The Lost Art of Connecting Dots

Todd Hayen

Remember those dot games? Where you would spend hours going through a book of numbered dots, connecting them with a line starting at a dot numbered “1” and continuing until an image of something revealed itself?

Some of these things I remember as being really complex. And some of them were so complex you really couldn’t tell what the hell the image was until you diligently connected every dot. And then, voila! A lion, a goat, or a car would appear. Nothing was clear until the dots were connected. One by one.

Sometimes it was easy to tell what the final image was going to be. But, until we got a little older, the image usually was a mystery, and you wanted to see what it was, so you got busy with your pencil, and connected the dots.

The sequence was obvious—1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.

Connecting the dots in real life, in order to see something more clearly, or understand it more thoroughly, is a bit more difficult. Sometimes you don’t know the sequence (like you would with sequential numbers), but if you think a little bit, most things are usually not that difficult to figure out.

I think most of us graduated from the dot game to Nancy Drew or Hardy Boy mysteries, then Columbo and then the personal missing keys mystery (or missing cell phone). Solve the riddle, solve the crime, and solve the mystery. Connect the dots, the clues, the patterns and correlations, whatever it might be. It is a human trait to want to reason: deductive, inductive or abductive, until we figure things out.

Not anymore—at least not for a large portion of us. The art of connecting dots is lost. A shame.

Well, in the defense of the people who seem to no longer be capable of connecting dots, I have to say you do need a mystery to start with. If you have a fully formed figure in front of you, there is no compulsion to connect dots. Regarding the Covid insanity of the past three years, many people were convinced there was no mystery to it.

The government very seriously informed all of us that we’re going to die if we didn’t carefully do what they said. They showed us pictures of people dropping in the streets in China, we saw stacked up coffins in Italy, and started soon after to hear of reports in New York City of overwhelmed hospitals. That was enough. No mystery there. No dots needing to be connected—a full, very clear, picture. Or was it?

Those of us with our dot-connecting proclivity still intact, started to see part of the narrative fading. Things did not clearly connect anymore. As we got further into the situation, many things started to not make sense, and we saw unconnected dots just crying out to be connected. So we took our pencils out and got to work. Some of us (not me) saw unconnected dots from day one!

In a fairly short time we had a lot of dots connected. We saw the lies, and many of the reasons behind the lies. We saw the liars too, and started to put together why such people would lie. We connected to the reasons why the lies were easy to make, and why the media was supporting the lies and not speaking out against them.

We saw that science was being hijacked, and when we wondered why such a thing could happen, we diligently searched for other elusive dots to connect to the ones we already knew. Soon it became a game, and for some of us (me being one of them) there came that same sort of joy that comes when a puzzle is solved, and the fully formed image comes up to be seen when many dots were connected.

We also encountered other dot connectors and joined forces in our mutual search for certain important dots. But all along the way, there were some dots we never could seem to find. Those dots formed the reasons so many of our fellow humans were totally not interested in connecting dots.

Although we could clearly see the mystery and the need to connect dots to reveal more answers or expose more mystery, we never could find the dots that answered the questions about our friends and families and why they seemed to have lost the interest in finding out more. “I know everything I need to know,” we often heard. “There is nothing to figure out here, you people thinking some big conspiracy is being revealed with what you think are connections, are delusional.”

And you know what? They don’t know what is really happening because they refuse to connect the dots. That is all there is to it. If they connected them, they would know. But they don’t.

You can put the dots right in front of them and they still will not connect them. They will say, “there is no connection there, are you crazy?” Or, “what you think is a dot, isn’t one at all.” (Such as when person after person has literally dropped dead within hours after taking the vaccine. That to me is a clear dot—vaccine (first dot)—death within hours (second dot)—connect them damnit!) Nope. Can’t do it.

That’s an obvious one too. Forget the more subtle ones. These people have lost any intuitive gut feeling that something is rotten in Denmark. Flies right past them.


Gee, I would love to know. Comment if you have figured that one out. There have been lots of theories: indoctrination from an early age, mass psychosis, the vaccine has poisoned their mind (although we saw this before the vaccines), 5G, GMO, etc. Or maybe it is just personality types: Normie personality type, or “critical thinking” personality type. That is as good an answer as any.

Then there is the argument if they did manage to connect the dots, they still wouldn’t see the image the connected dots created. But I have not seen much of this. If someone manages to believe some of these correlations, they generally see it. If they don’t, they are just in denial. Which of course is indeed a large part of this story. But again, why are some in denial, and others are not?

I guess to get that question answered, we will have to connect some more dots.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Sep 8, 2023 8:52 AM

Late in 2020, I came to the conclusion it was a spiritual difference, allied of course to mass formation. Unless you are used to being aware that there is more to the world than our 5 senses perceive, it is more difficult, but not impossible, to see the scale of the deception. And what that means.

Jul 31, 2023 5:39 PM

Some things in the modern world are quite simple:

If you wish to attain political prominence today, the first thing you must ask yourself is, “Whose bottom would it be most profitable for me to kiss?”

I understand there is no other way.

Jul 31, 2023 3:50 PM

Mea Tom Davis already connected the Dots in 1987: worldwatchers.info/admin/87-03-18_Interview_Mae_Tom_Davis.mp3

Even lower level intelligence agents were listening to her to figure out what their bosses were up to for them, the “big picture” as “need to know” is designed to compartmentalize and keep the grunts dumb.

Cynicon Implant
Cynicon Implant
Jul 31, 2023 2:23 PM

It’s tribal instinct. For many people, the most important thing is to maintain tribe cohesiveness — it increases the chance of survival. In this case their tribe insists on fealty to the “experts” and the government. If you question the experts or even, God forbid, accuse them of lying, they will become upset and explain that even if they did lie it was for our own good.

Unless we can show these people how their fealty will lead to the demise of the tribe, I don’t think we have a chance of getting them to connect the dots.

Jul 31, 2023 11:49 AM

Maybe dotting the smoke screen puts ‘em to sleep, no dots to distinguish here,,, snore,,

Jul 30, 2023 8:58 PM

“Not connecting the dots” is a defense against the awful truth. In my work life, I saw employees collapse in tears when they found out the boss lied about something.

The elites lie about everything: covid, alleged white racism, transgender ideology, and the “climate crisis”. We are trapped in a web of lies, but it creates too much stress if we try to escape.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 30, 2023 9:59 PM
Reply to  Archimedes

These psychopaths who are the perpetrators of all these evils should not be termed ‘elite’.
Some writers online refer to them as the ‘criminal elite’, which is such an oxymoron!

They should be referred to as, for eg, the criminal cabal, the Globalist cabal, the perpetrators, the conspirators (the latter one is the term chosen by Dr Vernon Coleman, here in the UK), or whatever.

One of the regular writers for the Global Research site, an Australian, peppers his articles with the word ‘elite’, to refer to these evil psychopaths. He and I exchanged emails for a couple of months, a year or so ago, and I mentioned that the word ‘elite’ to refer to these people is so, so wrong. He said, “You’re not the first person to take me to task for using that word, ‘elite’, of these people…!”.

robert luciano
robert luciano
Jul 31, 2023 10:56 AM

Personally I think “The Scum at the Top” is a much more appropriate label than “The Elite” I mean most of them are either morbidly obese or have some type of drug or deviant sexual issues…people really should stop using the term elite if they can avoid it. I feel like we are falling into some type of “neuro-linguistic” trap that they have set with this….

Aug 3, 2023 5:23 AM
Reply to  robert luciano

For people with an egalitarian understanding of society, “elite” is already a dirty word. Only those who still long for leadership can develop a positive relationship regarding a group of people who claim they are above the “little” people.

Jul 31, 2023 5:39 AM
Reply to  Archimedes

Huh? Less fake crises = less stress.

The only real crisis is the present (group)ego based networks losing grip.
Things can only improve….

Jul 30, 2023 6:46 PM

This was always my favourite:
comment image

Jul 30, 2023 7:03 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Try it – it’s liberating!

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 30, 2023 10:28 PM
Reply to  wardropper

What was she smoking?

Jul 30, 2023 10:41 PM

Probably Queen Victoria’s old socks…

Jul 30, 2023 6:40 PM

Dot connecting is no longer taught in schools.
The consequences of that are, of course, inevitable.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 30, 2023 2:37 PM


Simon Elmer on the sad capitulation of “feminist” Jacqueline Rose to the transgender ideology.

There are two oddities that struck me here: first the claim that ‘people over 65, especially women, are almost as gender-fluid as the young’. I have heard of people over 60 going for hormone replacement therapy. If there is a valid health reason for this then fine. But in some cases, it’s a matter of “trans” people aiming to “transition”. That those who are beyond the age of reproductive health are submitting to this treatment only underlines a question that actually applies to all of them irrespective of their age: There is no reproductive aspect to this. Or, at least, none that I know of. And if reproduction is not the aim then we are talking about sex purely as an activity which is meant to give pleasure between consenting adults. No hormone replacement or surgery is required for that. So what is the point of this “transitioning”?

The second point is with that bit about the male anus as ‘a kind of universal vagina through which femaleness can always be accessed’. This is a piece of appalling – and there’s no other word for it – perversion. That the anus can be used for sexual activity is an old story and the business of nobody outside the private realm of consenting adults. But that the anus can be viewed as “a universal vagina” and some kind of access to genuine femaleness is a deeply worrying sentiment that suggests nothing less than the future replacement of the entire female sex.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 31, 2023 5:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

in re the anus: “It’s an exit, not an entrance.”

