Where Have All the Lanternflies Gone?
Michael Lesher

Remember the spotted lanternfly? Barely a year ago, this colorful winged insect was supposed to be a harbinger of national disaster.
Native to China but increasingly visible in border-jumping swarms in the eastern United States, the spotted lanternfly’s activities in this country had been well known since 2014 – and until recently hadn’t provoked any particular alarm. But in the dog days of 2022, just as coronavirus hysteria seemed to be fading, the Chinese bug suddenly emerged as Public Enemy No 1.
In case you’ve forgotten, here’s a sample of last summer’s fear porn, this one from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture but couched in the hysterical accents that characterized lanternfly lingo wherever it appeared:

If you see a spotted lanternfly…Kill it! Squash it, smash it…just get rid of it. In the fall, these bugs will lay egg masses with 30-50 eggs each. These are called bad bugs for a reason, don’t let them take over your county next.
A Quarantine and Treatment Order is in place to help prevent the spread of spotted lanternfly…Quarantine zones may be expanded to new areas…
In other words: Panic!
Deadly insects were on the loose, already threatening to “take over your county!” And as if a horde of Chinese killer bugs weren’t trouble enough, your friendly local government was on its way to slap an expanding “quarantine zone” on your neighborhood, so that you and your friends could spend the rest of the summer cowering under your beds. “Bad bugs,” indeed.
Never mind that the spotted lanternfly is barely the size of a man’s thumbnail and can neither bite nor sting. Never mind that none of the scare stories masquerading as “news” attributed any quantifiable damage to the interloping insects, nor commented on the peculiar fact that the government agencies whose officials swore the lanternflies were poised to devour our food crops seemed to be doing precious little to stop them – apart from scaring their constituents half to death.
Facts would only have interfered with the message.
“The spotted lanternfly causes serious damage…in trees, vines, crops and many other types of plants,” local authorities declaimed, warning in addition of a “huge threat” to US business: “The economic impact [of the lanternflies] could total in the hundreds of millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs for those in the grapes, apple, hops, and hardwood industries.”
Meanwhile, TV reports whooped that the lanternflies had “the potential to cause big problems [emphasis theirs] from New York to North Carolina and all the way west to Indiana,” including the devastation of fruit trees – so we’d be robbed of food at the same time we lost our jobs and the regional economy went (even farther) south.
Well, that was then.
Barely a year later, local news reports about the bugs are taking a different tone. Now they tell us that the spotted lanternfly population seems to have diminished throughout the eastern seaboard.
And I still haven’t heard of any significant damage the lanternflies are alleged to have caused, here or elsewhere in the US.
Yes, there have been a few attempts to renew last year’s terror campaign: one recent television report cited unnamed “officials” who warned that “if the spotted lanternfly isn’t controlled, it could cost the New York economy $300 million a year.” But that official threat only said that the lanternflies “could” cause such damage. Useful word, “could.”
Even professional catastrophists are scaling down their eschatologies. Staten Island Live, despite promising (falsely) in mid-July that the flying bugs were about to descend on us “in overwhelming numbers” and “in populations higher than last year,” now concedes that spraying them with insecticide would be more dangerous to humans than the insects themselves.
Another recent report confirms that spotted lanternflies “don’t seem to be around as much” and that their “impact to agriculture has not been as widespread as initially predicted.” Which is a far cry from the “Kill it! Squash it! Smash it!” panic porn yelped at us a year ago.
Now, I know that last year’s end-of-the-world fairy tale is as obsolete as a VCR cassette – and I would not be wasting time on this one except to make a point: that while lanternfly lunacy lived only for a summer, the pattern it represents is not about to go away.
Yes, the spotted lanternflies are fading from the headlines. We’re no longer being admonished to drop everything we’re doing to go outside and stamp on as many of the bugs as possible – the implication being, of course, that anyone who doesn’t do that is a threat to society who should not be allowed to vote, receive medical care, patronize restaurants, or use social media.
But let’s not forget how effective the indoctrination was while it lasted. I can remember when grown men were hopping along suburban sidewalks like Mexican jumping beans, convinced that they were performing a social service by squashing lanternflies. “We won’t have any fruits or vegetables in the stores unless we get rid of them,” one man told me earnestly, grunting with pleasure each time one of his soles flattened a lanternfly. “I’ve killed twenty just this morning.”
I’m reasonably sure that this man donned a surgical mask in the spring of 2020 to counter a respiratory virus – even though anyone who could read knew that such masks were worthless as viral protection. Like as not, he also informed on friends who dared to talk to people in elevators or to take their children to a park. And when Big Brother said that it was safe to remove one’s muzzle when sitting down but not when standing, or when eating or drinking but not when swimming or talking or sunbathing (or driving alone in one’s car, for that matter), he probably swallowed that nonsense too.
And why not? Is lanternfly lunacy any crazier than the other disaster stories the media have been dinning into our ears?
Two years ago, government officials from President Biden downward were insisting that people who hadn’t submitted to COVID-19 “vaccines” were walking death traps, notwithstanding clear medical evidence that the drugs did not prevent either infection or transmission.
Yet long after drug-pusher-in-chief Deborah Birx conceded to Congress that this divisive slander had no basis in fact – indeed, even after notorious vaccine evangelist Paul Offit admitted that those scantily-tested COVID-19 drugs actually do cause myocarditis – the press went on cheerleading for more injections, not for better standards of drug safety. Propaganda, not truth, got the last word.
The definitive debunking of mask madness by the Cochrane Review early this year fared no better. The absence of any evidence that face masks slow the spread of COVID-19 has not stopped the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health from beating the drums for yet another assault on public breathing, now that another “variant” is supposedly around the corner.
