The Road to Totalitarianism – Part 3
CJ Hopkins

So, the Germans are putting me on trial for my thoughtcrimes, and, apparently, I’ve already been found guilty and sentenced. Bear with me and I’ll try to explain.
The Berlin District Court has issued a so-called “penalty order” or “order of punishment,” in which I am advised that I am now officially a criminal in Germany, for tweeting two Tweets. According to my attorney, a trial will now be scheduled, at which my attorney will argue the case before the judge that just issued the “order of punishment.” At this trial, the judge will listen attentively to the arguments my attorney has already made in writing, consider them carefully, and find me guilty, again. Then the judge will reaffirm the “order of punishment.”
Go ahead, read that paragraph again.
After my Kafkaesque trial has concluded, my attorney will file a series of appeals, which will fail, at which point I will have to decide whether to pay a fine of 3,600 Euros or go to German prison for 60 days.
This process will take months, if not years, and will cost me God knows how much money in attorney’s fees, court costs, and then the €3,600 fine. Yes, I’m going to pay the fine. I am not going to German prison for 60 days. Life is too short, and I am getting older, and it wouldn’t really accomplish anything except making a narcissistic spectacle of myself.
However, what will accomplish something (I don’t know how much, but something) is if I see the whole process through to the end, and shine as much light on it as I possibly can, because my case is just one of many such cases, and the real story here is not about me, it is about the crackdown on political dissent that is being carried out, not just here in Germany, but also in other countries all throughout the West.
There are not many outlets reporting this story, not outlets with any significant reach. If you are reading this column, you’re probably aware of various alternative media outlets that are, but most of these outlets are quarantined off where “normal” people never have to see them, and are delegitimized as “unreliable sources” and purveyors of “misinformation,” and so on.
There are a few bigger sources covering the story, which are also increasingly being branded “illegitimate,” Matt Taibbi’s Racket News, Michael Shellenberger’s Public, Glenn Greenwald’s Locals operations, and I’m sure I’m forgetting a few more, forgive me.
The point is, unless you’re a charter member of the “science-denying, conspiracy-theorizing, hate-speech-speaking, anti-vaxxing, misinforming left-or-right extremist” club — i.e., people who read weird “malinformationist” publications like The Grayzone, OffGuardian, ZeroHedge, Dissident Voice, and Unlimited Hangout, and who are planning to vote for Bobby Kennedy, or, God help them, Donald Trump — you probably have no idea what I mean when I refer to “the crackdown on dissent” … or you do, and you think it’s just hunky-dory.
I won’t mince words. The folks who think it’s hunky-dory are totalitarians. They’re fascists. They applaud the crackdown on dissent. They applaud the criminalization of dissent. They applaud the censorship of political speech, of any speech they do not agree with. They want their political opponents in prison. They want everyone who disagrees with them punished. They want people who offend them cancelled. They want anyone who refuses to conform to their official ideology erased.
I have been calling these people “totalitarians” and “fascists” for a number of years now. I do not enjoy doing that. I’m not doing it gratuitously. Some of these people were my friends. I’m doing that, calling these people “fascists,” and comparing the nascent totalitarianism that is erupting all throughout the West to other, earlier totalitarian systems, like Stalinism (sorry, Marxist friends), and, yes, to fucking Nazi Germany, because, despite the fact that there are numerous differences, a lot of it is textbook totalitarianism. Naked textbook totalitarianism. There isn’t another, nicer word for it … or for those who are enthusiastically embracing it.
I’m not going to present the evidence for that assertion again. I have done that ad nauseam, much of it in my latest book, which is banned by Amazon in several countries, and which bears a warning on other Amazon sites to “visit the WHO, the CDC,” or your local national health authority, “for the latest information on Covid-19 and vaccines” before you consider buying it, and the cover art of which is about to make me an official “hate criminal,” with a criminal record.
That’s right, as I explained at greater length in a previous column, the pretext for this so-called “hate crime” prosecution is two Tweets I tweeted almost exactly one year ago of the cover art of that very same book, which just happens to document the rollout of the “New Normal” (i.e., the new totalitarianism) in 2020 and 2021.
Here are the two Tweets that constitute my “hate crimes.”

The one on the left reads, “The masks are ideological-conformity symbols. That is all they are. That is all they have ever been. Stop acting like they have ever been anything else, or get used to wearing them.” The one on the right is a quote by Karl Lauterbach, the Minister of Health of Germany. It reads “The masks always send out a signal.” The image is the cover art of my book.

Say what you want about me and my writing. I can be “provocative,” and some of my political satire is bombastically over-the-top, but, as Matt Taibbi put it in a recent Racket News piece …
No amount of drugs exist that if consumed would allow a rational person to conclude that the writing of CJ Hopkins furthers ‘the aims of a former National Socialist Organization.’ Agree with him or not, and I increasingly do, he used his imagery to compare the sweeping declarations of emergency power that were common around the world during the pandemic (and were particularly authoritarian in Germany) to Nazi tactics.”
And that is what I am being accused of, and “punished” for doing, by the German authorities, i.e., “furthering the aims of a National Socialist Organization” … basically, promoting Nazism, for tweeting those two Tweets above.
There is no complex legal issue here. Yes, swastikas are banned in Germany if you’re a Nazi or promoting Nazism or Fascism, but they are permitted for the purposes of “civic education, countering anti-constitutional activities, art, science, research and education, coverage of historic and current events,” and similar purposes, according to German law.
Do you seriously believe that the German hate-crime police and the prosecutor and the judge do not understand that? Of course they understand that. They’re not complete imbeciles. They know the charges are just a pretext. And they know we know the charges are just a pretext. They do not care. They do not have to. They don’t even have to pretend to be following the rule of law. Not anymore. Because they know the majority of the masses are with them.
The point of prosecutions like this (and much more serious and significant prosecutions, like that of Julian Assange, for example) is to send a message. The naked disregard for the rule of law, the blatant absurdity of the charges, the open contempt for democratic principles, is all part of the message. It’s not a message about the law. It’s a message about power. Who has it, and who doesn’t. And what happens to those who refuse to bow down to it.
The message is not intended for me, or for more important figures like Julian Assange, or the many other less well-known dissidents that are being made examples of currently. We’re just the medium that conveys the message. We’re the delivery service. The message is for you.
I’m pretty sure you’re getting the message. The question is … how are you going to respond?
I do not mean by “storming” your capitol. Please do not go out and get yourself shot. I mean, are you going to help shine a light on where we are headed? Because it’s pretty fucking dark. Folks are offering to send me money to help with my legal costs, and I’m extremely grateful, because I’m going to need it (and here’s how to do that), but what I think we need to do is a little harder, and costs more, and is much more important.
We need to talk to the totalitarians … yes, the ones who wanted to put us in camps. If we can’t get through to them, we’re probably screwed. And there is a window of opportunity to do that now. It’s not 2020 or 2021. The mass hysteria has worn off for a lot of people. I know, not all of them, but for some of them, a lot of them. Some of them are finally reachable.
Take a chance, talk to them, the ones you know, or used to know. Try to get through to them. Not the bug-eyed, fanatical, foaming-at-the-mouth types who can’t wait for the return of the “emergency measures.” The other ones … you know the ones I mean. The ones who want out. You can see it in their eyes. Take a chance. Talk to these people. Totalitarianism, fascism, it is not an identity. It’s a mindset. No one is born a fascist. People can be deprogrammed. Some of them can. And, at this point, we need all the help we can get.
So, if you’re one of the kind and generous folks who have been asking what you can do to help and offering to send me money, sure, go ahead and send me the money — thank you, I’ve been overwhelmed by your messages, and I’m sorry that I can’t personally respond to all of them — but also consider what I’m suggesting, if you can possibly bring yourself to do it. If you can’t, I completely understand. Trust me, I am still just as angry as you are. I am hurt. I feel betrayed and abandoned. I have a feeling that some of you feel that way too. So I know what I’m asking when I ask you to talk to the New Normal totalitarians, the ones who might be reachable.
If you can’t yet, don’t. But if you’re able to, try.
Don’t try to convince them that you were right and they were wrong. Just shine a light on the road we’re on. Try to get them to recognize where we’re headed. Regardless of who was right and who was wrong about whatever, we are all going down this road together.
Personally, I’d rather not ride it all the way to the end and face what is down there this time.
Anyone interested in giving to CJ’s legal defense fund can do so here.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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Your “science-denying, conspiracy-theorizing, hate-speech-speaking, anti-vaxxing, misinforming left-or-right extremist” might translate into an acronym like Ray McGovern’s MICIMATT, FWIW.
I had these “people” figured out 55 years ago this week just before second grade when I learnt of communism. Domestic communists were wrecking America & I wanted them punished–more pertinently I wanted to punish them myself. So far as I am concerned they forfeit any resort to decent treatment in 1917 when they first showed their true selves & for the only time so far got what they had coming. I am talking to no one of this type, I instead will go drastically kinetic. If I can not have my country as I want it any time during my remaining life I am resolutely uninterested in getting much older any how. Let the mayhem ensue.
This Lauderbach probably has a swastika tatoo on his navel. The whole crew likely has the twisted cross somewhere on their privates. It is time to switch from defense to offense. Go for the jugular.
I could say the same to one DJT.
Speaking of whom, why hasn’t prosecutorial misconduct been charged?
Can anyone explain that?
the road was paved long, long ago. it has been a one world totalitarian oligarchy for 100’s if not 1000’s of years. all “countries” are human farms, your owners are human farmers
Tell them to go stick.
Marginally OT (though possibly a significant factor in Germany’s ultimate downfall):
The US bought more Uranium from Russia in the first 6 months of 2023 than in any year since 2005. Go figure.
So… so much for sanctions. At least where the one’s personal nuclear programme and basic energy needs are concerned.
Or is Russia just being foolish in exporting so readily, Selling the rope to your enemy ‘n all that …
It just confirm all we hear and see in media is theatre.
Following up on that – US(citizens) buys practically everything it owns from China (just look at the label).
So much for those horrible communists who want to take over the world.
Exactly. Economic interests don’t follow the black-and-white thinking we, as citizens o the world, often use in judging of the behaviour of governments toward each other.
US sanctions against Russia are very specific and their description and scope can be accessed through official websites; they certainly don’t mean halting all bilateral business, as that would harm US economy as well, specially in what it considers as “national security”.
It’s probably a straw man purchase on behalf of China Joe’s pals in Iran.
His JINO administration is quite determined to destroy Israel.
Slightly OT:
How to fly an F-16 (for strictly recreational, or anti-Putin purposes, of course).
Flight Simulator used to have an add-on called ‘FS Falcon 2004’. I even have a copy on my shelf. Easily obtainable.
It may not succeed in getting you as far as combat competitiveness with experienced Russian real-world veterans, but it should at least help to get you airborne. Long enough, for future hero status, at least, for when you do inevitably get shot out of the sky.
So, always bring a parachute and try to familiarize yourself with its basic workings, if you have aspirations beyond posthumous hero status.
Take-off is the easy bit, as any Flight Simulator veteran, or nominal pilot knows. Any fool can speed up and take off… it’s the landing bit that tends to be tricky. Dogfights, a whole different ballgame…
How to fly an F-16 (FS Falcon 2004)
It may not be a coincidence that a man who so clearly sees the regime and so capable of describing the regimes operations is in this situation.
Best of luck sir
Also anyone who considers 3,600 small change is likely we’ll rewarded by the system and comfortable in its process, no doubt because they are so opposed to it, right?
Yes, Germany. I do recall the place.
One of those previously upwardly mobile countries that Russia recently overtook on its route to becoming the World’s 5th largest economy. Was it not some kinda deluded allegiance to the US, that ultimately contributed to its downfall?
Meanwhile, in the winners camp, nearly half the world’s population is, was, or soon will be, in ‘BRICS’. 11 countries at next year’s Kazan’ conference. Surely time for the Petrodollar to sit up and take notice (especially with Saudi Arabia and UAE soon to be members)?
Wasn’t Kazan’ (= ‘punishment’) also historically the scene of Rus’ extending eastwards, as it threw off the yokes, shackles, fines of yesteryear…
No I don’t think that the country felt an allegiance to the US. I don’t think that the politicians in power in Germany represent the views of the German people.What is sad is that the politicians may feel allegiance to Big pharma/ the Wef/ American politicians..whereas in theory their allegiance is supposed to be to the German people.
Their allegiance is the same as it has been throughout the modern era.
It is to IG Farben and Friends.
“I am not going to German prison for 60 days. Life is too short, and I am getting older, and it wouldn’t really accomplish anything except making a narcissistic spectacle of myself.”
It accomplish that you avoid paying 3600 bucks man. This is an accomplishment.
San Quentin I hate every inch of you.
