Everything you need to know about Covid’s “Eris” Variant
Kit Knightly

The big news the last couple of days is that “Covid” is back…again. This time it’s the “Eris” variant, named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord, it supposedly is causing a spike in cases for the first time in…who cares how long.
The bulk of reporting on it is detailing how it’s supposedly related to Omicron or Arcturus or all the other names they flash in the headlines.
That, or the symptoms.
They are a runny nose and a sore throat and…well, you know. The only noteworthy thing to mention here is that the “loss of taste or smell” – so long sold as Covid’s calling card – is no longer considered a common symptom.
Yahoo even reported – without a shred of irony – that the alleged up-tick in “cases” was due to people spending more time indoors:
Bad weather encouraging people to spend more time indoors and waning immunity have been blamed for the rise
…a peculiar position to take, considering lockdown is meant to have helped, last time.
Anyway, without further ado, here is everything you really need to know about the Eris variant:
It’s bullshit.
Just like all the others.
Nothing else really needs to be said, does it?
Sure the media are setting up softballs for us to hammer over the fence, talking about the “symptoms” and “infection” rate again as if the past three years haven’t rendered all those words meaningless. But we are – or should be – well past that point of arguing against the mainstream.
We know everything we need to know about the symptoms – they are “generally mild” and “flu-like”, because Covid is nothing but re-branded endemic respiratory diseases. We know the death statistics are made up and the tests don’t work except to manufacture cases.
We know all this, even this repeating of it is unnecessary, to be honest.
The only aspect of Eris worth discussing is why it’s in the papers, and even that answer is briefer than usual.
Eris exists because the “Cerberus” heatwave is over, and July was unseasonably cold and damp in the UK. Because Autumn will be setting in soon enough and there are no more major sporting events for Just Stop Oil to disrupt for a while.
In short, Eris is what happens when people refuse to panic about climate change.
In fact, we can probably expect headlines linking Eris to the climate in the next few days.
The trouble with that is, just like climate change, people can only be scared by words for so long. The media repeated “global warming” so much the words lost their meaning, and filled the papers with so many apocalyptic predictions that never came to pass that people got numbed to it, they filter it out now even if they don’t realise they do.
The same will happen with covid; the more they bring it back for a jump scare, the less people will jump.
That’s probably why they’re laying the groundwork “the next pandemic” of “disease X”.
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Have you considered the manmade biological weapons aspect of these genetically manipulated “viruses” and their vaccines? I admit this is the sole OFFGUARDIAN article I’ve seen via reference from Compass. But where are your medical or scientific facts on which to base this opinion? If another pandemic or plandemic hits it would be wise to know the truth, rather than blow it off. That way we can use available health resources to boost immunity, take appropriate precautions, etc. I know to trust the Lord in these dark times. And I believe His Word. But we also know there are nefarious forces seeking demise for the human race. We are to be wise as serpents, harmless as doves, prudent and knowledgable. In my opinion, your flippant article that it is made up/no danger is in itself a danger. I agree the goal is control. But there also may be an actual pestilence. We are living in the last days after all. @Chron7:14-16
When will we media programed sheeple ever be informed, or be rescued from our beloved 5 Billion in fruad fines, and leader in cause of death, Big Pharma’s who kill on average 680 to 2000 each & every day! [Facts you can look up] [But won’t, due to confirmation bias] * see the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study or the well cited book, Death by Medicine by Dr. Null. Then try asking yourself why that’s not newsworthy, [if you can?] Considering, “Thiers a sucker born every minute.”
All said is true but that doesn’t change the fact that they will make vaccinations mandatory with the backing of the law and enforced by a merciless military.
Yeah, be on the lookout for the next great global pandemic that Bill Gates and his acolytes swear to us is on the way. Any day now it will roll out. How do we know? Because the plutocrats keep telling us so and showing us they are preparing for it just like they’ve planned and prepared for a “global pandemic” since 2001! https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/pandemic-virus-simulations-2001-2019-overview-personal-thoughts-and-notes/, https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/04/01/coronavirus-pandemic-war-games-simulation-dark-winter/, Any day now it’s coming, just like the climate crisis.
Sorry,no time for the latest designer C00fy variant,guys. I’m dying of climate change this time.
An article from the excellent Global Research site re. the ‘covid’/’covid’ ‘variants’ CON.
It’s written by Dr William Makis, an honest Canadian doctor who’s been publishing many, many articles over the past few months (on Global Research, and his own Substack site) re. the many deaths being caused worldwide by the injections.
“New ‘covid-19’ ‘variants’: Propaganda is ramping up and the ‘covid’ con is back on”, at:
Here’s a link to Dr Makis’ collection of articles on the GR site re. deaths caused by the injections:
From spring 2021 onwards, there has been a relentless and near-identical rise in excess deaths in Denmark, Norway, Finland, UK and other Western countries.
“Flu-like symptoms”. It’s called detoxification from all the shite that’s in our environment. The body cannot sustain an overload of shite environment – external and internal (poor diet). So it has to routinely reject it and recover somehow. Starting to see the ‘flu’ and the ‘common cold’ as complete con jobs too.
I’ve never in my life been cautious of illness; it’s always looked like self-inflicted to me. Wrap up when cold, they tell us. It’s made zero difference to my health whether i did or not.
This last while, i can honestly say i’ve encountered one sniffle (and been roundly booed and hissed at in my own house)- followed none of the orders and taken certainly no magic potions. I’m fully sceptical of the entire industry now, tbh.
Bad weather encouraging people to spend more time indoors and waning immunity have been blamed for the rise
I often pointed out that ‘lockdown’ was exactly the opposite of the best response to ‘covid’, because being outdoors and active is far better for one’s immunity. Something they seem to now be admitting ^^
Of course the brain dead convid zealots will not spot or admit this contradiction, nor any which undermines their beliefs.
Convid, the totalitarian gift that keeps on giving. I expect they will be quietly announcing new variants even in ten years time.
It’s the bad/ evil for profit big pharma’s patented SARS 2 C-Vo v 19 money maker the has killed millions, harmed billions & empowered Godless governments to be your god! “For the good of the people.”
Eris may be an ominous sign going by how feeble and desperate it is. That it is doomed to failure is pretty much guaranteed – or perhaps the media will leave all pretense at honesty totally behind and just lie about how scared to death the public are?
Then again they may already have done this?
But the law of diminishing returns must have set in by now. So the next move is bound to be far more directly aggressive.
I don’t know how medics and sheeple can have such short memories. I’ve lost the ability to taste and smell with pretty much every bad cold, flu and stuffy nose I’ve had in my life prior to 2020.
The phenomenon is so common that I guess it was easy enough to pull it out from a memory hole and dust it off.
This is an article from 1975.
Hypogeusia, dysgeusia, hyposmia, and dysosmia following influenza-like infection
Hypogeusia, with or without dysgenusia, and hyposmia, with or without dysosmia, followed an influenzal-like infection in 87 of 143 consecutive patients who presented at the Taste and Smell Clinic at the NIH with taste and smell abnormalities. Findings in this disease included pale nasal mucous membranes with marked patency of the nasal airway, a postive Rudolph sign, elevated detection and recognition thresholds for several tastants and odorants, disruption of the pore region of the tast dub observed on electron microscopy and infiltration of the upper lamina propria of the nasal mucous membrane wih chronic inflammatory cells observed on light microscopy. These findings, taken together, are relatively specific for the diagnosis of this surprisingly common disorder.
I like PubMed’s vaccine induced myocarditis report, in light of OVER 1,135,000 COVID VACCINE INJURIES WERE REPORTED TO VAERS, INCLUDING:· 24,400 deaths
· 27,800 life-threatening events
· 34,500 myocarditis/pericarditis cases
· 40,000 severe allergic reactions
· 44,500 people who are permanently disabled
· 120,00 urgent care visits
· 133,000 hospitalizations
· 176,000 doctor office visits
As of February 18, 2022 — and this is just a small sampling of the startling data we’ve uncovered.
Research shows that this number could actually be only 1% of what the real number is – meaning you can multiply the numbers above by 100 to get a more accurate figure.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35076665/
Surely continuing to push this covid clown show, new variants and new vaccines for diseases X, and on and on ad nauseam has to be trolling, surely the insane asylum occupants whose control is now slipping don’t believe that a sizeable majority are still scared and would fall for this bullshit again? Are they so puffed up and laden with gold with what they view as a success in 2020/21, that they can’t resist going again? Do they think they can successfully segue into climate change using exactly the same set of tricks? Are they so deep in the hole of criminality, and so utterly corrupt, that they have no choice but to continue and simply couldn’t care less anymore. Or does their pure psychopathy blind them from reality breaking into their evil and absurd confidence trick? Or is their a greater game afoot here? Are the true dark controllers pushing a biblical level of provocation for some other endgame entirely. Or is the middle section, aware now that they too are going to end up in the same hellish place ( …miserable slaves and then dead basically…) taking this top heavy and mad juggernaut down once and for all, albeit in a painfully slow fashion. I honestly don’t know. I have always believed this entire nightmare would end as the critical mass of awareness finally toppled it. The one thing I know for certain is that I never complied, I won’t comply, and I will never comply…ever…to any of it. I thank God for that.
Yes that is exactly what the megalomaniacal overlords think! Their playbook is small. They keep running the same plays/cons over and over again because they know they have conditioned us to have short attention spans and to be comatose. Do you remember Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Zikia, AIDS (and AZT which was just as lethal as the COVID kill shots only more rapid)? It’s all the same con game. The beat goes on and on and on…
The only people we know who get this so called virus now are the vaccinated, go figure None of my family succumbed to the lies and not one of us has had the mystery non existent virus, my appointment for being multi jabbed is still vacant if anyone wants it, kerching!
The discovery last month of a Chinese COVID biolab in California shocked the nation, but likely came as no surprise to the state’s Democrat governor, Gavin Newsom.
This guy is next in line for Don Jo…
Mercola’s got an excellent article up featuring studies that document kids’ health is WORSE the more vaccines they take. This might help you persuade friends and family not to give kids the childhood schedule of shots. Or, at lest to put it off til the kid’s 5.
It’ll only be up another day, but other sites will pick it up.
I am surprised no one is making more of the link between “Eris” and Discordianism.
Its a dot to be connected and imo evidence they are laughing in your faces
Con Jab 1984
The OmniCon variant
In the news: An unlicensed Chinese owned biolab was in operation in LA. Supposedly had bio-engineered mice designed for testing the Covid virus. A week or so earlier another story in the news: Chinese were engineering viruses that only affected those not of Chinese descent. The implication was obvious but no one wanted to go there. My mind instantly went to the UK version of the Amazon series Utopia and what happened when the American version came out. Klaus Schwab wanted the series banned. Why did he care? Was he worried about flies (zie bugs) getting in the reset ointment?
Anything to keep the boogie man alive and beat the war drum with China.
Here’s yet another article by Canada’s Dr. Makis about people who died suddenly (this time, while on vacation). And were presumably vaxxed.
See if you can spot the GLARING anomaly. Kind of makes me wonder.
Died Suddenly on Vacation: Collapsing on the Beach. Covid Vaccinated while on Holidays – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
It’s called Sudden Adult Death (SAD) Up 40+%! But don’t worry, big [5 billion in fruad fines] pharma can’t be sued!
First word that came to my mind too when I heard of it, bullshit. Same as early 2020 when hearing about the fake Covid-19, bullshit. This game is too easy now.
Shocking how many STILL cant see the bullshit.
Can’t or won’t ?
Probably both. Some won’t, some can’t. A lot of dumb shits out there.
It’s due to Leftist induced confirmation bias, i.e. the tendency to interpret, information in a way that aligns with pre-existing Godless Lib induced values & opinions!
Some still wearing masks where I am at.
See! They don’t just want to jab as many as often as they can….
The experts recommend based on “the science” and the government responds. (Sidenote: you might want to do everything you can against heartless bastard Tory rulers whose chaos and austerity are denying you your right to be jabbed against the terrifying Eris variant. We’re not exactly going to say that but…. ).
Look into ther eyes and repeat: “2020-22 never happened…. 2020-2022 never happened…. “.
More seriously, this is a good sign that the real take-up figures were low and they know they’re flogging the proverbial dead horse on that front.
“If the people really knew, the war would be stopped tomorrow. But of course they don’t know and can’t know.”
[David Lloyd George]
I suspect what he is talking about is that good ol’ trick of, “Keep ’em scared”…
That’s what keeps politicians in their imagined positions of ‘power’, while our own power – as individual citizens – is something which we are taking a heck of a long time to find.
Well, seeing as they are elected by a divide or multiple division con-trick, they are aware that their ‘power’ is also a con-trick. The entire operation is fraudulent from beginning to end. All the castles here in Wales were not laboriously built to amuse the tourists of the future, but to violently control the natives.
