Resisting Genetically Mutilated Food & the Eco-Modern Nightmare: Together, ‘Just You and Me’
Colin Todhunter

This image is symbolic of everything that is wrong with modern society.
A gas leak from Union Carbide’s pesticide plant in Bhopal in 1984 resulted in around 560,000 injured (respiratory problems, eye irritation, etc.), 4,000 severely disabled and 20,000 dead.
Not only that, but the pesticides produced at the factory and the model of farming promoted has caused well-documented misery for farmers, harm to soil, water sources and the health of the population and a radical transformation of social relations in rural communities. And these issues apply not only to India but also to other countries.
That old advertising brochure dating from around the early 1960s encapsulates the arrogance of billionaires and their companies that think they are the hand of God, that they are the truth and the science, and that we should all be in awe of the technology they produce.
Facilitated by the likes of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, they uproot highly productive traditional agriculture, saying it is deficient. They poison the soil, the food, the waterways and people. But that’s not enough. They pirate, own and genetically engineer the seeds. The chemicals and engineering do not result in more or better food. Quite the opposite. Diets have become narrower, and the nutritional content of many food items has progressively diminished (see McCance and Widdowson’s the Mineral Depletion of Foods). Moreover, food secure regions have become food insecure.
But it goes beyond this.
Consider the amount of killer-chemicals that the likes of Union Carbide’s promised techno-utopian consumer society (Union Carbide produced numerous other similar brochures to the one presented above, promoting the role of science and technology across all sectors) has gifted to humanity in everyday products from shampoos to toys, pans, packaging, sofas and tins.
It is notable that glyphosate, the world’s most used agricultural herbicide, began life as an industrial chelator of minerals in metal pipes to prevent blockages and deterioration. It now ensures mineral depletion/nutrient deficiencies in the human body. Glyphosate affects human soil – the gut microbiome – which directly feeds the major organs. Little wonder we witness a proliferation of illness and disease.
But forget about what has become modernism’s spiralling public health crisis – don’t forget to take that money-spinning experimental booster jab because, remember, they said that they really care about you and your health.
Meanwhile, bioscience parks across the world expand and promise an even more marvellous techno-dystopia than the one already created. They are working on injecting you with nanotechnology to ‘cure’ you of all the diseases that the modernist type of thinking, products and technology created in the first place – or on manipulating your DNA-physiology to hook you up to the internet (of things). The patents are there – this is not speculation.
And as these bioscience parks expand, their success is measured in annual turnover, profits and ‘growth’. They want more and more ‘talent’ to study life sciences and health subjects and to take up positions at the biotech companies. And they call for more public subsidies to facilitate this. More kids to study science so that they can be swept up into the ideology and practices of the self-sustaining paradigm of modern society.
Of course, ‘sustainability’ is the mantra. Sustainability in terms of fake-green, net-zero ideology but, more importantly, sustainable growth and profit.
Meanwhile, across the world, most notably in the Netherlands, these parks demand more land. More land for expansion and more land to house ‘global talent’ to be attracted to work. That means displacing farmers under the notion that they are the major emitters of ‘greenhouse gases’, which, in the Netherlands at least, they are clearly not. Look towards other sectors or even the US military if you require a prime example of a major polluter. But that’s not up for discussion, not least because military-related firms are often intertwined with the much-valued bioscience-business ‘ecosystems’ promoted.
And once the farmers have gone and the farmland is concreted over under the concept (in the Netherlands) of a Tristate City, do not worry – your ‘food’ will be created in a lab courtesy of biosynthetic, nanotechnological, biopharmaceutical, genetically engineered microbes and formulas created at the local bioscience park.
Any carbon-related pollution created by these labs will supposedly be ‘offset’ by a fraudulent carbon credit trading Ponzi scheme – part of which will mean buying up acres in some poor country to plant trees on the land of the newly dispossessed.
This brave new ecomodernism is to be overseen by supranational bodies like the UN and the WHO. National uniparty politicians will not be engaged in policy formation. They will be upholders of the elite-determined status quo – junior ‘stakeholders’ and technocratic overseers of an algorithm/AI-run system, ensuring any necessary tweaks are made.
