Serf’s Up
Sylvia Shawcross
Well its enough to drive you around the bend and put bubbles in your veins trying to understand the world as it is unfolding. Watching Mattias Desmet being interviewed here, I remember a criticism of his theory being that he attributes everything bad happening right now to the psychology of the masses and in effect I’m sure inadvertently ends up giving the blame to the people.
This criticism I believe came from CJ Hopkins and it is a valid argument.
Now Desmet warns that it is important for those who did not fall for the psychological games of Mass Psychosis with Covid not to fall for a second one…ie. blaming everything on an elite e.g. That, he guarantees is not the solution and is just more psychological trickery.
And I’m afraid I’m going with Hopkins on this one.
The people did not create the situations that caused them to react the way that they have. That was mostly orchestrated. The WEF website and all their stated goals are there for all to read. The truth about the vaccine at best not working and at worst damaging people has come out. The things being done in the name of carbon emissions is long and terrifying. The destruction of american/western culture is happening quickly. The new cultural inculcation and the rewriting of history is well under way. The relentless alienation provided by technology continues its rampage.
This is not psychology but tangible manufactured reality.
Now I was arguing with someone about the coming totalitarianism and socialism and communism when they, being far brighter than I am, pointed out that it is not any of these things. It is feudalism.
Did we think that thems with the money and power were actually going to give it all up when they finally pretend to save the world? Of course not. Did we think they would give up their jets and manors and caviar? Of course not. So eliminating the middle class and creating a government dependant slave class, well… we’re all going to be ploughing fields with our bony starvation fingers and fighting robots for the privilege. One day. Because they’ve cut our quotas of cricket caviar down.
We won’t be ranting about pronouns when we’re all called comrade or “hey you serf.” At least there will be that.
But I will take it one step further. If the solutions to the world problems are global in nature as they are repeatedly telling us rather than “community-oriented,” then instead of grassroots from the bottom up change, we’ll be needing top down change.
So from now on all members of the WEF must take public transportation. A meme came out recently stating that New Zealand’s new prime minister Chris Hipkin’s backup Air Force plane had the same emissions as driving three Ford Rangers to the moon. (That’s one leader of many so inclined.)
And we will be expecting them to be eating crickets only at their meetings. As well, those meetings must be held without air-conditioning in hot countries and solar/windmill provided heat in cold countries. They will dress only in plastic recycled clothes. And no high-end prostitutes… let them troll the streets like the rest of them.
They must set the example. If they do, maybe we’ll all do a nice happy little mass psychosis with them and they’ll be happy. Particularly when they give everything away and own nothing to do so.
But never mind all that.
The important thing is that the stage of absolute demoralization is in the works. Don’t go there. That’s what they want. And don’t do anything that makes you less than human. You are not a number. Next week we may discuss something utterly irrelevant just for a change. Perhaps the cost and carbon footprint of cricket feces disposal or why no one is in their right mind anymore and whether this is a good or bad thing.
Your earworm for the week:
Sylvia Shawcross lives in Canada. Visit her substack.
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Great article. The serf reference is a good one…it seems that is a more descriptive term for what the puppet masters are planning for all of us…
Great article. I love the reference to serfdom. It is probably a much more accurate description of what “they” are trying to create with the masses.
A gotta laugh at the “elite” meme. Take a good look at videos and/or photos of these “elite”. The majority of them are flabby, pockmarked, eye-bagged, sickly gaggles of decrepit men and ladies. Most couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag. A good swat with a crowbar or machete would bring them down in seconds. Let’s cringe and cower before their majesty. Who’s zoomin’ who?
Marcus Garvey:
“We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, for though others may free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind.”
Emma Goldman:
The only difference is that you are hired slaves instead of black slaves.
Charles Bukowski:
Slavery was never abolished it was only extended to include all the colours.
Henry David Thoreau:
It is hard to have a Southern overseer. It is worse to have a Northern one. But worst of all when you are the slave driver of yourself.
Frédéric Bastiat:
Slavery, protection, and monopoly, find defenders not only in those who profit by them, but in those who suffer by them.
Frederick Douglas:
Experience demonstrates that there may be a slavery of wages only a little less galling and crushing in its effects than chattel slavery, and that this slavery of wages must go down with the other.
“This or that? The choice is yours.” — Black Sheep
Marx was an ardent supporter of slavery in 1847.
don’t talk nonsense!
There is something to what he says, it’s all over the Internet of course, but the interpretation “ardent supporter” is simplistic and not true. I already replied to this accusation months ago in detail but received no answer.
I’ve given up.
Slavery got phased out only because serfdom (wage slavery) was less expensive more profitable. The employees had to pay for food and maybe lodging. No wages when they were sick. If they managed break out of the religious programming and find better options, hunting down and lynching them was outsourced to so-called lawless groups.
The shining light on the hill indeed.
Slavery was phased out because escapees were more expensive than new, untrained slaves – thus a permanent financial drain, according to Catherine Austin Fitts.
Klaus Schlobb’s chip under the skin would eliminate the loss from escapees, thus making slavery once again profitable.
Along the same line, slavery naturally reached the point of exhaustion with industrialisation. Cotton and tobacco production of the Southern States started being challenged by that of India, Brazil, Egypt, etc. They had to lower prices and thus costs.
Through the use of machinery, capitalists made the most out of an abomination: child labour. In France, a child at a cotton spinning machine, was able to deliver the *same* productivity as an adult but was paid *fourth* the usual rate.
As we would say today, slavery was no longer sustainable.
“Isn’t it amazing how the deaths of animals can be used to promote two different fictional narratives at the same time?”
It was Corona virus, and this time its the truth with logo …and also reason. Therefore its a fact, and not fake news.
Yet Desmet in the interview to which you include a link speaks of “a pact between an elite and the masses”. And isn’t that just what we’re experiencing? It’s not the members of the elite who dance naked in the streets with breasts and penises hanging from the same bodies. Nor are they necessarily elite members whom you supposed to be your friends until you realized they’d be happier seeing you thrown into a concentration camp for the unvaccinated (the actual members of elites, on the other hand, tend to stick together).
You write as if (or wish) that all of us were innocent except for the few pulling the strings. But its obvious that the majority of the population practically everywhere both during and since “COVID”, in psychic epidemic after psychic epidemic (Ukraine, Woke, Trans, Climate…), consent, whether induced or not, through willful ignorance and/or lack of will, spellbound by anxiety and resentment reinforced by indoctrination willingly embraced, or merely out of cowardice and conformism.
I believe that void is deeper than ever and ever-deepening. To absolve the masses in the grip of mindless mass formation is far too simple. And to fixate on heresy in prophets and champions who are clearly on our side but whose ideas we might not entirely agree with, who have nevertheless stuck their necks way out and resisted the madness for our sake as well as their own, is itself a symptom of psychic contamination in my view. It’s what the elites want us to do. But then, as Jung pointed out, they are often victims of their own fictions.
(Robin Monotti has defended Desmet’s thinking far better than I can:
Thank you, for your comment. I really enjoy Shawcross and Hopkins writings, but have to disagree with their criticism of Desmet’s latest book..
Victimhood is a disempowering ideology. People might have been targetted but they went along with it. They had agency and participated in terrorism. Nobody can really claim they were entirely innocent. Children I suppose but for adults even we in the opposition movement had our faults. We could claim to be on top. We were. We are or atleast some of us are. It is thus important to improve. To live up to the high standards one would expect of an elite. To set a good example for others to follow. We need to be more regal.
Thats why we (some of us) confess our sins. Only by recognizing our sins and regret we can become more intelligent
‘Mass Formation’ always appeared to me to be a truly bad translation into english and I’ve never understood why anybody every listened to this total penis and his banal psychobabble bollocks…and now I know why…because on top of being a complete bore, he’s also working to deflect the blame the from the goddamn criminal murderous scum of the earth.
The would-be Lords of the Manor never stop trying to find ways to enserf the rest of us. This sounds truly creepy and scary (as well as helping explain the real reason for geoengineering). But – cynic that I am – I doubt they will actually get this one “off the ground” (if you’ll pardon the pun).
Control The Human Brain, Control the World – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
But are they trying to recreate what has yet to be created?
Control rice and you have the universe in your hollow hand. Its THAT simple!
I apologise in advance for the length of this comment. But the more I read into it, the more fucking terrifying it seemed. We are talking Dr Strangelove here. We are talking utterly barking mad Nazi re-formation of the entire cosmos!
I was wondering how Nafeez Ahmed was getting on these days. He was the original poster boy for “The 9/11 Truth movement”, being the first on the scene with his War On Freedom and seemed to be the guy you’d most trust to investigate this crucial psyop false flag. That was before he started to make curiously retrograde noises poo-poohing “conspiracies”, revealing (and with pride) his gargantuan connections with the military-intelligence network, and ferociously shilling it up for covid.
Well here he is:
Note how we are in the realm of the corporate power point presentation with corresponding obfuscatory language of the sort that presumably gets the executive class tumescent.
Ahmed delivers a sermon on “the coming transformation” pitched of course as a reaction to “climate change” which of course is blandly unquestioned:
“The inevitable transformation of the energy system in itself will not solve climate change. We still need a whole host of societal choices to leverage this energy phase transition to solve climate change.”
This transformation is mystically summoned in mantra-like verbal formations. Such as Ahmed’s favourite: “disruptions”. I lost count of the number of times he uses it. What it signifies is the disruption of old technologies and their replacement by the new. This is presented as something inevitable. Of course it is not. It is brought about by the overlord control of resources and technology but is then pitched as “necessary” due, of course, to the Climate Dragon.
Another verbal flourish is “phase transition”:
“Most importantly, the new technology does not represent a simple one-for-one substitution. It represents a ‘phase transition’ within that sector which changes the very rules and properties of the system, and how it works. This usually creates a larger market which operates in a totally different way to what went before.”
We learn that,
“Phase transitions are neutral; they don’t imply something better or worse, but rather a fundamental change of state that is defined by different relationships structured according to new rules and properties.”
This process is given as something that must, and will, and indeed has already started to take effect:
“Importantly, the study explicitly points out the existence of what it calls ‘tipping cascades’ – which is when tipping points in one sector have cascading effects across other sectors which can then accelerate tipping points in those sectors too. This means that, just as climate tipping points in one ecosystem can accelerate and heighten the risk of crossing other dangerous tipping points, this can happen in a positive way across technological domains.”
But “Technology won’t save us” because “left to its own devices that pace of change is just not fast enough”. Why? Well here comes the climate monster: “we can still expect global average temperatures to rise up by 2.6 degrees Celsius”.
That of course isn’t scary enough. So Ahmed gets more explicit:
“This is not only well into the danger zone (nearly a whole degree above the 1.5C ‘safe limit’ which is not actually safe), it is widely believed to be potentially so catastrophic that it could endanger the viability of human societies and dramatically shrink the ‘safe operating space’ for civilisation.”
The end of civilization!
“This theme is echoed across the scientific literature discussed.”
I’m sure it is. Which leads us to a sobering assessment of this “scientific literature”.
And Ahmed goes on to prove his worth as corporate spin doctor with “the dynamics of non-linear systems, where conventional siloed thinking hampers an understanding …” etc.
(Incidentally, my bullshit detector is primed for a specific word: “robust”. Ahmed uses it five times here. The boy is due a promotion!)
Ahmed is candid about the use of “disruptions”:
“we can accelerate these disruptions and reduce emissions by as much as 90% by 2035.”
And here is where he starts to take on the tone of Dr Strangelove:
“And in the ‘Accelerated Disruption’ scenario illustrated above, we could move even faster than this with the right choices: with such a comprehensive transformation of the core industries within our energy, transport and food systems, we would be able to dramatically reduce the costs of carbon withdrawal to begin the task of restoring the climate to real stability.”
And “(c)hange is coming, so fasten your seatbelts … the global energy system is undergoing an inevitable transformation driven by economic dynamics that will reach their fruition before mid-century, and most likely well within the next two decades. This transformation is not confined to a phase transition in the energy system, however, but is also encompassing phase transitions in the transport and food systems. And as I’ve explained in detail in previous posts, we’re also witnessing a phase transition in information with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). …I’ve referred to this momentous period as the ‘global phase shift’, because it entails that the entire global system is undergoing an unstoppable process of fundamental metamorphosis.”
