone offers exactly zero additional benefits. My limited understanding is that the CBDC isn’t catching on in China precisely for this reason.

On the other hand in the Nigeria experiment with the rollout of CBDC + disappearance of cash, it’s a sh*tshow that has created real anger and suffering in the population. And this is already in a high resilience population that is less dependent on the energy grid.

In NATOstan 0n one hand they’re screaming about climate change, on the other they want digital currency and no cash…..you don’t have to be Aristotle to see how contradictory these two things are. And that’s even before factoring in even short power power outages after storms or whatever.

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 17, 2023 3:01 PM
Reply to  Rita

Coins will be hard to eliminate b/c the poor cant afford the luxury of digital money, and as bad as politics gets, it wont advocate elimination of the poor, their votes depend on it.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 17, 2023 5:10 AM
Reply to  Rita

RT is American not English.

Jul 17, 2023 6:31 AM
Reply to  Rita

I hope Riley won’t keep us in suspense before giving us the inside scoop on the Wagner “mutiny” or “rebellion” that “weakened Putin”.

Jul 16, 2023 1:47 PM

The BIS have issued many articles on their desire for all Central Banks to be able to “settle” their inter-bank ledgers using CBDC.
In my humble opinion this will not be applied at the retail level, it’s currently serving more as a distraction, while a much more insidious token economy is being planned for the control of populations.
These smart-contract tokens will be required for access to all goods & services, the blockchain panopticon is a Trojan Horse.

Jul 16, 2023 10:21 PM
Reply to  Freecus

You may be right. In any case, it can be noted that this is quite often mentioned in development strategies, including in Russia. For example nere, in the “Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030 with a forecast for the period up to 2035” (from 11/27/2021, the date, coincidentally, is about a month and a half after Russia joined the 4IR of WEF, which is now officially invalid agreement). I’ll mark the quotes and put them in links, just to make it faster if someone doesn’t want to read it all.

Distributed registry technology includes blockchain, which is used in the transport industry to conduct mutual settlements between participants in the transport market, for example, based on smart contract technology.
[but also]
Biometric technologies make it possible to increase the level of service for passengers, including reducing the time for pre-trip procedures, ensuring the necessary level of transport security, reducing the number of criminal and fraudulent actions, and reducing the downtime of vehicles.
introduction of blockchain-based smart contract technologies (for the possibility of performing all mutual settlements between participants of the transport market on all types of transport)
[but also]
As part of the formation of a digital passenger profile , it is assumed:
ensuring the integration of the passenger’s digital profile with the federal state information system “Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions)” (the main method) and a unified personal data information system that provides processing, including collection and storage, of biometric personal data, their verification and transmission of information on the degree of their compliance with the provided biometric personal data of a citizen of the Russian Federation

As just some of the things that can make some of the dreams of fans of futuristic films come true.
Finally, as part of the possible risks that may necessitate a future on-the-fly redesign of the transport strategy, the authors also note:

In 2030 – 2035, the risks of the emergence of breakthrough technologies and innovations that can lead to a fundamental revision of the entire paradigm of the development of the transport industry are significantly increasing. Certain categories and parameters of risks on the long-term horizon of the Strategy implementation are formed on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature by the foresight method in relation to existing technological, economic or social trends. These include the following risks:

the introduction of neural interfaces-implants will lead to the transfer of smartphone functions to implants, will provide the possibility of unambiguous identification of passengers and operating personnel, integration of geo-positioning systems with implants to create personalized transport products taking into account individual mobility technologies

reaching the point of technological singularity and creating a “strong” artificial intelligence

The strategy is strictly adhered to Russian traditional values.

When implementing the Strategy, current trends in the field of international economic and transport policy are taken into account. One of such key international trends is the multilateral policy on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 70/1 “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. The implementation of the goals and objectives of the Strategy is directly related to the sustainable development of transport and the implementation of the goals of its stable development, in particular in such aspects as transport mobility, road safety, the creation of sustainable cities, connectivity of urban and rural areas, including taking into account the implementation at the global level of the United Nations urban development program “New The Urban Agenda”, adopted on October 20, 2016 at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).

But this is common in Russian strategies and hardly surprises anyone. Even less surprising would be “the most important factor influencing the transportation industry”:

The most important factor influencing the transport industry was the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), which led to a shock compression of demand in some market segments (passenger transportation) and contributed to the development of others (transit container transportation, cargo air transportation, online trading).

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jul 16, 2023 12:33 PM

Reality has a way of depicting the actual wave of the future:

Gen Z Is Embracing Cold, Hard Cash

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 16, 2023 11:17 AM

On the topic of the self-castration of the “Left/Right” dyad:


“The Freie Linke (Free Left) emerged towards the end of 2020 out the broader protest movement against the Corona measures in Germany…It tried to construct a non-sectarian, cross-current force which could bring the critique of the corona measures to the broader left on the one hand, while also helping to clarify and dispel confusions within the anti-lockdown movement itself. From early on, however, there were continual struggles over how exactly “left” was to be defined, and the Freie Linke was beset by various permtuations of petty-bourgois “neither left nor right” ideologies ….”

There ensued a “clarification” process and

“After this point, the rest of the Freie Linke took on a much more regional character, with different branches functioning more or less independantly in their local context.”

All happening as “(t)he Leftwing Resistance Network has striven to establish a clear and theoretically rigorous revolutionary leftwing pole” etc. etc.

Could there be a more obvious case of divide-and-rule? And this follows from (a) the “Left/Right” concept and (b) the insistence on ideological purity within “The Left”.  

The very title “Anti Free-Left Left” is ludicrous over and above any objections to a “Left” that calls itself “Anti-Free”. What a stupid mouthful. And of course you then have to define what “Anti-Free” means. Is it ironic? Whilst the Right have no trouble in saying, “Look – this Left are against freedom!” etc.

What a fucking mess!

