REVIEW: America on the Brink
The Final, Splendid Achievement of the Late Theologian, David Ray Griffin
Elizabeth Woodworth

Author of more than 50 books, Dr. David Ray Griffin has been compared to Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King for his courage and dedication to seeking truth.
Griffin was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace prize, and was named in 2009 by the New Statesman as “one of the 50 people who matter today.”
His final book, a chilling yet deeply moving page-turner with over 500 references, recounts the history of US global domination strategies of “democracy promotion.”
A world-famous theologian, Griffin died in November, 2022, amidst media silence: As seen below, he was far too dangerous to be remembered in an obituary.
“America on the Brink,” which he completed from his death-bed, has now been published six months after his passing.
Its foreword, “In Homage,” by Princeton University Professor emeritus of international law, Dr. Richard Falk, refers to Griffin as “one of the most important thinkers and public intellectuals of our time.”
Falk suggests that the legacy media sadly ignored Griffin’s death because his worldwide stature as a theologian would have given credibility to his 12 scholarly books on 9/11.
One of these, “The New Pearl Harbor Revisited,” was named “pick of the week” by the leading-edge Publishers Weekly in 2008 (only 51 books a year receive this distinction. PW is widely read by most publishers, libraries, and bookstores.) Predictably, all other reviewers remained silent.
Now, while not overly long or complex, Griffin’s readable “America on the Brink” exposes, on one hand, the US propaganda crusades to “protect” sovereign democracies from imagined Communist threats. On the other hand, it reveals the deadly, secret US military coups that have killed untold numbers of civilians while remaining mostly in the shadows. The grisly 2002-03 Bush-Cheney tactics against Saddam Hussein in Iraq (who had been earlier financed by the US) are particularly abhorrent.
Worse was the systematic destruction of successful, bustling Libya in 2011, following the country’s nationalization of its oil industry and its development as a modern, educated nation. (Notably, Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s move towards a gold-backed currency would have weakened the US dollar.)
Not only was Gaddafi shot dead during the US/NATO involvement, but his national man-made irrigation river, which had given all of Libya self-sufficiency in agriculture, was obliterated.
Prior to 1989, before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of America as the single unipower, US regime-change operations had been limited to sovereign nations such as Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Brazil, Panama, Vietnam, Greece, and Indonesia (each of which is summarized in this book).
But during negotiations after the fall of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact alliance, Russia stressed that a one-sided expansion of the surviving US-led NATO alliance would constitute a serious existential threat to Russia.
In response, the US promised in 1990 not to extend NATO “one inch eastward” than it was at that time.
However, by 1998, the US Senate had given approval to add Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic to NATO.
Griffin quotes the response of America’s top expert on Russia, historian and diplomat George F. Kennan:
“I think NATO expansion is the beginning of a new cold war…I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else…I was particularly bothered by the references to Russia as a country dying to attack Western Europe. Don’t people understand? Our differences in the Cold War were with the Soviet Communist regime. And now we are turning our backs on the very people who mounted the greatest bloodless revolution in history to remove that Soviet regime. Of course, there is going to be a bad reaction from Russia…”
Heedlessly, however, the United States has sought over time, using Ukraine as its “torpedo,” to engineer regime change militarily via NATO (whose Supreme Commander has always been a 4-star US general) and US weapons:
- first, in the violent US-backed coup of 2014
- second, in an 8-year war on the two Russian-speaking Donbass republics, and
- third, in the US-provoked war of 2022-23.
The US Government/CIA/NATO have also funded and trained the Ukrainian right-wing extremist neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which carried out the tragic Odessa massacre in 2014.
In 2022, the US pledged to “move heaven and earth” to help Ukraine – yet there has been no diplomacy towards a goal of saving Ukrainian lives during a war in which “Ukraine does the dying; America does the supplying.”
Meanwhile, US-backed television-star-turned-President Volodymyr Zelensky has accumulated millions that are invested in the shadowy Pandora Papers financial system, and owns an 11-bedroom 3-storey mansion in South Florida.
Griffin reports that in March 2022, in a faux pas that made US news, President Biden publicly exclaimed about Putin: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”
It is clear from this evidence of regime change that the American aim has not been “to spare Ukraine, but to ruin Russia.”
Throughout all this, the US information warfare capability (for example, American reporters attending the staged propaganda Bucha massacre in 2022) is unmatched because it controls the Internet gatekeepers of content, such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Wikipedia.
Conversely, omission by Western media of the key causes of the Russian invasion has been likened to “describing a chessboard with only black pieces.”
The full truth can be found in the Global South, where 88% of the world’s population does not align with Washington on the Ukraine issue.
In summary, US unipolar strategy has attempted to run the world from one country, thereby sacrificing vision and support for a collaborative world in which small countries retain individuality and partnerships without interference.
Alternatively, in October 2022, President Putin referred to a “symphony of human civilization,” in which nobody thinks their sound is the best.
Cited independent Australian journalist Caitlin Johnstone puts it best:
The strongest argument for a multipolar world is that maintaining a unipolar one necessarily requires endless violence and continually escalating nuclear brinkmanship. It is literally unsustainable. There’s no valid reason nations can’t just get along and collaborate toward the greater good of humanity without one of them trying to dominate the others. The unipolarist impulse to rule the earth stops this peaceful and collaborative world from emerging. There is no “Pax Americana.” Unipolarism is the opposite of peace.”
Griffin concludes:
The true story about Ukraine is so terrible that every effort has been made to try to block every avenue of truth which would enable most Americans to see the falsity of Biden’s claims. In short, the American government is resorting to fascism to defend democracy.”
This book review only scratches the surface of the US atrocities abroad that are revealed in Griffin’s final work – about which most Americans (if they were allowed to know about them) would hang their heads in shame.
Originally publish by Global Research
Elizabeth Woodworth is highly engaged in climate change science and activism. She has published 42 articles on Global Research, is co-author of “Unprecedented Climate Mobilization”, “Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival,” and co-producer of the COP21 video “A Climate Revolution For All.” She is author of the popular handbook on nuclear weapons activism, “What Can I Do?” and the novel, “The November Deep”. For 25 years, she served as head medical librarian for the BC Government. She holds a BA from Queen’s and a Library Sciences Degree from UBC.
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The fate of the US Empire is the fate of all empires. Like its predecessors, it does not see its eventual fate. Teleologically we convince ourselves power is real – but it’s an illusion. That self-deception continues to rule our destiny.
For at least a century, the dominant pole has been the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy”.
The President and the Press
Delivered in Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, April 27, 1961.
Pushing a multi-polar world order? This is ATROCIOUS. That’s exactly what the Council on Foreign Relations is pushing. In an article from late June, raised the point that the G7 is becoming outdated, with the G20 becoming a “better” option (it includes all five BRICS powers).
What Does the G7 Do? The Group of Seven (G7) serves as a forum to coordinate global policy, but experts are increasingly questioning the group’s relevance. CFR dot org editors, 6/28/23.
G20-G7=lucky number 13; means control of the world is in the hands of the Oligarch owned global corporations. America is not on the brink, maybe you meant the USA? There is a giant difference.
“America on the brink” was not my phrase, but the author’s. Goldman Sachs loves the multi-polar prospect.
Most vaccinologists believe in the efficacy of vaccines. Most psychiatrists believe in the reality of psychiatric illnesses. Most theologians believe in the relevance of theology. And most climate scientists believe in the reality catastrophic, anthropogenic, global warming. Or at least they say they do if their mortgage payments, pension funds, social standing, etc are dependent on them holding such positions.
The following is Sunstein-level shite coming from David Ray Griffin. As I said previously, my guess in that of an “Epstein” connection. Please note; beyond the introduction, I’ve only skim-read.
9/11 and Global Warming: Are They Both False Conspiracy Theories?
By David Ray Griffin
September 11, 2015
The phrase “theory of global warming” is used here as shorthand for a fourfold conviction:
1. Increases of the percentage of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are raising the planet’s average temperature.
2. The main cause of these increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases is the burning of fossil fuels.
3. The global warming produced by these fossil-fuel emissions is starting to change the climate.
4. This climate change, if it continues, will become increasingly destructive.
Because this fourfold conviction is held by virtually all climate scientists around the world, the theory of global warming can also be called “the position of climate science.” Individuals and organizations who dispute climate science in this sense are referred to as “climate-science deniers,” “climate-change deniers” or “global-warming deniers.” Often the term “denialism” is used for the active argument against climate science, with those engaged in this argument called “denialists.”
