Who are ISIS?

Iain Davis

Kit Knightly, from the OffGuardian, recently published ISIS are back and they are faker than ever.

He explored the apparent return of the ISIS bogeymen and the media narrative that preempted their re-emergent threat. He observes that ISIS, having taken a break during the alleged COVID-19 pandemic, is seemingly the “creation of marketers and PR firms rather than any geopolitical reality.”

This article—Who Are ISIS— was written in June 2018 and offers some of the historical background which strongly suggests Kit Knightly is absolutely right.

Who Are ISIS?

Despite ISIS’ apparent defeat in Syria and Iraq it seems likely that the ISIS hydra will raise another head elsewhere in the world. Indeed they seem to be able to cling on in U.S held territory, though not Syrian/Russian held territory.

The new ISIS is something the US administration are already warning the world to prepare for. With evidence of war crimes committed by the US led coalition in the Syrian City of Raqqa, Nathan Sales, the State Department’s Counter Terrorism Coordinator said on March 2nd 2018:

As we defeat ISIS on the battlefield, the group is adapting to our success. The fight is by no means over – it’s simply moving into a new phase: from military solutions to law enforcement solutions. Increasingly, we’re going to need to supplement our military efforts to defeat ISIS with civilian measures that can ensure the group’s enduring defeat……..We’re not just worried about ISIS core, which as we all know has been degraded quite severely in its territorial holdings in Syria and Iraq, but as that territorial core has eroded, we’ve seen an increase in activity by ISIS elements elsewhere in the world.

Iraqi troops celebrate defeating ISIS in Mosul

It is heartening to know that it was actually the US who defeated ISIS on the battlefield. Perhaps some may be surprised by the US government’s apparent reticence to make greater political capital out of their victory. The warnings from Washington were far from triumphant.

You have to wonder if even they believed in their ‘stunning victory.’ You also have to question what they meant by ‘civilian measures.’ Are we to be drafted? Do they want our young, or are they simply talking about censorship and a crack down on freedom of speech?

According to the US State Department, ISIS will re-emerge in Iraq and Syria, in a different form, and is looking to spread its operations to other countries. The US have decided that three new versions already exist in the form of ISIS-West Africa, ISIS-Philippines, and ISIS-Bangladesh.

If the State Department are right ISIS’ organisational, logistical and central planning capabilities are impressive. Following significant military defeats in the middle east, they can immediately reappear in different locations, thousands of miles apart, simultaneously. Amazing don’t you think? How did they do that?

It’s almost as if there’s an underlying support structure which is able to finance and tactically support ISIS (or whatever they may be called in the future) on an international scale. Given the West’s long standing support for Islamist extremist organisations perhaps we don’t need to look far to identify who is providing that support. Certainly if we look at the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria a distinct prime suspect emerges.

During the U.S led coalition’s occupation of Iraq tens of thousands of Islamist extremists were thrown into mass detention centres, along with tens of thousands of other, less extreme, Iraqi’s who had been swept up during coalition raids and protest policing operations. Among the detainees was the future Caliph of the Islamic State Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. It was in Camp Bucca, under US and UK guard, where the Islamic State (and ISIS) initially took shape.

Details about Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s time in Camp Bucca are sketchy. Some reports stated he was interned for a relatively brief period in 2004 – 2005 while others said he was imprisoned for five years between 2004 -2009. What is undeniable is that Camp Bucca was effectively a radicalisation centre for the Islamists. According to Iraqi strategic analyst Hisham al-Hashim, 17 of ISIS’ top 25 commanders came through the Camp Bucca system.

Camp Bucca. Islamist extremist breeding ground.

The US led coalition’s explanation for this “oversight” was that their intelligence, regarding “who was who,” was often lacking and compounded by a lack of interpreters. This meant that relatively innocuous prisoners, snared in by US and Iraqi National Guard ‘policing’ operations, found themselves thrown in with the more hardcore Islamists and radical preachers. Angered by what many saw as their unjust incarceration by the US and its allies, the incarcerated moderates were open to the radical proselytising of the extremists.

When full, Camp Bucca could hold more than 24,000 inmates, split into groups of 1000 in large wire fenced compounds. Following widespread allegations of the abuse of prisoners, some leeway was granted allowing prisoners to attend prayer meetings with other prisoner groups. For the most extreme, this served as the ideal recruitment ground. Former enemies, such as al Qaeda members and Ba’athist Party, were able to meet and plot, in relative safety, against their common foe.

In 2007 U.S military strategy in Iraq was built around the so called ‘surge.’ From a starting point of 132,000 US troops in January 2007, peaking at 168,000 in September, the ‘surge’ saw an increase in US troop deployment and a shift towards mass imprisonment in the hope or reducing combatant numbers. The crack down that accompanied ‘the Surge’ meant it was difficult for the Islamist extremists to congregate in the cities and towns, but they faced no such problems inside the Camp Bucca, Cropper and Taji detentions centres.

