Is this the REAL reason “Eris” cases are spiking?
Kit Knightly

Eris – the most recent “Covid variant” – is supposedly causing spikes in cases all over the world. The story goes that England, Ireland and US are all being hit hard, it’s reached Australia too.
In yet another blow to the “BRICS will save us” crowd, India and China are playing along.
“Scientists” are even clamoring for the return of masks.
We’ve already been over everything you need to know about “Eris” here. Long story short, “Covid” is just another made up name for the flu, and the “variants” are coats of paint they slap on the narrative to try and keep it looking fresh.
In that same article I theorised Eris’ existence was a need to keep Covid alive, and that is part of it…but I also missed something obvious: The next round of Covid “vaccines” hits the shelves next month.
For those who have lost count, I think we’re up to six or seven shots now.
This “updated vaccine” is nothing to do with Eris, of course, as much as the language in the headlines implies it’s been “adapted” for the latest variant, it hasn’t. It was in the works before Eris was even said to exist.
Moderna had the brass neck to claim that they did a “trial” showing their updated vaccine protects against Eris. Considering Eris first hit the headlines just a few weeks ago it looks like Moderna may have broken their own record in terms of speedy “trials”.
It’s just the same old slop it always was.
Hell, let’s be honest, it could be water. It could be ANYTHING.
The content of the syringe was never the important part. After all, what you were being injected with wasn’t the point, the point was that you got injected because they told you to.
It was about forcing obedience, setting the vaccine mandate precedent and seeing how effectively people could be gaslit into taking a shot that they’d already been told they don’t need and doesn’t work.
Well, that and governments handing over VAST amounts of cash to pharmaceutical companies, obviously.
But they already have the money, and most people (allegedly) took the vaccine…so why are they still going?
You have to appreciate the huge amount of effort that went into hypnotizing millions – maybe billions – of people into acting against their own best interests, it’s a spell that’s easier to maintain than restart. If they start letting people forget, then soon they’ll have to begin the ritual all over again.
And the magic is already wearing off.
Consider that, allegedly, over 200 million Americans took the first dose in 2021, and that by the time boosters were coming out in the fall of 2022 it was down to 50 million. That’s a 75% drop-off in only a year.
The power is slipping away, and as they scramble to get it back you can probably expect “Eris” to get a lot worse.
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Eris the goddess of strife and discord. Like that was not on purpose.
I know people who have died from that jab, others whose health is spiraling downward and others who seem to be who knows what’s in that mess. 911 was the militarization of travel by the same cabal who are now pushing for militarization of healthcare, food and soon the air you breath. Read the Protocols and the Commie manifesto it’s all in there. These devils are the money changers and well poisoners of old
Ooohhh, Eris scare us!
It’s all a scam. From beginning to end.
Let’s not forget that these so-called vaccines were developed WITHOUT the virus being isolated. Almost 4 years since it first appeared, not a single source has provided proof of isolation. How can you develop a ‘vaccine’ for a virus that you haven’t isolated!
Eris is the Greek goddess of Chaos, Strife, Discord, and general Mayhem.
In astronomy, Eris is an asteroid; as an astrological body she rules Chaos Strife and Discord, etc… She is currently in the sign of Aries, ruled by warlike Mars.
“The content of the syringe was never the important part. After all, what you were being injected with wasn’t the point, the point was that you got injected because they told you to.”
What would be the point?
Given the more than 1,400 possible adverse reactions noted in the Pfizer trial documents, including fertility issues and governments noting the increase in all causes mortality since the Covid vaccines were implemented, I do think that the depopulation promoters behind their development cared a lot about getting the potions in as many arms as possible. Yet despite all of the safety signals, they double down. This is more than just about money. Otherwise the vaccines would be been designed more along the lines of traditional vaccines diluted with saline to encourage uptake.
If you have any questions, reference former hedge fund manager Ed Dowd’s book, “Cause Unknown.”
The content of the jab is the goal of covid: graphene oxide among other deadly poisons.
The fact is the most common virus in the common cold and the flu is the CORONAVIRUS, the same one as was used in CoVid-19. The Eris “variation” is another coronavirus flu. It’s just another excuse by the CDC, the WHO and Pfizer to push more mRNA shots on to people. BTW you may like to know it you had the Swine Flu in 1976 or 2009 it was a coronavirus similar to Sars CoV-2 giving you immunity to CoVid-19. If you had CoVid-19 you also have immunity. Also, even if you get it Ivermectin CURES it and your doctor can and should prescribe it. So, there’s nothing to really concern yourself over.
The influenza virus causes influenza, NOT coronavirus. Many of us have had the common cold (frequently caused by a coronavirus), so there’s some thought that some of the population already had some level of immunity in 2020. I had Omicron last year so now I have some immunity, and I never took the vaccine job.
Murder is big business
….at some stage, all the jabbed will come to fear the next booster
We all know the COVID tests can be easily manipulated by adjusting test factors (e.g. PCR cycles) but at this point I think the PTB won’t even bother and are simply making the numbers up.
Good link here about the COVID controlled opposition:
Looking into the link. Everything is a fraud and you cant trust nobody.
As my Grandpa said: “Hookers and pocket thieves are the only honest people you will find.”
Dr. Tom Cowan: RFK, Jr. = trustworthy.
They are relying on projections once more. We know here in the US they have no actual data and we already know they could turn on or off and skew reporting like a faucet
Yeah. We know.