Of course, not everything that happens under the banner of bioscience should be dismissed out of hand, but science is increasingly the preserve of an increasingly integrated global elite who have created the problems that they now rollout the ‘solutions’ for. It is a highly profitable growth industry – under the banner of ‘innovation’, cleaning up the mess you created.
But the disturbing trend is that the ‘science’ and the technology shall not be questioned. A wealthy financial-digital-corporate elite funds this science, determines what should be studied, how it should be studied and how the findings are disseminated and how the technology produced is to be used.
As we saw with the COVID event, this elite has the power to shut down genuine debate, prevent scrutiny of ‘the science’ and to smear and censor world-renowned scientists and others who even questioned the narrative. And it also pulls the strings of nation states so much so that former New Zealand PM Jacinda Arden said that her government is ‘the truth’. The marriage of science and politics in an Orwellian dystopia.
The prevailing thinking is that the problems of illness, hunger, malnutrition, unemployment, pollution, resource usage and so on are all to be solved down at the bioscience park by what farmer/author Chris Smaje says through technical innovation and further integration into private markets which are structured systematically by centralised power in favour of the wealthy.
The ecomodernist ideology we see embedded within the mindsets of those lobbying for more resources, land and funding have nothing much to say about how humanity got ill, infertile, poor, dispossessed, colonised, depressed, unemployed or marginalised in the first place. Driven by public funding, career progression and profit, they remain blinkered and push ahead with an ideology whose ‘solutions’ only produce more problems that call for more ‘innovation’ and more money.
At the same time, any genuine solutions are too often dismissed as being driven by ideology and ignorance that will lead us all to ruin. A classic case of projection.
As I have written previously, current hegemonic policies prioritise urbanisation, global markets, long supply chains, commodified corporate knowledge, highly processed food and market dependency at the expense of rural communities, independent enterprises and smallholder farms, local markets, short supply chains, indigenous knowledge, diverse agroecological cropping, nutrient-dense diets and food sovereignty.
And this has led us to where we are now.
Trade and agriculture policy specialist Devinder Sharma once said that we need family farms not family doctors. Imagine the reduction in illnesses and all manner of conditions. Imagine thriving local communities centred on smallholder production, nutrient-dense food and healthy people. Instead, we get sprawling bioscience parks centred on economic globalisation, sickness and the manipulation of food and human bodies.
Although a few thousand immensely powerful people are hellbent on marching humanity towards a dystopian ecomodernist future, we can, in finishing, take some inspiration from the words of John Seymour (1912-2004), a pioneer of the self-sufficiency movement.
Seymour was described as a one-man rebellion against modernism by writer and ecologist Herbert Girardet. But as a farmer himself, Seymour regarded himself a ‘crank peasant’ and offered solutions in terms of localism, small-scale economics, a return to the land and organic agriculture.
In a call to action, he stated:
The tiny amount you and I can do is hardly likely to bring the huge worldwide moloch of plundering industry down? Well, if you and I don’t do it, it will not be done, and the Age of Plunder will terminate in the Age of Chaos. We have to do it – just the two of us – just you and me. There is no ‘them’ – there is nobody else. Just you and me. On our infirm shoulders we must take up this heavy burden now… Tomorrow will be too late.”
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.
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Decades ago, John Hamaker made the connection between climate and nutrition. Much of the world’s political decisions are being made using a manufactured ‘climate emergency’ as a pretext to implement all manner of repression and controls. Decades ago, it was global cooling, recently it was global warming and today it is climate change. In the short run, everyone has been proven wrong but in the long run both camps may be proven right given an appropriate time frame.
I would ask people to consider spending 200 pages of reading time for a document titled ‘The Survival of Civilization’ by John Hamaker, deceased, published in the early 1980’s complete with many pages of references. Given the time period, he was worrying about an approaching ice age, but don’t let that put you off.,%2C%20perhaps%2C%20even%20recreating%20Eden.
In chapter 4, you will find statements such as :
Worldwide starvation by 1990.
The idea that we can keep on using fossil fuels is totally false.
The principal cause of the problem is CO2 in the atmosphere.
