UPDATED: Hamas declares war on Israel?

UPDATED 9/10/23 [Skip]
- Head of IDF announces “complete siege” on Gaza.
- Experts cast doubt on “intelligence failure” narrative.
- Fake news – video game footage passed of as real. Again.
- Domestic and international political reactions.
Earlier today, Hamas launched a “surprise attack” on Israel, allegedly killing dozens. Israel has already struck back at Gaza.
According to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Israel is now “at war”. You can almost hear the glee in the words of the Atlantic Council’s experts.
It started this morning (the Washington Post has a handy timeline) with Hamas launching rockets at several Israeli cities including Tel Aviv.
After that Palestinian fighters broke through the Southern border, “taking over Israeli towns” and kidnapping civilians to use as hostages. We know this because they helpfully recorded themselves doing it and uploaded it to the internet.
Then came the insurgents on motorised hang-gliders:
The Israeli response has been as hard as you’d expect. Two hundred civilians are said to have been killed already.
Exactly 50 years and one day since the Yom Kippur war, we have a new war to talk about.
…and talk they are. Already the hot takes are flying around. Social media is the ultimate fog of war machine, and misattributed clips and photos are already being passed around. Just like the early days of the Ukraine “special military operation”.
This gels neatly with Todd Hayen’s column from this morning, reminding us in the age of technology visual evidence is not the touchstone it used to be.
Consider our banner image of war-torn Palestine…

…it was made with a generative AI. (A handy tool for any war photographers who don’t feel like visiting a warzone). How many images and how much footage of this war – or others – is produced this way? Who can say.
There’s already talk that, like in 1973, it could cause an energy crisis. Definitely something to keep in mind.
The most surprising thing about this attack is, well, that it was a surprise.
After all, you’d think an over-funded Israeli military would be well capable of both monitoring and countering any attack from the comparatively small and ill-equipped Palestinian forces.
For those who want an explanation, multiple outlets have already published stories detailing the “historic nature” of the “intelligence failures” that led to this point.
Smart work considering it only happened this morning. A quicker autopsy on a fresher body you will not find.
For those wondering why Hamas, who comfortably held the moral high-ground and the sympathies of Western leftists, would not only kidnap young women from “peace festivals” but also record themselves doing it and publish it to the internet – well, we have explainer pieces for that too.
So that’s how it happened and why it happened all explained before anybody can even be sure exactly what has happened. Very neat.
Nevertheless, other questions arise:
- How long will the “war” last? Who will win?
- Will it cause energy prices to increase?
- Will we see further increased military spending from NATO partners?
- Can we expect “terrorist attacks” in the West too?
One thing is certain, there will be a huge amount of social pressure on everybody to pick a side – to cheer and clap and boo and hiss. We would suggest holding back on that for now.
Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has promised a complete siege of Gaza, with plans to cut off all water, food and electricity supplies.
Several (self-proclaimed) intelligence experts and IDF veterans have taken to social media to claim there is no way the attack was a genuine surprise.
This video was posted to Twitter labelled “Hamas fighters downing an IDF helicopter”, and received over 2.5 million views. It is footage from the ARMA 3 video game.
There are signs we’re already seeing “blowback” in the UK, where prominent Jewish celebrities and journalists shared “concerning videos” of people waving Palestinian flags. The Mayor and Met Police have responded by promising increased “reassurance patrols”. How long before a ULEZ camera prevents a “terrorist attack”?
In the US it’s become a campaign issue overnight, with both Biden and Trump being blamed in various ways.
Global sides are being picked, with both Russia and Iran being blamed for enabling Hamas, while their weapons are said to come from Ukraine or Afghanistan or Russia pretending to be Ukraine. Nobody is quite sure. Zelensky, clearly knowing who signs his checks, has already compared Hamas to Russia.
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“It does not matter whether the war is actually happening, and, since no decisive victory is possible, it does not matter whether the war is going well or badly.
All that is needed is that a state of war should exist.” – Orwell, 1984
1984…Winston was puzzled by Julia’s claim that it was their own government, not the enemy, that was dropping bombs on them…
Maybe, maybe, maybe… the following matters…at least to human beings that have some residuals of empathy.
Never forget George Orwell was a snitch for British intelligence
how is that relevant to this quote?
That is such a silly claim. Why would anyone believe that? When you read 1984, what did you think of the story and please now describe what it could possibly have meant in your mind, when you had harboured such a baseless prejudice? Why do you think he wrote this story, 1984?
It’s not a silly claim. It’s a documented fact. Orwell’s 1984 described the atmosphere in 1930s and 1940s Britain: young men and “colonial subjects” of the Empire sent to be slaughtered in IMPERIAL wars. The prize were the oil rich regions in Africa and the Middle East and the UK, US and France were slugging it out against Italy and Germany and god forbid even “Asiatics” like the Japanese who had imperial ambitions how dare they.
Or you think WWII is a fairytale of goodies and baddies and the we should be bowing to the UK for having liberated us from the banking cartels run from London and Basel that now rule the world????
This is an interesting read. Orwell on the run in Spain.
I am trying to find a history of Orwell’s time in Burma I have read. Maybe I will come up with the goods soon.
