My Reply to the Religious Zionist with “Tears in His Eyes”
Michael Lesher

Dear Religious Zionist:
Your most recent email to me – in which you ask me to “take a long look in the mirror” because my truth-telling about Israeli atrocities doesn’t square with the warmongering propaganda you’ve chosen to swallow – is both perplexing and revealing.
Of course I know what prompted your message. As we’re all aware, the inmates of the concentration camp called Gaza, after years under an illegal, inhuman siege interspersed with murderous Israeli assaults (which, in previous letters to me, you actually tried to defend) finally rebelled the day before you wrote me your indignant note – attacking Israeli military positions, killing a large number of Israelis and taking many civilian hostages back to Gaza.
Although you have long taken the mass murder of Palestinians in stride, their desperate act of resistance seems to have shocked you.
And apparently you hope it will have shocked me, too.
But if I’m shocked by anything, it’s the moral blindness your letter exposes: the hypocrisy, the victim-blaming, the casual cruelty.
And because you describe yourself as a religious Jew – like me – I’m perplexed as much as I’m appalled.
I’m perplexed, first of all, because it is obvious from your email that you have never read a word of the existing scholarship on the history of Palestine under the Zionist boot. When you wrote me months ago, astonished because one of my recent articles referred to Israel’s wholesale slaughter of Gaza civilians in 2014 as a “massacre,” I was at pains to direct you to books that would have put to rest any doubts about the accuracy of my comment. You clearly haven’t even looked at those books. Yet on the strength of a typical spurt of Israeli propaganda, you feel yourself justified in condemning me.
I’m perplexed because, by your own admission, you’ve lived in Israel for fewer than ten years. All you really know of Israel’s occupation of Palestine is what its apologists tell you about it; as for Gaza, you’ve never even spoken to one of its two million imprisoned inhabitants (half of whom are children). Yet you insist that the Israeli army never targets civilians – notwithstanding mountains of evidence to the contrary – and that the belated armed resistance of the tormented Gazans represents “the epitome of all that is evil in this world.” Are you a fool or a deliberate liar?
I’m perplexed, finally, because you call yourself a religious Jew – and yet you don’t so much as mention the bloodthirsty fulminations pouring out of Israel’s Orthodox Jewish establishment at this very moment. Have you seen the video distributed last week by Hakhel, a Brooklyn-based distributor of rabbinic teaching, in which a grinning soldier in an IDF uniform proudly declares his army’s intention not only to “kill the enemy” but to “annihilate him with all force”? (If you haven’t, I have.)
Are you in any doubt about the meaning of that threat, as Israeli bombs flatten residential high-rise buildings throughout Gaza? It isn’t enough that Orthodox Jews have ignored – or celebrated – every cruelty inflicted on Gazans for decades, cruelties ranging from the denial of electricity and drinkable water to the periodic massacres that have already killed thousands of civilians. Now Orthodox rabbis are actively promoting genocide. And yet you see “evil” in Palestinians – and only in Palestinians?
Your ability to reason is evidently as flawed as your (negligible) moral sense. Not one of your letters to me has ever complained about the criminal practices that are routine for the Israeli military: collective punishment of Palestinian families, extrajudicial executions, wanton destruction of homes, targeting hospitals, ambulances and medical teams, torturing children (to name just a few). In your latest letter, you insist that these crimes are no more than inadvertent “failures.” But you also claim that when Palestinians allegedly imitate a few (and by no means all) of the tactics of their oppressors, this amounts to “outright evil butchery” and cannot possibly be excused. Do you really expect me to take you seriously?
It is revealing that you borrow that particular double standard from the repertoire of shopworn Zionist apologetics. As you ought to know, it is rendered especially hypocritical by the additional claim – Zionists are never without it – that Israel’s ethnic cleansing of 1948, together with the explicitly racist legislation that has been the bedrock of Israeli politics ever since, cannot be criticized because those actions followed on the heels of the Nazi genocide.
As Golda Meir reportedly told another Israeli politician, “After the Holocaust, Jews are allowed to do anything.” If that is true for Jews, why don’t Palestinians get the benefit of the same reasoning after 75 years of Israeli brutality?
In fact, Palestinians – Gazans in particular – have a better rationale for the use of violence than Israelis could possibly have. Like other Israeli apologists, you write as though Palestinian resistance began on October 7.
Have you forgotten the overwhelmingly nonviolent First Intifada that began in December 1987 and which Israel crushed with sadistic force? (“Break their bones!” was the notorious order of Yitzhak Rabin, Israel’s Defense Minister at the time.) Have you forgotten the many nonviolent Land Day protests that have led, year after year, to deadly shootings by Israeli soldiers? Do you remember the murders of Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall (among others) for trying to protect Gazan civilians from Israeli attacks?
And what about Gaza’s nonviolent Great March of Return in the spring of 2018? That protest unleashed a prolonged orgy of Israeli violence in which hundreds of unarmed Palestinian protesters were murdered, nearly 60 of them on a single day – a day when Jews like you celebrated Donald Trump’s announcement that henceforth the US would (illegally) recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. After so much proof that Israel meets unarmed protest with murder, what exactly did you expect the desperate people of Gaza to do? Simply lie down and die?
You complain that there is “zero moral equivalency” between Israel and its Palestinian victims. And I agree with you. But you have turned reality on its head by insisting that the moral discrepancy here favors the oppressor rather than the oppressed. You are asserting that the guards of a concentration camp should be judged more favorably than the inmates they torture – even inmates who have spent their entire lives in that prison, enduring that torture. Only a Nazi could agree with you. I certainly cannot.
