The Next Crisis Is Anyone’s Guess, But the Government Is Ready to Lockdown the Nation
John & Nisha Whitehead
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
HL Mencken
First came 9/11, which the government used to transform itself into a police state. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit, which the police state used to test out its lockdown powers.
In light of the government’s tendency to exploit crises (legitimate or manufactured) and capitalize on the nation’s heightened emotions, confusion and fear as a means of extending the reach of the police state, one has to wonder what so-called crisis it will declare next.
It’s a simple enough formula: first, you create fear, then you capitalize on it by seizing power.
Frankly, it doesn’t even matter what the nature of the next national emergency might be (terrorism, civil unrest, economic collapse, a health scare, or the environment) as long as it allows the government to lockdown the nation and justify all manner of tyranny in the so-called name of national security.
Cue the Emergency State.
Terrorist attacks, mass shootings, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters”: the government has been anticipating and preparing for such crises for years now.
As David C. Unger writes for the New York Times:
“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management: to policing the planet and fighting preventative wars of ideological containment, usually on terrain chosen by, and favorable to, our enemies. Limited government and constitutional accountability have been shouldered aside by the kind of imperial presidency our constitutional system was explicitly designed to prevent.”
Here’s what we know: given the rate at which the government keeps devising new ways to establish itself as the “solution” to all of our worldly problems at taxpayer expense, each subsequent crisis ushers in ever larger expansions of government power and less individual liberty.
This is the slippery slope to outright tyranny.
You see, once the government acquires (and uses) authoritarian powers—to spy on its citizens, to carry out surveillance, to transform its police forces into extensions of the military, to seize taxpayer funds, to wage endless wars, to censor and silence dissidents, to identify potential troublemakers, to detain citizens without due process—it does not voluntarily relinquish them.
The lesson for the ages is this: once any government is allowed to overreach and expand its powers, it’s almost impossible to put the genie back in the bottle. As Harvard constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe recognizes, “The dictatorial hunger for power is insatiable.”
Indeed, the history of the United States is a testament to the old adage that liberty decreases as government (and government bureaucracy) grows. To put it another way, as government expands, liberty contracts.
In this way, every crisis since the nation’s early beginnings has become a make-work opportunity for the government.
Each crisis has also been a test to see how far “we the people” would allow the government to sidestep the Constitution in the so-called name of national security; a test to see how well we have assimilated the government’s lessons in compliance, fear and police state tactics; a test to see how quickly we’ll march in lockstep with the government’s dictates, no questions asked; and a test to see how little resistance we offer up to the government’s power grabs when made in the name of national security.
Most critically of all, it has been a test to see whether the Constitution—and our commitment to the principles enshrined in the Bill of Rights—could survive a national crisis and true state of emergency.
Unfortunately, we’ve been failing this particular test for a long time now.
Indeed, the powers-that-be have been pushing our buttons and herding us along like so much cattle since World War II, at least, starting with the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, which not only propelled the U.S. into World War II but also unified the American people in their opposition to a common enemy.
That fear of attack by foreign threats, conveniently torqued by the growing military industrial complex, in turn gave rise to the Cold War era’s “Red Scare.” Promulgated through government propaganda, paranoia and manipulation, anti-Communist sentiments boiled over into a mass hysteria that viewed anyone and everyone as suspect: your friends, the next-door neighbor, even your family members could be a Communist subversive.
This hysteria, which culminated in hearings before the House Un-American Activities Committee, where hundreds of Americans were called before Congress to testify about their so-called Communist affiliations and intimidated into making false confessions, also paved the way for the rise of an all-knowing, all-seeing governmental surveillance state.
By the time 9/11 rolled around, all George W. Bush had to do was claim the country was being invaded by terrorists, and the government used the USA Patriot Act to claim greater powers to spy, search, detain and arrest American citizens in order to keep America safe.
By way of the National Defense Authorization Act, Barack Obama continued Bush’s trend of undermining the Constitution, going so far as to give the military the power to strip Americans of their constitutional rights, label them extremists, and detain them indefinitely without trial, all in the name of keeping America safe.
Despite the fact that the breadth of the military’s power to detain American citizens violates not only U.S. law and the Constitution but also international laws, the government has refused to relinquish its detention powers made possible by the NDAA.
Then Donald Trump took office, claiming the country was being invaded by dangerous immigrants and insisting that the only way to keep America safe was to expand the reach of the border police, empower the military to “assist” with border control, and essentially turn the country into a Constitution-free zone.