I ask the question about the relevance of 9/11 to climate science not only because many members of the 9/11 Truth Movement have supported global-warming denialism, but also because the success of this denialist movement has been disastrous.
As I have documented in a 2015 book, the denialist movement was formed and financed by the fossil-fuel industry, and the doubt it created has been used to delay legislation to restrict the use of fossil fuels – a delay that may result in the destruction of civilization. Climate deniers call this fear “alarmism.” But there are times when alarm is appropriate and, my book argues, this is the supreme example.
From DRG’s article:
Who Would Benefit from Fabricating Global Warming?
Some people suggest that the “government” in question is the United Nations. But the U.N. is not a government and has no power to act apart from the willingness of the nations to follow its suggestions – or, in the case of the Security Council, of the nations constituting it. The U.N. did create the IPCC and supports its work, but it has no power to act on climate change other than calling meetings and publishing reports. And the IPCC did not create the idea that emissions from fossil fuels are causing global warming, which in turn causes climate change. Rather, the IPCC was formed in response to a growing consensus among climate scientists about these connections.
So, if there is a culprit for a global warming hoax, it must be the scientists themselves.
The people who would benefit are those who WANT the UN to be a global government and to have the power to act over and above individual nations. Indeed, that is what DRG advocates in his “global governance” videos (see previous posts) and CAGW is at the core of his argument as to why the world needs global government. Consequently, the terroristic threat is fabricated so as to achieve desired outcomes for an identifiable class of people; i.e. The Bilderbergers, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Royal Dutch Shell, etc.
With regard to the actual climate “scientists”, one of the things demonstrated by Climategate is that they were clearly third-raters. Furthermore, this demonstrates that the hoax didn’t require capable scientists and was far more focussed on the control of the political and media space.
Talk about Lost the plots in a dark wood…
Everything-everything was in gear and happening, long before 1997,
With Plausible Deniability ! !
Obviously, the D.o.D. did not want to be held accountable for their experimentation with the High Auroral Accoustic Research Programming.
So, they allowed the purchase of ARCO Patents and effectively Bernard Eastlund’s
Electronic Designs and delegated legal responsibility to Corporations like,
Monsanto, Enron & B.P. :- who were well prepared with GMO Drought Resistant Seed and highly speculative Weather orientated Fund Management systems on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. All to rout, with consistent droughts, Heritage
Seed & Farmers, forced to sell their lands, cheaperrr… GEC wanted to buy HAARP,
Actually, but their Lawyers advised against the Acquisition. No wonder why…
Human GuineaPigs, would bankrupt GEC, see ? Also, in 1997, the Engineering of the Weather was officially & publically declared ” A FORCE MULTIPLIER ” by the D.o.D. ! ! Which dots have you not connected ? Climate Science begins, the moment we cease to engineer IT and own up to the mistakes that the
Compartmentalised Scientists made, additionally their A.I.M.s …
Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors ! E.g. like that of ‘Tsar Bomba’
Review your lenses. Forget fossil fuels & carbon footprint.
Focus on the A.I.M.s to project & transfer Guilt,
Over to you…
Try presenting your argument – as an argument – and I’ll give it some consideration.
Thanks Lost for retrieving the 2 videos you posted. I remember the first one, and it was part of why I turned off DRG at the time. I hadn’t seen the 2nd one from the “Truth Alliance” before. I’m not sure why you say that you’re undecided about DRG, after you’ve said it’s Sunstein-level shite (which I agree) and other similar comments.
You have to check the date-time stamps. My views have been developing!
I’ve got five books by Griffin et al: New Pearl Harbor, Revisited, Debunking, Contradictions and American Empire. But I didn’t follow it much after 2009. I followed Climategate in real-time, but thought AGW was effectively finished after that. That is, it would continue as a grift, but wouldn’t ever again become a major policy position.
I think the CRU “hack” was a well-planned, military intelligence, psywar operation. It included: harassing the scientists with FOI requests; getting them to send emails to each other; and probably having an IT contractor at East Anglia University to archive the files.
I was aware DRG made the occasional iffy comment, but I don’t remember him ever being involved in the climate debate. Also, the above article seems to be box ticking rather than an attempt to influence anything – that he’s required to produce it. Indeed, all “his” stuff might be ghost written with his name attached – same with Chomsky!
Freedom of Information requests to the Climatic Research Unit featured in press discussions of disputes over access to data from instrumental temperature records, particularly during the Climatic Research Unit email controversy which began in November 2009.
The UK Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) came into effect in 2005, and FOI requests were made to the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) for the raw data from weather stations used in developing instrumental temperature record datasets, for copies of agreements under which the raw data was obtained from meteorology institutions, and also for email correspondence relating to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report.
Yes, I’m sure, as Nick said in his comment that basically it’s just a ‘simple mistake’….on DRG’s part.
He continuously dissected a lot of the aspects of the Sept 11 con for over a decade, before switching to the greatest horror of all apparently….which to DRG was (using his term here) **Runaway Global Warming** (in the second video which Lost posted to this thread further down the page). DRG had also focused attention on the false flags, etc, committed by the US.
In other words, he’s been countering all of the official narratives of the American empire with the sole exception of the Grandest Narrative of them all (the fake climate one) which ensures global government, coming in on the back of the continuous series of fake virus (“tripledemics”, etc) plagues.
It’s a coincidence that he just happened to be right on board (since the early 90’s he says) with Global Governance-control…the ultimate endgame & agenda of the orchestrators, with of course a side-order of the simultaneous depop & transhuman, anti-human, anti-anything of “natural life” agenda.
He is very silent when asked what to do with the creeps who would obviously be taking (more like keeping) control of the reins of the world gov’t.
I guess he would be content (see the second video) to know that his concern with *overpopulation* ….well, that is or soon will no longer be a concern. (See, we really don’t need a one world gov’t to solve all of our “problems”).
That pesky little issue has been suddenly & unexpectedly solved.
All it took was several billion, or so, needles-in-arms (weapons disguised as innoculations) equitably & sustainably distributed at warped-speed.
Maybe only hang your head in shame…if anyone didn’t or still doesn’t see the con of the chosen ‘leader’ (imo, all of the truth ‘leaders’ were chosen) for the truth movement, selected bc he was for decades, as he said, already working for “global governance.” Pls don’t be scared of that term….he means of
course the really really GOOD kind!! Not the bad kind. Oh brother.
Okay, well there goes my theory that the article might have been ghost written!
Can Civilization Survive the Climate Crisis?
David Pakman Show
Apr 3, 2015
David Ray Griffin, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of Religion and Theology at the Claremont School of Theology, Claremont Graduate University, and the author of Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis?, joins David to discuss the funding and false-science of the climate change denial movement
wow, thanks Lost for posting, but I don’t think I can possibly watch (stomach) another of him….it’s just a complete load of HOOEY. I’m going to have to laugh bc it’s so sad to see/hear.
“99% of scientists agree”….oh, okay then. That’s a lie, but whatever. The *few* (??) that don’t agree…who “mouth off” (??) for the other side, well they’re just paid off, he says. So, in other words — the ones who GO AGAINST the *official narrative* (of ‘climate change’), forced upon the world by ppl like DRG, and who, in doing so, potentially face ridicule, ostracism, etc in trying to expose the truth (sound familiar?)…that parallel is/was totally lost on him. Anyone find that an odd position for a supposed ‘hero’ (to others) on Sept 11 truth ??
It’s kind of like listening to the ‘science experts’ defend the official story of Sept 11. Pitiful.
No one finds it odd I guess that he is interviewed as a climate ‘expert.’
I’m still trying to figure out what was the point of DRG pushing climate alarmism. The video has only 10k views and nobody’s read the article or books. It’s not part of a debate and it’s not reaching any demographic.
He said he was already pushing ‘global governance’ many decades ago…one of a small amount of ppl, according to him. So, it’s not a big step to think that was why he was tapped to get involved with Sept 11th….as a leader of the pack, who were looking to someone/anyone, in the early days. Somewhat like Trump was supposed to do….be the pied-piper of the ‘patriots’…and lead them over the edge – con them into taking his beautiful shots, etc. Similarly, my guess is that “truthers’ were supposed to follow their leader, and welcome in this New Green nightmare. These (unprecendented) books started arriving 2015 & after…2015 was when they advanced the UN Agenda to 2030. So he was inline with the rollout of the program.
