While you were watching Israel…
Just like Ukraine, the latest war is perfect camouflage for the Great Reset
Kit Knightly

“We need a new approach to digital identity”, so say the authors of an “Agenda Article” for the World Economic Forum, published on the 28th of September.
Digital ID has been in the news a lot lately, obscured for the past week in the mist of the Israel-Hamas situation.
Last month the United Nation Developments Programme published its legal guidelines for digital IDs as well as “mobilizing” global leadership with a $400mn fund to “empower” digital identity programmes in over 100 countries.
Various nations are already making steps in that direction. Multiple US states are either already issuing digital IDs or planning to in the near future, as are Kenya, Somalia, Bhutan and Singapore. Austria’s system is going online in December.
Just last week, Forbes Australia published it’s guide to what “Australians need to know” about digital IDs, and 9News reported that they could be in place as soon as next year.
Just two days ago, the Journal of Australian Law Society predicted the same thing.
Meanwhile, also in Australia, the world’s 21st largest bank is changing its terms and conditions to allow it to “de-bank” customers.
The National Australian Bank’s “revised” terms and conditions go into force on November 1st and include, in clause 11: “NAB may close your account at any time at its discretion”.
The reasons NAB would consider enforcing clause 11 make for interesting reading [emphasis added]:
NAB can take a range of things into account when exercising its rights and discretions. These can include:
(e) NAB’s public statements, including those relating to protecting vulnerable persons, the environment or sustainability;
(f) community expectations and any impact on NAB’s reputation;
So – as of November 1st – NAB reserves the right to de-bank you if you get cancelled, or say something they don’t approve of about climate change or “vulnerable people”.
In the UK, just two days ago, it was reported the government is planning to upload every passport photo in their records to a facial recognition database. Big Brother Watch reports:
❌We did NOT consent to this!
The Government plans to put your passport photo on a giant facial recognition database.#StopFacialRecognition pic.twitter.com/sblrMJV7xk
— Big Brother Watch (@BigBrotherWatch) October 12, 2023
At the same time, despite “record profits” for energy companies last winter, the UK government reports they may need to further increase energy bills to “prevent energy companies going bust”.
Two days ago Japan announced it would be trading carbon credits on its stock exchange, and some Japanese firms are introducing a digital currency specifically for the settlement of “clean energy certificates”.
Just yesterday India announced the launch of trial wholesale digital currency, and the South China Morning Post reported a new “hard-wallet” for SIM-based CBDC payments, a joint project between the Bank of China and Chinese telecommunications giants.
Back to Australia, where it was reported on October 12th that Mastercard and the Reserve Bank of Australia had “successfully trialled” the interoperability of CBDC systems, whilst ensuring that “the pilot CBDC can be held, used, and redeemed only by authorised parties“.
Mastercard’s report also notes that the benefits of CBDCs are “programmability, transparency, and compliance”.
…Oh, and a new study says eating bugs is good for your metabolism.
So that’s progress on…
- Global digital IDs
- Debanking for wrong-think
- Mass surveillance and facial recognition
- Inflated energy prices
- Carbon credits
- Programmable digital currency
- Eating ze bugs.
…all from the last couple of weeks, mostly from the last few days.
Just a reminder – or a series of reminders – that the Great Reset didn’t stop, it just faded into the background. It’s what they’re doing with the hand behind their back, while they wave the other in front of our faces.
We’ll be going into how the “war” itself is furthering this agenda in the next few days. Watch this space.
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I am heavily censored. So if anyone can read this please know that I was blocked by Eva Bartlett for merely commenting that I think the stories about Hamas breaching the southern border and kidnapping people and shooting people at a “festival” are both psyops using crisis actors. Bartlett is a big of a snob, in my opinion
If Eva has ‘censored’ you there’s no reason I can see, other than fuzzy paranoia on your part, to assume you’d be at greater risk of censorship here.
We’re not ‘all in it together’ you know. We’re completely different outfits.
Such fuzzy paranoia quickly becomes self-fulfilling, btw. It has little-to-no informative value, it undermines most points you’d make and it also casts aspersions at the site you’re posting on. Therefore it becomes much more likely a site won’t publish your comment. This, in turn, might appear to justify your paranoia, and so the process repeats in a circular fashion.
Try not to fall into a self-alienating trap. A2
As far as I can tell from Hamas’ own English language press conference and Iranian tv what actually happened is that Hamas entered Israel killed about 71 specialized IDF (mostly from Signals Intelligence) and took not more than 120 hostages mostly armed settlers and IDF.
The 71 dead and 120 hostages has been confirmed by Israel itself which of course claims that the hostages are all babies and grandmothers. No grandfathers for some reason.
Truth is very carefully mixed in with fiction. The paragliding thing (which I said in earlier comments looked totally fake to me) appears to be real but there is no evidence that they descended on any music festival. It was a way to get over the border and reach the IDF posts. Who knows.
The only real thing I can be sure of is the carnage in Gaza hospitals as a result of Israeli airstrikes.
Here we see some Israeli official claiming that patients need to be evacuated in two hours so that the hospital itself can be bombed.
Too bad they cant self control.
There must be no revenge actions on both sites as both the Israeli and Palestinian populations are suffering and losing heavily by it both short term and long term.
I have not been able to verify this but if you or anyone is able to translate it, it may be of interest.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rTQcjyhPOIk
Same with the WHO taking world control of health – the key legals aren’t going to be completed in time for consideration by elected representatives and the ‘authorities’ are going to just ignore that little tiny detail of anti-democratic fascism and press right on ahead regardless.
So no, your representatives will NOT be allowed to protect your interests and will be told to rubberstamp everything without knowing what it is that they are actually rubberstamping.
Typical Bill Gates behaviour and typical that the world seems prepared to let him get away with it.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1… everyone throw their phones away!
Can any of this be implemented without them?
You are right, but people don’t want to listen ; they prefer to lose their freedom than their insidious phones. The masters of the great reset base their conspiracy on that vice.
And the phones may kill them, one fine day. if what some of us surmise their capabilities are correct.
That reminds me of a scene from one of the ‘Kingsman’ movies. Creepy stuff.
I don’t know about movies, I never watch them any more. The view from the bridge is much more interesting, and a different level of manipulation. You don’t get background music. But I have seen the odd clip. I have seen vids taken by cell tower erectors/technicians ruminating on top of the tower about WTF do they need 300k watt capable cables for when it only takes 25w to send a phonecall. Try this on for size.
The Israel Palestine matter, for all its lethal reality (at least on one side), is a huge psyop similar to those with covid and cow farts and transgenderism. In all these cases the media is shovelling a pile of shit and you’re MEANT to see it’s shit. The aim is to whip you up into a sense of despair. The media is saying, “See what we can get away with? And there’s nothing you can do!”
Along with the despair comes anger. The transgender thing provoked vicious demonstrations. The Middle East matter has provoked far more emotive demonstrations.
(And it’s interesting how those standing against the trans crap have almost invariably come out on Israel’s side.)
The aim with the latest op is to provoke genuine anti-Semitism. Nothing would delight the rulers more than to inspire a new Nazi movement. This would completely reinstate their favourite: the old WW2 scenario.
