The Israel-Hamas War is ALREADY Pushing the Great Reset Agenda
Kit Knightly

A few days ago we published an article discussing how the Great Reset agenda is still moving forward behind the scenes, while the headlines are full of Israel-Palestine.
But it’s also true that, in its thirteen days of existence, the war itself has already pushed that agenda forward as well.
Normalising the suppression of dissent and creating a culture of fear around free expression are a major part of the Great Reset, after all the other steps are so much easier if you outlaw inconvenient protests.
And, naturally, calls for the suppression of freedom of expression have sprouted up everywhere since the war started. We covered this in our article “Israel-Hamas “war” – another excuse to shut down free speech”
Since that article was published this campaign has gained momentum.
European Union Commissioner Thierry Breton sent warning letters out to every major social media platform, claiming they needed to “combat disinformation” regarding Israel and threatening them with fines.
In yet another blow to the “China is on our side” narrative, Chinese video-sharing service TikTok has eagerly agreed to “combat disinformation”.
Students from Harvard and Berkeley have been threatened with “blacklisting” for voicing support for Palestine.
German and French police are breaking up pro-Palestine demonstrations, while – in both the UK and US – there are calls to arrest people for waving Palestinian flags, or deport those who “support Hamas”.
Creating a culture of fear, making people afraid to express themselves or their political opinions, is just one of the many things that Covid, Ukraine, Climate Change and now Israel have in common.
Facial Recognition Software
It’s always curious when a supposedly “left field” story breaks and ties in neatly with an issue already in the news.
The rise of facial recognition software – a threat to everyone’s right to privacy – is one such.
Before the “surprise attack”, Israel’s use of facial recognition technology was called “Automated apartheid” by Amnesty International. In the US, states have been opposing the use of FRT for a long time, with some introducing bills to ban it outright.
Now, however, Israel has allegedly been using facial recognition tech to identify dead and wounded. The Jerusalem Post calls it a “tool to help Israel recover from Hamas’ war”.
And in a highly curious coincidence –
three days before the alleged “surprise attack” , Sweden’s government was reported to be “forced” to increase its usage due to “gang violence”.
In the UK this timed up neatly with the government’s plans to upload every passport photo on their database to a facial recognition program [we covered that here].
The plans sparked muted protest, mostly because nobody really heard about it. Then, on Saturday, during the pro-Palestine march in London, Metropolitan police enforced section 60AA powers, requiring attendees not to cover their faces, to facilitate live FRT. (There goes Sweden by the way, another of the “good guy” countries.)
Nobody has said a word against it. Suddenly what was “Orwellian” back in April is now – thanks to the latest war – totally fine.
Police have introduced Section 60AA powers at the pro-Palestine demonstrations in Central London.
They have asked protesters to remove any face-coverings so their identity cannot be concealed, reports @AmeliaHarperTV
📺 Sky 501 and YouTube
— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 14, 2023
The fact the same people demanding no one cover their faces now were screaming “wear a mask!” for the last three years is the most poetic of ironies.
And, just as ironic but a lot more tragic, the same people who opposed the use of this technology during lockdown protests, will cheer it on for “terrorist sympathizers”, which brings us neatly to point three…
Dividing the Alt-Media
The independent media was the biggest reason the “pandemic” narrative fell short of its grandiose aims. The narrative lost it’s momentum in the face of a pushback from solidified resistance from right across the political spectrum – spanning the anarchist left to the libertarian right.
A major arm of the globalist strategy since then has been undermining that solidarity and the reach of alt-media outlets, attacking their funding, limiting their reach and – most obviously – sewing discord with divisive distractions.
It was no accident that the Russian invasion of Ukraine broke Covid resistance right down the middle, splintering it along old-fashioned fault lines.
The Israel-Hamas “war” has already broken those two sides into two more. Collective action and independent thought have been banished to the shadow realm in favour of tribalism. People have been manipulated into abandoning an anti-globalist stance, choosing to staunchly defend the “good globalists” from the bad ones.
It hasn’t just broken the alliance of anti-lockdown/anti-vaccine dissenters but has also broken their principles and discredited their opinions.
Many – mostly on the conservative right – have forgotten that Israel was right at the forefront of the Covid lie, forgotten they were first to vaccinate and the first to use “green passes”, and have leapt to their defence (or, more accurately, jumped at the chance to push an anti-Islam agenda).
They now push for collective punishment and – as mentioned above – cheer on the quashing of free speech for “terrorist sympathizers”.
Consider Douglas Murray, for example, who is considered to be a “free speech absolutist”, but in the wake of the “surprise attack” is writing columns with headlines like this…
Why do we allow protests that glorify slaughter?
Whether these people were ever genuine in the protestation of freedom or not, their credibility on that front is now broken forever.
I think this tweet says it best:
“The multipolar world”
The flipside of the factionalism which continues to fracture the Covid sceptic movement is the concomitant promotion of the so-called “multipolar world”.
The fact that the ruling force of the world is a globalist elite which calls no state home was made brutally clear by the fake “pandemic”. A major objective of that globalist elite has since been to obliterate that fact from our collective mind.
A false narrative is being sold that the crumbling US Empire is “globalism” and that a rough axis of opposition exists in the form of Russia, China, Iran et al.
This narrative has been sold by both mainstream and alternate media since the start of Russia’s “special military operation”.
It is a simplistic binary good guy/bad guy narrative designed to push 2 years of full-scale global cooperation between these supposed “enemies” out of people’s minds.
Already the Hamas-Israel conflict is doing its part to further this deceptive narrative. It creates the impression of a world divided along well-worn (but increasingly meaningless) lines.
The pandemic made it clear the elites of the world are all following the same script.
War is designed to make us forget that fact.
And if it means a few thousand people have to die in the process – so what? The West and East were both happy to kill their own people with lockdowns and toxic jabs – so why not with missiles?
They are selling worn out Cold War memes to persuade you they are not your enemy – it’s those people “over there” – the Moslems, the Jews, the Russians…
…you can fill in as required.
North Korea has been blamed for supplying weapons to Hamas.
Iran is reported to have funded – even planned – the attack.
Even Russia, who traditionally strongly oppose any-and-all Islamic “terrorists”, are showing signs of compromising their usual “neutrality” on Palestine. They are sending aid shipments to Gaza, and mooting ceasefire resolutions to the UN Security Council (which the US instantly vetoed obviously).
For their trouble, Israeli MPs are threatening Russia with war live on RT.
In his address to the nation yesterday Joe Biden quite deliberately equated Putin’s Russia with Hamas. Ukrainian President Vlodomyr Zelensky did the same almost as soon as the “surprise attack” took place.
The global battle lines for a supposed “world war 3” are being drawn up.
All of this feeds the illusion that huge seismic ideological differences separate these nation states, when in reality they share the vast majority of New Normal goals.
Remember that both Israel and Hamas sacrificed their people on the altar of Pfizer. Any claims to care about civilian life now – from either side – must be met with the most absolute skepticism.
As you can see, Hamas’ “surprise attack” has put fresh momentum behind some of the NN goals that have been on the establishment’s to do list for a while. And that’s just so far, there are others that have not materialized yet but easily could.
There’s talk of a refugee crisis – increasing illegal immigration and stirring up more of that desired divisive rhetoric, whilst providing western governments with a blame-sponge for the financial destitution they have deliberately created.
Oil prices are already rising, any moment they could roll out the next “energy crisis”.
Maybe it will be Gulf nations embargoing Israel, or Western nations sanctioning whoever, but they are laying the groundwork. The Wall Street Journal warns of “echoes of 1973”, the US has sold off half of its reserves and might not be “ready for a crisis”.
Two stories from just this morning warn of a “potential crisis”.
If (when?) it comes it can (and almost certainly will) be immediately parlayed into serving the “climate change” agenda. We will told there is a silver lining because we’re “increasing our reliance on renewable energy”.
It’s an immense tangle of lies, but they all lead in the same direction.