Meanwhile, a German judge who tried to protect schoolchildren from the muzzling regime – arguing, correctly, that forcing useless face coverings on children threatened their “mental, physical or psychological wellbeing” and compromised the “right of children to education and school teaching” – has been ejected from the bench and slapped with a two-year suspended prison sentence.
And what about “climate change?” “Experts” do not hesitate to insist that minor fluctuations in global mean temperature are responsible for everything from obesity to the civil war in Syria – claims that are every bit as ridiculous as the idea that stamping bugs to death on city sidewalks can save fruits and vegetables grown on faraway farms.
But saying the obvious can be costly.
When respected physicist (and former Obama administration official) Steven Koonin published a book challenging “climate” hysteria – a challenge grounded in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, supposedly the bible of the hysterics themselves – he was roundly denounced by Right Thinkers as a liar, an incompetent and even an appropriator of Holocaust imagery. And this from people whose every doomsday forecast since the late 1980s has been demonstrably wrong!
My point is that it doesn’t much matter which costume the Right Thinkers are dressing up their agenda with at a given moment. What matters is the agenda itself. Specific scare stories will come and go; the objective behind them will never change – until we refuse to be bullied any more.
At bottom, the dynamic we face is clear enough. The ruling class is deeply impatient with that old-fashioned idea about the people governing themselves. And so, our rulers are hunting relentlessly for any excuse to snatch away a few more of our rights, to siphon off a bit more of our privacy, to pry a little further into our personal space.
COVID-19, “climate change,” Donald Trump’s continuing designs on the White House, the spotted lanternfly – all of these may look like separate stories, but in fact they’re a single agenda in search of a pretext.
That’s why Anthony Fauci, patron saint of COVID tyranny, has taken his I-love-Big-Brother routine onto the “climate” bandwagon.
In August, he claimed that “climate change” is “playing a role” in causing viral outbreaks, and demanded an “international commitment to decrease the carbon imprint in society.”
If mainstream media outlets noticed anything odd about this approach to medicine – let’s stop viruses by making working people pay loads of extra money for electricity while simultaneously raising their food and transportation costs – I haven’t heard them say so.
That’s why Naomi Klein, for whom the only fault of the illegal mass confinement regime of 2020-21 was that it “was abandoned too soon,” is now flacking for mass impoverishment under the slogan “climate justice.”
That’s right: “justice” – which, for Klein, means starving poor countries of affordable energy, thus stunting their development, and then tossing them crumbs for adopting ineffective “clean energy” programs. No wonder Klein is currently the toast of well-heeled liberal intellectuals with a taste for totalitarianism.
All of which makes me think of the 1955 folk song, “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” It’s a lovely lyric that traces a kind of tragic circle: flowers are picked by girls who marry young men, all of whom then go off to war, are killed and buried, and whose graves then grow flowers to begin the cycle over again.
Fear propaganda can move in similar cycles. Where have all the lanternflies gone since last summer? Gone to Russophobia, let’s say, gone to “climate change,” gone to Trump-hating, gone to the next COVID-19 “variant.” But wherever they’ve gone – and this is the point – they haven’t really gone at all.
The spotted lanternfly may have disappeared from the headlines but the chain of deceit and democracy-busting continues, moving from one topic to another but always aiming at our freedom, trying to terrify us into surrendering what the ruling class is still afraid to steal by force.
And there is only one way to stop such a cycle. You’ve got to learn that it is a cycle, and moreover that it is not a fact of nature but a deliberate and cynical system of exploitation. Left to themselves, the Right Thinkers will keep shifting from one scare story to another, each time shaking us down for another piece of our autonomy – until there’s nothing left.
But if we refuse to play along, the cycle ends. Once we say, “I’ve been taken in for the last time” – then and only then the Right Thinkers will lose their power over our minds.
So remember the lanternfly. Remember how silly and how ephemeral was the story of its threat to us all. And yet, how seriously we were lectured that the lanternfly meant the End of the World.
Remember it the next time you’re told that the entire globe is about to burn because people are driving cars or cooking with gas stoves. Or that somebody’s sniffles are going to kill you. Or that censorship is meant for your protection. Or that democracy and freedom aren’t really in your best interest.
It’s the same old song.
And it’s just another lie.
Originally published by the Brownstone Institute
Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.
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The Australian government has decided to have a Limited Inquiry** into its handling of the ‘covid’ ‘pandemic.’ It’s a forgone conclusion it will find that lockdowns weren’t imposed quickly enough, mask wearing wasn’t imposed quickly enough, and so on, and the censoring of ‘disinformation spreading sites (aka – alt media) should be harsher…
The injuries and deaths caused by The Jab are off-limits, so too what the states did ie border closures, extensive lockdowns, crushing of protests…
Within the ‘media conversation ‘ already can be heard a chorus averring “We didnt know”, “If only we knew” –generating a perception that every woe was due to being (totally) unprepared, or slow to act…
But what The Authorities did know was the injuries and deaths were being caused by The Jab…They knew because, to label something as dis-information, they must have read it…
(Same goes for labeling a site, or someone, a spreader of dis-information)…
Should “they didnt know”, “if only they knew” get mentioned around me, i will counter “They Knew ! They knew ! I dont know what They knew, but They knew!”
** The Limited Inquiry has12 months to report…That suggests (1) the government doesnt expect The Next Panic any time soon ? (2) The government needs that time to propagandise that lockdowns are a necessary and effective response to stopping ‘climate change’ – as lockdowns spawned greater future resistance due to the economic harms they caused during the ‘pandemic’..
Requiring people to sign a waiver for the jab they were coerced to take was a clear admission of danger. E.g., (a) the waiver says you agree you are not allergic to any of the contents – which are a “commencial secret” unknown even to the government (b) instead, governments indemnified the jab makers and themselves.
