REVIEW: Into the Uncanny Valley with Naomi Klein

The author tussles with Naomi Wolf in Doppelgangers

Geoff Olson

Canadian journalist Naomi Klein’s latest work, Doppelgangers: A Trip Into the Mirror World, is a peculiar mix of personal memoir, postmodern philosophy and historical survey. But it’s largely a brief against the American writer and activist Naomi Wolf and her fellow travelers in the “mirror world” of conspiracy-mongering.

“In my defence, it was never my intent to write this book,” she writes in the introduction. “I did not have time. No one asked me to. And several people strongly cautioned against it.” She should have listened. This isn’t a book that will likely age well.

The author relates how the public confusion between the two Naomis – which had previously just been annoying – became infuriating through the pandemic, when Wolf began fashioning herself as critic of Covid/vaccine mandates. By Klein’s own admission, her “obsession” with the “Other Naomi” was even getting a bit much for those in her personal orbit. Yet she persisted and has expanded it into a broader critique of our present disorder in Doppelgangers

To give the book some intellectual padding, Klein draws upon psychologist Sigmund Freud’s notion of ‘doubles’ leading to a sense of ‘the uncanny’: “that species of the frightening that goes back to what was once well known and had long been familiar,” he wrote.

Why do I get the feeling Klein herself has become uncanny? I’d almost be relieved to discover the brilliant author of No Logo and The Shock Doctrine was replaced by a simKlein – a clever algorithm that has captured her voice, but not her gift for sharp class and corporate analysis.


According to Klein, the “Other Naomi” is:

“…one of the most effective creators and disseminators of misinformation and disinformation about many of most urgent crises, and as someone who has seemingly helped inspire large numbers to take to the streets in rebellion against an almost wholly hallucinated “tyranny”….”

Klein writes that her Other’s antics make it “almost impossible to fully take her seriously,” adding, “Wolf may be a joke, but she’s not a funny one.” (I haven’t seen any response yet online from her target. Perhaps she’s weighing her legal options, or just choosing to avoid a transnational catfight.)

That said, Klein does manage to get in a few good – er, jabs– against Wolf and her media guru, former Trump advisor Steve Bannon. In between the rhetoric and outright howlers, there’s still some excellent observations in the book – for example, on branding in the age of social media, predatory capitalism, and the Israel/Palestine conflict. This is Naomi freaking Klein, after all. She’s incapable of writing a wooden sentence. And she hasn’t written an absolutely terrible book – just one that’s deeply wrong in key areas.

First of all, here’s what’s NOT in Doppelgangers.

For all the references to Covid “conspiracy” and “conspiracists” in the book, the names of the health freedom movement’s go-to scientists on mandates and mRNA jabs are strangely absent: Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. John Ioaniddis, Dr. Byram Bridle and many, many other immunologists, epidemiologists, virologists and cell biologists across the world.

As we know, their credentials were impeccable up until 2020, when they started questioning the Covid orthodoxy and were exiled to legacy press / social media Siberia.

Klein doesn’t address their claims, or bring up contrarian pieces from peer-reviewed publications like the British Medical Journal. In the hundreds of notes at the end of the book, there are CDC and WHO releases and a smattering of citations to refereed scientific journals. The vast bulk of the references are to mainstream media ‘fact-checked’ sources, in a Möbius strip of manufactured consent.

The “Other Naomi,” a journalist like herself, is easier game than dissident doctors and scientists – a wolf on a plateau populated by grizzlies and cougars. And for all the ink spent on the supposed conspiracy-mongering by Wolf, there is no critical engagement on the latter’s chief focus over the past half-year: the thousands upon thousands of Pfizer internal documents, full of damaging information, continuing to be released monthly under court order after the FDA initially protested it would take 75 years to process them all.

Nothing for 348 pages on The Great Barrington Declaration. Nothing on VAERS or the UK’s Yellow Card system. Nothing on Sweden’s social distancing results, Event 201, “gain of function research,” negative efficacy, nudge units, ivermectin meta-analysis, etc. etc. A better title for this book would have been Lacuna.

There are a few moments in the first part of the book book where Klein seems like she might touch on pandemic era propaganda. “Moreover, plenty of people, pregnant or not, have good reasons not to trust both Big Pharma and Big Government, let alone the two acting in coordination,” she accurately observes. But it all circles back to the predominant messaging: Masking good. Lockdowns good. Covid vaccines good.

Completely avoiding the matter of early COVID treatment protocols using ivermectin and other medications, the author cites math-modellers who estimated 250,000 deaths from Covid could have been prevented through vaccination. “The responsibility for the catastrophic loss rest, in significant part with the people who have spread dangerous lies about vaccines that, while not risk free, a remarkably safe and effective in reducing Covid severity.” [bold mine]

Wait, don’t the jabs reduce transmission of Covid as well…? No, a Pfizer representative before the European parliament has admitted they weren’t developed to do this.

Yet some pages further in, Klein appears to pivot when suggesting that the Covid vaccines indeed stop transmission:

More to the point, vaccination programs that ask strong, healthy people to accept small inconveniences to protect themselves – as well as people who are sicker, older, and more medically vulnerable – are the precise opposite of biofascism. On the contrary, they are acts of what we might call biojustice.”

As for mandates, it wasn’t that we did too much, it’s that we did too little. She asks, “how much did we do to push our government to keep mask mandates in place to protect the immunocompromised?”

And in this passage of high irony, you can can be sure Klein isn’t referring to those who cancelled or shunned noncompliant neighbours, friends and family members:

The horror of the society that flips fascist from within – without the aid of a foreign nation – lies precisely in this unsettling feeling of familiarity. When that ferocious force is conjured up to wage war on a portion of the domestic population, there are no outsiders to blame. It’s the nice, normal people down the street who turn out to be capable of monstrosity – monstrousness as revealed as the evil twin of nice, the doppelganger of normal.”

The book doesn’t focus solely on the pandemic. The author also makes space to telegraph the mainstream narrative line on other issues, like the Ukraine proxy war. In doing so, she left me wondering if she has a psychic talent for seeing through the Kremlin walls and into the bald head of Vladimir Putin:

“Throughout Russia’s illegal invasion and occupation of Ukraine, Putin would accuse the Ukraine government of the precise crimes he was busily committing, or considering committing, himself.”

As Dorothy Parker famously said of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, “This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.”

I felt a bit Parkerish myself when I came to the dodgier sections of Doppelgangers, though I restrained myself several times from hurling my copy against the nearest wall. I still managed to get a minor physical workout from reading it – from the the neck up. I just couldn’t stop shaking my head and rolling my eyes.

It’s doubly maddening considering the excellence of Klein’s early works. That’s not to say Doppelgangers is entirely without flashes of brilliance and near-brilliance. She almost makes an important observation when she writes, “the structural critiques of capitalism are gone, replaced by discombobulated conspiracies that somehow frame deregulated capitalism as communism in disguise,” but renders it stupid with the thought-stopper c-word, which is used liberally throughout Doppelgangers, along with its variants (conspiracy, conspiracists, conspiracy theory).

The younger Naomi makes an appearance in the last part of her book as a superb analyst of predatory capitalism and its connection to racism and genocide. The author even spends one whole page on the immense profitability to the tech sector of an AI-dominated future, including the construction of “smart cities, which would radically increase the surveillance of daily life.”

And yes, there is a QAnonish faction of the health freedom movement that deserves criticism. Klein scores some points here, too. Yet these glimmers of understanding comes packaged with zero recognition that captured regulatory agencies like the FDA, the CDC and the WHO are now the playthings of big money, which is a lot more more worrying than health freedom influencers monetized through New Agey health products (which she spends pages on).

As for the World Economic Forum’s so-called “Great Reset” – and I’m paraphrasing here – phffft.

Into the Uncanny Valley

A quarter of a century back I sat down to interview the young author after she was kind enough to take time off her busy schedule promoting her excellent first book, No Logo. She was charming and thoughtful. I liked her then and it’s difficult for me to think poorly of her now, given that she soon became one of my intellectual heroines.

Back then, the conversation turned to a recent gathering of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) at the University of British Columbia, which had been heavily protested by students and activists. “A university campus to host a forum on globalization,” Klein said, shaking her head and laughing. “What was going through their heads?”

I now wonder the same thing about her. What’s been going through her head, a dial tone? No, she’s far too sharp for that. Has she been replaced by a doppelganger? It almost seems that somewhere between The Shock Doctrine in 2007 and this book, the brainy progressive author has plunged into her own Uncanny Valley, returning as a simulation friendly to drug monopolies and government diktats.

“I could offer a kind of equation for leftists and liberals crossing over to the neofascist and authoritarian right that goes something like: narcissism (grandiosity) + social media addiction + midlife crisis ÷ public shaming = rightwing meltdown,” she writes.

