The GloboCap Nazi Follies

CJ Hopkins

Here’s a story destined for urgent dispatch down the Memory Hole. In fact, if you listen closely, you can already hear it being sucked down through the ducts of the GloboCap Ministry of Truth toward the enormous mnemonic incinerator where all official “unstories” go to die.

Yesterday, it was an embarrassment. Tomorrow, it will no longer be of interest. By next week, it will have never happened.

So, let’s review it before that happens … and perhaps try to understand why it happened.

What happened was, on the eve of Yom Kippur, members of the Canadian House of Commons and assorted invited dignitaries and diplomats stood up in the Canadian parliament and paid extensive homage to a Nazi. Not a figurative Nazi. A literal Nazi. A member of the Waffen SS.

They did this shamelessly, exuberantly, on camera, in front of the entire world.

The Nazi in question is Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old Ukrainian Nazi who emigrated to Canada in the 1950s following his military career as a Nazi in the 14th Grenadier Division of the Waffen SS, the combat branch of the Nazi Party’s paramilitary forces, whose members swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler.

Here’s Yaroslav (front row center) in what he describes as “the happiest days of his life”

The 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (also known as SS Galizien) was created by the Nazis in 1943. It was comprised of soldiers from the Galicia region who were trained and armed by German SS officers, and is believed to be responsible for war crimes like the Huta Pieniacka massacre in 1944, among other war crimes, mass murders, and so on.

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, and the members of the Canadian parliament and other dignitaries in the House of Commons thanked Yaroslav “for all his service.” They rose to their feet, beaming up at Yaroslav with gratitude and adoration, and clapped like a bunch of trained Nazi seals.

For those who know their post-WWII history, this repulsive Nazi-celebrating spectacle was not as completely shocking as it might sound. As Max Blumenthal reported in the Grayzone, “by celebrating a Waffen-SS volunteer as a hero, Canada’s Liberal Party highlighted a longstanding policy that has seen Ottawa train fascist militants in Ukraine while welcoming in thousands of post-war Nazi SS veterans.”

Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, just happens to be the granddaughter of a Ukrainian Nazi propagandist. And there are monuments to the Nazis all over Canada. And so on.

Anyway, someone drew attention to Yaroslav Hunka’s Nazi history, and the shit hit the fan on social media. The stink soon spread to the corporate and state media, which had no choice but to get on the bandwagon. They couldn’t get away with ignoring the story, so they were forced to report it, and spin it as a “blunder.”

Yes, it appears, once again, that “mistakes were made.”

The speaker of the House fell on his sword and resigned. Trudeau called the episode “deeply embarrassing,” and implied that the Russians had somehow tricked him and his cronies into cheering for a literal Nazi with their devious “Russian disinformation” operations.

Then, in a particularly Orwellian move, members of the House of Commons tried to erase the whole affair from the official record, so that, once the video had been visibility-filtered into Internet oblivion, there would be no proof that it had ever really happened. But they were too late. The Nazi cat was out of the bag.

Apologies, “fact checks,” and rationalizations ensued.

Dignitary after dignitary explained to the press how they had no idea who was fighting who in the Second World War, and had just assumed that the Nazis were the Russians … or something.

German historians goose-stepped onto Twitter to explain how the question of who exactly was and wasn’t technically a “Nazi” was … well, you know, complicated.

Oh, yeah, and speaking of the Germans, as it turns out, the German ambassador to Canada was among the crowd of dignitaries enthusiastically honoring a Nazi. Of course, the German public won’t be aware of that, as the German media will not report it, and RT, which did, is banned in Germany.

So it goes in the New Normal Reich … and, no, I’m not just referring to Germany. Yes, I have a bone to pick with the German authorities, as they are prosecuting me for comparing what I’ve been calling the “New Normal Reich” to Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

However, as I’ve made abundantly clear in my book and my columns and interviews, the “New Normal Reich” does not refer specifically to Germany — or to Canada, or to any other single country — but, rather, to a decentralized network of governments, global corporations, banks, think tanks, media conglomerates, global health authorities, non-governmental governing entities, and other unaccountable persons and entities that establish and enforce the official ideological “reality” that we currently live in … which, call it what you want, but it’s global capitalism.

This supranational network of power (which is a system, not a conspiracy of individuals, and which I often refer to as “GloboCap,” much as it irritates some of my conservative readers) is going totalitarian on us. It has been happening, gradually, since the 1990s. I’ve been warning about this development for several years now. It has taken a while, but more and more of my colleagues are starting to see the big picture. Some of them are starting to use the “T-word.” Which is good. We need to call things what they are.

And we need to not call things what they aren’t.

Fiascos like the one in Canada are almost irresistibly tempting to political satirists like myself. How easy it would be to call Trudeau and Freeland and the German ambassador “Nazis.” After all, they stood up and applauded a Nazi. And they are arming, funding, and celebrating actual neo-Nazis in the war in Ukraine.

Nevertheless, these folks are not Nazis. They are functionaries of GloboCap. GloboCap is not a Nazi outfit. Nazism is an ideology. And GloboCap has no ideology. It has no values whatsoever. All it cares about is markets, and profits, and maintaining and expanding its power. Thus, it is free to instrumentalize any and all forces that advance its aims … neo-Nazis, Islamic militants, environmentalists, anti-fascists, neo-nationalists, anti-neo-nationalists, or whoever. GloboCap could not care less.

This is why GloboCap factotums like Trudeau can denounce the Canadian truckers as fascists, and persecute them, and run them down with horses, one day, and then slobber over a literal Nazi the next. It’s why American liberals who spent four years shrieking about “the return of fascism” during the Donald Trump administration can turn on a dime and support Ukrainian neo-Nazis the moment the talking heads on the television tell them to … like the Outer Party members in 1984 when the Party switches official enemies.

It has nothing to do with Nazism, or Communism, or “cultural Marxism,” or any other Ism. It has nothing to do with ideology, or beliefs, or any social or cultural values whatsoever.

The New Normal Reich is not the return of the Third Reich. Everything would be easier, or at least clearer, if it were. The New Normal Reich is a global-capitalist Reich. It is a new form of totalitarianism, not the resurrection of a 20th-Century form of it. Yes, I am repeating myself. And I am going to keep on repeating myself on the off chance that, if I repeat myself enough, someone with a much bigger megaphone than mine, or who isn’t as visibility-filtered as I am these days, might want to take a break from The Outrage of the Week and try to understand what is actually happening, and why it’s happening, and why it is happening now, and share that understanding with the public.

I would be happy to discuss and debate that with anyone in possession of such a megaphone, preferably at some point before GloboCap declares the next “Global State of Emergency” and starts rounding up the “conspiracy theorists” and “disinformationists,” and the “deniers” of whatever, and the next round of “mistakes” gets made.

In the meantime, I’ll sign off and let folks get back to what’s left of The GloboCap Nazi Follies, and Elon’s trip to the Mexican border, or what’s his face pulling the fire alarm in Congress, or the Russell Brand thing, or the burning issue of whether Roger Waters is an anti-Semite…

…or whatever GloboCap has in store for us next week!

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Categories: Canada, CJ Hopkins, latest, Ukraine
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Gigantes Maximus
Gigantes Maximus
Nov 17, 2023 9:59 AM

Sometimes I get a sense that in the West, in general, Nazis that were killing Jews and the English were the “the bad nazis”, whilst the ones on the Eastern Fron killing slavs like Russians were “the good nazis”… so all of it is just a giant collective Freudian slip. Germans also generally favor that kind of view… It’s all completely psychotic and mostly unsaid, of course, but I’ve read enough bizzare viewpoints to get this feeling.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 7, 2023 4:11 PM

All the IIA assets are crawling out from under their rocks. In what sense is Zelensky a “demon warlord”? (As alleged by Amazing Polly.) He’s defending his country against a genocidal, land-grabbing invasion by a dominant power. What is he supposed to do?

IIA = Interactive Internet Activities – see Shadow Gate videos at Millie Weaver’s channel

Amazing Polly
Oct 4, 2023
Canada Is So Screwed
“Demon warlord Zelensky” quote at 0:58 – I continued listening for about a minute.

Gigantes Maximus
Gigantes Maximus
Nov 17, 2023 9:44 AM

You’ve been completely brainwashed by the completely censored Western Media. That’s why I thought Tucker’s work was important before Fox sacked him for not towing the party line.

It all started in 2014, when an American engineered Putch overthrew a democratically elected Yanukovich, and brought in the the current Nazi Ukrainian hunta with it’s actual genocide of the 60% of ethnic Russian population, including the Russian Orthodox Church. The regions like Donbas didn’t take kindly to it and resisted.

Russia has done all it could to resolve this matter peacefully, hence the 8 years of the “Minsk Agreements” and proposal after proposal to the West, but the bad old ‘mericans were hell bent on militarizing this. What we have now is actually a selfless act by Russia to save the people.

And Zelensky is just a coke addled, ex-comedian turn CIA/globalist puppet, a disposable asset. The Ukrainians bombard Dontesk daily with the HIMMERs and other junk bought with your tax dollars. They’ll lose even more territory eventually, of course, but it didn’t have to be that way… and Ukraine is now well on its way to become almost completely depopulated, btw, doing the dirty work of the US elites. And both sides (the West an Russia, the Ukraine is just a lost pawn in play by the West in its long historied conflict with Russia)

Oct 5, 2023 10:18 AM

This was labelled as ‘pending but not posted. Let’s see what happens next time.

“It was George Bush Snr who first used the phrase ‘New World Order’ in a major public setting. This has very close echoes of the Nazi ‘New Order’, the same Nazis who were funded by Bush’s father Prescott Bush. Many Jews refused to support George Bush.

While New World Order (Great Reset) technocracy may be different from Nazism, it’s a lot closer than what we have today.

My proposition is that the support for Nazis in Ukraine and the forced euphoric celebration of the 98 year old Waffen SS soldier in parliament was entirely deliberate and reflects the philosophy of the WEF. Klaus Schwab’s father was a Nazi and his esteemed mentor is Henry Kissinger (a Rockefeller associate).

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 5, 2023 1:37 PM
Reply to  fatalist

Yes, you can attempt to embarrass this site for being required to monitor against trolls who frequently try to associate OffG with extremely prejudiced views, like Nazi-rehabilitation and other accompanying bigotries, but you might have a friendlier time by simply posting what you wanna post, being a little patient and helping our staff to create a nice atmosphere here. A2 🤷‍♂️

Oct 5, 2023 6:02 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“…required to monitor against trolls who frequently try to associate OffG with extremely prejudiced views, like Nazi-rehabilitation…”

Interesting. “Required” by whom?