The whole thing had been set up for “Hopenhagen” in December 2009. There were competing interests, but the deals had been struck nine years earlier. Bush would be handed the election in 2000 – thereby easing the path to the 2003 destruction of Iraq. Gore would get the climate gig – making 10s of millions in compensation for not getting the presidency. Then “Hope & Change” Obama would win in 2008 (Hillary promised 2016) so that he could ride the white unicorn into Copenhagen to save the planet. But then Climategate happened and it all imploded.
Presumably, the original plan was that DRG would push some propaganda after COP15, but it makes no sense to continue given that the plan had failed. Prior to the last couple of days, I’d assumed that DRG was just a naïve theologian and hadn’t thought things through. I hadn’t previously known that his globalist agenda predates 9/11.
Copenhagen climate change treaty backed by ‘Hopenhagen’ campaign
June 23, 2009
“Hopenhagan” aims to be an “open source” campaign using a central website,, to drive the debate and awareness and allow users to send messages to the 192 UN delegates attending the meeting. An “aggressive” consumer launch of the “Hopenhagen” initiative has been planned for September.
PUBLIC CALL TO ACTION: Join the movement
– To sign the ‘Climate Petition’ please click here.
September 22, 2009 – London – Citizens of the world were called on today to join Hopenhagen, an international movement to drive action on climate change at the United Nation’s Climate Change Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen this December.
Global Climate Week (September 21-26) will mark the official launch of the Hopenhagen movement, less than 80 days before the COP15 meeting.
Hopenhagen will allow citizens to become active participants in the climate change dialogue and make their voices heard to world leaders and the conference delegates attending the meeting. The ultimate call to action will be to secure signatures for the “Climate Change” petition in support of the UN, which calls for a climate treaty that is “ambitious, fair and effective in reducing emissions.”
The Hopenhagen Web site,, will serve as the campaign hub to give citizens, governments, non-profits and businesses the tools to rally support for a positive outcome at the COP15 Climate Change Conference.
A naive theologian….haha…
They’ve all got an agenda it seems. Even the one who wrote the forward to the ‘on the brink book.’ That would be R. Falk. I usually associate him with the UN. But, of course (!)….he’s a “former advisory board member of the World Federalist Institute and the American Movement for World Government.” I’m just reminding you that it’s the *good* kind of global govt. 🤣 Like the billionaires in that special club…the Good club or something, that Oprah was in. “It’s all good.” And my favourite…the Greater Good. Critical thinkers will be bonked over the head now & forever with that one…..just like convid, we were supposed to do *everything* for the GG. The same will apply with the enviro-techno nightmare ahead. But this time we ‘must’ do it for the GG, or be cast/locked-out, etc. (The answer is still a firm “No”).
When out protesting during the Bush ‘wars’, of the younger Bush….it wasn’t for the agenda of a world federation(!!), or any grand schemes like that. But this seems to have been the motivation for some theologians, peace & justice activists, international lawyers, etc. I hope Graeme (MacQueen) was not onboard w/that. But he’s talking about ‘abolishing war’, which is what the others listed above say, is the justification (a false one, to me) for ‘global governance.’
(By the way, checking out the expansive convid platform on the WEFers site in *early 2020* was enough to see just what convid was really about.
The platform was already overflowing with details about global governance, and the 4IR, etc).
As far I know, the only Falk I’d read prior to this week was his chapter in “9/11 and American Empire” – published in 2007. There’s a paragraph in that essay in which he pushes “global warming” – as it was still widely known at that time!
He also makes the point (which I agree with) that although Gore would have had no problem going into Afghanistan, he would have had more difficulty than Bush in going into Iraq. However, I think the main reason why they chose Bush over Gore is that it enabled Obama to promise “Hope & Change” – that is, a couple of years prior to bombing the crap out of Libya!
The “monolithic conspiracy” has a paradoxical relationship with the US military. At the global level, it’s the only credible challenge to the Monolithy. Hence, the agenda of weakening it through wokism etc. However, it’s also needed for taking out any national leaders (such Saddam and Gaddafi) who get ideas of independence.
What a complete jerk. “99,9% of all scientists agree………”. How can anyone be so stupid and weird inside their head is the big question.
Well, that’s what I was saying….here’s the “truthers hero” lying.
Brendon O’Connell on Kissinger’s Plan to Break-up the USA
The following videos explain some of the foundation. However, things have changed since they were published. For instance, Kissinger’s Belt & Road has been blocked and he’s been forced to recognise the future as being that of “Pax Americana”. Also, O’Connell is wrong about key aspects of the Trump administration; e.g. he ignores the role of Pence & co.
4. Kissinger & The Break-up of The United States – Oded Yinon Comes to America
[13 min – direct to camera – includes some ranting]
Published on Nov 24, 2020
Dr Steve Pieczenik stated it was coming…and it is. The North South divide. Those who want the Universal Basic Income and a wonderful clean and healthy vaccine can move north. The rest of us can move south. The South is the bastion of Bi Bi Evangelical heaven – don’t knock it – embrace it. You can educate the audience on what Israel has done to sell out the US to China. Watch these three video’s to see what Kissingers right hand man Pieczenik had to say about the joys of the break up of the United States.
Play List – “Rats In The Ranks”
[will be posted below]
40. The Break-up of the United States – Oded Yinon Comes to America for the Benefit of Israel
[41 min – structured and edited video]
Published on Feb 8, 2021
The lies are flowing thick and fast on both sides. The same inevitable result remains, the break up of the United States. Only the military, whether quietly or not so quietly, can stop the rot. No one bothers to speak with them. No one bothers to educate them. Instead, they talk amongst themselves on ghettoized internet forums. Share links. Never get involved in politics. Then, by some miracle of the universe, Rothschild and the corrupt politicians and Generals “see the light”.
Alex Jones says to “bull horn the White House.” David Icke says to “wake up”. Brendon O’Connell says to lobby politically the military, policing and intelligence community as well as local representatives. Most people reply, “what a waste of time.” Yuri Bezmenov was right, the rot has set in and the end is in sight. In follow up video’s I’ll show you what I’ve done over the years with great success.
Continued from above
Watch these three video’s to see what Kissingers right hand man Pieczenik had to say about the joys of the break up of the United States.
Play List – “Rats In The Ranks”
Rats In The Ranks #1
73. Roger Stone, Sexual Compromise, Drug Trafficking, Gay For Pay – Shadow Gate Part 1
Published on Oct 13, 2020
Rats In The Ranks #2
11. “Rats In The Ranks” 2 of 3 – Commies In Suits, Kissinger & Roger Stone – Shadow Gate
[Original = #74]
Re-upload: Jun 16, 2021
Rats In The Ranks #3
75. “Rats In The Ranks” 3 Dynology Roger Stone, Paul Mannafort, Robert David Steele
[Re Edit to comply with youtube]
Published on Nov 12, 2020
In part 3 of 3 in the series we look into the US election and links between NATO/Marine and Israeli psychological warfare companies and Roger Stone, Paul Mannafort and Robert David Steele which should have you asking serious questions about a whole host of online alleged dissident personalities.
We look into the final plan and what to look out for as we approach the finale of the next ten years and Agenda 2030.
I was banned from You Tube for one week for “Inappropriate Content”. Others got the message, “Online Harassment, Bullying.” It’s possible Whitney WEBB made a complaint about highlighting her father as a millionaire corporate lawyer property developer in intelligence country, Sarasota, Florida – Richard WEBB IV. Danial Hopsicker made a two part article on Whitney WEBB and Mint Press News and George WEBB managed to convince Hopsicker to take it down, claiming Whitney WEBB’S publisher was Hopsickers publisher. Whitney WEBB is a PUBLIC FIGURE and her father is a VERY public high end corporate lawyer involved in property deals in the tens of millions. Highlighting Whitney WEBB’S behavior, associations and FAMILY CONNECTIONS is NEWSWORTHY and IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST.
George WEBB is a CLOSE associate of NATO/Marine headquarters psychological warfare officer Robert David STEELE. Have you worked it out yet? Robert STEELE is a close associate of Roger STONE. Roger STONE is a close associate of Marine General and owner of Dynology, General James JONES. Robert STEELE worked for the top of the “Cherry” Marines General Al GRAY (Kay Griggs Talks), founder of the Marine Intelligence University and king of the closet homosexual sexual compromise Marines.