In a 2014 briefing paper, the Intelligence Analysis company the Soufan Group stated:

The reshaping of what is now the Islamic State (IS) began among the detainee populations in military prisons such as Camp Bucca in Iraq, where violent extremists and former regime personalities forged mutual interests over years of confinement. IS is now a chimera of Ba’athist and takfiri ideologies, with the organizational skills of the former helping channel the motivational fervor of the latter. The former regime officers who are now senior leaders in IS appear fully committed to the ideals and goals of the group, a result of a thorough radicalization that has extended from imprisonment [. . . ].

Of course, this was all deemed to be a terrible mistake. The result of a combination of short sighted policy decisions and human error by coalition officials struggling to deal with difficult conditions within the camps.

By the time of their closure in 2009, at least 100,000 Islamists had been through the US controlled camp system. As soon as they were released they re-established the networks they had built in the camps, rejoined the jihad, and set about building their caliphate. To start constructing their army they required, experienced fighters, money and armaments. Luckily for them help was on its way.

Gen. Michael T. Flynn

There is no doubt at all that collaboration with Islamist groups, linked to al Qaeda, was a key strategy in Iraq and Syria. Speaking in 2015 Lieutenant. General Michael T. Flynn, formerly assigned as the Pentagon’s Director of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA,) stated the plan to arm the Islamists was a “wilful decision”. He claimed the DIA warned the Obama administration that the policy of working with al Qaeda affiliated groups risked the creation of an ISIS like entity across the entire region. Flynn’s career was ignominiously destroyed when he committed the heinous crime of talking to Russians, instead of calling them names.

However Flynn’s comments were entirely consistent with the available evidence. Following a law suit by Judicial Watch, the DIA released a previously ‘classified’ 2012 report that confirmed the accuracy of Flynn’s statement.

It revealed the Pentagon were fully aware their support (with the notable assistance of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar) for AQI (al Qaeda in Iraq) and ISI (Islamic State in Iraq) would be likely to lead to the rise of ISIS. The 2012 DIA Intelligence Information Report stated:

If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).

It is important to fully understand what this meant. We can paraphrase this statement as follows:

  • The continued destabilisation of the region is likely to create the Islamic State. This is precisely what the West, NATO (including Turkey) and its allies in the Persian Gulf want. It will hopefully isolate Syria from its Shi’ah allies and break its strategic alliance with Iran and Iraq and ultimately Russia.

The predicted emergence of a “Salafist principality” was seen as a strategic opportunity to isolate the Syrian government. The document acknowledged, “the Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI [al Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria,” and that, “the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition [the insurgency in Syria].”

The creation of ISIS was no accident. It wasn’t the result of policy mistakes but, given the evidence, appeared to be the intended consequence of a deliberate strategy. Either that or the Obama administration were intent upon ignoring their own Defense Intelligence Agency report.

The subsequent level of support the U.S led coalition provided for ISIS renders any claim that this was all an ‘error’ untenable. Flynn was absolutely correct when he said the arming of the Islamists was a “wilful decision.” The Obama administration and other western governments were under no illusions. Their strategy would inevitably lead to the creation of ISIS.

Under the leadership of Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, in 2013 the former camp Bucca, Cropper and Taji detainees allied to AQI and ISI groups, announced a unifying name change to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS.) Fighters and arms started to pour in from the U.S led coalition allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar and notably Libya.

Along with the arms coming from defeated militaries in Libya and Iraq, ISIS received shipments of weaponry manufactured in Eastern Europe. A study from the Conflict Armament Research group (CAR), commissioned by the EU, traced the route of these weapons [which is available to download].

The CAR stated that ‘large numbers’ of these weapons were bought in Europe by US, Saudi and Qatari dealers. The sellers were allegedly “deceived” about the destination, thereby violating the sale and export licenses. The arms were then shipped via the “rat line” through Turkey into Syria. Once in Syria they were distributed by ‘moderate’ terrorists, such as al Nusra (al Qaeda in Syria), to their ISIS counterparts.

This was later confirmed when significant quantities of the traced weapons were found in ISIS controlled territory, such as Tikrit, Ramadi, Falluja and Mosul. However, these shipments were dwarfed by some very lucky coincidences which turned the ISIS terrorist group into a fully equipped army.

Following the withdrawal of the large scale US troop deployment from Iraq in 2011, the Iraqi army were supported by the US led coalition in their fight against the Islamist insurgency. Having destroyed Iraq’s army in 2003, the coalition then spent billions of US taxpayers’ money rebuilding it, with the profits naturally going to the global arms manufacturing corporations. The US left behind Military Transitions Teams (MiTT’s) to oversee the training and deployment of their proxy Iraqi army.

Equipment given….er…..I mean seized by ISIS.