Ahmed is utterly obsessed – indeed I would say possessed. There is no doubt in his mind that this must happen and is happening and no-one can stop it!
How very prescient of Mr. Ahmed to pinpoint “that sector which changes the very rules and properties of the system.” We all know what that sector is: it is the Military. So any “transitions” will necessarily benefit the Military and their paymasters – and no one else.
Mr. Ahmed has inadvertently laid it all bare right before us.
Ahmed’s info page. Quite the revelation from the apparently first to arrive at the 9/11 skeptic scene. Here he gives us transhumanism in a nutshell. And look at his (proudly displayed) credentials and connections. The insider’s insider.
Just remember everything is seen from a financial economic wall street standpoint.
Then we can keep our lingua straight.
Energy transformation is economy transformation, clima change is financial change, green wave is dollar wave.
Ahmed has found his niche George: The arse crack of the plutocracy.
Remember the footage of WTC 7 still standing behind Jane Standley whilst she told us of its collapse. How about this?:
Its a test, to divide people into who are awake and who believe.
“A Positive Covid Milestone
The United States has reached a milestone in the long struggle against Covid: The total number of Americans dying each day — from any cause — is no longer historically abnormal.
Excess deaths, as this number is known, has been an important measure of Covid’s true toll because it does not depend on the murky attribution of deaths to a specific cause.”
The “murky attributions” of deaths to a specific cause? Could this possibly be an admission that perhaps – just perhaps – some of those covid attributed deaths were “murky” i.e. possibly not covid deaths?
No matter – we now breathe the fresh air of “excess deaths” where we need not trouble about “murky” attributions – an ironic statement since our media boys (in this case, one David Leonhardt) here are clearly implying that these excess deaths were indeed due to covid. But why that supposition? Note the sly misleading:
“Even if Covid is being underdiagnosed, the excess-deaths statistic can capture its effects. The statistic also captures Covid’s indirect effects, like the surge of vehicle crashes, gun deaths and deaths from missed medical treatments during the pandemic.”
Covid’s effects both direct and indirect? It’s really weaselly isn’t it? This hack is implying that the virus itself caused all this havoc. But what aabout the effects of the restrictions, the vaccines, the job losses, the unnecessarily weakened medical facilities etc.
We have here an ambiguity. And it is richly exploited in the compulsive statistical vomiting that ensues. Leading to,
“After three horrific years, in which Covid has killed more than one million Americans and transformed parts of daily life, the virus has turned into an ordinary illness.”
It’s a breath-taking moment of candour there. You have THE LIE: “Covid has killed” but then “the virus has turned into an ordinary illness”. No, the virus did not turn into an ordinary illness. It always was an ordinary illness. What has changed is its status: formerly “the unprecedented plague” but now downgraded to “ordinary”.
And with this downgrading, the artificially stimulated hysteria can now lapse into a more honest view of actual “virus sufferers” i.e. more honest in the sense of smaller coverage mirroring the actual smallness of the number of ill.
The new honesty is shown here re: the number of deaths:
“The official number is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death. Other C.D.C. data suggests that almost one-third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category. A study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases came to similar conclusions.”
So some deaths were not caused by covid! Now you admit it – though of course stating that this “oversight” only concerns recent cases.
The vicious deception of course continues:
“The deaths that were preventable — because somebody had not received available vaccines and treatments — seem particularly tragic. (Here’s a Times guide to help you think about when to get your next booster shot.)”
Revolting isn’t it? Deaths are caused by not receiving the vaccines – oh and here’s a bit to push you towards your next shot!
And another resurge of what was always true:
“Yet the number of Covid deaths has now dropped low enough that they are difficult to notice in the overall death data. They can be swamped by fluctuations in other causes of death, such as the flu or vehicle crashes.”
“The pandemic is finally over.”
So the psyop has served its purpose. Nevertheless – note:
“Related: Researchers are working to ensure developing countries don’t have to rely on wealthy nations for vaccines in a future pandemic, The Washington Post reports.”
Excess deaths has been used to help work out the true scale of damage caused by restrictons, ‘covid’ treatments etc. The NYtimes is seeking to define their own function within their narrative when in reality they avoided discussion of excess deaths. As I understand it excess deaths are an anomaly from the baseline. The baseline is a 5 year average. Therefore after more than 3 years the baseline is more than three fifths during the terror campaign. It has moved up and is excessive compared to the old baseline. Therefore the excess only needs to drop less than 2 fifths of the old baseline to become zero. Easy enough in the summer when it would normally be expected to drop below the baseline. On top of that if there has been 3 years of excess then you would need 3 years of below average to balance it out. Like a wave has a peak and a truff. Without a truff then you wouldn’t be able to claim the figures were not “historically abnormal”. The wave is ongoing and the deaths are excessive given so many of those who might have died now were already gone.
The next positive article will be about the figures from the vaxx.
The SADS and adverse affects from the vaxx are now also all normal, all positive news.
In reality the Covid scam was a good experience for humanity.
Tom Jones’s Delilah banned from choirs. It incites violence against women. And not a moment too soon. Every time I hear Chuck Berry’s My Ding-a-ling, I have to whip my todger out. Every time I hear Mack the Knife I slaughter at least six people. Just think what “Save your kisses for me/Even though you’re only three” could do to the population!
Ten Years After… good one.
Its the black-grey opus dei Venetians Radhanite freemason Jesuit Vatican Knights of Malta Sufi scientological lizzards I tell yer
Just p$ycho$ in $uit$ Matt.
Advice on how to handle a dead baby situation. What are they telling us?
Prepping the Proles and fanning the flames of fear.
You do find em George
It’s easy to do. It’s on the BBC’s mainpage and indeed almost at the top. Pretty hard to miss.
You’d think the easily debunked climate scream would have acquired at least an embarrassing hesitation. No chance:
“Climate records tumble, leaving Earth in uncharted territory – scientists”
And I note that when you copy/paste the text into Notepad, it leaves out the pictures but includes a descriptive line. In this case:
“Graphic showing a person facing a hot sun and a line chart trending upwards”
Indeed. Look at that picture: Arm stretched as if attempting to ward off the arrival of God on doomsday with that jagged line soaring upwards.
“A series of climate records on temperature, ocean heat, and Antarctic sea ice have alarmed some scientists who say their speed and timing is “unprecedented”.”
A glance down shows that the graphics department have really shot their load this time. Not only scary graphs but BIG scary graphs.
“Dangerous heatwaves” – however ,“It is hard to immediately link these events to climate change because weather – and oceans – are so complex”.
Since us petty people on the street can’t figure it out, let’s get in the witch doctors,
“Studies are under way, but scientists already fear….”
Vagueness and “fear” leading to
“record-breaking or abnormal territory …. The Earth is in uncharted territory … hottest day on record, the hottest June on record ….hottest day ever recorded in July ….Ongoing emissions …Humans are 100% behind the upward trend …..records broken in June…..breaking last year’s record …. started pumping greenhouse gases …”
But what’s this?
“Asked if summer 2023 is what he would have forecasted a decade ago, Dr Smith says that climate models are good at predicting long-term trends but less good at forecasting the next 10 years.”
Well isn’t that a bit of a giveaway. Effectively, “We can’t say what’s going to happen in the years to come but we do know for sure that we’re all headed for The Inferno eventually!”
Sounds familiar.
Witch doctor: “We’re all doomed!”
Public: “But it’s OK.”
WC: “Yeah but we’re doomed in twenty years!”
(Twenty years later)
P: “It’s still OK”
WC: “Oh we meant forty years”
And so on and onandonandonandon……
Actually the witch doctor wouldn’t be so blatant as to say, “Oh we meant 40 years”. He would say something like,
“Ah well according to our transmigrational current calculating overhemispherical model, the ultra bifunctionals weren’t properly aligned to the sunspot perambulator. So our factorial humuforms were out by a factor of 37%. And as you can see from the 786 charts and graphs below ……”
You are a wicked lad George :-}
Well I’ve had no complaints Hyuk Hyuk. (Disengage Sid James mode.)
It may not be quite as easily debunked as you imagine. All the “debunking” I’ve encountered could easily fit into a nice Fact Check thimble.
There are, however, a few excellent pieces debunking the “Let’s blame it all on CO2” thesis. Here’s one. It’s very long, and focuses primarily on geoengineering. But it’s about as close to a first class “debunking” as I’ve encountered.
Climate Disruption: It’s Not Due to CO2 – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
the climate hoax depends upon some actual changes occuring, fore knowledge of the changes, what they are and how they might manifest has allowed those in positions of power and control (the ones we dont see as opposed to their minnions we do) to manipulate the hugely diverse organism that is humanity.
an addition before i hit “post” is that there is a whopper of an “event” coming and i aint talking big kahuna burgers either
extrapolating what is truth and what is fiction re the world/realm we inhabit is another crucial part of the battle we are engaged in
most (here) now accept that the bulk of what most of us believed about black magick, sorcery, poisoning, sorry i mean pharmacueticals has changed radicaly, to the degree that i wouldnt let the fuckers within 10 feet of me now, let alone “treat” me
moving on from this some very serious questions now arise re other realms of “science” and how exactly things really are, again most (here) are aware that many false trails of breadcrumbs have been intentionally left for the unwary
for myself i find opening up the grotesque rotten carcass that is freemasonry old and modern provides at least some valid routes of enquiry, after all someone went to extra ordinary lengths to make degrees of knowledge/reveals very….. awkward to spill once initiated
the relevance and evidence of buggery being used as a form of initiation within the lodges, along with its previous history as used by the pharoanic era temple caste to open up the third eye (pun not intended) (fnaar, fnaar) is discussed in depth here, no wonder they keep stumh?
“Fact Check thimble”? Ugh!
When I say debunked I was referring specifically to a report on the Highest Ever Most Unendurable Temperature for Phoenix Arizona of 118! ….. umm apart from that time when it was 126, but let’s not mention that!
…. and what do you know! I just did another search to find that result and it was gone! Or rather – it was shuffled a bit further back, Indeed there seems to have been a bit of a reshuffle all around with the latest Scariest Temp Ever here:
“Wednesday was the hottest day on record in Phoenix, hotter even than the day in 1990 when planes stopped landing and taking off at the airport as the temperature set an all-time record of 122 degrees. In the time between Wednesday morning’s low of 97 and the afternoon high of 119, people went to work, indoors and out.”
“Summer weekends are busy at Lake Havasu and the one in question, the last of June 1994, drew good numbers. Visitors were greeted by a heat wave like none anyone had seen. A high pressure system had settled in over the Southwest and temperatures climbed steeply.
On Friday, June 24, the city reached 122 degrees. It did it again on Saturday, 122. On Sunday, it was 120. Monday, 126, a new record high. Tuesday, 123. Five days in a row.”
Um, Phoenix record high vs. that of the entire state of Arizona
These high pressure domes are created using Ionosphere Heaters. And once created, these domes can last for months at a time before it’s necessary to create another one.
Underneath the domes, the temperatures can rise to very high. It’s a scam pure and simple – but the temperatures recorded are very real.
Soon it won’t work any longer as more people finally start to accept that climate engineering has been going on for decades.
It’s interesting to note that plant stomatas shut down at temperatures above 104 F. Wonder how much of this heating is to destroy crop production?
I wrote a post which had a reference to the fellow that first circumnavigated the Earth. The name I think was Ferdinand Magellan. I saw a statue of him in Punta Arenhas in Southern Chile in 2017.
Humanity (the active part) consists of ~3-4bn people working now — but not on their own. Human activity cannot produce the thing we call ‘humanity.’ We augment ‘humanity’ with oil dependency that augments human labour by multiple orders of magnitude. In effect, we do 800 million years of work a day — what the fuck for?
Nobody is to ‘blame.’ The series of choices that led to this gargantuan effort were taken across millennia — at least 2.5Ky if we are claiming Greco-Roman heritage.
All this daily bickering and blaming is itself psychotic: the psychological effort put in would be better invested in understanding why we think we need such an astronomic and expanding power consumption to enjoy our ‘freedoms’ and ‘happiness’ — ‘cos it sure as hell does not come across that anybody is actually enjoying the absolute peak of our power to act.
