ISIS are back…and they’re faker than ever.
Kit Knightly

In just the last few days ISIS – Islamic State or ISIL or Da’esh or whatever – have hit the headlines in publications from all over the world. A strong resurgence for a narrative that’s been more than quiet for the last few years.
To do a quick recap, when last we heard from our cartoonish black-flagged head-choppers they were telling their suicide bombers to “steer clear of coronavirus-stricken Europe”.
An announcement that, pre-“pandemic”, would have been among the silliest headlines I’ve ever read…but in a post-Covid world it probably barely scrapes the top twenty.
Either way, that marked a hiatus for ISIS, an exit from the world stage as the “war on terror” made way for the “war on Covid”. In fact, a “reduction in violent terror events” was even sold as a potential plus-side of lockdowns, according to a study done by Yale.
…but now here we are. Three years on, and ISIS is back with a bang, or rather several bangs. Like a balaclava-wearing bear, they’ve emerged from their hibernation feeling grumpy.
The mainstream started laying the ground work for it back in January/February, with the aforementioned Yale study and then US politicians suddenly warning that ISIS was a “simmering powder keg” and underlining that the War on Terror is not over.
Then the US started nailing “senior ISIS leaders”, offing two in two weeks in April and a third in July. Syria got in on the act too, dropping an ISIS leader of their own.
Through the summer, ISIS “affiliates” claimed responsibility for attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Uganda. These were followed with more “the war on terror is not over” messaging.
But things have really started to heat up the last few days.
On August 11th CBS reported that ISIS were behind an ambush in Syria, killing 20 Syrian soldiers.
On August 12th the Washington Post reported that ADF, an “ISIS affiliate” in the Congo apparently, was “becoming deadlier”.
On August 13th it was reported ISIS was “deploying cryptocurrency to continue its reign of terror”.
Oh the humanity!
On August 14th the Iranian government officially blamed ISIS for an alleged terror attack on a shrine in Shiraz, and TimesNow reported that an ISIS “expert bomb maker” was planning an attack in India.
And just yesterday, The Mirror warned that ISIS and al-Qaeda were “back in Afghanistan”. Meanwhile Indonesian police raided a terror-suspects home and found an ISIS flag
The cherry on top is the UN releasing a report yesterday morning, warning that ISIS still posed “a serious threat”, with 5000-7000 fighters in Syria and Iraq. And in case anyone was curious, they also attempted an explanation for the lack of ISIS activity the last few years too. It wasn’t at all a result of the global elites having other (covid) fish to fry. No sir. It was a “deliberately adopted” strategy
to reduce attacks, in order to facilitate recruiting and reorganization.”
Makes sense, right?
But then the ISIS narrative has never done that.
In fact ISIS were maybe the first completely fake narrative, – comic-book villains with impossible reach and unknowable goals, a concept creation of marketers and PR firms rather than any geopolitical reality.
Someone obviously just threw a bunch of money at a roomful of ad executives and bad TV writers and told them to go nuts – and ISIS got born.
They had fleets of svelte matching trucks, always staying true to the Toyota brand affiliation. They never went anywhere without their personal branding. They were “smuggling” literally hundreds of tons of oil out of Syria every day in miles-long convoys (or even on muleback according to some), which were allegedly impossible to spot or stop, and funding themselves on tons of stolen antiquities that could never be seized.
They had glossy end of year reports, bank and social media accounts that never got closed, their own android app, a 5 year plan for world domination. Even their own currency.
Oh, but they never got silly. They never interfered with any really big elite agenda.
And even they always supported vaccinating your kids.
In the old days, there were two sides to “ISIS”.
On the one hand they were a NATO-backed proxy force waging war on the Syrian government.
But on the other they were the phantoms created by those ad executives and failed screenwriters – to scare westerners into allowing their governments “temporary emergency powers”; an elaborate concoction of overheated bad guy memes designed to incite fear and pave the way for an agenda. An official “reality” that had virtually no actual “real” in it at all and didn’t hold up to even a moment of clear-eyed scrutiny.
You could say ISIS was Covid before Covid.
But then they were dropped by the wayside when the “pandemic” rolled out ahead of the Great Reset and “united world” narrative.
In their new, post-pandemic iteration, ISIS are just another sign that the “multipolar world” is a lie. After all, rather than spreading fear of the mythical ISIS, the governments of India or Afghanistan could be refusing to play along, and calling out ISIS as a West-backed chimera.
Either way, we should be asking “why would they want to bring back “the war on terror” now?”
Well, there’s a few possibilities.
Firstly there’s the D word – distraction. No further explanation needed.
Second, there’s…well another D word actually – damage control. They played their Covid cards expecting to clean up and walk away from the table, but the game isn’t over and they need to find some more aces.
Third, there’s…damnit…another D word – division. Just like the culture war, the war in Ukraine and other hot-button topics, the “war on terror” can be used to further disintegrate the new anti-establishment movement created by the Covid hoax. Splitting it along old-fashioned party lines.
Maybe there’s more to the story, yet to be revealed. Some elaborate long con.
Maybe someone will suggest a UN “anti-terror army” or some other international legislation – something like China’s Global Security Initiative Concept Paper, perhaps – and we’ll be another step along the road to global government.
Maybe ISIS will be revealed to be anti-vaxxers, or new “anti-terror legislation” will be mooted in terms of combatting ISIS, but will have clauses concerning “medical misinformation” or “anti-government sentiment” or “conspiracy theories” hidden in the text.
This is all supposition, of course, but whether one, all or none of those theories turn out to be true, ISIS’ sudden re-entry to the story at this late hour reeks of yet another D word: Desperation.
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We know that ISIS and Hamas were created by USA-Israel. Does anyone know if Hezbollah is Israeli/American controlled ?
Well Written, and bit of humor thrown in as well.
Confirmation of my suspicion that the Ukraine matter is a distraction to keep “The Left” busy: the Greanvile Post gets bothered by the YouTube deletion of Scott Ritter’s Channel since “As our audience knows, the Ukraine war is one of the most heavily censored events in modern history”.
Actually, I’m more concerned about what “our audience” DOESN’T know or, more likely, doesn’t WANT to know.
Sorry about the repeated comment but I was fed up waiting for it to emerge from pending and re-inserted it.
