Trans Rights and the Order of Speech: Part Two

Simon Elmer
This is Part II of this essay, you can read Part I here.

The Misogyny of ‘Trans’

Let’s begin with a question few have the courage to pose and fewer still dare to answer honestly. Why is it always male transvestites who demand access to women’s toilets, men who want to compete in women’s sports, and male rapists who want to go to women’s prisons? Why do female transvestites never want to go into men’s toilets, men’s prisons or compete in men’s sports?

The answer — which numerous feminists have given before me — is that most violence against women is committed by men, however they’re dressed. Men go into women’s toilets because the transgression of the prohibition against doing so turns them on, not necessarily sexually. Men compete against women in sports and athletics because their unfair physical advantages give them a better chance of beating the women against whom they’re competing, and they enjoy, perhaps, enacting this revenge against the women that have rejected them — sexually, maybe, or as a member of their sex. Men who have been found guilty of raping women choose women’s prisons in which to serve their sentence because if gives them the chance to rape more women, and to avoid the threat of themselves being raped in a men’s prison.

In other words, they are sexual predators and cheats: nothing to be proud of, and certainly not in street festivals and state celebrations lasting now an entire month.

It’s part of their attempt to intimidate women that the transvestite men who go into women’s toilets photograph themselves doing so and then share the image online, much as kids often do the same when committing petty crimes or, as happened recently in London, threatening young women on the street. Perhaps there are transvestite women who photograph themselves in men’s toilets, but I doubt they’d do it when men are present, certainly not when alone. Though I don’t object to it myself, especially when the queues to women’s toilets are always so much longer, I know from experience that some men do not like women in men’s toilets. But I haven’t heard of a single woman competing in men’s sports, or a woman criminal asking to be sent to a man’s jail.

If the overwhelming reason for doing so was because that man or woman felt he or she was a woman or man and needed to ‘be himself/herself’, then female transvestites would do so regardless. They don’t, of course, because that’s not the reason. Men compete in women’s sports because they win, and male rapists asked to be sent to a woman’s prison so they can intimidate, exert power over and rape more women.

To take three of the most public examples of men claiming to be women, Eddie Izzard (who now calls himself Suzy Izzard), William Thomas (who calls himself Lia Thomas) and Adam Graham (who called himself Isla Bryson after he was arrested), all have penises, the last of whom used his to rape two women, while Lia Thomas exposed his penis, erect, to women swimmers in the locker room they are forced by law to share with him. They are transvestite men who, quite evidently, enjoy exerting power over women, whether that’s by invading women-only places, unfairly beating them in women-only competitions, or using their greater physical strength to sexually assault them. In that sense, all three are representative of the aggressive and sometimes violent men pushing trans ideology.

For the same reason, all three are completely unrepresentative of the mostly straight transvestites, gay drag queens and transsexuals I have known, whom I would imagine — my clubbing days being long past, alas, I can no longer ask them — dislike being associated with the explicitly misogynist and implicitly homophobic orthodoxies of this new Lysenkoism, or its embrace and enforcement as the official ideology of Western capitalism. I’m risking presenting anecdote for evidence, but all the male transvestites I knew were heterosexual men who had a far greater love and respect for women than your average ‘bloke’. None used the language of misogyny, although that couldn’t be said of all the drag queens, as there is a strain of misogyny, or more accurately gynophobia, that runs through elements of gay culture as much as it does through straight culture.

But then, there are many reasons why men dress up in ‘women’s’ clothing — even when few women wear such clothing anymore — private, public, sexual, sensual, social, professional, even political, and I’ve yet to meet a ‘tranny’ — as my friends called themselves — who wanted to blend in, or who wanted to be thought of as ‘normal’. Some, of course, cross-dress for none of these reasons, but out of an often-undefined desire or drive to do so; but in all the conversations I had with them about transvestism, none ever said they wanted their kink to become an orthodoxy, or for their difference to be promoted to children as the norm, or for it to be written into legislation and policy that they were ‘women’. There was always a very clear dividing line between when they were called by their female names and pronoun and when by their male.

That isn’t the case for those men who clearly, publicly and so far with impunity enjoy threatening and physically attacking women for standing up for their rights and those of their children, and then in their defence declare themselves to be ‘transwomen’. I’ve only ever met one of these, a young man who dressed in standard anarchist garb but with the addition of smudged red lipstick — more like Robert Smith than a transvestite — and who accused me of ‘misgendering’ him when I called him ‘mate’. He was a coward and a bully, later being arrested and fined for assaulting a 61-year-old woman and feminist during a protest at Speakers’ Corner in 2017.

The widely repeated defence of such violence on the grounds that, if male transvestites are forced to use men’s toilets it will place them in physical danger and they should therefore be allowed into women’s toilets, is a flawed one. First, the men who enter men’s toilets dressed in women’s clothes do so out of personal choice; while the women and girls who enter women’s or gender-neutral toilets to find a man, possibly dressed in women’s clothing and photographing himself before posting it on his Twitter page to ‘piss off TERFS’, have made no such choice. There are many ways in which we can choose not to conform with social norms, and some of them may place us in physical danger; but we have to take individual responsibility for those choices rather than claiming the unique right to inflict those choices on others without their agreement or consent. Second, whatever danger a male transvestite may place himself in by entering a men’s toilet dressed in women’s clothing, the danger is at least between him and other men. There is a reason men were once not permitted into women’s toilets, and that is because men present a physical threat to women in a way that they don’t to other men to the same degree. And third, as for the argument that transvestite men do not attack women or girls in toilets, doubtless most don’t; but some undoubtedly do, and by entering what were until recently female-only spaces, they risk intimidating the majority of women who do not agree with the recent conversion of our legislatures and courts to the Lysenkoism of trans, and are justifiably concerned about a man sharing a public toilet with themselves or their daughters.

It would do a huge amount for the public perception of transvestites the ideology of trans has done so much to damage if some of the ‘old-school’ trannies who knew exactly who and what they were publicly organised themselves to protect these women from the violent and misogynist new breed that have appropriated their kinks and practices for their trans human ideology. For a movement that claims that failure to comply with its dogma and dictates is an act of violence and even murder against its adherents, the authoritarianism, absolutism and violence of its ideologues have done more to endanger the safety of transvestites than any conservative or ‘Nazi’ — as they like to call anyone who disagrees with them. That now includes an increasing number of lesbians, gays and bisexuals that are becoming aware not only that violent men attacking women are doing nothing but harm for their community, but that the ideology of trans is itself homophobic (‘genital preferences are transphobic’), and its adherents are just as likely to turn on them as it has so-called ‘gender-critical’ feminists.

As Deacon Joy Everingham, a married father of two children and the first transvestite man to be ordained by the Methodist Church, famously said in 2019: ‘If gender is on a spectrum, then homosexuality doesn’t really exist, because it can only exist on a binary. . . . Sexuality is redundant.’ Again, it isn’t the existence of transvestites that is under threat but rather those of us who maintain the equivalence between biology and sex and decline to occupy our allotted place on the transgender spectrum of make-up, dress-up and reconstructed identity. But in response, we might ask Mr. Everingham why, if gender is a spectrum, he — like other male transvestites who dress in women’s clothes without their wife’s knowledge — went from ‘man’ to ‘woman’, rather than trying out one of the other genders on his rainbow flag of biology. Or why, out of all the different shades on this gender spectrum, he chose an image of a female clergyman apparently based on The Vicar of Dibley. The answer to both questions, of course, is that the identity Joy Everingham has assumed is not biologically determined but, like the rest of us, a composite of his personal psychology and the cultural norms available to him. Trans is another and currently popular identity in the fragmentation of our culture into competing tribes.

And yet, even after the relentless promotion of this ideology in recent years by the UK state, in our educational, cultural and religious institutions, and by the media and business sector, the 2021 Census for England and Wales reported that, out of a population of 59,642,000, just 48,000 men identified as a ‘trans woman’, 0.1 per cent of respondents and 1 in 1,250 of the total male population. In contrast, 30.4 million people in England and Wales identified themselves on the same census as ‘women and girls’, 51 per cent of the population. It is this majority that are having their toilets and changing rooms invaded, their sports competitions stolen, and their safety put at risk by the 0.08 per cent of men who are under the illusion that they are women.

To put this in context, ten years earlier, in the 2001 Census, 390,000 people in England and Wales identified ‘Jedi’ as their religion, 0.8 per cent of the respondents. That’s 50 per cent more than the 262,000 people who responded ‘no’ to the 2021 Census question whether their ‘gender identify’ was ‘the same as sex registered at birth’. Does that mean we should start teaching our children that they can move physical objects, control the minds of others or see the future using the power of ‘The Force’, introduce legislation making anyone questioning the historical and scientific reality of the Star Wars franchise guilty of ‘hate speech’, or arrest parents who don’t call their children by the name of their preferred Jedi Knight?

Obviously not, and for good reasons. It is a principle of psychiatry not to reaffirm the violent fantasies of a psychopath, pretend to hear the voices in the head of a schizophrenic, or agree with the body perception of an anorexic that he or she is overweight, because to do so would be to entrench them further in their mental illness, to their harm and potentially the harm of others. It is not the confusion of the 0.08 per cent of men who suffer from gender identity disorder (which under trans orthodoxy has been recategorised as ‘gender dysphoria’) that we should be reaffirming, but rather the safety of the 51 per cent of the population to whom the ideology of trans represents a threat, as the intimidation and violence directed at women by its ideologues repeatedly demonstrates.

The biologically false idea that a child can be ‘born into the wrong body’ is based on the socially repressive notion that there is one way to be either a woman or a man. Indeed, one only has to look at the masquerade of women performed by male transvestites — who typically range between the appearance of drag queens, strippers, prostitutes and a dress code not seen in the UK outside Buckingham Palace since the 1950s — to understand how socially regressive and misogynist is the trans model of women to which every tomboy must now adhere if she is not to be subject to surgical mutilation by the state. The recent increase in the glut of awards handed to male transvestites in women’s competitions has made it clear to every girl or woman thinking of competing that the best woman cyclist is a man, the best woman middle-distance runner is a man, the best woman para-athlete is a man, the best track-and-field woman is a man, the best woman mixed martial artist is a man, the best woman beauty queen is a man, and it turns out that even the woman of the year is a man.

