WATCH: The Shocking Masterminds Behind 9/11
Kevin Ryan joins Kim Iversen to explore, in a very fact based way, who could have been behind the 9/11 plot and he mostly points to Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.
Kevin is on the board of the International Center for 9/11 Justice, is the Editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies and the author of “Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects”.
You can read the latest version of the book or get access to the new film, “Peace, War and 9/11” here:
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And still it continues……..
For earlier references on this subject, see “Loose Change” and “Everything is a rich mans trick”
Buggers have been doing it for a long time.
Limited hangout stuff.
Dick and Donald hey? The masterminds!
Israelis, duel citizen of US and sayanim?
I stand corrected.
The interviewer is a distraction and derails the discussion and causes confusion. She also makes very dumb comments
Really? What a ridiculous assertion.
So what is this overwhelming spit-dribbling-down-the-chin confusion you suffered, that shut down your brain to such a degree that you were not able to say why you made the claims you did? Is this the nature of being a troll to smear people in order to make your self look intelligent, with the intent, also to sow doubt in other people’s minds such that they don’t look at what is on offer.
What is the purpose of your vacuous comment, really? That you wish to inform the world that you are easily confused, or something else?
Wakey wakey. She is as controlled as they come
Please let us know what was wrong with the interview or with any of the two persons involved. Of course that Dick and Donald cannot be the masterminds but they were “on the list”. Not aware of kim iversen (such a danish name for a non-danish face) but she was merely advertising her products (in the beginning of the video), after that it was ok. Mange tak !
It seems impossible to convince others about the phony aspects of the twin tower collapse.
Generally you get a blank look by most if you bring up the subject, water under the bridge and all that.
Why do most people have that blank don’t even go there and it doesn’t really matter face on when the subject is raised?
SIMPLE AMERICAN SYNDROME: Relentless Denialism & Avoidance of public Inconveniences. Or, don’t encourage any familiarity with the blatant lies.
E. Martin Schotz’ sums it up neatly in just the title of his wonderful ’99 book about these issues: “HISTORY WILL NOT ABSOLVE US”*
* Free copy at
The first chapter of the book spells it out, “Mass Denial” and gives a study of why that is.
A great big part of that “Mass Denial” is the unwillingness of most Americans to even consider how much they personally have profited from the devastation the US has inflicted in the Middle East because of 9/11.
It was a (temporary) boon to our economy, which was already in the toilet.
Just like the Upton Sinclair (and Paul Krugman and William Jennings Bryan and Christopher Mathews) observation about a man’s understanding and his paycheck, it is difficult to get a people to understand something which their current prosperity depends on.
Judging by the comments nearly everybody can see this is a stinker. The other day you had a ‘Presented by Redacted’ film to amazeballs us with. Now you bring us a Kim Iversen production to further explain things to us. Isn’t she a failed model now for some reason a leading light in the alternative media? And as for the priceless ‘…mostly points to Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld…’ Whoah. I’m speechless. At some point people are either to going to wake up, start working really hard and honestly fight this communitarian nightmare and all out assault on everything we hold dear or just shrivel up and die. What is for certain is that watching this bollocks isn’t going to help you one iota.
Nothing to do with Oded Yinon plan which became PNAC which became the War on Terror. Nothing to do with the twin flowers of freemasonry and Salomon 7 ( Solomon porch) being up for 33 years. Nothing to do with new world order ( chaos) of the ages, Crowley 77,93,11, Hilton space odyssey, black monolith. 🤔
Nailed it.
All Masterminds, without exception, die.
Just like us.
Difference being, they die empty, loveless, husks of humans.
Pathetic that.
Rinse and repeat…
The 9/11 dancing Israelis being interviewed on Israeli television
So now dance is forbidden for doos. We cant dance anymore without the whole world gets upset. 😠 .
Just knew you were a small hat
Five Israelis Were Seen Filming As Jet Liners Ploughed Into The Twin Towers On September 11, 2001
The Israelis (Netanyahu himself) threatened to sue the Herald (Scotland’s biggest broadsheet) into dust for anti Semitism. They didn’t.
Remember folks for it to be half truthful in new alt media, it needs lavish studio settings and make up and hair done 👅 to give the oldies a stiffy 💅 as that is the only way they can hold concentration and impersonation of watered down MSM style talking… 💤
it is because that is what it is.
watered down msm faking it as something alternative. 🐓
Ever wonder why nothing ever changes or the truth ever realized? Two words: Controlled Opposition.
Here’s another set of “two words” which tell the tale: Human Nature.