GB news is a faux site app on Sky I’ve no axe to grind follow it till doomsday. Your an idiot helping disinformation on our weather patterns. I could blast you off the net with World Doppler or kick you up the Arse if we ever met. But I won’t..Your just an Idiot do you know what things like that do to People!
Fuck off.
tough talk from a CIA disinfo bot.
return to your masters. tell them that you have failed.
Excellent summary of ISIS
Confirmation of my suspicion that the Ukraine matter is a distraction to keep “The Left” busy: the Greanvile Post gets bothered by the YouTube deletion of Scott Ritter’s Channel since “As our audience knows, the Ukraine war is one of the most heavily censored events in modern history”.
Actually, I’m more concerned about what “our audience” DOESN’T know or, more likely, doesn’t WANT to know.
A loyal Graud minion has trumped Monbiot with a letter suggesting not merely the introduction of wolves but the elimination of sheep. And that’s OK because “(i)t was the introduction of sheep that led to the horrors of the Scottish Highland clearances”. So, following that logic, we can repopulate the Highlands with actual people again? No, I didn’t think so!
You know those novels where there are four or five stories going on at the same time ?
You just start to get interested in one thread and think you’ve got your head round it and then – BAM!
..the chapter ends and you pick up another thread…..
I hate those type of books.
Yes indeed, the whole world must act immediately to combat the devastating effects of strange mysterious climate vibration. This commands us to sadly deprive all services of funding to invest in complex scientific gizmos beyond the understanding of the public. We must also herd the public into more effectively protective conditions to save the planet. Those unwilling to accept these necessary measures will have to be …. discouraged.
Graham Linehan was denied a stage for his show and so gave the show outside. The response of the cowardly Leith Arches which cancelled him is hugely revealing:
“We work very closely with the LGBT+ community, it is a considerable part of our revenue, we believe hosting this one-off show would have a negative effect on our future bookings.”
A considerable part of their revenue indeed!
And how much influence does this mysterious LGBT+ community have over future bookings?
“We have made the decision to cancel this show as we are an inclusive venue and this does not align with our overall values,”
A quote from Leith Arches, the original venue.
We’re so inclusive that we exclude anybody we don’t agree with.
This is the same level of intelligence displayed by the US army in Viet Nam: “In order to save the village it was necessary to destroy it”
Or, indeed, the same level of intelligence required to believe that a man can become a woman by the power of imagination.
Life is all about revenue. There is nothing else on this planet than revenue. Revenue is what makes the world go around. Revenue is what attracts women to a man. I thought you knew that George.
Well that explains my zero sex life.
Shame, were you bottled short as an intern tit, one is being to wonder when the roll of wallpaper print will run out. Personally I painted my copy of boyo’s tapestry Norman Conquest at eight and used two wooden rolling pins.,
try harder, CIA disinfo bot.
The man doesn’t understand simple transistion below zero either. Possibly the fools swollen prostrate is eased while sat on Uranus.
one might think that your head is up your anus, but of course you have neither, being merely a CIA disinfo bot, and a particularly stupid one.
I heard that the ‘new ISIS’ will be wearing rainbow headscarfs, so as to make sure they don’t offend the trans activists.
A cartoon in the Graud is the most obnoxiously blatant propaganda yet. Two people, one looks into a crystal ball and says, “The crystal ball predicts a great rise. Nothing here about your pay though.” The crystal ball is labelled “covid cases”.
Note how slickly this deflects from scrutinising covid to directing anger at wages.
It’s always most unbearable when it’s a cartoon I.e. something that’s suppose to be smart and “sassy”. So this is preparing us for more covid. And the “comments” underneath are as excruciating as the cartoon, all following the leader.
ISIS is a beacon for poor clueless sociopaths, enabled by the 0.01% well funded twisted sociopaths.
Sociopaths are so thick that they need extreme violence to feel anything; twisted too because extreme sports wouldn’t hurt others.
police raided a terror-suspects home and found an ISIS flag
there must be stockpiles of these flags at the Pentagon and BBC headquarters.
what is not certain, whether the BBC has finalised the design of the ISIS Rainbow flag yet.
never forget syrian danny and shimon elliot simon elliot never forget James Le Mesuriersas
greville janner lord mcalpine all spending time today in italy ukrainia black hole and israel satans son
as brian blessed said gordans alive
Gordon poetry ;0)
only one person can write like that.
Our gordon from 2020 era.
Oh yes Italia meditaration invest opportunity partically for gay care free 1890’s walzers rise of modern fascista and long road of explaining to dead beats our friends the Italian People are not black. Hopefully the babies amongst us have finally got the message. All that’s left is moronics taking away their living flats blocks homes and anything else they can get their hands around.
one might think that you’re moronic, but that would be giving you too much credit, because you’re really a CIA disinfo bot.
it’s your controllers that are morons. not to mention scumbags.
ISIS are back …
what? they lost interest in golf?
ISIS is a military security complex invention to keep you scared and funneling them money
I do miss escaping the fashion victims and going to see an old school portrait, or finding an ancient tree in a London park.
But remember that the pervert Charles II demolished Greenwhich Palace and several other gems… leaving a foul smell that his descendant has no desire to extinguish.
Dot Dash Dot…nope poo you stink MC the Axis tilt isn’t in London never was, it’s actually in the native Americas far away from Dot Time.
As far as you know by your obviously flying misperception weaved interior optimism. You appear to sow discord continually as a devision perhaps as a generational offspring. A lesson a Mod is 1940,….no no not early January 1941. We are the Europeans..
European CIA disinfo bots, that is.
I say take your cliché about Dr Johnson and tired of London and shove that up your arse.
And stop polluting the world with boom-box Millennial anti-music that blares through the night in every would-be civilised place.
You cant hold us down. We are everywhere. We have penetrated you. Its never gonna stop.
Living in London one feels an exogeic sense of inclusion – an active participation in the whole. Yet, at the same time, the sense of hanging by a thread, losing one’s livelihood, induces a terror.
This combination of existantial desire for inclusion, and the ever present fear of explusion, is what creates a psychopath, willing to serve anyone.
Never less than in journalism but of course among the perverts and spies.
Desperation: prior to a Dandy Depressionary Deluge of Debt: Defaulting in D.C. ?