Like the male rapist who batters and sometimes kills his female victim in the act of raping her, trans wants to destroy what it isn’t and what it so desperately wants to be. This is partly, no doubt, because its adherents are unable to enter into the symbolic order of ‘manhood’ that has been placed in question by the challenges to the once-dominant place of men in Western economies. There’s nothing wrong with that: many men don’t, either because they can’t or don’t want to enter this order out of a rejection of its values and behavioural codes, and perhaps that’s a good thing. In many respects, undoubtedly it is. But just as that doesn’t justify telling a young man who doesn’t make the First XV for Harlequins F.C. to ‘man up’, so too it doesn’t justify the systematic attempt to erase women, their rights, their sexual difference from men, their place in language, their protected places, their physical safety. Contrary to what is preached at us by trans ideologues, it is not the fantasy existence of trans-identifying men that is being erased but the very real existence of the women they want to be.

As examples of which, in the UK today a cervical cancer charity now describes women’s vaginas as a ‘bonus hole’; the National Health Service now instructs its staff to call breastfeeding ‘chestfeeding’, vaginal birth (as distinct from a caesarean section) ‘frontal birth’; mothers are now reduced to ‘pregnant people’ and ‘birth-giver’; and women themselves have been replaced with the utilitarian ‘menstruators’, ‘uterus-havers’ or ‘people with vaginas’. This is not the language of ‘inclusivity’ trying not to offend the 0.08 per cent of the male population who are being encouraged by this terminology to believe that they have a uterus, can menstruate, give birth or breast-feed, or that the ‘front hole’ a doctor carved into their pelvis cavity is a vagina. Indeed, it is the exact opposite of inclusive. This — overtly, clearly and unmistakably — is the language of misogyny, of male gynophobia, of a pathological hatred of the female body, of the dehumanising of women. But it is also the discourse of a new and authoritarian ideology which has the legal force and institutional authority of the entire UK state behind it.

One of the more unpleasant events at this year’s London Pride was a speech given to a crowd of cheering trans acolytes by Alan Baker, a transvestite male who uses the name Sarah Jane Baker. An artist and violinist born in Brixton, Baker was an underage male prostitute before being sent to jail for kidnapping and torturing his stepmother’s brother. While in prison he was convicted, at the age of 21, of the attempted murder of a fellow prisoner. While serving a 30-year sentence, Baker, in 2017, cut off his own testicles with a razor. Why such a violent, criminal and mentally unstable person should be given a platform to speak at London Pride is not something the organisers have explained; but during his speech Baker — who is an advocate for placing transvestite men like himself in women’s prisons — told the listening crowd that, ‘If you see a TERF, punch them in the fucking face’.

In response to complaints from the Women’s Rights Network about this public incitement to violence against women, the Metropolitan Police Service — who in their written response referred to Mr. Baker as a woman — argued that a ‘TERF’ is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010; that calling on the crowd to punch one was therefore not a hate crime; that Mr. Baker was acting on his beliefs; that his freedom of speech is protected under Article 10 of The Human Rights Act 1998, and that it would therefore not be appropriate to take the investigation further. I’m relieved to report, however, that a lawyer and Director at Gay Men’s Network, Dennis Noel Kavanagh, has challenged the legal incoherence of this response, which I’ll briefly summarise here.

‘TERF’, and in particular as it was used by Mr. Baker, is an insult the Met should not be adopting in its response, while the gender critical beliefs of the women Mr. Baker advised the men listening to assault are protected under the Equality Act 2010. And although relevant to civil claims, a protected characteristic is not relevant to the criminal offence of inciting an offence against others. Whether Mr. Baker was acting on his beliefs that a TERF deserves punching is equally irrelevant to the incitement of violence, which has no defence in law against the offence of Actual Bodily Harm or Grievous Bodily Harm. As for Mr. Baker’s freedom of speech, Article 10 of the Human Rights Act does not include the right to threaten violence or encourage it in others. Finally, the reference to this man with a history of criminal violence as a ‘woman’ indicates institutional bias on the part of the Metropolitan Police Service.

But there is something more than this institutional complacency towards violence against women at an event sponsored and celebrated by the London Mayor and every other local authority in London. At the heart of the promotion of trans misogyny lies this ancient truth: that despite our best efforts to erase sexual difference in the name of erasing inequality between the sexes, most of the joys, pleasures, happiness and beauty to be found in this world still come from women in ways that they never can from men. Hopefully, it’s clear that I mean from far more than their appearance. Replace women with this fake masquerade of femininity, and the world is an even uglier and sadder place, and we in it. And as we saw under lockdown, a depressed and isolated populace, deprived of human contact and social interaction, is easier to control, more willing to believe the lies they’re told, more furiously zealous to obey the dictates those lies justify. The reality is that so-called ‘trans rights’ are not just an attack on women but a new model of what it is to be human that is being implemented through the programmes and technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

A New Paradigm of Citizenship

The adjective ‘toxic’, when applied — as it increasingly is — to masculine and even feminine behaviour, is part of the terminology of woke, and operates within a biomedical image of purging that makes children going through the difficulties of adolescence believe the now promoted lie that they were ‘born in the wrong body.’ But this is another reversal of the critique of power undertaken by feminism. The feminist critique of gendered behaviour was originally directed at questioning the naturalisation of the equation between female and femininity, male and masculinity, not to telling children that sexual difference is a mere construct of patriarchy, or that the difficult passage to adulthood is solved through mutilating their bodies. To quote another ancient truth, God made us ‘male and female’ for a reason (Genesis 1:27): and it’s the same reason that our new god (Science) and its new faith (Medicine) is trying to erase the difference between us.

Cross-dressing, like ‘cosplay’, is just that — a bit of fun, often with a sexualised element, which is different from children dressing up in a costume, and why we used to keep the two activities separate. Some players have more emotionally invested in their roles, undoubtedly, and that can become a form of delusional belief; but just as dressing up in Carrie Fisher’s bikini from Return of the Jedi won’t turn the girl (or boy) wearing it into Princess Leia, it also won’t turn a male transvestite into a woman, and taking oestrogen to grow breasts or surgically removing his penis won’t either. Like the moral puritanism of woke, trans has turned the play of transvestism, which is as old as civilisation itself, into a postmodern, authoritarian, censorial, transhuman ideology whose primary target is our children: the indoctrination of their minds into the absurdities and obscenities of woke orthodoxies, and the control of their chemically damaged and surgically mutilated bodies. The testimony of adults who, as children, underwent what they were told were medical procedures that would make them another sex reads like a catalogue of malpractice, abuse, mutilation, experimentation and financial exploitation.

There are, of course, more reasons for transvestism than just or even sexual gratification. Clothing and appearance play multiple roles in our identity, both social and sexual. But all trans-identifying people are transvestites, because ‘transgender’ is the categorisation and exploitation of an identity disorder. Someone can be born a hermaphrodite with both male and female reproductive organs; but the Latin prefix trans means ‘across, beyond or through’, which the biology of a living organism does not permit, and certainly not that of a human being. We can change our clothes, paint our faces and alter our voices, but no amount of drugs or operations will change our sex, only damage our health and mutilate our body. As for those who distinguish between people who merely declare themselves another sex and so-called ‘transsexuals’, extending transvestism into plastic surgery is not unique to trans-identifying people but includes those who spend tens of thousands of pounds in surgery to look like a doll or some kind of an animal. Far from being a measure of their psychological conviction — which the rest of us are then obliged by legislation to respect or face criminal charges — such mutilation is a measure of their mental disorder.

This is the first time I have used this term in this article, as I am reluctant to pathologise any social practice whose origins lie in the conditions of a given society. As we saw under lockdown, when the UK Government considered sectioning members of the public who refused to be injected with experimental gene therapies under the Mental Health Act 1983, declaring someone mentally incompetent is one of the ways the medical industry controls and, indeed, creates its ‘patients’. But how otherwise can we describe someone who thinks they are another sex, were ‘born in the wrong body’, and are willing to damage their health and mutilate their bodies to realise their perception of themselves? Although not illegal in the UK, my own view is that any doctor who performs such medically unnecessary surgery on what by definition are adults suffering some degree of mental disorder if not necessary illness has violated the bounds of medicine and their sworn oath to ‘first do no harm’; but doctors performing such services on children who cannot grant consent to what they can’t possibly understand are — or should be treated as — criminals under UK law.

The list of permanent damages to the health and bodies of children who have undergone so-called gender ‘transition’ at the hands of the medical industry prescribing experimental hormone therapy and puberty blockers include a lack of bone density, the failure of spine bones to fuse together in young males taking oestrogen, consequent osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction in both arousal and orgasm and irreversible future infertility in both males and females. Most importantly for the medical industry, it creates a permanent patient, with sexual reassignment surgery already a multi-billion-dollar industry in the US and estimated to reach over $3 billion in the next decade. Given the universal promotion of this ideology in the UK, we will doubtless soon produce a proportionately lucrative market here.

Just as concerning as the damaging effects of these experimental medical interventions is the evidence of the success of the promotion of the ideology driving this market. In the USA, where the ideology of trans was first developed into an industry, 1.6 million people identified as ‘transgender’ in 2022, roughly 0.48 per cent of the population. 1.43 per cent of children aged 13-17 years old now identify as ‘transgender’, and 1.31 per cent of young adults aged 18-24 years old; compared with 0.45 per cent of adults aged 25-64, and 0.32 per cent of those over 65 year of age. Despite constituting 18.6 per cent of the US population, those under the age of 25 make up 43 per cent of those who identify as ‘transgender’. 1 in 5 of them are children aged 13-17, this figure having doubled over the last five years alone.

