What is a Woman? Response to Jacqueline Rose
Simon Elmer
The week after I published my article, ‘Trans Rights and the Order of Speech’ in Off-Guardian, The New Statesman published two articles by, respectively, the biologist, Richard Dawkins, ‘Why biological sex matters’ and the feminist, Jacqueline Rose, ‘The gender binary is false’. I don’t know Rose personally, but her 1986 book, Sexuality in the Field of Vision, had a considerable influence on me when I was studying for my MA in the History and Theory of Art at University College London back in the 1990s.
I was disappointed, therefore, at her defence of ‘trans rights’, which she undertakes on the basis of her belief that declaring oneself to be another sex is an act of liberation from the norms of gender roles. The agreement of the rest of us — who, by implication are too oppressed by patriarchy to free ourselves from our biologically determined sex — to recognise this act of liberation is, she concludes, ‘a matter of generosity and freedom’.
Unfortunately, in arriving at this conclusion, Rose, who is Professor of Humanities at the Birkbeck Institute in London, says nothing about trans as an official ideology which — despite being formed by a marginal U.S. subculture around an identity disorder — is being written into UK legislation, enacted in policy, enforced in law and indoctrinated into our children, and the fact that, whether feeling generous or not, we are all being forced into compliance with its orthodoxies, not its freedoms.
If Rose were speaking about the personal choices of what is still the fraction of the percentage (0.8% to be precise) of the U.K. population who identify as another sex then she may have a point about the rest of us being generous towards their fantasies; but she isn’t. Trans, as the recent month-long celebration of Pride across the West demonstrated, is part of the official ideology of the new paradigm of biosecurity by which we have been governed since March 2020.
Perhaps more concerning than this evidence of the customary blindness of academics to the world in which they appear not to live with the rest of us, Rose breezily dismisses the growing incidents of the violence of trans, in both its theoretical claims (lesbians who refuse to have sex with male transvestites are ‘transphobic’) and in the practices of its adherents (the now legalised call to ‘Kill the TERFS’), as a stereotype she compares to racism. This is the standard practice of woke ideology when its ideologues want to silence those with whom they disagree, and should be beneath a thinker of Rose’s stature.
And for someone who calls herself a feminist and whose defense of transgenderism is founded on Simone de Beauvoir’s famous statement that ‘One is not born a woman, but becomes one’, Rose’s dismissal of the misogyny of trans on the grounds that ‘woman’ is a construct is not only symptomatic of her safe, middle-class, academic perspective, but a betrayal of the women under attack by these violent men. Despite Rose’s characterisation of woman as ‘the mark of oppression, prejudice, low pay, the burden of domestic labour, violence in the home and on the street’, it is precisely the women who experience this violence — and who are overwhelmingly working class — that she is betraying.
Nor does Rose have anything to say about the death and rape threats, online abuse, cancellation, misogyny and physical attacks directed at public figures like J. K. Rowling and Kellie-Jay Keen (below) by trans activists and social-media trolls, and which the ideology of trans has authorised and even celebrates. Perhaps, to quote the time-honoured defence of equally violent and misogynist men who attack and abuse women, ‘they were looking for it’?
The only possible explanation for such a lack of concern for the safety of UK women and girls in the street, on the sportsfield, in the classroom, in women’s toilets, in trans-therapy clinics, on protests and in UK law is that Rose appears to have confused feminism’s critique of femininity and the inequality between the sexes — which unlike our biological sex is a construct of gender norms — with transgenderism’s denial of sexual difference and with it of women themselves. But that’s the sort of concession one would make to a first-year student straight out of the UK’s PSHE and RSE school curricula, not an internationally known academic.
A far more likely and mundane explanation is that Rose has simply aligned herself with the class of the students she teaches at Birkbeck, whose students are charged £19,200 per year in tuition fees to be indoctrinated into the principles and practices of woke; the class of her colleagues and publishers, all of whom have subscribed to its orthodoxies as a condition of occupying their positions; and the class of the ideologues of trans in academia, the media and Parliament. In the UK, trans is overwhelmingly an ideology of the middle classes.
But in addition to this demonstration — as if we needed it after two years of lockdown! — that allegiance to class one’s continues to trump feminist or any other kind of solidarity in the UK, Rose’s article is also littered with factual inaccuracies. Contrary to Rose’s assertion that ‘people over 65, especially women, are almost as gender-fluid as the young’, transgenderism, as I showed in Part Two of my article, is overwhelmingly an identity disorder of the young, and a product of their indoctrination into this ideology by our education and cultural industries. But it beggars belief that Rose, a female academic of international standing, when defining what the word ‘female’ means, cites a book by a transvestite man who calls himself Andrea Long Chu, and who in Females: A Concern (2019) wrote: ‘Getting fucked makes you female because fucked is what a female is’.
On the authority of this man — who also claims that the male anus is ‘a kind of universal vagina through which femaleness can always be accessed’ — Rose claims that the biological category of female — ‘as we understand it today’ — was developed in the 19th Century to describe black slaves.
I’m not sure how that caveat is meant to qualify this absurd and fantastical assertion, but, historically, the word ‘female’, which has a different etymology to ‘male’, originated in the 14th Century and derives from 12th-century French femelle and Latin femella, the diminutive of femina, which means ‘she who suckles’.
The contemporary spelling of ‘female’ was changed to correspond with ‘male’ in the late 14th Century; but rather than being a mere adjunct to the universal man, its Latin origin derives from the unique ability of a woman to breastfeed her child — to which transvestite men have recently extended their attempts to appropriate female biology through the new NHS orthodoxy of ‘chestfeeding’.
As for the word ‘woman’ — which Rose claims is an oppressive construct of patriarchy from which trans offers a means of liberation for men struggling to free themselves from what she calls ‘the straightjacket of masculinity’ — Old English used wer (cognate with Latin vir: adult human male) and wif (woman and also, but not especially, wife) to distinguish the sexes, before wer began to disappear in the late 13th Century and was replaced by man. ‘Woman’ comes from Old English wimman, a corruption of wifman, which is a compound of wif (a neuter noun) and man (a masculine noun denoting a male or female human) to form a word for an adult human female exclusively. This isn’t, however, a merely etymological correction of Chu’s fabricated history. The meaning of words is important because, as history repeatedly demonstrates — most forcefully in the erasure of races, religions and cultures — when you erase the meaning of a word you erase what it denotes.
It is significant that Chu, who this year was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in Criticism — a further demonstration of the ideological promotion of trans — openly admits that he was drawn to become a transvestite through his addiction to pornography, which one might guess is at the origin of his violent and deeply misogynist opinions and statements about women, as well as his own masochistic identification with what he sees as woman’s essential victimhood.
Of course, there’s nothing new about men acting out their fantasies of domination and submission in pornography; but what is significant is that this male violence and the object it wants to erase — the ‘fucked’ female of rape fantasies — is a product of one of the technologies of biopower, digital pornography, to which the libido of a generation of children and adults is being addicted and, through that addiction, indoctrinated into its values. If parents want to know the values the ideologues of trans are teaching their children in UK schools, look at the genre of pornography called ‘sissy porn’.
The fact that a woman, a feminist and an intellectual is collaborating and lending the considerable authority of her academic voice to such erasure is, unfortunately – and to speak in the language of psychoanalysis Rose herself has made a career of employing – a symptom of the times in which we live. And yet again, she appears to be almost entirely unaware of the past three-and-a-half years as anything other than a viral pandemic that, according to the latest estimates, killed nearly 7 million people, as if the sudden hegemony of trans has nothing to do with the dismantling of our rights, freedoms and democracy since March 2020, and their replacement with the regulations, programmes and technologies of global biosecurity.
But I don’t really believe that either. Like other UK intellectuals who have remained masked, injected, silent and obedient during the vast changes that have being imposed on our society over the last few years outside of any democratic process and on the basis of lie after exposed lie, Rose is not ‘confused’ — as I too generously suggested before.
Like every other academic lining up at the altar of lockdown, mandatory gene therapy, environmental catastrophe, digital identity and trans ideology, Jacqueline Rose — to use the existential language of her heroine — is demonstrating the mauvaise foi of the intellectual who, as intellectuals have done throughout history, side with authority during periods of authoritarian rule and ideological hegemony.
As I wrote back in the dark days of October 2021 — when we were asked to be equally ‘generous’ in offering up our bodies and children to experimental gene therapies as a condition of the return of our freedoms — history demonstrates that, when Hitler’s in the Reichstag, every coward wears a swastika.
Simon Elmer is the author of The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State; Virtue and Terror: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Vol. 1; and The New Normal: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Vol. 2.
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The travelling circus has arrived, the freaks are in town.
Western civilisation will be irrelevant in short order, but not before putting on a show for the rest of the world, giving their past victims a chance to watch the freak show and try to avoid the flying debris.
What for me is annoying is that the LGB etc brigade now treat what would be the majority of people [Male and Female] who showed tolerance to the LGBT brigade. Are now treated far worse then they were treated when to be gay was illegal, but tolerated.
Now we are called breeders, which could be a derisory insult and hurtful, and we should simply accept our role, and not to complain.
I remember the advert on a London Bus which said, “Some people are gay get over it.” But when a similar request to place an advert on a London Bus which would have simply said, Some people are not LGBT, get over it.” It was disallowed as a form of hate speech.