No rational person ascribes random comments from members of the public to the website editors, do they?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 5, 2023 9:28 PM
Reply to  Stewart

You display a willing ignorance (or naivety) here. A2

Oct 6, 2023 9:32 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“willing ignorance”

The phrase you are looking for is “wilful ignorance”, which is pretty funny really, given the context.

Projection much?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 6, 2023 12:01 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Yes I mistyped, and your pettiness is far more revealing. A2

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Oct 6, 2023 3:07 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You are a POS tyrant that is doing the bidding of Mariana.

Go fuck yourself with a loaded shotgun.

You will get what you deserve when the day of rope comes.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 6, 2023 4:32 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Go take your pills and deal with your daddy issues. True colours on show at last.

Oct 6, 2023 7:44 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Grow up, POS.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 6, 2023 10:39 PM

Funny how all you silly little trolls are there to stick up for each other at a moment’s notice, no matter how deep in the comments your hateful little messages are buried. It’s pretty obvious you’re one person. All the serious commenters ignore you. A2

Oct 5, 2023 10:14 AM

 “someone drew attention to Yaroslav Hunka’s Nazi history”
It wasn’t just “someone”.

I would not have been able to draw attention to it ithout being labelled a Kremlin stooge and Putin apologista. I like the Grayzone’s work on about 80% of the issues they cover. I listen to them regularly but let’s be clear that not everyone could have called it out. This morning I read that Tucker Carlon was denied a request by US officials to interview Putin. Whatever you think of Tucker, it would have been useful for Americans to hear from Putin not only through Megyn Kelly but also Tucker. No I am not a Tucker apologist.I think about 50% of his monologues and reporting is good. The other 50% not so much.

Until June 1992, the plaque at Auschwitz read:
“This is the place of martyrdom and death of four million victims murdered in the Nazi genocide, 1940-45.”

Overnight, after Lech Walesa got a little help from his friends in the CIA and a Nobel peace prize to boot, just like that, the plaque was changed to something about 1.5 million, mostly Jewish people….


I enjoy statistics but never got a Nobel in mathematics. I have no idea how 2.5 million deaths could be waved away with a wand but that lots of non Jewish Poles and especially Communist Polish were massacred by the Nazis is documented but forgotten.

btw, let’s take a moment to remember that Palestinian lives don’t matter PLDM!!!!

Oct 5, 2023 7:14 AM

Underlying all this Nazi shit is the following.

The world has tragically wasted the last 30 years by failing to establish a cooperative relationship, at a minimum, between the West and Russia, possibly or eventually other countries and regions too. After the collapse of the Second World, the communist bloc, there was an opportunity to do just that.

The blame lies with the United Fucking States of America, more specifically with its fucking neocon governments, because Russia did make attempts to become part of the Western world or its cooperative counterpart.

The fucking neocons and their minions all over the place would have none of that, they wanted it all and kept antagonizing Russia to the current point of waging a hot war against it. Through the Ukrainian proxy for the time being, but a direct US-Russia confrontation is just around the corner.

And it’s everybody’s fault too. We’ve let the cocksuckers get away with waging one bogus war for ‘democracy’ after another, so there you have it. They think they’re untouchable.

As far as this Nazi, is it that Turdo has the gall to glorify an actual member of the SS? Is there something else behind it? Who knows. All of the useless underlings gave the man a standing ovation, nobody had the balls to protest, if it occurred to them that protested they should have in the first place.

They’re inverting, subverting, and perverting all values, established principles, everything people could cling onto to have some sort of intellectual, spiritual footing. Man is a woman, Nazi is a hero, nothing is everything, and vice versa.

Fuck them. People gotta turn off the TV, stop listening to these peddlers of poison, return to their roots, and formulate a vision for the future. A vision in which there will be no room for the Turd and the fucking twitching bitch behind his ass.

Oct 4, 2023 7:11 PM

The near death experience, when time seemed to slow down to like one 60th of normal time, was not that strange…I was fighting with my new motorcycle, which was determined to continue in a straight line, rather than take my weight and guidance, and simply go round the bend.

My out of body experience was relatively easy to understand in comparison, but extremely strange..I wasn’t used to any drugs apart from alcohol.

In my perception, I came out of my body, and went up to the corner of the room in my new girlfriend’s room, with her friends present…and could see myself below. I didn’t move across the room, but from my perception that was definitely me above looking at myself.

I had to come down, cos it was my job to turn the record over.

My most recent Near Death Experiences, were no way as interesting..but when in RESUS Ward, I googled my chances of survival, as did my Lad.. I said I will survive this..I will see you when you come back from holiday with your kids.

Not everyone was so lucky…but life and death are an ephermeral thing if you live your life and do dangerous risky sporty things

Just don’t do drugs and risky sport at the same time.

Your brain needs to be clear – make one mistake and you are dead.

And be very nice to especially Nurses in Hospital

Show Respect to The Doctors, especially if they have a good idea. I found its OK to argue, especially if they hadn’t read your previous doctors reports, but you have to be subtle about it and smile a lot…..if you want to go home.

Having a wife that turns up everyday, and you sing her praises, about how she nursed me back to health 3 years ago, is a massive help.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 5, 2023 12:13 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

They say people under torture simply deny it happen mentally. Like you describe it, they live outside their body and see the person under them screaming.
Just wonder whether its a similar psychological phenomenon we are born with as protection, like our own immune system.

Oct 4, 2023 5:35 PM

I have never actually met a Nazi, not sure my Dad did either, but he did tell me a bit about – The War in his final days. He was still depressed, until he was seemingly cured by Electro-Convulvise Therapy -which I am almost certain had nothing whatsoever to do with killing Nazi’s…

He did tell me about it..He wanted to fly, but they wouldn’t let him…

“Your job, is to get the Hurricanes and Spitfires back into the air..”

He then went on to help design and deploy The Mulberry harbour, again so he claimed under enemy fire…

He wouldn’t tell me that much about it, cos he had signed the Official Secrets Act

But he most definitely did not like NAZI’s

and he made a full recovery, and was my best friend for the last 10 years of his life.

He could fix anything, and was crawling under my first car, to show me how to do it, when I was 19 and he was 70, and still working till he was 72.

I always find CJ Hopkins a breath of Fresh Air,

Quite possibly my Favourite American though Zone 23 is totally f’kin weird.

I in my youth, had no one to shoot, but I did spend three years of my life, learning to fly gliders, and go solo and soar…and fly fast over ridges.

My advantage…I didn’t have any engine, nor any guns, and no one was trying to kill me.

It was so much better when I was 24, and there was so much more.

We need people like CJ NOW, than we ever did.

It seems to me that almost the entire world has gone mad….

I do however, maybe, detect a turning point.

This is important for me, for the sake of my Grandchildren to know before I kick the bucket.

I had no problem with being 30,40,50 or 60

70 is something else. I am now officially old.

Hopefully I will make 80 and survive it.


Oct 4, 2023 5:24 PM

At first glance I thought it was Tommy 10 names with Justin Trudeau in that photo.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Oct 4, 2023 4:42 PM

As usual, this is pure brilliance CJ. You have been so consistent with all of this it has been made clear to so many people. I love that you keep reminding us that GlobaCap is not an ideology. This is so true and so important. For me it is easy to get off track and start thinking in that false direction. Whenever I read your work, it then makes so much sense. I am glad you keep saying it and saying it.

Thank you.

Oct 4, 2023 5:25 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I found it confusing; I have found his previous articles about GlobaCap very good. I don’t know what he was trying to say in this article. It seemed to me that he WAS trying to say that Canada and Germany like Nazis. I was very confused.

Oct 4, 2023 4:19 PM

When I translate and read this: https://komb-a-ingwar.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_21.html
than I don’t know what to think. Sounds like a pretty normal human being to me. Please read it for yourself?

“My generation was united by two great forces: faith in God and love for Ukraine. We grew up on the glorious and proud land of Berezhansk. We trampled this land with our bare feet and breathed into our souls and hearts its magical aromas, and our eyes recorded the beauty of the cities, villages and landscapes of our native land forever on memory tapes. ”

“This obvious ruin of the environment, however, pales in comparison with the spiritual decay of the people. The command godless communist system drove a person into a hopeless situation and it was visible in her sad eyes. The “Soviet” person surrendered to his fate, believing that he was powerless to have any influence on his life. In such a helpless situation, this person surrendered to extreme indifference. This indifference was observed at every step of life. Man became indifferent to his environment, to the needs and pains of his neighbour – “one’s neighbour”.

(I was just looking for some older information, so that maybe they can’t say they didn’t know.)

Oct 5, 2023 4:00 PM
Reply to  AntiSoof

“When I translate and read this…….. than I don’t know what to think.”

Then you have a problem with your thinking.

And the problem is: for a proper thinking you need information from various sources, as much information as possible. When you think properly than with time you will be able to digest more and more information. The notion of information overload is bs.

The site you have linked is an apologist site, text is obviously a propaganda puff piece.

“My generation was united by two great forces: faith in God and love for Ukraine.”

They omitted hatred towards USSR among major factors.

I sincerely believe this is true for many former soldiers of SS Galizien. Nazis were aware of these great forces and convinced those poor people that this is what nazis are about too. It wasn’t such a hard job for nazis, 90% of people are hackable, proved by Milgram.

Once those poor souls came to rank the whole new dynamics kicked in. War, fight, fog of war, dead&crippled friends, fear, camaraderie….. all this shit easily turns a decent human being into an animal capable of all kinds of bestialities. But at the end of a day, they were nazis servants, atrocities they committed are facts.

To be totally fair, Curtis LeMay supposedly said something like: thanks god we are winning otherwise I might be prosecuted. He incinerated +100k in Tokyo alone.

Oct 4, 2023 3:14 PM

The hilarity that the bbc seem to think a sound could propagate through the universe, with no ears to hear it (or minds to process it)
I think this is a good example of the kind of utter mindless bullshit they are trying to convince people of “uh, science!”


Oct 4, 2023 2:34 PM

I don’t buy the incompetence theory of Yaroslav Hunka affair. I think this was done on purpose. Look at the broader picture.