With this snarky diagnosis from Doppelgangers in mind, I asked a social psychologist friend for his take on Klein’s intellectual arc, and he responded:

A signature of cognitive dissonance is that the more one has invested in a belief system, the greater likelihood they irrationally defend that system in the face of contradictory evidence. Before her success as a writer, Klein may have identified more with the dis-empowered.

Her success created financial and ideological security that would now be threatened by challenging mainstream narratives: 2020-22 saw almost anyone of cultural significance destroyed if they dissented. What the meaning maintenance model (which includes cognitive dissonance, terror management, and other mechanisms of mental coherence) tells us is that our investment in a worldview is rarely a rational calculus based on evidence, but rather a deeply unconscious survival mechanism, often impervious to reason.

I suspect Naomi Klein, Chrystia Freeland, and many others are simply victims of their own psychological self-preservation. As religious history has shown us, collective insanity is often more adaptive than individual rationalism.”

I actually don’t believe Klein identifies less with the disempowered than when she was younger; the moving section on the Palestinian plight in Doppelgangers makes that plain. It’s just that most respectable liberal-left journalists wouldn’t attach that term to certain groups today.

The disempowered does not include women who extended the feminist dictum “my body, my choice” to decisions on novel gene therapy, or middle class refuseniks denied personal autonomy and informed choice through mandates. It doesn’t comprise the doctors, nurses and scientists cancelled, deplatformed, disciplined or fired for raising pertinent questions. As for those who were seriously injured or died shortly after a COVID injection – including children – there’s probably a stronger word that applies than disempowered.

Klein certainly now identifies with the viewpoint of the empowered, in the form of legacy media’s dominant paradigm on The Science™. But could it be that she and those in intellectual orbit haven’t actually changed all that much over time?

Back in 2010, MIT media critic Noam Chomsky explained why he didn’t focus on Fox News in his writings:

It is too easy. What I talk about are the liberal intellectuals, the ones who portray themselves and perceive themselves as challenging power, as courageous, as standing up for truth and justice. They are basically the guardians of the faith. They set the limits. They tell us how far we can go. They say, ‘Look how courageous I am.’ But do not go one millimeter beyond that. At least for the educated sectors, they are the most dangerous in supporting power.”

The cruelest irony is that Chomsky himself became a champion of freedom-quashing mandates. In October 2021 he endorsed the isolation of the unvaccinated from the rest of society “for their own good.” Their ability to get a hold of groceries in isolation “was their problem,” he added.

I’d like to think they’ve all have been replaced by doppelgangers. But my social psychologist friend – and Chomsky himself – have offered a more disturbing interpretation.

Another factor is that lefty media progressives are stuck in the grip of postmodern theorizing and past examples of despotism. It’s easy for them to imagine fascism goose-stepping into power with jackboots and truncheons. They have nightmares of its cartoon version prat-falling back into the Oval Office, wearing size 42 clown shoes and an orange tan. But it appears few among them can conceive of tyranny decked out with dress shoes, stethoscopes and syringes. They can’t compute that their own foundational values as lefties – collectivism and compassion – were weaponized back at them in the form of Covid/vaccine mandates.

They just can’t seem to get a bead on what writer C.J. Hopkins calls “GloboCap”:

…a decentralized network of governments, global corporations, banks, think tanks, media conglomerates, global health authorities, non-governmental governing entities, and other unaccountable persons and entities that establish and enforce the official ideological “reality” that we currently live in … which, call it what you want, but it’s global capitalism.”

It’s obvious the problem here is much bigger than one charming and brilliant progressive journalist who chose to go after her ‘doppelganger’ in print, weaving it into a takedown of “anti-vaxxers,” “anti-maskers,” the Freedom Convoy, and all the backwards, knuckle-dragging denizens of “mirror world.”

No, the problem comes down to Sudden Liberal Intellectual Death Syndrome.

Geoff Olson is an award-winning journalist and cartoonist whose writings and cartoons have appeared in The Globe and Mail, The National Post, Adbusters, Common Ground, This Magazine, Maclean’s and newspapers across Canada. For three decades Olson was a weekly columnist for The Vancouver Courier, and has supplied commentary to both CBC Radio, CBC NewsWorld and Roundhouse Radio. His work has been reproduced in journals and textbooks across the globe, and has given lectures on journalism at Langara College, Simon Fraser University. In the eighties he taught astronomy at the Gordon Southam Observatory and in the Vancouver School System. You can read more his work through his SubStack.


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Mr. Lucky
Mr. Lucky
Jan 7, 2024 3:57 AM

She is Tribe, and overtly or covertly protects and supports all that they do.

Sean Arthur Joyce
Sean Arthur Joyce
Oct 13, 2023 7:11 PM

In addition to the cognitive dissonance Ms. Klein seems to be experiencing, even a basic acquaintance with Jungian depth psychology would strongly suggest a pattern of projection based on an inability to accept and integrate her own shadow, that part of the psyche Jung wrote about that contains our repressed or unsavoury traits. ““It is a frightening thought that man also has a shadow side to him, consisting not just of little weaknesses—and foibles, but of a positively demonic dynamism. The individual seldom knows anything of this,” Jung wrote. “For the sake of mental stability and even physiological health, the unconscious and the conscious must be integrated and thus move on parallel lines. If they are split or ‘dissociated,’ psychological disturbance follows.” Case in point, Naomi Klein.

Robert Koch
Robert Koch
Oct 12, 2023 11:30 AM

What’s this Covid thing you keep talking about?

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Oct 9, 2023 6:01 PM

Klein is an idiot.

And the author of this article has a rather obvious bias towards Virus Pushers Against Clotshots as his choice of “health freedom scientists.” In fact, he excludes anyone else, including Nobel Prize nominee Stefano Scoglio and Torsten Engelbrecht, whose work has appeared on this page!!!

“For all the references to Covid “conspiracy” and “conspiracists” in the book, the names of the health freedom movement’s go-to scientists on mandates and mRNA jabs are strangely absent: Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. John Ioaniddis, Dr. Byram Bridle and many, many other immunologists, epidemiologists, virologists and cell biologists across the world.”

Oct 10, 2023 8:26 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

in addition to scoglio & engelbrecht, we also have the esteemed company of the following physicians, scientists, researchers, journalists, etc: stefan lanka, tom cowan, andrew kaufman, samantha & mark bailey, urmie ray, valentina kiseleva, dawn parker & david lester, jon rappoport, jeremy nell, & the list goes on.
also, it’s good to note that michael yeadon (former chief scientist & VP at pfizzer in the UK) in a two-hour video from july 2022, acknowledged that he had joined the camp of cowan & kaufman, & that “there is no respiratory virus.”

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 9, 2023 5:58 PM

Those of you who liked this may also enjoy a piece recently published on Nevermore Media under the title Has Naomi Klein sold her soul?.

You can read it here: https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/p/has-naomi-klein-sold-her-soul

HOW SHOULD WE REGARD NAOMI KLEIN NOW?Which leads me to a question that I would like to pose to the reader: How should we regard the legacy of an important thinker like Naomi Klein when she completely goes off the rails and jams her head completely up her own ass?

I personally am reluctant to dunk on her because I feel like I owe her a debt of gratitude for writing No Logo. I read that book at a young age and it definitely changed my life. I’m grateful to her influence in shaping my political consciousness.

However, as Has Naomi Klein Sold her Soul? makes clear, she has most assuredly switched sides. She is now on the side of the WEF, Big Pharma, and the disaster capitalists she once railed against.

Should we treat her as an enemy now? As someone suffering from mental illness? Should we attempt to coax her back onto the side of truth and righteousness? Or should we punish her as a traitor to the cause?

Oct 9, 2023 4:00 PM

Klein, like most Chardonnay Liberals, has contracted Trump Derangement Syndrome…. After having the same thing happen to all my Family & Friends, I’ve concluded that this pervasive ailment has rendered what little open critical thought any of the Politically Correct SJW Moderate Democrats, ever had, forever damaged….
Klein is a wealthy, Canadian Jewish Intellectual…. She longs for the Fantasy Utopian World she once imagined with Bill & Hillary / Barack & Michelle…. Now, she realizes how easily she was manipulated by the Democrat Slim machine for all those years…. Her only move, to cling to her own fragile pride, is to double / triple down on the Woke Victimhood Culture of the Chardonnay Liberal…
Anything else is to admit her-own ignorance…..

Oct 9, 2023 2:59 PM

Anyone who uses the term “misinformation” in a straight forward, uncritical way is not worth spending time on. Klein is a shill, a toady and a tyrant. I don’t think I am going to read this.