There is already a lot of discussion, in alt-media circles, of the nature of Hamas. To what extent were they created by Israel, or at least allowed to happen? And how much does this extend to the “surprise attack” itself?
Some were calling it an “inside job” from the moment the news broke, and it does bear the usual hallmarks of your traditional “false flag” attack. Inexplicable “intelligence failures”, ignored warnings and delayed responses. Maybe it was a case of “let it happen on purpose” (LIHOP), or maybe they made it happen (MIHOP).
Who knows how far the elite go in stage managing the reality they need to push their plans on the world.
Whatever the truth of this situation, there’s no denying it’s already hard at work pushing a very familiar agenda.
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truly the Chinese government supports the right of resistance of the Palestinian people.
“Students from Harvard and Berkeley have been threatened with “blacklisting” for voicing support for Palestine.” Participating in demonstrations amongst and alongside many who are calling for the destruction of the state of Israel nd blaming Israel for Oct 7 is not simply “voicing support for Palestine.” You’re entire analysis reeks of your anti-Jewish and anti-Western vomitorium-style biases.
Perhaps is just the play of the yin and Yang of creation, a play of opposites from nations to the man on the street.
We do not need globalists for rape and pillage and ugly behavior….
I never saw any footage of a real war in Ukraine, no matter where I searched or who I asked.
I have so far seen no footage of a real war in Gaza/Israel.
Anyone else seen any?
SouthFront: Crisis News, World Events, Political SurveySouth Front | Analysis & Intelligence
There is NO footage of real full-scale war there. There is just the usual stuff I have been seeing.
— A few armoured vehicles and half-dozen guys rolling thru countryside that could be anywhere.
— Rubble piles that often don’t even look new
— “war game” footage of individual armoured vehicles being blown up that could be from anywhere and has in occasions been SHOWN to come from a video game.
Why are there no images like those we see from ww2 or even Vietnam of largescale engagements and battles?
We are supposed to be seeing casualties equivalent to the bloody Somme! You don’t get those without pitched battles – which NO ONE ever films or sitnrsses apparently.
I have to conclude until I see evidence otherwise the war in Ukraine is majority FAKE.
As for Gaza/Israel I see even LESS evidence.
I see endless streams of Tiktok vids that look designed to work on the prejudices of BOTH sides and make them uncritically accept a narrative
Where is the footage of the air raids and massive destruction they cause?
Conspicuous by its absence.
I want to go further than Kit Knightly and say these wars are as FAKE as covid as well as being used to promote the same end.
You seem to forget that thanks to satellites, drones and other surveillance devices, the days of big arrow movements by armies are long gone.
Hence why it has become a war of attrition, hence why Ukraine has graveysrds bursting at the seems with freshly dug graves, hence why the Ukrainian Nazis are kidnapping men
plus youths between the ages if 16-70 in any physical shape to be press ganged into their army.
I suggest you read or watch Scott Ritter, Brian Berlectic, Doug Macgregor they will enlighten you to how modern warfare is waged.
You must know that argument makes no sense. You don’t take and hold territory with “satellites, drones and surveiilance devices” pal. There’s only ONE way to take and hold territory and that’s with boots on the ground.
Even in your own terms it makes no sense. If there are are no massed conflicts how can there be thousands of soldiers dying every day?
WHERE are they dying? HOW are they dying if they’re not going into combat?
Why do they need to press gang men if they’re not using them in combat?
Why do I need to watch Ritter or the rest? Are they in the war zone? Do they have footage of how or where all these men are inexplicably dying even though there’s (according to you) NO coordinated attacks or attempt to take territory.
None of it joins up or makes any sense.
It’s like you lost the ability to think in real world sensible terms. Which is what I think the aim of this bullshit is.
Hmm, if the enemy can see where you are concentrating their forces and equipment, they can take steps to destroy them by use of artillery, Missiles, Aviation and FABs. Which is precisely what has been happening.
Secondly, it isn’t about gaining territory but destroying the enemies forces, Ukrainian is now on its 3rd iteration of armies, plus destroying its equipment hence why Zelensky has to go with a begging bowl to the West because Russia keeps destroying them as fast as they send them to the front.
Thirdly,if you bothered to engage your mind with their analysis of the conflict in the Ukraine, you would notice they back up what they state from the numerous independent reporters who are observing the most horrific slaughter.
Ad hominem, is no substitute for critical analysis. Try it some time.
So there ARE massed troops and hardware on the ground then. You just said the days of such things were over, so you seem to be contradicting yourself.
But what are these concentrated forces doing if not trying to take back territory? Just sitting there and waiting to be killed?
None of what you say makes even basic sense.
And if they’re not trying to take territory then why have both sides been claiming to do just that – TAKE TERRITORY?
How come Russia’s alleged plan was to drive out the Nazis? How do you accomplish that without taking their territory?
And what is the Ukrainian plan if not TAKING BACK their territory from the Russians.
You’re talking gobbledegook in a desperate effort to make this nonsensical pseudo-war make sense.
The truth is there have been endless stories of major battles and big gains and losses of territory, and routs and victories – but all we ever get to see of it is a half dozen “soldiers'” in a field with a couple of rusty Soviet era AVs or some burned out buildings that could be anywhere, or “video game” footage of locking on to targets and blowing them up.
No one ever films the huge bloody battles we are told are taking place.
They’d be hard to fake wouldn’t they. If fakery is what they’re doing. But the stuff they DO show, well that’s coincidentally all really easy to fake innit.
They literally observe it do they? Firsthand and on the scene? Or do you mean they get stage-managed tours of the “aftermath” of the fighting?
Do they have any video of what they claim to see?
” So there are massed troops on the ground then” Indeed there is hence why they are being destroyed by the Russians before they can be employed in to attacking the main Russian defence line.
Here is an excellent an analysis from MOA regarding the failed Ukrainian Nazi counter offensive in June of this year.
MoA – The Ukrainian Counter-Offensive Had No Chance. NATO Failed To Explain That. (
You said in your previous post ” There is NO footage of real full scale war” . I replied to this by stating ” ..the days of big arrow movements by armies are long gone”
It appears you did not grasp that means no formations of troops in the size of Dunkirk, Kursk, Stalingrad etc There no huge concentration of armies in large arrow movements precisely because of satellites, drones and other devices. These huge troop and equipment can be destroyed long before they ever reach the contact line.
I did advise you to read and watch Berlectic, Ritter, Macgregor because they are all ex military and know their subject well.
” If they are not trying to take territory..” Once more you fail to grasp the point of war is to destroy the enemy forces ie in WW2 the USSR prevailed over the 3rd Reich even though at one stage the Nazis had overrun vast amounts of the USSR^s territory. They won because they destroyed the Nazis armies and equipment.
I hope you now comprehend this.
” No on one ever films the huge battles taking place we are told taking place. ”
At the Edge of the Abyss. The battle for Mariupol through the eyes of a witness. (War in Ukraine) – YouTube
” Do they have any video of what they claim to see?”
Dead & injured as Ukraine hits civilians in Donetsk with western supplied rockets – YouTube
The Russians won in 1944 because they drive the Germans from their territory! Destroying their hardware and killing their soldiers was a means to that end.
Are you saying to me Stalin would have been ok with the German army keeping the land they took as long as they had no weapons on it?
Give me strength! You seem to have totally lost touch with basic reality.
But there ARE huge numbers being killed – allegedly.
Remember we are talking – allegedly – about thousands a day. Similar to the numbers being lost at the bloody Somme!
If there’s no large scale ground war how are so many being – – allegedly – killed?
This is the whole crux of the point. The alleged numbers don’t fit with the total absence of evidence for ANY major engagements.
Or even minor engagements actually. There’s no evidence of any force greater than five or six men. And NO footage if any actual combat. Just guys with ancient hardware loosing off at invisible ” enemies”.
Do you not see how crazy this narrative is once you start to take it apart?
And thanks for posting that vid. It’s a textbook example of exactly the kind of footage I’ve been talking about!