Any compensation paid was low-key (almost secret) and limited. Any fair lawyer and court could easily resolve this outrage. It is another example of the depth and extent of capitalist subversion.
I can save the Australian government considerable time, energy, and resources by summarizing the Final Report’s conclusions here and now:
“Mistakes were made.”
Everything ends up in Maryland (it’s one of the bluest of the blue states). My neighbor told me just a couple months ago about the lanternfly and how dangerous it was. Then I saw one on my back porch.
No way am I going to harm anything that looks that much like a lady bug. The lady bug is God’s gift to the plant world (maybe their only friend).
Back when I was a kid (late 1940’s, early 50’s) it was the Japanese Beatle all set to take over the country. Somehow it didn’t quite live up to its reputation. Now you rarely see them anywhere – even in Maryland.
These tweets from Klein & Murphy sum up the ludicrous self delusion of the media sanctioned “Left”:
Trapped forever in that now fossilised Left/Right theatre of automatic pilot clichés that sound so gratifyingly thunderous but show no awareness whatsoever of present manipulation, which they are indeed an unwitting example of.
To be taken with a large dose of scepticism but there’s no obvious numerology here and it’s probably the best indication there is of the state of opinion in the UK re vaccines:
How Strange
So the US government has been encouraging the population to sadistically exterminate a species of insect. And one from China. This takes us back to the period soon after the glorious Mao revolution. Mao encouraged his subjects to exterminate the Chinese sparrow. Allegedly it devoured grain meant for humans. The populace went berserk, killing sparrows and preventing them from resting or nesting. The poor creature became extinct and the insects that it fed on devoured the crops instead. This (the sparrow) sad story is another example of the devastation of nature by the banksters’ soulless Marxist operatives. Marxism is the mirror image of materialist capitalism, foisted upon those who did not indulge in colonial loot and genocide.
let us not forget freak tory blair foot and mouth and the mass satanick ritual burnt offerings of the cattle millions and millions
Big Brother relied on the telescreen – he’d be truly envious of what They now can do.
‘Your WiFi Can Now Be Used to “See” Throughout Your Home:
I’m sure that after these bright young minds – and they all are males – have finished building the global digital prison system for their Masters, they’ll all be ‘disappeared’ like that clever chappie, Syme, in Orwell’s 1984...
I dont know if this ‘test’ will cause birds and bees and bats to fall out of the sky all over the US, but i’m pretty sure governments all over the globe will be following the ‘test’ full of envy…
Re: National Wireless Emergency Alert System Test:
china is bad, india is good. china is bad, india is good. china is bad, india has just Executed a Sikh influencer in Canada. china is bad, india is good. china is bad, india is good.
the way the West thinks is infantile but the consequences are tragic.
As long as you believe there existed a health emergency wrought by the novel appearance of some deadly virus, one that called for a global pandemic declaration, the perpetrators retain the power to do all of it again and again.
The Feds want us to believe COVID is disease borne of a virus named SARS-CoV-2, that came from a Wuhan lab, went off like a bomb in NYC and then went away for the rest of the year.
They want us to believe that a pathogen leaked, jumped or escaped from Wuhan, China, and “spread” person-to-person with lightning speed from around Fall 2019 to the rest of the world.
It’s absurd and only serves to advance lies and cover up the truth.
Oddly there was nothing going on in daily all-cause deaths before “15 Days to Slow the Spread” was announced.
And then- a bomb went off.
There are many reasons New York is a good place to stage a pandemic emergency. One is that death certificates aren’t subject to FOIA. Nice for officials, isn’t it? They get to simply say this occurred in this time frame and the public believes it.
The claim that 37K New York City residents died in 11 weeks is specious, multiple data points suggest the death curves are fraudulent.
We know NYC hospitals were never overrun and that ED visits tanked.
Where are the names of the dead, New York? Or at least the de-identified death certificates? “Covid deaths” aside, can New York actually prove that 37K+ people died in 11 weeks, on the days they are claimed to have died?
Why are we expected to accept this without proof?
Didn’t hospitals get extra funding if they classified a death a Covid death? Is it possible that New York used that $$$ incentive to overstate their numbers?
Were there were a bunch of deaths in NYC that were classified as something else, but then CARES Act funding kicked in, so NYC reclassified them (and changed date of death?) to get COVID money – which is why we see that spike in deaths in NYC?
If not, why not? What are they hiding?
NYC/Tri-State effectively WAS the justification for the pandemic declaration.
New York was used to illustrate the sudden spread of a novel deadly pathogen necessitating a pandemic declaration and other drastic measures.
How much of it was staged?
I have come to think that the true power of propaganda isn’t so much the shock and awe blitz but the ever reliable repetition that goes on regardless. It doesn’t matter how blatantly stupid it is, how many debunk it, how much mockery you throw at it. It simply continues as if nothing happened. The transgender issue proves this in spectacular fashion. From what I’ve read (and, to be sure, I avoid the mainstream), there is vast opposition to the lgbTq bollocks. No matter. The vast funding machine, the ceaseless books and pamphlets, the new woman-eradicating toilets etc. It all just carries on. Just as the tsunami of vaccines continues.
Late to the party.
The purveyors of fear porn have been around for thousands of years.
It is the most profitable business on the planet.
Vengeful Gods, sin, guilt, enemies, foreigners, ghosts, terrorists, aliens, plagues, Communists, cancer and STDs (Did I miss any?).
Come in SUCKER.
The vast majority of us, in wealthy countries at least, will die from old age, or paranoia.
Naomi Klein, another one who never was what she was. Sure are a lot of those. In a way, the scamdemic did those of us advocating for human freedom from rich psychopaths a big favor. True colors came out and now we have a better idea of who is real and who isn’t, as well as what we’re truly up against. Although that’s not real good news.