So now the tolerated, show no sign of toleration for others, now that they appear to be the rule makers.
But I wonder what will happen in the west when people of Islam, manage to get shariah made the law of the west.
A woman is an adult human female, in possession of vagina, cervix, uterus and womb from birth. A trans-woman is a man who is under the delusion that he is a woman. Cosmetic procedures and a dress can never change that fact.
A woman is that humanoid life form which doesn’t have a willy.
Why do you ask?
Everybody knows that.
The best description of transgenderism I have read is : Every person with a beard and balls has a right to claim they are lesbian.
‘trans as an official ideology which — despite being formed by a marginal U.S. subculture around an identity disorder”
I wonder if Simon or someone could elucidate this point.
Brilliant.Thank you.A corporate woke men’s rights movement that distorts, disrupts and endangers girls and women’s lives.
If any man wants to cross-dress, I’m all for it, but don’t call yourself a woman.
There is more to make a being female then just outside appearance. Cutting off your male genitalia and having female genitalia created does not make one female. Even if a man would have an uterus and ovaries “installed”, it would still not make him a woman but merely a man with those certain body parts.
No matter how much the fanatics claim the opposite, a woman’s physiology is very different from a man’s, just look at the shoulders and hip region.
Sorry to state the inevitable truth, but only nature can create men and women.
Surface level intel in a typical clipbait Conservative christian MIC media format style masquerading as alternative news.
Justifying one form of moral depravity via another. Doesn’t generally wash
Try another approach
Apparently, some 80-100 percent of amputees suffer from phantom limb syndrome, described by the Cleveland Clinic as:
When a trans person removes their penis or breasts, do they get phantom penis syndrome, complete with sensations like that of an erection, or phantom breast syndrome?
Since there are persons who have lost either their breasts or their penis to cancer, perhaps they’re the ones to consult regarding phantom pain syndrome. This, since they did not choose to be maimed.
It feels a bit like the old communism vs hereditary leadership battles of the 19th/20th century. Another case of stoke tensions and create problems without actually helping anyone.
The Fuckedupness of Whitecoat Deification
If you can’t see it, you’re beyond help!
Scott Newgent (a “Trans Man”) Speaks Out Against Child Sex Change Surgery
From The Daily Wire: What is a Woman
By Matt Walsh
What is a woman?
If you have to ask this question and debate it at length you’re pretty much as fucked up as the guys who pretend to be gals – probably because they’re stupid, unattractive, and lack self-confidence, and because of that can’t get laid, and think that if they pretend to be female, and even have their dick removed and a cunt installed, somebody will fuck their pitiful selves – you’re not quite as fucked up as these deranged motherfuckers, but you come close.
This is a non-issue.
Well there is a mental problem, a big mental problem.
Our times is a mental problem. Manipulated language, new speak, fake, ID confusion, chaos, mutation.
I’m not sure about that. I don’t think that the WEF have a mental problem. They have a morality problem. They are the wicked WEF. The rest of us can see what you see- manipulation of language, talking nonsense etc …but we don’t know what to do about it
Well, obviously it IS an issue and an important one. And only a very stupid person or a troll would suggest it isn’t. As George Carlin said: “He’s not fucking stupid… Ach, he’s full of shit!” Which suggests to me you’re a troll. Ach! You’re not “Roserval Parkun” now going under the name of “Flat Head”, are you? Something about the style…
Don’t confuse intellectuals with people with good character and moral integrity. Heidegger supported Nazis for puny reasons of getting rid of Jews from his university so he could be in charge. He knew that those Nazis were bunch of thugs and hoodlums. The professor here I suspect has the same attitude of extreme opportunism who are responsible for banality of horrendous evil.
Who is the Professor here?
So what’s a real woman? Look no further than Olga Skabeyeva
Bold enough to dress in a nightgown on Russian prime-time political TV. ’nuff said.
I would look a little further. Here is “The power of nature”. Clara Nunes a five star woman.
Cross dressing and transgendering have been around since humans crawled out of the bloody swamps, why is this even a damn issue to all the weirdos who are not the least bit affected.
Because they’re literally pushing it down everyone’s throat, normalizing it, confusing and mutilating children, ruining womens sports and aspirations, physically and psychologically harming women by forcing their way into bathrooms and locker rooms, and trying to force acceptance and celebration. Is this not clear to you?
This is not “clear” to any thinking person. And that, simply because what happens in certain upper middle class neighborhoods should remain just where they’re happening.
In the real, everyday world, the things you list are not happening – period. So just leave it alone and worry instead about the coming economic collapse.
How long have you been campaigning for Trans Rights?
In the public scene there is only one member of this movement that come across, to me,as natural and not pushy, along with a brilliant sense of humor. A well known stand-up comedian,she recently changed her name to Suzy. For some reason I don’t get any wrong vibe from this person.
Whatever empathy I might have ever had for trans and more and more often gay individuals is now long gone. What I once thought was quirky I now find threatening and offensive to biological females. And why do I even feel compelled to say biological female? You men will never be female no matter how hard you try. Leave us and our sports, our bathrooms and motherhood alone. You have no right to shove your freak fantasies in our faces and demand rights. You’re male. Embrace your birth gender and if you feel compelled to dress as a woman in public be prepared for the blowback.
“You men”? Man, you win the generalization of the year award.
I think she’s referring to “trans women,” not all men.
Ya, probably. My bad. It’s like that saying, “who ya calling “you people”?
Yes, I should have said trans males. Apologies.
God damn it, it’s not your bad – it’s NikkiBop’s bad. The odds of any trans man reading any comment in this forum and slim to none. So why wouldn’t you think NikkiBop was referring to men as a gender rather than as a trans?
Watch the documentary: “what is a woman, wrong answers only”. No tolerance should be given to this perversion.
It’s a good documentary. I want to warn ppl it’s gross and disturbing.
I don’t understand why you should not feel empathy for gays. What has brought about the change? I agree with you on trans because it just doesn’t make sense.
Because many are going along and it’s fucked up.It’s ‘their time” said the old dyke when I asked her about this new distorted LGBTQ+ monster movement.
So it’s ok to remove the word Lesbian from the glossary at J Hopkins U -policy approved by an old man-now a trans “woman”-and instead non man attracted to non men.Gay men definition left intact.
At its patriarchal corporate core it’s womb envy.
Great post! Thank you Simon.
“as if the sudden hegemony of trans has nothing to do with the dismantling of our rights, freedoms and democracy since March 2020, and their replacement with the regulations, programmes and technologies of global biosecurity.” – author
When the same irrational, illogical, completely anti-scientific SONG is being sung – IN UNISON – by all of Academia, all of MSM, all the big NGO’s, all the Fortune 500 corporations, all Western governments, the intelligence services, the military, the police and now down our local school boards and right down to the YMCA – you know you are being GASLIGHTED by the big boys – by the oligarchy.
Typo in para 6. whose not who’s
Really…who gives a f***!😬
wardropper does.
Thanks. I was just trying to be helpful, to save us from having to read the same line twice to be sure!
They’ve corrected it now
… and we wonder why other nations are STEAMing (science, tech, engineering, art, math) ahead of us.
Who? Which nations?
To sign off: the interpretive mechanism everybody uses relies on this frame of reference:
You abstract the form-giving essence from phenomenal appearances and represent it to the mind, which can then rationalise essences and form-giving ideas for representational realism and identitarian essentialism by making them intelligible and communicable (which appearances are not.) The individual is individuated by the essence, not the appearance. Appearances are “copies without an original” or simulacrum. This is the dogmatic “Image of Thought” inherited from metaphysics as absolute Platonism.
So, the form-giving essence is independent as self-acting, self-existing beyond appearances and only representational rationalism can identify it. This is the essence of man, according to metaphysics. Some alien entity moves the body – which is otherwise dead meat or mechanistic automata – as immaterial animism and articulation. The form-giving essence as self-existing is the immaterial animae immortalis as rational-causal external and eternal essence.
Excepting: this is complete and utter pseudo-intellectual bullshit inculcated as interiorised without questions or critique. And so you have the external controllable mechanism inculcated into human minds at an early age and “rationally operational” for life as morally encoded and auto-entrained. Accepting it was all made up by authoritarian ideologues is the first step to overcoming Platonism.
Everybody wants to blame ‘them’ exactly as essentialism dictates; but nobody identifies the underlying dictator even when they are looking at ‘him’; the authoritarian and totalitarian dictator is in the grammar and logic.
You can take it or leave it, it makes no difference because the rest of the world is in hook, line, and sinker and will never question what they were inculcated into.
<Man> is essentially a unique, immutable, incausible, and immortalised alien animism…. Yeah, right!
We cant just fly around as an ill flavoured hot fart in the air Brian.
Down to earth, we gotta live the few years we have at our disposal. A cruel math and clock is ticking every second.
A generation goes, and a generation comes,
but the earth remains forever.
The sun rises, and the sun goes down,
and hastens to the place where it rises.
The wind blows to the south
and goes around to the north;
around and around goes the wind,
and on its circuits the wind returns.
All streams run to the sea,
but the sea is not full;
to the place where the streams flow,
there they flow again.
All things are full of weariness;
a man cannot utter it;
the eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear filled with hearing.
What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done,
and there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there a thing of which it is said,
“See, this is new”?
It has been already
in the ages before us.