More on this, now that I have a bit more time to put something together. Yes,there are a number of critiques that explore the contradictions between George Orwell’s life and work, particularly his time in Burma. One of the most well-known is Emma Larkin’s book Finding George Orwell in Burma. In this book, Larkin argues that Orwell’s experiences in Burma had a profound influence on his political and social views, and that his writings are deeply informed by his time there. However, she also points out that Orwell himself was complicit in the British colonial system that he so harshly criticized. As a police officer, he was responsible for enforcing laws that were designed to oppress the Burmese people.
Another critique of Orwell’s time in Burma is found in the essay “Orwell in Burma” by Bernard Crick. In this essay, Crick argues that Orwell’s experiences in Burma led him to develop a deep hatred of imperialism and a commitment to social justice. However, he also points out that Orwell’s own writings sometimes contain imperialist and racist undertones.
These are just two examples of critiques that explore the contradictions between Orwell’s life and work. Other critiques include:
“Orwell and the Empire” by Jeffrey Meyers
“Orwell in Burma: A Colonial Career” by D.J. Taylor
“George Orwell: A Life” by Gordon Bowker
These critiques offer a variety of perspectives on Orwell’s time in Burma and its impact on his work. They provide a valuable contribution to our understanding of Orwell as a writer and a thinker.
It is important to note that Orwell himself was aware of the contradictions in his life and work. He wrote about them in his essays and letters. In his essay “Why I Write,” he said that he was motivated by “a desire to push the world in a certain direction.” He also said that he was “trying to bring about a revolution in human thought, in the way people look at the world.”
Orwell’s time in Burma was a formative experience in his life. It helped him to develop his political and social views, and it inspired some of his greatest works. However, it is also important to recognize that Orwell was a complex and contradictory figure. His life and work are full of contradictions, but this is part of what makes them so interesting and thought-provoking.
Everyone of us come in touch with the dirty reality during our lives and see certain patterns.
Without Orwell’s experience he couldnt had written his classical book.
Thank you
Like most other human beings, Orwell had a job which he needed to keep in order to pay his bills.
“1984”, prophetic though it certainly is, is still a novel – and a good one.
Food for serious thought by an intelligent human being.
The ‘messiah’ that so many of us spend time looking for today is surely not to be found in Orwell, but “1984” is still a damn good book.
Possibly the greatest novel ever written.
1948: In the Spring of this year, the Rothschilds bribe President Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the United States 1945 – 1953) to recognize Israel (Rothschild owned Zionist not Jewish territory) as a sovereign state with $2,000,000 which they give to him on his campaign train.
They then declare Israel to be a sovereign Jewish state in Palestine and within half an hour President Truman declared the United States to be the first foreign nation to recognize it.
The Flag of Israel is unveiled. Despite tremendous opposition the emblem on the flag is a blue colored version of the Rothschild, “Red Hexagram or Sign.”
“In the early hours of April 19, 132 Jewish terrorists from the Irgun gang, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and the Stern gang, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, brutally massacre 200 men, women and children as they are sleeping peacefully in the Arab village of Deir Yassin.
Following the United Nations transfer of Palestine to an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state on May 15, the Israelis launched a military assault on the Arabs with blaring loudspeakers on their trucks informing the Arabs that if they did not flee immediately, they would be slaughtered.
800,000 Arabs with the recent memory of the Deir Yassin massacre at the forefront of their minds, fled in panic.
They asked for help from neighboring Arab states, but those states did not get involved as they were no match for the Israelis whose up to date military hardware had been supplied by the Jewish Stalinist regime in Russia. Following this assault, the **** now controlled 78% of the former Palestine as oppose to the 57% that had been given to them illegally by the United Nations.
The Palestinians, many of them Christians, were never paid compensation for their homes, property and businesses stolen from them during this illegal Jewish assault, and these people ended up in slum refugee cities of tents. Furthermore at least half of the Palestinians in their hurry to flee, left their birth certificates behind.”
An often forgotten factoid. Thanks for pointing it out. I have often wondered if 1984 was conssciously or subconsciously reflecting the atmosphere in wartime UK not in some “other” totalitarian dystopia. Imagine being anti war and pro peace in 1930s UK….
Orwell worked for the BBC, he gave British intelligence a list of “Commie” sympathizers.
Put together with Operation Paperclip, flying Nazis to North America after 1945 and Churchill’s Operation Unthinkable…that of attacking the USSR, it seems more likely to me that Orwerll was possibly subconsciously described the atmosphere he lived in.
The UK had been carpet bombing cities in Italy and Germany. They fought the war using the “subjects” from their colonies and the only reason they did not invade the USSR is that they were too economically broken to do so.
Orwell’s own ideological bent is not exactly clear if you read Homage to Catalonia. That is a very prosaic description of war. Orwell liked to see himself as having empathy for lower classes and “colonial subjects” but he was very much part of the elite and anti Communist.
I remember that as it was yesterday.
It has been declared the incident is Israel’s 9/11 . This can only mean it is, in fact, an inside job.
Saying they looked aside and let it happen is a very stupid apologist’s obscuration concealing the depths of the plan. They did it.
Claiming they were caught with their pants around their ankles, that they were resting, by the pool, on the belief all things were very calm and quiet in the Middle East, or that they are constantly inundated with intelligence, so much so, such there was no way to analyse it all in a timely fashion, even when told loud clanging noises of preparations were heard from hundreds of kilometres away, are all ridiculous assertions presented by the media, aiding and abetting, the subsequent massive State war crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing, by employing misappropriation of responsibility. “Look what they did! Now we have to exercise our Right to Defend Ourselves and genocide them off the map” Oil and Gas.
