The “Free-Speech Twitter” PSYOP
CJ Hopkins

It’s never a very enjoyable experience, facing the fact that you’ve been bamboozled. Realizing that you’ve fallen prey to an elaborate con, or PYSOP, is painful. It’s embarrassing. People feel ashamed. No one likes to see themselves as a sucker. It’s humiliating. It makes people angry. It makes them want to lash out at someone.
The funny thing is, it usually isn’t the person who conned them that they want to lash out at. Doing that would only make them feel more ashamed. No, typically, who people want to lash out at, when they finally realize that they’ve been bamboozled, are the people who didn’t get bamboozled along with them, and who tried to warn them that they were being bamboozled.
This phenomenon is occurring right now. I know this, because a certain sector of my readers are angrily unsubscribing from my Substack, and unfollowing me on Twitter, and so on. This happens more or less every time that people start to realize I was right about some PSYOP or con that I warned them about … Russiagate, Covid, and now “free-speech Twitter,” or “X,” or whatever we’re calling it today.
Yes, that’s right, the jig is up. The bloom is off the rose. The cat is out of the bag. The party is over. The thrill is gone. Folks are finally starting to realize that “free-speech Twitter” was an elaborate con (or a PSYOP, depending on how paranoid you are), and they’re none too happy about this realization.
So, they’re taking it out on blasphemers like me who tried to warn them about The Emperor Elonicus, and how the Twitter Files was a textbook limited hangout, and who pointed out how Musk shut it down as soon as it had served its purpose, and who referred to some of them as “Musk cultists,” and “suckers,” and who tweeted sarcastic Tweets like this…

But I’m not writing this column to whine about that. It’s part of human nature. I get it.
I’m writing this column because, maybe, now that folks are starting to face the fact that the whole “free-speech Twitter” thing was an elaborate con, or a trap, or a PSYOP, maybe, now, they can knock off the “Elon is our savior!” crap and try to pay attention to what is actually happening.
Here’s an example of what is actually happening…

Here’s a link to that Tweet with a recording of the Spaces thing. It’s Linda Yaccarino, X CEO, explaining how the new censorship system works. And here’s my favorite Yaccarino quote:
“Since acquisition, we have built brand-safety and content-moderation tools that have never before existed at this company. And we’ve introduced a new policy to [address?] your specific point about hate speech, called “Freedom of speech, not reach.”
What she’s talking about is the future of Internet censorship. Not the ham-fisted government-initiated censorship that people tend to think of when they think about censorship. Corporate censorship. “Free-market” censorship. What she’s talking about is the virtually imperceptible moment-by-moment manipulation of social-media content, search engine results, “reference” platforms like Wikipedia, everything most people see on the Internet. The corp-speak term is “visibility filtering.”
From now on, instead of being suspended or deplatformed — which is bad PR, and only draws more attention to the deplatformed party — dissident voices will be “deamplified.” We will be “free” to post whatever we like, but we will be talking to no one, in a digital void, which most people won’t even know exists. “Red/blue” culture-war mud-slinging content, and other such harmless entertainment that keeps the masses infuriated and at each other’s throats, will of course be allowed, and will be “amplified” and “monetized.” But any serious form of political dissent or deviation from official narratives will be labelled “hate speech,” “disinformation,” “malinformation,” or simply “unhealthy.” Corporations like X, Meta, Alphabet, and Tencent will decide what is “healthy.” They will do so with algorithms, but not only with algorithms.
Here’s Linda Yaccarino again, talking to CNBC this time …
“… X is committed to encouraging healthy behavior … 99.9% of all impressions are healthy … and we have an extraordinary team of people who are overseeing, hands on keyboards, monitoring, all day, every day, to make sure that that 99.9% of impressions remain at that number.”

I don’t know how much clearer she could make it. A team. Of people. Monitoring everything. Moment by moment. Every day. Not some badly-written algorithm. Not some secret cabal of mutinous Wokesters sabotaging Elon’s vision. Not the FBI. Not the CIA. Not the WEF. Not the Rothschilds. Just Twitter. Just X.
This isn’t one of my “conspiracy theories.” There is absolutely nothing secret about it. It’s all explained right here, and here, and here, and here, on the Twitter Safety blog.
Here’s one of the interstitial labels that Twitter might put on your “unhealthy” Tweet before they “deamplify” it into oblivion.

See! Twitter is, like, totally committed to transparency!
Of course, you have nothing to worry about if you are tweeting (or Xing?) “healthy” content. That “extraordinary Twitter-Safety team” that is monitoring everything “all day, every day,” would never “deamplify,” or “visibility-filter,” or otherwise censor political speech that isn’t “hate speech,” or … you know, use one of those interstitial labels to maliciously defame some troublesome author by deceiving people into thinking he was tweeting child pornography or graphic violent content, like bestiality, or necrophilia, or some other type of “age-restricted adult content,” as Twitter was doing to me until May of this year.
I’m just joking, of course. They’re going to keep doing that. Not to me anymore, not that way. (After I embarrassed Ella Irwin publicly, they removed the fake labels and just deamplified me.) But they are going to keep doing it to other people. And not just X. All the corporations. They are going to keep “visibility filtering,” and “deamplifying,” and vaporizing dissent, and there is currently nothing we can do about it.
Meanwhile, we (i.e., the “Free Speech Movement”) will be celebrating our “victory” over the bad apples in government who were forcing the poor, helpless global corporations to censor everyone until we took them to court and made them stop with our democratic rights! Then we’ll all live happily ever after!
I don’t mean to shit on my friends and colleagues who are fighting hard against government censorship. At least they’re actually achieving something, while I’m just sitting here running my mouth. And the fight against government censorship is important. It is vitally important. And it has to be fought. I support it wholeheartedly, and I applaud them for fighting it. But it isn’t going to change what’s happening.
What’s happening is, GloboCap, or Corporatism, or whatever you want to call the network of global corporations, governments, media, non-governmental governing entities, investment banks, global health authorities, academia, the culture industry, and other such entities that together comprise the decentralized system of power and ideology that is currently running the entire planet … whatever you want to call that, it’s going totalitarian.
It has been going totalitarian, more or less openly, for the better part of the last three years. I’ve been covering this transition for quite a while now, and I have reiterated my analysis in many of my essays, and I published a book about it, which is possibly going to get me sent to prison here in Germany, so I’m not going to rehash it all again here (which should come as a relief to my regular readers). If you’re new to my work, you can read the book, or my essays, which are all on my blog and my Substack.
For now, trust me, we are going totalitarian. That’s what all the “visibility filtering” is about. That’s what the “cancel culture” is about. That’s what all the mindless mass hysteria and the demonization and criminalization of dissent is about.
It’s what the “Free-Speech Twitter” PSYOP is about. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether Elon Musk even knows what he is doing. The system that he is an integral part of is evolving. Musk will help it evolve or he will be replaced by someone who will help it evolve. Musk, Yaccarino, Zuckerberg, Pichai, Gates, Klaus Schwab, Wang Zhonglin, or pick your evil mastermind! These people, notwithstanding their very real power, are just components of a system, a global system, a system that is evolving toward totalitarianism, because it doesn’t really have anything else to do.
I do not know how to stop this from happening, this evolution of global capitalism into a new form of totalitarianism, but one thing that occurs to me is, it might help matters if we slowed down a bit and tried to actually understand what is happening, like in the broader, historical, systemic sense, and maybe didn’t chomp down on every little piece of red-meat bait that gets dangled in our faces, and then whipped up into a frenzy over whatever the visibility-filtering team at Twitter, or X, or Meta, or Alphabet, or some other corporation, wants us whipped up over.
Oh, and, maybe, next time some self-aggrandizing global-capitalist military contractor comes riding into town like Billionaire Jesus to save us from his buddies in the proverbial Big Club — you know, the one that you ain’t in — maybe folks could take a moment and at least hear me out before they start prostrating themselves at his feet.

I’m not right about everything, of course, but I seem to be doing OK with this PSYOP stuff.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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Twitter has an army of employees to monitor its content 365/24, I don’t think that is even possible.
Are you sure Elon’s AI isn’t at play here?
Twitter or X would make great input for AI control.
Don’t miss or underestimate the X and AI connection.
Only a matter of time before they roll out the next fake hero and the slobbering cult worship will start all over again. Lather rinse repeat ad nauseam. People never learn.
“I do not know how to stop this from happening, this evolution of global capitalism into a new form of totalitarianism, but one thing that occurs to me is, it might help matters if we slowed down a bit and tried to actually understand what is happening,…..”
Yes, yes, but….
You cannot stop the evolution of the Beast, or Globocap in your words, it’s evolution. The Beast had already eaten everything it could, needs more, but the regular stuff it consumed is no more. Croatian tycoon ones said, business is like riding a bicycle, you must crank the pedals otherwise you fall.
Edward Curtin recently asked: Do people change?, and answered: rarely. I agree.
Chances increase considerably in a presence of a good catalyst like a powerful hit in a stomach, followed by a knee direct straight into face, followed by at least a few more moves which I leave to your badass imagination. Then, I think, when people will be down thoroughly, we have a narrow window of opportunity and we better use it before klaus or some other mf.
Until then, we who understand what is going on, can only stoically watch the performance of a tragedy. Naturally, screaming that the king is naked and understanding that after Shock&Awe (scamdemic&Ukraine) our reach has been reduced further.
Time-tested observations:
1) The rich shall rule over the poor, Proverbs 22:7a.
2) The borrower is servant to the lender, Proverbs 22:7b.
3) The fool (uneducated) shall be servant to the wise (educated), Proverbs 11:29b.
4) There is nothing new under the sun, Ecclesiastes 1:9.
Pro 22:7 The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.
Pro 11:29b the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.
Ecc 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Imagine caring about twitter LOL
Never liked his smell.
Elon Musk = Lone Skum
I think most of us know that if it feels too good to be true, it is. When suddenly a hero appears, that will just put everything in place, it’s a con. Simple as.
We won’t have a hero.
Either we, as a society, save ourselves or we’ll go down the drain.
I like their big hero to big zero slippery slope. Lather, rinse, repeat.
[August 15th overheard, “He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and holy is his Name.”]
But maybe that’s just me.