At its most basic, foundational level, the purpose and function of sex is reproduction.

As a species endowed with reason, one must accept that there’s a moral component to that.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 31, 2023 8:32 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Bulls eye in all 3.

Jul 31, 2023 5:41 AM
Reply to  George Mc

So what is the point of this “transitioning”?
Marketing, insecurity and profit. It is nothing compared to mutilating children. As the Pet Shop Boys sang, “everything’s for sale”.

Jul 30, 2023 2:01 PM

If you ask the average person what they know about the U.N Agenda 21 etc.,
they usually reply that they have never heard of it.
Most western governments have signed up to it and have been implementing it for many years
and yet the people, who they supposedly represent, have never heard of it and have no clue what is in store for them…

Further down the comments, “moneycircus” mentions G.Edward Griffen, so…
in the interest of connecting the dots, here is a vid by that man explaining the background of the U.N.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 30, 2023 10:53 AM

The truth is short, lies are always long complicated explanations and thick books.

Jul 30, 2023 9:57 AM

Ignorance is ‘bliss’…

Jul 30, 2023 9:54 AM

I expect there’s lots of reasons for failing to find the truth. One is that you already have a comfortable worldview & if you accept that there’s a vast conspiracy you’ll have to rethink ALL of your ideas– enormous parts of your worldview. Even considering it for a moment makes one aware that you’ll be outside what TV tells you is the “majority view.”.

Then when the evidence begins to mount up that the conspiracy theorists are RIGHT, you know damn well that the knowledge will call upon you to “DO SOMETHING” & of course, guilt & discomfort that you won’t KNOW what to do.

Actively pursuing the truth– or at least facing it– makes US leaders. A great portion of those who don’t or won’t see it will come over gladly to our side when we’ve defined a course of action.

Why the hell should they wish to join us in our anguish, people? Instead of bitching and moaning that it’s all their fault because they won’t join us, do what leaders do: Devise a course of action. I’ve laid out a few ideas to get behind, but I get not a single bit of discussion about them. So long as you prefer anguish to action fewer will join us. Can’t say I blame them.

Jul 30, 2023 9:28 AM

The key to arresting confirmation bias in oneself is to examine SKEPTICALLY the arguments and “reasons” one gives in support of one’s present conclusions.
eg: The virus/illness doesn’t exist because it has no symptoms that distinguish it from other respiratory infections.

Skeptic: So if we’ve heard of three respiratory illnesses with the same symptoms, none of them exist, right?
Skeptic: Doctors rely on cultures, blood tests & MRIs precisely because it’s frequently impossible to discern differential diagnosis by symptom alone– i.e. the symptoms are the same!

I could probably demolish 3 more times the general proposition that “Illnesses/infective agents w/o unique or defining symptoms don’t exist.”

If your psychology is bent upon discovering the truth you automatically subject the reasons for your own present conclusions to skepticism. The moment “your” conclusion becomes more important than humble fealty to the truth you begin to make transparent errors like the above. 

Jul 30, 2023 8:41 AM

A pure AI could be 100% rational and connect all dots, including those not yet noticed. Our human minds are totally biased by memes, wants, status, relations, greed, addictions.

Alas a 100% pure AI will never happen, just like “peaceful” nuclear energy only didn’t.

Young kids have the best chance to see unjustice and illogic plus their (great) grand parents, IF they stayed free minds instead of ossification. Both groups hardly count as political voters…

les online
les online
Jul 30, 2023 8:29 AM

Snatched away before completed…
The Missing Link:

RFK jr and the Jews – Kevin Barrett:

Shows an insight into the civilisating process as trauma that impacts us our entire lives…
Psychopaths are not born…

Jul 30, 2023 7:35 AM

Get the feeling someone has discovered David Icke.

People slapping themselves on the back for not falling for the hoax and THIS TIME not taking a vaccine & learning about the WEF Agenda 21/2030. Are generally so soo humble.

Jul 30, 2023 4:48 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

I am new, so am perplexed why I cant upvote your comment.
The computer says in red I am not allowed to vote you up.

Jul 30, 2023 6:03 PM
Reply to  Jin_Tonic

Insert coin

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 30, 2023 6:08 PM
Reply to  nylon

The pros are out in force this weekend I see.

Jul 30, 2023 6:19 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Are you seeing things?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 30, 2023 7:27 PM
Reply to  nylon


Jul 30, 2023 7:28 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

” I do envy how easily mystified people are these days. But rest assured, there is no grand conspiracy—-Of course, thats what someone covering up a grand conspiracy would say.”

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 30, 2023 6:09 PM
Reply to  Jin_Tonic

I suggest you try a different browser

Jul 30, 2023 8:41 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I see the Gatekeeper is out agaaaain.

Oh Sam the supposed self hating Jew. Why are you censoring my comments agaaaain.
Remember, I screen shot everything. Especially as you’ve called me paranoid twice now offgroomer.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 30, 2023 9:32 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Because you’re openly trolling, and it breaks our comment policy.

Jul 30, 2023 10:12 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Just connecting the dots big man.
Trolling is what people say when they don’t like the view being expressed. It’s a form of censorship. As for you now pulling the our comment policy card. Well, how convenient. Yet others have said a lot off comment policy stuff yet miraculously, no admin intervention

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 31, 2023 1:22 AM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Do yourself a favour and go watch a movie. Or catch up with someone from your past. Or do one of those little fixing jobs we’ve all got hanging around. It’s timeout time for you.

Jul 31, 2023 9:27 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Should I assume that I am included in the same trolls-watch-list?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 31, 2023 12:09 PM
Reply to  nylon

Coming on here implying our votes are pay to play isn’t very friendly is it. Can you try to articulate where your general level of animosity and suspicion toward off guardian stems from? This might help me understand you better. As Admins it’s our job to try to understand people. A2

Jul 31, 2023 2:05 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Those two words were a flawed attempt to sarcasm, on a late afternoon after I had a few drinks.
I regretted sending them because I soon realized how many wrong way they could be read. But it was too late to erase.
It was directed to the new user, making an absurd suggestion to mock and make fun of his impatience.
I was just coming from reading another comment with someone moaning about pending messages. Everytime I read one of those I always think:
” you just sent one you smarty, it’s waiting, why would you clogg it with another one? And if you do,why not sending a copy of the previous one, just in case? No,you have to moan,do you?”

With this in mind when I jumped on the thread I wrote those words to the new user as way of saying “do your time”.
Unfortunate choice of words indeed, but this time the sarcasm was not directed to you.
Could be a slip but I have always been very open in my criticism to offg and spoke my mind directly, I would not have choosed that card if I wished to attak you.

Where the other stems from?
If I look deeply it’s from frustration originated by my own unrealistic expectations.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 31, 2023 2:22 PM
Reply to  nylon

A very good response.Thank you for your communication. Breath of fresh air. I hope you can continue to enjoy Offg. A2

Jul 30, 2023 1:55 AM

Lots of people are Guardian readers – sure they are right – like a religion. I don’t know why they didn’t see the change in journalism and government. I guess it is because they choose a bandwagon over what their own eyes ears and intellect will tell them. And because the people who question have been made the common enemy – nice move by them.

Jul 30, 2023 10:39 PM
Reply to  Ravensara

In the Guardian / Observer today was the following article:

So after scaring people witless for the last few decades and recent stories of global boiling, they say ‘Climate doom is the new Climate denial’ so it’s all a flippant facetious farce, is it? Could it be that everything they say is a lie? Pretty much …

Jul 30, 2023 12:50 AM


Humans have created their own sub system within the natural world. This sub system gives them security and dreams of plenty and power and a sort of immortality. This artificial world now dwarfs the natural world which it came from. We don’t have vast transparent domes covering our cities but we may as well. The average urban dweller is quite ignorant of nature. Dogs are everyones favourite animal. A fat young couple walked two dogs past my window as I was having breakfast. Our bubble could be compared to a womb and the media and other information providing systems are part of the umbilical cord that keeps us alive.Few are hardy enough to damage the umbilical cord.

Jul 30, 2023 3:57 PM

Sort of like that old movie ‘The Truman Show,’ where Jim Carrey finds out that his hometown is really just a giant, domed studio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_zYn-HHcyA

Jul 30, 2023 12:12 AM

Many are afraid to connect, to admit they were wrong.

Jul 30, 2023 12:11 AM

Thank you for sharing something which has become so deliberately complicated …
In my humble, two-brain-celled opinion – I view MONEY as the beginning & end of most of the problems.
Money begets ‘status’ and thence the problems begin …
Money becomes the splinter in the eye of the beholder.

Jul 30, 2023 7:15 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

Now now that’s getting awfully close to naming the usury suspect’s. Deemed as hate speech round these parts.. Very touchy about that they are,too.

Jul 31, 2023 5:48 AM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

What do “religious Christians” think of usury? Do they know when and how it became kosher?

Human values
Human values
Jul 30, 2023 11:07 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

Yes, money is all they talk about, even when it’s not explicit. They are saving the Economy!

They’re trying to save their system. All their power is depending on money. Without it, they have nothing.