All the conditions for this power consumption were in place long before anybody was born — can’t we get over it and agree to do more and be more social without trying to increase our oil dependent power to act? We could even agree to blame something at a much lower level of power consumption. Or continue to invest in the mother of all mass formations — whichever is the more likely?
The funny part of seeking an entity to blame is that in doing so, the blame-seekers, who foolishly consider themselves champions of freedom, implicitly acknowledge that them the people are powerless creatures in need of an authority to shepherd them – they only bitch about the shepherd not being a good one, but a malevolent asshole.
Probably the result of religious upbringing and the benevolent God leading them on their way through life.
“[those] who foolishly consider themselves champions of freedom, implicitly acknowledge that them the people are powerless creatures in need of an authority to shepherd them”
Exactly. And so all that’s ever needed to cement a power structure is holy men/women reading tea leaves.
Hi Bryan.
You claimed in a recent comment that there’s something like 8 years of human labour equivalent in a barrel of oil, and above that we do 800 million years worth of work a day.
I find this fascinating. Could you show us your working out or provide a reference?
My car takes between five something to eight or nine liters if gas to travel 100 kilometers depending on whether I drive 100 or 200 clicks per hour. The car weighs about one and a half tons. Imagine dragging the fucking thing yourself, pushing it up every hill. Ditto everything else.
You get the picture.
But the problem is that you can’t even equate human labor with work done thanks to carbon fuels because if you use human labor, people would simply not be able to do all the just-in-time tasks, produce food for themselves, and a bunch of other things.
The way the world is organized is totally dependent on energy. Cheap energy that is (cheap in the sense of low energy cost of energy extraction).
My point exactly. In the video above it takes 180 “Roberts” (that’s the cyclist) to power a car and 43,000 to power a plane; but a million cyclists could never actually power a plane.
We’ve got to start thinking about what a human powered future might look like and stop assuming that oil dependent economics is going to last indefinitely.
I wonder how many ‘Roberts’ the inane internet blame game consumes?
Robert is below now!
Around here where I live, there are massive investments being made into infrastructure, mostly roads, highways. Also railways.
Railways are good, but highways? What the fuck for?
All things considered, even if there was enough oil for quite a while yet, I’d be thinking about harnessing other forms of energy. Electricity, even though it’s not an energy per se, just medium, is the best we have. Hydrogen might be another option. Not sure how the ECoE works out. Then there is gravitation.
Anyways, if it were up to me, I would be building pumped storage hydro facilities.
Around here where I live, there are massive investments being made into infrastructure, mostly roads, highways. Also railways.
Railways are good, but highways? What the fuck for?
All things considered, even if there was enough oil for quite a while yet, I’d be thinking about harnessing other forms of energy. Electricity, even though it’s not an energy per se, just medium, is the best we have. Hydrogen might be another option. Not sure how the ECoE works out. Then there is gravitation.
Anyways, if it were up to me, I would be building pumped storage hydro facilities.
There are so many options to vast centralised power consumption we could have made the same amount of FFs last indefinitely. As a builder, my major bugbear is centralised power production to heat drafty housing stock — what a fucking waste. We have been able to build houses that need no space heating, but they are costlier to build, thus less profitable…. and don’t think that designed obsolescence doesn’t apply to housing.
Everyone agrees hydrogen is a net energy sink; but it looks like we are gonna do it anyway. Anyway, most folk wouldn’t be nearly as troubled as they might think if we stepped down energy consumption. Not nearly as much as if we go peddle to metal and crash.
How’s your leg development going!
Re: Hydrogen.
There was a plan to build large solar farms in Ukraine and use thus generated electricity to produce hydrogen and blend it with natural gas transmitted to Europe, in incrementally increasing concentrations. The main challenge was apparently the much smaller size of the hydrogen molecule vis-a-vis the methane molecule, which would necessitate tighter fittings.
They’ve scrapped the plan for now AFAIK.
Highways are for your Harley Davidson. Any problem with that?
No. I enjoy driving my vehicle like the next bloke.
Just expressing a though of general nature.
There are quite a few ways to reduce fuel consumption and expense. This begins with going through the specific manual for the car.
My cars are 25 years old. No manual. I start up the thing, floor the gas pedal and go! The mighty 1.8 Turbo engine does the rest.
Yippee yay yay!
If indeed we can get “8 years of human labor” out of a single barrel of oil; and if there are 100 million barrels of oil used each day (as per figures I’ve heard); then it would follow that we get 800 million years worth of human labor every day.
101.89 million barrels a day (predicted) for 2023. The figures are such magnitude that slight discrepancies do not matter. The scale is much greater than all the humans who ever lived could produce (which another example of mine.) They say we’ve got 47 years left, but the distribution curve (the infamous Hubbert curve) is going to tail off at 6-7% per annum. As we furiously turn gas into ‘oil’ that will run down quicker too. If you want to do the deepdive Art Berman, Nate Hagens and the old Oil Drum crew are still about.
1 barrel of oil = 5.8m BTU or ~1700 kWh; single labourer ~75 W per hour; 75W for 8hrs = 0.6 kWh; 1700 / 0.6 = 2834 days; 2834 / 365 = 7.77 years.
From my notes, but its quite a common calculation. Depending on assumptions: different variations range from 5-11 years — it also depends on the type of work; office work probably would yield 11 years at basal metabolic rate.
@ $70 per barrel: that’s $8.75 a year, which is the sort of money we can expect to be earning in the future!
If you really want a laugh, watch an Olympic cyclist v 700W toaster to see what it takes to produce 0.0021kWh. We’re all gonna need 74cm thighs if we don’t all want to power down to lower levels.
Thanks for the explanation Bryan.
There is on some articles here a tendency to sentimentalise the oil industry and the other industries that sprung up around it. This implies that oil and automobiles and plastics are part of an admirable way of life. The fact is that it was the Rockefellers that made oil big business. This family has at times rivalled the other R family in it’s power and it’s ability to shape society and culture.
The sad fact is that the bankers are immensely powerful but lack the ability to steer societies in the right direction. Their disciple Columbus blundered into the Americas. This discovery led to the knowledge that we lived on a finite sphere. In Punto Arenhas in Chile there is a statue of the fellow who first circumnavigated the globe. His name escapes my memory. What have the banksters been thinking over the last couple of centuries ? Did they actually believe in Asimovic space exploration fantasies ?
It looks to me that they have painted themselves and us into the proberbial corner.
I’ll grant the pun in the title is amusing. However the article is simplistic and ignores the historical background. Too much emphasis on intermediaries like the WEF and none on the banksters that rule the world.
There is a mention of the destruction of Western “culture”. The term suggests the existing culture has grass roots beginnings and that the population in general had a say in shaping it. This is incorrect. The stem around whic a culture develops is religion. Note that Westerners do not look up to Apollo or Zeus or Thor but to a monotheist God the came out of Palestine and which was forced on the population by Roman emperors Constantine and Theodosius among others. The Slavs only coverted about a thousand years ago and the Danes if I recall only gave in about that time. Likewise with modern culture. Hollyweird has a monopoly on cinema and the music industry is completely controlled. The shameful almost unanimous endorsement of the potentially fatal clot shots by “celebrities” is proof of that. The media monopoly needs no elaboration. The Western populations regrettably destroyed a great many cultures thenselves.
“Socialism” and communism are still believed by some to be liberating forces. The truth is that Marxism came from the banksters and lead to some of the most repressive and dystopian societies in history.
The cosmopolitan ultra-wealthy, and the slaves at the bottom of the pyramid, have no time for religion. The former do dabble in culture for investment and to socialise.
Why would a culture have to develop around a religion? What’s with this obsession with religion, the need for a higher power, an authority to worship, to be governed thereby, to perceive the world through the lens thereof?
Religion, or ideology, is a filter between a person and reality, which distorts the perception thereof.
Grow some balls and live your life you see fit, without the need for guidance from some alleged god.
Also, note that religion is based on pure belief, that is no rational substantiation, which makes it an ideal vehicle for hijacking it and fucking you over. Much more easily than through ideology let alone science, as per convid, because both of these are based on reasoning, as fallacious or erroneous it might at times be.
No single -ism is a liberating force. Perhaps some multi-systemism would be. An -ism that would establish a compromise between all the various aspects of human existence, kinda allowed everybody to eat a bit of their cake and have some too. The welfare state, which allowed both capitalists and socialists to operate, was an attempt within the realm of the socialist/capitalist dichotomy. It kinda worked as long as the external conditions that kept it in place lasted. But there are tons of other factors at play and balancing them out on a continual basis is an endless task. Humanity is a dynamic system and if there is a point of equilibrium at all, it’s not a constant one, it keeps shifting.
Most Westerners have first names that came out of the bible. Most are baptised in Church. The catholic church runs a sizeable portion of the school system in Australia and presumably many other countries. The pope blessed the clot shot and ordered his employees to submit to it on pain of dismissal. Religion is gradually being phased out but it played an enormous and central role in shaping the Western way of life.
I acknowledge that. I was expressing a general thought.
Religion is a vehicle for control. Standardizing what goes on in the human mind. Making people behave in desired ways. Propped by the carrot of Heaven and stick of Hell.
How would human society be were people’s heads not fucked up by religion? Good question. And in this regard, even complete atheists – such as me – are affected by religion, namely the Christian tradition that constitutes the basis of values, thinking patterns, everything.
What we’re seeing with covid, climate, and the other usual suspects is an effort to foist a new ‘religion’ (scientifism) on humankind to bring them under control, since everybody but the most indoctrinated understand that the God/Devil combo is a crock of shit.
To keep up with other religions, the Catholic Church also provides blessings for vehicles.
The expression “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink” comes to mind vis-a-vis Western culture being a top-down enterprise.
You can try to foist a “culture” on a population. But you cannot force them to accept it. If you doubt that, just look at America’s consistent anti-intellectualism (to name just one example of Western culture). They keep trying to make Americans intellectually savvy; and they keep failing.
No one – and I mean NO ONE – is going to ever tell good ‘ol boys to stop chewing tobacco and start thinking. Banksters included.
Who in America is attempting to force intellectualism on the population? Fake intellectualism, that I will grant you, but our owners have spent generations dumbing down the population, not making it smarter. As for the tobacco chewing “good old boys” being the problem, that too is learned behavior Howard, it is not innate. The banksters will most certainly tell the good old boys to stop dipping chaw when it suits their agenda. For now, they have no problem with that or any of the other dumbed down behaviors they’ve trained Americans, and the rest of the globe as well, to participate in. They trained the population to mindlessly consume, now they want to train it to consume, but in a different way while blaming that trained herd for not changing their consumptive behavior fast enough.
As for the good old boys being the only dumb population, I think you know good and well that’s not true at all. Just witness how many stellar intellectuals zealously took up the covid mantra without ONCE QUESTIONING it, while those good old boys everyone so loves to revile at least bothered to ask a few uncomfortable questions, albeit not in the most intellectual manner, but they DID at least ask. So who are the real anti-intellectuals in America?
Tobacco was restricted to the Americas until Columbus. It is a global addiction today.
Until capitalism entered the scene, peoples using tobacco, coca and even some forms of opium were managing these substances quite well, even as necessities.
Who is “they”? Have you ever once stepped inside of a public school over the past half century? Trying to make the average person into a “savvy” intellectual is the last thing schools are designed for. One wonders what world you are living in — neither the school system nor the bulk of what the mass media produces is even the slightest bit concerned with trying to develop intellectualism in the masses, nor have they been as long as I’ve been alive. Exactly the opposite is true: most kids in school are quickly segregated, tracked and streamed into a low-ceilinged life path of obeying orders without questioning or thinking for oneself (i.e. Ivan Illich had it right).
And yet in every school there were “nerds” (who were mostly reviled); and “jocks” (who were mostly adored).
Someone studying and seeking insight into the real world never rated as high or earned as much as someone who could hurl a slab of pigskin.
When more people watch, say, a Shakespeare play on PBS than a Super Bowl Game, I’ll gladly renounce everything I’ve ever uttered since I was born.
You don’t have to tell me about the plight of “nerds” in school: I was one of them, I know all about how unpleasant that time of life is.
And yet, “jocks” were not necessarily placed on a pedestal just because “nerds” weren’t. It was never that neat and schematic outside of bad, clichéd Hollywood movies. And today, I have far more anger at the system, and the pettily tyrannical defenders of the system, the various sick teachers and administrators and politicians who were far too lacking in self-awareness to be entrusted with the education of the young, than I do for any hypothetical jock.