[BONNE ANNIVERSAIRE Numero 9-0 Monsieur Roman Polanski…]
~ Steve McQueen as “Papillon” in the old film, floating away from Devil’s Island in his DIY craft as the credits roll, “I’m still here, you bastards.” The original was no doubt in French. Sans doute.
Just quoting.
“reference” platforms like Wikipedia.
…are run by ISIS; Israeli Secret Intelligence Services.
Who names a company ” X “? It looks sinister and creepy.
If it looks sinister, walks like a snake, talks like a creep. What is it?
Elonicus the Mighty One
Who changes the International Herald Tribune to the International New York Times?
Maybe the proprietor?
because it is sinister and creepy
Eric Prince did about the same, rebranding Blackwater, but he really went crazy cool, with “Xe”
That pre-penultimate letter of the alphabet sure has got a lot of mileage in our times.
Will society ever tire, as
it did suddenly, without warning, with those old fin de millennium/siècle ’70s bell bottoms?
Don’t hold your breath, we may need another rap star.
Who said this: “I loved the product so much I bought the company”. Was it Mr Musk? “It’s the same company. Nothing’s changed, except I have called it X and improved the psyop”.
I think the LA 80s band should sue their balls off … WTF?
I think you mean Armand Hammer.
There was a mysterious ideological & socio-economic/political link etc. between “Arm & Hammer” Baking Soda and the world’s then premiere money-launderer, Armand Hammer.
His father, Dr. Julius Hammer, founded the NYC Communist Party over a century ago, when communism was still cool, and he was tight with Lenin & Stalin. As a tribute to his Red associates, he named his son Armand as a sort of pun on the Hammer & Sickle iconography of the USSR.
Apparently Hammer, fils (my ol’ man’s client at ecjlaw com, as a simply incredible but Fun Fact) got tired of explaining that, no, he had no connection, zero, to the iconic American brand baking soda, nor was it named after him, nor vice versa.
Still with us? So the Russian-born billionaire Hammer bought it, lock, stock, and hammer (and the flexed bicep of the logo, as “Arm, and”).and he could now say that, indeed, he owned it. Sort of a sophisticated über-capitalist prank and high concept play on words,.and their overlap with names?
Meanwhile, about that time frame, my father JWE, and “The Firm” bearing his (our) name, ecjlaw com, plied their corporate taxation magic, and persuaded the IRS, with charts & graphs in federal courts, to back off, keeping Hammer out of the Slammer, they had yearned for quite the wad he had never forked over to them, for his billions made in sweetheart deals and exclusive no-bid contracts with Joe Stalin during the 1930s, when Hammer, if I’m not mistaken, sold Stalin totally all his heavy land and farm equipment for the “Five Year Plans.”
It was about that time frame that my father (if only by the flesh) was assassinated, his death recounted in chptr. 10 of 2016’s “Master of the Mysteries” by LAT Pulitzer joint winner Sahagun as a “suicide…with a small caliber gun” while LAPD has had it logged 40 years as a “Cold Case” with a .38? (No wonder then that we have Conspiracy Hypothesists.)
It was at that time, give or take a few months, that the film Gorky Park, ’82, was in theatres, a tale about the only American, ever, who had import export rights with the Soviet Union throughout its history. In the novel by Martin Cruz Smith and the movie made of it, the only person that his villain Jack Osborne (Lee Marvin) matches in real-life annals of global money laundering would be, yep, Armand Hammer (a 33° Freemason & so-called Illuminati, to boot and to beat the band). None of this summoned any references or dot connections, since son and father had been long estranged since ’69 and I was out of the loop, a pretty good thing considering. (I was only very intrigued by the compelling Lee Marvin, who had a homeless daughter, Claudia who I used to spot daily around town in Laguna Beach, an artsy colony 50 miles south of the “studios” and the key southern target of Timothy Leary’s LSD psyops, a major covert perp who was hanging out there thru the late Sixties. As recounted in fascinating detail in “Orange Sunshine” of 2010.)
In those same months, two after JWE’s demise, Roberto Calvi, “God’s Banker” on the run internationly, more or less, as disgraced CEO from Banco Vaticano, was found in June of ’82 dangling from Blackfriars Bridge in London, above the Thames.
AS water under the bridge, both suicides we’re later proven to be homicides.
Meanwhile, I was riding my BMX through Compton, a very restless ‘hood in the ’80s, as my only real means then to get to UCLA, so to circulate a petition to ban oil drilling in Santa Monica Bay just down the street. I would set up across from the Bruin Bear outside the UCLA bookstore in the Commons and in the shadow of the towering Occidental Petroleum it’s massive red logo, which I did not know then belonged to Armand Hammer. (The Hammer Museum is at the ground floor of that Tower, although I saw it every day in my stint, I didn’t make the dot connections till years later.)
One day there, Spring of 88, a long-haired vet about my age then, late 30 something, rolled up in a wheelchair and signed our referendum, and then we talked a good while about the drilling, his nurse in attendance, rolling the chair & waiting silently. He finally said, “I wish I could stay but this is a big day for me my War buddy Oliver Stone is going to meet me in a few minutes at Tom Cruise’s house we’re tying trying to persuade him to play me in a film of my book born on the 4th of July.” As laid back as he was I glanced at his nurse with quizzical “Is he Okay? Or, too many shots to the head?” and chaste wink, but she didn’t react. He gave me his card and invited me to his office which was in Santa Monica. He rolled off, looking back to say he liked my beret, “I know where you’re coming from I spent time on the boulevards of Paris in many a sidewalk Cafe!”
When my hands were free I took a look at his card in my petition and saw the name Ron Kovic.
Later that year in the elections we narrowly won the band on oil drilling which I found had been shepherded by Armand Hammer its chief proponent since 1958, lusting after it’s Rich deposits all that time but reachable only through the riskiest kind of slant drilling, a threat. As today is the 90th birthday of Roman Polanski, I often often wonder how much he and his best bro Jack Nicholson new about this issue, since so many of these L.A. water and oil cause$ celebre$ are stories and deep state issues in their 2 films “Chinatown “and “The Two Jakes.”
By time of the sequel much of it written by Jack The joker when he starred in The Two Jakes was filmed Polanski was “on the run” from LAPD (which had long-time conducted parallel training with CIA, as sourced in “CIA Rogues: the Killing of the Kennedys” 2010 by Patrick Nolan, Dartmouth professor.
I have my own sequel to add to this, and all of it sprung out of a box of baking soda!
And that one named after my late father’s late client.
I liked how the story of those late ’80s was turning out, but it will have to wait and be pieced together on another device, more reliable than my Motorola cellphone in hand, since all of a sudden, after serenely texting for an hour, the satellite began to wage war against my mise en scène, cutting off my connection suddenly, then refusing every way to reconnect, then losing my text, blacki ng out briefly, and so on!
All anomalies can be explained, but surely the timing was rich, as history of many (psyop~relevant) household names were left in the balance, aliases and perps only half uttered, in my memory’s UCLA campus (ground zero to my own annals for much pivotal MKUltra “research” ~ Jolly West was still then the head of Psychiatry there, through ’89! I had yet to know his name 35 years later.)
Still finishing “Roman by Polanski,” a clever French pun for his 1984 autobiography, and re-reading, and madly highlighting, my newly acquired kindle version of [Operation] “CHAOS Charles Manson, the CIA, and The Secret History of the ’60s” by Tom O’Neill. Hoping it’s not just limited Hangout, or that it’s all limited enough!
I know at least a lot of it’s factual because I lived it.
So there’s that to fall back on!
Klaus says we’re “inevitably” going to have a gigantic cyber-attack & it’ll shut down EVERYTHING: power, water purification, the internet, etc ad nauseum.
What’s the solution? CENTRALIZE the internet!
They’re really talking this up, perhaps rehearsing it.
Visibility filtering via manipulated algorithms has been going on for at least the past couple of decades on Google, for instance, and has in recent years got so bad that dozens and hundreds of pages of search term results have gone missing. Now, only “approved” pages for any given search term come up when you enter a search enquiry, no matter the search engine you use (they all seem to access Google for information).
The only thing we can do about the vapourization of dissent in the ‘approved’ sections of society is to keep creating our own echochambers, our own communities of more or less like-minded freedom lovers. We can keep the doors open to new members but otherwise shut out the totalitarians, obfuscators and destroyers of everything beautiful and wholesome.
If you read the essay by super-Weffie Ida Auken, “I Own Nothing … ” she states the following, ” … Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities.”
One hopes they might leave such folks alone but that’s surely hopium …
Worth a try, though.
I did read that essay. It reminded me of the Netflix series “Colony.”
But better to live in hardship within a like-minded community than to live as an unhappy and fearful slave in the hive.
Especially with pharmeceutical companies. Try and find annecdotal experiences while taking certain medications anymore.
need to focus more on Starlink then on the programmed distraction.. It is most probably a global EM weapon.. storms? draughts? fires?
Facebook meta logo is the mathematical symbol of infinity; Twitter logo is the same symbol of infinity, called x-infinity. Both are conveying the same message: “we got you hooked chasing your tail in a pointless infinite loop from which we nevertheless profit, forever”. Literally like this.
Dont over think this, it was copycat
You mean it’s common knowledge one logo is a copy of the other?
I dont know, you’ll have ask a democrat, words spread rather quickly over there.
The heroes they sell are all villains.
They are just puppets of bigdata, they want us all to believe that these faces really own or control what they represent.. Like disney movies.. kill the villain leader and all is solved.. All these corporations have the same owners, their front faces are part of the show..
“….it is clear, anecdotally, just from looking about oneself in daily life: the sight of young couples walking around hand in hand and evidently in love is becoming noticeably rare – as indeed is the sight of young couples on dates who are evidently enraptured in each other rather than their phones.”
Well the word “binary” has now become “suspicious” and “controversial”. But sexual love is binary with a vengeance. So it all follows logically. There is a war on sex, on relationships, on socialising. We are all being condemned to solitary confinement.
So Twitter is big enough to hire an army of employees to monitor its content 365/24, meaning every post has been seen by a human eye! Sounds incredible considering the size of the content, but it could be with a suitable organisation. What I can’t understand is the author’s implicit message that Twitter is failing some moral duty by not publishing content, or by “de-amplifying” it, “invisibilizing” it, etc, and connecting that to Freedom of Speech.