Jul 16, 2023 10:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I had an interesting experience with this site ‘Real-Left’. So I sent them a letter with links to a lot of interesting things about Russia that suggest that, whether they’re complicit or not with the “collective West,” they’re doing pretty much the same thing. And… a few days later, they published a story in two parts, which tells about the background of the “conflict in Ukraine”, about proxy-Maidan, etc. Of course, not a word about what is happening in Russia at a time when they are at war with the globalists. They are not interested in this, only in the ‘fact’ that the collective West is conducting Great Reset while it is at war with, the opposing to Great Reset, Russia.

Exactly the same thing happened to me with great reset’s neutral opponent, the LifeSiteNews. 🙂

Jul 16, 2023 10:47 AM

It looks like a pilot/test scheme, though its eventual roll-out to the whole of Russia would seem inevitable – as it does in other nations. The UK is doing similar things with its digital pound (likely to be rolled out in the second half of this decade).

The move to CBDCs is accelerated by two main societal trends imho:

1. The declining use of cash in transactions. Cash being public money issued by a country’s Central Bank
2. The rise of rival money systems such as Bitcoin (which threaten a national currency)

So a central bank issuing CBDCs is posited as a way to regain stability.

Since that move away from cash (people buying with cards) is likely to continue and cryptos aren’t likely to just disappear overnight, CBDCs would seem inevitable, in some form or other.

Buying with old-fashioned cash only (rather than via cards) would seem to be the only was to buck the trend. But I don’t see that happening en masse.

The good news though, is that that old-fashioned cash won’t be going anywhere. Some people don’t have bank accounts for starters (1.2 million in the UK) or smartphones. And conversion between digital rubles (in bank ‘wallets’) and cash is likely be relatively seamless afaik.

Jul 16, 2023 1:09 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

A very naive view.

They tried to push the “cash is bad, its covered in virii” during the covid scam, what makes you think they don’t have a better reason not to use cash, next time?

I have lots of anecdotal evidence that in the UK at least, people don’t like cash.
Try buying a high value item (car etc.) for cash off a private seller and see how far you get.

The danger of cashless is REAL and LOOMING

Jul 16, 2023 2:04 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

You’re probably right. Cash’s days are likely limited. Though hopefully not for a good few decades. Let’s try to be optimistic  🙂 

Jul 16, 2023 3:44 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

The reluctance to do multi-thousand pound deals in cash in a private sale is probably due to the desire to avoid being robbed. There are ways to make the cash transaction safe but people don’t think, they use the easier “secure” option.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 16, 2023 9:22 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing


Money laundering was the excuse used to stop people paying cash for large purchases such as vehicles. That was 20 years ago. The same excuse was used for online transactions of X amount in the thousands. Then new excuses were made along with the money laundering excuse to get that amount down to only a meagre amount making it nearly impossible to move money about, legit or otherwise, online without someone questioning your motives. Now you have to hand over your first born, give blood and jump through hoops unless you are using a credit card or direct bank transfer.

Customers are now questioned like criminals for withdrawing cash from the bank and made to feel guilty for doing so.

No cash = full control. There is no doubt about their intentions.

Jul 17, 2023 7:16 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

REAL and LOOMING.. like a single coronary mass ejection from the Sun.

Jul 16, 2023 5:52 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Cash is inherently worthless anyway: just scraps of paper or chunks of low-grade industrial metals. The only thing that ever made it valuable to begin with was the fact that it was legal tender – that is, that the government arbitrarily declared one set of paper scraps (dollars, let’s say) to be legally binding for settling “all debts public and private,” whereas it declared all other sets of paper scraps (peso, pounds, francs, etc.) to be legally non-binding. That means the government will not accept foreign currencies for the payment of taxes, fines, permit fees, etc., and it will never force you to pay someone with such a currency as part of a civil damage award. So, all the government has to do one day is declare that its new CBDC (Fedcoin?) is now legal tender rather than paper dollars, and we’re up a creek. We will no longer be able to pay the government with paper dollars (which only comprise a very small percentage of today’s transactions anyway) and their courts will never allow us to seek relief in the form of some payment other than legal tender.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jul 17, 2023 11:35 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

The thing is, though, is that $50 cash is still $50 cash, no matter how many transactions. $50 credit gets reduced 1.5% with every transaction until there is nothing.

Jul 17, 2023 7:23 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Not all notional concepts of cash are created equal. Anonymity being the major separator in the modern era imho.

What price for your personal data?

Would you sell it all for a 5 pence /5 cent/ 5 kopeck reduction on a can of beans?

This is the primary modern moral dilemma imho

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 16, 2023 10:30 AM


“On Saturday, an all-time high of 118F (48C) was recorded in Phoenix, Arizona.”

How odd. A simple question to google (i.e. the most mainstream of the search engines and therefore “reliable” as far as propaganda goes), takes me here:


“PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) – Pretty much everyone knows the hottest temperature recorded in Phoenix was 122 degrees on June 26, 1990.
But the hottest temperature in the state was recorded at Lake Havasu when the thermometer got to 128 degrees on June 29, 1994.”

The BBC piece goes on to say this:

“‘It’s the desert, of course it’s hot’- This is a DANGEROUS mind set!”, the NWS in Las Vegas tweeted.

“This heatwave is NOT typical desert heat due to its long duration, extreme daytime temperatures, & warm nights. Everyone needs to take this heat seriously, including those who live in the desert.”

It’s a “dangerous mindset” to claim that deserts are hot! Well, not this hot! … What’s that you’re saying? They have been this hot before? And no-one panicked? Yeah – but this heat is still different! I mean this heat is really hot!

Jul 16, 2023 5:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

OK, forget about Arizona. Look over there: RECORD TEMPERATURES IN SAUDI ARABIA!!! 😂

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 16, 2023 10:14 AM

OT – but fucking obvious bullshit!:

“The Science” continues to make ever exciting new breakthroughs:


“The parents of a teenager who received a heart transplant after developing a rare complication of Covid say he has been on a “courageous journey”.

Osian Jones, 16, had three heart attacks after developing MISC-C (Multisystem Inflammatory syndrome in children associated with Covid).

Osian, from Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, first became unwell in February and received his transplant on 30 June.”