Funny thing is, hardly anyone knows what money is. It is, however, what they believe in. People have been brainwashed to think that money is necessary, natural, eternal. That’s the Money-god.

Most people have no idea what money is, and they don’t want to think about it.

Money is based on belief. Without belief, money has no value. Banks create money to make profit, which is also money. People have to have money so they can live. Without money, more than 30 000 people die every day from starvation. That’s how important money is in the Money System.

So money is the god who decides who can live and who dies.

There’s no money to feed the poor people! There’s no money to finance pensions for the elderly, or social security for the disabled or the sick.

But there’s always money enough to make the rich richer. That’s how money works.

And people are brainwashed to think that this is good. That this is how our lives should be, that there is no alternative.

Killing people for money is how this system works.  

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 29, 2023 11:50 PM

I think people who refuse to see the obvious dot connections, who stick their proverbial fingers in the ears and vehemently deny reality are habitual (compulsive) liars. They are evil personified. You might think that too harsh or exaggerated but it is because of habitual denial that the whole of society is dragged down into the goulag designed by the psychopaths.

M. Scott Peck’s analysis of both individual and collective human evil in The People of the Lie stands up well as an explanation of evil character structure as both a form of narcissistic personality disorder and a moral break-down, or perversion, of conscience. Concepts of denial, scapegoating, threatened narcissism, lying, self-deception, and cover-up, in Peck’s account, illuminate in parallel ways both individual and collective evil.

I read this and The Road Less Travelled when I was very young. To me they were psychology explained in a nutshell.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 29, 2023 9:59 PM


“Dozens of environmental groups have warned the prime minister they will not “stand by” while politicians use the environment as a “political football”. More than 50 organisations have written to Rishi Sunak expressing “deep alarm” at reports his government may water down its green commitments. They have requested an urgent meeting with the prime minister. Mr Sunak said he was committed to meeting the 2050 net zero target in a “pragmatic and proportionate way”.”

Dozens of environmental groups – indeed 50! Hell, that’s you and me! That’s all of us!  And we are outraged that these Tory bastards may be reneging on their green commitments! But good news!:

“The prime minister has faced calls from some Tories to scrap his government’s policy of banning the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles from 2030. But earlier this week, cabinet minister Michael Gove said the government remained committed to the ban, which was announced in 2020 by then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson.”

Excellent! That campaign where you and me and absolutely everybody demanded the scrapping of all petrol and diesel vehicles must go ahead!  

Remember when you and I and absolutely everybody signed that letter which referenced “recent wildfires across the globe, and flash flooding in India”? And remember when we wrote that the environment “remains a central concern for voters” and there is “no public mandate for a delay”?

Damn straight! You and me and everyone in the whole world will not tolerate any delay in cutting every single emission until there isn’t a breath of any movement at all anywhere!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 29, 2023 10:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You can be sure all the members of the said 50 organisations will survive everything and anything and will be handsomely rewarded.

If I only knew where they were located I would sign in as a member too, if only I could find them. Anyone?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 29, 2023 9:36 PM

Extinction porn gets cute on Wired:

“How to Survive a Killer Asteroid
The impact that wiped out the dinosaurs would probably have killed you too—unless you were in the exact right place and had made the exact right plans.”

Jul 29, 2023 8:12 PM

Very entertaining reading all the takes.Some way out there but worth listening to. I think the answer was explained 2500 years ago in Plato’s “Republic” with the Allegory of the Cave. Raised is a cave and only enlightened by the existing order. Shadows projected upon a wall. A preconceived reality projected. Not knowing anything outside this cave and projections, the man is unblindered and brought to the surface above. The bright light of day, the 360° natural world in all it’s beauty, shocks and terrifies the man. He attacks the dot connector that brought him to the surface, wanting to return to what he understood to be the comfortable reality below. The Situationist’s examination of the “Spectacle” we live, in France, helped prompt the revolution of 1968. Baudrillard and many others have discussed the Simulacrum of civilization replacing reality with representations.

Humans started living on Earth with myth + trial & error development of technologies to ease survival. Religious myths have been replaced by capitalist myths of the necessity for mass culture to be obedient to the Parental control of an elite capitalist ruling class, so the workers, the Children, their profit center, remain compliant and industrious. In creating a workplace-media-political-schooling simulacrum, they’ve created a false reality, a false consciousness, that entraps most from seeking truth.

The way out? Realize the surrounding simulacrum is false. Find out what is true, as much as possible. Visualize and scenario the society that you would like to live in. Then refuse to participate in their false reality in every aspect possible, as much as possible. Start making the desired reality you seek appear in all that you do, as much as possible. People who’ve dropped out and are cynical will come on board as soon as Reality becomes apparent, that THEY can make a desirable Reality with rest of us, as much as possible.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 29, 2023 8:08 PM

Ideological subversion is a good place to start for the majority. The way Bezmenov explain it is easy to see. https://www.preparingyou.com/wiki/Ideological_subversion

You take the dot from 50 years ago where language were precise, moral code still prevailing, and TV had some valued info, and connect it with today’s demoralised society, fake news and we can easy conclude Bezmenov is right in his analyse and predictions.

But there is religious and spiritual and geo-political and military/political psy-ops all around it also. Its just become too complex for the majority to understand.

Jul 29, 2023 8:04 PM

Quote: “And you know what? They don’t know what is really happening because they refuse to connect the dots. That is all there is to it. If they connected them, they would know. But they don’t.”

I´ve been thinking about this. Maybe many people are just not interested in dots, let alone in connecting them? Why? Because they lack (intellectual) curiosity as a personality trait?
Which can be translated as openness to experience?
You either have certain personality traits, or you don´t have them, if I remember correctly from a time I filled in a personality test online. Once upon a time I didn´t play dot games, I played test games;-)

Well, I remember scoring very high in “openness” in this particular online test. Which has its advantages and disadvantages, maybe especially as far as the connecting of dark dots is concerned. Curiosity killed the cat- maybe those who don´t look at things too curiously by nature live a more peaceful life?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 29, 2023 9:24 PM
Reply to  Dag

If you rattle the cages of the Security Services, you certainly don’t live a more peaceful life.

A subset of humans discern the truth.

A subset of that subset talk openly about it, for their priority is truth telling. The rest, whose priority might be making money, acquiring power etc, keep very quiet about it but send coded signals to others they recognise as being similar to themselves.

Some don’t want to acquire power, they want to provide a safe environment for their children to grow up in. They keep quiet in public, but show to those they talk to in private that they have seen the light.

Those that talk openly about things are pioneers in the gestation of a new paradigm.

Some will be entirely akin to placentas, nurturing the new paradigm before being cast aside, metaphorically dead, their job done, when the new paradigm is born.

There’s no uniformity out there and if humans are like the natural world of biodiversity, I doubt there ever will be.

Jul 30, 2023 6:00 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The parental drive to over-protect children, or at least ensure they never face the deprivation of the past, is a feedback loop. It ensures regression to the mean.

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
Jul 29, 2023 6:26 PM

Speaking of connecting dots……

I learned years ago when I started my website and DaLimbraw Library that very few people had the capability to coherently discuss – and much less explain – how Government/Religion/Politics/Culture play an interactive role in our lives – ALL of them. Why? WE DO NOT READ!


Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
Jul 29, 2023 6:34 PM
Reply to  Crush Limbraw

Correction to link…….
https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2021/02/crush-notes-and-summaries-list.html?m=0 – sometimes we’re better at connecting dots than posting links.

Jul 29, 2023 6:22 PM

Alongside the ancient art of “connecting dots”, there’s an equally esoteric lost art of “disconnecting dots”.

This essentially consists of breaking the links between events that are considered “connected”. Holding up one’s hands and admitting that they actually had absolutely nothing to do with one another.

Correcting the error of having erroneously joined dot 1 to dot 3, for example, instead of to dot 2.

This skill (unlike the imaginative hubris of connecting dots) requires humility, reflection and the basic capacity to admit “I just plain got it wrong. I got carried away in my imagination and connected events that were actually completely unrelated”.

Just as valuable a skill in the genuine truth-seeker’s repertoire imho

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 29, 2023 9:17 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

I’ll stick to trying not too break the links inside my own human body, that would be a good start too extending life and staying in the comfort zone.

Jul 30, 2023 6:13 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Conversely, those in power and their propagandists are intensely interested in breaking some inks. It encompasses quite a few approaches including denial, deflection, instigation, counter-attack and censorship.

john dann
john dann
Jul 29, 2023 6:22 PM

Great article, thanksTodd . You use the term “mass psychosis”. If you are referring to Mattias Desmet’s theory of Mass Formation, please note that Desmet does not use the term psychosis, he says in this article https://mattiasdesmet.substack.com/p/why-robert-malone-didnt-make-up-the?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Frobert%2520malone&utm_medium=reader2
…”I think it’s counterproductive from a pragmatic, intellectual and ethical perspective to use a psychiatric term like “psychosis” to describe social phenomena…”

We humans are an odd, even contradictory, mix of individuality and social being. No individual can exist, or develop, without the group, which gives us language, culture, social structure, etc, yet we like to define ourself as individuals. We are driven by powerful instincts, like survival, and reflexes, like breathing, which we cannot control. Yet intellectually we are able to comprehend our absolute individual insignificance.

Fear is a powerful force. It ignites in most of us both the urge for self preservation and family/social cohesion, even sacrifice for others.