The powers of this world managed to represent a global pandemic that never happened for nearly 3 years, faking a regional war conflict with an already very susceptible population to such events is a piece of cake.
Some rocket like fireworks flying around, controlled explosives going off, alarms going off, sirens, emergency vehicles running around, armoured vehicles being paraded, a military personel deployed in civlian localities, and there you have a ‘war’ theatre for the public.
Then the media and the govt public announcements do the rest, that’s all you need.
The general population will easily be swayed one way or the other by those media posts and pictures of a woman and child looking distressed wearing dusty clothes.
The only victims are the children being used as props as they are obviously prompted to cry while standing among a pile of rubble for a photo op.
The ‘bombed’ sites look like buildings who were already marked for demolition, like all the pictures I’ve seen from the Ukraine where there will certainly be some regeneration in housing and displacement of local people, many of whom probably end up in the West.
All fake as it’s presented to us, but very real for big business and big govt.
Having wondered below why the narrative on this subject is not as tightly controlled as it was with Covid, it would appear that depends on where you are. The rules are more relaxed in Europe than in the US.
This might explain RFK Jr’s absurd one-sided pronouncements that didn’t convince anyone.
As a (disabled) British anachist, while the lockdowns were still ongoing I was objecting to my own government’s suspensions of access to healthcare. And supposed anti-lockdown American right Libertarians were screaming at me (incl. overtly ableist comments) for daring to think that we’re entitled to healthcare, in our own country, when most British people agree on this.
The US right, in particular, are liars. They’d have been capable of being for lockdown if their team did it: they had no principled stance against it in the first place. We have never, ever, been on the same side. It was more an active detriment to the anti-lockdown cause to have them play political team sports over it and feign agreement.
Though folks argue about the authenticity of Pike’s letter to Mazzini what we DO know is that its content was published in 1925. It described accurately the second world war and one of its stated outcomes, ie the creation of the state of Israel. The third world war it described would obliterate that state and Zionism and treat Islam similarly. Looks like that was equally prescient. There is NO chance that this will not escalate.
The purported letter goes on to describe the end of Christianity and a world brought to its knees so that those that survive end up pleading for Lucifer…..
Seems like that’s where we’re headed, doesn’t it?
There IS a a way out of this. It involves humanity to do away with money absolutely. Money is the life-blood of this evil.
Fat chance of that. We are too stupid, collectively, to understand that the creation of money from thin air by a select few is not a good idea.
We are too stupid, collectively, to understand that much of what we believe in or trust is a total fabrication. We live in a world of lies, many of them forged millennia ago and some just recently. We lie to each other daily, compounding the error.
This is what we are, currently. A dumb species killing each other over differences of opinion over lies. We kill for the money that others make from thin air, value it, worship it. We kill each other over politics, that great theatre of lies. We kill each other over religions, those stalwart and long lasting fabrications. The greater minds that control this reality can invent new lies at whim and encourage us to believe in them and to kill those that don’t. They nearly did that during the Covid farrago, nearly got the jabbed to call for the murder of the unjabbed. (They’ll fulfil that promise with the next scamdemic, the one that Bill and Melinda promised us we’d notice …and then smirked.
Ho hum.
“Was “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” a “surprise attack”?
Was it a “False Flag” Attack by a faction within Hamas (supported by Mossad and US intelligence) which was intent upon justifying Netanyahu’s all out war against Palestine? That Hamas faction was co-opted and bribed by Mossad.
In the words of Netanyahu:
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, …this is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”
(Benjamin Netanyahu, statement to his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “quoted by Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)
At this stage we have scanty evidence regarding who was behind the Hamas attack. False flag agendas are carefully planned intelligence operations.”
I am trying for the last time to get a comment through.
I think it’s too simplistic to say Hamas is Israel’s puppet. There is plenty of evidence that Israel has supported, infiltrated and possibly even funded Hamas for two main reasons:
a) split the Palestinians
b) a tiny bit of armed resistance gives them the opportunity for genocide by carpet bombing instead of the silent and slower ethnic cleansing of only a few people a day in the West Bank.
I recently saw on Richard Medhurst’s Rumble channel an interview with Stanley Cohen who has defended Hamas. Also on Breakthrough News an interview with Hamas dude where he is actually allowed to speak. According to Stanley Cohen, armed resistance is allowed in international law for an indigenous peoples who have been occupied and are being subjected to brutal violence by the occupying power. Even the Guardian in 2014 reported that Hamas was perfectly willing to take Israel to the ICC for war crimes, even if meant exposing themselves to scrutiny.
The Hamas version of Oct 7 is that a number of militants breached the border and returned with hostages without random violence against women and children. Interestingly they said that with a breach in the fence “many actors unrelated to Hamas arrived”. Hamas has never said they hang glided into a music festival.
Israeli version is: 1,500+ Hamas crossed the border unobserved on hang gliders, motorbikes and pickup trucks, created mayhem for SEVEN hours + killed 1,400 civilians before 1,500 of them were themselves shot dead,… prove this MSM has released hundreds of videos which even show Hamas taking selfies as they shoot at toilet doors…..
Israeli media makes it clear that IDF were absent for 7 hours and several interviewees say that the IDF came in with guns blazing. That heroic Israeli grandma who was taken hostage…she said that she gave cookies and sang Arabic songs to Hamas and Hamas returned the favour by singing Hebrew songs to her…
My conclusion is that the Hamas version is more true. Israel was going to allow a little thing to happen but instead a bigger and more serious thing happened so they’ve lost their collective sh*t.
Interesting bit about the other actors turning up to do the killing and chaos part. And the claim that they were then shot suggests that they were exfiltrated away to avoid any scrutiny by Hamas, and to maintain the narrative that Hamas are the monsters.
This idea needs further examination because it fits in with the notion that there was only one possible consequence of an “attack” and that is outrage amplified by the ready media to garner consent for the total destruction of Gaza.
When the American spokesperson claim they don’t want escalation from third parties, that is exactly what they want. America has been preparing the way to start WW3. It is America who orchestrated this whole affair. All of it and Israel is simply playing their part as is the mainstream media along with the world leaders of the West, in lockstep to the gamed out plan. And the reason they are doing this is to bring down Russia, destroy Iran and then move onto China. Even though they are not directly facing Russia that is the goal. Plan B.
I get the distinct impression that Hamas does not know exactly what happene and exactly what they’ve been accused of.
Hamas certainly does not have time to watch the hundreds of videos of “themselves” doing various things on Oct 7 floating around on MSM. They’ve denied the more sensational claims about 40 babies, rape and random unnecessary violence against women and children. And frankly I believe them because I think their main goal was to escape with hostages and losing as few men as possible.
They could not have known the IDF would stand down… so why would they waste time??? If they had known the IDF would disappear they would have realized it’s a trap to have an excuse to bomb Gaza. There has been some double crossing in both directions….
Stanley Cohen draws a picture of Hamas as people under decent leadership fighting for a cause. He does not make it sound like they’re anybody’s puppet. I had heard all these terrible things about Hezbollah but the the first I saw Nasrallah speak with Assange, I was totally shocked. He’s way more coherent and authentic than Meloni, Macron, Von Der Liar, Sunak, Biden and the rest of the circus clown show.
Iran was keep on a Hamas attack now, to deviate US focus away from itself, Ukraine and Taiwan. Saw those Yemenis joined in the Hamas run into Israel? Iran supported Yemen to the hilt. Many drones and rockets? = Iran /China.
That this moment was also convenient for Nethanyahu to save his own skin: Iran’s urge was the icing on his LIHOP cake. Needed were dummies to attack and Hamas naturally obliged, although hopelessly out armed/ numbered, but that is the MO of extremists in the ME: brainless but full of passion. Deadly, with no promised 70 virgins at the end …. fooled by MU the cheating “secondhand car” dealer.