Carine Clary
Carine Clary
Oct 11, 2023 6:48 PM
Reply to  RegretLeft

I’ve listened to her interviews. She repeatedly uses the term “misinformation” without providing specific examples.

Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Oct 9, 2023 2:57 PM

‘As for mandates, it wasn’t that we did too much, it’s that we did too little. She asks, “how much did we do to push our government to keep mask mandates in place to protect the immunocompromised?”’

Listen up, everybody: alcoholic in the room. Could you please all switch sodas for the next hour or so? I’m leaving when the game’s over. Thank you.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Oct 9, 2023 12:12 PM

Another good review: In Doppelganger, Naomi Klein scapegoats Naomi Wolf for the sins of Klein’s father “What took Ms. Klein off the political chessboard was not Dr. Wolf, it was the demands of raising a special needs child. So why isn’t Ms. Klein with us on the issue of toxicants causing an increase in autism rates? She’s a fierce critic of corporate polluters. And as a high-profile figure, Ms. Klein is in contact with lots of parents. As she recounts in the book, both in Canada and in the United States fellow parents have taken her aside repeatedly to describe vaccine injury including autism in their kids. But in page after page, Ms. Klein heaps contempt upon these parents — accusing them of not loving their children because they want to help them heal from these toxic injuries. Ms. Klein trots out one gonzo neurodiversity cliché after another in defense of the status quo. She even argues that stories of changeling children in literature are evidence that autism has always been with us at the same prevalence rate as today. We also learn that Ms. Klein’s father was a professor of pediatrics at McGill University in Canada, the birthplace of evidence-based medicine (that has since been completely captured by Pharma). In order to stand with us, Ms. Klein would have to repudiate her father’s career, acknowledge her own possible role in her child’s disability (for believing in the trustworthiness of felonious corporations), and work alongside her former adversaries to overthrow the Fascist Pharma State (as Dr. Wolf is doing) — while raising a special needs child. And it’s all too much. So her personality split and she projected upon Dr. Wolf all of the hurt, rage, and pain that she was likely feeling towards herself, her father, and the system that… Read more »

Oct 9, 2023 3:38 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Too deep for me. What all these meretricious specimens need is the jab – at least 4 times a year – from every pharma brand they invested in.

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Oct 9, 2023 11:34 AM

Reading this review reminded me of an essay by Kevin Ryan (Conspiracies and Confabulation: Tales from two Naomis) which looks at the arguments of Klein and Wolf with regard to 911 some fifteen years ago. Funny how they are now entangled in this book years later.It is worth reading Wolf’s view of 911 research back in 2008 in her article : A Conspiracy So Immense. I don’t remember hearing her comment on the subject and wonder what her views would be now ?

Nov 7, 2023 3:11 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

If she has any sense – and she has – she surely will see that all the ‘theory’ has become fact. And we witnessed another 9/11 0n 10/7.

Bill Conklin
Bill Conklin
Oct 9, 2023 12:57 AM

I have been very disturbed that both Klein and Chomsky, two intellectuals I have really admired, have gone to the dark side.

les online
les online
Oct 9, 2023 3:24 AM
Reply to  Bill Conklin

I’ve been tempted to go over to The Dark Side but have stayed myself with the thought, “It must be vey crowded over there !”(And replete with too many intellectuals to boot.)…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 9, 2023 5:01 AM
Reply to  Bill Conklin

Dont worry. The Democratic Party have millions of replacements. Light bulbs.

Oct 9, 2023 5:33 AM
Reply to  Bill Conklin

It might be dark but the fringe benefits are splendiferous!

Oct 8, 2023 11:27 PM

NK is evidence that spike proteins *do* cross the blood-brain barrier

Oct 8, 2023 11:08 PM

I first met Klein back during her Shock Doctrine years days when she still possessed some vital integrity. I had her on our program back then. But I am equally a friend of Naomi Wolf who knows and understands the battleground of ideas and the forces that be far better than Klein ever could. Like many first authors who then get famous, Klein drifted to where the money and fame was. She lost her critical thinking skills in the process. The entire premise of her new book is self-infatuation, and exercise in self-cherishing righteousness. Sadly, I once introduced Klein to old friend of 2 decades Vandana Shiva. Today, Klein is low life in comparison. After becoming a pathetic shill for the globalist agenda, writing moonshine sputum over at the Guardian, she is huge disappointment and a betrayal to her early base and roots.

Quite frankly, this review sucks.

Oct 9, 2023 12:38 AM
Reply to  RichardG

She should have steered clear of that petard Richard.
Glamour and glitz can be very, very addictive.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 25, 2023 4:27 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Addictive, but not physically like heroin et al., so more amenable to reason and conscience. At some point the responsibility is there to wake up. Or to snap the spell. That takes more mindfulness than so many, ahem, “public intellectuals” seem to own?

Gordon Hastie
Gordon Hastie
Oct 9, 2023 3:42 PM
Reply to  RichardG

The Grauniad loves her, of course, which more or less says it all.

Oct 10, 2023 11:25 PM
Reply to  Gordon Hastie

Grauniad? Haven’t heard that one from private eye for a long time. Sadly that publication too is controlled opposition style nonsense. Hislop and co dared not pen a word against mega shill nick Cohen for his sexual deviances simply because he penned some articles for them

Oct 8, 2023 11:06 PM

Grifters gonna grift.

“Gimme da loot. Gimme da loot.” — Notorious BIG

Oct 8, 2023 10:58 PM

REVIEW: Into the Uncanny Valley with Naomi Klein


Own the libs  💤 

Oct 8, 2023 10:55 PM

Tragically, Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky and other slaves of leftist ideology will likely never see that ‘capitalism’ is not in fact the great evil beast which besets humanity, that it was always just the word of great magic power used by real evil to hide itself, to take control of caring minds, and to turn us against each other. Naomi Wolf and the author, having escaped the leftist (blind)fold, see though the delusion and offer hope.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 8, 2023 9:31 PM

There was an amusing alt-review about Naomi Klein and her consultancy at the Vatican 7 or 8 years ago, and its conference on climate change, and it focused much of the word count on her preoccupation with her frequent wardrobe changes. By her own admission she’d brought quite a lot of changes in costumes, perhaps as her stylized mise en scêne to dramatize parallels to the purported swiftness of changes in the climate.

I had taken her seriously enough till then, but it all kind of fell flat, after that. The thrill was gone.

Oct 8, 2023 6:45 PM

“They can’t compute that their own foundational values as lefties – collectivism and compassion – were weaponized back at them in the form of Covid/vaccine mandates.”

Could not have said it better. Anyone who once considered themselves a humanitarian liberal, to use a nice label for it, and managed to keep thinking during this idiocy, has watched as everything they once believed in has been turn into open fascism, or feudalism, or again, whatever label one wishes to attach. I still have a copy of “The Shock Doctrine” and have not yet burned it, it is still a valuable book, but now one would have to attempt to tediously explain why its author has chosen to ignore the shock doctrine happening in real time if one recommended reading it. Sad and infuriating.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Oct 8, 2023 6:31 PM

I beg to differ. Capitalism, as anybody could tell ya, is not “racist.”

Capitalism concerns one thing and one thing only–making money.

If being racist makes it money, then it goes racist.

If being anti-racist makes it money, as it does nowadays, then it goes anti-racist.


John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 8, 2023 10:18 PM
Reply to  Joe Smith

Simplistic. An oversimplification of the capitalist strategies. Capitalism is as it plays out over the centuries, The Worm, “Ourobouros.” It eats its own tail progressively and “oxidizes” (burns) everything in its path ( as Sun Tsu said of war itself, which is the preferred state of affairs for corporate capitalists, as Tojo and Mussolini & Co. often noted). It tends simply to consume, including us, the human Prima Materia. In a certain sense, seen in its extremity, it’s in its purest form as a cannibalism, in the economic sense. (Or more literally, if politely disguised.) And now we’re seeing that fell spirit more and more in its cultural effects, with speed added. Across the board. Of course, the Market will always be here, since the first yard sale of sticks and stones and sandals, at the dawn of civilization. Gorbachev spoke to that and noted the clear distinctions between the perennial Marketplace and its lengthening Shadow, Capitalism. And Chesterton highlighted the differences in process: “The practical tendency of all trade and commerce today is to form big combinations, which are often more impersonal, more imperial, and more International than many a communist commonwealth.” As a liberal in the truest sense, and a deeply democratic spirit and pundit, GKC wrote with epic & timely penetration a century ago, give or take a decade, (and considering how often he’s been hijacked ruthlessly ever since by “conservatives,” especially American conservative capitalists and/or fascists) that it was really capitalism and not communism that has incrementally destroyed the family! [Those essays are easier now to find as “cameos” (excerpted essays online: he wrote over 100 books alone, in a 62 year life span!) and revealing by his keen gifts and a polyglot’s insights, into all our current dilemmas, it seems, or most. Like Therese de… Read more »

Oct 8, 2023 10:57 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

If capitalism is in fact not a moral agent, then this too is oversimplification.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 9, 2023 7:34 AM

Capitalism becomes a de facto immoral agent, by an unbecoming “grace” reserved in advance for it. Or a fundamental option, already inherent in it and its unfolding. Simple enough.