Because of general disinterest for Ukraine war some recent developments might have been missed. Ukrainian offensive that was aimed at breaking Russia’s back is failing, failing badly. Ideas are floated Ukraine should start talking to Russia, ideas of freezing the conflict. Facts that collective West is not able to match Russia war industrial capacity, Ukraine lack of manpower, are now in public domain. US recently hasn’t been able to pass additional founding for war. Hungary is threatening it will veto EU budget later this year, if financing of Ukraine wont’ be removed. Winner of Slovakia elections is the party that promised to stop helping Ukraine. Poland elections are wobbly too. US elections are around the corner. And finally, winter is soon to come in Europe…will there be enough of gas for heating?…what will be the price after EU decided to stop subsides? (my stove for wood is ready)
Ukraine is ceasing to be an asset, it’s becoming a liability.
So, tainting an asset plays well into a process of getting rid of it.

If Hunka really said “the happiest days of my lifewhile being in SS, he cannot have a benefit of a doubt.

“German historians goose-stepped onto Twitter to explain how the question of who exactly was and wasn’t technically a “Nazi” was … well, you know, complicated.”

Well, it is complicated.
In no way I want to be apologetic.
Try to understand people who lived in those terrible times. Zeitgeist was totally different, human life wasn’t worth a dime. Heidegger was in nazi party, ex-pope was hitlerjuggend…… You cannot judge by today’s standards. Try to put yourself in their shoes.
My grandfather (RIP) had Italian pension. He got it because he was forcefully mobilized to Italian army, fascist army. Uninformed might say he was fascist.
I don’t know where he served and for how long. But I know he escaped to partisans, later being wounded and captured and ended in concentration camp. He said that if Italy capitulated few days later he would have died of starvation. Many times he said to me: “I hope there won’t be a war”. He lived though two of them.

Today I’m inspired to annoy some people, I guess. That’s not my purpose. It’s about parrhesia (sort of).

Back in a day some people, not many, were very aware what nazism means. Today some of us clearly speak about capitalism as a world cancer. What we get back is in best case ununderstanding.

Gorl o
Gorl o
Oct 4, 2023 12:54 PM

You have fallen for the “nazis bad” propaganda. For example there were no killing gas chambers.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 4, 2023 2:42 PM
Reply to  Gorl o

That’s the only example you could possibly give [EDIT: which is a niche and highly contested view]. The scary, fanatical authoritarianism, the reduction of certain peoples to sub-animal status, the gigantic propaganda machine designed to remove intelligence, individualism and discernment and drive hatred of anything that didn’t conform (just like Covid times, but with people ACTuALlY being loaded onto cattle cars, having their worldly goods confiscated and having their fillings sent back to Berlin for reprocessing)… deny any of that. Go on.

What an ignorant person you must be.

Oct 4, 2023 4:59 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 4, 2023 7:13 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

This deals with death camps, and does not, as far as I can tell, go anywhere near denying what I stated above. Irving supports that human remains were shipped back to Germany. Whether these were exterminated remains or those that died of other reasons in concentration camps is really neither here nor there in terms of rehabilitating the Nazis. They weren’t a good bunch.

If you disagree then I think you’re either extremely ignorant or an unsavoury little troll. Possibly both. Have a nice day. A2

Oct 4, 2023 9:28 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

It was mostly typhus victims shipped back to Berlin there were horrendous epidemics raging through the camps, as for David Irving he’s been threatened, bullied and thrown in jail for daring to question the official narrative which is probably why he is going along with the human remains story, at his age he probably wants a bit of peace.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 5, 2023 12:53 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Well if they were just shipping back typhus victims’ remains from concentration camps then the Nazis were a lovely bunch. FFS listen to yourself.

Oct 5, 2023 7:06 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Or maybe starvation or gassed who knows.

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Oct 5, 2023 9:28 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

What a maroon! 🤡🥴

CJ Hopkins
CJ Hopkins
Oct 5, 2023 2:08 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You are interacting with slimy cryptofascist Holocaust-distorting creeps. I recommend you not get sucked into their slime, and, instead, simply ban them. For anyone confused by their attempts to distort the history of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, I recommend the autobiography of Rudolf Höss, commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp. Here’s an excerpt from his affidavit at Nuremberg in April 1946: “I commanded Auschwitz until 1 December 1943, and estimate that at least 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning, and at least another half million succumbed to starvation and disease, making a total of about 3,000,000 dead. This figure represents about 70% or 80% of all persons sent to Auschwitz as prisoners, the remainder having been selected and used for slave labor in the concentration camp industries. Included among the executed and burnt were approximately 20,000 Russian prisoners of war (previously screened out of Prisoner of War cages by the Gestapo) who were delivered at Auschwitz in Wehrmacht transports operated by regular Wehrmacht officers and men. The remainder of the total number of victims included about 100,000 German Jews, and great numbers of citizens (mostly Jewish) from The Netherlands, France, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Greece, or other countries. We executed about 400,000 Hungarian Jews alone at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944.”

Oct 5, 2023 5:29 PM
Reply to  CJ Hopkins

 “I commanded Auschwitz until 1 December 1943, and estimate that at least 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning, and at least another half million succumbed to starvation and disease, making a total of about 3,000,000 dead.”

Now I’m confused – the current “official” narrative at wikipedia tells us that 1.3 million people were sent to Auschwitz and, of those, approximately 1.1 million were murdered. You’re not attempting to “distort” the facts, I hope?

I recommend you not get sucked into their slime, and, instead, simply ban them.”

Ah yes, good old censorship – that’ll solve the problem. A bold strategy from someone supposedly facing imprisonment for er… defying censorship. LOL

Oct 6, 2023 12:24 PM
Reply to  Stewart


you are disgusting (and now I’m calling you names from the worst repertoire people from Balkans are capable of while you cannot even imagine it).

You are a perfect example of a said state of ethics today.

You are in a pursuit of facts, supposedly a way for a noble pursuit of truth. Facts are important, but many times even more important in regard to truth is valuation of facts…you know, ethics.

What you are effectively doing is Juggling With Corpses.

What a noble achievement.

Oct 6, 2023 7:37 AM
Reply to  CJ Hopkins

At last, a trustworthy voice who speaks nothing but the truth!
In a signed affidavit no less!
The nazi commandant of a concentration camp.

Oh the lols.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 6, 2023 12:14 PM
Reply to  CJ Hopkins

You are interacting with slimy cryptofascist Holocaust-distorting creeps.

I think that came across, don’t you? I amended my original comment to make it crystal clear I wasn’t condoning or agreeing. By censoring these things unfortunately it just gives them power. I know approaches vary. We tend to get some Unz crossover under your pieces, because until recently you were regularly published there. It’s really nothing new. A2

Oct 5, 2023 1:29 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Because Stalin and the British Empire treated everyone so much better, did they? Who started the war by promising to defend Poland and France by the way? How did that go for Poland?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 5, 2023 10:42 PM

Whataboutism is no defence of anything. Don’t be a cretin.

John the First
John the First
Oct 27, 2023 11:21 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2
  • There are a lot of bad people who agree that the nazi’s were bad people.
  • The gigantic propaganda machine ‘designed to remove intelligence’ is also in place today.
  • Even more: democracy is intent purely by its character of favoring mediocrity and its envy based equality to ‘remove intelligence’. It might be that because this is not recognized and acknowledged, the result the machine of destruction of intelligence called democracy is the worst of all.

Just some observations.

Oct 4, 2023 8:34 AM

In what way is this snafu in the Canadian Parliament any worse than the cozy support of Nazis to date?

-Azov Battalion participated in training and radicalizing white-supremacy organisations in USA. By 2022-03, ~3,000 US citizens had gone to Ukraine to fight Russia. -thegrayzone 2022-05-31

-Countries that allowed mercenaries passage to Ukraine include Croatia, UK, Denmark, Latvia and Poland. -Russian military 2022-03-03

-From 2014, Azov neo-Nazis included people from Sweden, Italy, France, Belarus, Slovenia, Canada, etc. From 2014, USA has been training Ukrainian Nazis in secret camps. -Mike Whitney 2022-03

-USA and Canada outlawed support for Azov in 2015, but USA reversed this in 2016; till then, an Israeli dual citizen was the main financeer; Jewish Ukranians and Israelis belong to or assist neo-Nazi Ukranian groups; a 2018 petition filed in Israel stated that Ukranian neo-Nazis had obtained Israeli weapons. -Robert Inlakesh 2022-03

-ISIL, al Qaeda and others have been fighting alongside the Nazis in Ukraine since at least 2014. Others come from Chechya, Ingushetia, Daghestan and South Ossetia. Zelensky announced that 16,000 foreign fighters would form a Ukrainian foreign legion. -Iain Davis, off-guardian.org 2022-06-07

-NATO has been training and providing armaments to Ukraine from 2014. -NATO head 2022-09

Oct 4, 2023 10:04 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Official crap,not to be trusted . Factual history is being made fictional. Reality show for media.

Matt Black
Matt Black
Oct 4, 2023 8:10 AM

I guess The Man in the High Castle (1962), by Philip K. Dick is now non-fiction?

Oct 4, 2023 9:55 AM
Reply to  Matt Black

Thanks Matt. I’ll check out his books.
Praise from Ursula Le Guin is high praise indeed.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 4, 2023 2:01 PM
Reply to  Johnny

They made an excellent TV series based on the book, it was fabulous

dom irritant
dom irritant
Oct 5, 2023 2:27 PM

compared to the book i thought the series was awful

Oct 4, 2023 1:28 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

marching in lock step
B I S Bank
Trading with the Enemy: An Exposé of the Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1949charles higham

Every notable industry — General Motors, Shell, Standard Oil, Ford, Chase, ITT, National City Bank, DuPont etc, etc., were all feathering their monetary nests and shipping vital arms and machinery of war to Nazi Germany while the Axis powers killed our soldiers and the US state department and Roosevelt turned a blind eye.

Ball bearings, without which airplanes could not fly and tanks could not run, were sent to Germany in a round about way while the US military waited and fewer of our planes could fly for lack of them. There was a ball bearing company in Sweden that shipped their bearings to Germany. The Norwegians thought this was a bad idea and, one night, destroyed their factory. You can add them to the short list of who your friends are.

Commodities were sent to Germany while Americans stood in line, counted their ration stamps and saved all material possible to help with the war effort.