You would be hard pressed to find a jew that secretly didn’t want to clear ‘gaza’ of its remnant…remember all those memory holed jews rebelling against Nuttyoohoo’s so calle and it’s quite humorous…. ‘nazi’ regime (sic) several months ago?…(no?..well don’t worry)..
well half of em were coff coff…’settlers’..these of course are ‘leftist’ jews…
Whatever the fuck that is…or isn’t…
And how the fuck would one know that? 😅 Can you cite sources for such bold statements in future. A2
yeah…. just about every jew on twitter or xXx or whatever the fuck they call it now…
what do you think… because of course ‘anyone’ that was against the removal of Palestinians would have to fickin leave the country considering they fuckin stole it…
unless of course you are a religous jew Sam..and believe all that bullshit..which of course would contradict any semblance of common sense….
wouldnt it?..but unfortunately that’s what the fake nation of Isreal is built on..
aint it…
Keep it classy and raise the IQ of your discussion. Or at least try your best. Take care now. A2
Twitter is designed to show you more of what it thinks you seem interested. Go and follow some nice pro-Palestinian Jewish people and you’ll get more of them.
It may be a psyop – to everyone but those fated to live it. There are very real things happening, not just in Gaza and Israel but all over the “West.”
I’ll stick my neck out here and say this one event is the last gasp of freedom in the Western world. If Palestinians lose, we all lose.
In that regard, here’s an excellent article which lays out what’s happening. (Note: I have certain reservations regarding the article’s author; but all in all I think he’s on the mark with his take.)
Gaza Strikes Back. It’s Another 9/11 or Pearl Harbor but Who Actually Did What to Whom? “This Was More Likely a False Flag” – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
In a voyeuristic society habituated to TV and cinema, the most potent propaganda comes from blending entertainment with politics. Thus the rulers have long made it a priority to coerce “the stars”:
“CNN — More than 700 entertainment industry professionals have signed an open letter voicing their support for Israel and condemning Hamas as fighting continues in the Middle East…..
The letter calls on leaders of the entertainment industry to “speak out forcefully against Hamas and do whatever is in their power to urge the terrorist organization to return the innocent hostages to their families.”
“This is terrorism. This is evil. There is no justification or rationalization for Hamas’ actions,” the letter continued.”
Signatories include Gal Gadot, Amy Schumer, Mayim Bialik and Jerry Seinfeld.
After which, this:
“The letter also included a warning urging public figures in the entertainment industry to “to refrain from sharing misinformation about the war,” and to avoid amplifying any “propaganda.””
This leads to this link:
And a lot of non-committal waffle about “being robust” and giving and air of objectivity.
And there is a bit of general stuff about finding peace etc. In short, the necessary liberal disclaimers which fool no-one since the villains and victims have already been assigned.
Behind the weaselly posturing, this is clearly coercion. The proverbial “offer they can’t refuse”.
Your response is part of the plan. There’s always a controlled “mainstream” view and an equally controlled “alternative”.
The mainstream is “Israel are heroes, Hamas are evil.”
The controlled alt is “Hamas are heroes, Israel are evil”.
The real alt is BOTH “sides” are actors controlled by the same globalists who stage wars as entertainment and distraction.
Are people really dying? Maybe. Maybe the action is real or maybe it’s fake, or maybe (most likely) a mix of both. I dunno and neither do you. But I do know that making us take a side and cheer for it is the real endgame. So why be an obedient little test subject?
They used a THREE STEPS combo: (ONE) obedience to wearing a mask
softened you up to (TWO) obey lockdowns. Obedience to the lockdowns
softened you up to (THREE) take the Jab…Obedience to each step made
it harder to disobey the following step…
So we’ve been softened up, find it harder to disobey (resist)…
Maybe it was a FOUR STEPS combo – digital IDs being the next step…
Maybe it was a FIVE STEPS combo – CBDC cashless society after the IDs…
I live in Australia – thanks for the heads-up.
Andrew Neil on his knees and sucking away.
These cockroach media hacks are totally in the pocket of this Zionist lobby. I’d be tempted to say they sold their souls. But let’s face it: they had no souls to sell.
Were you just another shill all along George? Have you outed yourself?
jury remains out on George, but he’s entertaining at least, usually.
I reckon he’s good pals with Bungle.
This Guy is Class. I have no idea who he is, but everything he says is spot on..
“He basically says that Israel is a tool of the US.
That Israel should realize that it’s future lies with the global south..
That Israel must rid itself of Netanyahu…”
“Message to the Israeli people”
Yes. Never heard of him until last week. I have to agree with 99.99% of what he says. I still doubt the story about 260 “ravers” and the Palestinian “airforce”. Maybe the paragliders and music festival actually happened but I doubt that the two ever crossed paths.
A two state solution would only work if Israelis were willing to share everything equally: water, fertile land….when pigs fly.
Look up noahide laws
Oregon’s northern Paiute ate seven types of insects and larvae, including dried pounded crickets. They were not part of any NWO and were not Globalists. They ate what was available and focused much energy on gathering food which could be stored for winter.
So they also ate 40 types of seeds, and like many tribes across Oregon were highly dependent upon root vegetables like lomatium and of course camas. At times tribes would have only plants to eat, making them the OG of vegetarians and vegans. And without being part of a global cabal aiming to take over the planet. And yes the Paiute ate meat too– 36 different animals and 40 different birds.
Let’s not be so thoughtless as to misconstrue a valid diet or survival tactic with the aims of the globalists. Or disparage the original off-gridder/DIYers. What they ate sustained them, and did so for easily 16,000 years in Ore. and likely 35,000 years across the continent.
Bugs aren’t bad. Plants aren’t bad. The Paiute people are not bad. The NWO and the globalists are.
Let’s make clear distinctions!
What is ‘OG’ in this context?
I knew some Paiutes up in Yosemite. I never asked them if they still knew how to make acorns and camas. They were good at souping up cars, though. Probably not any more. Nowadays all the young people, including Indians, just thumbtype on their things. No more souping up cars.
It is not about bugs or the nutritional value of bugs…
Billionaire investors in bugfarms for bugfoods wont make a killing
if they dont get rid of the animals we eat, the bugfoods major competitors…
Remember, they couldnt make billions from their toxic jabs while
already effective treatments existed for ‘covid’…
They want total control over you, what you buy, what you eat…
Matthew 3:4 & Mark 1:6
John The Baptist was a prophet and this was how he denoted it. Klaus Schwab should do the same but he would rather live in luxury and swank it up at Davos and have you practice what he preaches about eating ze bugz.
I agree with that principle, especially where cultural prejudice could come into play, but as a vegan, eating bugs seems so needless, and at least vaguely sadistic in multiple ways really. I understand insect suffering itself isn’t clearcut, which vegans generally accept, believing in erring on the sides of caution. Non vegans mostly don’t seem to want to eat them, obviously we vegans don’t want to. Right now there’s plenty of perfectly fine plants to eat we all enjoy – and we could even consider expanding there with traditional local crop plants. So why the clinging to the idea of farming critters that may experience some form of suffering?
OffG, perhaps you should cover the origins of Hamas in your next piece for the benefit of your readers. Thanks. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Hamas
Hamas was derived from the 75 year old promise(s) of a Palestinian state. We already know after 100 years that life is set in stone. So was it now or never? Possibly.
Hamas is of the same DNA as ISIS, al-Qaeda, etc. Their actions don’t benefit the people they purportedly represent, they only benefit Israel as a dialectical boogeyman, like al-Qaeda and ISIS, providing Israel a pretext to pursue its long-term goals. Legitimate Palestinian resistance groups are not crazy or stupid; they are not unthinking rabid nihilistic fanatics as the West-Israel would have you believe. They know provoking Israel-America with such an attack is objective suicide for Gaza and their people.
War with Iran is the goal, and Iran is also part of the false binary ushering in global collapse, with her teammates China and Russia on one side against US-NATO-Israel-Saudi on the other. Hamas, backed by Iran, is just playing its role in lighting the fuse. Hamas doesn’t give 2 shits about Palestinians. Using civilians as shields should be clue enough.
Chitin is not digested by the human gut, and causes inflammation.
insect chitin? was about ‘shrooms then?