Uncle Evelyn/Evil-in pokes man in slightly less expensive suit in chest. Man in less expensive suit looks slightly cowed.
It isn’t Evelyn. He is I think from the French branch. David perhaps.
Same difference really, Re: I-denti-clone inbreeding. I note Lynn Forester DE Rothschild is hard at it in public view at G20 etc.
A picture is as they worth a great many words. The hierarchy is so obvious here.
(As they say)
I imagine the pointer is saying, now listen up you sausage fingered twat you are just another puppet just like your mother and we expect you to do what you are told, when you are told as she is due to leave us shortly having out lived her usefulness now that the plebs have been fully deceived. Do I need to remind you how you squealed when being buggered by your uncle, well that can be arranged again sonny.
Evidently blaming the zionists takes you to pending.
This had to come from the zionists. If you look at that history of neoconservatism, it’s a zionist Jewish construct from the sixties that evolved over time and came to a head with the “thinktank” Project for a New American Century (PNAC), a neocon/zionist infested organization that called for the “New Pearl Harbor”, i.e., 9/11, and did include Cheney and Rumsfeld, but a bunch of zionists that ended up filling Bush’s staff. Then you have Netanyahoo and his comments after 9/11 (it was GOOD for Israel), the Dancing Israeli’s, the history of the Mossad and its expertise, the Zionist quest for Greater Israel requiring taking down their rivals (middle east wars) and partitioning the Middle East, the proclamations from key zionists about how they control the U.S. (i.e., why they wanted to massively increase U.S. military spending to fight their wars), etc., etc. Obviously, non-Jewish/zionist U.S. elements were involved like Cheney and Rumsfeld, and don’t forget Bush, as well as elements from Saudi Arabia, Britain, Germany, hell, look at all who are keeping quiet. Even Russia and China for some fucking reason which can only be because they’re afraid of something, i.e., the zionists. But I think this was led by the Zionists for their overall religiously insane quest for Greater Israel, not those two fucking idiots, Cheney and Rumsfeld. I’m not watching the video, but that’s bullshit.
any chance the depositions likely to happen from the suit against the ADL by Elon Musk will produce evidence about who did it? Deep in the closets of the ADL may lay some really important things.
Tangentially apropos, the assassination of Darya Dugina was not organized by the Ukronazis and had a totally different objective than proving these nazis can penetrate deep into Russian territory.
If the Ukronazis were so adept at carrying out this type of complex operation why aren’t they doing it everyday?
Rumsfeld and Cheyney ? Arseholes undoubtedly but the orders for this massive psyop came from the top. We know the neocons asked for it with their PNAC (they couldn’t obviously call it the PNIC). The banksters listened to the neocons and the plan was set in motion. The nation that benefited the most was involved in the planning and execution. B Thing and Gelatine were most revealing. They had worked out early that real planes and real crashes were not feasible. Hence the plane shaped cut outs. This was a display of contempt for the intellect of the sheeple. The media was ready to go with their CGI inserts on the morning of the false flag. They had already framed bin Laden and Bill Cooper noticed and made his amazing prediction. Were the back pack nukes renovated and modernised and calibrated at Dimona ? Sellafield ? Los Alamos ? Who did the computer simulations ? We never will know with certainty.
“They had worked out early that real planes and real crashes were not feasible”.
And yet synchronising both the time and place of flying holograms with planted explosives in front of thousands of people was feasible? A WW2 bomber hit the Empire State Building and didn’t bounce off and Northwoods mentioned the use of remote-controlled drones.
There was no airliner… at the Pentagon where the scene was that much more controlled. The issue of the NYC planes’ stated speeds is the best evidence for “no planes” – however it’s more plausible that those stated speeds were deceptions (certainly the first plane doesn’t seem to be flying at great speed in the one piece of film) or that the planes were modified military versions of commercial airliners (I believe I once heard one of the engines found afterwards was of the make only used in the military version although I can’t find the citation for that).
Anyway, it wasn’t the 9/11 Commission version – that’s for sure.
PNIC! That’s funny. I’ll have to remember that.
I read the official MIT report explaining how the (cartoon digital) planes enabled the collapse of the towers. And do you know what? They calculated the speed of the “planes” from…..drum roll……CNN footage. And they provided a mathematical model of how it could hapen.
It’s a vicious circle of fakery. The “science” supports the Hollywood film production and the Hollywood film production is the proof of the “science”….not unlike the plandemic.
The funniest part of the MIT report is that with all the expertise they have in aeronautics, the only academics they could find to concoct the report were from the department of Oceanography….