That so-called immigration crisis then morphed into multiple crises (domestic extremism, the COVID-19 pandemic, race wars, civil unrest, etc.) that the government has been eager to use in order to expand its powers.
Joe Biden, in turn, has made every effort to expand the reach of the militarized police state, pledging to hire 87,000 more IRS agents and 100,000 police officers, and allowing the FBI to operate as standing army.
What the next crisis will be is anyone’s guess, but you can be sure that there will be a next crisis.
So, what should you expect if the government decides to declare another state of emergency and institutes a nationwide lockdown?
You should expect more of the same, only worse.
More compliance, less resistance.
More fear-mongering, mind-control tactics and less tolerance for those who question the government’s propaganda-driven narratives.
Most of all, you should expect more tyranny and less freedom.
Given the government’s past track record and its long-anticipated plans for using armed forces to solve domestic political and social problems in response to a future crisis, there’s every reason to worry about what comes next.
Mark my words: as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, if and when another crisis arises—if and when a nationwide lockdown finally hits—if and when martial law is enacted with little real outcry or resistance from the public— then we will truly understand the extent to which the powers-that-be have fully succeeded in acclimating us to a state of affairs in which the government has all the power and “we the people” have none.
In the meantime, if all we do to reclaim our freedoms and regain control over our runaway government is vote for yet another puppet of the Deep State, by the time the next crisis arises, it may well be too late.
Originally published via The Rutherford Institute
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]. Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at
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Finally getting an deep impression what these kind of “wild fires” look like nowadays – a DEW-Incineration – me no doubts.
DAY AFTER FIRE FOOTAGE: 4K Drone Lahaina Maui Fire – Longest & Most Detailed Aerial View
Aug. 28, 2023
The next pandemic
25 Aug 2023 – By Jeanee Andrewartha
An excerpt:
“A direct energy weapon attack on Maui was a Pearl Harbor moment. The Hawaiian Island chain is the singularly the most important military point/outpost for the entire US Military Industrial complex. It is home of the US PACOM which is the largest command centre of the entire US military. It has 86,000 acres dedicated to military personnel. It is the most militarized place in the US, per capita. Whoever controls Hawaii controls all of the Pacific, from the Atlantic to the Panama Canal on to Asia through the shipping lanes. It has 42,000 square miles of missile testing range (Barking Sands). It is where DARPA operates – the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Missile testing, satellite observation, directed energy weapons are all housed on the islands, as well as extensive networks of deep underground military bases.
Additionally, “Hawaii is internationally recognized as a state of the United States of America but Sovereignty advocates argue that Hawaii is an independent nation under military occupation due to the fact that there is no treaty of annexation between the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States. The legality of control of Hawaii by the United States has also been raised on the losing side in cases in the United States Supreme Court, and in U.S. District Court. Recent legal action includes the dismissal of Hawaiian Kingdom v. Biden on December 14, 2022.
Maui is home to ARPA, the advanced research projects agency who is responsible for all satellite based weapons testing, satellite tracking, near earth and deep outer space tracking and directed energy weapons research and testing, Space Force Command and the Space Surveillance Complex that is responsible for all aerospace tracking, missile launching and testing.
Fires burned close to the 5th most powerful computing centre on the face of the earth.
So while the mainstream media is focused on incompetence and climate change as the cause of the fires, the alternative media is focused on smart cities and land grab angle.
The most shocking aspect is the aftermath. It’s one thing that sophisticated weapons were used to cause genocide, with hundreds of children also missing, and almost a complete media blackout but when I was sent a video of Alex Jones saying it wasn’t caused by direct energy weapons, and the focus on the land grab angle, when it is so much darker, it gave me pause to question, how much of the alternative media is deep state controlled. …”
“Robert Brame is a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds of photographic evidence of IMPOSSIBLE normal fire behavior. Let’s use this information to help us look for CLUES in the CANADIAN fires to see if the same anamolies exist.”
Robert mentioned Judy Wood and the “toasted cars” – 9/11 – here.
Toasted Cars
… and then the missing link between Maui and 9/11 – here:
Foreword – Where Did the Towers Go?