The slaughter, destruction and genocide will be cheered along by the West and the media will be handing out ready to go “We all Stand For Israel” flags. Facebook will promote only sympathy for Israel. And all the cattle of humanity will be herded along, again, mooing obedience to the official narrative. Again! It is just too easy!
Here is an update from The New Atlas further detailing the actual role of Hamas as a tool of American Hegemony sowing chaos into the region.
Deliberate murders and attacks against foreign peoples by Hamas serve only one purpose, and that is to turn away support national populations have for Palestinian people by conflating Hamas with all Palestinians. Etc.
It is very hard to believe the general population of Gaza is in support of Hamas considering the very predictable response by Israel with the full throated cheering of the American government and the world at large of the slaughter and tragedy presented as Isreal defending itself. The total destruction of Gaza is the only consequence of an attack into Isreal. What else were they expecting, really? The destruction of Gaza is the goal, and it was planned and engineered by Isreal and America well in advance.
Yes, it is an inside job. Hamas is a tool of American and Israeli intelligence serving their interests.
Most people consuming the mainstream media, the theatre crafted to engineer how the masses perceive and understand the world are clueless to what is going on. The media machine is fully on board with the ethnic cleansing and genocide , pre-planned, and are aiding and abetting this next horrendous crime of war unfolding.
”The next video I watch is so horrific that I can’t look away. A man in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza searches beneath the rubble of his home for his family. He is holding severed body parts — part of a child’s head, some fingers, and other bits of flesh mutilated beyond recognition.
“This is my family,” the man opens his hand, showing the parts he collects. “This is what remains of my children. I can’t find any more of them.” He is screaming.”
The movie “Wag the Dog” taught us how important it is to control the narrative. In this movie, you’ll recall, a totally synthetic Balkan war was created as a means to distract the US public from a domestic problem. I/P is a lot less synthetic but its still vitally important to frame the war in terms of “Cowboys” (us, the good guys) and “Indians” (them, the bad guys).
A more realistic assessment would be that its merely moved the slow burn genocide onto a fast track for a few months. Even during the depths of the Holocaust word still got out about what was going on to those who were willing to listen so its inevitable that even with tight control of the narrative and the population what’s going on in Gaza and the West Bank will leak out. Although Hamas’s actions seem like a futile gesture, a sort of “Wounded Knee” operation doomed to fail and so merely justify more vengeance on the population as a whole, it is understandable and not altogether surprising. What is surprising is that the Israelis and their lobby have persisted in the same tired tropes that we’ve been hearing for decades — the sort of thing where there’s almost an air of desperation in trying to identify and highlight a “Hamas control node” under a hospital they’ve destroyed (with significant loss of life) in order to justify such savagery (and now we ‘arrest’ the medical staff….what for….failing to follow the narrative?).
1948: In the Spring of this year, the Rothschilds bribe President Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the United States 1945 – 1953) to recognize Israel (Rothschild owned Zionist not Jewish territory) as a sovereign state with $2,000,000 which they give to him on his campaign train.
They then declare Israel to be a sovereign Jewish state in Palestine and within half an hour President Truman declared the United States to be the first foreign nation to recognize it.
The Flag of Israel is unveiled. Despite tremendous opposition the emblem on the flag is a blue colored version of the Rothschild, “Red Hexagram or Sign.”
“In the early hours of April 19, 132 Jewish terrorists from the Irgun gang, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and the Stern gang, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, brutally massacre 200 men, women and children as they are sleeping peacefully in the Arab village of Deir Yassin.
Following the United Nations transfer of Palestine to an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state on May 15, the Israelis launched a military assault on the Arabs with blaring loudspeakers on their trucks informing the Arabs that if they did not flee immediately, they would be slaughtered.
800,000 Arabs with the recent memory of the Deir Yassin massacre at the forefront of their minds, fled in panic.
They asked for help from neighboring Arab states, but those states did not get involved as they were no match for the Israelis whose up to date military hardware had been supplied by the Jewish Stalinist regime in Russia. Following this assault, the **** now controlled 78% of the former Palestine as oppose to the 57% that had been given to them illegally by the United Nations.
The Palestinians, many of them Christians, were never paid compensation for their homes, property and businesses stolen from them during this illegal Jewish assault, and these people ended up in slum refugee cities of tents. Furthermore at least half of the Palestinians in their hurry to flee, left their birth certificates behind.”
It’s depressing to see all those folk who stood up to the Trans Activist crap succumbing to the grotesque Israeli propaganda with no hesitation whatsoever.
I have a theory that these specific folk, i.e. J K Rowling and Graham Linehan, have, to their credit, stood up against the mainstream media for a long time now but the strain has been unbearable. And the eruption of this new phase in the Middle Eastern conflict has given them the opportunity to finally get back into that mainstream again on what they think of as a “safe topic”. And they are so grateful for once again getting onto the bandwagon where they can pick up some of that old “unproblematic” adulation.
O (false Church of) Rome where art thou?
Evidence? A touchy subject clearly:
“Another officer pointed to a bloodied purple sleeping bag. A swollen toe poked out. He said the woman underneath had been killed and decapitated in her front garden. I did not ask the officer to move the sleeping bag to inspect her body. A few yards away was the blackened, swollen corpse of a dead Hamas gunman.”
“Kibbutz Kfar Aza adds to the considerable evidence that is accumulating of war crimes by Hamas gunmen. Like their Israeli neighbours, the community was taken by surprise.”