BRICS opting for the ‘preservation of national currencies’ model (at least for now), as opposed to a ‘bloc currency’ (like a ‘Euro’).
A one World Currency and/or reign of the Anti-Christ still seemingly a few years off.
BRICS are working on One common credit card like visa and master which can be used within BRICS and friendly countries.
From there we have “One Ring that rule them all”. Coordinated.
ich sage was ich will, ich bin amerikaner, bin bei den deutschen hochgekommen als schueler und kind, wen es nicht passt kann mich gern am arsch lecken. freiheit ehrlichkeit offenheit wahrheit. covid ist eine luege zugunste die pharma-firmen und kontroll-ausubende plutokraten wie beim WEF z.b. glatzkopf klaus schwab mit seine kaefer, und das ganze mit umwelt und ‘global warming’ gleich auch eine luege zugunste anderer. wir muessen auch firma ‘blackrock’ besprechen und thema ‘neo-nazis’ besonders im zusammenhang mit dem ukrainekrieg. Wenn es so ist dass wir jetzt rebellieren wenn wir die wahrheit sprechen dann ist das regierungs- system korrupt und kaputt und reif fuer den schutthaufen
Roger that Mr. D.
What you are saying is the same as most other people here. Any idea what we can do about it?
Logic is on trial now.
Censorship is the tool used when a lie loses its power ~ Charles Bukowski
Here’s how it’s going in the US:
Rand Paul On Return Of COVID Measures: “These People Have No Shame”
“The Senator urged that Americans are “not going to lay down and take it again,”adding “there will be more resistance” this time.
We will fight back, and we will point out that they are making money off of this. These are not high-minded people. They are making money off of us and making money off of generating hysteria,” the Senator asserted.
These people are so conflicted,” Paul said, adding “It’s so dishonest to put people like that on the air to promote a product that they make more money from … promote this hysteria. This defies all logic. It defies science, and it defies common sense.”
“Americans are “not going to lay down and take it again”, adding “there will be more resistance” this time.”
On the contrary, there will be even less resistance and many more Americans will pull their pants down this time……………….LOL.
You will pull your pants down man, just you wait and see 😆 .
and they will bend over ever so obediently
You can go to prison for not paying your council tax.
I think the author above is making mountains out of molehills to get in some more readers of his book which seems to be the premise in each article he has posted.
Its not surprising that not much is to be found elwhere about this story.
Some bloke you never heard of being punished for upsetting a few people and given a small fine to pay.
Show me the law that says you must pay council tax. No ones ever found it cos it doesn’t exist. The only people who went to jail for that went there voluntarily. A summons to court is an invite. I always decline.
Well, here’s what Cornwall council say on the matter
As a Council, we have a duty to collect council tax which was introduced by the Local Government Finance Act 1992 with effect from 1 April 1993. The basis of the tax is a banded property valuation of dwellings, the dwellings and their appropriate bands being contained within a valuation list maintained by the Valuation Office Agency.
As Council Tax is a statutory local tax, local authorities do not need to enter into a contractual arrangement with individual Council Tax payers for the administration and enforcement of the tax. The powers under which we are required to bill, collect and enforce the payment of Council Tax are clearly defined within the Council Tax (Administration & Enforcement) Regulations 1992 as amended. These regulations include the powers to use Enforcement Agent companies to collect outstanding Council Tax debts on behalf of the local authority.
The relevant legislation can be viewed in full, using the following link:
You are wasting your time, some are too far gone. They are happy to keep voting left/right, black/white in the hope that one or the other may lengthen their chain and link or two.
There are many starting to understand what freedom is. It’s unfamiliar to us all as we have all been raised slaves. I’m not talking about the size of ones bank account here, that’s just for keeping score on one skin in the game of Monopoly. True Freedom mean responsibility and trusting ones moral compass we are all born with. Out sourcing to other who dictate whats right or wrong and you end up what we have today..
I do think William Keyte is sending out some good messages, although he does keep suspicious company on occasion. He’s not just the usual “White Hat/Black Hat” bollocks we here day in day out.
Brainless Borg more like.
Just which particular rock did you craw out from under, and more importantly, who is paying your wpm? (Words per minute)
Hi Corporal. How is morale at 77 Brigade holding up? I hear a lot of you are ashamed of the work you’re forced to do. True?
I can’t believe anyone is so sanguine at other’s suffering. What brought you here? Why do you value being a slave and helper to murderers?
What murderers? Are we still talking about German laws?
Fuck this myopic shit. Stop whining about 3.6k fine. Nothing could be more inane.
The West, US and the vassals, is losing its hegemony and fighting not only to retain its privileged slave driver status, but also to survive. Shutting up people perceived as fifth column is an integral part of it.
Westerners face some very hard choices. Do they want to retain their privileged status? Do they want equality or equal opportunity throughout the world? Meaning that the East will roll over the West, at least in the short term, given the ineptitude-cum-procrastination-cum-entitlement Occidental mindset, sprinkled copiously with LGBTQ+-fuckerism?
Stop jerking off about a swastika on some book and look beyond the tip of your fucking nose, FFS!
I feel your pain, Otto.
You’re basically right too.
Yes. To a certain extent Otto is correct. But in a back handed way he’s making an “argument” in favor of the big agenda. Blame it all on learned consumer behavior and not those who taught that behavior.
Pitying yourself and blaming the rest of the world for your weakness is a part of the problem too. You’re that inept? Got no volition of your own? Can’t say no to consumerism or any other fuckery? What are you, some kind of puppet?
Those who taught consumer behavior? Give me a break! So, all the gluttonous consumers out there are victims? They’re not 1000% complicit in shoveling shit down their throats?
No, buddy. They’re as much to blame – if blame sombeody you must – as the alleged teachers of consumerist behavior.
We preserve our rights to be victims.
We dont like it when someone says we are co-responsible for our lives and for our society.
We are hobbits and goofys and dont have a clue about what is going wrong. Therefore we are victims.
We are innocent civilians who never did anything wrong other than having suppressed lives.
Everybody know women have been suppressed by men for 1000 years, and secretly had a dream of taking over all men’s jobs.
Minorities lived a life in fear that they maybe never were able to jump out of the closet and tell the world about their feelings, and their personal opinions on how God can only have been a trans.
Thanks to the devil our lives are now out in the open to show our cruel suppressors who we really are and how bad they have been treating us for too long.
We can jump out of the closet today and we will be free forever in freedom, and YOU our oppressor must pay for keeping us us down!
You can never hold us down!
Never nowhere in history had nobody life as good as the generic inhabitant of the Occident up until now.
Cruel oppressors? Give me a break! Yeah, they’re tightening the screws a bit now, for all sorts of reasons, but oppression? Don’t be ridiculous.
And if oppression it is, get off your ass and do something about it. Life is a competition, a fight. Nobody is inherently entitled to a luxury. You gotta win it for yourself.
This whining about oppression makes me wanna puke!
Ya play a purdee fair game, sort of, but your hysterical 😭 fuming 😡 is kind of a giveaway.
You almost said something worthwhile – then you had to go and spoil it with a stray pot shot at LGBTQ – which has about as much to do with the situation presented as a gaggle of geese traversing a pond.
LBGTQ+-fuckery has everything to do with the situation at hand. As do the other usual-suspect ideologies that are driving the minds of people who sense that the world is utterly sick and want to revolt, change, but are too stupid and fucked up in the head to come up with something meaningful, so they fall for and propagate total crap, i.e. climate change, sexual perversion, etc.
That bit of Alphabet Soup is emblematic of the goofy focus distractions constantly employed to make the slide to Totalitarianism less visible.
Defending it is beyond absurd.
From the judge’s perspective those officials charging to save us from the maddening miasma were living saints and intellectual leviathans. Therefore if you imply they’re also nazis people might think Hitler wasn’t such a bad egg after all.
It can’t be helped that there are people who think all of our current criminals against humanity are not such bad eggs after all.
They will learn the hard way.
Same hard way that the Germans learned Hitler was a bad egg after he had killed 4 Million Germans by marhing them off to fulfill his insane ambitions. Our present Corporate Fascist regime that runs the EU$A is as megalomaniac as the Hitler regime, and far more dangerous because nuclear armed.
It took 4 million German corpses to teach Germany the folly of Nazism. How many tens of millions will it take to teach us the folly of NATZO?
“Praise be to Zeus for setting this Law in his sky,
That mankind must learn by suffering” — Aeschyles, Agamemmnon.
If we will learn no other way.
Seems that modern weaponry, incl AI and all that, is designed to minimize the use of human cannon fodder.
The Trump mugshot is another ridiculous stunt – he’s meant to be the embodiment of the white male, a toxic package of privilege and malice incarnate….
Lifetime actor.
The hilarity of that picture is unsurpassed.
It sums up the whole of clown world, in a portrait anyone can print off and attach to the nearest dart board.
Kind of reminds me of that other horrible american anushole pointing his finger and saying “We Need You” (to die to keep us in the lifestyle we are accustomed)
But yet, people are JUST SO FUCKING DUMB
The road to totalitarianism is well enough understood as ‘the age of reason’ as a self-domestication drive into indoctrinated and indoctrinating, intimidated and intimidating, intolerant individualism as a hyper-moral hyper-individualism. As soon as people realise that the whole hominisation pogrom of individual self-domestication is authoritarian and totalitarian at the species-level then reactionary emotional indignation at every singular instance becomes redundant; as does the moral-guided identitarianism that created the very predicament the genus homo kakoeconomicus is in as self-incurred ratiocentric self-consciousness.
<Them ‘n’ us> is the ultimate self-domestication mechanism as perfected by ‘us’; thereafter: there is no ‘them’ outside of auto-acculturated indoctrination, and self-intimidated intolerance to the other who lives in our owned head. There is no way to ‘explain’ this, you gotta see it for yourself that every thought you could ever think already own’s you. Anyone who ever said so has been ignored and here we are at the auto-indoctrinated view of the self as the ultimated instrument of authoritarianism and totalitarianism deferred to the perfected economic individualism.
The letter <I> put the ‘I’ in fascism: but you cannot critique that because the friend/enemy antagonisms are predicated ‘real’ as the true nature of the self-perfecting fascism. By now you will have already automatically decided ‘true’ or ‘false’ as dictated by the personified order-words <I> just rote. That is how it works here, in the German courts, in the press room raids, and everywhere the deep structure-determined language dictated economic behaviourism as decentralised control-mechanisation; reductive redistribution of reason self-invested in the letter <I.>
Exactly what I pointed out 10 years ago and again and again up to days date.
If whole Gay7 goes fascist, it is because the European and American people want it ….. and love it!
Could you rephrase this in 36 words, please–or ask Chat GPT to do it for you (if it’s you)?
I don’t know for sure the demographics of the posters on here but I gather snippets of info from what people write.
I am assuming that a fair few of us don’t have the restraints of a mortgage or job and maybe the children have flown the nest.
With the luxury of not having to worry about paying your mortgage, please your boss or look after your kids it’s easy to wonder how people follow the official line.
If you do have to mind your P’s and Q’s to ensure that you and your family are secure it’s a very different story.
Stories like CJ’s only serve to reinforce the “keep quiet and carry on” mindset.
The last three years or so have fine tuned the control so that now they just have to give little nudges, like this court case, to keep the momentum going.
I’m struggling to imagine what the next move is but if depopulation really is the goal then we can expect another big “event”.
…………………..Unless the spikeys really do start to do their work when 5G is switched on widely !
Most everyone I know is a true believer in the official narratives. They follow along because they believe the lies. Poisoning your kids with injections is not looking after them.
I have some incredibly intelligent friends who are on narrative.
Everything else about their decision making, lifestyle, sense of humour is spot on.
I have come to the conclusion that they are involved in a long standing joke and are pretending to be idiotic on this point.
The fact that they could be believers is beyond my comprehension.
I believe Satan can give people blind spots. This explains why otherwise intelligent people can be fully on board. To us it is laughably obvious that convid is fake.
People are brain damaged from years of indoctrination. They also want an easy life. But most of all they are lacking a spiritual life, I believe this is the root cause.
CJ, what a brave man,
others may have read the history regarding the german psyche at the end of world war 2.
many germans felt the preceding years were a blur, a dream like state, many were genuinely shcoked when confronted with what had happened (tho many also know much of this “official” history is clouded by the american manipulation, evident then, evident more so now)
many understand, to a degree that such manifestations of mass public consciousness are termed an “egregore”
having previously been the subject of such are the german people more suceptible to a repeat performance?
likewise in todays america things are going on that defy believability, biden crime syndicate, maui, “big mike”, so on
as the smoke of covert19 again seeps from behind the fire wall are we seeing methodology “tests” of how well the program/trauma training has taken?
many reading and writing here know that whilst a steady eye on developments is essential, the real fix is on the entire nature of our reality, if our own personal flexibility is not in question then how much better we will ride the inevitable “reveal” aka “apokolypse” when it comes?
suspecting as many of us do that the entire premise regarding “space”, “planets” etc has been deliberately been confected then maybe we are nearing the “time of times” as what they produce from their bag of tricks has diminshed and only the real big stuff is left?