In the UK, where this ideology has only taken hold relatively recently, the figures are even more alarming. 262,000 people in England and Wales identified themselves as ‘trans’ (that is, their ‘gender identity was different from their sex registered at birth’) in the Census of 2021, 0.54 per cent of the population, even higher than in the USA. Of those aged 16-24, 1 per cent identified as a different sex from the one they were born. This decreases to 0.77 per cent for those aged 25-34, 0.64 per cent for those aged 35-44, and in decreasing percentages down to 0.22 per cent of those aged over 75.

Unfortunately, there is no data for children younger than 16 at whom this ideology has primarily been targeted. These figures were collated from the first Census to ask these questions, so there is also no data on the increase in the trans population. However, in 2018 the UK Government reported that, since the Gender Recognition Act 2004 was made into law, 4,910 UK citizens had been issued a Gender Recognition Certificate, which requires, among other things, a medical diagnosis of ‘gender dysphoria’ and changes the gender on their birth certificate.

These figures, and the marked difference between age categories, can indicate a number of things:

  1. Gender identity disorder, as even the NHS is belatedly coming to realise, is a passing phase of childhood exacerbated by the marketisation of youth consumerism that has penetrated further into childhood and even infancy, but a phase which, like adolescence itself, will pass with time and the protection of our children from predatory ideologies and marketing strategies like trans.
  2. With the recent and growing eradication of the stigma of ‘being’ transgender, the true number of people identifying as such is only now beginning to emerge, and most evidently in the young who, as the young do, have refused the suppression of their true identities by the older generation.
  3. The disproportionate and increasing adoption of transgender identities by the young is a product of trans ideology which, like other advertising campaigns that promotes their products and services through the language of liberation, transgression and rebellion, have targeted our children and youth as the customers most easily manipulated to identifying with its values and falling for its promises.

There is an element of truth in all these explanations, but what I have argued and tried to demonstrate in this article is that the ideology of trans is far more than a passing phase of childhood or the latest rebellion of Western adolescents in response to an increasingly terrifying and incomprehensible world, and is — quite evidently for those who look beyond its advertising slogans — a product of both the penetration of the medical industry into more and more aspects of our lives and the biopolitical ends that control serves.

In the UK, anxiety in the young continues to increase. Last year, according to The Children’s Society, 6 per cent of children aged 10-15 were unhappy with their lives. 11 per cent said they did not cope with the changes imposed under lockdown. 12 per cent were unhappy with their school. 13 per cent were worried about another pandemic or other threat to their health. 16 per cent were worried about the environment. 18 per cent of girls were unhappy with their appearance, an increase from 15 per cent a decade ago, and 10 per percent of boys.

Also last year, the NHS estimated that 18 per cent of children aged 7-16 had a probable mental disorder, an increase from 12.1 per cent in 2017, or 50 per cent more in just five years. For young people aged 17-19 years, 25.7 per cent had a probable mental disorder, up from 10.1 per cent in 2017, a 250 per cent increase. 12.6 per cent of children aged 11-16 reported that they had been bullied online. 12.9 per cent of 11-16-year-olds, 60.3 per cent of 17-19-year-olds, and 62.2 per cent of 20-23-year-olds had a possible eating disorder. 28.3 per cent of 7-16-year-olds and 68.6 per cent of 17-24-year-olds who had a probable mental disorder had tried to harm themselves.

As I’ve said, we must situate these diagnoses of mental disorder within the growing biomedicalisation of our society and the biopolitical agenda that serves; but this is the demographic at which the ideology of trans is primarily targeted and on which the purveyors of ‘transgender therapy’ and ‘sex reassignment surgery’ prey.

Under UK law, a child under the age of 16 cannot legally consent to having sex with an adult. Yet this year a High Court judge ruled that a child can consent to an adult — in this case Dr. Helen Webberley, who describes herself as ‘self-taught in trans care’ — administering life-changing puberty blockers and testosterone to three girls aged, respectively, 11, 12 and 17. Again, it beggars belief that any judge who has not been instructed to do so would consider an 11- and 12-year-old girl capable of understanding, let alone consenting to, such life-altering interventions. I presume their parents granted their consent — or were compelled to by the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 — which at best demonstrates they are incompetent to raise a child and in effect guilty of abuse, like those parents who starve their child because of their religious beliefs. As for the doctor, who set up her online clinic in 2015, in any other climate than the current one she would be found guilty of professional misconduct at the very least. Instead, the judgement of the High Court has set a judicial precedent that can and will be applied to future cases. Another judge can choose not to follow the precedent if it is ‘clearly wrong’ — which it clearly is to the great majority of the UK population; but the decision to uphold Dr. Webberley’s appeal against her initial suspension from practise for misconduct by a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service panel looks like an attempt by the medical industry, the UK courts and the British establishment to legalise what is child abuse and worse under the guise of upholding ‘trans rights’.

Perhaps the bigger question than this second collusion between medicine and law we’ve seen in the last three-and-a-half years is why an 11-year-old girl, even in today’s social media world, doesn’t merely think her bum or nose is too big, or is alarmed by the changes to her body with the onset of puberty, but believes that she was ‘born in the wrong body’. Where did a child get such an extreme idea that has such violent consequences for herself? The answer is books like Becoming Me, which is used in UK schools on children as young as 10. The first volume, ‘Body Parts’, opens with a drawn image of a bearded woman with a hairy chest and double mastectomy scars holding a large syringe, telling children that their genitals ‘do not determine your gender’, and that they can ‘medically transition’ if they are ‘born in the wrong body’. It then lists the ways 10-year-olds can ‘transition’. These include, for a girl, testosterone injections, a hysterectomy, double mastectomy and phalloplasty; and, for a boy, speech therapy, eostrogen injections, castration, labiaplasty and breast implants. To guide them in ‘transitioning’, the book asks children to ‘draw arrows’ between the correct medical procedures and their new choice of identities, which it defines as: ‘If you are born with a vagina but are a man’ or ‘If you are born with a penis but are a woman’. In an ironically titled ‘Disclaimer for the grown ups’, the authors state that ‘there is no content in the books that children should not know from the age of 10+’.

What I repeatedly hear from transvestites who call themselves ‘transsexuals’ or ‘transgender’ is that they just want to be left alone to ‘become themselves’; and as long as it doesn’t endanger or harm someone else, I support the right of an adult to expand that quest any way they want, even if it’s to the fantasy of changing sex — though the professional ethics of performing such surgical mutilations, even on consenting adults, is questionable to say the least. However, the use in schools of books like Becoming Me or the new practices of ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for 3-11-year-olds and drag shows for infants and their parents clearly demonstrate that the ideologues of trans want far more than that, and that they are quite willing to sacrifice both adults with an identity disorder and children going through puberty and adolescence to achieve their ends.

But the abuse and violence doesn’t stop there. The impunity with which threats to the safety of women are made online and then enacted physically in a climate of censorship in which we can be arrested for a Twitter post that mocks the orthodoxies of trans is an indicator of the level of government and corporate support for this now official ideology of the UK biosecurity state. As I’ve tried to demonstrate in this article, the perception that a person is ‘born in the wrong body’ is — quite evidently to the undoctrinated and those with a basic grasp of biology or more advanced knowledge of psychiatry — the product of a form of mental illness, even if it is only depression or the difficulties of childhood and adolescence that social media and the general state of the world have exacerbated beyond what someone of, for example, my generation experienced.

What I’ve tried to identify is the causes of this disorder and why it is being propagated by the UK biosecurity state. The damage to the mental health of children and adolescents by the cultivation of their addiction to smart phones and social media by consumer capitalism, added to two years of lockdown, the interruption of their education and their early indoctrination into the principles and practices of biosecurity (social distancing, mandatory masking, gene therapy and digital identity), has undoubtedly prepared our children to accept, willingly or in fear, the fallacious principles and fraudulent practices of trans ideology.

In addition to asserting as much — which most of the UK population is too intimidated by the police or scared of the consequences for their jobs of doing so to declare openly — we must also start to understand why such demonstrably false, irrational and above all dangerous beliefs are being written into UK legislation, enacted in policy and indoctrinated into our children. It is in this respect, as I have said, that the sudden rise of trans is not coincidental to the Great Reset of Western capitalism and its raft of regulations, programmes and technologies, but rather the official ideology of the Global Biosecurity State. Indeed, it might not be too much to suggest that trans identity and the symbolically castrated, biologically infertile, socially isolated, biotechnologically controlled self is the new model of citizenship in the West. Ultimately, trans hasn’t acquired such hegemony in the UK in order to defend the rights or validate the fantasies of the less than 0.5 per cent of the population that has been fooled into adopting its dogma as their own. Trans is an ideology developed to control all the population.

If it isn’t, then why is it that, across the Western world, every government, every legislature, every civil service, every bank, every corporation, every business, every law court, every municipal authority, every council, every civil institution, every civic authority, every parish, every church, every military, every police force, every hospital, every clinic, every union, every forum for public debate, every university, every school, every sporting organisation, every media platform, every news programme, every TV show, every brand, every advertisement — in other words, every instrument of economic, political, legal, cultural and ideological influence — are all, without exception, promoting and enforcing the ideology of trans?

It is not, undoubtedly, because they are expressing the will, beliefs and opinions of the British people, who by an overwhelming majority reject the orthodoxies of trans. Nor is it because the administrators of Western capitalism have all simultaneously opened their hearts, minds and wallets to the values of ‘diversity, equity and inclusivity’ written into UK law by The Equality Act 2010 and imposed on UK businesses by BlackRock and other financial asset managers under the United Nation’s Environmental, Social and corporate Governance criteria.

No, there is only one answer to this question that is compatible with what we know about the revolution in Western capitalism we have been undergoing over the past four years, since the coronavirus ‘crisis’ and the many years of preparation that preceded it. Woke is the official ideology of the Global Biosecurity State, and trans is the new biopolitical paradigm of citizenship on which it is being built.