I suspect however the ban was more to do with transgender issues. That has all been removed or the images blurred. But let us see if Whitney has some pull like Joseph DAVIES, nephew to high level intelligence operative, Skull & Bones, FedEx, Fred Smith.
If we don’t clean out the rats, the limited hang outs, the martian child kidnapping claims, flat earth and lizard theories we will all be locked in the Smart Gulags wondering what happened? If we do not see the white nationalist movement for what it is – an Israeli operation designed to keep Jewish Communities in fear, we will never get sincere people together.
The privatized army intelligence data analytic and manipulation companies employ tens of thousands…and no one can work out why we don’t get anywhere? Why we are constantly misdirected – encouraged to stay online and NEVER lobby politically or clean up the act and focus on military, policing and intelligence people? We cant work it out?
I will do a full run down on the rats nest. It is VERY “reasonable” speculation that these social network connections are no accident.
“This book review only scratches the surface of the US atrocities abroad that are revealed in Griffin’s final work – about which most Americans (if they were allowed to know about them) would hang their heads in shame.”
There are of course Americans who already do hang their heads in shame, but nobody in the media will ever talk to them.
And so the ridiculous exceptionalism continues…
I’m not gonna hang my head in shame wardropper. Fuck that. There are no innocents on this planet if we want to play this game. I didn’t do it, I didn’t vote for it, I’m opposed to it, I have no reason for shame.
It’s okay, Big AI, I’m not recommending that people hang their heads in shame, but I do take comfort in the fact that some of them know when being ashamed of their representatives would be appropriate.
All we need after that, of course, is for people in large numbers to hold those representatives accountable.
Despite my personal flaws, what I am against is doing nothing and letting deliberately wicked people get away with their crimes.
This is not human fallibility I’m talking about.
This is freakin’ black magic.
I hear ya brother.
I don’t know anything about Griffin, but lemme weigh in on America’s apparent descent down the tubes.
It was quite obvious that the First World would not outlive its Second World nemesis by more than a few decades. In broad strokes, America, as well as the rest of the West, has overextended itself in bringing the commies down in a way that simply cannot be fixed.
America is now in the same state as the USSR was shortly before its collapse and disintegration. It’s ruled by fossil morons, people completely detached from reality. Its population is decimated by poor education, decadent culture, strict conformism, entitlement to luxury, widespread decay. The same applies to a lesser extent to the rest of the West.
It can be expected that the West will collapse. How it will happen, it’s hard to say, but it appears inevitable.
The big question is how the occidental populations will be able to handle it. Talking about the entitled turbo-faggot snowflake populations now. Populations that haven’t experienced anything resembling hardship in long generations. And even if a dramatic collapse doesn’t occur, the West is still in serious decline and would have to massively dig in to retain its status in view of the rise of the rest of the world.
Russia was able to get back up on its feet relatively fast. Will the West be able to mount a response like that too and reassert its global dominance – speaking about people now, not the governments?
Pre propeller blade The Americas People are Mexico Brazil and United States. They are still the Americas ☺
reassert its global dominance
That is the core of the insanity, in a nutshell.
The West has earned its dominance through hard work, developing superior technologies, subjugating the rest of the world. Everybody in the West enjoys the fruits of what people in the past of the world accomplished in the past centuries.
Including those who ostentatiously object Western dominance. Despite their whining, they would whine even more if some sort of global communism was established and all wealth would be spread evenly. Most of these whiners only object the fact that they have less than their occidental counterparts.
We may need a form of intervention of a higher being.
Things are looking a little grim.
Something will show up if we continue hoping. We cant do anything about it. We can only sit on the fence on our thumb with open mouth, and wait and see.
It is noticeable that two Griffin’s were mentioned recently, almost simultaneously; G. Edward Griffin was in the comment section to the previous article, and David Ray Griffin, whose book “America on the Brink” is reviewed above. Being a non-native English speaker, I tend to notice these things.
The first is against global, totalitarian – his word – government, and the second is, per the below videos, for it as an instrument to tackle global problems.
Which Griffin is right and which is wrong? Could it be that both are right, that is, both are wrong? Could you put yourself in each Griffin’s shoes in turn, and come up with a synthesis that satisfies both?
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” – William Shakespeare, Hamlet
I think they would both agree that the financial system is at the root of much of the American and the greater world’s problems.
No, only the first Griffin would agree with that. DRG never mentioned the financial system, only the Bush administration and neocons.
The Great Satan, how fooled we all were that it was a force for good.
Hopefully God fearing patriots can rise again, refresh the tree of Liberty and chart a new course.
Minus all the evil and corrupted souls currently in power…
Biden’s minders will crush them just as Trudeau’s minders crushed the truckers.
I see the only hope as a sudden, dramatic, agonizing pang of conscience all the way up to administrative level in the university system, since the universities are currently the reason that the ability to think is being uprooted in the youth of today.
When professors and doctors decide that systemic stupidity is no longer good enough for the society in which they live, they might be able to make a difference.
But it will take a lot of them.
Trudeau’s bully’s did a bit of trampling but the truckers helped inspire many people to resist the tyranny of the globalists.
The global organised agony, terror and genocide of covid was not stupidity.
There is a very carefully constructed narrative evident in this article that “nations” are sovereign and have an independent “foreign policy”.
Once nations are turned into commercial corporations under Unidroit, and become legal members of the United Nations, they are just pawns on the global resource chess-board.
David Ray Griffin on Global Government
Sep 27, 2007
David Ray Griffin gives his opinion on the need for global government. This was during the question and answer portion of his presentation “9/11: Evidence and Faith” at the First Congregational Church in Columbus Ohio.
David Ray Griffin on Global Governance
May 3, 2012
America first and hang the rest, exclaimed the star spangled devils Gates, Basos, Zuckerberg, Schwab with the fatherly grin of the experienced predator.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Americans are said to have a problem with the rhetorical device «irony».
Finally, I came across the first TV show that presented Gates as less than benevolent.
It’s really exciting to see this here, written by “One of 50 People Who Matter Today” (in 2009), a “magnificent achievement” entering into the most subtle details and nuances of the global game of power centers. That for me completely explains the series of scams, including covid and the great reset and also the climate deception, and the whole mystery surrounding the transition to multipolarity, so I’m in a solemn mood.
# Say NO to American Hegemony!
There is every hope that the sinister forces behind American hegemony this time will not succeed with the terrible proxy war against sovereign Russia, they will surrendered, maybe there is will a new American president, all enemies will shake hands and make the author’s dream of global consensus and serious common action in the fight against climate change come true. Russia certainly agrees with this fight, the West obviously also agrees… It’s time to “save the planet together”.
Whattabout the animals? No one are thinking or giving animals a single thought. They are in jeopardy as vulnerable species too.
I am thinking about how we can save all our animals on this planet while most people are only thinking about themselves and their own climate.
I stand together with Africa and Latin America in the global fight for animals globally inside a Noah’s protected Arch!
I’m definitely for animals, Erik.
I also support the hegemony of Africa & Latin America in a new tripolar model of the world that also includes North America and Super-Eurasia: Greater Eurasia (Eurasia + China, India) + Arab World and Europe (+Britain).
(*I didn’t include Indonesia, Japan and Australia&Oceania because I read bad predictions from elite seers about the future of the region)
By way of some light relief, Old Man Steptoe is leading an investigation into the limits of human heat endurance:
A good photo about how ugly the digital world is.
Off topic.
I’m finding it more difficult to read the majority of articles that get spewed out these days, especially when the first thing I read is something like this,
What I have always found insufferable is a process I may refer to as “rabbit holing” i.e. when you are bulldozed into a position that is utterly artificial and stupid but presented as if it’s totally natural and the most obvious thing in the world cf. the official account of 9/11, the covid-as-deadly-endtime view etc. Once you grant the slightest concession to any of that, you are lost. And anything to do with transgenderism is total fucking shite. It’s the most desperate phony contrived crap I ever saw.
But the link is not entirely worthless.
(And I refer only to that opening. I glanced the rest and it looks like verbal quicksand i.e. bullshit psychobabble that will rot your brain.)
The line quoted stands as an interesting guide to the psyop. The “internalised transphobia” suggests a replacement for the old verbiage about “the self-hating Jew” which goes on to suggest that “Trans” is now a substitute for “Jew”* and that the whole “transphobia” meme is a substitute for the ever useful “anti-Semitism”.