I am sure we all wish CJ the very best of outcomes and thank him for his endurance
Bravo CJ. I’ll try shining a light once more. I see it in their eyes.
Within a few days of the ‘lockdown’ I noticed that almost all of my Leftist ‘heroes’ – Chomsky, MediaLens, Caitlin J, Galloway and a host of others were actually ‘totalitarian’. A watershed moment and I am very grateful for it – it freed my mind from ideologies, theories and narratives. It is a horrible world we are now in, but it somehow is also ‘out in the open’. Anyway, concerning the apparent grandaddy of dissent – Chomsky – in one of his ‘tweets’ he described anyone going into a supermarket unmasked as the equivalent of a mass shooter opening fire on the masked up shoppers. I rest my case….
but maybe they believed the official info ? Galloway at least seems to have changed his tune about this
Its pure leftist ideology. The leftist’s roots are KKK and slave owners. When the slavery was banned they were outcasts and seen as inhuman in the society.
They invented socialism as do-gooders to children, elderly, animals, minorities, the nature, and social losers, who became their new surrogate slaves, declaring they repented their past, have changed and now were the good ones toward the vulnerable.
But they were always deceivers.
Well then they’re idiots for not questioning the official info. What kind of ‘leading dissidents’ accept establishment narratives at face value?
Tis the deference of the smug middle class that perverts their perception.
They have painted themselves into a corner and they dare not leap out.
Hammer & Sickle
As I suggested earlier, the hammer and sickle would have been a more suitable emblem to place on the mask. It would also have saved the author all this trouble. Perhaps the German judiciary has decided to take revenge on those who keep the long departed National Socialists in the limelight forever.
What symbols to use are for the author to decide. Actually, I personally don’t think the swastika necessarily represents Nazi totalitarianism (its origins and use go back to very ancient times), but I have no direct experience of the pain Nazis have inflicted on many innocent folks either. I can understand, however, how emotionally charged the symbol is and how sensitive it is for many, notwithstanding the point made by Hopkins regarding his intentions for using it.
I rather like his depiction of the mask, but do think that wearing a yellow harmband may more appropriately–and subtly–convey the kind of message I’d prefer to send in times of fanatical medical imposition.
an armband with a star?
It would have saved the author all this trouble? There may be a hierachy of banned expressions and I think the hammer and sickle is right at the top of them in the Weffy West at the moment ( Remember at that ‘ demo for freedom ‘ in Berlin presided over by Wagen knecht and Schwarzer you weren’t even allowed to sing the Russian song ‘ the Holy war’.)
Mr Schwab head honcho of the “Weffy West” wearing womens clothes , doesn’t he look lovely 😂
I nearly barfed my dinner up looking at that monstrosity 😅😂🤣
And he is one of the so called elite you are having a laugh what an utter joke
“What are you, Klaus? What are you?”
“I’m a silly bugger”.
“Yes, Klaus; that’s what you are.”
If only.
I know… I just try to cheer myself up sometimes…
Since these photos are obviously photoshopped (they’ve been presented to us before), what’s the point? Mr. Schwab’s little booklet about The Great Reset is quite enough to discredit him without someone faking photos.
If I were going to photoshop him, it would be as one of the Coneheads. No makeup or special clothing required.
I’ve written here before that my wife was thrown in jail, tried without any defense while being locked in a side courtroom, found “guilty” in 30 minutes by a jury instructed by the judge that said “the Constitution does not apply here”, for the audacity of talking to a store manager that had approved her shopping without a mask due to a medical exemption. She spent 92 hours, 90 of which in solitary, in County Jail for “Trespassing”. This is a proxy charge for not wearing a mask. Not wearing a mask is not a law, under any Oregon or US law, and therefore not a punishable act. So the State has parasited private businesses to be their mandate policing agencies. Hence the “Trespassing” proxy crime.
A farce equal to CJ’s. But all of these totalitarian court cases we hear about and many more we don’t hear about, especially here in the US, demonstrate that the gov’ts, their agencies and institutions are created by the 1% to basically secure their worker-stock in fear & loathing of punishment. Defiance, like speaking truth or not obeying the orders of Establishment behavioral dictates is to be punished by any means necessary. That’s what these mandates and orders are about. That’s what Cj’s trial is about. Absolute obedience and it’s enforcement. They break any and all promises of fair treatment, law or existing rights at will. Law, rights, Constitution are meaningless via their SYSTEM.
In my wife’s case, we discovered Municipal Courts are corporate courts ruling over residents that are “constituted within the City corporation” meaning the Judge believes that we are slaves under contract and the City Corporate Charter secures the City Slaves from Constitutional protection. Now you will never have any of them explain this to you because if they did, the slaves would all realize the overlords, like the Judges, see us as slaves and there would be rebellion. So we get oblique treatment we can’t understand until we read the Corporate Charter, like we did, demand Constitutional Article 3 Court, and get chained to the gauntlet of Municipal Punishment Court like CJ has been preemptively sentenced.
These events are enlightening and should tell us we should express non-consent to this totalitarianism acting as democratic republics. My wife is now suing, pro se, in civil court, where she thought justice might prevail. Nope. Judge ignores all evidence, right in front of a dozen court support witnesses, just as in her Municipal trial. Video evidence of everything in plain site spoken by the store managers and staff, plain as day. Evidence not allowed. Because in America, judges can decide whatever they want without respect to justice, law or even precedent, when they choose to. So in these FAKE democracies, like the US, like Germany’s, the final arbiter in their system, a judge, is an unaccountable, unpunishable, authoritarian royalty. The entire system is irredeemably corrupt. US, Europe, AU, NZ, anywhere in the West.
The real job for us the 99% is to assert, take and hold, self-rule, and remove the representative government of the 1% from any decision making authority. How this gets done, we gotta figure out soon.
bitcoin fixes this.
Everything digital is false. Also any E-network.
Instead of ‘false’ how about ‘trickery’ ? 🧐 😉
If it’s correct, as the internets say, that in Oregon all judges are elected, then come this particular judge’s re-election cycle, this information must be made as public as possible. And see how it plays.
But I suspect the judge would be re-elected – and by a majority. As I’ve said till I’m blue in the face, the problem is the mass of humanity who willingly enable such behavior by those tasked with enforcing the “Law” (“Law” being the ultimate oxymoron).
Besides being made to be broken, “laws” are made to be interpreted whichever way suits TPTB at the moment.
No they are not, actually. The Municipal Courts, this one in Eugene, hire contract lawyers to be “Administrative Judges”. They are not public employees, and not judicial judges. In the counties and state, they have a system where an early retiree judge is “appointed” as a replacement, that then becomes a judge without initial election. When these appointed judges then, are on the next ballot, most lawyers don’t challenge an “appointee” and the appointee becomes permanent. [If one looks at the ballot of judges running, it’s impossible to tell one over another because none of them express any political stance or have a record of their court cases for voters to assess.]
Essentially, judges are created and maintained in a rigged system of selection and maintenance, without scrutiny or oversight. On top of this as we have found, all attorneys must be a member the Oregon Bar Association, a PMA, a private membership association that exists outside the regulations and rules based order that the established system has. The Democrat and Republican parties are also PMAs. That is why they do not pay taxes or adhere to any legal limits established by US government. NASCAR, the NFL, Boy Scouts, and many other orgs are PMAs that exist outside regulatory law.
Most people are shocked by this info as we were when we found out. But it explains why members of these entities and their organizations can break fairness rules and laws of all kinds without State intervention. The judges and lawyers are all Bar Asso. members, thus members of a PMA and outside regulation.
For instance, when the 2012 Presidential Debates, OWNED by the two parties thru their PMAs, had Green Party candidates Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala handcuffed to metal chairs for eight hours backstage, their purposeful exclusion of all “unapproved” (remember Anderson and Perot vs the excluded Nader, Sanders and now RFK Jr.) third party challengers, in essence a monopoly over all government representation, was exposed to every American. This obvious immoral and illegal behavior is allowed because they are PMAs and can do whatever they want. We all sit by and watch this crap happen and never do the research to grab these facts and use them as a PUBLIC PROSECUTION of this fraudulent political system. Cities are corporations and residents, unkowingly, are held as property. I don’t know how else to characterize it. And lawyers (most politicians are lawyers and 1%ers) and judges are independent of Constitutional law via PMAs. We can expose this fraud, if we all get on the same page and relentlessly point this out until we have laws banning such tyranny. Do the research. Y’all know now.
Eugene, Oregon, US? How much do they pay residents to stay in that hell hole? Has to be a lot…
I got cited that way once 10 years ago, I was circulating a referendum in front of a Target store. Ultimately the charge got dismissed, but I had to go to court because it was a misdemeanor charge, handed me by a cop in the same form as a ticket, and the judge said that I could avoid further issues just by avoiding the store for a year.
Kind of ridiculous, but now for the last 10 years roughly all Target stores and many other stores have signs outside stating “We are partnering with local law enforcement.”
Just one exemplar among many of privatizing the police state. It has all seemed like pages torn from the Nazi playbook. A lot of similarities, noticeably updated in style, more than substance, for American culture, so as to put a happy face on it, as much and often as possible, or just whatever is convenient for them.
Quite a few variations on that theme, and gradually growing year by year.
There is one thing you didn’t learn from this experience: all “charges” are levied against “persons,” never against a man or woman. The legal name JOHN DOE is accused of this or that infraction. The man or woman pledges him or herself as surety the minute he or she answers “yes” to the question: are you JOHN DOE (the legal name)? “Well, that’s just silly,” you must answer, “How could I be a name?” Once you understand this, you will possess a much bigger hammer than they have. Remember, this is all commercial law and “they” consider themselves bound by it, even the ones who appear to be violating “the law” to achieve their totalitarian ends. What they are really doing is applying the law of fictions to a living, breathing man or woman and hoping you don’t see through their rouse.
Rog, what you are saying maybe true, but Mindy has done all and more of the tactic you descibe to no avail because the final arbiter is the Bar Association Judge whose job above all is to protect the SYSTEM. During the LOCKDOWN, many independents came out with the facts that we have found are merely theories that do not work to the complete nature all of us seek. Along with the prosecutor and the defense attorney, this triumvirate has complete control over the outcome, legal or illegal. They get away with it 90% of the time because there is no oversight. There is no policing of a court or a judge. They are omnipotent until we the 99% change this rotten ass system. Even if prosecuting a civil case with lock solid evidence, the judge and defense merely declare all the evidence invalid whether witness sworn deposition or numerous videos taken live of the events. We’ll have to develop strategies that succeed. The truth and being in the right are all great and virtuous, but the problem is, this is the DEVIL, and they does what they wants.
I’ll admit that I believed this story for a second. But now I am having second thoughts.
Where can I find the official indictment and court rule? May be there but haven’t seen it.
I don’t like that this story of Hopkins very much relates to Craig Murray’s indictment, and Chomsky’s problems with Faurisson. If it smells like a story, reads like a story, etc.
Perhaps I am being too critical here, but I am sick and tired of believing stuff ‘because it has been on the news.’ I need to see more info before I draw my conclusions on whether this story is actually more than a story.
Totally believable if you step back and look at the enormity of all the other human right violations perpetrated against unsuspecting folks for as long as memory serves: nuclear tests over populated areas, poisoning of the air, the water and the food, dumbing down, exploitation, rape and murder of the populace, 9/11, mass-inoculation with toxic experimental concoctions, etc.
There is a substack with a scan of the investigation documents (allegedlt, I don’t read german).
I value your skepticism, but it does look true.
I’m German and I can assure you it is all true!
? being German is evidence that a judgment was made against CJ Hopkins by a German court????
Probably in reply to Lance’s statement that he doesn’t read German so doesn’t understand what the document says
Don’t be sorry, if you have doubts about this story (which I think it is) then there is
reason for your suspicion.
Everything deserves a turn at being suspect – especially things we might tend to agree with. That doesn’t guarantee finding truth; but it’s a start.
After all, it’s also possible for private citizens to “set up” the system so as to achieve a given result calculated to undermine or at least embarrass the system. That kind of dynamic also constitutes a “story.”
