The War on Horror (or Whatever)

CJ Hopkins

Welcome back to the War on Terror. I hope you had a nice 7-year break.

Yes, that’s right, once again, Democracy is under attack by the Axis of Pure Unadulterated Evil!

It’s time to switch off your critical faculties, wrap yourself in the American flag, or the Israeli flag, or the Ukrainian flag, or, better yet, all three flags, and stand with the Forces of Freedom and Goodness as they exercise their God-given right to defend the world from the Children of Darkness, and the Putin-Nazis, and Hate, and Rape, and Baby Murderers, and Baby Rapers, and Baby-Raper sympathizers!

For those of us who are old enough to remember 9/11 and its aftermath, it’s déjà vu all over again. Except we already had The War on Terror. So, I don’t know what we’re calling it this time. Maybe it’s The War on Horror, or “Horrific Horror,” as President Biden put it.

Or maybe we should call it The War on Whatever. After all, it’s all the same war.

No. That isn’t going to sell. No one is going to fight a War on Whatever. We need something utterly meaningless but catchy. Something that will shut people’s minds off and keep them from asking inconvenient questions, like a corporate slogan or thought-terminating cliche.

Let’s go with The War on Horror. Here’s how The War on Horror began…

It began on the morning of October 7, when the State of Israel, which was just sitting there, peacefully, in the Middle Eastern territory bestowed on it by God, minding its own business, bothering no one, was unprovokedly attacked by members of Hamas, who, according to the Horrorists, were “exercising their legitimate right to resist occupation” by mass-murdering hundreds of unarmed people at a music event and entire families in their homes.

In order to ensure that everyone recognized the legitimacy of their “armed resistance” — or, rather, to guarantee that the Israelis would be forced to massively overreact and that the attack would polarize the global public along the lines Hamas wants people polarized — they went about it with extreme brutality.

Surprise! It worked! Israel is currently transforming Gaza into a heap of smoldering rubble, bombing commercial and residential areas, hospitals, mosques, churches, schools, shelters, people fleeing the air-raids, killing thousands of Palestinians, wiping out entire Palestinian families (or, as Israel calls them, “human shields”), and otherwise exercising its inalienable “right to defend itself” by sealing off Gaza and systematically liquidating its inhabitants, or, rather, by creating “a new security reality.”

And the global public could not be more polarized.

But Hamas can’t take all the credit for that. The most fearsome propaganda machine in the history of fearsome propaganda machines is working overtime, pumping out the message: “You’re either with us or you are with the Horrorists!” “You’re either with us or you are an anti-Semitic, Russia-loving, Baby Raper sympathizer!” And so on.

I’m sure you’ve heard the message.

Meanwhile, actual anti-Semites and “revolutionary” fanatics who are totally OK with mass-murdering people as a “resistance” tactic are doing their best to play along. The Internet is swarming with anti-Semites demonizing the Jews for, well, you name it. Crypto-fascists are coming out of the woodwork. Palestinian activists are lionizing Hamas. And so on. I’m sure you’ve seen the coverage.

I’m going to forgo my usual practice of including links to some of that coverage, and to the numerous social media posts documenting the criminalization of dissent and expressions of support for the Palestinians since the War on Horror officially began, because, frankly, right now, I don’t believe anything I see or read until I’ve dedicated time to verifying that it is not propaganda designed to reinforce the official narrative, or the unofficial narrative, or some other narrative.

At the moment, we’re being inundated with narratives, the official narrative, the unofficial narrative, the official unofficial narrative, the alternative official narrative, the alternative unofficial narrative, the bull-goose-loony unofficial narrative, etc., all of which is standard procedure when you are rolling out a War on Horror, or an Apocalyptic Pandemic, or some other major revision to the official master narrative.

Which brings me to that hospital bombing story. You know the one. Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, which Israel bombed, or didn’t bomb, depending on which narrative you believe, or which narrative you don’t really believe but are nonetheless committed to pretending to believe, because believing the other one would betray your “side.”

Now, I want to state this very clearly. I do not know who bombed the hospital.

Yes, of course, I think I know. But I’m here in Berlin. I’m not in Gaza. I’m not in touch with anyone in Gaza. All I have to go on is the word of the IDF, and US Intelligence officials, and statements by the Palestinian authorities, and international media reports, and other stuff anyone can find on the Internet, and … well, you know, common sense.

Call me a “Horrorist sympathizer” if you need to, but I do not take the word of the IDF and anonymous “Intelligence officials” on faith. I examine their narratives critically. I did that during the War on Terror. I did that during Russiagate. I did it during the Covid pandemic. Critically examining official narratives is part of my job as a political satirist.

So, let’s take a look at the official narrative of the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital bombing.

According to the official narrative, the Palestinian Horrorists just can’t catch a break. After decades of attacking Israel with their sissy little Horror rockets that typically only kill a few people at best, now, after they finally come up with a new Super-Horror rocket that will kill hundreds of people, the first time they use it, they shoot it into their own hospital.

Or — and this is “Official Narrative B” — they shoot their new Super-Duper Horror rocket at Israel, but it disintegrates in mid-air, or is intercepted by the Israeli “Dome” thing, and one fragment of it (i.e., the Super-Horror rocket) lands in the parking lot of the hospital, and it turns out that fragment just happened to be the “Super-Horror” component of the rocket, which simultaneously ignites the topped-up gas tanks of every single car in the parking lot, which generates a massive fireball that blows the people in the parking lot to bits.

But that’s just the current version of the official narrative, which has evolved over time.

First, shortly after the explosion, Benjamin Netanyahu’s social media advisor took to X to celebrate the strike, crowing “The Israeli Air Force struck a Hamas terrorist base inside a hospital in Gaza!” This Tweet was quickly deleted, of course, and the IDF officially denied responsibility, blamed the explosion on an Islamic Jihad rocket, and posted CCTV footage confirming their story. Unfortunately for the IDF, the fake footage they posted included a timestamp of 7:59, one hour after the event. So, the IDF deleted that Tweet, revised it, and reposted it without the fake footage. Then other IDF-related entities posted other footage, which was also fake.

Al Jazeera has documented all that here…

The next morning, footage of the hospital parking lot where the explosion occurred and the hospital building still standing was all the official propagandists needed to put the finishing touches on their official narrative, but, just for good measure, the IDF posted a “surveillance recording of two Hamas terrorists” with funny accents confessing that they had accidentally bombed the hospital. It was kind of like a Cheech and Chong routine. Seriously, they had the audacity to do that.

Intelligence-agency sock puppets immediately inundated the Internet with tweets and posts reinforcing the “misfired rocket” story. Anyone questioning it was shouted down as an “anti-Semitic terrorist-loving idiot.” Papers of record revised their headlinesBiden confirmed that the “other team” did it. The corporate media, assorted Persons of Influence, and even prominent independent media sources like Racket News and Public declared the case closed.

After all, the IDF and anonymous US Intelligence officials would never lie to us or attempt to dupe the public with fabricated “evidence,” and anyone who suggests they would is an “anti-Semitic, Horrorist-loving, hate-speech-disseminating disinformationist!”

Apparently, the UK’s Channel 4 News did not get the memo. Here’s their coverage …

Neither did the Aaron Maté at The Grayzone 

But, I don’t know … maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the Israeli military, and the Military-Industrial Complex, and the Censorship Industrial Complex, and the US Intelligence community and its cutouts, are telling us the truth this time.

Unfortunately, we’ll probably never know, because conducting an independent investigation into the bombing would be “inappropriate”…

Seriously, though, this is only the beginning. The torrent of official and unofficial propaganda, gaslighting, and emotional manipulation is only going to increase over time. Probably the best thing to do at this point is pick a “side” and back it unquestioningly, no matter what it does or says. If you’re a professional person, with a career, and a mortgage, and kids, or aspiring to be such a person, I would recommend going with The Powers That Be.