Daily D’Notices: Downgraded by Fitch … deadly diminishing returns.
Look over there >>> DickDastardly Daesh Dropouts <<<
Disestablishmentarianism. Designating. Disaster.
& D.C. Digital Currency…
another CIA disinfo bot returns, after a long absence.
Morning, Slob Milosevic.
I see your recruitment problems have not resolved themselves. 😉
And your occasional intervention (as boss of the motley crew) with your Pro-Forma top-troll response, has become laughably stale & outdated. Give my regards to Reinefrecheit, Reinertorheit or Alex, whatever, that stooge of yours in Moscow calls himself today: U still a shill, for sure. No doubt you will be training them vociferously as to how to refute Climate Geo-engineering… love to Greta and your other lil’ girly crew members. Good luck trying to deny the obvious, regarding the weaponised weather worldwide and carry on in DENIAL of same ! Obviously you still believe
Denial is a river in Africa 🌍
Greetings from 🇩🇰
So, clearly you are working for some body of an open Societal nature where anything flies, including pigs and now, not just in Denial of Geo-Engineering,
also the timing of the changeover to Digital Currencies.
Were you intelligent enough and not shilling, you would actually be smart enough to realise a way how to distinguish what is an Automated Bot response, like yours could be and what is not…
This was always your problem Slob, being so much dumber than your own perceptions of your IQ level and wildly adrift from any reality, just to bolster & elevate yourself into the Realms of Unknowns, like Rumsfeld . Howsoever, you will have no choice but to accept that Geo-engineering is real in the end, like it or not: your bosses will then turn on you and ask you why you constantly accused somebody who is not a Bot, Of being a Bot… and your answer will be finally because you DGAF about anything-anything or any body, anymore, let alone so called ‘Climate Change’ : in fact, You remind me of Greta Thunberg, both equally ignorant, in total denial of the Abso’firkin’lutely bleedin’ obvious and soon to disappear ignominiously, forever… having made a complete idiot of yourself,
Proving your idiot nature, scientifically speaking. A pig’s ear…
Not really very fair on Pigs, who are smarter,
regarding scratched records 😂
Thanks Duck. This is BIG news and therefore off course nobody will notice it.
The world is controlled by 200 families who sits on $400 trillion and owns the public mind through Hollywood and MSM.
Pentagon behind the selected virus pandemics. Spread as threats and warnings to nations “to behave” and follow orders. To obtain global control. New “global” viruses to come.
Sitting on $400 trillion is tantamount to sitting atop a mound of dung. Somehow I don’t envy these 200 families.
You cannot make money from media – especially not alt. An aggregator, advertiser is a separate, distinct business – for example ZH.
I worked for 35 years in state and corporate media – they struggle, and they have millions of subscribers.
If an alt media outlet is healthy financially, let alone making a profit, it is either subsidised or controlled. Fact of life.
Anyone who is subsidised or paid has a nose ring.
The only independent journalists have small circulations and are poor.
To democratise, ameliorate the discussion, the State is simply too pervasive, too powerful today for any organisation to claim to be unpeturbed.
The only entity which can, temporarily and at his own risk, elope the State is the fool whose narcissism leads him to believe he has a chance of survival.
Hence why someone at OIf-G called me entitled.
Thank you for opening the discussion. Let’s have it – though I doubt we’ll see Off-G’s finances. Mine, for the record, are about $200 a month.
Oh dear, a Brussal sprouting convenience washroom, the hop skip and jump euro zone admission. Why did you feel the need to do that, seriously.
CIA disinfo bots can’t even spell “Brussels” correctly. poor little retarded bot, can’t get a real job, because it’s illiterate.
“The medium is the message” as Marshall McLuhan postulated in the 1960s , content is irrelevant , the advertizing is where the media alt. or mainstream make their money. The ads also give good cover to enormous propaganda efforts deployed by cooperative corporate and government entities .
And I dont know anyone who has made money racing either, but that doesn’t stop them from racing or the stop the people from watching them race.
Finally something in short it’s finance Sponsorship, how many decades did it take you to figure that out. After or before you were educated no doubt by said subsponsored Schooling Globe opportunistic reassurances.
poor little CIA disinfo bot is now severely brain-damaged. maybe it’s the COVID shots what done it.
ISIS is a tarnished brand but it is an ancient Egyptologist reference which the Babylonial cult kind of favour.
Meanwhile Maui’s immolation in Hawaii explains exactly what The Great Reset is all about.
But first: Unbelievable footage of how the fires in Maui carefully avoided billionaire propertie – along property lines that recall the enclosures in England.
And here’s what and why Maui Land Grab Explains The Great Reset
Daily Mail UK: Red-roofed house inexplicably left nearly untouched on Maui coast surrounded by burned out rubble and destroyed properties
Blood splashed over the doorways?
Yeah, who does the “little red house” belong to, seeing as surrounding properties were incinerated to rubble…hhmmm.
The surrounding houses were made of wood obviously, just like Hiroshima.
Write the letters ISIS on top of each other and you get the dollar sign. Also, why the pyramid and eagle on the dollar bill…? The Romans appropriated Egyptian symbology, just as Greek theatre, Native American democracy, etc., was incorporated into other cultures.
very scarey indeed indeed.
some of my friends are very jewish and all i can say is we are all very concerned about these new developments.
just because isis said sorry when they fired into israel and shot an innocent goat does not mean they are not anti semites.
as arthur koestler said in the book the 13th tribe and eustace mullins anthony sutton said
its a funny old zion world
oded yinon is a big idea not forgetting new khazria
tally ho yahoo
Well, they will be aware America is coming up on two hundred and fifty years regarding its Historical significance. Or are people going to mask over that losing themselves over cultural hate mongering and blame gaming like uneducated juvenile delinquent five year olds. You’ve got Five Uncles & Five Aunties and Ten Fish Fingers…so far you tell your friends everything is coming along fine us Limey Centurians are here to help in any way mission impossible. ☺
illiterate CIA disinfo bot dares to speak of “uneducated”.
bringing ISIS to life wouldn’t be complete without resurrecting the White Helmets.
bring the White Helmets into the spotlight again and award them the Nobel Prize for their achievements in fighting Climate Change!!
1980 The Climate Changed. Lol! Funny.
you can’t laugh, you’re a CIA disinfo bot.