In 2014, a relatively small ISIS force, of no more than a 1000 fighters, took the Iraqi city of Mosul. At the time, the city was defended by two Iraqi Armoured divisions amounting to 30,000 soldiers. Following sporadic skirmishes on the outskirts, as ISIS approached Mosul, the entire Iraqi force simply abandoned their posts and left.

US supplied, state of the art, military hardware, stored at the al-Qayara base in Mosul, was seemingly just handed over to ISIS. Similar mysterious vanishing acts then followed in Ramadi, again with very little military pressure from ISIS, once more giving them access to heavy weapons and equipment.

In the space of a few months, ISIS not only seized hundreds of millions of dollars from various regional banks but had ‘captured’ six divisions of lethal, US supplied, military hardware. This included more than 2000 US Humvee armoured troop carriers, at least 30 M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks, 50 or so 155mm M198 howitzers (artillery guns,) helicopters, thousands of PKC machine guns, rocket launchers and tons of small arms and ammunition.

Recently ‘evidence’ offered by the British and French governments to ‘prove’ that Bashar al Assad gassed his own people in Douma stated that only his Arab Syrian Arab Army possessed the helicopters capable of dropping Chlorine barrel bombs. This was a lie. ISIS also had the required helicopters, ‘seized’ from Mosul and Ramadi.

The reason given for handing ISIS enough military hardware to form an army capable of fighting nation states was simply incompetence and crap training. However, even the worst army in the world knows enough not to simply abandon all its weapons to the enemy. If the Iraqi army were in such a terrified rush to run away, why didn’t they leave in the protection of their armoured vehicles?

Further questions arise in light of the statements made by the Mosul based head of Iraqi intelligence Ahmed al Zarkani. He said that he had repeatedly warned the US puppet government in Baghdad about the approach of ISIS.

According to Zarkani, he informed the government of Nouri al-Maliki on numerous occasions about ISIS training camps being prepared in the Nineveh region; he called for air strikes against their positions; he alerted the local military command and, following prisoner interrogations, he even discovered the time, date and code-name of the impending ISIS attack.

When he reported that the ‘Al-Eres’ (The Wedding Party) operation was imminent, he was shocked to discover, despite all the intelligence he had provided, the commander of the Mosul divisions had ‘gone on holiday.’ Nothing was done at any stage to stop ISIS from seizing their own armoured divisions.

With all its newly acquired American hardware, ISIS needed fighters trained to use it. In 2015, a report from the International Center for Counter Terrorism estimated that 30,000 foreign fighters had joined ISIS. This flow had increased with ISIS’ expansion into Syria in May 2013. Thousands of seasoned, battle hardened terrorists from the Balkans, including fighters from Kosovo, and the Caucasus, such as the Chechen Islamists, came into Syria via the NATO nation of Turkey. Many of these fighters were familiar with heavy weaponry and were capable of flying aircraft. By then, ISIS numbers were conservatively estimated at around 70,000.

The CIA operation to arm, train and equip Islamist terrorists in Syria was called Timber Sycamore. It supposedly began in 2012, it was allegedly phased out in 2017 by the Trump administration as a result of ISIS, and other terrorist groups, military losses to Syrian and Russian forces.

Western coalition special forces also started terrorists training camps in Jordan in 2011. This was basically a continuation of the training programs they had run for the KLA, NLA and al Qaeda in the Balkans.

With a budget of $1billion, thousands of fighters came through the program. Many of these fighters ended up fighting for Al Nusra, whose numbers grew to 20,000 by the alleged end of Timber Sycamore in 2017. In addition the Pentagon was funding the shipment of arms through European countries such as Denmark and Bulgaria on diplomatic flights to avoid inspection. This wasn’t just a US effort, a number of European states were also involved.

However, despite significant ground forces and plenty of armour and weapons, ISIS lacked air support and were vulnerable to air strikes. In 2014 Barrack Obama announced the US intended to launch air strikes against both Iraq and Syria to ‘degrade and destroy‘ ISIS. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

After more than 800 sorties, ISIS territory had more than doubled in Syria. Far from ‘degrading and destroying’ ISIS, US air strikes were apparently assisting ISIS in Syria. In fact, they had the effect of pushing ISIS towards Syria, where they seemed to benefit greatly from US bombing. Was this all another monumental mistake?

It is difficult to see how supplying weapons via airdrops to ISIS was degrading them. This happened on numerous occasions. For example, according to Iraqi intelligence, the US had dropped supplies to besieged ISIS fighters in the Yathrib and Balad districts of Iraq. Strangely this ‘accident’ provided ISIS fighters exactly what they most needed at the time, food and armour piercing rounds.

Then there are the numerous occasions when US air strikes appeared to have directly provided a strategic advantage to ISIS.