It’s easy to do that. Simply unsubscribe from, and block, and otherwise close your ears and mind to “conspiracy theorists” like me. Stick with those anonymous “Intelligence officials,” the IDF, and the corporate media, and those “fact-checking” entities, and Google, and the rest of the Official Reality Enforcement Apparatus that has been rolled out, globally, during the past three years.

You didn’t think they were rolling all that out for kicks, did you? No … of course you didn’t.

In any event, welcome to the War on Horror, or Terror, or Reality, or Whatever!

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 25, 2023 8:14 PM

I’ve picked a side. I side with the 99% against the 1%. I side with those being murdered and against those doing the murdering.

I side WITH the ordinary people of Palestine, Israel, Russia, America, Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Canada, China etc – and AGAINST the rulers of those people who all exploit and murder their own citizens and the citizens of other countries.

I’m not buying the bullshit of horizontal war any more. I’m not waving a flag and only crying when people on “my” side die.

I’m not hating on the ordinary people of any country for the crimes of their leaders.

Our enemy are the world leaders – not each other.

They never kill each other only us. Haven’t you noticed that yet.

Yeah pick a side. Pick us against them.

Oct 25, 2023 9:14 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Who are the “ordinary” people?

The large proportion of Israelis who do their army service brutalizing Palestinians?

Are you with Israeli damage control?

Asking for a friend.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 26, 2023 7:43 AM
Reply to  priscilla73

Thanks for making my point for me about how buying horizontal war narratives makes us into monsters who can rationalize any amount of killing when it’s the “bad guys” being killed.

Oct 26, 2023 1:25 PM
Reply to  priscilla73

8200 and 77 have corrupted the voting completely.

Oct 26, 2023 11:15 PM

You seem to make a lot of ‘shill’ accusations. Interesting.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 25, 2023 9:25 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

But who wants to be the victim of mismanaged gvt?

I feel like an informed german citizen just before the war started, and am hoping not to have to pay the consequences for gvt blunders after a lost war.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Oct 25, 2023 9:35 PM

Mismanagement? Sure, like cows being “mismanaged” into an abbatoir. Our mental and physical imprisonment is the aim of this game and mismanagement has nothing to do with it

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 26, 2023 12:39 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

It has everything to do with the cost of living, which is what lead to your mental and physical imprisonment, being gamed by the system as they inflate their way out economic troubles. Yes, mismanagement of the economy.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 4, 2023 9:06 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Sure seems that way.

Oct 25, 2023 9:32 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

gasp! I agree with you! wtf?

caveat: real people never ever only cried when “their” people died, where you been gopro?


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 25, 2023 9:41 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

“Our enemy are the world leaders – not each other. 
They never kill each other only us.”

 👍  👍  👍 

Oct 26, 2023 12:19 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Once a couple of Kings or their sons got killed in battles, they stopped that silly tradition.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Oct 26, 2023 10:32 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Last time an English king was killed in battle was 1485 😂

Oct 26, 2023 1:59 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen


Oct 26, 2023 1:32 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Hitler and Mussolini were killed. Saddam was killed. The Czar and his family were brutally murdered. Gaddaffi was killed brutally. Milosevic was killed. Olof Palme was killed. Rajiv Gandhi spoke at his funeral and was killed. Neville Chamberlain was poisoned. JFK and his brothers and son were killed. The bankster’s bumboys like Drumpf and Sunak and Creepy Joe are never killed.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 27, 2023 10:02 AM

They kill their own sometimes for internal reasons – like the Mafia families do. They kill their own for disloyalty or in Palace coups. People like Gaddafi, Hitler, Mussolini were always expendable. JFK had stepped out of line.

But they don’t involve each other in their wars. They don’t bomb the Kremlin or the White House or Downing Street do they? Theirs wars are vertical. Them against us.

Oct 30, 2023 12:04 AM

Let’s get a couple of things straight.
First off – refusing to believe the myth of horizontal war is not the same as not caring about the slaughter. Ok?

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 28, 2023 9:41 PM

“Bibi”, the spoiled baby of a fraction of the American and European ruling class has been given green light to carry out his revenge until satisfied. Why doesn’t he stop this butchery reaching over 7,700 dead? This is unprecedented. Is this some reedition of the Via Rasella attack? Even if this number were inaccurate, and regardless of the source of information consulted, there is no doubt that by now the number of Palestinian casualties of the bombardment by far exceeds the number of Israelis dead or kidnapped. He knows too well that Hamas can only be destroyed before it reincarnates somewhere else under a different name, as Hamas is the expression of a situation that is not resolved by the physical disappearance of the group.   There is anger and indignation all over the world. It is becoming clearer that the overreaction is being used as a “window of opportunity” to clear Gaza out of its remaining inhabitants; perhaps having to do with development of economic structures, such as a port for the projected corridor coming from Saudi Arabia right across Israel to the sea? Who knows? There is talk already of the possibility that Egypt hosts an expected number of displaced Gazans of at least 1.1 million, who are kept running from one place to another under continuous bombardment. A curious fact is that there is a request in the US budget for funds to cover costs resulting from this displacement, and it’s not contingency planning; everyone can draw their conclusion. The mainstream media are already attempting to transfer the burden to Egypt: “Why is Egypt rejecting Gazans?”, “Why is Egypt not allowing Gazans into the Sinaï Peninsula?” See the deception? I bombard you out of your home, but it’s the neighbour who gets the spotlight for not sheltering… Read more »

Oct 28, 2023 11:57 AM

It seems quite obvious that the powers that should not be are purposely stoking division in the west on the Israeli/Palestine issue to push through their 2030 agenda. The latest wall to wall coverage of the attack on Gaza in msm would not have been permitted otherwise. They control the msm and would have just censored any coverage and it would all be just pro Israeli propaganda. Was there ever any coverage of the brutal carpet bombing of Iraq in the msm? Of course they don’t care about Palestinian deaths anymore than Iraqi deaths but what they do want is an excuse for more population control in the west and this topic has potential for explosive division in western populations. It won’t be long before there is a false flag in the west along those lines and familiar tropes will be pushed out – stay home, stay safe. A friend recently declined to go on a trip to Morocco with me because she was concerned with the escalating situation however she totally saw covid for the BS it was.

Oct 27, 2023 10:36 PM

Its interesting that all the contentious real estate in the whole world is neing fought over simultaneously. Almost like they’re running out of time and when the music stops no one wants to be left without a chair.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 28, 2023 4:03 AM
Reply to  Anthony

Indeed. That perception had crossed my brain.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Oct 27, 2023 3:17 AM

English to Hebrew Dictionary

School Hamas target
Church Hamas target
Refugee centre Hamas target
Mosque Hamas target
Hospital Hamas target
Residential building Hamas target
Grocery Store Hamas target
Ambulance Hamas target
Schoolbus Hamas target

You get the idea. Every structure or vehicle possibly harbours Hamas terrorists utilising people as human shields and is a fair target. Fuck the collateral damage.

(Credit to Jeff Berwick).

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 27, 2023 12:17 PM

Why make this a race/culture thing by implying every bloody soul who speaks Hebrew thinks like that?

Is that what you think? You think all Israelis are to blame for the genocide their government is doing? Really?

Jesus, this war is bringing out the racists on all sides. All the righties hating on the Moslems and all the closet antisemites hating on the Jews.

And you have the bloody cheek to call me a monster and a shill just for asking people not to blame whole nations for the crimes of their governments.

Oct 27, 2023 4:56 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Is blaming “whole nations for the crimes of their governments” any sillier than blaming a few bankers and their wealthy cohorts for the crimes of EVERY government?

There’s enough responsibility for murder and mayhem to go around the whole world. It neither begins nor ends at any one doorstep.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 28, 2023 9:18 AM
Reply to  Howard

I don’t think “silly” is the point. I think accurate and rational and non-xenophobic is the point. The blame should be appointed where it belongs, on those who control and profit from war and death.

Blaming whole nations for the crimes of their governments/military is what perpetuates the kind of slaughter you claim to oppose.

