The Other 9/11 – Chilean Coup 50 Years On
Michel Chossudovsky

Half a century ago on September 11, 1973, the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet, crushed the democratically elected Unidad Popular government of Salvador Allende.
The objective was to replace a progressive, democratically elected government by a brutal military dictatorship.
The military coup was supported by the CIA. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger played a direct role in the military plot.
In the weeks leading up the coup, US Ambassador Nathaniel Davis and members of the CIA held meetings with Chile’s top military brass together with the leaders of the National Party and the ultra-right nationalist front Patria y Libertad. While the undercover role of the Nixon administration is amply documented, what is rarely mentioned in media reports is the fact that the military coup was also supported by a sector of the Christian Democratic Party.
Patricio Aylwin, who was elected Chile’s president in 1989, became head of the DC party in the months leading up to the September 1973 military coup (March through September 1973). Aylwin was largely instrumental in the break down of the “Dialogue” between the Unidad Popular government and the Christian Democrats. His predecessor Renan Fuentealba, who represented the moderate wing of the Christian Democratic Party (PDC), was firmly against military intervention. Fuentealba favored a dialogue with Allende (la salida democratica). He was displaced from the leadership of the Party in May 1973 in favor of Patricio Aylwin.
The DC Party was split down the middle, between those who favored “the salida democratica”, and the dominant Aylwin-Frei faction, which favored “a military solution”.
On 23 August, the Chilean Camera de Diputados drafted a motion, to the effect that the Allende government “sought to impose a totalitarian regime”. Patricio Aylwin was a member of the drafting team of this motion. Patricio Aylwin believed that a temporary military dictatorship was “the lesser of two evils.”
This motion was adopted almost unanimously by the opposition parties, including the DC, the Partido Nacional and the PIR ( Radical Left).
The leadership of the Christian Democratic Party including former Chilean president Eduardo Frei, had given a green light to the Military. Unquestionably, US intelligence must have played an undercover role in the change of leadership in the PDC.
And continuity in the “Chilean Model” heralded as an “economic success story” was ensured when, 16 years later, Patricio Aylwin was elected president of Chile in the so-called transition to democracy in 1989.
At the time of the September 11 coup, I was Visiting Professor of Economics at the Catholic University of Chile (Instituto de Economia, Universidad Catolica de Chile. In the hours following the bombing of the Presidential Palace of La Moneda, the new military rulers imposed a 72-hour curfew.
When the university reopened several days later, I started patching together the history of the coup from written notes. I had lived through the tragic events of September 11, 1973 as well as the failed June 29, 1973 coup. Several of my students at the Universidad Catolica had been arrested by the military Junta.
In the days following the military takeover, I started going through piles of documents and newspaper clippings, which I had collected on a daily basis since my arrival in Chile in early 1973. A large part of this material, however, was lost and destroyed by my research assistant, fearing political reprisals in the days following the coup.
This unpublished article was written 50 years ago (see below). It was drafted on an old typewriter in the weeks following September 11, 1973.
This original draft article plus two carbon copies were circulated among a few close friends and colleagues at the Catholic University. It was never published. For 30 years it lay in a box of documents at the bottom of a filing cabinet.
I have transcribed the text from the yellowed carbon copy draft [in 2003]. Apart from minor editing, I have made no changes to the original article.
The history of this period has since then been amply documented including the role of the Nixon administration and of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the plot to assassinate Allende and install a military regime.
Chicago Economics: Neoliberal Dress Rehearsal of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP)
The main objective of the US-supported military coup in Chile was ultimately to impose the neoliberal economic agenda. The latter, in the case of Chile, was not imposed by external creditors under the guidance of the IMF. “Regime change” was enforced through a covert military intelligence operation, which laid the groundwork for the military coup. Sweeping macro-economic reforms (including privatization, price liberalization and the freeze of wages) were implemented in early October 1973.
Barely a few weeks after the military takeover, the military Junta headed by General Augusto Pinochet ordered a hike in the price of bread from 11 to 40 escudos, a hefty overnight increase of 264%. This “economic shock treatment” had been designed by a group of economists called the “Chicago Boys.”
While food prices had skyrocketed, wages had been frozen to ensure “economic stability and stave off inflationary pressures.”
From one day to the next, an entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty; in less than a year the price of bread in Chile increased thirty-six fold (3700%). Eighty-five percent of the Chilean population had been driven below the poverty line.
I completed my work on the “unpublished paper’ entitled “The Ingredients of a Military Coup” (see text below) in late September 1973. In October and November, following the dramatic hikes in the price of food, I drafted in Spanish an initial “technical” assessment of the Junta’s deadly macro-economic reforms entitled
“La Medición del Ingreso Minimo de Subsistencia y la Politica de Ingresos para 1974′ .
Fearing censorship, I limited my analysis to the collapse of living standards in the wake of the Junta’s reforms, resulting from the price hikes of food and fuel, without making any kind of political analysis.