Note the date of the onslaught: February 2023. So …. what are the chances that poor Osian never received a single vaccinaton?

And on the topic of this curious newly discovered condition,


“Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS) is a new condition that happens weeks after someone has had the virus that causes coronavirus (COVID-19). It causes inflammation (swelling) throughout the body which is one way your immune system fights off infection, injury and disease. This page for young people from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) describes what we know about PIMS, how it was treated while you were at GOSH and what you need to think about now you’re ready to go home.”

So …. a newly discovered illness that happens weeks after someone contracts covid?

What else can I say but …. GOSH!

Jul 16, 2023 1:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Un bee leeve a ble.

Jul 16, 2023 1:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

No mention of the individuals vaccination status, of course.

Jul 16, 2023 3:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This is precisely how they have been operating from the start of the entire “vaccine” story, the biggest stain of evil in human history.

Cancer? “auto-immune” disease? Autism? You fucken’ bet. Let’s have a look at the % of deaths due to cancer and the rise of these “auto-immune” diseases and autism? Doctors are “baffled”?

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jul 17, 2023 2:33 PM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

baffled also means silenced

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jul 17, 2023 11:38 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And what’s up with groups of young people all having cardiac arrests at concerts?

Mass Casualty At Concerts: Vaccinated Crowds ‘Die Suddenly”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 18, 2023 12:41 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Sound to all the graphene antennas and Luciferase you ave inside your body may block your heart.
Either you protect yourself against the virus with a lot of boosters and avoid music, or you die.
These youngsters made a choice, and their choice was suicide. Their choice!

You cant blame everything on ‘government’, ‘police violence’ and ‘big corporations’.

der einzige
der einzige
Jul 16, 2023 10:08 AM

don’t shit yourself, you all use digital money the same way you vaccinated your kids and you don’t see anything wrong with it

Meanwhile in Russia…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 16, 2023 3:11 PM
Reply to  der einzige

The new law is a ban on sex changes.

Jul 17, 2023 12:30 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

That’s great news. I am really glad, especially today, in these times when such things are happening in the West, like encouraging young children to “choose their sex” and change it through surgery. Which of the world’s major players, apart from Russia, is doing the opposite?This is a real Christians and anti-transhumanists victory.

And this comes three days after Russia legalized their CBDC, which is nothing less than a huge step towards what is described in Christian terminology as the “system of the Beast.” (Can we guess what from these two and how is reflected in the vast majority of alternative media? Has “Russia taken another huge step towards anti-globalism”?).

Obliviously, Russia has taken such a step. And now, anyone who in the future wishes to benefit from the “promising technologies”, the development of which was signed in this government order signed February 2023, for the 2023-2027 programme, for 185 billion rubles, of the most key Russian Institute which is widely popular with the “peaceful atom”, won’t be able to do that to change his/her sex. The promising technologies include:

  • investigation of the bio-distribution kinetics of mesenchymal stem cells loaded with magnetic nanoparticles (as a model of drugs) in organs and tissues;
  • research to study the fundamental principles of conservation, implementation and transmission of genetic information, as well as the principles of genome modification;
  • genetically modified bacterial vaccines that stimulate innate immunity;
  • studying the diversity of the structure of CRISPR systems in prokaryotes;
  • [and] study of the structure and mechanisms of functioning of enzymes for genome editing;
  • development of universal platforms for rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases based on modern genetic technologies;
  • [and] development of systems for genomic editing;
  • Study of the fundamental principles of preservation, realization and transmission of genetic information, as well as the principles of genome modification;
  • analysis of the mechanisms of functioning of CRISPR systems;
  • development of technologies for the prevention and therapy of infectious diseases based on modern genetic technologies;
  • [and] development of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of genomic editing systems and predicting their use on various living systems;

Already in January 2021:

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin approved the Program of fundamental scientific research for 2021-2030 with a funding volume of more than 2.1 trillion rubles. Genetic technologies prevail among medical areas, including the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing method.

The program also outlines plans for the development of vaccines, including a new generation (genetic engineering technologies, methods of reverse genetics and nanotechnology), against tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis B and C, influenza, developments in the field of transplantology, including bioengineering (the creation of biomedical cellular and tissue-engineered liver and cartilage products) and many other directions.

This news and partial review of the program.

Jul 17, 2023 1:03 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

[For moderators: option without many links. Well, no problem, if the comment doesn’t pass, I’ll just post it elsewhere; I’ve saved it.]

That’s great news. I am really glad, especially today, in these times when such things are happening in the West, like encouraging young children to “choose their sex” and change it through surgery. Which of the world’s major players, apart from Russia, is doing the opposite?This is a real Christians and anti-transhumanists victory.

And this comes three days after Russia legalized their CBDC, which is nothing less than a huge step towards what is described in Christian terminology as the “system of the Beast.” (Can we guess what from these two and how is reflected in the vast majority of alternative media? Has “Russia taken another huge step towards anti-globalism”?).

Obliviously, Russia has taken such a step. And now, anyone who in the future wishes to benefit from the “promising technologies”, the development of which was signed in this government order signed February 2023, for the 2023-2027 programme, for 185 billion rubles, of the most key Russian Institute which is widely popular with the “peaceful atom”, won’t be able to do that to change his/her sex. The promising technologies, as you can see if you walk through the posts below, include:

  • investigation of the bio-distribution kinetics of mesenchymal stem cells loaded with magnetic nanoparticles (as a model of drugs) in organs and tissues;
  • research to study the fundamental principles of conservation, implementation and transmission of genetic information, as well as the principles of genome modification;
  • genetically modified bacterial vaccines that stimulate innate immunity;
  • studying the diversity of the structure of CRISPR systems in prokaryotes;
  • study of the structure and mechanisms of functioning of enzymes for genome editing;
  • development of universal platforms for rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases based on modern genetic technologies;
  • development of systems for genomic editing;
  • Study of the fundamental principles of preservation, realization and transmission of genetic information, as well as the principles of genome modification;
  • analysis of the mechanisms of functioning of CRISPR systems;
  • development of technologies for the prevention and therapy of infectious diseases based on modern genetic technologies;
  • development of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of genomic editing systems and predicting their use on various living systems;

Already in January 2021:

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin approved the Program of fundamental scientific research for 2021-2030 with a funding volume of more than 2.1 trillion rubles. Genetic technologies prevail among medical areas, including the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing method.