An awful lot of normies also know but refuse to acknowledge it because it would mean they’d have to admit to beong duped.
So, we have “Corona” the Crown, and now we have Eris. Eris turned around gives Sire. Eris is also know as EG-5, which turned around gives us ….
I don’t think these ‘coincidences’ are really that!
an E turned around can also be taken a 3, G is also 3 turned around = 33. And now you have 6 upvotes. This is also no coincidence. Someone are playing games here.
To quote Yello:”Vicious games with different names.”
Excellent, but who’s this article’s author?
It must be Kit- I recognize his writing style.
We’re still waiting for any research on what proportion of the unvaccinated have never caught ‘it’. Both myself, and my nearest and dearest, have never had the vaccine, and have now seen numerous ‘variants’ come and go, but without a whisper of illness. Which probably means there has been research but they didn’t like the answers!
Husband and I both are non-gmo’d and haven’t been sick at all with anything. Staying that way! And we’re both seniors.
Same here. My lungs going great. Congratulations, it was nice to hear from normal people.
Good on you !!
I am a physician, infectious diseases specialist, and covid-vaxx free. Among my family members and co-workers in my 2 jobs, most at least triple-shot, I am the only one who never got sick. I even have a positive antibody test. But since the mayor made it compulsory for every public employee, I am still facing an administrative process to fire me. And here in Brasil even the best human rights lawyers were supporting the more “strong” stimuli to be shot, and the supreme court ruled it was legal, constitutional to fire those who refused the jab.
Hang on Samuel.
They did this in EU and Canada and US only to have to back down.
I don’t know how Brazil works but elsewhere you would be due compensation if you’re disadvantaged.
Hang on and be proud, you are doing the right thing. You preserve yourself and still have access to God and Cosmos.
Dont you have a chance in private hospitals? Brasil is a big country where it is always possible to make a deal or find another solution. But I know the bureaucracy can be hard to overcome. Its hard to be a loner among fools. Abraco.
Samuel, what about the practitioners administering the injections – they have a legal and ethical obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination. When they know someone has presented before them under coercion, under a mandate, they should refuse to vaccinate as valid consent cannot be obtained under coercion.
Seems to me most practitioners are ignorant of their legal and ethical obligation, and have wrongly injected people under mandates.
Have you raised this angle?
He had. The Mayor, The Supreme Court, all Lawyers, the Parliament, the President, the whole apparatus, are in favour of forcing people.
Its difficult for an authorised local practitioner to go formally against such a big force without losing everything.
Shoot first, and ask questions later?
No jab and no coof here,no symptoms or even sniffles. I’m almost 50.
I’m 57 and from the Midlands in the UK. I didn’t take the shots and have never had Covid. My partner tested positive for the first time last December (she had one AZ shot in early 2021) and despite sleeping in the same bed and not isolating I didn’t get infected. Everyone else I know has had a minimum of two shots and had Covid at least once.
Take a look at the VaxControlGroup, better yet sign up and be part of the answer They’re accumulating data exactly for this reason
Oxford Professor Sarah Harper is a very important person. The Telegraph article listing her credentials forgot to mention that she serves on the Global Agenda Council on Ageing Societies of the World Economic Forum. And 7 other demographic/population councils.
It was worth it.
Spikey things migrate to gonads.
Surprising that jabbed are less fertile ??
I believe in my government and that Osama bin Lade with a bunch of Muslims from Afghan mountains did 9/11 with bone knives, and there is nothing you can do to change my opinion.
Not bone knives. Box cutters. Heck, given what “they” supposedly did with box cutters, the world would be at their mercy if they ever got hold of bone knives.
governments found an astonishing new way to control the Virus: by shouting at people from helicopters
I believe in my government because they have a master degree from Yale and know what they are talking about, and you have not!
Lol😂! It was the power tripping that soo many slipped into with such ease that was an amazing side affect of the plague. That Meme brought back memories of walking out saying “Fuck you” and heading for the mountains. As I couldn’t wear the mask.
The plexiglass is protecting the cashier from 500 virus infected customers/day, not the other way around. This was the lie.
The dumb ages. This was the truth. Fixed.
Eris rhymes with ISIS, and we all know the US funded and trained ISIS.
The plutocrats have to keep their COVID Psy-Op going by ramping up the fear porn, lest we stop being afraid and regard their variant announcements like we did the color coded “terror alerts” after 9-11; we just stopped believing their BS. These psychopaths use the fact that real Coronaviruses mutate but they fail to tell us these variants become less lethal as they do so.
SARS-COV-2 was never proven to exist scientifically so as part of their diabolical scam they have to keep us petrified of invisible microbes. COVID is a replay of the AIDS Swine and Bird Flu scams including introduction of lethal “medicines” like AZT that kill or seriously injure those who take it. The overlords’ Eugenics/depopulation play book is thin they keep doing the same things over and over again and we keep falling for their okey-doke.
To assist in the con and sell the new jab, there is a rumor yet to be confirmed, masks will be mandated on air travel starting in October. Apparently the White House believes it has found a way around the court ruling against such mandates. The return of masks will spur another clamor for the shot.
“The content of the syringe was never the important part. After all, what you were being injected with wasn’t the point, the point was that you got injected because they told you to”
That seems half the story. Yes, it was a compliance test. But, again, to have Billions of these ‘vaccines’ ready to go in that timeframe just isn’t possible.The implications are clear, it was all preplanned.That it aligns with a much vaunted idea of over population and a need for sustainability. Shows that we should be extremely careful cautious and concerned about being forced to take part in Govt/Pharma sponsored drug trials.