Oct 10, 2023 11:30 PM

The end.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 13, 2023 10:44 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

er, “polymath” not polyglot. But you knew that.

Oct 8, 2023 6:06 PM

My partner and I both share the same perspective in terms of covid etcetera. But there is unfortunately a slight rift where I see those who brought into the lies as being just as evil as those selling the lies – as described one of James Delingpole’s guests.

Oct 8, 2023 11:03 PM
Reply to  CD3

I would side with your partner, being unable to refute the following reasoning: without aggressors, there could be no war. Without the sellers of Covid lies, there could be no deceived victims, no evil.

Oct 9, 2023 1:29 AM

It lifted the veil, those well meaning people are capable of anything if it’s for the greater good. The evil is there, it’s always been there. I see the self identifying left as a loaded spring. The years of frustration, the anger, the powerlessness all coiled up and then permission is given to unleash all that pent up energy on a designated target. The people who question the narrative.

Oct 10, 2023 11:32 PM
Reply to  Ian

I wish people would stop this “it was the right wing that was anti COVID and the left wing pro COVID” both sides did terribly. It just seems an awful lot of the “left” haven’t caught on as many of the right finally did.

Big Al
Big Al
Oct 8, 2023 5:09 PM

“I coulda been a contender, I coulda had class, I coulda been somebody”.


Oct 8, 2023 3:18 PM

Sudden Liberal Intellectual Death Syndrome” — SLIDS! A very nice coinage.

Oct 9, 2023 1:35 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Except it’s been happening for decades. I first noticed it when the carbon cult began, it eclipsed all thought, it handed them a baseball bat to go and bash all the corps they hated.

Oct 9, 2023 3:30 AM
Reply to  Ian

Fair enough. I’d just never heard that particular acronym before. 😉

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 9, 2023 5:33 AM
Reply to  Ian

Western socialism has always been a programmed doormat for totalitarianism.
All the leftists and I mean ALL their campaigns come from Rockefellers and Soros soft power and profit Think Tanks.

Doormat to Sovjet Gulag camps. Doormat to Hitler’s National Socialismus. Doormat to Chile’s Liberal Dictatorship. Doormat to LGBT and Transhumanism and the creation of a new and better human (slave). Ideological roots in KKK in white coats hunting escaped slaves.

Oct 10, 2023 11:33 PM
Reply to  Ian

What’s hilarious is they ran off to corporations to save them. Recently saw a BMW advert that claims BMW is doing something or other to help kids get out and see the countryside. Wtf!

Oct 8, 2023 2:16 PM

OT, the mockery continues:

Both Machete and Kolle are now following in the footsteps of Angela Ponce of Spain, who became the first trans candidate for the Miss Universe title in 2018.

A Ponce?

Laugh at the morons who seem to be succeeding in defining your reality.

Hanging is too good for them

Oct 8, 2023 2:12 PM

In honor of her new book, in order to prove how good the shots are Naomi should get another new and improved booster.
Not the saline crap, the real deal clot shot batch.

Oct 8, 2023 6:46 PM
Reply to  Rob

Maybe she’s had them already and that’s what happened to her?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 8, 2023 10:31 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Nah, there is enough evidence she was leaving the rails “a little” some years before Coronapalooza™ really. imho.

wally jasper
wally jasper
Oct 8, 2023 10:53 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Makes a lot of sense, Lizzy. I do detect some brain fog seeping into her erstwhile brilliant, clear thinking mind. Brain fog being one of the more prevalent symptoms of the jab.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Oct 8, 2023 1:54 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-10-07. Young & Middle-Aged jabbed Adults Dying Unexpectedly in Sleep. 53k E&W excess deaths 2023 already (blog, gab, tweet).

Oct 8, 2023 1:54 PM

Very enjoyable article.
I saw Naomi Wolf on an interview yesterday. She spoke a bit about this new Klein book.
Yes, it is so interesting that Klein, in her disparagement of Wolf does not dissect the Pfizer documents.
No matter where one falls on the political spectrum, Steve Bannon and Naomi Wolf gathered 3,000 volunteers to read through, study and report on the Pfizer documents.
How can anyone find fault with that? Isn’t that what citizens are supposed to do?
Of course, all this is doing is bringing more attention to Naomi Wolf. So, in some circles, that’s a good thing.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 9, 2023 5:35 AM
Reply to  judith

It is, appreciated.

Oct 8, 2023 1:38 PM

Try and spot any elements of truth, or perhaps what a real eye witness would say, in this AI produced word salad:

“Then I heard the terrorists open a big van…and get more weapons from this car. They were in the area for three hours. No-one was there, no-one.

Oct 8, 2023 1:41 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

So, the multiple terrorists opened a big van.
Which turned into one person getting weapons from his car.
No one was there, for three hours.

Oct 8, 2023 1:44 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 25, 2023 5:22 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

From the horse’s mouth dept.: I had a pleasant talk with a city bus driver headed from the VA in Long Beach to Pasadena, many poor neighborhoods, and when we passed Florence Avenue on Rosemead I mentioned that I had been rollerblading there the night that the Rodney King riots erupted and cars were flashing their brights and honking at me relentlessly. I just waved time and again, but it seemed odd, since I was headed home from watching a Lakers game in the playoffs, against Portland, and we had won against all expectations (an off year, ’92) and I had been in such full immersion in basketball Nirvana that I was completely unaware of the Inferno going on nearby in Los Angeles, with many buildings on fire. Happily I made it home the next few miles on my blades none the worse for wear. I stopped to get a beer and mention the game to a brother and he said, “Man, I lost track of it all, I’ve been doing nothing but sitting on my roof watching buildings ablaze all around town.” I stared at him blankly for a long moment in stark amazement, and he said, “Man, haven’t you heard yet? I guess not.” I said, “Wow, I guess a verdict came down for those cops!? What, did they show the beating by them to the jury on rewind so it looked like their clubs were swinging back up and hitting them?” He must have come down Florence too which led from Normandy and those two streets were the flashpoint of the riots. If I hadn’t given all that context and backstory to the bus driver a year later I suspect he might not have shared what he then told me. He said he was off work that… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 8, 2023 1:14 PM

Off topic though it’s another uncanny valley:


The danger of amateur sleuthing and why you should let Bellingcat take care of it!

But note this:

“But the line between genuine investigation and mob justice is only a pixel thick. In the aftermath of the 2013 Boston marathon bombings, Reddit “digilantes” combed through CCTV footage and Facebook for the perpetrators. Anyone who looked young, shifty or brown was fair game. Among those singled out was 22-year-old student Sunil Tripathi. In less than a day, his family were besieged by the media and cold calls. Tripathi’s Facebook page was waterlogged with hateful messages. A week later, his body was found. He had died by suicide a month before the bombings took place. Reddit issued a crawling apology.” 

A neat trick that Tripathi committed suicide a month before the amateur sleuths hounded him into it!

Oct 8, 2023 1:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Because the “police” have a good success in solving crimes these days don’t they?

Oh no they are too busy buggering each other and raping victims to bother.

Oct 10, 2023 11:39 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Why this comment got a downvote puzzles me. Someone must really like coppers here

Oct 8, 2023 12:49 PM


As for the human turds: McCullough, Yeadon, Campbell et al, they have a special place in fiery hell reserved just for them.

Demons don’t sleep at night.

Oct 8, 2023 2:19 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Negative feedback = stark fist of truth penetration

John K
John K
Oct 8, 2023 3:11 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

What makes you say that?

John K
John K
Oct 8, 2023 3:36 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

I’ll be more specific: Do you feel these doctors are wrong in recommending against the Covid vaccine? If so, why?

Oct 8, 2023 5:26 PM
Reply to  John K

I’ll answer for him/her.

Do you know what controlled opposition is? Do you know what a gatekeeper, or a sheepdog does?

The purpose of all the controlled opposition (and alt media) is to state the obvious truths (Conjob vaxx is poison) well after the fact, and keep the larger and more pernicious lies intact, such as the contagion myth, faux pandemics, allopathy lies, fake germ theory, privately owned and centrally controlled governments, pointless voting etc.