The Economics Institute of the Catholic University was initially reluctant to publish the report. They sent it to the Military Junta for its approval prior to its release.
I left Chile for Peru in December 1973. The report was released as a working paper (200 copies) by the Catholic University of Chile a few days after my departure.
In Peru, where I joined the Economics Department of the Catholic University of Peru, I was able to write up a more detailed study of the Junta’s neoliberal reforms and its ideological underpinnings. This study was published in 1975 in Spanish and English.

Needless to say, the events of September 11, 1973 also marked me profoundly in my work as an economist.
Through the tampering of prices, wages and interest rates, people’s lives had been destroyed; an entire national economy had been destabilized. Macro-economic reform was neither “neutral” –as claimed by the academic mainstream– nor separate from the broader process of social and political transformation.
I also started to understand the role of military-intelligence operations in support of what is usually described as a process of “economic restructuring”.
In my earlier writings on the Chilean military Junta, I looked upon the so-called “free market” reforms as a well-organized instrument of “economic repression.”
The Argentina March 1976 Coup d’Etat
Two years later, I returned to Latin America as a Visiting professor at the National University of Cordoba in the northern industrial heartland of Argentina under the auspices of an ILO project.
My stay coincided with the 1976 military coup d’État. It was “The Dirty War” . “La Guerra Sucia”.Tens of thousands of people were arrested; the “Desaparecidos” were assassinated. The military takeover in Argentina was “a carbon copy” of the CIA-led coup in Chile.
And behind the massacres and human rights violations, “free market” reforms had also been prescribed, this time under the supervision of Argentina’s New York creditors.
The IMF’s deadly economic prescriptions under the “structural adjustment program” had not yet been officially launched. The experience of Chile and Argentina under the “Chicago boys” was “a dress rehearsal” of things to come.
In due course, the economic bullets of the “free market system” were hitting country after country.
Since the onslaught of the debt crisis of the 1980s, the same IMF “economic medicine” has routinely been applied in more than 150 developing countries.
From my earlier work in Chile, Argentina and Peru, I started to investigate the global impacts of these reforms. Relentlessly feeding on poverty and economic dislocation, a New World Order was taking shape.
Originally published via Global Research. For further details, see Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalisation of Poverty and the New World Order, Second Edition, Global Research, 2003.
Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.
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God forbid a military coup took the power of Germany away from the democratically elected Hitler, by the way!
In Britain we got Mrs Margaret Pinochet, friend of the CIA ,and the American oil industry. Shared a friend with Chile, Milton Freedman.
As a chilean born in 1973 my reading of the situation is rather simple: coup d’etat are neither military nor local anymore. They are medical and they are global.
Good article, Michel, for historical referenceing :- especially recalling >>> S.A.P.S. <<<
The Structural Adjustment Programming of Sheep, perhaps ?
& Lambs to Slaughter, springs immediately to mind…
Here’s the definitive proof on Maui “wildfires.” Must see. Make it go viral guys!
Here’s a slightly different version of the Maui wildfires. It’s interesting (but I am a little suspicious of yet another “John Williams”).
INTERVIEW: Lahaina Resident Sets the Record Straight – YouTube
He’s working for the propaganda side.
The video contained ‘within’ the article is indeed mind-blowing. The older and very experienced arborist–along with his colleagues, two senior fire fighters whose words he refers to—really should be heard.
“Scientists have grown an entity that closely resembles an early human embryo, without using sperm, eggs or a womb.”
That sounds like a seminal model for creating millions of goyish worker bees.
If we live long enough, rest assured Science will find a way to destroy us all. It is high time to start censoring Science toward eventually banning it altogether.
Science has long out-lived its usefulness.
“Wanted! A pirate who plunders the German people!”
Fraud ‘chancellor’ Scholz is also allegedly too dumb to
move on two legs and fell on his steady- grinning mug.
One very “special” country is missing from the list RT-list|table|last-month|(activity-level)~5..99-edits|monthly
“Mark Izraylevich Bernstein”
I just transited through Santiago on my way to and back from Brazil (and Argentina). Didn’t leave the airport. I spent a couple of days in Santiago in 2017 on my way to Antarctica. I had a taxi driver take me around the city. He had lived in Queens in NY for some years and spoke reasonable English. The main stop was the presidential palace. There is a statue of Allende there now.
Are you going to Antarctica? I once made a Brit research station there off course within a group of competent. The only people on Antarctica are scientist yes? It was quite interesting but a cold, isolated and special place.
I visited the Antarctic peninsula in Feb / March 2017. Santiago/Punta Arenas/ charted BAe 147 to King George Island, the ship to spots on the peninsula and surrounding islands and back across the mercifully calm Drake passage. There are a fair number of tourists visiting the peninsula. I am not sure if the tourism survived convid. An amazing experience. Whales, porpoising gentoo penguins, elephant seals and lots more.