It wasn’t Naomi Klein who bankrolled operation warpspeed. No it was none other than Donald Trump. Naomi Klein didn’t fail to pardon Julian Assange. No it was Donald Trump. Supporting Trump is not only supporting the likes of Fauci but it is driving the “trump hate”. The hate that is what these people were polarized into supporting COVID using. Trump was a disaster even worse than HRC would have been. Nobody would have accepted COVID without Trump. He is the perfect example of the not so obvious establishment and how it is even more damaging than the obvious establishment. With that in mind we should also watch out for RFK jr:
Well, you’re on the money about Trump, but that doesn’t excuse Klein. But yes, the thing so many are missing about Trump is the fact that he spearheaded Operation Warpspeed and takes credit for the Covid-19 vaccine. That SHOULD be enough said. Amazingly, he just might be president again.
Too may sanctions. But what made a 100% downfall was Warpspeed and the Soleimani kill. Too stupid.
The lanternfly an invasive insect and like all insects it has a lifecycle through the year. So the answer to the question “Where have all the lantern flies gone?” is likely to be “in a part of their life cycle that’s not so obvious”. In other words — they’ll be back.
Exotics are a problem all over the world which is why there’s so many rules and regulations about moving animals from continent to continent. Even within a continent there will be controls — we are checked for backyard fruit at the agricultural inspection stations on the state border because a few hundred miles of desert might be enough to stop an invasive insect in its tracks but not if people unwittingly carry it across the desert.
The ecological damage done by invasive species worldwide is enormous. You might not notice it much if you live in a city apartment (although the rat is a good example of a pest that we introduce to places and then have to manage somehow) but the effect on trees and other wildlife can be very significant. In other words, “Just because you can’t personally see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist”.
(PS — the fact that the fly came from China is not important except that China’s a very big place, more like a chunk of a continent than a country and that many parts are conducive to evolving nasty things.)(They’re the global supplier of novel flu strains, for example.)
The ‘blessed’ USA’s dirt seems to be under simultaneously attack of people, fish, insects, aliens from distant galaxies, you name them. Only last century murikans’ invasive meddling in other countries business is unnoticed by MSM and true murikan ‘patriots’.
The lanternbug is ‘native to China’ – opens the article…
At the time the corporate propaganda media was whipping up Fear of Invasion by a Chinese bug – President Biden was China Bashing…
The bug was a proxy for China…
(You can use China
weatherspy balloon scares only once)…(and the bug was small, and everywhere, just like that ‘covid’ virus)…Americans were called upon to do their Patriotic Duty and stamp on those Chinese bugs…It gave them a satisfying feeling they were doing something to Save Their Country from the invading Chinese (bugs)…The bug was a proxy for China…
There’s Proxy Wars using real bullets, and there’s fear manipulations by the corporate propaganda media by the use of proxies…
Alternatively, you might want to believe:
The bug was a Chinese ‘bioweapon’ – payback for ‘something’ released that wiped-out most of China’s chooks; then ‘something’ released that nearly wiped-out China’s pigs; then a ‘virus’ being released which it was hoped would only wipe-out the Chinese…
We most of us know masks are ineffective at protecting against a virus.
What is little known is why- there is no such thing as a virus!
Think about it- the virus is an inert, non-living thing. Period.
That one point alone should be enough to at least question the narrative.
Lay a virus next to a car tire on your driveway and they can both an do exactly the same thing- nothing, absolutely nothing. If they could survive a million years in the elements, for a million years they would remain motionless. To say a virus “needs” a cell to replicate is like saying the tire “needs” a car to get around! That word “need” gives to a virus a life it does not have. A virus has no needs for God’s sake, neither can it do anything- period.
A virus is said to “get into” a cell. How exactly? Do you know? Is it like a burglar getting into your house through an open window, or like water through a hole in the roof?
A burglar, once in can rummage around with intent and do stuff. Water will form a puddle and either evaporate, get mopped up or lapped up by the dog- water cannot rummage around with intent, nor “do” stuff, neither can a so-called virus.
So, remove the notion of life from the virus narrative and think through it again.
Think of a virus as a tiny piece of blutak, embedded within it a tiny piece of string.
They, the blutak and the virus, are = in intent, needs and the ability to do anything.
The narrative with an inert main player begins to seem a little shaky for those that can still think straight.
It ought to be enough to question further- if nothing else. What harm to question?
The entirety of the virus fraud is neatly contained within the virology papers themselves.
Have a few of those papers disseminated for you, put into a language you can understand- Here is the sample, this is what they do, what they add, what they take away, the methods and procedures, see for yourself, think for yourself, gain your own understanding of what virology is all about.
Question everything.
Those that do shall be set free….
Was it the CHINESE spotted lantern fly that caused all the food processing plants in the US to explode or burn to the ground? Or was it Putin at his best again?
A more interesting line of enquiry might have been: Where Have All the Genetically Modified Mosquitos Gone? (which Bill Gates unleashed on the United States).
China. It comes from China!
There was no moon landing. There were no planes. There was no virus. There is no climate emergency.
Just a long list of hoaxes in order to deceive and manipulate.
they un shoot sink your boat
kill yer dead
when you try to sail beyond
the ice wall realms
captain kirk was a hello sailor
down here
What is the purpose of the alleged moon landing hoax?
Fuck. Fucking dumb ass. Fuck. Dumb ass. Fucking dumb ass. You are so wrong.
Maybe the lantern flies are just as susceptible to neonics, other pesticides, 5-G and whatever else is killing insects by the bazillions. They can’t really admit that out loud, can they?