The isolated Syrian city of Deir Ezzor had been under siege by ISIS for more than a year. However, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) were holding it, mainly because they had control of the local airport. This enabled the city to be resupplied by Syrian and Russian airdrops. The airport was well protected by SAA artillery positions in the overlooking Tharda hills, giving the SAA a decisive tactical advantage.

ISIS had consistently failed to take these key strategic positions. However, on September 16th/17th 2016 the US launched air strikes against the SAA who were fighting ISIS. As soon as the SAA defences had been destroyed ISIS then launched a large scale attack and seized the positions. It appeared to be a coordinated offensive, timed precisely with the US air strikes. It was no spur of the moment assault by ISIS. Its scale and precision clearly indicated it had been planned well in advance.

Of course the US commanders said this was all an honest mistake. US Brig. Gen. Richard Coe said it was the result of human error. However, forces commanded by Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L Harrigan dispatched a reconnaissance drone to gather intelligence the day before the air strike. They claimed they ‘misinterpreted’ the intelligence, believing the positions were ISIS rather than SAA controlled, despite the fact the fixed SAA positions were no secret.

They US then ‘accidentally’ gave the Russian military the wrong targeting information, rendering them unable to warn the US that they were planning to attack the SAA not ISIS. This contravened a recent ceasefire agreement, which broke down as a result of the air strikes.

As ISIS moved in to take Deir Ezzor the MSM tried to cover up the US support for their assault. The British Daily Telegraph wrote:

The US-led coalition, as well as the Russians, have been bombing the jihadists in Deir Ezzor for the last 18 months but have been unable to dislodge them.

This was a false claim, you could call it disinformation or fake news. The US hadn’t launched any major air strikes against ISIS forces surrounding Deir Ezzor. The US attacks had been against the SAA and vital city infrastructure. For example, in January 2016 the US bombed Deir Ezzor’s electricity plant while the SAA were holding the city.

Again in May 2017 the US hit a convoy of Shi’ah Iraqi militiamen, loyal to Damascus, and a unit of armed Iranians. At the time the Syrian Arab Army, and their Iraqi and Iranian allies, were pushing ISIS back towards Iraq. The northern Syrian city of Raqqa, held by ISIS, was close to being cut off from ISIS supply lines. The convoy was taking heavy weaponry to forward positions in the battle against ISIS. Yet another example of US air strikes benefiting ISIS terrorists.

U.S Air strikes helped ISIS.

There is no doubt at all the US coalition were aware of the funding of ISIS by their Gulf allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar. A State Department memo in 2014 stated:

We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to Isis and other radical groups in the region.

Are we to believe this was all just another string of ‘mistakes’ which caused unforeseen ‘blowback‘, accidentally creating, arming, equipping, supplying and tactically supporting ISIS? You can if you like, but if you do you need to account for the evidence which suggests otherwise.

Documentation revealed the US led coalition were anticipating the rise of a “Salafist principality in eastern Syria” and it was central to their strategic thinking; ISIS very easily obtained billions of dollars of US military equipment; ISIS benefited from US bombing campaigns in Syria, and the US appeared to have provided them with tactical air support on a number of occasions; the US led coalition were actively training and arming Islamist extremists who went on to fight for ISIS and the West’s Gulf allies were known and accepted to be funding ISIS.

Similarly, the US’ European allies had their own justifications for military action with attacks in London, Paris and Munich to mention but a few. This led them to take offensive actions in Libya, based once more upon ‘flawed intelligence,’ producing the same destabilisation and a perfect environment for the Islamists to gather and spread their form of violent jihad. This, once again, particularly benefited ISIS, who were able to use Libya as staging point for their operations in Iraq and Syria.

Obama’s departure changed nothing. Following the alleged chemical weapons attack on Khan Sheikhoun Donald Trump, who had come into office promising to end foreign wars of intervention, authorised a missile strike on Al Shayrat airfield in a supposed attempt to damage the Syrian’s ability to launch further alleged chemical weapons attacks.

In yet another remarkable ISIS benefiting “coincidence,” it just so happened that the al Shayrat airbase was the centre of Syrian operations against ISIS forces around Homs and Palmyra. Syrian forces had used it to gain a growing military advantage over ISIS. The missile strike greatly reduced the number of air strikes against the terrorists. The missile strike on al Shayrat was another example of the US effectively providing tactical air cover for ISIS.

It is entirely reasonable to conclude that ISIS was created as ‘the bastard army’ of the Anglo-American ‘military industrial intelligence complex’ and its vassal, allied states, notably Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Our elected leaders have not led a battle against them because ISIS, knowingly or not, works for same corporate power elite who control the politicians.

All the evidence points to the West’s consistent use of ISIS as a destabilising force in an energy rich part of the world whose impact on the global economy shaped the 20th century and remains a key strategic region at the start of the 21st . ISIS’ murderous barbarity suits the known geopolitical agenda of the Western powers. Cui bono?

Just like the tale you were spun about weapons of mass destruction, prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, practically everything you have been told about ISIS and the conflict in Syria is part of a monstrous deception.