Oct 28, 2023 4:17 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

I’m glad you admit the Israeli government is committing genocide.
Israel is,it should be pointed out, a nation built on the premse of racial supremacy.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 28, 2023 10:57 AM

OMG I’m not “admitting” it, I’ve been saying it right from the start, you just don’t seem to be able to understand me.

The Israeli government kills people.
The US government kills people
The Russian government kills people
The Palestinian government kills people
The Ukrainian government kills people.

But look at the common word – GOVERNMENT. The same governments who kill their own people with the vax are totally fine and dandy killing other people and their own with missiles and bombs.

Blame the governments who are all in this together, getting rich and flying round the world to gigs and conferences and attending the fancy parties and laughing at us for thinking some of them are on our side.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 28, 2023 11:03 AM

and sure, the Israeli government kills more people than the Palestinian government. Because that’s their current role in the drama being played for us. They want you to see that injustice and hate on the whole Israeli population so you get behind “retaliation”. And meanwhile the Israeli population is being told to blame all Palestinians for whatever Hamas does.

See the point? Deflection of their crimes from themselves and onto us. So we’ll hate each other.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Oct 27, 2023 3:10 AM

Covert Agencies

The intervention of the covert agencies on this thread is most impressive and an indication of the resources of the forces that are driving apartheid and ethnic cleansing. I have identified Allie Go Pro as the lead propagandist. He or she is backed up by Tilly Petersen, John Erwin (who shills the Manson is guilty bullshit), Blooback (?) and many others. These
amoral PR types attempt to take the spotlight off the cowardly and cruel massacre in progress and clog the thread with meaningless verbiage.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 3:21 AM

Right? I hope you’re still ambulatory, if you’re trying to make the rounds with such a load of the Stuff. 77th paying by the post now?

It’s telling enough that you can accuse someone without being able to spell their name(s). That seems to be a global hallnark of all the Usual Suspects.

Don’t ask me why, it’s just like a fingerprint.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Oct 27, 2023 2:13 PM

People said the same things about people questioning the covid psyop. Look how that turned out. If people are really being slaughtered I am as opposed to it as anyone here. I am opposed to any killing of anyone anywhere. It’s the greatest crime humans can commit.

But I’m not there and I don’t have a clue what’s really happening. And neither do any if us on here. You included. We all have to get our info third or fourth from the handful of people who claim to be there and witnessing things. Maybe they’re all straight and honest. I’m not saying they’re not. But the days are over for me of taking any narrative, even about monstrous death, on a “trust me, would I lie to you?” basis.

Here’s my problem. We already know the Israelis have been lying their rear ends off, making up fake atrocities, producing cgi of burned babies etc. We know the “surprise attack” was bollocks. We know Hamas is just a puppet for Israel and Israel is a puppet for the globalists. We know the globalist media are going nuts stoking *both* sides (Channel 4 had a whole bit on the Palestine tragedy, and tgere’s been plenty of other such coverage putting the pro-Palestine view).

So, when we know all this, how can we not think it’s just possible the fakery is on both sides? Fake an attack, then fake a counter-attack.

I don’t get what’s wrong with just considering the possibility. Particularly when there’s some questionable stuff coming from Gaza as well as Israel. Is it wrong to just ask the question?

Oct 27, 2023 5:03 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

There’s one huge – and I mean HUGE – fly in the ointment: weapons. The MIC makes NO MONEY unless weapons are depleted and have to be replaced. And it would appear the best, if not only, way to deplete weapons is to use them.

I’m assuming here – entirely on my own – that there simply is not enough open land on Earth to store all the weapons made in the last, say, hundred years or so if these weapons had not been used.

And given the complexity and apparent destructive power of modern weapons, there would have to be at least some damage, some destruction, even some deaths just by pretending to use them.

Oct 27, 2023 6:56 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

But…..That’s what the mainstream media are for: to make sure that we actually DON’T know what’s really going on, and to promote the narrative(s) which support anger, ignorance and division. I’ve been to the West Bank, and so I know that the oppression of Palestinians is a fact.

Oct 27, 2023 2:42 PM

The strange part is that, from my reading, all of the people you name as probable CIA plants agree with you on most (maybe all) of your basic points. The Israelis are the obvious villains in the story as presented. They are obviously preparing for a “genocide” in Gaza. The Palestinians are the obvious victims. But doesn’t it all seem a bit too… obvious? As far as I could tell, AllieGoPro’s main point was simply that to believe the story as presented would be to ignore the lessons of the COVID era, when all of the heroes and villains in the stories we had been watching until then, whom we imagined to be fighting each other, suddenly spun on their heels to fight us. We weren’t even characters in the story until that point, at least not in the popular reading. We were the audience, and yet suddenly the heroes, the villains, the background characters, even the narrator– suddenly they were all looking at us. And then they were running at us. And now… what? That era is over? The story is real again? The heroes really are heroes, and always were? The villains are out to destroy democracy again? It’s just not believable anymore. If “the Jews” were behind every sinister turn the world has taken, and in such perfect control of the storyline, why on Earth would they have burdened themselves with such an indefensible crusade at the moment? Nobody with a conscience could ever, ever support what Israel is trying to do in Gaza right now. And no Ultimate Puppet Master with a brain in his head would use himself as the mustache-twirling villain puppet in such a black-and-white tale of evil versus innocence. There is more to the story. How can that be so hard to… Read more »

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Oct 27, 2023 4:01 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

Good point. It’s like Netanyahu has been told to play the evil exterminator guy just like he and the rest of them were told “do the fake pandemic and push the vax”.

This is surely why it’s legit to ask if both sides are doing media fakery.

Oct 27, 2023 5:09 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

What’s most concerning to me is that the media is even publicizing the Palestinian side of the story at all. They’re not floating alternate viewpoints in order to gauge the public’s opinion; the days when public opinion mattered in any way are long gone. The military and financial weapons are already firmly committed to the Israeli side, and that’s not going to change.

So why are half of the stories pointing out the atrocities that have already been committed against the Palestinians, and the worse atrocities waiting impatiently for their orders? It’s not necessary to tell us this, and it’s no longer, since COVID, even traditional for journalists to portray world events as multi-dimensional. So why? Why are “they” slandering “themselves?”

During the COVID years, the government and the media set us up as the enemy. Now it really seems as if they’re setting themselves up as the enemy. It’s not mere incompetence. They want to be seen as openly effecting agendas that are opposed by their entire citizenry now, not just the anti-vaxxers and far-right extremists. Were they frustrated at the absence of violent pushback against the COVID-era atrocities? Are they trying again with a less abstract, more openly murderous kind of tyranny?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 11:48 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

The more appropriate starting point for that questionnaire is “who isn’t?” (doing media fakery)?

Fewer than we can say.

I start now as often as I can with that as the start, and work back.

Oct 28, 2023 11:00 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Not legitimate because the MSM has at least a million times the resources than anyone on the ground in Gaza. Are there Main Sewer journalists on the ground in Gaza ? Obviously not because the savage bombing is not fake.

Oct 28, 2023 3:41 PM

You’re right. The savage bombing is not fake, and Israel is lost as a result. They are lost. Today, by going ahead with the ground invasion when the entire world has been desperately pleading for them not to, Israel has truly and permanently surrendered its right to exist. But why? Why did they willingly surrender their right to exist? Wasn’t that their whole thing? I thought they wanted to exist! How did this happen? Who pushed them into this inescapable, suicidal trap? It certainly wasn’t the Palestinians. The Palestinians also wanted to exist, and now they’ve been turned into grey powder.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 11:45 PM

So ijjit. Manson may be guilty of many things, but he was not the main perp behind his crimes, only its sad court jester. Just a puppet, their permanent patsy, but always a snarling one, playing their designated villain for them. What’s really up with him pencilling in swastikas for 50 years between his brows?* He was owned by the state, scripted, with a few ad libs of his added.

Ad libs were about the only liberty he
ever knew.

[* That’s only a rhetorical question for the curious to ponder, no need to RSVP.]