The program also outlines plans for the development of vaccines, including a new generation (genetic engineering technologies, methods of reverse genetics and nanotechnology), against tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis B and C, influenza, developments in the field of transplantology, including bioengineering (the creation of biomedical cellular and tissue-engineered liver and cartilage products) and many other directions.

This news and partial review of the program.

Jul 16, 2023 8:02 AM

“The digital ruble is now official.” Yet, it remains to be tested. 🙂

Jul 16, 2023 8:20 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Sounds like something else I’ve heard about.

Jul 16, 2023 8:00 AM

relevant in terms of cbdc, from the “day tapes” recollections from 1969

Toward the end of the tape there was a reference – at the time everything would be coming together – how this New World Order would be introduced to a population which, at this point I think they would assume would be acceptable to it…. how was this put? We’re just going to wake up one morning and changes would just be there? What did he say about that?
D.L.D: It was presented in what must be an over-simplified fashion, so with some qualifications, here’s the recollections I have… That in the winter, and there was importance to the winter – on a weekend, like on a Friday an announcement would be made that this was or about to be in place… That the New World Order was now the System for the World and we all owe this New World Order our allegiance.
And the reason for winter is that – and this was stated – people are less prone to travel in the winter, particularly if they live in an area where there’s ice and snow. In summer it’s easier to get up and go. And the reason for the weekend is, people who have questions about this, Saturday and Sunday everything’s closed and they would not have an opportunity to raise questions, file a protest and say no.
And just that period over the weekend would allow a desensitizing period so that when Monday came and people had an opportunity maybe to express some reservations about it, or even oppose it… there would have been 48 hours to absorb the idea and get used to it.
R.E: What about those who decided they didn’t want to go along?
D.L.D: Somewhere in there it was that… because this is a “New Authority” and it represents a change, then, from where your allegiance was presumed to be, people would be called on to publicly acknowledge their allegiance to the new authority. This would mean to sign an agreement or in some public way acknowledge that you accepted this… authority. You accepted its legitimacy and there were two impressions I carried away. If you didn’t… and I’m not sure whether the two impressions are necessarily mutually exclusive because this wasn’t explored in great detail… one of them was that you would simply have nowhere to go.
If you don’t sign up then you can’t get any electric impulses in your banking account and you won’t have any electric impulses with which to pay your electric, or your mortgage or your food, and when your electric impulses are gone, then you have no means of livelihood.



given current events/viewpoints not looking like quite the walk in the park they envision?

Jul 16, 2023 6:07 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Sounds reasonable, with one minor caveat: in order to make it work, they would also have to shut down the internet somehow, otherwise people nowadays would simply have an extra 48 hours to network and make plans to resist. Then again, the globalists could simply infiltrate and subvert such online networks to instrumentalize them for their own plans, much as they did with the Stop the Steal protests back in 2020/21. We’ll see …

Potty Mouth the Clown
Potty Mouth the Clown
Jul 16, 2023 7:48 AM

I’ll disregard the author’s insinuations that Russia is part of the global plot, that’s his bias that more or less, usually more, obscures his judgment in producing his rants. In this regard, the one thing that interests me is how the Russian people feel on the ground – do they want to be part of the Western culture (the image thereof from its heyday roughly in the third quarter of last century) or are they disillusioned with the West, in part for refusing to accept them and in part for becoming utterly decadent in the past two decades, and do they embrace a Russian cultural identity? I wonder. Reportedly, the highest proportion of Ukrainian refugees have fled to Russia. Wonder why.

As to CBDCs, it’s similar to the whining about America having become a police state par excellence. Fuck! The U.S. has not only failed to address socioeconomic issues, but also actively fucked up its socioeconomic makeup, bringing the country to the verge of collapse, with homelessness, crime, and pathological phenomena all over the place, and somebody is surprised that law enforcement is stepping up its already pretty high aggressiveness? Ditto money. Nobody has noticed all the AML laws, banking restrictions, Basel regulations, elimination of cash, all of which has been going on for decades? Most cuntries have a limit on cash payments, which is in most cases pretty low BTW. There are online payment reporting systems all over the place. Etc. etc.

In other words, it’s kinda late to whine about CBDCs. The vast majority of people like this digital shit and want more of it.

Better prepare to adapt to this crap …

Jul 16, 2023 8:09 AM

are they disillusioned with the West, in part for refusing to accept them
Disillusioned? Are the Germans and French disillusioned about the wrecking of their economies? The “dog in the manger” will do its best to drag everyone down to its level.

Potty Mouth the Clown
Potty Mouth the Clown
Jul 16, 2023 9:12 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I was wondering about the Russians, not the Germans nor the French. Completely different situation.

The Russians have never been part of the West per se. Is there a prevalent desire in the populace to be accepted thereby? Or not?

The Germans and the French have always been part of the West. In their case, and other Europeans, the question is whether they’ll eventually rebel against the American yoke.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 17, 2023 8:53 PM

Right, Putin is implementing CBDC, the ultimate dystopian control mechanism, and you still close your eyes, and tap your red shoes together, hoping it is a bad dream, and Putin isn’t the wicked warlock he is.

So because the masses are ignorant of the programmability of CBDC, and its complete destruction of an anonymity, that means we have no choice. Spoken like a true tyrant c***.

Adapting means taking a mark for the beast system. The only correct answer, for any person with intestinal fortitude is non-compliance and no mark. Obviously you have no guts.

Potty Mouth the Clown
Potty Mouth the Clown
Jul 18, 2023 6:44 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

You’re too stupid to understand the aforestated.

I’m sure you have guts galore. The same can’t quite be said about your brains.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 18, 2023 7:26 PM

Calling me stupid isn’t an argument that refutes the facts stated.