But even more interesting is that “it was suggested to me”. By whom? The implication is that this trans prattle is very much a carefully planned piece of mind manipulation organised on a large scale.
*I am not suggesting that “the trans community” are “really ‘The Jews'”. Only that the propagandist manoeuvres being used here is exactly the same as that used with the weaponised use of “anti-Semitism”.
100% operation. I have some very interesting doubts about the possible development of this operation (which is its possible goal), supported by the most curious statements of key figures who simultaneously spew tons of inspiring “defense of traditional values” and are super-technocrats, tirelessly implementing this technocracy and far more successfully than the West in some respects.
But people aren’t particularly interested anyway unless they are told by a trusted media/person. And this topic is a celebration of anti-american hegemony and the rise of just multipolarity. (where only super-technocracy is built, with traditional values and no transgendarism.)
Propagandist garbage you need carting off to 1960’s Steptoe & Son rag and bone yard. There’s enough shite to come out of your backside to fill a coal sack.
Bugger off
I’m intrigued Clive. When you comment on others you come across as almost coherent but seem to degenerate into venomous vomit when addressing me. Is there a problem with your programming? Need a deep state overhaul?
This article is a welcome relief from Riley Waggaman’s continuous dribble.
That’s why they let it go, for relief.
But, wait, let’s see what “Riley Wagaman’s continuous dribble” is? Let’s clarify one thing: Riley makes absolutely anywhere no claim that the so-called war is not real. On the contrary: he, along with Rolo, claim that the war is real, but “it was hastily started by the Kremlin”, “it is not conducted properly”, “it is sabotaged by internal factors, intrigues, some power circles”, also by corrupt practices and incompetencе. It, the real war in Riley’s dribble (and Rolo’s), is called “strange,” is plagued by dubious connections between warring oligarchic circles, even called “not-war.”
But the “war” is real for them. And the proof is that “all credible military experts from across the ideological spectrum who justly and justifiably criticize the Kremlin with facts, it is impossible that they all confused or colluded.” And none of all these trustworthy experts even have such an option for reflection that “war may be fake and part of/continuation of the great reset.” In general, this is an absurd and unorthodox thesis, for which, if you are famous enough, you can easily be counted among those who “try to discredit the Russian army”, even the state.
So, in this regard, we have at least two fundamental messages from Riley and Rolo: war is real and by no means part of what all power together began in 2020; And also in Russia, everyone who criticizes power is honest, there are no limited terrains, controlled opposition and simply confused analysts.
And anyone who disputes that this is Riley’s claim let him find me examples where he says the opposite. You can’t because there aren’t any. There are only reports weird instances of dubious relationships that are swamped under tons of evidence of the real but improperly conducted and sabotaged war. So I very seriously suggest that anyone who is annoyed by the claims that the war is fake recognize Riley and Rollo as the best sources (with info from Russian sources, which you really won’t find elsewhere outside of Russia) for the best provers that war is real.
And anyone who thinks that Riley exaggerates in his reports about the identical to the Western rise of technocratic state in Russia should know that he is in grave error. Not only is it not exaggerated, but it is quite shortened, softened, and explicitly cleared of any possible links to the real war. This is undoubtedly the most informative blog about Russia that you can read outside Russia, in the non-Russian-speaking space; And at the same time, despite the many important things he reports, he reports on no more than 30-40% of the real volume of technocracy, with particularly fundamental things omitted. (Something similar I said in a comment on his blog, in response to a critic for “exaggerating” “Russophile” reader, and Riley admired my opinion.)
Also, technocracy and covid crimes are routinely attributed only to certain individuals in power and business, and just recently I read, in Riley’s response to outraged “Russophile” reader, that there were “serious doubts that Putin doesn’t know much of what’s going on in Russia” (in regard of the great reset). This did not surprise me in any case, because I know very well the origin of these theses: the same patriotic circles that do not have at all in their analisys options of the potential connection between the “war” and the ongoing reset.
There, the readers’ focus is always aimed at certain individuals and circles of faces, and about Putin it is much calmer and supportive, and there is always doubt “whether he will sign or not the another technocratic law”??? And he always signs. He signed the current implementation of the long-signed long-term developments, such as those described in his favorite program “Digital Economy”, which was written at his behest.
But, with the reader’s focus so directed, plus many missed messages, doubt always weighs. And even technocracy is mostly “from Gref”. As there is now a new article that all such developments are through Sber (the now report on smart cities, supported by Sber, which actually – this is not reported – have long been enshrined in the strategic development programs signed by Putin, and are not by Sber.) And what if, for example, Gref decides to cool off and falls out of the window? 1) digitalization according to the WEF model stops, or 2) is simply appointed a new, better Gref, or the same programs continue through the other dozens (many more key) structures? (The programs, all of which are written on the projects of the world’s highly respected “development centers” and are signed and 100% approved by Putin.)
So, in my opinion, you have no basis for this criticism of Riley, but, on the contrary, he would be an excellent support for the thesis of the fake real war, which is not a continuation of the great reset, which, although extremely intensified after the february 2022 in Russia, “is in doubt”, it may not happen there, Putin may “not sign”..
However, everything is fine, since even this condensed and softened reporting outrages the dissenters, and the consonants (maybe) no seek more. And as the author of the blog mentioned several times, “there is no stopping the march of progress”. Perhaps that is why it is not necessary to report too strictly or too much about the rise of the march. 🙂
Dear moderators, Please delete this this repeated response if it suits you. I can’t do it alone. Thank you so much.
You are absolutely fine and spot on.
I were somehow chocked as Riley was the first and only.
But Riley’s info are easily confirmed by references to official documents, meetings and speeches.
That’s why they let it go, for relief.
But, wait, let’s see what “Riley Wagaman’s continuous dribble” is? Let’s clarify one thing: Riley makes absolutely anywhere no claim that the so-called war is not real. On the contrary: he, along with Rolo, claim that the war is real, but “it was hastily started by the Kremlin”, “it is not conducted properly”, “it is sabotaged by internal factors, intrigues, some power circles”, also by corrupt practices and incompetencе. It, the real war in Riley’s dribble (and Rolo’s), is called “strange,” is plagued by dubious connections between warring oligarchic circles, even called “not-war.”
But the “war” is real for them. And the proof is that “all credible military experts from across the ideological spectrum who justly and justifiably criticize the kremlin with facts, it is impossible that they all confused or colluded.” And none of all these trustworthy experts even have such an option for reflection that “war may be fake and part of/continuation of the great reset.” In general, this is an absurd and unorthodox thesis, for which, if you are famous enough, you can easily be counted among those who “try to discredit the Russian army”, even the state.
So, in this regard, we have at least two fundamental messages from Riley and Rolo: war is real and by no means part of what all power together began in 2020; And also in Russia, everyone who criticizes power is honest, there are no limited terrains, controlled opposition and simply confused analysts.
And anyone who disputes that this is Riley’s claim let him find me examples where he says the opposite. You can’t because there aren’t any. There are only reports weird instances of dubious relationships that are swamped under tons of evidence of the real but improperly conducted and sabotaged war. So I very seriously suggest that anyone who is annoyed by the claims that the war is fake recognize Riley and Rollo as the best sources (with info from Russian sources, which you really won’t find elsewhere outside of Russia) for the best provers that war is real.
And anyone who thinks that Riley exaggerates in his reports about the identical to the Western rise of technocratic state in Russia should know that he is in grave error. Not only is it not exaggerated, but it is quite shortened, softened, and explicitly cleared of any possible links to the real war. This is undoubtedly the most informative blog about Russia that you can read outside Russia, in the non-Russian-speaking space; And at the same time, despite the many important things he reports, he reports on no more than 30-40% of the real volume of technocracy, with particularly fundamental things omitted. (Something similar I said in a comment on his blog, in response to a critic for “exaggerating” “Russophile” reader, and Riley admired my opinion.)
Also, technocracy and covid crimes are routinely attributed only to certain individuals in power and business, and just recently I read, in Riley’s response to outraged “Russophile” reader, that there were “serious doubts that Putin doesn’t know much of what’s going on in Russia” (in regard of the great reset). This did not surprise me in any case, because I know very well the origin of these theses: the same patriotic circles that do not have at all in their analisys options of the potential connection between the “war” and the ongoing reset.