There is no remembrance of former things,
nor will there be any remembrance
of later things yet to be among those who come after.
Solomon is dramatically describing life here on earth, and the folly of that existence without God.
It is a weary and hopeless existence, to wait for the earth or the human race to change, or to come up with something perfectly revolutionary.
Solomon wants us to know, “that ain’t f…… happening!”
So what do we do?
“Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man,”
‘A false clock ticks out my time, to disgrace, distract, and bother me’ Bob Dylan
‘Res ipsa loquitur:’ (Latin) ‘The thing speaks for itself.’
No matter how you mess with appearances, or distort your physical vehicle, only WOMEN know what their place in the human context is.
It appears to me that ‘the they‘ are trying to change or even destroy this context
But you have to take the context as a whole, or you don’t know how it fits together. So we cannot let them take it/split it apart.
Life is a process. Be as clear as possible about what stage you are at, in order not make any irreversible mistakes, or as few as possible. Raging emotions are not our best guides under these circumstances.
Women can speak for themselves. Let them. I can’t speak for them. I can only look from the outside.
Well, “down to earth” — I completely agree; but you and I are not alone. It might be a thankless task, but I want to remind people that the Human in general rejected earthly life millennia ago, long before Plato formalised our collective intellectual architecture as <Idea: Essence: Simulacra> and nobody has grounded our thinking in the body as limited, finite, mutable and in permanent process of flux. The Human rejected the bodily senses as either irrational or evil, and gradually sucked up into the mind. The collective rational architecture is deluded, but everybody uses it because it is institutionalised in all the ‘rational’ social structures we live by. If you bring things “down to earth” and describe the Human as they are right now then that description will be dismissed also. People act is if they have individual essences, but they do not. Our ‘rational essence’ is shared, like our drives and desires are civilisation-bound as completely impersonal and homogenised. The ‘rational self’ is a rejection of that species singularity which is a rejection of embodied human being. Away from here, the fact that humans think they are ‘disembodied’ rational consciousnesses is well known to be in error. Coming back down to earth means a massive reduction in the collective human ego and ‘our’ gargantuan libidinal economy. which seemingly has drives and desires of its own which are actually life-threatening to the physical embodiment of our bodies and all other biophysical lifeform that our psychic life is displacing. The Human is a globalised collective effort to turn the matter of the earth into the immaterial spirit of our minds; driven by the exponential drives of the collective psyche (psyche kosmoun or Weltgeist as “Worldsoul”). As we continue with our day by day accelerant momentum to dematerialise the earth, maybe… Read more »
PS: it does amuse me that people reject their owned thought processes if and when they are presented with them. Platonism is absolutely fundamental to all thinking but it is upside down. That is why Nietzsche wanted to invert Platonism but the significance is lost on the Platonised global massification.
It is said that “The history of philosophy is a footnote to Plato.” As you present, not without justification.
“You can’t mistake my Biology”.
Oh, for the simple world of 2005….
That section about slavery is pretty dodgy too – clear misogyny and cultural appropriation! Cheryl should be sent to a re-education camp.and the song only played with a warning about “outdated.. offensive” attitudes if not just banned outright.
(Mind you, the song does go to say “it’s there in our thoughts” which is how all this starts and then proceeds to talk about “magic numbers”)
Butterflies in the video too.
Apparently an MKULTRA indicator
Individuals mental health issues aside, the core of “trans” is misogyny, hatred of women.
Thats why most “trans” people are men wanting to be women.
There are a few high profile women wanting to be men, but thats just done to make it look like they exist in the normal population.
I agree. The underlying agenda of trans nonsense, virus mania, depopulation, new world order, etc. is what I call “Womb Envy”.
A hatred of Nature and all that is female and natural. A bunch of jealous males seeking the impossible – to control Nature and Women.
I think the explanation is even simpler than that:
It’s envy of anything that is different, especially if it seems to be doing just fine without our help.
Most children experience this envy to some extent, and that’s why many of them bully other children.
I reckon today’s problems all stem from the fact that envious children go into politics, where they achieve high office because they are all alike.
That’s why Solomon’s wisdom stood out from the crowd’s mentality. He wasn’t concerned with ‘the crowd’, but with individual development, albeit within the confines of Old Testament religion.
The deaf must not miss out on being scared shitless:
There is now a sign for “greenhouse gas”. I wonder if there’s a sign for “massive psyop”?
Already exists:
“And yet again, she appears to be almost entirely unaware of the past three-and-a-half years as anything other than a viral pandemic that, according to the latest estimates, killed nearly 7 million people, as if the sudden hegemony of trans has nothing to do with the dismantling of our rights, freedoms and democracy since March 2020, and their replacement with the regulations, programmes and technologies of global biosecurity.”
Back in the olden days writers would write short stories with a consumer product mentioned by name to get extra cash. Now there is a journalism version: gaslight your readers by dropping in a fly-by snippet of disinformation! Win a new car!
Just as hysterical as those that yell “6 million”.
In the same time period as the CoronaPrank 25-30 million globally have died from starvation and malnutrition.
33 mio to be precise, and the figure for corona is 6 mio.
In China each year 12 mio (6+6) die from natural causes for comparison.
Isn’t the whole trans thing just a way to change the subject? TPTB are losing the public opinion battle. It’s just like at the beginning of he whole covid thing; people were speaking to each other so relentlessly about it that they were becoming educated– so they changed the subject w the George Floyd hoax.
Keep your eye on the ball: Harms caused by the vaxx & the climate change hoax.
I hope you are right but I don’t think so . No sign of a revolution. They’re all still in power and at the troughs. ( I agree that the purpose is to distract …but it seems to be succeeding)
Camille, while TPTB are in control of the media there’ll be no obvious sign of the revolution in thought that has taken place. Neither the internet nor social media is a true indicator– too many paid commenters, even AI commenters.
The polling data indicates few Americans have any confidence in media, govt, medicine or science at large. But if you want to know what they really think, you have to converse w the random people you come into contact with, as I do. It is heartening to hear their opinions.
Funny, last night was in a bar & a Trans walked in with huge breasts on show. Accompanied by a female friend. Some Men where gob smacked while we knew it was a Trans. We told the others in the bar to be careful as it’s a Trans not a real woman. Initially there were arguments. The Trans person heard us and lost it. Started screaming at one of my mate’s. He quipped your hysterical screaming is more woman like and convincing than your tits. The bar owner , a woman tough as nails,eventually kicked them out.
The conversation turned to certain woman that befriend encourage Trans folk as they did/do with homosexuals and white knight men. That’ll defend anything if they think they can get a shag out of it or be seen to be “righteous”
How many of these types that get the operation are truly happy afterwards? If adults want to, guess it’s their choice. But also know advertising works. Since Bruce Jenner was awarded Woman of the year,no mockery there!, How many have now declared themselves Trans? Coincidence? Some of us are far more susceptible to advertising & social engineering than they realise.
A society that promotes this doesn’t deserve to survive.
We wont. I guarantee that.
And you’ve the 2020 “awake resistance, no consent to this Vax but I’m ok with all others, warriors” thinking if they can go back to 2020 everything will be fantastic again. Just delusional & speaks of their own agenda & privilege. Can’t win a spiritual battle with a materialist mind set.
We are under one world governance now! We need to grab the front of house entities and make them speak. Otherwise it’ll just continue.
Where or whom is giving you your orders ?
Who do you report to?Where are they?”
Would you like a booster?
“Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man,”
Yes,agreed. Been guilty of not humbling myself to God & falling for the War on God via Scientism for one & the debauchery promoted in our ‘developed’ countries. Can’t believe I used to agree with abortion.
Think the further ‘modern man’ (just an ego inflating term to demean our forefathers) has drifted from God from being humble and walking with a humility. The more the parasites & ‘modern man’ have seen themselves as God’s, their God being Satan & worshipping and promoting Baphomet via Trans ideology, identity. You look around and the 7 deadly sins are seen as normal now. Plus the world could do far worse than adhering to the Ten commandments. Difficult have good days & bad days. But worth aspiring to.
So you moved, big congratulations.
I were on the same women’s right to abortion but found out how deep I was fooled and bitterly regretted it. Repentance. Be happy we are not in their shoes.
Well, went back to my upbringing. Stopped trying to out smart undeniable truths ethics & morals. Stings still how stupid I was, as it should.
Yes, absolutely feel the same in regards being fooled & bitterly regretting ideas I fell for. Once you see how far they’ve gone to discredit God. To make people believe that everything came from nothing a la the Big Bang. You can’t help but think of Ephesians 511.
It was the most happy day in my life when I got back to the right platform. I had it as youngster but lost it when life got hard and busy. Many pearls is to be found in the bible.
Where in the Ten commandments does it say that women have no right to abort an embryo?
Thou shalt not killThou shalt not commit adulteryIn these two cases women has no right.
But there can be special circumstances beyond these two, where a woman can decide to abort. Rape, decease, forced prostitution, other.
Nah, you’re just making that up.
The Bible doesn’t say anything against women or their equal rights with everyone else, every living soul, that is.
It doesn’t say anything against abortion. The original Hebrew says Do not murder.
The Bible doesn’t say anything about homosexuals either. Homosexuality was put in some American Bibles in the 1940’s. It’s a mistranslation and misunderstanding. The Bible speaks about souls, not about how to divide humanity based on their bodies.