I was one of the nerdy kids, and like every other nerd I know, a good 99 percent at least of what I know I had to teach myself — when I try to recall what I ever learned in class I draw a blank. Your anecdote of the jocks and the nerds is utterly irrelevant to the main fact of schools: they generally teach next to nothing of value — nor were they intended to. Read Jean Anyon’s essay “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work” if you want the truth of what public schools were and are.
Western way of thinking is narcissistic. Our self.
But both philosophers, basic gramma and Christ teach us to be self neutral, to serve our next, to obtain the purpose with our life.
Thus there is no one personal guilty, neither the sheeple, the Elite, or government other than for ourselves, but ideology.
The ideology is wrong. The systems are the sick and contrary. People are infested with ideology and systems.
The Russians says, ideology (nasism, fascism) is a decease who needs to be cured.
Yuri Bezmenov says ideological subversion is a virus and irreversible when you have been infected by it.
Confucius says manipulated language makes your actions futile.
Thus we are fighting against ourselves when we adapt us to any human created system say ideology, and not to the way our nature and universe function.
Congratulations Sylvia,
In one fell swoop you cover ‘them’ and us with all our various views and complaints.
Also, your language is absolutely fantastic – I enjoy reading every single one of your articles (example: changing just one letter – “Serf’s up” to “Surf’s up” -ingenious).
Finally compliments to your readers and their sophisticated comments. They contribute a lot to your story, eg referrals to ‘Alice in Wonderland’, or “Is reading Offguardian every day a form of self-medication, or a cause of your nightmares ?”
Thank you Sylvia
Feel free to contribute your own ideas too. We all have something non-synthetic to offer to the crowd… 🙂
THank you for your kind words Rolf
Alvin Lee realized in the 1960s that overpopulation was the looming disaster humanity would soon face the song was released in 1971 . The population bomb has now exploded and a global collapse appears to be in progress . The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse have saddled up and have begun what may be their final ride?
You need to qualify the population predicament.
It’s not so much an issue of the actual number of earthlings as the fact that the socioeconomic model is unable to provide them with the kind of luxury they aspire to.
Everything hinges on energy.
The way things work is that not only current energy use keeps growing, but also energy is needed to honor debt, which is none other than energy use shifted to the future. In other words, in order to sustain the current way of life and to grow, way more energy would be needed, but extractability is becoming more difficult.
The logic is simple – a) you reduce population and/or b) you reduce living standard and/or c) you find different sources of energy. Option c) would be the best solution, but there simply is no source of energy with the same energy density. Which means that some combination of a) and b) is necessary.
Or not. You can also stick your head in the sand, find somebody to blame, and wait until the inherent problems make the whole fucking circus go up in smoke or down the tubes (select your preferred version).
The descent into blame is really the revealing of the underlying ‘world disorder’.
Dumping guilt to mitigate unowned or unfaced pain.
We use guilt to manipulate self and others – praise and blame. Boom and bust. Self-inflation and addictive dependency.
The current framing of ‘humans’ as physically determined and hackable machine-animals is itself a guilting denial of love by which gaslight can project its Big Screen – that is notable for its joyless and hollow parody of life – but for ‘joy’ taken in vengeance, ‘joining’ in hate against the hate target.
But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.
~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Unless we recognise our own insane or dissociated and driven thinking, we have no grounded reference point from which to truly choose anything.
That we are psycho-physical might be more apparent to the physically defined rationalist in such times. But everyone wants their stolen normal back. Doc give me anything to make this go away so I can get back to sleep.
I tweeted a couple of extracts from a book today: Here’s one:
“And so, in our efforts to avoid pain or discomfort, whether emotional or physical, we have come up with many ways of numbing ourselves to the discomforts of life. For numbness maintains the comfort zone. We might also say that we have developed many ways to remain in balance or to avoid states of imbalance by maintaining a relative level of unconsciousness. This entire process of numbing ourselves so as not to feel may be termed self-medication. Again, it must be stressed that this process of self-medication is not necessarily a conscious or deliberate process. In fact, it is more often done unconsciously or reactively. But self-medication arises from the reactive drive to maintain the comfort zone at all costs. It is the return to the comfort zone through the eradication of awareness rather than the eradication of resistance.
The nature of masking denial of underlying conflict is its masking and projection. The ‘joining in hate’ serves to boost the mask of a tacit or covert id – taking its power from the act of blame-hate – often masking as the delivery of care, but also stark terrorism.
Self-hating humans are not the human being. Hate substitutes guilt for love to be driven as a ‘hungry ghost’ for there is no substitute for love no matter how much you possess & control.
I don’t pit lawful accounting against uncovering and addressing thought disorders in ourselves. The attempt to fix them in the Other is the stark projection of denied guilt & attack running the convergent agendas of the dispossessed – because there is one error from which all the rest follow, that remains the signature of all of them no matter what mutating variants of shifting defences against true disclosure.
The addict model offers a way out from the evil power worship set in undying grievance.
But we will experience life as being done to us by others while we give power away to get rid of it as blame. Its quite a hit at first, but demands repeating to the point of hollow, numb & utterly desolate.
Bottoming out? Whatever it takes.
Many choose death to escape pain of life, some choose to die fighting against it, some abide through it to uncover truth that heals – even amidst the dying.
What is it that cannot abide to live a lie once revealed?
Something true.
We make our decisions for our own reasons but often frame in justifictions on the fly.
(Image of “that’s my story and I’m sticking to it” with a fly stuck to the flypaper of its current narrative dictate).
Self-honesty to our true feelings. All of it.
It may help to cite sources. Which book(s) are the extracts/citations actually from?
Not to reduce any of life’s great mysteries unnecessarily, but it does, at least, contribute to a more honest discussion and also helps to avoid any misguided charges of ‘incoherent psychobabble’ as some ignorant serfs might suggest…
I guessing Gabor Mate. The reference to Hungary Ghosts is also a Buddhist references. Could be Jung hmm
Is reading Offguardian every day a form of self-medication, or a cause of your nightmares ?
Nightmares clearly. Self-medications don’t bring in the rubles…
self evident nostalgia reveals imminent financial pain i hope i will be okay or something like that, words, is that…
Opt for the spherical earth model and you’ll be fine 🙂
Crucial moment for pandemic back burners:
“Two Australian schoolgirls die amid surge of flu infections
The recent deaths of two school-aged girls from influenza highlights the danger from a major surge of the virus that is currently sweeping Australia. The profit-driven removal by state and federal Labor governments of almost all public health measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 has created the conditions for mass flu infection, in parallel with the ongoing pandemic.”
I jest of course. It’s a massively embarrassing climb down. Nobody gives a shit about The Big C19 anymore so ….
“Oh fuck it! Just bring the flu back in! Stick in photos of microbes! The public have now been conditioned to panic over pictures of microbes – any microbes! And we’ll pad the rest out with statistics, percentages, and constant repetitions of the word ‘surge’!”
WSWS or Australia’s ABC. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Drifting OT but I very much appreciated Moneycircus’s latest on the topic of the curious resurgence of “nuke porn”. And indeed this raises a phenomenon now exceedingly familiar: the merry-go-round of “Truly Terrifying Threats We Face” each of which is curiously forgettable as it whizzes around the circuit whilst another takes centre stage:
“Until NATO and the Ukraine were pitted against Russia (and its allies) we had heard nothing for decades about nuclear brinkmanship. We now have an economic transformation underway, effectively the decline of liberal capitalism (see upcoming article) and, in the simplest words, the wealthy elite desperate to hold onto its wealth by any means.
If you think that an exaggeration, look back just over a century: very few understood that at their apparent peak, the British and European empires were already walking dead. The answer was to reshape the world through war — which is simply a reallocation of resources.”
The divide (as described) would seem to be between postmodernism [Hopkins] and post-postmodernism [Desmet]
A world of powerless serfs vs those in a hypnotic trance (or ‘Mass Psychosis’)
vs (‘post-postmodernism’ here termed ‘pseudo-modernism’)
The Death of Postmodernism And Beyond – Alan Kirby
Pseudo-modernism (or ‘Digimodernism’ in Kirby’s related book) would seem to describe the modern world of the Internet better. A world where people walk around in a hypnotic trance, permanently staring at their phones, ignoring the world around them. Serfs at least knew who their masters were, if they bumped into them on the dirt-tracks.
That seems to me to rather be the model, than a (relatively quaint) future of happy serfdom, where one is at least still allowed to enjoy nature, whilst ploughing the fields. Still allowed, at least, to look forward to an evening pint of ale in the local tavern-for-plebs.
So I’d blame the inexorable rise of technology, rather than the masses or even the elites. Primarily the introduction of the Internet into the modern psyche, with its unseen consequences.
For me it’s not the technology itself that’s the problem, but that so many of us are such good subjects for its hypnotism.
It’s a long time ago that I realized I was not a good hypnotic subject, but I never suspected how many of us are really good subjects…
I thought common sense and a general awareness of reality were born into most of us.
Then the BBC News, “Blue Peter”, youth clubs with trendy, guitar-playing priests, the Rolling Stones, Jimmy Da Vile and Margaret Thatcher arrived…
With the rise of institutionalized idiocy, art and common sense died, along with the ability to see through hypnotism.
I wouldn’t make a good hypnotic subject either. Though I did watch a stage hypnotist a couple of times in my student days.
The fellow student I went with was really into it (indeed he invited me along). He ended up on stage as one of the subjects. I was the complete polar opposite. Did everything in my power to resist being hypnotized. Crossed my legs, folded my arms etc (not that that probably made much difference in retrospect)…
But maybe that also plays into it. Some are actually very keen to hypnotized. Some are the polar opposite and resist with all their might.
Admittedly , the performance itself was pretty remarkable. Saw a guy getting ‘drunk’ on a glass of water, for example.
Apply that globally and “Houston, we have a problem”
In fact what is happening IS american/western culture- or rather, it is this culture’s latest plunge into self-destruction in an attempt to FINALLY bring about the final chapter of its narrative- which is of course Armageddon. The generational trauma caused by about 1000 years of terror, slavery and genocide is not healed by materialism and a few decades of pseudo-rationalism.
The psy-op based on the Bible and associated “culture” still runs in the West, and both leaders and the people are still under its influence even if they never visit church or talk about religion. It is this same psy-op that gave birth to feudal theocracy which paved the way for feudal technocracy… but more importantly: lobotomised entire generations.
Monotheism creates one-track minds which look for single causes to complex phenomena, and are disconnected from the source of all; alienation, insanity via relentless cognitive dissonance, depression and disease are sure to follow.
A false ruler god of a non-native tribe enforced onto countless people globally, displays the most base human behaviours: jealousy, hatred and revenge. Rewards obedience and punishes transgressions (against his extensive and detailed laws) harshly because he “loves” his subjects.
People will behave as their god does.
“I will set up your seed after you, which shall proceed out of your bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever.”
Countless men for centuries were and still are raised with these aspirations.
What do you expect?
Tribal God versus universal God.
And of course there’s always individual God.
That’s what was new about Jesus’s teaching. It transcends family, duty, clan and tradition, even if it still recognizes the rightful place of those things in the normal course of events.
I take that to mean that personal access is granted to the universal God you mentioned. (Of course it’s a path, not a doctor’s prescription…)
Tribal God is for Old Testament thinking, along with modern military thinking.
Utterly obsolete, although of course there’s no need to reject all the wisdom which is also to be found in those books.
That’s largely what I was implying.
The Old Testament God quoted by RasP is the tribal god of the Hebrew people, but not the Universal (and Personal) transcendent God taught by Jesus.
I lean to a Gnostic view on this, so the former above — Yaweh — is the Demiurge, while the latter is the Monad, nameless and ineffable.
Everyone with an IQ over room temperature know religion for some reason makes people more intelligent than those without.
There is a reason why all countries are filled up with churches and language filled with references to God, Allah, Buddha m.m.
Religion is a spiritual overhead with codes of ethic that makes you human. Without it, you are animal.
Conclusion, your scapegoat is close but wrong.
A woefully inept description of Christianity.
I believe Desmet is slow on the uptake, and too dogmatic once he comes up with a theory.