As I understand it, Freedom of Speech is just that, freedom of speaking one’s mind as exercised directly, (within the family, with neighbours, in the streets, etc) not to be confused with the right to post content using the services of a company which allows expressing one’s mind, just like I’m doing right now. Technology brings with it conceptual problems, and this is one of them. If I’m hungry and go to the supermarket, but the staff wouldn’t sell me anything for whatever reason, I wouldn’t accuse them to wanting to starve me, of denying me the right to live. In the same way, a company can deny me the right to use their property (servers), or reject my content, as when a counterfeit coin is returned; they don’t even have to justify their decision. That has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech as the famous right to speak one’s mind.
Newspapers have always censored content in opposition with their interest, because newspapers, just like Social Media today, are not politically or ideologically neutral, beside (or because) of being capitalist companies; and so dissidents made their own journals, pamphlets, etc, just like today people make their own sites. I really don’t understand people complaining their content is not published while the truth is that Social Media is making a lot of money by converting their content into labour and selling it to advertisers.
There is one huge fly in the ointment you present. It’s called Open To The Public.
A grocery store that is (as are some here in the US) strictly a co-operative need not sell to anyone not a member. However, a store that is Open To The Public has in effect forfeited the right to limit its services to only certain customers.
The same thing with companies like Twitter. The internet does not – and by its very impersonal nature cannot – discriminate those who access it. The only recourse would be for social media companies to ADVERTISE themselves as open only to certain individuals. Yet they allow anyone to become members. Then they decide afterword that certain members cannot enjoy full privileges of membership. Yet they enjoyed the full privileges of data mining their members.
In a word, Twitter et al has an obligation to the public to inform ALL potential members that they will not honor all their members or grant all members full privileges.
What you’re overlooking is that commerce is a two way street.
It is IMO not the case for an open to the public store, and here is why.
There seems to be some confusion. The Internet is the infrastructure that allows connectivity, made of cables running on land and under the sea, the routers that optimise and direct traffic, the towers, etc. It is a public resource, to which governments of the world and other institutions helped build, expand and maintain over the years. Although some of the equipment is owned by companies such as IBM, the Internet as a whole has no owner. Let’s pray it stays that way.
This Internet (inter-network) connects to each other networks of computers and servers (as in a home or a company) containing the data that make up websites, texts, images, audios, videos, etc. By means of a monthly fee, my computer gains access to that connectivity, the right to use the Internet, the infrastructure. At this point, you are 100% correct. However, not all computers and servers connected to the Internet will grant me access to their data or to part of their data: some will ask for credentials, to open an account, for a subscription, or just inform me that the resource is not accessible through an error message. When I click on the Off-G link, my computer sends a request to the server on which the website is hosted; if the request is honoured, then I gain access to the website; if not, a message shows up with the reason for non-access. For instance, this location is inaccessible, probably because it’s not destined to be accessed. At a certain point, Twitter itself restricted access to their website (data on their servers) for the public unless they logged into their account (only users can access), I believe that restriction is removed now.
Now, I come to the point you make. What is Twitter? The simple answer would be a set of private large servers connected to the Internet with data hosted on them, and a software that allows instant messaging, among other things. What does Twitter offer? Basically, a service: the possibility for users to connect instantly with each other, and a bunch of other things, which means that users not only have extended access to Twitter’s servers and services, they are also allocated a space on the servers to write data, contrary to the general public who can visit Twitter’s website, with a minimum access and can’t write data on their servers (can’t post, for instance). Since enjoying Twitter’s services (which include the possibility of content monetisation) implies the pecuniary use by the company of the user’s data (and here is our two-way street), a contract is signed where both parts, Twitter and user, agree to rules, terms and regulations.
Note that the terms and rules the user has to sign makes their own content out of their effective control, as Twitter can at any time jump in and do whatever it sees fit with it, alleging a breach of some rule.
Twitter is on principle open to anyone. Anyone can see the minimum website as a visitor, but to “enjoy” the benefits it offers, an account is needed with the corresponding contract, just like I need an account to access the digital library of some universities; but while it is doubtful a digital library makes money out of my being logged into their website, a Twitter user signs a contract to precisely allow that.
That’s why it is not like an open to the public store. Instead, it’s a store where one is free to look in from the outside through the front window, but to the access of which one has to be well dressed and demonstrate a fat wallet, and out of which one can be thrown if one is not up to expectations.
To sum up, and sorry for the lengthy post; anyone online can use the Internet but not every resource on it is accessible.
The business (platform, bank, etc.) sets and changes the rules. The user only acknowledges the rules. That is no contract.
Perhaps you have a nuanced understanding of the word “contract”, but the defining characteristics of a contract don’t specify who determines the considerations.
In the US: “A contract is an agreement between parties, creating mutual obligations that are enforceable by law. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality. In some states, elements of consideration can be satisfied by a valid substitute. Possible remedies for breach of contract include general damages, consequential damages, reliance damages, and specific performance.” – Cornell Law School
In the UK: “A contract is a legally binding promise (written or oral) by one party to fulfil an obligation to another party in return for consideration. A basic binding contract must comprise four key elements: offer, acceptance, consideration and intent to create legal relations.” – Thomson Reuters Practical Law
Neither definition specifies who must set the considerations or whether they must be negotiated, for the agreement to be legally binding. In some cases, parties in a contract are open to negotiation (bilateral contracts); it is the case when the agreement is between private individuals (buying a home), but in commercial transactions between a company and the public, it is the party that makes the offer that sets the consideration, no bargaining allowed (unilateral contracts). The offeror of a technological product or service is constrained by the economy and technological innovations, and naturally they want to cover their back. They set up what adequate consideration they see fit and propose it to their eventual future user who is free to accept or refuse.
However one calls it, it is nevertheless legally binding.
That’s where things stand. Now, I get your point: this isn’t the way it should be. Twitter users are considering that the benefits they enjoy by using the platform are worth exchanging with the use Twitter and its partners unilaterally decided to make with their data and online activity (assuming they are aware of it), and however great the efforts Twitter makes to get their users to read the ToS, rules and privacy policy, very few are interested in doing so, because precisely they join Twitter to show themselves wide-open to the world.
There seems to be a contradiction between the concern for privacy and the motive that pushes people towards social media. The idea is that it’s a trade-off: this much privacy and this much exposure; but it must be a headache (I imagine) to set up the desired privacy level for every content one posts, and so users are discouraged from doing so, even though the option exists.
RE: What you’re overlooking is that commerce is a two way street.
When it comes to social media, it is really a one-way street. They are harvesting your behavioral data; with that data they monitor not just your online activity, but if you have a smart phone or wearable, they monitor, collect, store and analyze your real world activity, including conversation, facial expressions, emotions, (and if you have a wearable) your heart rate (bio-metric data). With this behavioral data, they engage in a behavioral futures market, selling your future behavior to other companies who want greater certainty that you will buy their products. This is not all, they also subtly engage in behavioral engineering to manipulate what you think, feel and do. All this is done w/o any user awareness. This is to say nothing about the fact that the National Security State also has access to all this data…
For an exhaustive explanation of this, see The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff.
Actually, you are right about that. That’s why many choose not to use platforms, such as Twitter. We can create our own forums and communities where our thoughts are at least debated if not always agreed with.
It’s still a private company censoring though. Freedom is speech must include the right to free expression everywhere, even at your place of work or anywhere in public. The free exchange of ideas demands this. And are Twitter really publishing anything? That’s like holding BT responsible for ideas expressed over the phone. I take your point though, it reminds me of that Christian bakery that refused to decorate a cake with pro-gay marriage message.
This all comes down to one simple word.. discrimination. You can use our platform and say whatever you like but we will only allow the public to see the posts of people who support what we desire and not yours. No matter how you slice the legalities, etc.
It’s still boils down to blatant discrimination.
Exactly, and sadly they are in their right, being the owners of the servers and having the signed agreement of the users.
Well I always thought musk was a smell.
And it’s by no means my favourite smell; so I avoid it.
Mr wordsmith, you have not done your job properly.
There is a few typo’s in CJ writings.
I have down voted you for that.
I suppose I’m going to need shock treatment again then…
Isn’t life tragic…
“There ARE a few”.
Not “There IS a few”.
Guessing THAT’S
worth downvotes, too.
Its just another of TPB’s name games calling Elon for musk. As I like the smell and you didnt knew what I knew, I also gave you one down vote for that,
How will I ever survive all these downvotes…
“Spare the rod, and spoil the child”.
🎶Here comes the wardropper
Worded up
The grammatical gangsta
Big up the di crew from the indoctrinated area
Still love you like that
No no we don’t die
We just make a hames of
Grammar & don’t even
Have to try
Tell us what we don’t know Rico
It’s not to feel superior oh no no
It’s to help let the phat lady sing🎶
Aw, thank you for the poem, Kacz, but honestly I’m really quite nice.
Anybody can make typos, no problem, but I’m old enough to see a systematic pattern of disintegration at work in our language, and I reckon we need words in the 21st Century to mean what they’re supposed to mean.
Feeling ‘superior’ has nothing to do with it. I don’t harbour any grudges or suffer from an inferiority complex for which I need to compensate.
I just care about the future of education because, back in the day, the availability of education gave me so much personally; so I’d like my grandchildren to have that option too.
Are your grandchildren reading the comments here, bravo.
Generally, it’s been the people with tremendous Grammar spelling etc that have caused the biggest problems in our world ,believe they’ve a 100 💯 record on that score. But it’s grammatically correct totalitarianism. So the aspiring elitist type, phew.
I just find people that feel compelled to correct people’s, stranger’s, (do you do that in the street?,Very doubtful, as you know the reaction it illicits) , online. Are looking to demean others whilst elevating themselves. Just appears petty despite the apparent motives.
Bet you don’t know what nonplussed means.
Yes, it’s certainly pretty naive to think one of the richest people in the world is going to protect free speech. It’s not impossible but unlikely. Musk’s ‘controversial’ views are basically window-dressing. Most likely, Twitter was already (very quietly) in commercial trouble, and it would have looked too suspicious if someone like Rupert Murdoch had been asked to step in, so they went for Musk.