These declarations sound familiar today.
He was, of course, wrong about the future, but I found his overall theory of ice ages, interglacials and how soil nutrients are a primary cause intriguing. His theory led me to research soil remineralization and I found evidence to support his work.
Scientific American March 2014: Study documents vast quantities of water beneath the earth’s surface. Study confirms “that there is a very, very large amount of water that’s trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep Earth… approaching the sort of mass of water that’s present in all the world’s oceans.”
“In France, Professor C. Louis Kervran wrote an essay in 1977 on the origin of water in crystalline rock. He knew that most of the wells in his native Brittany were found by dowsers and dug into solid granite. In his career he knew of so many cases where tunneling into rock created floods that wiped out the construction sites that he didn’t bother to collect data on them. During a drought in 1976 the French Geological and Mining Bureau loaned drilling equipment to find water in the region. Successful wells were drilled into crystalline and metamorphic terrain.”
Your brain seems genetically retarded to think such bullshit, moron…
“How the mafia profits from Italian tomatoes”
Reminds me that Bertholt Brecht used an Italitan vegetable market as the setting for his drama about “the resistibel rise” of Mussolini. Unfortunately the rise of the Anglo Zio Capitalist mafia has not proved resistible, and its grip is now Global.
“Tomato Industry: Empire of Red Gold”
We are now at 65 comments why I write this comment because it should be equal 66.
“an increasingly integrated global Oligarchy who have created the problems that they now rollout the ‘solutions’ for.”
For example, the Oligarchs behind Big Pharma created Frankenstein Corona Virus Disease CoViD-19 for which they now roll out the grossly expensive, supremely profitable, totally useless and highly dangerous Vaxx as the solution..
No, they didn’t create sarscov2 or covid. Neither exists at all. It was only created as a digital phantom and a propagandised notion. It was ALL psyop. The jab was their creation and it was intended to do what it is doing.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-09-18. Jab extremely dangerous any fitness enthusiast. Study suggesting negative jab effectiveness stays un-retracted (blog, gab, tweet).
Summary of the great article:
Though the eco-modernist ideology evades exploitation and global totalitatrianism, it is founded on them. It undermines (a) indigenous culture and knowledge (b) resilience, independence and genuine sustainability. Instead, it promotes (a) urbanisation (b) privatised and financialised commons, food, knowledge and work (c) genetic mutilation (d) illness through food, other goods, work and disruptions (e) uniformity, and subservience to “the market”.
Whoever wrote this song* for Hazel O’Connor knew a thing or two about what was planned for nature:
It’s from the film ‘Breaking Glass’. O’Connor plays “Kate Crowley” and ‘Breaking Glass’ is the name of her band. Shattered mirrors happens to be a mind-control symbol and O’Connor’s character ends the film locked in an asylum. Her record label is called ‘Overlord’.
I miss the good old days. When the Judeo-Masonic-New-World-Order was just a conspiracy theory.
From the Author’s Link fake-green :
“World agriculture is marked by extreme imbalances that are among the most durable economic legacies of European imperialism. Many of the world’s poorest countries in the tropics are net food importers despite having large shares of their labor force engaged in agriculture and large amounts of their best arable land devoted to agro-export commodities.”
This was already remarked in the seminal book, “Food First: Beyond The Myth Of Scarcity” by Frances Moore Lappé in the ’70s. But it goes back to starving peasants forbidden to eat the produce that they tended for the Lord of the Manor. The great problem in Africa is: will they exchange White European Landowners for Melanin-rich African Landowners?
Dont be fooled with all theses other countries being mentioned as GM central.
The U.K is leading the way. unfortunately the western Conservative Christian alt media sells the look over there scam, whilst never looking in its own yard.
The Torys have killed farming in the U.K with new laws on allowing to dump shit waste in to rivers and the GM to be allowed and not even be listed on labels.
former health secretary obeses fat fuck Thérèse Coffey now environment secretary latest comments shows U>K since brexit has gone USA in food.
Of the million and one ways to resist, yawning is, by far, the best way to affirm one’s loyalty to the official narrative because yawning causes the brain to switch off.