Most seriously, I don’t think he knows human individuality well enough to distinguish it effectively from ‘mass humanity’.
For him, the whole thing seems to be one abstract lump which might, or might not be separable into distinct portions, and not even necessarily useful to study.
In this case, I have to say I prefer the entertainment value of Ann Elk’s definitive theory:
We sure can come up with a lot of things that “are not” the solution, but can’t come up with a damn thing as a solution.
All right then, I’m going to blame the janitor at my grandkids’ school. His name is Elmer. It’s Elmer’s fault. Everything.
Jesus. Really?
They’re coming to take our homes, guns, cars, FREEDOM, you name it, and people are arguing about who’s to blame? This Desmet sounds like a supremo obfuscator. He should write another book with Curtin. I have zero interest in what he has to say.
Those that have written down and planned the future of humanity without humanity’s input deserve blame. It is far better this than contrived disparate groups of humanity divided and fighting and blaming each other.
Will you stop this shit already? What’s the point of blaming some alleged wrongdoers who allegedly planned the future of humanity? They’re not fucking humanity themselves? And the rest are some sheeple unable to take care of themselves? How can you be so contemptuous of people and insinuate that they’re helpless, under the control of some alleged others?
What a totally fucked up worldview! What do you think you’re gonna accomplish? Absolute shit!
Let’s hypothetically assume that there are some malevolent individuals intent of fucking others over. What good is blaming them gonna do? Stand up for your rights then, and put a foot to their ass.
I’m sick of this chickenshit, blame-game, self-pitying whining!
Thank you for your comment
Sure, stick your head deeper in the sand and keep whining.
‘Foot in ass (arse)’
Arse in jail.
End of story.
I appreciate you have a need to vent. Go for it. It matters not to me.
As if it weren’t obvious. Sheeple like you are the reason why I left Canada a while ago.
It’s not so much that your opinions are naive, it’s not so much that you’re unable to argue your point of view if faced with an opposing argument, it’s not so much that you’re unwilling to argue, it’s your arrogant implied attitude that you know better, that it’s beneath you to respond to something that doesn’t conform to your orthodoxy, that you somehow have the high moral ground. You simply shut out anybody who is not corralled in the same pen as you in the great Canadian tradition that prohibits everything but fake sheeplish niceness.
You don’t have a need to vent, eh? So why do you write? Why do you engage with commenters? You need a reassuring pat on the back?
Oh yes. You could very well be right.
“Let’s >hypothetically< assume that there are some malevolent individuals intent of fucking others over"
Which planet or alternate dimension are you visiting from?
There are always people intent on fucking others over. The others fuck them over back or fuck over somebody else.
Your simplistic vision of the world as you (good) against them (bad) is simply a fairy-tale illusion.
Is this a Zorg habit?
The sticking words in people’s mouths that they haven’t said. You approach everything with a predesignated one size fits all argument. Which you then adjust to any that have the temerity to question you or worse not see things exactly as you.
Do you realise you’ve just contradicted yourself? You are not looking for ‘Truth’ or solutions. But to ‘Win’ arguments & say fuck a lot.
Yes, Social Darwinism is a thing. ‘Our’ system has pit us against eachother for the means of survival.
I guess zorglings like to win arguments just like earthlings.
If you take a step back and look at what’s been happening ever since the shit has hit the fan, there is one thread that goes through the narrative pushed and followed by the “alt” community.
Namely, it’s THEM (PTB, Schwab, Kill Gates, blah blah blah) who are doing it to us.
This is clearly bullshit. For instance, convid, whether it was instigated by a single entity or not, has been gleefully propagated by the vast majority of people at all levels. And that was a single event where the perpetrators, if applicable, could be relatively easily identified.
With societal development over centuries, you simply cannot put blame on any identifiable entity.
As if it mattered at all. Who gives a damn about blame!
People need to stop seeing themselves as victims.
Gotta admit, agree with that.
We’ve all been complicit though we might not have wished it.
There’s options to be less entwined in this shitshow. Up to people to take them.
This guy is likely to be the former frequent commenter who claimed to be a musician in eastern Europe. He too was addicted to the 4-letter word.
I tend to blame both “sides”. The evil ones, and those too lazy and cowardly to think and act for themselves.
Imagine the power of we, the people, against the tiny, self-elected ‘elite’.
There are, quite demonstrably, by their own writings and speeches, those in question writing and deciding the future for the rest of humanity, without the input of the hoi polloi. You cant possibly be this ignorant. Would you like some reading material??
Just to be clear, I do “blame” the rich assholes who want to control the world, and they certainly deserve the biggest blame, but I also blame the people who enable them. I blame the pigs and media who do their dirty work. Just to remind you, there were many people who wanted me (and others like me) dead or at least unable to buy food because I did not want to get a fake vaccine. Fuck them, there are always going to be divisions. There is no 99% vs the 1%, that was all bullshit. We’re in a fight for human freedom, and it is not just the “planners” who we’re fighting. “We’re” meaning those fighting for freedom, I don’t know your goals, so I’m not insinuating you with that.
We’re in a fight for what the next historical period will be like.
Many of the challenges addressed by the great resetters are probably real, perhaps not quite the way they present them, but real nevertheless. The socioeconomic system is fucked. Culture is fucked. Civilization is on the verge of collapse, having no meaningful raison d’etre.
There is no viable vision for an organic, freedom-based future that will embody an approach to life that differs from the madness of the past decades/centuries.
There sure are assholes intent on getting ahead, as is always the case. There are zilliards of imbeciles who have no clue, acting as useful idiots for these assholes.
And the few people who are sort of with it are arguing about who’s to blame.
Fucking hopeless.
LOL, ya, but I’m not going to go as far as fucking hopeless, can’t do that. I’ve got kids, grandkids, soon to be great grandkids, and I hate the MFers that are doing this. So I’ll never give up hope of seeing them get their due. Ever heard of Mother Jones? One of my favorites of hers is “You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age. Put on your fighting clothes.”
Anarchism. It’s not just the best solution. It’s the only solution.
But it will be rejected out-of-hand by the vast majority of people, none of whom understand it. It would take too much work to become enlightened, politically and spiritually. So, they would rather sit and watch as society goes down (or up) in flames, with the excuse that there is nothing to be done. Par for the course for the death culture that people have been taught to embrace and has now engulfed us.
Yes, death is inevitable, a part of life. But to allow it to be violently shoved down our throats by a few psychopaths makes no sense. At least not to me.
Anarchy, in the sense of absence of hierarchy, would be a good solution, but it’s a utopian concept because it the prerequisites for anarchy to be maintained, let alone established simply cannot be fulfilled.
For anarchy to function, people would have to be strong individuals possessing and projecting sufficient power to ward off any motherfucker intent on fucking them over – and there will always be such motherfuckers, don’t fool yourself thinking that there won’t – so as to maintain a governance-free existence.
That doesn’t mean, however, that people shouldn’t endeavor to become stronger, more individualist, less dependent on the collective.
First, I didn’t mean to imply that setting up an Anarchist society would be easy. In fact, I think it will be quite daunting, for a variety of reasons. In this context, the question is: would implementing an Anarchist society present more and bigger challenges than trying to survive in the panopticon of the transhumanist authoritarian fascist society that is planned for us?
I do agree with you that there will always be bad actors – either individuals or groups – who will try to destroy what others have built. There will always be options to deal with this threat. In fact, I think a society without government may actually reduce the number of people who are acting out their frustrations within the system as it is now.
I’m with Albert Anderson (in this thread) when he said, “… hopeless, can’t do that.” But hope without action becomes “hopium” which, as the term implies, is akin to living in a virtual reality where things magically take a turn for the best.
So, if you think Anarchism can’t work, what are some other options? To vote in a new and improved government? To violently overthrow the government which would cause much suffering and bloodshed and, even if successful, would undoubtedly result in “meet the new boss, same as the old boss”?
I’m open to considering solutions I haven’t thought about.
Finally, to address your comment that Anarchism is a “utopian concept,” i.e., impractical, consider the following thoughts from Emma Goldman:
I’m totally in favor of a governance/hierarchy-free society – anarchy. I’d say that I personally practice it. I’m as detached from the government as possible.
You gotta be pragmatic, though.
The prerequisite for anarchy is a society of self-confident self-reliant individuals that would first reject the current hierarchical protectionist system. That’s the exact opposite what people now are and where the trend is moving. People are absolutely not ready for anarchy, not to mention that this concept has been discredited and you’d need to come up with a different name. Right new, people would laugh anarchy off.
Could some form of anarchy one day exist? Who knows. But instead of promoting a mirage impossible to accomplish now, it’s better to start by making people more individualistic, self-reliant, self-confident.
Yes, the term “anarchy” has been severely distorted. I suppose I could use the term Voluntaryism, or Mutualism, or Individualism. I’m not sure it would make much difference as it would all come down to basically the same thing.
How does one make another person “more individualistic, self-reliant, self-confident”? These are all characteristics that are inherent in humans but have been buried by political and religious propaganda. Which is why I alluded to a spiritual enlightenment as necessary for a radical change in direction.
As for me, as long as no one seems to be able to present any viable options to get us out of this mess, I (and I’m sure others) will continue preaching the gospel of Anarchism and in this way perhaps I’ll be able to open people’s eyes. Sadly, we’re running out of time and I admit that so far I haven’t been very successful.
We’re both saying essentially the same thing.
I don’t know if the above qualities are inherent in humans. Maybe. But they are, as you say, buried and the trend is the other way.
So, first you have to do the ‘enlightenment’, however that happens, and then anarchy might be possible.
Thinking that some form of anarchy is the immediate solution now is delusional hallucination, as much as I’d like to see something like that happening.
Yes, I think we are saying the same thing. But just for the record, I didn’t state, or even imply, that Anarchy would or even could be an immediate solution.
Who knows? Maybe their dystopic plan will fail in the end. And if it does it will be another fine mess to clean up. At that point the best plan to “build back better” will be Anarchism and we can begin preparing for that scenario right now. But even after all that, whether or not the majority of people would come to this realization remains to be seen.
Spot on Sal.
No gods, no masters.
Rules WITHOUT rulers.
Hell for the hubristic.
There could be a 99% us vs the 1% them, if only we put our individual beliefs and preferences aside to focus on freedom. Ultimately that’s all the divide the 1% are interested in – removing our freedom and controlling everything.
You’re right, dear Syl. And their guilt must be pointed out in the first place, so are important the people who have undertaken this laborious task. For example, since you are Canadian, let us mention one of the people who tirelessly and regularly point out the plans of the great evil players, such as the Canadian patriot and leading critic of transhumanists and eugenists, climate change scammers and plandemics, Bilderberg, the club of Rome, Bis, Wef, Darpa, and all the other “nazi heirs,” as he often describes them: Mr. Matthew Ehret, “Journalist, Artist, Senior Fellow of American University in Moscow”,” as he calls himself in his substack.
Under no circumstances would I fail to pay tribute and to his lovely beloved, Cynthia Chung, no less a prominent critic of the said evil forces, who stands shoulder to shoulder with Matt in the battle for truth and the future. They, along with their brilliant criticism, are unique and with that they point to good forces as well as good ways of dealing with the problems facing humanity. Therefore, they are welcome guests and are often invited to various events where they discuss ways to solve problems and the way to a better future. This was the case on August 24, 2021, when:
“Cynthia Chung and I (representing the Rising Tide Foundation and Canadian Patriot Review respectively) delivered the following remarks at Moscow’s Horizon 2100 Summit sponsored by the Center for Modelling the Future. Cynthia’s presentation ‘Cities of the Future: Greening Deserts, Eliminating Landfills and Ending Limited Resources’ and my presentation ‘Growth Needs of Humanity in the 21st Century and Beyond’ were delivered to dozens of youth from around the world whose attendance at this event was the result of their winning science fiction writing submissions under the theme of “Envisioning the World We Want in 2100”. As the theme implies, the contest was designed to inspire young leaders of the future to think creatively about the optimistic potentials for humanity on the earth and beyond over the coming generations.”