Right, it is very naive….kind of like a lesser Billionaire, like trumpster… why the hell would ppl imagine he’s “for” them?? (I saw a clip of a woman bawling her eyes out, like a tween would over that Harry pop-idol guy, bc her Idol/Saviour trump was taking a minute of his time to sign her red hat). Having lived in nyc during trump’s time, it was easy to see him as a big conman. Musk is the same, a colossal fraud – meant to lead/march us into the nwo. None of those who are out in front (well, front men & women) are in our club.
Same for the alleged other “side”….Malone, Kennedy and the like….it’s all the same side/club.
What should we call our club…”WTP”?…or maybe Club “Mankind”?…(don’t be put off by my use of ‘man’…i’m female, but it’s 👍 w/me….ha).
WELL, said.
When we bring them up from the false binary shadows cave to the light of day, they get angry but they have at least seen the truth. When we realize that whatever popup doll shows up on their screens is just another lengthy 99.999% ruse, and we instead turn to one another to create the egalitarian world we want, we’ll be winning. To restore Humanity to viability, the 1% will have to be drained of all authority and excess capital. It’s coming and Universe is helping. Imho.
Well we certainly need the Universe to help us.
I see very little success on a one-to-one basis against the zomboids, since all the media money is on them.
As I’ve said for half my life, Cynicism means never having to say you’re wrong. Believe the worst of humanity and history will always prove you right.
It may take a while as people swoon under the delusion that humanity is just one great big wonderful species which is, sadly oh so sadly, led astray once in a while by bad actors.
As long as this silly notion holds sway, we’ll never get anywhere. As long as we insist on blaming humanity’s warts on Klaus Schwab et al (whoever’s the present day devil’s servant), we’ll never get to the bottom of this history wide problem.
“Speak for yourself! I’m not like that!” is proof positive that yes, you are exactly like that.
As so often, your comment provokes serious contemplation of what human existence and evolution really are.
I think you are right to mention the devil as being behind many of the humanoids who currently run everything, and that’s perhaps the crux of the matter:
Forces which oppose the things we normally consider to be good, healthy, fruitful and enlightening are part of the reality of life, but the good news is that we can regard those backward forces as an important part of our learning experience as we struggle onwards.
Just imagine if there was no opposition to “The Good”, and everything was done for us by some benign spirit.
We would have no self-conciousness at all, because there would be no need for it.
But this is the devil’s claims.
The devil claimed he could do God’s work better by introducing “opposition” saying evil.
He also claimed if there was no opposition, God would be a nanny for humans who would not develop and progress toward the divine.
But the result of your and the devil’s belief, that opposition in an important part of progress we exactly ended up as bottomless stupid as we are today.
It is therefore the tree in paradise is crucial. The point over the i. If you eat from it you will certainly die. If you stay away by own will you can live forever and progress toward the divine endlessly.
Paradise is only for those who dont cry for a nanny, nor opposition.
You misjudge me, although there is something important in the point you make, and we are actually in complete agreement about the ‘necessity’ for opposition as far as our spiritual evolution is concerned.
My last two sentences confirm that agreement.
Yes. The devil did claim he could do God’s work better, but the definition of “better” matters.
Then there is also the question of our readiness to receive certain gifts. Men are clearly at all kinds of different spiritual levels, and not even our average awareness of such things is very advanced.
And there is a third consideration: The catastrophic results of the right thing coming at the wrong time, for example too soon.
The devil actually promises divinity for ourselves, but the condition for that (in small print) is that we remain under his thumb.
God, on the other hand, clearly has a slower, but surer path for us to follow, and our spiritual freedom lies at the end of it.
It is a very slow path, and the reason we are still thrashing about in great misery here on Earth is because we haven’t got very far along that path yet.
The concept of divine love is a crucial part of that path, but it is still a rather new idea for our human race, despite Christ’s overwhelmingly powerful intervention.
But this is no place to expound a religious treatise.
Be well, and I hope you will remain committed to your search.
I certainly will.
Thanks. I see we are and were on the same line. I misunderstood your opposite sentence. All the best.
Cheers, and thank you.
I should stay away from YouTube at all costs. Right now I’m focusing on Ancient History videos (Epimethius, History with Cy etc.). I’m watching History with Cy’s overview of all ancient Egyptian Dynasties (I’m up to the 18th). It is cringe-worthy how dastardly all these Empires were.
And even more cringe-worthy that nothing has changed in all these millennia.
On religious matters, I do stay away from YouTube.
But otherwise it has its uses…
Soo much humbling humility and warts and all honest objectivity. Thanks.
Cynicism can also be the only way to stay sane. But I’m not saying you aren’t basically correct. Seeing a few evil, self-serving, etc individuals as the source of evil in the world is to pass the buck. All of us are self-serving, and all of us are quite capable of doing evil. Maybe it is just that those few we blame are less lazy than the bulk of us? Anyway, time for a nap I think…
“Folks are finally starting to realize that “free-speech Twitter” was an elaborate con (or a PSYOP, depending on how paranoid you are) ”
Is it at all possible to not call people paranoid for seeing things before other people?For not falling for things as other people?.
As you then appear to go in two different directions at once. Instead of appreciating those people you then say as you do above. Just don’t get that.
It’s not paranoid if one is proved correct. How can it be? Just seems a ‘tad’ 😬churlish and begrudging.
Would Hopkins be complaining if he’d been included in the psyop?
I believe he would.
He’s wearing, in that red costume he parades on twitter, a baphomet and it has other Luciferian symbology. Yet people still can’t see! He has agreed with the Wefs ideas and hired one to run twitter. He wants to merge Humans with chips and technology. Yet, people still can’t see or shake their adulation of wealth. He’s an actor. Playing various roles.
“Exposure to true information doesn’t matter anymore.A person who is demoralised is unable to assess true information.
The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents pictures. He will refuse to believe. That’s the tradegy of demoralisation.
Once people’s morals have been debased.
Education becomes indoctrination.
Entertainment becomes hypnotism.
Criminals become “leader’s” and
Lies become truth”
Yuri Bezmenov
His grandfather was the leader of the technocratic movement in Canada, I believe. These ideas become family tradition, as with Gates and his eugenicist progenitors.
Yes, have engaged with information or a back story? That says the same. Anyway, I wouldn’t engage with me as I’m on the naughty step and the view hasn’t changed my perception.
One didn’t need a 200 IQ to figure out that the Twitter free speech rollout was a con and psyop. Just look at Musk’s track record. He is a made man by our Overlords and their agenda. Leaving PayPal alone as it was somewhat complicated, we have Tesla, the electrification of personal transportation which ties in with the net zero hoax plus control of your car via remote. Sorry, I can’t go there, Dave. SpaceX which is leaving no spot on earth behind with 5G and the internet of things. And Neuralink, tying your brain (assuming one still has one) into the internet of things. Then we have the fact that his grandfather was the leading light in the Canadian technocratic movement in Canada in the 30s and 40s. Forget IQ 200. IQ 75 should have seen it coming.
Doesn’t speak well for a certain percentage of your following, CJ. Actually, when it comes down to basic street smarts regarding “the agenda,” David Icke has absolutely the best track record.
Nodding yes, a main front man, and the grandad reference I try to tell everyone so they can *make the connection.*
Yes, ’til the end….Icke?? He’s got a good track record, and so has Alex Jones. (Don’t you wonder how they were good at forecasting?) They’re 2 peas in a (nwo agenda) pod.
Disagree with you totally, at least in respect to Icke. He figured out the nwo agenda 3 decades ago. In truth, even that is not so difficult if you have a smattering of street smarts, and besides, if you read between their lines, they tell you. He often says about himself and his amazing predictive “track record,” that he is not psychic. If you know where this scum wants to go, and the population doesn’t resist them fiercely, then predicting future events is just relating the successful rollout of their agenda. Ain’t rocket science, Mars.
As to your statement that Icke is a limited hangout or controlled opposition, tell me this. Just how has the information that he has been releasing for the last 30 years aided their agenda? Please be specific.
Icke has presented excellent information for the lasty few decades. He has also attatched that with easy to ridicule speculation and impossible to know fantastical speculation that is used to tar anybody who suscribes to any of his information with the crazy brush. Similar to Ted Kaczynski in many ways, who’s manifesto is a truthful and precient piece of work that accurately predicts and dissects current events and modes of thought. But try telling any of their useful information and ideas to a general normie, even one that has an inklng that all isn’t as we are told. You will become the subject of ridicule.
Most people’s overriding concern, in Western society at least, is how they look to others. Personally I think that’s by design rather than intent, and it is how consumerism or organised religion operate. It’s a very useful way of corralling the herd into modes of accepted thought and denigrating anybody who thinks differently as the crazy “other”, regardless of how much logic, truth or empirical evidence there is to back up alternative modes of thought. Most people will do anything to avoid become the subject of ridicule, they will deny the obvious truth and empirical evidence to do so.
I don’t necessarily think that Icke, Kaczynski et al know that they are controlled opposition (Alex Jones, on the other hand, I do) but I’m pretty certain that they are used as such, in order to poison the well and to ridicule the truth and those that seek it. Put it this way, if Icke had the reach that he has and didn’t attatch the easy to ridicule stuff to it, I suspect he would have died in a car crash (or of a heart attack, like certain hard to ridicule African leaders recently) a long time ago.
Good point.
Parsing your well constructed comment, you compare David Icke to a self-acknowledged multiple murderer on the basis that they are both intellectually brilliant analysts. And that while a case cannot be made that Icke is controlled opposition, the Overlords have not killed him yet because his ideas are too ridiculous for normies to take seriously despite him selling out whole stadiums for 8 hour presentations prior to the scamdemic.
“David Icke has absolutely the best track record.”
HE’S Controlled Opposition,
like so VERY many OTHERS.
For the record folks, as it was mentioned earlier in another person’s comment, they own the servers for the social media platforms and can basically make whatever rules they want on them and if you acknowledge their agreement before using them then you don’t really have much recourse.
What’s MOST important ABOUT that statement, is THAT:
THEY own those servers.
THEY own the platforms.
THEY own the internet.
THEY own your access to it.
THEY own the electrical power grids and the plants that supplied the power to them so that you can do all these things and use your cell phone TV computer etc.