Maybe you know the ice flag is constantly moving to the Sea and the snow is constantly laying layers upon the ground.
So this Research station we made had to be jacked up every year, and they only last for 8-10 years where they are split because of the movements towards the Sea.
All garbage and toilet were pumped to a dump and collected by ship back to Latin-America to not pollute the environment.
A rather isolated environment but interesting for a period of time.
A little bit (but not much…) off-topic, but here’s the latest interview by the whistleblower funeral director here in the UK, John O Looney. It took place about 12 days ago.
“Interview with funeral director John O’Looney” (video: 1.51.29 hours), at:
Not nearly as dramatically, I also lived through the aftermath of the “other 9/11” – the new imperialism and new individualism implemented by Thatcher – or “possessive individualism”, “authoritarian populism” and the “great moving right show” as Stuart Hall presciently critiqued at the time. Everybody else also lived through this time. But that is not the point though: Pinochet is dead, Friedman is dead, Thatcher is dead, socialism is dead – but neoliberalism is well and truly alive despite all the imperialism, colonialism, “globalisation of poverty” (another one of the esteemed professors well documented themes) and more or less completed destruction of the earth ecology achieved largely, but not solely, in the last thirty years.
World Economy versus World Ecology
Who needs MKUltra when you got globally marketised individualism?
“Cogito ergo consume”
Neoliberalism grew to be the One World Economic [OWE] or One World Neoliberalism [OWN] as fascism perfected and central-planning rejected. German ordoliberalism developed as reactionary fascism in defeat and resentment. The current #solutionswatch: no more centralisation of control-mechanisation; decentralisation to economic rational individualism – no society, just self-organisation, self-ordering control voluntarism manufacturing individual micropolitics of desire by pre-owning and predeterminng the means of desire realisation as mediated in $$$$$$$ (or alternate agorist cryptofascism.)
But that’s not the point either. Fascism emerged as a rejection and attempted elimination of the old world order of imperial empires; neoliberalism emerged as a reactionary new one-and-only world order – OWE and OWN – of one’s preowned desire and now there is a considerable resentment building at the perceivable and tangible impingement of the preowned and predetermined free-individual right to consume freedoms and liberties that were originally somebody else’s property.
Can you see the ideological pattern-making? The individual and illimitable right to consume is totalitarianism when unimpeded and fascism when impeded. Fascism is totalisation as a rest and recuperation phase or psychic palingenesis in readiness to recommence consummatory totalisation again once the impediments to unlimited psychiatric growth-dependency are eliminated.
The impediments are demonised as those exercising external control-centralisation which needs to be eliminated so we can comfortably consume the rest of the earth in peace. Psychic impediments demonised as “the one-and-only percent” of those who benefited from the recent ecological destructiveness of the self-regarding market-economy which are actually only in the heads of those who actually enjoyed consuming other Unpeople’s freedom by inalienable righteousness; who are now beginning to sound a lot like the next wave of the new new world order, same as the old old world order but more righteous and consummate yet. Said the Chussodovsky and Corbett double act never. Or the Chussodovsky, Corbett, Engdahl, Escobar and so on conspiracy theorists never. Always with the premoralised consumptogenesis of the one-and-only percent; never one’s owned.
Anyone who is getting wise to this, the alternate realisation is ecological degrowth of the incessant ego-collectivisation and earth-dominant ego-engineering that somebody imaginary is impeding your preowned freedom to consume the earth. We could conserve the earth instead. There is no self-regulated market-economy; there is only a self-regulated ecology free of any residual ego-engineering of preowned, premanaged, predetermined desire-dissatisfaction said nobody recently on Global Resurgent Fascism, sorry – Global Research.
“Neoliberalism grew to be the One World Economic [OWE] or One World Neoliberalism [OWN]” brand of corporate fascism.
The ‘Chilean model’ also hit Eastern Europe in the early 90s, after Soviet Union collapse.
Right, there were no blood coups, no supporting terrorist like in former Yugoslavia, but everything else went just by the same plan.
I cannot talk about other countries, I can talk only about mine, and funnily, it really doesn’t matter which one it is.
This may sound to the Western man (or woman) like some kind of heresy, but the Socialist governments since 1944 have rebuilt our country from simple poor low-level farming with very little industry into an advanced one (it was with much pain, though). In the late 80s we had:
– light industry, including electronic, moderately advanced for its time
– heavy industry and machining
– strong army
– advanced agriculture and farming (we could feed well more than our country, now, in EU, we import even potatoes and tomatoes, it’s a disgrace!)
– advanced energy system, with Nuclear power plant with 6 reactors (along with lake ‘battery’ for peak production absorption, quite advanced facility even now, 30-40 years later), coal power plants, Hydroelectric power plants, built into a single system.