If there’s one thing that brings a suicide bomber to a shuddering halt in his feverish zeal it’s the prospect of chills, aches and a cough
Literally lol at that one. Perfect!!
Most bombers are covid safe and be tested pre going out on there suicide bombers mission.
Good article. The ‘terrorist’ issue that was used to make us cower and submit to all kinds of horrible restrictions and legislation miraculously vanished…including those ‘White Helmets’ who were celebratedin Hollywood and in the media.
There’s no level of bad taste to which this lot will not sink. In the case of the ‘White Helmets’ the Oscar should go to……………
‘The British Foreign Office,’
Yea lol! Syria whatever in notebook Webster for dummies above a chip shop sat under a mobile Marble Arch. And you are where abouts the Worlds hub for air travel.
Sometimes the feeling is the Web is for One year olds, can’t make my mind up if their own stupidity reliance is on Total denial or they are just plain dumb.
if you didn’t rely on stupidity, you’d have nothing, CIA disinfo bot.
I don’t fear iSIS, CC or Covid but I do fear my government and the WHO/WEF parasites..
Should we really fear institutions that have lost all trust? Once people retract their belief in something, its solid physical form begins to wane.
They had their own currency?!…kinda warming to those guys.
It was supposedly gold-backed, too!
ISIS; Israeli Secret Intelligence Services.
Yeah – because the real world works like that. You create a secret identity for yourself and then accidentally give it an acronym of your own name.
Stupid comes in a lot of different packages but it always looks the same in the end.
That’s a rather odd and slightly rude reaction to what may just be flippancy 🤔
There is always a drive here to go back to pre-Covid times. Is ‘Israel’ behind ISIS – that entity who so obliging downed tools during Covid? We can’t forget the globalist machine – that man behind the curtain exposed so transparently during Covid. If globalism is half as developed as we think then this conversation is out of date. THAT is the point Sophie is making.
There are valid questions to be asked, and resetting back to a pre-great reset mindset doesn’t ask those questions.
This isn’t 20th geopolitics, is it? Every single sovereign ‘leader’ had the same script written for them in 2020 BY SOMEONE, and they all read it out obediently.
I don’t see people pointing that out enough nowadays.
Agreed in 2006 in UN between almost all countries. Global emergency preparedness test to be carried out.
Can be found well hidden in the document pile behind UN home page. Gro Brundtland ex Norway PM Chairman for the Committee.
It takes a lot of time to prepare, organise and roll out a global act like this one.
You guys will see it fits in with the globalist simulation meetings in 2018 and 2019.
If people have this root inside their heads, the rest is easy.
Kinda of agree with you, which are words I can’t believe I typed either.
Lockstep happened.
All other Punch and Judy geopolitics ceased. All, apparently, military deployments halted. As those resources were redirected at it’s citizenry. If this is incorrect I’d appreciate knowing how/where.
Here’s the “kinda”. The Rockefeller Lockstep, was part Authored, apparently, by Peter Schwartz, a Hungarian Jew, his previous books have some interesting topics,not read any. Is anyone aware of the rest of the Author’s of Lockstep? Anyway, Yuval Noah Harari has also written much that the WEF follows. It’s things like that that keep people pointing fingers.
But it’s not a Zionist Ashkenazi only caper. Too many, seemingly, conflicting interests aligned. Unless they too were just a show also, which is highly likely.
It’s no doubt far more complex, intentionally, than that. But Lockdown did make a few understand how Palestinians might feel.
It’s great we agree in part. As you say, “too many, seemingly, conflicting interests aligned” for us to point fingers at any one ethnic group. That’d be just as simplistic as using outdated, 20th C geopolitics for our analyses.
Its because the claim is an obvious lie.
ISIS were seen paid and supported by Turkey, US and UK. Sure Israel was a helper, like many other “Allies” but they were not the main culprit.
OffG has been pointing out for quite some time that the globalists were openly telling everyone what they had planned.
So why, then, is it “stupid” to suggest that Israeli Intelligence is doing the same thing: telling everyone they’re behind ISIS?
As has been stated by Erik, Isis was clearly an entity backed by many NATO countries. To say it was just Israel is quite ignorant of facts, really. Post-covid especially so.
Not sure if the stupid remark is aimed at the commenter, but – and this is just a suggestion – let’s keep in mind that Israel is a country with a government.
Just like the USA, Great Britain, France, Russia, China et al.
Israel is a country. It is not a religion. Israel is not “Jewish”. So when someone criticizes, or makes a joke or an aside about Israel, they are not necessarily referring to the Jewish religion. They are, perhaps, referring to the government of Israel, which some believe is as duplicitous and corrupt as every other government on the face of the earth? Nothing to do with the Jewish religion.
You think we have a Flapper door entering leaving each County security principle.
What the HELL do you mean by singaling out “Great Britian” we take That as Britian and Wales you historical freak! Part of our FOUR Nations. One Thousand and Fifty bloody YEARS!
Are you a World Traveller, ARE YOU? Where do you live..what Country? WE are Allies of the United States of America.
Jeez are you that Thick! We all including the State of Israel keep YOU SAFE!
God Bless
if you weren’t a CIA disinfo bot, you’d be a drooling moron.
Wow that took you nearly 40 minutes to respond
were you having a lie-in? Sam on holiday?
how about having two buttons: one for most upvoted comments, and one for ‘most downvoted’ comments.
that is fair, isn’t it? it could become an Internet Trend!
That would sure make it easier for me. I wouldn’t have to accidentally read upvoted comments to get to the good ones – the downvoted ones.
If people don’t like something, it must have hit a sore spot. That’s always a good thing: keeps people from settling into a comfortable smugness.
“I wouldn’t have to accidentally read upvoted comments”
Heaven forbid you might be exposed to an opinion that differs from your own, eh?
“If people don’t like something, it must have hit a sore spot. That’s always a good thing: keeps people from settling into a comfortable smugness.“
I refer you to your previous sentence LOL
The problem is, simply stated, that far too many of the upvoted comments are pedestrian and merely re-state what almost everyone on this forum already “knows” to be true. So literally it isn’t necessary to read them.