“Primary water” is newly produced by chemical processes within the earth & has never been part of the surface hydrological cycle. Created when conditions are right to allow oxygen to combine with hydrogen, this water is continually being pushed up under great pressure from deep within the earth and finds its way toward the surface where there are fissures or faults. Japanese researchers reported in Science in March 2002 that the earth’s lower mantle may store about five times more water than its surface oceans.
“The Fertile Crescent, which stretches from Israel to the Persian Gulf and includes the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq, is supplied at its easternmost point by a cave in an iron-red limestone cliff. This flow becomes the Jordan River. At its westernmost point are springs. One flows from the foot of a buttress on Mt. Hermon and another pours from the cliffs in waterfalls. A spring in Oregon flows at 690 million gallons a day, a spring in Missouri flows at 800 million gallons a day, and a series of springs along the Snake River in Idaho flow at 3.5 billion gallons a day.”
Fascinating stuff Penelope.
Will do more reading.
Israeli govt commissioned one years ago, Sparklett’s water more recently. In poor areas of he world they have been dug by hand w/o heavy equipment, as the water is often close to the surface– just “corked” by solid area. Construction projects like tunnels, etc sometimes accidentally access this water & have the dickens of a time corking it up again. This is hidden knowledge once well known. I strongly suspect that Gaddafi’s “manmade river” accessed such a source.
This source of the Man-made River, you mentioned, was bombed by the Americans with Depleted Uranium during their efforts to liberate the people from the evil dictator and bring them freedom and democracy. The whole lot was bombed with Depleted Uranium, from one end to the other. Even the farmland.
“the science” or some proposed science?
Many such wells have been dug in Africa. I visited one in CA.
“Stephan Riess is a Bavarian-born mining engineer and geologist who was educated at the pre-World War I German Naval Academy and at the University of Tuttlingen, just north of the Swiss border. He says he has drilled more than 800 wells around the world, most of them tapping “rock fissure aquifers” where primary water purportedly flows on its course to the sea. Two local examples of his work are the wells at the Sparkletts water bottling plant near Lakeside, and those at supermarket magnate John Mabee’s Golden Eagle thoroughbred horse ranch on Highway 78, east of Ramona.”
Take a look at the yearly stock prices for Moderna, Pfizer and BioNTech.
For example, Moderna stock is only worth 53% of its highest value this year.
–Yahoo Finance
Same as life insurance companies.
Undertakers however are doing a roaring trade…
Died suddenly burials are great for profits.
Time for a new variant to keep up the stock price 😉 .
Well, it’s official:In Old Normal terms a “heatwave” occurred when temperatures were late 30’Cs-early 40’C..Yesterday Sydney experienced the New Normal “heatwave” – 34’C…***Sydney ? No ! That ‘Scorcher’ was recorded somewhere in the Central Business District (CBD) – you know, that concrete jungle of high-rise concrete and glass offices (aka – accounting houses) whereincalculating busy-men and busy-women spend their time figuring out who owns what, and “What’s my cut ?”…Seems one thermometer was found that recorded a new September Record (suburban thermometers all showed lower temps which made them Statistically Irrelevant to the Scare Campaign)…Those tall concrete and glass counting houses require huge doses of air conditioning, which is supplied by those those allegedly planet killing coal fired electricity generation plants…My advice to all the busy-people in their huge concrete counting houses is “If you cant stand the heat…….!”
***I’m running book that next year’s New Normal definition of ‘heatwave’ will be 30’C-32’C…(And i think i’m on a Sure Thing there)…
We’ve been eating “genetically mutilated food” for more than 100 years now. If you doubt me, look up mutation breeding.
Don’t think so Dominique. Somebody’s trying to confuse you by equating hybridization with “genetically modified.”
Humans natural way of living for millennia, was in small bands at one with nature. Humans were not meant to travel across the world to trade Mother Earth’s bounty for profit.
Louis CK – White People
And this is why we must walk away from the wasteful western way of life before it ends all life in this world…
How the West Has Won — Derrick Jensen Interview
What Do You Think Is Worth Fighting For? — Derrick Jensen Interview
END CIV Resist Or Die — Starring Derrick Jensen
The real reason for the ACW was the industrialization of the North and TPTB wanting to take over agriculture in the South. Slavery as an issue was already headed towards abolition based on public sentiment at the time.