Where does that leave the transvestite friends with whom I began this article, some of whom, perhaps, attended London Pride, under whatever spectrum of the once rainbow-coloured flag? I would like to think that they are as angry at what is being done to their practices and identity as I am, and will — hopefully sooner rather than later — come out, physically if need be, to defend the women being threatened and attacked by their fellow transvestites and trans ideologues, and denounce those who shout or carry banners or wear T-shirts with some variation on ‘Kill the TERF’. But I also hope — I invite them to do so now — that if they find something in this article that resonates with them, or even if they don’t, they will oppose the almost universal co-option of transvestism to this transhuman agenda. Because transvestites, as we are rightfully reminded, are humans with human rights, which are no different from those rights and freedoms the rest of us are fighting for; and they need defending from those who seek to profit, financially, medically and politically, from the ideology of trans.

Women, parents and feminists have been doing so for some time already; but the time has come for all of us to defend our rights, our bodies and above all our children from this new order of speech, the pseudo-science on which it is based, the misogyny it has sanctioned, and the new paradigm of citizenship it is trying to impose. It is time we stop being afraid to raise our voices above the censorship and threats issued by the ideologues of trans and denounce not only the absurdities and obscenities of this enforced ideology but also the New Normal it is seeking to impose. If we don’t, our grandchildren and even our children will one day be unrecognisable to us, as will the world in which they will be forced to live out their lives.

Even after the months of research and thought it took to write this article, I still can’t claim to understand why the ideology of trans has received such widespread acceptance.

I can’t begin to explain the parents who sit there with grins on their faces as their children watch adult men strip in front of them, or why people who see themselves as socially progressive cheer young men assaulting women, or how otherwise rational people can affirm that a man can menstruate or give birth, or how teachers can fill the heads of the children in their care with such obvious and dangerous lies, or how doctors can mutilate their bodies. But then, there is always something in excess of what can be rationally explained — something obscene — in all ideologies, and the more extreme the ideology the more obscene is its kernel of irrationality.

I imagine many Germans in the 1930s were equally unable to explain how their country was taken over by a gang of criminals dressed as boy-scouts carrying military banners through the streets of their cities to the ecstatic cheers of adoring crowds. I don’t imagine I’m alone in having a similar response to the Pride celebrations held across the cities of the Western world last month. States don’t invest in such spectacles to celebrate their ‘diversity’; they do it to entrench their hegemony. It is a measure of the dominance of an ideology that it cannot be seen, that its distortion of reality and morality is transparent to our vision. This article is my attempt to make the obscenity of trans visible.

Simon Elmer is the author of The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State; Virtue and Terror: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Vol. 1; and The New Normal: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Vol. 2.


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Just a Girl
Just a Girl
Oct 14, 2023 4:01 AM

Why? Transgender is the perfect mind control superhighway to transhumanism. The true motivation is to get divine, angelic human beings to equate ourselves with demonically inhabited AI/robots and cloned creatures. It is 100% spiritual warfare and the end game, many tens of thousands of years of a galactic chess game being played by entities that are immortal, passing through humanity and human society in a never-ending contest for control of the energetic resources of this planet…. Demons can never truly conquer angelic, divine individuals… for most of us, our connection to our benevolent God Source Creator is far too strong But demons can completely control machines. Yet they need our passive agreement and/ or permission… hence the long psyop…. Without understanding the nature of angels, divinity and demons/ the fallen… Without understanding the source of the individual will power that activates a demonic entity or an AI monster (which is demonic, the machine not having a separate conscience with which to nullify or subdue the demonic urges) … Without knowing that transgender is just transhumanism with training wheels….the story isn’t complete.

Aug 7, 2023 10:16 PM

Brave. Liking it.

Michael Antony
Michael Antony
Aug 6, 2023 6:27 PM

Any thoughts on the role of hormone disruptors in glyphosates etc in screwing up the sexing of the foetus?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Aug 6, 2023 5:49 AM

Jennifer Bilek has done a lot of research into the trans movement.


Aug 4, 2023 4:01 PM

These have been two of the best articles I’ve read on Off Guardian. Pulling no punches.

I’m a teacher and can see the effects of this ideology on some of the students. Girls seem to be particularly vulnerable, especially those with autism or other special needs. I was invigilating an exam recently and it was striking how there was an almost exact corollary between those with adjustments such as green paper and extra time and those who were ‘non-binary/trans’.

Aug 3, 2023 10:08 PM

Nuclear threat, mass starvation, death by injection, eaten alive by electromagnetic radiation: all these things pale in comparison to the monstrous horror of trans-whatever!

More articles please about this horror!

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 4, 2023 9:17 AM
Reply to  Howard

The problem is that those things that “pale in comparison” (frightfully witty!) are things I haven’t seen but I have seen the trans thing locally and it is horrific.

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Aug 3, 2023 7:17 PM

The rapist, in Scotland who dressed up as a woman and called himself “Isla” was shown mercy in the end, as the more ferocious female prisoners would’ve ripped him to pieces.

Aug 3, 2023 3:29 PM

Think a major reason for the level of acceptance is simple: sexism. People will read articles about ‘transkids’ that uncritically present such stereotypes as a love of football as evidence a girl was always ‘really’ a boy, or that an interest in Disney Princess demonstrated a boy was truly a girl, because on some level they still believe in these stereotypes.

‘Nice’ supposedly progressive parents wouldn’t dream of raising their children without the narrow confines of gender roles (this does NOT mean pretending biological sex is not real). Too many straight dudes would have the absolute horrors at the thought of being seen as ‘girly’ in any way: not for them the association with the designated underclass! They wouldn’t date a woman who failed to perform feminity sufficiently to their liking, either (and the women realise this). And these the parents of these unfortunate kids.

On a state level – the naturalisation of gender roles sure helps put those uppity feminists and their questions about access to political power back in their place.

Trans ideology fits with the overall backlash to feminism. It’s so much worse among the younger generation because gender roles have become so much more rigid, even since the 90s (makeup wasn’t obligatory for women in the workplace, now it’s given to little girls). It sees less pushback in the US than UK because gender was always more rigid there – this the country of pink and blue stereotyped gender reveal parties.

It’s not the trans minority, it’s everyone else this reconfines to rigid gender boxes. If you’re ‘cis’ you’re not meant to have a problem with your gender – with a bait and switch with biological sex, this means all the gendered crap that is foisted on you since infancy. Does serve that role of making people more predictable (even for marketing purposes: ‘Gifts for him, Gifts for her’), and think presenting personality as choosing an identity from the selected gendered crap helps discourage the development of a more authentic self.

Where biological inevitability comes into it, it may be worth wondering why the current US construction of masculinity is heading so utterly neanderthal. Reading is now deemed to be ‘girly’, to discourage boys from doing it. Men are stronger than women, more of a physical threat – including to existing power structures.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 3, 2023 10:37 AM

This from the Graud:

“Heartstopper season two review – this LGBTQ+ teen drama is even sweeter and lovelier than before

Following season one’s fairytale ending, what’s next for Nick and Charlie? The show continues to tackle the complexities of adolescence – teenagers and adults will adore it”

Interesting about that smugly prophetic “teenagers and adults will adore it”.

What is also interesting is that the content of this “heart-warming coming of age drama” is centred on a male gay couple and yet is pitched as “LGBTQ+ drama” and indeed one of the characters “comes out as transgender”. Thus transgenderism sneaks its way in again on the back of a gay romance. This is necessary because the script writers well know that a full on “transgender romance” (apart from being an oxymoron) would fail to “move” viewers sufficiently.

More “instruction” for the upcoming generation.

Iris Björk
Iris Björk
Aug 3, 2023 9:21 AM

Civilization is built on exploitation, woman hating is not new. The consequences of this ideology is that women’s rights are going down the drain, if you’re not allowed to define a woman, how are you going to fight patriarchy? There are no safe spaces anymore. And by safe space I mean for women and girls, not for men in skirts. I can’t imagine a more exploitative act than people of the oppressor group claiming to be the oppressed. I put on some makeup and I’m a woman now. Reducing other people to a prop. There are white people appropriating culture that doesn’t belong to them, that’s the same thing. What would happen to the fight against racism if white people on a mass scale claimed that they are people of colour? Claiming that you can’t tell someone’s race by looks, you are the race that you feel like. This turns abuse upside down.

Aug 4, 2023 5:51 AM
Reply to  Iris Björk

Feminist clap trap. It was the feminists’ that undermined gender roles on behave of International Finance and paved the way for what is now happening.

Iris Björk
Iris Björk
Aug 4, 2023 12:52 PM

So women fighting for safe abortions in the 60’s, instead of dying of unsafe and illegal procedures, are doing this on behalf of International Finance? And women’s centers helping battered women are also working on behalf of International Finance. Voting rights for women = Interntional finance. Not being legally owned by a man = International Finance. Reducing all women’s struggles to the work of the economic elite. Great. I presume you’re not a woman or friends with anyone.

Aug 25, 2023 12:20 AM
Reply to  Iris Björk

I fully respect sensible feminists who are fighting for their rights as women were historically oppressed for many generations. However, I have next to zero respect for sexist feminazis who use the feminism as an excuse for their power hunger. C…s like Hillary Clinton and Christine Lagarde are benefiting from feminism ideology. Also, having worked in many places and spoken to many people I tend to find out that its actually women in senior roles who’re nasty vindictive bullies! It’s good when it’s sensible but on an extreme level it’s disgraceful and actually very sexist itself

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Aug 3, 2023 3:47 AM

Trans are being touted because they want to create a pretext for attacking individual liberties by arguing free expression is violence against trans.

Then when the trans realize how hard they have been hoodwinked by the system, and realize that their biology has been permanently damaged, they will go full on postal. Then the system will flip on them, and use their mental state, and likely violence, as a pretext for going after everyone else. Maybe the government will require them to wear a rainbow star.

Everything they do is about divide and conquer, to maintain control.

Aug 12, 2023 4:37 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

What do you expect if you wear spiked heels to the full on postal demo?
Why can’t we skip to the part where they start doing the 5150’s on them because of their mental illness state?

Aug 2, 2023 10:25 PM

So who funds this madness.?