If THEY DON’T want something you are saying or a video you’ve uploaded to BE seen by the MASSES, I promise you it WON’T be seen.
So if you have say a MILLION followers, chances ARE they’re NOT bothered by WHAT you SAY or SHARE and if it’s of a PARTICULARLY controversial or anti-establishment nature then it’s all the more INTERESTING when they DON’T shut that particular account DOWN or CENSOR them.
And if you have HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS
of FOLLOWERS or even MILLIONS, you’re NOT being truly SHADOWBANNED, CENSORED, or shut DOWN.
It was THEATER for SHOW to
And what is your evidence that he his controlled opposition? I think it to be an absurd statement!! And please don’t say because they haven’t killed him yet. To counter that I would have to go into areas of metaphysics which I have no desire to do on this site, so please offer other evidence.
That said, I do not disagree with any other part of your reply.
his evidence is that they own all access points. Only controlled opposition is allowed a following.Anything that would be a game changer for the pleabs is scrubbed at the keypad. I have to agree, that sourcing the Jones’ or Ickes’ is as credible to most as sourcing kyzinsky.
what will eventually happen with this freedom or speech not reach concept is that if a user says something the platform doesn’t like, algorithms will add fake likes, tweets etc so the user thinks the post is being seen when in reality no one sees it.
It’s BEING done, NOW,
already, to MANY ppl
on Instagram, and I’m
confident, the OTHER
platforms, as well.
For THAT matter there ARE
AI generated ACCOUNTS
following people AND even
CONVERSING back and forth
There is VERY sophisticated
stuff, out there, now.
i guess that would apply to off-G and you as well.
So presumably, for Linda Yaccarino, the following are ‘positive experiences’:
Well it could be worse, like upping the stakes in the current political civil war.
Does Trump have the evidence? Or will he walk the plank once again
Around here in Georgia, a claim was made about early mail voting, and the same said citizen then voted again on election day wanting to see (so they said, either that or a undercover democratic spy, if there is one can you find more theory) if the system would catch the extra vote, by 6pm news time they had not responded, so a news reporter brought up the issue on the 6 o’clock news with an update at 11 pm. But by 11 the story (and reporter too) was/were snuffed and never heard from again.
Now if Trumps team has that footage and that reporter too, waiting in the wings for the democrats to jump on some fluezy trumped up charge, you can bet cannons will fire at all of the speculation and would likely take us right up to the next election holding on for our theatrical lives standing in line to vote again.
Never found out what happened to that cute little woman reporter either.
“I’m not right about everything, of course, but I seem to be doing OK with this PSYOP stuff.”..
This reminded me of someone in the pub the other day wearing a T-shirt that said: “I’m not far right but I’m right so far”. How long before people like that will be arrested for disturbing the new normal peace? As for deamplifying, we’ll resort to the good old system of telling people the internet addresses of alternatives sites like yours, boycotting those psychopaths altogether.
Great T shirt slogan!
“So, they’re taking it out on blasphemers like me who tried to warn them.”
I didnt know this was a general psychological phenomena. Thanks for clearing that up.
But, could we call it mass psychological self-censorship, group think, Milgram test – the visibility filtering, the deamplifying??
Those who do deliberately saw a false narrative are off course guilty, but those editors who have to deal with all kinds of big egos, trolls, info-armies, lonely people, hurt people, authors who do it for living, and people’s whining, threats, lawsuits, fines?
May I correct this fine article in two small but important details only:
Didn’t buy into the “Musk has freed Twitter” for second..
What’s the news on what played out on Maui?
Seems to be incredibly dodgy goings on from the little snippets of information that’s being shared online.. Murderous land clearance of the Native folk from what I can tell.
How can billionaires possibly live next to people who don’t own an executive jet?
They don’t understand the sociopath/psychopath’s mindset, they persist in speaking truth when they’ve been told to repeat mumbo jumbo ad nauseam.
People like that can’t live on an island paradise. It’s not right…..
Worth a listen:
Whatever the purported cause, the result will be an opportunist capitalist land grab
Directed Energy weapons and the Maui catastrophe.
As I have said many times here in this forum re 5G, roasted like fried chickens.
But MSM refused to write about it, and Alternative media remained silent.
Today you guys will listen to what I said.
15 Minute Cities/Smart Island. Hope this helps.
Pajamas on X: “@WillingWitness My initial suspicion 3 days ago was arson to be followed by a 15 min city, the first in the country. Seems I was right. And here’s some #MauiFire footage that I’m not supposed to share #DEW #DirectEnergyWeapon” / X (
Saw that narrative too. Not buying it yet.
As of this morning, there were, at least, a hundred people killed with 1,300 missing.
A bit dark to think that people intentionally incinerated other people at this scale in order to get rid of them to pave the way for an energy efficient community of outsiders.
The natives already hate mainlanders now. Such a narrative would lead to bad things.
But then again, so many innocent healthy people were coerced into taking the poisonous clot shot that has been doing so many bad things.
A bit dark….?? Just a bit?
Are you aware of the overall Agenda? Did you not see what occurred on Sept 11?
Do the perps want “good things” for WTP?
By the way, I’d think it’s not to “get rid of them for an energy-efficient community of outsiders”. It’s not even energy efficient, that’s part of the con….it’s for an entire AI (digital/renewable/sustainable bs) island. The prototype I guess….so they can work out the kinks I suppose….before it comes to the mainland.
Pls look into the CA fires, among the others. The first time there’s a questionable fire is one thing (so one might refrain from calling it some kind of direct energy weapon accompanied by the spraying of aluminum/barium,etc in the areas, right from the start)….but there’s a very long list of the same thing happening for *MANY* years now. Enough to know that these are attacks on WTP…it’s not a made-up narrative.
How do we get anywhere, if ppl don’t even know they’re under attack…how can they not know it by now?
One of the videos I watched highlighted the fact that there’s a conference on Maui in September this year to discuss the ‘smart island’ aganda which the native folk in Lahaina have been opposing.
I believe Lee Harvey Oswald did it. I believe in my government.
Too dark to believe that those in power would intentionally mass-murder people?
Think Titanic. Think 9/11. Think wars. Think toxic injections.
It was another electrical line dropped and turned into a grassy field fire swept away by winds as the generatorless emergency system failed to notify the people in time and now their bones individually separate upon collection.
Just like Sept 11, none of the bells, rings, alarms, warning-systems, cameras or what-have-you worked on that day. And a simple grassy field “fire” in Maui that was pushed by high winds (msm narrative) completely disintegrated homes, etc, and froze that dog in a flash? (I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or not in yr comment).
Its all true, but the masses will only hear 1/2 of that and the other 1/2 will be swept under the rug as we say, in the business.
Now its being reported that the emergency system was working but was not activated b/c it was believed that the people would have run into the fire being a tsunami warning.
And we wonder why some individuals would want to try to save the system rather than bring it to its logical conclusion.
Reinette Senum Foghorn Express about Lahaina.
Where are the Chinese when we need them most. To save Hawaii from US.
these land grabs arent new. The Sumatra christmas present freed up 1000 of acres of coastline in multiple countries. Katrina got rid of the shacks in new orleans on coastal waters. Detroit, San fran, NY, any desirable area. These are all fire sales, buy when there is blood in the streets. Look what is happening in CO, send in the cockroaches!
One of Mr Hopkins best articles of late . Thanks for it . The actions of Kimdotcom of late are truly disgusting , but expected when facing an Assange like fate ?
Kim, Assange….same big club. Just made-to-look like they’re not.
Like Elon is made to “try” to fool us…it’s not working here.
Kim Dotcom accumulated a large fortune through internet hacking ,which made enormous amounts of computer software available to the masses . However he has recanted his former positions on software as public domain and has paid multi millions to the bankster class lawyers to avoid a US dungeon which has given a junior membership in the big club? Mr Assange in his overweaning arrogance made little money and cultivated few friends among the rich and famous . He awaits his fate in Belmarsh dungeon . A prime example of the process being the punishment .
The most innocuous way to kill a “detainee” is to withhold micro-nutrients under one excuse or another for an extended period. That includes Vitamin D.
Or assure the public that Covid took him out ?
How can you put Assange in the same category as those buffoons? Or maybe you think his prison cell is the Amsterdam Hilton?
Pls memorize and repeat as needed Cela’s comment at the top of the pg. We need to remember it daily… each day they try to confuse the hell out of everyone a little bit more, and have us falling for any saviour that promises to lead us out of the hell they’re creating.
Who has tried to “sell us” Assange? His persecution, detention and mental torture has hardly been covered by the so-called mainstream media for years. Is he a nice guy? I don’t know and I don’t care. He sought to expose evil. Did his motives for publishing what he did include a desire for personal aggrandizement? I don’t know and don’t really care. I don’t look to media (or mob) generated saviors. But yes, I do hope Assange gets out of prison someday with his brain, his courage, and even his ego intact.
Speaking of people some now see as potential heroes…yes I even hope that RFK Jr gets a chance to run for president and shake things up a bit. Do I see him as a savior? No, I see him as closer to being right on a few important issues than most other politicians — although wrong on a number of others. Sure I could ignore him, and just say “to hell with all of them.” I don’t see how that is a better or more useful course of action. And, anyway, what I think about RFK Jr is hardly significant since I no longer live in the US and don’t vote in its elections.
Nope, Belmarsh Hilton, a well-known up-market tourist resort for masochistic minimalists.
“What’s happening is, GloboCap, or Corporatism, or whatever you want to call the network of global corporations, governments, media, non-governmental governing entities, investment banks, global health authorities, academia, the culture industry, and other such entities that together comprise the decentralized system of power and ideology that is currently running the entire planet … whatever you want to call that, it’s going totalitarian…”
Well-intentioned men and women the world over can overcome and/or defeat the morally degenerate mRNA bioweapons mass murderous world rulers/owners by simply walking into their local/nearest police and sheriff departments and requesting serious discussions with law enforcement officials on the prospects for filing serious charges on those same truly heinous crimes, – namely: the premeditated mass murder of millions via mRNA injections and the vicious attempted murder/assault-and-battery of multiple, incalculable millions more.