You think it’s murder to abort a fetus or an embryo, well there are people who think it’s murder to go fishing or eat animals. People… people’s ideas.
If you fuk for lust and not love, you commit adultery.
At the time of bible there were not organised abortion.
This idea of gays, abortion “right”, hookers, is depopulation and destruction of marriage and the family, which are against God’s established institution and wish.
It is anti-God, an attack on life itself. Thus you cannot find a specific rule in the bible saying abortion for convenience is forbidden because its obvious.
The bible says clearly you are allowed to eat both fish and animals.
Unwanted pregnancies happen in monogamous marriages too. They happen whether there’s love or not.
You think the Bible talks about mundane matters and what people are physically allowed to do and what not. I think it talks about spirit. So do not commit adultery means Do not go whoring with Satan, demons, unclean spirits.
Our genitals or pregnancies have nothing to do with it.
“Embryo” guess some need to call life that to deal with any abortion. Notice how the choice to abort has got later & later. It’s murder. But there are heinous circumstances whereby it’s wholly understandable.
There are many ways to abort an unwanted pregnancy. The laws made by your state, your leading politicians, what would they have to do with God’s Law?
Do you think God created souls unequal?
Do you think God gave men rights to judge others based on their body?
Firstly, you’ve equated my comments, regarding abortion, with a religious conviction. When it’s not wholly based in that.
It’s about respect for human life & wanting a world where this practice wasn’t so common place & stopped and wasn’t reached for for any unwanted pregnancy. You know what some countries/pharmaceuticals companies do with the fetuses?
I don’t speak for God or any US State politicians as I’m neither or a US citizen.
I’ll just never agree that killing unwanted…pick a word….is something a supposed civilised people’s should do. It’s like a disdain for life.
Regarding the Bible on Homosexuality.
Leviticus 20:13
Corinthians 6: 9-10
Romans 1: 26-27
There’s also a verse on Men dressing as Women being well, think you can guess.
I have been in Africa and Latin where children is a plus. Lived in a Latin single mother’s house of 11 children, 7 her own 4 from other family.
But other family was nearby. Poor yes but free and happy, the children were all a gift as they helped and were educated in house and garden keeping. All went clean and well dressed to school and had a vary of small jobs outside.
Its another way of seeing children, as a gift from above. Always happiness, awareness and laughter and help in the house.
A full life is lived although with small money.
This western death cult and attitude, “children is a cost on the excel sheet” is sick.
Respect for human life is fine, but embryo is not human life, not yet at least. Spontaneous abortions are very common, but also can be induced by many methods known to mankind for thousands of years. Christianity colonizing the world has mainly destroyed traditional methods of both contraception and abortion. When women were not allowed to abort, infanticide became more common. Respect for human life means respecting the woman’s life. She’s the one who is alive and human. The verses you refer to in the Bible say nothing about sexual relationships or homosexuality. Those verses are not about sexual immorality but about spiritual impurity. The whole idea of scripture is to become pure in spirit. It has nothing to do with our sexual organs or how we use them. It is not about physical activity but it is about spiritual actions. Let me explain. Righteousness belongs to the kingdom of God, and unrighteousness belongs to Adversary. God is Pure, and Adversary is impure. All words used in this context refer to spirit, whether it’s pure or impure. Drunk in spirit doesn’t mean a person who drunk too much wine, but it does mean spirit that is not sober, clean and clear. Spirit, not physics. Spirit, not biology. Spirit, not mundane or social behavior. The original word that has been translated as ”homosexuality” was ”arsenokoites” in Greek and the similar expression in Hebrew in OT. Arsenokoites means ”male + beds” and it used to be translated as ”men lying with men”. When we take our observation away from the physical genitals and mundane, the spiritual meaning can be comprehended. Masculine energies are not to be united with other masculine energies, in any human being, but masculine energies must be united with feminine energies. So what is ”married” (united) in a human… Read more »
As you’ve already discounted an aspect of the Ten commandments in regards coveting anothers wife. Which speaks of a sexual integrity exclusivity morality & loyalty too.And of killing via abortion.
I interpret that you also discount that any conduct in ones physical form is not at all related to ones Spirit. Doesn’t taint ones Spirit.
Which I find a misinterpretation of the meaning of the ten commandments and the seven deadly sins of which you fail to address.
I find that a materlistic take that gives one an excuse to behave as one pleases in ones physical form as they can then declare, conveniently, but my Spirit is pure. When how could it be if one is to engage and endorse acts and behaviours that go against the commandments that have been encouraged for us to pursue? But instead pursue the seven deadly sins.
Of the view you’ve created a reason to justify certain behaviours that scripture warns against. Which you clearly don’t agree with for whatever reason.
You appear to agree in your disagreement in that Man wasn’t created to sleep or lust after man. The same for women too.
The ability to create life is an amazing thing. Which in these time we live in now has been cheapened and seen as something that gets in the way of people’s other priorities. Hence why abortion is encouraged in these times. As sexually liberating & a twisted form of bodily autonomy.
That tells me. We most certainly are living in demonic times.Run by demon’s and it’s ‘working’ on a great many.
Nothing in the Ten commandments speaks about abortion. You’re just making all that up. You’ve conflated embryos with human life and abortions with the sin of murder, but that just shows your illogical thoughts. If abortion is murder, then God is the biggest murderer. Embryos consist of cells, which may be alive, but so are other cells, material in the body. To call it human life is a misnomer. The ten commandments are for spirit, not for some theocratic social order. Nothing in the Ten commandments speaks about social, cultural or material things. God’s guidance to spirit, the Teaching, is spiritual. Only the pure soul is sinless. The body is not the soul. Soul is spirit, and the body is material. Harm to the body is not something the pure soul does. But what is harmful and what, in fact, is not, you think you’re the judge of that? For other people? All sin is sin, godlessness, separation from God. All seven deadly sins are attacks against Soul and God. God is Pure Spirit. God has no sex or gender. God is the pure spirit of Truth. No pronouns needed. You speak of Man as if it meant a male human, but it doesn’t. Old English uses the word man as synonymous with human being. So, a woman is a man, too. However, that’s just language. Male human beings do not own their wives or women in general. If women are owned by men, they’re slaves. And men become slave owners, which is even worse than being a slave. And then the whole of humanity is in slavery. Not good. Who is the owner of your body? Are you the owner? If not, who is? Who is the rightful owner of your body and who makes decisions concerning it? Do… Read more »
Well, I’m just responding to you. As this all started because I’d mentioned I don’t agree with abortion.
Trust me, I don’t or wasn’t speaking for Or professing to know or understand certain women. I’m not out there campaigning so go ahead and keep fighting & protecting those “rights”
“Why are you even speaking about women” wow should men not express any view at all? Just sit there and nod 😂
I’ll speak about what I wish thank you.
I don’t agree with abortion, be as triggered and project all you need too. It’s murder.
Hey, its not compulsory for me to agree with people killing unborn humans. Be it Man or Woman.
But be happy as you have every right to👍 Must feel amazingly liberating and empowering.
Abortion endorses promotes murder so women can sit in a cubicle and pursue their ‘natural’ calling of furthering their careers and be debt slaves, just like men. Contributing to a system that is driving us all away from truly raising families as the priority for us all.
Whereby being an economic debt slave is prioritised over being a Mother. As being a Mother primarily is seen as some sort of cop out. Abortion is a tool to encourage promiscuity & destroy traditional families imo
How is it not a tool for depopulation?
Thanks for the spirit focus.
“Respect for human life means respecting the woman’s life. She’s the one who is alive and human.” agree x 1000
You don’t have to agree. You just have to allow women with their doctors/midwives/clinicians to make the decisions about abortion.
Who decides when the “circumstances” are heinous enough? A bunch of old (white) govt men with their religious beliefs?
Find it odd that has to said. Rape & incest.
As safe sex is a possibility too, you know? It’s about the Man & Woman being sexually responsible. But the times we live in have made an industry out of abortion & harvesting from the aborted. Abortion is not empowerment it’s murder.
“White religious men” are you aware of China’s one child policy? & What they did with those aborted?
Who’s to judge whether rape or incest happened or not? I’m guessing: a bunch of old men.
And while they’re having their rape trials, the pregnant rape victim can do what?
You really haven’t thought this through, have you?
The misandry is just an accident,right? Everything is old mens fault & that is that. You like abortion, look at the statistics, must be an indication of empowerment.
“Kill it! I want to have more “relationships” and that fucker will get in the way! I’ve a career”
I’m not stopping you just expressing a view. I don’t agree with abortion. But you do, so carry on, you’ve thought it through. It’s freedom.
On Academics discussing these and other topics, am reminded of this..
“Academia is to knowledge. What prostitution is to love” ~ Nassim Nicholas
Also Chomsky, admitting or confessing that Academia & Academics have always served elite( the parasite’s) interests. Always!
Every person undergoing “gender-affirming” surgery is likely to require hospital visits for life; after “transitioning”; Kayla Lovdahl changed her mind at age 18, and is now prosecuting her doctors. -Jonas Alexis 2023
If the lawyers and judges were not bought out, it would be a simple matter to stop imposing this insanity on minors.
Catherine’s earlier comment – relating to publicity or activism – is also relevant.