Our western cultures have devolved into spiritual vacuums. While humans crave spiritual meaning and purpose, we are divided by religions and isolated from a collective morality and any divine concept of humanity.

Into this vacuum, loneliness and social decay, fear was artificially introduced by powerful global forces. It was implemented simultaneously and forcefully. Fear of death, fear for the family, fear for ourselves and others triggered most people to become, at least apprehensive, even frantic. The reaction was a psychological one, meeting a need and giving purpose and meaning to the ‘crisis’ and to our lives. Desmet describes this very well and concludes his thesis with a call to a renewed spirituality.

Covid cruelly, hypocritically, satisfied a spiritual longing. Interestingly the Covid scare has all the components of a religious movement. The invisible germ, or virus is a satanic ‘venom’, pure evil, which can inhabit you, devour you unless you stay pure. The priesthood of doctors and scientists will perform rituals to cure and cleanse our bodies of this evil. Governments will protect us all and maintain dogmatic purity with Inquisition styled oppressive rigour. A weekly mass and vaccination will keep us from impurity. Little wonder people go along with it; it is quite overwhelming for most.

The evil here is totalitarianism, government oppression, the intolerance of any individuality, free expression, let alone eccentricity. We are gradually and relentlessly being enslaved. Desmet’s thesis hits very close to the mark.

Deplorable D
Deplorable D
Jul 29, 2023 5:52 PM

In my circle, it was a belief the government would not lie. “Why would the CDC fudge death numbers? That does not make sense.” “Why would the FDA tell us the drug is safe and effective when it isn’t?” “My dentist wears a mask. Why would he if they do not work?” “My doctor says I should get the shot. Are you more knowledgeable than a doctor?” “[The Lab Coat] says six feet is how far apart we must be. Do you really believe they just make this up?” “If there pictures from Bergamo were fake, then it would be all over the news.”

And when I pointed out sources of information I was normally met with these responses. “That is conspiracy website. [Fact checkers] say they promote disinformation.” “I do not have time to read those reports.” “Those are alt-right websites.” “That is Q-anon stuff.” “So those authors know more than [The Expert]?”

The refusal to connect the dots appears to be laziness, lack of curiosity, and psychological conditioning to believe The Experts leading to a belief those in authority would not lie… this time. Even people who admit government officials and science experts have lied in the past, do not believe the current officials and experts would lie.

I see the same lack of curiosity and loyal trust in the climate change hoax, the Ukraine is winning scam, and the US economy is booming charade.

Jul 29, 2023 8:10 PM
Reply to  Deplorable D

My primary care doctor believes in the mask wholeheartedly, or so she says. My husband’s doctor does not — when my husband went in to see him about halfway through the pandemic (due to an eye injury he had to have treated) he asked him “do you really think these do any good? I don’t” and the doctor replied “No, I don’t, but we have to keep wearing them or we’ll get in trouble.” If you have to see a doctor and those are the only two sorts available, which sort would you prefer? The blindly stupid or the “go along to get along” variety?

Jul 30, 2023 12:04 AM
Reply to  mjh

My husband modifies my original comment — he says that he believes his doctor (who he thinks is a good person and a good doctor) has the viewpoint that he did more good continuing to treat his patients despite the stupid mask requirement than he would have done if he had not complied and been forced out of his role.

Jul 30, 2023 6:21 AM
Reply to  Deplorable D

We can make an exemption for certain jobs. A dentist is exposed to the fine spray of saliva as he works on each patient. It is a wonder that protection for the eyes is not a concern.

Jul 30, 2023 10:46 PM
Reply to  mgeo

My dentist always wears goggles and so do her patients.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Jul 29, 2023 5:48 PM

Entire articles based on a metaphor are seldom very enlightening.

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 29, 2023 5:44 PM

That’s the way it is, man. Deal with it. It’s up to those who can connect the dots, or want to, to do something about it. But instead, we don’t. I should say, some do, but most don’t. Collectively, those that can connect the so called dots don’t do shit about it except talk about it, try to tell others, and believe that somehow that will make a difference. Maybe the article should be about “The Lost Art of Revolution” or something like that.
Ya, I know, stale.

Jul 29, 2023 5:07 PM

Have a dot:

Since it started in August 2022, almost 33 million tonnes of grain and other foodstuffs have been exported via the Black Sea grain deal.

Jul 29, 2023 5:01 PM

So far, this article is practically unique in the annals of OffG.

Nobody has come forth to say he or she stopped reading the article after encountering some sentence containing a taboo thought.

See, we’re all here against censorship – but by God we’re not against stopping reading altogether.

Jul 30, 2023 6:26 AM
Reply to  Howard

Many of us may often be disintersted in some articles, and especially in troll comments. Yet, we rarely bother to make a show of announcing our taboos.

Jul 29, 2023 4:52 PM

Why people don’t connect the dots has been puzzling me. Too scared to connect the dots may be one reason, pure opportunism another (willfully or not willfully), yet another reason may be that it is too easy to connect the dots. It’s easy to connect the dots, while the other option (not connecting the dots) is much more fun. Like seeing (without connecting the dots) how the juggler is performing his act is much more fun than actually connecting the dots and see that the stage trick is just that: a trick

The latter explanation may be a reason why so many people tune off when they are told the truth in one way or another (fi try to share an OffG article with someone who believes in fi covid and see what happens). It’s such a disappointment when the truth turns out to be much less magic than that what is hold as the truth.

Fi the Drosten paper on PCR is openly available and everyone who wants to can read what a load of crap it is when you connect the dots (a computer model) of the PCR. So people don’t read that paper or pretend that it is too difficult to understand the paper, meaning: ‘I prefer the gobbledygook over the truth’ as the gobbledygook is so much more fun to believe.

People who prefer gobbledygook over truth have a point, as in after knowing the truth: what else can one do? – Frankly from that point onward there is (or seems) nothing more to do, while if you believe or pretend to believe the magic, a whole world is waiting for you to be explored. A make believe world, but who cares if the make believe world feels so good.

Which brings me to the point I am trying to make: people prefer to feel instead of to think. And the make believe certainly feels better, than the truth.

So what one can learn from this is that if you want people to connect the dots, you must do it in the way of the juggler: as if it’s a trick you are pulling on the audience and only acknowledge after the full show that it was not a trick, but the truth!

After which the public will applaud and say: ‘great show! Could you give me another one?’

In the end the only way to learn how to connect the dots is through the hard way: self-experience.

So in order not to make people self-experience you must create some sort of dreamworld and that’s where most of us are now.

A bit of a ramble, but there certainly is truth in this idea.

Jul 30, 2023 11:04 PM
Reply to  Willem

When lockdown started, I knew instantly it was a scam, a sham, a plan-demic. The dots were instantly connected except for one – why? That was the one thing that scuppered all attempts at asking family members and friends to ‘just wait’ before getting a vaccine. Only my daughter (half-) listened to me but that was because she already knew. The reason we were both ready with the dots pretty much joined up would become evident if you looked at my bookshelves. All my late-partner’s books were screaming out the same message – wait – this isn’t normal – something is going wrong. It was like the moment in Slumdog Millionaire when all the questions the protagonist is asked appeared in earlier events in his life. I still don’t know the answer to ‘why?’ but if anyone said ‘Why should I wait if you can’t tell me why anyone would do bad things to me?’ I just pointed out the nonsensical coercion to push us all into compliance. ‘Give me a free burger if I have a jab? You believe that?’ Insanity!

Raúl Zambrano
Raúl Zambrano
Jul 29, 2023 3:36 PM

I would like to use your suggestionComment if you have figured that one out” as an invitation to connect the dots. I have read and listened to many “dot-connecters” of this covid-world-tragedy that also refuse to connect dots outside this very subject. Yes, from within this very same community you can hear the voices shouting global warming is also a red herring or don’t buy that devil lives beyond Ural Mountains. But stop only there. I mean, they ascribe their world view as something coming from someone outside their cosmogony; a cosmogony where democracy is a thing (they even think that people living in the West were free before this current madness), the current empire is a good thing, and leftists (whatever they think left means), communists (communists!), non-government authorized migrants, non-christians are the equivalent of the Hell that is causing all us our society maladies.

Have any of you guys realized that social networks censoring is only the tip of the tail that initiated long ago (I mean, long) about what we are led to believe and fight for? May be that was the only way to create “large civilizations” but, are really large civilizations a good thing? (Just give a little thought to the fact that after 500 years of looting that European countries did all over the rest of the world they were unable to still have a just society within there and war is looming again over there. Meaning: gold is not the answer)

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 29, 2023 9:46 PM
Reply to  Raúl Zambrano

Did I hear someone mentioned gold?
Gold bullion in this situation to maintain reserve is definitely a solution to all the problems we are going through now.
Connect the dots and at the end you will find a bowl of physical gold bullion you can take into your own hands, and BIS, EC, IMF, IBRD, Sber Bank cant do a shet.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 29, 2023 3:27 PM

My SO refuses even to discuss what really happened and what really is happening over the last 3 years, and I think this has given me a pretty good handle on your basic question. She buys into much of the WOKE agenda, but fortunately not all of it. She was aware that I would never take the clotshot or an anal or nasal Schwab, and that didn’t disturb her unduly. Before the roll out she was aware of all my “conspiracy theories” going back to the 60s and beyond, such as the CIA killed JFK and RFK and the FBI killed MLK. That 9/11 was an inside job operation conducted by the Israeli and USA deep state, and so on. But she simply regarded this as an aberration, and fortunately she did not call my basic sanity into question. It was OK for me to believe this “stuff” as long as I didn’t try to coerce her into accepting it. To understand the issue one must look at the role of religion in human history, and I use that term in the most general sense as ontological belief systems. Most people are born into situations where they are mentally and/or physically traumatized from sticking their heads out of the birth canal and the trauma continues from there on. Sometimes it involves immediate genital mutilation without even an anesthetic. They thus regard the world as essentially hostile (which it usually is, and develop mental systems preventing their free floating anxiety from developing into a total paralysis. This eventually forms a systematized religion which is often secular or even atheistic. Any attack on this system caused by critical thinking reality dot connection threatens to unleash a torrential panic attack based on the understanding that the world is not constructed as their belief systems purport. So it is dealt with by sticking their fingers in their ears and mouthing bla bla bla.