Seems we must take their word for it. In the meantime, here’s a little bathos:
“They accepted the danger as the price of country life in a tight knit community which still had traces of the pioneer spirit of early Zionist settlements.”
Ah going for the American viewers there!
Will Gaza be Jericho 2 ?
According to the Book of Joshua, when the Israelites were encamped at Shittim opposite Jericho, ready to cross the river, Joshua, as a final preparation, sent out two spies to Jericho. The spies stayed in the house of Rahab, a local prostitute. The king of Jericho sent soldiers who asked Rahab to bring out the spies. Instead, she hid them under bundles of flax on the roof. After escaping, the spies promised to spare Rahab and her family after taking the city, if she would mark her house by hanging a red cord out the window.
After the Israelites crossed the Jordan, the king of Jericho ordered that the gates of the walls be closed. God commanded Joshua to go around the walls of Jericho for six days, once every day, and seven times on the seventh day. God commanded the city to be attacked by seven priests blowing horns, with the Ark of the Covenant in front of them and all the people behind the Ark of the Covenant. They encircled the wall of Jericho once a day for the first six days, and then encircled the city seven times on the seventh day. After the sound of the shofar (horn) sounded a great blow, the Israelites shouted and the city walls fell beneath them.
Following God’s law, the Israelites killed every man and woman of every age, as well as the oxen, sheep, and donkeys. Only Rahab, her parents, brothers and all “those who belonged to her” were spared. They were incorporated into Israel. Joshua then cursed anybody who rebuilt the foundations and gates, with the deaths of their firstborn and youngest child respectively. This was eventually fulfilled by Hiel the Bethelite under King Ahab‘s reign.
I’ve seen only one bit of footage of this alleged army of paraglider troopers. It all stinks. So does the “hey let’s film ourselves being utterly suicidal it’s not like it can’t backfire on us” stuff.
Well said. Especially, “Smart work considering it only happened this morning. A quicker autopsy on a fresher body you will not find.”
Jonothan Cook, who reports often on The Middle East frames the Palestinians actions as a jailbreak:
The West’s Hypocrisy Towards Gaza’s Breakout is Stomach Turning:
Israel-Palestine War: How Gaza turned the tables on it’s gaolers…David Hearst:
A former U.S. speaker of the House refers to a “war to end all wars,” which only the most tone deaf and ignorant can swallow without knowing that this was the lie that lured millions of loyal civilians to their slaughter in World War One.
The language of politicos — not just in Israel — is worrisome: former U.S. ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley called for Israel to “finish” Hamas. Israel’s defence minister Yoav Gallant ordered a “complete siege” of Gaza and some expect a ground force of 100,000 troops to “cleanse” Palestinian neighbourhoods — language that Israel has heard before.
The head of the ADL talks of an atomic bomb. Behind these injunctions to reflexive behaviour is the training of televised sports that constrains us to follow the winning team.
Consider the improbable, the inversion of logic, the opposite of common sense. Because that is where society is heading.
That dirty word, agenda.
If the United Nations gets its way, Gaza, an open air prison with its one-hour drive, south to north, will be bigger than your 15 minute city.
Its closer to 360,000 troops to quell 2 million people.
This could get ugly real fast if religion say trumps reason.
Its 50/50 right now.
Just another false flag so Israel can depopulate some people… smh. Crimes Against Humanity!
‘Hamas declares war on Israel.’
Can’t help but to think that this ‘war’ is yet another stunt to entertain us/distract us from whatever that is really important.
War is showbizz best to be ignored. Might be a bit too cynical advice but on average (or more like 99% of the time) correct.
Remember the Maine! Ukraine, 911, 7-7, MH17, ISIS, nordstream, the Skripals, Maidan, Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan, all nonsense. In that way I can’t even blame the general population that they don’t remember those events.. they also shouldn’t bother about the latest one.
How I know, it’s all nonsense?
– Because I saw it on teevee
Now what about that excess mortality thingy, that is present since 2020 killing millions? What about that?
Faked footage:
Here’s a speech JFK gave in 1960 which perhaps goes a long way toward explaining the hubris of present day Israel.
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy at the Convention of the Zionist Organization of America, New York City, August 26, 1960 – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
The horror, the horror!
Note the giveaway:
“This is a picture released by Israeli artist Tomer Peretz”
Another Israeli “performist artist”?
Babies murdered! Nay, beheaded!
We swallow it without confirmation while we await the the coming of next booster jab.
Thanks for that Link to AA dot com. Like His Majesty’s Government in WW1 did not have confirmation about allegations that German soldiers were bayoneting babies.
Maybe I’m mistaken, but does the young lady reporter appear to have a slight smirk on her face? There’s another press person talking to a soldier in the background at 0:44secs who is smiling. There appears to be as many press people there as there are soldiers. Were they invited in for a chat in the middle of the ‘carnage’ ?
The whole thing looks like a drill/staged event.
Pretty much all kibbutzim have armouries,air raid/bomb shelters,24/7 armed guards,alarm systems,communication systems. Kibbutzniks often have their own guns in their homes.Pretty much all of them have had army training since they were teenagers,so they know how to handle a gun, and many have real combat experience. In the event of any ‘raid’,nearby army bases would have been alerted immediately.
Yes, I had that same reaction–it looked like a drill/staged event to me too.
Would they be that bold and evil to fake this and use it as a pretext to destroy Gaza?