Aug 3, 2023 1:08 PM
Reply to  nima

The central banksters.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Aug 6, 2023 5:52 AM
Reply to  nima
Aug 2, 2023 8:22 PM

You are not alone that’s for sure! Thank you for your article.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Aug 2, 2023 1:20 PM

The 60’s decade REALLY traumatized the corporate class, apparently. Songs like Age of Aquarius alluded to a cosmic transition toward peace, a more balanced and healthy planetary existence. The war on feminine traits was on!

“This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Aquarius, Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisons
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelations
And the mind’s true liberation”

The controllers are doing all they can to maintain the Piscean Age for as long as possible, it appears.

Aug 2, 2023 10:27 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Hmmm…. so we used to think; then we learn that the CIA was running most of the “60s” – one big Psy-Op – of which traumatization was one of the acts. They were laughing at us – and making lots of money at the same time.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Aug 2, 2023 12:44 PM

This started with veganism.
Also, there is a connection between the concepts:
“I still can’t claim to understand why the ideology of trans has received such widespread acceptance…”
“I imagine many Germans in the 1930s were equally unable to explain how their country was taken over by a gang of criminals dressed as boy-scouts carrying military banners through the streets of their cities to the ecstatic cheers…”
This veneer has cracked and pretty much everybody either knows or is pretending they don’t.

Aug 2, 2023 10:53 AM

The whole thing is an exaggerated by the internet distraction lot.

Whilst the U.K Establishment wheeled out old faithful Nigel again, a multimillionaire ex *anker with links to the Rothschild banking dynasty who screamed discrimination (how very woke.)
Whilst that contrived distraction was happening …….

The USA had a downgrade in credit rating. (expect to pay more for things)

The trans thing exploded more online towards to end of covid season 3.

When they start having museums in every major city and denying the back story that does not make sense and it becomes a criminal offence and the usage of imagines (Like what is happening to CJ) means possible prosecution.

The trans thing is a manufactured mainly christian conservative military intelligence complex alternative media distraction to keep you angry at the wrong people.

Kalvin Stardust
Kalvin Stardust
Aug 2, 2023 9:01 AM

Queers used to keep their kink well hidden. Now they’ve all burst out of the closet and are screaming: “Look at me. LOOK AT ME!!” They are angry, and when people pay them no attention or just ridicule them they get angrier still.

Aug 2, 2023 7:34 AM

Trans poseurs require a shockable audience for their psycho-sexual tantrum to succeed. They can’t handle being the object of ridicule. Your laughter is the best medicine.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 2, 2023 4:20 PM

Your laughter is violence. So says the script.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Aug 2, 2023 5:08 AM

It’s in the “News” too:
Costa Coffee has used a cartoon image of a trans woman bearing surgical scars where her breasts used to be – to show its support of *inclusiveness* – and a backlash is brewing. (Daily Mail)

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 2, 2023 4:25 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

“Coffee good enough to cut your tits off for.”

Aug 2, 2023 7:26 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

comment image

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 2, 2023 2:42 AM

Off topic but another indicator of shadowy puppet masters:

Jo Hunter in the Graud:

“I’m taking August off – and so are all of my staff. It’s the best decision we ever made”

How pleasant for her!

“People think our 11-month year is radical, or that we’re lazy. To me, it’s just common sense to give workers a proper break”

But what kind of work does Jo do?

“Jo Hunter is the co-founder and CEO of 64 Million Artists.”


“64 Million Artists is a major national campaign to unlock the creativity of everyone in Britain. The project uses a simple, fun and free process – Do, Think and Share – to support people who’d like to get creative.”

Thier website says,

“When we use our creativity we can make positive change in our lives and the world around us. We aim to be a catalyst for the creativity of everyone in the UK”


“Since we were founded in 2014, we’ve worked with schools, universities, whole cities, workplaces, cultural institutions and health and government bodies to experiment with ways of reconnecting people with their innate creativity.”

They are funded by “Social Tech Trust” which “is a UK’s leading dedicated investor of socially motivated tech.”

Get the impression you’re going around in circles?

So we move once again in the field of mysterious entities with shady connections. And these are the ones lecturing us about the shape of our future.

Aug 2, 2023 1:21 AM

I’m 99% sure that once again American hegemony, albeit in ways that may not be obvious at first glance, is to blame for global sex change.

Aug 2, 2023 12:02 AM

I don’t have the time or apettite to read so much about this latest (and among the final) abomination of American “culture”. It might have been possible to sympathise with such victims but when they use the technique of telling you that you are afraid of them (you are *-phobic) they are provoking attacks which they can then use as proof of their special victim status.

I don’t think many here need to be told what culture this tactic comes from.

Aug 2, 2023 10:28 AM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

“Sympathize” was the wrong word. “Pity” is what I wanted to say.

Aug 2, 2023 12:00 AM

In the early days of this transgender-normalisation nonsense pushed in the mainstream, I wondered what the motives for it were and have gradually got to the point where I think it is for the following reasons (and probably more). History and patterns show that when the global establishment execute their individual plans it is usually for a plethora of reasons.

1) Pushing transgenderism (and the subsequent laws surrounding it to come?) will help them also try to usher in the rights of robots and automation to build their AI world and ultimately try to make human rights and human labour obsolete?

2) Weaponisation and the usual divide-and-conquer.

3) Try to diminsh women and women’s morale (and subsequently women’s and human rights in favour of transgenders and transhumans?). They have tried to diminish men over the last few decades and now it is the turn of women (this helps with divide and conquer too of course).

4) Try to make children, women, parents and vulnerable people feel unsafe in the hope that the public will eventually beg for authoritarian control including Digital ID etc (the usual Problem-Reaction-Solution tactic). The same goes for the weaponised mass immigration?

5) Transgenderism helps along the depopulation of humans agenda – stopping fertility and reproduction through medical and pharmaceutical procedures.

6) Certain mystic ideologies like Luciferianism and the Kabbalah believe things like the creator was a hermaphrodite like ‘being’.

7) Transgenderism and focussing on the biological aspects of humans can help the global establishment keep the masses in the state of materialism rather than have any sense of the spiritual (and therefore control humand easier)?

And probably more things I haven’t yet thought about…


Unless I am mistaken (and have missed spotting the articles) – is there a reason why OFFG hasn’t written any articles on RFK Jr? Probably the most talked about person/subject offline and online at the moment for obvious reasons?

Aug 2, 2023 8:52 AM
Reply to  Ennes

Also, remember Epsteins diary:
8) Normalising every sexual perversion, something some powerful people already engage in.

Aug 2, 2023 11:45 AM
Reply to  Ennes

There have been a couple of articles on RFK jr some time ago. This site has a strong anti Kennedy bias, both readers and administration. These articles did not go down well with the readership. Dozens of comments attacked RFK jr and the Kennedy family. One long anti Kennedy diatribe was pinned and obtained hundreds of upvotes. Articles on the JFK assassination also draw ire from the readership.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 1, 2023 11:23 PM

What a truth and information bomb!

Yes, the obscenity of trans that it has become today. Nobody would care if it weren’t ideologically and linguistically imposed on all of society now. If only we in the modern West could all go back to the time when people could be a man or a woman in whatever fashion we chose without having to wear a label.

This new trans fascism only serves to divide humankind further. Exactly what our controllers want.

A really thoughtful and compassionate article!

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Aug 2, 2023 1:47 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The Becoming Me children’s workbooks are atrocious. Any school that promotes them should be avoided.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Aug 1, 2023 9:35 PM

Getting your cock chopped off doesn’t make you a woman, but it does make you less of a man.

Aug 2, 2023 7:00 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

And makes you permanently impotent.

Aug 1, 2023 9:30 PM

Just keep that trans madness & LGBTQ foolishness in the West please. Because it’s not welcomed anywhere else.

Aug 1, 2023 11:00 PM
Reply to  turesankara

Not in the West.
Keep it on Neptune. No civilization on Earth can handle it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 2, 2023 8:11 AM
Reply to  turesankara

LGBTQ is everywhere and inside you. You cant escape and together with IoT and AI it will penetrate every living feature and take over this planet………………………….LOL.

Aug 2, 2023 8:55 AM
Reply to  turesankara

LGB was the foot in the door. T opened the floodgates of insanity.

Aug 2, 2023 9:39 AM
Reply to  turesankara

Around 2015 or so, the “enlightened” West attempted to normalise trans-gender at UN. An Islamic group of governments said no thank you. I don’t recall reports of any other group objecting..

Aug 2, 2023 10:29 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Around 2015 or so, the “enlightened” West attempted to normalise trans-gender at UN. An Islamic group of governments said no thank you. I don’t recall reports of any other group objecting..

How undemocratic. !! 😂 

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 1, 2023 9:25 PM

Check out the Dutch Beauty “queen”.

Beauty pageant contestants are supposed to represent (at least on some level) the flower of womanhood, youth, beauty, grace, fertility. But here, representing the Dutch people, the Dutch nation, you have an infertile, non-reproducing facsimile of womanhood. It says something about the Dutch, I think, says that they’re a spent, dying people who have ceased to be in touch with objective reality.

Aug 1, 2023 11:05 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

It’s such a short time since Dutch society was an excellent model, that I hesitate to pronounce the people moribund just like that.

Their politicians have been successfully subdued by evil forces, but that isn’t the same thing as the whole nation being terminally sick.

It’s the same everywhere else in Europe.
So I’m in favour of laying the blame literally on the doormat of those power-horny people who have been allowed and encouraged to fill all our governments.
They have names and addresses, and those need to be well publicized.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 2, 2023 1:36 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I’d like to be as optimistic as you are, but I’m not. As you say, it’s not just the Dutch either, it’s the whole of the West or what used to be called Christendom that is falling apart, that has forgotten it’s own roots and it’s own heart and which lacks gratitude for those who sacrificed to build the life that we of our generation have been able to enjoy.

The older I get, the more clear it is that gratitude is a cornerstone virtue, which has largely been/ is being replaced by the false virtue, envy. The population is aging, and is being replaced by generations of people who have never really been taught to be thankful for anything that they have.