Corona = Crown, so is it a passing of the crown from the Industrial Age to the Digital Age? As that’s what to looks like.
Etymology of Crown
borrowed from Latin corōna “garland worn on the head as a mark of honor or emblem of majesty, halo around a celestial body, top part of an entablature”
The “Corona Virus” the mark of honour?
It’s also refers to a part of the penis.
What part is that?
Once upon a time long, long ago, in a land far, far away, – mRNA genetic modification bioweapons premeditated mass murderers were identified, arrested, prosecuted in a court of law, and – when legitimately found guilty – placed behind prison bars for life, or put to death… 😐
Death preferably. There are a lot of souls on the other side who want their turn yet. No point simply delaying their date with real justice.
Put another way. Satan called and he wants their souls returned.
Scientists discussed editing the human genome as a way to solve “climate change” years ago
“At the 2016 World Science Festival, a panellist openly discussed using genetic engineering of humans to “address climate change.” He went on to give two examples of how editing the human genome could mitigate “climate change”.”
If we know clima change is wall street’s problem label for the unpredictable weather, we can predict what these two solutions may be:
I. Creation of predictable robots.
II.Humans subject to endless GMO experiments doing it better than the last batch.
“If they start letting people forget, then soon they’ll have to begin the ritual all over again.”
My parents, in their late eighties, eagerly await their next “invitation”
Like many of their generation they sincerely believe that the government is there for our benefit and must be obeyed.
Luckily, so far they seem to have avoided the extra dodgy jabs in the Russian roulette that is the “vaccine” programme.
I take the point about the contents of the syringe not being important but, as you say -“You have to appreciate the huge amount of effort that went into hypnotizing millions – maybe billions”
If your going to go to that trouble and you’re backed by eugenist billionaires surely there’s going to be a “little extra” in it ?
It would be stupid and amateurish for every dose to be immediately fatal so it is logical that there is a slow burn effect. Also, they don’t want to kill everyone as they will need minions.
Maybe, as has been witnessed, part of it is sterility. The spikey thing is concentrated in the ovaries and testes.
Maybe it is 5G which is yet to be activated in most areas ?
“Bivalent” is a nice, new, druggy word which I think is valid in this context.
It does two jobs – compliance and also as a time bomb.
Look at me – A swivel-eyed conspiracy loon!
Yes. Agree with everything you said. Very nicely summed up. My eldest sister had five “jabs”, her husband six. (two Astrazeneca each and the balance Pfizer). A vaccine smorgasbord. I asked her if she would have another “jab”. Oh yes she said, to protect John (the husband).
I started to point out that I’d had no vaccines, had a mild flu which was Covid-19, apparently, (according to the RAT test) and her bending over (metaphorically) for more “jabs” was irrational. She used to be, I thought, a logical, thinking human being. Once upon a time.
In the end I gave up and thanked her for her and her kind putting pressure on people like me to have shot after shot and all the shaming bullshit that the unvaccinated went through.
They are drug addicts. Alcoholics. Smokers, Just another new addiction. Simple.
Huxley called these ‘Epsilons.’ It appears a great majority of the bewildered herd are of this lot.
I had to have tests to travel as I didn’t have a “passe sanitaire” when living in France.
The change in the authorities was startling.
Bars and restaurants would be raided by the police with a “papiers” order barked out from under a robocop uniform.
My first reaction when Austria was looking at compulsory vaccination was to escape EU so I got my cats a passport ready to leave at a moments notice.
We have now escaped from Europe to the relative sanity of UK.
People often wonder how the nazis got away with it.
Well, I can tell you from experience, the leap from benevolent government to Tyranny can happen in a heartbeat.
The EU now has my DNA from the “tests” forced upon me.
I assume, like everyone else subjected to the procedure I have a profile.
I am aware that the last three years were a test.
The next phase will be harder. They know which buttons to push and who is trouble and who is easy
We have also learned a lot about the enemy.
They’ve made mistakes – the moneypox episode being the funniest, but it goes to show they are not infallible.
“relative sanity of UK”. Ok, I thought UK was among the hardliners.
Yes the pcr test is a tagging system. They now have your dna related to your name and whatever they can get hold on, voice, eye, face, social no.
Two of my close who first refused, got the jab. Im complete alone now. Everybody are pulling their shirt up, knotting the arm, knocking at some blood vein, and begging for mercy and a booster.
I mean, they had to find some compensation for 6000 ton heroine loss in Afghanistan. The best wishes.
Yes, RELATIVE sanity.
I am also on my home soil and able to resist in my mother tongue.
I really thought that Austria and Germany were going to go total nazi.
I know it is fashionable to say that demonstrating doesn’t work but I seriously believe that the pushback from the public was what stopped them.
Yeah I think its the fear of losing control. If they cant control the crowd everything can happen……to them.
They didn’t get valid consent for the injections, nor the intrusive tests.
There was analysis showing the Pfizer jab had 4 different dosage levels. Admission in Australia by Pfizer also revealed Pfizer employees did not receive the same jab as was released to the public. The best description is truly Russian roulette. Or perhaps the lid Tootsie Pop commercial with the owl: how many jabs does it take to stop your heart…. A 1… a 2…. a 3….