There, the readers’ focus is always aimed at certain individuals and circles of faces, and about Putin it is much calmer and supportive, and there is always doubt “whether he will sign or not the another technocratic law”??? And he always signs. He signed the current implementation of the long-signed long-term developments, such as those described in his favorite program “Digital Economy”, which was written at his behest.
But, with the reader’s focus so directed, plus many missed messages, doubt always weighs. And even technocracy is mostly “from Gref”. As there is now a new article that all such developments are through Sber (the now report on smart cities, supported by Sber, which actually – this is not reported – have long been enshrined in the strategic development programs signed by Putin, and are not by Sber.) And what if, for example, Gref decides to cool off and falls out of the window? 1) digitalization according to the wef model stops, or 2) is simply appointed a new, better Gref, or the same programs continue through the other dozens (many more key) structures? (The programs, all of which are written on the projects of the world’s highly respected “development centers” and are signed and 100% approved by Putin.)
So, in my opinion, you have no basis for this criticism of Riley, but, on the contrary, he would be an excellent support for the thesis of the fake real war, which is not a continuation of the great reset, which, although extremely intensified after the february 2022 in Russia, “is in doubt”, it may not happen there, Putin may “not sign”..
However, everything is fine, since even this condensed and softened reporting outrages the dissenters, and the consonants (maybe) no seek more. And as the author of the blog mentioned several times, “there is no stopping the march of progress”. Perhaps that is why it is not necessary to report too strictly or too much about the rise of the march.
Okay trolls;), just ask him in person. His email is on his blog “about” page in his blog. Ask him and then admit that he and Rolo best of all prove the reality of war.
However, despite my (justified) criticism of Riley, I appreciate him very much, and because I like the truth to come out, I will admit that I use the accumulated archive in my forum topics to conduct special operations to promote the topic of the hidden Russian great reset in sites that otherwise no pay attention. So twice the following happened: after many persistent comments with quotes and verifiable sources (painstakingly collected in the archive in my forum threads), recently, expose-news began to pay attention and publish some articles by Riley (last today, the article about the Russian forum “smart city”), and more recently, P. Wood first published an article by Riley (about the digital ruble, through OffG).
Yes, I know and agree that everyone should cover events extremely strictly, including on the alleged virus, so I agree with the criticism. I myself am critical of poor coverage; I have criticism of them, and to a variety of other sites about different things, also to OffG, just as everyone has criticism for different things. I want everyone to write only the truth, but I guess it won’t, and I don’t think there are any agreements on a unified theory of truth about everything. I can’t change it. So the more things are mentioned in as many places as possible, the better. (I have hopes that a few more sites will be convinced by my special operation, even small hopes for one or two that are strictly in “everything in Russia is ok and it opposes reset”. They will never mention my forum threads anyway, so I have no personal benefit. I hope there are other “special operatives” doing the same, I’ve read that there are some. Just to say:)
‘British taxpayers bailed out the banks after the greed and stupidity of executives crashed the system 15 years ago. In return, these same banks have closed hundreds of branches around the country in order to swell their profits, ruined the lives of many by ‘de-banking’ them, and embarked on a holier-than-thou greenwashing exercise as a way of hoodwinking the public into thinking they are caring and responsible. Bluntly, the banks have spat in the faces of the people who should matter most to them, their clients. ‘
2008 economic property crash UK government registered Corp. What’s that shirt tail up to now at the Tower of London dungeon after a change of suit. Lord help us. You know we should ban, “Talk till the Cows come home”..from the British Language and do Everyone a favour imo. Listening to a Brit Pollie is like a month on the Rack….bloody sadistic agony.
Attributing the rescue of banks to taxpayers is like kicking the latter in the teeth.
Rough quote: “DARPA hydrogel as a carrier that can accelerate or slow down release of its content, triggered by outside influence like electromagnetic frequencies, sound or temperature. That is, a substance can remain inert until triggered by external stimuli.”
If you’re vague on the involvement of the US military, DARPA, the Chinese & the difficulties in prosecution. . . .
Peter & Ginger Breggin interview Sasha Latypova. You can start @ 30
I gather that hydrogel is no mere carrier. It can self-orgnise into resilient 3D circuits. The Science seems to be coy on this subject.
“Their blood, our bullets!” said a grinning Oliver North on Fox News, adding that US taxpayers need to hurry and start shipping weapons to Taiwan. He also said the $13 billion (at the time) didn’t really go to Ukraine, it went to US weapons makers who gave jobs to “hard-working Americans.”
“a grinning [Lt.Colonel] Oliver North”
The Devil wears a Grin — the Gestapo Deaths Head Grin of a man whose whole dishonorable life has been to dishonour his uniform by supplying weapons to cause turmoil in foreign lands rather than to defend his country.
I’ve convinced myself that he was the mechanism for so much diverted money to bad causes, and even once caught and legally obligated to repay the taxpayer money, the political system required it self too make it look like it was a cash for hostage agreement rather than an legal obligation.
Was the release of Americans unjustly imprisoned in Iran made conditional on the settlement or its payment in cash?
This guy is as crooked as Jack the Ripper and as useless as a $3 bill.
He’s the one that convinced congress to divert the Iranian money to the contras which in turn destabilized Central America, eventually sending millions of people decades later scrambling north to avoid the newly created unfriendly environment.
Here’s a reference to the obligation.
Hard working Americans making weapons of death. Sums up their ‘economy’ in a nutshell.
‘Their blood, our bullets’
Reads like an American anthem.
Laughed till l PUKED.
ABC Australia’s news
site (can’t link) has a puff piece on the ‘exceptional leadership skills’ of Zelensky.
Look if you dare.
Shows how closely ABC is tied to Aunty Beeb’s leading strings.
The Royal Anglos love their whipping doo.
For more about how America treats the rest of the word: “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins, is a very interesting read.
Exposing the skullduggery long before Assange.
Where is he now?
Perkins, that is.
Elizabeth Woodworth is highly engaged in climate change science and activism. She…is co-author of “Unprecedented Climate Mobilization”, “Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival,” and co-producer of the COP21 video “A Climate Revolution For All.”
[sarcasm] How inspiring! [/sarcasm]
Don’t forget the other “Unprecendented” book by DRG.
At the time I wasn’t aware of these books….only last year did I see them, and found it all quite “Unbelievable.”
I think OG should have combined the last 2 articles… about the lost art of connecting dots.
“In 2017, the heat waves, extreme wild fires, and flooding around the world confirmed beyond doubt that climate disruption is now a full-blown emergency.”
The fake convid “emergency” was the set-up for implementing the fake climate emergency…..these fake emergencies have ‘pushed us to the brink’.
(I wonder what punishment awaits the “climate science deniers”….since in the title of one book, it’s labeled a ‘crime’ to do so).
If someone can know that the Sept 11 events were a con, but can’t or won’t continue the dot-connecting to the convid or “climate change” frauds/scams….then there’s something else going on there.
“Unprecedented” that is, book by DRG
I just skimmed over the tributes and missed the “unprecedented” bits (see below). Like John Pilger, DRG would occasionally take-the-knee to the climate psyop. At the time (late 00s), I assumed it was just an attempt to appeal to a particular demographic. Now, however, I think it may have been part of a long-term agenda.
Meanwhile, David wrote his encyclopaedic 2015 reference, Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis? and in 2016 we co-authored the civil action book, Unprecedented Climate Mobilization: A Handbook for Citizens and Their Governments.
Yeah, double and triple speak is not easy to déchiffré. Like Turkish bargaining.
Where can I get more.
As with Chomsky, my first guess would be that there’s an “Epstein” connection.
Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis?
Paperback – 18 Nov. 2014
by David Ray Griffin (Author)
Can we act quickly and wisely enough to prevent climate change – better called climate disruption – from destroying human civilization? There is no greater issue facing humanity today. This book provides everything people need to know in order to enter into serious discussions and make good decisions:
– The latest scientific information about the probable effects of the various types of climate disruption that threaten the very continuation of civilization.
– The reasons why the media and governments have failed miserably to rein in global warming, even though scientists have been warning them for decades.
– The additional challenges to saving civilization – religious, moral, and economic.
– The amazing transformation of solar, wind, and other types of clean energy during the past few years, making the transition from a fossil-fuel to a clean-energy economy possible; and the falsity of the various claims that fossil-fuel companies and their (hired) minions have made to belittle clean energy.