American Swastika/the Shocking Story of Nazi Collaborators in Our Midst from 1933 to the Present Daycharles higham

Oct 5, 2023 5:43 PM
Reply to  gorden

“Wall Street and the rise of Hitler” by Antony Sutton covers the same ground, but in more detail and with better references. It also preceded Mr Higham’s book by some 8 years.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Oct 6, 2023 9:51 PM
Reply to  Stewart

I think we are seeing a fair amount of trading or sales back and forth from Nato to Russia in the current Ukraine war. That may be just another indicator of the globo-cap God of money being worshipped above all else.

Oct 4, 2023 7:53 AM

some may remember reports that scotlands “black guard” have been training military age men of various origins out in Turkey, said sleeper cells are then sent uk bound to enter via various routes, this has been going on for several years

It is suggested that they have been trained to react when a certain pivotal moment arrives to the “job” they have been trained for
Further reports are coming in that redundant military bases all across the uk are being used to house 18-30 age male “assylum seekers” and that serco are offering obscene amounts of money to landlords to house even more in hotels, houses… anything with a fucking roof
even the most dull cow eyed must have noticed an uptick in numbers?

question is, if or rather when this kicks off, are you ready?
anyone following the deployment of ex usa military bases in Panama by the wef to “enhance” the movement of again military age males toward the border knows this is a very detailed and well organised plan, happening now

heres the serco contract:


and heres a quote from a book that the adl are convinced they have destroyed every copy of

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavour to instil in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

israel cohen 1879-1961

its a strange time we are moving toward and seems likely to exceed the weirdness we have seen thus far

Faith and intelligent discourse (semi in my case) are one thing, the ability to react appropriately should everything/everyone you hold dear be about to be raped, pillaged, stolen, desecrated, thats another ting ain it?

i used to be more moderate and “on the fence” over such concepts, that was then, this is now,

many of us in “civilised” countries think it could never happen, yet the numbers speak for themselves and the actions of our “governors” have left us in doubt as to their intentions, de-population and enforced fuel and food poverty, the abolition of “property”, slave status

some may feel “retribution” is due? but will they feel the same when it comes to your door?

Oct 4, 2023 11:37 AM
Reply to  Duckman

Henry Makow had up a long post on Israel Cohen just yesterday: https://henrymakow.com/the_book_the_bankers_made_disa.html

Oct 5, 2023 12:47 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Seamus, yes, Makow often has interesting comments.

Paul Craig Roberts makes the same points, but in a little less incendiary manner here:

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Oct 4, 2023 7:52 AM

The arrogant $Elite is where the problem lies and their Church of the WEF needs to be destroyed.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 5, 2023 12:30 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Who are gonna replace them. You? Me? Our neighbour? The sheeple?The Catholic Church?
We hang the €lite and the Church of WEF….. fine, but then what?

brian of nazareth
brian of nazareth
Oct 4, 2023 7:41 AM

Left wing / right wing: same bird. There’s just Power and Influence.

Oct 4, 2023 8:44 AM

Ukrainian Nazis were mostly motivated (not of course excused) by Stalin’s collectivisation. Collectivisation (according to the official narrative anyway) killed more than all combatant fatalities in WW1. The same “oops, we blundered” tactic was employed by Stalin (“dizzy with success”). The ‘kulak’ enemy was never defined. The purges and show trials then followed.

Collectivisation is mentioned about as often these days as the Irish “Potato Famine”, the Armenian massacres, the Bengal famines, the Cambodian killing fields or even Rwanda. However here we are talking about you-know-what yet again…. so it’s mission accomplished.

BTW the reason why one genocide is constantly highlighted and other flushed down the memory hole is that “it happened in the heart of Europe”. That’s from the same people who will then turn around and make accusations of “Eurocentricism”.

Oct 4, 2023 10:23 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Some good points. I don’t think that this is a good aricle by CJ Hopkins. He usually writes good ones (IMHO)

Oct 4, 2023 6:43 AM

Those Folks at WSWS. Gee they’re funny. They can’t make up their minds:

‘Moderna’s NASDAQ share price went from $20 in January 2020 to a peak of $484 in August 2021, a 24-fold increase, with top shareholders amassing billions.’

‘The “vaccine-only” strategy, official policy throughout the world since 2021, has resolutely failed.’

‘Pfizer, Moderna and all other pharmaceutical giants must be internationalized and retooled to provide free treatments for all.’

That last paragraph is a doozy.
I’m sure the dozens of new billionaires will be over the moon with that idea.

Gotta laugh.

Oct 4, 2023 6:02 AM

Dr.Campell warns of “Sinister developments on the WHO Front”


WHO using sinister Nazi tactic of quietly issuing sweeping measures with absurdly short time for potential alteration.

Oct 4, 2023 3:22 PM
Reply to  NickM

Dr. Campbell is the most obvious version of a controlled opposition agent you will ever find.

Watch as he pivots!
His masters narrative is king!

I guess the older generation love his “bedside manner” as he feeds them bits of truth wrapped up in sugary sweet shite.

He will, hopefully, burn in hell, along with the other traitors to mankind

Oct 5, 2023 6:32 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

The hard truth in my opinion is that mankind was a traitor to itself by not figuring out the scam by week 2 )

Oct 4, 2023 5:03 AM

Interesting how Zel is wearing a Cult of Castro shirt whilst the Castro Kid looks on from behind.

Oct 4, 2023 6:11 AM

Yes, young Justin does not look too sure that this Jewish Joker is going to do the Trudeau Heritage any good in Canada’s Game of Thrones.

Oct 4, 2023 7:57 AM

comment image

Oct 4, 2023 8:49 AM
Reply to  Duckman


Mainstream sites use descriptions of her like “the well-known performance artist” – not notorious Occultist and witch.

Oct 4, 2023 9:45 AM
Reply to  Edwige

indeed the “gang” are getting very bold, such bravado usually comes before a very large and well deserved fall from Grace, not withstanding they have all been exempt from Grace for a very long time…
no doubt abramovich will get to meet her “master” personally, very soon, lets hope expectation does not disapoint…

its a choice, i have made mine, not least by dint of some the subjects i have researched from links and suggestions i have found here

we live in interesting times, which are set to become more interesting than we ever could have imagined

my most recent forray into a nearby town informs me that “ye olde 5g” is truly reverberating at crack of knots, out here in my place below the worst of the 5g beacon my 3g phone is becoming all but unusable, yet folk queing in supermarkets can still be reached, using humour and truth bombing in equal measure

i still maintian that humanity is far stronger and of greater spirit than these devils would have us think, such means that all the tricks from the bottom of their repurposed, septic bladder they call a “bag” will be forthcoming and soon

Oct 4, 2023 5:09 PM
Reply to  Duckman

I wish I had yor optimism. I have a horrible feeling we’re all gonna love big brother very soon

Oct 5, 2023 6:38 AM
Reply to  Camille

Respectfully, I disagree. Most will just turn round and say ‘Nah, that’s bollocks, not doing that’ Big brother needs troops to enforce and they have families. Never surrender.

Oct 4, 2023 4:50 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Yeah Margaret was ummm…well-known for running with the Rolling Stones for a while and there was quite a scandal, at least in the actual ‘newspapers’ that we had back then. Pierre was ummm acutely embarrassed.

Oct 4, 2023 9:02 AM

Who is the woman next to Trudeau? She is looking up at that Ukronazi with the lovelight in her eyes. I remember that look on the faces of German women in a crowd that was lining the road to look up and applaud Hitler as he passed in his open car.

Hitler led 4 Million sons of German women to death in a manic war.

Zelensky, Trudeau and the rest of NATZO have led half a million sons of Ukrainian women to death in a manic war — to date, and still counting.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Oct 4, 2023 8:47 PM
Reply to  NickM

Chrystia Freeland. Grandfather was a Nazi collaborator. Runs in the family in suppose.
‘satanical fax Rhineland reared’ is an anagram of here full name, Christina Alexandra Freeland. No ‘Nazi’ but one better perhaps. I’m working on a post.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Oct 6, 2023 10:11 PM
Reply to  NickM

Also, she is the deputy prime minister of Canada. It’s no accident that they continue to attempt historic revisionism by applauding a Ukrainian Nazi Waffen SS member from WW2 who fought against our then Ally Russia.

Oct 4, 2023 4:20 AM

Earlier censorship blinded most Poles to fascism until now.


Agriculture is Poland’s main source of income. Polish farmers resent unfair competition from the US-Ukrainian food industry. US agribusiness Cargill, Dupont and Monsanto, have bought up a quarter of Ukraine’s territory. They import their cereals and chickens into the EU at unbeatable prices. They don’t pay for their GMO seeds donated by the US State Department. The European Commission had initially banned their imports, knowing that these products did not meet EU standards, but bowed to US pressure. Three states, including Poland, passed laws banning them. But Zelenski will sue them in the WTO.


Oct 4, 2023 6:32 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“Agriculture is Poland’s main source of income.”

So true, the beauty of “underdeveloped” countries. I remember, both Poland and Russia had boots at the 1958 Brussels Expo. Russia showed a model of the Sputnik space traveller, Poland gave out sausages. Guess which booth had the greater queue.

Also I remember visiting Niagra Falls in the 70s, when Canada was still relatively undeveloped. Unfortunately the Falls had been shut down by the U$A for repair, but one could still cross and see the view from both sides of the river. From the Canadian side one could view the U$A, and from the Canadian side one could view Canada, We thought the view was much better from the U$ side.

Ah, those were the days!

Oct 4, 2023 8:51 AM
Reply to  NickM

Niagara Falls is a HEP with barely 20% of the water that would naturally flow over the falls going that way. What we currently see is about as “natural” as the Scottish Highlands after the Highland Clearances.

Oct 4, 2023 3:50 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Nicely put. And even nicer to remember the Scottish Highlands before they were cleared of Scottish people.

Ancestral memories must still be quite strong. I once asked a Scottish waitress in London to name some typical Scots food. To my surprise she answered, not haggis and biscuits but (to English ears) an aristocratic “Venison, salmon and trout.”

“How do you catch trout?”, I then asked — expecting to be answered English fashion, with Rod and Line.

She replied, “By tickling”. And in one smooth and silent swoop she sank on one knee and scooped an imaginary trout up from the floor in one smooth and silent swoop. Such poetry in motion could only have reached perfected from many such an action as a child.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 5, 2023 12:38 AM
Reply to  NickM

Been there. Disappointed. Thought I should see Falls of and in nature, but it was all US Tivoli, Soft-ice and Circus.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Oct 6, 2023 4:56 AM
Reply to  NickM

The only thing missing is a Disneyland.
I was heartbroken when I visited in 2014.
Converted to shysterland, complete with gambling and kitsch.