The outcome is correlated to your zip code. Anyone who decides to shoot up should get their fix in clinics in affluent neighborhoods.
Is the cure out yet..?
Oh yes, definitely.
The cure for death was found in 2022.
Klaus will stand there staring at Bill with his drooling mouth open, while they both dodder on for another 15,000 years.
Think how grateful future generations will be for that…
Have you ever seen anyone’s death reported as from old age? I have always wondered about that.
The vaxx IS the cure. You have complete misunderstood the whole thing.
It’s the cure for stupid. It can work instantly for some while the more entrenched in stupidity one is, the more injections required. I encourage anyone who thinks they should, to get it.
The only people getting sick, in droves, from flu by any name, are the “vaccinated” but this isn’t polite to mention. I got Covid before it had a name It’s long since established it was circulating around the world a few years before Wuhan in fact. It was the first viral infection to make me sick in 38 years. Due to being cavalier about it, I had pneumonia before realising it was time to seek doctor out. It was particularly nasty early on, but has rapidly become less severe and more easily transmitted ever since, which is ALWAYS the case with new viruses.
There is a cure for all coronaviruses as it happens. An extraordinary discovery made in 2005 from SARS research found a simple cure for ALL coronavirus strains known, 100% effective, in 4-6 days. Only a fraction of this fully researched, peer reviewed reports, human trials etc has become known to the public. Yet the reports, in medical journals etc is all online still. A tipoff from a Chinese report in January 2020 informed me and I’ve watched the partial truth being bandied about by all these truth seeking and honest people who are blissfully unaware their big truth about Ivermectin and Quinine is actually only one part of the equation. Here is the verifiable scientific info NOBODY is talking about. I found it only after several failed searches when I cut out all results after 2018. It is buried beneath mountains of recent disinfo by Fauci and other enemies of science.
It was discovered that a combination of Quinine, ZINC, and Azithromycin for severe infections, is 100% effective in 4-6 days against all coronaviruses. The Azithromycin is obviously for the pneumonia which is the killer, not the actual virus anyway. ZINC is the essential ingredient though, and quinine is an IONOPHORE. It transports the zinc into the cells which ate otherwise unable to do themselves when already infected. Ivermectin is acrually also an IONOPHORE. So too is Quercetin. The reason none of these medications have been 100% effective is the lack of zinc. Most are zinc depleted so taking supplements on their own will be great in avoiding serious infection too. However take them with any of those ionophores and voila. 100% cure is almost unheard of in medicine. This claim caught my attention right away. I was sceptical and researched it. It holds up.
There’s no point anyone trying to refute anything I wrote. It is a medical scientific discovery by leading researchers and went through all the processes necessary to make that claim. Any medical system in the world which did not know about this, is beyond incompetent in their field.
Trump trumpeted the quinine, but the zinc supplements weren’t mentioned. His doctor at the time knew, was administering it, but nobody ever put the full treatment protocol that I mentioned despite me talking about it since early 2020. Very frustrating. This info was known by the Australian government. I can absolutely prove this in a court of law. There are lots of emails in government records and in the records of a huge number of mining companies here which attest to their awareness in early 2020.
I just read “the controlled opposition” the organised anti-vaxx group are all actors, and their hydroxychloroquine, vermectine, quinine, zinc, d-vitamine, c-vitamine, etc also are bs.
So forgive me for taking also this your advice with a grain of salt.
I rely only on my God given own immune system and God giving instinct.
The cure for what? There’s a cure for stupid anyway which was once thought impossible. It’s called mRNA and you get it injected in instalments until it cures the stupid permanently. Already tens of millions fewer stupid people around since it became available.
Pull down your arms. Unfortunately you are probably wrong. Sent you the link above showing all statistics about raised death rates re mRNA are manipulated.
Meaning a cure for stupid is STILL not found.
Prince Philip who wanted the virus cure globally, got it, missed, died of depression.
Queen Elizabeth dead, she couldnt live facing reality they didnt succeed this time either being liberated from the filthy peasant, the useless eaters..
The Neo-cons and Neo-libs in Washington are foaming too.
You missed man! Stupid are still winners when all figures are taken into account.
OT. redirects to
It is (or should be, and always was in the past) IMPOSSIBLE to register a single letter domain name.
Anyone want to go halves on registering and redirecting it to already exists.
Probably worth a look to check for spook fingerprints….
They lie about everything and always have, but this time its real, I’m not going to make the same mistake I made last time, this time I’m going to get juiced.
Oh really?
You think you can avoid 40kg falling cheese wheels by being juiced?
My turn to share the comical insights of the WSWS regarding “Pirola” (nice little rhyme they found there) :
“World Socialist Web Site” seems to be written by MI6 boys (having a break from being anally raped by their superiors – instils discipline don’t you know) on a youth training scheme.
Who reads that shite?
Another website that should be deleted
They have a nice video about their ideological Guru Leon Trotsky. A must see for all Americans.
A bit OT but it’s all showbiz:
It seems to me that we have been living in The Matrix for quite some time now. My internet server feed slopped out this headline:
“How Masculinity Gurus Cash In On The Boy Crisis: The manosphere promises to fix young men’s lives. Instead, it’s making them miserable.”