The “live footage” is shown with a five minute delay. You only need to add a digital plane into the footage.
99.999999999999999% of the people on this planet were not within 5km of the towers on the day and were hynotized by the Hollywood production on their screens.
The most significant piece of evidence for no planes is the absence of evidence. Anyone can watch the one hour of footage between the first two explosions and the collapse. There are all people all around the towers right underneath where a huge airliner supposedly slammed into a huge building.
Compare this to the Bek Air plane crash in December 2019. It was one of the very rare instances of a plane hitting a solid object (tiny building) without exploding.
That is what happens when a plane, any plane meets a solid object.
I’ve seen footage of the ground below the Pirelli tower in Milan when a light airplane crashed into the 26th floor on April 18, 2002. The street on both sides of the narrow building was covered in wreckage including the side opposite from where the aircraft hit.
The majority of the airplane entered the reinforced concrete building on one floor but many parts of it fell to the ground below. That was a tiny prop plane flown by an incompetent Swiss recreational pilot and yet it killed one pedestrian on the street below and injured 80 others from the debris created at the moment of impact.
Nobody in the building was hurt because it’s a government building and of course there were no government workers there on those floors at 17:45 on 18 April 2002. Lucky Larry Silverstein…..
“The funniest part of the MIT report is that with all the expertise they have in aeronautics, the only academics they could find to concoct the report were from the department of Oceanography…”
Funny enough to make my day. Together with the number who resigned from the committee because they could not agree with its report, those two little signs of residual integrity in Academia make my day.
No matter what you guys say I still believe what my government told me.
That it was Osama Bin Laden and a bunch of Moslem mountain goats who did it.
Why? Because they env that we have dollares and they have not! Thats why they did it!!
They hate us ANd envy us because of our FREEDOM! was the laughable narrative concocted even then. And it is SO MUCH truer now, after all these many months of the Biden Administration. Our glorious FREEDOm!
Yeah. There are videos on YT which I have watched many many times of an F4 on rails and afterburners shot into a reinforced concrete wall. The military grade F4 disintegrates after penetrating 13mm If I remember aright. To give them an idea of what would happen if anyone flew one into a nuclear power station, allegedly.
Here are 2.
Total Destruction Redux: F4 Phantom vs. Concrete Wall – Additional Camera Angles –
YouTube Total Destruction Redux: F4 Phantom vs. Concrete Wall – Additional Camera Angles – YouTube
I think the command and control white jumbo just circling the entire scene is something of a clue as to what really went down that day. Things were getting bad before that day, everybody knew something was in the works. And the attempted covid global putsch is clearly linked to it in and both make up what is doubtless an ongoing and all out attack on the free world.
Yeah, I don’t know about the military use or not, but it was a French SNECMA, not American or British. PS there was only bad CGI no planes.
I think the planes that hit the towers were flown by remote control into the towers. The planes took off as normal and were hijacked by remote control. There were no hijackers on the planes, just normal flight crew and passengers. There was no hijack code entered because those systems were all disabled. Everyone on the planes became passengers on kamikaze drones.
PNIC… Is that Project for a New Israeli Century by any chance???
It’s no PICNIC, that’s for sure.
Who owns the K I Show? If she is allowed to host Kevin Ryan, it appears reasonable to deduce that she is only ‘an extra’ in the grand kabuki theatre. And, she is ‘being allowed’ to throw Cheney and Rumsfeld under the bus … as distractions from the KM perps. This expose is not worth a pinch-a-shiite without mentioning ‘lucky-Larry’, and ZIM Shipping and the plethora of other crim-elements involved.
All this little distractor does, is magnify that the KM are genuinely in control of EVERYTHING on this beautiful, albeit, corrupted planet. The boot is well-and-truly on the figurative-heads of humanity. Attila, Ghengis, Mao, Pol-Pot and the Vikings combined, pale in comparison to the connivance, deceit and brutality of these bastards.
And Brzezinski!
The most interesting thing about the interview is that he claims to have worked for the company that fire-tested WTC structural members and was fired for speaking up. As to his research on the likely culprits, I think other researchers have offered up at least many of the same candidates and especially with regard to foreign intelligence involvement.
It’s discouraging that the 9-11 awareness community is so fragmented and compartmentalized. Hardly anyone attributes or credits any findings to anyone else. Most have their own pet, but partial theory.
I think some time in Guantanamo for some of the major, obvious suspects would be a good next step to bring clarity. That might include rounding up some of the members of those “friendly” intelligence services as well as the Potomac suits who provided the outline.