– advanced social systems (guaranteed vacations on each factory bases on the sea or in the mountains, summer and winter, 2 weeks each; 3 years paid maternity leave; etc.)
– free healthcare – not with the latest technical gizmos, but honest and with competent and accessible doctors – anyone could go to a specialist without special appointment.
– free education, on a high level – well more than what we have now. The Bolonese system, which we adopted about year 2000 (+/-1), has wrecked the higher education.
– etc…, you got the picture, the main thing is no one had to worry about the next day/month/year.
– what we did not have was most of the advanced consumer products in their variety.
There was comprehensive plan, hundreds of pages, drawn by US officials, to turn that all into a ‘modern free market’. I still remember the two heads of the plan, talking on TV almost every other day – Richard Rahn and Ronald Utt (cannot recall which one of them wore an eyepatch though, like a pirate). Here is an article from NYT back then:
The plan included abolishing the existing Constitution and accepting new one, redrawing most (if not all) of the legislation in such detail like single articles and subarticles.
The results were evident pretty fast, it all went downhill with the coming of the ‘Democracy’.
First went the agriculture, farming and light industry – in the early 90s, almost instantly. Electronics sector held up to about ’93.
Everything was privatized and destroyed.
Then we had bank collapse and hyperinflation (that Soros fellow had some influence over this), then most of the banks were privatized.
After that went the heavy industry, it needed 10-20 years to be dismantled.
Army is in shambles after NATO set up foot here.
Healthcare and education are on constant decline since early 90s.
And now the focus is the energy sector, which is still alive, to an extent.
This is just a glimpse, the actual events brought much pain to the people, and I did not even mention the rise of the criminals – various small and big gangs, and some of them for a while has been directly connected to the government and its foreign ‘partners’.
To sum it up, the coups do not need to be violent… The US government exports the same product everywhere in the world, and the means of export are not so important, the results are.
Very well described; and as you say, it does not matter which country in the EU$A it describes:
“First went the agriculture, farming and light industry – in the early 90s, almost instantly. Electronics sector held up to about ’93.
Everything was privatized and destroyed.
Then we had bank collapse and hyperinflation (that Soros fellow had some influence over this), then most of the banks were privatized.
After that went the heavy industry, it needed 10-20 years to be dismantled.
Army is in shambles after NATO set up foot here.
Healthcare and education are on constant decline since early 90s.
And now the focus is the energy sector, which is still alive, to an extent.”
These coups have all been the test beds for what the whole of the west is now experiencing, they have just tweaked the recipe , weaponised healthcare, Divided the population with propaganda, and they continue with the “Nudge theory” of taking everything away little by little,.Question is are we about to experience a huge event in the form of the “Latest variant” as Gates promised , Many people realise they have been duped into taking a Toxic poison, but if the 5G frequency starts “self assembilng” the graphene in the Jab recipients , we may well see millions dropping dead in the streets, but then the “immigrants” will be deployed from their Hotels to clear up the corpses in UK.
Deagles forecast was a 77% reduction in UK population by 2025…16 months to the deadline
Note that all the “Central Commie Committee” 10 year plans frequently gets prolonged, thus also with Deagles.
Last time I saw Deagle was in 2018 where the population reduction would happen in 2020.
In late 1970’es our oil would peak out in year 2000 and millions would die, but when we met year 2000 the world was swimming in oil reserves.
At the start of the 2000’es Pentagon predicted London and major EU cities would be under water in 2020 because of clima change. It didnt happen either.
The anti-vaxx controlled opposition claimed the vaxxed would all die within a year after injection, now they have prolonged this to year be in 2025.
You continuously shill for the clot shot. According to Denis Rancourt the clot shot has already claimed 30 million lives.
Nevertheless the clot has a point: initial guesstimates were much too high. It seems the clot shot only kills around 1 person per 1,000 vaxxed per year; mainly the young and healthy.
Absolutely not. Im just not married with any of the two opposite controlled camps. If I chose one I would be lost like you.
Keep your friends close, but your enemy closer.
So you say 30 mio dead.
I heard US atrocities and wars the last 100 years claimed 20 mio lives.
I heard the statistics are manipulated to fit first 1.That the Corona Virus kill why it is necessary with a vaccine (that doesnt work), then to fit 2. That the vaccine saved/save lives, why it is necessary with more boosters..
” WW1 – 10% Civilian Casualties.
*WW2* – 50% Civilian Casualties.
Vietnam – 70% Civilian Casualties.
Iraq War – 90% Civilian Casualties. ”
John Pilger: reviewing our ” Governmental Manipulation ”
No mention of Korea that lost 20% of it’s whole population, in one ‘go’…
But in fairness to J.P. he was focussed on Public perceptions and the
Desensitisation of people in the West, to the consequences of monetary investment from their Governments investing in War,
with Central Bankers. In terms of public health / minds,
Fair Observations.