This was from Mother Jones billed as: “a nonprofit American progressive magazine that focuses on news, commentary, and investigative journalism on topics including politics, environment, human rights, health and culture”. (Wiki)
Unfamiliar with the term “manosphere” I find it defined as “a collection of websites, blogs, and online forums promoting masculinity, misogyny, and opposition to feminism”. (Wiki)
My bullshit-o-meter was going into high speed. The “manosphere” is obviously a media-created concept whose roots themselves seem suspect. I daresay the internet had quite a few “conservative” sites expressing “unfashionable” attitudes re: sex. It would be easy to group them under a snappy new label and then supply various manufactured simulacra that would correspond more closely with the desired “progressive” demonology. And Voilà! A whole new demographic is created.
And it is essential that the new terminology gets the seal of approval from the “credibly progressive” sphere hence the use of the term by sites like Mother Jones.
And all of this jiggery pokery has been going on since the print media started so the Matrix predates the internet by a substantial margin.
Yes, it’s a matrix and has been all our lives. I’m a baby boomer and can trace the obvious now, back to my earliest memories. Our manipulated little revolution was the fun part, but it was already obvious by the 90s that it had continued in the same direction ever since, long after we were satisfied with most of the civil rights movement. We let the gays out of their closets and now we’re seeing a steady troop of creepy, strange, perversions following along with paedophilia and bestiality now occupying a similarly elevated position as homosexuals in the sixties as they saw their day arriving.
What was freedom to us, has turned into licentiousness. Not what we had in mind. We had no enmity towards traditional family and basic human values.
“In yet another blow to the “BRICS will save us” crowd, India and China are playing along.”
China has already paid dearly for not revealing that Covid-19 was a U$ bioweapon that failed. According to Alex Mercourist, China’s later and completely unnecessary Lockdown has set back China’s expected economic recovery from the first Lockdowns of Con-19.
On the other hand, I guess China’s conservative Inactivated-Corona-Virus Vaccine has been less dangerous than RNA Vaxx; but I have no data.
Also I guess that Russia will pay dearly in Lost Lives Among Young People for following the Western pack in its RNA Vaxx stampede; but according to OffG Admin there are no reliable Russian data equivalent to VAERS.
Both Russia and China are too quiet about Covid-19 being a U$ DoD Bio Weapon. China especially should have explained this to her people at the very start: that the first Chinese Lockdown was a necessary Civil Defense precaution against a new U$ Bio Weapon. And the Chinese Authorities should have re-assured their people when Chinese medics soon reported (in New England J Med) that death rates among patients hospitalized with Covid-19 were no higher than average mortality among people hospitalized with annual flu. It is stupid to conceal the Truth, because Truth will out: Truth is where we meet with inexorable Reality.
“You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free” — Gospel of John.
Oh, it must be true if the Great Sage Mercouris said so, right? 😉
More seriously, China has motives of its own to go along with a charade that helps keep the people cowed and quiet. Economic woes for one. Their real estate scams seem to be falling apart, and we can’t be expected to believe they’ve stopped publishing their youth unemployment figures because they’re too good.
Too much propaganda in your comment. China’s dependence on foreign trade is very low. It could not do “better” when its trade partners are in the dumps. There is no slowdown in the projects it is serious about, including BRI and research.
Russia is being quite vocal about the Convid Plandemic being US created. They’ve got the reciepts! Their attempts to bring the matter before the UN are being blocked by the USA, France and UK. China too has spoken about this, but are like Russians inclined to maintain professional diplomatic language and protocol. The real rules based order is safe in their hands at least.
We now have only three types of humans:
The Pricked.
The Unpricked.
I vote we drive the last group to extinction.
It might have been more appropriate if the last group were recognized as:
The pricks … 😉
A blunt word with a sharp point acquires a new meaning…
I like it.
But the first group are the most dangerous, …and they are going to be pessed the moment you start to drive the last group to extinction. Very pessed.
Have to give you a down vote to send at least one intelligent signal back to you. To make you wake up, and do something better than jeopardizing the whole operation..
If the PRICKERS pricked people who were under coercion/mandates to get the pricks, they did not obtain valid consent.
This is the elephant in the room…has anyone given authentic voluntary informed consent to the Covid vaccine products?
I suggest they have not.
Nonsense distraction, as a visitor to blogs I can honestly say only this blog has mentioned this.. which means its an distraction.
The aptly-named Yahoo site and “Popular Science” mentioned it earlier this month:
one last thing:
Remember they HAVE to tell you what they’re doing otherwise it’s bad karma for them.
They’re doing nowt but hawking out their Eris.
‘ But they already have the money, and most people (allegedly) took the vaccine…so why are they still going?’
They want mayhem. This madness needs to be stopped. Some rationality needs to return to politics, medicine, infrastructure. Without rationality to many things go bust: roads, houses, farm land, insurance companies, etc.
So at some point they need a scape goat. That I know for sure. I only don’t know the timing. But at some point people will say: ‘enough is enough!’
So maybe they try to push mayhem in the direction of what the experts say. Experts would make great scape goats..
Just saw a new story Biden is planning on rolling out mask mandates for flight crews and TSA in September. The public will be forced to wear masks starting in October. Looking for verification.
A handy distraction from the reporting of the activities of the Biden Crime Family.
“Consider that, allegedly, over 200 million Americans took the first dose in 2021, and that by the time boosters were coming out in the fall of 2022 it was down to 50 million. That’s a 75% drop-off in only a year.
The power is slipping away, and as they scramble to get it back you can probably expect “Eris” to get a lot worse.”