I wish someone like CJ or CJ himself, would put together a bullet point list of what, and more importantly, how to talk to those that may be willing to listen to our evidence of the tyrannical direction these Western democracies are heading towards. I personally get so overwhelmed by the accumulation of years of evidence in my head that I find my brain a mess of noodle synapses unable to clearly and concisely explain what is really going on. And then I start to sound like a conspiracy lunatic as I try to get it all out but clearly overwhelmed by the years of information I’ve had bottled up inside me because either no one wanted to listen to it or I was too afraid to say something out loud and be further banished from family and friends. I’d like to take you up on your challenge, CJ. You’ve written beautifully and extensively on it all. I just need a little help in organizing it in my head for my “presentation”. Thanks for all you do and I wish you great luck in proceeding through this morass you have been subjected to.
The simulation of the ideas and actions of Josef Stalin are alive and well, in most so called, Western-Democracies’. Although, why these countries are still touted as ‘democracies’ should invoke much head-scratching with disbelief.
By their actions they signalling their intentions … we do not need to doubt any longer, the WEF’ers and WHO-UN have been openly telegraphing that they’re coming for all, ready or not.
I suggest that Stalinism, exploitation and tyranny is exactly what ‘democracy’ implies and ultimately means. See The End of Democracy by Buffin de Chosal. Time to drop our culturally-imposed blinkers. If democracy could empower the people, it would never have been allowed and we would not be in that sorry state.
That is why we have oligarchy, because genuine democracy would never be allowed by the ruling class.
Totalitarianism goes with the territory. There is no such thing as a government – a formal hierarchic ordering of society with someone at the top – without it eventually becoming totalitarian.
There is no such thing as power which self-polices itself to prevent it from seeking to expand itself.
You cannot have organization without hierarchy, nor hierarchy without power, nor power without totalitarian tendencies. It is the iron law of civilization.
I’m at a bit of a loss to figure out what kind of criminal this person is. We may disagree about mask policies, Covid and so on but that’s legitimate disagreement. Where I think we are in sync is about things like “hate crimes”. I hate this sort of “I know it when I see it” thing because its way too flexible — whether your a criminal or not depends entirely on whether you’re one of the crowd or not. I also strongly object to criminalizing thought.
I’ve never understood the German attitude to Nazism, either. One of the subtleties of that period is that the backbone of the Nazi party — not the bigwigs with their posturing but the low level leadership — tended to survive the war and proved useful as the core of the new civil administration (only in the West and after suitable “de-Nazification”, of course). By criminalizing all discussion of this period except for ‘official histories’ it shut down discussion and effectively covered the tracks of everyone involved. (The same happened with about 70 tons of archival records that survived the war — after a brief period where selected historians could peruse — not copy, of course, just peruse — the records the entire lot was handed to the West German government and became effectively ‘disappeared without trace’.) So I reckon that going after someone for an illustrative swastica on a book cover belongs in the “Me things she doth protest too much” category, especially in the light of things like Operation Paperclip.
You can’t argue with a state, though. You lose.
One other thought. Most histories of the NSDAP kind of gloss over the beginnings and support of this party. We’re all supposed to swallow the notion that this funny little Austrian and his henchmen just appeared out of nowhere and took over a major country with nobody being able to do anything about it. We’re also supposed to overlook the excesses of the Hollenzohrens, the systematic warmongering in Europe that led to WW1….its as if AH and friends just appeared out of the woodwork one afternoon. Its a lot to swallow but it appears that the Not just the German people but much of the world seem to have successfully done so. But I suppose any deeper examination would get you jailed, fined and so on — don’t disturb those rocks, you never know what might crawl out from under them!
RE: Last paragraph.
In the aftermath of WWI, continental Europe was in pre-Revolutionnary conditions, such as in Germany and Italy. Germany, precisely that hitherto major country, was in the 20s facing poverty, millions of unoccupied, big devaluation of the Mark, inflation and a deep social and economic breakdown. In these conditions, it is not impossible that figures with little political background accede to power. German National Socialism, whose activities started right after WWI and of which Hitler (bringing the support of the Reichswehr to the party) was hardly the principal exponent, at least at the beginning, precisely promised in its campaign to do something about that state of affairs, by pointing at the enemy (a strategy that seldom fails to gather popular support): Liberal democracy and its economic doctrine of international capitalism, and international Socialism as incarnated by Soviet Russia. Of course, the party which united the German Workers Party, the army, the bourgeoisie, intellectuals, and national industry had good backing; and some even argue that the party got foreign backing.
This phenomenon is not unique: Trump is one case, and we have Bolsonaro in Brasil, and more recently in Ecuador and Argentina where figures with modest political activity from outside the traditional parties have made it to the second round of presidential elections (Ecuador) or won the presidential primaries (Argentina), amidst a chronic popular disgust and disappointment with what some have coined “the political cast”, and which must have been dominant in 1920s Germany.
I don’t know about this being a ‘road’ to totalitarianism.
I fear the infrastructure is already in place.
Nor am I even sure that an ‘organized state’ is the aim of our insane ‘representatives’ right now.
After all, once you realize that chaos is the goal, the mess around us suddenly appears to make perfect sense.
It wouldn’t be the first time that barking mad nutters had taken over our respective countries.
It’s probably genetic.
Are they barking mad nutters? I think there is an excellent method in their madness ( for them)..make loads of wonga and kill off the plebs
I reckon yes, they are barking mad.
Killing off plebs is what barking mad people do.
I suspect our barking-mad ‘representatives’ are given to do eugenics experiments with the ‘bewildered herd,’ which constantly fail because of human resilience, Murphy’s law and the tendency of mad scientists to be hoist with their own petard.
We need to make sure they never run out of petards…
Well, talk is cheap as they say. Maybe the time for talking is past. Isn’t that what some of us pointed out relative to the true colors that came out under the scamdemic? I mean, what was it, half of our populations would have voted to have the non-vaccinated put in camps, not allowed to shop in grocery stores or attend restaurants, they didn’t care if we died. Isn’t that what it was? I can’t remember now, I’m getting old. I do remember one Arnold Schwarzennegger telling us we can “Screw our Freedom”! I mean, that was like the epitome of true colors. And we should talk to these people? I think most of us over the last three years have talked till we’re blue in the face. And now they’re gonna do it again and you can bet the sentiments of those that support the ruling class isn’t going to change, man. Things don’t work that way.
I saw a lady wearing this big black mask today. She was in front of me at the line in a grocery store. I was going to talk to her, but what I was going to say probably wouldn’t have helped. Because I was going to tell her she’s a dumb shit who is making everything worse for the rest of us and a fucking disgrace to the human race. So, I didn’t. But I could have. I guess that’s free speech.
I whinge about the state of things to anyone who will listen..and I am very agreeably surprised by how many people tell me that they think that it was a scamdemic too. I think that they went through the same phases as me… believing a bit in the beginning and then looking back over many other strange things over the years ( NATO wars, changing the definition of antisemitism, suppression of free speech, patterns of people leaving the countryside to the towns) come to the conclusion that our states are not acting in our best interests at all.
Pending, therefore deleted.
I don’t know why you went into pending, but why delete?
Here’s a good example of my pending comment that I deleted because the pending bullshit here on Off Guardian is ridiculous. I can’t make sense of this asinine system and have no clue what I wrote that should go to any kind of “pending”, just like my original comment. But anyway, check out the comments of the article.
These families still mask up to protect against COVID. Here’s why — and what it’s like. (
Oh dear, your comment got kicked into pending. Perhaps Offg owes zero explanation if this is your needlessly confrontational (and some might argue ungrateful and entitled) position? 😅
Your second comment came through just fine it seems. Yet you leave this nice little turd on Offg’s doorstep nonetheless.
Why not try build up a nice vibe here, instead of vent? Let’s try to enrich the internet, bring some soul to it. TPTB would undoubtedly prefer it to be a toxic, shallow, aggressive place after all. A2
Well sorry Sam and greatly appreciate the feedback. After two in a row pending, the second for a completely innocuous comment, I got a little perturbed and lost control. My bad and I’ll go ahead and take a self imposed timeout from commenting for punishment. I could use the break anyway. Peace.
Women need someone to protect them. Due to biology they are vulnerable when they are pregnant and have children.
If men cant or will protect them, they seek the State or someone who can. You cant demand the same from women as you demand from men. Just saying.
I am not in your shoes.
However if i was innocent I would go not guilty.
Paying it up (3×666) – means your guilty.
I said the same to GcMAF and when they did the Persecution of David Noakes.he took the fall and plead GUILTY to something he says he didn’t do and did 2 years.
A jury and good lawyer would find you not guilty.
IN spiritual court you are not guilty why not use that here.
Lead by example Mr alt media celebrity as the normal people who do NOT have alt media blogs blogging them constantly HELD THERE HEADS HIGH stood there ground who refused to pay mask fines in the end got it thrown out of court.
It’s a tough one for those actually IN it…
Oh, by the way, it should be, “means you’re guilty”, and “stood their ground”.
As usual, no charge, since I’m retired…
“Spiritual” courts have gotten us to where we are today… The judge is a twat and a corporate controlled imbecile. Call a spade a spade.
Check that math there… 3 x 666 = 1,998, not 3,600.
LOL. Alway a bunch of loonies on this site
All the best for CJ and forward, But jumping directly to the issue: Totalitarianism.
We have had big dirty wars since year 2001. Bush started to threaten everybody to take their homes and jobs if someone raised a finger about the Iraq war.
We had Guantanamo (still have), Abu Ghraib. Many grave atrocities since 2001.
What I see now the last 5 years, people are talking talking and seeing everything to be totalitarian, labelling labelling everything as fascist and fascism.
Dear CJH, many people have equally been sent to prison or got higher fines for environmental stupidities and claims about the lack of the 6 mio.
Remember Volkswagen was fined $1 billion by EU and $2,8 billion by US for having 0,00001% more CO2 in their cars than “the rules”.
We could talk too much. We could talk and write so much about the awful wolf fascism coming, so the ghost may be jumping out as real because we put a spell on it. Screamin Jay Hawkins – I Put A Spell On You . mw=33.
All wars are banker boss wars.
TPTB always benefit in the end.
War is a racket.
No it isnt you’ve read instead of doing…Men only open their mouths when things go bad…wars are none of your business.
Not clear if there were svastikas on the masks in the tweets but if there were then it was uncalled for. It’s complicated and CJ seems to be in a downward spiral of depression. 3.6k ? It’s just money, as Matt here mentions. Another idea: get a better advocate (or attorney as CJ calls it)
What is complicated about a twisted cross symbol that has been part of Southeast Asian culture for over a millenia?
So because National Socialists co-oped what is actually a positive healing symbol that means it becomes complicated?
The only complication here is the ignorance of many people with regard to history before the 20th Century, and the active social engineering going on.
Germany is full on retarded, again.
It’s not Germany that’s full-on retarded.
Just the German politicians and German media.
It’s the same everywhere.
Just look at the US debate where Trump wasn’t even there to confront his Republican rivals:
Almost all the participants were talking ill-informed drivel on foreign policy.
There are certainly plenty of Americans who do not talk drivel, but they never get near having their sensible voices heard.
Getting your voice heard in the west today is pretty much as tough as it would have been during Stalin’s time further east, and Germans ought to know that better than most.
If they can’t be bothered to insist upon something better than what 1933-45 offered them, then they need to experience what it’s like to be ‘on your own’ – and this time without the Marshall Plan to save their arses.
“and Germans ought to know that better than most.”
Exactly. And so should the Israeli population for that matter and most took the jabs and should have recognised by now what their government is all about.
I agree it isn’t the German people.
If the government doesn’t represent the people anymore, then Germany isn’t the German people, technically. Germany is the German Government and only the Government.
I agree also that the same condition is applicable worldwide.
Actually, it’s the USA that needs to experience what it’s like to ‘be on your own’: the whole world needs to put 100% economic sanctions on the USA and make it a death sentence for any US citizen to set foot outside their boundaries.
The world will be much, much safer when every single US military base is mothballed, 330 million very very violent humanoids are caged in and the concept of ‘manifest destiny’ is removed from the 95% of the world who are very happy that they were not born in the USA.
Absolutely, Rhys.
It’s just that these days I see Germany as a US outpost.
The World Wars were a great pretext for that to happen.
Is Germany about to start WW3, for a trifecta?
I haven’t checked recently, but is Germany still forbidden to have an army?
NATO (American) forces on the ground fighting Russia in E. Germany and Poland might be interesting… or perhaps just typical of today’s utterly ignorant Washington…
Germany has had an army, nominally since 1955….however I think the EU and the Weffy West has all morphed into one .
(I’m basing that on quotes from a youtube conversation I saw conducted by Daniele Ganser ( Swiwwhistorian) and Juergen Rose ( restired general.Was general of the German army. Declined to participated in at least some of the NATO wars°
Thanks for that info.
Germany has had an army for decades. As far as I know Western Germany (When there was still a Soviet Block), never had any restrictions about having a military. As I recall it was encouraged as part of their participation in NATO.