Any indications this may have been another fake binary or that there may be a bit more to it than the official narrative?…
As was Castro (almost certainly)… as was Ortega… as was every famous Latin American “revolutionary”…. as was Gough Whitlam…
Hollywood didn’t take long to make a film, ‘Missing’ in 1982, that sympathised with pro-Allende forces. The film was given an Academy Award. Is this normally how Hollywood treats CIA operations? Or are they normally ignored if not covered by outright apologetics?
These heroic martyr stories appeal strongly to the emotions – but it’s funny how when pne engages the brain and starts digging something hugely dubious crops up very quickly….
Divide and conquer. You make atrocities in real life and then a film about how goody we also are….on film.
Perhaps 1982 was still a period of relative freedom among various entities comprising the Media. Perhaps it was before any critique of the CIA or of American Neoliberalism became verboten.
There’s always “a bit more to it” than what’s reported. That feature of reality does not necessarily make all participants parties to a great big conspiracy.
So did Allende agree to forfeit his life for the sake of making the coup look real? or was he whisked away at the last moment before Pinochet’s goons swooped down on him?
And what about the non-establishment victims – such as Victor Jara? Were they also in on it, or merely collateral damage to make it all look real?
In the 1982 film “Missing,” the coup is depicted mostly as mysterious although there may be one or two hints that the CIA might have had something to do with it. The movie leaves the audience wondering what’s going on and who’s behind it. The facts about the coup were revealed only in later decades, and primarily in alternative media, such as Global Research.
Yes, CIA scum and Kissinger, the Jewish notsy. But there was an ugly side to the Allende regime, too. The middle class despised his socialist measures. I worked in Chile for several years in the early 2000s and had conversations with many colleagues in the professional classes. I talked with people who had family members arrested or beaten by Allende supporters. He was a piece of work. Then, like the Nazis in Germany, the Pinochet regime dragged Chile into the industrial age with autobahns, electrical grids, big dam projects…and a dark military-intelligence, oligarchical rule, but above all, efficiency. Always though with a violent, if repressed anarchist, or Marxist streak in the society. Random ATM’s would explode near Marriot hotels. Mapuches would take over roads in the south. Indios would block roads in the north. Odd things would happen in the main port, Valparaiso where the navy is entrenched. I used to think Chile was not too bad–almost moved there with the family in 2010. But for various reasons I didn’t, and I remember getting my baggage at the airport just as David Rockefeller pulled up and was greeted with chanting protesters. I liked that moment. Then, during Covid I saw how a people trained by fear react to an imagined devil. They masked up, stayed at home, got their shots and elected their new batch of oligarchs. So all of the vaunted infrastructure, the california-model agriculture and the mega-corporate land appropriation just whipped a whole nation of proud people into subservient slaves. Why move there? It’s an outpost of the empire and the Pretorians get away with more there than they do here. Footnote: Isabel Allende–related to Salvador. Her novels are the pride of Chile. If you have read them, knowing that she is blood relative of her cousin, Salvador, you will be glad he is gone. Pure leftist smut her novels are. I read a couple of them to help me with my Spanish, but they didn’t even merit donation to the Salvation Army.
Of course the middle – professional – class will always detest anything smattering of socialism – of sharing the wealth with those who help create it with the sweat of their brow rather than the formulae of their mind. You didn’t have to go to Chile to see that – it’s everywhere.
Them that has wants to get – and get, and get. And they use their intellect to invent the most absurdly convoluted justification for why they – and they alone – deserve it.
Human nature is alive and well and living in every single nation that is, or ever was, or ever will be.
1 upvote for an honest peek into the smug enlightened middle class mind.
Allende, the “storyteller”, is not an Allende’s relative. She is not such a great writer. She is only a writer.
On COVID in Chile. It was the same way all over the world. I know Belarus and some africans countries behave as rational.
Mr. Pinochet and the military save Chile from became a second Cuba. Allende’s followers had guns and support from abroad. Most of them got what they dederved. Others fallen as in every civil war.
Forgive my naivete, but I thought there was a difference in legitimacy between an elected government (Allende) and a coup d’etat (Pinochet).
But then, of what value is the will of the people when it comes to saving a nation from becoming a “second Cuba?”
Being legitim is not a “carte blanche” . Allende and his “comrades in ams” had Fidel Castro as a role model. Concerning people’s will, we should remember that only 1/3 voted Allende.
So, are you saying that it is wholly legitimate according to international Law and convincing for you, that The U.S.A’$ positioning in Guantanamo Bay is an acceptable Sovereign positioning ? Jurisdiction wise…
Whatever your ideological or political leanings are, you agree that a paradigm shift in a country can’t fail to face a strong resistance from the adherent to the status quo. Allende never hid his socialist convictions or the measures he would take if he wins, such as to continue with the nationalisation of the resources and their exploitation, land reforms, and so on, and nevertheless about 36% of registered voters voted him. So, the middle class and grand bourgeoisie who accommodated themselves into the previous paradigm was perfectly aware what to expect if Allende won, and resisted in every way they could by making Allende’s government very difficult, and what more efficient than economic actions that would sabotage government actions (strikes, inflation, incite divisions within the Left, artificial shortages, etc). This, by the way, was also the US government strategy, once they saw the inevitable win: to encourage every action tending to neutralise government actions and achievements; the objective is to engineer popular discontent with “the Socialist program”. US was very afraid of the effect that the success of the world’s first democratically elected Socialist government would have. The concern was not unjustified from their point of view.