The plutocrats have to keep the global COVID Psychological Operation going for numerous reasons least they lose their grip and it plays out faded like the color coded “terror alerts” following 9-11. This is a Psy-Op a huge money maker for Big Pharma, the shots are unquestionably part of a global depopulation campaign (just like AZT was with AIDS with Anthony Fauci in charge of that one too), it’s about mind control, fear, menticide and governmental overreach motivated by the billionaire class of predatory capitalists. Also it is the ruse being used to push and implement the Brave New World Order/Great Reset along with the simultaneous “climate crisis” fear porn.
And we can’t let all those unused masks go to waste!
Eris, really?
They need to come up with scarier sounding monikers for these ” variants “. Omicron was good. It sounded ominous, alarming. Delta had oomph, it seemed forceful, a variant not to be trifled with. XBB was a damp squib. And now Eris?
Eris sounds like someone’s sister in law from Winnipeg.
No, I think only the true believers will be fooled by this scariant into dutifully queueing for their sixth or seventh ” booster “.
But hey, what a great franchise Covid has turned out to be! Bigger than Rocky, it might even give 007 a run for the money.
I am afraid that it was about what was and is in that syringe even more than the obedience. They got plenty of obedience BS with the lockdowns, masking, social distancing, etc. for the first year without the bioweapon. Dead and disabled people are rarely disobedient. In the end, what was and is in those shots will prove to be a far greater disaster to the mass of humanity than the gaslit obedience. Just check out Ed Dowd’s economic analyses. Even more (in the USA) than 40-60% excess mortality in the working age population enrolled in the larger businesses (which was determined by the insurance companies with corporate health plans, the formerly healthiest demographic) are the disabled who must be cared for by their families. Not to mention the fear, pain and suffering.
And this from Global Research.
I attended a funeral three weeks ago of 51 year old health care worker. Brain bleed with sudden stage 4 cancer all over her body. Dead within two months.
Another nurse I know, in her thirties, is being treated for stage 4 cancer. Lung, I believe.
Well, (sadly) none of Ed Dowd’s “40-60% excess mortality in the working age [population” is evident in the gullibles that are in my world — the neighbors in their 30s-60s, my own dimwitted family close and distant, the pHARMacist I know who administered the clot shots. They’re all still alive and kicking after bragging about all their boosters. Not one death or disability that I’m aware of, except for the unexpected death of a neighbor’s mum in the nursing home down our street. At the start of the scam I thought I’d find like-minds and told all-and-sundry the PTB were having us on. It soon became evident that their hysteria was off the charts and it was more prudent for me to then shut up. I’m a Brit in USA, and every single layer of bureaucracy in my state implemented farcical yet draconian measures to control the scamdemic. There are reams of pages on this (overall “liberal”) state gov’s website applauding these -crats’ efforts — from congratulating themselves on their widespread success for the installation of plexiglass screens, to judicial decisions throwing out anyone’s lawsuit for mandatory nasal testing in educational institutions being dangerous and unconstitutional.
Regarding Ed Dowd’s statistical analyses from corporate insurance policies and also polling disability increases regarding employment, which data has not yet been contaminated by TPTSB, the disability data will have far greater economic consequences than mortality for a variety of reasons which Dowd explains. I think people tend to shrug off their general feeling of mal being more readily than actual deaths, particularly regarding kin and friends. I suspect the turbo cancers will effect the vaxxed more than any other effects of the bioweapon as we go into the future. The inability for women to have successful pregnancies will not be entered into the general statistics. We also have the gradual zombification of the vaxxed which is only detected by those who are fine tuned.
Eris is ‘spiking’ because of vaxxine spruiking. “Roll up, roll up, get the latest vaxxine while stocks last”.
Or even if you point out facts.
That’s just your opinion.
The ‘covid’ Special Military Operation (SMO) differs from the Russian SMO…The Russians invade and consolidate before advancing, whereas ‘covid’ is mainly hit and run: it takes down a few then hops aboard a plane to take down a couple in a far away land…(It’s been speculated ‘covid’, like bill gates, has its own jetplanes, which explains why it crops up all over the globe so soon after its discovery).
A remarkable feature of some of ‘covid’s’ variants is how each new variant seems to have its own unique symptom…No mention yet has been made of the latest variant’s uniquely identifying symptom – but if there occurs a global increase in hip fractures, swollen ankles, or some such it’s odds on the experts & authorities will speculate that the latest variant may have had something to do with the increases.
You say, “The content of the syringe was never the important part”, but look at this horrifying extract from a lecture series by Rudolf Steiner in 1917 !
The series was called, “The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness”
These characters would of course never admit that something like this is what they’re up to, but the content of the syringe is very possibly the crucial part.
Currently we are just experiencing the first effects of that control over us which our zomboid manipulators obviously eventually intend to make total.
Here’s the extract – wacky stuff, eh? …
“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life — ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.
A beginning has already been made, though only in the literary field where it is less harmful. As I have mentioned, learned medical experts have published books on the abnormalities of certain men of genius. As you know, attempts have been made to understand the genius of Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, Viktor Scheffel, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Goethe, by showing them to suffer from certain abnormalities. And the most astounding thing in this field is that people have also sought to understand Jesus Christ and the Gospels from this point of view. Two publications are now in existence in which the origins of Christianity are said to be due to the fact that at the beginning of our era there lived an individual who was mentally and psychologically abnormal; this individual went about in Palestine as Jesus Christ and infected people with Christianity.