Holocaust survivor Leo Baeck once wrote that piety “is characterized not only by what it does but…by what it permits,” and that “it is difficult to say what has been more pernicious in the course of time: the intolerance that committed the wrongs or the indifference that beheld them unperturbed.”
Since you have chosen to challenge my moral bona fides – and have even dared to compare Gaza’s Palestinians to Nazis – I demand of you, in return, how you can justify your indifference to decades of Israeli crimes against Palestine? How can someone who calls himself a Jew defend keeping a million children penned up in a concentration camp for 17 years, as you have done? How can you watch, “unperturbed,” as millions of people face a slow death at the hands of the terrorist militia (the “Israel Defense Forces”) for which you have nothing but praise, and then condemn the inmates for fighting back?
And please do not fall back on that oldest and lamest excuse of Nazi collaborators: that you didn’t know what was happening. It has been nearly four years since Harvard University’s Sara Roy publicly documented that a million children in Gaza are being poisoned every day because Israel does not even allow its prisoners to operate a sewage treatment plant. Less than three years ago, Israel was once again leveling apartment buildings and wiping out whole Palestinian families in Gaza, while its forces waged an accelerating ethnic cleansing campaign in East Jerusalem – one that continues to this day. Israel’s sinister twin policies of land theft and apartheid are matters of record beyond any possible refutation.
And the record of your Israeli coreligionists during the same period is as blatant as it is appalling. In 2021 – seven years after you decided to emigrate from the U.S. to Israel for what you say were religious reasons – you could hear, via the web site of the Jewish Press, supposedly the world’s most widely read English-language Orthodox Jewish news source, another American-Orthodox-Jew-turned-Israeli named Malkah Fleisher kvelling over a fire she thought was roasting Muslim worshipers alive at the Al-Aqsa mosque in East Jerusalem. After Israeli “police” assaulted trapped Palestinians with a barrage of stun grenades, and the worshipers tried to confuse their attackers by tossing firecrackers in their direction, an excited Malkah witnessed “a big fire flying out of the top” of the mosque and thought (mistakenly, it turned out) that the Palestinians inside were being incinerated. And she was okay with that:
[I]t was shocking – but it was also not horrifying. It was not horrifying. Because…we just felt like, as you say in Hebrew, magia lahem, like, they deserve this, they deserve to have a fire up on the Temple Mount because of what they’re trying to do to us, and we know if that those police weren’t standing there, they’d be shooting those firecrackers directly in our faces… And [so] the [Jewish] crowd was not horrified to see this fire.
According to this “religious” Jew, Palestinians who used a handful of firecrackers to resist attack deserved to be burned to ashes. As for you and your fellow religious Zionists – if you disagreed with her, I never heard you say so, not even after I reported her comments in print.
But now you claim to be horrified that some desperate Palestinians in Gaza have retaliated against their Israeli tormentors, who have done infinitely more damage than throwing a few firecrackers. Frankly, I find “hypocrisy” almost too mild a word for this.
If you still can’t make out my reaction to the Palestinian resistance of October 7, allow me to articulate it even more explicitly. I have no patience for anyone who wants to use this moment to condemn the people of Gaza or to emote in favor of their oppressors. Least of all do I have any patience for Jews who take that line.
I mean Jews like you who, for years if not decades, have ignored or even celebrated every Israeli atrocity, every brutal Israeli pogrom, every Israeli crime against humanity, every Israeli massacre, who for years saw nothing wrong with imprisoning two million people, half of them children, to die slowly of toxic water, malnutrition, poverty and hopelessness – and who are now wailing with horror because the inmates of that hellish prison have finally taken a desperate revenge.
Let us not pretend that we don’t know who is responsible for this. After all, who built the prison? Who guarded it, sadistically, all these years? Who cheered every time some of the prisoners were murdered or crippled or tortured or rendered homeless by Israeli violence? Who boasted of sending money to the criminals? Or even of putting on the uniform of the terrorist militia that kept the prisoners inside? Who insisted that the U.S. pay for Israel’s weapons? Who accused anyone who told the truth about Israel’s crimes of being an anti-Semite?
Today you say you have tears in your eyes. Spare me the tears and try growing a conscience. Either you accept responsibility for the resistance you’ve provoked and begin to atone for your past sins – the first acts of which should be ending the illegal blockade and tearing down the walls of the infernal concentration camp the Israelis have made of Gaza – or shut up and take what’s coming to you. You have no right to any other reaction.
Finally, since you continue to present yourself as a religious Jew, I ask you to contemplate this familiar passage from the first chapter of Isaiah – and to read it specifically in the context of the resistance that engulfed the Israeli-Jewish oppressors on the very day after the close of Judaism’s annual judgment season:
Bring no more vain offerings; incense is an abomination to Me.
New moon and Sabbath and the calling of assemblies –
I cannot endure iniquity and solemn assembly.
Your new moon and your appointed feasts My soul hates;
they have become a burden to Me, I am weary of bearing them.
When you spread forth your hands, I hide My eyes from you;
even though you make many prayers, I no longer listen;
your hands are full of blood.
Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean;
remove the evil of your doings from before My eyes;
cease to do evil; learn to do good;
seek justice; correct oppression.
Thus spoke the God you claim to worship. Consider that, and ask yourself how many Jews took the opportunity of the Day of Atonement and its surrounding holidays this year to cleanse themselves of their violent sins against helpless Palestinians. Are you proud of the obvious answer?
Ask yourself how Jews who claim to believe that God sees all can profess to be shocked by the inevitable retribution for years of cruelty and callous indifference. And since so many casualties of the resistance seem to have occurred at an all-night “rave party” near the Gaza prison wall, ask yourself: What sort of Jewish society is characterized by hundreds of stoned Jewish kids boogying it up in the shadow of a concentration camp the very night after the close of the year’s Days of Awe and season of judgment? Are you proud of that too?