Eric Larsen – March 2010 – an excerpt:
” … Mentioning Tesla at this point is necessary for the very good reason that Dr. Judy Wood, in Where Did the Towers Go?, shows that the power used to destroy the WTC buildings on 9/11 – a power sufficient to turn more than 1,000,000 tons of building material into dust – is power derived from force fields, or directed energy, power of the kind that was pioneeringly studied by Nikola Tesla and that now, obviously, has been advanced by others for the most destructive of purposes rather than for the benevolent, socially meliorative uses for which it is equally well suited.
In short, Tesla’s energy, imagined by him as something useful for the nurturing or even the saving of human society, has instead, since his death, been weaponized. The simple fact is that 9/11 was planned and staged as a demonstration to the world of the enormity of that power in its weaponized form. …”
The Book:
Where Did the Towers Go? by Dr Judy Wood
Where did the towers go ?
Check for Yourself considering …
This has been introduced by the WCH (World Council for Health) on the 10th of Sept. – an excerpt from:
COVID-19 Lawlessness
Dr. Willem Van Aardt – published 10.11.2022
“How the Vaccine Mandates, Mask Mandates and the perpetual State of Emergency, are unethical and unlawful in terms of Natural Law, the Social Contract and modern International Human Rights Law”
Addressing the Covid-19 Human Rights Abuses and Restoring Law and Order
“From COVID-19 LAWLESSNESS by Willem Van Aardt”
One reference I would like to introduce:
25. Sisson, J. (2010). “A conceptual framework for dealing with the past.” Politorbis 50, no. 3 (2010): 11-15.
Dealing with the Past – Politorbis No.50 – 3/2010
As tyranny always fail, we are called to look how to deal with this crime against humaity avoiding a repeating cycle.
Does anyone have anything to say about this? Two years ago, Kieran Morrisey from Ireland made a video where he exposes his suspicion that Marburg will be the “next pandemic” …
I’m not saying it’s aliens. But…
We have Hulken and Dr. Manhattan on our side.
It is important to say loudly and clearly that one single worldwide criminal network, the criminocracy, is, behind the scenes, running everything from the WEF to the WHO, the UN to the EU, BlackRock to the World Bank. (Paul Cudenec, Converging Against the Criminocrats: Essays and Talks for the New International Resistance)
While it may be anyone’s guess what comes next, and often enough next is already now, I’m still wondering what’s being done to prepare, and fight back. We’re compelled to think strategically, because we’re at war, polycrisis as Patrick Wood and others have put it, disaster capitalism on steroids, moving people down (seemingly) different directions, more virus mania here, digital IDs and currencies over there, etc., toward one big dead end.
But who are we? Surely not those sleepwalking through world revolution from the top down, looking to what’s next as advertised by bizzness as usual. But even among the wakeful, it too often seems all we’re doing is remaining watchful, as if documenting our own demise, or mistaking motion for action. I pick up similar sentiment, and impatience at inertia, among Whitehead and other counter-propagandists, who themselves appear more or less confined to consciousness raising among audiences (paying customers) still falling far short of organized resistance against the full spectrum agenda of rule.
This is, after all is said and (not) done, world war and revolution. What’s the latest on the Dutch farmers, or those in India? There’s been a succession of coups in West Africa, beyond the briefly spotlighted (gaslighted) coverage of Niger (e.g., Is There a Genuine “Anti-Imperialist People’s Movement” in West Africa? Niger’s Military Government Is Supported by the Pentagon). Simultaneously, new inroads of bioweaponry and biosecurity have been made, as if to pose a perfect storm of ravages from social destabilization and civil war converging with public health emergencies:
Gates Foundation, DOD Helping Fund Pandemic ‘Early Warning’ Surveillance System in Africa. And then there’s Maui, Canada, and other sites across the planet. Or East Palestine. Or energy and food center fires.
The psychos on high want us to feel fucked for having any clue to what’s going down. Central to waking up is rising up, noncompliance organized in radical resistance and international solidarity. If the masses of us deemed useless eaters, fit for complete colonization by biodigital convergence or simply elimination, are to have any fighting chance in hell against the (seeming) juggernauts coming at us, we’re going to have to renew revolutionary theory and practice beyond the boundaries of ruling institutions that systemically abuse misplaced trust in corporate state (fascist) governance (as 911 commemorates). Recovery of class conscious movements is necessary, beyond the bizzness unionism and politricks undermining armies of labor meeting the constant class war waged against human resources.
@But who are we?
Good Question but Riddle me this:
What are you,
who are you,
who the F* are you.
When i see you,
when I speak to you,
when I trust you,
who are you?