Jul 30, 2023 12:39 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo


George Mc
George Mc
Jul 29, 2023 3:00 PM

Some have raised the issue of constantly connecting/reconnecting dots thereby endlessly going around a little circle. I have found that no matter how boldly I venture into areas the media never permit admission to, I always seem to have to retrace my steps when talking or even imagining talking to others.

And even when thinking by myself I tend to automatically put my thoughts into a pretend dialogue with others. And these others are ones I think of as having prejudices molded by the media. And that is obviously a lost cause from the start. That’s why my thinking always seems to go round in circles and I feel I have to make the same arguments again and again.

For one thing, my wife constantly berates me for turning to the internet since , “How do you know they are any better than the TV?” At which point I have to explain that the TV regurgitates a tiny range of hugely questionable assertions and anyone seeking any kind of enlightenment at all is forced to go on the net. After which you can look for contradictions, emotional manipulation etc. to piece together a more reliable guide to the truth.

BUT I don’t even get a quarter of the way through that explanation when my wife has lost interest. She is hardly unintelligent but she can’t be bothered figuring anything out re: the world situation. She just wants to be reassured that everything is under control by folks you can trust. Full stop.

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 29, 2023 5:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Most simply do not want to know the truth. It’s that simple.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 30, 2023 12:30 AM
Reply to  Big Al

I find the words “Wake the F up, man”, woman, man woman man, at the end of most brief discussions on the state of things usually makes their head drop in shame as they scurry away. By their wilful ignorance they are leading all of us to the slaughterhouse.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 30, 2023 9:48 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

When I send emails to certain family members (who live in other parts of the country, here in the UK) who are, unfortunately, all brainwashed, gullible, naive ‘normies’ (even though I’ve been providing them with trustworthy, factual information re. what’s been going on since early 2020, right from the start; I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40-45 years), I very often conclude the email with the words “For heaven’s sake, WAKE UP, you brainwashed lot!”. Having, earlier in each email, provided them with further evidence which demonstrates what’s really going on. But they still all refuse to wake up. They choose to continue to blindly believe what they’re told on their beloved TVs. My brother and his wife [aged 57 & 38] are refusing to communicate with me… my brother said, a month ago, that, if I stop telling them what’s really going on, “communication with you might be forthcoming…”.

Well, I think you might just imagine how I responded to that…

I told him, in no uncertain terms, that I will not stop telling them what’s really going on, that they need to become aware, instead of keeping their heads in the sand, and that if that means they refuse to communicate with me, then so be it…
Their lack of awareness, and their lack of desire to be aware, is so very exasperating. As you so rightly say, the ‘sheep’, the ‘normies’, by their wilful ignorance are leading all of us to the slaughterhouse.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 31, 2023 12:50 AM

That is sad to hear. But like all cabal created events the sheep think this is just another glitch that will blow over and normal services will resume if they simply ‘Go along with it’ Don’t waste your time and energy is my advice. Focus on your own well being an those with similar interests, it’s much more rewarding however frustrating it is trying to wake the normies.

Again I tried to engage with a few people about recent MSM garbage and all the scare tactics used over the last 3 years. Some just laugh as if a practical joke has been played on them. It’s a crying shame they can’t connect the dots and see what has been planned for all of us by the monsters that be.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 31, 2023 1:39 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

You’re so right. It’s definitely a crying shame that so many are not able to connect the dots (and even when the dots are connected for them, by an ‘awake’ family member or friend…).

“The monsters-that-be”!! What a great term for the perpetrators, sums up perfectly, the perilous situation that we on Earth are in.

Jul 31, 2023 5:47 PM

Like you I’ve been “awake” for a long time. I’ve learned that there are many stages and levels to this “awakening” thing. Of course it’s exasperating when they won’t wake up by slapping them round the ear with facts. It’s satisfying for our ego, that game of one-upmanship, but in the long run that method is actually counter-productive… I’ve learnt the hard way.

There are tactics to gently rouse them from their slumber that are far more effective. But we have to put aside that desperate need to right…

“Be kind first, be right later.” James Clear

Be aware that we are all traumatised (by design) and most need to be ever so gently cajoled out into the light of truth, they have to find their own way. Our job is to tempt them out by wetting their appetite for truth. There’s always a way, but you really must put aside that need to be right, or you’ve already lost before you even started.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 1, 2023 2:12 AM
Reply to  Dodger

Yes, I hear what you say, of course, but…

I recall someone saying, not very long into this nightmare that began in early 2020, that you should initially try to wake up your naive, uninformed family and friends via gentle methods, but that if that fails to wake them up, you should take the hard stance, and tell them the unpleasant facts/truths, regardless… making the point that the ‘normies’/’sheep’ do need to be woken up from their slumbers. Otherwise, as Thom Crewz said a couple of days ago, above, “by their wilful ignorance they are leading all of us to the slaughterhouse”.

The willing ignorance of my family members (and all bar two already ‘awake’ friends) is making me very angry. They should be ashamed of themselves, still ‘believing’ the evil whoppers of lies that are being spewed out by the-Powers-that-should-NOT-be.
I tried to protect them all from the evil injection, months before they were ‘rolled out’ (and, of course, since), but they simply chose to ridicule all the facts and the evidences I provided them with, continued to ‘believe’ what their beloved TVs told them, and continued to roll up their sleeves multiple times…

Some people will never ‘wake up’…

Jul 29, 2023 2:39 PM

Will – Admin3

Apologies Will. I’m so used to being censored, I tarred OffG with a broad brush and I was wrong.

Jul 29, 2023 2:19 PM

So I take it ‘pending’ means ‘not publishing’ my comment. So be it On Guardian. One more ‘dot’…

Will - Admin3
Will - Admin3
Jul 29, 2023 2:35 PM

No, it means pending.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Will x

Jul 29, 2023 6:24 PM
Reply to  Will - Admin3

An explanation of “pending” when there are no links or foul language would be enlightening for those of us that have had this occur. Providing information demystifies and makes people relax and not make up “conspiracy theories”. They even feel relaxed enough to connect the dots and see that “oh, I understand that now”. 🙂

Will - Admin3
Will - Admin3
Jul 30, 2023 12:55 AM
Reply to  sandy

First time commenters often get placed on pending.

It also happens if you post multiple times in quick succession.

I do envy how easily mystified people are these days. But rest assured, there is no grand conspiracy—-Of course, thats what someone covering up a grand conspiracy would say.

Will x

robert tilman
robert tilman
Jul 29, 2023 2:17 PM

In a spiritual sense it’s like a veil they cannot see through…

Jul 30, 2023 7:02 PM
Reply to  robert tilman

And in a physical sense, not all brains are born equal…

It’s one of life’s entertaining paradoxes:

Curiosity is what got Adam and Eve into catastrophic trouble.
Yet without curiosity, one ends up stupid.

So where does curiosity come from?
I suppose if you’re born bright, your light shines into more corners.
And corners which are normally hidden are often very interesting…

It’s either the divine mystery of human creativity, or just sublimated lust.
Our job is to find out which is which…

Jul 29, 2023 1:57 PM

Todd!!! Beautifully said!

Jul 29, 2023 1:31 PM

Fluoride, aluminum, barium, strontium…

Jul 29, 2023 3:39 PM
Reply to  Brenda

…Coal Fly Ash.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 29, 2023 9:48 PM
Reply to  Violet


Jul 30, 2023 12:43 AM
Reply to  Brenda

Unending serial pharma-toxic injections 🤑

Jul 29, 2023 1:26 PM

At what point do we stop connecting dots and declare the image clear enough to satisfy our curiosity?

Dots are as abundant as the fish in the sea used to be or as the stars in the sky still are. When do we say “Okay, there are still plenty of dots to go but do they really fit the image?”

More to the point: which image is the correct image? Dots, after all, have a tendency to produce many images, some more convoluted than others. Is the first image we detect always the correct image? Or is it merely an illusion?

If we begin our connecting with “knowing” what image the process will reveal, there’s no possibility of discovering any other image that might be lurking in the underbrush.

If our attitude is “I need only one dot to know what’s there!” we’ve entered the Twilight Zone. “Show me whose fingerprints are all over it and I’ll show you the who, how, what, where, when of it!”

Is it really that simple?

Jul 29, 2023 2:08 PM
Reply to  Howard

Slow walk, slow walking the awakening, is a way to limit dissent.