The intermediate controllers are now the MSM, rather than ‘men-at-arms,’ and do an even better job at keeping the masses UN-FREE and hypnotised, but that could rapidly change if the stimulus is big enough, like 1917.
Bigger problem is that each individual has to fight the collective system, and the system can be irrational longer than you can remain solvent.
I dont buy that victim role. There is another saying. only 3-5% really know, 7-10% think they really know, and 85-90% would die to avoid knowing.
I don’t buy the victim role either, Erik.
But that’s what I reckon the politicians are still trying to get us to buy.
Iceland still has career politicians? Thought that saga came to an end after the 2008 bankruptcies? That a new political class was born. Made up of it’s citizens from all walks of life or the Icelandic version of that..Which would make the C19 madness an even bigger betrayal.
It has a population of 375,000 ish yet seems to be very well off still. How?
Invisible menace has the potential to be more terrifying than violence as it can last longer- you can draw it out for a long time- even an eternity- the thing you can’t see. Good story tellers understand this- Hitchcock understood this. The psychos running the Bio-Security State know this.
This is why the perpetuation of the invisible virus that can strike anyone at any time is so useful as a control mechanism. The catapulting of GoF and “Covid” variants and on and on is part of this Psyop. Those who perpetuate these fabrications are part of the problem, knowingly or not, and are doing the work for the Bio-security State by maintaining and heightening the fear mechanisms.
The beauty of the idea of a “virus” is that it is an invisible, submicroscopic enemy. The result is an unparalleled spread of panic and fear, trumping even that of terrorists. The war on covid and “viruses” in general has effectively replaced the war on terror.
“The Virus®” is the new Al Qaeda.
No, the war OF terror is totally ingrained in our lives now. Do you still take your shoes off at the airport? Did they abolish the Patriot Act or the Dept of Homeland Security? Have they replaced all the measures they implemented over the last 20 years? Not a chance. It can’t be replaced, only supplemented.
I know some things are very hard to grasp these days.
But the awful truth is that we all died in 2019 and this is what Hell looks like.
Here is one that will get you alive again. This black guy is really good. He is the real stuff.
thank you for the video. It is very good.
The only thing that I would add is that Enlightenment is given to an individual by Grace and Grace is given to a person by Infinite Wisdom. This would be the next stage beyond Knowledge.
The Third Eye, Ear and Sight are Gifts of Grace. They are Given. They are Never Earned.
There is a lot more to discuss about these issues but Discussion is always limited whereas Silence is where Wisdom resides.
If a person Sits Still Long Enough, you will not have to search for IT…..IT will find you.
1st world problems just horrid, for some it was like that waay before.
Austerity was hell for people I knew (RIP).
This situation is literally self inflicted. As in taking the jab & believing their lies.
A comment of scintillating luminescence.
Flu like symptoms old style, stay hydrated, take two paracetamol as directed and get bed rest.
Flu like symptoms Great Reset style, yer all gonna die…..unless you bend to our will.
“the “Eris” variant, named after the Greek goddess”
did they get a permission from the Greek Godess to use her name in the CONvid fearmongering context? i guess this is a case of cultural appropriation and even cultural vandalism.
I hope She is getting angry enough to help us throw off our invisible chains, and help the brainwashed to see theirs, so that they might ask how their chains can be removed too.
It really is time for a bit of actual cognition to go on within the bulk of the human race.
We’ve been embarrassing ourselves for three years.
Yes I’m actually ashamed for humanity at the responses I’ve got trying to get them to at least discuss the subject. Violent anger has been the chief response, generally. ‘Don’t want to know, don’t want to discuss. Leave it out.’
They seem really unaware of what they’re actually doing, and that includes my children, not just ‘others.’
They have never considered that the entire basis of so-called Western Medicine, nay ‘Science’ is largely fraudulent.
Intellectual laziness combined with fear.
They don’t want their ‘comfortable reality’ undermined. It would be too expensive. Intellectually/mentally/emotionally/psychically/Spiritually/ and they’d actually have to DO something about it.
I beg to differ, if 99.9% of your recruits died trying to get out, or trying to break the inner chains of bondage to find everlasting comfort, you might chart a different path other than they don’t want us too for some reason, narrative.
For that one guy that didn’t die trying, is too busy doing something close to nothing and can’t be bothered to pass down the secret sauce of comfort success to the many waiter and hopers. Sorry but not sorry.
Ok, you get out by yourself come back and tell me that there ain’t hell to pay, I wont hold my breath waiting either.
Whereas wily Nike registered her trademark name and has Ambrosia coming out of her ears!
I’m going to call it “Eric”.
Not that I expect to see it in my lifetime…
There is a reason the Greek word “pharmakeia” is translated “sorcery” in the book of Revelation:
Good. Off guardian rightly keeps focus on the minimal facts of the covid scam.
Also what needs to be added to the consciousness is not some BS Nuremberg 2.0 Netflix episode but the understanding that,
‘The punishment must fit the crime’. This mantra serves to cut through any managerial course correction process and sets out the only outcome which is satisfactory of any and all negotiations on the covid revision.
They need to fill in time till the WHO get there pandemic treaty in by May 2024
Meanwhile tens or hundreds of thousands of people who live in or near outer London are going to see there life ruined by ULEZ anti car pollution scheme starting at the end of this month.
So having got through the Covid scam seen there heating bills more than double thanks to market speculation and Americas proxy war in Ukraine. Food prices nearly double thanks to inflation due to money wasted on Covid. plus money printing trying to get out of the zero growth that was the only way they kept the banks from collapsing , other than writing of the derivatise.
They now face an impossible bill of £12.50 per day for using there cars.
So they cant go to work and earn enough to pay the fines and pay there bills pay there mortgage. So what are they supposed to do.
Those that can get the scrappage of £2000 for there old cars are supposed to but a second hand car that is compliant. But there are not many of those available with prices going up in a sellers market. So what get a loan to buy a new car put it on your credit card. Neither will be an option for many people.
There are so many people effected and the scheme is so unworkable
I hope this will be a poll tax moment for the Net Zero madness.
For those outside that don’t now the Poll Tax was a ta on every person in a household that Margret Thatcher tried to bring in. It took a while but the protest grew to the point that they hat to scrap the tax. ULEZ tax needs to be scraped but it will require pushback .
ULEZ = 15 minute cities.
ULEZ = pay-per-mile
get their pandemic treaty
see their life ruined
seen their heating bills more than double
for using their cars
and pay their bills
Are you trying to provoke us grammar-nazis…?
Your English is otherwise perfectly intelligible, so I’m assuming the actual meaning of the words, “there, their and they’re” was wrongly tatooed into your brain by a delinquent novice teacher when you were very young…?
But you have to admit that using “there” for “their” sidesteps every bit of the Woke Pronoun Agenda. Hmm, maybe we should all consider using it.
Damn. You found the flaw in my argument.
Or was it “floor”…?
people still believe in viruses? Oh dear
The key word is “believe.” Belief pre-supposes a lack of solid evidence. You know: like some people believe in God.
From where I see it, God created the Virus.
Bill Gates is not God.
Pandemic of corrupted souls…
Absolutely; I figure one more, and I’m counting cards in Vegas baby.
Bodypower: The Secret of Self-Healing
“Amidst all the confusion and ignorance, the one thing that we can say with certainty is that the capacity of the human body to heal itself, to benefit from experience, to improve itself, to protect itself and to guard itself against threats of all kinds is far greater than we have ever imagined it to be.
When Bodypower was first published the response from some parts of the medical establishment was cool. Doctors have for decades been taught that in order to beat disease they have to interfere with nature. The medical profession has grown in strength alongside the drugs industry; thousands of doctors have been taught that a doctor’s first response to any illness must always be to reach for his prescription pad. But that has changed. More and more often the medical journals now contain articles written by doctors explaining how they have discovered that it isn’t always necessary to interfere when a patient falls ill; that the body can often look after itself; that the body’s defence mechanisms and self-healing mechanisms are far more sophisticated than they had been taught and that the power of the human mind is far greater than anyone would have dared suggest in the past.”
Yes, I talked an Italian lawyer through translation out of a peritonsillar abscess (Quinsy) overnight, when he was in grave danger of being surgically operated, if we could somehow get him across 2 mountain ranges to the Adriatic and Zadar Hospital. Ha-ha.
The German doctor who was freaking out didn’t impress me in the least.
‘Stefan, I NEVER sent any of my ‘patients’ to hospital. And have you got a helicopter?’
So we took him off to a quiet place for a good chat,
He had wanted to be a cabaret artist, but owing to family pressure he went to law school. When he qualified he became a public defender, although it didn’t pay a lot. But just before the event which brought us all to the Lika Mountains, he had quit public defending and gone into commercial law, because of family pressure.
It’s at this point I usually burst out laughing. So through translation, I asked him ‘Whose life have you been living up now?’
He got it, I knew he got it.
In the morning he presented with NO peritonsillar abscess. Stefan burst into tears and asked me if we were ever going to do another one of these shows, and could he please come? This is just one example of a fairly long list.
The patient “presents with” certain symptoms. Such language suggests a passive object at a royal audience.
I know, it bothers me too. That is why I put ‘patient’ into ‘inverted commas.’ But remember I was pushing an experienced German allopathic doctor off the case, who was absolutely certain he knew what should be done according to his training, so I’m trying to express the contrast between our approaches and viewpoints.
If you have a better term, I’d be happy to use it…’subject’ would be even worse ‘client?’ UGH…….’person’ might be true but is a bit ‘vague.’
These are common phrases in the medical industry.
Here’s how the power elite are targeting the top Vax truth tellers world wide.
Don’t mix up two things that have absolutely no connection to each other: COVID and climate change. COVID is now gone and nobody is interested in your weird bullshit about it anymore, whereas climate change is a real fact concerning everybody on this plant except some really stupid and blind fuckheads that have no idea of nothing…
Double negative. Freudian slip. A2
Jeff’s history confirms he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Ya thunk?
have no idea of nothing…
Is that like when something unknown is doing we don’t know what?
I was put in a Rumsfeldian fearsome “unknown unknowns” frame of mind. But of course that’s far too many “unknowns” for climate scientists – only the known is permitted or acknowledged. As for example “we know more about what the climate will be in 50 years than what the weather will be in 5 weeks” – an actual climate scientist utterance from a few years back.
And which “plant” is it that “everybody” is on?
Worse than hell is, everybody dont know they already are in hell.
Climate change is real? According to what and whose data?
Hi Jeff.
Did you have a nice holiday ?
right to left eris – Sire is an archaic respectful form of address to reigning crowned kings
What isn’t?
We all can sleep better now, bc I see they have (finally!) set up the….
“Office of Long Convid.”
And not only that, but even better is who will be in charge of it.
Everyone’s favourite Admiral & Woman of the Year, “Rachel” Levine – that’s who!
The Admiral will lead the way — a shiny & matronly beacon of hope (!), for the long-suffering true believers of convid — in finally figuring out the *total mystery* behind the scourge that is long convid.
And an added bonus, the Recover Initiative (the part for studying convid) is only a Billion $.
From the announcement:
Current analysis estimates that 7.7 million to 23 million Americans have developed Long COVID.
Today, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra released the following statement applauding the formation of the Office of Long COVID Research and Practice to lead the Long COVID response and coordination across the federal government and, in addition, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) launch of the Long COVID clinical trials through the RECOVER Initiative.
“As our nation continues to make strides in combating COVID-19, it is crucial that we address the impact of Long COVID and provide resources to those in need,” said HHS Secretary Becerra. “Last year President Biden called on HHS to coordinate the response to Long COVID. The Official establishment of the Long COVID Coordinating office and the launch of the RECOVER clinical trials solidifies this issue as an ongoing priority.”
“The Office of Long COVID Research and Practice will enhance efforts being undertaken across the U.S. government to improve the lives of those who continue to experience the long-term impacts of the worst public health crisis in a century,” said Adm Rachel Levine, M.D. “Bringing together the resources and expertise of federal, state, and local partners, patients, providers, researchers, and the business sector to answer the American peoples most urgent calls to action.”
Background on the Office of Long COVID Research and Practice:
The Office of Long COVID Research will be located within HHS’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health under the leadership of the HHS Assistant Secretary for Health, Admiral Rachel Levine. The Office is charged with on-going coordination of the whole-of-government response to the longer-term effects of COVID-19, including Long COVID and associated conditions and the implementation of the National Research Action Plan on Long COVID – PDF and the Services and Supports for Longer-Term Impacts of COVID-19 – PDF. Currently 14 federal departments engage on Long COVID, including over a dozen HHS Operating and Staff Divisions with a goal to reduce the impacts of Long COVID by improving quality of life for people living with Long COVID and reducing disparities related to Long COVID.
Background on the RECOVER Initiative:
The NIH RECOVER Initiative is a $1.15 billion nationwide research program designed to understand, treat, and prevent long COVID, which describes long-term symptoms following infection by SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. More than 200 symptoms are associated with long COVID, and the condition can cause problems throughout the body, affecting nearly all body systems including the nervous, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, autonomic, and immune systems.