WIRED magazine gets flustered:
“The Israel-Hamas War Is Drowning X in Disinformation
People who have turned to X for breaking news about the Israel-Hamas conflict are being hit with old videos, fake photos, and video game footage at a level researchers have never seen.”
The Great Unquestionable is stated from the outset:
“In the wake of Hamas’ deadly attacks on Israel this weekend —and the Israeli military’s response— …….”
Followed by
“….journalists, researchers, open source intelligence (OSINT) experts, and fact-checkers rushed to verify the deluge of raw video footage and images being shared online by people on the ground.”
Get the experts in!
And the scary stuff:
“But users of X (formerly Twitter) seeking information on the conflict faced a flood of disinformation.
While all major world events are now accompanied almost instantly by a deluge of disinformation aimed at controlling the narrative, the scale and speed at which disinformation was being seeded about the Israel-Hamas conflict is unprecedented—particularly on X.”
The punters aren’t behaving themselves!:
“Rather than being shown verified and fact-checked information, X users were presented with video game footage passed off as footage of a Hamas attack and images of firework celebrations in Algeria presented as Israeli strikes on Hamas. There were faked pictures of soccer superstar Ronaldo holding the Palestinian flag, while a three-year-old video from the Syrian civil war repurposed to look like it was taken this weekend.”
And the straw man examples are inevitably followed by the “anti-Semitic” formula. And then Musk, as designated “bad guy” plays his part:
“Elon Musk’s changes to the platform work entirely to the benefit of terrorists and war propagandists,”
The Great Unquestionable at the end too!
“Israel has been brutally attacked, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at the CIS summit. “Israel has come under an attack of unprecedented brutality.”
“Of course, Israel has the right to defend itself. It has the right to ensure its peaceful existence,” Putin said, stressing that “it is crucial to work for resolving this issue by peaceful means.”
Bolshevik Doos have the right to erect Gulag camps, bombing refugee camps, erase Gaza from the surface to the stone age, but it should be by peaceful means. This is Russia’s official opinion.
Its always best to give the entire statement which would put our short piece in a different context
Sure. But its just to make a point. What it is pointing at, is Russia’s eternal pussyfooting in similar situations.
Where are Russia really? On this side or on that side or on no side.
I mean even Erdogan the Turkish bazar at least take a stand. Like it or not he is on Turkey’s side with all the bad sides this also have had.
Too simplistic. This John Helmer’s article puts much more context into two sentences:
However, my first reaction is very similar to yours.
I respect Helmer’s site, but his references are the same.
Wool talk and babbling from Putin about the two-state solution which lead nowhere, and not a single word about the human aspect the outright murders by Israel on large entire civilian areas.
Its a long term issue, the weakness toward any atrocity Israel and US makes.
!/3 of Israel are Russian emigrants here among many Jewish billionaires.
President Boris Yeltsin countermanded orders for Russian military support of Serbia under NATO bombing between March and June 1999, and dismissed Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov on the US demand.
In 2018 a Russian military jet with 15 experienced Russian Senior Officers were all killed in a shot down by Israel, and a same weak liberal Putin held all angry forces back in Russia by making only excuses for the Russian plane was in the way for a missile from an Israeli F-15.
Kremlin or Putin has obviously made an agreement with Israel to let them bomb Syria freely 200 times/year the last 8 years.
From outside it looks like Russian Presidents are sacrificing any of their own by both US and Israel’s command. We call that puppets. I cant find another name.
Well. it makes me wonder about
the veracity of the claim that an entire Israeli army battalion
spend their days sitting in front of screens, searching for and
trolling any and every anti-Isreal post they come across…
If such a battalion does exist then they’ve fallen down on the
job if X/Twitter hasnt been swamped by anti-Hamas-are-
baby-killing-terrorists, etc, posts…
Or maybe they believe that as the corporate propaganda media
is doing such a good job of portraying the Arabs as evil incarnate,
and they can take some time off ? Or….
The way things are going we’ll be lucky if there’s actually a world left for Klaus to rule never mind energy for all the digital plans. Let’s prioritize. I’ll start to worry about digital ID when I know nuclear war or a widespread regional war that collapses the global economy as we know it is off the table. If you can assure me it’s off the table, I’ll be happy to move on to anxiety about bugs.
At the beginning I was quite skeptic that Hamas had actually done anything at all. Clearly 40 babies, 5,000 missiles, 260 ravers, the Palestinian paragliding airforce is nonsense. The guys jumping around on a tank, the motorcycle brigade going through a fence. The tearful interviews with perfectly healthy looking Israeli civilians who have one little plaster while claiming to have been shot six times in the leg with an AK 47.
How many people if they are being shot at with an AK47 just sit there and count how many times they are being hit?
I think what Hamas has actually done is the part that we have not been shown. Israel has released a list of IDF personnel killed on the border with Gaza, about 71 specialized officers.
That part is probably true because it’s the only thing that Hamas have not denied. Israeli is probably infuriated because they did it WITHOUT atrocities on civilians. The wikipedia version of “Al Aqsa Flood” is a good catalogue of a propaganda narrative that did NOT happen.
The 40 reincarnated Kuwaiti incubator babies are of course still on the page. While Wikipedia claims Israeli casualties are 1,300 of which 1,000 are civilians, I am guessing that the actual death toll is about 100 specialized IDF as well as some number of IDF hostages, without any large scale civilian hostilities. There is an excellent video on Bitchute that suggests that the missiles launched by Hamas (if they were launched by Hamas) are little more than fireworks that caused no damage. The Iron Dome itself appears to be glorifed fireworks launching system. According to Israeli experts they’ve been provided zero proof that it intercepts anything.
Yahoo did show a map of Israel at the UN this September that had no Palestine on it. On 5th October Israeli settlers attacked Al Aqsa Mosque assisted by Israeli security.
Whether or not, Hamas did or did not do “Al Aqsa Flood” and regardless of the extent to which they did, it’s clear that Israeli had already filmed the paragliding footage etc. so I am inclined to believe that they were given fair warning and allowed it to happen so as to have an excuse.
I believe nobody, Hamas included, had expected that the Israelis would respond in such a genocidal manner but by now it should be clear that it’s a “morally broken nation” (to quote Iraqi WMD debunker Scott Ritter) with a bunch of psychopaths in power feels empowered by NATO to do whatever it wants.
NATO has so far lost in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, is losing in Ukraine. The French are being chased out of West Africa. Palestine is the last OPENLY supremacist Zionist/UK/US colonial project standing in the 21st century.
NATO’s strategy of describing non-whites who pick up arms to defend their own damn homeland to fight the violence that has been uinleashed on them as “relgious terrorists” is not just vanilla racism, it’s a calculated strategy to establish colonial supremacy.
ps: I don’t mean to be sarcastic. I appreciate this forum.
In my lifetime I have never seen such brutal violence inflicted in a short time in such a small space from which there isn’t even the possibility to escape.
Moreover, this violence is sanctioned by so called “legitimate” governments and “legitimate” institutions like the EU and NATO whose leaders are openly cheering on genocide. Meanwhile the perpetrator controls the media and pretends to be the victim.
‘The tearful interviews with perfectly healthy looking Israeli civilians who have one little plaster while claiming to have been shot six times in the leg with an AK 47. How many people if they are being shot at with an AK47 just sit there and count how many times they are being hit?’
Tearful? I didn’t see any tears at all.
Just another thought about the video interview….the featured 22year old could well have already done four years of military training. As I posted before, those kibbutzim are very well armed and many kibbutzniks have there own firearms at their bedsides. They would have been alerted by the guards.Anyway, so she calls her dad (who she has not had any contact with for the last six years) and the plain clothes cop dad arrives like a knight in shining armour? Please.