On a couple of substacks I’ve seen a photo with a grandmother supposedly kidnapped by Hamas riding in some kind of golf cart, but she does not look terrified and looks like she’s out for a drive through the park. That’s when I started to get suspicious.
I don’t think too much about WHY there is so much fakery around, I don’t quite have the brainspace to figure it all out exactly (maybe that’s a blessing) And it only would be speculation anyway. Only the fakers themselves truly know what the real goal is I guess. That’s probably why these events are called psychological operations….to keep us speculating,wondering,arguing,discussing and guessing about wtf is going on? It takes up a lot of time to research it all too.
I can’t think of one single ‘terrorist’ attack or ‘mass shooting’ event in the last 20 years or so that appears to be real.
Grandma in a golf cart. That’s a good one….Sadly, whoever makes this stuff up probably has a real good belly laugh at the people who actually fall for it all.
All we have are allegations and reports of crime from the Israeli government, but we don’t have any evidence. And I’m not even just saying this because it’s the Israeli government, I’d say this on info coming from any government because we all saw how all governments lied during covid.
Also, I had actually subscribed to a substack operated by a woman in Israel during covid. Anyway, she sent a post out about what was happening very early on in this “surprise attack” and in her post, she had the photos of the dead/victims and it seemed like they had those photos out way too fast. I would have thought that it would have taken longer to get photos of the dead, given all of the chaos going on. It reminded me of Sandy Hook, when they had those photos out in the media way too fast.
It could well be that the Israelis are even more fcked over by their government than we are in the EU/US/wherever. It’s been going on for decades.
Many moons ago,as a young naive man I lived and worked on a kibbutz for two years. I have very fond memories of it all. I saw much of the country with volunteer trips and hitch-hiking everywhere. We got lifts from jewish, arab,christian Israelis. I went through the Negev via the Gaza Strip once. We actually got dropped off there by an IDF truck (haha)
I must say, the young Israelis I met and often partyed with back then were very critical of the treatment of Palestinians and just wanted the whole conflict to be over by giving back the West Bank/occupied territories. They hated going to do army service. There was quite a large peace movement back then if I remember correctly.
I saw young Israelis in tears the night before they had to go do their ‘duty’. Many of them had grown up with Israeli arab neighbours and friends. There was hope back then.
The fakery is there to breed hate amongst us all.
Surely there are Israelis out there too who understand all this.
How many babies murdered via vax!
Not only beheaded but blown to pieces and roasted by Israeli / U$ warplanes. Along with their family, friends and neighbours.
“Not seeing the people you kill from afar makes it a clean war” — Joe Biden, POTU$A
While an airhead ‘press’ ditz with a helmet on wanders about with an expression on her face as if the only thing on her mind was which blouse she would buy when she gets back home.
Uh, when Hamas were planning this operation did not one guy pipe up and wonder aloud if maybe Israel wouldn’t spot them all on radar bunched up at the border fence and then maybe send in some helicopters and maybe mow them all down. But then another guy probably said nah. And the “nahs” had it.
Combine nasty divisive religions with inbreeding and this is what you get.
This is the cheapskate affluent bourgeois bullshit being shoved out as “unspeakable carnage” by the MSM:
And I have the BBC news on now with stuff about another Hamas attack and similar tearful muttering with the newsreader ever so consoling.
All of which merely shows the incredible hold the Israel lobby has over the entire media.
Since 2018 Qatar gave US$ 1.5 billion cash to Hamas in Gaza, with Mossad’s encouragement according to this report from ‘The Times of Israel’ in 2020….
Explains some of those fancy (ex)high-rises seen in the recent Gaza videos, apart from Hamas’ equipment. They could have build their own power plant and seawater desalination from that but
Fanatics on any side got blinded by implanted memes and furies, thus staying puppets of the old Lords of War.
In reality it was Iran who gave it to Qatar, and it was Putin who gave it to Iran, why Iran and Russia are the guilty in the WWIII against poor and vulnerable Israel. (sarc)
Wall Street and the Central Banks know when a big even has been planned and when it will occur. (They probably organised it). The financial system is – once again – almost dead and -once again – large amounts of printed dollars are to be pumped into it to keep it alive just a bit longer. Already inflation is inflating and oil prices are rising.
A big distraction is needed – one that will profit the globos. How about a new war? Great – we’ll use the Middle East this time and keep Ukraine simmering for a while.
Meanwhile, another distraction on the same day (I think) as the ‘attack’ on Israel, Robert F Kennedy Jnr. announces that he will run as an independent camdidate.
Notice the timing of these pre-planned events.
By the way, did you know that Israel, Iran and Russia are the best of friends?
The Supernova Sukkot Gathering was a pop-up psytrance rave whose location was only known (changed) a couple of days before the start on Friday, 6 Oct at 10 PM to Tel Gama, 5 km east of the Gaza razor wire and few km west of Re’im. Attack happened 8 1/2 hours later at ~6:30. Oddly enough, NONE of the participants in videos look anything like someone who would have been dancing to trance music for the last eight hours in the desert. The military-aged crowd actually looked pretty fresh and awake. No messy hair. Nobody was even sweating. Amazing.
Attendance at 6:30 AM was reported to *still* be 2,000 – 3,000. Dancing on the Negev’s brown silt/clay/sand surface for hours apparently left their non-sweaty assortment of white pants, black shirts and white tennis shoes clean as a whistle. Like they just got off a bus or something. In fact, video of the dirt surfaces are unbelievably litter-free for a supposed eight hours of drinking/raving/whatever.