The Industrial Revolution was the last reset, and was preceded by catastrophes that are being hidden from us.
Excellent article Colin. Excellent quote at the end. I am proud to say that I am kind of like that guy, Seymour, but certainly, in my own humble way.
I was in Africa this winter and spring. Was very impressed with the small scale rural and peasant farming that I saw. People just using flat hoes or thin flat lond bladed shovels for cultivation depending on which country. Let alone the challenge of the availability of what seeds or cultivars they can obtain. In one country they had brought in a shorter season (3month) yellow gmo “round-up ready” corn (people preferred to feed their babies yellow corn Instead of white corn.) to replace their six month yellow corn they had been growing for a few generations. This corn was a disaster. People would have to go to the expense and buy soap to spray on the corn stalks and leaves to keep it from being devoured by insects. Once the corn was dry. And put in sacks for storage the seed was attacked successively by three different insects. If I remember correctly, the first one, immediately,
ate the skin of the corn, the second one ate the live seed part, and the third one ate the rest so the bag went from a fifty kilo sack to a sack a small child could even lift. There basically was nothing there. Their own generational yellow corn would keep for years nothing ever attacked it until the gmos were brought in then it too was attacked but not quite as bad.
The people bringing you the gmos are the same bringing you the vaccines. The same bringing their “sustainable“ or rather, endless wars and assault on the planet with their microwave cellular technology and weather warfare, Time to be done with the age of plunder, or rather, death cult, and on with a life in tune with this beautiful earth and the people of and with it.
The people bringing you the gmos are the same bringing you the vaccines.
The people bringing you the gmos are the same bringing you the vaccines.
The people bringing you the gmos are the same bringing you the vaccines.
The people bringing you the gmos …
That ‘accident’ was proven to be sabotage by a disgruntled employee.
How convenient for Union Carbide there happened to be a patsy. If I remember correct his name was Lee Harvey Oswald.
So it was Lee Harvey Oswald who also caused the Bhopal disaster in 1984 of 560,000 injured, 4,000 severely disabled and 20,000 dead because he was dissatisfied with his salary.
Oh dear, oh dear.
” Proven ” ?
By whom ?
Any link would suffice,
Dear Henry, dear Henry,
Thurs’ a hole in your bucket…
Dear Henry a hole.
Did you notice ?
Or check Dow Chemicals ?
Time and again has Todhunter assured us that traditional small farming produces higer yields that industrial scale farming (NPK + Weedkiller + Insect killer). It seems to have had an effect on my internet minder: many videos with this theme have sprung up on Youtube; Farming with Microbes is more profitable than Agrobiz with Chemicals.
The traditional concept is to build up the soil by the combined efforts of a living ecosystem; versus the modern concept of monoculture on barren soil or no soil but giving plants only the minimum NPK + Trace Elements + poisons.
“You cant teach me a thing about farming; I’ve been a farmer all my life, worn out ten farms, just kept moving right on” — Joke from the pre-Roosevelt era but still current.
Mr. Todhunter, in yet another extremely valuable article, does make one very big blunder when he says “Of course, not everything that happens under the banner of bioscience should be dismissed out of hand….”
FYI ‘bioscience’ can include all the traditional agroecological practices and ethno-engineering that farmers use to manage plants, soil, water, living organisms, etc. I once showed an article to a belligerent GMO scientist to outline the agroecological approach of the farmer and campaigner Bhaskar Save in India. This pro-GMO lobbyist mocked when I said that agroecology uses biotechnology. So, I referred him to Save to show him how biotechnology can work without GMOs or Green Revolution practices/ideology.
In his ignorance, he said that he did not see any biotechnology being used in what Save mentioned. That’s because he had a narrow corporate view of what biotech is. Everything mentioned by Save was biotechnological – steeped in the science of ecology and nature. We should not let these people hijack terms like scientific, bioscience or biotech as if they have the monopoly on them and this everything and anything that anyone else does is unscientific, nonscience (nonsense) and based on backward thinking and practices.