No matter how little brains I might have, it is still more than yours.

Jul 16, 2023 7:40 AM

and that from a country that does this:


wickle riley doesnt know which side his bread is buttered…. then again, maybe he does ;0)

Jul 16, 2023 7:40 AM

We can’t say we didn’t see it coming. We’re going to have to get use to living without “real money” and make do with this pretend one.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Jul 16, 2023 6:18 PM
Reply to  JoeC

Gold is the (only) ‘Real Money’ there is stacks of it in the Vault in the Bank of England., What we have at the moment is pieces of paper with the monarchs head on it and coming your way electronic electronic nothing. Bullshit upon nothing bullshit. They can take you ”money” off you but it was never really there, and it wasn’t even a promise.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 18, 2023 12:56 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

Thats why hoarding gold is banned for civilians.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 16, 2023 3:20 AM

This is why we need to talk about CBDCs

Sal P
Sal P
Jul 16, 2023 5:26 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

This Is Why We Need to Talk About CBDCs

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jul 16, 2023 2:11 PM
Reply to  Sal P

Sal, thanks for posting this must watch from Truthstream Media, who always post clearly understandable and informative videos.

The people who turned the world into a Creditocracy, making billions from penalty fees and high interest rates, want to lock that gravy train in.

Life in a Creditocracy, where the financial class calls people who DO pay off their debts DEADBEATS, because they are no longer generating profits for them.

“What this really calls into the question is the notion that we need “independent central banks” to protect us from irresponsible politicians. If anything, it’s irresponsible central bankers that we need protection from. But for as long as central banks and governments are able to shift the blame onto each other, the technocrats will always have the upper hand. So, perhaps the time has come to slay the dragon — central banks themselves.

May Hem
May Hem
Jul 17, 2023 7:19 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Its the owners of the central banks we need to neutralise, and to ban the practice of usury.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 17, 2023 5:18 AM
Reply to  Sal P

Thank you. I tried several times on my phone and the link wouldn’t work.

Potty Mouth the Clown
Potty Mouth the Clown
Jul 16, 2023 7:50 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Alright. Say something revelatory then. Describe how you’ll water the tree of liberty to preserve your right to pay with cash.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 17, 2023 5:22 AM

Since you don’t live in America, I don’t expect you to understand individual freedom and liberty.
Since you are obviously ignorant of history, I don’t expect you to understand that history has proven many times that tyrants do not return power back to the people peacefully.

The AWI gave the colonists the right to make their own goods and not pay taxes to a POS king. It is coming around again, and this time the king is the Central Bank Cartel.

People in America will find a way to create parallel systems and bypass the beast system that you will happily submit to. Good luck with that.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 17, 2023 6:24 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

I didn’t ask you about any of that shit.

I asked you about how you’re gonna water the tree of liberty to preserve your right to use cash printed by the government you bitch so much about? You don’t fucking now? Some people in America will only figure it out?

America – individual freedom and liberty? Are you shitting me? America is one of the worst countries in this regard. CONFORMIST TO THE MAX. Whoever doesn’t conform to the societal standard, whatever it is at the individual strata, is ostracized, excommunicated, cancelled. Possibly shot.

Plus, a pig lurking around every corner on top of that.

You have no idea what you’re anachronostically talking about. You’ve been brainwashed with American exceptionalism.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 17, 2023 1:30 PM

LOL, so you have three accounts.

What part of returning power back to the people don’t you understand? Taking power back from the tyrants will allow Americans to conduct business by means other than a mandated CBDC. Do you understand now?

LOL. So now you are asserting that the USA is full on Nazi Germany, or Stalinist Russia, or Mou’s China? That is delusional and if that happens here, good thing we are still armed. Have fun singing your way onto a rail car.

Previously you said that LE were the good guys that were inundated with criminals. Now they are the bad guys around every corner? Seems to me you can’t keep your story straight.

It is spelled “anachronistically”. The timeline of events of history are definitely a point to be debated and questioned like everything they indoctrinate us with.

American Exceptionalism isn’t about ruling the world, just because that is how tyrants have foisted themselves upon the world. American Exceptionalism is about living free, something very few people have the intestinal fortitude to pursue or desire. Obviously you don’t qualify, and reason you didn’t stay here.

Also, if the USA is such a giant shit hole, why do so many still want to immigrate here?

Jul 17, 2023 4:36 PM

NOTE TO MODERATOR: We obviously have a Brigade 77 troll here manipulating various sock-puppet accounts, such as ‘Potty Mouth the Clown’ and ‘Roserval Parkun’. Where’s that spamfilter when we need it?

Potty Mouth the Clown
Potty Mouth the Clown
Jul 17, 2023 7:06 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

NOTE TO MODERATOR: We obviously have a WEF troll here intent on cancelling anybody who expresses opinions his Great-Reset-indoctrinated mind doesn’t want to hear, an asshole who wants the world purged of anything that doesn’t resonate with his brainwashed self.

Translation: Go fuck yourself, Seamus, you totalitarian cunt.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 17, 2023 8:47 PM

I’m gonna guess you were looking in a mirror while you wrote the reply above.

Jul 18, 2023 9:52 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

So the US, which I assume is where you’re talking about, given that “America” encompasses much more, is the only place where the populace understands “individual freedom and liberty”? You are one fucking arrogant Seppo, aren’t you?

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 18, 2023 7:24 PM
Reply to  Elmo

If you don’t have an agreement with your government that is as extensive and itemized as our Constitution and Bill of Rights, specifically the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, then yes, you don’t know or understand individual freedom or liberty.

If government has no fear of the people because they are substantially disarmed, then you are just a subject.

Anyone that thinks it is ok to push over the individual for the “greater good” is a collectivist POS that doesn’t understand.

If it isn’t in writing, then it is just hearsay, and not admissible as evidence.

You are one fucking jealous subject, aren’t you?

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 16, 2023 3:18 AM

Del me

Jul 16, 2023 2:54 AM

THE touchstone of financial totalitarianism is the availability & acceptability of cash. Digital payments are and were everywhere, luckily.