I’m going to repost part of my reply to the Understanding Gaza thread at the UK column as I think it is relevant here. I’m interested in the opinion of those people who are leaning towards this being a Gladio-style false flag event.
I’m with Mark, we need a Sherlock Holmesian approach to this.
As the EIR editorial ended:
“Shock trauma is a real, but curable condition, and the best medicine is truth.”
From the first day it happened this: was my conclusion bc I knew about the nature of the barrier. It may look like just a fence in many places but every inch is covered and not just w/CCTV but sound above & underground sound and vibration sensors, ai, automated drones & automated machine gun nests and a whole lot more. Honestly, a cat cant get through it w/o setting off a major IDF response, yet it was breached violently in multiple areas as hundreds of Hamas fighters pured through,, and no IDF response for hours? C’mon/
How stupid you are buying in to the whole fucking lie of Hamas being the problem, it’s lazy and dumb. ABC Australia knew weeks ago that attacks were being planned by zionists in the west bank and kept it covered up. they aired this 4 days after the ”attack” in Israel where survivors state the IDF killed everyone
She mentioned cases of friendly fire during the intense firefights,, if you care about what was actually said.
Finally! Others are starting to realize that the universal law of polarity is used against the majority by the ‘controllers’ of this plane. It’s so simple to see, yet the conditioning has been so effective that most people will not or cannot recognize this. They will take the intellectually lazy route of pointing and yelling through their three week old N95 masks “TINFOIL HAT WEARING CONSPIRACY THEORIST!!”
Here’s a tough, yet true, pill to swallow: USA = Russia = Europe = China = Middle East = etc. They are ALL on the same team: Team NWO. Anyone that can’t see this by now is either a completely disconnected moron or is being willfully ignorant because it’s too scary to think about.
There are 2 sides: humanity worldwide vs. the satanists.
Q: Tell me, what do (Free)masons construct a building with?
GREEN FLAG, guys, call this >> “Maybe it was a case of “let it happen on purpose” (LIHOP), or maybe they made it happen (MIHOP)” a “green flag”.
Maybe it will take years for people to fully understand the means by which World War 3 started. And it has started. By lies and deceptions. We are in the opening scenes now. The official narrative is that there was a surprise attack by Evil Hamas on an innocent democracy, Israel. Something closer to the truth is that America orchestrated the “attack”. Israel commits genocide defending its innocence, a deliberate part of the American plan to enrage. Stupid, jacked up Israel obliges. Concern for Palestinian people is outlawed and censored around the world by countries on board. An overwhelming American force is assembled with stern warnings for other countries to not become involved. Unverified claims of actions taken by other countries (false flag) will be presented to the world as being sufficient for an all out assault upon the offending country to save peace, freedom, virginity and democracy from falling into the hands of terrorists. Lurid claims will be made on TV that Putin and China and Iran are supporting the other terrorist harbouring countries by supplying ungodly extremism, weapons and Viagra for the crazed terrorists to rampage around the world beheading babies, raping women, blowing up their own hospitals with bunker buster bombs and other barbaric acts of unimaginable horror. The only next step available in this new emergency facing the free world is tactical nukes. This all has to happen very quickly before unchecked conspiracy theorists ruin their plans.
History is written one lie at a time upon which tomorrow’s students will learn and future movies are made.
Learn how to write in paragraphs…
Hamas- how Israel helped create and fund their own enemy (and proxy).
The AshkeNAZIS will now be forced to lay their cards down…
Enter the Rus…
The Sephardim might object. So bring both Hamas and Sickle…
Indeed Kit. I think we can see that RFK Jr’s sudden conversion to Zionism a few months back as part of this whole managed campaign.
The suspension of critical faculties and free speech values on the Right is sad to see. So many people are really disappointing me at the moment and sucking up atrocity propaganda unquestioningly as news.
J B Peterson and D Murray, for a start.
Always gave them the benefit of the doubt, before now.
It wouldn’t hurt, given the complexity of the situation, to be a bit more specific than simply saying “atrocity propaganda.” Do you mean that which the Israelis initially claimed, which seems to lack any physical evidence? Or do you mean to include that which the Palestinians claim, which does seem more grounded in reality?
Israeli atrocity propaganda showing Hamas in a bad way will easily be believed by Islamophobes. Islamophobia goes back over 30 years to Kuwaiti incubator babies and has only intensified in the last 20 years. Palestinians don’t have the need (or the resources) to create anti-Israeli propaganda, they can just document what happens around them daily.
What exactly happened on Oct 7 apart from IDF being AWOL most of the day?
Hamas say in their English press conference: we attacked IDF bases and posts and took hostages without random violence against women, children. Interestingly, they also said that there could have been “other actors” present not known to them. They said nothing about hang gliding into a music festival. (Where does one learn to hang glide in Gaza without Israeli noticing?)
Israel say that 1,500+ militants breached the fence, killed 1,400 civilians, did other horrible things and then 1,500 of the militants were killed but some got away with hostages. They don’t explain how 1,500+ people snuck through.
Those are two radically different versions. Losing 1,500 men in a day would be a HUGE LOSS for Hamas. The hundreds of videos to “prove” the Israeli narrative are laughable, make no sense and contradict each other.
Would Hamas really film themselves shooting at toilet doors and then send the footage to NBC???
I suspect Israel is embarrased. It was going to allow a little Hamas incident to happen, their atrocity propaganda was already prepared but the Hamas incident ended up to be more annoying than anticipated.
So they lost their collective merde and started carpet bombing Gaza. Israel had probably already planned to do that but more slowly.
Well done. The writer covers the issues and explains the psychopathic consciousness behind what we are seeing going on around the world. Look for things to spiral out of control as the global overlords fall into lockstep with the global depopulation agenda whether it be via food/fuel shortages, ecocide, wars that kill millions of innocent civilians; as the overlords push their transgender, human augmentation/synthetic biology/bio-digital convergence program and the inevitable economic and social implosion. Prepare for the worse, hope for saner souls intervening on the behalf of humanity.
Not really. At least in the US, it was the pro-lockdown Antifa and all the mask-Karens supporting Ukraine from the start; the rest were either pro-Russian or neutral.
But this latest war between Israel and Palestine is different: now it’s the Antifa types who are willing to defy The Narrative and condemn Israel, while the conservative and libertarian types rave on and on about the evils of terrorism (meaning Hamas).
Sad, but predictable.
Note from Admin:
This was a comment from a reader keen to take OffG to task about being controlled opposition, accusing us of being inconsistent and self serving in our approach and in our interpretation of the facts – specifically citing that we take vaccine uptake figures at face value, while questioning PCR figures (an incorrect comparison, since OffG questions PCR test validity, not the numbers of tests administered – Ed.). They also asserted that OffG is a decoy or distraction in service of Zionist-infiltrated governments, and that we’re ultimately servants of Satan in need of imminent disposal.
In order to honour this commenter’s previous requests, however, we have withdrawn this comment from publication with our apologies. Provided above is an accurate summary of the comment (or as accurate as we can), in order to preserve the thread which follows.
Sorry for any inconvenience. Admin Team
Of all the heinous things you said in your unhinged rant, I think the thing that offended me most was that misplaced apostrophe in ‘demons’.
You do not deserve, nor do you require, any sort of rebuttal. The mere fact you’re here, day in and day out, in a constant state of apoplexy, speaks volumes of your mental state, your motivations and your shallow character.
Perhaps your time might be better spent browsing a different publication? If that’s not too censorious a thing to suggest.
Will x
There may be just the slightest kernel of truth in what was said in the comment you refer to.
For while, yes, there is always the possibility that the entire thing is “fake” and the apparent opponents are somehow working together for the same puppet master – there is also the possibility that the Palestinian people really are being oppressed and victimized.
And as far as the vaxx goes, I think Mr. Knightly perhaps exaggerates it as an indicator of collusion. Since Israel monitors everything coming into Gaza, it’s entirely plausible that Israel conditioned their crucial shipments upon their acceptance and promotion of the vaxx.