Oct 4, 2023 8:00 AM
Reply to  Penelope

and meanwhile the 935 children still missing from Lahaina drift into yesterdays news, what a fucking world we live in

Oct 4, 2023 11:49 AM
Reply to  Duckman

And remember all those poison-gas train-spills last winter/spring? Then you’re one of the few who does. 🙄

Oct 4, 2023 10:54 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Yes, quite heart-wrenching, Buckman. Thank you for remembering.


On Maui during that fateful fire and thereafter, little or no rescue was done.8

No alarm sounded when the fire threatened Lahaina

Telephone service was down from early in the morning before the fire started. “Nobody called us. Our phones didn’t work from five in the morning. The fire was not until 10 o’clock when I went to work.”9

Police stopped traffic and blocked exits from the town

Children were told to stay home on that school day10

Water was shut off as the fire threatened the community

The fire raged for hours, but no military fire-ships or hospital ships came

People were driven into the ocean as the fire swept up to the shoreline

It took hours for the Coast Guard to pull everyone from the water. Some died of smoke inhalation.

The military was not called in to assist in water rescues and did not arrive on their own for humanitarian rescue

Local officials were not in town on the day of the fire11

Civilian assistance, including bottled water, food, and basic supplies, were turned away

Diana West has documented the number of children unaccounted for weeks after the fire in her article “Where Are 2025 Missing Lahaina Schoolchildren?”

Many sublinks at the bottom of this article:

Oct 5, 2023 9:01 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Also: the long black fence/wall, and disabling of drones to suppress independent reports.

Oct 4, 2023 2:23 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Was there ever really any true good will for Ukraine from Poland? Do the Polish parliament really speak for the Pöles? I would be surprised if there was much good will for Ukraine in Poland really…because the Ukrainians killed lots of Polish people in WW2 and the post WW2 borders for Ukraine include what was Polish land ( including Lvov/Lemberg). ( Ofcourse one could say that Lemberg is Austrian if you wanna go a bit further back) I think that the Poles don’t like the USSR, Germany or Ukraine ( So far as I am aware Ukraine ganged up with both the UUSR and Germany on the Poles. I don’t think that the Ukrainians really liked the Russians either. It was just for expedience) .

Oct 4, 2023 4:35 PM
Reply to  Camille

It is that sort of rabid nationalism which led to WW1 and WW2, and encouraged the formation of the European Union with open borders between member states. Hard to believe these days, but NATZO did not drop a single bomb on any European country during those “thirty glorious years” of European Unity after WW2.

Then the Empire began to strike back, with Neil Kinnock punishing the first whistleblowers about corruption in the EU. Then with Responsibility to Protect and Humanitarian Intervention, it’s Bombs Away! for NATZO.

Oct 4, 2023 7:45 PM
Reply to  NickM

? I was just saying that I don’ t think that there was a lot of love lost between the Ukrainians; the Poles; the Russians and the Germans/Austrians/Volksdeutsche at that time.People are talking about WW2 here and I don’t think Uncle Joe was very nice. ( the 3rd reich was not nice either but people seem to be ambivalent about the USSR). Re WW1 – I thought it was a power struggle between the powerful and the little people were just cannon fodder.

Oct 4, 2023 7:46 PM
Reply to  NickM

I agree that NATO does not seem to have done the world much good

Oct 4, 2023 10:58 PM
Reply to  Camille

Quite so, Camille, I recommend the link I gave from Voltaire. As Meyssan points out, Poland has ceased to exist 4 times in her history.

Big Al
Big Al
Oct 4, 2023 3:15 AM

Evidently, if it wasn’t for capitalism, humans would not do all the evil things we do. I don’t know man, I think we’d figure it out anyway no matter what system. Greed is greed, lust is lust, power is power. I think the nazis, just for one example in a long list, proved that. This isn’t about capitalism, this is about a small group of people trying to completely control the world. And that IS an ideology.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Oct 4, 2023 2:29 AM

Privatization, which began in the mid-70’s, leads to monopolistic fascist power. Unleashed capitalism is like an unconfined fire that destroys everything in its path.

How Libertarianism is a Poison that’s Crept into America

“Back in the 1950s and 1960s when Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand were first pitching this ideology (then called neoliberalism and objectivism) as a way to bring “freedom” to America, they were broadly ridiculed and ignored.

But the libertarian foundations and billionaires got into the act in the 1970s, along with the rightwing media organizations they were then building, putting Ronald Reagan into office and shaping his policies, sending America into a libertarian slide.

“Forty years of the Reagan Revolution’s libertarian experiment have brought us the predictable result:

– the highest rate of child poverty and maternal death in the developed world

– one in seven American children going to bed hungry

– our schools, roads, bridges and rail systems in shambles

– millions without access to healthcare

– historically low tax rates on corporations and billionaires

– an impoverished middle-class

– devastated labor unions

Libertarianism is a poison that’s crept into our society on the backs of rightwing billionaires like Libertarian David Koch, who ran for Vice President in 1980 on a platform of shutting down every government agency except the military, courts, and police.”

Oct 4, 2023 4:58 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

When a corporation (corpse-oration) becomes big enough, it naturally becomes the government. It’s sort of automatic. Nazism was so entangled with German industry that there were no clear dividing lines at all anywhere………just like today, really.

les online
les online
Oct 4, 2023 1:58 AM

Ellen Brown explains how They can legally disposses us all – to make us Happy** – and includes billionaires in ‘us’…

One Quadrillion Dollars Derivative Bubble: “The Great Taking”: How They Plan To Own It All:

** Have yet to find out Their definition of ‘Happy’, but i’m guessing it’ll be one of those Orwell Inversions ie, being miserable is defined as being ‘happy’…

Oct 4, 2023 3:25 PM
Reply to  les online

This is a great article by Ellen Brown. But there are some sticking points.

Since all human holdings (homes, businesses, banks, etc.) are valuable only insofar as humans ascribe value to them, owning everything human have could as easily end up having a net worth of one US penny as one quadrillion US dollars.

And then there are the homes (becoming a rarity) which are owned free and clear of any debt whatsoever. Without a hook for the Derivative Gods to clamp onto (mortgage, etc.), how are they going to take something?

The Derivate Market is the poster boy for “Counting your chickens before they’re hatched.”

Oct 4, 2023 1:02 AM


Netanyahoo receives standing ovations when he swaggers into the US Congress and other Western parliaments. Standing ovations from “both sides” of the non existent political divide. I wonder if he now envies the dimunitive piano player that now rules Ukraine and is worshipped by the Western political whorehouses ?

Oct 4, 2023 6:41 AM

Standing ovations for Zionazi representatives was introduced by the Bush crime family in the U$ Congress and into the New Liebour Congress by war criminal Tony B.Liar preparatory to the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist resource wars of the 21st century, hailed as the New American Century.

Oct 4, 2023 12:50 AM


Another poor and pointless article. The Poles are apparently going to extradite the 98 year old. His family has gone into hiding. It is good to fight the Russians today, bad to have fought the Red Army in the bankster’s WW2. Never mind that the Soviets were among the most monstrous regimes of all time.No mention of the neocons, the huge sums of taxpayer money pouring into Ukraine and the dubious motives for the war.

It would be a silver lining if the incident were used to get rid of Castreau, but that won’t happen. He has served his bankster masters well with the oversight of the brutal convid regime and the brutal crushing of the trucker uprising.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 4, 2023 3:04 AM

The motive is human body parts which are in high demand here in the states, we are suffering from so many ills and the pay back is astronomic to the health care and financial industries.

Forever wars is the political ideology any way you can serve it.

Duncan Wearing
Duncan Wearing
Oct 4, 2023 3:58 AM

Trudeau isn’t Castro’s son. That’s a psy-op.

Oct 7, 2023 2:52 AM
Reply to  Duncan Wearing


The physical resemblance and the presence of the Trudeaus in the Carribean at the time of his conception make it almost certain that Fidelito was Fidel’s offspring. Also Margaret’s affection for and attraction towards Castro. Pierre Elliot appears to have been a willing cuckold. Castro sr had obviously served the banksters well. The legends of the CIA making dozens of unsuccesful attempts to bump him off are most unlikely. Is that well funded agency staffed entirely with incompetent idiots and bumbling fools ? Castro and his legitimate children were trapped in poverty stricken Cuba. The banksters thought that injecting his genes into an existing Western political dynasty could result in a useful new generation “leader”. Their hunch proved correct. Justin was just the bastard they needed when they unleashed convid.

Jun 29, 2024 11:06 PM
Reply to  Duncan Wearing

THanks for your comment! I had no idea what was meant by Castreau until I rad your comment!

Oct 4, 2023 12:37 AM

It can never be sated.

Oct 4, 2023 12:20 AM

Let’s stop being surprised.

Chaos is the aim, and chaos is what we’ve got.

Only the ways back into public sanity are of interest to me now, while anybody else who cares will no doubt be working on their own personal strategies to get back to something approaching ‘sound mind and body’.

God speed to all my fellow travellers.

les online
les online
Oct 4, 2023 12:06 AM

The Economy as we know it is about to end…
The template for the Post-Economy economy is “YOU will own nothing !”
Finally, The Managers have the means in place to shake totally free from the grip of The Owners…

Ellen Brown gives The Lowdown on What’s Coming:
‘It is about the taking of collateral (all of it) the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. The scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds, and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment, land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as , will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt. If only partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.’

The Great Taking: How They Can Own It All. (Ellen Brown):

Ellen points out that even our favourite billionaires face dispossession…
And if knowing they may not even own their toothbrush doesnt rouse the masses,
then we’re all DOOMED !!