Launched in 2021, RECOVER established one of the largest, most diverse study group of patients with Long COVID in the world. The initial stage of the initiative involved launching large observational multi-site studies examining and following people through their experience with COVID-19 to learn why some people develop long-term symptoms while others recover completely. These studies are ongoing and have recruited more than 24,000 participants to date. Researchers also are analyzing 60 million electronic health records and conducting more than 40 pathobiology studies on how COVID-19 affects different body tissues and organs. This study cohort participated in RECOVER observational studies that allowed researchers to characterize the condition in great detail, which is critical for informing the development of clinical trials to test interventions. The clinical trials are designed so multiple treatments and therapies can be studied across five focus areas. Platform protocols for two of these areas were posted today, July 31, with enrollment for these trials beginning the end of July and throughout the summer. To learn more about the RECOVER clinical trials visit: https://trials.RECOVERCovid.org .
Through collaboration with federal partners, researchers, clinicians, patient advocacy organizations, and the business sector, the Biden-Harris Administration remains committed to addressing the longer-term impacts of the worst public health crisis in a century. We will continue to listen and learn from patients, caregivers, frontline workers, and those with lived experience, so we can accelerate understanding and breakthroughs together.
Oh my God, I had no idea.
I have been screaming at the screen for the past year “STOP CALLING IT LONG COVID!!!”
Even docs and people who should know better, on this side of the fence, keep referring to long covid.
It’s injection injury!!
It’s immune systems that have been destroyed so that every sniffle will now result in more than your usual summer/winter cold. At least for some.
I know people who have been severely injured by the shot, and people I believe have died from it.
My fear is for the injected children who’s immune systems are now disregulated. A common cold may not just remain a cold. If they cannot sufficiently fight it off, it can develop into something more serious. That is no joke.
I know there are commenters who did not get the injection, who have had tested positive for cvid and have experienced what they call long cvid. I will not argue with a persons experience, not disbelieve it.
But I find it infuriating that all of these injuries from the shots are being ascribed to long covid. What utter bs.
How much of it is psychosomatic? They dont vaxx, they test positive, think they have it and react physically upon it, go around the rest of their lives with long Covid without really having it……………….LOL.
Its a bit difficult because we had this “jumping” and “transfer” of spike protein from vaxxed to unvaxxed, so it said we the unvaxxed couldnt really avoid it.
The 5-6 vaxxed I know of, all got tested positive 4-8 weeks after the vaxxx , and then they Covid a 2-3 days with fever, uncomfortable, coughing. I have not heard of any long Covid yet.
this is usually called sarcasm….
I was referring to my ‘long post’ on “long convid”….
Banksters, governments, scientists, medical profession, media, rascals and scamsters.
The problem we have is 50% of people still actually believe COVID was a thing.
Those who control the narrative are still in power with no consequences from their actions. The Banks still making massive profits from lending fresh air and raking in the interest. Governments pretending they are in control.
The justice system acting as if there is a thing called justice.
The Police doing sod all.
Immigration and trans destroying society and family.
Global warming whilst we are wet and freezing.
Hospitals still making a good job of making people ill.
Tax used to only pay interest on our debt.
32 trillion in British offshore accounts.
The CITY pretending its not the Crown.
Once we realise its all claptrap the sooner we will get back to reality.
I think it’s actually more like 85%
I think everyone knows. Yet only a minority are willing to admit it.
Most have declared covid taboo. Being wrong, being fooled, being duped, being an outrageous coward for which you wanted to poison yourself with some ‘vaccine’ and were willing to ostracize every human being on the planet who did not act as a coward (and rejected the measures), is not something they are willing to admit.
And so they do as if covid never existed.
What can I say? – By making their own behavior taboo, it’s like they are saying to me that they never existed. I think there is some justice in that.
A doctor said to me last week ‘I can’t forgive people claiming that Covid vaccines were damaging!’
Didn’t sound like they had come to terms with it. And they are paid £200k+ in a ‘top’ London hospital….
“In fact, we can probably expect headlines linking Eris to the climate in the next few days”
Yesterday BBC radio 2 “news” an expert was talking about the next pandemic being caused by climate change because “ticks don’t currently live in UK but will be attracted here by warmer weather”.
The modern term is gaslighting -ticks don’t currently live in UK- A blatant lie so that when you see a tick you think of that expert and – Bingo! that pesky climate change !
Like all good lies, there is an element of truth in it. Lyme disease is nasty and TBE can be fatal but these risks have been around for a while.
Like I’ve said many times, they’re clever bastards.
But they’re still bastards.
Need to remind folks that life comes with a particle of risk 🤓
We eliminate that risk with a life Insurance.
As a Sales Representative for L&H Corp. I can make you an offer to eliminate all particles of risk in your and your esteemed family’s and friend’s lives.
Just provide L&H with your annual tax declaration for the last 3 years and we will solve everything.
Many people are afraid of particles these days, but where there is problems there are L&H’s everywhere to provide solutions for green freedom in healthy environments without particles.
Trust your local representative here on Off-G
The whole point is trying to find a way to ban beef sales. If you can claim that ticks that parasitise cattle will make you sick, you can eliminate cows and impose bug eating.
I’m now firmly of the stance that only bug eating is allowed for anyone employed by the BBC. There must be a parallel justice system for the BBC and peremptory imprisonment for any BBC employee who:
They set their own moral code, we must punish them for breaking it.
Huge numbers of them will be in HMPs pretty soon…..shame.
Unless the entire “Pandemic”/”COVID-19″/”SARS-Cov-2” con job fraud narrative is revealed, likewise Virology and Contagion Theory themselves, we will be subjected to endless “variants” and more “novel viruses.” Taking them on one at a time guarantees failure for usl
As has been stated many times before, practically speaking this is a) impossible and b) will potentially make things much worse, in the tiny likelihood it succeeds.
If virology goes away, what fills the void? No one knows. But we can make predictions…
Belief, not evidence, was driving Covid. We must remember that. Medical science bent and broke its own rules to come out in support of the Covid narrative.
Just as with Covid, climare change, Russian collusion etc… there’s no evidence. People are being bred not to need or want evidence-based reasoning. Their perception of veridical reality is being deliberately eroded. We are being encouraged to exist in bubbles of belief, free floating in a void of unverifiable/unfalsifiable buzzwords held together by child-like gullibility and a complete surrender of personal autonomy to the priesthood of ‘authority’.
Ironic example: The only thing motivating most adherents of ‘terrain theory’ is their belief that all pathogenic illness is an utter myth; their belief that bodies detox themselves, expressing symptoms we call ‘disease’, sometimes even detoxing themselves to death.
There is no hard evidence or the beginnings of any formalised science or methodology to test this hypothesis (a criticism often levelled at virology by terrain theory adherents, who conversely suffer a blind spot when it comes to their own assertions). They demand no repeatable experiments. Nothing solid. It is simple belief. Cowan et al are the priesthood, whose unverified claims are held as gospel.
This admin fears ALL forms of belief-based anti-logic. It is being manipulated into the ultimate act of subservience and compliance: the ritual surrender of our own reason, once held so dear, now categorised as a negative trait.
That’s what Covid was really about. The struggle to hold a rational opinion. That battle was won. Let’s stop eroding that victory. Let’s not forget how to construct logical arguments. A2
While I don’t agree with your assertion that it is impossible, I will admit it is an arduous and time consuming path.
The public has been so overwhelmed with the constant MSM narrative over generations of virus caused disease, that breaking through this crap is quite difficult. Our Overlords have moved the agenda from a natural bat soup to a lab leak which keeps the virus causality intact and fits in better with their long term agenda, and unfortunately, real US conservatives have bought into it.
As to terrain theory, it covers a wide terrain of assertions. One that is widely accepted is that viruses are a deliberate hoax and bacteria are real organisms. Most terrain theorists would assert that even the more “pathogenic” bacteria do not exhibit pathogenicity in an otherwise healthy body but require special conditions to do so. They have a lot of evidence to show this but of course you will not see it in peer reviewed medical journals, such as the now discredited Lancet.
All this said, I believe tactically that the best approach is to assert the idea strongly whenever and where ever possible that the “novel” virus, SARS-CoV-2 was a hoax and consequently unable to cause cv-1984, and to keep mum regarding the existence of viruses in general for future discussion. I think much of the public may now be open to this. Another advantage to this is that it would immunize the public against the next “virus or variant” rollout and make them more readily suspicious of the climate change hoax as well.
Absolute nonsense again from you, insisting that the ‘no virus’ camp prove a negative. The virologist claim that they have isolated viruses. Tom Cowan and many other respected professionals have demonstrated that virologists method of ‘isolation’ is a completely anti-scientific fraud. This is not a ‘belief’, it is a demonstrable fact. Virologists have got nothing, absolutely nothing. Your denigration and straw man characterisation of the ‘no virus’ camp is despicable, illogical and telling.
Classic post, thanks.
I didn’t insist anything. I simply pointed out that Cowan’s water-borne bio-resonance angle or the alleged power of ‘nocebo’ effect, or the interaction of environmental toxins with organisms is unstudied, untested, unproven and unknown. Those rallying behind ‘prove viruses exist’ and expecting to change the world…. good luck to you. However, all you’re doing is arguing a lack of evidence, you’re not actually disproving anything.
Unless you’re trying to replace faulty science with good science, I’m sceptical, in this current climate, that anything good will come of it.
How is it going, do you think?
Virologists have over 100 years of research results absolutely depending on previous results being true.
We won’t argue about whether SARS-CoV2 causes Covid19 or not. That’s not the issue. You’ve said ‘virologists have got NOTHING’.
Virologists isolated Cottontail Rabbit Papillomavirus over 100 years ago and proved conclusively that it caused benign tumours in cottontail rabbits scarified and then inoculated with virus. They isolated a circular form of double stranded DNA and visualised virus particles under the electron microscope. They sequenced that DNA in its entirety. They made predictions as to what proteins would be produced based on sequencing viral RNA isolated from tumours, developed antibodies which would detect such postulated proteins and proved that such proteins did indeed exist. They cloned individual protein DNA sequences into expression vectors and showed which particular proteins were crucial for the formation of tumours.
That’s just one virus.
Peyton Rous isolated Rous Sarcoma Virus, which caused sarcomas in chickens. He did so 100 odd years ago. Scientists isolated temperature-sensitive mutants of that virus and correlated such features with specific mutations in the src oncogene. Scientists proved that the v-src protein was a tyrosine kinase, namely a protein that insert phosphate groups onto the sidechain of tyrosine amino acids within proteins. They isolated a cellular homologue of the viral oncogene and showed that its regulation in healthy normal cells was much more stringent than in the viral variant.
Mouse Mammary Tumour Virus was isolated from the milk of lactating mice and tumour formation could be shown to be transmitted vertically through the generations as a result of newborns suckling virus-containing milk. Scientists proved that the key regulatory sequences of a retrovirus, the Long Terminal Repeat, were regulated by steroid hormones (which is why tumours only developed in lactating females). They identified proteins which bound to specific DNA sequences in that LTR and correlated such protein binding to changes in RNA production driven by that LTR sequence. Scientists also showed that tumours arose when the retrovirus integrated its DNA into the host DNA close to specific genes involved in the control of cell growth.
I could go on and on and on but ignorant, closed minds will lie and lie again that none of this means anything.
It means everything, because hundreds of predictions made by scientists about these viruses was shown to be true. That can only happen if the previous body of work was valid.
Viruses exist, as do retrotransposons.
I don’t care if people want to deny it. They simply haven’t investigated the evidence. I have, I read all the seminal papers of the early 20th century during my PhD.
I suggest virus deniers go read them too.
Cite the papers and I’ll bet a pound to a penny that the method section will reveal ‘isolated’ using cell culture. Pure and utter scientific nonsense. Virologists have NOTHING. It is you who does not understand the scientific method. I’d also bet that your salary is dependent on not understanding it.
Sam, once again you are requiring me and people like me to prove Virology is false, when in fact it has never been proven to be true. Likewise Contagion Theory itself. Numerous attempts to prove it have failed. Shouldn’t THIS be stated?
Or that 217 (and counting) public health entities around the world have admitted in writing, in responses to FOI requests by Christine Massey and her colleagues, that they have no proof of the physical isolation and purification of “SARS-CoV-2”? Why has Massey’s work never even been acknowledged on this web site?
Claiming that you fear something even worse will replace this dominant false belief is just LAME.
Some history of attempts to prove Contagion.
Virology – The Damning Evidence. The Stake In The Heart For This Pseudoscientific Profession. DPL, 3/7/23.
A thread documenting Peer Reviewed Papers on Human trials of viruses. Of the ~50 throughout history they ALL produce negative results thus we can say: “The Peer reviewed science is unanimous VIRUSES DO NOT CAUSE DISEASE.”