Pavel Stanford
Pavel Stanford
Oct 26, 2023 9:03 PM

Can’t believe I laughed so hard during these tragic times. But I did. And I thank you for that CJ Hopkins.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 11:20 PM
Reply to  Pavel Stanford

That reminds me of a moving epilogue that Hector Berlioz gave to his memoirs as he felt the end of his days approaching, more nearly, and told the story of the Iroquois or their neighbours in canoes, caught in the currents pulling them toward their Niagara Falls. He told the tale that when they had battled the current to no avail and saw that it was only winning out all the more, they would heave their oars into the river and spend their last breaths singing their best tribal songs.

Although it may not be as hard a call as that in most cases, at least not yet, it still seems like the epitome of these days is our best laugh.

(Songs always work for me!)

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 27, 2023 12:21 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

There is no laughter in heaven.

Mark Twain

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 2:26 AM

An odd call for ‘Mark’ (NB?) ‘Twain’ ( there are two of me, i.e. my “Twi[a]in”). Taken that way, spooky though.

I found a few months ago the interesting fact that until 1863 Twain was a dues-paying Master Mason. Or 3rd degree, 3° Then he “lapsed”?).

He also attached himself to Tesla after c. 1893. Which lasted till his own death 17 years later.


Oct 26, 2023 6:50 PM

I haven’t read all the comments yet, but are we allowed genuine free-speech on this platform concerning this subject? I hope so. Can we really know what is actually occurring if we do not consider the context of it all? The covid-hoax, weather manipulation, directed energy weapons e.g. so-called wildfires, etc., financial collapse, escalating wars, global digital-concentration-camp-system expansion, and more are all connected – they are all part of the chaos needed to induce the global establishment’s ‘solution’ of technocratic-communitarian global governance (a stakeholder global to local system of governance). The global establishment’s secular name for this system is UN Agenda21/2030, and the religious name (currently hidden from the masses) is the Noahide Code (Seven Noahide Laws). All that has happened recently and is currently happening (and what they will be trying to make happen) has been planned by supremacists in their historical as well as recent work (books, articles, speeches if you research it) e.g Freemason Albert Pike’s (Three world wars needed) and Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s (The coming of the Moshiach era) work. To be clear I am not implying all Freemasons or all Jews are supremacists (with these totalitarian goals), only the ones with their hands on the global power levers (or associated with them). If we cannot study the context let alone call-out who is actually instigating/controlling this hegemonic plan, how can we ever successfully stop the tyranny? Also, an example of a particular point/question of study – has anyone in the UK public sphere (MSM or so-called alt-media) actually asked/investigated the obvious – who Hamas really are? Has anyone in the public eye actually researched in depth who founded, funds, controls and aids Hamas? And then of course all the inconsistencies surrounding the Hamas incident/s People of the general public who have an interest in geopolitics who have done a even only a… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 8:23 PM
Reply to  Ennes

Funny that you ‘left out’ international Nazism, since they would make up a trifecta with the other two. They have had a huge network that operates off the radar here, at least, in Southern California, for a long time, at least a century, as I expect so just the same everywhere else, since WEF stinks of it, with Schwab showing many past connections to it.

Mae Brussell, who was raised in that gnarly UCLA-to-Hollyweird corridor along Wilshire Blvd., investigated and documented a lot of it, such as their direct connections to the JFK & RFK murders, connecting dots to a lot of the same perps that Jim Garrison uncovered in “On the Trail of the Assassins” with his deputized investigator, the original standup comedian, Mort Sahl (a good friend of JFK and his frequent punchline writer).

But she went one further than any of them, by turning prognosticator. I am reading just yesterday how she approached Rose Kennedy at an airport in northern California in late May, 1968, and slipped the matriarch a note that said her son RFK was soon going to be assassinated. One week later he was murdered, as predicted.

I hope to find some more of the backstory on that one. Very muted by the major media.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 11:28 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

The only downvotes I seem to get these days come whenever I “put in the bad word” for the overt, or much more regularly, the clandestine nazis amongst us.

Funny how that works. Just them, not the other Usual Suspects. Hmmmmm

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 27, 2023 7:06 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Yes I noted an odd change in the voting habits. To “clandestine nazis” I’d add “clandestine Zionists”.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 9:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Could be. Enough oddness to go around it seems. MOSSAD madness + Odd Fellows oddness? As for me, maybe I watched too much b&w footage of the 3rd Reich as a tyke. It honestly gave me an ingrained early allergy that’s easily tripped. The slightest sight of swastikas sets it off. But I can’t help notice that whenever I post alerts about die Spinne and O.D.E.S.S.A. shenanigans still going strong -or stronger- in my neck of the ‘hoods, the boards light up with downvotes ~ here, and a whole lot more elsewheres. My old man told me my last few years with him 1960s that two clients who had died in a plane crash had indicated they wanted him to adopt their two children, but grandma & gramps balked. It took him a while to dig out why: they didnt want their grandkids raised by Jews! He told me that. And his name on the firm banner is John Wesley Ervin, after the founder of his church in old Scotland. And he was later a Methodist lay minister. But with Aaron Spelling as a client, and his offices at the corner of Rodeo Drive, BH 90210, and a whole load of other Jewish clients, and at least then a majority of partners, maybe many more than I ever knew were skeptical. But Jessup at ecjlaw com still helms the firm. At 101 ! And he’s a lifelong QUAKER. Thanks for bringing up the clandestine aspect, since I had never yet thought of it from so personal an angle. Maybe the Old Guy WAS Jewish and kept it hidden. I may have been thrown off the scent since we were tagged as being so “goy” early and often, but it would explain why I have been in the Nazi crosshairs since… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 29, 2023 12:21 AM
Reply to  John Ervin


The Artot-Alard, with its own link, is about a dozen down in the last category, “Late Period,” Amazing to think I used to sit for hours listening, or studying, while Balogh practiced on it, and still shy of our teen years, I didn’t really grasp then that it was an actual Stradivarius.

He had told me once then when I asked, “it’s mine.” I said, “What, your mother’s loaning it to you for concerts, and stuff?” (She played violin in L.A. Phil strings). “No,” he said again calmly, “It’s mine.”

Must be nice.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Oct 27, 2023 2:23 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

The international nazis are so blatant now that they come out every year, in full leather regalia staging public parades suggestively named ‘pride’. Apparently Rob Halford from Judas Priest in one of their leaders.
They also say Adolf is still alive living in Laurel Canyon writing scripts for Holyrood.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 10:02 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Its good to know George Martin is still alive, augmenting the Beatles!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 10:03 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

HA. Thanks.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 26, 2023 3:26 PM

I think “The war on reality” is the most appropriate handle. I guess reality wasn’t all it was cracked up to be… Let’s just wallow in a cesspool of bullshit…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 7:16 PM

“One day it will have to be officially admitted that what we have christened reality is an even greater illusion than the world of dreams.”

~ Salvador Dali

“So little of what could happen does happen.” (“ibid.”)

“The important thing is to spread confusion, not eliminate it.” (2X ibid.)

And a last one, and more on topic, for channeling our inner Brit, if a passport isn’t handy:

“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”

~ Lewis Carroll

Oct 26, 2023 9:26 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I can 100% guarantee that Lewis Carroll never said that

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 27, 2023 1:13 AM
Reply to  NeveR

Erm… Taken from the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland:

“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality” 

– Charles Lutwidge Dodgson –

(January 27, 1832 – January 14, 1898)

[actually no, it isn’t – see comment here – admin]

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 5:45 AM

Ach so.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 27, 2023 7:27 AM

Whoever……… is this supposed to be a statement of any value?
Let me hear you “intellectuals” explain how you understand this bs.
“Imagination only weapon against war on reality”?????? Excuse me Sir?

Oct 27, 2023 8:31 AM

I think this is a great example of the dangers of believing sources and failing to investigate for yourself.

You googled the phrase and found people claiming that quote is from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and never having read the book you took their word for it.

What you didn’t do was go to the Gutenberg online text and look.

If you had you would have discovered it’s NOT THERE.