By doing so, the world’s people (crime victims) might borrow an infamous phrase, coined by the smirking/smiling Bill Gates when he arrogantly predicted the “next Pandemic”, and manifest a far more powerful on-the-ground truly righteous “Windows update” variation:
“That (arrests, prosecutions, imprisonments) should get their attention – this time.“
After hitting “post comment” here at Off Guardian, it was disappointing to follow up and find 1 upvote and 3 downvotes as of 6:47 AM ET – Thursday, August 17, 2023… We would respectfully ask those who registered a thumbs down the following question: “Does your negative reaction suggest your possession of a more practical solution(s) to the ongoing global mass murder nightmare than people reporting the crimes to law enforcement…or are you part of the sinister effort to dissuade people from/reduce the number taking right action by reporting COVID/mRNA bioweapons crimes to law enforcement?”
(No, it is not a trick question)
yes, the constitutional sheriff in Grand Rapids, i think there are a couple of other elected sheriffs around the country that are pursuing constitutional law. What can we do to get the US corporation arrested.
‘ free-speech Twitter’
Since the time that Twitter asks for your email address before you can follow ‘ free-speech Twitter’, I have been liberated from Twitter.
That is, since Twitter asks more personal information from its followers, I stopped following Twitter.
Twitter = the brain farts of the rich and famous ?
I never joined. Can’t have arguments, can only exchange slogans.
Below is the comment I posted, in response to the Wall Street Journal’s article, “Georgia Case Presents Unique Challenges for Trump—and Prosecutors”
WSJ Mission Statement: “…As journalists, we are humble, curious, empathetic, informed and open-minded…”
This “open mindedness” knows little limit, when faced with the vitriol of hyper partisanship, as evidenced by the plurality of comments herein. Conversely, in response to my attempt to constructively critique both parties as offerors of folderol, these “humble, curious, empathetic and informed” journalists, dispatched my posts down the memory hole.
Though it came relatively late to the WSJ, the cancer of censorship has now metastasized throughout this once great newspaper. As Jacques Ellul explicates in his seminal work, “Propaganda, The Formation of Men’s Attitudes,” this divergence from mission statement was inevitable, given propaganda’s requirement for totality to be effective.
Thus, if we are to maintain our collision course with dystopia, engineered ignorance must become synonymous with strength, and any substantive criticism of this brave new nightmare, obliterated.
X marks the spot in being double (crossed) XX.
They even put in your face with the sygils they use. Wake up.
The same people screaming vaccine passport digital id who got there accounts suspended during bs19 are now paying this c*nt $£120+ to be verified by twitter and given a blue tick in authentication and to be allowed to post and all is forgotten and forgiven now they got blue tick which they’ve paid for. With the blue tic they can not be fake news so they think or lack or it.
What idiots!!!, this is an textbook scam. Just like idiot CIA useful to the idiots twat carlson going on there, staged to the core.
As being verified, you idiots actually give them consent to your bank details and so much more.
Only fools who watch alt media would ever pay to be verified due the fake news psyop and by being verified it means your not fake news..your blue tic means your real and not an bot and should be trusted. Text book scam.
You cannot even visit peoples latest tiwtter feeds without having an new account now.
If Musk was Nigerian and black looking, many would of NOT fallen for him as he is today version of a Nigerian internet scammer.
“Biology is destiny” , except in the “science” of transgender political/economic thought
How many Govt or black ops contracts does he have, yet, people still can’t see! Just infuriating. Soo sick of this celebrity worship mind control brainwashing. It’s soo fucking infantile.
The logo of Facebook is identical to the mathematical symbol for infinity (∞). It indicates IMO that the content of Facebook, (either through its standard interface or not) is so structured that it has the ability to occupy the mind indefinitely; either by repetitive loops (like the games I have on this computer, distinguished by the expression FRVR – repeat forever) or “endless” exploration. as in indefinite scrolling and successive website opening. The logo of Twitter would also be the same mathematical symbol for infinity in which the left-end and right-end lines are thinned; it is called x-infinity.
Both firms then are expressing through that symbol to having found the way of indefinitely capturing the ressources of the public mind, or in economic vocabulary, of at will disposing of the public’s time (eventual labour-time) for their possible gain. It means that Capital is more than likely using what we consider off-duty time, out-of-the-job time, leisure time, as labour time if we use it on Facebook or Twitter (and other similar sites).
So that every time we are on the so-called social media, we are literally working for somebody else freely, – well, to be fair, in exchange of being able to use the media, – while we think that we are not working. And that’s the point: notwithstanding the psychological satisfaction of being able to express oneself on social media, it is not a wage we certainly would demand (and nothing else would have done) had we known of the real labour we are performing while on social media; we are instead given the right to use a space; it is a service that furthermore comes with terms and regulations. Think of how would you feel if you were asked to answer the telephone at a customer service of a company three hours every day in exchange of three hours of practicing the hobby of your choice?
While online, we are an audience, attention lending individuals, labour power; the labour we would eventually perform online is the information profile we produce, the web of profiles we willingly contribute to build. This meta-data is what is sold to advertisers, which then use the theory of probability to design a marketing strategy for their products.
Evidence shows that, sleeping aside, Capital has been expropriating an ever-increasing life time as labour time.
“The production of surplus value by exploiting the activity performed on social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, etc. is made possible by selling users, and more specifically, the output of their work, to advertisers. The concept of media audiences as commodities is well debated within the research field of political economy of communication (cf. Smythe 1982/2006; Mosco 2009, 136ff). The main element in Smythe’s (1982/2006) argument is that the audience constitutes the main commodity of the mass media (Mosco 2009, 136). Smythe’s concept highlighted the role of media producers in the construction of audiences in relation to advertisers. The idea of audience commodification also located media organizations into the ‘total capitalist economy’ (Mosco 2009, 137), as an integrated part in the circulation of capital.” – Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco, Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism, 2016
Smythe, Dallas. W. 1982/2006. On the Audience Commodity and its Work
Mosco, Vincent. 2009. The Political Economy of Communication
Mind blowing.
The user content also becomes training data for AI.
Danger and Death ☠️
Some associate the X symbol with the overlapping femurs or the skull-and-crossbones that signify danger and death. While the crossbones first became associated with pirates, it later became a generalized hazard warning by the end of the 19th century.
Later, both skull-and-crossbones and X symbol on an orange background became the standard for labeling harmful and toxic substances throughout Europe. It’s likely one of the reasons why the X symbol gained a macabre relationship with death.
It is good that the scam failed. Otherwise, it would have given the other platforms similar ideas.
An Assange Plea Deal? For What Crime? Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
“It really is nuts how there’s now talk of Julian Assange being offered a “plea bargain” for rightly exposing US war crimes. What’s he meant to plead guilty to? Good journalism?”
”Julian Assange said “The overwhelming majority of information is classified to protect political security, not national security.” It doesn’t exist for our benefit, it exists for theirs. It’s so our rulers can keep doing depraved things with no accountability. That’s why they keep expanding government secrecy and increasing the punishment of those who breach it: because they want to do more depraved things and remain unaccountable.”
Below is the comment I posted, in response to the Wall Street Journal’s article, “Georgia Case Presents Unique Challenges for Trump—and Prosecutors”
WSJ Mission Statement: “…As journalists, we are humble, curious, empathetic, informed and open-minded…”
This “open mindedness” knows little limit, when faced with the vitriol of hyper partisanship, as evidenced by the plurality of comments herein. Conversely, in response to my attempt to constructively critique both parties as offerors of folderol, these “humble, curious, empathetic and informed” journalists, dispatched my posts down the memory hole.
Though it came relatively late to the WSJ, the cancer of censorship has now metastasized throughout this once great newspaper. As Jacques Ellul explicates in his seminal work, “Propaganda, The Formation of Men’s Attitudes,” this divergence from mission statement was inevitable, given propaganda’s requirement for totality to be effective.
Thus, if we are to maintain our collision course with dystopia, engineered ignorance must become synonymous with strength, and any substantive criticism of this brave new nightmare, obliterated.
I have recently been banned from Twitter (X). I try to let people make up their own minds.
How dare you. Trying to create a personal global cult around you as global “truth seeker”.
Right on the nail CJ. As for kimdotcom- I wouldn’t get as far as his comments- the shades are a terminator for me.
If anybody wanted to take any sort of logical approach: ‘free-speech’ is a misnomer. Free-speech is “indoctrination, intimidation and intolerance” (as per the preceding article.) The most significant event in every life is the indoctrination into languages as the means of control. Thereafter: the language itself is the PSYOP as part of the language-gamification we play as Sprachspiel or Kultursprache. The logic and grammar dictates or compels not just the way we think, but that we can think at all; in culturally predetermined ways. Every thought has already been culturally-generated as predetermined organisation, ‘we’ merely change the order-words whilst the logic and grammar remain the same as legislative “rule-governance”.
The most significant event in every life then is indoctrination into grammatical intimidation and intolerance; whichever is also arbitrarily engendered in “romance languages” like French (which is what Barthes, Derrida, Foucault, and D&G where critiquing.) Nobody reads Lacan anymore, not just because he is ‘difficult’ (which he surely is), but because he said that after indoctrination into predetermined language-gamification, all there is is the Imaginary and Symbolic with no possibility of any Real. People must believe their linguistic creations are realistic, and not poetic symbolism and arbitrary imaginabilities – and not culturally predetermined realities. Hence, we are compelled by the grammar into believing the grammar-like gamification we play is realisation, and not just reactionary gratification in pre-moralised imaginabilities.
So every day ‘we’ gather — at the “insistence of the letter <I>” — and exchange signs as mythologisation and mystification we call free-floating speech; and nobody can even challenge that. The whole ‘continental school’ is symbolically labelled ‘postmodern’ and denigrated by logical-analytical ideologues like Peterson, Pinker, Hicks et all; intimidated into thinking that our logical-analytical propositions fit the real world as a one-to-none echolalia nobody wants to encounter critically. So, logical-analytical language-gamification is dominant, just like the grammar ordered it to be. As for moral absolutism and Peterson’s Damascene conversion (has he only ever read one single passage from Nietzsche!)