Should I feed you,
should I starve you,
should I divorce you,
should I embrace you.
Should I know you.
So who are you,
You my friends,
are the general public.
niko, thank you for a rational comment. This particular site is I think wholly uninterested in taking responsibility for finding any part of the solution. Anguish, commiseration, and cynical skepticism of any possibility of lessening our peril is all that’s offered here.
I’ll read Paul Cudenec’s link, thank you. It looks interesting.
Absolutely, they just want to be ‘good’ so terribly, terribly good. Looks like they have stolen Voltaire’s brilliant idea to go cultivate our-gardens. Well, that’s one solution I suppose.
So, what’s the solution?
It’s important to remember that while websites such as this are extremely important for disseminating information and sharing ideas, they must not become the focus of your life.
The “revolution” will not be organised in the comments section of off-guardian, or any other forum like it. Just like so-called “social” media, these sites are infested with agents of chaos who are trained to promote the fake left/right dichotomy and fake ideologies like “communism” or “fascism” (both just corporate-controlled socialism wrapped differently). If you’re busy arguing with each other, you’re no threat to anybody.
We must reach out to the real human beings around us, if we have any future at all it will be in (relatively) small but tightly-knit communities of a few hundreds or thousands, able to resist the predations of bailiffs and government mercenaries (aka the police).
This is already happening all over the UK – a group of 20 or 30 committed people can be enough to prevent an eviction or arrest. This is vitally important – the “war” in ukraine may spread and if they implement conscription these thugs might be coming not for your car but for your child.
And don’t listen to the doom-mongers and demoralisers. Ignore anybody who talks about “sheeple” or tells you that there’s nothing we can do. Every single Empire has fallen and this one will be no different, so long as we can join together and have the will to resist.
I can remember footage from the “illegal” independence referendum in Catalonia (2018?) when paramilitary police were throwing pensioners out of polling stations into the street. That community joined together as one, advancing on the hired thugs, thousands of mobile phones recording them. Despite their weapons and armour, they were helpless in the face of the people united and they ended up running away like the cowards they are. No violence was required.
RE: Niger. Below a photograph of people manifesting in the streets, the linked article has this regrettable title: “Is This ‘Anti-Imperialist Movement’ a Reality? Or is it Fake?”. Really, one can only admire the cynicism that some in the West are capable of about events thousand of miles away.
The piece’s argument is that at least five of the coup plotters were military men trained and worked in the US (so do military people from many nationalities), though it only mentions two; that, together with Nuland’s positive opinion of the Junta as “the good guys” after she visited Niamey and had contact with the putschists. This, according to the author, proves that, first, the junta is controlled by the Pentagon and, second, the “Anti-Imperialist Movement” is fake.
Now, US interests possibly taking over in Niger and elsewhere in Africa through proxy juntas – however inconsistent that hypothesis is with other declarations Nuland’s that she had a difficult negotiation, the interruption of US aid and the latter’s inability to use drones while Niger’s air space was closed; also a possibility not lacking competing rivals, for instance, here and here, both endorsing the alternate hypothesis that junta in Niger rather constitutes a challenge to US and France which don’t want to lose any more influence in Africa, with the latter nation definitely lost it long ago, while the former trying not to lose it entirely to the benefit of Russia and China in the security and economy department respectively, – has no bearing on the anti-French sentiment in Africa, even if hijacked, being genuine, objective and long standing. That’s eight decades of popular disenchantment.
“This suspicion of complicity between France and the local [African] authorities, relayed by freer press organs and more organized civil societies, when it is not directly in political protest movements, is periodically illustrated by the anti-French slogans that sprinkled protest demonstrations against dubious election results always in favour of exiting heads of state. Whether in Togo in 1998, Gabon that same year, or Chad in 2002, to name but a few, the congratulations offered by the French Head of State to the “re-elected” President, after what had to be called “an electoral masquerade” contributed to further tarnish France’s image on the continent. At the same time as “official” France was endorsing fraudulent elections, other Western countries, notably the United States and Germany, had no hesitation in denouncing elections whose organization and conduct failed to meet any of the generally accepted criteria of regularity.” – Albert Bourgi, Aux Racines de la Françafrique: La Degradation de l’Image de la France en Afrique, 2009
My point: Do the recent coups in Africa reflect long-standing popular disillusion with two decades of failed US and other Western security policy in the region, and thus constitute a challenge to US influence to the benefit of Russia and China, or are they docile proxies meant to take over influence from France’s? Or a little of both? Paradoxically, in this age of information, the answer is anybody’s guess. What’s genuinely true, however, is the popular disillusion and disenchantment with the West.