As you said in another post, we’re in “apocalyptic times.” and all the fabric of the world we know is being shredded away and disintegrating. The veil is lifting, and reality stands horribly stark behind it, and dreadful hard choices loom.

Aug 2, 2023 9:05 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

More specifically, gernerations have grown up with decreasing goals, effort, patience, tolerance, etc. Marketing has mesperised and infantalised them. Only the sense of entitlement may have increased.

In China, they detox children addicted to video games in special boot camps. I suppose that would be cruelty in a woke country.

Aug 2, 2023 1:39 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I think there is much that is compatible in both of our comments.

The main point I like to make in this context is the difference between what the newspapers would call “the Dutch” and the actual Dutch individuals one might meet.

This is the same difference as that between the politicians and the people they are supposed to represent.
They don’t represent them, and there is a huge crevasse between the two groups.

Talking to individuals is never the same as talking to the group to which they belong.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 2, 2023 6:38 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I agree with you, by and large, and always take people as individuals first, but when I look at the direction the Netherlands is taking, it’s hard to see the Dutch remaining viable as a unique, distinct people and culture.

Aug 2, 2023 8:57 AM
Reply to  wardropper

You could ask the peoples of their former colonies, and the descendants of the slaves they traded in, how excellent they were.

Aug 2, 2023 1:42 PM
Reply to  mgeo

As I keep trying to emphasize, “peoples and groups” are not at all the same thing as the individuals one actually encounters.

Neither you nor I can change history, but when we meet an individual person, what we say and do can make a difference.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 2, 2023 6:52 PM
Reply to  mgeo

‘Tis the way of the world. More than a few Dutchies fell afoul of the Barbary Corsairs or the Ottomans.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 2, 2023 9:24 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Goes for several European nations though, including the English.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 2, 2023 9:20 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

The Dutch deep state is at the heart of the global deep state that’s serving the shadow one-world government. – Remember the downed civilian airliner, remember which nation was allowed to “investigate” who downed it (a no-brainer: the Russians did it!).

Just one of the indicators. Don’t blame the Dutch people.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 2, 2023 11:47 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

It’s not that I blame them; it’s that it’s hard to see a future existence for them. Not just the Dutch either; as an American, my deep roots lie in Europe. Nearly all of Western Europe is going under.

Aug 1, 2023 8:42 PM

Nice to see Alt tra naive media doing the job for the oligarchy planting this on a full moon and the launch of pride month
so cheap to get the views and energy response is no different than getting unbeknown willing victims to be apart of an ritual. YOUR NO different than the evil you say your fighting against.

In the real world today.
city of London. = controls the £$.
Food went again today and new laws are being drawn up today
(after last weeks fake coverage of police not doing enough)  💤  💤 
The new laws will mean shoplifters (petty crime) 1 st timers
offender could face get prison time. (wont stop there though)

Tough on fake crime during cost of living crisis.

Ultranaive media show trannies on the launch of pride month – how very conservative.
Good to see they got there prideoritizes in order.

comment image

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 1, 2023 10:49 PM
Reply to  lynch

Shoplifters should have at least life if not more. Why? Because they are unfair to the poor and the vulnerable, and to our global green community without particle contamination..

Big Al
Big Al
Aug 1, 2023 7:52 PM

Pretty weird, the acceptance, although it’s not as bad as fake Covid-19 mania. It’s like political correctness on steroids, people have been trained to be so afraid to offend or want to be seen as some kind of supremely open minded liberal who cares about people, or who knows what. I think the same groupthink is involved as with the Trump cult who are so against the other side (liberals, democrats, etc.) that they’re willing to accept a crazy lying conman as their leader, whereas the tranny supporters (Democrats) are so against the “racist” right and Trump supporters that they’re willing to have men dress in leather jockstraps entertain their kids and play sports with their girls. And our educational and government institutions are so scared of not following the “diversity” theme, that they’ve acquiesced to complete insanity. But the pushback is pretty strong, such as the Bud Light boycott in the states and from my view of comments in mainstream articles, supporters for this appear to be the same ones who watch the US. womens national soccer team, which at this point isn’t very many. I think once a 6’5″, 225 pound tranny makes one of their teams, even they might change their tune.

Aug 1, 2023 7:08 PM

Hilarious that the author thinks his clubbing buddies that would be offended by today’s dogma are innocent. Once you abandon God’s laws willingly, you’re aboard the Crazy Train, and the Crazy Train has no breaks. No matter how much you like that station a few kilometres behind, it’s gone and we are never going back to It.

From the book of Romans:

1:24 Wherefore, God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness: to dishonour their own bodies among themselves.
1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
1:26 For this cause, God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature.
1:27 And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts, one towards another: men with men, working that which is filthy and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.
1:28 And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient.
1:29 Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness: full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity: whisperers,
1:30 Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
1:31 Foolish, dissolute: without affection, without fidelity, without mercy.
1:32 Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.

Aug 2, 2023 5:15 AM
Reply to  MehNotGreat

Philo and St Paul created Christianity on behalf of the world government in waiting as it existed in the first century. Have the monotheisms solved any of the world’s problems ? It was Christians that flagrantly flouted the commandment against killing when they depopulated and repopulated the “new” world. The Anglican church has flouted gender role tradition by consecrating women priests. Once you undermine gender roles you prepare the world for the abominations that are the subject of this article. Corporate religion’s embrace of the convid narrative with it’s blatant falsehoods and it’s dystopian and cruel excesses including the clot shot are proof that they are merely control tools for the central banksters.

Aug 2, 2023 4:28 PM

It was the abandonment of tradition that led to these things. Pope Francis blatantly criticizes traditional Catholics that even if they believe the plandemic, sees the sacraments as more important than living at all costs.

You’re also insane, the groups that are building this great distopia hates Catholic tradition with a passion. The entire 19th century was devoted to destroy throne and altar.

BTW, the Anglican Church is a great example of my point. They separate from the truth and look at them now.

Aug 3, 2023 1:15 PM
Reply to  MehNotGreat


“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.”Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.””How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.”You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”

Aug 1, 2023 7:06 PM

What is this “trans” stuff all about?
Why do they tell school kids that their gender isn’t settled?
Are they just stupid lefties?
No, they are working to a plan. Seems to me that the globalists want to destroy the family
as something that holds society together and gives it meaning.
They want people to belong to the state, not the family unit.
They want to produce babies in test tubes. People then will be reared by the state,
with no allegiance to each other or to family.

Aug 1, 2023 7:34 PM
Reply to  richard

Exactly. Destroy anything that is positive or of beauty. Hence destroy CO2, the giver of plant life. Eradicate sunlight. Separate people. Generate conflict not love..

We will resist and triumph – I’m just a bit hazy on the details of how atm..

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 2, 2023 5:11 PM

“We will resist and triumph – I’m just a bit hazy on the details of how atm.”

Divine intervention.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 1, 2023 8:16 PM
Reply to  richard

Yes; that’s the evil stuff that was written about in Huxley’s novel, ‘Brave New World’ (published in 1932, if I remember rightly).

Aug 3, 2023 12:39 AM

You are correct ✅.

Aug 3, 2023 12:37 AM
Reply to  richard

One happy Brave New World 🌍?

Aug 1, 2023 6:13 PM

Michael Parenti on Gender Oppression and the absurdity of Id:


See to the end. There is good joke, yet true in a way that only Parenti can express it.

Aug 1, 2023 4:20 PM

Extraordinary article.

Aug 2, 2023 8:46 PM
Reply to  Matt

Agreed. Brilliant article, Mean, lean, and accurate.

Aug 1, 2023 2:24 PM

Not sure

I’m not sure if this topic deserves this much attention. It does involve a microscopic minority. If this is a means of reducing population growth, it really isn’t working. Families with three, four or more children are quite ubiquitous. Their optimism and faith in the future baffle me. The main monotheic corporate religions still push high reproduction. This at a time when resources are drying up. The construction industry is booming, swallowing up what little is left of nature. Vehicle sizes have doubled in the last decade. Mankind appears to be stampeding blindly and mindlessly towards the cliff of extinction. We are the mad species, not the lemmings. Cars and scooters and other lithium battery powered devices are going up in fierce uncontrollable fires that are killing people. Three jetliners carrying lithium batteries have crashed after their cargo of lithium batteries caught fire. At least one train had a lithium battery fire. A ship carrying 4000 cars including electric cars lies at the bottom of the Atlantic at a depth of 3 kilometres. The electric cars ignited the fire which took a week to put out and which fatally damaged the ship. Mobile phone ownership is now compulsory though the health and environmental damage from these devices is incalculable and massive.

Aug 2, 2023 4:47 AM

Trucks too

Drivers have faced extensive delays on the M6 motorway after a lorry carrying lithium batteries caught fire.
Flames broke out in the trailer at about 12:45 BST, leading to the closure of the northbound carriageway between junctions 15 at Stoke-on-Trent and 16 for Crewe.
One lane remained closed for several hours causing tailbacks to reach about seven miles at their worst, Highways England said.
All lanes reopened at about 18:30.
Firefighters from Hanley, Cheadle and Longton were sent and the blaze was extinguished at about 14:30, Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service said.
Staffordshire Police and officers from Central Motorway Police Group (CMPG) were also needed to manage traffic flow at the scene.

Aug 2, 2023 12:58 PM
Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 1, 2023 2:18 PM

“To take three of the most public examples of men claiming to be women, Eddie Izzard (who now calls himself Suzy Izzard), William Thomas (who calls himself Lia Thomas) and Adam Graham (who called himself Isla Bryson after he was arrested), all have penises, the last of whom used his to rape two women, while Adam Graham exposed his penis, erect, to women swimmers in the locker room they are forced by law to share with him.”

Your second reference to Adam Graham should be Lia Thomas.

Aug 2, 2023 12:46 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I noticed that also.

Aug 2, 2023 6:28 PM
Reply to  judith

Me three.