Keeping the citizen slaves on the plantation and docile, but telling them about one poisoned well they already know all about, isn’t doing the slaves any favors. The slaves are still ignorant about the fake systems (media, governments, hospitals, NGOs, churches, schools) that have been set up from their inception to mass mind control entire populations, steal their ingenuity, creativity, energy, wealth, freedom, joy, health and productivity – from birth until death.

WE ALREADY KNOW THE INJECTIONS ARE POISON. Whose minds are they changing? Nobody!

It’s a huge distraction. Meanwhile absurd tyranny like THIS is HAPPENING and nobody is rebelling against their fake governments with their unlawful edicts.

John K
John K
Oct 8, 2023 5:44 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I doubt very much that Drs Kory, McCullough et al have much to do with car tyranny in Singapore–or with any other tyranny beyond the medical tyranny they are fighting. You may have noticed the absurd lengths the establishment has gone to in order to silence their voices. They had impeccable credentials pre-pandemic and have since lost a great deal professionally. Baylor U pretty much disowned McCullough, who not only was on their faculty but also an esteemed alumnus. Many other doctors are in the trenches trying to save their licenses from cancellation by medical boards.

As far as “fake germ theory” goes, it’s easy to deny Covid exists until you actually go through it. (And no, it’s nothing like the flu. My own symptoms were mild but batshit bizarre.) All the money funneled to Wuhan by Fauci & Co is well documented. What do you think they were doing in that lab all this time–making donuts?

Oct 8, 2023 6:37 PM
Reply to  John K

You can’t honestly believe any of what you wrote. Nobody can be that dumb. The payoffs for controlled opposition are in the MILLIONS. Not just from their puppet masters, but from the books they write (see RFK jnr’s Fauci book) or the next projects they undertake or are part of. Then there’s the idolatry by the likes of complete morons or Masonic minions. Do you think these frauds are ever gonna be on food stamps? They are doing what THEY ARE TOLD from the Intel agencies and the DoD. They are tightly scripted. They are all at the tail-end of very profitable careers in shilling, killing and lying. Ready to retire to warmer climates or their country estates bought from their ill-gotten gains. GMAMFB! Don’t you think that not being able to own a car, PERIOD, or therefore own or run a business, or move around freely, or even get to your job is of more CONCERN than a poison injection we already know is poison? That video references a long term, incremental world wide plan to reduce mobility and freedom for most humans except the very rich. It’s not ABOUT Singapore. McCulloch, Yeadon et al are there to distract people from the fact all vaccines are poison and always have been. Because there’s no contagion and no infectious diseases. The number one leading cause of death in the west is Iatrogenic murder. Heart disease and cancer are CAUSED by allopathy, environmental toxicity and lifestyle choices. The “cures” allopathic doctors and PhRMA propose actually hinder recovery and reversal of disease. Ivermectin is poison. Statins are poison. Antibiotics are poison. RX drugs are poison. OTC drugs are poison. Vaccines are poison. I wonder how many people McCulloch has killed inadvertently (or intentionally) throughout his career? Is he so brainwashed or so… Read more »

John K
John K
Oct 8, 2023 7:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

And you should be more discerning between actual controlled opposition (as seen with all the Q nonsense) and those who are honestly trying to make a difference. McCullough was indeed part of the medical establishment, as seen in the payments link you provided, which conveniently stops in 2018. But he, like Naomi Klein, came to a fork in the road. While Klein chose to retreat into ignorance to keep her reputation, McCullough forged ahead regardless of the consequences to his career.

But it’s easier for you to just paint all such dissidents with the same brush. I’ll sooner trust people who stuck out their necks when no one else would than someone in a comments section whose opinions are derived from the outer limits of their imagination. (If you can provide any proof that McCullough or RFK are being told what to say by intel agencies, I’m happy to see it.)

Oct 8, 2023 8:29 PM
Reply to  John K

You SERIOUSLY think McCullough has risked ANYTHING?
Sorry John, you are clueless fool.
Luckily for you, there are millions of youtube channels designed JUST FOR YOU

John K
John K
Oct 8, 2023 11:21 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing
Oct 8, 2023 8:37 PM
Reply to  John K

He’s no dissident. Direct evidence isn’t possible or necessary. He promotes what I know to be Intel scripted lies, based on numerous medical and scientific frauds.

“Dr. PeterMcCullough, a Texas cardiologist, who promotes ivermectin as part of a “multi-drug protocol” aimed at early treatment of COVID-19 outpatients.”

There’s NO COVID19.


Ivermectin IS POISON.

John K
John K
Oct 8, 2023 11:25 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Like I said, “there’s no viruses” until you get hit by one. But congratulations on living a life of perfect health, not even a cold. Good for you!

As for IVM, over 80 peer-reviewed studies prove otherwise—as opposed to the rigged establishment studies claiming it doesn’t work:https://c19ivm.org/meta.html#fig_fpp

You see, unlike you, I can provide the receipts, rather than leaning on lazy claims of “I know.”

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 9, 2023 7:30 AM
Reply to  John K

Having a combination of cold-like symptoms (if it was anything else then it wasn’t ‘covid’) isn’t very persuasive evidence that the Covid lab-leak narrative makes sense, in fairness.

I do not think the evidence ever showed a ‘pandemic’, not from early 2020 till now. The tests were essentially meaningless. Therefore, many people are asking, what were we even looking at?

Like you, I accept that communicable illnesses exist. I suspect that those calling virology a ‘fraud’ and discussing Koch’s postulates don’t have a cut-and-dried case, as they make out.

Many feel the argument against viruses hinges on an absence of evidence fallacy. It fails to really acknowledge how hypothesis-driven science works. Hypothesis-driven science, or inductive logic, provides a ‘best fit’ explanation which never claims to be 100% correct or have all the facts and evidence. It is a working explanation which can subsequently be tested deductively by making predictions. The more a hypothesis is tested the greater the likelihood it’s correct. If it’s considered tested beyond reasonable doubt then it’s considered ‘proved’ (subject to human/institutional fallibility/bias of course).

TLDR, in short, there are myriad ways to test/prove a hypothesis by making repeatable predictions, without a direct requirement for physically isolated proof. When it comes to unpicking virology this makes the waters extremely murky.

I’d like to see someone from the no-virus camp delve into these complexities one day, instead of acting like it’s cut-and-dried, as if a lack of viral isolates automatically blows the lid off virology. It doesn’t at all. For many people who know there are myriad other ways to test/prove hypotheses, this sounds like cartoon science.

It’s a challenge to bridge this gap and communicate on this topic, however, without being dismissed as a virology shill. A2

Oct 9, 2023 12:13 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

No, you don’t understand simple logic.

To hypothesize about the existence of imaginary molecules is pointless.

Toxicology explains all illness. It’s a known and proven science. Whereas virology is a made up nonsense, that was already disproven using controls.

Oct 9, 2023 11:44 AM
Reply to  John K

I provided links to irrefutable proof.

It was shown in June 2020 (more than 3 years ago!) that there was no proof of SARSCOV2, right here, on this very website.

“Like I said”

You didn’t say anything. You repeated unsupported lies.

I’ve already seen the junk papers from the quack poison pushers who supposedly believe in fake “tests” and imaginary viral molecules that have never been found.

Duncan Wearing
Duncan Wearing
Oct 9, 2023 7:03 AM
Reply to  Researcher

There’s NO COVID. Agree

There’s NO VIRUSES. Disagree

Ivermectin IS POISON. Likely, if not used in a proper way.

Oct 9, 2023 1:05 PM
Reply to  Duncan Wearing

Ivermectin side effects:

“pruritus, rash, fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy, arthralgia, tachycardia, hypotension, edema and abdominal pain.”

“potentially fatal encephalopathies”

“central and peripheral nervous system disorders”

“serious neurological adverse events”

“Clinical trials and observational studies have reported common adverse events such as headache, pruritus, muscle pain, cough, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, postural hypotension and confusion and more anecdotal effects such as serious skin reactions and edematous swelling.”

There’s no physical evidence of ANY viral molecule. They have never been isolated. They have never been purified. They have never been found.

Therefore, continuing to believe in their existence is not based in reality.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 9, 2023 4:04 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You may be right, but I wish there was a better level of scientific research to back your claim up. Eg. You state toxicology can mimic illness, therefore it IS illness, but this is a cum hoc fallacy. That’s not good science.

If virology lacks any evidence, then this leaves the question of contagion open. We can’t dogmatically slot in another set of unproven beliefs to explain observable contagion, or dogmatically claim that contagion is a myth. What an exercise in hypocrisy this would be. We must go through the scientific process,

Doing otherwise, rather than making people question virology, could well just entrench beliefs further.

Tom Cowan’s attempt to explain observable contagion with waterborne bio resonance is another good example. I’ve seen no papers on this, or evidence. Just his dogmatic assertions.