If there were a way to make the up/down vote tally something like Braille, then one could simply touch how many up or down votes a given comment received. And then one could pull a clairvoyant out of his hat (or ass) and read – almost word for word – what the upvoted comment had to say. Without even looking at it.
This is why I look forward to “Jeff the Beast’s” comments: I never know for sure what he’ll say.
Stu, careful he might bump off his bag of hammers Harley and go ryyyedun., around the Village Green.
We don’t want him attempting a Steve McQueen in Great Escape…Cooler Howie….think of Mary’s soft balls in the basement and moth balls in the Attic.
maybe moth balls in the attic would improve your performance, CIA disinfo bot. you’re certainly dumber than a bag of hammers.
Yea you can blame away at the whole World under World Reserve currency in Maryland how gen of you. Frump. How many Thumbs do you want ..8 billion. I can donate both Tom Thumbs and Uncle Joes big Toes…to suck on.
you’ve clearly been sucking on something, CIA disinfo bot.
Hi Sophie
Is my comment from hours ago really still pending? I can see it right now but it has PENDING beside my name and no up/down vote or reply capability.
My comment was in no way contraversial, dismissive, insulting, deragatory.
Is it really still pending?
If you mentioned the “unmentionables” by name, or even alluded to them, you have to pay your dues in the sin bin.
If you want to know who rules over you etc. etc.
No, all set and sorted out.
I don’t mind the pending – I’m not that important – but it seemed a rather long one for a comment that was not derogatory.
That’d be Russia then, judging by how many old leftie/commie vocal antisemites there appear to be on these pages. (That’s separate from the standard anti-zionist pov btw)
It’s all a carefully-curated illusion, you understand. Hardly anyone here is real. 😉
Your rushed replies are barely coherent Sam
It’s not Russia that puts any and all comments mentioning a certain race/religion/middle eastern country in to “pending”, is it?
Because we don’t have an issue with hateful Russophobia on these pages, compadre.
Sorry if you didn’t understand. A2
How very “alternative” of you
I think we are pretty ‘alternative’, but opinions differ naturally. I’m not sure you really appreciate the task of moderating a place such as this. We have a very clear comment policy, which you’re free to read. We’ve always abided by it, we run things no different now than we used to, and we’ve always allowed a range of views an airing, even very extreme views provided they aren’t overtly hateful. In fact, in terms of left-of-centre alt. news comment forums, we’re one of the most tolerant out there. If you disagree, by all means link to your preferred comment forum and our team can have a look. We can always learn new things. Thanks for you comment, A2
We are standing in the middle of a full spectrum global dominance WWIII which will enslave the entire globe.
And you girly guys are butthurt being on a pending list a few hours?!
Did you know they are factory mass producing human robots in East to take over certain tasks from humans?
It comes as a complete surprise surprise surprise. It must be somebody else,
the Chinese, the Africans, India, it cant impossible be us??
The moment the sheeple discovered they were the target. 😴 😴 😵 😮 😲
Perhaps you did not read my reply.
I am by no means hurt, butt or otherwise, by being pended. As I said, I am not that important and what I comment is not that important.
What I think is very very important is not to confuse having issues/opinions about the country of Israel with being anti the Jewish religion as does happen more often than not.. (I am aware this might be pended ,but OK)
Personally, I have no issue with any religion. I do have issues with governments of many countries. Israel being one of them.
My comments being pended are not important but being able to speak freely without it being misconstrued or labeled is.
You don’t usually go into pending, do you? Thanks for you messages. A2
No, Sam, I do not get pended as a rule.
And, again, I have no issue with pending. On another site that I read and occasionally comment on people are pended as a rule of thumb before the comment even gets posted.
I am just very sensitive of late to the universal “anti-semite” label when expressing displeasure with the country of Israel. I thinks it’s disengenuous, false and dangerous. (Not saying that Offg labels as such, just that in general. out there in the world, it seems to be the default)
I hope I appreciate your responsibility and I think I understand your position with regard to this issue.
Thank you for addressing it.
I did. But contrary to you I try to be neutral and general in regard to the subject we talk about.
So I am challenging a general stream of butthurt people who think their personal opinion is personal and promotion not only here on Off-G but in general, on faecesbook, twitter, you name it.
Its an universal rule materialised in basic gramma, because we dont know each other in public. Thus we can only approach each other in a neutral language around and about a subject.
For example, people criticise doos in general because of a variation of connections to evil.
But when you scratch the surface other reasons pop up. You can say Zionism as an ideology makes evil which can be a true statement, you can say the Israeli State makes evil decisions or acts which will can a true statement. This is neutral and general and directed to a subject.
You can criticise as person’s single act as evil, but you cannot judge the whole person as evil on the basis of a single act before a judge has been through all circumstances. We are not judges of other people.
Thus any claims about doos will be a false racist statement.
Also there is no such thing as “my opinion”. Either we give in some valuable knowledge to our civilisation in exchange for some valuable knowledge back, or we masturbate and waste our and other people’s time. All the best to you from me..
Well said.
Admins my comments too are on the naughty step, for a while too, which is mostly normal. I’ve not broken any rules.
Yesterday, I witnessed a new feature. It went to spam according to the screen alert and disappeared, wasn’t visible as a pending comment, even one that had been posted disappeared, for it to reappear later. It’s like being back on purple ohm’s. How much do I owe ya?
And I’d seen that comment by Admin Sam about someone posting 30 comments in bot like speed. Not having a hissy fit. Just asking.
You have broken rules, I’m afraid. You sabotaged our comment tree, removing your comments and ruining fellow commenters’ messages by making them completely incoherent. You have threatened to do it again since. You also post very abusive and hateful stuff sometimes. However, you’re still welcome to comment here. A2
Not broken any rules lately. Fixed it.
Hey, they were incoherent before I deleted. But I did delete as it was an option, alas no more. Hateful & abusive hmmm yes I can be a prick to certain types has caused all sorts of nonsense irl boo hoo. But I’m being straight and can also adjust and apologies if mistaken.
But mostly guilty as charged.
I expect to be called out if talking shite and others should too.
As we’re chasing dark entities here. Well, that’s what I perceive, rightly or wrongly. We’re fighting for more than pleasantries.