Aug 1, 2023 2:13 PM

I don’t intend to be glib here, but the parallels between this whole mess and the trollery we see in the comments sections of otherwise sensible sites are too obvious for me to be able to ignore.

The trans industry is built upon trollery – and probably even lucrative trollery for some.

Ignoring these parallels would involve switching off my brain.
But what I can do is ignore the whole trans fashion, just as I ignored winkle-picker shoes and ‘Flower Power’ back in the day.

There is no content or purpose to any of it, and it appeals only to people who are already mentally compromised to some extent.
If that sounds judgemental, it is only intended to distinguish between things that matter in human life on this planet and things that should not be occupying any human being’s attention at all.

Sorry, but we’re living in apocalyptic times right now, and there’s no sense in pretending that the foam on the top of your beer is going to satisfy your thirst, or that the small-looking iceberg straight ahead can’t sink your ship.

It’s what’s under the surface that counts.

Aug 1, 2023 9:00 PM
Reply to  wardropper

If this sickening movement (or fashion, if you prefer) was confined to only consenting adults, I might agree with you. But it is the impact on children and youth — the destruction and desecration of their minds and bodies that cannot be ignored or dismissed as just a trivial problem.

Aug 1, 2023 10:55 PM
Reply to  mjh

I get your point, but what’s happening to children and youth today is beyond my power to control.
When great evil confronts mankind, as it does now, the only things that seem controllable are ourselves.

I most certainly don’t dismiss what you say as ‘a trivial problem’, and of course I do what I can within my own sphere of influence, but that sphere is small.
In any case, I don’t know anybody personally who is as weird as the opportunistic, and stupid, predators we are currently hearing so much about in the media.

If I had the power to lock up those who prey upon our youth (and our mature people as well, come to think of it), I would do so, and no ‘politically-correct’ wokism would stop me.
Moreover, if I were a judge, the number of cases I would throw out as a frightful waste of everybody’s time would probably astonish people.

But, being a mortal with no executive power whatsoever, all I can do is ensure I don’t become one of those predators, or, hopefully not even unwittingly, support them in any way.

Aug 2, 2023 1:20 AM
Reply to  wardropper

You referred to “foam on the top of your beer,” and I took that to mean trivial. If you meant it was just one manifestation of a much larger evil, I fully agree with you. And I use the word “evil” intentionally — some of the “trans” people are just mentally ill, I agree, but some of them and the leaders of them are also Evil. If I, if you, if anyone can do something, however small and localized, to stop their evil actions of the spread of their evil ways, that is an upholding of goodness and morality. No small thing.
You also refer to our times as “apocalyptic” and say we need to prioritze “things that matter in human life on this planet” and things we can, even should, ignore. I suspect we’d agree for the most part on what those “things that matter are.” But these giant things are the ones I see as largely beyond my control. I don’t know where to begin to stop them. But I can do what I can day by day in the here and now to show respect for human life, to protect the weak and vulnerable, to speak in favour of peaceful resolution of conflict, etc.

Aug 2, 2023 1:28 PM
Reply to  mjh

Thanks mjh,
You get my intention absolutely.
I’m sure we’re basically on the same page.

Iris Björk
Iris Björk
Aug 3, 2023 3:10 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Completely agree that it is trollery. Though if you’re working as a teacher, for example, and losing your job becuse of the “trans” mob, or if you’re in another position with impact, especially having an impact on young people or families, challenging these ideas can be very important. I would not want to lose my platform and get silenced without a fight. Though the critique can’t end there, we must see the bigger reasons behind this campaign rather than only focusing on specific individuals as the problem. It is a very effective way to split groups, launching this self-identification thing to divide people who should be on the same page, and therefore haltering work. I’m not talking about the sexual predators here, but common people who aare pressured into adopting this new language, etc.

Aug 1, 2023 1:46 PM

Transhumanism, transgenderism, transitioning, transgression, promoted as a lodestone to life… all seem to reflect what Hunter S Thomson called fear and loathing – not that he was in any way a paragon, and possibly complicit

– but loathing for the self, and by projection for the family, all those around, and ultimately for humanity.

Basing an ideology on a prefix makes Mao’s Little Red Book seem like a work of philosophy.

Aug 1, 2023 2:15 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

And while sub-par educationalists and academics are memetically reproducing the Trans prefix into new theoretical constructs, there is real stuff going on…

Artificial Intelligence, Digital ID And Depopulation

Aug 1, 2023 8:11 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Yes, crossing to where, exactly? Seeing as, as Henry Ford put it. ‘His-tory is bunk,’ do we even know where we’ve been?’ We have a sort of rough idea where we are, and the shifting sands are, well, shifting beneath our feet, and the latest manufactured disasters and the lies about the latest manufactured disasters fill the ether and the airwaves in greater and greater currents of expanding hysteria, is it any wonder that sacred and scared are so close together, like laughter and slaughter, for example.
Language is a key. That’s what ‘Trans’ is all about. The Ford Trans-it is a well established phenomenon in our continuum. ‘Trans-port for London.’ The memes abound, Ol’ Henry’s got a few things to answer for.
‘Trans’ means you’re ‘neither here not there.’
You are ‘in transit.’
If you’re not here now, you will never arrive. That’s what those kids are finding out.

Aug 1, 2023 8:18 PM

neither here nor there.’ I forgot ‘trans-substantiation.’ You are required to believe that the wafer is mystically transformed into the body of Jesus Christ, by the priest mumbling ‘ad vitam aeternam’ over it. ‘To eternal life.’ It’s a mystery.

Aug 1, 2023 8:36 PM

You don’t even know the words of consecration, yet you mock it. Not a very wise thing to do.

Aug 1, 2023 9:16 PM
Reply to  MehNotGreat

I was an unwilling altar boy, and it was compulsory at the Salesians to take RC religious studies, O and A level. I passed both with good grades.
We were somewhat in conflict with the required level of compliance. I am actually quoting the Philosophy PhD Salesian priest from Turin University they gave us who was trying to get us to conform in our dinner hour. He said,’ You HAVE to believe it. It’s a MYSTERY.’

Aug 2, 2023 1:22 AM
Reply to  ariel

First of all, if you studied after the 60s you got garbage formation in that university, second, you didn’t read what I wrote, he didn’t say the correct words of consecration, which turns the host into the Body and Blood of Christ.

If you think that the words of consecration are “it’s a mystery”, then it seems your formation really was subpar.

Edit: it’s not “Ad vitam aeternam” either. I’m pretty sure they’re not even anywhere in the canon.

Aug 2, 2023 11:07 AM
Reply to  MehNotGreat

‘Hoc enim corpus meum’ ‘For this is my my body and this is my blood given for the remission of sins.’

Aug 1, 2023 1:17 PM

You know what’s the worst thing for ‘trans’ folk and the authorities promoting them? Our silence. People have this idea that if we ignore it, we’re not doing anything about it.
Not for the first time in my life I disagree with the majority, even when it’s on my own side.

Ya’ll keep discussing it like doing so achieves anything good. It does not. Even that movie the sound of freedom was doing the work of the perps. It got everyone scared and outraged yet nothing was revealed and they remain untouchable.

If idiots wanna pretend they are cats let them prance around like the tits they are.
Let the vile continue to be vile.

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 1, 2023 2:39 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Its obvious that these people know who they are long before they can grow tits, b/c by then, you know who are, a real woman and not just some young guy playing with a vagina.

Aug 1, 2023 12:57 PM

Glad to see Off-G had the balls (sorry, has the balls) to publish this excellent article.

Aug 1, 2023 12:00 PM

“If it isn’t, then why is it that, across the Western world, every government, every legislature, every civil service, every bank, every corporation, every business, every law court, every municipal authority, every council, every civil institution, every civic authority, every parish, every church, every military, every police force, every hospital, every clinic, every union, every forum for public debate, every university, every school, every sporting organisation, every media platform, every news programme, every TV show, every brand, every advertisement — in other words, every instrument of economic, political, legal, cultural and ideological influence — are all, without exception, promoting and enforcing the ideology of trans?”

It is this thought that turned me into a ‘conspiracy theorist’. I had merely been gender critical for years until I began to wonder if there was something more going on because of this observation.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 1, 2023 3:21 PM
Reply to  Nik

Satan walk among us. We know at least one time in ancient past someone messed with the human dna, and this became too much for our creator.

There is no such thing as “trans rights”, pure new speak bs.
Cant these trans idiots just live as they are without jumping out of the closed in the best TV time, the most occupied time in the parliament, the most important school time for children?
Someone behind is promoting satanism.

Big Bad Jon
Big Bad Jon
Aug 1, 2023 7:52 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Erik. I would never claim to have all the answers, but I’m sure that we are in the latter stage of a spiritual war, where in a realm unseen to human eyes, a war is raging for the very hearts and souls of mankind. We were warned that what we are now seeing would happen. Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. I remember watching masses of people queuing for their covid jabs with a glazed look on their faces, and I thought to myself that it was all so weird, that there was almost something supernatural about the whole thing. We live in troubling times.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 2, 2023 8:26 AM
Reply to  Big Bad Jon

Same here. Something very weird happened and happen. A division. Those people queuing are or were blocked from seeing.

I recall a chapter in the bible where God deliberately close a group of people’s ability to see and repent, so they should not get the absolution.
Whatever that is, symbolic it at least makes some logic sense among many other explanations.

Aug 1, 2023 6:22 PM
Reply to  Nik

Have you not seen the YouTube vids of all the TV presenters chanting exactly the same words as each other. Some videographers minimize the screen size until there’s a hundred or more presenters all over, chanting the same holy words.
The orders come down from ‘on high.’ Maybe we do have the odd nephilim kicking around, maybe it’s just the bankers and corporate ‘owner, although I suspect not.
It’s the same scenario, they all come out with the latest turn of the narrative screw at the same time. It’s ridiculous.
It’s the same principle. You just hadn’t realised the depth to which the Common Purpose-type recruitment and programming has penetrated over the last 30 years or longer. Not to mention the Masons, who are also sworn to obedience, like the Jesuits by bloody oath.