Kevin Ryan has been a central figure in 9/11 Truth since 2004. He was fired for revealing the lies snd manipulation being practiced by Underwriters, the lab he worked for who were tasked with testing the WTC steel. He edited the Journal for 9/11 Studies and was a co-author on the crucial nanothermite paper.
Justice will never be served in this life time but it will in the next…
Rumsfeld dead. Justice served.
Cheney to regret what he have done to a Rabbi, absolution. Justice served.
Life goes on yeah. . Fixed.
Great discussion. I recently watched a recent TV documentary which gave the “innocent” “cuddly” version of what happened on the day with Bush doing his morning exercise run in complete supposed innocence of what was about to unfold that day. Interesting to hear Kevin at around 52mins in saying that Bush knew what was going to happen in advance. It was always my belief that it was an inside job and all at the top planned and knew exactly what would happen. Every time I see Bush’s face it makes me nauseated to know that everything the comes out of his wretched mouth is a lie. It is truly astonishing 22 years later we have such blatant lie stories fed to us on the mainstream media and that unfortunately most people believe the official narrative.
Bush’s simple lack of reaction, while he was reading “The Pet Goat” – by Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann, a pioneer of Direct Instruction, or DISTAR, for Direct Instruction System for Teaching and Remediation – says it all.
He knew.
Stop acting the Goat .. Kids. lol!
Oh my God! Most uttered words in everyday American language.
I don’t think he did. Just my speculation….he would be not be trusted to know in advance.
He’s the complete lying idiot, but he would have had all his plans and reactions set out in advance and told to follow them exactly – he knew alright.
Well said! I think the real Pet Goat was actually Bush himself, although I say it with hesitation as I do not want to insult actual goats.
Or a “hat-tip” to Masonry.
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are not by themselves a fixed frame agency, and I highly doubt either of them singely, or combined, has the brains to carry out, or plan, the crime of 9-11. They were likely aware, and likely gave consent. They are no masterminds.
We know for certain that Arabs living in caves in Afghanistan didn’t carry out 9-11.
Moreover, how exactly did Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld themselves benefit?
Are they the only ones that benefitted? We know for a fact they aren’t.
Are Dick and Donald good dancers like the Israelis?
Suggesting that Dick and Donald are the masterminds, is like saying the USA Masterminded the Atom Bomb, without pointing out the leadership, people, purpose and accomplishments of the Manhattan Project.
Agreed. Note the last sentence in the quote below and relate it to what else (Christopher Bollyn, etc.) is known:
…”Since the PLO stubbornly refused to take the bait, plans were put into motion for the huge bombing of an entire Beirut sports stadium using tons of explosives during a January 1st political ceremony, with the death and destruction expected to be “of unprecedented proportions, even in terms of Lebanon.” But Sharon’s political enemies learned of the plot and emphasized that many foreign diplomats including the Soviet ambassador were expected to be present and probably would be killed, so after a bitter debate, Prime Minister Begin ordered the attack aborted. A future Mossad chief mentions the major headaches they then faced in removing the large quantity of explosives that they had already planted within the structure.”
Like managers, they didn’t have the brains to carry it out but they knew exactly what they wanted and gave the orders to do it. It doesn’t take a high IQ to think, let’s see those twin towers are the most potent symbol of US power in NY and they have been “targeted by extremists” before. We can ask our top guys in the CIA what could be done to have a spectacular world changing event, then get it into planning right away.
She blinded me with science!
Tru$t Th£ $¢i€n¢€ o_O
All we hear is Radio Ca Ca
The Revolution will not be TellLieVised
Lame Stream Media = Weapon of Mass Distraction
We now return you to your regularly scheduled mind reprogramming
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.
COVID-19/11 = CON JOB-1984
Today’s CONsPiRaCy ThEoRiEs are tomorrow’s TrUtHs
In Th£ $¢i€n¢€ ₩£ Tru$t \o/
Now I’ll buy that for a dollar!
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-09-13. CDC: 1m mRNA Covid shots teens prevent 0-1 Covid deaths & CAUSE 100k-200k severe SEs, killed 1k per 1m (blog, gab, tweet).
From your Link:
“Dr. William Makis Unveils Alarming Numbers on Vaccine Injuries, Disabilities, and Deaths
• About 10% to 15% of people who took the C19 shots have suffered an injury
• 1% have been permanently disabled (US Insurance Data)
• 0.1% have been killed (or 1000 per million) @MakisMD (tweet).”