As an avid Ehret fan, wanting to learn more about this event, I took a walk to «Horizon-2100» 2021of the Center for modeling the future. I learned that the event is held with the regular grants of “President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund,” the Gorchakov Fund and others. (And, by the way “in 2021, the organizers of the competition will welcome works in which participants will present their solutions aimed at overcoming possible future pandemics and building human resilience to possible future challenges.“) And there, under the tutelage and guidance of the most reputable experts, various Russian and foreign professors, indeed, as Matt well put it, the inspired “young leaders of the future think creatively about the optimistic potentials for humanity.”
I recognize that the decisions that the young leaders of the future have proposed have exceeded my expectations, and after reading them, as and you can do through the link above, I have taken comfort that the battle for the future is not lost and the light is about to rise. Here is just part of the optimistic potential of humanity that the young leaders of the future have creatively think:
The organizers themselves provide guidance to the young people in “Directions and Profiles, Competition is carried out according to the following profile directions:
Future of humankind: […] – ways of preserving and strengthening the health and working capacity of people, a cyborg man (with mechanical or electronic devices integrated into the body); – “smart” and growing prostheses, medical exoskeletons; – legal and ethical aspects of human reproduction (artificial and posthumous reproduction), expanding the possibilities of reproduction in the future, ethical issues of creating an artificial human;
– Biology – … virology (How pandemics can change theoretical and applied virology in the world in the future), molecular biology, molecular genetics, space biology, etc.;
-Thinking modeling, hybrid intelligence, intelligent systems, business intelligence, production transformation, biotechnology, cognitive informatics, blockchain technologies, expanding the scope of AI
-behavioral economics, green economy, behavioral finance, changes in the economy as a result of automation and their impact on society..
And many others. And the young leaders of the future, inspired by the experts ‘ testimonials, did so by presenting works that the experts awarded, such as: “Some points of the Global pandemic plan – we need changes!”, “How will our grandchildren survive and overcome the pandemic?”, “Basic income and economic growth”, “To clone or not: that’s the question!”, “Creation of a new biological being based on the existing features of other living beings and possessing human intelligence”, “The symbiosis of man and genetics”.
Some of the “optimistic potentials of humanity” (according to Ehret) that the young people offered:
“The topic of improving the human body with the help of neurocomputer interfaces was chosen as the main one for the work of the team. The model of the image of the desired future proposed by young researchers by the year 2100 suggests that the implantation of chips will become a completely harmless procedure for the human brain…People will be able to upload information to the brain… today it is necessary to actively develop secure cyberimplants, create controlled nanorobots and powerful AI.”; “build the first AI systems in conjunction with the enhancement of human intelligence”, “Improving the cognitive functions of the human brain.”, “Bioimplants, synthesis with AI, cyborgization, neuronet, augmentation.”
“Also, on the basis of homework and themes developed at the forum, the forum participants developed the manifesto of the builders of the future”, which ” is intended for wide dissemination to the public to inspire confidence that humanity is able to emerge from the global crisis and move to a qualitatively new level, at which our planet will become peaceful, prosperous and green. But it requires the hard work and combined efforts of millions of people, especially young people, who will live in the future.” Through the manifesto, they appeal to the UN, calling for:
“We are the builders of the Future, we believe that Mankind is able to get out of the global crisis, and also:
In the field of technology and AI:
Thanks to advances in computing, AI, nano, cyber and biotechnologies, it is able to make a breakthrough in the field of preserving and strengthening human health – to develop a system for continuous monitoring of the body, to work out technologies for gene modification and genome editing; create nanorobots for finding and destroying cancerous and other unwanted cells, delivering drugs, and effectively performing operations; introduce next-generation DNA sequencing and spread personalized medicine; to make safe all the tools of the exocortex that enhance human cognitive abilities;
Able to bring neural interfaces and a neural network to a level where they become part of a person’s daily life in managing objects with the “power of thought”, fast and accurate information transfer, data analysis, forecasting, mental communication; when modeling teams of people who combine their potential into one big “brain” to multiply the efficiency of decision-making and joint project work will become commonplace;
Understanding the seriousness of the problems of hacking, software instability, social stratification and violation of access rights to achievements in the field of AI, nano, cyber and biotechnology, will be able to regulate the principles of human-AI interaction at the UN level.”
Chief moderator of the forum “The vision of the future we want: Foresight 2100” was a Danila Medvedev, Chief moderator of the forum; futurologist and transhumanist, Ph.D. in Economics, director of “Neurocode”, TV presenter of “Science 2.0”, member of the Coordinating Council of the Russian Trans-Humanist Movement. Among the experts are listed Matthew and Cynthia.
The forum also had an Expert session, in which Matthew participated, and was moderated by Professor Ageev, Doctor of Economics, Director General of the International Research Institute of Management Problems (IRIAS), (and many others things). Among the IRIAS partners is listed Darpa. Professor Ageev is a full member of the club of Rome.
I look forward to Matthew’s next, peremptorily crushing Darpa and the club of Rome, brilliant anti-eugenics and anti-transhumanist analysis. And while I wait, I listen to the brilliant performance of Matthew’s moderator in 2021, the full member of the club of Rome and director of an institute with DARPA partner, Professor Ageev.
“War. June 22
symphonic poem; arrangement for two pianos; Music – A. Ageev; A. Ageev – piano, Ivan Kalin – piano
Institute of Economic Strategies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INES), 06/22/2023”
Oops, I’m sorry. I had to stretch a philosophical chew of things long known, repeated for the millionth time, or I had to repeat, also for a millionth time, the well-known facts about the same Roman club, transhumanists, etc., only in relation to the Fallen Western elite, referring to authoritative alt-researchers, if I wanted my comment to be that long. Fully deserved red thumbs, I humbly accept them.
I enjoyed the comment Chuka. It teaches. Always a good thing.
Thanks for this very informative comment.
Meaning there is no one defending the human race which everybody are convinced should “be improved”.
I am a fan myself of both Matthew and Cynthia, two young very bright people who made a fantastic work and wrapped up our true historical political roots and many hidden agenda’s in the official narratives
But as always when we think finally we found someone who “got it”, we discover they are into the same blind gate.
Trans humanism, the cyborg who are lost of spirituality and soul, because they dont need it with their superior “Artificial Intelligence” = False Intelligence, and the crumbs which is necessary is dealt with by copying human behaviour and false emotions.
What these trans humanists are doing, is brainwashing the population into infantilization and artificial global threats, whereafter they will “improve” not only the infantilized youth and the now disfunctional human being, but also “our future” plus they wanna “save the planet” with invisible nanobots and implants and waves nobody can see, and if you insist on a proof to see, you are presented with photos from a microscope.
Sorry to say it to all of your “visionary university academics”.
When you arrive out here in the 3-dimension where true Intelligence prevail, true heart exists, true love conquer everything, where the wind blows, its cold and hot and wet and dirty, all your false Intelligence, false IoT, false personalities, false ideology, all your games are revealed and over.
Still losers as far as I can see!
That’s right, yes.
All Matt and Cynthia have to do if they want to help, or at least fully inform their listeners and readers, is to fully inform them, not to report the same things from the East and from the west in different ways. Who benefits from this? Certainly not their readers and listeners.
By the way, there is an interesting intensification of transhumanist (or subhumanist) tendencies. For example, here’s the info above: accurate and verifiable, with links. And the info is a bit of a shock compared to what’s known so far. Does it matter who says it? No. But there is. If it were reported by an authoritative author, no doubt it would be different. Well, if that’s not form of subhumanism, then what is it?
Precisely what I also write. Subhumanism or infantilization, people and authority who wants to improve because both do not like who the people really are.
Shame because we are all born unique and dont need to be ashamed.
By the way, there are many things in this thread to which the links is linked (and in the other of my front posts). Some of the very interested things, there are nowhere outside of Russia. Including in the well-known boutique information agency on Russia (you know who). It doesn’t matter why it is, but it is. An this is important things, warranty.
The point is, I’m pretty bad in health, and in a few days, a week, I don’t know what’s going to happen to these threads. Maybe they’ll stay, maybe they won’t. So, if anyone is interested, can read, or/and save, or whatever. Just to say
We must remember Kremlin constantly talk about their “equal partners” and if we in the West dismiss their horny love letters, they will just plagiate and copy us in everything anyway within their own sphere.
He began getting publicity just as the covid super-scam was unravelling. Pointing at the masses without specifying just where they had gone astray and who had misled them. This is more social “science”.
What’s YOUR solution?
Sylvia, your articles are flypaper for nihilists.
Sandy, a fascinating comment – one that leaves a reader begging for an explanation. And as a faux nihilist, I humbly beg.
I’d rather be flypaper for nihilists than crazy-glue for denialists
Just sayin’!
If you want bees to come, you need to have some nectar & pollen to make some ecosystem magic do it’s thing.
The presumption being that I’m looking for bees. I am not. Just a human commenting. Not trying to change the world.
So you like the Establishment’s functionality, the “world”, as it is? Or have no thoughts on how it could be organized and participated within to better serve meeting the social needs of Humanity?
My ideas on that are basically simplistic and do not hold a candle to the ideas we often find here in the comment section from far better and informed minds. I am not one to know the answer. Believe me, if I did, I’d shout it in every piece I write but I have no solutions.I am pretty basic in advice: take care of your family, yourself, your community, plant a garden and buy some rice methinks. The only idea I have is that all those with solutions need to come together in an organized fashion similar to the WEF. Everyone seems to want the glory of saving the world and thats too much ego. I know we have now reached a point where analyzing and/or describing the problem is no longer useful.
As long as we believe each of us somehow inferior to “far better and informed minds” we remain as school children hopium-obedient to some mythical parent class superior human that does not exist. Do you not know the kind of world you would want to live in? “Take care of family, yourself, your community, plant a garden and buy some rice” is practical knowledge and acts that are more intelligent than AI will ever be and more useful than anything a WEF member probably has ever done in their ultra privileged lifetimes. If we apply those exact same take-care-ofs you mention to the design of a society, we are half way to the solutions. You underestimate yourself and Humanity when for some inexplicable reason you and others secede their minds over to an “other” when God gave you a mind just as well as all adults. This idea we are not competent, we are not adults and we are not “qualified” to make decisions about our future if it’s anything outside yourself, your family, your community, your garden, is a false consciousness sold to us by our overlords. You want a good WEF? A good knight to save you vs a bad knight that strips you bare for profit? I better trust a collective approach where all the adults get together to decide their own future like you tend your garden.
I wrote this today in Edward Curtin’s article Comments, for some reason not as of now posted. It addresses some of your concerns…
Thanks again Edward!
Upon reading the Mumford quote i explored his work and the book cited. Criticism and seeing the problems we face is clearly the first step. But if we keep circling above the carcass, we’ll not solve the problems. Mumford in Pentagon of Power, according to the Wikipedia write up, was deeply concerned with technology being guided to solving human needs within bioviability concerns. Meaning not technology for it’s own sake that has worse side effects than the “improvements” intended for humans and our Earthly ecosystem. But that Humanity must choose wisely what technology is moved forward and what we must all live with after the fact.
Another article yesterday got me to take a second look at Hannah Arendt’s work, that got her called an anti-Semite. A Jewish person who accurately deconstructed the “banality of evil” that was the engine of the fascist mental virus enabling unsurpassed atrocities upon humanity. Arendt points out to us that what we do is the most important criteria for decision making and taking action in the world. Oppenheimer was a facilitator of atrocity Just as was Adolph Eichmann.
Being in high school in the late 60’s and college early 70’s, the “organic humanism” ideas of Mumford, Arendt, Marshall McLuhan, Buckminster Fuller and many, many others circulated freely and were a conceptual lifeline, for me, seeing our future as being one where the problems will be solved and Humanity will evolve to that better worldwide egalitarian society. We actually knew back then, as did all the writers cited above, all the problems capitalist authoritarian empire faces Humanity with. We just recite them now, over-clocked by the lightspeed of digital technology and the totalitarian abominations it is spawning. The solutions were also hanging in the air then as they are now. What we, Humanity, does in deciding what technologies and policies we self-deploy into our world, is what will make a livable future. We the 99% must decide, not our bad parent 1%.
Things are worse in 2023 than they were in 1969. Virtually none of what Humanity would consider problems have been solved. The 1%’s problems of being richer with greater authority, and autonomy have been solved. But at the expense of a Humanity that has been funneled, controlled and conditioned to stay mentally as school children to obey their instructors and principles and hope their white knights show. We are kept, it seems, in this ruling class cage of 2023 only by ever escalating categories of imminent catastrophe manufactured by 1% decision making. If there is no peace, no pause, no relief, no relaxation, we commoners cannot think about what a better world would be like, much less demand it.