Indeed, with around 60% decline in flying insects in UK over the last 20 years….why? This should be a massive issue for anyone who cares about “nature” but is barely noticed in the multi-media miasma.
If that chap had spent his time stomping on the forces of darkness rather than lantern flies he’d have saved your country a damned site more than $300,000.
In Doppelganger, Naomi Klein scapegoats Naomi Wolf for the sins of Klein’s father
I never was a fanatic “animal lover” or felt a maudlin “reverence for life”. But somehow in recent years I came to abhor the habit of killing bugs; I generally avoid stomping or squishing them when I encounter them, and catch and release bugs when I come across them at home– especially if they’re in a high-risk location where I might accidently step on them.
Admittedly, too often I accidently kill bugs during particularly clumsy “catch and release” encounters, which distresses me.
Given this tendency, it’s no surprise that I absolutely refused to credit, or comply with, the “kill lanternflies on sight” campaign that was ardently promoted here– the article even mentions the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture fear porn that saturated my home state last summer.
The campaign smacked of totalitarianism: imposing a Final Solution on an alleged pest by the stomps of a million patriotic citizens. I reacted as if the government and mass-media were insisting that all citizens needed to set up smelters in our back yards to produce steel for armaments production– i.e., as a conscientious objector.
So now I feel vindicated. However, I take issue with one comment in the article:
Another recent report confirms that spotted lanternflies “don’t seem to be around as much” and that their “impact to agriculture has not been as widespread as initially predicted.” Which is a far cry from the “Kill it! Squash it! Smash it!” panic porn yelped at us a year ago.
Maybe my local newspaper is a front for the PA Department of Agriculture, because I noticed this recent article in the online version:
These, noodle soup and electrical running wheels are what China has been exporting to America in the last 30 years while we exported all our intellectual property back to China.
Dont believe me? Try this link https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2013/05/harley-davidson-national-rally-in-china/100515/ Proved.
“Our” intellectual property ?
Reverence for Life is not “maudllin”
“Where Have All the Lantern flies Gone?”
What do you think you have been eating when you ate processed and junk food?
You will own nothing and be happy.
Now shut up and eat your bugs!
What if they held a war and no one showed up?
– James Corbett
The sheeple crowd would always show with open mouth and big eyes.
While I appreciate the work of James Corbett, that line (or close variations thereof) has been around since at least the ’60s
This antiwar slogan gained currency after a 1966 essay entitled “Suppose they gave a War and Nobody Came” by Charlotte Keys, the mother of an activist son imprisoned for refusing to serve after being drafted, was published in McCall’s magazine.
But if you do a search, you will find that this is one of those apocryphal phrases that has been attributed to numerous sources, some earlier than the 1960s.
One problem with such quoteworthy phrases is that they are understandably taken up and re-quoted freely; the downstream quoters may not intend to take credit for originating the quote, but that detail gets lost in an orgy of careless re-quoting.
Just a pedantic observation. 🤓
Klein has now written a book lambasting her namesake Naomi Wolf. Which just so happens to dovetail with the general MSM conspiracy bashing. But here is a piece that gives you another angle:
A taster:
“Covid is the most extreme example of “disaster capitalism” in history. …
Since the publication of Shock Doctrine in 2007, Naomi A. Klein has rightly been seen as the foremost public intellectual in the world on the topic of disaster capitalism. …
But during the Covid catastrophe, Ms. Klein disappeared from public view. She did not follow the money, she did not break any major new stories, she did not speak out against the profiteering nor the destruction of civil liberties. Because she never challenged the powers that be, Ms. Klein was never banned from social media, never deplatformed, and never demonetized. Ms. Klein was a non-playing character during what should have been the defining moment in her career.
Now with the publication of Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World, we discover what Ms. Klein was up to for the last three years. It turns out that Ms. Klein occupied herself during the pandemic by stalking Dr. Naomi R. Wolf.”
Ohh the old doo trick up to the surface again..
Waiting for her ‘tell all’ book George.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-09-27. Expensive ‘Rolls Royce’ jab for trials, cut corners mass scale manufacturing. Clotted ulnar artery in right arm (blog, gab, tweet).
The lanternflies are still there. Populations go up and down. They will be back. And they permanently make more assiduous spraying of fruit trees required not optional. Think of the gypsy moths. Where’d they go. All trees, especially walnuts, used to be festooned with moth nets every summer. Then they disappeared. Now they’re back. This summer they were everywhere. Welcome to actually knowing something about something.
At the dentist office
They went up in my bum.
Erik suddenly appears, knows fa, sure, he has had it before, must be tough, though.
It was a joke. See THIS is what happened to America and the American dream.
You cant tell a joke before people freak completely out. China, just saying.
Covid was also the end of the US, China, the EU, UN, WHO and all the rest. They are like the labour party and Donald Trump. People are in denial thinking a recovery will take place. That the past will be forgiven and these entiies will return to prominence. It is not so. Disappointment awaits their supporters. They will never reocover. Only a slow agonizing decay awaits them. Those that recognize this early on will have a great advantage in the bright future.
“At bottom, the dynamic we face is clear enough. The ruling class is deeply impatient with that old-fashioned idea about the people governing themselves. And so, our rulers are hunting relentlessly for any excuse to snatch away a few more of our rights, to siphon off a bit more of our privacy, to pry a little further into our personal space.”
Exactly. The Age of Panic has been created by their non-stop “accidents” that are collateral damage of the stupid policies and technologies they deploy upon society without public consent. And they must keep up the panic & terror in ever increasing doses like for a coke addict that needs evermore jolts to keep them satisfied.