• Dr. Rosamund, 1901 – From his diary of SmallPox experiments. For 15 years he smeared the pus of smallpox patients on his face and used to go home with his family, play cards at the gentlemans club and treat other patients and never got sick or saw a single other person get sick.
• Waler Reed, 1902 – “Without entering into details, I may say that, in the first place, the Commission saw, with soine surprise, what had so often been noted in the literature, that patients in all stages of yellow fever could be cared for by non-imimune nurses without danger of contracting the disease. The non-contagious character of yellow fever was, therefore, hardly to be questione.”
• Milton J. Rosenau, March 1919 – Conducted 9 separate experiments in a group of 49 healthy men, to prove contagion. In all 9 experiments, 0/49 men became sick after being exposed to sick people or the bodily fluids of sick people. More information on the Rosenau studies here.[Link]….
I’m not ‘requiring’ anything. Simply trying to be pragmatic. When ‘pragmatism’ becomes a dirty word, in my experience, you’re around ideologues and dreamers 😅
We can’t prove a negative. Therefore, we can’t prove contagion is wrong by citing a lack of evidence. It might be it is wrong, but we haven’t proved it. It might also be right and it’s just the original experiments were flawed, or they were looking in the slightly the wrong place, or the mechanism of pathogenic contagion is far more complicated than we first thought.
You may reply “but since Pasteur forged his experiments and there’s no direct evidence viruses EVER transmitted infection it’s therefore arbitrary to be discussing ‘viruses’ at all, and therefore the only logical thing to do is chuck out viruses and start from scratch’.
Yeah, you may have a point, but I think a lot of people feel virology satisfactorily explains some observable phenomenon out there. They might call this indirect evidence. A LOT of the sciences are based on indirect evidence. They are mathematical/scientific (etc.) descriptions of observable phenomenon. Like gravity, light, dark matter, quantum mechanics etc. It’s really not unusual for scientists to deal in abstracts and complex hypotheticals all the time. In fact I’ve heard it said, once you get to any complexity in the sciences, it’s far more unusual to have direct evidence of anything. 🤷♂️
Be that as it may, we must be pragmatic and bear in mind that this lack of direct evidence isn’t the deal breaker we want to believe it is.
Plus also, virology is an extremely bedded-in orthodoxy, which has applications across many different scientific fields. That’s quite a nut to crack, wouldn’t you say?
So how do you think the struggle to get virology chucked out is going so far? What’s your realistic forecast?
Again, it is not up to us to prove Contagion Theory wrong, it is up to those who assert it to prove it right. That’s called “the scientific method.” As per the link i put forth, all attempts to prove it have failed. Lots of people believe the official story (all 4 mutually contradictory versions of it) as to why the Twin Towers fell, likewise the 3 mutually contradictory “explanations” of WTC7, but not of these has been proven. That’s not “pragmatism,” that’s capitulation, it’s throwing the scientific method under the bus. You have yet to explain why you refuse to even mention Christine Massey’s immense body of work.
“Like gravity, light, dark matter, quantum mechanics etc.” There are actually no settled explanations of the last 3. Gravity has been demonstrated via repeatable, falsifiable experiments involving independent variables. I did a bunch of those in physics lab in college. Virology has never involved the scientific method, since a virus has never been isolated. Thus, no independent variable was ever involved. Experiments have not been repeatable. John Enders’ experiment re measles in 1954 which pioneered the cell culture method still used today involved a control, more or less, and he admitted that the results of the control pretty much matched those of the experiment with a sample which contained the alleged virus. The entire methodology of the “science” is thus notable in its non-existence. This article includes a link to Enders’ experiment.
Gravity’s effects are an observable phenomenon, just like disease, yet its cause, its origin, its actual nature, has not been directly proven.
WT7 is a straw man since there’s no suggestion physics or another scientific discipline is a fraud there.
Massey’s work argues for a lack of evidence, but it doesn’t actually disprove anything. Many people feel that, like gravity, contagion is an observable effect which requires an explanation. It doesn’t simply ‘disappear’ if some of the evidence is weak, just as gravity doesn’t if we question Einstein’s theories.
I’m pragmatically trying to marry up this statement of yours…
…with this one…
How do you propose to achieve the latter while only doing the former? Even if you discount all the vested interests and egos in the medical/science fields, do you really believe that citing lack of evidence is going to convince people that contagion – something they think of as an observable, everyday phenomenon – is actually just ‘some toxins’?
What observable effect, Sam? That people who are in proximity to each other have gotten sick? How many times has that happened when no virus was involved? Scurvy. People living next to toxic waste dumps ( The EPA in the US several times tried to blame the effects on s “flu”). Beri Beri, Radiation poisoning. …… Where was there ever proof of direct contagion, fluids from a sick person causing a well one to get sick? Why wasn’t Rosenau able to get a single infection with allegedly the most infectious disease ever, the “Spanish” flu?
“Massey’s work argues for a lack of evidence, but it doesn’t actually disprove anything.” I made a point that we don’t seek to “disprove” anything, that is not sound science, it is up to those who assert an hypothesis to prove it. Herr work demonstrates that the alleged ”
SARS-CoV-2″ virus has never been physically isolated and purified, it exists strictly as an in silico computer file filled with code, stitched out of a bunch of 0s and 1s, not “sequenced” but “assembled.”
“How do you propose to achieve the latter while only doing the former?”
I did not say “only.” The aim is to reveal that “Contagion Theory” and “Virus Theory” are in fact hypotheses which have never been proven, in fact that every attempt to prove them has failed.
Subacute myelooptic neuropathy (SMON),in Japan was blamed on a virus, a “virus” was even identified as being the responsible pathogen. SMON was later shown to be a result of contaminated eye drops.
Unbelievable that you would write something so obviously false and illogical:
“Massey’s work argues for a lack of evidence, but it doesn’t actually disprove anything.”
My work PROVES that hundreds of institutions in 40 countries, including “top” health/science institutions, that pushed the “virus” narrative, when challenged, have ZERO science. It DISPROVES their claims of “following the science”.
Because there is none, because virology is illogical, irrational, idiotic, and it’s EASY to see.
I meant you can’t rule out virology based on an absence of evidence alone. It can’t be done. It’s not scientific to try. I’m sure Strahl will back me up on this, if he’s about? A2
Doesn’t that sound bizarre to you? You can’t rule out virology due to the absence of evidence..Is that asymptomatic virology?
This gentleman gives numerous other reasons for illnesses.
I just mean there is other intersecting evidence than this direct proof, and in order to displace this hypothesis this needs to be taken into account, pragmatically, in order to stand any chance of competing in a scientific arena. I don’t have a horse in this race, personally. A2
Unscientific “evidence” used to back up a pseudoscience – who cares?
Your circular argument… who cares?
No, it’s not circular. It’s already established (by simply reading the virology papers and/or FOI responses) that there is no science. Yet you keep trying to convince people that virology hasn’t been thoroughly debunked. It has been, and you are obfuscating.
I’m not obfuscating at all, I’m suggesting that the FOI requests aren’t a threat to the authodoxy since,
A) Covid wasn’t based on strict virology, it was based on fantasy and abuse of PCR. Virology and the medical sciences had to bend to accommodate the narrative, so there’s little reason to think FOIs will phase it.
B) virology has already steered around lack of isolates by stating Koch’s postulates are archaic and not relevant to modern virology. Whether you think they’re correct or lying or whatever, this needs to be addressed.
C) virology will close ranks and protect itself at all costs because a lot of livelihoods depend on it, and a lot of power and money flows through it
D) absence of evidence really doesn’t prove evidence of absence. You are creating a scenario where no viral isolates = no dice, but much of the sciences operate without the direct, material, substantive proof you’re asking for. Hypotheses are not offered up as truths, they are offered up as working explanations until something better comes along, and often they are built on inferences, or inferences on inferences, or inferences on inferences on inferences. Like complex mathematics, there’s rarely ever a straightforward answer to anything lol I don’t think you’re really understanding this.
E) if you wish to overturn a medical and scientific paradigm there is zero historical precedent of doing this without a competing hypothesis, therefore why keep resorting to ‘burden of proof’ arguments? I’ve already demonstrated above that virology has every incentive to simply ignore this and carry on.
There are other points to be made, but it’s late now. A2
Considering most all medical studies are done/ by the 5 billion in fruad fines/ big pharma’s, how could any non brainwashed soul trust that? I.E. why can’t you consider that? What too un woke?
I never said I trusted anything. That’s really not the point I’m making. A2
On what basis is virology assumed to be true, and thus needs to be disproved? THAT is totally unscientific. Virology has never been proven to be true. No virus has ever been physically isolated and purified, none ever. Show us otherwise. If the powers-that-be asserted that Martians hiding out in cellars are responsible to creating a certain condition which is labeled a disease and appears to be spreading, would we need to prove that these Martians don’t exist, or do the powers need to prove that they do exist?
And to return to an earlier point. I raised the matter of WTC7 so as to present a case in which there is an acceptance by the majority of an explanation by the powers-that-be which is totally unscientific, in this case openly, blatantly flying against the laws of even the relevant science in the matter. The fact that a large majority accepts such a bogus story however does not mean that we need to go along with it, which you seem to suggest on the basis of mass acceptance.
In the virus matter, it’s the general rules of science which are in contradiction to the official story, as it relies upon the alleged science of virology, an hypothesis which has never been proven because no pathogenic particles consisting of RNA or DNA strands with a protein coating and are capable of replication have ever been shown to exist via physical isolation and purification. That “science” is less than 150 years old, vs physics, which has been around for a lot longer. Furthermore, the principles of physics can be demonstrated via repeatable, falsifiable experiments with independent variables. This is NOT the case with virology.
You must be wilfully missing the point by now. A2
No, you are willfully missing the crucial point. An hypothesis does not have to be “displaced,” It is up to the person(s) who put forth an hypothesis to prove it, not up to anyone else to “displace” or disprove it. Please show us why the hypothesis of virus existence, both in regard to SARS-CoV-2 or any other virus, needs to be in any way even given priority in terms of truth, let alone fully accepted. What’s the evidence, Sam?!!
So how’s that going?
Oh yes you can rule out virology, which is passed off as a science, based on the complete lack of science.
If you want to continue believing in obviously-made-up stories of “viruses”, even despite the fact that every attempt to demonstrate contagion systemically failed, that’s your personal choice. But claiming that you can’t rule out virology (a field of pseudoscience) or help people see the truth is just ridiculous.
I think you should stop trying to recruit people to your cause based on emotional talk like this.
An FOI request can only prove the lack of virus isolates. How many places have Higgs boson particles do you reckon?
In fact, there are experiments out there which utilise the functions viruses play in a cell. Rhys Jagger listed some other examples here.
‘All a load of rubbish’ you might say, but unfortunately that’s just your word against others’.
In order to be open minded, we should take all sources into account and study them, before we make up our minds. Thanks, A2
“there are experiments out there which utilise the functions viruses play in a cell.”
How do you know the functions viruses play when viruses have not been proven to exist? Can you tell us what function unicorns play? Or Yeti? YOU are the one who is being “emotional”!
And you are again confounding physics, with repeatable, falsifiable experiments featuring independent variables, with virology, which has nothing of the kind.
I don’t think you’ve demonstrated that at all. Clearly further research is needed and open mindedness, not cleaving everyone up into aggressive little exclusionary camps like you anppear to be advocating with your needlessly sour and dour attitude 😅.
You are entitled to your viewpoint but it increasingly seems to me that the ‘No-virus’ debate is simply be a matter of definitions, dressed up in a sensational way.
Apparently bacteria can become phages when under stress, ‘viruses’ are exozomes which are byproducts of stressed cells, phages can never be viruses because apparently we know for a fact there are no such thing as viruses (circular), waterborne bio resonance is apparently more likely even though there’s no direct evidence for that either , and people can make each other sick with ‘dis-ease’ via ‘nocebo’ effect, however contagion is a fraud…
Honestly, feels like some Judy Wood-style divide and conquer is taking place round here sometimes, exactly the point Cowan is ‘dealing’ with from Lyons-Weiler in that video link you sent (where Cowan makes a sourceless assertion about phages which is apparently adequate evidence for you, scrupulous scientist that you are).
Do you just feel like there’s some room for humour, for give and take, for nuance, for accepting that things can be partially correct without being totally wrong, (yes, even immunology/virology) and that we can have open minds? A2
I’m not trying to “recruit” anyone, I’m simply refuting your claims and I’m completely rational.
The FOIs prove that none of the institutions have, or know of anyone else who has, a valid independent variable, thus they know of zero valid science.
You’re changing the topic again. And for all I know, the alleged Higgs particle doesn’t exist either.
You claim that “there are experiments out there which utilise the functions viruses play in a cell”.
That’s reification fallacy. The functions of alleged viruses cannot be demonstrated or known, when the alleged viruses haven’t even been shown to exist.
If you claim there is a valid “virus” study, cite the specific study. I challenge you to do so.