Despite their contrition, following the lies they told about Iraqi WMDs, and promises to the public that they would never let them down again, the entire Western mainstream media has cheered the war machine along every step of the way. The simplistic narratives we have been given about ISIS have never mentioned the clear evidence that links the rise of the Caliphate to U.S led coalition objectives.

Every single time people noticed the coalitions military actions seemed to benefit ISIS, the MSM either covered this up with another ‘unfortunate coincidence’ story, accused those who raised these issues of being ‘conspiracy theorists‘ or created entirely false story lines to obfuscate the reality.

Once again, it appears most of us fell for it.

You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.


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Categories: ISIS, latest
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Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 20, 2023 6:29 PM

Isis is an ancient Egyptian goddess , ISIL is a Islamic terrorist organization which supplies mercenaries to the various nuclear powers when an external enemy is needed ?

Aug 20, 2023 3:53 PM

Killary: “We created Al-Qaida”

And ISIS; Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

Aug 20, 2023 7:17 PM
Reply to  Gerard

Robin Cooke MP said Al-Qaida does not exist, 2 weeks later he was found dead on a highland walk. I bet Toyota are well chuffed as they prep the new order for 1000 4x4s ordered by the CIA, sorry, meant ISIS. Have ISIS stopped operating the oil refineries they took over due to their support for net zero? Who believes this shit in the first place so they can perpetrate the next false flag. People are so fucking gullible.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 21, 2023 6:51 PM
Reply to  semaj

Israel ordered all the Toyotas.
Lol. ISIS supposed to be an example to the world for Climate Change?

Aug 22, 2023 10:21 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Probably not been out and about much waiting for a doctors appointment to get their jabs up to date. Don’t want to risk spreading the new variant.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Aug 22, 2023 1:36 PM
Reply to  semaj

Good luck with that.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 20, 2023 11:02 AM

We the people cant go against our military can we? We can only do what they are saying and follow their orders.

Aug 21, 2023 11:33 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Follow orders?? Don’t comply what’s the matter with people?

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 21, 2023 6:52 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Is it “our” military anymore?
I don’t think so.

Aug 20, 2023 9:50 AM

Excellent, especially for an article written in 2018. By then of course the NATZO invasion of Syria had been running for 8 years, and it had already obvious that ISIS were a mercenary army for the CIA. Today in 2023 the hopes italicised in the following extract looks like ancient history. How times change!

“The continued destabilisation of the region [ME] is likely to create the Islamic State. This is precisely what the West, NATO (including Turkey) and its [NATZO’s] allies in the Persian Gulf want. It will isolate Syria and break its strategic alliance with Iran and Iraq and ultimately Russia.”

Mark Culmer
Mark Culmer
Aug 20, 2023 9:46 AM

I’m confused…are you saying that wars are created to generate more wealth for the very very rich, in which various governments also benefit from such actions?

This must be stopped!

Why isn’t this being covered on news channels suchs as BBC and / or Sky?

Aug 21, 2023 5:16 PM
Reply to  Mark Culmer

Irony alert.

Aug 20, 2023 6:14 AM

Perhaps, iFUKUS would partly explain who the creators of the proxy armies are. It is glaringly obvious that the governments of most countries around the world, are NOT worth a pinch of shiite because they are too shiite-scared of the Banks and Corporate thieves and, moreover, are only there to steal the tax-paying public’s money, to feather-their-own-nests and smooth-over the transfer of Public-Assets into private hands.
There’s no actual point in singling individual Prime-ministers, Presidents, Governors or Premiers out because most are so greedy and/or compromised, that they … do as told and steal as much as they can, as quickly as they can, via back-channels and/or sweet-heart deals with ‘lobbyists’ and assorted functionaries. The US and UK appear to be basket-cases, and Australia has been asset-stripped over the last 11-12 years of Liberal/National management.

Aug 21, 2023 2:03 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

I would still disagree strongly about there being no actual point in singling out individual prime ministers etc.
Public shaming used to be effective back in the days of the stocks and other more physical punishments.
It has a deterrent value, unlike the comradely rap on the knuckles and the knighthood we see today.

Public shaming has become underrated, because the guilty are seriously allowed to use as a defence that they are being made to feel victimized and uncomfortable…
That’s another ‘woke’ thing which nobody talks about.

Aug 20, 2023 2:59 AM

We just need to remember to ignore them.
They are a fictional distraction.

Ask GWBush what the difference is between AlQaeda, Taliban and ISIS, and you’ll see what I mean.
They are just something upon which to hang a ‘war on terror’, a ‘war on poverty’ or a ‘war on women’ – anything, just so long as it’s a war with astronomical profits…

Aug 20, 2023 6:15 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Not only for profit’s.
Division’s and intergenerational hatred’s have been generated too.
Where vengeance flourishes due to these Wars or these resources acquisition militarily expeditions,land grabs & attempted imposing of certain “values”. The propaganda that has glorified such things via films (who runs Hollyweird/Wall Street The City of London?) The pageantry ceremonies the self importance. Has really worked in the West.