RFK Jr’s policy platform appears to be a large percentage of the solutions that will bring Humanity the peace and wisdom we need to start making that better world. But as a cultured public of school children awaiting White Knights from outside to save us, we will be disappointed. Those policies must be our policies, not the out-of-the-blue Good Parent from above. If we do not assert our needs by crafting the policies that rule society, ourselves, from deconstructing the capitalist war machine, placing limits on wealth and poverty, creating a vibrant Public Commons with Public Banking, Public Utilities, Public Transit and all basic human needs met without 1% rentier profiteering, we will not get to “the good place” evolution wants us to be. One good “leader” will be surrounded by mercenaries of their capitalist masters, thwarted or removed. We must each be as loud as RFK Jr, unrelentingly, without compromise and act to be in non-compliance, disobedience to the totalitarian ruling class. We then must remove the capitalist mercenaries and replace them with our power to design, vet and approve policy, technologies and their deployment. We have the technology to make this so.
“There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is a dangerous activity.” Hannah Arendt
Sandy, i have great faith in your thinking. In the past when I’ve taken on leadership type roles I have a very clear idea of what was needed and how to do it. In this case… nadda. I am unclear on everything. I’m at the point where I can’t even envisage the world I would want. I do think however that human nature eeems to need to blame and the WEF is certainly capable of handling the anger and judgment whereas people fighting each other in proxy is pretty damaging and hopeless and distracting. So I will direct people to the WEF for the inevitable blame until such time as we all grow up. Or they start realizing they aren’t the only people with ideas on the planet. Also. Stop these stupid wars. I am also old and look to the younger people to find their solutions. I don’t understand their world anymore. Thank you always for your efforts.
Syl, you have all the solutions in what you just spoke, but are not seeing it! You do not want war. In the US that desire would be to reduce the Defense, State, HS & Spy departments by 90% and bringing all the troops and Spies home. No more foreign empire. That’s a Policy. We, the 99% can make policy. It is the People’s rights whether UK or US or anywhere. You want yourself, your family, your community to thrive. Policies that actualize that eliminate industrial pollution, create Public Banking with nominal rates and universal access to credit for everyone, with limitations on wealth and poverty. If we just extrapolate from our basic needs the policies that achieve that. We hire implementation technicians to direct existing staff, what used to be 1/7th of employed peoples. What we want, what the bottom 95% want, comes first. We hire government staff to implement. Is that so complicated? And “leaders” are the reason Humanity is on the brink of disaster. Everyone is their own leader. Participate. Express desires. Create directives. Hire employees to make it so.
This is doable if people get involved in making it so. Voting for personalities in no way does this.
THere you go Sandy. You got it. See what I mean. Now… how do you get all these different people who understand this to come together and make it happen? Therein lies the rub. There are lots of groups. You will tell me of one. Another will tell me of another. There are many talking heads also saying the right things. Meanwhile, the machine that is the WEF keeps on rolling. is it going to be about one movement or about all of them swelling up? I do not know. Do you?
Why is my previous response to Syl “pending”? There is not one link or offensive language.
In a spirit of love, the MC take on the Oppenheimer film, which opens today.
The first word I thought of when I saw that film coming out was, “propaganda”. I can’t despise those involved, especially the actors, enough. They’re traitors, plain and simple. It’s hard to remember one so obvious. Maybe that one film about the fake killing of Bin Laden.
Thanks. Oppenheimer‘s certainly on my watchlist. And I’d agree. The “film could not be more prescient”.
The world seems ever closer to nuclear war. With the US recently moving nuclear subs to South Korea. And as you write, that virtual lack of social warnings, as to the consequences (unlike like century) is highly disturbing.
The only questions remaining (at least currently) would seem to be who, where and when it will start
The end is near. The end solution.
In defence of Mattias Desmet (in echo of “Potty Mouth the Clown”): with the above quoted from Desmet’s book: Chapter 8 — entitled “Conspiracy and Ideology”; which starts with the simple instructions to draw something called a “Sierpinski triangle” which is a self-repeating fractal patterning; and the admonition to bear that in mind whilst reading.
How do you get ~4-5 bn to analogously draw a self-repeating, self-organising, spontaneously-ordered patterning we call civilisation? You don’t know? Well, by doing exactly what you are doing right now. Civilisation does not ‘emerge’ from your self-organising behaviour – it is your spontaneously self-organising behaviour. And mine, and everybody else’s. Only, not a lot of people know that because they think in self-acting, linearised as localised, mechanistic patterns of behaviour we call our own, without ever considering anybody else might be doing self-similar things out of sight, out of mind ‘drawing self-repeating triangles’.
Well: ~4-5bn otherings are also working ‘drawing’ civilisation right now. Civilisation is remarkably integrated totalisation of localised behaviour patterns that we are choosing, self-acting, self-regulating and self-governing; analogously drawing a globalisation “Sierpinski triangle” by our decisions and actions alone. Actions that are own self-governing consummatory behaviour, undergoing biofeedback self-control; the totalisation of which would be completely uncontrollable by external regulators – elite or not.
We might not comprehend spontaneous order, but we can participate in its performance – and we do – and then scapegoat the blame on psychiatric boogeymen. In other words: we perform our own supermassive massification formation of civilisation without even being aware we are doing it.
Anthropogenic massification as economically organised is a species-level event. Does everybody really not know what they are doing at any one time? Of course they do locally, they just ignore the undeniable fact that they are collectively working toward a globalised spontaneous order. Desmet does not go so far as to follow his own logical-analytical “mechanical ideology” to its logical end; which should conclude that anthropogenesis — as individual performance — is in fact massification psychosis of the people in totalisation – without leaders.
The whole internet is seemingly is alive with conspiracy theories of all stripes trying to offload blame onto phantasms for the spontaneous self-organised activity of all of the people, all of the time. But ‘blame’ itself is a part of the “hyper-strict morality” of the “mechanical ideology” as explained in the previous chapters.
So, the blame game is one of the preconditions of massification; and the whole thing becomes self-reinforcing behavioural biofeedback up to a critical mass. The solution is not to “remain objective” and refuse to take sides (which is the actions of those who will eventually join the sub-group); the solution is to speak out and stop, or at least try to stop, a self-organised criticality.
The further solution is a more connected way of thinking outlined in Part 3: “Beyond the Mechanistic Worldview”…. Which should be required reading. Perhaps CJ could do a review? Or learn dynamic systems to explain one’s own behaviour in a globalised leaderless and agentless activity. Enjoy.
That’s a lot of words but they are navel gazing. There is nothing spontaneous about “civilisation”- it is fundamentally opposed to spontaneity and it is patently neither natural nor “emergent”. It is enforced.
The etymolgy of the word itself is revealing.
Most likely you will retort with “everything that exists and happens is natural” which would be yet another pointless word exercise- what is natural is not defined by words but by direct experience and feeling.
How can there be something “not natural” ? That is what we might call the side effects of the singularity which is life on this planet….. and the human calling is to deal with those before we can really live.
I do not know you, you do not know me: but we share in the same activity — as does everbody else…. So how do we know what to do in our decentralised activity? I was born, educated, and trained to do a specific task which I chose to do and I perform my own actions at every stage of my life — and so do you…. and by extension: so does everybody else. (Caveat: I’m writing from a First World perspective; I’m not extending this to the Third World; they are good enough to extend us this privilige.)
I do my bit (I actually was a builder); you do your bit, everybody else does their bit — and civilisation gets built. So who controlled all the activity? You and me, or somebody else enforcing you?
Desmet is absolutely right and CJs phantasising ‘globocap.’ ‘Globocap’ is you, me, and everybody else doing what they chose to do without forcing: the ‘enforcers’ are in the head. However, the Third World does not get the choice, or such a wide ‘free’ choice. Our freedom is their unfreedom in zero sum distribution.
Did it never occur to you that the “mechanistic ideology” of everybody individuated on their own is in fact mass totalitarianism? Everybody seems to want to reject the materialism and reductive mechanism of science and reason — but are quite happy to retain the “enlightenment personality” of hyperindividuation; which is itself a precursor or symptom of mass psychosis?
Without appealing to nonlinear dynamics — nobody could build civilisation on their own; we do it together. It stands to reason that every essential anthropogenic act is in motion now — an elite controller would have to control ~3-4bn people. No need, we control the act ourselves. The ‘Master’ only ‘exists’ if we assume we are subordinate ‘slaves’ enforced into daily activity. The idea of elit control is a logical absurdity and a mass formation meme which seems to get everybody distracted while they do the work themselves.
I can explain civilisation for ya.
Instead of being our own carpenter, doctor, engineer, musician, plumber, m.m. we specialize us into each our discipline to cooperate into become a more effective society.
Civilisation creates big classic music orchestras, priests who specialises in religion, Physicians who can do complicated surgery, Architects who build monumental buildings, etc.
This is called civilisation.
RE “There is nothing spontaneous about “civilisation”- it is fundamentally opposed to spontaneity and it is patently neither natural nor “emergent”. It is enforced.”
That’s not just mere “navel gazing” but wallowing in deep fantasies about real reality.
All of “civilization” is the predictable outcome of what humans are naturally and willfully, it’s just categorically and eternally denied and “hidden” — The 2 Married Pink Elephant Human Civilization
“Never hide the truth to spare the feelings of the ignorant.” — Mikhail Bulgakov
We the people of the world are at war, and have been at war, for centuries with TPTB. Most just didn’t know of or see the war.
The War on Pollution
The War on Climate
The War on Drugs
The War on Terrorists
The War on Viruses
We the people of the world are the pollution, climate,users, terrorists and virus.
The idea that we the people of the world must accept austerity for the “good of the earth”, is just a variation of collectivism. The idea that we the people of the world must die by the billions to save the one.
Anyone suggesting that the people of the world are responsible, when we are essentially at the bottom of the power and decision making totem pole, is ignorant or complicit with TPTB.
Governments and Corporations, period, are the ones responsible for any perceived, or real, damage to the environment. The average person doesn’t spill tons of chemicals or waste into waterways, expend radioactive ordinance, release potentially deadly bacteria, make everything with planned obsolescence filling landfills, strip mine the earth for toxic rare earth metals, or seek to make and use weapons of mass destruction, and destroy energy production for the purpose of price gouging.
Those that align themselves with TPTB, will get exactly what they deserve. The time of reckoning is coming.
For the record, I’d like to say that whoever are Thomas’ “We the People”, I am not a member of that subset of people.
I’m Potty Mouth the Fucking Clown and I wish to be part of no group of some people. In fact, I don’t particularly care if I’m people at all. Especially if Thomas is him the people.
So Thomas, next time you refer to “You the People”, kindly append a mention that the said people exclude Potty Mouth the Fucking Clown, just to make sure that nobody thinks that I’m a member of your deranged cult. Thanks in advance, cowboy!
I strongly doubt anyone cares enough to put it on the record.
Right, anyone that doesn’t prescribe to your worldview is in a cult.
See you down range.
You probably meant “subscribe”, but words got in the way …
Happens to you all the time, no biggie …
This is the definition of prescribe:
intransitive verb
To set down as a rule, law, or direction.
To order the use of (a medicine or other treatment).
To establish rules, laws, or directions.
This is the definition of subscribe
intransitive verb
To pledge or contribute (a sum of money).
To sign (one’s name) at the end of a document, especially to attest to or authenticate it.
To sign one’s name to (a document) in attestation, testimony, or consent.on of subscribe
I will assert that based on these definitions, my use of the word prescribe is more acceptable, based on context, than subscribe.
So you’re the one confused about words. No one mentioned money or signing any documents. Next time you want to deflect your lack of intellect ,with what you think is proper work usage, look in the mirror first.
You’re still not going to make it.
As an impartial reader, subscribe is the more accurate word.
1. (Banking & Finance) (usually foll by to) to pay or promise to pay (a sum of money) as a contribution (to a fund or charity, for a magazine, etc), esp at regular intervals
2. (Law) to inscribe or sign (one’s name, etc) at the end of a contract, will, or other document
3. (foll by: to) to give support or approval: to subscribe to the theory of transubstantiation.