While admin appreciates your reassurances that you have ‘fixed it’, Admin also has a responsibility to protect this community and the comments it makes, and do whatever is necessary and reasonable to that end, including monitoring people who tamper with the site. If people take time out of their day to comment here it’s the least Admin can do to take our job seriously, which is what we do and that’s never going to change. A2
You’ve deleted some of your comments and said some spiteful things to myself, and not only to me, too.
Clashes are part of the landscape.
Then get over it already. 😅
The reason you’re monitored is because you vandalised the site, nothing to do with anything ‘spiteful’ anyone has said.
The “Well said” to Mr Nielsen was sarcasm, anyway 🤐
Now now, there’s that Usury Suspects thing again tut tut. Everyone knows that it’s perfectly normal to suck a foreskin that’s just been removed from an infant. It’s not a traumatising ritual. It’s tradition.
Why does ISIS kill Muslims but never approach the borders of…..erm them?
Its obvious you are a self hating doo living in NYC who wish to destroy America.
Who can do a better job than they are doing themselves?
Yes, lots of self contradictory or incorrect messages from you tonight. Don’t worry, the sleep fairy will soon come.
A prelude to the imminent release of the deadly COVIDISIS weerus perhaps 🤔?
lol nice1 Off-G
ISIS, Schmisis. Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Blah.
the dude with the knife above thats a girl from hereford
who dares wins
sas trans lioness
” ISIS always staying true to their Toyota affiliation”
Not always. ISIS (the CIA’s “Islamic Sidekick in Syria”) were also sent Humvees from Detroit, true to their U$ affiliations. Thousands of brand new Toyotas from Japan were sent to ISIS via Australia after being “lost” in the Wonderful Land of Oz. But some ISIS Toyotas were made in Detroit and arrived from Detroit along with the Humvees.
I$I$ = Made in U$A. The U$ $trongarm gang in Africa (AfriCom) says they are there to protect Africa against I$I$. Remarkably, I$I$ is never more vicious than in those countries where the U$ army has a stronghold to protect that country against I$I$ — like in Syria.
“The insurance business of Djin Lee began to prosper when it was noticed that, although the purchase of insurance was no guarantee that the house would never burn down, a house that did not buy insurance would soon start burning.” — Ernest Bramah, The Wallet of Kai Lung.
Yep, it’s just the newest incarnation of “Al-Qaeda”
“Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally “the database”, was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.“
Poor old Robin Cook, he showed himself to be the only man in Parliament with a shred of integrity by resigning his cabinet position after the 2003 US invasion of Iraq.
He “died suddenly” less than a month after this piece was published, no doubt as a warning to any other politician contemplating speaking out against the “War on Terror”.
God Bless.
Just to clarify, I don’t agree with Robin that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were a “miscalculation”
But he wrote this back in 2005 (it seems a lifetime ago) and we had little idea then of the extent of the corruption and Evil pervading our institutions.
Whatever happened to suicide bombers?
They tend to be a self-limiting population.
Perhaps they’re looking for something more “sustainable”- wounded bombers maybe or post stress disorder bombers, then there’s also long covid bombers for a more up to date flavour.
What colour had George Washington’s white horse? We are too intelliget in this forum for that kine of questions!.
They’re a dying breed.
Can the USA afford to finance the UkoNAZIs and ISIS at the same time? Think of the inflationary pressure on the dollar as the Fed is gearing up the presses. And they insist on Nikes and white Toyota pick-ups for getting around. The latter is bad for the balance of payments. While ISIS cannot compare with the head chopping proclivities of our former ally, the Saudi Royal Family, at least the later never, to the best of my knowledge, dined on human livers. Maybe the Saudis sold their direct to Langley satellite phones to ISIS. Seems like a natural trade.
Since the madness, I find it very hard not to laugh when I see a mask…
By the way, this little party pooper might need looking at:
Okay, it’s the Jimmy Dore show, but he stays in touch with some actual human beings.
I’d appreciate the views of people better versed in mRNA science than I am – especially in light of the fact that Iceland has a dubious new head of infectious diseases.
She got a degree from Columbia University, but was the only applicant for the job.
Today she has been rabbiting on about covid being back and that people need “the PCR test” again, but mercifully, the evening news on TV skipped that item…
There’s two WOMEN in Britain rabbiting similar claptrap – ‘academic’ ‘researchers’. One of maths (SAGE member) and one primary healthcare. ‘It’s time to mask up again’ is their BS.
I think it’s time for a petition calling for those two women to be sacked for gross professional misconduct – lying to order like cowardly politicians, when their salaries require them to conduct rigorous enquiry.
What Covid does teach everyone is that the endless feminist mantras are proven false – women lie for money, status and power just like men; their lies are so brazen as to be beyond pathetic; and that locking up women is just as necessary for the safety of society as is ‘locking up dangerous men’.
UCL and Oxford – two new pantheons of anti-academic authoritarianism – being powered by corrupt and mindless WOMEN.
“I think it’s time for a petition calling for those two women to be sacked for gross professional misconduct – lying to order like cowardly politicians, when their salaries require them to conduct rigorous enquiry.”
It is not their salaries that “require them to conduct rigorous enquiry” — it’s their academic standards.
“Bad money drives out the good” — Gresham’s Law. Same applies to counterfeit academics.
Long before Operation Covid, the political leaders of UK and US alone exposed the reality of “feminism”.
One thing Feminist’s fail to mention or seek “equality” in. Is that if a Woman commits the same crime as a Man, the custodial sentences are many many times shorter than Men’.. That oppressive Patriarchy strikes agaaaain.
Can’t think of many Petition’s that have been successful. Maybe someone can provide one. Isn’t it akin to “This time I’m going to vote even HARDER,so there!!”?
The Poll Tax riot’s however..
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Try it out!
Why didn’t you add nitter for twitter and teddit for reddit, just to complete the package? 😉
Although I must say the whole “shedding” thing is overstated it makes it sound like this supposed “mnra vaccine” is spreading through the air, and I believe that it’s probably an inverted psyop.
Yep. Always seemed like it was created to instill fear and further division on the other side of the needle
Thanks for the input.
What led me to take this more seriously was the reaction of McCullough, who has always come across as a genuine scientist, clearly appalled, like most of us here, by recent developments.
Australia’s ‘Go To’ epidemiologist just died from a brain tumour.
Coincidence ?
They’ll never say.
PCR = Pointless Crappy Rubbish.