Here is the link. Check for yourself. And let it be a lesson going forward.


I, having read and studied the book, was well aware there was no such quote in it. Also it’s clunky and modern and just NOT Carroll.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 27, 2023 11:50 AM
Reply to  NeveR

I think there’s an entire online industry devoted to manufacturing improbable fake quotes from famous people.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 28, 2023 4:38 AM

The Telephone Game, a.k.a., Chinese Whispers:


No need for any online industries, though I’d suggest that the attribution of the quotes are probable, because they comport with other things the supposed speaker has said, or with their general persona.

It’s paraphrasing, infinitely elastic.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 28, 2023 7:54 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

“I may seem drastic, But love’s so elastic” ~ 1930s Bing Crosby song

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 10:16 PM
Reply to  NeveR

Ah, but he did write “When I choose a word it means exactly what I choose it to mean.”

Or at least the Main Library of Long Beach in L.A. has it festooned widely across a huge mural behind their checkout desk.

Don’t tell me that’s a fabrication too, or I will be chronicly crushed.

I got the war v. reality quote off goodreads, but come to think it, that’s not at all well vetted. Usually dependable though.

Chastened enough for one post.

Thanks for the “update”. Appreciated.

[It does sound a bit too stylistically “dodgy” for Dodgson, but you never know with that guy. Jabberwocky?]

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 29, 2023 4:24 PM
Reply to  NeveR

You meant “never” wrote “that,” right?

He may have said it in his sleep. Knowing him, he probably did.

Early & Often.

So we’re well on the way to rehabilitating the ‘quote’ into my surreal lexicon.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 10:29 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Point taken, it was probably Salvador Dali or Fatty Arbuckle (perhaps also by misattribution!?) but my little baby (of a point made) was thrown out with the (punctillious) bathwater.

Worth making it, but I digress.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 29, 2023 4:30 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Graham Greene, taken way out of context, but fittingly, from “Our Man in Havana”:

“You should dream more, Wormold, reality in this century is not something to be faced.”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 1:58 PM


Aha! Here below we have H. Bruce Franklin, in an article he wrote twenty years and some change ago, quoting Time & Life mags & NYT propagandists using the same deceptive treatment via the same false flags.

And by way of the very same words: “It’s all the same war” ~ 1952, Place Garnier, Saigon. Enter, The Quiet American:


John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 2:18 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Quoting, relevant excerpt of Franklin’s essay above:

‘A blood-chilling photo of the carnage appeared as “Picture of the Week” in the January 28 LIFE magazine, with a caption that asked people to focus on the most gruesome results of this terrorism by the “Viet Minh Communists”: “The bomb blew the legs from under the man in the foreground and left him, bloody and dazed, propped up on the tile sidewalk.” The bombing certainly came at a convenient time for the warhawks, including LIFE, whose previous week’s lead editorial, “Indo-China Is in Danger,” was a near panicky call for major U.S. participation in the Vietnam war (which the French were still fighting, with U.S. assistance), because “It’s all one war, and our war, whether the front be in Europe, Korea, or Indo-China.”.

Etç etç, plus ça change, etç

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 26, 2023 2:58 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Its all the same war since the Federal Reserve was illegally created, and then aided and abetted by criminals, they are called lawmakers.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 3:16 PM

As in “Follow the Money”

[“As opposed to” the Laws.]

Always a more direct route, while investigating.

As a go-to tool, it cuts through all the “superfog” of possible motives straight to the “cui bono.”

Of course, that’s the very why that nations and their “agencies” make so much superfog these days, the mixture of smoke and fog is what leaves us that for the commutes..

So they start spot fires.

Drive safe. We don’t need any more multi-car pileups on their paths tó destruction.

We got enough crisis actors clogging the roads as it is.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 26, 2023 4:01 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Simpler put, welcome to the Grade A disaster created by your trusty gvt.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 4:30 PM

Yes, but to paraphrase an ol’ battle cry, “Give me Art, or give me Death!”

£4£&$4$+some.blessed2¢® ~~~~~

Polanski, as artist, exposed the nazi network and the exact same dynamics, updated by 1,000 years, of all of this so pointedly in his 1970 grossly underrated (agencyy~muted?) masterpiece, “Macbeth”

For those who know how to read between those frames, it is a blueprint for all the same hidden rapports and depraved motives that led to his bride’s murder and butchery.

Begun with his brilliant “Shakespearean” co~writer Kenneth Tynan but months after the massacre of Polanski’s 9 months pregnant wife, and her friends, by the Manson Crime Family (aka CIA/Nazi~O.D.E.S.S.A), to call a spade a spade, or in this case, a dirk a dirk. Or, as with Nicole Simpson and Tate both, a buck knife..)

So The Quiet American was not the oldest prequel.

Try a millennium before it, courtesy of the fictionalized Macbeth.

No wonder the play is considered so “cursed” in thespian circles that it is only mentioned by most obliquely. “The Play.”

Ol’ Roman (90+) braved it all through many an obstacle though.

The artist, making “art for Art’s sake”?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 10:52 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Or, more precisely, inside theatres it is referred to only as “The Scottish Play” or else watch out!

Patrick Henry named his famous screed and cry, “Give me liberty or give me death.”

So, I hear the Art Spirit chanting (even crooning) its Anthem as, “Give me Artistry or give me Death.” Far nobler, £4£.

There are such reasons both deep and delicate. Therein.


Auden’s last epigraph for his collected poems, offered as sageness for friend Chester Kallman, frames it niftily enough~

“Although you be as I am one of those,

Who feel a Christian ought to write in prose,

Since poetry is Magick, born in sin, you May read it to exorcise the gentile in you.”

So, we just need to do the spiritual math.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 27, 2023 12:27 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Plus they whispered sweet nasty’s in each others ears until their teeth fell out, much like it still is today despite all the new technology and information, but don’t ask where we went wrong, ask where they went wrong.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 29, 2023 12:26 AM

Well, Auden knew all too well his transgressions, which is probably why he pointed to his works, especially his poetry, and asked readers to judge them merely as they were.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Oct 27, 2023 1:49 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Polanski and his Hollyweird associates engineered the Tate murders. Manson was a patsy.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 3:00 AM

You already said that, months ago, and it caused me, at least, just a sense of total contempt, to hear such poorly supported and specious innuendo fronted as fact?

Shame on youse!

To others here with tighter grips: please see what CIA Operation CHAOS was doing here in L.A. in the late 60s. So much now well documented.

Or check it out in 2020 stunner by the book by Tom O’Neill:

CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Oct 27, 2023 2:19 PM

What’s your source for that? Or am I getting the picture you just ‘know’ things without needing facts?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 27, 2023 10:21 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

“Sans doute” huh.

Oct 28, 2023 10:00 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Source ?

I have done a lot of research. You shills are not allowed to do that. Do you know Polanski forced his pregnant wife, too pregnant to fly, to sail across the Atlantic against her wishes on her way to Los Angeles where she was killed in an obviously professional hit. He stayed behind in London until after the murders. Heard about the glasses found on the site which were not connected to anyone who lived and worked there and thus necessarily were connected to the murderers ? And about the guy in Fallbrook near San Diego who asked for a prescription that was almost identical to the one for the ones found at the Polanski murder site ? He provided a fake identity and never collected the glasses. The optometrist phoned the LAPD but they did nothing about it.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 29, 2023 12:29 AM

{Editor’s redaction} “Blah blah blah.”

But it’s good to know you do a lot of that there research. That’s a relief.

[Manson went on record later to claim the glasses as something he and his nameless crime partner took after the crimes, in the wee hours. to the scene, which they would use as a tool “to light a fire or magnify something.” FYI.

If any of what Charlie said is to be taken literally, that is, or even seriously, or even as an historic bad joke. But he did claim all that. He vouched for the glasses, whoever the owner. I’m thinking CIA agent (per his family and friends) “Reeve Whitson” as divulged in “CHAOS” 2020 book by O’Neill.