The idea that the so-called terrorists had the time or the chance to suddenly go bursting through doors,spraying the rooms with bullets seems almost impossible….especially at a kibbutz in such a volatile area.
I watched a reconstruction of the “250 massacred” innocent, unarmed youngIsraeli’s at a Rave….Like the White Helmets videos, lots of footage of running withunfocused cameras. But instead of the White Helmet’s spliced in camera-held-steady footage of a baby being pulled from beneath the rubble of a bombedbuilding, this video’s hand-held-steady splice was of a stereotypical lookingArab Terrorist noticing someone ‘hiding under a car, calmly walking over to, andshooting the out-of-focused person in the head then calmly walking off. ‘A secondcamera-held-steady splice was of one of The Terrorists walking into a camera’sfocus, pausing as if not-sure-what-to-do-next, facing the camera, and wearingone of those easily identifiable (ISIS) green headbands with the Arabic squiggleson it – sure proof he was an Arab Terrorist – then, having put in a cameo appearance – casually walking off stage…I’m not saying the “250 massacred” ravers didnthappen, but i do wonder, given how young people take their SMART phones withthem everywhere, are always taking selfies of themselves, and of their surroundings -why no footage was included of the actual massacre taking place – bodies lyingeverywhere, and footage of the Arab Killers in Action ?
Maybe a good time to explain to our police and military that they are goosed just like the rest of us. Because thats the only tool they have in their box.
The perfect card trick. Change your name from Joe Bloggs to MR JOE BLOGGS. Give you a Passport, Driving Licence, Legal docs, Title Deeds, Directorship, Bank Account in you titled /all cap name, which as it happens is not you as the crown is the trustee and hey hoe, You have nothing. Once they provide compulsory i.d., and cash goes say goodbye to your scrotum.
You can’t get a postal vote in Northern Ireland without using the digital ID we all got with our £100 give back during the scamdemic
This is what the supermarkets self check out are also using.
They refuse passport photo application In The E.U if your wearing glass’es.!?
make sense now.
The self-checkout machines in Sydney’s supermarket chains have installed cameras that film you the entire transaction…That footage definitely is kept on file to enable facial recognition in cases where, later, you might use another ‘s digital pass to make “unauthorised purchases” – the next step of the global digital-ID prison…
On the contrary the banksters are using the dystopian infrastructure they have created over the last three years to stifle opposition to this murderous assault on a helpless oppressed people. Facial recognition will be used to identify protesters. The tactics used against the Canadian truckers will be used against antiwar protesters. The antiwar movement has been hamstrung since the big protests in 2003. Since then the brutal assaults on the opponents of Middle Eastern apartheid have proceeded with minimal opposition.
Behind a phony “plague on both their houses” pose, you can smell the fear over losing control of the narrative. And note the ominous noises about “finding out who the hate spreaders are”.
Hint: Whenever you see the word “hate” being used in a non-ironic way, you can be sure the speaker is a bullshit merchant. Or a dupe.
That piece has more contradictions than I’ve had warm shits George.
Backpedaling must be latest new fad for middle class arse kissers.
I congratulate you for reading. I didn’t even bother going beyond the headline.
Twas painful.
Essays such as this is why off guardian is so much better than MSM and alternative news.
5 stars
Off t, but what the hell:
Controlled opposition have cried wolf too many times. The side effects and SADS are till below 1/1000. Too little for any de-population.
Yes, although we have no idea what happens in another couple of years, and neither do most who rushed out so dutifully to get that shot. Moderna and Pfizer probably have a pretty good idea though, and if it doesn’t bring immediate death, think of all the revenue to be made off of all those pesky side effects….
I don’t think the world even knows the true extent of the deaths and serious injuries which will lead to the premature deaths of those injected with the C-shots.
“CDC Director Rochelle Walensky stated that the CDC did not analyze certain types of adverse event reports whatsoever in 2021, despite having previously stated that they did start this tracking in February of that year.”
(Jonas Vesterberg citing Epoch Times which showed that the CDC constantly lies, as well as correspondence between CDC and Sen. Ron Johnson where the CDC admits to serious harm caused by the C-shots.)
A new study conducted by scientists from Harvard and Johns Hopkins, currently in pre-print, reveals that the COVID-19 vaccines were up to 98 times worse than the virus itself.
What virus? The one John Hopkins and Epoch Times told you about?
A warning, Make no mistake, both sides of the dialectic have got their orders this is full-on Juedo-Masonic-Zionist-Intelligence mobilisation, LARPing WW3, one final push to usher in this NWO and destroy the profane. Stripe Inc. have a secret tracker on most ‘truther’ sites including this one. It secretly draws an image on your browser when you visit this website for the purpose of identifying your device. Watch what you post, clear up your own back-yard, be vigilant, Color me gone. Peace
Periods of dissolution invariably have war as a cover – although this is not to say that’s “all” these wars are about.
It looked for a while like this might be one they’d try to achieve without a war but as soon as it started to stall out comes the most reliable tool in the box.
Linehan is now beneath contempt. The utterly manufactured Middle East carnage has shown the excruciating banality of the affluent Western fixation on lifestyle choices. And it seems that the formerly justified anti-trans lot have succumbed to this dismal theatre.
As I thought, Linehan, like Rowling, is so exhausted from the strain of opposing the mainstream on the trans issue that he is grateful for the opportunity given by this Middle East conflict to burrow his way back into the warm fold of permitted dissent.
And there is nothing like the situation in Palestine to brutally show up the soul sucking triviality of Western self obsession.
I don’t understand? Linehan is smart right? He sees a group of people waving Palestinian flags who are obviously out showing compassion and support for a country whose civilians are being terrorised and bombed into oblivion and his wife smiles and mutters what sounds like “Antisemetic Lunatics” at them?
How can you weep for one group of people being slaughtered and show nothing but contempt and fear for another?
I’m with you on this.
People on here are always banging on about false binaries then, when faced with one, pick a side !
Me too.
Linehan was suffering from media persecution exhaustion. He couldn’t wait to join the Big Friendly Family again!
he was always a paid hack sack
a funny turn of phrase all comedy like rock n rolla before is captured.
all sides must be covered kingsman queensman giving the perception of democracy in the khazar mafia demonocracy
everything is legal fiction
some call it treason others say its just a story
Now check out the war shills swarm to talk about how important that war is — “Israel, Israel, Gaza, Hamas, Joos, Ukraine, NATO, Israel…”
Just don’t mention how fake it all looks.
Even the once great George Mc is back in that game. Sad days.
The murderous assault on Gaza doesn’t look fake at all. The biblical tale of Jericho may have been fictional, but it is a blueprint for the total war philosophy which has brutalised so much of the world for so long. Eisenhower murdered a million German POW’s by exposure and starvation. The post 9/11 wars for apartheid have killed millions. The 75 year ethnic cleansing has been a brilliant success. All it needs is a final decisive push. The opportunity is here. The whole world including my former hero RFK jr is baying for blood. You think the bloodthirsty psychopaths in charge are too squeamish to finish the job ? Bullshit.
They are a bit squeamish about running out of ammo.
Very disappointed with RFK Jr also. Have been since his interview with Jimmy Dore. I am really quite surprised and disillusioned.
Like you, I have, or had, general sympathy and goodwill for Bobby because he’s lived through a shitstorm of slanderous abuse arising from his contrarian stance (to a point) of rejecting the pseudo-science that promotes vaccines as safe, effective, and conducive to optimal public health.