If we begin dismantling virology by practicing these blatant double standards I think we’re just in danger of substituting one set of dogmas for another.


Oct 9, 2023 6:53 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

No, I don’t state that. Rather, toxicological explanations and/or toxicological assaults are demonstrable in individual cases of illness and in cases of mass poisoning.

EG: vaccine campaigns, pesticides, environmental pollution, food additives, processed food, refined sugar, alcohol, RX drugs, toxic thoughts, toxic water. Polluted air. EMFS and their toxic effects.

These are all toxicological explanations. Naturally, corporations, governments and PhRMA don’t want the lawsuits resulting from this too obvious explanation so they concocted contagion and pathogenic microbes as a control mechanism and as a profit model. Sickening people purposefully and then making them lifelong patients on multiple drugs is the real goal of allopathy. A sick, weak and fearful populace is much easier to control, govern, steal from and farm.

And my conclusion after three decades of research, isn’t dogma, but a wakeup call to examine one’s own lifestyles, habits and toxin exposure in order to mitigate, reverse and prevent illness. It’s personal responsibility. And it’s empowering to know that we can all be our best health advocate and personal physician.

But there is no contagion. It’s not “observable”, it’s unproven. Studies and experiments attempted with animals and humans have failed.

Koch was as much of a fraud as Pasteur, and was never able to prove pure bacteria cause any disease. And there’s no empirical evidence for germ theory.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 10, 2023 12:04 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I don’t agree with all that you say but of course you’re entitled to your opinion.

Oct 12, 2023 1:20 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

By the way, where are Cowan and Kaufman?

Oct 14, 2023 12:57 PM
Reply to  Researcher

One of the mechanisms of Ivermectin is it kills parasites.

When pathogens are dying in ones body you can have ““pruritus, rash, fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy, arthralgia, tachycardia, hypotension, edema and abdominal pain.”

That is sometimes called a Herxheimer reaction.

Ivermectin has a fabulous safety profile..Emergency Department doctors don’t even have Ivermectin on their radar. But thanks for your help in getting billions of people injected with the gene therapy cocktails—as it was necessary to denigrate Ivermectin in order to get Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the (truly) toxic so-called ‘covid vaccines’.

The rest of your rants re Ivermectin are deconstructed here:


Oct 14, 2023 12:46 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Ivermectin is not poison. Why don’t you leave a link or two backing up your outrageous statement? And, no, extremely rare cases of ‘reactions’ to Ivermectin don’t count–the medicine is used safely tens of millions of times per year. You do realize, right, that unfounded allegations like yours are what allowed Big Pharma to be allowed to rush the so-called Covid ‘vaccines’ to market? How does it feel to be one of those who enabled the so-called ‘vaccines’ to be injected into billions? Because if there were an existing drug that could help the people suffering from the symptoms of whatever it was they had—many *thought* it was something called ‘Covid’—then they could not have rushed the ‘vaccines’ to market. And *that* is why an attack was mounted against Ivermectin, so the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) could be granted to fast-track improperly tested gene-therapy injections. There is no entry in the ‘Manual of Toxicologic Emergencies’ for ‘Ivermectin’. Why? Because Ivermectin is not dangerous to the vast majority of people. There are vanishingly rare admissions to emergency departments for Ivermectin. The list of ‘possible’ side effects you mention are not *frequent* or *common* symptoms. All medicines have ‘possible’ side effects so you must always balance risk verus reward when you take a medicine. Still, Ivermectin has a fabulous safety profile. The 5G network was turned on many places in the world—including China and the USA—in 2020 at the ‘same’ time so-called ‘Covid’ allegedly happened. Just like in 1996 when the initial mobile phone system was turned on, starting in 2020 people went to the hospitals in droves with ‘flu-like’ illnesses, which just so happens to be the symptom profile of EMF poisoning. See the great book, “The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life” by Arthur Firstenberg. In 1996 the jump in admissions… Read more »

Oct 16, 2023 3:15 AM
Reply to  PBW

I left a link. You started blathering without looking. People “suffering” from what? Seasonal Detox? Anxiety? Stress? Flu shots? Hospital acquired Pneumonia? Having fake tests with toxic swabs shoved up their nasal cavity? EMF? We can’t possibly know *IF* or what people were allegedly suffering from, because each cause of illness is individual and specific to that person; eg. their environment, their level of toxin exposure, their diet, their alcohol and drug intake, RX drugs and even their lifestyle and exercise habits. Even OTC drugs are highly toxic. Too much acetaminophen can cause liver failure and death. RX Drugs are all poisons because they work by binding to supposed targets, suppressing symptoms, causing side (direct) effects, rather than ameliorating or reversing illness. Who’s to say that people who were supposedly ill, then prescribed Ivermectin by quacks like Kory (who diagnose imaginary viruses using fake tests) wouldn’t have recovered just as fast, with proper nutritional support and rest? Or even a placebo? You and that quack Kory, DON’T KNOW because those studies aren’t done. Ivermectin was ready to be pushed by the controlled opposition virus peddlers like Kory and the other “frontline” MDs, to facilitate and reinforce the false need for a toxic drug for a non-existent malady, just like Hydroxychloroquine was. Anyone who accepts a fake test as a diagnosis for an imaginary illness doesn’t deserve to be practising medicine. And anyone who believes them or quotes them, is a dupe. The vaccines were ready for market pre 2020 because their technology for licensing was announced on the federal register in 2017 and earlier. In fact, Moderna’s vaccine contract with the NIAID goes all the way back to 2015. The covid injections weren’t even developed by PhRMA, they only license the technology. There was no rush to market. They were… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 8, 2023 11:00 PM
Reply to  John K

I had a “flu”~yet not a “flu”
~ too bizarre to compare to other “flus” ~about 7 years ago, outta nowhere, I had been well for years, but it completely clobbered me like nobody’s business, just off the charts. with fever, near delirium, almost comatose, and out of the blue suddenness.

And yes “bats**t bizarre” ~ I had no idea what it was, but only that it fell ~perhaps~ within my life’s range of experiences of several other very very bizarre flus 1965, 1974, 2003, were standouts. All differing markedly, but all seemingly connected as seasonal flu, at least as described by the symptoms. Variations on that theme.

Had it been as such “Love in the Time of Coronapalooza™ (apologies to GG Marquez for tearing off some his title page) ~ say, after March 11, 2020 [the day they (NBA + NWO) freaked out here in USA INC, and also oddly the 706 th anniversary of Father Jacques Demolay, Last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, burnt at the stake next to Notre Dame Cathedral on the River Seine and with TWO French government historical plaques nearby me on quay the Left Bank 3.11.1314 & 3.18.1314, but ~ perhaps!~ I digress] I know my evil twin, or doppelgänger, might have been persuaded with all charts & graphs that it was C~1984 in early disguise.

Fact is, C~19 is just too convenient a Trojan Horse, to smuggle into all our cities all their masked troops, weaponized stowaways in the belly of that beast.

And your account shows just how easy.]

John K
John K
Oct 8, 2023 11:33 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I have no idea what you’re trying to say here.

Oct 9, 2023 1:59 AM
Reply to  John K

You didn’t ‘catch’ covid. You developed an illness. Why? We don’t know why. But you have been brain washed into believing you did. It’s important to take on the fact that ‘viruses’ have yet to be proven to exist or cause illness. Read that again. Let it sink in. Try to comprehend the immensity of the lie, and how it is used to manipulate masses of people and have them turn on each other.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 9, 2023 4:23 AM
Reply to  Ian

Thank you, you save me some texters cramp and spelled it out for John K least as well as I might.

I would only add perhaps that Koch Postulates, though not ironclad as definitive, are a handy enough and trusty guide in the C1984 (I despise the “COVID”) scenario to tell us we were conned, that maybe they would have done better to call Ghostbusters, not FAUCI.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 9, 2023 4:25 AM
Reply to  John K

See Ian’s reply to you, and mine to his.

Oct 8, 2023 8:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Hey Researcher, eloquently said, better than I, I thank you

Oct 9, 2023 2:47 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

You ARE Researcher, are you not?

Oct 9, 2023 9:40 AM
Reply to  Howard

Correct, I am not.

Oct 9, 2023 12:06 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing


Gordon Hastie
Gordon Hastie
Oct 8, 2023 11:54 AM

Bye bye Naomi (Klein). No Logo and The Shock Doctrine are great books, but one gets the feeling she’s trying to gaslight us. I wonder if she, as a mother, is OK with mRNA turning up in breast milk, ss well as everywhere else in the body, of course.