This book combines (1) the most extensive treatment of the causes and phenomena of climate change in combination with (2) an extensive treatment of social obstacles and challenges (fossil-fuel funded denialism, media failure, political failure, and moral, religious, and economic challenges), (3) the most extensive treatment of the needed transition from fossil-fuel energy to clean energy, and (4) the most extensive treatment of mobilization. It provides the most complete, most up-to-date treatment of the various kinds of clean energy, and how they could combine to provide 70% clean energy by 2035 and 100% before 2050 (both U.S. and worldwide).
I agree. But why do you think they would refuse to take advantage, along with the climate scam, and of the “next pandemic”? Why not both? The pandemic agreement is not in the past “the danger of the next pandemic” is not crossed out, so don’t you think that a renewed “pandemic crisis”, along with the climate and probably a “resource” crisis and something else, would do a far better job for them?
Well spotted. A salutory reminder that the same person can be obviously right on one topic (U$ Imperialism) and possibly wrong on another (global warming crisis).
And possibly wrong on everything in the end as we saw with the scamdemic. If they’re on the globalists’ side for global warming, then they’re on the globalists’ side.
Yes Albert….your last line there….that is what I meant when I said there’s something else going on.
“Lost in a dark wood” – I’m not sure what you mean about Epstein.
I’m just theorising.
Renowned academic Noam Chomsky told The Wall Street Journal that his meetings with Jeffrey Epstein are “none of your business”
Apr 30, 2023
In March 2015, Epstein scheduled meetings with Chomsky and a Harvard University professor, the Journal reported. Chomsky confirmed for the paper that there were several meetings where they discussed various topics. The Journal reported that months later, according to the calendar, Epstein scheduled a flight with Chomsky and his wife for a planned dinner with movie director Woody Allen and his wife, Soon-Yi Previn, who is also the adopted daughter of his ex-partner, Mia Farrow.
Oh, Lordy!
Unprecedented Climate Mobilization: A Handbook for Citizens and their Governments Paperback – 11 Oct. 2016
by Elizabeth Woodworth (Author), David Ray Griffin (Author)
It is now widely recognized that global warming poses an existential threat to the world as serious as nuclear war. And yet, despite the urgency, despite UN engagement, governments have not stepped up to the plate. The world desperately needs a deeply committed leadership and program of action to deal with climate change. The global public’s growing presentiment of the horrific impact of global warming has enormous potential to shift it into “emergency mode.”
In this context, pointing to America’s WWII mobilization to battle the Fascist threat, Unprecedented Climate Mobilization urges and informs a full WWII-style climate mobilization, suggesting ways in which the United States can exercise leadership. This book shows how the American people have historically risen and adapted to “long emergencies”, demonstrated in particular by President Roosevelt’s ability to mobilize Americans a full two years before the United States declared war on Japan and Germany in December, 1941. Then, as an example of what is possible, US automakers became a cornerstone of the war effort; having built three million cars in 1941 they quickly converted their factories to making tanks and airplanes, producing only 139 passenger vehicles until the war ended in 1945. Today, a similar sweeping conversion of America’s outdated energy system to clean energy could take place, if the political will were there.
Unprecedented Climate Mobilization offers a comprehensive guide to citizens and governments on the scope of that engagement and how to generate that will. As in the WWII effort, it advocates that all sectors of society be engaged: media, business, labor, religious groups, government—national, state and local, and the public at large. This handbook suggests constructive leadership strategies for every sector of civil society, along with networking opportunities and information resources to help build the climate effort.
This handbook also surveys the arts of civil disobedience and nonviolent action to assemble the effective tools that civil society will need—the kinds of tools that won civil rights, brought an end to the Vietnam War, served in anti-nuclear campaigns—and that have been updated by more recent movements such as Occupy. Not least, it suggests ways in which activists can maximize personal influence by using Twitter, Facebook and other social media—tools now so powerful that governments and news agencies monitor and carefully analyze their posts and tweet streams. No environmental advocacy group should be without this effective guide to climate action.
Like World wars past, our only option is to mobilize and draw upon every tool at our disposal –insure a victorious outcome, read Unprecedented Climate Mobilization: A Handbook for Citizens and Their Governments.
– DR. MICHAEL MANN, Professor of Meteorology, Director, Earth System Science Center, Pennsylvania State University
And if you know Putin and Kremlin are talking the same bs, China is a member of the BIS Board, and Yuval Noah says nobody can stop NWO you get the picture.
Apart from the death, destruction and chaos the US and European war machines have caused, there is also the self destruction of the US working class.
People who actually build things and perform useful services.
Suicide, murder, family violence, addictions, depression, poverty, under education and poor nutrition is the cross they must bear as patriots to a rigged system.
quoting from Caitlin Johnstone !
The Mute of Melbourne.
She’s got a bu$ine$$ to run.
And clueless fans to entertain.
What did she do?
She voted for democrats. Or at least she would have if she could have.
Behind every saviour stand a liberal who want to save $omething or $omebody.
The US pledged to “move heaven and earth” to help Ukraine – yet there has been no diplomacy towards a goal of saving Ukrainian lives during a war in which “Ukraine does the dying; America does the supplying.”
The US is not the problem.the US government probably made that pledge in response to the demands of the corporations and the oligarchs that own the corporations. The problem is the global corporations own all of the governments in the so called West.. The global corporations don’t want any one of any type from any where to be able to compete with their economic and political monopolies. The oligarch want a monopoly on everything and they are using the power, economy and military of the governments they control to be sure they achieve that monopoly.
The Oligarchs by and thru their corporate strong arms use the western governments to do the bidding of the Oligarch, any government that gets in the way is regime changed, bombed or otherwise convinced .. One important demand is that puppet leaders in charge of the the nation states pay absolutely no attention to those the governments govern. All functions of every western government must respond to the global corporations and the oligarchs that own these corporations else the leaders of the government will have trouble.
These global corporations are bigger than any one of the nation states in wealth, power, and global reach. I have not read the book, but it seems to me based on what the article says about it, its premise is misleading. It is not the government that is the cause; government is merely one of the instruments being used to deliver the demands insisted on by the global oligarch community.
And those “instruments” sit in a parliament and follow the propaganda. Spineless careerist individuals who pay lip service to their electorate.
Thank you, OffGuardian, for this information about this great human being.
In this book, he analyzes the evidence on 9/11 and then explores a distinctively Christian perspective on these issues, taking seriously what we know about Jesus’ life, death, and teachings. Drawing a parallel between the Roman Empire of antiquity and the American Empire of today, he applies Jesus’ teachings to the current political administration, and he explores how Christian churches, as a community intending to be an incarnation of the divine, can and should respond.
(Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action)
I regret that some people may not be aware of the profound spiritual beauty of Jesus’ teachings, which are also a shield against the madness of the world.
Also and especially during this time.
“A Climate Revolution For All.” ?
“A long Nuclear Winter For All” is more likely if this saber rattling continues.
I think the police operates with a psychological profile that If someone threatens you anonymously by the telephone, letters or talks and talks about killing you, you can be sure they are willing to carry out the act. the nyc bomb.
I’m looking forward to the global BBQ. The only problem the elitists will have is there will be no one left to abuse. Lets hope they turn on each other sooner rather than later.
They have big deep underground bunkers prepared with champagne and caviar while its going on upstairs.
Sounds like America is the worst thing that ever happened.
You can find some diamonds there too.
‘This book review only scratches the surface of the US atrocities abroad that are revealed in Griffin’s final work – about which most Americans (if they were allowed to know about them) would hang their heads in shame.’
Isn’t that the whole point? There are 330 million Americans, the majority of whom are ignorant aggressive, jingoistic, violent ‘USA! USA! USA!’ nutcases.
I can’t tell you how many inhuman American comments I see in the blogosphere, all saying ‘US might is right’, most of them racist, huge numbers of them ‘who cares about any human who isn’t American or doesn’t submit to American dominance?’
It is this lack of insight, lack of humanity, lack of education, lack of basic adult behaviour that is the core of the world’s problems.
To say that such behaviour represents superiority is such a travesty, such a joke, such an expression of contempt for all those that are infinitely more educated, infinitely more peaceful and infinitely more cooperative.
It’s why there will be an extremely hard landing for the USA diplomatically – they won’t have friends by 2040 and most they will still have by 2030 will be sullen underlings too fearful to stand proud and tell them to stay where they are and let the rest of the world live life free of their disgusting dominance complexes.
The obsession with money-making, for which the dominant characteristics are a facility with life in the world of lying, misdirection, sins of informational omission etc etc, is why the USA is where it is.