Then few extremely noisy ‘Hamas’ paragliders [WTF?? …just, NO] supposedly were able take off from central Gaza around dawn – undetected – and fly slowly over the border fence to the rave site 5km away. Incidentally, that put them on a path directly towards the IDF Southern Command Headquarters (Re’im Army Base), and a little further towards Beersheba, Hatzerim Air Base and Nevatim Air Base. All that after crossing one of the most heavily guarded/surveilled borders on earth and flying into a dense air defense network… with nobody raising the alarm. Gosh, lucky for them! They landed their paragliders in a field next to the rave (which nobody has a picture of) and approached the festival heavily armed. Reportedly, nobody at the festival noticed or did anything until after they started shooting. Despite armed security at the festival, at least one IDF APC on site and many armed Israelis, the few paraglider terrorists were able to proceed unscathed, and wound/kill dozens of fleeing ravers.
Unclear if the paraglider ‘assault’ happened before or after dozens of rockets would have been flying from Gaza almost directly overhead. The only mention of them was something about the ravers being startled and confused. “Gosh… why would rockets be coming from Gaza? Oh well…”
At some point, a dozen or so additional terrorists arrive in a small Toyota pickup contingent, blocked the road to the entrances and started slaughtering everyone trying to leave. At least 125 abandoned/disabled/burnt vehicles are shown on the road near the entrances, but no bodies. In fact, no visible blood either. And despite 2,000+ ravers with cellphones, nobody seems to have pictures/videos of their wounded or dead friends. A few sketchy ones, but there should have been plenty for 260 dead and several hundred wounded. This was all perpetrated by maybe two dozen terrorists who then proceeded to collect hostages *on motorcycles*. The tearful but photogenic German raver with some kind of dreadlocks was collected that way and later shown seemingly unconscious or dead in the back of a pickup, but calmly sipping water at a supposed Hamas hostage house. Should I even mention how impossible it would have been for the IDF *NOT* to show up and secure (not necessarily repair) the concentration camp wall breaches in all that time to prevent militants from entering/leaving? Where’s those brave IDF snipers they use for taking out Palestinian kids?
Now during all this carnage, none of the festival-goers or organizers managed to call any nearby military bases or alert the 15,000+ IDF in positions minutes away. No word ever got to the air bases and no helicopter gunships showed up. Not even an IDF drone. I can understand that if this entire attack was over in ten minutes, but militants continued to arrive and depart the festival grounds for *at least* six hours unmolested. Nearby tiny Re’im was also under attack, so the police there would have been useless. But Beersheba is maybe 30 minutes away and the military bases much closer. This was on Telegram and Twitter before any IDF or Israeli police showed up and offered a body count. Victims seem remarkably blood-free for being shot in the only picture I’ve seen. All the other pictures are just collections of (amazingly blood-free) body bags.
Videos also show Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ – green headbands) guys interspersed with ‘Hamas militias’, which would be al Qassam. These two groups do not get along at all. Hamas (already well-compromised by Israeli/Arab intel) would never include the much smaller PIJ crazies (also compromised by Israeli/Arab intel) in an op like this if they wanted to keep it secret beforehand. Groups videoed at the site at 9:30 and noon look more like average looters than militias, and were unarmed at that. The few militia guys Israel *did* eventually capture near this site look a lot more like Colombian mercs than Palestinians, but who knows.
A staged ‘massacre’ implies that Israel had foreknowledge of the rocket attack and prison escape/rampage, parts of which were undoubtedly real (kind of). I think they’ll be satisfied to just let this disappear since no MSM and nobody on social media (to my knowledge) has pointed out this sloppy psyop.
Posted by: PavewayIV
We deserve better quality psy-ops!!!
The drone footage of the entrance road clearly shows tank tracks and crushed cars
Excellent thank you. Over all these years of “terrorist” false flags it’s easy to pick out psy ops from the photos. Look at the photos of injured Palestinians or Syrians etc. which are not in mainstream media. Those are real injuries and real dead bodies.
Only Israel can claim 1,000 dead while showing photos of black garbage bags, objects with red pain splashed on them, videos of ground and sky and screams that show nothing at all, carefully arranged bodies photographed at a distance with a neat little circle of red paint nearby…..the dead giveaway was the artfully shot HQ HD video of the hang gliders taking off with the beautiful sunrise in the background…that was quickly distrbuted to every NATO media outlet mostly likely through Rita Katz at SITE Intelligence Group which google search now tries to give less prominence to….
I did medicine focaliser at the Israeli National Rainbow Gathering 1995 in a carob forest near Beth Shemesh, and we did get helicopter gunships. And Yizhak Rabin got assassinated, and the division between pro and anti Israelis got fairly ugly
For anyone thinking “but they were just some children at a rave” I say go on YouTube type the new monkey into the search bar and watch about 30 seconds. Not the 2020s version the 1999-2006 version. THAT is a rave. Not these well dressed well polished not sweaty at all jumping around the desert for 8 hours possibly on MDMA (a rave without drugs is not a rave and never will be) people our TVs have claimed were fired upon. This entire event from start to finish smells seriously off. Rancid.
Also contrary:
Prior IDF op killed 2200-plus Palestinians, including 550 children.
Hamas killed 73 Israelis, 67 of which were soldiers.