I am no prophet, and I can neither read God’s mind nor predict the future. But I can assess human behavior as well as the next fellow, and I can see that your childish show of indignation is really an attempt to ignore the facts that should be calling you to repentance. On October 6, the day traditionally known as Hoshanah Rabbah, you and your fellow religious Zionists were praying loudly for a good year. The events of the next day suggested what the Almighty thought of your prayers. I can assure you that I, at any rate, am the least of your worries.
But I cannot free you from responsibility for your sins. Only you (and God) can do that. And you had better do it promptly – before you accumulate even more blood on your hands.
Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.
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I wonder how many Israelis and their supporters outside Israel share this Zionist’s willful ignorance.
Gaza isn’t a concentration camp, its a ghetto. The uprising should have happened next year at this time since that would have been the 80th anniversary of Warsaw rather than the 79th. but it will have to do. Obviously nobody likes violence but you’ve got a situation where a people have been systematically oppressed for many decades in the name of ‘security’ but in reality its just a systematic attempt to make them go away, a sort of final solution brought about by policies, settlement, oppression, denial of civic rights, suppression of economies and so on — not to put too fine a point on it, a slow burn genocide. (We did the same thing with Native Americans in the 19th century, moving them away from any resources we fancied and hitting them hard if they pushed back.)
There are signs that a significant number of people have finally woken up to the message that this isn’t a game of Cowboys and Indians, this is willful suppression of a people. This has messed up the reflexive message that our government put out, the usual “We stand behind poor Israel” and “Its the Iranians/Russians/Axis of Evil’s fault”. Our politicians lining up behind this (because as the students at Havard discovered “Its more than their jobs’ worth to even think otherwise”) just makes them sound silly, detached from reality. We’ll get the full court press of propaganda to fix this — the fireside chat, the endless pictures of the handful of trucks through Rafah etc. — but the message is cracked. (After all, would you believe the organization that reflexively said “Its Russia’s fault” when NS2 was blown up to tell you “It was Hamas’s fault” when a hospital full of people gets blown up? There’s a credibility problem here.)
There’s lots more but its redundant — we all know the score, what’s been going on is obvious for all too see.
DeNial is a river through Egypt which was millenia non-Muslim till the last one. Similar history for whole North and Central Africa, the Middle East, South east Europe, Turkeye, Persia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North India etc. The locals had the choice to convert, pay non-Muslim tax or heads off. Don’t Deny it. Action – reaction. People here should have some level of Education…
Michael Lesher another cowardly Hamas shill.
Or maybe, like Kit Knightly, he just sees a bigger picture
Hamas was a political force that had the misfortune to win elections for the Palestine Assembly in 2007. The Israelis’ response was to march into the WB and arrest the delegates, handing the PA back to the reliable, safe, somewhat corrupt and utterly ineffective Fatah group. This didn’t work in Gaza so we ended up with a “Hamas takeover of Gaza”. The propaganda machine then painted Hamas as a bunch of insurgents that displaced the rightful government and presented an existential threat to all things Israeli. The rest, as they say, is history.
The pudding has been overcooked — the propaganda just isn’t cutting it anymore. We may get back control of Western minds but a very large part of “the rest of the world” just isn’t buying it (and the more we try the more we lose). Maybe its time to listen to people like Josh Paul?
That’s Hamas, who were empowered by Netanyahu in order to divide and rule? That turned out well, didn’t it? One good thing to come out of this mess will be the end of that bastard Netanyahu.
Whitney Webb has been reminding listeners to read this again:
In every religion, the propaganda emphasises love. In reality, believers are obsessed with differences (essentialism) and hatred.
That’s a good article. I think Ms Webb nailed them (not a single pun is given).
One of the many ironies of ziochristianity is… they don’t know the Bible. If they did, they wouldn’t idolize zionazis. They are “Christian” in word only, not in deed. Scofield indoctrination.
The Old Testament of the Christian Bible is comprised of three Judaic books…
The Jewish Bible (Tanakh) is the same as the Christian Bible’s Old Testament (Septuagint) but in different order.
“Torah” can refer to all of traditional Jewish learning, but “the Torah” usually refers to the Torah; the written Torah, also known as the chumash (the five volumes or Pentateuch, sometimes referred to as the Five Books of Moses).
Jews have levels of Torah understanding or knowledge…
So where are the majority of Christians? Peshat without a doubt. Literal meanings. No insight. Scofield was strictly literal Bible interpretation. “Dispensationalism” is essentially moral relativity. What is convenient for the “believer’s” moral high-ground. Pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, all taught as sinful throughout both the OT and NT, are prominent characteristics of most Christians.
The Abrahamic hocus pocus is almost bottomless. Sod, indeed.
The conflict is essentially ideological. Been raging for centuries. Tanakh vs Koran. Land is a secondary consideration. Pick a side. True understanding will inevitably fly out the window.
Those who missed the true Messiah’s advent (there being no New Testament in the Tanakh)
Spiritual thuggery (the Koran repeatedly condemning the stay-at-home pacifist).
Christianity’s Sermon on the Mount, by way of contrast, is about enduring, rather than retaliating to the strikes of an enemy. Trusting in God’s ultimate Justice. Something both sides could do well to learn from, if only to mitigate personal anger at emails we disagree with.
Yes, there’s a time for war and a time for peace (Ecclesiastes) but the capacity to “turn the other cheek” is also a useful tool to have on the belt.
Centuries? Sorry, utter CRAP. The Zionist settlement of the land only started in the 1880s, less than 150 years ago. I was born there in 1947, i know the history well. This is a colonial settlement project, it is ethnic cleansing pure and simple. Jews and Muslims had lived in peace for many centuries. IN fact, the were allied against the Crusades. You are channeling Zionist propaganda.