Until we see these as mere and FALSE distractions from self-governing ourselves out of their catastrophes, and caging these buttheads into limited income cages. And self-governing a safe and sane future, sans 1% ruling class
Just to remind you that all the ME wars and also the Ukraine war happened with public consent.
2/3 of all European and US parliaments voted in by the voters voted for continuing wars.
Ukraine’s population majority support the war against Russia.
Politicians are only doing the populations dirty job, otherwise they would not be there.
Ohh you say it is dangerous to vote for someone else?
Its more safe to have a maniac to safeguard you than a decent person yes??
Voting for a Stooge A or B or C is not consent for actions not listed in the candidates platform sold as the basis for performance. Consent would have to be direct approval of the war or military action taken and no government on Earth has allowed direct democracy votes on policy including war. If the People were given chance to vote on our NATO and Ukraine, and be able to discuss the reasons, and the costs of war vs anti-war, there would be no wars. Only 30% of eligible voters elected Biden and less than that % for all other CongressCritters and SenateRats. Anything less than 51% of ALL ELIGIBLE VOTER’s approval or disapproval of policy directly is an act of public consent. This is a fact that few want to pay coherent attention to. The politicinas can say they have a mandate to act, but they do not have public consent until we design a system that can define and implement this process with a consensual agreement with the public. A long way away, but it is the only future Humanity has. When people realize they can demand consent based authority, everything will change for the better. And the Rat People who are the ruling elite will be in wealth and authority LOCKDOWN while we self-rule.
But where are these people?
You have the politicians, the bureaucrat ants, the military, the police, big tech and big pharma and big agro employees supporting and earning a buck on their own agenda.
Then you have a few ordinary people left you claim are against the war and able to self-rule. What I am saying is we are too few.
The virus scam was a good example. Whatever you and people say, the vaxx was voluntary.
Yes you could lose a concert tour like Eric Clapton, he vaxed and regretted it. He could have said no. He sold his health for the hope of a concert tour he never got.
Then you have ordinary people in jobs, truck drivers, doctors, nurses, who took the jab afraid to lose their job.
The nurses who denied got their job back, the nurses who vaxed got infected. They sold their health afraid to lose their wealth status.
Same with war. People preference crooks and rat people to not lose their comfort zone.
If you and me were among the Elite >500000 dollars/yr, my point is we probably wouldnt change the system.
What a pile of garbage. “But where are these people?” You did not read what I wrote. We must first have a conscious system of consensual approval established and functioning to assess actual public desire, policy by policy. To infer that everyone is a greedy self-serving moron, like i assume you are willing to assess yourself if you made “>500000 dollars/yr”, now $150k less than the US average 1%er, is just complete bullshit cynicism without factual basis. Absolute, no win, negative commentaries is what drives away rational comment from these pages. It’s completely toxic intellectual poison that only serves the overlord class’s objectives to make everything seem futile. Bon appetit with your nihilist selfies!
Reality is awful but necessary. I know reality is not pink hope and fluffy dream. But we cant find act and direction if we dont face the bull.
“We must first have a conscious system of consensual approval established”.
This reminds me about my student days where we smoked the pipe and convinced each other that the socialism in Sovjet, China, Cuba was State Socialism and completely misunderstood.
The 100% correct socialism was what we discussed with raised finger and had inside our marihuana smokey minds.
“We must assess actual public desire, policy by policy”.
But isnt this the same as WEF/UN is saying? Via IoT, 100% surveillance and AI we assess the actual public desires, why democracy and free will is not necessary anymore.
I see 3 bad sides of the same totalitarian coin.
This about us designing policy and VOTING for its implementation and overseeing it’s completeion by competent employees or they are fired. This is not about smoking dope and dreaming. The WEF/UN are going to decide for us. WE ARE THE ONES WHO MUST MAKE THOSE DECISIONS. Hello??? You are living in adolescent backwash. Time to be the responsible participatory adult with other responsible participatory adults. Hello!!!
‘Whatever you and people say, the vaxx was voluntary……..Then you have ordinary people in jobs, truck drivers, doctors, nurses, who took the jab afraid to lose their job’ I think you have demonstrated that they were coerced. How did you expect them to live without a job?
UN papers clearly state that they want to do away with any semblance of democracy (they said elections won’t be necessary in the future), since their metadata about the whole of humanity will show them what the majority (of numbsculls) want – tittytainment, junk food, fake medicines, etc. – and that’s what all of us will get, those not euthanised by the regular shot in the arm, the rest being duly subdued with psych meds and virtual “living.”
WEF and Yuval Harikiri clearly says the same. “Free will for humans is an illusion and will be gone”. “The AI machine will take over and decide everything”.
The baby philosophy of these idiots is because a motor bike can run faster than a human, therefore this motorbike is superior to humans.
Off-Guardian is quite a useful outlet because, you know, it’s middle class.
And it is “precise” to say that the middling owners of weath are being targeted.
Thus we must not focus on Cabbages – or flies or watermelons – but Kings.
In the UK we have the ‘nature crisis’ of course, which in the first place doesn’t recognise that at least a third of the UK flora and fauna has been introduced by man, including barnowls. And that since the ice age everything comes from down south. And that since the ice sheets retreated species, a bit late to the party are hopping the channel, to the point that UK biodiversity is actually the highest it ever has been ever. But take out all those thriving species, label them as pests and weeds, and omfg, we are all doomed.
If you want to understand what is happening in UK nature, just look at the UK twitching scene, (birds), still thriving, despite unlimited air travel.
Mammoth American arrival this autumn, unprecedented.
Get on RBA, (rare bird alert),
World ‘leaders’ in the field, us Brits!
“Biodiversity” was a trick to get people caring as much about the potential extinction of fungi or insects (which constitute the vast majority of the world’s species) as they do about tigers or whales.