It’s sad that he’s been effectively sociopolitically disowned by his family, the Respectable (Establishment) wing of Clan Kennedy that believes its excrement is not odoriferous. 💩
That said, over time his cautious waffling and equivocation over vax-related issues, e.g. the notoriously controversial “viruses never proven to exist” truism, began to increasingly aggravate me and put me off.
OTOH, I was heartened by his recent decision to break his “battered partner” relationship with the Democratic Party of Judas. I honestly didn’t think he could bring himself to cast off his rusty chains. I just learned that partisan-to-a-fault Dennis Kucinich has been replaced as Bobby’s campaign manager, which may be connected to his decision to run as a doomed independent rather than a doomed orphan Democrat.
But his knee-jerk ultra-Zionism, and his penchant for earnestly propounding Hasbara scripts, is repellent. BTW, you may have seen some comments threads, e.g. on Cindy Sheehan’s Substack, in which a bloc of frustrated and disappointed Bobby fans speculate that his fierce Zionist statements must surely arise from political calculus– that he either personally believes that passionate and unequivocal support for the Zionist regime will gain electoral support, or that he’s being pushed hard by advisors to take this stance for campaign purposes.
I’m sure that’s not the case; to me, it’s obvious enough that his reprehensible attitude and understanding is genuine and authentic. He’s not assuming, or acting out, a perspective for what amounts to political demagoguery; I’m sure he’s being sincere. It’s a drag.
I still will root for Bobby as a “spoiler”, who as an independent will presumably afflict the comfortable TDS/Resistance addled Democratic progressive-liberals. But my tolerance for his foibles is seriously diminished, and although I want to like him my qualified appreciation for his efforts has cooled off considerably.
And, speaking of Cindy Sheehan, see yesterday’s Substack post. I’m sorry to add more salt to the wound, but Bobby also takes a highly distorted, reactionary view of other geopolitical areas of interest:
Venezuela, Hezbollah, and Bobs. 😠
Thanks for the link, Ort.
I dont’ know, I still think there is something suspicious about the whole RFK Jr/Israel thing. To use that term – I just can’t wrap my head around it.
If he were the run of the mill Presidential candidate then of course I would understand his undying support of Israel. They all do that. It’s a matter of course.
But him?
Oh, I’m sure he’s being advised. The thing is, unless he and family and friends are being physically threatened, what does he have to lose by taking a more nuanced stance? Does he really have a chance of winning the election?
The interesting thing, to me, is that he came out so ardently for Israel back in August before this recent conflagration. And he began to lose support.
I wonder if Israel govt and powers that control began to see how much regular old US citizens were not on board with the zionist status quo.
Did the sympathy for Palestinian’s begin to worry?
Just conjecture. But interesting to me all the same.
Well, if the last 3 plus years has taught me anything it is that no one is the hero. I am not going to completely agree with everything.
But wow, has it taken the wind of my sails. I never looked at RFK Jr as
the savior, but I did think he was committed to addressing corruption. Especially CDC, FDA.
I will keep coming back to my gratitude to him for all his work with CHD. I don’t always agree with their take and views, but I have learned so much. And there is no one more committed to addressing vaccine injury and corruption than those parents.
The world is growing by 65 million each year no matter how many you kill. We are at 8 billion now. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/
like covid the gaza story all the players are again in lockstep
rockerfella rothshield funny that
Why thank you RPR. But it’s all fake? I suppose Gaza is a holiday camp?
That strawman comment is not worthy of you
A perusal of Sky News gives the impression yet again that all Western News is Israel News issued directly from the IDF.
Thus we have the Israel puppet monster Hamas issuing impressively horrifying threats whilst the dear Western souls fret about Jewish schools having to close to protect the kids against the accelerating pogrom etc. Expect every meme from decades of Holocaust porn to be cynically regurgitated as the only permitted political confrontational paradigm (Nazis/Jews) is whipped up. Expect also any number of academic essays on how the “murderous mass impulses of ever present fascism” are returning even whilst these very impulses are being whipped up in the opposite direction from that stated!
You sound like a complete moron you ignoramus. Hamas is one of 9 resistance groups in Gaza and are considered too moderate by most of them, you also use the batterers defence – she should just be quiet so I am not forced to bash her black and blue to defend genocidal Israel by using their language about one small group.
I reckon you’re bang-on the money …
Every single politician appears to be employees – of Israel, by Israel, for Israel. I’ve never heard of so many apparently ‘sane’ people, openly advocate for the genocide of millions of innocents, based on blatant inaccuracies and LIES.
WTF happened to honesty and empathy … ?
Penny Wong in Australia who I marched with against the Iraqi invasion is on record as saying she couldn’t judge from a distance if genocide and starvation was happening, but she could apparently see the non existent beheaded babies, and I guess she missed the Israel kids film at the festival screaming at the IDF to put their guns away and stop shooting through them
Many moons ago, I thought Penny Wong was okay, i.e. for a politician … How gullible I was. Quite obviously she has drunk the ‘Kool-aid’, like the majority in the Labor Party. What a bunch of Quislings … they all ‘work-for-the-man’ . I want my money back because we pay these arse-holes to work for Australia, not as they do now … work for the International Globalists.
“all Western News is Israel News issued directly from the IDF.”
Remember that the “alt-media journalist” who turned up at Davos giving Bourla and Thunberg a hard time turned out to be connected back into the IDF?
BTW one lesser casualty of the Gaza events is RFK jr’s Presidential bid. He’s alienated much of his potential support by calling whatever Hamas have done “unprovoked”. A short-sighted mole could see the parallel with how the Ukraine War was framed i.e. all previous history just magicked out of existence.
I think RFK Jr lost support after his remarks about Israel/Palestine during his interview with Jimmy Dore back in August. He lost mine.
I cannot for the life of me understand his take on it.
Left field theory: the guy’s a monarch trauma victim, his kosher Hollyweird wife and other tribal connections there are his controllers, his drug use and rehab photos look like a traumatized hospital patient. Stop and think about it. He’s a prime candidate for trauma training.
Anyway incomplete truth is not the truth and as a law attorney he’s well aware of that. His glaring cognitive dissonance is cringing? Only a mental zombie would have in such a manner.
Well, in any case, and in all fairness, it is RFK Jr and children’s health defense that saved me from being injected.
I did not fall for the lockdowns, etc at all, but it was listening to his interviews in April 2020, and since, and reading his Fauci book, that woke me up to vaccine injury and pharma corruption.
He strikes me as a very smart guy, very dedicated and obviously would have to be politically savvy having experienced what he has.
I have learned an enormous amount from him and from CHD. I continue to watch and support CHD. Polly Tommey’s current interviews with vaccine/protocol injury and death victims on her cross country bus tour are compelling and infuriating.
Interesting thing, and part of my own learning curve these past few years, is that although I was always sceptical about Israel and the Palestine issue, I never looked into it or took it seriously until I heard Kennedy on Jimmy Dore’s show, and then heard Max Blumenthal.
So although I am very disappointed in Kennedy’s stance, he once again is responsible for focusing my attention and my learning about an issue.
The blood lust in swathes of the public has been appalling. It is scarcely credible that those puppet morons can vent the most psychopathic rage and claim to be the reasonable saints at the same time.
Also the age old dreary tropes about “uncivilised brown people “ particularly ironic in this self congratulating “enlightened” mass of dupes.
No, wait a minute, you cannot by any stretch of the imagination imply or use any description which might imply even as an inversion or allusion that Israel is ‘civilised.’ This is genocide, pure and simple. The Romans never had such tools in their attempts to spread ‘civilisation.’