Now you know why ‘the pandemic’ lockdowns were only a trial run to work-out the bugs.
They will be used to crush all and any protests against our total dispossession…The current passing of online censorship laws are preparations for the coming Great Dispossession…


les online
les online
Oct 4, 2023 10:29 PM
Reply to  les online
Oct 3, 2023 11:00 PM

ask a nazi about NATO OTAN
and they will say home a safe space.
gladio daddio
paper clip
oded yinon
new khazaria

old fashioned land clearance goyim genocide

NATO loves Nazis!
Did you know?:
In 1961, Adolf Heusinger, Hitler’s Chief of Staff, was made the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (essentially he was NATO’s chief of staff). He served in that capacity until 1964.
General Hans Speidel, a Nazi general who was Erwin Rommel’s chief of staff during WWII. After the war he served in the Western German army and became the Supreme Commander of NATO’s ground forces in Central Europe from 1957-1963.
Johannes Steinhoff, Luftwaffe fighter pilot during WWII and recipient of the Knights Cross (the Nazi military’s highest award), was Chairman of the NATO Military Committee 1971–1974 (among other NATO positions beforehand).
Johann von Kielmansegg, General Staff officer to the High Command of the Wehrmacht 1942-1944, was NATO’s Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe 1967-1968.
Ernst Ferber, a Major in the Wehrmacht and group leader of the organizational department of the Supreme Command of the Army (Wehrmacht) from 1943-1945 and recipient of the Iron Cross 1st Class, was NATO’s Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe from 1973-1975.
Karl Schnell, battery chief in the Western campaign in 1940/later First General Staff Officer of the LXXVI Panzer Corps in 1944 and recipient of the Iron Cross 2nd Class, was NATO’s Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe from 1975-1977.
Franz Joseph Schulze, a Lieutenant in the reserve and Chief of the 3rd Battery of the Flak Storm Regiment 241 and recipient of the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross in 1944, was NATO’s Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe from 1977-1979.
Ferdinand von Senger und Etterlin; Lieutenant of 24th Panzer Division in the German 6th Army, participant in the Battle of Stalingrad, adjutant to Army High Command, and recipient of the German Cross in gold, was NATO’s Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe 1979-1983. 

Oct 4, 2023 3:26 PM
Reply to  gorden

Nazis make the best nato commanders

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 3, 2023 10:38 PM

On a brighter note Kevin McCarthy has been booted

Oct 3, 2023 10:43 PM

I followed that this evening. I am confused. What do the Republicans who were led by Gaetz expect to gain from it? ( I saw what Gaetz said about a side deal with the Democrats about Ukraine …but I didn’t understand how McCarthy could use ( abuse) his pôsition as speaker to do that. I’m not sure what the Democrats expect to get out of this change either.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 4, 2023 3:07 AM
Reply to  Camille

 @What do the Republicans who were led by Gaetz expect to gain from it?

More proof of never ending political disfunction.

les online
les online
Oct 3, 2023 10:33 PM

“X”. overworked and under appreciated !
“X” marks the spot;
sign your “X” on the dotted line;
“X” – formerly Twitter;
and if tales of global catastrophe caused by collision with Planet “X” dont scare you, warnings about ‘Disease X’ and the Next Pandemic will…
It’s being marketed like it’s a blockbuster movie thriller, soon to be shown at your local picture theatre !

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 3, 2023 11:36 PM
Reply to  les online

“Synthetic flesh.” From Dr. X.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 3, 2023 10:25 PM

Kremlin says its a decease that must be cured. Its incorporated in all Royal families in Europe which center is in London.

les online
les online
Oct 3, 2023 9:56 PM

Calling someone a ‘Nazi’ must appear old hat to young people whose memories are not as old as gran-pa’s and great gran-pa’s…You wanna get their attention about a despicable person, call the person ‘groomer’, or ‘pedo’…Like, you have to be old enough and had an interest outside of gazing at your navel to know what ‘Stasi’ was/is…
(‘is’ ? Rebranded as ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ ?)

Oct 3, 2023 9:45 PM

Is RT NOT ACCESSIBLE in Germany? I can access rt Germany ( RT DE) in France ( rt is supposed to be banned in France.)

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 3, 2023 9:19 PM

“Anti Semite” as a term of abuse had always puzzled me at school because we were taught that Semites were both Jews and Arabs.

Then I left school and realised they were fucking about with my head.

Oct 4, 2023 12:24 AM

Well said.

One can see how uncomfortable that basic fact about those common origins would make many of our current abusers.

Oct 4, 2023 4:13 AM

Ahem. It’s evident that you are being subtly anti-Semitic with your comment.

Oct 4, 2023 8:12 AM

Genetically, very few Jews are Semites. Except maybe a few who have been in Iran for ages.

Oct 4, 2023 3:35 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Originally, the term Semitic only referred to a language group. Same with Indo-European.

The genetic thing was (perhaps?) added only because each language group became entrenched in a specific geographic region. How exactly where they lived morphed into a genotype is doubtless one of those things only a scientist can comprehend.

Oct 4, 2023 5:05 PM
Reply to  Howard

Really? What is the ‘ semite’ language group?

Oct 4, 2023 8:26 PM
Reply to  Camille

The info was still up on wikipedia last time I checked. The twisting of he meaning of the word “semitic” is essential to the zionist agenda- as is the twtsing of words in general… see the WHO’s updated definitions of “pandemic” and “immunity”. It’s the same technique- change the meaning of words, broadcast the new meaning incessantly and you get the results you want.
The use of the word “semitic” instead of the J word is deliberate and unavoidable as there really is no Jish race. It’s a fake race, a fake tribe, a fake religion. Anyone who belives they descent in an unbroken line from the ancient Hebrews (or that any such ancient bloodlines exist outside isolated tribes) is fast asleep. Racialism is really the domain of people who gave up on using their brain. Modern-day Jish people are predominantly white caucasians with not a trace of middle eastern (brown skin) traits to be seen by people who can still use their senses.

Oct 5, 2023 9:27 AM
Reply to  Anarchos

? Howard said ”Originally, the term Semitic only referred to a language group.”. I asked him which language group.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 3, 2023 9:06 PM

There is something demented about people who think the Russell Brand thing is a globalist set up when women are accusing him of rape and sexual abuse, you know what, perhaps he is just a fucking rapist and sexual abuser and has nothing to do with censorship. After all the UK has form in covering up for rapists and pedophiles.

Oct 3, 2023 9:33 PM

You seem to proving the opposite of what you assert. If what you say is true, why aren’t they covering up this time?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 3, 2023 10:36 PM
Reply to  Camille

The claims go back 20 years and his sexual abusiveness was in plain sight which is one of the reasons I thought he was a crushing damn bore

Oct 4, 2023 3:30 PM

Someone around here made a good point, why would he need to rape anyone when they were throwing themselves at him?
Remember the beatles?
So now he is blamed for young girls bad decisions (20 years after the fact)

Don’t get me wrong, brand is a massive tool of the system, but trying to claim he abused his position is tenuous.

Jimmy Savile fucked dead people.

les online
les online
Oct 3, 2023 10:04 PM

M, I havent followed The Story…Like, i’m not into trials by corporate propaganda media, organisations that feed their full on scandalising, and promoted discord…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 3, 2023 10:06 PM

Russel Brand maybe a fool but he doesnt look or act like a rapist. He is too good looking and charming to be in need of raping any woman.

With the knowledge we have off women trying to make a buck our of rich and famous men, the story smell just bad.

Oct 3, 2023 10:26 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Is it just women who do that? I don’t think so

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 4, 2023 4:02 AM
Reply to  Camille

Thats not the point is. In Brasil these kind of women is called piranhas, in West gold diggers.
Do you believe ugly bugly was raped by Trump as she claimed on TV?
As Trump said “she is just not my type”. Trump has all he can get in his own beautiful and intelligent wife. Why go 4 classes lower, it doesnt make sense.

As we have bad men we unfortunately also have some bad women.

Oct 4, 2023 4:57 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Yes all women are gold diggers,conniving..EVIL.

Oct 4, 2023 7:06 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

‘As we have bad men we unfortunately also have some bad women.’ Indeed. I don’t know why you didn’t just say that some people can be motivated by money

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 4, 2023 11:52 AM
Reply to  Camille

Absolutely. This would have been the most correct short cut.
Its moments where we cant find the right word and therefore get around in stories.

Oct 4, 2023 5:59 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

‘Why go 4 classes lower, it doesnt make sense.’ . Maybe not to you. There’s no accounting for tastes or fetishes.how can you claim to know?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 3, 2023 10:37 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Oh my fucking god, Ted Bundy was a frigging really handsome man, he didn’t need to rape and murder 35 women did he. What a fucking stupid thing to say

Oct 3, 2023 10:46 PM

That Canadian rapist was goodlooking too ( Paul Bernardo)

Oct 4, 2023 12:31 AM

Bundy was a psychopath.
Most psychopaths wear suits, or uniforms, but they don’t make the headlines.

Oct 4, 2023 8:16 AM
Reply to  Johnny

The establishment needs every employable psychopath to impose tyranny order.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 4, 2023 4:12 AM

A man is innocent before a Court has condemned him guilty.

Carol Ann Boone married Ted Bundy during his trials as mass murder. She got a child with Ted Bundy under his prison time for massmurder and this is not the only case where some women gets horny on hard core criminals.
Saying again some women have a weird relationship with men.

Oct 4, 2023 1:37 PM

I have to agree.

Oct 4, 2023 3:31 PM

Russell Brand = Ted Bundy

Oct 4, 2023 3:41 PM

Marilyn, my apologies. I didn’t scroll down far enough before I posted the same information about Ted Bundy.

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Oct 3, 2023 11:29 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Should have gone to specsavers! 🤓

Oct 4, 2023 4:54 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Gawd what an asinine archaic comment.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 4, 2023 2:04 PM
Reply to  hele

Feels like the dumbshit they used to spout in the 1960’s

Oct 4, 2023 3:39 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Erik, take a look at a picture of Ted Bundy. He was a lot better looking than Russell Brand (who actually looks kind of creepy). His good looks didn’t stop him from raping and murdering.

Oct 4, 2023 12:27 AM

Pretty sure you’ll find that many, if not most of your favourite male movie stars, rock stars and sports stars had/have similar sex lives to Brand.
That does not justify or excuse it Marilyn, but merely puts it in to context.
Men WANT sex. Women WANT Love.

Oct 4, 2023 12:54 AM
Reply to  Johnny

? ‘ that does not justify or excuse it ‘ ? !! The man has DENIED doing anything criminal. unless he is found guilty of a crime why dos he have to justify himself or excuse himself?

Oct 4, 2023 1:09 AM
Reply to  Camille

Brand has already admitted he was/is a sex addict.
Isn’t that back door justification?
The vast majority of accused ‘criminals’ innocent or not, take the denial path.

Oct 4, 2023 1:16 AM
Reply to  Johnny

What are you talking about? He has denied doing anything criminal. Anything else is between him and the persons concerned

Oct 4, 2023 1:46 AM
Reply to  Camille

Okay. So either the ‘persons’ are lying or Brand is lying.
I like Brand, I think he’s doing good things, but he ain’t no saint.
TPTB want to shut him down.
So far they’re winning.