Our “society”/our people don’t promote it. Particular individuals promote it– probably far fewer than the propaganda & the AI commenters on social media lead you to believe. There are lots of people paid to comment/propagandize us, full-time. It’s exactly like the “spontaneous” demonstrations abroad when US PTB want to change foreign govts.
Yes agree in many ways.Its certainly getting a push. But also see,even here, people defending the right to mutilate yourself if so inclined. Conceding ground due to the social/internet engineering.
What i want to know is – are the mis-gendered, mis-pronouned, mis-identified responsible for the global economy’s freefall tailspin ? And will they be behind imposing a global lockdown while we ride it out ?
There may not be a direct connection from global economy to the Trans Agenda but I do believe it is enabling a march towards transhumanism, degradation of the human spirit, acceptance of lab grown ovum, women’s reproductive cycles become irrelevant.
Sweden’s U-Turn on Trans Kids: The Trans TrainVideo number five explains how they con parents and children into going for the transitions “Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities”
The trans agenda is a depopulation agenda Sterilize the children Puberty blockers and hormonse to finish them off
💯 in regards being a huge plank in the depopulation sterilisation Agenda. Sweden is very far down the parasites Agenda that goes for the rest of Scandinavia & Denmark too.
The “Bad boy” of lockdowns is practically a cashless society now. Find it odd that everyones earnings are published online. Hugely narcissistic. The high plains of materialism. Shame, remember it in the early 80’s and it was a magical place.
I too defend trans rights, no question, if they are adults and wish to live their lives however they please, and want their bodies modified. Preferably not on the tax payer’s dime but this point probably needs debating. Children, however, need parental guidance (not governmental, nor so-called health care bureaucracy interference), and they need boundaries. As do adult trans people and the school establishment who wish to brainwash children into following their example. That’s not on, and the banning of this does not violate the rights of any trans adult. The “gender binary” IS false – that’s verifiable by the fact that every era and every culture believes something different as regards how a woman should behave and appear in public (they never ponder how a man should behave). However, this is culture not fact, and has nothing to do with the current trend of wanting to distort the reality of sex, which IS binary, except in rare instances where nature has gone wrong (mostly due to toxic chemicals and nutritional deficiency). In the west people already can liberate themselves from gender norms without the need for bodily mutilation. Just take a look at the varied lifestyles, living arrangements, love relationships and outer appearance of men and women that we can freely adopt. Just as Hitler twisted the words and concepts of the Vedas for his political purposes, Jacqueline Rose twisted Simone Beauvoir’s meaning when she wrote that one is not born a woman but one becomes one. Beauvoir meant the gender stereotyping and restrictive choices for women that were still so prevalent in her time. And, yes, I read The Second Sex a long time ago. I don’t remember her railing against her sex organs and having bouts of “penis envy” (Freud). Yes, it’s true, the Trans Crowd and their supporters do not want gender role freedom for… Read more »
this point probably needs debating
Few loudmouths and their manipulators have doubts about anything.
“As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest blabbers.” -Plato
I think it’s dangerous to take Freud too literally. It pissed off Carl Jung too.
Glad you clarified that twisting of Simone Beauvoir’s writing.
It is great to support ppl dressing, expressing themselves in whatever way they like. I’d like to live in that world, too. But we now have a problem where this Trans Agenda has captured media and government. Men have taken advantage of the situation, claim their self-ID as “woman” and it’s become misogynistic free for all.
The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI) The wealthy, powerful, and sometimes very weird Pritzker cousins have set their sights on a new God-like goal: using gender ideology to remake human biology By Jennifer Bilek https://www.the11thhourblog.com June 14, 2022 https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/billionaire-family-pushing-synthetic-sex-identities-ssi-pritzkers One of the most powerful yet unremarked-upon drivers of our current wars over definitions of gender is a concerted push by members of one of the richest families in the United States to transition Americans from a dimorphic definition of sex to the broad acceptance and propagation of synthetic sex identities (SSI). Over the past decade, the Pritzkers of Illinois, who helped put Barack Obama in the White House and include among their number former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, current Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and philanthropist Jennifer Pritzker, appear to have used a family philanthropic apparatus to drive an ideology and practice of disembodiment into our medical, legal, cultural, and educational institutions. I first wrote about the Pritzkers, whose fortune originated in the Hyatt hotel chain, and their philanthropy directed toward normalizing what people call “transgenderism” in 2018. I have since stopped using the word “transgenderism” as it has no clear boundaries, which makes it useless for communication, and have instead opted for the term SSI, which more clearly defines what some of the Pritzkers and their allies are funding—even as it ignores the biological reality of “male” and “female” and “gay” and “straight.” The creation and normalization of SSI speaks much more directly to what is happening in American culture, and elsewhere, under an umbrella of human rights. With the introduction of SSI, the current incarnation of the LGBTQ+ network—as distinct from the prior movement that fought for equal rights for gay and lesbian Americans, and which ended in 2020 with Bostock v. Clayton County, finding… Read more »
“the Pritzkers of Illinois, who helped put Barack Obama in the White House and include among their number former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, current Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and philanthropist Jennifer Pritzker”
All in the Family.
Barak Obomba was known as among Afro-Americans as “the Jewish candidate”. As for “phiianthropist” that is how the even more obscenely wealthy Nathan Rothschild is styled.
I wonder what race/religion the Pritzkers are?
Is Bilek another “David Ray Griffin” style fake? It’s difficult to imagine how it’s possible to challenge one globalist scam without also becoming highly sceptical about everything which is being pushed by the mainstream. Also, if you’re campaigning on a particularly contentious issue, it’s generally advisable to avoid the contamination created by mixing with other controversies. To do so would suggest that there’s another agenda behind the putative concern.
Looking more closely at her site, I came across the following:
The link embedded in “Roger Hallam” goes to:
Chris Hedges / Truthdig
Nov 18, 2019
How to Save the Planet and Ourselves
Roger Hallam, a co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, understands corporate power and knows how to fight it. It is up to us to act.
If you read only one book this year, it should be Roger Hallam’s “Common Sense for the 21st Century: Only Nonviolent Rebellion Can Now Stop Climate Breakdown and Social Collapse.”
Thanks! Love Jennifer B.’s writing.
So that’s what they were up to in Transylvania all those years ago…
I’ll have you know that my family is from Transylvania, we have proud customs and our cousin Maria had nine babies.
But you guys were sucking sangue, these babies were vampires in spe.
Thats why we have a global problem today, all witches during mankind’s history was named Maria. No smoke without a fire.
But did cousin Maria have a hairy chest?
That’s the crux of the matter…
https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/p/all-eyes-on-the-nhs The Nazi-like sterilization programme continues without the merest hesitation. Covid justified vaccinations were only the beginning. The terminal stunting “of the lower class stock” is the true aim. The psychological deformation came first as the successive generations found it increasingly difficult to maintain even the appearance of a responsible family base in the face of increasingly encouraged narcissism. And then the development of healthy sexual relationships was also under attack via belligerent assaults on the self-respect of youngsters who were made increasingly self-critical to the point of self-loathing via the machinations of the consumer driven culture. I now even suspect that the vast emphasis on “gay culture” has a sinister side in its obvious effect on declining reproduction. And the insistence that such musings were an indication of “Right Wing Racist” ideology was very effective at heading off any real insight. In any case, the decline in reproductive effectiveness was clearly too slow for the parasite class who insisted that the riff-raff extermination programme be stepped up in a more effective and indeed brutal way: by the direct mutilation of the young. Once the parasitical overlords had made this decision (which had probably been hovering on the back burner for decades), their ever listening executive minions got on to the task. And the key academics, “scientists”, politicians, reporters, educators etc. all knuckled down to redefine the very concept of humanity via nothing less than the erasure of sex itself. The juggernaut has been rolling for some time now, grinding away beneath the scrutiny of the vast majority (including myself) who merely shrugged and rolled their eyes in an amused “What will they think of next?” mood. All of which changed with a vast jarring shock when the children of colleagues inspired “compassionate” campaigns to fuel cash collections… Read more »
Your last paragraph is extreme cognitive dissonance compared to the rest of your post!
And just like the CoronaPrank the Holocau$t is an enforced, media driven narrative.
And it is not about the numbers.
Oh I’m well aware of the dubiousness of some historical claims. I’m just taking the official history at face value to compare with what’s happening now – which I think is a true Holocaust.
I have told my secular Jewish friends to stop using the term “Holocaust”, if they don’t agree with the details.
At some point, calling out of the misuse of rather precise definitions is a big step at confronting the disinformation.
The same approach with “gay”. I use homosexual. If someone is offended, I tell them that “they have the right to be offended”.
Great comment.
Miri (miriaf.co.uk) nailed the whole thing in a couple of sentences:
“One of the most critical distinctions between “the 1%” (the ruling classes, the overlords, those malevolent f**kers – as you prefer) and the rest of us – and a key mechanism by which they have maintained their stranglehold over humanity for so long – is this:
*We plan our lives in days, weeks, and months
*They plan in years, decades, and centuries”
The destruction of western civilization has been planned for a very long time indeed.
It’s not possible for ‘normal’ people to plan in ‘years, decades and centuries’. The power disparity is too great. the 1% can smash economies every decade or so and do. Every economic crash is planned, which sees millions lose their jobs, their homes and their savings. The 1% NEVER smash their own asset bases. If they did, you wouldn’t see planned crashes very often.