You’re conflating Hamas with ALL Palestinians.
I’m doing the opposite. It was the article which noted that Hamas went along with the Covid narrative.
Forgive me for not exploring the kernel of ‘truth’ found in the banal whinging of a known provocateur.
How truly demonic of me. I should be culled on the spot.
However, not once in the article does it suggest that the whole thing is “fake”; situations being cynically manipulated are not the same as them being completely fabricated.
Will x
“…situations being cynically manipulated are not the same as them being completely fabricated.” That is a very good way to put this. That remark just might get through to some of the “normies” who hear false flag and think one is saying nothing happened and no one was killed. I like it, I’m going to keep that for future use.
Still, there is the implication in the article that they’re all in it together – that view is almost an Article of Faith in the alt media.
Forgive me if I don’t care much for that particular Article of Faith. I think it cheapens the attempts of real people in real situations to improve their lot.
Today we merely say the people’s attempts are being manipulated. Tomorrow we may carry it a step further and say people’s attempts to improve their lot are dangerous because they can be manipulated. And the day after tomorrow we may conclude that all such attempts must be stopped because they pose a threat to everyone.
All of “who” are in “what” together?
Who = All Nations
What = The Great Reset
Do you belong to one of those nations?
Are you in on it?
Since when did “false flag” mean “nothing happened”? 9/11 was a false flag, but those buildings definitely blew up.
And the fact the globalists are obviously all working together doesn’t mean they aren’t killing people. In fact Kit Knightly specifically says people are being murdered!
There are those who to this day insist that nothing happened on 9/11 – that it was all a hologrammatic ruse; and that no one died. Indeed, I encounter that position far more than when September Clues first proposed it.
In fact, here is an article/video re: the situation in Gaza, which notes – specifically in regards to the hospital disaster – that some in the alt media are saying that nothing happened.
Video: Israeli Air Burst Bomb Striking al-Ahli Hospital Grounds. New Evidence – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Questioning the reality of alleged events is totally legit and even necessary because there’s good evidence some events are indeed faked – like the supposed dead babies that were shown to be AI. These days it’s easier to fake atrocities than ever. But this article isn’t talking about that aspect and conflating “false flag” with “fake event” as you did helps no one.
I apologize for not going over every comment I’ve written pertaining to this topic; but I just don’t have the time.
So could you please point me to where I conflated false flag with fake event?
No one – certainly no one in the Western media or political circles – has ever or will ever suggest what they call “Israel’s 9/11” was a false flag. But they are suggesting such atrocities as the hospital parking lot bombing is a fake event.
Apples and oranges: false flag and fake event.
Howard: “I find it ridiculous that you think Elvis Presley faked his death.”
Me: “No one said Elvis Presley faked his death.”
Howard: “Yes, well, some people do!”
The jury’s still out on that one. Hasn’t Elvis been spotted in a 711 in Tupelo, Mississippi?
Thank you for this article! It saddens me so that many formerly dissident voices are falling into camps again instead of zooming back to look at the bigger picture. And that those proclaiming to support the truth about Palestine or Isarel are simply reposting proganda videos that I cannot believe (as Todd Hayen wrote here a few days ago, everything and anything might be a fake).
Thank you again for being a reasonable voice in the madness
I have experienced censorship, banned by X (formerly Twitter) for highlighting a historic syllogism: every empire/civilization eventually faces the war it is attempting avoid; everyone wants to avoid WW III; therefore, nuclear apocalypse is what awaits. Paradoxically, that fate can only be avoided by accepting this simple logic. So I am asking anyone who shares my concerns to share this link – thank you.
Thank you Kit for calling it out as it is.
I could not believe what I was reading across various substacks; Karen Hunt proscribed the murder of civilians in Gaza because how else would Israel rid itself from its existential threat; others lamented the rise of Islamo-Fascism and how Biden under orders from Obama was selling the US and the world to Jihadis; some decried the tsunami of immigrants that will be mobilised to destroy the West and put Europe under the sword of Sharia law; the less said about the idiotic and gullible JK Rowling and her ilk the better.
It’s heartbreaking how easily we are fractured, how the Parasite Class can manipulate and manoeuvre us so easily. How these people have proved to the MSM that those of us who stood up against the Covidian Tyranny are actually right wing racists.
Looks like we are back to those handful of people that can be relied upon to see the reality and not fall for the usual divide and conquer BS – namely Ryan Cristian (TLAV), James Corbett, Global Research, OffG, Vanessa Beeley, Iain Davis and others.
PS I said to my partner that once Gaza is relegated in the news cycle and the Morona is brought back for Christmas these same “Free Free Palestine” crew will be back to demonising anti maskers, anti vaxxers and our loony conspiracy theories!
I hope I’m wrong but it is a sad state of affairs.
Keep doing what you’re doing.
Much love.
There is no “we”. People expressing opposition to biosecurity fascism come from many backgrounds that are totally incompatible.
An apparently large cohort are old school Christian Conservatives who are unable to see that they directly brought the NWO to us through centuries of complete alignment with Greater Israel, and many of them are now once more showing their true colours by supporting ethnic cleansing at their so-called “holy land” and talking about “terrorists”.
On the other hand, there are plenty of Covidians who are also supporting Israel, including many Democrats in the US.
Spot on analysis here yet again. I guess one feature of the anti lockdown folk but who supported Ukraine and now Israeli genocide is they dont have a clue about history and how the world works – such as those who run the world. They can’t think big picture or without political/religious/ideological allegiances. They are incapable of learning or changing their views when they are debunked.
Off Guardian, Mike Adams, Maria Zeee, SGT report, USA watchdog all sites I correctly called would stay the course. My view is everyone who can, identify the sites which are truly fighting for humanity and our very own survival – and donate to them. Defund the independent sites who are pushing for WW3 and in reality are as insane as the globalists driving all the horror shows.
The hijacking of western educational systems has brought about this situation.
The original intention of schooling is to teach younger generations how to think, how to find positive solutions to chaos and how generally to solve life problems. This is no longer the case and hasn’t been for decades.
Post-Covid, where the slightest deviation from the narrative was strictly punished, it looks like there is no imperative dogma about this issue.
It appears less controlled than what we were allowed to think of Ukraine or Syria.
I wonder why that is? Because they know it doesn’t make any difference?
There is a definite difference in the Fraud’s coverage of pro-Palestinian protests in the UK compared to their coverage of anti-lockdown protests.
The hysteria and desperate mendacity of the latter is missing.
Why do you think that is?
It is because the Zionist Elites are ironically breaking Zionism. Except it’s not actually ironic when one understands that civilization stands on the edge of structural (inevitable) collapse due to debt and energy dynamics. All civilizatios collapse and we ate there now. Anybody in the truth community who doesn’t know that by now is in denial and has been subconsciously leveraging false conspiracy theories in order to avoid knowing that, because most people can’t psychologically handle knowing that, for obvious reasons.
The Elites are breaking Zionism because Zionism is the most polarizing ethos on the planet, and the Elites know that if it persists into economic collapse then a chaotic collapse of civilization will unfold and, since the Elites put their pants on one leg at a time just like us, they don’t want chaotic collapse either, so they have engineered this situation in order to wipe the Zionist State off the map.
I know you can’t believe that now, but when you see it happen you can wonder if why it happened was because of why I said it would happen, because that’s the best I can do. 99pc of the dissident community is mired in a fiat dissidence that has no structural grounding, including Kit Knightley.
Global Peak Oil happened and the end of 2018 and everything that’s happened since is because the Elites are running a now 5year old non-public Degrowth Agenda that continually strives to keep global consumer demand destruction ahead of the ongoing, terminal energy collapse such that financial collapse is avoided. If organic demand exceeds supply for long enough then collapse happens. That’s capitalism. So they have been engineering these events to destroy demand either by lockdowns, inflation, or supply chain disruption (the coming strait of Hormuz disruption).
Believe that y’all. Get grounded in the structuralism of collapse and the great tower of babble that is the dissident community turns into white noise.