So you are the world’s new dictator then?
Consider these historical facts you opposite of smart person.
The USA didn’t start WW1 or WW2. That was Germany / German Allies.
The French were in Vietnam first and for at least half a century.
The USA didn’t setup the national boundaries in the Middle East to purposefully create conflict, that was grand old England.
The USA didn’t occupy the Palestinian Colony, and gift it to Rothschild, that was England.
The USA didn’t create the Central Bank Cartel, that was Europeans, specifically the Bank of England, owned by Rothschild, and probably the remnants of Rome (Vatican) and Knights Templar in Switzerland.
The USA isn’t the owner of the LHC, that is linked to Satanic Worship, and rumored to be a device that will be used to open “gates”.
The USA doesn’t control the European Union. An organization that the National Socialists dreamed about creating.
The USA didn’t found the WEF, that has HQ in Europe and is dominated by European Elite.
The USA didn’t found the Bilderberg Group. That was Europeans.
Next time look in the mirror before opening your pie hole.
Actually it was Austria who started ww1 and it was England and Poland who started ww2.
While it was the assassination of an Austrian that started the Great War, the Germans were the first to field soldiers on the field and invade France in the hopes of defeating France before the Russians could mobilize their army. Either way, all European.
How did England and Poland start WW2 exactly? Based on the narrative, Germany invaded Poland based on a false flag event at a border radio station. Again, still all Europeans.
Thank you.
The Germans went into Poland(Danzig) too put a stop too the massacre by the j poles of the ethnic Germans living there.England,who supposedly had Poland’s back then declared war,along with France,on Germany, but eventually abandoned Poland.By the way,it wasn’t Europeans who started ww1 and ww2, it was the international clique.
If saving people was the real objective of the National Socialists of Germany, then why invade and bomb the entire country?
Why did they need the false flag of the radio station, if they already had a valid reason to enter Poland to save other people?
If saving people was the real goal, then why occupy the country for the next 4.5 years?
What part of the International Clique, in 1939, wasn’t lead or dominated by Europeans?
You are obviously being indoctrinated by someone, not informed, or complicit.
Denying the involvement of European nations in starting WW1 and WW2 is intellectually dishonest and disingenuous.
Again a lot of downvotes. What I meant is that if you are in a country with specific laws and you choose not to respect them it can happen this way. I have nothing against the symbols, no matter how dark they are.
but he DID respect them. He explains in the articles WHAT the law is and how he has NOT broken them. He quite explicitly states that there has been bad faith on the part of the judges and that is undeniably true. tHE PROSECUTION doesn’t make sense
‘Respecting’ unjust laws is the same as being ordered to respect them.
That is not respect.
The laws have to make sense before you can respect them.
Laws are the opinions of political parasites, that are driven by public opinion, that is driven by the social engineered masses.
Common Law and Moral Conviction are the true law.
Just because the state says killing babies is legal, does not by default make it moral or good or “OK”.
Based on your example, anyone that is gay, that for some reason decides to visit a Muslim nation, should expect to be thrown off the roof of a multistory building.
The State of Germany making laws that prohibit the FREE EXPRESSION of the individual is against common law. moral law, and human rights. Instead of the State punishing people for their expression, maybe the state should try harder at actually explaining what crime was committed. Crime as in who was victimized because someone wrote a book that the German Government doesn’t like.
Just because bad actors co-op a symbol should not ever be a reason or excuse for making that symbol illegal or banned. That attitude is completely antithetical to Free Expression.
It’s okay.
There’s been a professional downvoter at work over the last few days, although I doubt he can pay his rent on what they pay him…
Never go full retard
It’s A Fine for crossing the line that’s all.
Your line, Clive?
For the last time: I am for the freedom of expression, I agree that there are common laws and moral convictions but in every country you can pretty much expect the outcome of you expressing them there. I can’t just imagine the German judges to be so corrupt or ill intentioned as stated and I still believe that we don’t have all the information. Auditur et altera pars.
Looks like the New Jack Nazis are trying to out Nazi the OG Nazis??
Hey, why’s everybody picking on me??
I’m talking about the Good German Covidiots NOT CJ.
Man, you idiots are thick.
We’re doomed smh
I took ‘OG’ to mean ‘Original Gangsta’ but some might think you were referring to Off Guardian as Nazis (for some reason). If you were then I’m confused and will have to consider withdrawing my upvote from your comment (now, there’s a threat 😀 ).
You were talking about OG, and if they were Nzs, you wouldn’t be here.
Go back to your home under that medium-sized bridge in Norway.
“I won’t mince words. The folks who think it’s hunky-dory are totalitarians. They’re fascists. They applaud the crackdown on dissent. They applaud the criminalization of dissent. They applaud the censorship of political speech, of any speech they do not agree with. They want their political opponents in prison. They want everyone who disagrees with them punished. They want people who offend them cancelled. They want anyone who refuses to conform to their official ideology erased.”
People can gain an excellent grasp of just how serious the global situation has become by recognizing what the Republicans in Milwaukee and Donald Trump with Tucker Carlson did not speak to:
Add to these omissions the GOP candidates and Donald Trump’s failure to mention any of the following people/organizations: Sucharit Bhakdi, Peter McCullough, Tess Lawrie, Dr. David Martin, Sasha Latypova, Edward Dowd, Children’s Health Defense, Doctors for COVID Ethics, World Council for Health etc., and the warning message delivered here by CJ Hopkins, and many other good and decent men and women worldwide, becomes crystal clear…
Some call those who you name for “gate keepers”. I have a rule of thumb. Always go out in real life and check out everything you read.
Clearly what happens in msm and controlled opposition media is simply to confuse.
In my surroundings there is nothing unusual. Around the injections and booster yes, tired eyes and faces, 2-3 days fever. But here 2 years after nobody feel anything.
On top we now know all the statistics are pumped to fit whatever narrative. We cant count on them.
My conclusion is until further notice that the virus exercise were mostly about obedience.
Absolutely, *they* were/are trying to train us like Pavlovs dogs. obedience training.
I hope you are right! I took the vax and really regret it.I didn’t want to but it was getting pretty difficult where I live to have a normal life without a vaccine pass.
I hope Im right too. My whole family ran to the tents, 2 jabs and 1 booster.
But they all say they feel fine, and when I look at them they also look fine.
The only difference is their psychological blocking.
They avoid by all means to be confronted with the absurdity of “injecting the entire global population”.
The virus exercise was solely about wealth transfer – from the huge honest SME ecosystem to totalitarian uberbillionaires like Bezos, Gates et al. None of those dystopian psychopaths need a single cent more, not for 100 lifetimes, but they coercively steal from those who need every cent just to get by. And why?
Because they are genocidal psychopaths who get a visceral thrill from harming others.
Jerry above over meds, first from a non expert what’s wrong with a popalong for a bottle of penicillin. Is it because it’s cheap as chips?
Not so here. Many people I know are injured from the injection. 3 young women with sudden stage 4 cancer. Buried one 3 weeks ago.
I know one woman who had cancer 13 years ago. It was treated and she has been in remission since. She masked up plenty and had her shots.
The cancer is back. Doctor’s diagnosis? “It’s due to the chemotherapy 13 years ago” I’m not kidding.
Today in the obits that I read daily, a man in his 70’s passed away “due to delayed effects of throat cancer treatment 12 years ago”
They’re infiltrating the obituaries now.
And as far as people waking up? Don’t know. Because for the past 2 years the obits are full of early unexpected and sudden deaths, particularly in the 40 – 60 age range, and not one family has listed “vaccine injury”.
Yesterday in the large corporate pharmacy here in US I happened to be browsing near the pharmacy counter. I jovial woman asked the pharmacist something about the vaccine. I couldnt’ hear everything but caught “Pfizer…. vaccine..”
The pharmacist replied and they chatted a few second. The woman said something to the effect “I told my doctor no (?)” and walked away saying (quite loudly) “I think it’s what caused the lymphoma”. !
I also watch and read React19, the organization started by injection injured.
And, finally, here in Massachusetts in May a group of citizens testified at our state house on how the injection has effected them. THAT is a video I would show anyone interested in what is really going on.
Most people in my circle are injected, and got sick with “covid” afterwards.
We will see this Fall what happens when normal flu/ cold/ respiratory stuff strikes, as usual, and people whos immune systems have been wrecked end up sick all winter.
I don’t rely on statistics, but I can believe what I see.
I believe you. From the start my conclusion was the vaccines takes out our own immune system. Did my duty warned the family and friends……in vain.
But so be it. They made their choice, I made my risk. Dont whine when payment is due.
All my surroundings got sick with “covid” afterwards like yours, which taken all into account also tell a story.
I agree with Erik’s assessment.
Almost all the people you are naming are part of the false binary of left vs. right or some variation that will not admit that the death clot jab is murder. There is no difference between any of the political parasites at the end of the day.
This is not to suggest that they don’t speak partial truth. It is to suggest that they will never tell or admit the FULL truth. They will never name people and connections and actually seek or get any justice.
They are all banker boss puppet POS.
You know I get 1 buck from the bankers every time I give a down vote to a critical comment about bankers. Nothing personal, only business.
So you are also a banker boss puppet POS then?
Off course not.
As Bernie (Madoff) said: “It’s a proprietary strategy. I can’t go into it in great detail“.
Bernie Madeoff was a POS Banker Boss Puppet.
He doesn’t go into detail because the details expose his BS.
Madoff got caught, I am still on loose. Difference.
Then I hope you get hung up by your nutt sack, like Madeoff should have.
Blood clots are a tell over obedience narrowed mindedness, so are shots jabs common American expressionism.
Good point. That’s the thing that really pisses me off about Trump supporters, who like to talk a big game about the Deep State and all that, but are letting Trump get away with (excusing, supporting, justifying) his support for Big Pharma and the scamdemic. They’re turning out to be just as totalitarian as the democrats when it comes to one of biggest con jobs in history. There will be no discussion from either party about this giant ongoing crime.
Alas alack, i was injected twice with the vax. When can I expect to drop dead? Do you know?
As the nuns used to solemnly tell us in parochial school, we know neither the time nor the hour. Good luck to you! 💀💉
You should already have been dead by now. But since you are not dead, it means you are still a useful idiot to your investor group until they decide time and place.
For a parking fine and 60 days in an open prison.
I take it the Coin will be in US Silver Dollar?. Not Debit Visa….Deaths Head..European.
One for you and CJ Hopkins:
Here’s the duopoly dance:
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-08-22. 41k+ Extra Deaths E&W 2023 vs 2019 – ONS. Myocarditis rates: 2 cases per day, prev 2 cases over decades (blog, gab, tweet).
Konrad Heiden was a Communist, freelance writer for news outlets around the world.
His propaganda articles spanned from Europe to the United States.
He is credited with coining the term “Nazi” to describe the German military and people.
When in fact, “Nazi” was a seventeenth century Austrian/Bavarian slang towards the Ashkenazi tribe meaning (cruel, untrustworthy, simpleton or idiot)
Do you think for a second, that the German Military and the German people ever referred to themselves as cruel, untrustworthy, simpleton or idiot?
Considering the word “Nazi” is part of Ashkenazi, it would be easy to correlate, nope.
ninety years later, everyone from Facebook tool-bags to “historians” and “politicians” still use that word to describe the German people of that time, that is just a small example of how easily we’ve been manipulated into thinking exactly what they want us to think.
Mr Heiden also coined the term “Sozi” insult the Socialist.
On Americans you mean,.. it’s their biggest media draw of the 20th Century since the 1936 Munich Olympia good heavens.
“I am not going to German prison for 60 days. Life is too short, and I am getting older, and it wouldn’t really accomplish anything except making a narcissistic spectacle of myself.”
“However, what will accomplish something (I don’t know how much, but something) is if I see the whole process through to the end, and shine as much light on it as I possibly can,”
If I had a choice, I’d pay a fine, rather than do time.
For my 2020, unheralded, conscientious resistance, over exactly the same issues, I was jailed and imprisoned, before even going to court.
“Making a narcissistic spectacle of [yourself]” is not what going to an overcrowded German prison would have been. Especially since the prospective deprivation of your liberty was an externally imposed option, not a choice.
What you avoided by the fine is the opposite of your aim to “….shine as much light on it as I possibly can,” on the reality and real meaning of being deprived of your liberty for having and expressing your thoughts and opinions.
Now, you will forever write to avoid imprisonment.
But you will end up there anyway.
Where you will then do your best writing, which I look forward to reading.
The big day is getting closer. The banksters are rigging the chessboard. There is no authoritarian government. There is no government only the banks. Maybe a limited nuclear war is the plan and where would the safest place be to isolate? Maui, get rid of the locals and hey presto. It is like Switzerland during WW11, a world war except for the bankster’s paradise.