Anyone remember the Ukraine war….this is just past the point where people have resolved to move on and find it hard to recall how terrified they were of the real ‘nuclear war’ being a very real possibility… nobody even stopped to take a breath.
Is it real
Or is it treason
Is it treason
the voice over actor says imagine if…
i say where are the israhole cops and the idf private security firms
imagine a story
Until you realise
It’s just a story
It’s just a story
It’s just a story
I find it difficult to pontificate from my comfy chair in relative safety but there is an element about this affair that needs questioning and is not addressed by MSM..
The tactic of murdering young people enjoying themselves, recorded on video and photos is obviously designed to elicit horror and anger from the watching world. – the parallel being drawn with 9/11 and the hatred immediately focused on Bin Laden and his followers.
But why do it ?
why make yourself the target of the World’s hate ?
Like the hijackers 22 years ago, a group of fanatics have been promised immortality if they carry out the most atrocious acts in the name of the “cause”.
They certainly seem to believe they have, literally, the God-given right.
But how do you get human beings to behave like that ?
The Romans kept wild animals in a state of permanent starvation to be used in their “games” when they opened the trapdoor.
Is this the whole point of the Israel/Palestine situation ? – a permanently fermenting source of deliberately frustrated hate figures ready to be whipped up into a frenzy and used whenever it suits ?
If that’s the plan it seems to have worked.
Never have I seen the MSM in such a co-ordinated push against a clearly defined bogeyman.
The aim?
It looks inescapable that this will escalate and Israel / NATO will be at war with Iran.
So again, a few inconsequential dupes have set in motion another set piece in history.
They’re clever bastards.
But they’re still bastards.
There is no video of any murder of festival goers.
‘For those who want an explanation, multiple outlets have already published stories detailing the “historic nature” of the “intelligence failures” that led to this point.’
The first rule of Establishment stitch up is having instant answers to incidents that could not be effectively investigated in under a week.
Of course they have an instant answer for it; it’s an instantly observable fact: their defences were breached.
I’ll tell you whats REAL this time, the shill volume, its off the charts, everywhere, unreal!!
I’m bored with this already/ The media have latched onto yet another story and like a dog with a bone, they just will not let go of it. Hamas invades Israel and kills some Jews. Israel retaliates and kills Palestinians. OK. OK. We’ve got the picture. Can we move on to something else now?
Why don’t you just move away from the MSM?
They won’t change unless there is a mass lack of reading/viewing. When no-one reads/watches, the advertisers get stroppy and the MSM goes belly up.
If I moved away from the MSM, how would they know?
By reading your mail and listening to and via your phone, computer and whatever else.
Can you lend me your tin foil hat?
No way, No need, I’ve wallpapered my computer room with Lidl 500g metal foil Coffee packets.
(Guaranteed 100% Arabica)
We only have the bankster owned media’s word for it. When the media get’s into a feeeding frenzy it usually indicates the banksters are thirsting for blood and lots of it. Also expansionist plans and other nefarious objectives.
Edward Curtin’s latest should be framed and hung EVERYWHERE:
No doubt we’ll see it here.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s brother.
‘Killed in action’ in 1976, by Benjamin’s sworn enemy.
The plot sickens.
Big picture time. All wars are _________________. Why the hell should this be different? Zionist controlled media is all on the same page. Both US political parties on the same page, i.e., Hamas started it, Israel has the right to defend itself. How many fucking times have we heard that? Doesn’t matter that Hamas is controlled, that Israel is an apartheid state essentially holding Gaza hostage, that Israel was the primary sponsor of 9/11, that zionist Israel is on an Oded Yinon quest for greater Israel, etc., etc. Nothing we hear from the oligarchy zionist controlled media is true, including this. It’s simple.
But hell, almost everyone is falling for it. Ironically, the only ones not, or at least pretending to not, are the far left woke as all get out democrats like the Squad in the U.S. What a clusterfuck. In a fucked up way, the timing couldn’t have been better for those that rule us.
Hamas, Israeli & Iranian “leaders” all responded in lockstep following the March 2020 event.
Good point. What it exactly means isn’t clear.
The Iranian leaders at that time all had triple passports. US, Israel and Iranian.
You’d think alleged terrorists with a death wish would want to cough around some mild virus that allegedly killed millions.
What are the goals of hitting a hornets nest? Simply lashing out with no coherent plan?What next?
Could this be a staged false flag? Men running around killing civilians? Random attacks? Where was it heading?
Does a not-a-false-flag attack need a coherent end goal, or some sort of next step that is at least having a moderate chance of success? Or was the plan simply to whack the hornet’s nest in a “surprise” attack and the actual next step is to destroy Gaza?
Do we know that a hornet’s nest was hit? Or is a hornet’s nest that is always whining about being hit now claiming to be hit?
Wasn’t “Israel” populated by Zion Incorporated as part of a business venture? And haven’t the governing figures of “Israel”, this “enterprise”, been backing the “local” population into a corner and holding them under house arrest since 1948?
The Wall Street Journal is framing the latest Israeli-Palestinian “flare-up” as a proxy war by Iran – sort of “We’ll fight to the last Palestinian” ? So Iran read the Rand Corp paper, is using the Palestinians to wear Israel down ?
‘Iran Helped Hamas “Plot Israel Attack Over Several Weeks”, Gave Green Light: (WSJ):
“Well, ladies, gentlemen and fellow non binaries, our vaccination and Ukraine projects have lost momentum”
“Any ideas?”