Incorrect. Do not let the GMO-corporate lot hijack the terms bioscience, biotechnology or science. Traditional agroecological practices used by farmers employ bioscience to work with and ethno-engineer ecology and nature. Bioscience involves any scientific practice that deals with living organisms, plants, water, micro-organisms, etc. At the same time, the GMO fraudsters will try to depict these farmers and supporters of agroecology as backwards and engaging in non-science (nonsense).
To my knowledge, the term “bioscience” is a newly minted term designed specifically to refer to biotech concoctions. I think we should avoid using a modern term to explain practices which pre-date that term; doing so tends to add a legitimacy to the term which it does not deserve.
It should be examined critically and tested against reality.
“Not all is false that’s taught at Universities” — Anon
Nothing – as in ABSOLUTELY NOTHING – which results in a profit for some oligarchs will ever be “tested against reality.”
Science, as dozens have pointed out, has been captured and enslaved by big money. It no longer exists other than as a quaint stroll down memory lane.
The elephant in the room with any questions about agriculture is land ownership. Who owns land, who doesn’t? Who is abusing land for profit and who is trying to feed a local community? As someone put it: “Humans claiming ownership of land is like a bunch of fleas claiming to own the dog they live on”
I “own” my house. Freehold.
What does that mean?
Can I build a fence around “My” house and dig a well and grow my own food and tell the world to fuck off ?
How deep in the Earth does my “ownership” go?
What if I don’t pay my council tax?
Will the state guarantee never to compulsorily purchase it or requisition it for any future “emergency” ?
If I comply, hopefully I’ll be allowed to enjoy my own property
In reality, I’m a tenant of the state.
fee simple
you own nothing
that was the old law not todays legals.
you register with the land registry
you paid taxes
usage you have a posh version of lease hold tis all
Your ownership goes 1m deep under terrain. If you find gold or oil under this level, it belongs to me .
I’ve got a Nuclear Bomb of an idea 💡 that I patented too: so, I’ll have my 51% of your share, ‘ta’ and be expecting you to Kowtow, for now and your spies, further
Down that Road to assuming Control of the Magnetosphere 😂…
Assumption being the mother of all Fuk’ups & fluffy bluffs,
Just keep ‘Mum’ and play dumb ✌
Good question; who owns the earth?
There is a story in the Bible that tells how a person in Egypt literally buys the other people, the animals, the land and the water by purchasing most of the grain for 7 years.
This smart trade apparently still works and people are therefore using this knowledge?
Who are the people who own the earth now? And where is that registered? In the books of owners themselves? And no one is above that?
“Power is only power if it is recognized”.(Mao).
Thats why you need military and police to enforce the illusion that someone can own areas of land.
The basic principle is you can only take ownership of what yourself exploit (crops) produce (bricks/carpentry/etc), collect (fruits/berry) and catch (fish/ chickens/boar) with your bare hands.
Nice work. Difficult to disagree or add in anything.
Second that. An historic objectivity, John Pilger would be proud of… in the written word:
You can’t say much better than Colin’s efforts to quantify complex but,
Very Natural chains & Equations. From Top soil to down under.
And Stunningly concise… should be promoted.
A striking interconnectivity,
Illuminating solutions, too:
Like 39 Cows or 39 steps
To 39 Freedoms, for
Regional Production.
& Distribution.Of,
Health. Food & Water.
Fine journalism.
Grand effort.
Thanks Colin.
I like tomatoes, red, round, and firm. After buying i leave them in a bowl in kitchen for a week or more always hoping some taste will develop in them as they ‘ripen’…It never does…They remain tasteless…
Today i watched “Why Fruits Have Lost Their Vitamins” (Full Documentary):
It offered explanations for why tomatoes are tasteless – they’re hybrids…
Included in Colin’s article above is McCance and Widdowson’s The Mineral Depletion of Foods which offers:
‘[…] you would have needed to have eaten ten tomatoes in 1991 to have obtained the same copper intake as one tomato would have given you in 1940.’