Find out who is buying up and occupying Maui land.
That’s the sort of preparedness we need today.
“It couldn’t be that bad”, just doesn’t cut it any more.
For clarification, it was “Find out who is buying up and occupying Maui land” that I meant, concerning preparedness.
We need names.
During WW2 the Mediterranean of France wasn’t touched until August 1944.
The entirety of the Spanish Mediterranean coast was never touched by the war. And where do most Europeans take their vacations these days, or at least pre-plannedemic, Spain.
This is not to suggest that I disagree with your assessment of Maui or Switzerland.
They don’t want Yankies We Europeans can’t stand them on “Vacation”. In fact Americans are effectively banned from travelling internationally for another 250 years.
So are you a world dictator now?
What do we get to do to Europeans for creating the Central Bank Cartel and starting TWO World Wars?
During this great reset to a complete new paradigm we also got to know there is no nukes. There is only the usual bombs and tanks.
This was also a lie. Among the many lies about the moon landing, WMD in Iraq, m.m.
There hasn’t been freedom of speech. Far more people in worse situations than you. Take the 60 days stand on your Shield or shut up. As paying it is bowing to the tyranny you say you are against.
Lead by example or not at all.(With any luck they’ll lock up the offg shills lol, we all know that ain’t happening for these joos pure C/O). Such liars
Cry me a river you silly little troll.
Go fuck yourself you little rat weasel thing. Never did answer if you were Jewish. What’s there to be ashamed of?🖕
Also sounds like it’s your boy doing the crying. “If can’t do the time don’t do the crime”
In something else you didn’t post. Had said he would be well received in jail for standing up to power. But you find out about people when shit gets real.
Had requested to delete this account and delete my contributions. So you are bringing this on yourself. As I’ve been clear. I don’t trust this place or you gatekeeper.
You are a vandal and you consistently break our comment policy (except on a Monday and Tuesday which appear to be your days off lol). Considering your vandalism everyone here is remarkably tolerant of your presence, which I simultaneously find baffling and a credit to our community for being so tolerant (if only the offg site and staff were afforded such graces lol).
Ignoring your implied threats, you literally have NO account with us, as I’ve told you before. You’re an anonymous user publishing in a public forum. You’ve ‘withdrawn your consent’ multiple times, but you keep coming back. However I will accept this as your final comment. This is your choice. No take backs. Bye now. A2
I made a post below that is now pending, and I didn’t use any words that justify this status.
Please release my comment below.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
It just happens sometimes. It’s there now. A2
Thank you.
There are some good drugs for what you’ve got, Kacz…
Some of them even make you see stars.
You’ll like that.
The only way to cut yourself from fascism, is to commit to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
The oddity of National Socialism is that Gitler’s Moin Kumpf was borrowed from Max Nordau’s Degeneration (1892) and Nordau is a supreme pillar in the Z movement. Founder of the WJC. Right hand man of Theodor Herzl.
So you’ve got two movements that deny “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” – and they are supposedly opposed.
Until, you look at the underlying ideology and what transpired in the Transfer/Haavara agreement. And then scales fall from the eyes.
For the real dialectic is inversed: the apparent combatant opposites are working together!
But you may lose your family and your children. I did.
I decided not to advise my daughter (with ex wife) not to get jabbed because it would probably have influenced her to get it. I’m informed and believe that Revelation is a business plan, it says that children will not respect their parents and families will fall apart in the time of the end. What perfect knowledge of human psychology the controllers must have to bring their scam to fruition 2,000 odd years later. Maybe 3,000+ because Revelation is reputed to be of Sumerian origin in some quarters.
That is the essence of controlled opposition.
You maximize your control of the intended outcome by controlling both sides.
Billionaires. We’re talking oligarchs who measure each other by the length of their money schlong.
There is no politics, no grievance, maybe the odd feud, and no ethnicity (except among those who put it relentlessly first and foremost).
So what it the chance Mr Prigozhin played a role, and having fulfilled it, retook his seat in the ring around the campfire, with the rest of the oligarchs… watching it burn.
In addition to Fascism, lets add Marxism, Communism, Socialism, and Democracy. All are forms of Collectivism, the idea that that the individual doesn’t matter, unless the mob says so, the mob controlled by the government. Mob rules.
Also, Germany was not technically Fascist. The Party was called “National Socialists” for a reason. Italy was the Fascist model.
All the listed “isms” above are just variations of Totalitarianism anyway.
Any national ideology and/or form of government that doesn’t respect the inalienable rights of the individual, is a variation of Tyranny. Especially the idea of innocent until PROVEN guilty, in a trial by Jury of Peers.
Judges making rulings without a Jury will always be a Government Kangaroo Court.
History has proven 100s, if not 1000s, of times, that Tyrants don’t return power back to the people peacefully.
We will all have to make a choice.
“….Tyrants don’t return power back to the people peacefully.”
“The people” are “a collective”. Individuals imply collectives since no-one ever exits in isolation from others. And collectives imply individuals – since collectives have to be made up of something. Marxists have always understood this.
Just because I refer to the population as people, the group of individuals that gives consent to government, does not by default mean my use of that specific word, proves I am, or that I believe in, or want, or am supporting, collectivism.
That is not any different than suggesting that any nation that ever had slaves, is inherently racist, without any consideration for the views of the individuals today.
That is the epitome of a strawman argument.
Also, categorizing groups of people as a form of a collective, isn’t the same as Collectivism. One is an adjective, and the other is a ideology or form of government.
That is not any different that conflating Licence with Liberty.
“A collective” isn’t an adjective but a noun. More problematic is the use of the word “collectivism” to mean “ideology or form of government.”
What exactly is this “collectivism”? The notion is always equated with e.g. fascism, totalitarianism, communism etc. The notion is always based on the assumption of tyranny. And these three terms – and many others – are automatically taken to be synonyms. And it is easy to point to a (mostly Hollywood inspired) scenario giving suitably scary images of these forms.
But we can get closer to some kind of insight by asking: What is not fascism, totalitarianism etc. That is a much more difficult question which is usually overlooked in blasé fashion since everyone assumes that this society of the “free individual” is such an obvious thing. And what we assume is that pleasant society that we in the West have had all our lives. It is usually taken to be “the free market” or “capitalism”. And that certainly manages to side step any hint of “collectivism” at least in terms of rhetoric with the famous “invisible hand”.
But any such system is based on the notion of exchange – more specifically our notion of exchange which comes so naturally to us. But that itself has a long history behind it – and it is a history of developing collectives. This institution of exchange requires a legal framework and a central organisation to supply that which cannot be left to any market e.g. those items which are inescapably public such as roads, general welfare and the legal system itself with its necessary enforcements.
And then there is the general tendency of capitalism to concentrate wealth which leads to the fewer and fewer corporations having more and more direct influence over the legal framework – which was initially developed for their benefit anyway. This too leads to a more and more explicit “collectivism”.
The basic point I am making is that “the free individual” is a problematic concept. It cannot be contrasted simply with some “collective” but always interacts with others. And as for “collectivism” as some kind of sinister force (which is certainly real enough), such a thing cannot simply be equated with e.g. “communism” with this equation’s implicit assumption that “capitalism” or “the free market” (whatever that is) offers some kind of safety.
Indeed, it wasn’t communism or Marxism which led to the current slide to totalitarianism. It was precisely capitalism or this “free market”.
Collectivism is any ideology where the needs of the majority always outweigh the needs of the individual. This is the basis for Tyranny.
Any form of government that does not recognize the God Given / Natural Inalienable Rights of ALL Human Beings, is a form of Collectivism.
A Dictator dictates the law from its mouth, and will always appease the mob, because it only fears the mob. This is exactly why government’s goal is to control the mob, AKA the masses.
Collectivism is an ideology, that many have applied to government, and the end result is always oppression and death. History is an endless string of collectivism resulting in famine and war.
No one ever promised that Capitalism is a safety net. That is your own bias. All anyone ever promised with Capitalism is opportunity.
What we are experiencing today is not Open / Free Market Capitalism based on Merit and Competition. What we do have today is a Closed / Crony Market Capitalism based on Government Regulations and Stifling of Competition.
That your preferred ideology is one based in the welfare state, driven by the false promise of equal equity, is a you problem.
As I suspected, a denial that what we face has anything to do with capitalism but must be some aberration e.g. “crony capitalism”. And the dreary mantra about “opportunity”, “merit” and “competition” meanwhile “the needs of the majority” must never outweigh “the needs of the individual” as if these are forever opposed.
We have never lived in a world of floating isolated “individuals” caught up in their own solipsistic heavens. The invective against “the collective” is thus revealed as what it has always been: sloppy and lazy thinking masking an infantile posturing based on a self obsessed bohemian parasitism.
What we have today is not “crony capitalism” or any other attempted disavowal of the true problem which is capitalism itself. The denial of this always floats away into the lilac mists of some ethereal capitalism that never existed. Meanwhile the brutal dehumanising of actually existing capitalism continues to be fed by imbecilic clichés about “opportunity” and “competition”.
There is no Marxism or Socialism or communism. The only society still even nominally communist is China and that is state run capitalism. If you are going to blame “the Marxists” or “the Bolsheviks” for the present predicament, you may as well blame the Vikings or the Visigoths. But the true culprit is capitalism which clearly still commands a spell over the terminally dumb.
Capitalism when placed in the context of moral and ethical people, based in an Open and Competitive Market, based on Merit, is the most productive and opportunity based economic system. PERIOD.
If you aren’t for Opportunity and Competition, then you are just an open hand looking for government handouts in a welfare society.
State Run Capitalism is Crony Capitalism. That you can’t see this is a clear indication of your bias.
Like I said before, Socialism, Fascism, Communism, etc, are all variants of Collectivism, and all lead to Totalitarianism.
I would rather be dumb than live on my knees forever sucking on the government teet.
What we are facing is an Economic and Ideological System that is conspiring against We the People of the world. A system that is using social engineering to heavily influence, if not outright control, the masses, while pushing Collectivism with organizations like Anti-FA (Anti First Amendment) and the LGBTQXYZ Cult (Transhumanism).
People can freely choose if they want to sacrifice themselves for the majority. That isn’t, and never should be, the decision of government, or other people.
Nothing you have said refutes my assertions. You are conflating Crony Capitalism with Free Market because is suits your bias.
RE: Free market and free competition.
Let’s take a simple every-day example. Say a neighborhood has 20 bakeries that share the neighborhood residents as a market; they achieved an equilibrium price of around $1.5 with little variation per pound of white, common bread.
A new bakery opens up, which has lower costs of production (either it doesn’t pay transportation, or has an exclusive contract at an exclusive low price with a flour provider, or more efficient machinery, or other economic advantage that lowers costs, the other bakeries don’t have; situations which do occur in the real world). This new bakery starts selling the same quality bread at $1 per pound. Slowly, the market reconfigures itself and, considering the eagerness of households to save money, the orignal 20 bakeries start losing regular clients, and thereby profit and capacity to reinvest and even to stay in business.
If I hold to the free competition and free market idea, the 20 bakeries must take it, and accept the right of the new bakery to sell at $1 thereby threatening their position in the market. They are free to lower their prices too, reconvert into another business, shut down, etc.
In the real world however, this commercial practice of dumping the prices is punished if it is proved harmful to what the official language terms as “healthy competition”, which is loosely defined as anything that encourages low prices (but somehow no “dumping”?), high quality product/service, and encourages innovation. Also is punished the practice of price fixing, merging or otherwise monopolising the market.
Notice that what is called “healthy competition” then is the result of a State-regulated market beside the purely economic self-regulation, and therefore a restriction on the free will of economic actors to pursue their interest in the way they see fit, and which may result in the ending of competition itself when winners of the market prevail. It is the antithesis of absolutely free competition, The reason is clear: supposing the production is for profit as the motor for reinvestment and the means to keep in business, if economic actors are left unhindered in the pursuit of their interests, owing to the difference in costs, means, efficiency, technological innovation, size of business, etc, only a few will survive the competition while the others will disappear as actors, together with their livelihood and that of their families.
The State regulates the market to keep the competition, not “free” but “healthy”, so that no harm comes to weaker competitors. You want unfettered competition, which may lead to monopolies and mergers, and the survival of the strongest and biggest actors only; you’ll get social unrest. Are you prepared for that?
Also think of this: If a new economic actor has no opportunity because the market has been monopolised due to unfettered competition; or otherwise due the merging of several actors to keep prices high, isn’t this a restriction on the new actor’s freedom to make a living? What is dismissed in this discussion is what George Mc was saying; where are social beings before anything else, and what I do affects others, and in the unhindered pursuit of my interest, I restrain other’s freedom to pursue their interest.