I am happy to concede that you’ve found no papers showing an isolated virus.
This, on the other hand, doesn’t rule out viruses existing. It doesn’t rule out that there are other ways in which the role of viruses can be observed in experiments, and thus their existence can be inferred without any physical ’isolation’.
You also have the issue that virology claims a physical isolation (minus host cells) is impossible, since viruses multiply inside cells. They claim Koch’s postulates are outdated in this and other regards.
I am not a virologist, but I haven’t seen any of the above points dealt with really satisfactorily by those claiming no viruses exist.
Perhaps if you could take the time to address these things a little more nicely, you’d find this conversation was less hard work?
Rhys Jagger has cited some examples of viruses whose effects on host cells have been allegedly demonstrated. I haven’t looked into it yet. I have mentioned bacteriophages, of course, and it seems Bailey and Lanka are happy to refer to these as viruses, although Strahl chooses to echo Cowan and reclassify these and claim zero viruses exist.
Increasingly seems to come down to debates about terminology and classification lol A2
I hope you don’t mind my posting this, here. I’m a regular reader of Off-G, and I came across your above post an hour or so ago.
It reminded me of the time when I read one of your posts online (in 2022, I think it was; possibly 2021), one in which you related how [Dr?] Kevin McCairn subjected you to some rather unpleasant verbal [written] abuse. He used some very explicit words… words that are termed ‘scatalogical’.
And so, at the time when I read that document of yours, online, it rang a bell, with me. I looked up Kevin McCairn, and discovered that he is a sufferer of something called Tourette Syndrome. And that fact ‘explains’ why he subjected you to the sort of language he did. Because one symptom of Tourettes is something called ‘Coprolalia’; it’s also referred to as ‘scatalogical’ language.
Of course, it doesn’t make it right, that he spoke to you in that way; but it’s the [medical] explanation for why he did so.
Below is an article re. ‘Coprolalia’, as it relates to Tourette Syndrome, and then a link to show that Kevin McCairn does suffer from that condition.
N.B., the first lines of the article re. Coprolalia [see below] state the following:
“Coprolalia: the involuntary outburst of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks. Other examples may include references to ge nitals, excrement, and se xual acts”. [and the article continues, from there, at the link below].
1) “Understanding Coprolalia: misunderstood symptoms”, at:
2) This shows that Kevin McCairn is a sufferer of Tourette Syndrome:
“Investigator name: McCairn, Kevin W, PhD”, at:
Oh give me a break. He’s a grown man and never apologized for any of his vulgarity (which is shown on my website).
I didn’t say that his vulgar words to you were justified, of course they weren’t! I’m just clarifying that he does that because it’s (a very strange) part of a medical condition which he has.
p.s. He didn’t just blurt something out and then apologize. He went out of his way to create a graphic about me, and write obscene words and send that to me with other people copied. It took concerted effort, and further, there has been zero apology, ever. There is no excuse for his behaviour.
I’m not saying that there’s an ‘excuse’ for his behaviour, but what I am saying is that it’s [a very strange] part of a medical condition which he has. An involuntary part of that condition. So, due to that peculiar aspect of the condition being involuntary, it wouldn’t thus be a case of him writing those [disgusting] words to you, and then apologising. That – the latter – is what someone who didn’t have that condition would do if they were being crudely insulting to someone (for some unknown reason): ie, ‘blurting something out’, as you say, saying something insulting, crude, vulgar, and then apologising for having done so.
The fact that ‘coprolalia’ (a very peculiar aspect of Tourette Syndrome) is involuntary is why he does that to some people, and why he doesn’t apologise for having done so. Because it’s outside his control. Part of a condition – an illness – from which he suffers.
If he really has such a condition that he can’t even realize, logically, later that he behaved in a horrific, illogical manner (which I highly, highly doubt – sounds like a cover story for him), then clearly he can’t function as the scientist that he pretends to be.
A condition from which you claim he suffers.
Tell me, how does one function as a scientist if one is incapable of realizing that they communicated in a horrific manner and apologizing? Such a person couldn’t function properly as a scientist.
I see you’ve now edited your comment, to cite people’s “observations” and “feelings”.
Virology is passed off as a science, not a feelings-based discipline. Science requires a valid independent variable and valid repeatable controlled experiments. Virology is not a science, or remotely logical.
And the many attempts to demonstrate contagion in a systematic fashion failed miserably.
People cherry-pick observations to fit the beliefs that have been instilled in them their whole lives and discard those that don’t fit the narrative.
If you’d educate people to these facts instead of making excuses for protecting an entire branch of weaponized pseudoscience and dissing the people who are exposing it, we’d be a lot further along.
Your argument is circular. You rely on your own assertion to discount all virology here, whereas all you can really conclude is that you’ve not found evidence in the form you are seeking. Whether your opinion is valid or not you don’t feel the need to substantiate.
If you had an open mind here perhaps you’d concede the possibility that your interpretation of this evidence might be flawed or faulty, or you might be looking at an incomplete picture. Perhaps you’d even challenge and test your own conclusion. You haven’t demonstrated this at all, if even that you’ve done your due diligence and fully explored all virological evidence before reaching your conclusion.
You appear to also assert, as does Strahl, that there is no evidence of ANY viruses. Do you discount the role of bacteriophages in DNA research and phage therapy, for example?
I find this whole discussion simplistic and unimaginatively binary so far.
Try not to get so entrenched guys! 😅
You make baseless claims about phages. They are in fact not viruses, but adaptations by bacteria to toxic conditions. Dr Tom Cowan explains it here.
This is an unsourced claim by Cowan, not an explanation at all, and apparently that’s the standard of evidence you’re content with when it comes to substantiating your own pov. Not that you’re at all biased or anything here.
All about bacteriophages.
“Bacteriophages (and “giant viruses”) are unique among viruses in that they can be seen and isolated in nature, often from sea water where they can be found in abundance. The number of bacteriophages on the planet is astounding: it has been estimated that there are more than 1031 bacteriophages, more than every other organism on earth combined.4 When scientists began researching bacteriophages they concluded that their appearance around bacterial cells in test tubes indicated that the bacteria were being “attacked” by the phages and they were gaining entry then replicating themselves inside the cell.
However as microbiologist Dr Stefan Lanka explains they were looking at the phenomenon in a backwards way: “It was only later discovered that merely the bacteria which had been highly inbred in the test tube could turn into phages themselves, by contact with phages, but this never applied to natural bacteria or bacteria which had just been isolated from their natural environment. In this process, it was discovered that these ‘bacterial viruses’ actually serve to provide other bacteria with important molecules and proteins, and that the bacteria themselves emerged from such structures.”5 So what has been viewed in a pathological light, actually appears to be nature propagating further life in response to environmental stressors. Unfortunately however, mainstream virologists subscribed to the pathological model as Dr Lanka goes on to explain: “Before it could be established that the ‘bacterial viruses’ cannot kill natural bacteria, but they are instead helping them to live and that bacteria themselves emerge from such structures, these ‘phages’ were already used as models for the alleged human and animal viruses. It was assumed that the human and animal viruses looked like the ‘phages’, were allegedly killing cells and thereby causing diseases, while at the same time producing new disease poisons and in this way transmitting the diseases. To date, many new or apparently new diseases have been attributed to viruses if their origin is unknown or not acknowledged.”5″
Ah, Bailey calls phages viruses, as does Lanka.
So are you happy to amend your ‘no viruses’ stance, and maybe fill in Christine on that one too?
Or are you going to ‘bug out’?
Either way, dude, it’s been a pleasure so far. We’ll meet again. A2
I haven’t relied on my own assertion, I’m relying on the virology literature, and literally hundreds of FOI responses, including official statements from CDC and other institutions admitting that alleged “viruses” are never found in alleged “hosts” and purified. They’re on my website for all the world to see.
It takes an open mind to even consider that virology might be bogus. I did that.
All you have are ad hominins, zero valid science to back up the pseudoscience that you seem to want protected so badly. I’ll not waste any more time here.
Official Evidence that Virology is Pseudoscience – June 10 2023
– a 40 minute video introduction to the massive body of evidence collected on my website, primarily in the form of freedom of information responses from 216 institutions in 40 countries, including Health Canada, PHAC, CDC, NIAID, FDA, and a ridiculous response from the W.H.O., but also email correspondences directly with “SARS-COV-2” researchers:
The findings of this investigation align with what is seen in the published literature;
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (216 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
(includes emails from investigative journalist Torsten Engelbrecht directly to “SARS-COV-2” researchers asking if they had purified alleged “virus” particles which of course they didn’t):
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions have no record of any “virus” having been found in a “host” and isolated/purified. Because virology isn’t a science:
Do virologists perform valid control experiments? Is virology a science?
(includes FOI responses from institutions and more email exchanges directly with “SARS-COV-2” researchers):
Thanks for your links, I will look into them.
I agree you must have been coming from an open minded place initially in order to challenge the status quo, but perhaps this is becoming a little more close-minded and polarising as time goes on? I really don’t feel like you’re open to anyone questioning your approach.
That’s a shame.
I really don’t only have ad hominems, I’ve made some good points, unfortunately I think many of them have been lost in translation.
Oh, dear, your basic grasp of the scientific method is ALL WRONG.
‘No number of experiments can prove me right, but a single experiment can prove me wrong’.
Who said that? ALBERT EINSTEIN.
Science as a method is about designing hypotheses and attempting to falsify them through measurement.
You cannot prove that viruses do not exist, you can only falsify the hypothesis that they do not exist through providing cogent evidence that they DO exist.
Etc etc etc.
If each of those questions is answered with ‘yes’, then the evidence becomes stronger that viruses do exist.
But absolute proof in either direction is simply impossible.
No evidence exists proving 1 through 8. If it’s three strikes and you’re out, what about 8 strikes?
That’s missing the point he’s making. A2
You are missing the point. And it seems he’s misinterpreting what i have said. He (i assume a he) is saying that proofs of items 1 through 8 would falsify the hypothesis that viruses do not exist, though not prove they exist. I pointed out that none of these proofs has been done. If you know otherwise, please inform us.
He gave an example of a chain of evidence to prove a hypothesis, I thought, and concluded saying “absolute proof in either direction is simply impossible.”
I took this to mean that it’s impossible to rule out contagion or any hypothesises as false simply by arguing faults in evidence, or a lack of evidence, or by shifting the burden of proof. That’s not how hypothesus driven science currently operates.
I’m not defending germ theory, simply wondering how the progress is going, from a pragmatic pov. Meanwhile you get irate and bent at me as if I’m a spokesperson for contagion.
I assure I’m not, however I disagree with your approach.
How is the cause progressing, do you think? What’s your forecast! A2
“He gave an example of a chain of evidence to prove a hypothesis, I thought, and concluded saying “absolute proof in either direction is simply impossible.”
I took this to mean that it’s impossible to rule out contagion or any hypothesises as false simply by arguing faults in evidence, or a lack of evidence, or by shifting the burden of proof. That’s not how hypothesus driven science currently operates.”
How can “contagion” be ruled in when that hypothesis has never been proven? Can we deem that unicorns as the responsible agent of all disease cannot be ruled out because the lack of evidence for any does not mean they don’t exist? How about Martians? Hypotheses need to be proved, not disproved.
Practical approach? Marvin Haberland took the practical approach. He challenged his citations for violating mandates on the basis that the “science” used as support for them did not involve the scientific method in terms of identifying a pathogen. The state decided to not go ahead with his case, and as a result many Germans are achieving success in their similar legal challenges. It would be hard for the German state to enforce any such mandates in the future. You have never reported on his case.
Nor did you ever post “Toxicology vs. Virology” by F William Engdahl from July ’22, which presented historical evidence as to how virology because the accepted science, basically by Rockefeller interests buying the government and changing the entire practice of health care and medical education to exclude anything except allopathic medicine, virology,….. The Flexner Report. Read all about it. Somewhere.
You’re incorrect. Science makes a prediction and tries to disprove it. I don’t think you know as much about the scientific process as you think. A2
What are your science credentials? I have a degree in mechanical engineering and over 35 years experience at teaching university level stats and math.
“Science makes a prediction and tries to disprove it.” Science is a method for evaluating observations of real world phenomena. Scientists evaluate observations, make an hypothesis, and try to prove it by demonstrating that assuming just random happenings can explain the observations is not plausible.You can predict that people get sick from being in close proximity to sick people is that some sort of pathogen is being transmitted from sick individuals to well ones. This needs to be demonstrated. Until it is, it cannot be taken as true. Such demonstrations need be done via controlled, repeatable, falsifiable experiments with independent variables.
The effects of gravity can be observed. Situations can be set up where gravity is reduced or is absent, and the results can be observed, and differences noted with situations when gravity is fully present. This has been done. That’s a huge difference with the matter of virus existence. Name a case in which proof was made of the transmission of a pathogenic particle between sick individuals and well ones. Unless i get an answer to this question, i am bugging out.