Yeah those uncivilised brown people were inventing irrigation systems and algebra, astrologu and astronomy and building pyramids thousands of years before the UK got out of the fucking slums
Israel’s self created puppet terrorist group Hamas is now being used as general bogey elsewhere:
“Woman arrested on suspicion of supporting Hamas – as hundreds of officers set to police pro-Palestine protest
The 22-year-old woman was held under the Terrorism Act on suspicion of “supporting a proscribed organisation” following a speech at a protest in Brighton. On Saturday, thousands of people are expected to join a pro-Palestine march through central London.”
Sky News
In short, the Qanon manoeuvre.
In other news, being a Nazi may be kosher on certain platforms or in certain countries, especially in relation to Ukraine.
Hamas = honey pot? Hmmmmmm …..
Gotta love this place. Here’s an article which actually deserves a 5, and it’s barely polling over 4.
There’s always the “unacceptable” skeptical view. Since 2020 that’s been any reminder we are being distracted by phony wars while our rights are taken away
‘Covid’ lockdowns meant that they were free-ish to rapidly put up 5G towers, although some of the contractors were spotted at work, and made it onto YouTube. There’s a lot of precedents for false flag distractions, but do they dare to start a fake hot WW111 and how will it be reported, if at all?
Hasbara always gets in first.
Maybe Australia will awaken
Queers for Palestine : Palestine for queers, beyond the pale 😂
Or Muslim countries for Palestine vs Muslim countries willing to take Palestine refugees:
What ever Zionism has been accused of, Islam has done a thousand times worse the last eight centuries, including giant land grabs. Till now obscured on purpose by the WEF globalist types, who only want to import more “army’ age factory age cheap labor into Europe and the US plus destroy traditional national political parties with blind multi-culling. Part of the Great Reset to Zero in the ‘Evening Land’ – the West. Islam is quite globalist too….
Israel had no intention of allowing refugees to reach any outside country. They gave the Palestinians warning then bombed escape routes.
Fake news alert!!!
Why? Even without the bombed exits, Netanyahu’s ludicrously short time to get out was never going to work. And then there’s this:
Memo from the US: No-one is to use the phrases “de-escalation/ceasefire;” “end to violence/bloodshed” and “restoring calm”.
This blatant false flag was intended to wipe out Gaza.
It was a LIHOP – Let It Happen On Purpose – like 9/11, now by Bibi to save his own personal ass.
This still needed a dumb Hamas to go for a hopeless terror attack, and they obliged with Jihadi zeal.
Idiot Shill
9/11 was done by the Satanic combination of multiple bankster assets: The media, the CIA, Mossad, the political scum and others. There were no planes as the fake videos prove. No planes means no hijackers. The three towers were demolished. In my considered opinion the twin towers were demolished by 4 W54 sub kiloton variable yield warheads in each tower. Nothing else explains the top down pulverisation into extremely fine dust. WTC 7 was demolished conventionally.
Hamas is a Mossad creation. It doesn’t matter what they did. The bankster media exists to use lies and hyperbole to create genocidal hysteria. The media was central to the monstrous global convid scamdemic and the genocidal clot shot imposition. To treat anything they say with anything but extreme suspicion is lunacy.
A “dumb Hamas” on polygliders!
And of course the old “It was just a stand down” routine plays into that “Oh but by God! The terrorists are real and nothing to do with us!” bullshit – which takes us back to square 1.
And “Bibi” saving “his own personal ass”? Boo! Bibi! Bad Bibi! …. umm and that’s it. Nothing else to see here!
Why do you babbling monekeys spew out the Israeli line, Hamas is not the only group on Gaza, there are 8 others way more dangerous than Hamas. You fall into the bullshit trap and Hamas were not stooges for Israel, Fatah is. They were tolerated as a way to divide and rule Palestinians Not once did Hamas ever collaborate with Israel like Fatah does
What will be the result of wiping out Gaza ?
Are the rest of the world’s co-religionists just going to shrug their shoulders ?
Unisrael know exactly what they,’re doing.
And it’s very, very bad.
Telling them to leave the safe north to travel on foot without food or water to the bombed out south or leave the strip when they know they can’t is literally ethnic cleansing – send 1.2 million people from relative safety to bombed out roads and buildings and bomb them on the roads, the IDF are fucking savages
I bet the Israeli air force will bomb the Egyptian-Gaza walls by “accident” to make free passage to Egypt open for all 2 million ‘Palestinian’ Arab Muslim Hamas hostages towards their “brothers”. Those few Israelis kidnapped are peanuts in this game.
Disclosure please … do you have any Muslim friends? Do you ever converse with Muslims? Have you read the Quran?
Some of the reasons why Zionism has not done 10,000 times worse than Islam are because 1) Zionism did not exist in any real way before the 19th century and 2) because Jews have been largely disempowered and disaggregated for at least 18 centuries. There must be a logical fallacy in your assertion but I don’t have the time to go through my vademecum on the same subject.
Do you really believe that one monotheistic religion is “worse” than another? Can you really believe that?
Did you ever read any history books on Africa, the Middle East or Asia? Europe? Islam expanded violently for centuries, grabbing 100,000 x more land than those few Zionists. On monotheistic religions, one ended up in a small brainy clan, one in emotional hordes while the middle one was hijacked by the dying Roman empire and thus fizzed out into a net zero woke – vacuum society.
The banksters created both subsidiary monotheisms. This was done to have a huge proportion of mankind worship their false abstract material god that chose them as their favourites.Having two mutually antagonistic religions which split further into smaller factions over time also gave the banksters the ability to divide, manipulate and rule over the whole world. The banksters do in fact rule over the entire planet, controlling the money supply of every country through their central banks. They also own the propaganda mills which are monopolies and tell people a mixture of facts, half truths and outright lies. The banksters have favoured one monotheism over the other and then reversed their preference over time. They are believed to have facilitated the conquest of much of the Iberian peninsula by the Moors in the 8th or 9th centuries. After the reconquista and the inquisitions in the 15th century they took refuge in the the Ottoman empire while conversos staying on in Spain funded Columbus’ voyages. After the conquest of the Americas the banketers have favoured the older monotheism, a preference that has lasted into the present day. The banksters owned the East India Company that looted the sub continent for two centuries and reduced it’s share of global GDP from 20% to 3%.
“The banksters created both subsidiary monotheisms.”
Pretty obvious escape trick for Islam you made there. Booty had been made legal for Muhammad, see these Qur’an quotes, a kind of East Islam Company avant le lettre one could say. That 8th century Qur’an is still THE 21st century law for Muslims. Christians abolished plunder, rape and slavery secular laws a few centuries ago, Jesus never allowed any of it in the first place. Jews as were forced out of common jobs into banking, jewelry, accountancy etc. by xenophobic majority guilds in middle aged Europe. Indian Hindu temples lost more wealth to Muslim invaders than to the British EIC.
So you justify one atrocity today by referencing to other atrocities made centuries ago? Incredible you can get people to swallow that bait.
Notwithstanding, they at least were fighting man to man in these ages.
I have ex-Muslim acquaintances, which they have to keep mum so ssshhhtt.
Read the Quran? No thanks, ANY other book makes more sense or is less self contradictory or aggressive. Your math must be off: worldwide 15 million born from a Jewish mother vs 1.8 billion people brainwashed by Islam from day one. Still the latter can play victim for the audience of woke Western youths thanks to brainwashing by Facebook & co under orchestration of WEF types. The few radical Jews are also brainwashed in being ‘Chosen’ but they even managed to avoid the compulsory Israeli draft so an ineffective clown club, Mao would think.
Oh when it comes to playing the victim there’s one group that’s way ahead of the others. And it’s not the Muslims.
So you’re not into logical fallacies … Ok … carry on
So you didnt read the Quran but present yourself as an expert in the book. Whattabout Talmud book. An expert statement about that book?
Outdated stuff, but less violent. Not worth my time.