But there’s plenty of social engineering War’s being waged also.. Yes, on Women their narcissism seems to be growing but also on Masculinity. They feminised Western Man first and are still at it. Going for the kids now.
It’s not only about money, they can add numbers to a screen, create it out of nothin.. It’s about Power and distracting ‘us’ whilst they run amok and destroy our world and blame us for it. Whilst simultaneously pitting ‘us’ against eachother.

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 20, 2023 12:01 PM
Reply to  wardropper

And they will tell you that they are only going by the book, but I think that only goes so far when it comes to money.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Aug 19, 2023 11:44 PM

is ra heil hell
city of london foreign merchant another country
district of columbia washington
wall street and the bolshevik revolution
the red dragon rotten shields mi6 cia and mossad
just sayin

feel free to dump in pending file

Aug 20, 2023 2:35 PM
Reply to  norman wisdom

they’re going to have to update it to deal with your trickery LOL

Aug 19, 2023 10:18 PM

10 years late to the party article  💤 

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Aug 20, 2023 10:28 AM
Reply to  lynch

“written in June 2018”

Aug 21, 2023 8:53 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Reprinted in August 2023 when no one gives a shit is the point Iain.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Aug 19, 2023 10:06 PM

I suspect the sudden reappearance of ISIS in the media has to do with the current tensions in the Sahel region, increased after the coup in Niger, perhaps to recreate an enemy which would justify military action to the Western public. The coup, it appears, has to do with conflicts – probably between the overthrown government and the putschists – over the Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline which was set up to operate but was halted after the coup. The West, represented by NATO, plays the card of ECOWAS, (which only reflects the heads of member States’ position, not the people’s who don’t want war) in Africa as their proxy: “Let Africans kill each other in this conflict while we watch”, but Africa has irreversibly matured. “The military government reportedly halted uranium and gold exports to France, though Reuters later reported that Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso not halting exports of uranium and gold. “One thing that got halted, however, is the $13 billion USD, 5,600-kilometer Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline (TSGP) which was slated to deliver 30 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas to Europe. The pipeline would run from Warri, Nigeria, via Niger, to the Hassan R’Mel gas hub in Algeria where it would connect to existing gas pipelines to Europe. “The pipeline is a joint effort by Algeria, Nigeria, and Niger, and in July 2022 the countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of the pipeline. The delay of the project comes at a bad time for Europe as it recently lost gas from the Nord Stream pipelines due to sabotage, and the East Med pipeline after the U.S. government killed it by raising environmental objections. The two pipelines were expected to deliver 120 bcm of gas per year. “After the loss of Nord Stream, Europe was forced… Read more »

May Hem
May Hem
Aug 20, 2023 2:37 AM

Spot-on, TCRevolution. Also, France, it seems, has lost most of its uranium (70% of its energy comes from nuclear), while heavily investing its assets and military in Ukraine. Together with their many citizen’s uprisings, they are stuffed and the US gains – or so it seems.

Aug 20, 2023 10:39 AM
Reply to  May Hem

“France, it seems, has lost most of its uranium (70% of its energy comes from nuclear)”.

Not exactly “lost its” uranium. France can simply buy Niger’s uranium at Free Market price (around 100,Euro) instead of at “its” price (10 Euro per kg).

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Aug 20, 2023 11:35 AM
Reply to  May Hem

You’re right. US capital gains certainly, and French capital, kicked out of Africa one country after another, lost a big source of raw material. But it had to come; decades of French “help for development” programs for Africa had been useless all the while its resources were being sucked dry. One can’t understand though how France has been so negligent to its interests there.

Aug 20, 2023 10:29 AM

“Coincidentally, the US also killed the East Med pipeline for alleged environmental reason. And now, the Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline is halted. These “incidents” are in the US interests.”

Coincidentally likewise the U$A also blew up the Nord Stream pipeline (with help from the Little Mermaid in Denmark and the Troll King in Norway.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Aug 20, 2023 3:29 PM
Reply to  NickM