I think unlike lockdown, it’s not a seemingly novel issue in UK politics. There’s far too much longstanding sympathy for Palestinians from the public for the media to get away with pushing a US narrative (or even to be as likely to want to). The lockdown harm was also less instantly visible (and more concealable) than all the heart-rending photos of fleeing civilians there were bound to be. As the media skews very middle class, they were also cushioned from the harm of lockdowns and believed in it less – it’s happening here, ‘our’ government is doing it, it can’t really be so bad, can it? Or it’s happening to people who don’t count and must have done something to deserve it, like being poor (probably diseased) instead of being hardworking middle-class hacks. It would have cost them to recognise the inequality, it isn’t really costing anything now, it accords perfectly fine with existing beliefs.
And cynically, they may think it needs a bit of a trad. Labour play. Starmer didn’t get that memo and it pissed a LOT of those ‘voters’ NuLabour has presumed entitlement over (they aren’t red Tories and they won’t support them) off.
I agree, the narrative does seem looser on this issue. Maybe creating as much division as possible is the main goal?
Israel is imposing its version of The One State Solution –
first it takes Gaza, then on to the West Bank…
Greater Israel – no place for Arabs…
Arabs banned usury.
And Islam sanctified slavery, plunder and tax on non-Muslims.
The largest episode of slavery was the transatlantic slave trade which lasted 4 centuries and is visible across the Americas in the ethnic mix today. That part of slavery was driven by the banksters. It was defended by Karl Marx in his 1847 letter to an associate. Not surprising since Marx was Lionel Rothschild’s cousin.
Not again! I already replied to this superficial accusation regarding Marx’ position on slavery. Still waiting a response.
Each of the three monotheist faiths regards itself as the only authentic and divine revelation of truth, at least the only valid; that is, the only true reflection of reality, at the exclusion of the other two. This is blatantly true for Judaism, it is for Christianism and also for Islam.
This belief is reflected in the attitude that the religious and the “temporal” powers adopted towards populations under their jurisdictions professing other cults or towards the pagans. You’ll find there is many documented ways this is reflected practically, from levying taxes or reducing them (as a reward for or incentive to conversion), wearing a distinctive clothing, segregating, limiting intercourse, prohibiting intermarriage, prohibiting from certain commercial activities and public offices, and other means destined to limit the influence and growth of the “false” faiths over the “true”, but more to the point the official, faith. Administered tolerance, in short. This is interesting as it shows the contradiction between the claim of being the only revelation of truth and the necessity to limit others’ freedoms.
Christianity and Islam did not intend to directly change preexisting traditions and habits (as long as they did not threaten the new official religion, and in fact nothing can radically change a society that doesn’t come from within, from a change in consciousness) of the populations under their political authority beyond trivial recommendations. When it was within its reach to improve things without much interference it did so; when the change was necessary for political reasons, they tried to achieve that indirectly through administrative measures like taxes, but did not shy from express prohibitions or obligations when the threat was serious. This applies to the early years of Christianism in Rome where slavery was practiced; and to the early years of Islam in Arabia where slavery also throve. Hence, for instance, slavery in pre-Christian and pre-Islamic Africa (slavery among Africans in certain regions at least, and which continued after the transatlantic one ended) and elsewhere could very well have continued with all its cruelty, and did continue, and human beings continued to be sold and bought after the advent of the new faith. Only when sold to a Jewish, Christian or Moslem family that the slave hoped cruel treatment would stop.
Another known custom that persisted through the advent of a new religion and continued for a while was reducing to serfdom those caught as prisoners of war among the “infidels”. The captives were property of their captors, and even when a prisoner converted (or feigned to convert) to the “true” religion, it was left to the discretion of the “master” to retain them, sell them, be ransomed, or set them free, after official “recommendation” to be set free of course. In times of peace, in territories under Chrisitan or Islamic authority, besides the business of slave trade, conditions of extreme poverty pushed at the service of wealthy Jews, Christians, or Moslems which would not be worse than any other work if they are treated well. That notwithstanding, it was not seen with a favourable eye that a Christian serve a Jew or a Moslem in a Chrisitan land (and analogously in an Islamic land), and legislations existed to regulate those situations.
What happened after the advent of Christianity or Islam was that this business of slavery was regulated to be “consistent” with the official cult and was assimilated to the morally accepted condition of voluntary service provision, so that wealthy families could continue enjoying having slaves bought and sold, though well treated, without infringing religious precepts.
And so, IMO the attitude of religion toward slavery was a pragmatic one which did not venture beyond interested regulations and benevolent exhortations to freedom but without any intent of abolishing it; it was adamant before anything else not to upset the real power which was indeed terrestrial rather than heavenly and of which the institution of the Church or the Mosque were the tools; a power which still displayed among other things through human property. Therefore, I find the assertion that Islam “sanctified slavery” an exaggeration. If it really did, it did not do so more than Christianity.
Slavery as it was practiced didn’t end in the “modern” times by a Rabbi’s, Pope’s or Imam’s Bull; on the contrary, it ended because of the dwindling influence of religious thinking and its progressive replacement by liberal thinking; that, and the concomitant industrial revolution.
Finally, regarding taxes, it was an ancient practice to tax the populations of newly conquered land, or those professing a different cult than the acknowledged one. It is not exclusive to the conquests made under Islamic banners.
The question of the practical attitude of the Christian Church towards other cults can be ascertained consulting Christian Law; for instance, Georges Philips’ Du droit Ecclésiastique dans ses Principes Généraux, 1850. As for Islam and slavery, see Jonathan A. C. Brown’s Slavery and Islam, 2019; also Captain Binger’s Esclavage, Islamisme et Christianisme, 1891, on the question of slavery in Africa. From the latter book, the following [own translation and emphasis in original text]:
“Unfortunately, slavery exists in all the regions [of Africa] that we visited. At the time America begun its slave trade with Guinea, slavery was already practiced in Africa, but took then horrific proportions and man became a commodity. Today that America doesn’t any longer buy slaves, we could believe that slavery extinguished. It’s a mistake. It exists nowadays in the interior of the continent, in all the regions where Africans are still not subject to the rites of Islamic religion.
“The sale takes place in the interior of the country, publicly on the market, but to be frank, slavery ceased to have that despicable and bloody character, it has perhaps softened since exportation by sea has been halted; that doesn’t prevent the most hardened European from feeling shivers at the sight of savagery, and from having a heavy heart at one’s impotence to do anything about it.
“The slaves, once bought and received into a Moslem or Fetishist family, are well treated; they generally marry other captives of their masters. They all (slaves and masters) live under the same roof, are fed the same food, and dressed the same way; often, the captives themselves even become slave owners. The [only] difference between a master and a slave is that the former has their arms folded while the latter does all the work.
“But it’s not forced labour under the threat of a whip, as we would imagine; the slave’s work consists in major tasks: fetches water and wood, pounds the grain; later he labours the field, takes cares of the livestock, and goes about the domestic tasks inside the house.
“In somme, the slave is no more unhappy than many of those around us [in Europe] and whom we ignore.”
Greater Arab territory ran from Spain, via Mauritania to Eritrea till Oman and Irak. ~90% Sunni Muslim now, 5% Shia. Big enough?
Woke hypocrite.
Arab expansion ocurred after the banksters created Islam in the 6th century. Undoubtedly financed by the banksters. However the native Berbers are part of the the ethnic mix of North Africa. A bit like the Aryan conquest of the subcontinent 3500 years ago. The Dravidian languages disappeared across most of the sub continent. The caste system probably arose during the conquest. There were prosperous Jewish communities in most Arab countries until the banksters created the apartheid state.