Bill Coooper connected the dots on the day of 9/11, Mae Brussell connected the dots after JFK’s assassination in the 1960s. There was the lady who indexed the Warren Commission report… leaving no reason to claim ignorance… of anything.

Long before Frances Stonor Saunders exposed the CIA’s control of culture, another lady wrote the same article.

A lifetime of connecting the dots has already taken place. G Edward Griffin is in his 90s.

Yet we are seeing the same article. Why slow-walk, reinventing the wheel, pretending we don’t already know?

Why censor authors who push consciousness forward? We know the answer.

The alt media sph-inct-ere, knowingly or not, is as controlled as the state corporate media.

So ask yourself… when the controlled media advises you to connect the dots…. … what is going on?

Jul 29, 2023 2:25 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Like Patrick M. Wood, Griffin is still with us. Caroll Quigley and Antony Sutton are long gone.

Annie Jacobsen is another that rewrites the same info – perhaps with one new factoid revealed,

And she is not alone. The result is to churn the same story, preventing knowledge from moving forward – sticking it in the mud.

Some who are published on this site do the same. Brussell explained the technique extensively on https://www.worldwatchers.info/

Half an hour’s reading of one of their chapters will teach more than a month of alt churnalism.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 29, 2023 3:10 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Michael Parenti also noted the technique of openly admitting all sorts of statements which, had their imlicatons been fully acknowledged, would have brought down any number of systems. But all this open admission is then filed away under “the conspiracy buff people”. And it all becomes yet another strain of entertainment. This vulgarisation is of course relentlessly emphasised in the media – one prime example being the character of Lolly in “Orange is the New Black” who constantly drones about drones etc and is clearly portrayed as a schizo.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 29, 2023 3:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Here is another castration: any radical potential of 60s protests was defused by having those colourful clown characters join demonstrations and divert attention away from Vietnam and towards sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. Thus we had the hippy “love in” – which was later recycled by Rowan & Martin as a “laugh in” on which a large number of US celebrities were happy to appear thus giving the imperession that the US was one big happy family.

And although they didn’t have the hippy reference, Morecambe and Wise did a similar phony camaraderie job in the UK.

Jul 29, 2023 3:22 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

There is – or ought to be – an old proverb: There is no truth like the one you discover yourself.

It’s helpful if others have done some of the groundwork; but that doesn’t mean their conclusions are always spot on.

For instance, I cannot accept Frances Stonor Saunders’ conclusion that the CIA controls culture. As slip-shod as American “culture” may be, it is far too big, too cumbersome for even a puffed-up Behemoth like the CIA to “control.”

Culture is the most Protean entity in existence. Controlling it would be like corralling a whale with a rodeo lasso. (Wasn’t Jonah the last one who tried that?)

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 29, 2023 4:15 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Knowledge? You know very well that knowledge as an agent of change is over-rated. Knowing who did what and what for falls in the same category as knowing the weather.

The chain-smoker shall continue smoking even if they are shown live black lungs of deceased fellow smokers, which are shown on cigarette packs anyway. But once they have one of their own lungs removed… Well, I hope.

You seemed to recognise that when you recently wrote of awareness, which I prefer to refer to as conscious realisation.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 30, 2023 11:10 AM

Well, we have been through it many many times but you continue to believe in everything you see in media and commercials.

So one more time for Prince Coming Revolution:
Dont believe in everything you hear from the government sources or is stated in commercials and the media, not even if they are from anonymous VIP high level sources inside the government who says Saddam is in possession of WMD.

I have been a smoker in 40 years and my lungs are clean as a baby butt.
Plus flue and other viruses hate nicotine.
Science research shows smokers have less Corona than non-smokers…LOL.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 30, 2023 1:54 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

FYI, I’ve ditched media and TV years ago, and you don’t know what you’re talking about. That in your particular case you are fine after 40 years of smoking doesn’t mean that it’s the case for everybody else, and I did mention “chain-smoking” to make my point extreme. It’s you who’s writing like a prince thinking that your case is the one to be taken as a criteria. Also, you focused on an analogy everyone could understand and missed the point of the comment.

There is an old saying (paraphrasing): “When the Emperor took wine, the whole Poland was drunk”, meaning the emperor of Poland, because he was in a very joyful mood out of drinking, thought that the whole people too should be joyful and couldn’t understand why it wasn’t. This betrayed how the dominant classes were so removed from the worries of the citizens; but it appears this false belief is not exclusive to the dominant classe, F. middle classes missing their cakes are also afflicted with it.

Also, to infer that one is brainwashed because one is for or against something is plain childish. Try to argue instead, and your F. particular case is not an argument for or against anything. It’s the same F. reasoning dominant classes use to justify the system to the citizens: “If I could make it financially, everybody else could.”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 31, 2023 8:47 AM

I generally agree with you. Knowledge is a poor changer a.s.o.
I thought you were anti-smoker but I see now you only used it as an analogue, my regrets.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 31, 2023 4:35 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

No hurt feeling. Regret also the agressive tone. Cheers

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 29, 2023 4:21 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I love G E Grifiin’s Wiki page which naturally tells us that his “writings promote a number of right-wing views” and he “advances debunked conspiracy theories” (well of course all conspiracy theories are “debunked” by definition!).

Wiki also gives a supposedly damning list: “an HIV/AIDS denialist, supports the 9/11 Truth movement” culminating in a thigh slapper: “and supports the specific John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory that Oswald was not the assassin”. Jesus H, is there anyone alive who still thinks that Oswald was the assassin?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 31, 2023 8:56 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Oswald is not worth a discussion.
The question is who paid for the whole theatre. Probably the most perverted man in mankind’s history CIA’s Allen Dulles who erased the moral bottom line for Intelligence Agencies.
But Oswald is a good entrance. I use to claim I believe Oswald did it.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 30, 2023 8:08 PM
Reply to  Howard

“At what point do we stop connecting dots and declare the image clear enough to satisfy our curiosity?”

After one becomes The Science®

Jul 29, 2023 1:25 PM

I’m mystified as to why people are puzzled over differences in people’s mental agilities/abilities as we clearly don’t look the same so why presume all people’s thought processes should be the same. We all think differently to varying degrees just as no two people are physically exactly alike. So in answer to the question as to why certain people seem incapable of joining the dots it is simply that they are different to those that can, period. It is said that approximately 20% of people have the capability of joining dots in their lives, without fear or favour, with the balance of the population being unable and more pertinently, ofttimes unwilling, so to do. The 20% band of ‘dot joiners’ are not a product of some peculiar or particular education standard or social background etc, they merely inherently possess this ability. Conversely the balance of people either lack this ability or, as philosophers of the past have repeatedly emphasised, are just simply apathetic, meaning they just can’t be bothered to join dots their being too engrossed in their own micro lives (that is, until it’s too late)…

Jul 29, 2023 6:28 PM
Reply to  Loyfwe

“The 20% band of ‘dot joiners’ are not a product of some peculiar or particular education standard or social background etc, they merely inherently possess this ability.” Except that it is my experience (for what it’s worth) that the more highly educated, upper social background lot are the ones who don’t/won’t join the dots and accept the narrative verbatim. It’s the ‘working’ classes who are most on the ball. I live amongst the first group. I feel at home amongst the second.

Jul 29, 2023 12:42 PM

Great graphic BTW.
The pointing arrow and the # 20,21,22.
Who did that ?
Deserves a credit.

Jul 29, 2023 12:17 PM

Thanks Dr Todd, as always, for a thought provoking article (God forbid!) I’m one of those who saw through it from day one. I say this not to score points, in fact sometimes I wish I didn’t see the things I see, like the oh so obvious Geoengineering that had me branded a tin foil hatter 20 years ago (unfortunately we are All wearing tin foil now due to the nanoparticulate aluminium in the Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (chemtrails) we draw in with every breath).
I believe a major component of the ‘no dot-connecting’ equation is contemporary humanity’s penchant for ‘ease, comfort and security’ and therefore people’s reluctance to see the truth, as the consequence of such is having to let go of the world they want to believe they live in.
It calls one to action.
Personally I have ‘de-banked’, am currently living in a van, existing one day at a time, and will Not pay a penny in Tax to an establishment that wants me dead or enslaved, by ‘working for the man’ (Not My King) . It is not easy by any means, yet I sleep well as the adage is true for me that ‘a clear conscience is the most comfortable pillow’.

Jul 29, 2023 12:12 PM

Pattern recognition is not a linear process of idea-construction but the recognition of patterns that underlie the image or form of whatever expression they mask in or strategically manifest as. The underlying purpose or intent of our mind is never more than masked, or transparent. That we join in masking (mask in the illusion of joining) is our capacity to engage a psychic ‘privacy’, but the psyche has access and remains accessible to the whole.What does it profit… to gain a world, but lose our Soul connected awareness? it reaps a harvest of false profits set in conflicted premises that deliver unto an abundance of debt & conflicts running thestricture of a dead structure in paralysis & death. Everyone in your Dreamcast represents some facet of the More of What & Who you are. The game of judgement is predicated on thinking to know without checking in with Me. or a purpose set in its own self-referencing spin, by which the surface masks its own depth.
Recognising we do not know, allows that which is Knowing to move through and align our thought, our perspective, our lives within the source & nature of a self-aware existence.
our self-conscious reflections are not direct knowledge, but experiential feedback to our thought & word in action.
So to learn to watch our thought & speech of reaction, is to check in that is is who we consent or accept to the be-living of – Now – in this situation or moment at hand. If not then, we have already released it of status as true, so as to access and act from a more truly aligned appreciation of presence drawn from future potential and past experience in free association, in place of the stamp of a past on its ‘present’ as a means to make the future continuous – as in joining the dots of an algorithm made from core beliefs & self-definitions.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 29, 2023 2:07 PM
Reply to  Binra

I disagree on principle. IMO historical content should be let to exhaust itself; that is its intention, that’s the Spirit. To use discipline as a corrective force into thought is to add to that content more to be exhausted from.