1929 was planned. So was the oil shock of 1973. The 1981 crash was planned, so was the one in 1989. 2000 crash and the Millennium bug scam were planned. 2008 was planned. This pandemic/climate/global crash scam underway now was meticulously planned.
You can only plan in years, decades and centuries if you have huge economic, political and social clout.
As a humble citizen of a local village, all you could try and do would be to isolate your village from the effects of global parasites.
Actually the black & white image for nineteen hunderd unecceptance of still photography is in fact early 20th Century imo.
Anyroad for those whom may still be unaware that is.
The only Trans I know is Trans Europe Express.
Looks to be more than than enough. I’d take a glance at a Daily Express now and again if it’s laying about.
They are spreading it all over Europe.
“Kraftwerk”? Interesting name….
Has anybody come up with the determinable essence of <woman> yet; the set of essential and immutable attributes that make not just any <woman> a <woman> (and not some other kind of thing); but that particular <woman>; the “what it is” or “that which it is to be” a particular and singularised <woman> (to ti esti, to ti en einai)? No? Plenty of people seem to think they know what the essence is, but what is it as a determinable and definable sentence? “What is a woman” essentially? Are we sticking with risible inuendo or a more biologic definition about bodyparts or gametes? Or essential and immutable roles in society? Nobody seems to know in a determinable way that would fit the dominant interpretive mechanism; whichever is identitarian essentialism. Meanwhile, in the rest of the world: the dominant interpretive mechanism has been in play at the civilisational level all day. Nobody can say the name of an essence of just one of the things that we can say (as predicable lexis); all of which are in the play of difference right now as anthropogenesis. There is only one particular and singularised civilisation – built with globalised organisational order and cooperation across distance as non-accidental, nonlinear, nonlocal and near absolute precision of determination, absent any form of essentialist equivocation. Being can be said in many ways (to on legetai polachos) on which nobody can seem to agree upon; yet being can only be built in one particularised and singular way; and everybody must be in totalised agreement to do so across distance and time as a globally distributed grammar. That is “self-ordering syntax” in action as univocal, unequivocal self-organising order of the particularised and singularised existential way of being the human species has chosen for itself. As organised by culturally significant… Read more »
Not “your”; “you are.”
Three year olds can tell the difference between men and women, just like everybody else can, and all the self-deceiving post-modernist semiotic garbage in the World will never change that simple fact.
I’m not so sure today’s three-year-olds can do that any more.
The people around them don’t look anything like the people around three-year-olds used to fifty years ago…
In fact when one of my daughters was about 4 or 5 years old, she got a rather short haircut from a young hairdresser who liked to do cool things with people’s hair.
Much to my daughter’s annoyance, strangers started telling us what a lovely lad she was…
She is now a lovely lass again.
You completely miss the point: there is no essence of anything. For rational discourse to make sense: there must be. You take the essence from the appearance and represent it as all the enlightened theories we have. No essence: no science: no knowledge: just speechsounds. This has nothing to do with ‘postmodernism’; this is modernism. The Age of Reason is posited on essentialism. Which is exactly why it became the age of unreason. The image of thought is abstract idealism that says nothing about anything reactively, violently, and defensively without ever knowing the presuppositions they are reactively defending. On the other end of the scale: billions of people have no such problem building the rational essence of man as globalisation. The language works well enough as a species system, but our sentences can’t reflect that with localised, rationalised, moralised, linearised thinking. Nobody wants to do nonlinear dynamics: but you cannot even begin to capture the essence of the world with reductive-mechanistic ideology…. but you can control minds. With no referent and no essence; anyone can say anything and if enough people agree, then it is ‘true’. That is how authoritarianism works, and that is how it became totalitarian. Rather than confront the problem, we can declaim that we do know the essence in the way that the interpretive mechanics say you should — but nobody has presented it — and if they do it will be misogynist and oppressive; just like the rest of essentialist authoritarianism. “Meaning as Truth” is the control mechanism everybody is paranoid about. Everything you think must conform with what everybody else thinks, as laid down by our predecessors; not in the semantics which are infinitely variable; but in the syntax whichever is a fixed, invariable, and permanent principle of human intelligence; and has been for… Read more »
The essence of <man> is a “featherless biped with broad flat nails”!😂
We’re not uneducated here, but we do like to leave doctoral theses for the professors to grade…
You know the dominant meme here — “Blame Them.” Nobody wants to get into the unfounded presuppositions that found our interpretive mechanics. Elsewhere, that very rational-causal reductive mechanistic truth-ideology has been identified as protofascist. Hell, sometimes people come right and say it as Simon Elmer did by profoundly misattributing Roland Barthes. So who else tried to counter that?
I’ve lost count of the times that people misattribute their quotes. Hell, Corbett even called it weaponisation of attribution. My favourite is Debord: nobody knows what the Spectacle is — it’s the language. If nobody gets the canonical <Idea: Copy: Simulacra> behind our discourse, then nobody can remediate this glaring and fatally flawed error in our thinking.
The simulacra is the real; the abstracted essence is a simulation; the Idea that the essence is compared to away from the appearance is nothing but pure imaginability-only. The entire western intellectual tradition is built on lies: there is no ideal world ‘out there’, ‘beyond’ the phenomenal appearances. The phenomenal appearances are life, and the human species rejected that life for another life long ago.
So I will occasionally try to counteract identarian essentialism knowing I will be ignored. I do it for shits and giggles, I do it here because the rebukes are mild mannered and polite. Elsewhere, the mere suggestion that there are no essences and no Idea seems to provoke death threats! People seem to love their owned imaginary rational essence; and that ain’t gonna change ’cause some bloke on the internet challenged it with his owned ‘doctoral thesis.’
The following is an abbreviated version of my response:
Aðalmarkmið verkefnisins er að fjalla ítarlega um söfnun og útgáfu þjóðsagnasafns Jóns Árnasonar Íslenzkar þjóðsögur og æfintýri (1862–1864) og annað tengt efni með því að búa til ítarlegt, aðgengilegt og notendavænt stafrænt gangasafn með fræðilegri umfjöllun og beinum…
yeh, it’s like when ppl quote “$ is the root of all evil” My fingers can’t type fast enuff! (You dunce) it’s “THE LOVE OF $ is the root of all evil.”
“You may be sure my dear Cebes that inaccurate language is not only itself a mistake; it implants evil in men’s souls.” — Socrates
Thanks for that quote; so applicable to this era of Newspeak, where “to sanction” means to prohibit, and a “humanitarian intervention” means a military invasion.
Funny enough: I nearly quoted something similar from the end of the Cratylus; when Socrates warned that we should not trust the development of knowledge to inherited names of uncertain origin. “A life unexamined… ” eh.😉
“the set of essential and immutable attributes that make not just any <woman> a <woman> (and not some other kind of thing); but that particular <woman>; the “what it is” or “that which it is to be” a particular and singularised <woman> (to ti esti, to ti en einai)?”
That is the nub of the matter: what is this “sacred individuality” that everyone is supposed to cherish and nurture these days, when we are made up from an assemblage of identical parts?
We live in an Aristotelean universe, where things can be classified because “if you have seen one you have seen the lot”. Living creatures are 99% made up of water molecules driven by electrons. Every electron is like all the other electrons, every water molecule is interchangeable with its sister. If you say, the difference is in the combination, then there is no end to possbile diffenences because the number of possible combinations is greater than the number of components.
So we settle for practical classification: a woman is a womb-man, the female of the species homo.
To classify further is treacherous ground. In my lifetime I have seen classification madness drive two nations to self-destruction: the Nazi attempt to define “Aryan” and the Apartheid attempt to define “European”. I detect a touch of Nazism and Apartheid in the conversation of this current Mad Hatter’s Teaparty.
Only women bleed. -Alice Cooper
You mean, only womb-men menstruate? Nature’s monthly miracle: preparation of a fresh nursery for a possible newly fertilised egg; and the regeneration of decidua with plentiful new bloodvessels to feed the new life when the egg proves to have been fertilised : one of Nature’s triumphs of delicate care that looks like wastefulness.
Sexual recombination of genes was a great discovery for generating variety in Nature. Yeast have 8 mating types and other primitive micro-organisms might have even more. Nevertherless, Nature has settled for 2 sexes in most species. It is idle and superfluous to subdivide sexual function further.
From this monthly natural miracle of delicate care in her womb issue all the many tender secondary sexual characteristics of womb-man as the female of the human species:
“O woman! in our hour of ease
Uncertain, coy and hard to please;
When pain and anguish wring the brow
A ministering angel thou!” — Coventry Patmore.
This trans “rights” thing is stupid. They already have the right to be a tranny. Wtf more do they want. That’s it, that’s all they get. They aren’t going to be some “protected” group or something, like real females. People should be able to pretend to be anything they want, that’s their right and they already got it. So they should shut up now.
Thank you.
There’s so much common sense in that comment.
But you’ll starve for sure…
Govt caved on the most important items imm’y & everything else w/in a month.