When they say “biodiversity is threatened” or “x zillion species died out last week because of your breathing” think fungi.
Any nearer to saying what actually think, if you are a person, what genre, what you think about space, coward.
You are compromised, agent, fucker, prove me wrong, Edwige.
(who doesn’t reply)
Guess I got a banned comment on agent Edwige.
or not, Edwige, your on
fuckin lol
The fascinating bit is whether to focus on the insect, as polinator or pest, or the plant.
Six of us around our shredded pine breakfast table never talked about pests, destruction, decimation or those terms that apply to an an assault of 8-legs plus omnivores.
I grew up in the household of a botanist, whose daily bread was finding another sprouting of this or that.
We loved what we found, discovered, photographed for Dad’s Nature Notes in the local paper.
The biggest verbal thwack he gave me was when I failed to have my camera ready when I spotted an owl down the hill.
Home, ever closer to home, the earth, trees and inhabitants of meadows.
Only disrupted by my half-brother, educated in London after the 2000s, who like a brainless bulldozer sought to flatten “entitled” and “privileged” earth.
Home was never the same. Whether we lived in reality corrupted, or a spell broken, the ideology poured from London like a putrid, festering, running sore.
I think it pushed my father’s alcoholism over the edge. He had replaced his firstborn with another generation. And it repaid him with its rejection of everything as bourgeois, from the corner shop to the woodland imaginaries.
Who now finds comfort in walking an English mile, or three?
Of the conscious part of the population, half takes refuge in theory, which has the blessing of rote belief, inuring them from the pain of reality. The other in familar, yet probably wrong, narratives of state.
The remainder are bamboozled and confounded by the United Nation’s assurance of “cascading crises.”
Of which…
“Naomi Klein” I hate that woman!
Do you hate her or that you once bought into her shtick?
You’re not asking me, but FWIW I still credit Klein for her “shock doctrine” analysis– pretty much the same way I still credit Noam Chomsky for popularizing the concept of “manufactured consent”. (Yes, I’m aware that critics point out that Chomsky merely piggybacked, and claimed undue credit for, Edward S. Herman’s work.)
It’s an open question as to whether such people become despicable, or whether they were always despicable and managed to conceal this quality from an appreciative public until their masks finally cracked. 🤔 🎭
The doubt and balance tip, when the majority of their words and actions can be revealed as hypocrisy.
Here’s a response I gave to a different thread, but it gets to the same point regarding NK:
I think you are being too generous to NK. I read her book “The Shock Doctrine” when it came out. I, like you, was very impressed – up until the last chapter. In the last chapter I recall being surprised, that she seemed to be distancing herself from the hard hitting analysis of the previous chapters, it almost felt like she was negating them. I later learned that her analysis was not very original, David Harvey wrote his book “A Brief History of Neoliberalism” predating NK’s book. NK may have coined the term “disaster capitalism” but it certainly is not a new idea. The duplicity of the last chapter, turned me off from reading anything more by her.
I have realized (not uniquely) that a [hard hitting and honest] left critique of capitalism, US foreign policy, etc. can be made by a “public intellectual” as long as what is criticized is either in the distant past or in a distant country. This is true of Noam Chomsky too, who never criticizes domestic policy, or domestic events. Chomsky takes what appears on the surface to be a bizarre position for a “radical intellectual” on the JFK assassination – he buys the (contradictory) Warren Commission Report w/o question. (Both NK and NC stay clear of anything that might have a conspiracy theory label attached to it. Which is, of course, propaganda by way of making a subject taboo.) Naomi Klein also does not challenge contemporary power centers, including the vaccine myth, the government “response to Covid”, its Narrative or, anything else about it. Compare her to Christian Parenti for example. The CIA has a term for people like her: “the compatible left.” (That is, “compatible” to capital.) I don’t think one needs to psychoanalyze people like Naomi Klien; she knows who butters her bread…
It ain’t butter.
It’s caviar.
In the miserable social “sciences”, they seek fame by originating such a term or phrase.
mm, only could sorta finish “shock economics” or whatever it was called, was very old hat, but still worth the wider read. Tried to read no logo, but RATM sounded better than her prose.
Wee naomi does not fall far from the apfel baum.
In our face truths, or plain deceits…. are we surprised?
; )
Thot u’d given up, mate,
Need all the scots
daft or not
i’ll try and remain lite, and not expose the players ; )
this place was always entertaining.
Checked her up. She is a doo, leftist, eco-feminist, Professor of Climate Justice (capitalism versus the clima), co-directing a Centre for Climate Justice. Social activist.
So in short, she is a typical leftist hypocrite. Conclusion: Stella has all reasons to hate her, a thumb up.
Yes that’s my point. Thanks!
The link to the WSJ under “demonstrably wrong” is to a paywalled page. No matter, the article is freely available at the CATO Institutes web site – http://www.cato.org/commentary/thirty-years-how-well-do-global-warming-predictions-stand# 🙂
for years now pilots have been paid huge sums to round up ready the cattle below.
geo engineering spraying zig zagging the skies heavy metals,blood,aborted babies chemi cull
sickly slow kill dependent on your local doctor shipman getting ready for the nhs care pathway into oblivion.