Jul 16, 2023 2:18 AM

It makes one think … Perhaps this is the (primary) reason for imprisoning people like Julian Assange … the ‘authorities’ couldn’t afford to take any chances with computer-wizzes not working for the ‘Cabals and/or cartels’ and exposing their new FAKE fiat $oney.
There were many who suggested earlier-on, that Putin was merely a flunky playing his predetermined-role by providing the plausible distracting kabuki. Damn!
And there I was consumed by the idea that he had the kahunas to break-away from the DS shackles and outmaneuver their One World wet-dreams.
What an anti-climax to discover that the cofeefee’d, puffed-up Vlad is just another … bit-player, a Netanyahu clone, viz. anuzzer useful-idiot grafting for the architects and engineers of the WEF satanists and their global hegemonic plan.

Damn them all …

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 16, 2023 2:37 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

Fiat means Fake.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 16, 2023 8:28 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

They used to be great little automobiles in the 60s (think the FIAT 500).Then in the 70s bad shit started happening everywhere in Italia and things have never been the same.

Jul 16, 2023 2:03 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

😉 adjectival duality …

Jul 16, 2023 2:02 AM

Why aren’t we hearing about it? I guess the writer’s strike is affecting more than I thought.

Jul 16, 2023 3:45 AM

Probably because we aren’t Russian…?

They’re not our role models after all, and they’re certainly not mine.

Jul 16, 2023 1:55 AM

From the Iron Curtain to a digital prison. Those poor Ruskies can’t take a trick.
Hackers will become the new billionares.

Jul 16, 2023 1:42 AM

Vacation ?

Riley is apparently back from a well deserved vacation.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 15, 2023 11:09 PM

I thought Putin was a good guy that would never do such a thing as push out CBDC onto the Russian people?

Or do you think this isn’t the “same” as all the other CBDCs?

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 16, 2023 2:36 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Lol at the down vote.
Hurt feelings notes.

Jul 16, 2023 3:53 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Putin is logically concerned about doing what seems right for Russia.

Our moral support there is not required, any more than any self-respecting westerner would agonize over Kremlin approval of something one of our leaders had done.

As has been said by others, the Ukraine conflict would be over by bedtime if Ukraine would simply decide to be a neutral state, but too many politicians on all sides have never learned the meaning of, “Mind your own business”.

That, of course, is a big problem for normal people who do know how to mind their own business…

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 16, 2023 8:23 AM
Reply to  wardropper

My experience in the UK is that it’s precisely those who DON’T know how to mind their own business who are groomed for ‘stardom’, ‘fast track promotions’ etc.

When you have States that rely on snoops, busybodies, electronic perverts and me-me-me psychopaths to keep order, you have little place for anyone who DOES know how to mind their own business.

Indeed, most who do are trying to engineer a way out of corporate/public sector life once they discover that the peepshow perverts are an endemic part of every organisation with more than 3 employees in them.

You know how I discovered the peepshow perverts for sure?

I typed an email but didn’t send it.

It included the memorable phrase: ‘I am most uncomfortable saying F**K OFF you obnoxious C**T’, it not being the language of business…’

The sight of the aforementioned C**T next time we met was worth one hundred senses of outrage at the peepshow perversions….

How on earth did they know what I had typed if keystroke hacking was not endemic in places of work – I didn’t even work for that C**T’s organisation any more….?

Hint: although I didn’t send it, I did put a list of proposed recipients up for consumption.

Does say that the perverts provide a ‘service’ to ‘recipients’, all of whom would be in the pay either of the security services or billionaire media magnates, or both. Oh, or for the BBC…..

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 17, 2023 5:27 AM
Reply to  wardropper

If Russia was actually trying to win the war with Ukraine, it would have ended in 6 months.

Russia is headed for the most horrific democide in their history. Worse than Lenin and Stalin.

Worthy (ZH)
Worthy (ZH)
Jul 16, 2023 7:26 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Didn’t dv, but there are so many people I know who thought Putin was not part of the gang, but this is another pice of proof that their talks to WEF etc are part of the same agenda.

Jul 16, 2023 5:54 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

According to some alt media outlets, Putin is fighting the deep state.
5D chess…digital ruble…..

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 17, 2023 5:24 AM
Reply to  lynch

Did he say “trust the plan” yet?

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jul 17, 2023 11:46 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

It makes you question his involvement in Ukraine as well. I just made this comment on YT and it was taken down: “When you want to conquer a society, the first thing you do is kill all military age males. The people behind the 2014 coup are doing just that, while blaming Russia for it.”

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 17, 2023 1:20 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Ukraine is being setup to become the first Great Reset nation in Europe, outside of Russia.

Jul 15, 2023 10:57 PM

Let us, however, because we are good people, remind the more inattentive researchers what is written on Page 5 of the digital ruble project of the Central Bank of Russia (so as not to be surprised afterwards).

It was also proposed to consider the use of a Unified Identification and Authentication System and a Unified biometric system when identifying a user for his registration on the digital ruble platform and opening a wallet. A number of respondents suggested using technologies that enable offline transactions between two devices (for example, NFC).

Jul 15, 2023 10:39 PM

Day before…

JULY 10, 2023

VTB presented options for using smart contracts with a digital ruble

[Bank] VTB presented its proposals on the basic scenarios for the use of smart contracts with a digital ruble for individuals and legal entities. Vadim Kulik, Deputy President and Chairman of the VTB Management Board, told about this during the Financial Congress of the Bank of Russia.

“It is no longer enough for modern society to simply make a transfer from account to account. There is a need for the formation of a new trust settlement space, where translation, transaction programming and information management are linked into one and are reliably protected. The digital ruble platform will provide new opportunities for creating self-executing transactions, a secure environment for programming smart contracts will appear,” Vadim Kulik said during his speech.

The use of smart contracts with a digital ruble will allow individuals to ensure transparency of payments, as well as the possibility of flexible management of balances on their digital wallets. This can be convenient when using “children’s” wallets, when it is necessary to spend only on a given list or to prohibit the purchase of certain categories of goods. And also for transfers of individuals for various purposes, for example, for charity, when transparency of calculations is important.”