Hence, if a defect has to be found to the economic measures taken by Allende, and this is valid to Cuba, Russia, etc, it is that they had to take place in a very contrarian local economic atmosphere, whose inertia couldn’t fail to be felt, specially if foreign pressures are added to the mix. “Socialism” in its narrow understanding of a government’s economic program per se couldn’t be blamed. Its only guilt is that it came early.
Another point. You say *only* one third of the voters voted Allende; do you suggest these voters be ignored? Would you have had the same view if the candidate of the conservatives had won? Allende was elected according to the prevailing procedures, no fraud; so much so that US intelligence knew months before that Allende was gathering significant popular support and could win if action is not taken; in fact, Allende won despite all the efforts, domestic and foreign, to block him. Kissinger famously said: “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go Communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people [despite everything we did to prevent it]?” The fact is that, in 1970, Chile has officially chosen “Socialism” (in a narrow sense) by using the very procedures of bourgeois democracy. Anyone who seriously valued bourgeois democracy and was convinced of the superiority of free enterprise and the free market; and of the inapplicability of a “Socialist” program has only to wait 6 years without interfering, the time the red government produces its expected disasters and demonstrates how bad it manages the economy; it would be the death of “Socialism” worldwide. Instead of that, everything was done to hinder the government as if its program would succeed if left alone; happened in Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.
To revendicate democratic institutions as the symbols of legitimacy and authority but dismiss all that when certain figures legally accede to power, is a fascist point of view, and I’m not using the word lightly. The march on Rome was motivated by the situation in which Italian parliament had mainly turned reddish with 45% between socialists and Demo-Christians (politicized Catholics in a Latin nation Nixon bitterly complained about as having betrayed conservatism and turned “Marxists”, the same Chilean Demo-Christians), while conservatives had about 20%. Hence Fascism emerges, which is the political hand of special interests when democratic institutions fail to be a useful means. Fascism doesn’t acknowledge the usual institutions when it doesn’t suit it and operates from the outside with “para-institutions” such as leagues and il squadrismo, to accede to power. Once in power, Fascism would have its way in spite of those institutions.
For that reason, the 1973 coup in Chile can be qualified as a fascist operation.
One last point: For years, the economic policies in Chile and in several Latin-American nations have produced inequality and poverty caused by the short-sightedness of the bourgeoisie and land owners who haven’t used their wealth to install and expand light industry, install a heavy industry, etc. Even the revenues from resources exploitation, were used to finance importation. They used their wealth in the risk free way of keeping a status quo that didn’t bring any significant improvement in employment rate, any competitiveness, or a reasonable inflation. If a change of direction in the economy should occur like it did in 1973, should those who have to pay the price and make the sacrifices be the same as always? It seems to me the reasonable answer is no.
And then came the bloodless, but ruthless coup in Australia in 1975.
The dismissal of a socialist PM, Gough Whitlam.
The CIA STENCH lingers.
It’s true.
And the smell is now quite recognizable.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-09-06. Desperate attempt eliminate unjabbed control group. Not responsible for jab: manufacturer, govt, doctor (blog, gab, tweet).
From your Link:
“(At time of this blog post) 1971 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1373 Dead, After COVID Shot (link).
‘It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID-19 RNA Vaxx, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause’’
Inside traitors are the worst scum on earth, and there are always plenty of them.
Too damn True, speaking from personal experience on the Balkans and living there,
From 2005 onwards, arriving before NATO. I had 934 pages submitted, copied, translated, then plagiarised and broken up into other’s individual Linear interests, instead of my Circular Economic Designs. The application of external forces is largely commensurate with Monetary interests, first: like Donkey & Carrot 🥕.
And the Donkey seldom gets to discover that the Carrot was doped.
Doped with a substance that by design, corrupts the Soul & Ethics, deep within…
I often wonder @one nouveau riche example from Haskovo,
who was so determined to prove his understanding of ‘life’
Better than his mother’s, he took her to court,
over, A nominal sum of money…
The enemy, as always, is that well-known oxymoron, “military thinking”…
I do wonder, however, whether even the military elements in human society have grasped the extent to which they are being played for fools – like the rest of us – and whether they have an inkling of just how wealthy people can become once they decide to invest in the deaths of millions of other people.
After all, the military ‘mind-set’, does, by definition, look straight ahead, and not to the side, until it sees “Mission Accomplished”.