Experiments have been done with dna in which bacteriophage viruses have been inserted into DNA in different cells, with a dyed protein and a dyed DNA respectively. When the DNA-dyed cell changed colour this helped demonstrate the role of DNA replication in a cell, and DNA’s importance over proteins as a fundamental building block of life. Plus it also demonstrated the action of the bacteriophage virus.
However, you and Massey proclaim all viruses are fake pseudiscience, with the ease with which many opinions are thrown around which haven’t required any practical application in order to form them.
Dude, I’m about to bug out myself 🙄
This hasn’t been an open minded exchange of at all, from my pov. All you guys wanna do is place me in a binary camp, it seems. For or Against. You’d prefer to put words in my mouth in order to do this, rather than allow any nuance or impartiality to enter into the conversation. I find that quite ignorant of you both, honestly.
We must remember, closed minds and tribalism are just as bad whether you’re on the side of orthodoxy or opposed to it.
Putting dye in a cell and observing the cell change colour is not proof of a “virus” lol. Declaring something a “virus” doesn’t make it so.
I assure you, reading the methods in many “virus” studies and collecting literally hundreds of FOI responses from 40 countries was not “easy”. What a ridiculous suggestion.
All you have are ad hominins, zero valid science to back up the pseudoscience that you seem to want protected so badly. I’ll not waste any more time here.
Official Evidence that Virology is Pseudoscience – June 10 2023
– a 40 minute video introduction to the massive body of evidence collected on my website, primarily in the form of freedom of information responses from 216 institutions in 40 countries, including Health Canada, PHAC, CDC, NIAID, FDA, and a ridiculous response from the W.H.O., but also email correspondences directly with “SARS-COV-2” researchers:
The findings of this investigation align with what is seen in the published literature;
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (216 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
(includes emails from investigative journalist Torsten Engelbrecht directly to “SARS-COV-2” researchers asking if they had purified alleged “virus” particles which of course they didn’t):
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions have no record of any “virus” having been found in a “host” and isolated/purified. Because virology isn’t a science:
Do virologists perform valid control experiments? Is virology a science?
(includes FOI responses from institutions and more email exchanges directly with “SARS-COV-2” researchers):
Declaring something NOT a virus doesn’t make it so, by the same token logic, surely?
Science is based on valid controlled, repeatable experiments, and there are none in virology. And the FOIs confirm this fact.
Nope, they confirm a virus hasn’t been caught in a bottle. Many things can’t be caught in bottles, and it’s dishonest not to acknowledge this.
Viruses are said to be particles, not something un-“catchable” lol.
The FOIs show there is no valid independent variable with which to even investigate an potential “virus” using the scientific method. Nothing dishonest about my statement.
The progress is greatly slowed down by people like you.
Well consider it a taster of things to come, and I’m not even opposed to you lol. I’m just trying be fair.
We have lots of upstanding members of society – doctors and such, ya know, people who can sign your passport! – willing to say contagion is a thing… This seems like a major obstacle to me…
And yet you guys treat this as nothing. As an afterthought.
You say ‘there are no viruses because we haven’t caught one in a jar’. I reply ‘well, using your logic, we could argue there’s no sound, because we can’t catch a voice in a jar’. ‘But we can all hear sound’ you say. ‘Yes, and there are countless accounts of contagion’ I say back. ‘No, those accounts are all mistaken’, you reply ‘a virus can only exist if we catch it in a jar’.
And there the conversation ends, because it can’t go anywhere.
Doesn’t feel thorough to me. I think you guys could try a lot harder, A2
Sam, i asked you what your science credentials are. You refused to answer. Not surprised. Your responses demonstrate utter lack of any such background.
Sound can be th subject of repeatable, falsifiable experiments with independent variables. Not the case with viruses.
You have provided zero proof of contagion.
And you are again asserting that bacteriophages are viruses, a false claim.
My science credentials are apparently more developed than yours right now. Let’s debate the subject, not the man. If scientific credentials matter so much, listen to the millions of experts’ testimony about viruses and contagion why don’t you? 😅
I gave an example of your flawed logic, I wasn’t directly comparing sound to virology 😅 If all you can do is deliberately misunderstand and lose your sense of humour, maybe Lyons-Weiler have a point. I certainly think this silly argument is setting back the pandemic truth movement an awful lot.
You can’t catch everything in a bottle. As you know. Nor can you detect everything reliably all the time. The world is a subtle place. Part of keeping an open mind, and remaining spiritually in touch, is rejecting Newtonian mechanistic views and western materialism and realising that not everything can be SEEN to be believed. We live in a quantum universe, after all, and it might well be that contagion is both a wave and a particle, as it were, or is Schrödinger’s cat, both alive and dead…
What I mean is, what if terrain theory and pathogenesis were both partially right and partially wrong? Perhaps people rarely become infected when they’re being observed? Hence why studies are inconclusive. It’s a quantum world, after all.
We need to stay open minded and stop labelling everyone who asks questions or tests stances as a threat, or worse still, as a traitor. Let’s fuck off with all that, shall we? 😅
Wow, people who sign passports are automatically “upstanding” in your books?
No kidding all sorts of stuff happens in the name of imaginary “viruses”. Are you suggesting that we should go along with all lies/fraud/delusion/pseudoscience, if someone with feigned authority over us insists that it’s valid science? Not sure what your point it, but that’s how it came across.
So now you’re conflating alleged particles with sound waves, really?
FYI: The contagion studies have nothing to do with catching an imaginary particle in a jar. Healthy people were exposed to people with allegedly contagious illnesses, in myriad different ways, and they couldn’t “catch” the illnesses. No one got sick, no matter what method was tried, including taking snot from the sick person and putting it in the health person.
You’ve already made clear in several ways that you aren’t even familiar with my position/work. You falsely claimed that I push terrain theory, you admitted you’re not sure whether or not I say viruses don’t even exist, and you misrepresent what I’ve said re contagion, and you claim that I simply make “easy” assertions when in fact I did a ton of research.
But you’re soooo sure that my position is flawed lol.
Yes I think your position is flawed, and I was making a point that I think got lost on you when I talked about ‘upstanding’ citizens. I was saying you’re competing with the status quo, and it thinks contagion is a readily observable phenomenon, like light or sound, or gravity. It really doesn’t matter that you disagree, simply because enough people think this way it requires addressing if you want to make any headway at all.
Simply saying ‘burden of proof’ will mean the status quo just ignores you and/or ridicules you. This is not a wise investment of energy, if you ask me.
I challenge you to cite valid, scientific evidence for any alleged “virus”.
@Rhys Jagger gives various examples in this comment.
I can also add bacteriophages used in DNA research, phage therapy etc. In the 1950s the action of bacteriophage viri with dyed DNA successfully changed the colour of a cell, proving the role of DNA replication in cells, plus demonstrating the action of the virus. Nothing was ‘isolated’, to my knowledge, but a conclusion could be drawn based on the parameters of the experiment.
Jeffrey…I’m sticking with Germ *Theory* and Contagion *Theory* until something better comes along…It’s all about beliefs…Some still believe in the old Gods, many now believe in Science – because it has reason, logic, and rationality on its side…Myself has Cynicism, at times verging on Nihilism: maybe i’ll soon be spouting Anarchism…I dont take heart knowing that our fears are The Enemy’s Fifth Column…
Les: On the basis of what are you sticking with two hypotheses never proven true, and thus indeed not qualifying for the label “theory”? Shouldn’t something have some evidence before it becomes accepted? Why has every attempt to prove either one failed, no repeatable, falsifiable experiment using a control ever done?
Why did the state decline to prosecute Marvin Haberland in Germany when he appealed the ticket against him for violating “Pandemic” mandates, knowing his defense was the lack of such experiments> What have you seen on Planet Waves re contagion and virology that you’ve disagreed with? (i’ve seen you there)
Do you believe in the official stories about the 3 WTC towers (1,2 and 7)?
That’s a good question Jeffrey (The first one, that is)!
I think i mangled my last sentence…It should have simply read “Our fears are The Enemy’s Fifth Column !”
But i resisted adding “Without our fear of contagion none of us would believe ‘the germ theory’ or ‘germ theory of contagion’…
No problems refuting these then..(below thread & links)
Not sure a ‘victory’ has occurred either. Untill people see vaccines as posions & allopathic medicine as truly corrupt. If Germ Theory was correct no one would be alive to say it.
“A🧵 thread documenting Peer Reviewed Papers on Human trials of viruses.
Of the ~50 throughout history they ALL produce negative results thus we can say: “The Peer reviewed science is unanimous VIRUSES DO NOT CAUSE DISEASE”
At best you can say there’s no firsthand evidence of our current model of viral contagion in the above studies. Saying anything more is exactly the sort of leap of faith I alluded to above, which is what we’re all being encouraged to do.
The leap of faith is believing Virology. Did our ancestors lack of belief in Virology stop them & decimate those “Tribes”.. It’s a Theory used to justify poisoning & weakening us. Find it bizarre people are soo attached to it.
And Christine Massey thank you soo much for all you’ve done & continue to do 🙏
I think you’re missing the point that was made. Raising doubt in people’s mind about contagion is one thing, but it’s the deepest hypocrisy to dismiss virology for lack of scientific scrupulousness while not applying scrupulous science ourselves moving forwards. I don’t see terrain theory doing that, or other arguments simply attempting to shift the burden of proof.
In fact, I see a lot of emotional arguments from authority, which is a shame. Try to point that out and everyone just vents at you, completely missing the point. 😅
On the whole it’s a shame. The conversation becomes quickly daft and can’t go anywhere, A2
Change the topic much? Strawman much? Jeff and I don’t even promote terrain theory. And there is zero burden of proof on us to prove anything.
Yes I misread your reply and gave my apologies in another comment.
There’s a lot of expert scientific testimony out there, Christine, that swears contagion and viruses exist, that would count as evidence in a court of law.
I don’t know where you and Strahl get the courtroom analogy from – maybe it’s the court of public opinion (in which case that’s probably fair lol) – however, if I was on trial and you were my defence attorney and the prosecution rolled out an endless stream of expert witnesses all countering my version of events, and all you said in response was ‘there’s zero burden of proof on us to prove anything’, I’d be getting myself a new lawyer!
If you’ve really got nothing more to add than ‘burden of proof’ to counter all the expert scientific testimony out there who swear contagion and germs and viruses exist, then all I can say is be happy in a bubble, Christine. Let’s stop acting like this is a crusade, it’s really not. You’re putting your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes and repeating the mantra ‘burden of proof’ while the world carries on around you. A2
A legit court of “law” is based on facts, logic and evidence, and you haven’t’ cited any, nor has anyone else.
Again, I challenge you to cite a valid scientific study. Call an “expert” if you need to.
Expert witness testimony is valid evidence in most courts, is it not?
Again, I’m happy to accept that there are no ‘isolates’. I think there are studies which allow the action of viruses to be inferred. I don’t have any of them to hand, and given what you said about bacteriophages I doubt you’d consider them admissible anyway lol. Hence my suggestion that your reasoning might be circular in this matter.
Plus I think – ethically or no – virology has provided a reasonable enough explanation as to why ‘isolation’ is barking up the wrong tree, which I think needs addressing.
None of this changes the pragmatic reality, also, that with millions of ‘expert witnesses’ out there, willing to ‘testify’ in our hypothetical court that contagion is a real phemomenon, who are we to discount their testimony?
Therefore, in order to engage with them, we need to counter their assertions with evidence of our own, not simply stick fingers in ears and chant ‘burden of proof’. A2
I have logic, literally hundreds of FOI responses and all “virus isolation” studies on my side, and the burden of proof is on the virus-pushers.
Using your illogic, anyone could claim anything and then, as long as enough “experts” go along with it, the burden of proof lands on the people saying it’s never been demonstrated. That’s ridiculous.
I challenge you to cite a valid, scientific study. Or stop concealing and distracting from the fact that there’s aren’t any.
Yes… this can easily become the case!! Welcome to real life 😅 if you are at all familiar with science history, or covid, or climate change, you’ll see this in operation!!
That’s what prompted my appeals to pragmatism at the very start of this exchange!!!
Does the ‘no-pathogen’ position really have what it takes to bring down the huge, corrupt corporate behemoth that’s feeding off virology and Western medicine? I’m not simply trying to be argumentative, I’m just concerned you don’t have the holy hand grenade you think you have with these FOIs, next to the millions of well-salaried, highly institutionalised cronies whose paychecks depend on not challenging the things you’re trying to challenge, and who will defend it to the death. 😅
In fact, I’m mostly concerned that attempting to scale this unscalable cliff face will discredit and exhaust the Covid movement and be its downfall. A2
Cheers, thank you, and you’re welcome.
Thank “god” some people have the ability to see (and are willing to acknowledge) the value of official “legal” confessions/failures from the “top” health/science institutions, showing that they never had a shred of science to back up their narrative.