FWIW: (which is fuck all); there is no logical or necessary connection between word and thing; words mean nothing alone excepting within the propositional framework provided by their order, predicated ‘true’ or ‘false’ as totally self-referential as a closed systemantic of indifference; the arbiter, dictator, and legislator of ‘truth’ is consensus, for whichever everybody must agree upon the deep paradigmatic Langue; which is the hyper-moral logic-function; whichever dictated the Parole which is the pseudo-semantic ‘free-speech’ or language-gamification we all indulge in. “God is in the grammar” and speech was never free from the grammar.
The very suggestion that ‘free-speech’ is predetermination is greeted with derision. Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Barthes, Baudrillard, Debord, Derrida et al are dismissed out of hand by Peterson’s ‘postmodern neo-marxist’ shadow-formation and ‘we’ all go on believing in veridical logic-function and logical-analytical propositions that have a one-to-one structural isomorphy or reversible ‘word-to-world fit’; just as the grammar dictated.
That leaves Searle in a curious “no-mans-land” between analytical and continental language-gamification. I can go with Searle’s social-engineering ontology because he admits to the “declarative speech-act” (as apophansis) upon which social-engineering is founded. Otherwise: the insistence that words fit any sort of world is language-gamification as per the ‘two’ Wittgenstein’s.
Free-floating speech-acts are performance-only linguistifications, mythologisation and mystifications. Words are quite arbitrarily assigned by cultural agreement in the Form of Life, whichever is ‘neoliberal’ nomological determinism. The Frenchies were on the right track to freedom from ‘free-speech’ whichever was never freed; unless ‘we’ free it as per Illich et al as recently mentioned spectacle.
According to the merriam-webster website the first known use of ‘gamification’ is 2006. Wittgenstein died in 1951.
An English-speaking parent says to their child:
“That’s a wasp and it will give you a painful sting if you annoy it”.
You might be able to work up some anodyne sense in which the child’s understanding of this sentence is ‘culturally-determined’. However, the child may disregard (or not fully understand) the advice and in so doing may find its understanding rather ‘reality-determined’.
“Language-games” have intensified in their intensity since W died; particularly as an increasingly vicious hyperindividualism — which is gamified grammaticalisation. You can connote some economic Game Theory as well, especially the zero-sum gamification of “determination and negation” of economic ‘what is valuation’ and ecologic “what is not” valuable, which includes things like life-support and even life-itself — all of which is predetermined by grammar and logic.
It’s not worth pursuing this further. All that needs reiterating is that Wittgenstein’s concept of a language-game in Philosphical Investigations (first published in English posthumously 1953) has nothing to do with the much later concept of ‘gamification’ (2006 according to merriam-webster). According to the Cambridge online dictionary ‘to gamify’ is ‘to make an activity more like a game in order to make it more interesting or enjoyable’. I’m not going to attempt here to write an exposition of Wittgenstein’s use of the word ‘language-game’ – anyone who’s interested should go and read Philosophical Investigations. A simplistic explanation is that Wittgenstein was comparing human activities including language to games of many kinds. He certainly wasn’t advocating making human activities more like a game.
[Note to Admins: would it be possible to take my email out of automatic moderation?]
Wittgenstein does not control the language, and neither does anyone else. What Wittgenstein meant in either the Tractatus or later was contextual to him, and him only. Since then, things changed. “The author is dead” and things move on. All this close reading stuff is irrelevant. Nobody knows what W meant except W and the circumstances in which he wrote. Thereafter “W said” is projection of the current author and their interpretation in the crowd and in the flow of life; for which the poetic metaphor “language gamification” suits my purpose. There is no way to recreate the author of the Tractatus of the PI, ever; that’s gamification for you!
you sure used a lot of words to sum what ozzy said, ‘how am i supposed to know, hidden meanings that will never show’.
Everything has a ‘special’ meaning that is different to everyone else because of personal context.
This makes your above treatise mental masturbation, which makes me think all of the works that treatise poured out of is the same mental masturbation.
Is it to justify some sort internal knowing that, what ever association being made at the individual level, is some sort of justification of bad behavior? to me its a good reality, even if it is evil to you because of the none reality of words? my use of language is better than yours, therefore i can game my dialogue to justify anything i do?
Without being as philosophically versed as yourself, that is prima facia, its what i hear- gaming auditory,hmm?.
I can ‘feel it’ in your dissertation, hiding bad intent through disingenuous interpretation of meaning. Interpretation includes body language and other ques. Its easy to see, gaming language to corrupt discourse.
The TV programmers have done a great job of displaying this ‘lack-o-freedom’ that creates these strange synchronisities that resemble our daily lives, using that ‘oh thats not what it means’ game to corral us all into the same routines. so to me, your psycho babble is an inversion of any true spoken word and especially underlying intended meaning, or maybe mine is!
Wittgenstein does not control the language, and neither does anyone else. What Wittgenstein meant in either the Tractatus or later was contextual to him, and him only. Since then, things changed. “The author is dead” and things move on. All this close reading stuff is irrelevant. Nobody knows what W meant except W and the circumstances in which he wrote. Thereafter “W said” is projection of the current author and their interpretation in the crowd and in the flow of life; for which the poetic metaphor “language gamification” suits my purpose. There is no way to recreate the author of the Tractatus of the PI, ever; that’s gamification enough for me!
So all we need to do is to start communicating without using language! Brilliant! I’ll start: $%_&&€÷$@$.
Oh hang on. Even symbols are an indication of indoctrination!
Speech is symbolic of the psyche and the psyche is the ultimate commodity of economic civilisation; so yeah: symbols are a sign or indication of indoctrination. Everybody uses the same grammatical form as form-giving indoctrination. Find me a form of expression that is not grammaticalised: there is none. You have to use the grammar and logic that was indoctrinated into you in your infant years. Most people are uncritically and unquestioningly indoctrinated for life. Some question that indoctrination but are ridiculed by the lifelong herd-animalisation of the communised collectivisation. OMG: was Nietzsche ever wasting his time!
Recognising the “indoctrination, intimidation and intolerance” inherent in the sentence-structure; we are free to use the very same sentence-structure pragmatically and descriptively; without automatically and unconsciously applying hyper-moral metaphoric judgementalism of true/false, right/wrong, superior/inferior and them/us antagonisms of the split-psyche; ending the reductive-mechanistic ideological psychosis forever; assuming, that is, that the massified herd does not actually love its owned indoctrination, radicalisation and grammatic fundamentalism.
Gimme that old-time leftism, you know, the one that (sometimes) doffed its hat to the working class…
Surely you can see that any left/right dichotomy is purely grammatical: The left/right antagonism is grounded in the sentence-structure; not in actuality. Class antagonisms are the same; which is not to say that domination does not exist, but that it is ubiquitous. Humans are second class citizens as objectively dominated as subjected by grammatical construction. Thereafter:<solipsism is solecism>; individual personification is an autonomised abuse of the grammar; especially a continual abuse of the verb <to be> as an existential copulation.
Is that an insult or critique ? It sounds like one of those “post-” somethings to me…
Its a statement, how to emotionalise is up to you, but there is no animosity teleported by me. How anybody reads anybody else’s statements is a matter of emotional self-investment. The critique is of the use of language itself. I admit to no left/right dichotomy, only a left/right mirror imagery. How anybody reads anybody else’s statements….
Any indeterminancy of meaning is differential emotionality invested in symbology. Personally, I’d rather we didn’t emotionally charge language, but most people have their identity at stake in self-indicating symbolisation. Again, I’d rather we did not do that and use the language as a tool. I’m critiquing the uncritical use of language and therefore critiquing any sort of classification, categorisation and periodisation. If we determine the correct label do we determine the essence of the thing — No, but most ideologues would have you believe they can. So I’m critiquing that too!
again BS, how to emotionalize it is up to me? yeah, so disingenuous, the only reason is for bad intent. pretending not to understand because my meanings are so much better nuisanced than yours.
According to the merriam-webster website the first known use of ‘gamification’ is 2006. Wittgenstein died in 1951.
An English-speaking parent says to their child:
“That’s a wasp and it will give you a painful sting if you annoy it”.
You might be able to work up some anodyne sense in which the child’s understanding of this sentence is ‘culturally-determined’. However, the child may disregard (or not fully understand) the advice and in so doing may find its understanding very much ‘reality-determined’.
Every sentence on this virtual page, and every other page — indeed each and every sentence humans have created (in the last few hundred years of standardisation) — is apophantic. If you say it is ‘apophansis’ people balk, and then carry on apophantically constructing propositional sentences as completely unconsciously internalised. Sentence construction is governed by strict rules under communitarian supervision (as phatic communisation) and nobody wants to acknowledge that this structure of dualised antagonisms is the organisational principle of our lives. We live as the grammar dictates; and that is very much not “reality-determined” but grammatically-determined.
Wittgenstein had plenty to say about ‘pain’ and private language; we can only feel ‘pain’ due to cultural=determination; but any singular example trivialises the population-wide use of language. “The cat sat on the mat” yields no universalisable principles.
So, 2,500 years of semeiotic usage has bypassed the current readership; and the grammar and logic dictate the order of our lives unconsciously; even though everybody has automatically internalised grammar and logic as “indoctrination, intimidation and intolerance” as acquired by militarised education. That sounds like the perfected control mechanism to me.
Just a few bits of language off the top of my head:
‘Mind the gap’
‘Slippery when wet’
‘Road ahead closed’
‘Opening hours: 10:00 – 16:00, Mon – Fri’
‘Cash only’
The meaning (and truth) of any of those will be apparent in reality if you decide to test them. Which you are free to do or not do – your behaviour is not determined by the grammar of the statements.
Language is a system synonymous with all human activity: what language ‘means’ is what humans do as anthropogenesis; which is irreducible to the few sentences you produced. Meaning and truth cannot be inferred from any singular statement as Hjelmslev, Frith, MAK Halliday tried to show. But nobody read them.
Humans use language all the time as unconsciously and uncritically incorporated; which will probably never change; so meaning and truth is consensus in practice and use. If somebody reads any of the above; at the same time Xbn other people are using language so the meaning and truth is somewhat limited. I’m talking about the overall use which come called the metalanguage; that is the total use of sound symbolism as economic civilisation. Language = civilisation; anthropogenesis = anthroposemeiosis as the species use of sound symbols to exploit itself and its surroundings — “Mind the gap!”
Wrong again Brian.