Exactly whose mission seems to be a side-issue.
They might be the only profession who believes they can make money from the broken window fallacy, in the name of broken people.
Not so sure about the logic, doesn’t seem to have much to back it up, but the bodies are starting to stack up just as the care givers are dwindling. Interesting times indeed.
You cant break out from a military position. You have to follow orders, and if you dont follow these orders you get fined, jailed, stripped of rang, pension, dishonoured or in serious cases shot.
The military is completely different from the civil world. There is 0 “rights”. Only orders and commands.
So true: thinking of Fritz Thyssen, who sponsored Hitler back in 1923, but, unlike his brother ‘Heini’, Fritz grew weary after what happened to Ernst Röhm and the Jewish members of elite society, to the point that he spent 3.5 years in Dachau during the war and after that, another 3 odd years imprisoned by the Allies, after the war… but, what struck me the most was his loyalty to himself and psychology in relationships, inc. his wife Amelie, who joined with him in Dachau & Argentina.
Let love Rule…
No point in discussing Heinrich Thyssen, in this regard.
Respect to Chossudovsky but Nixon had declared his intention to make the Chilean economy “scream.”
I grew up in the dictatorship of Brazil, nine years before the Chilean coup.
These coups were one and the same – see the documentative films of Costa Gavras.
Today, the Western population is experiencing the same. As Douglas Valentine, author of The Phoenix Program, the infliction of terror abroad was always going to come home. Those of us who lived through it, held the same conviction.
The only surprise is how long it took.
Reported by Hans Ruesch in his book, “Slaughter of the Innocent”, from Ivan Illich’s book, “Medical Nemesis:
“Dr. Salvador Allende, the late president of Chile, who was also a physician, proposed a reduction of the pharmacopeia to the few dozen items that had been proved to be of any value, and which are about the same ones carrier by each Chinese barefoot doctor. Many of the minority of Chilean doctors who tried to translate the ideas of their president were murdered within one week after the take-over by the junta on September 11, 1973…”
On another note, I did read Illich’s book, “Deschooling Society” on my way to not sending my son to school.
Thank you I am now reading this wonderful information, pure Philosophy of the highest order: Medical nemesis. Now Nemesis is the new ‘normal’. And there is coming a new ‘normal’. Our society seems sick of ignorance being used as devils against the masses.
People are born ignorant, but those who abuse it are dangerous and must be stopped.
The argument the Chicago Boys will surely use is that they are aiming for long terms results of general prosperity, blah, blah,… and for that short/medium-term sacrifices are necessary.
One such long term result; also this; both October 2019. A few months later, we know what happened.
Vigano ~ Globalism represents Satanism.
See more at
I feel really sorry for Satan … because when Kissinger gets to hell, he’s going to take over there as well.
His hat and his crook nose. Be aware of sheep in wolf’s clothe. Just saying.
Off-topic, but just in case you’ve not seen my reply to your query to me, on another Off-G article… the link below takes you straight to my reply. Your query is just above it [of course].
Thanks Christine that was very enlightening 🙂
Ahhh Kissinger…another ‘nose’…say no more!
It’s his brain that was always a matter of concern…
No ass Kissinger, another Rockefeller protege launched to global space like Maurice Strong. Do the Rockefellers have big noses, ears or…? No, just terminally obsessed with power & money.
I’m surprised that the documentation about the Chile coup was ever released. This sort of intervention wasn’t an isolated incident, either — we can cite Iran in 1953 as another example. Its been happening all over and its the other side to the coin to colonialist type interventions in the name of ‘freedom and democracy’ for any country that dares to experiment with alternatives or otherwise pose a threat to the status quo. Typically there’s some kind of academic smokescreen blown around historical events to make them seem less important than they were but in this case there’s nothing, just a sort of “Friday afternoon bad news” type of release that hopefully most people won’t notice. Buried in this is the mindset that “What are you going to do about it anyway?” — the neocons are so confident that there now is truly the time of “There Is No Alternative” — that they don’t care what we know, it doesn’t matter. This dovetails nicely with government that doesn’t care what people think either; a sufficient number have been now so messed up that they will literally claim that something like the Heritage Foundation’s “2025 Project” is a Marxist plot that the bulk can be told anything — preferably as confusing and contradictory as possible — and they’ll just go along with it.
They will have to go along with it if the truth is hidden but the consequences of it are not.
I suspect that saudi arabia has reached peak crude production which now is in decline. Its disguised as relations but make no mistake, many moons of abundant oil has made great things, but once the party and drinking is over, the economic hangover can be painful and also have a lasting effect.
It happens so slowly that most don’t recognize for what it is until its too late to address or change course, perhaps the drive to electrics is both merited and dangerously risky if not successful.
The ruining of the western economy slowly and one barrel at a time.