These, as I said, are the beginnings in the field of literature. The whole trend goes in a direction where a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination towards spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses. Out of impulses which the medical profession gained from presumption — oh, I beg your pardon, from the consumption they themselves suffered — people are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination towards spirituality.”
Interestingly, Steiner was not against vaccination per se…
I really like you, wardropper.
Thank you, Sebastian!
Time too pray
The vapors ooh my
” by Rudolf Steiner in 1917 ! “
The series was called, “The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness”
A really great man. Occasionally I come across people from a Steiner school — parents and teachers as well as pupils — and they give off good vibes.
Indeed, a great man.
Not everybody from Steiner schools does well, but I think that’s usually a case of excessive one-sided pressure from their parents, and a home environment which is too ‘cultic’.
After all, going to a Steiner school is supposed to open extra doors of perception for you and freely encourage your natural gifts, not to make you feel you have been thrust into an existence which has no contact with the everyday world of your fellow man.
In fact it would be rather strange if those schools did suit everybody, and in any case that was not their intention.
The good news is that Steiner’s teaching is available to anybody of any faith, denomination, race or creed, since a huge number of his 5,000 or so lectures on hundreds of subjects is available in excellent translation on the net.
His ‘philosophy’ never ignores common sense, but it does go authoritatively into areas which are definitely ignored by most people.
I would say the world really needs to be governed along the lines of what Steiner called, “The Threefold Commonwealth”, but that is an ideal that still seems to be a long way from being realized.
Yet he was not a ‘globalist’ either.
On the contrary, he thought that national traditions and characteristics were precious things – things of great interest and signifying genuine diversity, without any sub-current of divisiveness necessarily being part of them.
But enough of this feeble attempt to sum up an astonishingly encyclopaedic individual.
All one can do is recommend taking a look at his work.
Very precise description.
I have met some schooled mislead youngsters from RS schools and were not impressed. But he is there for everybody who want substance and want to exploit the hidden potential we all have.
So we have the lipo nano particles Luciferase no 666 which smooth into people’s DNA, and its over once and for all? The mark of the Beast.
There is no way back. You will forever be left out of any connection to Cosmos and God.
IoT and Elon Musk’s satellites and 5G masts has taken over?
Rudolph Steiner was a very special and remarkable person. Incredible he could foresee 100 years ahead.I suspect people were much wiser in ancient times than we are today. Rihanna instead of Mozart..
he didnt forsee, he was part of it, he was thule society, which was an offshoot of golden dawn, he was part of the group inc crowley that “perfected” the channeling of dark entities to our realm,
it is possible he had misgivings and attempted to fore warn, but ultimately he was guilty
interestingly and i am ambiguous about them, but in discussions with jehovah witnesses they state that satan came to earth late 1800s to early 1900s
the intention as you state is that “There is no way back. You will forever be left out of any connection to Cosmos and God”
the expression for this is “soul harvest”, a rummage and search through “ancient hebrew learning centre” you may find interesting, also the work at “hidden in the crag” like this one:
Yes, another Eugenist Luciferian snob. But it’s funny how some people are drawn to him or can’t see the company he kept.
But it’s good to know that it doesn’t matter what’s in these jabs eh. That has nothing to do with anything.
“The company he kept”…???
So you just parrot Duckman…?
Come on, Kacz. Grow up. Read an actual book, and try to place Steiner’s vast output in a context based on more than idle gossip.
I don’t worship genius, but I like to think I can come close at least to recognizing it.
The man was astonishing, and had nothing but the well-being of the human soul at heart, constantly referring to Christ and what He achieved for our future evolution.
It’s too vast a topic to discuss in one comment, so I’ll leave it to you to ignore or investigate, as you see fit.
An Occultist! Hard pass.
Read The Intellectuals and the Masses. If so inclined.
Anyway, “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it” – George Carlin.
No matter how many aspire, yearn too. Was tempted to type Huxley’s letter to Orwell talking about 1984 & Brave New World in response. But thought better of it.
I don’t know where you got those jumbled-up pieces of nonsense from, but you need to ask for your money back.
Linking Steiner’s name with the likes of Crowley is simply a gross lie.
Steiner was well aware of those who perverted the genuine study of spiritual matters, and he constantly warned against those looking for quick ways to bypass such serious study.
He was most certainly not “part of” any of that, any more than you accidentally rubbing shoulders with a serial killer in a bus would make you part of their crimes.
You’re trying too hard.
Just take a step back and actually look at Steiner’s work, rather than the bitter anecdotes and hearsay of his critics.
He was no narcissist, and his work speaks personally to individuals as well as groups – although of course one has to watch and listen in order to see and hear it.
Your choice.
I try to be clean when I approach anyone. This way I discover everyone can have their good and bad sides.
I found splendid info among JW although they have an illegitimate record of bad predictions, and know Masonry also started with people who had noble intentions and ideas.
I dont judge Rudolph Steiner nor Charles Russell on their company, a gravestone or their fellows but on what they actually contributed with to civilisation.
Here is a pearl from JW founder C. Russell:
“Beware of “organisation”. It is wholly unnecessary. The Bible’s rules will be the only rules you need.
Do not seek to bind others’ consciences, and do not permit others to bound yours. Believe and obey as far as you can understand God’s Word to-day, and so continue growing in grace and knowledge and love day by day.”
Or soul loss, lowered vibration, energy vampirism, etheric damage, loosh harvesting, Wetiko.