You’ll object that this is so because the population is not yet moral. I agree; then while we wait to that morality, the State is monitoring the market. And I submit this thought to you: If the State is monitoring and regulating the market it is because it is a necessity: therefore, there are reasons to expect harms out of unfettered competition within the present economic paradigm. Because everyone wants more profit, to reinvest and stay in business, feed their family, help with unemployment, contribute to the nation’s welfare, etc. Everyone believes they are acting in a moral way within their local circles, while ignoring the effects on the outside of that circle.
But when the true morality comes, that which grasps the interest of the whole, the people will be able to understand that the system itself has to go, that production for profit is not the way; they will see that we are more likely to express our individual potentialities if we cooperated outside the profit motive, which in now way excludes competition.
Finally, WWI was caused by the appearance of Germany and the US as new global competitors (not by what happened to the Archduke of Austria, which was just the immediate pretext). If free competition was applied, Europe would have been subjected to Germany’s economic power, with everything that means in terms of local businesses shutdowns due to imports from cheaper Germany’s products; that’s why tariffs are for; that was not enough; a world war had to occur, to break the new competitor who only wanted to freely express his genius.
What part of your scenario is an Open Market based on Merit and Competition?
What part of “Free Transportation” is based on Merit, and who is bearing the cost of that service if not the baker? How is the transportation company staying in business making losing deals?
What part of “exclusive contract” is based on Merit, and who is bearing the cost of flour production if not the baker? How is the flour producer staying in business making losing deals?
More efficient machinery is a merit based asset that creates competition. Assuming that the baker paid the fair market price, like anyone else. Other bakers can buy, or invest in, the same machinery.
Without defining “other economic advantages”, your argument becomes vague and unconvincing.
The economic conditions you outline are based on the government, or other entity, subsidising the service or production. The subsidies are a government controlled monopoly / regulation tool, not a function of Open Market based on Merit and Competition. You are conflating crony capitalism with Open Market and Free Enterprise.
In an Open Market based on Merit and Competition, there would be no State Regulations. People that lie, cheat, cause harm with false promises, sell snake oil, etc., would be at the risk of human retribution and the justice system. In a world of humans, that are substantially moral, and of good ethics and character, society would provide for a justice system where people that commit crimes, as in there is a real victim, actually see justice, and punishment.
Also, I would rather live with risky freedom than safe slavery. Your fear will never be a good reason or excuse for the tyrants to step on others necks.
Think whatever you like about why WW1 started. Your argument does not change the fact, and my assertion, that Europeans are primarily responsible for two world wars.
Also Tariffs would not be part of an Open Market based on Merit and Competition. Tariffs stifle competition. Embargos could be, in order to make sure the domestic market is not destroyed by foreign actors with an agenda.
Try again, if you can.
When I mentioned the State and tariffs, my aim was to show that they must exist, as they do in reality, to protect weaker competitors and local production.
Your primary premise is that people are moral, without which your thesis falls; because, let’s face it, reality is full of cheaters and snake oil sellers, free-transportation smarts, and corrupt CEOs. Hence the discussion should focus on how this morality should come about instead of the economic aspect. Nevertheless, the two things are related, as it is only within the rule of Capital that actors are compelled to cheat and lie.
Consider this: I am an established flour producer with a fleet of trucks and decide to open a bakery in a small neighbourhood; I know how to make bread, the best of the best; and I got efficient machines for bread-making. I even don’t pay rent as I bought the place. My costs are therefore lower in this business, because I made a huge investment, money that I earned with years in flour production. I am all for merit; my only “guilt” is to disrupt this little neighbourhood, where I grew up. I sell at $1 per pound and bust the other bakers.
This is no different from what happens in many neighbourhoods where large chains of supermarkets open small branches and sell at lower prices at first (they can afford it) to kill the local businesses; after which they increase their prices.
In the two examples above, the economic actors are free agents furthering their own interests. Since they have more merit because they are big actors backed by large capitals, result of years of business, they can discard smaller actors. What say you?
WWI did take place because Germany with its genius was one competitor too many and threatened the economies of Britain and France, and the argument here is that, too, in a group of producers, you will always find some that are more advantageous than others and could drown the others, if competition is unhindered. But don’t take my word for it; the information on WWI is public domain.
Exactly what part of a Free Market based on Merit and Competition do you not understand? If a competitor is weak, they go out of business, or learn to survive on their share of the market.
Again, your continued introduction of government intervention, based on “safety”, is the oldest play in the book of tyrants.
Also, I never denied or said that the system we have today isn’t rigged. I said what we have today is CRONY CAPITALISM, and not FREE MARKET CAPITALISM.
Yes, my assertion regarding a Free Market based on Merit and Competition, is based in the idea the the majority, not all people, are moral and of good ethics and character. However that isn’t a premise for denying that opportunity in a risky business market is worse than a government controlled market like we have today, or could have in a socialist, communist, or fascist driven market.
Cheating and lying is a bad, unethical, amoral, choice and not an economic necessity.
Creating another scenario doesn’t prove anything. Undercutting by selling at a loss can only be done when there are subsidies by other entities to support a failed business model. Something that Socialists, Communists, and Fascists do all the time.
WW1 is not an argument for government controlled economics. Government controlled economics, to restrain competition, is nothing more than tyranny wrapped in fiat currency signs. A Central Bank Cartel specialty.
That you think a person’s fear justifies government regulation of economic activity by consenting adults, says more about you than I ever could.
Keep trying, its cute.
You better follow this thread friend, because I won’t let it go. Let’s see who first abandons this discussion or loses his temper.
A question of methodology:
Are you or are you not interested in changing reality, at least in understanding it? If not, you better abandon this because we have opposite aims.
If you are, then realise the following: your objections are all based on what “ought to be” as non-conforming to what “is”, as described in my comments. Notice that my comments are attempts at understanding reality beyond my agreement or disagreement with it, and how that understanding can relate to a possible change; I have both feet on the ground. Your objections, on the contrary, form a moralising discourse that merely draws attention to the fact that my account of reality doesn’t conform to what “should happen”. Well, any village fool can preach. Anyone can assert that government shouldn’t interfere, that we ought to be free agents, etc. That’s easy, and it’s easy because it is not even a fruitful “arguing”; just the report of contradictions.
Haven’t you realised yet that preaching doesn’t solve anything? Your focus is put on what “should happen” while giving your back to what “actually happens” as a reality that is begging to be understood, more so the contrasting it is with what we think “should happen”. Any attention you gave to real happenings, consisted merely of negative labelling, not of constructive criticism that revendicates reality as necessary experience.
Your replies would be like a doctor who continually and insolently interrupts his patient’s account of his pain (reality) with a moralising discourse (the ideal) of what he should and shouldn’t do, not even bothering to listen to what has just been said. No cure is possible that way; heck, no communication is possible that way. No hope for change is possible by dismissing reality as just something to get rid of, while focusing on the ideal world. What “is” is for a reason and there is no shortcut around incorporating it into our understanding.
However, this is not new:
“Within such a world only two possible modes of action commend themselves and they are both apparent rather than real ways of actively changing the world. Firstly, there is the exploitation for particular human ends (as in technology, for example) of the fatalistically accepted and immutable laws which are seen in the manner we have already described. Secondly, there is action directed wholly inwards. This is the attempt to change the world at its only remaining free point, namely man himself (ethics). But as the world becomes mechanized its subject, man, necessarily becomes mechanized too and so this ethics likewise remains abstract. Confronted by the totality of man in isolation form the world it remains merely normative and fails to be truly active in the creation of objects. It is only prescriptive and imperative in character. [Emphasis added]” – Georg Lukács, History and Class Consciousness, 1967
What does the above mean? That parroting about what “should occur”, adopting an ethics has zero active influence on a human world that has accumulated centuries of inertia. You have more chance stopping a high-speed running train by standing in front of it. Why? Because moral action has been severed from moral judgement by the automation of human life; automation that built to each a separate compartment in the mind so that one doesn’t necessarily imply the other. Moral discourse became a self-sufficient, abstract and formal closed system cut off from action and reality. So, go on parroting that human should live free while being blind to its current chains; you sure will accomplish something; when the chicken grow teeth.
“I would contend, as Lukács does of Kant (above), that in Kohlberg (author of Structural Theory of Moral Development) the moral thought structures (i.e. stages) become reified; that is, take on a life of their own. Also, in Kohlberg’s case it would appear that for him a thought structure always logically precedes action. In my opinion, we are always trying to get from thought (judgement) to action in Kohlberg’s stage theory and I consider this only a half-truth and a collapse of an inherently dialectical process. To me, thought directs action, and action directs thought and so on and so on. I am really talking about the dialectics of a process called praxis. In Friere’s (1970) terms, praxis is the fusion of action-reflection. Reflection then is one pole of a continuing process. If that pole is emphasized to the detriment of the other (i.e. action) then the dialectic collapses and thought and action separate. Friere indicates that reflection separated from action is simply pure verbalism. I would be inclined to see Kohlberg’s stages of thought structures in this light. One falls in love with morally pure and abstract thought categories. After all it is not important morally what particular choice you make (i.e. content) but rather the moral is determined by the form (i.e. maturity of the stage).” – Edmund V. Sullivan, A Study of Kohlberg’s Structural Theory of Moral Development – a Critique of Liberal Social Science Ideology
What does the above verbiage say? The same as Lukács above. Additionally, the action part in the dialectical process (thought-action) is sacrificed to the benefit of judgemental thought. Another thing is that moral discourse, grasps action as an indefinite, vague thing to perform; it knows what it wants but is far removed from the concrete world to conceive of a definite, precise action. Hence, hesitancy, doubts prevail at the expense of decidedness. The solution to this, again, is not give one’s back to reality; rather, plunge in it and try to understand it.
TO SUMMARIZE: Preaching about what world we’d like to have while ignoring the complexities of actual reality (i.e. mental immaturity) is a waste of time
You have three ways to answer to this: by disproving that “moralising discourse can’t effect change and is a waste of time”, of which by the way you have ample empirical evidence in the total surrender of societies to centuries-old State violence, inequality, poverty, despite unprecedented advances in scientific knowledge and information availability. Or you can reply by answering the points I’ve made (you didn’t get the point about WWI by the way) in a constructive, non-moralizing way.
If you’re going to reply by another preaching discourse that we should institute free competition, free market, anarchism, see you in the trenches, keep your ammo dry, and the like, don’t bother, as I already know all about that, as does every adult who can fire some neurons together, as does every village fool.
I live in the reality I make by my actions and thoughts, regardless of what you think the world actually is, or what the world actually is.
I know that the vast majority of people are naturally born inherently good. People remain good when they embrace morality, ethics, and cultivate good character. I know that in today’s world, most people are amoral, of poor ethics and of poor character. That status of the world will never be a reason or excuse for me, or anyone good, to become like the bad, or accept the not good.
You call it preaching, I call it teaching. As long as people continue to hang onto TPTB contrived paradigms of this world, then the world will not become a better place. History has proven, multiple times, that Collectivism, AKA Socialism, Communism, Marxism, or Fascism, are just variations of Totalitarianism. You think there is a discussion to be had, because you still think that one of those ism is a solution, when it is a, if not the, cause of where we are today.
It is more akin to the fat ass patient not listening to the Doctor that is telling the patient you are obese and going to die sooner than later unless you change your lifestyle choices. The fat ass patient just wants the Doctor to say what the patient wants to hear.
This also is not new.
People of the world are exploited because TPTB ensure that sociopaths are the ones with power over others.
TPTB act this way because they are amoral, sexually deviant and of poor character. Regardless of how well they present themselves in public. Behind closed doors they are ugly goblins.
Morality does not discriminate based on class.
I see, your fear is that your think the chains of oppression are real. Those chains are a figment of imagination driven by fear based mind control. Being FREE isn’t a place or a thing, it is a state of mind. You can be in a prison with no site of the sun and sky and still be free in your mind, attitude and actions. A good example of this are the POWs that always tried to escape, regardless of the potential consequences, or the current circumstances.
I would argue that those that truly embrace the freedom mind set, would never allow themselves to be carried to a jail, if the option to resist is available. Meaning, the choice to die on their feet fighting, rather than living on their knees.
Secular society will never achieve enlightenment because amoral ideologies are a losing proposition.
I think the Founding Fathers of the USA, and authors of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, are proof that moralizing discourse can effect change. I would rely upon their collective wisdom before any academic POS of today. Every institution of “higher indoctrination” is just a mouthpiece puppet for TPTB.
Inequality has nothing to do with the state. What you are really advocating for is equality of outcome and that is an impossibility. We are born equal in that we are all humans. We are not all equal in that some have more physical capabilities while others have intellect. This is not to suggest that these conditions cannot be overcome with time and effort.