No crime has spewed more wild geese chasing even wilder canards since the JFK hit, but it seems like some things are finally coming into focus.]

Don’t feel the need to RSVP, Placenta, if you pass by, all this I post only for the general interest.

Oct 26, 2023 1:31 PM

The problem with difficult things in life is that we, humans, first have to know who we are before we can think spiritually correct. Without developing our self-awareness one cannot make right decisions. So such big problems as Palestine and Israel cannot be solved by spiritually underdeveloped people. If you want to solve something of that magnitude, you better study yourself. If you don’t do that, you will never solve anything. Major problems cannot be solved without correct self-knowledge. I think power takes advantage of this dilemma. So, again: make your mind big and then start working on big things.
Now most people behave on an often animal level. Precisely those people that call themselves ‘helpers of leaders’. They are not leaders at all, they are still animals, spiritually speaking. That is the problem. Underdevelopment and a lack of love.

Without the spiritual development in which man has developed his self-awareness, it is ridiculous to solve such incredibly difficult cases. On the contrary: things often only get worse when people at a spiritual baby level start interfering in something.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 8:31 PM
Reply to  AntiSoof

As Joe Bageant put it mordantly, “A Nation of Children Roots for the Mafia”

Oct 26, 2023 12:47 PM


The article was reasonable except that it accepted the prison breakout and massacre as real despte the knowledge of innumerable false flags since the USS Maine and before.We are 9/11 truthers. Why are we accepting a logistically impossible story ?

The comments and the votes are at best strange. What we are witnessing is unmitigated horror. We are watching the equivalent of shooting fish in a fishbowl. Exept that we are watching the 4th largest military in the world turn a concentration camp into rubble and broken and smashed bodies. At least 3000 children have already been killed and the Israelis have only started. This is an act of extermination. Of genocide. Of ethnic cleansing of a particulaly horrifying kind. To pretend otherwise is monstrous. That the West is urging it on is beyond evil. Understandable given their history since Columbus and the bloody colonial looting.

To somehow imply that the global bankster media is being offset by something that is working on behalf of the Palestinians is dishonest in the extreme.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 26, 2023 12:57 PM

I posted this below but I hope the mods don’t mind me repeating it here because I think you and many others just aren’t getting it

First off – refusing to believe the myth of horizontal war is not the same as not caring about the slaughter. Ok?

Second – Imagine two parents abuse their kids and each blame the other for what goes down. One kid believes their dad and blames their mum. Another kid believes their mum and blames their dad and they end up fighting and hating each other because they each think the other is on the side of the abuser. 

A concerned aunt turns up and wants to fix this mess. They say “look kids, stop fighting each other, both your parents are doing this to you – and look they’re cuddling on the couch and laughing while you hit each other with your toys”

The two kids both tell her she’s just opting out and refusing to take a side. 

The aunt gives up and goes home and buys a big bottle of vino on the way. At least that’s what I’ve been doing lately watching another wave of people forget everything the bloody scamdemic taught us.

Oct 26, 2023 1:26 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

To simply invent a scenario and assert it’s a perfectly good analogy to what’s happening in reality is always a bit dodgy.

For one thing, it ignores everything that preceded the precipitating incident. The fact is, bankers or no bankers pulling strings, the Israelis have over the years systematically oppressed the Palestinians.

By saying both sides actually on some level are merely jumping to a common tune whitewashes the terrible oppression of one side by the other. There simply is no common denominator equalizing both sides.

This is one case where we need to set aside the fact that some third party may be profiting from what’s happening and focus our attention on the event itself – because that’s where the horror is happening.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 26, 2023 2:11 PM
Reply to  Howard

You just don’t get it. Why do you think the killing is happening? We know these guys can all sink their differences if they really want to. We saw them do it with covid. We know most of the world leaders are globalist puppets who just basically follow a script because we are still seeing them do it about bloody covid. So why do you think it only applies to covid? Obviously it doesn’t. We’ve just had our blinders taken off is all. And we can see what we couldn’t before. We can get it now that wars are generated as convenient, just like the scamdemic was. I mean Jesus, they even all have the same bloody agendas attached. Wars are handy right now to make people forget all the chumminess we got to see and to distract from as well as push the reset agenda. Is this me ignoring the murder of Palestinians. No, for God’s sake, it’s me saying let’s blame the right people and get a bead on what’s going on. By saying both sides actually on some level are merely jumping to a common tune whitewashes the terrible oppression of one side by the other. There simply is no common denominator equalizing both sides. OMG! How is this so hard to understand? Who’s “equalizing”? What are you even on about? Unstable victim/abuser scenarios are very emotive and good for generating the polarization they want. The more victims, the more anger, the more we blame and counter-blame. All good for them. They don’t give a stuff about any ideology like racial purity or whatever. That’s just pasted in for the consumption of the participants to get them more invested. All these guys want right now is to see us at each other’s throats, and they picked a… Read more »

Oct 26, 2023 3:15 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Allie is 100% right. It’s almost impossible not to dwell on the microcosmic horrors when individual people are murdered, but the real story is playing out so far above the heavens of whichever particular snow globe they’re showing to us at this moment. Palestine is a rat in a cage that Israel keeps and starves so that, when they “forget” to lock the door and it escapes and attacks them, they can play the victim to justify whatever they wanted to do anyway. But this is not the real story, and it’s not worth dignifying with rational discussion– only with solemn grief while our telescopes scour the farthest heavens for the real villains. Israel <em>itself</em> is a rat in somebody else’s cage. So are we. 

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 26, 2023 4:42 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

Agree with Allie and you two too. In short and as written: “We are all sinners: Israelis, Palestinians, you and me, whomever.”

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Oct 27, 2023 2:08 AM
Reply to  Bloobock

Israel is a project for the banksters who value ethnic purity very highly. It is this devotion to ethnic purity that got them to rule the entire planet. It is this domination that permitted the convid scamdemic. Think of the money that has been poured into this country and the wars and assassinations that were necessary across the globe to facilitate it’s creation.

Oct 26, 2023 3:44 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Here’s a thought – just a thought (and you know, we in this forum do pride ourselves on being critical thinkers): which is which?

Which distraction is the real distraction? We can focus our attention on what’s happening right in front of us; or we can shift our focus to these nameless, faceless super beings orchestrating the entire charade – beings we can never know because their identities are so well hidden.

Yes, it would be nice to know once and for all who these nabobs pulling all strings really, truly are – if indeed they even exist. But here’s the rub: it’s very hard for most people to focus on even one thing at a time, let alone two or more.

And there is no such thing as going on a hunt for the “real” villains without ignoring the “pretend” villainy right in front of us.

Who owns Blackrock? Well, their biggest shareholder is Vanguard. So who owns Vanguard? Well, their biggest shareholder is Blackrock. Welcome to the Merry-Go-Round.

And all the while a genocide right before us goes unnoticed.

Oct 26, 2023 4:01 PM
Reply to  Howard

So, because it’s impossible to know who is really funding the WWF, we should take professional wrestling seriously? We should spend our time booing at the heels and cheering for the faces because otherwise there’s nobody to boo and cheer for? What if one of the wrestlers actually dies (accidentally or deliberately) in one of the scripted matches? Does that turn the rest of the fiction into reality?

The victims of murders should be mourned, but the storylines created around their murders should not be humored if they’re obviously fake. If you don’t care about the story, you don’t have to waste your time wondering about the identity of the author. Just don’t read the story.

Oct 26, 2023 10:02 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

Hopefully it only looks like you’re comparing the nearly hundred year oppression of Palestinians with professional wrestling.

Maybe it only looks like you’re saying the Palestinians who lose their homes, their families, their very lives sometimes were actually players in a game.

The horrors of the Levant go back way way beyond the central bankers. There has never been more than a few decade lull in the ongoing wars. So while this latest round makes the Israelites the favorites, it’s still very much a horror show.

I regret but the Palestinian child who loses his life is of infinitely greater moment than the central banker who gains a few shekels from the deed.