Oct 8, 2023 11:50 AM


But that is the way the career “leftist ” thinks and functions. They are the designated approved captive dissidents.Not likely to endanger their sources of income and standing with the establishment for eccentric pursuits such as the truth.With convid and the clot shots however these individuals descend from being merely amoral to genocidal.

Oct 8, 2023 11:11 PM

But can they be ‘amoral’ if truly subject to leftist/covidian mind control? Morality surely requires impartial knowledge and free will.

Oct 8, 2023 11:45 AM

Klein – the woman who literally “wrote the book” on “Disaster Capitalism” – and yet when she was face to face in real time with THE most important disaster capitalism event in all of human history – she’s not only completely missing in action – she’s actively and shamelessly shilling for the oligarchy and supporting the policy measures that insured the massive transfer of wealth “UP” the food chain to the top from the masses below. Really?

Ms. Klein watched as the Walmarts and big corporate box stores of the U.S. remained open while small businesses were systematically destroyed – but she somehow couldn’t recognize that this was the very definition of the “disaster capitalism”phenomena she had at one time written so perceptively about? Amazing! You really couldn’t make this up.

Perhaps the only thing more pathetic than her performance during the covid lockdowns – was her decision to attack someone who had the courage to stand up to oppose those draconian anti-democratic mandates and policies – that Ms. Klein shamelessly championed.

Oct 8, 2023 9:17 PM
Reply to  Gbossa

The only criticism she has of Covid policies is that they weren’t Draconian enough! Waa she paid off or just totally brainwashed?🤔

Oct 9, 2023 8:02 PM
Reply to  Gbossa

FWIW, your trenchant take on Klein is similar to a comment I recently posted to an article about Noam Chomsky’s new “MasterClass™” gig, in which Noam pontificates about “Fighting Disinformation”. Here’s the salient bit:

In 2008 or so, after reading James Douglass’s justly praised JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, I was drawn to the JFK rabbit hole. During the course of my reading about the JFK assassination, I was stunned to learn that both I.F. Stone and Noam Chomsky notoriously refused to be drawn into the controversies surrounding the assassination, even declining to challenge the legitimacy of the preposterous Warren Report.

Not until then did I understand that Chomsky’s bumptious “nothing to see here, move along” blow-off to persons questioning the alleged “terrorist attacks” of September 11, 2001 was not unprecedented. Moreover, it belatedly struck me that the world’s greatest authority on “manufacturing consent” had somehow avoided critically deconstructing the JFK assassination cover-up– surely the greatest exercise in modern Amerikan consent-manufacturing until 9/11.

How could this be? It was like Captain Ahab turning his back on Moby Dick, claiming there are more important fish to fry. This question eventually led me to fitfully research Chomsky’s history, and the discovery that this radical icon has feet of clay.

Oct 10, 2023 7:54 AM
Reply to  Ort

There is an audio interview with Chomsky done by David Barsamian, I cannot locate it just now but it is post-9/11.

Now I have witnessed Chomsky in the flesh, and his tone as we know is generally factual and sardonic by turn.He often makes leftist audiences laugh with his sarcasm.

But this interview stuck in my mind because I heard a unique note of fear or dread in his voice It was when he was referring to the role of Jews in 9/11,but I do not recall how Barsamian brought this up.

What I do know is that Chomsky gave me the impression of great fear that the blowback on US Jews and hence on him would be immense if Jews were found to be involved in 9/11.
His voice became hasty and low as I recall, he “just did not want to go there”.

Oct 10, 2023 9:35 PM
Reply to  Jenner

The uncharacteristic response from Chomsky that you describe may also have a precedent. It brings me back to the same comment I wrote a few years back, and excerpted in my original post; here’s what I left out– between the lines, followed by closing comments: ____________________________________  I was stunned to learn that both Noam Chomsky and I.F. Stone notoriously refused to be drawn into the controversies surrounding the assassination, even declining to challenge the legitimacy of the preposterous Warren Report. After the Warren Report was released, an investigative reporter telephoned Stone to pass on a piquant item or lead which called into question the Warren Commission’s Official Whitewash; he naturally assumed this kind of information was right up leftist über-muckraker Stone’s alley. The reporter was stunned when Stone angrily barked, “I don’t want to hear about that asshole case!” and slammed down the phone. Apologists for this “nothing to see here, move along” response by Stone and Chomsky assert that such willful obfuscation and denial was precipitated by legitimate and profound fears based on the precarious geopolitical circumstances at that time. The leftist Amerikan “trutherphobes” supposedly feared that seeking the truth about the assassination might cause horrific results, especially if Communist nations like the USSR or Cuba were implicated in the crime– everything from domestic “pogroms” against “Communist-sympathizing” leftists in the US to thermonuclear war. So Chomsky, the radical sociopolitical critic and expert on government/mass-media propaganda– the muckraker’s muckraker– opted instead to help the overclass manufacture consent. ____________________________________ I appreciate that Chomsky is only human, and has flaws, weaknesses, and foibles as we all do. It would seem that if some event or circumstance triggers genuine deep fear in Chomsky, he copes by distancing himself from the inconvenient truths causing or surrounding the troubling event. If so, his resolute disparaging of the… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 2, 2023 9:48 PM
Reply to  Ort

Interesting points. Perhaps someone needs to do a dissertation essay on the hallmarks of “Jewish denialism” like E. Martin Schotz did of other kinds of denialism in “History Will Not Absolve Us” (free copy found online, also in hard copy; Douglass dedicated “JFK & the Unspeakable” to Schotz).

A book about that might shine a big light. And, help us all.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 2, 2023 9:37 PM
Reply to  Jenner

Good insight. Few non-Jews there are who understand Jewish attitudes. I had the same problem when I asked Erwin Chemerinsky at a forum a reasonable question about public religious inter-faith debate and he acrobatically just dodged it, in several ways. (He has been, among many other things, Valerie Plane’s and husband Joe Wilson’s attorney.)

Jews as a rule feel so targeted that it skews their perspectives on broader social issues. It leads to a great deal of misunderstanding on all sides.

What to do?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 2, 2023 11:56 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

“PLAME” but spellcheck is coddling just too much.

Gordon Hastie
Gordon Hastie
Oct 10, 2023 3:16 PM
Reply to  Ort

Chomsky refused to support Mark Crispin Miller, who was trying to hold onto his teaching post at NYU, having run foul of student(s) he was supposed to be teaching about propaganda. He said posed a question about masks that wasn’t 100% “correct” and met a shitstorm. But Chomsky didn’t lift a finger. Of course it’s since been shown that masks are worse than useless.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 8, 2023 11:05 AM
Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Oct 8, 2023 3:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Everyone here should read this by Toby Rodgers.
There is something about vaccines (i.e. vaccination in general) that is so deeply entwined with progressive Left thought and identity, it is hard to unpick it. Maybe it is the question of ultimate sovereignty lying with the state vs with a ‘higher power’, and that consequently playing out within the domain of our own physical bodies (or those of our children) ?

Oct 8, 2023 11:13 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

The ‘higher power’ might be their leftist devotion to scientism.

Oct 9, 2023 2:07 AM

Definitely. They crave power and believe science will give them that power. Trust the science is their motto, and Christ do they hate God. Because you know, Big Bang makes so much more sense.

Gordon Hastie
Gordon Hastie
Oct 10, 2023 3:26 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

Here in Scotland I got the first two jabs, though I was in several minds about it. What did strike me was how well the vaccination centre (in a hospital) was run and a sense of community. There’s so little sense of community left in the UK that it was a positive feeling, and I’m sure the people there were doing their jobs to the best of their ability. My worst fears have been confirmed since, of course. I’m reading Mattias Desmet’s brilliant book about totalitarianism, and I can see that that sense of comminity was wrapped up with fear and anxiety. But the “progressive left” is not the left as I see it – anything but, and a new term will be needed soon for the actual left – whose primary focus is “class issues”. These frauds don’t give a damn about class issues, apart from slogans on very expensive dresses at very expensive occasions..

Oct 9, 2023 1:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

You’re right George.
Signed up immediately.

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Oct 8, 2023 10:54 AM

“the structural critiques of capitalism are gone, replaced by discombobulated conspiracies that somehow frame deregulated capitalism as communism in disguise,”

[emphasis added]

Is this phrase not essentially revealing ?
Capitalism has not be deregulated, but re-regulated. The political-economic system of the this century is completely saturated with regulation, but it is regulation that promotes monopolistic and unaccountable power, and it is selectively applied to that end too.
Klein was a decent read back in the NoLogo days for anyone (like me at the time) who was basically politically illiterate and wanted an easily digestible account of globalised capitalism.
She set her colours on the mast though with Shock Doctrine through a gaslighting insistence that disaster capitalism was strictly reactive and not ever pro-active. One central tenet of conspiracy theory is that of ‘problem-reaction-solution’, and Klein is just another elite shielding liberal narcissist who is unable and unwilling to respond to that notion.