The day they realise that the quickest way to make money is to kill people, either with weapons, using Class A drugs etc, might conceivably be the day that they finally realise that sometimes, certain values in life are more important than money.
Soon, having ‘lost an empire but yet to find a role’ will become the problem of the USA .
Soon, that is in geostrategic terms. It might take another generation or two to really hit home to the Land of the most Surveilled people on earth…..
That’s the problem with playing by the book, what happens when the book ends but life still goes on?
This is BS. Vast majority of Americans do not support these crimes and are thus a primary target of their own govt. Also the UK gov is literally running this war and not as some minor as junior partner. Zelensky may have a home in Florida but his main handlers are not in the US. “ Scott Ritter also talked about the British intelligence behind Zelensky. The expert supported his claim by the fact that the Ukrainian president secretly met with the head of MI6, Richard Moore, in London in October 2020. According to Ritter, however, it is not very common for the head of a state at war to meet with a representative of a foreign intelligence service. He added that the discussion could only mean that Zelensky is a British agent who is under the direct control of the head of MI6 and is being monitored by British intelligence.”
So that’s why Z was presented with a British passport. It seemed odd because his $20M bunk hole is in Florida.
All survey’s from Gallup Institute shows majority of all Americans fully support US drug trade, LGBT parades, all wars, nigga music, fanta and whoppers as their favourite meal, and commend the way US State Department was running Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.
Someone has to vote them in, elect and obey them as leaders yes?
Oh they permantrly out to lunch private self confessional globalist investors Rhys. Americans.
The bright most talented are probably approaching twenty five years old. Media TV is junk personally I’d restrict before they all turn into transexual whimp New Age Yuppie Engalists. Lol!
Why do your comments never quite make sense or feel “real”?
The funny thing is he get more upvotes than many serious comments.
People like wobble gobble.
The hard landing will be far more serious than in mere diplomacy. The insane comments of supporters (believers) shows that they have not woken up to their slavery. As fear, loathing and exposure of the monster increases, it thrashes harder.
[The monster] remains quite oblivious of its barbarous and feral image. -Fred Reed 2019
Faced with the overall trend of failures on all fronts, [the monster] grows increasingly desperate and gruesome. -Enkidu Gilgamesh 2019
It’s scary to see so many people saying the two party system in America is the problem and our best way of overcoming it is to vote blue or red. Mental.
7 whole downvotes all from the people who recognised themselves no doubt
Oooooh more off G controlled opposition pending shite. So much for free speech eh MI6 linked clowns
There may be MI6 in the comments, for all I know, but I’m afraid you’re barking up the wrong tree, I’m sorry to say. It does feel kinda glamorous being called MI6 though 😅
Damn! Inhuman, lying, lack of humanity and education, racist, aggressive, violent, American citizen nutcases, all 330 million of them, or at least most of them. Dude, you have a problem in your earlier life with an American woman or something? And are you from Britain, land of fairy tale Kings and Queens and Princes and Princesses talking shit like that? And the British Empire, what about that? What about Tony Fucking Blair! God Save the Queen, huh, Rhys. What a fucking joke. Talk about the lack of connecting dots.
He’s just following the money, took a wrong turn, its no big deal, could happen to anyone.
Yes, but …
Isn’t it grand witnessing first hand the collapse of the USofAs?
Has there ever been in recorded history an entity that has universally so damaged humanity? Has any nation, and its acquiescent citizenry, so richly deserved a crushing comeuppence?
The reason the USofAs is indispensable is just this … it’s the example they are giving of what happens when hubris marries stupidity.
Just watch … we’re going to end up pitying them … maybe even, cod forbid, forgiving them!
Should we start talking about The Chinese Century; and how, while everyone is being distracted by what a bad, bad boy America has been, Imperial Succession is underway ?
It’s said that continuing to vote for politicians, expecting eventually to find one you can trust, is a definite sign of madness.
More anti china propaganda. Go watch fox news do an article on is Barbie a commie.
“Isn’t it grand witnessing first hand the collapse of the USofAs?”
Yes! And I live here!
It has been painful to watch. In fact it’s more painful to watch those once more established countries apparently go along, and sink along with them.
It’s so sad, but it’s the same all over the world.
The people are one thing, and the politicians are something else entirely.
There has to be a screening process where you have to sell your soul if you expect to get into the ‘successful politician’ bracket.
It’s the only way that what we see with our own eyes these days could make any sense.
I know many magnificent Americans, but the global mainstream media haven’t the slightest interest in talking to any of them.
All we get to see are the disintegrating specimens in Congress, Senate and the Oval Office.
It’s like trying to form an idea of what the Labour Party was like in 1970, based entirely on interviews with Edward Heath and Alec Douglas-Home…
us of a gave an “ancient” cult the ability to create a nation (once technology allowed transport to a place they already knew about) and a population in number, plus resources to rival that of any formerly seen.
“taxation” then gave the cult the ability to engineer outcomes and pursue a direction of evil like no other,
the direction of that evil is now coming of age, mentioned occasionally as the “great work of ages”
some may be noticing a phenomena referred to as “mandela effect”, some research on “looking glass” which involves technology appropriated by the us of a may provide insight of just how fucking dire this mess may yet become, the “work” at c.e.r.n and the gottenherd tunnel opening ceremony gives some clear imagery of the hell on earth anticipated by the cult:
am-er-ica is soon to become a free for all blood bath, sadly for the genuine folk that live there.
watching the punch and judy show of trump then biden shows how orchestrated it all has been, exactly the right amount of differing insanities to give the desired outcome, leading to… now
The media silence over Griffin’s death confirms a suspicion: If you hear about it at all on mainstream media, it’s shit.
Would that we could have a credible alternative media that had as wide a showing as the wasted media we’re saddled with.
Let’s be happy to write here I guess. Count your blessings.
I just commented on the thread about connecting the dots and how I don’t think it’s so easy for people to see all the dots these days. My ‘awakening’ started with 9/11 in around 2005 and it was David’s book (A New Pearl Harbor’) that opened my eyes. I am forever grateful to him for this. I say this as only until about 5-6 years ago, almost any opposing theory was available in the mainstream. you were able to look at stuff and make your own mind up. Now it’s difficult to see this stuff unless you know where to look. It’s no good for the casually curious as I once was. Books are still surviving but it takes effort to read a book. Easy access You Tube videos questioning the narrative are all but gone.
The 9/11 truth movement was mostly fake, but I’ve not yet made any assessment of DRG’s position.
It sounds like the standard Kissinger-Putin “multipolar” propaganda. How can we be sure it’s actually by Griffin? Did he publish anything along these lines prior to his death?
As Dr. Griffin’s longtime colleague on 12 of his books, I can tell you with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that this is his book.
Furthermore, I am very grateful to Off-Guardian for publishing my review of it!
Could you provide a link to an article published by DRG before his death?
Thank you
America on the Brink: How Us Foreign Policy Led to the War in Ukraine
by Griffin, David Ray
“The American government, through its media, has convinced most Americans to support the Ukrainian government. This books shows why this is a mistake: The United States promised Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward”; and there had been ample warnings, by George Kennan and others, that moving NATO eastward, especially moving into Georgia and Ukraine, would cause problems for Russia. In Ukraine prior to 2014, Ukrainian and Russian speakers were coexisting tolerably well. But in 2013 and 2014, neocons in Obama’s administration engineered a coup, with help from neo-Nazis, turning Ukraine into a Russia-hating nation. The war in Ukraine began that year (not in 2022, when Russia attacked in order to protect the Russian-speaking regions under attack by the new coup government in Kiev). Although this book is primarily about the war in Ukraine, it also shows how, in one sense, the war in Ukraine is simply one more instance in the trajectory of American imperialism. as illustrated by previous US interventions in Iran, Guatemala, Cuba, Brazil, Greece, Dominican Republic, Panama and Iraq. In another sense, this war reveals just how committed America is to maintaining a unipolar world order: Because this war illustrates that America is willing to threaten nuclear holocaust. it is almost as if people in the U.S. State Department and military believe that life is not worth living unless the US can control the world. “
Straight from the horses mouth !
As I said, it’s standard Kissinger-Putin “multipolar” propaganda. It could have been spouted any of the legion of sock-puppets. However, unless similar statements can be found prior to DRG’s death, I’m inclined to believe that it didn’t come from him.