Kary Mullis’s Nobel-winning invention has been abused and mislabelled enough.
He said himself that the Polymerase Chain Reaction is NOT a test, and it cannot tell you anything at all about whether you are sick.
It is an amplification process, which, in his words, “takes a teeny-tiny little amount of something and gives you a whole lot of that something” in order to facilitate studying that something at a molecular level.
He also said that if you run the process at too high a level of cycles (which was done during the pain-in-the-arse-demic), “you can find anything in anybody.”
I believe one of the now-deceased Africa leaders who made fun of the panicdemic said that he had deliberately misused the PCR process to ‘test’ a CocaCola can for covid, and it came out positive!
Your description of PCR is a real injustice to Kary Mullis, whose invention genuinely facilitates the study of the things it was designed to study.
It is far from pointless, it is far from crappy and it is far from rubbish.
It is our politicians, our media and our medical hacks who are the “pointless, crappy rubbish”.
They don’t even know what PCR stands for – ask them.
It was a joke, dude.
I’d be skeptical about the shedding in regard to non-close contact (ie airborne_ – if any. The 75 years Pfizer docs ban – now miraculously revealed – could have been a PSYOPS itself. That said, I’d avoid the recently vaxxed just in case. Thankfully, most of my vaccinated friends no longer speak to me, so that made it easy.
Remember when elite universities like Columbia, Yale, Harvard, etc. were revered institutions? They’ve gone the way of the Nobel prize.
That’s certainly true, but Kary Mullis was still a brilliant scientist – unafraid to be different and to speak his mind.
Just the sort of person the ‘establishment’ hates.
If you’re not well versed in mRNA science, then you’re in good company: nobody on Earth is. Nobody has to be. The horse & buggy days of actually doing some research before bringing snake oil to market are long gone. They play it deuces wild now.
mRNA science is obsolete.
Nanobot and Smartdust science is the new feature among top intelligent Off-G commentator section writers.
A funny ha ha, or a laugh of pity?
A nervous laugh, like when you meet your first ever lunatic…
On second thoughts, it’s the same laugh as when you see John Cleese’s contribution to the “Ministry of Silly Walks”.
Off topic:
Does anyone know what’s happening with the Brownstone site?
Seems to be ‘frozen’.
The site is fine here. Could be your own comput.
Thanks Erik
Speaking of them, here’s an excellent recent article:
What If There Had Been No Covid Coup?
“Public health guidelines
Before Covid, the guidelines for dealing with a new outbreak of a flu-like virus were clear:
This was the approach used in all previous epidemics and pandemics. The guidelines are detailed in the planning documents of the WHO, HHS, and EU countries.
When the military and national security agencies took over the response, these guidelines were replaced by a biowarfare paradigm: Quarantine until vaccine. In other words, keep everyone locked down while rapidly developing medical countermeasures. This is a response intended to counter biowarfare and bioterrorism attacks. It is not a public health response and is, in fact, in direct conflict with the scientific and ethical underpinnings of established public health principles.
Had we adhered to the public health protocols that were initially followed in the early months of 2020, life in the United States and around the world would have looked like life in Sweden during the pandemic, with even less panic: no masks, no school closures, no lockdowns, very low excess deaths.”
Time to bring in the big guns!
The Mission Impossible team to destroy ‘ISIS’
The Oppenheimer crew to wreck those pesky Russians.
The Marvel heroes to conquer ‘Covid’.
After all, it’s no more fanciful than their TIDAL WAVES OF BULLSHIT.
I vote for D for distraction.
Thailand’s Pheu Thai Party pledges to give citizens digital currency handout with 6-month expiry date, must be spent within 4km of home
They are testing the waters. The Thai people can still vote yes or no.
Thanks for that link. As predicted, UBI that comes in a programmable and time-limited form. What’s not to like?
Sorry, misread, it appears to be a one-off payment, not UBI as such.
They aren’t “bringing back” the war OF terror and anyone who thinks so doesn’t really understand what the war OF terror is. It’s a forever war, one that can never end. We knew and were saying this almost 20 years ago, that it would never end. It is all around us all the time and has been ingrained at every level of government. All of the measures, laws, organizations (Homeland Security, Patriot Act, etc.) that were put in place are still there and more are added every day in one way or another. It goes hand in hand with the totalitarian police state encircling our lives. Every police department in the U.S. has terrorism related rules, regulations and programs and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that was created after the “new Pearl Harbor” is the umbrella organization that can direct all military and police organizations from the top down, essentially making your local cop shop a DHS asset. Why are they “emphasizing” it now might be a better question and the obvious answer is the ISIS creation is very useful in justifying and carrying out their global madness.
James Bovard in a book called The Bush Betrayal really cleared that up for me, in regards The Patriot Act.
Some, more cynical (observant types) used to say of the British Empire, “What’s the point of having an Empire if your not going to use it” Too much has gone into the War on Terror or is that Terra, land, our world itself?
If they are doing rerun’s, I agree with the writer. It’s desperation. Why go to all that 911 and subsequent invasions and supposed reactions to it, if it wasn’t to re traumatise the herd at some future date. Re runs. Which means they’re scared and have underestimated people’s discernment, one hopes.
Perhaps such an entity can’t get scared or “desperate” as some others are saying because that’s really what it is, an entity. It just keeps going.
Sincerely, didn’t expect you to say that. Yeah an entity can’t be taken off the table, can it? Just soo many plates spinning at the same time. What could do that?
Lies only work short term. They are difficult to maintain, because you have constantly to invent new lies to cover them up.
At some point the pile of lies will be so big you cant hide them anymore.
Not only the lies but also you will want to get out of the bad situation. You wanna go clean.
And we have a Great Reset, which is just a new lie to start up with in the new cleaned house. The old lies now are back in 9/11 2001.
The old boss is dead, welcome to the new clean boss. The same as the old boss. We wont get fooled again.
Altough you are completly right my friend, it does feel like they are just throwing everything from the old gag box onto the wall at the same time and see which metaphorical shite laden sex toy sticks in order to see how many unsuspecting plebs get impaled on them.
Which as tragic as it is, is also a bit funny.
Rosa Brooks’ book How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything pretty much sums up the incremental closing down of governmental departments and the rest being handed over to defense department.