same old same old puss reminds one of the
the doctors of geneva
“When the bubonic plague struck Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They even opened a whole hospital for the plague victims. With doctors, paramedics and nurses. The traders contributed, the magistrate gave grants every month. The patients always gave money, and if one of them died alone, all the goods went to the hospital. But then a disaster happened: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of patients. There was no question of right and wrong for the Geneva hospital staff in 1530. If the plague produces money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized. At first, they just poisoned patients to raise the mortality statistics, but they quickly realized that the statistics didn’t have to be just about mortality, but about mortality from plague. So they began to cut the boils from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to other patients as medicine. Then they started dusting clothes, handkerchiefs and garters. But somehow the plague continued to abate. Apparently, the dried buboes didn’t work well. Doctors went into town and spread bubonic powder on door handles at night, selecting those homes where they could then profit. As an eyewitness wrote of these events, “this remained hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them.” In short, one of the doctors became so impudent and lazy that he decided not to wander the city at night, but simply threw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. The stench rose to the sky and one of the girls, who by a lucky chance had recently come out of that hospital, discovered what that smell was. The doctor was tied up and placed in the good hands of competent “craftsmen.” They tried to get as much information from him as possible. However, the execution lasted several days. The ingenious hippocrats were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At each intersection the executioners used red-hot tongs to tear off pieces of meat. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva. The only exception was the hospital director’s son, who did not take part in the trial but blurted out that he knew how to make potions and how to prepare the powder without fear of contamination. He was simply beheaded “to prevent the spread of evil”.
François Bonivard (1493–1570), “Chronicles of Geneva”, second volume, pages 395 – 402
Wow, so the evil of the sickness industry did not start with Rockefeller Medicine.
Whenever I congrat
You say nay
So i did not congrat
sept now
Anyroad, If you could be less ob,
helpful, shit
Youd get challenge
We know, Least
killers edward jenner and fraud pasteur germ theory where not the first to scrape scabbious.
my comment on the subject doctors of geneva as normalcy as standard operating protocol above was pending for 10 hours it was the first comment but only appeared near the last.
of interest and yet blocked for breach of some policy or other civil infraction
never trust a doctor or a nurse avoid puss scraped scab medicine at all costs
Poor doctor tortured to death. Just because he made a few shekels out of a bad situation.
Thanks, very interesting. So Interesting I looked it up. The original text says that Geneva had one “pestilential hospital” to receive and treat those struck or infected by the pest at the state’s expense, with no mention however that “they were ready” or that a “new one was built”. The additions were made by someone in the French text which I found and from which the above account was translated. So, no indication of an initial premeditated plan to provoke or aggravate a disease.
In times of pests, the pestilential hospital was managed by a doctor, a priest and a staff of assistants. These occupants were adequately “rewarded” by the local authorities as compensation for the danger they were exposing themselves to, for having to be near the “infected” for prologued times. There were also female staff specially chosen for diverse tasks at the hospital as well as for the task of “disinfecting” the houses of the patients and dead. They were specialists in the cleansing department, not only in the proper sense of the term but in the figurative sense of relieving the houses of their valuables, probably by alleging they were a hazard to health. The rest of the staff including the doctor and priest were cut in of course.
When the pests subside, as they always do, the hospital has to shut down, which makes these people most unhappy for losing their job. But by chance, there was in the city a famous trickster called Michel Caddo, so crook that no family member or friend dared invite him to their homes lest he robbed them or pulled some other trick on them. This guy was struck not by the pest but by poverty and was so desperate he didn’t know what to do. Fetching in his bag of tricks, he thought he might be fed and sheltered free of charge if he played the sick of the pest, and so he did. Illico presto, he found himself lying on a warm bed at the pestilential hospital and surrounded by a staff attending his fancies. As time passed, Caddo realised that his comfortable life was near the end, as the “infected” are discharged after 40 days. And so he called the doctor and talked him into artificially prolonging the pest so as to keep the hospital working and funds flowing in, an idea that served the doctor too but hadn’t the stomach to carry out himself. They arrived at the conclusion that the sick brought in, if they didn’t die by themselves, must be given something to that effect, and so they did. After that, they collected the fluids from the wounds and carbuncles of the dead, dried that up and grinded it into a powder, which they made into a beverage by mixing it with other drugs. This beverage was then administered as a medicine to the bedridden.
[Note that there is no suggestion up to this point that anyone else besides Caddo and the doctor was in on the plot; however, it was revealed later in the account that the staff at the hospital, including the priest, and others, were cut in and so were probably also in on the scheme. It was therefore a gang, led presumably by Caddo (whom in the text was in charge of the dirty job outside the hospital) and the doctor, who made sure the pestilential hospital remained open and working at the expense of the State of which expense Caddo, via the doctor, secured a share]
But not content with this, after he got out of the hospital, Caddo, the doctor and their acolytes upgraded their methods and sprinkled fine handkerchiefs, beautiful garters and other fine garments with the poison they concocted and, by night, Caddo himself took that to the city and left it at the doors of the rich the knobs of which were also rubbed with the poison. If the masters of the homes got sick, they were brought to the pestilential hospital, and the cleaners were sent to clean the homes, in every sense. Everyone in the gang was cut in.
Not content with that, Caddo started “working” (an appropriate term) in broad daylight and one day of 1531, he let fall the poison wrapped in paper on a populated road but someone saw him and wanted to pick it up but was stopped by someone else who advised him no to touch that in these times of plague and knowing the reputation of Caddo. They used branches to pick it up and opened it. It was filled with a stinking fluid which one poor girl, recently out of hospital, recognised as from a carbuncle of pest. Shortly after that Caddo was arrested and showed a rope, but tried to talk his way out of trouble; he confessed everything under torture. The gang was rounded up, etc.
An interesting detail is that at the trial, the members of the staff of the hospital were speaking from a safe distance through tubes. That wasn’t the case for Caddo who wasn’t a member of the staff, but did the dirty work outside. Caddo was the equivalent of today’s investors; the brains of the gang who get the ideas but also participate to the work; those at the hospital executed the plan.
Any similarity with today’s pharmaceutical industry proceedings is purely coincidental.
Just wanted to add that, according to the text linked, the above events took place in a context of war, inflation, famine and pest.
Fear is the mind killer.