And also:

06.07.2023 Chernyshenko’s office: The draft resolution on the equalization of paper and digital driver’s licenses is ready

The office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko reported on the readiness of the draft resolution on the equalization of electronic and paper driver’s licenses.

comment image

Dmitry Chernyshenko, in left

And, also day before…

July 10. X5 Group, which manages the Pyaterochka, Perekrestok and Chizhik networks, has sent a request to the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation to clarify the use of biometric data when selling alcohol and tobacco at self-service cash desks (CSR).

According to the statement of the Center for Biometric Technologies, this should reduce queues and relieve cashiers, while removing the need for buyers to carry a passport with them.

The organization noted that the legislation already allows this to be implemented, since the use of biometrics of the “Unified Biometric System” is legally equivalent to the presentation of a passport.[…]The law “On the Unified Biometric System” came into force on June 1, 2023.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Jul 15, 2023 10:25 PM

In Australia the regimes long war against cash came down to the gov responding to it like all ‘hard problems’ meaning when the people don’t want it just do it anyway and hide the fact until it’s done then get the psychology department to normalize it etc
The 21st century is quite simply the most boring era (aka worst) in human history

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 15, 2023 11:50 PM

Fascistic communitarianism IS boring. But also deadly.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 18, 2023 1:01 AM

I have said it before, and now I am saying it again. Cash is King.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 15, 2023 9:42 PM

Digital money should really have been kept out of the private sphere. But no.

All right, but I see the same thing as with the covid scam, dividing the worlds different populations up in two groups:

Those who are with the trans-humanistic cyborg train, and those who are with the terrorists, and who are with the terrorists.
Havent we heard this bs before? Ohhh yes, now I suddenly remember, in 2001, eleven out of nine or something like that.

So, the poor, the lonely wolves, dissenters, ultra radical conservatives, self-hating joos, and the off gridders, plus some well meaning too soft Academic do-gooders who want to save human feelings, are those who will miss the train.

Same procedure as every year James, Black death or Small Pox, your choice.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 15, 2023 9:40 PM

I think you’re laying it on a bit thick. Most banking is already ‘digital’ — that is, inside a computer — and has been for decades. Your experience depends on where you live. For example, I grew up in the UK and by the 1980s almost all of my spending was done on-line, I rarely if ever had to touch cash or checks. Moving to the US was a giant step backwards with myriads of banks all using clunky payment systems that were prone to fraud (nobody had heard of a crossed cheque, for example, and it was some years before a ‘paycheck’ wasn’t an actual check that you had to deposit in a bank).

Modern digital systems are just extensions of ad-hoc systems that evolved from banking. They’re more efficient in that the central bank is able to monitor transactions directly rather than have the banks report those transactions to them (yes, they are reported — its all under the guise of “preventing money laundering”). Whether of not this is a good idea for ordinary citizens is debatable. It might be convenient but it cements the notion that if you’re an average person carrying an abnormal amount of cash then you’re automatically suspected of criminal acts — and in both the US and UK you’ll get the cash confiscated. (Literally — if you’re stopped on the street carrying what is deemed to be too much money by the officer stopping you then you’ll lose it. You can get it back if you can prove it was legitimate but it may take some time and expense.)(In the US the agencies confiscating the cash/property get a cut so they’ve got every incentive to grab and keep hold of it.)

Jul 15, 2023 10:41 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

by the 1980s almost all of my spending was done on-line

“by the 1980s”? 😂

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 16, 2023 12:38 AM
Reply to  Elmo

Must have been a clothes line. Of maybe fishing line. Could have been I Walk the Line by Johnny Cash. I don’t know. I do remember having a computer in the 80’s but damned if I could figure out how to pay bills with it.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 16, 2023 10:21 AM

Reagon Cowboy. The 1880 wire is still at the Telegraph office.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 16, 2023 5:40 AM
Reply to  Elmo

Seriously — retail banking in England was that sophisticated back then. I was paid by direct deposit and regular bills were all paid automatically by direct debit. Most purchases used a credit card and you used an ATM for most routine banking (cash, deposits etc.).

The US was really primitive. Unbelievably backward — banks didn’t communicate with each other very well, credit cards were difficult to get hold of and everyone was working with cash and open checks. (Lose your chequebook in the UK and its was just so much waste paper. Lose it in the US — as a colleague did — and within in minutes someone’s at the bank trying to get money.) Taxation was also primitive — all paper collection, the annual filing ritual, the ‘pay up or else’. In the UK if you were a normal working stiff then under and over payments were handled by just adjusting your tax code. Banks weren’t predatory in the UK back then — if you became overdrawn (my wife was a regular) then eventually the manager of your branch would call up and suggest a personal loan or other way to take care of it.

That was then. Both the banking sector in the UK and the tax system seem to now be in lock step with the US’s with the predatory fees and this weird ‘self assessment’ ritual that I don’t understand. I suppose that most people in the UK have forgotten about utility bills being due every quarter (with level pay plans to iron out the bumps and dips), rates being paid automatically in installments, water and sewerage charges being part of the rates (i.e. effectively free). A lot of stuff went backwards due to the social changes in the 80s but I suppose everyone’s use to it now.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 16, 2023 10:40 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Your right Martin, honestly I believe the US still doesn’t know much about the ’80’s in the UK.

Jul 16, 2023 1:18 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Martin, I think there is a difference between ATM and cbdc.
I can control the money in my account with checks and a debit card.
No one (for now) is stopping me from withdrawing my money, or preventing me from purchasing with a debit card.
Once cbdc happens THEY will control what we withdraw, purchase, etc.
As Catherine Austin Fitts says – it will be credit at the company store.
It won’t be our money.
Nothing to do with direct deposit, shopping online, digital banking.
It’s thievary and control.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 16, 2023 2:08 PM
Reply to  judith

In Canada the federal government blocked several thousand debit cards and ATM use of those it considered a threat during the recent anti covid truckers protest ?