Oct 4, 2023 7:07 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Since when does somebody have to excuse or justify themselves for not being a saint?

Oct 4, 2023 7:11 AM
Reply to  Johnny

I think it’s far worse than that. If you look at the letter from the UK parliament ( culture committee) and James Cleverly ‘s statement, they don’t talk about crimes. The chair of the culture committee talks about ‘ inapproriate ‘ behviour.

Oct 4, 2023 8:56 AM
Reply to  Camille

Brand could of course be both a rapist and an op – it’s not either/or.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 4, 2023 9:06 AM
Reply to  Edwige

He doesn’t seem like the type to me. A rapist, I mean. He’s totally the type to be an op. His whole YouTube presence is suspicious.

I suspect he’s done his job, and these ‘unjust allegations’ (as I think they will turn out to be) are a good way to dial him back without anyone losing face, while establishing the correct atmosphere moving forwards for the newly passed Online Harms Bill. Some anonymous ‘scummy journalists’, it may turn out, were trying to ‘frame’ Brand, and the papers will pay him large damages (a long established way to launder large payoffs).

Oct 4, 2023 1:50 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Would such a hullabaloo really establish the correct atmosphere? I think that’s a stretch, to say the least.

What is really going on?

I, personally, had my ‘black pill’ sojourn: the PTB control everything; therefore, everything is false.

But now I have rethought.

Generally speaking, I would say, operations fall into two categories: the ‘limited hangout’ and the ‘piped piper’.

Let’s start with the limited hangout: EVERYONE, online (who isn’t dismissed as a foaming-at-the-mouth conspiracy theorist) is a limited hangout, more or less. I’m talking about the big names: RFK, Peterson, Carlson, Rogan, Tate.

What does it mean, to be a ‘limited hangout’? It means there are places they won’t go.

Off the top of my head (concerning this crowd): 9/11, chemtrails, fractional reserve banking, WW2, Israel, the no-virus theory, the occult dimension to the ruling elite (and their predilection for pedophilia).

The list goes on . . .

The question is, why? Why won’t they go there?

1. Because they are ‘bad actors’: they’re in on the con (somehow).
2. They are just not aware of certain things.
3. They are genuinely engaged in a game of brinkmanship. (Does RFK think, for example, that the Mossad were involved in the deaths of his father and uncle? Almost certainly. Can he say it out loud?)

We don’t know.

We have to listen to what they say.

Being a pied piper is something else. The limited hangout constrains the conversation, somehow; the pied piper redirects it.

Is the ‘conversation’ being redirected?

This can happen with or without the conscious participation of the relevant pipers, obviously.

Oddly enough, Russell Brand wrote a book, called ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’.

But, at the end of the day, I think, none of this is the point; which is, simply, that anyone out there with a huge audience is there because the PTB don’t really object to them being there. Not really.

They know what they know. And do what they do.

They surveil, and crunch numbers.

They know what the numbers are.

But I would just say: avoid being too black-pilled.

God knows what poor old Alex Jones is, now, but it doesn’t matter – for me, infowars was hugely important . . .

But it’s more than an ‘infowar’ – it’s a war for our souls. And I would suggest that people like Peterson, particularly – and to a lesser degree, perhaps, Brand – have contributed a lot of goodness, truth and beauty to the generalised conversation. And that’s not insignificant.

We just got to keep our wits about us.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 4, 2023 4:29 PM
Reply to  Will

Would such a hullabaloo really establish the correct atmosphere?

I guess it depends how it turns out 😅 What messages are pushed to the forefront. Starting a conversation about something previously beyond question and holding someone’s fate in the balance are quick way to shift the Overton window, I’d suggest.

Another example of these tactics might be all those videos of police brutality allowed to circulate freely during Covid times.

Oct 4, 2023 5:11 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Yes particularly in Melbourne Victoria Australia you’d think you’d REALLY gone to hell without even dying.

Oct 4, 2023 8:28 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

So what was his “job”?

Oct 4, 2023 9:02 AM
Reply to  Camille

That’s a joke coming from the British Parliament.
It seethes with inappropriate behaviour, both sexual and violent.

Oct 4, 2023 3:51 PM
Reply to  Johnny

The US and Britain keep reversing roles in the “Monkey see, monkey do” merry-go-round.

We in the US had our Bill Cosby moment. Now Britain has its Russell Brand moment.

Not to diminish sexual abuse, let alone rape; but we know perfectly well that nothing the really big players do gets televised. Joe Biden, for example, seems to have a long history of sexual hanky-panky. But don’t hold your breath waiting to see it on ABC Australia.

“The Worst President in the Last 100 Years” – Victor Davis Hanson – YouTube

Oct 4, 2023 5:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

I thought that thte judge in the US was right to allow Cosby’s appeal. It wasn’t fair the way they tried to go behind the deal that had been made.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 4, 2023 4:14 AM
Reply to  Johnny

You lost it all in the last sentence……….LOL.

Oct 4, 2023 7:09 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I don’t get it . He ends by saying( The vast majority of accused ‘criminals’ innocent or not, take the denial path. ‘So is he saying he thinks Brand is a criminal who is denying his crimes???

Oct 4, 2023 9:08 AM
Reply to  Camille

Brand will become, at least in the eyes of the public, whatever the establishment decides he should be.
Mud sticks.
The Me Too movement proved that.

Oct 4, 2023 10:28 AM
Reply to  Johnny

You appear to be unable to distinguish between a criminal and someone who is not a saint. It’s a big difference.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 4, 2023 11:42 AM
Reply to  Camille

No. His last sentence was “Men WANT sex. Women WANT Love.”. Showing he is not too experienced in the relationship between a man and a woman.
Therefore I write he lost it all by this sentence.

Oct 4, 2023 5:00 AM

This is an interesting POV-maybe-hope I don’t get my head ripped off: Glen Grenwald-System Update:  “It’s Monday, September 18. Welcome to a new episode of System Update, our live nightly show that airs every Monday through Friday at 7 p.m. Eastern, exclusively here on Rumble, the free speech alternative to YouTube. Tonight: The accusations against Russell Brand. The famed comedian, actor and political commentator stands accused by four different women, all of whom are anonymous, of various forms of sexual misconduct, including an allegation of rape from one of them. The year-long investigation that culminated in these accusations was conducted by a consortium of British media companies, including the newspaper Times of London, which is owned by the Murdoch family, as well as the television network Channel 4. All of the allegations concern alleged behavior he undertook from the period of 2006 to 2013 when Brand worked for Channel 4, as well as for the BBC. There are no allegations involving behavior after 2013. Prior to the publication of the Times article and the Channel 4 documentary, none of these women had ever filed a criminal complaint, and there are no indications that even with the publication of these accusations, they have done so yet.  Brand skyrocketed to cultural celebrity as a result of hosting numerous television programs, acting as the lead in several Hollywood studio films and being married for a short time to the pop star Katy Perry. He has always been political and was long associated with the British left, being a vocal supporter of the British socialist Jeremy Corbyn and identifying for a long time as a democratic socialist.  But over the last several years, Brand’s politics has become less susceptible to being ideologically pigeonholed for many of the same reasons that’s true of the independent journalists Matt Taibbi and myself. In particular, Brandt has developed a profound distrust of and deep contempt for the leading institutions of authority in the West, including the corporate media, the Western security state, neoliberal financial institutions, and the COVID pandemic.  One of his main targets became the pharmaceutical industry. He is an outspoken opponent of the U.S.-EU role in the war in Ukraine and has long crusaded for the freedom of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. He vehemently denounces the union of state and corporate power to censor political speech on the Internet – views which are now bizarrely coded as being right-wing and thus provokes the greatest amount of animosity from establishment centers of power, particularly from corporate media outlets.  Until the last few years, Brand largely worked within mainstream media and mainstream culture, he has been extremely candid about the difficulties of his past, including the years he spent in substance abuse and sex addiction and generally living what he describes as a spiritually deprived lifestyle built around hedonism. He wrote a book on that and the recovery process in which he engaged to get out of that lifestyle. He has also now built one of the most influential and powerful platforms in independent political media. His daily Show on Rumble and the segments of it that he posts on YouTube are routinely watched by millions of people. And that’s been true for several years. The allegations against Brand obviously have the potential to destroy his reputation permanently. It is the biggest story in the UK, occupying the cover of every newspaper and tabloid and dominating news programs on television. It also flooded the American media as well. The allegations deserve to be taken seriously in the sense that they are likely to have massive ramifications on… Read more »

Oct 4, 2023 9:01 AM
Reply to  hele

, ” various forms of sexual misconduct including …..rape”??? Rape isn’t sexual miconduct. It’s a crime. If the other forms of ‘ sexual misconduct ‘ are not crimes, why are they important? The ‘ misconduct ‘ will be a personal value judgment?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 4, 2023 2:05 PM
Reply to  Camille

Gotta love the people so demented by the globalist stuff that everything is caught up in it and rapists are excused

Oct 4, 2023 2:46 PM

Gotta hate Marilyn’s sense of fairness. She thinks it’s ok to brand somebody a rapist who has 1) no convictions for rape 2) publicly declared that he is not a rapist. She also seems to be incapable of expressing disagreement without effing and blinding ( Tourette’s? )

Oct 4, 2023 5:14 PM
Reply to  Camille

one of the important points is Why now amost 10 years later?And as Brand gains a following on Rumble.
Snowden,Trump accused of rape-noticing a pattern here.

Oct 4, 2023 7:50 PM
Reply to  hele

Any particular reason why you are directing a point I made back at me?

Johnny Maserati
Johnny Maserati
Oct 3, 2023 8:59 PM
Oct 3, 2023 8:58 PM


University of South Carolina professor Phillip Buckhaults, molecular biologist and cancer geneticist, replicates Kevin McKernan’s findings:

— Highest level of DNA contamination found:  30% of the shot was plasmid DNA, increasing the likelihood of DNA integration and cancer

–Mice injected with the COVID mRNA shot passed on their acquired immune traits — both good and bad — to offspring, which not only suggests that the mRNA can enter the nucleus of the cell, but also that it can be permanently integrated into chromosomal DNA and have intergenerational effects

–Also present in vaxx: SV40 promoter (Simian Virus), a sequence used in gene therapy to drive DNA into the nucleus of cells.