Oct 26, 2023 11:27 PM
Reply to  Howard

Hopefully it only looks like you’re comparing the nearly hundred year oppression of Palestinians with professional wrestling.

I don’t believe you can be too stupid to know the diff between a parallel case to expose faulty logic and an ethical comparison. So quit being disingenuous and resorting to bogus outrage.

The horrors of the Levant go back way way beyond the central bankers. There has never been more than a few decade lull in the ongoing wars. So while this latest round makes the Israelites the favorites, it’s still very much a horror show.

Yes, true – and why? Don’t you care about why? Who’s profiting and expending human lives to do so?

I regret but the Palestinian child who loses his life is of infinitely greater moment than the central banker who gains a few shekels from the deed.

So no, you don’t care about why or who’s profiting. You don’t want to understand what’s going on so you can more effectively oppose the slaughter of those children — you just wanna wallow vicariously in the tragedy – cry about it, tell everyone how outraged you are, do a lot of communal weeping with a bunch of other cunts who don’t really care and who can’t be bothered to get informed about what’s really going on and just wanna use these deaths as an excuse for hate or narcissistic grief porn.

Jesus that’s disgusting

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Oct 27, 2023 2:10 AM
Reply to  AllieGoPro

You truly are a sickening heartless monster.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Oct 27, 2023 2:24 PM

She’s a sickening heartless monster for saying let’s look at who’s really engineering all this genocide? well, that’s revealing. Looks like you and Howard want to keep the focus right off who’s funding this op. Why would that be?

Oct 26, 2023 11:59 PM
Reply to  Howard

Your argument seems to be that it dishonors the memory of the dead child to look for an ultimate cause for his suffering and demise, because the search for a cause implies the possibility of a search for a solution, and that secondary search distracts us from the distraction. Only a singular focus on the surface-level details of the distraction gives due honor to the dead.

Oct 27, 2023 1:17 AM
Reply to  Howard

Since you yourself seem to be implicating central bankers while simultaneously declaring their involvement to be beside the point, would your opinion change if their involvement were somehow to be confirmed, or at least suggested, by evidence? Not all hidden actors are forever unknowable; it’s not inconceivable that some now-hidden truth might come to light. For example– and just for argument’s sake– I’ll invent an imaginary, hypothetical explanation for these events which does implicate central bankers. Imagine that Iran began selling oil to China for yuans rather than dollars. Imagine that the US felt threatened by this, as the dollar– to the extent that is has a backing– is backed by other nations’ compulsory use of it in the buying and selling of oil, and thus Iran’s escape from this system devalues the US currency, and, by extension, every other currency. Imagine that the US’ central bankers didn’t trust the world to understand or sympathize with this all-too-icky worry as a justification for action, and decided that was needed was a pretense… a more noble casus belli. Imagine that the central bankers, through their executive arm (the CIA), deliberately provoked a jailbreak in an open-air prison within some other nation’s borders in order to a create a situation that would spiral out-of-control in a controlled and scripted way, and thus provide cover for an American military regime-change adventure in Iran. This is a very specific hypothetical situation– for too specific to be true. I don’t claim that it’s true, or even possible. In fact, I claim that it’s bullcrap. But imagine that it was true, or that evidence emerged to suggest that it might be. Does it still dishonor the lives of the dead Palestinian children to wonder about it, or suggest that there is something uglier going on, something… Read more »

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 26, 2023 4:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

Its really not people per say, its institutions with rules and revolving people over the decades.

You wont find any one person or even a group to blame as they always fall back to their institutions and enforcement mechanisms as a last resort.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 7:46 PM

“Fragmentation ot guilt.” (~ M. Scott Peck)

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 30, 2023 1:22 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

That should read “Fragmentation of Conscience.”

That was a term the late Dr. M. Scott Peck used in his book “People of The Lie: the Hope for Healing Human Evil” in a later chapter “On Group Evil” about his stint heading a panel commissioned by the Pentagon, or affiliate(s), to examine the causes of the 1968 My Lai Massacre (of civilians) by U.S. soldiers in Viet Nam.

Oct 26, 2023 4:14 PM
Reply to  Howard

You’re right about Blackrock and Vanguard. That unfathomble, recursive thicket of financial obligations is exactly the issue. It’s the only issue worth obsessing about precisely because it results in real-world murders while cloaking itself in a fog of ineffability. It’s hard to discuss because it’s complex, but human life should not be utterly dominated by a subject that can’t be discussed. It wasn’t always, and it is not an unfixable problem.

Oct 26, 2023 5:25 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

When our attention is focused on that which does not exist (in this case, wealth), we run the risk of losing sight of the events being played out in front of us.

Muslims, Jews and Christians have all three fought more than once over a “God” which no one can ever prove to exist. And over ownership of land, which no one can ever truly own. And over river deltas, which can and at various times have dried up.

Bottom line: humans are hard-wired for war, not peace. They don’t need a good reason to fight – but they do need a damn good reason not to.

Oct 26, 2023 6:42 PM
Reply to  Howard

I agree. We’re hard-wired for war, but only for local, comprehensible wars over territory. We’re certainly not hard-wired for distant geo-political conflict with abstract, multi-generational causes. The natural state of Palestine was its state circa Lawrence of Arabia. The people were always in a state of low-level conflict over access to the limited resources of the region. We evolved for that kind of conflict, which means evolution prepared us with instincts and biological constraints to kept the conflicts sustainable.

The wonderful innovation of the joint stock company, with limited liability and unlimited spatial extent, short-circuited every mental and biological constraint on war. The fundamental mental building blocks of tribal conflict– jealousy, greed, revenge, grief– are still there to be stoked and inflamed, but the control rods in the reactor have been removed.

Everyone knows that “Corporation Equals Person” was a horrible mistake, and the founding fiction of an undeniably awful age of the world. But, due to the complexity of the financial arrangements involved, if this tacit admission advanced to the point of legal recognition, it would necessitate an impractical clawback of quadrillions of dollars in ill-gotten gains. It’s much easier to pretend that the fault lies in our terrorists and our Zionists.

Oct 26, 2023 6:42 PM
Reply to  Howard

I would say that forcing a population to undergo military service is an extreme form of oppression. The Israeli gov’t have over the years systematically oppressed not only the Palestinians but there own population. Moreover, the government is oppressing it own people by the constant fear porn of a Palestinian or Arab attack.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 26, 2023 9:51 PM
Reply to  fame

Did you know that Palestinian orientalist Edward Saïd was supposed to have an interview (must be in 1986) with the then Israeli ambassador to the UN and now prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. What was Saïd’s surprise to learn that for the interview, Netanyahu was sitting, not in another room, but in another building, alleging that the orientalist and professor of English literature at Columbia wanted to kill him!

He tells the story here to Salman Rushdie.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Oct 27, 2023 1:56 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Rubbish. Israel is not a kid. It has been forced on the world by the central banksters. The Palestinians were forced out of their homes. The fraction of what was assigned by the bankster owned UN has been whittled away over the years.
This is the final push. There will be death and displacement on a massive scale. The blood of these helpless people is on your hands.

Oct 27, 2023 8:40 AM

I don’t think you understand. Israel, as in its government, is one of the parents. In this case, as I understand it, each government is a parent and the citizens of the countries they govern are the children who blame each other (eg ‘the Palestinians’, ‘the Jews’, ‘the Russians’, ‘the Ukrainians’) instead of realizing their parents – the governments of the world – are doing it to all of them.

Oct 27, 2023 7:26 PM
Reply to  NeveR

Duh….and there was I thinking that Arthur Balfour provided the ‘excuse, the protection of the rights of the indigenous population, the provisions of which were totally ignored, which rather rendered the MOU (which was all it was) invalid in any case and looked at from any angle. And from there on in to here has been the steady progression of fully illegal genocide. And they’re not even there yet.

Oct 26, 2023 11:42 AM

On 9/11, just after the towers collapsed the press interviewed a bystander who explained to us all how the The Twin Towers came to fall.