Freedom can’t be an isolated, subjective state resulting from a disciplined mind because it has yet to encompass the lack of freedom elsewhere than in the subject (wars, famines, injustices, …); hence it’ll produce conflict if it is sincere and simple self-gratification if it is not; for wherever there is conflict there can’t be freedom. It is the objective understanding of the Law that governs human History, that things are the way they are for a Reason, and the intention of not letting them be anything else than what they are, or not insisting on changing them through force that doesn’t come from understanding, but from a set of instructions to follow.

Jul 29, 2023 6:56 PM
Reply to  Binra

I will try this tonight.

Jul 29, 2023 11:53 AM


We have been fooled by our masters for a long time. It starts with corporate religion. All that stuff about Lazarus and multipying loaves and fishes and so much more. Fast forward into the 20th century. Everyone believes the Manson legend. Everyone is required to believe the fragile airframes cut slots in massive steel facades and vaniished forever into those slots as if into a black hole.The sleight of hand magicians in the media and in the covert agencies know they can fool the sheeple every time.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jul 29, 2023 12:06 PM

Repent, be baptised and filled with the Holy spirit…

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 29, 2023 12:20 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Placental Mammal is 100% correct to say that corporate [manmade] religion is an exercise in brainwashing the gullible masses. Who fall for it all, hook, line and sinker.

As opposed, however, to the truly PROVEN spiritual truths of existence (for which there exist more than twenty different categories of the evidences… evidences which prove what we Spiritualists very correctly state).

So quit your “Repent and be baptised…” BS. That is merely evidence of having fallen for the hoax of manmade religion.

(There happens to be a world of difference between being [merely] ‘religious’ and being [factually, provably] ‘spiritually enlightened’. The latter term being a term which describes the literally countless millions worldwide who are informed on the in fact proven survival [in our immortal spirit body form] of ‘death’ truth, and the many associated spiritual truths)

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jul 29, 2023 2:23 PM

Repent be baptised and filled with the Holy spirit.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 29, 2023 2:45 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

NO, I am NOT going to ‘repent and be baptised’. Stop spewing out the Fundamentalist Christian BS.

Jul 29, 2023 8:01 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

If this is what you truly believe, and you are not just a robot, then if you want to actually help persuade someone to consider the Christian faith, you need to connect with them. Just reiterating formulas only alienates other people. Surely you can see this. Your way of life is as much a witness as any words you say, and I hope you live out a true faith. But in a forum like this you need to find a way to use words to reach out to others.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 30, 2023 11:27 AM
Reply to  mjh

Why are the reasons you and others get so upset every time someone mention Christ and God?

Because you are afraid of he who have horns. You could risk to insult the horns so the horns get angry and deny you some of his false paper money.

Because neither Christ or God have or gives fake money.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 29, 2023 2:47 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

See, your Fundamentalist Christian BS is being thumbed-down.

Jul 29, 2023 8:02 PM

I agree that Paul’s previous remarks and his formulaic reiteration of them is not helpful, but please don’t dismiss all Christianity because of him.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 29, 2023 9:41 PM
Reply to  mjh

I never fell for ‘Christianity’ ever (our mum used to force my younger sister and I to accompany her to church when we were little kids, as of the mid-1960s [our dad stayed at home with our then baby brother]. My [still] gullible sister [born 1961] complied with it all, but I [having my own mind, even at the age of 7/8] refused to; I refused to kneel down. Our mum used to hiss at me, “Kneel down, Christine!”, and I responded by saying to her “NO, I am not going to kneel down!”, And I didn’t. I used to frown at the ‘vicar’ when he was in the pulpit, giving his ‘sermon’, and when we had to traipse out of the church, and had to walk past him, I used to frown at him again. For I knew, then, at that tender age, that ‘christianity’ was nonsense. And not the truth.
At the age of 11 or 12, I told my mum that I’d no longer be accompanying her and my sister to church on Sundays. And she learnt that I meant it.

If you’ve seen my posts here on Off-G, you’ll know that since 1994 I’ve been a properly-informed Spiritualist (there are literally countless millions of us around the world). Spiritualism is the one and only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely prove what it states (and I do not use the word prove either loosely or wrongly. I’m using it correctly).

‘Orthodox’ ‘religion’ is false; the 100% factual, proven survival of ‘death’ truth and the many associated spiritual truths are what is true.

Jul 29, 2023 11:04 PM

Yes, I have read some of your previous comments. You are quite entitled to believe what you wish to believe. I’m just not sure that Off-Guardian is the best forum to put your views forward, unless you can directly link them to the topic being discussed in the article. But that also is your choice. And I will take the opportunity to say to you what I generally say to others on this website: a belligerent tone rarely convinces others (any more than rote repetition does). Anyway, best wishes to you.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 30, 2023 10:07 AM
Reply to  mjh

I’m not merely ‘believing’ the Spiritualist truths (ie, the survival of ‘death’ truths and the associated spiritual truths). I actually know that they’re true, as do all the other literally countless millions of other properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world. For there truly is absolute proof of their veracity. Spiritualism is the one and only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely PROVE what it states.

And, again like the vast majority of the countless millions of other spiritually-enlightened people on Earth also do, I possess literally hundreds of personal proofs that my wrongly-termed ‘dead’/’deceased’ relatives have survived the death of their physical body ‘coats’. Many of my relatives who now reside in the Spirit dimension have communicated with me, and have, in those communications, provided proof that they are who they say they are. And my longtime partner, who returned to Spirit in 2019 (he was 70) has also communicated two or three times. He’d thought that ‘death’ was the end of existence, and had not ‘believed’ me, when I told him otherwise. He had a big shock, to discover that I’d been telling him the truth.

I only post on this (vital) subject when either something in the article refers to ‘death’ in some way, or when another commenter has referred to it in their post. I never post on this when it’s not relevant, never post on it ‘out of the blue’.

My tone is not belligerent. I simply state the facts that are known, and proven. No other ‘religion’ is able to prove even one little bit of what they merely claim. And that’s the point: Spiritualism, whilst being officially registered as a ‘religion’, is NOT a ‘religion’: it’s the absolutely known, and PROVEN, spiritual truths of existence.
And as such, everyone on Earth should not only be aware of these vital, ultimate truths of existence, but should embrace them, and be thankful for the very real existence of multi-faceted evidences which provide absolute proof that we do all survive (in our immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’ (animals, birds, etc, also survive the death of their physical bodies in exactly the same way; there are multitudes of evidences which prove that, too).

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 31, 2023 9:00 AM

What are we doing in the spiritual state? Just flying around like an ill smelling fart??

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 31, 2023 10:17 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

No, we most definitely do not do what you ‘suggested’…

(I answer your question a little bit further down my post)

I think I’ve seen some of your comments, in which you mention the [so-called…] ‘bible’. So, you are some sort of ‘christian’. Thus, your facetious comment above demonstrates a known fact: that 99.99% of ‘christians’ have literally no idea of the fact that we survive (in our immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’, and likewise, they have less than no idea of the very real Afterlife. Which literally everyone will return to, no matter what they ‘think’ to the contrary.
The reason why 99.99% of ‘christians’ have literally no idea of the survival of ‘death’ truth, and the actual nature of the very real Afterlife, is because 99.99% of vicars, priests, ministers, pastors, ‘popes’, etc etc, themselves are not informed on the survival of ‘death’ truth OR re. the nature of the very real Afterlife, hence they do not tell their (gullible, brainwashed, uninformed…) ‘flock’ of the survival of ‘death’ truth or re. the nature of the Afterlife.

When we all return [for it’s our actual place of origin; and we, the eternal soul that we each are, lives many, many lifetimes] to the (proven to exist) Spirit dimension of this in fact multi-dimensional cosmos, we continue to live!! The
Spirit world is (at least, the first bit that we each return to) just like it is here, on Earth, but a million times better.

(There are a number of different levels to the Spirit realms, and we move up them, throughout literal eternity)

When we initially arrive back in Spirit, after each lifetime, we meet up with our previously [wrongly termed] ‘deceased’ loved-ones, we review what we did in the lifetime we’ve just left, and discuss with our Spirit guide[s] and other more advanced Spirit beings, whether we achieved, in that most recent lifetime, what we’d planned to achieve, in that lifetime. For yes, we do all pre-plan, whilst still in the Spirit realms, the major things we wish to achieve, in each lifetime. Such things as relationships, major events [both good and bad] that we’ll experience in that lifetime, what subject[s] we’ll be majorly interested in, work, illnesses [or lack of], eventual cause and time of return to Spirit, and many other things in life, we all pre-plan, whilst still in Spirit, before we arrive on Earth.
When back in the Spirit dimension, after we’ve done the above, we do a lot of the same things that we did on Earth: we gravitate to following the same interests that we had whilst on Earth. And mix with other souls (ie, people who’ve done what’s wrongly termed ‘die’ and who now are still alive in their spirit body. That, our spirit body, being the thing which literally animates our physical body ‘coat’, whilst we’re here on Earth, in each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes.