Some have claimed ‘covid’ is a ‘vitamin deficiency disease’…
I’m finding that easier to believe…
Maybe that’s why our masters were kind enough to sell us tomato sauce. 🙂
When I was at school “Brave New World”, “1984” and “Animal Farm” were all on the curriculum !
And we were invited to write about and debate the meaning of the books.
“A day in the life of ivan Denisovich” was also on the reading list and received a lot of discussion and criticism of the Soviet system – maybe because it was relatively recent history.
The other three books ?
How we laughed !
The disease is industrialised monocultural agriculture.
The cure is Permaculture, food forests and, wait for it _ _ _ _ Veganism.
I await the omnivores attack.
at least you know that we’re omnivores 🙂
i was veg for 30 years.
‘You can’t put a better bit of Butter on your knife.’
Than that of wild, happy, free roaming mountain cows,
‘past yer’ eyes’ (or yer’ nose)… regardless your recipe,
For Honey production, just add Horses to improve pastures.
Synthetic tastes pathetic in a Virgin Wilderness, where a Cow delivers her
Daily Milk, Freely… a symbiotic choice of animal instincts & caring, together.
Especially during heavy Winters of Discontent… & deep Snow & Ice outside:
Add Circular Economics: unless you can hunt & gather all life long ?
‘Petia’ did not like cats & dogs under her udder or underbelly, whilst milking her.
But, the Chickens were welcomed, as they plucked the blood sucking, irritating
Ticks from her underbelly: a soothing & relaxing experience for all parties,
Nourishing the Chickens. Applying the science of symbiotic care…
Cows milk evolved for calves, not humans.
‘Perpetual’ lactation is animal cruelty.
Did I mention perpetual lactation anywhere ?
Most of Petia’s milk was indeed for her calf…
Though, with a little bit of scientific doctoring & assistance from a second lactating Mare with Foal, Petia’s excess milk helped save the life Of another Foal, who had had his mother stolen & towed to death by poachers, with a Lada Niva! Whilst yer’ on yer’ high horse & crusade, may we get …
Back to Butter, Butterflies, Bees, Bovines & Baby’s milk ?
Please tell me what YOU Johnny would undertake to do, if your wife DIED during CHILDBIRTH, or shortly after, scientifically speaking, naturally ?
Would you let your baby die ?
johnny unfortunately doesnt realise that animals and humans living in harmony is possible, he likely believes that fertilisers mined from the earth, processed and purified using industry are “ok” but in truth they are as detrimental to the world and the soul as the factory livestock farming he so correctly condemns
johnny could if he could get his head around it envisage an environment where animals and humans do live in a symbiotic fashion, some of us in Devon still aspire to lead lives such as the image below dated 1986, Riddlecombe N Devon.
if johnny were indeed able to be accepted into such a comunity as i live in we might forgive him his ignorance and endeavour to teach him, he would be free to exercise his “quirk” of veggyism or whatever it may now be called, but come work time, we might find him weak n slackin, an that would never be…..
the world you en visage johnny, is devoid of life, emotion and colour, you are welcome to it, but try n impose it on me an a scummer will ensue…
Anybody who wants to know something about mass livestock farming just needs to take a plane flight into Chicago O’Hare in daylight over the stockyard pens.
I gave up flesh meat in 1969.
A billion sentient creatures slaughtered, sliced and diced EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR.
The omnivores just don’t get it.
Is there another kind of meat? Synthetic?
Not yet. And when it arrives it will be even less flavour-full than the hybrid “moneymaker variety” of tomatoes detested by Les (at 12.49) and even less nutritious than the “modern” (1980s) tomatoes decried by Colin. Synthetic meat will taste even flatter than battery chicken — but you will be able to buy all sorts of zippy sauce to stimulate your under-exercised taste buds.
I specifically meant ‘Mammals/mammalian.’ I still ate fish and eggs.
A work of Art. that speaks a thousand words … a fine photo.
and this is the image i most had in mind,
Three bulls are looking for trouble? I see they have come to the right place.
They are cows. There is a popular view that only bulls have horns but this is incorrect.
I see no big tits in the middle one, that one in the front looks like long hairy balls with a mini dick. The one up front look like the other two.