We only need to be equal in the eyes of the justice system such that those in Government are not allowed to be above the law or bypass the law. Something that has been all too prevalent for all of history. That is of course unless there is no government, as in Anarchy.
My trench is dug. My ammo is dry.
If it is the battlefield of equality you want, war and death do not discriminate.
You aren’t going to make it.
You made a lot of statements, but I wanted this to be a serious and focused discussion; the kind that leads to a conclusion, including agreeing to disagree on a principle. So, I won’t comment on everything you just said, only to say that we coincide on the aims, but then who wouldn’t? The difference is in the means to achieve those aims. One more thing, your argument on the example of the patient visiting a doctor lacked seriousness or was lacking altogether. The patient could well be a frail 80 year-old person. Doctors have to first listen to their patients, *then* indicate a treatment based on that account. I’ve made it clear that the doctor was interrupting the patient who therefore didn’t have the chance to describe his pain. This is an imaginary example of a case of trying to deal with a situation without knowledge of what it is or what brought it about. That really expresses the gist of the whole thing. I repeat: Can we hope to solve a problem, without knowing where did it come from and how it evolved to the present state? And in the case of social problems, knowing must be, I contend, much more than superficial exploration of the problem; It must involve a thorough understanding of the laws that brought them about. But we may get to this later.
For now, I thought I identified a view on which we disagree and which I stated in the last comment, and which then can account for the other disagreements. Like disentangling a wool ball through one end of the thread. I will restate the proposition on which I see now that we disagree:
“Moralising discourse is not capable of effecting change in human consciousness of the kind that allows social change.”
You say it is. Can we stick to that proposition? It will make it much easier to progress and save time.
I’ve made arguments for the proposition which I can summarize as follows: Ethics, moral codes, I’m sure you agree, have become separated from action as a result of the automation of human life, and of general political disengagement by the public. In general, people don’t connect their idea of morality to reform public life, probably because there is no clear vision of what action is needed. It has become abstract knowledge, at best applied to private life, not to public life; plus, it took a life on its own as a closed system, over which one might discuss intellectually without once compelling concrete action. The overwhelming majority watch facts of political corruption on TV and they are not moved, even though they might be the most correct citizens in private life; political scandals command less action than knowledge of the weather. I’m sure I’m not saying anything new. I’ll just add this: you mentioned, regarding moralising discourse, the Founding Fathers, as moral inspiration. I have respect to all historical figures who put their grain of sand for human emancipation, but American social conditions by the end of the XVIIIth century were hardly those of today as regards the capacity of a moralising discourse to inspire command; for instance, you had duels then; people could get killed for failing their words; life was harsher; you had no technology, no convenience, etc. You see, that’s the problem; without understanding what happened to the popular mind how are we to get people to respond? It is clear to me that simply by verbal exhortation it won’t happen. Note that I’m not saying one shouldn’t exhort; heck, agitation is a must. I’m saying it is not enough.
Can you present counter-arguments to above?
Don’t flatter yourself by assuming you are the only one being serious in this discourse. That you expect a conclusion is a you problem.
Just because the patient is 80 years old, would not mean by default, that the doctor shouldn’t tell the patient that they are a fat ass and unhealthy.
Gee whiz, how does one become fat? If you can’t figure that out, then you don’t have an IQ that is larger than your shoe size.
Yet again, just another nonsense position over feelings instead of focusing on evidence and facts.
I gave you a factual example of how the Founding Fathers of the USA, by penning the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, affected real change on the ground, that resulted in 13 “former” English Colonies gaining their independence from the Yoke of the English Crown. That you refuse to address this real factual example of what you claim is not possible, is a you problem.
I never said that the majority need to wake up from their trauma based mind control, you did. It only took 3% of the American Colonists to defeat the world’s most powerful military of the time, in 8 years. That you think to affect change requires the majority, only proves that you live in fear of being the minority.
You want to succeed in life, and make your own path? Then observe the masses and do the opposite.
History has proven 100s, if not 1000s of times, that tyrants do not return power back to the people peacefully. We will all have to make a choice.
Part 1:
No flattering here; but from someone who keeps telling others their replies are no arguments against his assertions, the least one can expect here is a serious discussion, hence my observation when I saw you were bringing up new questions to the discussion.
RE: the illustrative example of the patient. Reread what I wrote above as I don’t want to repeat. And thanks for the unsolicited advice; not needed at all.
Choice? Between what and what? Take your time and try to answer that question. What are our concrete options? You won’t find nothing but theoretical, abstract considerations, cut off from concrete reality and therefore incapable of inspiring action.
There is no concrete, definite, localisable enemy, as an existential threat, out there at whom one can point a finger, dig a trench against, and shoot, as the cause of our present situation and whose disappearance solves our human problems. In this age of information, although one needs a great discernment to weed out partial, biased information, one can appreciate everything that’s happening in the world and have a bird’s-eye view on human condition and where it’s heading; but no one can convince themselves, consistently enough to take action, that the source of our trouble is this or that government, this or that army, or the alphabet agencies in the world, or this or that country, or this or that group, in the sense that if put out of action, it’s problem solved. Can you name one person or group whose disappearance would solve our problems? You can’t, and those you might think they are the enemy turn out to be just a cog in a complex system, soon to be replaced if it failed. You see, as I pointed out in the comment above (with the two quotes,) moral judgement needs the consciousness of a concrete, definite course to be converted into action. Those who got it into their mind that the problem comes from somewhere or someone particular and did their deed have caused more damage and an uncontrollable chain of events (stricter laws for instance) they would surely have opposed; and discovered, too late, that their views were partial to say the least and merely a thoughtless reaction. Before opening up a patient and do his job, a surgeon needs to be 100% sure what and where the problem is; otherwise…
The cause of our present predicament is diffuse, because it’s the system we all use, it’s the social relations; and this represents a qualitative difference with the War of American Independence, or with any war for that matter.
If you take a look at wars between nations of similar economic performance, you find invariably that the conflict is not between the peoples of the two belligerent nations (it never is) but between their capitalist classes. This is due to the contradiction between capitalism’s zero-sum feature and expansive drive; so, on one hand anything one takes is taken from someone else, but at the same time everyone needs to expand (On this site a commenter confirmed this citing a businessman who said that doing business is like biking, unless you keep pedalling, you fall). If you think for a second that, under Capital, lasting peace is possible, think again. The free competition you value, the disputes for fresh markets, for new places to exploit is what converts to war in due time; WWI is a prime example. I saw you didn’t care much about the deeper motives for that conflict; it’s a mistake.
And so, when the economic survival of one nation is not compatible with the economic activity of another nation, war inevitably ensues. It is what Hegel called tragedy, which is not a conflict between a right and a wrong like it is advertised (oneself is always the right of course), but between two rights, each of which is justified in its own terms, but each of which can only be fulfilled by the extinction of the other.
At this point, when it is clear that conflict is inevitable, the citizens are conditioned to go to war and slaughter each other, and moralising discourse is only one tool – insufficient alone – in the bag of the dominant classes of the belligerent nations. Citizens first and foremost need to know *who the enemy is*. Crucial. You can’t drag someone to the battlefield without that. Then follows all the propaganda that puts the minds in the right atmosphere (newspapers and graphic media detailing the evil enemy (babies hung on bayonets), flags all around, patriotic music/songs, public assemblies agitating for war, military parades, etc, etc); then recruitment centers and the corresponding bureaucracy set up. Then able citizens, drunk with the indoctrination are given uniforms and rifles which adds to their drunkenness. They are now the proud defenders of their country – they didn’t exist to the State only a few days ago – ready to die for the system. In the case of WWI, the international socialist organisations didn’t have a propaganda machine as powerful and failed miserably in preventing the working classes of the world to die for their exploiters, despite all the preaching they could make.
What’s my point? War happens because a great deal of money is spent on the cannon fodder which has to be persuaded that country X is the enemy to destroy. Do we know who the enemy is today? Is there any propaganda consistently pointing at one particular location as the enemy in a belligerent way? NO. There is no enemy in the above sense, as an existential threat localised in space and time. We know it’s not Russia, it’s not China. Perhaps citizens in the future will be persuaded they are, if the dominant classes consider their interests and national economies threatened of destruction. So, what’s the crack about trenches, and ammo? Do you expect someone suddenly pop up from the bushes aiming at you? And if this is a possibility, do you think it is the enemy in the sense of an existential threat and whose disappearance will solve our problems? Or is this all too subjective? Are you sure this is not a very partial view that if acted upon will not cause more damage to third persons, the kind you are against, like the person who wanted to revenge an injury incurred from a neighbour by setting fire to a piece of wood, property of the neighbour’s, and ending up burning the whole neighbourhood, killing dozens? If you have no idea who the enemy is whose disappearance solves humanity’s problems and not just yours, or if the enemy is just too powerful to be tackled at individual level and any action would cause more harm than good, then the trench digging as if humanity’s greatest enemy will knock at one’s door, is just plain silly.
Action is one thing; it reaches its aim and its consequences don’t contradict the spirit that caused the action. Reaction is an altogether different kettle of fish. If an action brings more problems than it solved, then it is part of the problem because it added to it.
I think you’ll find this essay by John F. Manley, Who can we Shoot?, useful.
Part 2:
Now, about the War of American Independence.
You think American separated from the metropole because American citizens were moved by higher values and were thirsty for liberty (you may want to provide a source for that dubious 3%)? You may want to investigate a little more, away from the idealising mainstream literature who assert that it was all moved by the virtuous and noble sentiments of the colonists, into the dispassionate reality of popular indifference and currency depreciation of the time. The passion that moved the colonists at the beginning lost its fire after 1777*, a few months following the signing of the Declaration of Independence, as every passion does, even though, you must note, a concrete enemy (British Empire) was pointed out from the beginning to the masses, as the cause of American lack of emancipation; nevertheless, less glamorous sentiments prevailed: lack of material necessities, hunger, disease, desertions, insubordination, etc, and the certainty of losing the war. That is why French and Spanish assistance, covert and open, was decisive in the struggle. Also, you might want to consider that there was two opposing revolutionary movements; one that fought for emancipation from the metropole but was decided to keep the local privileges, and the other who saw an opportunity for human emancipation starting from the continent and spreading to the world.
Notwithstanding the above, the root of the conflict was economic not some virtuous movement: The thirteen colonies had reached such a level of autonomy, wealth and prosperity, that its position as a colony was being questioned by local interests, because it hindered business from expanding; the common people, again, have nothing to so with it and a great deal of money had to be spent on them to involve them and keep an army and militia, after the first year or so. The drives that made the British Empire what it was then were acting on the wealthy colonists too. Do you think that tradespeople, plantation and slave owners, money lenders, talk about freedom and liberty in their private quarters? No, they talk about “how much?”; that’s the harsh truth; they’ve no animosity toward the Crown other than as a hindrance to their own business. Concretely, the acts that restricted American manufacture no to compete with imported finished goods, the Royal express prohibition to expand westward into the fertile Hinterland, decided the fate of America to separate from Britain.
Propaganda and foreign military and financial assistance helped achieve independence, not a spirit of Freedom that suddenly possessed Americans.
* Emil Reich, A New View of the War of American Independence, 1903
* Herbert L. Osgood, Review of Henri Doniol’s Histoire de la Participation de la France a l’Etablissement des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, 1891
* The Tipping Point
And Mussolini was a “socialist” before being a “fascist”. I’ m told the operation was painless
Socialism is the doormat to fascism. Seen throughout history.
So is communism and democracy, or a monarch.
Some are worse than others.
Not trying to be a smartass, however what is the criteria for determining which form of tyranny is better than another form of tyranny?
The realisation of a man’s wish to be left alone.
That isn’t an answer to my question.
You want me to answer in systems, isms; stalinism, communism, democratism, capitalism.
If we anticipate all forms of governance are tyranny, I say the form where the common people are left alone are the better.
Forms of societies exist where a tyrant/king/president and the wealthy class are doing their business, but leave their populations alone to do what they please within a safe frame.
The form of tyranny where the population are exposed to spies, political prisoning, torture, forced labour, human trafficking, confiscation of property, heavy taxation, are the worst.
Notwithstanding the system label you will give it.
I agree, in a world where the substantial majority of people are moral, and of good ethics and character, Anarchy is the way to go.
Also, I did not assert that all forms of government are tyranny. I said any form of government that does not recognize the inalienable rights of the individual, is tyranny.
What government isn’t exposing the population to spies, political prisoning, torture, forced labour, human trafficking, confiscation of property, heavy taxation?
But they all share worsness
Maybe even the door itself
Thank you! You are an inspiration for those of us who also feel frustrated and alone in a world gone mad. Great advice for how to proceed. I WILL try.
Thank you very much to CJ Hopkins and Off G for standing up for free speech.
Comment placed in pending ;0)