Moreover, there is pervasive censorship of the treatment of Christians – Israeli and other.
Maybe you can enlighten the insane Christian Zios over at conservativetreehouse.
A pretty fucked post.
My Reply to OFG.
Why the absolute dearth of articles? (is dearth even a word?).
At times like this when there’s so much happening, people turn to the alt media for explanations to salivate over.
Here there’s barely anything. I feel like I am lost in a dark wood.
The usual naming of the unnameable idiot. It’s not Hamas, nor Israel, nor any fill-in-the-blanks Nation, State, or political/religious organization. It’s civilian bred MILITARY MORONS, folks. MILITARY MORONS, guided by militant imbeciles who send their children off to slaughter civilians… 10,000 years of slaughter, yet no one gets the drift.
According to Prof. Norman Fenton, you know nothing about Gaza.
From his own words: ‘This is what people who know nothing about the conflict refer to as a ‘concentration camp’ or ‘open air prison’
He’s also done sterling work on helping to debunk the claim about Bibi and Hamas?
Norman Fenton has been one of the disappointments of the month. He has family over there and his response is understandably emotional, but calling anyone who disagrees with him a “Jew hater”… Seriously?
Oh dear, it looks like quoting Fenton’s unreasonable attacks on people who disagree with him sends you into Pending limbo. It just goes to say.
Strawman. Its not about the condition of Gaza.
Its about mass murder of children and civilians.
on a related genocide in Eastern European history:
Nicholas Lysson — Holocaust and Holodomor
on the original Jewish state; Israel is not a unique occurrence:
Kevin Macdonald — Stalin’s Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR
(see Shahak’s book Three Thousand Years, linked in another comment, for an explanation of why these phenomena keep happening.)
Ysrael Shahak — Yiddish History, Yiddish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years
the book above goes a long way to explain why the zionist entity is what it is, and does what it does.
Ysrael Shahak — Yiddish History, Yiddish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years
You are doing a hard time to direct the attention away from City of London who created an artificial country.
Each day that goes by many more people die and suffer in Gaza and yet these deaths are distanced and dehumanised.
Each day that goes by individual atrocity accounts emerge of those caught up in the purported Hamas attack on Israel. These come with background details of the person and their families. They come with graphic depictions of how they were killed. Regardless of anything else it is obvious that these deaths are being trickled out and used to Justify the ongoing and intensifying attacks on Gaza.
How can people be so cognitively devisioned and conditioned that they are able to compartmentalise their compassion to condemn the one and yet justify the other.
The unease I feel at such cognitive dissonance and the glaringly one sided and loaded stance of the humanised and the unrepresented is chilling.
It is pushed as a right for Israel to defend itself and yet this is not defence it is a massacre. A defence would have fundamentally have been in preventing Israel being invaded or attacked. Something it blatently we are expected to believe it failed to do. Plus there is an unease that many must be feeling of what may be behind this catastrophic failure of defending its own people and how it has served the catalyst for an all out siege and leveling of Gaza. It is difficult not to question any nefarious possible motivation of purpose in this supposed failure.
Israel/US/UK leaderships have been very quick to escalate and intensify the situation. Both Biden and Rishi racing around the middle-east trying to gain assurance that other countries in the region will not escalate while they themselves are the ones doing so.
It’s difficult to not see an agenda playing out here.
I am linking below to something I posted a couple of days ago but with English subtitles this time. I obviously can not verify it but am hearing more stories similar beginning to surface.
Ron Unz — Oddities of the Yiddish Religion
the article above goes a long way to explain why the zionist entity is what it is, and does what it does.
Notice the devils behind convid and the clot shots are here having taken a trip through trans land and Ukraine. Creepy Joe, Castreau, Maggotron and the rest. Bankster operatives all. Children are the losers everywhere. Sexual mutilation in the West, dismemberment in the occupied territories. What a terrible time to be alive.
So folks, what can we deduce from all this warring around the world? That the traumatized mind cannot raise children properly.
Creepy Joe has nailed it:
‘American leadership is what holds the world together,” Joe Biden.
20 Oct 2023’
There it is, in a NUT’S-shell.
indeed. A nut’s shell. another year of nuts… what is else is going to happen?
As long as “My God is better than your God” this stuff will never end.
Excuse me if I don’t hold my breath.
Great post. Thank you.
Wow, Michael! So important. So necessary. Thank you.🙏
No different than the bloodthirsty so called christians. All made-up religions are as hypocritical as it gets and the one the so called jewish people made up top them all.
Vetoed ?
Is it true that Creepy Joe has vetoed a UN resolution demanding humanitarian assistance and safe corridors ? If so that bastard is an incarnation of Satan.
Act of God ?
The people of Gaza have been hit by a catastrophe similar to an earthquake or a tsunami or other “act of God”. There are children suffocating to death under rubble as we speak. Not quite an act of God but the next best thing. An act of God’s Chosen People.
“God” is a convenient scapegoat. That’s why “He” was created in the first place.
“It’s the will of God” is the most evil utterance in human history.
fightersmilitantsterroristskilledslaughtered……Many attempts were made by US lawmakers before they
came up with a definition of “terrorist” that could not be
applied to US government agencies’ actions – even if
their actions were indistinguishable from those of non-
state activists…
The “International Community” of thugs and their vassals are worse. Whether in foreign revolution, foreign subversion or domestic chaos, they manipulate or coerce patsies or the mentally ill to commit (or attempt) terrorism, in order to ratchet totalitarianism.