But ok if I am wrong and true reality is important, then why do the village hooker smile so happy?
This is a more of a curiously Western European ‘popular view’ that I recall growing up with… but, not having lived there for over 33 years, I’d almost forgotten that ‘wild’ crazy notion, because where I live, nahzu every cow/bull & calves have horns and get all ‘horny’, and start their training, so to say…PDQ , just an observation 😂
The one in the middle seems to have a fair sized nob but I get what you’re saying.
Apologies – should have been a response to BON
😂 is this the English pack, getting ready for a scrum down, with Johnny?
Please tell me she’s the referee, or he’s in trouble
& there’ll be hell to pay.✌
Veggies evolved to reproduce by seeds, not to be eaten by humans.
Humans evolved hunting for other animals, to eat.
Whether one makes compost or buys it, one plant is sure to spring up — the tomato — because its seeds can pass through the animal digestive tract unharmed. A succulent fruit is simply the immobile plant’s way of spreading its seed by hitching a ride on some mobile animal.
The “perpetual lactation” you refer to would occur in cattle if they had never been domesticated. Cows come back into heat some six to twelve weeks after calving. If they were wild and a bull was in the vicinity, they would be bred. They would also continue producing milk until some six weeks before calving again.
On a farm, it is not uncommon for the farmer to decide to push back the breeding or to dry up a cow if she is not in prime condition.
@V.Dominique- Bravo. Exactly this ! With wild horses or domesticated, thanks to the largest Jakobs Organ of all, the stallions know exactly when the mare is ready to receive again & from at least a whole 5 kilometres away, maybe even 10 km plus, dependent upon prevailing winds & topography: which has so often proven problematic for so many Mares and their newborn Foals… but, remarkably SHE gets to choose whether to receive or NOT, by kicking the Stallion violently and impatiently or if she likes her Newborn and knows the ‘guy’, she may well accept him: a mere 8 – 12 Days after having given birth… and SHE truly studies the Weather and time of year, to have the advantage of Spring pastures and the longest amount of time for the Foal to develop resilience and gain weight before the next Winter approaches, when left to her own devices in the Wild …
And may I add, that as the Stallion ages & for various other reasons the Alpha-Females, both Wild & Domesticated have been known to choose the Donkey,
Instead ! Which is how I ended up with Charles & Camilla, 😂 one year, from both a Wild Roaming Karakachan Cold Blood Female (Penelope) and a Domesticated Warm Blooded Trakehner (Karina)… I swear to God, good ole’ Sasho the Donkey fathered Charles the cold blooded Ass and Camilla the warm blooded Mule…
A true story, I promise you, Sasho was in like Flint & charming: but how he managed the height difference to the Trakehner, only he knows & remains a bit of a mystery to me… going forwards, Charles really proved himself a useless cowardly Ass, but Camilla the mule proved herself to be highly intelligent, accutely observant, better than ANY guard dog and Truly Deadly against all comers, dogs & Wolves alike… I saw her attack both: front feet first & head strong, fearlessly ! And as you concluded, there have been occasions where, if the mare/(cow) is not in good condition for some reason, I have been happy to assist her in pushing back any breeding and the metabolic drain of lactating, until she chooses… Maybe next year. Mum knows best 😉
Let love Rule 📐
Beautiful description.
Thanks for this comment, Erik.
Much appreciated, in difficult times,
For everybody…
Sorry for the delay in responding.
Best wishes,
Ironically I’ve increased my intake of meat; but for a rather bizarre reason.
I see a different future for farm animals if the maniacs manage to get meat banned. Namely, being ground up en masse to “fuel” fat burning generators (as shown in the documentary “Planet of the Humans). Eating them, however inhumane, is far better than that other fate.
O/T, but just to let you know that I’ve just posted (timed at 6.27pm, here in the UK) a reply to your question to me on the Off-G article of a couple of days ago (This week in the New Normal – 72). However, it’s gone into ‘pending’… so, I hope that it will be printed, and sooner rather than later!
“..2 outa 3 ain’t bad, ”
; )
We cant all be rabbits like you vegans. Done.