In his terminology he used Ahrimanic to signify supernatural / spiritual evil.
There is at least one YT video where a sparse lecture room audience in the Pentagon is being lectured on precisely this. It’s quite an old video, this has been going on for quite a while.
Thanks, ariel; I’ll look for that.
The pineal gland – apart from its known hormonal functions – is Helena Blavatsky’s “Third Eye”, or our ability to sense reality not otherwise detectable. In most people, not just the elderly, it is calcified by modern-day medication, not least by fluoridated drinking water, and lack of fluoride-opposing mineral intake. Everything we are told to do and not to do by modern science and their mouthpieces serves to suppress our inner knowing, such as exposing our skin and eyes to sunlight (obviously not looking directly at the sun) which further helps to maintain full pineal gland function. And I don’t have to go into all the toxic measures pushed by the medical establishment, all of which subdues the human spirit, our curiosity, our ability to think and the chutzpah to live a self-determined life.
One Hindu practice actually recommends looking at the morning sun daily.
The pituitary gland may be important in rejuvenation. Like the pancreas and liver, it too degrades with the deposition of fat.
Let’s stop calling these injections vaccines. They are not vaccines. They never were. Surely they could have been placebos and who knows if all were, some were or none at all were.
mRNA treatments are not vaccines. They don’t work like a vaccine and they don’t act like a vaccine.
That said, I don’t know what they injected into the masses. The masses don’t know either.
One thing appears to be accurate and that is the unreasonably high excess mortality rates in specific age groups that has occurred in the past 3 years since the injections started.
A direct cause of the injection or of the bio weapon?
What better way to deal with this whole fiasco than to ensure the second round actually does increase mortality widespread. I suspect a second round will have a greater degree of degenerates who decide to sit it out – not to look as foolish as they did the first time only to succumb to some sort of massive infectious disease.
What better way to teach the masses the master lesson.
It may be fiction but can people actually reason and think situations through? The answer is very few.
Next time someone calls wolf….. think.
And not only ‘think’, but delve into the most impartial literature on wolves you can find.
mRNA treatments they are not treatments either, they are genetically engineered infections.
I would not discount mRNA treatments on principle. In specific bespoke treatments they have their place and time. White washing them is another sign of not thinking it through. This is how we back ourselves into unnecessary corners.
“One thing appears to be accurate and that is the unreasonably high excess mortality rates in specific age groups that has occurred in the past 3 years since the injections started.
A direct cause of the injection”
This cannot be repeated too often.
Then lets repeat it here again. “Died suddenly” prof video from Nov. 2022.
“A direct cause of the injection or of the bio weapon?”
The injection was the bioweapon. The fake virus was, of course, a hoax. One could call it a mind virus.
Keep in mind that some nations never used an mRNA version. Some nations never used anything at all. China did not use an mRNA and Tanzania comes to mind as not using anything.
There was definitely a movement prior to 2019 in the years that led up to it where false flag agendas were mobilized to appear as anti vaccine campaigns by unknown groups. Then there was a concerted and deliberate reaction campaign to attack such rhetoric in the mainstream media. This was an all sponsored event by the pharmaceuticals who stood by to reap rewards when the bio labs screwed up.
When the bioweapon was leaked – on purpose for or by accident, real or placebo, the notion of taking an mRNA injection to counter this unknown was planned and the ready to execute within a specific time frame. Again not all nations participated in the mRNA versions.
You can definitely suggest an analogy that the mRNA injection was a bio weapon on psychological grounds and more if people started to drop dead from the side effects ( which there is ample data to suggest this) however I do not think you can
discount the fact that the bio labs in the US, Ukraine and elsewhere are not playing with deadly pathogenic materials.
I found your reply above a little unclear. However I would respond as follows.
1) Some non-mRNA fake vaccines called “vector vaccines” purportedly worked according to their manufactures by injected synthetic DNA. This means that they would integrate into the DNA in the nucleus of cells which would then emit mRNA to go to the ribosomes. This is even more insidious than mRNA for a variety of reasons. Russia’s Sputnik and the AstraZeneca are included in this group.
2) In 2020 when covid-1984 was “ravaging” the populations of the world, all cause mortality was flat or nearly flat. If one subtracted the death of older people in nursing homes murdered via midazolam euthanasia and the remdesivir/intubation protocol murders in the hospitals, it was certainly flat. The CDC stats regarding cv-1984 deaths obviously cannot be trusted because, first nothing from the CDC can be trusted, and second, they used huge financial incentives to doctors and their MBA bosses to list cv as the cause of death when it obviously was not. In short, the pandemic was a complete scamdemic, a hoax perpetrated by our Overlords via the mass media and .gov agencies. The USA military, the Dept. of “Defense.” was in charge of every aspect of the vaccines – every aspect. The USA ,gov essentially declared war on the USA citizenship. The all cause mortality did not skyrocket until 2021, past the purported peak of cv-1984, and coincided with the roll out of the clotshots.
In the USA, .gov never doctored the records of large insurance companies which insured the working age health costs usually including heir death benefits of the employees of the larger corporations. This is how Ed Dowd showed ironclad correlations between the clotshot rollouts and increased deaths and disabilities for this usually healthy demographic. Also showed the absence of any pandemic in 2020.
I have no issues with point 2. Point 1 is a much more complicated issue to resolve here and now.
Scientists” are even clamoring for the return of masks. Come on now OG it’s more like
“CALLS for return to masks AMID covid spike”