Aug 1, 2023 11:56 AM

Where is Love in the new Trans agenda?
Narcissism IS NOT Love. It is self worship, at the altar of hubris and selfishness.

Love has one ‘condition’:
Humility, in the prescence of the numinous.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 1, 2023 12:02 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Trans was never about love. Indeed, it has nothing to do with sex or relationships. The removal of the binary is the removal of the face-to-face situation which is irrevocably binary – and indeed binary by definition. Trans is all about solitude and masturbation.

Aug 1, 2023 12:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A one ‘man,’ one act play, devoid of meaning and turgid with self indulgence.

Aug 1, 2023 12:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Pedophilia is arguably not about sex either (let alone love), but merely power or the disparity of power.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 1, 2023 1:22 PM
Reply to  Johnny

You’re right. The entire “sexual choice” issue is driven by overt narcissism. It doesn’t seem to matter who’s zoomin’ who. The entire discussion reeks…

Aug 1, 2023 9:33 PM
Reply to  Johnny

That’s all fine & good. But kindly keep your trans madness & LGBTQ foolishness in the West please. Because the rest of the world is not having any of it.

Aug 2, 2023 12:53 AM
Reply to  turesankara

We live on a globe, so West and East must inevitably meet.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Aug 1, 2023 11:28 AM

Thank you Simon Elmer for the two great pieces.
It is clearly criminal that this transgenderism is being allowed.

I harp on the Destruction of the Nuclear/Elementary family.

It was part of the Communist Manifesto and The 45 Communist Goals 1963 and it still is and is being payed out in the Educational Environment right now. Unfortunately the Churches too have succumbed. It was also part of the plan

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 1, 2023 12:33 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

…and herein lies the problem. There is absolutely nothing in Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto about trans anything. It talks in terms of class, about the fundamental difference in outlook and aims between Capital and Labor and was written at a time when most people were laser focused on trying to stay alive.

But like gender dysphoria itself its been subject to a very successful program of public education — propaganda — who’s goal is to confuse by any means necessary, to muddy the water and generally stop people from thinking in broader economic terms. Its actually a variation on the classic divide and rule — while everyone’s arguing about toilets and locker rooms and coming up with ever more inventive invective to describe ‘the other’ they’re definitely not focusing on broader economic and social issues.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 1, 2023 1:13 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Hello Martin Usher. Right on. Most modern discussion is illuminated out of boredom. A bunch of academic whores peddling swamp gas…

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 1, 2023 1:48 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Indeed. Marx has probably been the target of more vituperation than any other historical figure. None of this invective shows any indication that the ones frothing have read a single paragraph of his, though they have clearly read the smear spreaders who themselves haven’t a clue what they’re talking about.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 1, 2023 10:48 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“There is absolutely nothing in Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto…”

Not Marx, but Marx’ successors have changed the focus from class to “identity”. Everything now focuses on the oppressed/oppressor dynamic.

Matt Black
Matt Black
Aug 1, 2023 3:28 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

bloody putin again, viva Ukaraine

Kalvin Stardust
Kalvin Stardust
Aug 1, 2023 11:11 AM

Anyone who believes that a man can become a woman, needs to be sent back to school for some elementary biology lessons.

Aug 1, 2023 8:36 PM

According to the same media lot, school is wear 10ft trannies hang out reading nursery rythems wearing g strings/thongs with 8ft dilldows hanging out of them training the next generation to lap dance.

Aug 2, 2023 9:45 AM

After the covid coup, almost anything can be Science.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 1, 2023 10:43 AM

In retrospect, covid was a natural starting point for the massive culling operation – though granted that the War on Sex had already begun. Covid was, at least primarily, a War on the Aged. The psyop machinery started from the “Late End”. Of course it was pure Orwellian reversal. The media trumpeted about “the vulnerable elderly” whilst arranging for the conditions to dispatch them by the most speedy means.

And with the customary concentration to squeeze the most out of each operation, the vaccination industry, now vastly increased via covid, led on to the most efficacious elimination of the younger population too as well as providing a cover for increased surveillance technology etc.

But with the much “softened up” psychology of the public – traumatised through the viral fear – the other mechanisms were now fully unleashed: the War on Sex now assuming the contours of Weimar fascism, the War on Food admittedly still on a slow burn. But then the latter is comparatively new and perhaps the most risky. The trans psyop was solidly founded on a gullible “youth” demographic carefully nurtured since the “rock ‘n roll” 50s and spiced up with that heady “queering” of the 60s. The cricket crunching package is now being rolled out to confound the farming industry i.e. possibly the oldest industry still existent and populated by hard headed communities. 

And I am aware that my “Leftist” leanings have acted as an obstruction here since I would previously have never considered “joining” with the farmers who have traditionally been viewed as a reactionary Right Wing lot. But then, the subtle machinations of ruling class propaganda have no reservation at all about the form of the rhetoric they use as long as it works. 

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 1, 2023 10:22 AM

I may seem to be going off topic – and so soon – and, furthermore, a mere two posts back, Colin Todhunter has supplied an article where the following would be more appropriately placed. However, I think we should stop “compartmentalising” the issue. The transgender project is a War on Sex. And this link shows up a corresponding War on Food:


The aim us a cull on a vast scale. And – this is the most important point – this operation is being mercilessly implemented with no attention paid whatsoever to any public interaction. Various organs in the media can raise concerns, or can even voice oppositional sentiments etc. It matters naught since the Big Steamroller will carry on and on.

And this is only logical. After all, we are talking of the elimination of the vast majority of the human race. You would therefore not expect the vast majority to go along with it. And that is why this gargantuan murder spree has to be veiled under mystical – and even oxymoronic – constructs such as “the planet”, “the biosphere”, “the non-binary nature of gender” etc. 

Aug 2, 2023 12:11 AM
Reply to  George Mc

They don’t need the majority any more. They have the tech to only need a small number of obedient human shells to operate the weapons, and they have them. There is no visible way out now through any human action or non- action. Only a natural and real “great reset” such as a pole shift or large meteor strike. They will not stop Nature, they will be stopped by her.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 1, 2023 10:15 AM

men present a physical threat to women in a way that they don’t to other men to the same degree’

I’m not sure I totally agree with this comment. I grew up as a boy, became a man, and my childhood was characterised by violent bullying boys threatening me, assaulting me, beating me up, call it what you will. They never, ever, threatened or assaulted a woman.

So there are groups of men who see beating up other men as a test of their primitive manhood, who would never attack a woman as they see themselves as someone to defend women.

Then there are the trans-sexuals, the weak men, who can’t win fights against other men but need to beat someone up to ‘prove their manhood’. So they make threats to women.

Finally, there are the sexually/socially inadequate men who can’t convince women to have the sort of sex they want to have with them, who don’t have the rhetorical skills to bring a woman to their point of view, so they lash out violently in acts of assault which, all too often, occur behind closed doors in homes. I overheard just one such assault when I was renting a room in a house in Manchester years ago. It was the belligerent son, on the boundaries of being sent to prison, assaulting his mother after screaming and shouting at her.

He was the sort of young man who might have carried a knife and, having also witnessed a stabbing on a late night bus going south from Manchester City Centre, I wasn’t in the market to be a sacrificial lamb dying to defend a woman’s honour who was not my mother, not my wife, not even my friend. So I kept my head down, acted like I’d overheard nothing and silently prayed that the young man would fall foul of the law…..

Aug 1, 2023 4:54 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Yeah, that was a bizarre, obviously false point. Is the author a feminist?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 1, 2023 7:08 PM
Reply to  Lee


Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Aug 2, 2023 8:52 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Naturally Independence is purely theoretical to American females as what to them only in the beginning and was to remain indisputable throughout. And apparently still to this day amazingly unequivocal to even approaching any consideration of value in humanitarian discourse.
Every US Male appearance utterly reliance on one simpleton fact. A failure to even count,…so it’s not obviously they totally incompetent. It’s whatever put down,. Is meaningless utter penetration in conversational pornographic as having zero sexual Identity.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 1, 2023 10:02 AM

“….every government, every legislature, every civil service, every bank, every corporation, every business, every law court, every municipal authority, every council, every civil institution, …..”
And there is the whole stinking infernal problem so screamingly evident in the world inaugurated by covid. Transgenderism may be the most vicious attack on the population ever. It isn’t genocide – which comes across as “mere” genocide now – but a policy of terminating the species and doing so more efficiently than the previous “Final Solution”. Trans ideology is totally fucking psychotic and aims at nothing less than the destruction of sex itself. Furthermore, no matter how pathetically and tragically gullible a certain portion of the public are, this ideology is so patently insane that the vast majority would fall over into helpless guffaws if they took the trouble to see beyond the suffocatingly maudlin “fluffy” colours and flags. And that is why there has to be a relentless ferocious unceasing massively funded push from every single fucking official organ in the whole of our wretched “society”.

Aug 1, 2023 9:39 AM

These people cannot *transition* they are depressed/mentally ill people who let themselves get mutilated with scalpels just like the good old days with a frontal lobatamy.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Aug 1, 2023 9:00 AM

The world has truly gone mad.
The world’s biggest lie is that Satan doesn’t exist.
he is alive and well, living in all the loons detailed in the above article…

Aug 1, 2023 6:15 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

He has many little helpers today.
They used to call them ‘demons’.
Now they are called ‘woke politicians’.

Aug 1, 2023 7:16 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Yes, although ‘Sathanas’ simply means ‘the adversary’ ‘the opposition’ in its original language, we are talking about ‘the personification of evil’ here, i.e. the struggle which takes place within each and every one of us, to try to understand which side of the humanity puzzle we are on, and should be on. What being ‘human’ means, and how we should enact our part in it.
And it’s terribly clear that quite a lot of people that we used to think were human too, well, as we have already reached and passed through a version of the ‘medical/death camp scenario without the Nuremberg Trials, as George Mc cogently observes, they are now well into ‘the War on US’. Collectively. From all angles.