Increasingly desperate, deceptive and dangerous mRNA bioweapons mass murderers do increasingly desperate, deceptive and dangerous things – until they become identified, arrested, prosecuted, and – when found 100% guilty of the most brutal/ruthless premeditated mass murder crime spree in world history – sentenced with the appropriate punishment(s).
When in history have global mass murderers and their behind-the-scenes handlers ever been prosecuted and imprisoned?
Noahs Arch and the Flood. All evilness died in ME except Noah.
Sodom and Gomorrah. Burned to death.
Babylon 539 BC, Cyrus invaded the Great Empire Babylon and God made human communication nil to destroy the city’s evilness.
Fire of the Great Empire Rome its capital 64 AD, 71% of Rome destroyed (10 out of evil 14 districts).
Around 900AD the Great Russian prince Igor defeated the Khazar army and took their capital Kaganate and eliminated the parasitic usurious Elite of the evil Khazar state. The Rus performed sacred revenge by destroying the Khazar “snake”.
Black Death in Europe 1348-1350, between 75-200 mio evil people died.
The French revolution 1788, The evil King Luis XIV + 10 000 French charlatans got their evil heads cut off by the guillotine.
LOL……how can a factual list create 5 sour thumbs. Beavis and Butthead butthurt.
The French revolution like all the other big ones was bankster financed.
Meaning ISIS never existed in real life?
“It was only a fantasy, the wall was too high, as you can see.
No matter how he tried, he could not break free, and the worms ate into his brain.
Like the moon landing. The Clima, The CO2 bs.The virus. The gold price raise but never raise.
MSM was driving us around in a dark bus with dark closed curtains, while worms were eating our brains. I cant believe it.
Welldone Off G for catching up (eventually).
Many of your colleagues in the game still believe the terrorist attacks are real.
I have been thinking..what if the Ukraine war is only a media show. In real time nothing happen in Ukraine? What about that??
As usual Kit, top artical and conclusions!
The ISIS junta itself or SAS forces plus US rangers wearing lovely drapings
and coverings. A mix and match probably.
“Junta” – havent seen that in print for yonks…Then a “military junta” usurps control Niger…and we know straight away they’re not USA-supported because USA-supported coup military coupers are never labelled “Junta”…
The Lame Stream Media’s Weapons of Mass Distraction To Do List:
1. Covid 1984 — check
2. ¢limat€ ¢hang€ — check
3. War On T£rror — check
Spin. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
And ( by it’s very design) never defeat.
Think the War on drugs and information War are similar too.
“The War was never meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous” – Orwell/Blair
Covid19 – proven to be the biggest hoax in history, caused the terminal loss of trust and respect in doctors, the majority of whom blethered Establishment BS to retain their false status, salaries and power.
£100k+ for GPs who refuse to do a home visit for an 88 year old lady, and then refer their death to the Coroner’s Office ‘because no GP visit had occurred in the past 3 months’. That sort of thing. Oh, and charge ash cash to the funeral director as well. Why does a GP who doesn’t visit need ash cash? They are paid to pronounce death and sign death certificates as part of their £100k salary. They don’t need death bonuses on the side.
‘Climate Change’ – lost all credibility with ‘Global Boiling’ spouted by a UN politician with no scientific credibility whatsoever. 1600 Scientists sign petition saying ‘There is no climate crisis’:
More and more people refuse to watch the BBC because of their claptrap, fewer and fewer people read the MSM because of their lying propaganda.
‘War on Terror’ – the biggest global terrorists are Western Governments, particularly the US Government. Although the salivating UK Parliamentarians and Security Services just LERVE displaying their cowardice, their murderous psychopathy, their obedience to American genocidalists.
The Americans are waking up: $100bn+ for the Ukraine scam; nothing to those in Maui who were the victims of climate warfare.
Bill Gates’ dream: carbon credits for billionaires who buy up farmland to turn into forests, so they can keep on flying by executive jet around the world. 15 minute lock up cities for the plebs, not allowed to even drive their cars.
It’s not philanthropy, it’s ‘I own the world and you can’t stop me’ unaccountable dictatorship.
How many people does Bill Gates have to murder, organise the murder of, invest in the murder of, before violence can be committed against him, eh?
Mustn’t talk about violence against poor little Billy, must we?
Billy keeps VERY quiet about his own violence, because that’s the way that violence works. You can kill as many as you like if you have money, but you must never crow about it.
Crowing or not, the dead remain very dead after coming under his regime.
“How many people does Bill Gates have to murder, organise the murder of, invest in the murder of, before Justice can be arraigned against him?”.
I read during Con-19 that Bill&Melinda Inc had damaged so many Indian girls with their vaccine that they were no longer popular in India. But neither violence nor Justice were deployed against Lord & Lady Vaxx of NanoSoft.
It’s been long understood that in order to seize control of a region, the first thing you do is eliminate military age males, which, at 400,000 and counting, is coming along nicely in Ukraine. Is Putin secretly aiding in this effort for the transnationals to “vulturize” the nation? Parse out southern Ukraine for Igor Berkut’s Heavenly Jerusalem Project?
It surely looks like so. A deal is a deal in these circles yes?
ISIS was self isolating actually as ovid scared them.
Rest assured the bomb now being deployed are green and carbon neutral by 2030.
There still be wearing the masks though! which Is a positive note as I dont see the pseudy Christian conservative media which is mainly funded by the elephant in the room screaming ‘burka’ bhurka wearing Is evil’ like they did pre covid world.
As ISIS has now updated its recruitment policy, it now takes on transgender people but only if there moslem…
Maybe they’ve improved the green screen tech.
Placeless, borderless, phony existential threats like terror and convid are the stuff of forever wars and global “mitigations”.
“why would they want to bring back “the war on terror” now?”
Obvious. “It’s all part of life’s rich tapestry”. What I mean by that is that in the background of all of our lives there has to be a multitude of constant threats against us that we need our governments to evervigilantly protect us against. To achieve this safety, we, the people, will give up everything to State control. They have established three main themes for this, namely health (Covid et al), climate change and terrorism. All three are promulgated on a daily basis by their barking dogs in the media. Today, somebody among them said we need to press the terrorism button, so a host of stories appear about ISIS.
Headline should read:
“ISIS are back…and this time it’s personal!”