Jul 16, 2023 6:21 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Yes, you’re right. They did do that. So, technically they can do whatever they want now that everything is digital.
What I was arguing is that the fact that everything has been digital for so long, including how banks operate, is not the point about cbdc’s.
Right now, technically, my money is my money.
With cbdc’s it won’t even be considered money.

Jul 18, 2023 9:39 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

So what? None of what you’ve said here or in your initial post has anything to do with CBDCs.

Jul 16, 2023 7:37 AM
Reply to  Elmo

I can believe it. Been there in the 70s, got the PC and saw the possibilities, but done that only in the 90s when the www became worldwide and Amazon spread its wings.

Jul 15, 2023 10:57 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Bend over and spread your cheeks wider comrade…

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 15, 2023 11:20 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

CBDC isn’t just digital, it is programmable. It can be programmed to limit what can be purchased, where it can be purchased, and how far from home it can be purchased, if anything at all can be purchased, and an expiration date.

If you think that is the same and making a purchase with a credit card, or moving money between accounts on the internet, then you are ignorant.

That the US and UK have Civil Asset Forfeiture, that I agree is totally illegal and unconstitutional, isn’t an excuse, reason, or equivalent, to CBDC.

Jul 16, 2023 9:37 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

“an expiration date.”

Here’s how that scenario could play out initially – the government declare that the economy is stagnating and therefore everyone has to spend a small proportion of their money for an “economic stimulus”. With each manufactured crisis, the amount required increases. Essentially, Keynesianism becomes mandatory for everyone.

Of course the goal is to end up with no financial inheritances in the name of “fairness” (while the elite continue to bestow all sorts of privileges on their off-spring, just not in money).

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 16, 2023 10:57 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Programmable is from the 1840’s it’s a catalogue monetary system for Cities. Not commercial trade retailing businesses in communties of our everyday lives in the UK’s Isles. It was a financial disaster shorty after 1968 in Britain and by 1973-4 beginning for the whole of the UK by 1980.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 15, 2023 11:53 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

CBDCs will be linked to behaviour/obedience to the state. That’s the part I object to, not the fact that you can bank online via a computer.

Jul 17, 2023 6:59 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Obedience to The State is the real issue. A people who obey daft / criminal legislation such as Con-911 or Con-WMD or Con-19 have no authority behind their opinions.

Criticising CBDCs (online cash) instead of correcting State Tyranny is like a bull charging the red rag and ignoring the matador.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 17, 2023 7:18 AM
Reply to  NickM

CBDCs are the ultimate State Tyranny. Once you have a cashless society you have total tyranny.

Jul 17, 2023 7:56 AM

It ain’t necessarily so. Ignore the red cape and keep your eye on that slender pointy thing by his side.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 17, 2023 11:55 AM
Reply to  NickM

Russian CBDCs aren’t being waved in anyone’s face, like a red cape, since no one is reporting it. How’s it being waved, exactly?

Or maybe Riley and Off-g are the only ones who fell for this red cape tactic, and literally all the other news outlets are wise to these matador tactics?

I mean, it can’t be a very big red cape, in that case. More wallet-sized. More like a reddish wallet, inside the matadors jacket pocket. But anyway, all credit should be given to all alt. media (except Offg / Waggaman) for not rising to this obvious provocation (not rising to it so much they actually IGNORED it).

All other alt. media (excluding Offg and Waggaman) should continue to pat themselves on the back for their shrewd and continued exaltation of Russia at all costs. Truly, they are unerringly focused on the matador’s slender sword, not the red cape at all.

Jul 18, 2023 5:48 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

OffG is more focussed than the MSM is, on the problem of creeping state tyranny (the slender sword). But like the old English Luddite weavers you misdirect your energy (going for the red cape) by trying to smash the machinery (AI) instead of seeking practical methods to redress the current imbalance between peoples’ power and state power.

Colin Todhunter’s articles in OffG, with his practical “Food First” approach, are among the few which propose cooperative measures in favour of small farmers and suchlike little people. The Dutch farmers revolt (The Boer War of 2023) is a practical example of the little people bringing public pressure to bend proud EU bureacrets.

“A people can have no authority over their government unless they can translate public opinion into a motive force for state action” — Hilaire Belloc (Christian Communist) in, The French Revolution: Theory of the Revolution

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 18, 2023 12:18 PM
Reply to  NickM

Could you put the book of quotations down for five minutes?

Jul 16, 2023 4:01 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I think it would be much harder to introduce rules where you lose access to your existing bank funds if you are not injected. The digital wallet will not be available to you in the first place if you do not have the biometric ‘papers. Of course your existing account will become unusable figures. The wallet and ‘bio-papers’ can then be constantly updated requiring the latest Booster. Yes, it could be done for existing bank account access, but people ain’t gonna like it.

Jul 16, 2023 5:21 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

There is only one reason a person would come to a forum like this to DEFEND CBDCs.


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 16, 2023 2:20 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The global economic collapse of 2008 caused by the Western alliance’s defeats in Iraq/Syria allowed the centralization of banking . “Banking” like Covid and the war in Ukraine are now monsters that reside in Orwellian Cyberspace . In fact during the 1980s institutional banking transactions were forced on the masses personal banking via internet came later .

Jul 15, 2023 9:32 PM

The future of Russia if they lose !


Jul 18, 2023 4:14 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

From your Link:

“Foreign Bankers Rape Ukraine, by F. William Engdahl
“If it were not for the fact that the lives of some 45 million people [in 2014, now half] are at stake, Ukrainian politics could be laughed off as a very sick joke. Any pretenses that the October [2014] elections would bring a semblance of genuine democracy, that thousands of ordinary Ukrainians demonstrated for on Maidan Square, vanished with the announcement by [U$ regime] Victoria Nuland’s [chosen Ukrainian] Prime Minister, “Yat” Yatsenyuk, of his new cabinet.”

“Yats is our man” — Victoria Nuland, U$ agent for U$ VP Biden under POTU$A Obama’s regime, 2014.

Yes indeed: President Putin rescued Russia from Rape by Foreign Bankers.