We may agree that any expansion is bad, nonetheless
ArabIslam expansion can’t be put on the same level as Palestine occupation. The objective of the former was hardly to displace the conquered populations out of their land, and replace them; on the contrary, it was to incorporate them within the new faith – of course, economic reasons were probably the first cause, – just like Romans made the populations of newly conquered lands full subjects of Rome. We may stretch a point and compare it to colonisation, under the guise of bringing a new faith, just like Europe disguised its conquests as bringing democracy, civilisation, etc.Yes, it had to use the sword for its conquests just like Alexander the Great, Rome, Genghis Khan, or the Europeans did, but it did not intend to substitue to the native populations.
Hey les. 🙂 You got it backwards man. You haven’t been listening to me over at John’s. The Elites are surfing a global geopolitical sea change due to economic collapse and the end of Old Testament capitalism which requires growth, so they are imposing their own anti-Zionist one state solution for a return to the historical Palestinian state and the end of the Zionist State, because the Zionist State no longer has a constructive geopolitical function once Old Testament capitalism ends. On the contrary, it would have an extremely unconstructive function.
Wow great piece. Scary how quickly people lose the plot and get distracted into tribalism. We have to remember it’s the elites killing the 99%-ers, & NOT Nation A killing Nation B.
The elites are organizing “relief” for Gaza while simultaneously funding the murder. They play both sides which is why the term ‘fake binary’ needs to see more use. Who came up with it?
Have BlackRock been awarded the reconstruction contract yet?
Nobel peace Prize. The Nobel Prize Committee all paid by Blackstone :-D.
Blck rock already buying up huge swathes of land in the Ukraine..
How are they playing both sides?????b If Creepy Joe announces $100 million for Gaza and $40 BILLION for Israel …that’s playing both sides?
The hundreds of aid trucks from NON NATO countries have been sitting at the Rafah border for 10 days now.
‘they’ is not Joe Biden.
The presidency of the USA, as is now painfully obvious, holds very little genuine power.
And Hamas and Israel are funded by the same source.
I urge you the think a little deeper.
The Israel-Hamas War? Be realistic, It’s not about Israel, colonialism, globalism or capitalism; it’s about Islam. Israel stands in the way. They’re doing it so all you armchair pontificators can stay safe and comfortable and signal your virtue at a Hamas-Marxist sponsored pro-Palestinian rally.
You’re about as awake as those “lab leak” ppl 😙
Blood Sacrifice
What is going on in Gaza following the false flag is not a war. It is a massacre and a blood sacrifice. It is clearly an attempt to finish the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, an effort that is 75 years old. I don’t understand why the banksters are so obsessed with ethnic purity. The inhabitants of modern Israel are mainly of Turko- Europeon descent and have no genetic affinity with the semites that wrote the bloodthirsty and race supremecist verses in Numbers and other parts of the bible. It took a lot to create the apartheid state – world wars, assassinations around the world, unprecedented propaganda barrages. The outrage that was voiced around the world at past Israeli excesses is now muted. The diplomatic isolation is long gone. And all the while Palestine was penned into ever tinier enclaves.
The creation of the Scamdemic was at least in part an effort to create dystopian apparatus that could be used to silence critics of the ethnic cleansing. This is happening on US campuses, in France and in the UK. This silence is now essential as the cruel culmination of the cleansing approaches it’s final phase.
We were all Palestinians during the scamdemic. We will gradually collectively become the oppressed ghost of Palestine when that nation perishes in the not too distant future. Ask not for whom the bell tolls.
How is it everyone always knows that the side they choose does no false flags but the ones they call bad guys do only false flags. If the globalists are making these wars to divide us then it’s all false flags and when we blame Palestinian or Israeli people we are doing as intended.
if you want to understand likud understand the project this is one of the best overviews on the israel world projects.
very old but bang up to date.
Yossi Gurvitz: When Israel Is Mighty
Thanks for outstanding article. I translated and am emailing to all my family and friends who are watching state TV and getting whipped in frenzy
This is why I love OG. They always cut through the bullshit.
Recently off-guard keeps my input “pending”: why am I on their watch list? Not in tune with the local choir?
Errr…if you can post about being “pending” it doesn’t seem like they’re “watching” you too carefully.
Nobody gave a thumbs down on my original post, so I know others can’t see it. Looks like you never had anything pending here….
“OG cut through bs”. Read it again.
I would rather they kicked you off the forum permanently. We could get all the race and religious hate we want from other sources especially the Main Sewer.
You are inhuman, ignorant and an imbecile.
Seems that they are forced by British intelligence or their friends to use the zionist “spam” filter.
Kit, this way you make the WEF sound like all controlling, all powerful which they are not, you give them to much credit. They are just a bunch of human billionaires, so a club of greed and ego, which makes them vulnerable.
Don’t make this WEF GR into an all explaining “Climate Change”, an answer to any question. Ancient authoritarianism is build into big egos and is older than the alpha male baboon.
FYI – Knightly doesn’t mention the WEF. in fact literally the only person mentioning the WEF here is you.
WEF is just one aspect of the nested self-interests and insane egoists who think they run this globe. I’m sure OG is aware of that
As long as Muslim leadership is included into your nested self-interests and insane egoists, fine.
The alt/independent media all coming together in a lovely Kumbaya moment against the pandemic and vaccine was destined to fall flatter than a pancake. And so it did the moment something else came along.
Why? That’s easy: they were all AGAINST something together when real, true solidarity demands being FOR something together. And they were never all FOR something, only momentarily AGAINST something.
I think it’s called Lessons Learned.
Did you even read this article? Try absorbing the message. The globalists aren’t fighting each other. The rulers of Israel, Palestine, US, Russia are all on the same fucking side and they’re using war and murder to distract us from that. Gaza is the future for all of us if we don’t stop being distracted and divided.
Ukraine and Israel seem tailor-made to push the buttons of the US right. Trigger those muscle memories about the evil Russians then trigger the Christian Zionists!
I don’t think that’s all that lies behind these wars – but it sure is part of it. It was mostly the US right who strayed off the reservation during Convid and this is herding many of them back on to it. They want them in the Trump corral for 2024.
Ya, but the GR has nothing to do with zionism and um, J people, can’t say that here as I’ve been admonished for.
They use zionism tho don’t they and all the isms to keep people divided. They encourage stupid or bigoted people to hate each other and blame each other and kill each other – and the stupid bigoted people just keep doing it
Great examples of tribalist hate right here in the comments!
Ah, that divided thing is over used, so is the term bigot. Zionists are zionists, you might want to read up on what that’s all about. If I’m a bigot against zionists, so be it, they suck.
We must stamp out this notion of exceptionalism and that God is “on our side.”
Where has all the money gone?
Into the (now empty) pockets of
Doc Füllmich (Fillme) of course!
vice is not a source, you are a muppet.
Yossi Gurvitz: When Israel Is Mighty
A powerful video. A little difficult to follow because the head in the right hand corner obscures the sub titles.
I have been posting comments along these lines. Off-G needs tro revise its stated policy on respecting “creeds”.
Words and practices are fair game, people are not. Religion is not race, it is culture and is not beyond criticism and deconstruction (and would only have a problem with that when it is fake).
I was just on my lunch break.
Will x
I see they have laws for when muzzles must be worn and for when they must not be worn. And they have already “normalised” this.
Football is still on I guess.
If war didn’t exist the 1% and their gofers would have invented it.
“How do we keep those shit kickers under control boss?”
“Easy Bill, or is it Ben? We make them sick or we get them to kill each other”
maybe they did invent it back in the day
Spot the difference between feudal barons and Mafia protection rackets….
It is interesting that this article does not include what some of the prime objectives of the City of London controlled Globalists are, namely the destruction of Nation States, destruction of religion and destruction of the family unit.
Yet, the Russian Federation along with nations such as Hungary have resolutely stuck to these principles of nation, religion and family so the question is how does this square with the thesis they are all in this together?
What’s the life expectancy of the average Russian father? Who owns the Russian central bank? Why didn’t Russia call out Convid as a hoax? Why doesn’t Putin question 9/11? Why hasn’t he pulled out of the WHO? Why is Russia in the vanguard of digital ID? Why do they have bug factories?