Well, at least most of the world’s Christians don’t slice up the genitals of their little boys (on the say so of a blind insane demon, called Yahweh: a ‘god’ with a foreskin obsession).
I would say that that’s a plus.
Call me old-fashioned, but I think that strapping infants to tables, and brutally mutilating them, shouldn’t really be allowed. Do you know what I mean? I mean, personally, I’d take the motherfuckers outside, and put them up against a wall. I don’t have a lot of tolerance for child abuse.
I beg your pardon, sir. I was brought up RC. My father was a physcian. He had me circumcised at age 3 according to the best of his judgement. He was a anatomical, clinical, dermatological pathologist. My memory is of a pleasant short stay at an amenable clinic where I enjoy a number of toys I did not possess.
A cording to certain aesthetics, I was provided with an advantage.
It all should be a question of serene personal choice, or no?
Off course you are right, it is a serene personal choice.
But taking a natural stand point, we dont need to cut or change anything from our body as every inch is perfectly designed and has its function.
There is a lot of lust nerves in the foreskin
I’m afraid it was SOP for the NHS when I was born. Mind you it was Queen Charlotte’s/the Royal Masonic, which, when I went to look for it in 2007, had entirely ceased to exist and had been replaced by a fleet of condos.
It’s another trivialisation which has also been used to point out the “Hypocrisy” of the protesters since “Those fanatical Muslims would hang queers”. It’s excruciating to see some of those “sassy” sneering pro-Israel films that put down the protesters. But then it’s always embarrassing when self styled “brave independent” critics parrot propaganda.
I made a comment that said the Great Reset did not “fade into the background”, this “war”, which isn’t a war, but another massacre by whom I evidently can’t say, is a key part of it. My comment went into pending, for who knows why, so I’ll cut it short without the buzz words in case the other one doesn’t show for a couple days, to make the key point.
The GR doesn’t only involve Jews, though. The Windsors aren’t Jews. Biden, Trump, Arden, Trudeau, Andrews, Boris, Schwab, Gates et al aren’t Jews. If you’re seriously suggesting the GR is in fact a global Jewish Zionist-led agenda then you’ll have to answer why most of the public figureheads, perpetrators and perpetuators of the GR aren’t actually Jewish. Personally I think your original comment was an example of ‘govern me harder tatti’ fetishisation, appealing to tired, superstitious, superficial prejudice rather than any actual evidence. That’s why I didn’t publish it. Freedom of speech isn’t simply a license for lazy, fatuous bigotry, just so you know. Have a nice day there. A2
In the end, you didn’t want anyone else to see it. And while the zionists are waging war against the oppressed, you want to call me a bigot for calling them out? Right. I guess that’s it for me at this place.
I called you fatuous and lazy too. Bye bye.
Drumpf, Turdeau, Bojo, Schwab and Gates are either Jews or crypto Jews.
You can claim anyone is a crypto Jew. 😅 Unfalsifiable, lowest common denominator bigotry is not the way forward here.
So someone knows, I’m effectively banned for criticizing zionist jews on Off Guardian. See ya PM.
No you aren’t. I pointed out the flaw in your argument and you flipped straight into self-pity mode. A2
“The Windsors aren’t Jews.”
OffG staff are too young to remember that the Windsors claimed to be descended from the Lost Tribes of Israel and got themselves circumcised. Since royalty sets the fashion, male genital mutilation was SOP in the NHS for years. See posts by Victor G and ariel on this thread.
Ok, despite the fact British Israelism is considered academically unsound, and there’s no evidence the Windsors are descended from the Biblical King David, or that Queen Victoria ever actually thought this, and despite the fact that circumcision was popular in Hanover and could well have been imported to British middle/upper classes by George I (like Christmas trees etc.), let’s humour you and strike the Windsors from the list.
Honestly this is as daft as flat earth.
It might be your job to demean your obvious intelligence and spread this silly crap around, or maybe you’re just a bit daft yourself when it comes to this.
How are you finding living in Israel atm?
Nothing is going to happen until Panorama does a shocking-surprise special which will reveal that the methods of government employed by our so-called ‘authorities’ today are exactly the same in principle as those used by Goebbels and Lord Haw-Haw.
And since that is not going to happen, neither is anything else.
We are now saturated with information as to how appalling things have become.
But nobody is stopping those appalling things.
We need more than a ‘Great Reset’.
We need a drastic emptying of our trash.
It’s funny how we have to look upwards if we want to check our sewage these days…
“We need more than a ‘Great Reset’.
We need a drastic emptying of our trash.
It’s funny how we have to look upwards if we want to check our sewage these days…”
In a nutshell.
“The hungry sheeple look upwards and [surprise! surprise!] are not fed” — Dante, Paradiso
I had a really good job, and was being paid really well in Mancherster..I thought we had we had a great Quality Assurance Team. We both lived in Oldham..He was really smooth – and charming – wife and kids..whilst I travelled a lot – learning to fly gliders…
I guess we knew it was coming…but hadn’t really prepared for it…
Our boss, who we all loved to bits, cos he had done so much for us..and was a totally honest man…
He said come into the Office..I have some news to tell you…
…We immediately applied for jobs absolutely everywhere…
No jobs in The North of England..
My colleague said do not accept a job and work in London, as he swanned off to work for IBM in Havant..
Obviously no chance in Manchester – no one could get a job, and then I had no girlfriend…
I was on the dole again, but I still had a car…
I just kind of fell in love with her the moment I saw her, and about 9 months later I applied again, and they offered me the job. There was no way, I could say no, but by then we were engaged to get married…Will you leave all your family and friends and move from Lancashire to London…We will not know anyone…
So I checked out a few flats…no way ..then I found a really nice one in St Margarets £25 a week more than the relocation allowance…just over Richmond Bridge..and she organised a transfer with her job..and said OK
she comes over really shy and nice and kind of crazy – she always makes me smile
As we both loved live rock music…and everything after work..it didn’t take that long to adjust to London..
Still together. Not lost our Lancashire accents and culture and looks (rock chick – dance class)
The world may have gone a bit sh1t, but it’s not our fault…
We look after each other, like I did when she got run over by a car on the way to her dance class..leg smashed bad, but the doctor said you have had babies…this is going to hurt..as she reset her leg with no anasthetic whatsover…
So we think about the people in Palestine, Israel and the Ukraine..but there is nothing we can do about it except offer words and prayers.
All this digital ID stuff is designed so we can’t unify against the State. That’s always been the aim in my opinion. The State’s biggest fear is an uprising of the so-called 99% of us deplorables. They’re finally getting there and mostly with our consent albeit by deceitful means.
The Chinese people are way ahead in being digitally suppressed and therefore have the most experience countering it. “Lay flat” is a popular one; do no useful work at all, for months. Individual suicidal acts have happened, like in the PLA’s 093-417 nuclear sub that sunk last August due to sabotage, wiping out the cream of their nuc-sub crop. In the US whistleblower Edward Snowden was The prime example.
I dont understand how the State should fear the 99% sheeple as only 1 % is interested in what goes on in front of their noses.
The people you see on the streets, in restaurants, in supermercados, slowly walking with a stick, open mouth and empty zombie eyes, or fatties in stupid clothes and nike shoes.
Is it those people the State fear?
The State is paranoid. That explains it’s behavior and structure. To me at least.
Because most humans see others the same way they see themselves: a herd animal looking in the mirror. The Elite is the same but has much more money power. Paranoid megalomaniacs see paranoid megalomaniacs everywhere, which is accurate but only in their own little Circle.
A good part of this is not nefarious but just implementing new digital tech to save money or to improve existing procedures. As with all new inventions present Homo sapiens misuses anything new in an elite egoistic way, so the problem is there. Are we abolishing kitchen knives as they can be misused, or cars?