Radio Ca Ca
Tell Lie Vision
Lame Stream Media
Weapons of Mass Distraction
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.
COVID-19/11 = CON JOB-1984
Now put on a mask 😷 and take off your shoes 👞
Obama endorsed newly appointed US Libraries ALA marxist-lesbian-doo President make Texas walk out of the organisation.
She or he, difficult to see on the photo, intend to fill US Libraries with queer stuff especially on children’s Library……to desensitize children to what is natural.
If THIS is not a real crisis, I dont know what a crisis is. The Commies are EVERYWHERE.
White is US Culteral Bibleist.
I generally like and agree with articles by the Whiteheads, and am certainly glad for the existence of their Rutherford Institute. But is it a concern that they tend to quote critics of current trends and policies whose own credentials are suspect? I wonder. I wasn’t familiar with David C. Unger who is quoted in this article. But if his comments are truly deep criticisms of the US state, how is it that they appear in that establishment mainstay the New York Times? I then looked him up (quickly, just on Wikipedia) and found that not only is he former foreign affairs editor for the NYT, but is also an active and longstanding member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Can we trust such a figure to deliver a real critique of US policy, motivations and plans?
I’d never heard of them or their Institute, but there were a few off-notes in the article that set off some alarm bells.
“Then Donald Trump took office, claiming the country was being invaded by dangerous immigrants and insisting that the only way to keep America safe was to expand the reach of the border police, empower the military to “assist” with border control, and essentially turn the country into a Constitution-free zone.“
It’s not that the “immigrants” themselves are particularly dangerous (although some undoubtedly are) it’s the sheer numbers of people being shipped here that is utterly unsustainable. And they are being shipped here – there are highly organised and well-funded networks in both the US and Europe delivering thousands of illegals every day, and equal or greater numbers of legal migrants are using savvy lawyers to game the system every which way.
“Unfortunately, we’ve been failing this particular test for a long time now.“
“if and when martial law is enacted with little real outcry or resistance from the public“
Um… no.
In the US, the UK and across Europe many hundreds of thousands of people cried out very loudly and resisted very strongly, actually. To the extent that I don’t think they will dare to try and lock us down again.
Lots of obvious truths salted with deliberately wrong takes and the usual demoralisation – classic propaganda imho.
Even a blind hen sometimes find a corn? Ehhhh I think the answer to yr question is NO.
Rutherford institute is a Blair Mix for computer graphical sky business models.
The plutocrats have been working assiduously to brainwash and condition us to predictably respond to their ongoing crisis (real or generated) using their problem/reaction/solution paradigm. Fear is the driving force as well as disinformation deceit, lies coercion intimidation and force. The lockdowns are a classic example of fear and panic being used to accomplish more state power and overreach.
The elites have also created an intense atmosphere of bunker mentalities, sectarianism, division, animus and antagonism to further their divide and rule campaign to keep us at each others throats while they usher in their planned reconfiguration of the socio-economic-political order.
The elites have advanced mind control technologies at their disposal which they plan to implement to further their globalist agendas., I am not sharing this to frighten you rather to inform you just how evil and determined the ruling classes are to control us, reshape “reality” and lord it over us..
I know several people who are very sick with a respiratory illness contracted in August. Whatever name you give it, it does not bode well.
Yeah, well, they’re starting to crack down on medicaid and foodstamps and all the rest of the safety net now that the covid emergency measures are over. Let’s hope they bring the covid emergency measures back in so that old people can afford their medicine.
Dr Mike Yeadon’s latest document:
“Malice aforethought on the ‘covid-19’ ‘pandemic’: ‘This is a global coup d’etat and intentional mass murder’. Dr Mike Yeadon”, at:
I think, by now, that’s an inescapable conclusion.
Add the evidence from perpetual warfare by our “defence” forces; deliberate food scarcities in some regions of the world; strange so-called wildfires that burn private houses to a white dust but leave trees in the vicinity standing, sometimes with foliage still left on them, all the while fire alarms and the water supply are switched off across an entire island – and children were told to stay at home on the day of the fire and are now missing in their hundreds, possibly thousands, etc.