It is clear that EU wants to limit its imports of costly LNG, some of it uses fracking technology, and which has to be liquified before shipment, needs a fleet of cargos, and be regasified at destination to be of any domestic use, with what that means in terms of the EU having to spend billions in new gasification plants, which could be a waste of money considering the efforts for a transition to renewable energy. Hence African natural gas (straightforward from source to pipeline to destination) is clearly a Godsend to the EU, not only because LNG producers are exporting at full capacity, but also for the possibility to switch some LNG to simple NG. Trouble is, the big exporters of LNG have largely increased their production of NG and naturally want to make the most of it. But to increase exportation, they need new plants to liquify gas for shipment overseas, that’s two to four years investment to be operational; so the investors need to secure a minimum of 20-year yields (according to the WSJ) to go ahead and invest in plants which may soon become obsolete. That’s why, IMO, investors need a current overall tight supply, just enough to satisfy demand, keep prices high, and secure fresh demand when plants are operational. Hence, the Niger question. The legitimate Pan-African sentiment might have been useful for US interests, it is also encouraged by Russia and China for different reasons. By the way, did you notice that recently China and US have closed ranks a bit, and Russia is closing toward India than towards China … I never thought China as a real concern, even in the economy to the US … ISIS would figure in the security department just in case NATO needs an enemy to justify military… Read more »

Aug 21, 2023 5:43 PM

Yes the US is doing business behind France just like it did with the atomic subs deal with Australia…

Aug 20, 2023 4:41 PM

Good points raised.

Aug 19, 2023 8:05 PM

“Once again, it appears most of us fell for it.”

comment image

Who are ‘we’? Cui bono?

Aug 19, 2023 8:15 PM
Reply to  niko

I would also like to know who ‘we’ is…

Aug 19, 2023 8:47 PM
Reply to  Violet

I think we do know…

Hint: ‘Military-industrial complex’…
It didn’t go away when Eisenhower died.

Many ordinary Americans were harmed during the making of this narrative…
(and countless others)

Aug 19, 2023 9:15 PM
Reply to  wardropper

It is the “international” banksters behind it all (probably)!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 20, 2023 11:13 AM
Reply to  Violet

Sorry to disappoint you guys and this is not the first time I do it.

Can I with your honest permission ask all you guys a question?
Have you ever looked in the mirror when you wondered who “we” are??

“We” are yourself man. “We” are your fokking self………..LOL.

“It was the Politicians fault, MIC, TPB, our Government, America’s fault, the Banker’s fault. “Not my fault Im the goodie goodie guy”.

Que bono? YOU “Bono” little boy. https://youtu.be/7zNUnwUSZmQ

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 23, 2023 5:05 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

(the sheeple hate to be pulled out from their victim role)  😇 

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Aug 19, 2023 11:13 PM
Reply to  Violet

Who’s ‘We’ ?
The ones who piss on us all the time.
The ones who wee on us all the time – same thing.
(The Royal “Wee”, as Queen Liz used to say).

Aug 20, 2023 5:55 AM
Reply to  Violet

‘We’ shorthand for FUKUS … France, UK and US. Of course the ‘I’ for you-know-who, doesn’t blend so well with the acronym.
The barbarians-in-suits have been creating these murderous proxies for so long now that ‘we’ should feel embarrassed at not having cut-off-their-nuts, a long-long time ago. The ‘We’ have now became so openly brazen, that they bought-up EVERYTHING in sight and are openly spreading the message – that, we will have nothing … etc. etc.
A pound-to-a-pinch-of-shiite, the ‘We’ haven’t paid a brass-razoo towards the acquisition of the DEW weaponry they’re using to burn-out the rebels around the globe.

Aug 21, 2023 3:59 PM
Reply to  Violet

It’s us, because we allow it instead of standing up and not complying. Did you vote for Sunak et al??? Until the millions stand up to be counted the few thousand will control us and people wake up to the fact that no government is there for the for our benefit.

Aug 21, 2023 4:01 PM
Reply to  semaj

Sorry did not proof read properly should say ‘is there for our benefit.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 19, 2023 8:20 PM
Reply to  niko

“We” supplied “them” with weapons!

From Major Jordan’s Diary
May 29, 2011
Speech from the 1960s. Major George Racey Jordan was responsible for fascilitating the transfer of American Arms and Technology to the USSR during WWII under the Lend Lease Program. He kept a detailed diary including Primary Source documentation.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Aug 19, 2023 9:04 PM
Reply to  niko


Big Al
Big Al
Aug 19, 2023 9:49 PM
Reply to  niko

Who made the graphic? Evidently they are the we. But probably it’s done by someone who is including themselves with the American imperialist machine that is rampaging the world. Which is a mistake people should stop making, unless they really mean it.

Aug 20, 2023 2:27 AM
Reply to  niko

Whomever ‘We’ is, it most certainly has nothing NADA zip to do with the Usury suspects. That is just a persistent unfounded anti semetic smear campaign, by some gentiles or gullible Goy. The International banking system is just a minor detail in everyone’s lives. Absolutely insignificant a red shield sorry meant herring. Gold Oil Drugs is not their GOD, it just spells it.

So that just leaves ‘We’ those that have been complicit though we’d never wish it. Everything is the useless eaters fault Kissinger told us so. As did Yuval Harari.

Somebody mentioned American death’s via “Wars/Peace Keeping/Military advising/ Spreading Democracy/War on Terror/Terra” when some estimates tally the number of “Enemy Combatants” killed via the above mentioned at 20 million+ since WWII. Reckon it’s more.