Correct gramma is universal and fixed. It is NOT “to be changed culturally”.
Correct sex is universal and fixed, It is NOT to be gender changed into many sexes.
A person’s correct physical Identity is universal and fixed. It is NOT to be multiplied into several ID’s due to “culturally-generated predetermined ways”.
There can be only One true interpretation, therefore all your references are to the liar.
I posted “On Truth and Lies in an Extra-moral Sense” the other day; It appears ‘we’ are separated by the same logic as bipolarisation if we adhere to the cultural logic of Absolutism v Relativism. There is a third position currently denied by the culture of the middle way; proposed as “all grammar and logic is a priori falsehood: but some of it may still be useful” which is pragmatism.
All our statements are false: but some of them may be useful (modified Box’s Axiom) is possibly too subtle here, but Nietzsche was a very subtle writer. If an when we stop speculating, that does not preclude us from articulating descriptively as a better, or more adequated morality. In short: economic moralisation as the absolutisation of the contemporary culture is nihilism; an ecologic ethicality of a successionary community is anti-nihilistic. The difference is in the grammar as absolute and unworldly or relative and worldly (which is not pure relativism; but something in between called life.)
An interesting, if macabre, addendum to the idea of language itself as enslaving might involve our good buddy Elon’s Neurolink. Presumably that technology (should it ever come to fruition) could render language passe. Then what? Would we then have pure thought, unfettered with words and grammar?
If so, no one could convey their “thoughts” to another because each Neurolink recipient would be on a different wavelength. Unless, of course, Bro Elon and his team fiddled with the link itself.
BTW, if anyone here is an Outer Limits fan, like me, there’s a great episode from the “new” Outer Limites series titled “Stream of Consciousness” (Season 3).
Curiously, you just describe the Hegelian “absolute knowing” at the ‘end of philosophy’; the end of philosophy which was also claimed by Fukuyama to be the ‘end of history’ (which relies heavily on Kojeve’s reading of Hegel.) When the thought is symmetric with the thing we will all sit round humming electronically “like bees”; and no, that is not my hyperbole,: Kojeve said as much — the end of philosophy is like the ultimate end of speculation and the absolute eusocial resonance of the Aristotelean “self-thinking thought” (noesis noeseos noesis: hivemind qua godmind.)
What is macabre or occult (as hidden and absconded) is that the “end of philosophy” is the “beginning of philosophy” completed or perfected as First Philosophy as Ontology (Being qua Being). All our propositions as statements are offered up logically as referential to the established ontology as either ‘true’ or ‘false’; moralised as rationalised against the pre-established ‘body of truth’ (which is almost identical with Peterson’s “The Known” as oedipal stern patriarch).
Grammar and logic are our most fundamental technologies from which all other technologies extend. So this establishes our technological “hermeneutic loop” as fundamentally ratiocentric; as modally dialectical (Platonic) from first to last; which encompasses all philosophy as a unidirectional linearised procedure not unlike alchemical purification and perfection of the self-thinking Concept that is both guiding the procedure as a principle arche (prime mover) and a teleological end-determination as the teleological “that for which the thing is done” (tou hou heneka); the first cause is the final cause and predestination of grammatical logic and predetermination.
So, unaware of the logic behind the grammar (and keen to remain unaware) ‘we’ cannot but repeat this “hermeneutic hyperloop” as ratiocentrism even when it is proved as a destructive death spiralling; ‘we’ offer up our propositions to the very body of knowledge that caused the death spiral as an inculcated positivism reinforcing the ‘truth’ that is killing us. Which is the history of the human condition in a nutshell!
But ‘we’ cannot see the mechanism “at the coalface” as we are using it, or rather; the grammar is using us to get to ‘itself in itself.’ But grammar is a complete and utter abstraction (not a thing in itself) trying to complete ‘itself for itself’ which is a monstrous perversion of life, living, and life-affirmation. ‘Grammar’ is using us for its own end and we are controlled by are own creation.
Grammar and logic are overdetermination as overcoding based on the false presumption that thinking can be separated from the body — whichever is utter phantasy. Elon and his cohorts think that thinking is autonomous as self-thinking; the implication of which is a godlike mind of absolutist being and absolute knowing as unmanifest idealism.
I do not know his personal ‘philosophy’; but all philosophy is barely disguised megalomanina (as megalopsuchos — the magnaminous ‘great mind’ or ‘great soul’.) ‘He’ is owned by his own ultimated ‘thinking thinking thinking.’ The sooner he fucks off to Mars, the better IMHO.
Kujeve seems to have anthropomorphized bees. Yes, they seem to our ears to be “humming”; but for all we know they may have grammar, syntax and the whole nine yards. And thereby be caught up on the same treadmill as we humans.
Bees have dances that indicate where plentiful food can be found; and if the others are fed, they ignore the dancer. We follow symbols to acquire more and more private property way beyond any natural appetivity we may have. Bees feed until they have enough, we invent new appetites and are never satiated. Therein, the eusocial comparison falls apart.
Adios for now.
Haha. Wrong AND boring. Graduate school was the wrong choice for you.
They don’t teach you this shit in ‘grad school’; they teach you that grammar and logic are ‘true.’ I say they are not, you say I am wrong — can you at least see the circuitry? You do not say, but it seems you think this cycle is virtuous — I don’t think so.
all of your crap is covered in music, i believe that is Sting – things they dont teach you in college
“as per the ‘two’ Wittgenstein’s.” Not to be nit picky but that should be “the ‘two’ Wittgensteins.” Unless you are talking about his hat. I mean, really, if you are going to senselessly mock language and grammar make a vague effort to get them right. How many philosophers can dance on the head of a pin? Probably about as many as you’ve tried to jam into your comment. Was it done all for effect? If so, sweetie pie, it failed utterly.
“Two” W’s: sorry, that’s my own idiosyncracy: there was only 1.5 W’s as he never fully rejected his earlier self after his “comeback.”
“How many philosophers…” all of them use and abuse the same grammatical constructivism Aristotle made up; and so does everybody born as per “indoctrination, intimidation and intolerance” into the current cultural grammatical structure we are using now. Few even question this. I assume you are asserting that ‘your’ grammatic constructivism is more true, more real, mor substantial, and ultimately superior to ‘mine’; just as the grammar dictated. Call this apophansis and everybody fails to recognise the very form of ontological constructivism they are themselves using to judge, discriminate, rank and negate any difference. Do you see how it works yet?
Think about it: Aristotle had no special faculties other than his senses and imaginability. He made shit up in a flight of phantasy, and the whole species became indoctrinated into his way of thinking. Indoctrinated, but unaware of their owned indoctrination. Now you know what apophansis is and you can question whether all propositions are modally true or false; necessary or unecessary, possible or impossible which I at least think is complete pseudo-intellectual dogma commanding human life. Maybe you will agree or disagree, but it’s absolutist apohantic indoctrination until then!
You’ve lost me, and evidently everyone else on this forum! The purpose of language, grammar and logic is to communicate in a comprehensible form. Of course some use it for other twisted and evil purposes, but that does not alter its purpose. You are not communicating anything to me. Maybe it is my loss, but I rather doubt it.
its the disingenuous argument. its those that say – that is NOT what i meant! it is the basis of betrayal. it is the thorn in the side of society that particular archetype creates. Not a big fan of Jung but that guy seemed to deeply understand the psyche. I wonder if he got as annoyed at the Bryans as i do. Bryans will then justify out-lawing doublespeak, a meaning for everything and everything a meaning,even though the argument will be the opposite.
I was going to fault you for not pointing out that the double quotation mark should appear within the single quotation mark. However, it all depends if you’re American or British.
In America, single quotation marks go within the double. Whereas in Britain, double quotation marks go within the single.
So ‘fess up: are you American or British?
Raised, and also educated, in the US, I admit it, but I have been living in New Zealand for about 20 years. Very sorry; I keep mixing the two “languages” up. And all those additional uses of “u”! It can make a person lose their sense of humor, er, I mean humour….
So logic and grammar dictated or compelled you into believing the grammar-like gamification you play is realisation, and not just reactionary gratification in pre-moralised imaginabilities.
Maybe it would be simpler to just say “the word is not the thing “. 🙄
The word is the symbol of the word; the ‘thing’ has nothing to do with it. “Terminus supponit pro res“ the supposition terminates in the thing is part of the underlying dogma of Western mystification; and this has nothing to do with ‘me.’ Everybody is indoctrinated into grammar at school, there is no “realisation” in sentence-structure. If everybody understood that the word is a symbolic token for the dominant interpretation of things there would be little or no need to say anything. A state of affairs that would suit me just fine. In the meantime: everybody thinks that the word is at least one type of thing — and that is the self. Which is exactly how the dominant grammar controls the collectivised mind.
Twitter has become unusable since they changed the order of posts from ‘most recent’ to ‘things we think you’d like’. There doesn’t appear to be any way to change back without creating an Account i.e. create a pathway to be surveilled.
“Twitter’s dreadful – use Telegram instead”. Oh, another platform that requires an Account.
BTW that X definitely has some occult meaning – probably it’s the position of the arms in “Osiris slain” so is yet more Eygptian mystery school fundamentalism. SpaceX… XR…. they never tire of it.
“Things WE think you’d like”. Says it all really.
I agree about the “For You” timeline. It’s terrible. (And the “Following” timeline is worse and not all chronological.) But what do you mean about creating an account? I thought the latest “innovation” was that one couldn’t even view tweets at all without having an account. Do you mean paying and getting a blue check?
The machine knows more about you than you know about yourself. Heard that bs before?
do laundry? go to work? go to the store? then do another load of laundry?
My mind is full of “awful” content!
I know somebody who posted art, music, writing online 10 years ago and nobody accesses it. And it’s good stuff. Just as good as or better than most of the crap on the internet. I guess she got visibility filtered before they invented visibility filtering.
share it!
Why folks are still interacting with these vile entities is beyond me, an insightful vid on where this is all going (posted by Alison M)
FOMO: Fear of missing out.
One should always “look a gifted horse in the mouth” BUT should use it as long as it works out. Tucker Carlson for example does this or RFKjr. Or were these also gifted? Aren’t we all? In street fighting anything could be a weapon…
A gift horse?? more a donkey ass. 🐎