Approx. a week ago (can’t recall exactly when), I posted (after my main post to the person I was replying to; can’t recall who it was, sorry) here on Off-G a representative booklist: a small fraction of the many, many thousands of high-quality, scholarly books that have been written on the fact of survival of ‘death’ and the very real Afterlife. There are literally countless millions of properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world, who are fully informed on the proven fact of everyone’s survival of the death of their physical body ‘coat’, and re. the nature of the Afterlife. And amongst those countless millions are numerous properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc, who have discovered the proven survival truth.

And it’s a fact that a large percentage of the many thousands of books written on the survival of ‘death’ truth have been written by the many properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc.

What a laughable irony it is that 99.99% of ‘christians’ have no idea re. the fact of survival of ‘death’ or of the existence and nature of the very real Afterlife.
I’m 64, and I never fell for the abject nonsense of ‘christianity’. It, ‘christianity’, is a control system hoax.
I’m so proud that I’m one of those who never fell for it.

In 1994, I came across information which caused me to decide to initiate a scholarly programme of research into whether there truly did exist evidence which supported the claim that we survive the death of our physical body ‘coat’.
And that very extensive research (I’ve read more than 1500 books on the subject) provided me with absolute proof that yes, there exists a veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences which prove, incontrovertibly, that we do all survive (in our immortal spirit body form) the event that is so very incorrectly termed ‘death’.
And I’m thus immensely proud to have been a properly-informed Spiritualist since 1994. For it is a fact that Spiritualism is the only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely prove what it states (and I do not use the word ‘prove’ either loosely or incorrectly).

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 31, 2023 2:45 PM

Thanks a lot for your long explanation. First, I read the bible symbolic and progress a lot in understanding our universe this way.

Second, all organised religion are probably false because they are politically exploited, but that doesnt mean we dont have a Creator and spiritual origin so I understand people who despise materialistic religion.

However, the bible as source speak many places about spirits, good and evil spirits. Christ heal people and pull out demons inside people a.s.o.
If we remember what is written is written symbolic and not literally, and can only be understood by heart and spirit, then the bible can have valued information about how to understand and live life.

Only I think we have enough to figure out down here to be too concerned about after life, which we cant know before we have experienced it.
I plan first to die in peace with myself and with Cosmos to meet whatever comes beyond that.
This task requires some work too.

Anyway, my curiosity is awaken and I will acquaint myself with spiritism to get a little deeper knowledge so I know the basic for future discussions around it.
So thanks.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 31, 2023 8:00 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I’ve just tracked down the post in which I provided (for another commenter) a representative list of books re. the PROVEN survival of ‘death’ truth. I posted it on an Off-G article a few days ago. Here’s the link.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 1, 2023 12:38 AM

Thanks Christine ;-).

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 29, 2023 3:00 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

What I post here on Off-G (only when it follows from something which another commenter has said, which renders my response justified) re. the actual, known, and PROVEN survival of ‘death’ and the many associated spiritual truths of existence, it’s because what I say truly is the proven, factual, known truths (and I am not using the word ‘proven’ either loosely or lightly, I’m using it correctly).

There are now literally countless millions of properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people on Earth, and included in those countless millions are many, many properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc.
A few days ago, I posted here on Off-G (on the Simon Elmer article) a lengthy post which summarised the (PROVEN) survival of ‘death’ truth, and then posted, underneath it, a representative booklist, providing a selection of some of the many thousands of high-quality, scholarly books that have been written and published on the actual spiritual truths of existence. And none of those actual spiritual truths includes your Fundamentalist Christian BS of ‘Repent and be baptised’.

For anyone who might not have seen my post containing the representative list of books re. the truly PROVEN survival of ‘death’ truth, a few days ago, here’s the link:


Jul 29, 2023 3:40 PM

You speak of the spirit, which has been “proven” to care not a whit for the “shell” it inhabits at any given period, yet you – a “shell” also by your own definition in your present physicality – must surely realize that you qua “shell” will never partake of this grand and glorious “spirit” existence which is somehow immortal.

Yet you have no patience with “shells” which/who seek something for themselves/itselves. As if the physical form the “spirit” takes is meaningless rubbish to be chucked aside once it’s fulfilled its “purpose..”

It is not! If this “shell” seeks a Christian God which is said to offer salvation, what right does a “spirit” have to condemn it for wanting something more?

As an atheist, I respect one thing and one thing only: sincerity. I have far more respect for a sincere Christian than for an insincere anything else.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 29, 2023 4:42 PM
Reply to  Howard

Oh Howard, you are truly not understanding what I’ve said, re. the survival of ‘death’ truth, in my posts on it, here on Off-G.

The immortal spirit body is the REAL us; it’s what literally animates our physical body, during each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes.
The fact that the spirit body (the real us) literally emerges from, and thus departs from, the physical body ‘coat’ at the time of ‘death’ is precisely why the physical body becomes motionless, after [the hugely-misinterpreted] ‘death’.

The physical stuff that makes up the physical body is dead literally all the time!! It’s the animating spirit body that makes it wrongly seem as if the physical body is alive. On the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, you will discover that what I’ve said, on this subject, is the 100% factual truth.

Also, to reiterate: when we each do what’s wrongly termed ‘die’, and our immortal spirit body (ie, the REAL us) literally emerges from, and departs from, the physical body, and returns to the very real Spirit dimension [of this multi-dimensional cosmos], the spirit body that is the real us returns to the Spirit realms with all the exact-same emotions, feelings, thoughts, memories. attitudes, etc etc, as we currently have now, whilst still on Earth. How many more times do I have to reiterate that it truly IS the spirit body that is the us that we each are, now!! Ie, it’s not the physical body that is the real us! As you will, one day, discover.

And now you are choosing to claim that I’m ‘insincere’??? When literally all that I say, on this vital subject, happens to be the 100% PROVEN truth!!
(And, as I said in an earlier post, on this article, a couple or so hours ago, I do not use the word PROVEN either loosely or wrongly.

It’s you who has it wrong. You’ve made it clear, in previous posts, that you are a materialist, and that thus you oh so wrongly assume that the physical body is the real us. Well NO, it actually isn’t!!
It’s your immortal spirit body that is the eternal soul that is, in this lifetime, Howard, and not your physical body ‘coat’.
And, no matter how much you may ‘disbelieve’ what I say, you will one day discover that what I said is indeed the truth.

Jul 29, 2023 8:04 PM

I don’t think this discussion of our various religious/spiritual views is going anywhere helpful.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 30, 2023 10:23 AM
Reply to  Howard

A quick P.S. from my reply to you yesterday.

How can I make it any more clear?? The person who, in this lifetime, is Howard, in the US, ie, you, Howard, are ‘in’ your spirit body NOW! Everyone is experiencing this current lifetime ‘in’ their spirit body right now!! For that is the nature of life. And that is why we do all survive the transitional event that’s wrongly termed ‘death’. Ie, the spirit body which we’re all ‘in’ right now, during our current lifetime on Earth, at ‘death’ literally emerges from, departs from, the physical body ‘coat’. Hence it truly IS that we [the person we each are, now, on Earth] do survive the death of our physical body ‘coat’.
Your words to me yesterday indicate that you’ve not understood that vital, crucial fact. And hence you misquoted/misrepresented me. And hence you oh so very wrongly (and despicably…) accused me of being ‘insincere’.

(N.B., I’ve never used the word ‘shell’, to refer to our physical body; like many other spiritually-enlightened people around the world also do, I use the word ‘coat’. The word ‘shell’ is the word which you used, in your post yesterday)

j d
j d
Jul 29, 2023 2:41 PM

I, am not Christian or religious, however the mysteries are accessible to those of man and womankind; but only if we have “eyes to see, and ears to hear”. If we take the Bible as literal then no.

As Bill Donahue of Hidden Meanings says in his “The Bible is Not A Literal Book” lecture – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKcnK_qGFUk:

“The point that I tried to make this morning to the people is that the Bible is not a religious book. There is no religion, there’s no spirituality in it, actually the Bible is a book of psychology. It’s a book of cosmic psychology, but hidden behind all of these ancient words are clues to the development of the human mind, and it’s very interesting for you to understand.”

I, have recently been reading some of the teachings of the Bulgarian Mystic Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, and have barely scratched the surface, however in his teachings he talks about God, Jesus and the Bible.

In “Spiritual Alchemy – Complete Works – Volume 2”, Chapter 6 “The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes”, he says:

“These two passages are clear evidence that:
1. The Gospel accounts of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes do not concern real, material bread and fish.
2. The miracle has some relation to Jesus’ power to move freely through space and time (in this case he walked on water), since this power astonished his disciples who had not understood the ‘miracle of the loaves’.

You should begin to see more clearly, by now, that the account of the miracle by which Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes in order to feed thousands of people, is symbolic: it should not be taken literally.”

I, will leave you, to discover what the loaves and fishes are about if of interest.