We are not running out of oil 😅
Who are we and at what price does we run out of money to buy oil, a couple more dollars a gallon and it will be cheaper for me to run on moonshine, you guys i’m not so sure about.
Not now, but we will within 5 years if we dont do something now today and not tomorrow.
Billions of innocent civilians will be freezing to death if we dont make green windmills and pink sun energy all over the planet now!…….for our vulnerable children, elderly, refugees and minorities.
You guys are so not ready for a return to the 1800’s. I pity humans but love the gods, depopulation by humans, not a chance, depopulation by the gods, bring it.
Fossil fuel is nonsense…how can oil be made from dead dinosaurs when they never existed!
There are cave paintings which show images of dinosaurs on them…
And, whilst I can’t recall the title or author of the book, about 6 years ago I read a book re. discoveries of bones (in southern England, here in the UK; in the county of Dorset, if I recall correctly) in the late 18th or early 19th century by [amongst others] a lady called Mary Anning, and scientists from various countries who then evaluated the bones [including George Cuvier – if I remember his first name correctly – a Professor in France at the time], and they were determined to be from creatures that would fit the ‘dinosaur’ description (one of my gt-nephews is 3 years old [one of my sister’s three grandchildren], and he is obsessed with dinosaurs… at the age of just 2 and a half, he could name more than 20 dinosaurs, simply by their appearance…! He’d be most distressed [!] if they never existed…!).
I’m very well aware that the corrupt Establishment make many things up… but that fact does not mean that they make everything up.
How does some paintings in a cave prove that dinosaurs existed?
Well, that should be obvious… the cave paintings in question date to many thousands of years before you seem to be claiming that the [evil] Establishment ‘fabricated’ the existence of dinosaurs…
So, if people many thousands of years ago drew images of creatures that are now termed ‘dinosaurs’, that quite obviously demonstrates that those people actually saw those creatures… which provides evidence that they did actually exist.
Cut and dried, really… (but if you want to claim that they didn’t exist… that’s your choice…).
So paintings in a cave proves that whoever painted them actually saw what they had painted…nope…not convinced!
Well, that really is a ridiculous thing to say.
Ridiculous…hark at one…believes the lies of some BBC hack/court historian!
To add to my post to you of approx. 15 mins ago: the book which I mentioned in my post of a couple of hours ago is called “The dinosaur hunters: a true story of scientific rivalry and the discovery of the prehistoric world”, by Deborah Cadbury.
That book being merely one of many on this factual, scientific subject.
Your post timed at 11.20am today, a bit above, makes it sound as if you may possibly be one of the many foolishly indoctrinated, brainwashed ‘Young Earth Creationists’, who ‘think’ that planet Earth is less than 6000 years old??
No, this planet is immensely older than that!!
Deborah Cadbury…how can you take anyone seriously who worked for the BBC for 30 years!
I know full well that the MSM is corrupt. But that does not mean that the content of that book is incorrect. I read it approx. 6 years ago, and it relates actual findings, in 18th/19th century.
Why would anybody draw something that doesnt exist?
When you see Hulken and Dr. Manhattan in a Hollywood movie it is because they exist in reality.
They exist and walk among us today in ordinary people’s clothes….incognito. Only in the right moments they appear and fight in silence, then back to another boring day in the office.
Nothing comes out of nothing.
These are the same cave paintings, I believe, which Fundamental Christians use to “prove” the Earth is only a few thousand years old – when in fact they more likely “prove” humans existed far longer than the archeological evidence would suggest.
Yes, there is much high-quality evidence which indicate that humans have existed on Earth for far longer than ‘orthodoxy’ merely claims. For millions (possibly billions) of years, in all probability. The tome of a book, ‘Forbidden Archaeology’, by Michael Cremo & Richard Thompson, provides many such evidences.
I don’t believe petroleum is or was ever considered as having derived from dinosaurs; but rather from an almost infinite number of creatures, big and small, and plant matter – mostly algae.
Yes, exactly! When I saw that original post, yesterday, I said that to myself, but forgot to mention it in my response.
“Plan Condor” was the name of the game for Latin-America.
Don’t you mean ‘human rights training’ at Fort Benning!
Yes, formerly School of the Americas. A good school 😉. It even comes with pinces, hammers, electric wires, batteries, blowtorches, saws, and other charming little instruments, and a very efficient personnel, courtesy of the French, gossip has it.
And when the story started to sound interesting, we learn it all boils down to the economy after all, and the Chilean policies distinctly directed since the 1960s towards major nationalisations, which Allende completed (with great backing from the Chilean Congress on this topic, thus transcending partisan differences, and a non-ideological military or at least a divided one on economic matters. – bad luck)
Specially, the copper industry (primary resource for export) was slowly being transferred over the years from private US investors to State ownership. The thing peaked with the intransigence of Chilean adminstration under Allende. Looks like the parties didn’t agree on what should “prompt, adequate and effective compensation” be.