Thomas, you could say prescribe a worldview, but you can’t say prescribe to a worldview.
Anyway, no biggie, as I said. Maybe you were thinking of watering the tree of liberty, too busy worrying about words.
This is the Webster’s Dictionary definition of Prescribe.
This is the Webster’s Dictionary definition of Subscribe.
I will assert again, you fail at word usage and comprehension.
Using another account to try and back yourself up is lame.
The Tree of Liberty is to be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots from time to time, to maintain freedom and liberty. Obviously your blood is in the tyrant / peasant category.
You still aren’t going to make it.
Well, I’m a Gemini and there are many me’s.
I can’t imagine living such a boring life as yours, as Thomas Frey, the refresher of the tree of liberty.
As per PMtC, who drew the operative distinction:
“Thomas, you could say prescribe a worldview, but you can’t say prescribe to a worldview.”
Your meaning and intent are clear in context, but prescribe is the wrong word.
All the toxicity you mention has an end product – and that product is, sad to say, the lowly ones at the bottom of the power chain who partake of the fruits of said toxicity.
Cast everything TPTB offer as “progress” into the flames and the top layers of the power chain will go away – to fight another day, in another way.
The only ones who never “align themselves with TPTB” inhabit graveyards. The living are plagued by the twin pillars of “civilization”: needing and wanting.
To the list above we could add “War on the elites”, and that also constitutes a war against our own culture/civilisation. Solzhenitsyn also says the corrupting element of power is emergent unless the leaders are subservient to God.
The criticism of Matthias Desmet was by Moneycircus, who was once but never again published on Off-Guardian – for reasons that were never explained.
Anywhoo… the article is here
We delved into the topic in many articles:
Ah moneycircus, thank you for the clarification. I had thought it was Hopkins. Perhaps both?
We’re already there – instead of God we bow daily to our phones and the stimulant laden pornography of modern culture.
The Big Corp’s Chief ideologist from Israel ,Yuri something, even bragged about how he got all worshippers out of the Church where they were praying up to God in heaven.
Via behavioural science made them worship Big tech praying down to Zoom:and spending all their money on 15 different Apple and Microsoft updates.
“Dear God, You who are inside my Flat screen, praised be your name Microsoft, coming your digital Reich, give us today our daily e-money, free us from the evil real God, in Bill Gates name, Amen.”…………….LOL……………The Deceiver did it again.
Yes, “we’re” here due to an accumulation of coerced decisions that extend before many of our lifetimes. How ‘we’ proceed now is soo key. Especially, if the intention is to scupper the parasites preferred outcome. Though they appear to be content with capturing 30/40% of the Western population & criminalising the rest.
Homesteading & getting out of cities, if able, is still such an important option to take. Volunteer, offer any skill you possess or are willing to learn. If one’s intention is to enjoy your remaining time here ok, yet feel that is it really possible to do that with a clear conscience unless ‘you’ also help people decouple/escape.
To decouple from “modern” society & starve the beast, as to show it can be done, will hopefully prove an inspiration to others.
“Resistance is Feudal” the late great Alan Watt. He lived in Canada surprised his example hasn’t inspired more there.
To which I always ask what do you do with 8 million people in New York City? However, that said, I agree.
There is a choice. There’s many people offering shelter & food to people, in Europe, for a pre arranged volunteering agreement. To assist on people’s land. Be it restoration projects or picking fruit & veg to looking after livestock.
So if people want to stay or can’t afford to leave cities, it’s understandable. But there’s options for those unable to afford a farm.
The choice is based on what do you truly value? Living in these open air asylums or returning to source & pursing an autonomous life style. I’ve chosen so perhaps I’m biased. The mentality out here is far better than the manic vibe in major cities.
I advise anyone to leave cities asap
Leave the city. Move to some banana republic, the less advanced (meaning advanced on its way down the tubes) the better.
If you miss the city, which the city boy in me sometimes kinda does, go for a short visit and the pure phantasmagoria there will assure you that you’ve made a good choice by getting the fuck out.
Fuck me! Is that agreement lol.
I don’t miss it. Been lucky enough to see a far bit of this world. I like this way of life. But it’s the tech now that I want to shed at some point.
Also, I believe you misinterpreted my comment & imagine I’ve some sort responsibility, somehow, unbeknownst to myself, over 8 million New Yorker’s.
They’ve the right to bear arms, they’ll work it out eventually. If they can stop killing eachother that is.
I think these “elites” are as helplessly and hopelessly caught in the grip of what might be called The Universal DNA as the lowliest beings in the food chain (that would be gnats!). They do what “elites” have been programmed to do since humanity began its march to “civilization,” which is to slowly destroy civilization.
Every species is pre-programmed for extinction. “Oh not us!” many humans will insist. Each species does everything it’s wired to do; and all of it leads inexorably to its own termination.
The “proof” (since way too many consider that quaint notion relevant) lies in the simple fact that even when it’s repeatedly pointed out the absolute folly of, e.g., things like climate engineering, which is destroying the planet’s life support systems – the folly still continues unabated. Nobody really wants to stop it or to even know how to stop it.
They think they do, they say they do; they say this all ends when I get my gun; but nothing happens. One cadre of “elites” gets mowed down; another swiftly takes its place. And the extinction event goes on.
Hmm, I hear a song coming on.
Sonny & Cher – The Beat Goes On (Official Music Video) – YouTube
Great Comment.
I just wish they were “helplessly caught”…
To me they don’t seem anywhere near panicky and desperate enough…
Personally, I don’t go with the “every species is pre-programmed for extinction” thing either.
The reason is that we have a unique quality as a species: The ability to recognize our own ability to choose, regrettably along with our potential for self-extinction due to making inappropriate choices.
Other animals certainly become extinct, but in their case the matter is taken out of their hands.
Also, one or two unhinged or abnormal specimens of an animal group are not generally going to bring down the entire species.
Today, it is generally man’s existence which threatens other species, as well as himself, but then there is always the potential for evolutionary change:
Given the vast time-scales in which anthropologists generally work, man surely doesn’t always have to look, or behave the way he does today?
And then there is the non-physical aspect to our existence as a species.
Whatever I can prove, or not prove, I believe normal individuals are in contact with their own self in ways which external science doesn’t even begin to explain.
A simple act like lifting one’s arm involves countless near-instantaneous chemical and electrical processes of which we have no consciousness at all.
It just happens because we decide to do it. All we register is, “I need to reach out for that cup of coffee”, and everything that is necessary for that just takes place.
How long would that action take if we had to initiate all those processes consciously?
Frankly, I think we generally know next to nothing about how or why they work.
They just do, when we need them to.
I say all this just to paint a more optimistic picture for our future evolution, and I hope you’ll be with us then, Howard, in one form or another, along with your healthy cynicism.
Elites come and go – yes, constantly – but they never win everybody over to their side, no matter how comfortable such a capitulation might seem to many.
The great mystery of instinct wardropper?
As with Love.
No thinking required.
With serious matters, I reckon thinking is always required, but it’s also nice to have an OFF switch for occasional use – just to prevent overload… 🙂
Crocodiles and related species did not get the memo on extinction. Also, microbes are evolving all the time: that is or is not extinction, as you wish.
The thing that absolutely places the “elites'” helplessness in cement is their stunning ability not to see how they’re as much playthings of reality (the real reality – not the reality they create) as the lowliest amoeba.
Their great power and wealth is very much akin to Sisyphus endlessly pushing the boulder uphill only to have it roll back down each time.
Some people blaming everything on an elite is supposed to be similar to the masses who fully supported gov actions during the lockdowns?
Either there are not responsible elites or its not everything?
Whatever, they pass laws prepared years before in anticipation of manufactured events and any and all opposition is met with extreme violence. None of that is some unreal psychology.
The point is to move beyond such a simplistic analysis (not yours).
Those who bog down the debate in: there is a one world government, all countries are in on the game, but there’s no such thing as the Great Reset (the same gambit that Antifa etc are spontaneous and unorganised)… are prima facie inconsistent.
But read around here… you will see just such a line.
My conclusion (only mine, as a freak) is that the “alt” media that purvey such inconsistencies are not alt.
One of the more irritating aspects of the last covid farce was how the ambulances would make siren noises as they careered up and down the High Street. Of course these vehicles were usually empty and those terrified inside were shitting themselves, ”Oh dear we’re dooooomed”! The police were in on it as well. We got used to it pretty quickly though and just ignored the bullshit.
There were also those masked true-believers who had got themselves kitted-out with those welders masks when they were on sale:- yours for £95. Money down the drain or what?
Same here, in the Netherlands there are still lots of sirens, from police, ambulances and fire trucks. They started turning them on at night, even 3AM in a densely populated area. There’s constant patrols of helicopters.
I was cycling on a rural road with no other car in sight and an ambulance came by with sirens on. Never seen anything like it before.
Nazgul dementers – uncouple the sound from its previous meaning.
The 3 AM timing may be deliberate. Many of those who go to sleep at 10-12 may then be beginning the dream state. That could be an ideal time to introduce such a potentially alarming stimulus.
The grey zone article about who blew up the Russian bridge the other day raises all sorts of questions about ex Intelligence people working for private companies incorporated in one country but contracting with foreign governments. The article sheds light on the massive explosion that took place in Libya a few years back.
talk about changing the world? What exactly constitutes a crime against humanity?
a corrupt act by a government employee, blowing up dams, blowing up bridges, murdering people because they speak a different or outlawed language or because they are of the wrong religion or come from a different culture, sanctioning governments as a means cause a revolt against the leaders of sanctioned government, marketing pharmaceuticals including vaccines that have not been proven safe? Just what should the people deem to be a crime against humanity? Where can the people find the power to indite, prosecute and punish those who commit crimes against humanity. IMO, the world will not change until the people have the power to punish those who commit crimes against humanity.
This is a tricky debate to settle conclusively. Ultimately we are collectively responsible for the situation we find ourselves as we all went along with the plans that led us here, on the other hand decades of manipulated situations propaganda and powerful psychological techniques were utilised by leaders to drive the unwitting masses in the direction they wanted. Perhaps a binary answer is incorrect, and that it’s the case that we are all guilty, though some are more culpable than others. At the end of the day finding someone to blame is futile and achieves nothing, or efforts would be better spent finding solutions to the problems we face. That may include finding ways to stop the few from herding the masses like sheep.
Precisely. Gotta look to the future, not to the past. And even if there were one identifiable motherfucker guilty of the deep shit the world is in, which there isn’t because it is the result of humankind’s collective actions, what would it solve to point the finger at him?
It would solve nothing.
So you think the trajectory of the world is just a coincidence caused they the collective actions of all people, resulting in unintended consequences?
Do you view yourself as a “Coincidence Theorist”?
What other things / events in life follow your theory of unintended consequences in nature?
Do you think a Tornado can run through a junkyard and create a functional machine?
Do you think poems and music can write themselves into juxtaposition to form a song?
The trajectory of the world is not coincidence, but result of all the actions hitherto carried out by all the people in conjunction with phenomena occurring in their habitat.
I don’t view myself as nothing.
The rest of your babble is hallucinatory phantasms that I cannot respond to because I have no idea what you’re talking about. Try to focus on the subject matter.
Music ain’t it, not to mention that you know shit about it.
So how many people, not corporations, not members of a corporation, not government, do you know of that have spilled tons of chemicals into waterways? Caused 1000s of acres to burn? Designed a faulty EV that is likely to explode if in an accident? Controls your access to food? Controls your access to utilities?
Do any of your neighbors set the prices for utilities in your neighborhood?
Does anyone you know, decide how many illegal immigrants get to land on your shores and take possession of housing at taxpayer expense?
Do you know anyone personally that has by policy destroyed energy production for your place of residence?
So you are just something, nothing specific, because you have zero moral convictions?
Yes, questions are hard to understand for the intellectually dishonest, and disingenuous.
No one’s knowledge of music was questioned or asserted.
Try harder at not deflecting.
What’s this rant now supposed to mean, man? Individual people obviously don’t have the power collectives of people do. But collectives are composed of people.
BTW, I do know some people who make the kind of decisions you allude to. So what?
Anyway, try to refrain from mixing apples with oranges and adding copious amounts of piss and shit in there for a good measure.