I’m continually astounded by those who are aware of this massive body of evidence and chose not to share it and make us of it. What a freaking waste.
Wow, are you actually denying that our bodies detoxify themselves?
Please cite evidence of any “pathogen” if you can. The burden of proof is on you, Sam, if you claim that pathogens exist.
I’m motivated by the facts that I’ve learned about virology (that it’s all pseudoscience) and alleged “pathogenic bacteria” (found zero valid science so far, and have done FOIs on this topic to see what the CDC has). Facts, not beliefs.
And lol, terrain people did not turn the world upside down. Virus-pushers did, and all of their disinfo need to be exposed, particularly the core frauds/delusions – “the virus” and contagion.
You’re complaining about belief-based anti-logic, but also using it as justification for going along with an entire branch of pseudoscience.
This “it’s impossible” stance becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Good luck in your battle, but this tribalism isn’t going to help, imo.
Let’s please also accept, terrain theory isn’t supported by any testable science. Exactly as you’re alleging virology isn’t.
I admit that those institutions you mention probably don’t have the direct evidence you’re after, but it can be debated how significant that is. I doubt many places have isolates of Higgs Boson particles either, and certainly nowhere has isolates of dark matter or light waves/particles or magnetic fields… yet these are considered either readily observable phenomenon (no one questions whether light or gravity or magnetism is real, even though we haven’t ‘isolated’ them) or otherwise scientists are happy dealing with them more theoretically (dark matter etc.).
The point being, which I’ve seen made many times before, if you’re alleging there’s no smoking gun regarding contagion, science rarely deals in smoking guns. Smoking guns in anything above entry level science is considered very unusual. It’s more about fulfilling predictions etc. It’s far more nuanced.
I’m not saying virology is ‘real’ (it might not be), I’m saying the significance of the FOIs you’ve made is not as clear cut as is often suggested, especially when approached from a ‘scientific’ mindset, rather than a ‘laymen’s’ mindset.
Also, since virology and terrain both have mechanisms in order to explain the appearance of contagion (nocebo/water-borne bio resonance versus infectious pathogens), the appearance of ‘contagion’ could therefore be called a readily observable phenomenon, and like light and gravity, it doesn’t simply disappear if we don’t isolate it. It’s still there, asking to be explained.
At most, if there’s no evidence of pathogenesis as you suggest, that leaves terrain/germs on a level playing field. It doesn’t disprove anything.
As Strahl points out frequently, it’s not your job to prove virus/germs wrong, however it IS your job to prove Terrain Theory correct, using a good level of science. You can’t simply jump to conclusions, as that is a double standard, and not very fair or good science. A2
Experiments have been done which removed gravity or reduced it, for short periods of time, without going into outer space. This is for those who believe humans have never left the Earth’s gravity field. Do you have any evidence for the existence of viruses, which would allow for testing them for alleged pathogenic properties? Experiments with bacteria to do so have failed, and failed to meet Koch’s Postulates. That’s why the concept of viruses was invented.
It’s not my job to prove virology, however if you’re backing up Massey here, it’s your job to prove terrain. Things don’t default to terrain if there’s no direct proof of pathogens, ya know? And there’s you talking about scientific process 🙄 A2
Sam, show us where Massey has stated that terrain theory is correct. There is no proof of even the existence of pathogens, so how does this amount to upholding virology? Why is virology to be accepted when the crucial entity upon which it depends, viruses, pathogenic particles consisting of packets of DNA or RNA, with protein coating around the packet, capable of replication, have never been shown to exist via physical isolation and purification? Gravity is accepted on the basis of effects, but that’s because of experiments which can be replicated and falsified, with independent variables. Never done with viruses.
You are continuing to assume that only by offering an alternative to virology which can be proven can anyone demonstrate that virology has no basis in science. WRONG! Virology, and indeed contagion “theory” (hypothesis) itself, have never been proven. You are mightily evading the fact that numerous attempts to create contagion via transmitting fluids from sick individuals allegedly containing pathogens to healthy individuals, have failed.
Is there doubt viruses exist? Or just pathogenic viruses? I get confused about what is being said.
I reread Massey’s comments and she didn’t come out in support of terrain. That was a misreading on my part. Apologies to Massey.
Let me rephrase. I’m not saying there aren’t potential problems with virology etc. I’ve made that point clear. You ignore me and react as if I’ve said the opposite, but that’s your prerogative lol.
In fact, I’m criticising the approach of those alleging contagion is ‘pseudoscience’.
Attempts to prove contagion may have failed, but many people still think they observe contagion.
If you’re alleging these people are mistaken and what they see isn’t actually contagion (I’m talking cholera, syphilis, herpes, other STIs, measles, chicken pox, mumps, flu spreading around schools or workplaces, typhoid, Lassa fever, leprosy, other historic plagues etc.), and actually these are all attributable to other causes, and all these people are mistaken, then you are arguing too much unless you present a hypothesis of your own. You can’t simply overrule people’s experiences, shifting the onus onto others to ‘convince you’…
Germ/virus theories are hypotheses which attempt to explain this observable contagion. Your hypothesis would need to explain observable contagion in a different way that you thought was correct. You’d have to follow scrupulous scientific practices to test your hypothesis. Make predictions Etc.
You can, alternatively, simply say everyone’s wrong and leave it there, but that isn’t engaging with people or challenging viruses/germs, that’s existing in a bubble. I mean, you’re welcome to do whatever you like, but if say things like…
… then it sounds like you want to engage with people and challenge paradigms.
It sounds like you want to engage. So which approach are you going for? I don’t think you’re succeeding in doing either right now, tbh. That’s why I commented originally.
I can actually (unlike most people) keep an open mind about things. Maybe there aren’t germs. Maybe there are. But it’s your approach I criticise. A2
There is no proof of viruses, period. A virus (the term comes from a word for “poison”) is defined as a pathogenic particle made up of a packet of either DNA or RNA, wrapped inside a protein coating, which is capable of replication. No such entity has ever been observed.
And therefor this means contagion is real? Does the fact that most people believe that 2 planes knocked down 3 WTC high rises on 9/11 make that real? Does the fact that many folks believe that those of African descent are inherently prone to cause slums and crime mean that this is true? Since when do mass beliefs determine truth, give more weight to a notion with zero evidence than would be the case otherwise? What sort of science are you putting forth?
That’s a conclusion on your part which is totally NOT based in science. Where is the actual proof of contagion? Why have attempts to actually directly cause infections of well people by those with these diseases always failed? Are people aware of such failed attempts? What determines that this spread is caused by contagion, by the transmission of pathogens from sick people to well people? Even if such pathogens cannot be shown to exist?
Experiences of what? If someone of European descent has been mugged by people of African descent, does that mean that people of African descent need to prove to this individual that they are not criminals?
You are arguing that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. So if the police present a case against you for robbing a bank, but are unable to provide any evidence for this case, should you be still regarded as a potential suspect, maybe forever, unless you can go out there and find the actual perps?
*Please can you use the blockquote formatting option for quotes? Otherwise it’s confusing. It’s very simple to do, simply paste the text you want to quote, highlight it and hit the double quote (“) button beneath the comment pane. When you want the quote to end, hit the “ button again to return to normal text. Thanks.
There are many examples of using viruses in the sciences, including bacteriophages used to demonstrate the role of dna in cell reproduction in the 1950s, plus phage therapy, which uses bacteriophages medicinally to attack certain bacteria, more common before antibiotics dominated the scene.
I’m no virus expert, but you’re making some sweeping statements here claiming NO evidence of viruses exists, attempting to put a big black line through an awful lot of peer reviewed, heavily repeated laboratory work spanning three quarters of a century. I’m not sure you’re qualified to do that quite so laconically lol
True, some people claim pathogenic viruses haven’t been satisfactorily proved.
Many others claim that sufficient predictions have been made and repeatable results achieved in various complicated experiments in order to conclude pathogenic viruses do indeed exist, starting with Mayer’s experiments with the Tobacco Mosaic virus in 1876 and so on. Those people tend to say that direct isolation is layman’s reasoning and missing the point, since it’s satisfactorily demonstrated in various other experimental observations that can’t be accounted for unless pathogenic viruses exist.
Similarly, the wider discussion on contagion also includes all bacterial diseases as evidence etc.
I’m on the fence on certain areas. I can see virology may have edged too far from the tree and be perched on a very slender limb in some ways (definitely exploited during covid) but I don’t think I doubt viruses themselves exist. I also think contagion probably takes place. I think life and the sciences are subtle and nuanced, and there’s always room for doubt, and both things might be true to certain extents. We always need to keep an open mind.
You’re entitled to think what you like. Although I think your mind is rather closed on this issue. But regardless, personally, you’re entitled to your pov.
However, if you’re attempting to overturn other people’s perspective on contagion, here’s where you’ll need evidence. We’re talking testimony spanning thousands of years, diseases like polio and rabies and tuberculosis, phenomena which the medical and scientific professions (as well as historians) would testify under oath do indeed exist, are indeed contagious and happen on a daily basis.
Hypothesis driven science operates differently to a court of law, but to use a pseudo legal analogy that I think you’ll appreciate…
Expert witness testimony counts as evidence in a court of law and can potentially convict someone and sentence them to life behind bars, or even death. It must be countered with competing evidence. To use another pseudo legal analogy you’re fond of using, the defence team can’t simply argue from the burden of proof and say ‘innocent until proven guilty’ or ‘reasonable doubt’ or ‘it’s your job to prove your case’. Actually it’s the defence team’s job to address and counter this or they aren’t doing their job.
It’s really just common sense. There are lots of expert witnesses who will swear that contagion exists. So, that’s that,
We can’t hope to counter contagion, and discredit all those scientists and fundamentally reshape humanity’s perception of reality to such a large degree, by simply attempting to shift the burden of proof forever.
That’s just silly. That way madness lies.
I just think that, sorry.
“potential problems with virology” – so you won’t even acknowledge that there are definite, glaring problems with virology?
I can’t even read the rest of your comment until you respond.
I think your logic is circular. You set some criteria which virology fails to satisfy, you conclude that this is the only meaningful criteria, you therefore dismiss virology as a pseudoscience and call it a liar when it claims your criteria is NOT the only meaningful criteria.
It’s circular because you’re filtering the whole premise and conclusion through yourself and your own preconceptions. I see zero attempt from you to test your conclusions, or be impartial or thorough in your criticisms. It’s your way or the highway, your criteria or no criteria. And yet I doubt you have the qualifications necessary to make these calls. You don’t seem to understand what hypothesis led science looks like, you treat it as if it’s a hearing in court.
You may be completely right, and virology is all wrong and all bad, but I definitely criticise your approach. You angrily dismiss anyone attempting to be even handed, even when they’re not actually disagreeing with you (as I am not). I’m an open minded person, but I shall point out if I think things are illogical, unreasonable or unhelpful. And I think your approach is all of these things.
You talk as if you’re leading a crusade but actually it becomes evident you have no desire to enter into a dialogue, you simply repeat ‘burden of proof’ in an insular, angry and hopelessly entrenched fashion. Treating ‘virology’ as the villains and those countering it as the ‘good guys’ is just cartoonish also.
Sorry, that’s what I think. A2
Virology is supposedly the science of studying viruses. No such entities have ever been proven to exist. And no, bacteriophages are not viruses, as you keep trying to assert. There is ZERO substance to virology, it’s as valid as unicorn studies.
Dr Tom Cowan discusses phages in this video. Frist 20 minutes.
I’m outta here. I’d only post further if there were others reading, and no one is reading any more besides you, Sam, as well as Christine and i, and it’s obvious you cannot admit the most basic problems with virology, and that your “science” is just whatever you can grab off the web.
Cowan simply asserts bacteriophages aren’t viruses, he doesn’t provide any source for that. He doesn’t talk about their laboratory proven function at infiltrating and consuming cells either, only talks about their size. Like virology is jut about being small, not how particles actually can behave…
He does say:
As I say, he cites nothing for this claim.
He also says…
Well it stands to reason then I guess, if Cowan asserts viruses don’t exist, but he is willing to admit bacteriophages do exist, then they can’t be viruses! 🙄
They just look and behave the way viruses are alleged to behave, but they aren’t them.
Seriously, if you can provide any source for his phage non-virus statements I’d be interested to see.
Cowan frequently talks about water-born bio resonance, with no attempts to cite or scientifically test/ explore that claim, and I don’t get that either… Guys, I am totally open to
new-age, science-free explorations into preternatural phenomenon. I honestly think science has its limits in the realm of consciousness. But if we’re going to play the science card and claim virology is pseudoscience, let’s do hard science ourselves and do it consistently. We can’t mix and match with new-age stuff. A2
So you deny that scientific method requires a valid independent variable. Wow.
I don’t understand what you mean. Are you the valid independent variable? Do you mean lack of controls? Happy to concede virology has big problems, I’m just not sure you’ve fairly and conclusively demonstrated that there are no viruses and no pathogens altogether.