Made yet more difficult by the acts of the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization
fightersmilitantsterroristskilledslaughtered women & children…The oral tradition has long been abandoned by those who make a blasphemy out of the word of God by worshipping a book (Torah [written by scribes], Talmud [written by scribes).
These self professed religious peoples have long forsaken any connection to God.
Only by observing the oral tradition does the word of God reside in you and only in that way can you be with God. All else is blasphemy.
A splendid video about the origin of the artificial land Israel created by Rothschild.
Revealing Israel as the most Godless place on earth.
Nothing in Israel, temple, places, mountains, land, has anything to do with God.
One of the Rothschilds didn’t like your comment..
Jokes apart, amazing video. Sadly, I can’t download it….
I was watching it just now Erik, it looks like a sacrifice to Baal or Moloch. This cannot be divorced from the geopolitical aspects.
It was informative to me. Before I saw the film I knew there was something wrong with the Scofield Bible and that Rothschild financed many things in Israel, and that the Royal families held satanic parties.
But I didnt knew Israel was a fully 100% artificial construction and that the whole thing was connected.
It further explains why Israel is so important for all the big players, India, China, Russia, USA,……….because Rothschild and all their central and big banks are involved and behind Israel.
One mio under aged children in Gaza. No doubt Moloch will be happy ;-).
My first comment was only based on watching the destruction, before he got into describing the Luciferian/Satanism, and showed the old picture of Baal/Moloch?
The sacrifice of the first-born.
‘God said to Abraham, kill me a son.
Abe said ‘Man, you must be putting me on.
God said ‘No.
Abe said ‘What?’
god said ‘You can do what you want Abe, but
the next time you see me coming you’d better run.’
Bob Dylan – Highway 61 Revisited (Official Audio) – YouTube
Ariel. You shouldnt present us here with your laziness but your knowledge.
For other readers I will explain it:
Note that God didnt kill Abraham’s son and that Abraham was a special person as he was assigned to be Father to all mankind.
No father later were asked to do the same.
When showing Abraham’s faith in God, God showed later how God’s OWN only son was divine sacrificed to benefit mankind who believe and have faith.
As previously said, all in the bible is symbolic and metaphors.
As Satan envy everything God does, you see the Satanic sacrifices involve real babies and real son’s death.
Thereby he deceive you into believing not in Jesus sacrifice but the Devil’s.
Next time will you please make a simple search for knowledge before you throw your contempt and half truth on the table here in public.
I did know that the ‘State of Israel’ is and was an artificial entity/construction financed by the Rothschilds, and that many of the main institutions and buildings were designed with and paid for by same.
I am also aware that Abraham did not kill Isaac, and that God substituted a perfect ram for the sacrifice instead. And that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are regarded as Israel’s or more correctly ‘Judaism’s’ patriarchs, but also Ishmael, Abraham’s son Ishmael by Hagar is regarded as the patriarch (founding father) of Islam by most Muslims. That God tested Abraham’s faith 10 times, and Abraham passed the tests.
Yes I am fully aware that the Satanists (followers of the Adversary) are directing the slaughter of the Innocent in Gaza.
Bob Dylan (ne Zimmermann) of Jewish descent. His take was, I agree a bit spurious, but includes the last verse about ‘trying to create the next world war,’ and finding a promoter who agreed to that, all in allegory, and released in August 1965. It came into my head, and I think that the two things, Abraham’s sacrifice and World War 3 plus the events of the last 2 weeks were a little too coincidental to be coincidental.
It was not my intention to offend you. I am also a rock guitarist and am plagued by song lyrics, my own and other people’s.
Great! All the best.
A powerful video except for it’s Christianism. The two subsidiary monotheisms are part of the banksters plan for world domination. Gaza at the moment is s child sacrifice on a gigantis scale.
I understand people who reject organised religion, they also have a good case.
But, for us who notwithstanding the many traps still know there must be an Intelligent Designer behind, for us the guy makes some sense. 🙃
Just another ignorant christian regurgitating the usual blood libel that has been done 1000 times before, achieving nothing but disbelief from the vast majority of people, in the absence of real evidence. “Retired” intelligence agents are never a good source!
He gives away his ignorance by claiming that the dragon symbolises evil from a spiritual POV, and then quotes the Bible to back his claim, showing his utter ignorance of genuine indigenous spirituality which pre-existed the demonic/ parasitic/ pseudo-religious Abrahamic creeds .
I don’t believe ‘being connected to God’ one way or another way is really such an ‘either/or’ situation.
Some people will observe the oral tradition and still miss the point, while others will find God in the Scriptures, which were, after all, inspired writings.
It all depends on what people, and what scriptures.
But there is a further complication for some of us:
The collection of books which we westerners call “The Bible” contains both horrific, obsolete and heartless content in the Old Testament, while the New Testament is a completely different matter altogether.
If someone reading the Bible finds God, which God is it?
If they see nothing in it but propaganda masquerading as history, then why does Christ never use propaganda (also known as being ‘creative with the truth’)?
Nobody should imagine that the growth of a human soul towards genuine, critical self-awareness and enlightenment is something that can be glibly summed up in a paragraph or two, so perhaps we can all agree that the matter is complicated enough to require a great deal of personal effort to come to terms with it?
It is as important to believe mainstream media as it is to believe mainstream history as it is to believe mainstream media as it is to
Course I meant to say it is as important to believe mainstream history as it is to believe mainstream media as it is
So it goes can go away now
Here’s another ‘reply’:
From your Link:
“Gaza’s Ahli: Large Numbers of People Took Refuge There because it is a Christian Hospital
“Somebody who knows the hospital well is Ang Swee Chai, the orthopaedic surgeon and author. She became the first female consultant orthopaedic surgeon at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London and is co-founder of the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP).