Not to mention that, despite the shocking excess death rates in countries with high C-shot uptakes, they are doubling down with their new supply of nano-tech laden injections for us, the useless eaters.
I’ve posted this before but here it is for anyone who would care to read this and who missed it:
Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232
I think there is a good chance that the next major manufactured crisis will be the collapse of the global banking and financial system including the stock markets around the globe. This will be to usher in the Mark of the Beast. It will make the so-called GFC (global financial crisis) look like a walk in the park on a sunny day. It is a mathematical certainty. However, whether it will be the next one remains to be seen.
Pestilence, Famine ,War, followed by Death. The oldest playbook of tyrants since history began.
The details of which are not really important. Pestilence can be caused by many methods. Famine can be caused by many methods. War can be caused by many methods. Death being the end result of all three.
We have all been warned of this thousands of times.
“I am no admirer of Soviet communism. But the real enemy was not the Soviet Union, it was the enemy within – liberalism. It was liberalism that sought to destroy everything worthwhile in western civilisation. The end of the Cold War strengthened liberalism enormously.
In fact the end of the Cold War was the best thing that could ever have happened for liberals. As long as the Soviet Union existed its existence served as a rallying point for conservatives, and it served as a dire warning of the realities of socialism. We have now seen several generations grow up in the West who have no idea what totalitarianism is really like. They have no clue what it means to lose freedom.
Liberals are now imposing a creeping soft totalitarianism on all of us because people today have no notion that totalitarianism might be a bad thing. They do not see a problem in imposing political ideologies by coercion and bullying. They do not see a problem in stigmatising dissent as Thought Crime and then banning it.
And what does the West look like today, after our “victory” in the Cold War? A society overrun with drugs, pornography, sexual perversion and violence. A society that measures everything by money. A society riddled with irrational guilt, bent on self-destruction. We have the freedom to do anything we want to do, except think for ourselves or express our opinions.
We have prosperity, or at least we’re told we do. In reality that prosperity is based largely on debt. We have nothing of real value because we do not know how to measure real value – if we cannot put a monetary value on something we regard it as worthless. Other links say the same.
Liberalism is just a variation of collectivism, and in the end a variation of totalitarianism.
Which is totally unreal.
My guess is that they’ll go full-on with a multi-pronged assault.
A new variant. Another country hijacked into a war. Another scandal to distract us. Another very hot day in Malaga…
Then they’ll announce ’emergency’ measures, thanks to which the ‘authorities’ will ‘protect’ us from all of those horrid things.
I’ve also noticed that I’m using a heck of a lot more inverted commas than I have ever used before.
We’re much too tolerant of the evil buggers pretending to ‘represent’ us…
Start by taxing the shit out of Gates.
99.99% would be about right, and would still leave him enough to run a vintage Rolls Royce or two.
He is doing the human race – that’s US – no good at all.
The sheeple will just run over to another Bill. Elon Musk for example. Or the Amazon Guru. Or Obama again, replacements are plenty.
They say taxation of the rich is like peeing in the pants to keep you warm on a cold day.
Lets try this statement: Bill own say fiction figure $500 billion spread out on 500 million US and other foreign citizens. Its $1000 once each.
When the $1000 is spent on ice cream and tutti frutti the fortune is gone. So they are right. The problem still unresolved.
Yes. The sheeple will do that.
So we must keep up with them.
As I said, we start with Gates – since the ridiculous money he has made from the proceeds of some rather dubious system software has enabled him to buy a sizeable chunk of the US.
Then perhaps, gradually, some sort of moral and financial deterrent might emerge for others who like playing God…
For moral reasons sim ;-). In the meantime I will build my ship and stay prepared.
I know… I have my optimistic moments…
Building our ships and staying prepared are of course very important.
Dr. David Martin: DON’T FEAR the Coming Lockdowns… the Cabal is Already DEAD
OH, please. The so-called “Patriot Act” did give the US government unprecedented power but in the wake of Covid neither the federal nor the (California) state governments implemented lockdowns. Other countries implemented stringent policies — really over the top policies that criminalized all sorts of everyday activities — while our policies were not only relatively low impact but in (according to Gavin Newsome, our Governor) were a bit too much. (Hindsight is 20/20…)
I was working during the pandemic. There were some changes in the workplace but overall things carried on very much as before.