Whilst many of us enjoyed The Long Peace and doesn’t it show. “We” voted “We” lived off the spoils “We” are complicit.( Actually personally never voted) They give us people to point at so “we” can think of convince ourselves that we’re the “Good guys” and not examine “ourselves”
Works a treat and on
‘ treats’ all different types of treats lol

Aug 20, 2023 10:47 AM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

“Whomsoever ‘We’ are have nothing to do with Usury. That is just a persistent unfounded anti Semitic campaign.”

Irony alert.

Matt Black
Matt Black
Aug 20, 2023 7:28 AM
Reply to  niko


its clearly stated in the bible

Corona Hotspott
Corona Hotspott
Aug 19, 2023 7:17 PM

ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, just another black operation to enable problem reaction solution…

Aug 19, 2023 6:43 PM

When is OffG going to mention Oliver Anthony and the Rich men north of Richmond?

Aug 19, 2023 8:51 PM
Reply to  Stewart

It doesn’t need to, since you just did.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Aug 19, 2023 11:19 PM
Reply to  Stewart

What do you actually think this OG post is about.
A clue to help you: It’s about those Rich Men North of Richmond / Rulers of The Universe. Ollie would agree.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Aug 19, 2023 11:47 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

data harvesting
target lists
limited hang outs
deletions black hole erasures

what what
tally ho

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Aug 20, 2023 3:07 AM
Reply to  Stewart

Listened to the song – once. Great song. But the video has since become embedded in nearly every site i go to. What gives ? What does it all mean ? And is it possible Trump Diehards will adopt it as Trump’s electoral theme song to be sung at Trump election rallies ?

Aug 20, 2023 7:24 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

I did not know what he was talking about. However after a using Google to search his name, it came up on the first page with all the repeater stations covering it. CNN, Forbs, BBC, etc. This is all one needs to know. Whatever their reason, it’s being shared for their benefit, not ours.

Just so you know for next time. If these channels openly promote something it’s part of their agenda, it’s not for your information. That’s why you are not seeing them talk about how you are being duped by corporations acting as Governments and how they have placed themselves above the people in the power structure. Furthermore, that’s why you are not reading it here either.

Aug 20, 2023 2:15 PM

He’s White and openly Christian and his song is touching people of ALL creeds and colours so I don’t care if it’s being pushed or even if it’s entirely fake (it isn’t btw as everybody who has watched it knows)
Maybe they’ll try and use it to get young men to join the army, but that won’t work either.
We desperately need to stop fighting each other and to turn our anger against the “Rich men”
I don’t read much “news” but it’s definitely NOT being pushed by the BBC mr working class hero so why are you lying?
Watch it for yourselves everyone and make up your own minds

Aug 20, 2023 2:30 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Forgot to mention that he turned down an $8 million dollar “deal”

one line in the song goes:

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere

and check out his public playlist, a few “interesting titles there:

If any of this annoys you, maybe take a look at yourself

Aug 20, 2023 4:33 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Rumour has it the 8 million was dependent on taking a Bath (Sarc).

If it is pushed in the MSM & Alt Media it’s got to be viewed with a skeptical eye. Distractions and divisions are the magician’s Allie. Sapolsky studied Monkeys soo much he ended up looking like one.

Something similar happened to a pal who loved potatoes.

Aug 20, 2023 11:02 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

It’s a playlist – with two videos specifically about the 5 dancing middle-eastern gentlemen who seemed to know that the twin towers were going to be attacked on 9/11
the “mainstream media would never promote that particular story, friend

Aug 22, 2023 5:58 PM
Reply to  Stewart

You know what that was a stupid comment by me, apologies. Was getting annoyed by pending and a sycophant.

Hope his song and example can have a even more positive effect. A little concerned he talks about depression. As it could get (mis) used on him. But how can any decent human not be down at the madness we’re all seeing.

Stupid comment by me .

Aug 20, 2023 5:58 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Good for him, doing his bit to vent his frustration.
But basically it’s just another guy with a guitar.

There are literally millions of them, and most of them sound exactly like each other.
The rich men north of Richmond are untouched by such things.
It won’t make any difference at all.

Even when Beethoven realized that Napoleon, with all his talk of liberty, etc., was just another egomaniac with a lust for power, and furiously crossed out the dedication to him of his “Heroic” Symphony (No. 3) with such violence that the pen went right through the paper –

– it made no difference.

Aug 20, 2023 10:04 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Lying? See the first page of search and who is promoting it. Do yourself a favour and stop watching television and anything promoted in the main stream.


Aug 20, 2023 11:06 PM

I haven’t watched television in twenty years, and I definitely don’t use google LOL
you are aware that google tailors it’s results depending on who does the search?
I don’t use any social media either, so I’ve already done myself lots of favours
but believe what you want, makes zero difference to me mr hero