‘Responding to an appeal for medical personnel from Christian Aid to treat war casualties in Lebanon, Ang Swee went to work at a hospital near the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp in Beirut where she witnessed the Sabra-Shatila massacre during the Israeli invasion in 1982. Yasser Arafat awarded her the Star of Palestine, the highest award for service to the Palestinian people.
“According to this report, extensive damage from the bomb strike on the Ahli Hospital caused ambulances and private cars to rush some 350 casualties to Gaza City’s main hospital, Al-Shifa, which is already overwhelmed with wounded from other strikes. Its director, Mohammed Abu-Selmia, said doctors there were performing surgery on the floor and in the halls, mostly without anaesthetics.”
Thank you -and well said! The world should (must) read your thoughts on this matter, because they ring as true and as clear as a bell!
Survivors of the so called brutal attack in Israel state the IDF killed everyone with a few saved by Palestinians. A 24 year old scared young Palestinian used a 44 year old as a ”shield” while he surrendered and she was the only the IDF didn’t kill or blow up with tank mortars on the houses.
Others were rescued by the hated Behouin in the desert and told the same story, it was the guards in the IDF dont the killing
In Australia of course they ignorantly lit the monuments with the Israeli flag on the dirst night and still claim they support Israel because they have racist logs in their eyes and can’t see the Palestinians as humans. Even though thousands like my own grandfather were in Gaza and larger Palestine for 2 world wars as our allied before we betrayed them over and over again.
Well said. We don’t need any more death and destruction. We need to live and LET LIVE!
The Palestinians need room to live and not be encircled, controlled and displaced. The self-defence claim is a lie.
Thank you You give me hope.
Thank you dear Mr. Lesher, and thank you Off-Guardian for publishing this…
The passage taken from Isaiah sent chills down my spine…how uncanny, how astounding, the clash of history and morality…the same alienated dire yearning for justice in Isaiah’s voice has already been ringing from the beginning of this letter.
I do not for one moment believe that the normal working-class people of any group could be the architects for the tragic situation of the Levant today…certainly there are masters of deception and manipulation behind everything.
I do not for one moment believe that the Jewish character, or the Muslim character has been the source…certainly there must be some small minority who benefits from the fog of war and oppression.
The integrity of men like Michael can signal a way out. The courage to take responsibility is the only way out of the cage of self-oppression, and that is the beginning of opening the doors to larger prisons containing our fellow human beings.
thank you, Michael. Continue with your voice please Sir…and never give up hope because the hope you give will return to you someday, either here or here-after…at least that is certain.
Middle East War Conference Call Transcript.
Many a true word is spoken in jest
Hear! Hear!
Please delete admin. Technical difficulties from my end. Sorry.
Bless you for this, Michael.
You’ll excuse me if I pass a jaded eye over talk of “the Palestinian resistance of October 7”. I have a flashback to a certain January 6th. Only this time we didn’t get the horned shaman. Or at least he hasn’t turned up in any footage yet. But I wouldn’t be surprised ….
I agree with the author
Also here’s some analysis of the situation from an obscure scribbler out in the proveniences \
Refute it if you dare.
You keep seeing news articles asking “What is Israel’s Endgame For Gaza?”
Israel is no longer in the drivers seat
They got rudely carjacked by the Palestinian resistance and are being dragged down the street.
First one needs to appreciate that this surprise attack on Israel caught Israel completely flat footed. This was the real thing. One of the greatest upsets in the history of the world
The Israelis had been lulled into thinking by Palestinian double agents that they had finally figured out how to control and pacify the out-door prison of Gaza. And to do so with little effort.
All the while the Palestinians were preparing for not just another futile gesture but a final battle that would settle the Israeli problem once and for all.
It looks like they succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.
Here’s why:
There are 2 main elements to the Palestinian resistance both have a crucial role to play.
There are the Palestinian civilians, they’re role is to try to survive if possible, but to die if necessary for Palestine.
There are the Palestinians freedom fighters; they role is to stay alive so as to kill as many Israelis as Israel will throw at them.
What does that mean?
It means to win Israel must destroy the Palestinian resistance
There is no way Israel can do that, including a futile ground invasion.
The Israelis know this, all of them.
The Israelis are behind the 8 ball and they are justifiably fucked.
What can the Israelis do?
If no invasion, then all they can do is bomb from the air.
But the Israelis can no longer see inside of Gaza through the eyes of a legion of collaborators, so they have no idea where the resistance is or what it is up to.
Long story short
The Israelis will finally have to give in to Palestinians demands to be treated equally under the law
The nerve of those Palestinians to make such an outrageous demands
Israel’s plans for Gaza?
The Israelis don’t have a plan for anything except a massive unleashing of chutzpah.
Middle East War Conference Call Transcript (Tales From the Great Reset)
I secretly eavesdropped on a Middle East war conference call b/w various leaders waiting for the Americans to pay them. Needless to say, they are getting frustrated waiting for their next handouts!
Bibi Netanyahu: “Ok, who has already joined us on the call?”
Supreme Leader Khamenei: “I’m here, Bibi!”
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: “Me too!”
Bashar al-Assad: “So am I…”
Head of Hamas: “I’m also here, Bibi! And can I ask how the weather is in Israel?” [Sarcastic voice]
Bibi Netanyahu: “Partly cloudy, but otherwise perfect precision bombing and invasion weather! Our weather has got to be much better than the weather in Qatar where you are!”
[Laughter heard]……….
Perhaps it isn’t just The Great Reset all these events are calculated to obscure. I keep saying this and I think it’s far more serious than any “Reset.”