Oct 8, 2023 6:10 PM
Reply to  Duckman

So what, semites doing what semites always did, hitting each other over the head, that has been their modus operandi for at least the last 2000 to 2500 years (just in case you haven’t noticed this: arabs are semites too. Semite = someone who speaks a semitic langiuage, that is the original definition of the word, before in their usual newspeak fashion the zionazi crowd perverted its meaning).

Honestly I wouldn’t give a shit if the whole f…ing arabian peninsula would just sink into the sea and open a huge corridor between the indian ocean and the mediterranean sea.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Oct 8, 2023 8:57 AM

Just another corrupted soul.
What did you expect, reasoned arguments with solid facts and truth?
Little minions doing the bidding of
malevolent forces.

Oct 8, 2023 11:14 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

I’d only add ‘unwittingly’.

Oct 8, 2023 8:53 AM

Avoid the fake-dialectic mistake of siding with Wolf – remember she was a Rhodes Scholar and constantly pushes the Chinese lab leak claim. The correct answer in their fake manufactured dialectics is invariably “neither”.

BTW there’s plenty more to know about Dorothy Parker.

Oct 8, 2023 1:58 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I do not agree with her whole “Chinese Communist take-over” view either. I find it rather ridiculous. The Breggin’s are the same with that.
But Wolf has done enormous work during the insane past 3 years to expose Pfizer and Moderna.

Oct 8, 2023 6:27 PM
Reply to  judith

And why does the whole shitshow just feel like a cheap chinese ghost story ? Have you ever thought that the whole ” you will own nothing and be happy” and “great reset” crap sounds so much like all the other failed chicom crap programs (great leap backwards comes to mind) because it is another cheap chicom crap program ? No I don’t believe in the lab-leak crap, because I don’t believe in the whole virus crap, still, the original fake genome was “invented” by some chicoms on a computer, then send to their stupid german minion Dr.Osten, who used it for his fake test, which was used to get those inflated numbers of “cases” to send all the sheep into panic and suddenly the chicoms had the ultimate solution: lockdowns and masking and with a little help of UN/WHO “persuaded” all the degenerate WEF-aligned political blockheads in the west to follow suit. Sounds sure like trying to do a commie makeover all over the world. Maybe the WEF goons had planned to take over the world by themselves and just were to stupid to realize that the chicoms had gamed them, but: if it looks loke a chicom duck, quaks like a chicom duck and waddles like a chicom duck it is a chicom duck

Oct 8, 2023 3:50 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I would have thought we’ve moved beyond the rather narrow approach to everything which states:

“You must be right, and on the side of truth, and in agreement with me on everything you say or do or else I’m writing you off entirely as fake. So there!”

If someone says or does something worthwhile, even if it’s out of character, maybe we should appreciate that one small gesture. It doesn’t mean we automatically approve of everything they have ever said or done.

Ms. Wolf, for instance, was all into the Occupy Movement, which was born to go bust. That does not mean her stance against circumcision, e.g., should also be taken with a grain of salt.

Humans are not perfect – and it’s only the likes of certain billionaire types who are seeking to make them so by turning them into machines.

Oct 9, 2023 2:18 AM
Reply to  Howard

Baby and the bath water. But, there is a discredit programme, They put up somebody that says some of the things you are saying, but they make them a clown. I would question things and be accused as a Trump supporter and there for stupid and not worthy of being listened too. It’s quite effective.

Oct 9, 2023 2:55 AM
Reply to  Ian

It doesn’t follow that if public figures become jaded and supportive of the official narratives that they were moles planted by TPTB from day one. They may have been; or just possibly they may have started out independent and, once they became public figures with a following, were pre-empted by the proverbial forces of darkness.

In such a scenario, how would you evaluate, e.g., Off Guardian? Would you say it was planted also by TPTB and just hasn’t yet revealed its true purpose?

Oct 8, 2023 11:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I’ll side firmly with Wolf. She has worked tirelessly to expose the horrendous evils of corrupt government and corporate allies. No fake dialectics there! But Klein seeks only to smear her while absurdly trying to deny the undeniable.

Kalvin Stardust
Kalvin Stardust
Oct 8, 2023 7:57 AM

I went to bed last night and woke this morning to find that every single thing in my house had been removed and replaced with an exact replica.

Simon D
Simon D
Oct 8, 2023 3:14 PM

© Stephen Miller

Oct 8, 2023 3:30 PM
Reply to  Simon D

Or Steven Wright?

Oct 8, 2023 7:46 AM

Naomi, Naomi and Noam?
That’s almost a Trippleganger.

Seriously though, to deconstruct the Corparasites in her previous books and then completely ignore the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex in this little rant is the epitome of self censorship and arrogance.
Naomi K ?
Fuck off, back to your cosy comfort zone and leave the real Naomi to do her thing.

Oct 8, 2023 7:44 AM

‘I’d like to think they’ve all have been replaced by doppelgangers.‘

Either that or it was a spy vs spy from the beginning, which one failed to notice, for the simple reason because it feels so nice to think that there are actual heroes who fight the system, like Klein, Chomsky, Greenwald, or as the author acknowledges: ‘She was charming and thoughtful. I liked her then and it’s difficult for me to think poorly of her now, given that she soon became one of my intellectual heroines.’

What to make of that?
– Well, it’s like shit: it happens

To me, it is pretty clear that this battle of the books is a Naomi vs Naomi, which has the great benefit for those who are into storytelling that this story doesn’t progress, yet it gets the reader hooked, one hopes. Just laziness and trolling.

Probably the thought (just the thought) of that this is just another troll vs troll spy vs spy, Klein vs Klein, makes me a rightwing, what she calls it, neofascist.


Oct 8, 2023 6:30 PM
Reply to  Willem

Funny, all fascist ideologies are as left-wing as it gets, but those saloon lefties never get that.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 10, 2023 1:07 AM
Reply to  T.S.

Nazis are left wing? Wait, I forgot they are national socialists


John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 10, 2023 1:04 AM
Reply to  Willem

Your doppelganger “theory” has been an intriguing option for a long time. I can only think of “body snatchers” plotlines as a contrast and compare.

I have revisited several places from the past and seen them helmed by certain individuals I didn’t recognize, yet had the same name?

Poseurs? How could they pull that off?

I only bring it up since it seems worth considering. Like the Sherlock “curious incident of the dog in the night.”

I have made some progress by realizing the truths are more and more improbable. So we eliminate the impossible then go from there. All other bets are off, lol.

Oddly enough the strategy works too often.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 10, 2023 9:42 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I started to dissect it, and it appears there are ways to insert doppelgänger replacements into the lineups. It can be done.

Something along those lines is treated in Polanski’s 2010 film “The Ghost Writer.” TransAtlantic doppelgängers.

Co-written with the distinguished Brit historical novelist Robert Harris and based on his book “The Ghost”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 3, 2023 12:02 AM
Reply to  Willem

“I’d like to think they’ve all have been replaced by doppelgangers.‘”


I went back to the head of an agency I had met 15 years prior and only had a couple contacts with him, but he made enough of an impression, and now he wasn’t even much of a ringer! He seemed like an approximate match at best. I noted it silently.

Then he checked me, “A lot has changed in the last 15 years.”

Nik Jewell
Nik Jewell
Oct 8, 2023 7:22 AM

Good review. Naomi Klein has lost her way. My own take: Who’s Afraid of the Big(-haired) Bad Wolf?

Oct 8, 2023 10:48 AM
Reply to  Nik Jewell

Thank you for that.

In many ways, the story of Doppelganger is her (verbose and failed) attempt to justify why she didn’t apply her most famous concept (accurately) in the full flowering of its perfect actualisation. The reason, it turns out, is that by the time she had recovered from the initial fear and discombobulation, deplorables had already run with it instead.

I particularly appreciated that insight. How ironic it would be that so many lefties, with their theories and finely crafted concepts, fail when the test comes for the most trivial reasons  😀 

Oct 8, 2023 6:57 PM
Reply to  October

Trump Derangement Syndrome. The gift that will never go away. I think many, if not most, of our so called “liberal” friends are still so hung up on the partisan bullshit they refuse to see that their “side” is every bit as fascist as the other “side,” if not more. Scary to think it’s that simple but I still think a lot of it is just that simple.

Oct 8, 2023 7:04 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Yes, and also good old-fashioned snobbery. Which is so funny, since these people claim to represent the dispossessed or whatever other fashionable word they use now.

Oct 8, 2023 10:06 PM
Reply to  Nik Jewell

erudite companion piece to the above, thanks