It’s funny you should bring that topic up. I like to step in on John Steppling’s twitter now and again but I found some glitch whereby I could only access old tweets and this came up: “why do ben norton and others keep saying ‘the truckers are 88% vaccinated’? They were coerced, bullied, shamed and threatened. The frat boy left doesn’t live pay check to paycheck, but many do. They feared not being able to feed their families.” Now that took me back to a revelation that was in some ways more devastating than the Left’s reaction to covid. The Left hated the truckers. And they showed no interest in the most aggressive and indeed downright fucking evil assault on the truckers i.e. the freezing of their bank accounts. Compare with the paeans dished out to the phony climate change protesters. On perusing the tweets of Mister Norton I found a vast barrage of triumphalist Leftist sloganeering. There are umpteen regurgitations of “safe” memes from the past e.g. Mohammed Ali’s quote on refusing to join the Vietnam war. Then a huge amount of cheerleading for the “(a)mazing things … happening in Mexico” under “Left-wing President AMLO” and gleeful denunciation of the “hypocrisy” of the West appended by that endlessly reshown photo of Assange being arrested. But on the truckers’ protest, “The trucker convoy in Canada is so obviously a rightwing operation astroturfed by conservative billionaires. It’s absurd seeing some “leftists” pretend otherwise” A drearily familiar story. And a continuation of what is now obviously a “set” Leftist trope on the allocated path of critique with unmistakable “Keep Out” signs for the unmentionable avenues. Also, I see “frat boy” defined as, “a young man who behaves in a boisterous or foolish manner considered typical of members of some college fraternities.” Ironic considering… Read more »
It didn’t surprise me to see Guardianistas or other “lifestyle leftists” attacking the truckers, but I was still naive enough in those days to believe the World Socialists were sincere in their claims to be defenders of the working class.
But then I read headlines like this:
Canadian media and Conservatives promote far-right trucker protest to push for scrapping of remaining anti-COVID-19 measures
and realized what utter scum they were and are.
They love the working class in the abstract, as some individual puzzle piece of their larger ideology, but if the working class doesn’t take its marching orders from this pathetic, miserable bunch of Trotskyist control freaks, they have nothing bit contempt for them.
It may seem like hyperbole but I think it’s true and I’m sure that Simon Elmer said it first: the trans rights brigade are the new Brown Shirts. The Rainbow Shirts as it were. They, like the transgender category itself, are utterly manufactured*. Thus these trans-right protests are as phony as the “Just Stop Oil” puppet show.
*There is a genuine condition called gender dysphoria in which the unfortunate subject feels trapped in the wrong sex. It is fortunately a rare condition but the current executive arm of the parasite class have embarked on a vast and hugely funded campaign to create the impression (with, of course, the “legitimate scientific evidence” from the now clearly bought “scientific establishment”) that gender dysphoria is the norm for everyone. Indeed, a tweet from one trans propagandist implies that “gender dysphoria” is a term that should be abandoned since it must now be “admitted” that it is not an illness but the underlying initial condition for all life on the planet.
For a long time, the medical industry has been willing to remove a lower arm or lower leg surgically, if the patient “is suffering” due to its existence. The current flap is more “development” of such business.
How come no one has started “Just Stop Invasion”, far more important than “Just Stop Oil”? Niger is about to be invaded, because it dared to stand up to France.
Transhumanist, TRANS-feral (next?), War on Humanity? How do we understand the alienation of male and female, the natural functional procreative mechanics of homo sapiens, in 2023? No matter the adoptive ideology of sexual subcategories and any demand that anyone identifying within one of an infinite number of possible subcategories has an existential right to control the behavior of “others”, this is all preposterous. Now, actually a social psychosis. I am currently reading a tiny book on an anarchist anthropology by David Graeber where he points out that contrary to modern preconceptions, moderns are actually still tribal, and racism, sexism, class struggles can be seen as the modern incarnation of clan behaviors. This glaring perception presents us with a possible understanding of the current ruling elite propaganda epoch named by many as “woke”, the super-category above the sexual jambalaya we are now being subjected to by the Establishment spraying society with “wokeness”. Since it seems society is being herded into a new world order of a centrally controlled global corporate (public-private-partnership) consentless future solely determined by the world’s ruling elite, it must be THEY have determined that to break the will-to-resist from indigenous/localized peoples (us) objecting, they are fabricating a shattering & fracturing of existing clan definitions into shards of glass. This, supposedly, will destroy any possible solidarity within existing clans, thus alienating each and everyone into tinier and tinier clusters, if not even to each individual isolated human. Does this not describe the mass shootings of singular crazies, which in itself further alienates individuals from feeling part of a viable and nurturing society? 20th C Fascists alienated the homeland nationality clan from outside nationalities/clan cultures/ideologies as an enemy, as an “other” that must be conquered and harvested by THEY, the superior clan. What it seems we have here with US/Western/global/Russian/Chinese,… Read more »
It has no capabilities of flying at all it’s shriveled wing stumps will only get us deeper into the pitt of hell where it came from
I had never heard of Kellie-Jay Keen before reading this article on Simon’s own website (https://architectsforsocialhousing.co.uk) which is pretty telling in itself. Personally, I could not give less of a shit if somebody wants to dress up as a member of the opposite sex, but this phenomenon is not about dressing up, is it? Can you imagine any other circumstance where a (real) woman is being surrounded, intimidated, even assaulted, by a large group of biological males in broad daylight and the police just walk away? Clearly they are under the strictest orders to allow this to happen – the question is why? I believe there are several reasons. The main reason is the usual one: divide and conquer. Men against women, gay against straight etc etc, anything to prevent us coming together and actually changing something. A secondary reason I believe is so-called “soft” population control. The permanent chemical castration of pre-pubescent children via “puberty blockers” or the physical castration and mutilation of “adults” means less babies in the future, whatever way you look at it. Another reason could be the HRT (hormone replacement therapy) industry. I can’t find the link now, but I read a piece on Medium.com in 2020 which suggested that big pharma was promoting the trans agenda because it provided a new client base for their hormone pills. According to this piece, at one point in the eighties almost 3 out of 4 women in the US were on HRT until a study proved a link to cancer. The industry wasn’t entirely wiped out, but profits were drastically reduced – until now, that is. Finally, I feel that it fits right in with the satanic (yes, satanic) agenda of the inversion of Good to evil. Baphomet – the “god” of the Templars and Freemasons, is… Read more »
Just to clarify, I meant to say “almost 3 out of 4 menopausal women in the US were on HRT”.
Defending freedom for Global peace in a Green environment for Children.
There is another very evil agenda with the trans clones – the grooming of young children – to encourage them into a world of pedophilia.
Globally, depopulation is a success. Only the most rural and traditional peoples continue to mainain their numbers or increase. Hence the ratcheting of enforced urbanisation and selective “modernisation”. Some leading ways to kill fertility include stress (especially in women), pollution (poisons), fake and poisoned foods and medicines, RF radiation, urban poverty, and harmful work. Behind all this and more is the great golem: capitalism.
And debt – a great big stressor for many.
The Guardian goes into overdrive with the grinding platitudinous memes of the Great Progressive West Against The World: “Lebanon in move to ban Barbie film for ‘promoting homosexuality’ Culture minister asks general security agency to act to prevent screening as anti-LGBT rhetoric ramps up Lebanon’s culture minister moved to ban the film Barbie from the country’s cinemas on Wednesday, saying it “promoted homosexuality” and contradicted religious values.” See? Us brave Westerners are fighting the great liberal cause across the globe – a cause now apparently synonymous with oxymoronic “transgenderism”, the war against women/sex/reproduction, legitimising male psychosis, encouraging pedophilia, and urging on the chemical and physical mutilation of prepubescents. Who could possibly object to this “scientifically verifiable” new dawn? Only religious bigots and brown skinned patriarchs stuck in the dark ages! “Mohammad Mortada is backed by the powerful Shia Muslim armed group Hezbollah, whose head, Hassan Nasrallah, has ramped up his rhetoric against the LGBT community, saying it poses an “imminent danger” to Lebanon and should be “confronted”.” And again that fabled “LGBT community” – which should cause us to pause on the very use of the word “community”. What are these communities? The “gay community”, the “Catholic community”, the “Muslim community”, the “Afro-American community”? At least those defined by a religion embody some list of moral commands and an implied mode of conduct. Those defined by race embody very little unless they are accompanied by a living culture which, in this modern world, is bound to be on the wane. Those defined by sexuality e.g. “gay”, embody what precisely? A liking for certain cultural products which are arbitrarily considered part of “the gay scene”? In any case, every one of those “communities” has to live in the same world that every country’s public… Read more »
The truth is the nuclear family in western culture is a nightmare for many, and has created generations of immature people still looking for mom and dad.
Off topic: Perhaps I’m losing it completely now but twice now whilst watching the TV news I thought I was watching a CGI effect. Once yesterday when there was an interview between a newsreader and some official whose name I didn’t catch. The latter’s head seemed oddly plastic and the lower face (nose and mouth) seemed too big for the top part. And again today with a survey of the wreckage from the Hawaiian wildfires. One sequence showing passing scenes of devastation looked cartoonish. Could these channels be experimenting with inserting phony footage?
The key interview on the Hawaii fires is with the governor or some official, who speaks in exaggerated emotional language, but fails to answer any Fox questions about what is actually being done.
It seems that fear is the objective, rather than a solution, whatever or whoever started the fires.
“Nothing spreads like fear.”
Biden has just issued a disaster declaration over Hawaii, meaning the Pentagon and Nato are preparing themselves to step in and save America.
By the way have anyone heard about the new word plasticosis? A new decease in the stomach of the entire global population of Seabirds.