5G, Powerful Radar Stations, Electromagnetic Fields: The Global Extent of “Bird Armageddon” – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Thanks for posting. I think a lot more attention and consideration should be given to this topic. The 5G went up everywhere here during the fakedemic. Complete silence; except, now many peoples ears are ringing. And probably, most people, now, are only subconsciously aware of having 5g cell towers insight, everywhere they drive. Haven’t notice any bird die-off here yet. The weather modification is alarming.,
It’s not easy to find information about a given area. I googled around for several minutes before I found something which said my area (Maryland, USA) had 5G up and running August of 2023.
And even though I have absolutely no “smart” devices in my home, I will undoubtedly be affected by it.
Also, it seems to have been a ruse that 5G requires relays ever few hundred yards. There are towers which have been worked on early last summer; but there are no relays anywhere that I can see.
I have noticed a distinct lack of birds in my garden I did wonder what could have happened and am now worried that 5G is causing this.
I understand 5/6G to be integral to the GR/4IR (WW3), crucial to digital public infrastructure enabling internet of things and bodies for virtual lockdown in ‘smart city’ control grids under such regimen as digital identification and currency, biometrics, credit scores, carbon footprint tracking, TIA surveillance, precrime, and so much more, like connecting to nanotech of vaxxes offering kill switches (?) as well as turning people into EMF-poisoned antennae themselves.
But yes, all this is obscured, and by any and all means necessary, including done-deal authoritarian dictate simply overriding public knowledge and informed consent even as it is being rolled out, hidden in plain sight. Rule of law, laid down by corporate state fascism, requires wireless tech only challengeable in the captured court system by reason of aesthetic and historic criteria (even these are being eliminated), health considerations be damned, as the dearth of relevant industry studies attests. Not far from me is a 5G tree planted in a public park with different playing fields for organized sports among children as well as adults. If that’s not ugly and obscene and just plain sick, I don’t what is.
I live in high mountain desert where skies should be clear most days but here it’s grand central for relentless geoengineering chemtrails which routinely foul them and all nature below with god knows what shit they’re dumping besides the usual aluminum and barium, etc. (more nanotech?). On clear nights, numerous (5G) satellite launches have been seen with their eerie line of artificial stars ascending and then disappearing into the atmosphere, joining the invisible rainbow (Firstenberg) of full spectrum dominance from space (e.g.,
In short, I have a front row seat for some of the many coordinated agendas of the GR/4IR, which psychopathic powers that be are counting on passing by people lost in disconnected alienation from any whole way of life worth defending against the death march of the machine. I’d add that (endless) wars unleash weapons of destruction as well as distraction likewise furthering the master plan, as with depopulation from siege of global supply lines, food and energy to add to the ‘collateral damage’ in the immediate theaters of conflict (where build back better schemes may be deployed). And of course war, the health of the state, is the classic crisis state of emergency for advancing the censorship industrial complex. Gaza’s called the world’s largest open air prison, a sitting duck for genocide, and it may be called a crude and cruel model of how the world is to be made over into one big open air prison planet, with a boot stamping on a human face forever.
IMO, depopulation has higher priority than controlling the survivors. The approaches to depopulation:
-Economic attack, subversion, war
-Harmful foods: e.g., GM maize (antibodies it generates attack sperm 2001-09-09). cottonseed oil
-Harmful food additives and processing
-Harmful toiletteries, consmetics, textiles, formaldehyde from indoor wood
-Pollution (poisoning)
-Medicine: covert sterilisation, harmful medicine, jabs
-Promoting trans-sexualism
-Promoting suicide through the arts, social media, narcotics.
We all need to remember that there are vast swaths of humanity that have the same relationship to hypocrisy that fish have to water. Luckily, they identify themselves.
Powerful statement by a Columbia professor. Watch and share.
Tell it like it IS, Micha-el.
Thank you for writing this letter Michael Lesher and thank you OffG for publishing it.
I highly recommend reading an eye-opening article published in September of this year
It is well worth reading the same author’s other work
The majority of People on both sides of this engineered conflict are being steered by false flags masquerading as organic events.
The “leader(ship)” on both sides has been infiltrated by actors working towards the same common Agenda.
The private owners of the vast network of Central Banks print the currency/script that facilitates this level of deception, it has been this way for a long time and needs to end.
So if we shut down the banks all the hate that’s built up over the millennia will dissipate into thin air? all the dead bodies in Gaza will reanimate? all the buildings leveled will rise up from their debris? and everything the rest of the world had witnessed for generations will be revealed as a simple magician’s illusion?
Who knew life could be so nice and neat?
It’s not that I’m questioning the bankers’ and the other corporate bosses’ role in all this; only that I think there’s more to it than that – much more.
Stop thinking Howard. “Know”, is the key word: I know!
I’m just watching it Erik. It looks like a sacrifice to Baal or Moloch, as well as the geopolitical aspects.
There have been lots of resistance by conscripts, desertions and surrender to th enemy in Ukraine. The global centre for the trade in body parts badly needed a boost.
What a load of bullshit
Are you implying that 10/7 was a false flag attack?
Thank you, Mr. Lesher.
It is not supposed to be Palestine or Israel, it is supposed to be the Holy Land of the Abrahamic lineage, a Kingdom of Conscience inhabited by these 3 ancient tribes as an inclusive example of what can be, but the dark side of the force has manipulated the situation into a physical fight based on ego, anger and vices for a metaphysical objective rooted in conscience, this is a paradoxical dynamic
A Holy Land, a Kingdom of Conscience is what the objective should be, not an exclusive garden for one set of ego driven maniacs vs another, all for political gain at the expense of any virtues, or faith
Both the State of Israel and the Hamas Extremists have abandoned the core teachings of their father Abraham and are now defecating on the metaphysical and physical legacy/assets that lineage has gifted us
A Kingdom of Conscience – nothing less
Here is the problem with this bullshit, arabs are a true ethnic group of semite who spoke the ancient languages, Jews belong to a made up religion and are not an ethnic group, they are greedy racist mainly European illegal immigrants
Islam could and can be imperialistic and concur half the world, but Judaism can’t have a little safe heaven makes no sense to the unbiased / un-occulted / Just. Reading other texts outside the Koran should be stimulated in this 21st century – education.