The plentiful pleb pawns could purposely en mass get themselves blacklisted and thus overflow any restricting system. Also herds can be manipulated only until they freakout, turn around and trample the cowboys in a stampede. It is hard for the few to fully control the many.
The few ARE controlling the many, man. It might be hard, but they’re doing it.
It is going to get much hard for the Few, impossible. Have patience…
What if the new thing was introduced specifically for elite egoistic purposes?
The answer of the whole “mysterious” and “inexplicable” riddle can be necessarily only: Here, the so-called “states” (i.e. the constructs, which in the West today only call themselves that for appearances’ sake) are themselves the perpetrator or the client, hence all the cover-up and silence.
3 months ago with almost no warning..I merely had spotty hands, I suddenly lost almost all my energy on a Friday morning. It took me 10 minutes to summon enough energy, get sort of dressed and walk downstairs to say to my wife….I am not ready to go to hospital yet…You carry on go to your Yoga Class…She could see I wasn’t too well, so I kind of agreed – and she phoned 999.
I would like to Thank all The People, who worked so hard – to save my life…
I was in hospital for 23 days.
I had so little energy…I could barely turn myself over in bed, and simply couldn’t make a step.
I was like a baby..
The Nurses were absolutely Brilliant and never complained when I said often about 5:00am
“I need a Bedpan”
Total Angels
Sleight of hand.
Bloody, murderous hands.
Digital ID is already here, and most do not know it. I flew from LAX to Heathrow in July. At the gate in Los Angeles, I was not asked for my boarding pass. Instead, they had a facial scanner which prompted the employee at the gate to say, “Welcome on board Mr [Deplorable].” When I landed in London, there was not a person at immigration. We were instructed to place our passport on a scanner and look at a camera. If the gates opened, then you could pass through. If the gates did not open they the person was escorted to another section. I can see how the system worked in London: comparing my actual facial features to my passport photo. But how did the airline know my identity in Los Angeles if they do not already have me in a database? As much as this is another step toward becoming nonpersons, I do not know how it is stopped when we do not need to give permission, or even acknowledge, when our identity is captured.
Completely off topic, but I find it interesting that a world in which abortion can be performed on full-term babies (now legal here in NZ under the kindly [latter day] saint Jacinda) there is an innate horror at the thought of babies being decapitated. Just another example of obscene double-think…Of course, according to the former PM Chipkins had the “right to choose” whether to accept vaccination or not (feed our families). The pro-abortion lobby went ballistic when we (pro-choice re vaccination) used the slogan “Our bodies, our choice”.
On topic, I loved this article and have spent the last 20 minutes reading a review of her “Zombie University” in which academia is anathema to critical thinking.
A touch of turmoil over the pond?
Jacinda’s legacy.
On the bright side, it appears NZ toothpaste and whiteners are soaring …
Babies weren’t decapitated. That was a lie put out by CNN.
I think we always knew that this was BS. However, my point was that such an atrocity (if true) would horrify universally. Yet few seem to express such horror for the millions of babies aborted in equally horrific ways by men wearing white coats calling themselves doctors. Abortion is considered a Human Right in the West.
“in the UK, just two days ago, it was reported the government is planning to upload every passport photo in their records to a facial recognition database”
They did that ages ago, but it’s not legal yet.
Kit, Yeh, I agree with you, Riley Waggaman, and even occaionally Max Igan, who was so paronoid in Australia,,,he ran off to open a bar in Mexico.
Meanwhile, I didn’t do any of these things, but before covid, kind of used to..It was more of psychological attack on me.. I just couldn’t stand these masked zombies, jumping out of my way on a fairly normal easy to walk country path, by a canal in Surrey…cos neither of us were wearing masks. Both of us were looking and feeling pretty healthy then, and we are now
I am getting better…
So after knocking them over a vase on the kitchen table whilst trying to fix a chair…I had to put them back in the vase and confess…to my wife
So I asked, wtf are they…these extremely unusual red flowers on our kitchen table….and where the hell did you get them from…??
“Forest Hill – on a walk .They are Chinese Lanterns…and I want to grow them in our back Garden and will” – she will be collecting the seeds. She is amazing and loves the Chinese – they tell her which are the safe chestnuts to eat in our local park..
Looks more like a continuation, of the tapping of the tax teat to me.
So OG publishes many articles on Israel and then suggest whilst you were distracted this was going on…
Although the topical hierarchy is on constant flux … here we have a simple case of “Ubi maior, minor cessat“.
Interesting. None of this invalidates news of the devastating attack on Gaza. And that’s worth pointing out since the word “distraction” may tempt some to think this “war” is some kind of illusion. But that’s because we mere mortals think as decent human beings and none of us would dream of launching a horrific attack as a mere distraction. But the parasite class are a different breed. They couldn’t care less about any of the minions across the globe. And, then again, they are chillingly pragmatic. Their vicious endeavours are usually milked for maximum opportunity.
Israel is undoubtedly more useful to them than the Gaza strip. For one thing, Israel has depended almost entirely on the Pavlovian stimuli of “anti-Semitism” and associated noises. The potential for divide-and-rule is always intensified in any group particularly prone to paranoia. There is no group more inclined to hysterical defensiveness than the Zionists cf. psychopaths Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant.
the ‘Truth’ of Gaza is Anti-Semitic…
Because the Palestinians are also Semetic people you mean?
Why do you think the “devastating attack on Gaza” was any more real than the “devastating attack in Israel”, or the dead babies or the video game footage being passed off as real life?
You are right back to buying the binaries. Completely given up the insight that made me like your comments.
You’ve picked a side. And now you believe their war porn is real,
even tho it comes from same factory as the stuff from the other side you call fake!even tho Israel created HamasCongratulations on rejoining the harmless, duped, ever-outraged herd.
Fucking shill. Was Dresden fake ? Was Hiroshima ? Why wouldn’t the ultimate apartheid state exterminate an inconvenient remnant of their ethnic cleansing ?
Aren’t zionist fanatics of all persuasions demanding it on camera everywhere ? Are you saying the footage of buildings being reduced to rubble is being faked ? Do the Gazans have the means to do it ? Nutanyahoo has a video on his site. The apartheid state was created by the central banksters that rule the world. They have immunity from moral constraints and have used that immunity to butcher tens of millions in the last century.
Yeah, but you have to keep an open mind. It’s a lot less messy not actually killing people, or only launching token campaigns. Whether you think so or not, most people, however ‘evil’ you consider them to be, would prefer not to have to kill people, I think. If only for the sake of cleanliness. If you can achieve the same headlines without shedding blood, there must be many potential advantages to keeping things virtual, and adding lining to the media simulacrum cage we exist in.
Could you by any chance link to the video of Netanyahu’s site, so readers can see it on context?
And don’t use ad hom, please, it’s just lazy. Thanks. A2
Well if everything is an illusion you may as well just switch off your computer right now and go and live in a tree.
So you think a monkey life in a tree is the only alternative to a computer life?
Its not. There are other illusions more funny than that outside a computer.
Music just one example.
Strawman arguing? Seriously?
Why not answer my question with some actual evidence?
If Hamas is run by the same globalists who run every nation state in the world and if their “attack” was totally staged, LIHOP, phony bullshit for the cameras – WHY do you believe the Israel “attack” isn’t more of the same?
Is it the pictures that convince you? The eyewitness testimony? What sells this part to you as being more real than the other?
Abso-fucking-lutely. But maybe they’re only equal for the distinction, or is it that the other contenders are too well hidden. Obviously we don’t usually get to see exactly how dirty their hands are. But the puppets are exposed.