Billions of tax dollares are necessary to save all birds on this planet. If you can dream it, plasticosis vaccines can do it!
Didn’t the entire look of television news reporting change in 2020 – from the studio and professional linkages before, to this new grainy “low budget” presentation with the blurred face that appears to speak from some suburban living room? Of course that transition was “justified” by being an implementation of the “necessary covid distancing rules”. Which very conveniently led to this “grimy” appearance which would allow fakes to be more easily manufactured. We have been living in this “poor man’s newsroom” ever since.
Its probably just mishandling the equipment. For a definitive look at how to manufacture news look at a copy of the movie “Wag the Dog”. You’ll never look at TV news in the same light again.
“My right to a gap year,” took precedence over toil.
Don’t blame yourself. The Guardian promoted Gap Years like they were going out of stock.
Yer liberal/alt media jerkins or mental strait-jackets of today never did “social service” or charity in their community… they raised funds for a junket to jet to the other side of the world to “plant trees.”
What it did was divorce people from their own community – psychological manipulation of which the Guardianistas are wholly ignorant, despite having been used.
And defensive, so defensive. (Don’t you think, secretly, they know they were played?)
It’s okay. That was just a transient moment of self-reflection. They shook it off and took the shot. To get their travel back… … …
If the powers that be hide behind levels, why would not the alt media?
If the objective is to contain a narrative, why would you not allow a cohort to delude themselves?
In this respect it is less useful to be “in tune” with the “underground” – better to be not of the milieu or Dr Johnson’s London – but at a sane distance.
I put it all down to a desperate search for a protected class to join. Despite years of being told that men live off the fat of the land, have all the power and so on the reality is that for nearly all of history being a man sucks. Your reward for all this superiority is to be pushed into the front lines of battle or to be worked to death (quite literally in many cases) and to always defer to “women and children first”. Under these circumstances, especially with the media barrage about such and such a group being systematically discriminated against (and so require relief….) its quite natural to try to find or invent a protected class to belong to.
The result for our society is a small but extremely vocal minority that wants everything and complains a whole lot. This nuisance is then exploited by politicians who sell it as an existential threat to society (and, of course, “Will Someone Think Of The Children?”). It would be a nuisance except that it permeates our culture to the point where people don’t realize that having cosmetic surgery so they can play at (for that’s really what most are doing) at being someone else is an irrevocable step, one that should never be taken lightly or in haste. Its also something that most people — literally most people — are just not interested in so being bombarded with messages day in and day out is most unwelcome, it speaks of a society that’s both obsessed by sex and at the same time afraid of it.
So much hot air could be spared simply by sticking to the essentials – the important things in life.
Instead of, “What is a woman?”, we should be getting back to, “What is a human being?”
I reckon we are still quite a long way from answering that one.
Human is a Rational Animal. Simple as that, this has been answered so long ago…
To your satisfaction, perhaps, but not to everybody’s.
If we could all agree on what “rational” means, there would be no conflict in the world.
You’re an animal? And you think it’s rational to think that you’re an animal?
People are not animals. People are not plants, either. People are not machines, or parts of machines. People are not workforce, servants or producers, traders or moneymakers. People are simply people, highly intelligent, conscious beings. Every human being is capable of things that animals are not. Think about it.
The idea that people are animals serves the agenda, where people can be treated like animals, herded, put in a cage, used for production or killed as pests. If people are not useful for this money making Murder Inc, they are considered useless and put down.
Dehumanization means that people are not considered people, but, for example, animals. Dehumanization takes away people’s humanity, making them less humane.
The idea is to kill, exterminate humanity. So what is this humanity that Satan’s minions hate so much? It’s our abilities of reason (logic) and conscience, empathy, love.
People most certainly are animals.
Speak for yourself.
I am not an animal.
I am not my body.
Not an animal, huh? Tell yourself that the next time you take a good shit, or have sex, or enjoy a well cooked and seasoned meal, or catch a whiff of yourself after not bathing for a few days.
If you want to say that you’re not merely or simply an animal, we’d agree, but regardless, you are an animal, as are all of us human beings. One benefit of recognizing ourselves as animals can be an awakening of humility, which interestingly, shares the same root source as the word human, or humus: earth.
We humans must never think of ourselves as animals.
We give animals a bad name. They deserve better.
I am not an animal. I am a human being. You think you’re an animal because of your body and its physiological needs. I am not my body. I am not my genitals or anything in my body. I am not defined by my sex life, which btw is none of your or anyone’s business.
English language is not my mother tongue. In other languages, humans or people are quite different, not having anything to do with earth, soil or dust.
Humility in itself is not physiological but like human itself, spirit.
But you are an animal. It’s not an insult. It’s basic biology. You have an animal body, which is part of the price of admission on this plane of existence.
For the third time, I am not my body. And you don’t get to define me.
You can define yourself, however you want, the fact is that biology precedes your definitions and takes priority.
Explain to me how it is a biological fact that humans are animals.
Also, explain how it is a fact that you are your body.
Were your parents vertebrates?
Were you born alive?
Do you have hair/fur?
Did your mother have milk producing mammary glands by which you may have fed as an infant?
Since I know the answer already, I can say: congratulations, you’re a mammal! And as a mammal, you’re biologically considered an animal.
Why are you so obsessed with the body?
I am not the body. If you are the body, a hairy four-legged creature with nipples, you don’t know what and who you are. Also, there’s nothing permanent in that case in you.
Body is a material thing. Spirit is not.
My biological parents did not create the soul that I am.
I am not an animal.
Why are you so obsessed with being a disembodied spirit?
The entire concept of “human being” doesn’t even make sense without the physical aspect of humanity, which is also an animal aspect.
I ask you to consider that there might be lessons to be learned in our physical bodies that cannot be adequately learned in any other way.
”Why are you so obsessed with being a disembodied spirit?”
Because I am not the body. I have a body, but the body is not me. The body has changed all the time, while I remain the same.
Why should I identify with the body? Why should I think of other people as their bodies? I don’t know what you look like, yet here we are communicating. Do you think it’s our bodies that communicate? What do I look like, what’s my body like? In other words, who are you talking to, if you are talking to a body?
You’re not the body, yet on this plane of existence, you have one. Why? Why did Christ incarnate?
In my language, the word for human or human being has the same root as a miracle or wonder.
We just have to take care that our humility towards animals doesn’t escalate to the point where we have a senile ape representing us in government…
Too late for that.
Yep. 🙂
Humanity can either experience immature fun, ala drugs, sex workers, kiddie porn, stock market gambling, opening up new markets like the human body for further exploitation OR we can experience mature fun, ala delving into our spiritual awareness, opening our minds toward consciousness expansion. The immature billionaires are having their way with the world for now, but our deeper calling beckons…
If there has been one thing that separates the sexes, most would agree that it’s emotional maturity. Trans males insisting on competing in women’s sports is the very definition of emotional immaturity.
Only neanderthals who have no empathy for animals think like that.
You don’t kill lice from your head?
My intention, by the way, was just to put the question, “What is a human being?” higher up the list of priorities than “What is a woman?”
I didn’t mean to open up a Darwinian discussion on animals, which is of course a completely different topic.
“I didn’t mean to open up a Darwinian discussion on animals, which is of course a completely different topic.”
Biology is very much relevant to the discussion, which doesn’t have to be “Darwinian”; could be theological.
“Male and female, He created them.”
I agree biology is relevant to the discussion, but my intention was to focus on the rather idiotic question of what a woman is, by comparing it to something which is more important.
Thousands of other things are also relevant to that discussion, but I didn’t expect to mention them all in a single comment.
Yes, He created them male and female.
But they are both human, and have more in common than the things which superficially separate them.
We shouldn’t be worrying about what a woman is.
As your comment shows, we already know that.
What’s to discuss?
“What’s to discuss?”
If people can’t figure out what a woman is, than the discussion about “what’s a human being” will be a real doozy!
Does a man become a woman, when he has a woman’s body, features of a woman’s body? The insane and those who worship the body instead of soul seem to think that way. I once knew a boy, a very clever one. Later I found out he’d gone to Canada, where he was traumatized in a religious cult. After that he came back to our country and started ”transition”. There was new legislation that offered this option from the public health. He went all the way, years of therapies, drugs and surgeries, to make his body a female body. He thought he was a homosexual as he wanted to have loving sexual relationships with men. So becoming a woman was, I don’t know, ”natural”? The transition was painful. After getting the new vagina, he discovered it didn’t work well, sex was painful. It wasn’t fun at all. Also, it wasn’t easy to find a man who would have a relationship with him/her. He/she became a prostitute. He/she made a lot of money because apparently there are many men who like to pay for sex with a man whose body looks like a woman, sort of. But as sex was painful and men were not really loving, he/she started a loving sexual relationship with a woman, a lesbian. So, this very intelligent boy became a lesbian. How funny is that and how confused he was. Did he really change as a human being? No. He’s still the same intelligent and very kind human. So does a woman’s body make a man a woman? Yes. A woman is defined by the physical body. But what is a human being? Is it the physical body like people say here? Where are You in that body? Are You really the bones and marrow in… Read more »
Oh it’s all random. There can’t be a syndicate or someone would talk.
The alt media is not complicit. They’re just student socialists who lost their way.
FRANCE – Grain Silos Blaze in La Rochelle. Following the destruction of the grain depot in Turkey.