Present Western intellectuals manage to lose their heads to Islam even without any swords swinging – out of fear.
Might might be “right” but is not necessarily Truth.
For every ill you blame on Islam, try scrubbing language of pre-conceived propaganda and substituting another religion in its place.
While there’s no doubt Islam has a terrible legacy of conquest with the sword; this other religion went about it more covertly and thereby gained a much larger empire. Proof positive that “All comes to he who waits.” Patience wins out over passion every time.
I reckon if there had been maturity and heart centred intelligence at the inception of the Israeli state then Jews, Muslims, Christians and possibly even Hindus, Taoists, Shamans, Druids, Hermeticists & friendly down to earth Athiests could have co-existed there, like everywhere else in the recognition that beyond all appearances the Divine Spirit animates all that is, and ultimately God is Love.. God is Peace.. God is only one word that has been used as a signifier.. Call It what you will.. We have to realise it directly.. That’s the game.. The Creator of the virtual reality simulation game that most of the players are lost within has guided so many players into the next level of the game, and they’ve taken off their duality perception filters.. Not only that, but those players communicated with the rest of humanity and made clear the process they went through to get beyond the elementary level of the game.. Much to their dismay their instructions got into the hands of sadistic game players who distorted the guidebooks, and it’s been a slavery game ever since.. There’s going to be a systems upgrade though and the pricks who think they’re in control of the game are about to discover that they aren’t in control after all.. Just when they think they’ve accomplished their totalitarian masterplan it all comes crumbling down about them..
.. what will it take?
The Zionists, the political arm of the Jews, were atheist to begin with. They were purely motivated by all-out dominion over the Palestinians.
It’s fitting that the War on Terror rhetoric is back. 9/11 marked the point where the US Empire’s puppet villain Al Qaeda made their impressive debut in the exciting new media franchise. And the paragliding baby be-headers of Israel’s puppet villain Hamas have made a similarly dramatic impression in the sequel.
As soon as they started calling this Israel’s 9-11, I smelled BS and false flag. Sure enough, now we know that Hamas is the puppet villain, as you say, and they’re dusting off the 2001 PNAC playbook and talking about Iranian oil fields.
911 was a true false flag attack
Why did no one take responsibility for it?
Because the scapegoat was already appointed.
yet more bullshit
Complete bullshit, the most dangerous place for jews is the land they stole from the Palestinians which is why 60% have never bothered
I think groups of humans can naturally live peacefully together, until an outside group starts to meddle and resettle a foreign group into an indigenous population or create artificial separation based on preference or privilege.
Besides the creation of the Jewish state, other non-functioning societies include Rwanda, where one group was given privileges over another indigenous group by an outsider, or the artificial creation of Yugoslavia after WWI that ended in the Balkan war.
The following is a synopsis of how Muslims, Christians and Jews lived peacefully together before the UN decided to meddle ( ).
For centuries there was no such conflict. In the 19th century the land of Palestine was inhabited by a multicultural population – approximately 86 percent Muslim, 10 percent Christian, and 4 percent Jewish – living in peace.[1]
In the late 1800s a group in Europe decided to colonize this land. Known as Zionists, they represented an extremist minority of the Jewish population. Their goal was to create a Jewish homeland, and they considered locations in Africa and the Americas, before settling on Palestine.[2]
At first, this immigration created no problems. However, as more and more Zionists immigrated to Palestine – many with the express wish of taking over the land for a Jewish state – the indigenous population became increasingly alarmed. Eventually, fighting broke out, with escalating waves of violence. Hitler’s rise to power, combined with Zionist activities to sabotage efforts to place Jewish refugees in western countries[3], led to increased Jewish immigration to Palestine, and conflict grew.
UN Partition Plan
Finally, in 1947 the United Nations decided to intervene. However, rather than adhering to the principle of “self-determination of peoples,” in which the people themselves create their own state and system of government, the UN chose to revert to the medieval strategy whereby an outside power divides up other people’s land. Under considerable Zionist pressure, the UN recommended giving away 55% of Palestine to a Jewish state – despite the fact that this group represented only about 30% of the total population, and owned under 7% of the land.[4]
I’m more concerned about the Anglo-American Imperial Zionists. “Religious Zionists” are the puppets, the latter are the puppetmasters.
Anglo-American Zionism dates back to the 1840s and Palmerston declaring half a century before Herzl “now is the time for the Jews to return to their homeland”. Palmerston conducted both Opium Wars – started by what look very like false flags – and oversaw mass deaths on his Irish estates. He was also the relevant minister who introduced mandatory vaccination against smallpox in Britain and signed the Treaty of London that dragged Britain into WW1 long after his death
Only Shaftsbury seems to have discovered Zionism before Palmerston. .
Disraeli was warning about this group of people in the 1840’s and even wrote a book about them called Coningsby which was a pseudonym for a certain Mr Red Shield.
Well, by the 1840s NM Rothschild’s brigade were well ensconced in St Martin’s Lane and had rather more power than anyone else in London. It was after all a generation or so after the wars in which the Rotschild London fortune was made and secured.
With that amount of money, I’m sure that anyone wanting to be Prime Minister would take due note of what the Rotschilds had to say….
“Anglo-American Zionism” dates back at least to the English Civil War – and probably earlier.