If you happened to read what I wrote, instead of what you think I have written. You would note I asked the question why have The Russian Federation and Hungary, amongst other countries, maintained the principles of both in word and deed of : nation states, religion and families, the daddy plus mummy with children and have refused to except the perversion plus peadophillia permutating almost every institution in the West.
Moreover, let’s not forget what Solzhenitsyn stated when he went into exile from the USSR and arrived in the West. He said “ ..western society..’ has taken on a terrible similarity to the state – controlled societies of the communist world in its suffocation of spiritual life. ‘ “
So repeat the question once again, how does the principled stand countries such as the RF plus Hungary against the core tenets of the City of London’s globalists square with the theory of they are all in it together?
“The Mystery of Israel” ->
In short: Rothschild’s money.
Ruling Class Rule #1
…When it comes to survival use Any Means Necessary.
Ruling Class Rule #1
…To maintain total control use Any Means Necessary
Ode to loyalty & Obedience.
‘God said to Abraham “kill me your son”
Abe said “Man, you must be putin’ me on !”
God says “No.”, Abe says “What !”
God says “You can do anything you want Abe, but,
next time you see me coming you better run !”
Abe asks “Where you want this killing done ?”
God says
down on Highway 61The Middle East !”(1960’s folksinger)
Outstanding essay.
Many (in fact most I suspect), online dissidents are frothing at the mouth with rabid conviction that the same regime that ordered and coordinated a total global lockdown with 100% compliant /complicity and which involved the state sanctioned use of purposefully built camps for dissenters, have but a few weeks later, either disappeared, lost interest or been overcome by real politics, thereby ending the agenda.
Again superb essay, bravo!
It is not a ‘war’ – it is ethnic cleansing. As a supporter of your website I ask you to get facts straight, please.
And it is supported by the nations that supported Apart-Hate in South Africa; namely, Britain and the U$A
Exactly. To quote Bill Hicks: “Well, a war is when two armies are fighting.”
Funny someone further up also says it’s not a war it’s “ethnic cleansing” – but for the exact opposite reason, ie Islam wants to destroy Israel.
Can’t both be be right can you.
Actually, you can both be right.
One view wishes to obliterate the other view – it really doesn’t matter what the actual view is.
I agree with Jerusalem Post. The Russian army is like Hamas and Putin is like Hitler. They are the same, there is absolutely no difference.
Further Iran is preparing an attack with WMD’s on both Israel and on America and its complete innocent people.
Multiple US subs are on their way to Israel to defend America and the free and civilised world against the horrible golem children of Gaza!
WW3 fear porn is just another distraction. The “wars” these elites fight will never be allowed to get big enough to threaten them. They drop bombs on the plebs not on each other. And sometimes even those bombs are just smoke and mirrors.
Irony alert!
Good to know that you’re privy to exactly what the plans of Iran are.
What a moron, Hamas was elected in 2006 and the US and Israel didn’t like it so they declared them to be terrorists.
There are 2.3 million people in Gaza, 235 million in Russia, 1.1 million in Gaza are kids under 15 who clearly were not born when Hamas was elected and anyway Gaza was being bombed by Israel for 40 years before Hamas ever got dreamed up.
Ukraine killed the most jews in WW11 and is a neo nazi state to this day. Don’t be such a lunatic crackpot
This is not a “war”
It takes two armies to make a war…
It’s not a war; it’s ethnic cleansing.
I can’t understand why people would downvote that comment.
To anyone who has informed themselves minimally on the history of this conflict:
Hamas is clearly not a country.
Therefore Hamas is not Palestine.
Nor was Sinn Fein ‘Ireland’ back in the day,
Nor was Guy Fawkes ‘England’ –
– even though all three examples have considered themselves as instruments for the righting of grievous wrongs in the name of their country.
After the enormous popularity of the word since 2003, we really shouldn’t be shy now about calling “terrorism” by its true name.
Actual ‘war’ has been obsolete for many decades now.
If I say Israel’s troll army, maybe you understand more.
Sadly, it appears these elites cannot be stopped; that’s the real tragedy. There’s nothing we can do but weather the storm, and the storm is definitely coming.
‘Sadly, it appears the rapist cannot be stopped. There’s nothing we can do but weather the storm.’
Bit weird.. not really the same kind of situation…but ok.
We cant do a shit about it. We are all doomed. We can only sit on the fence on our thumb with open mouth and hope.
Hope that something or somebody some day will wake up and do something.
I am hoping, you are hoping, we are hoping, because we are all in the same boat together…..and no one are allowed to leave this boat. No one!
If we can dream it together on the fence, we can do it!
Firstly they are not elites they are Plutocratic Oligarchs, the most selfishly grasping form of government. Secondly, there is something we can do: Russia is showing the way to combat ethnic cleansing in Ukraine; and Iran (plus quite a few other countries) oppose the cleansing of ethnic Palestinians from the Land of Palestine. There are millions of people voicing their opposition to Apart-Hate, both individually and en masse.
It can be stopped if US is broken up into at least 3 new countries. Right now US taxpayers are forced to fund global genocide. US is the only country that can print money.
US taxpayers have no idea where their tax money goes, nor do they care.
“You have to trust the government” is still in fashion.
Anyone who has taken the time to view the debt counter does. All of my brothers and sisters care. As do my neighbors. My butcher. Barista. No one I know doesn’t care. Key: They all work. We pay attention because we are invested contributors. If everyone paid “something” they would care. Takers who produce and give nothing will never care.
The more states we break into, the more our military budget disappears.
Fifty separate countries, no military budget at all.
Fracturing growing groups is an indispensible part of the ruling programme. There has been a large number of ideological weapons and they are all conveniently exclusive i.e. they have no logical boundaries with respect to each other. They are mutually irrelevant. Which means they can be combined any way you want.
e.g. the frothing trans activism movement – the rainbow shirt good squads. Opposing that lot was pretty straightforward. Or seemed to be until the Israel thing started up and the oppositional movement that quite rightly skewered the lgbT crap all – with no exception I can think of – hopped on the pro-Israel bandwagon. And in so doing linked the trans nutters with those who support Palestine.
Which brings up another curious move: how this explosion in the Middle East has readmitted the “War on Terror” rhetoric and we have been zoomed back to 2003 with all the predictable memes telling us that Israel stands with “The West” against the Muslim hordes etc.
And it’s curious how the BBC is now highlighting students being persecuted for siding with Palestine. One of the biggest lessons of covid is: When the MSM starts to sing your own song, start asking questions! Similarly with Little Greta now doing her bit for Palestine!
The fuckers are stirring us up every which way.
The BBC greta double bill is a shallow performance like the $100 million to Gaza against $40 billion to Israel. that’s the “proof” that Europe cares about human rights. Greta.
The so called “right” which protested vaccines was always anti immigrant, racist and Islamophobic so it should not be a surprise that they support the Islamophobic white supremacist apartheid regiime.
What’s this “multipolar world” really?
Seems to me it’s supposed to be mostly made up of 5G nodes actually, barring all bullshit about levelling the worlds power balance (meaning the shifting of empire power). Geopolitics…blah, blah, blah. Knock as many as possible of theese nodes out and we’ll be having a less “multipolar world”. The high tech dystopia is much less “techy” than one might think, I think.
“All the world’s a stage” wrote The Bard.
How true he was…
And most of you are desperately under rehearsed.
oh, am i supposed to trade for a lead role in a cage? glad you arent here!
Furthering the “Great Narrative” agenda, I’d have thought (Schwab’s sequel); the system having more-or-less rebooted after the “Great Reset” button was pressed during Covid. Climate change was a big part of “The Great Narrative” from what I recall. Not to quibble over terms though.
Whatever the war represents in the big scheme of things, it further fans the flames of social polarization. Which, in turn, facilitates greater “Divide and Conquer” strategies in terms of State vs Citizen.
From Brexit to US elections to Covid to Ukraine to Gaza, the polarizations continue…