Pure coincidence. We will be back after the Particle Pollution and the Clima Change campaign.
the “transgender” / child-mutilation project seems to be accelerating rapidly, with the rabid acclaim of the same fake-left cheering squad as the other two.
Google images of Israel are fuzzy. Makes it easier for Mossad and the IDF to fool the opposition and hide Israeli facilities.
Israel-Gaza: Why is the region blurry on Google Maps? – BBC News
Interesting point about the difference between what’s happening in Israel/Gaza and what’s (allegedly) happening in Ukraine:
They make some valid points George, but that website seems to one where “Fuck you Jack, I’m okay. Just work harder and you can have it all” is the prevailing philosophy.
In this new age of extra accelerating divide-and-rule you have to take your searching everywhere and filter these sites out. Don’t forget that smear-by-association is an old method. Of course we wouldn’t have to resort to these tactics if the fucking Left was what it was supposed to be. As it stands, the Left are the most useless – and even harmful.
Most of the Lefties we see and hear from are also members of that cosy, self satisfied club;
The middle class.
They never rock their own boat.
Or should that be cruise liner?
They love to harp on about climate while getting ready for yet another holiday. My family in Scotland are the worst for this but Scots are a major let down and always have been. Climate posts while they sign into freakbook while living it up in Copenhagen, Madrid or wherever.
The right are useless and just want things to be like their childhood but with more money
The left are useless and despite all pretences of being anti this that and the other they always run off to be “protected” by the this that and the other thing they claim to be against.
The centrists are just MSM headline regurgitators.
There is only us left – we the self-gooders 😊 .
Hamas is with no doubt a creation of Israel’s Mossad for the purpose of taking a war of nationhood (The Palestinian State vs Israel) and turning it into a “religious” war.
No doubt we are watching Israel’s 9/11 psyop unfold.
The only intelligence failure that has occurred is the general public’s inability to see through the smoke screen created by the Whoreporate media, and it’s masters.
It seems that Albert Pike’s predictions have again come to fruition.
Israel has a history of razing Palestinian villages then Building Back Better…
I guess they’ll Build Back Better Gaza after they’ve reduced it to rubble and herded out the Palestinians… And i expect global corporations are, as in The Ukraine, lining up for their cut by helping to Build Back Better…
Us Anglo-European Australians took the country off the Indigenes. But the Indigenes have a bright future, if a national referendum this Saturday gives them a “Voice” in parliament…
How long before the Arab members of the Israeli Knesset, who are a voice for Palestinians, get ousted from the Knesset…(They’ll likely get arrested for treason if they vocalise any support for Palestinians ?)…
Murdoch’s rabid slimy presstitutes are foaming at the mouth regurgitating the official nonsense. Kill Gates Microsoft relays them. “Socialists” have long abandoned antiwar protests, using their energy instead on the war on gender and on pro convid activism. Yet more proof they are bankster pawns.
The only real debate is between the people who think the Powers are preternaturally smart and prescient, and those who think they are incompetent dumbasses. (Incompetent dumbasses, btw, are quite capable of killing a lot of people, make no mistake.)
I’m with the latter camp. You people are with the former.
One thing I do know. Hezbollah ain’t no wimps. They will not be easily defeated. Not by a long shot.
The good news is the bombs used and guns artillery are all carbon neutral.
Check out the weapon manufactures website and they all have there latest sustainability logo and net zero logo and eco logo and non racist LBGQ BLM workplace.
Its not all bad news.
Nice to see them doing there bit.
Once again it is time for the Israeli Defence Farce to do its job. It is always the same job, and the same story:
Palestinians/Arabs attack, or surge
Israel defends
Please take care not to confuse the two modes of action and who is doing what, so as to avoid becoming a Nazi because we know the Nazis friggin’ loved Palestinians and all brown people.
What does that mean for current conflict??
How Hezbollah Defeated Israel (in Lebanon 2006)
“While the new US munitions were winging their way to Israel (via Prestwick, Scotland), intelligence officials were conducting initial assessments of the war’s opening days, including one noting that in spite of the sustained Israeli air offensive, Al-Manar was still broadcasting in Beirut, though the IAF had destroyed the broadcast bands of Lebanon’s other major networks. (This would remain true throughout the war–Al-Manar never went off the air.) How effective could the Israeli air campaign have been if they couldn’t even knock out a television station’s transmissions?”
“Hamas declares war on Israel?”
As if Mossad was not aware of an operation this size!
Mossad created Hamas in the 1980s.
the images seen mere
shadow play
selected by the chosen coen
electronic flickerings
in your own civil society cage
the horror
the actuality reality is ritual slaughter chabad holiday dated
palestine is the cast lead pit for sacrifice
default settings
the golf buggie kidnapping and para gliding bomb dropping just
goy mockery and poor story telling
I see the BBC are going large on the “Israel’s 9/11” angle. Good luck with that.
Did they report on the Hamas attacks before they had actually started?
Good one Rhys!
I haven’t found any Jane Standley moments but this is worth a laugh:
Have you seen more affluently bourgeois “carnage”? “Oh my God there’s a baby being raped over there! It’s too horrible to show!”
Can always count on CIANN to give us a breathless report of carnage with not a sign of these “sprayed” bullets in a single wall or car.
“911 Inside Job”.
I hope every time they mention 9/11 and Israel everyone else jumps in with “dancing isn’traelis”
yes, but this time they missed the opportunity to broadcast it 25 minutes before it happened, really, such a poor coordination.