Yes, please show where I’ve been promoting terrain theory? All I ever say is that LOTS of things contribute to ill health, and that viruses have never been shown to exist, and every study attempting to show contagion failed. Kindly stop the false insinuations that I’m promoting any particular theory.
I misread you comment, I admitted my mistake and apologised. Shall we move on from that?
Here’s an opportunity for yourself and Rhys to defend logic and fight for reason and battle circular logic, against the hopelessly misguided.
Would be illogical not to attend especially with views as strong as yours..Good luck..
Could be interesting, shame it’s employing the same aggressively leading questions.
It’s not exactly exploring the evidence calmly, soberly and impartially, is it? These aren’t serious scientists, with bodies of published work. This event could dig into the wider epidemiology, or hospital studies, or workplace studies, or any other body of evidence to see if it has merit. The goal here is to understand things, isn’t it, not simply reject things?! This is what is so basically unscientific about it. It forbids all conversation except a crude hyper-emotional binary, US and THEM. ‘Contagion’ vs ‘No-contagion’. It pretends absence of evidence really is evidence of absence, distracting away from this fundamental logical fallacy with appeals to our injustice complex.
It’s adolescently materialistic, frankly. ‘Show us the money shot, or we take our beliefs elsewhere’.
Cowan is clearly not dealing at the level of science he expects of virology. It’s a hypocrisy-fest. He makes unsourced assertions which people take as gospel, as I pointed out in my first reply (a million miles up the page lol) and as Strahl has aptly demonstrated in his replies to me since.
Tbh, this whole twitter event seems like one big layman burger, with new age fries on the side, served with sensational sauce.
It’s strange what wide coverage ‘no germs’ gets on all the big platforms, nowadays, like it’s being encouraged quite hard. It also gets packaged into pricey ticketed events. There was one in Bath or something recently. I didn’t go, but I saw a program. Alt. news ‘celebs’ attended and gave talks on the NWO, while in Studio B it was terrain theory or chemtrails, and in Studio C it was ‘spiritually navigating the great reset – guided meditation with shamanic drumming’, or the like (I’m using licence here, I don’t remember the exact events but perhaps you get the idea). One stop short of faith healing and flat earth kinda vibe.
Over £100 a ticket. Glossily designed program.
The aim? I think it’s designed to Kettle all the Covid doubters into one place, sell them ‘off the peg’ kooky belief packages to counter the aching loneliness they feel inside post-Covid, and let the establishment roll its eyes at a harmless collection of fools and an utterly defanged movement.
Covid skeptics enter the building looking like a force to be reckoned with. They leave the building holding a dream catcher on a stick, sipping Chia Seed hopium smoothies and talking about their own brand of ‘The Science TM’.
Actual science, truth, facts and other dangerous things like that are consigned to the trash heap. Order = restored.
Judy Wood all over again.
Ok ok ok I get your points and see why you’d think that, absolutely.
Yet, it’s a smorgasbord of reasons not to engage too and conflatiing all sorts of unmentioned unrelated issues into the pot. To paint an unflattering picture to the newly awake.
But really it only validates the reasons to engage. Simplistic take granted but it could redirect energies if people are able to walk away from this debate.
If Covid-19 was fake, then all its ‘variants’ are fake, too. Easy-peasy!
The entire CONVID Plandemic was all based on myths & deception….
Well of course it was… It was all about control, power & depopulation, expect more of this crap….
……much more……
Dont worry. The sheeple will suck it up, swallow every single variant and vaxx the Elite can come up with. Hook, worm and sinker.
You were hoping the sheep would finally wake up after 2000 years, discovering too late the sheep was yourself. You were nothing but a dreamer. https://youtu.be/Ju_JxXC0WO8
As soon as you think that you are ego-less, you are not.
“we are all stuck in the same mud together, and we cant do a shit about it”.
A few hours ago, I came across the following. It’s a post by the esteemed American writer, Margaret Anna Alice. At the beginning, she provides a video with an ‘anthem’ written re. we people who are fighting to defeat the evil perpetrators of what’s taking place, worldwide. Judging by the comments posted underneath the item, people are reacting very favourably to the song, and what it says.
“You cannot break us”, at:
I find the whole power ballad thing a bit saccarinne..we are The world.. cynic filter..x
Off-G, your comment spam filter has become too eager… can’t post recently.
My working theory (not for the faint of heart):
According to independent researchers, the covid jabs contain graphene oxide which is responsive to EMF / radio signals, self-assembling nano-structures, and parasitic organisms, among other unknown ingredients. The jabbed may be walking around with a triggerable lethal payload, as yet unactivated. I think the controllers are biding their time until the legally binding pandemic treaty becomes, in all likelihood, a reality early next year. These periodic covid reminders that we see are placeholders until the time arrives. At that time, they will trigger mass casualty among the jabbed, and will spin it as a deadly variant or new virus. To Joe and Sue Normal, this will seem plausible. This would be the pandemic that Gates told us “will get attention this time”, with a smirk.
Because of the two year lag between the decline of the jab campaign and the new rash of deaths, anyone pointing out that these are jab deaths will be dismissed. The keen of mind, however, will notice that death will mostly be occurring among the previously jabbed. The terrified masses, many of whom had avoided the first phase of jabs, including the deplorable multitudes of Africa and South Asia, will queue up to get injected because the death statistics will be all too real. Those who still resist jabs will have little recourse due to the legally binding global dictates. Lockdowns and quarantines will now take on a fully draconian character. The Chinese measures that we witnessed, which seem to have been a rehearsal, will now become the global standard. Things will descend in a snowballing cluster fudge.
This is not a pretty scenario of the near future, but I have trouble thinking that they went to all this trouble with convid and the global jab campaign for nothing. The jab deaths so far, while not insignificant, are well below a eugenicists dreams.
Or maybe not… Time will tell.
I’ve had the same thought myself. Scary …
An alternate scenario is the infertility slow kill, as in the film The Children of Men; less acute at first, but perhaps more ghastly in the end.
Graphene oxide has been detected along with the aluminum, barium, strontium, manganese and polymers which make up what’s generally called “chemtrails.” (This information per the website geoengineeringwatch.org.)
And as you’ve noted, it is responsive to EMF et al.
So if the psychos can’t get their graphene oxide in our blood via the jab, they’ll try to get it into our lungs via the air we breathe.
They and their families have their own untainted air supply then ?
As can be ascertained by multi millionaires of the “entertainment,” music, and sports varieties dropping like flies, they were and are disposable useful idiots. However, some of the top politicians were tipped off that the scamdemic was a hoax and not to take the clotshots, Gavin Gruesom (the next probable selected POTUS) with his French Laundry dinners and Boris (the blade) Johnson, and Obomba are prime examples. As to the effectiveness of our Overlords getting this shit into us via chemtrail aerosols is still debatable. One thing that is certain is that they will have a mechanism to protect their own precious bodily fluids if they choose to go that route.
It is not enough to be tipped off. You must be important enough to go through a charade of getting the jab, i.e., someone in the medical establishmment must arrange this for you.
Umm Allegedly 60GHz which is part of the EU planned escalation of 5Gand up frequencies 8GHz – 28GHz -60GHz strips the oxygen molecule or whatever and you will asphyxiate almost immediately. That’s what the 300KW cables on cell towers are for. I’ve been told cell phone transmission only needs 25 W. Is anybody fully up on this/
Internet was invented by and to Pentagon,
5G was invented by and to Pentagon,
GPS was invented by and to Pentagon.
Parts of it are being released for civil use to the extent they dont jeopardize the military use.
The 300KW, in military terms called the “kill grid”, is only for military use and purposes. It is the ‘Last Line of Defense,’ the ‘Anti-Foreign Invasion’, ‘Anti-Zombie Apocalypse Network’…
If 1 mio zombies or Aliens from Space or whoever invade our Nation and any State, they will be fried into grilled chickens before they reach Washington or New York.
It can cook an entire population within a city limits within an hour, in the middle of the night, and we are preparing robot armies to mop up people living in the countryside. We have The Duty To Protect TDTP.
Pentagon and Nato are protecting our Nation, so you and your family can sleep safe.
Is that irony or sarcasm? You know about the cure being worse than the disease. (Name me a prime example?)
The missing word you were groping for is ‘zorched’ which is what the big antennae radar guys called ‘cooked’ from getting too close to the beam from big antennae.
Half truth and half sarcasm. Thanks for the new word :-D.
The radar technicians also said that if you were mid-ranged zorched (aka still alive) your kids would have two heads.
notwithstanding the accuracy of your prediction learn how to punctuate lists, because there is a semicolon after “radio signals” , you mere comma causes confusion.
………….but then anything that went to anglosphere school after about 1970 cannot punctuate worth a damn.
It is not just graphene. There are many other covert substances in this/other jabs, oral/other medicines, foods/drinks, stuff applied to the skin, etc. Then, there are dangerous applicances, tools, activities, pollution, etc., including radiation and GM insects This situation has been normalised due to “intellectual property” and the subversion of government.
I think most of the ‘conspiracy theorists’ out there in the midst of zombie-lands (aka, modern-day societies) have this inkling somewhere in the back of their minds; and have been attempting to obscure it by shuttling it off to somewhere outside their reality box; so that they are able to function as normally as possible – or at the very least subsist in their current environs. Sadly, as you have detailed above, I believe everyone’s current ‘reality boxes’ are going to be turned upside down by the Kakistocracy in the very near future. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!
Pretty sure you’re on the money.
I would add a further, more encouraging thought.
Those who resist the next round or two obviously have something about them. Something that a megalomaniac might find attractive.
Maybe some ‘Alphas’ will be spared ?
But what would they want in return?
I’m thinking more ‘Logan’s run’ myself.
Died suddenly is no longer a weird phenomenon that can be ignored. Steve Kirsch just released new data from a recent survey (which I think is low) that nearly 700K have died of The Jab in the United States. Roughly one in a thousand. It was in his newsletter a couple days ago. He also mentioned in another statement that an associate of his personally knows dozens of close friends who have died from the jab. Very interesting reading. The mound of evidence gets higher and higher. He and others are not giving up. “They” will never stop lying.
In another related vein, I was severely attacked for paraphrasing Kary Mullis’ opinions on PCR testing on Twitter (X that is). Just messing around to see if I could snag a few carp. Sure enough. Big pharma members took the bait: Hook, Line and sinker. The AI bot gleaners found me (Surprisingly, I was not censored at all by X).
They were relentless in their pursuit of defending the “much improved test” that is accurate with “unlimited cycles”.
New and improved reagents have improved the soup of lies is what I got out of it.
When I pointed out the pitfalls of heating and cooling DNA 45 times in the presence of recombinent enzymes and impure samples, all hell broke loose. I paraphrased one of Mullis’s statements like this, when you run a test at 28 or more cycles if you don’t get a positive result, you ran the test wrong.
I have one follower (and two trolls working for big pharma). Their goal is to snuff it out before it becomes a forest fire.
Citation after citation after citation. A large stream of money to protect.
Again, one follower. I only joined so I could watch Tucker Carlson’s monologues and interviews.
I was bored.
They had no reply to the clusters of asymptomatic positives.
They did not take it well when I suggested that tens of millions of people were killed and maimed by the clot shots because of those clusters. Their response: The tests did not kill anyone.
You would have thought that billions and billions of dollars were at risk or something.
The tests is a marking and target programme. They get your DNA forever, for free, paid by tax dollars.
Which they can freely sell back as your profiling to the public or private, because you gave your consent to the test.
Hmm. Heard that too a while back.
What we really need is the Hitler variant. AND disease x will be viral rabies- destroy your pets before they destroy you, zoognosis tells me.
When are these SUITURDS gonna wake up?
We all die.
No exceptions.
No escape.
Love, Life and laughter.
Everything else is self delusion.
The non-vaxers denied us the freedom we had, us who took every single booster we could get hold on, and made us slaves.
The non-vaxers brought slavery back into the world again. I will never ever forgive the non-vaxers.
The world is over populated so go get castrated. The world is filled with germs and disease so jump into a plastic bag. The world is polluted so hurry up and get the EV that is really a bomb on wheels.
Where are the booster generation who should give me thumbs up?
Time for that booster boy!
For people who want to do a study of liars who practice NLP, the people in that youtube are good examples.
They were linking disease to climate, and both to social demographics pretty much off the bat once the veins were coursing with the contents of the jab. In fact, the legacy media are openly and casually throwing every sub-plot of the ‘permacrisis’ as they see fit, up to and no further than ‘sudden deaths’ and “short illnesses”.
Everything we need to know about Covid is
– that it’s flu and one of the biggests scams.
No such thing as viral influenza either.
Way back in 2020, when the evil Globalists claimed that there was a ‘Triple mutant Yorkshire variant’, you’d have thought that the masses would have realised, then, that it’s all BS. But many people must have fallen for that nonsense.