What we have to push back against is government using “National Security” as a catch all for “doing what they hell it likes regardless of necessity and its impact on the overall population”. Government is too dominated by narrow minded ideologues, the modern left being bad enough but the new right being barely disguised fascists. It would be a good lesson for everyone to read exactly what happened in Chile some 50 years ago and then extrapolate to today — they’re still at it, using roughly the same tools and techniques, and, worse, people are still falling for it. In droves.
Well, you might like to ask yourselves whether your Constitution of the late 18th Century was more attuned to a world where nation state economies were far, far less interlinked than they are now and whether a Constitution which worked well in 1776 might now not be so effective in 2023?
You might also ask whether as a nation of conquerors (your First People were the Conquered), your Constitution was a green light to global conquering rather than a constitution designed for ‘living and letting others live’?
You might like to ask how much sympathy the USA will get from nations that the USA conquered, looted and economically destroyed over the decades? Do you think Libyans will care about your freedoms? Do you think the Vietnamese have to care about your freedoms (they may choose to, but they certainly aren’t required to)? How about the Afghans? The Iraqis? How about the Chileans of 1971, whose democracy was overthrown by US genocidalists? How about the relatives of the ‘Disappeared’ in Argentina??
The world is a lot bigger than the USA and it’s own problems you know.
You might think about the need to break up the Union and let California and Massachusetts live differently to Texas and Florida, you know…..
US learnt all of that from Britain/UK, and to a lesser extent France.
And they learned it from the Romans.
Good points.
christopher bolleyn, michael collins piper
nesta webster,eustace mullins
anthony c sutton
generational reset cabbage patch kids have you seen those old post cards
powers and principalities the most evil of doers
it is crystal roth shield zvi jacob franke donmeh pharisee clear oded yinon
new khazharia the kagan grow the goyim converted into dust and compost
the blood is the juice
How would we know if and when we regain some of the liberties the Constitution protects?
That’s easy: when NO politician dares to utter the odious words “National Security.”
The Bolsheviks are chomping at the bit!
ask a nazi a turkick donmeh
boris is in new khazharia doing nazi signs
Funny how there were enough Democrats to keep renewing Trump’s Patriot Act powers, despite supposedly believing he was some sort of Russian stooge and the most evil right-winger sice the last one. Just as there would have been enough Republicans to renew the powers for Hillary, despite supposedly believing her the wicked witch of the west.
It’s a unaparty system.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the September 11, 2001 Anti-Miracle the Irrevocably Changed the World:
If for some unfathomable reason you don’t believe that these lies – which as predicted by PNAC handed the world to the US Government on a silver platter – are true, or if you somehow believe that the aforementioned outcome of this totally legit series of impossible events is against your best interest—your ass is going on a watch list. The American government loves you and if you suspect otherwise you are a hazardous threat to freedom and justice everywhere.
All of the above is 100% true. References and much more information here:
Awesome. Thank you.
Corona, Climate, and CHAOS
I think the next (manufactured) crisis will probably be another convid… seeing as it was so successful the first time…. don’t you think.
I thought immediately, no, it will be climate hysteria run rampant, with every weather event put down to climate change. Then I thought, no one with any sense could possibly believe that. It is so against our experience and our ability to reason. Every rainstorm, every flood, every hurricane CANNOT possibly be the “worse ever experienced.” Ha ha! Ability to reason? Ability to judge by our own experience? AS if! People these days seem to have no difficulty believing nonsense spouting out by governments and “experts.” (Not anything new, I suppose this is something that has recurred many times in human history — it might be that what is new now is the scale and the thoroughness of the deceit). So will it be another “deadly epidemic” or “climate catastrophe” that’s coming? It’s a toss up. Shall we place bets?
Probably another convid “outbreak” caused by “climate change” a mixture of the two 😅😂🤣
The NEXT crisis ?
Ask the hundreds of millions suffering through hunger, malnutrition, homelessness, poverty, contaminated water, wars, depression, anxiety, addiction, family violence and lonliness.
They live and breathe crisis.
We didn’t hang the politicians wo they will do it again and again 🙂 du
They have children, some of whom will inherit the bad genes.
Hanging is a very short-term solution.
We’ll never be rid of evil until Judgement Day, whenever that might come.
Until then, we just have to deal with it.
@We’ll never be rid of evil until Judgement Day,
And even then I don’t believe they will except any slackers, you’ll have to pull your weight or get left behind, I’d prepare right away.
Who are doing these politicians bet? Who voted these politicians into office? Who pay for these politicians by their taxes? Just asking a little inconvenient question.