–Regulatory agencies were clearly aware of this problem early on, as Pfizer submitted documents to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) showing sampled lots had a broad range of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in them.

Buckhaults’ September 13, 2023 video testimony: 
 [Prof obviously finding what he doesn’t WANT to find]

In the U.S., there were 147,828 more deaths than expected during the first 30 weeks of 2023– most not in hospital or care homes– i.e., “died suddenly/unexpectedly.”

Entire article (limited time):

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 4, 2023 4:16 AM
Reply to  Penelope

This means we have to move quickly to get Larry and the last 1/3 of the entire global population vaxxed.

Oct 4, 2023 8:19 AM
Reply to  Penelope


Oct 4, 2023 1:43 PM
Reply to  Penelope

After Buckhaults testimony a toxicolgoist testifies and her testimony is riveting as well.

Could someone in the medical field please explain why sv40 is still used on vaccines?

It was proved to be contaminated back in the 50’s from what I understand, but apparently still being used. And from what Dr. Buckhaults and other’s have reported, is still being used.

Oct 4, 2023 8:31 PM
Reply to  judith

Could someone in the medical field please explain why sv40 is still used on vaccines?

LOL, good one!

Oct 4, 2023 5:08 PM
Reply to  Penelope

I don’t know. Looks a bit fake.

Oct 3, 2023 8:53 PM

“I did Nazi that coming.” — Justine Trudeau

Oct 3, 2023 9:06 PM
Reply to  turesankara

i think it was that crittur Jeff Berwick, ye word thief.

John Manning
John Manning
Oct 3, 2023 7:46 PM

I thought that in Germany it was a crime to support or promote Nazi ideology. How does the German ambassador to Canada performing a standing ovation for a Nazi go unnoticed by the German media.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 3, 2023 8:42 PM
Reply to  John Manning

Apparently it’s OK to be or applaud a nazi as long as you don’t use a crooked cross (Or get found out)

Oct 5, 2023 3:49 PM
Reply to  John Manning

Good question. It did get noticed but not by mainstream. Then government spokespeople had some trouble to ‘put it into perspective’ And then sent in the ‘fact checkers’ to say that this guy’s SS unit wasn’t really that bad. Which made things worse, of course. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right …

Duncan Wearing
Duncan Wearing
Oct 3, 2023 6:54 PM

So, Zelensky is a jew and a Nazi. How do we square this circle? Also, Zelensky’s puppet-master Kolomoiski is a jew as well.

Oct 3, 2023 7:49 PM
Reply to  Duncan Wearing

duncan why not
ask a nazi

these scum are pirates who self identify as something certainly not semites

under the khagan’s influence, the khazar decided to convert to Judaism between 740 and 800.

turkic dregs

Oct 4, 2023 5:22 PM
Reply to  gorden

Allegedly they were under pressure from Constantinople on the one side and the Caliphate of Baghdad on the other to convert respectively to orthodox Christianity or Islam. On enquiring that they heard that both religions derived from Judaism they were told that this was true. So they stalled and sent to Cordoba for Rabbis and 2 came. Took years. So they made their excuses and became ‘Khazarian.’
But there was this ‘other thing’ skulking around beneath the visible surface.

Oct 3, 2023 8:04 PM
Reply to  Duncan Wearing

because Nazism/ Zionism/Judaism/ ethnicity have got nothing to do with the matter. Zelensky is a multmillionaire ( I believe) and many of those backing him have said that the Ukraine war is good for certain US interests.( Maybe it’s good for the interests of the arms’ delaers?) Many of the ‘elected representatatives’ of the people in the not very free West are very wealthy too and perhaps represent the interests of the very wealthy

Oct 3, 2023 8:30 PM
Reply to  Duncan Wearing

There is no circle to square. Nazism/ Zionism/Judaism/ ethnicity have got nothing to do with the matter. Zelensky is a multmillionaire ( I believe) and many of those backing him have said that the Ukraine war is good for certain US interests.( Maybe it’s good for the interests of the arms’ dealers?) Many of the ‘elected representatatives’ of the people in the not very free West are very wealthy too and perhaps represent the interests of the very wealthy

Oct 3, 2023 8:31 PM
Reply to  Duncan Wearing

There is no circle to square. Nazism/ Zionism/Judaism/ ethnicity have got nothing to do with the matter. Zelensky is a multmillionaire ( I believe) and many of those backing him have said that the Ukraine war is good for certain US interests.( Maybe it’s good for the interests of the arms’ dealers?) Many of the ‘elected representattives’ of the people in the not very free West are very wealthy too and perhaps represent the interests of the very wealthy

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 3, 2023 9:51 PM
Reply to  Duncan Wearing

How do we square this? Take a look at what the Israelis have been doing in Palestine since WWII.

Duncan Wearing
Duncan Wearing
Oct 3, 2023 11:16 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

My initial post was more of a rhetorical question but I suspect Zionists created Nazism as they did Communism.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 5, 2023 7:09 PM
Reply to  Duncan Wearing

And yet people are alway on here trying to rehabilitate Hitler and the Nazis. Mossad agents no doubt. Why doesn’t anyone call them out?

Oct 4, 2023 8:32 PM
Reply to  Duncan Wearing


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 3, 2023 6:54 PM

A work of complete genius!

Jordan Sather
Canada Parliament Honors A Literal Nazi
Oct 2, 2023

Brendon O’Connell
Channel: Unit8200
Patreon Video 8 – The Bolshevik Equivilent of Take Back America And General Flynn
Sep 25, 2023

Oct 3, 2023 6:30 PM

I wonder if the chicken swingers were out in force…. Ahem, more than likely.

Oct 3, 2023 5:29 PM

How THEY see you…….

“Covid tracking is back in the UK – here’s what that means and why there’s no reason to panic
Story by Stuart-ritchie •

Oct 3, 2023 5:05 PM

Ah yes, the Nazis. Always good for a distraction. Nobody ever accused Mr. Trudeau of biting the hand that feeds him and his cronies.

Let’s move beyond the distraction to perhaps the main thing being distracted from. (Read it and weep.)

The One Quadrillion Dollars Derivatives Bubble: “The Great Taking”: How They Plan to Own It All – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Oct 3, 2023 6:33 PM
Reply to  Howard

Also good for reminding us of the horror hoax too, I mean they mustn’t let us forget must they.

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Oct 4, 2023 12:52 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

So true Cloverleaf…the gift that keeps on giving!

Oct 3, 2023 6:44 PM
Reply to  Howard

Most journalism sites are allergic to economics – they don’t understand it or they think it doesn’t sell.

I admit I gave up writing about it after 30 years as a financial journalist – but it’s back.

Richard “Princes of the Yen” Werner is still the No 1 analyst.

The Soviet Union is the central planners’ model. Those of us who spent 10-plus years in Russia recognise the signs. So does Werner from a lengthy perspective from Japan.

The role of inflation is to cover for the switch to a new system, just as happened with the introduction of the Euro in 2000/01. But deflation is still an option. They don’t have to copy the 1970s template.

Don’t sweat the details. “Keep an eye on the bigger stories because they indicate the goals of the central planners.”

John D. Rockefeller: “Competition is a sin.”

Oct 3, 2023 7:21 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Werner was appointed to the WEF 2003 Global Leaders for Tomorrow (GLT) programme. Klaus Schwab hated his questions. Kicked him out. Closed GLT and changed the name to Young Global Leaders.

That is an extra reason to listen to Werner.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 3, 2023 10:14 PM
Reply to  Howard

Buy gold and silver bullion, and stock up cobber of any kind. Then you can fok any bubble.
It is that easy man.

Oct 4, 2023 4:01 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

The one bubble no amount of precious metal can fok is the food bubble. And it is coming, as GMOs replace ALL natural food (I had no idea even sugar is now a GMO crop, aka “bioengineered”).

It’s almost guaranteed that the GMOs will fail completely one day. And that’ll be that, gold, silver notwithstanding.

Oct 3, 2023 4:57 PM

Very good piece and hard to argue against. What we need to make sure is that we cannot be cowed into allowing antisemitism or anti-anything to get in the way of the truth. Yes, there are many Zionists behind the new global order, only an idiot would argue with that. But there are many bought and paid-for criminals of all religions and creeds behind this world takeover. Like most things follow the money and who has the licence to print it.

Oct 3, 2023 4:44 PM

A statue of Bomber Harris has been on the Strand in London since 1992.According to an organisation called the Peace Pledge Union Arthur Harris devised the strategy of the mass bombing of German cities, which was implemented in the last 3 years of the war.. This involved the killing of 25,000 people in Dresden in a single night in 1945.
Harris said openly that the aim of the Bomber Command Offensive “should be unambiguously stated” as “the destruction of German cities, the killing of German workers, and the disruption of civilised life throughout Germany … the destruction of houses, public utilities, transport and lives, the creation of a refugee problem on an unprecedented scale”.

Oct 3, 2023 4:59 PM
Reply to  Camille

But I was taught we were always the good guys?

Oct 3, 2023 6:39 PM
Reply to  rickypop

We fought the wrong enemy ~ George. S Patton.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 3, 2023 10:18 PM
Reply to  rickypop

Thats why the evil guys always think they are the good guys, and the good guys always think they are the evil guys. Fixed.

Oct 4, 2023 9:30 PM
Reply to  Camille

Air Vice Marshal ‘Stuffy’ Dowding sent 400 Lancasters on a single night for Hitler’s teahouse on the Kehlstein. We (the mad Belgian and I) broke into/over the razorwire fence at Berchtesgaden into the compound in 1990. Everything was destroyed, smashed to bits. Totalled. I managed to find a small piece of concrete as a takeaway.
The plants and trees, few that they were were twisted in weird shapes. Nearly nothing would grow. Normally it ould have been overgrown. Whether it was from the vibes of sheer poison from the HE I don’t know.
There was supposed to be nobody there, but it was being patrolled by jeeps every 20 minutes. As it was dark we could see them coming and lie down ’til they passed. Whoever they were, we didn’t want to meet them.
Dowding allegedly treated it as REVENGE. He wanted to destroy everything that Hitler remotely liked, let alone loved.

Oct 3, 2023 4:13 PM

justin castro viva la rotten shield revolution
zionist,communist, follower of zvi and jacob frank
feeding moloch for new khazaria
satans little helper a sodomite canker distemper

Oct 3, 2023 5:27 PM
Reply to  gorden