It would be appropriate to find that particular piece of footage and link to it.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 26, 2023 12:44 PM
Reply to  TFs

That would be “Harley Guy” – we have featured that clip on here several times.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 26, 2023 11:41 AM

Numerous, large vessels employed by Northern European NGOs have for months been picking up tens of thousands of unfortunate Africans in the Mediterranean Sea and bringing them to “salvation” in Southern Europe. On the part of these organizations this is seen as an absolute humanitarian necessity.

Interestingly, not one of these NGO vessels has even remotely contemplated challenging the Israeli embargo on Gaza to bring food, water, and fuel to Palestinians.
I’d like if this fact was more widely known.

Oct 26, 2023 11:30 AM
peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Oct 26, 2023 11:06 AM

People can be very selective in their moral outrage: often that anger becomes the justification for the very same acts they condemn. People clothe themselves in the symbols of power- such as flags – and war is justified. As always, the warnings of history are ignored. The truth comes down to a simple syllogism: every empire eventually gets the war it is trying to avoid; everyone wants to avoid WW III; therefore, that is the fate that awaits. Paradoxically, the only possible way of avoiding that fate is to accept it. I have been banned from certain social media sites for giving these dire warnings. But anyone interested in reading more can download my free ebook.

Oct 26, 2023 10:07 AM

Who thought it was a good idea to have a music festival 3 miles away from the people you have been tormenting for years… Sounds crazy doesn’t it!

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Oct 26, 2023 1:30 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

How do we know that there really was a music festival…it’s all theatre for the masses!

Oct 26, 2023 10:36 PM

I’d like to know how those naughty terrorists managed to kidnap all those people and then also keep them all in some secret location.

Oct 26, 2023 10:04 AM

lots of computer game footage being used….

Oct 26, 2023 9:40 AM

comment image

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 26, 2023 9:39 AM

Let’s get a couple of things straight.

First off – refusing to believe the myth of horizontal war is not the same as not caring about the slaughter. Ok?

Second – Imagine two parents abuse their kids and each blame the other for what goes down. One kid believes their dad and blames their mum. Another kid believes their mum and blames their dad and they end up fighting and hating each other because they each think the other is on the side of the abuser.

A concerned aunt turns up and wants to fix this mess. They say “look kids, stop fighting each other, both your parents are doing this to you – and look they’re cuddling on the couch and laughing while you hit each other with your toys”

The two kids both tell her she’s just opting out and refusing to take a side.

The aunt gives up and goes home and buys a big bottle of vino on the way. At least that’s what I’ve been doing lately watching another wave of people forget everything the bloody scamdemic taught us.

Oct 28, 2023 3:10 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Pinned ?

What a disgrace. This site has a strong Zionist/ Bankster bias.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 28, 2023 10:50 AM

How the fuck is my comment zionist? I’m saying “blame the banksters not the ordinary people“. Don’t you read what I write? Are you a bit cracked? Or maybe the shill is the one missing the point and calling everyone else a shill, I dunno

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 28, 2023 6:08 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Go easy, he’s just a few ants shy of a picnic. [That just may be still an occupational hazard at this early point, for any such “placental mammal.” He’s certain to evolve from that, right. Hopefully.]


Oct 26, 2023 9:01 AM

Piling on the fear…

Seymour Hersh has a book about this.

Shapiro is supposedly alt-right but spun the official line on covid (until it was obviously backfiring when he tried to walk it back) and gives every sign of being a deployed asset.

Oct 26, 2023 4:28 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Shapiro is an awful cunt.
Which would imply by definition he is also a security asset.

Oct 26, 2023 8:54 AM

Yesterday the family of the Al Jazeera reporter at the al-Ahli hospital, who is seen at 00:03:08 in the Grayzone video, were killed.

Wael al-Dahdouh was working when his wife, son and daughter were hit in a refuge centre, having earlier been bombed out of their home.

They were killed shortly after U.S. Sec of State Anthony Blinkin asked the government of Qatar force Al Jazeera to lower the “rhetoric.”

More than 20 journalists have been killed so far.

Oct 26, 2023 9:10 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

May I ask with politeness and humility why do you believe this?

I do not say this to suggest it is false. I am not wanting to make you think it is a lie. I am just asking. You see I notice everywhere that being of sceptical mind is always shortened by story of violent death. When we are told about death we feel it is disrespectful to doubt it. So we accept the story and tell our friends online about the terrible numbers. Yet we would not trust those who tell us about these things if they were telling us anything of another kind.

I find this troubles me as I feel sure the powers that are will be aware of this delicacy we all share and use it against us. So I worry sometimes about these numbers and how they are used as weapons against others who also claim numbers but different ones.

Oct 26, 2023 9:49 AM
Reply to  Grigor

You can search by his name and come to your own conclusion. I focus resolutely on the bombing of Gaza. That is the issue for now.

You do, however, raise a valued question: the tension between stated objectives and likely outcomes.

North Gaza may be razed for redevelopment and the population pushed south. However Hamas won’t be eliminated because, like ISIS, it serves the purposes of the those who manipulate events.

As the title of the headline article says: “the war on terror or whatever” – the Five Eyes/NATO doctrine is predicated on the need for an enemy.

Besides, Hamas leadership is not in Gaza. It’s in Doha,

What most of those who cheer on – as in 1914, believing it’ll be “over by Christmas” – don’t see is the risk of escalation. That’s where we should look for the likely outcome.

Lastly, the nature of 5th Gen war means people may not even recognise they’re in a war. And the target of war is just as much the people at home, as those “over there.”

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Oct 26, 2023 10:15 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

You totally evaded the guy’s question. Why do you accept those numbers as real?

You also brought in a lot of stuff he didn’t say in a blatant try at changing the convo.

It’s all just blah blah bullshit if you can’t even rationally explain your basic belief in your source material.

Oct 26, 2023 1:04 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

One effing shill backing up another. And there are dozens of others in the background corrupting the voting. The numbers may well be incorrect. They could be 10 times higher ? Are you saying the banksters media is honest ? decent ? That there is someone taking up for those being massacred ?

Oct 26, 2023 11:41 PM

God what’s the matter with you? Do you even read the comments you reply to?

All Grigor was doing was asking why the guy believed the numbers of dead being put out. He even specifically says he’s not saying they’re wrong. And he actually makes a good point about how stories about death are much more difficult to be sceptical about because it feels disrespectful.

He doesn’t take a side, he doesn’t say anything anti-Palestinian, so why are you calling him a shill?

Same with me. All I am doing is saying blame the slaughter on the leaders not the ordinary people and try not to hate each other.

Why the hell does that make me a shill?

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Oct 26, 2023 10:17 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

It’s certain had he said ‘the family of an Ha’aretz reporter’ instead of an Al Jazeera reporter you would have upvoted him.

Oct 26, 2023 12:59 PM
Reply to  Grigor


You are shamefully shilling for genocide. The banksters who created Israel and the West have unlimited resources and and have shed oceans of blood over hundreds of years. They have control of the media that has lied to us for as far back as we can remember. The Christian Zionists and that evil creature Nikki Haley have urged the extermination of the Palestinians. The Israeli defence minister has called them animals and ordered water and food and electricity cut off. May I humbly ask who your employers are and your sources of income.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 26, 2023 1:11 PM

If this is really about the West supporting Israel then how come Hamas gets so much airtime on the mainstream? How come major legacy outfits are questioning the legitimacy of the Israeli actions? How come US state dept officials are resigning in protest over US policy on Israel – and we get to see it on the news.

I mean it really looks like they are playing both sides doesn’t it. Like the conflict is what they want, not anyone’s victory.

When we buy the horizontal war we are doing just what they want us to do!

Blame the leaders – all of them globalist puppets I am betting – who set up this war as a piece of theatre to distract and confuse and alienate us from each other.

They don’t kill each other they kill us.

Oct 26, 2023 1:56 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Leading Shill

Hamas is a Mossad creation. The Palestinians have been pshed tpwards extinction for 75 years and this is the final shill. Your defence of genocide is sick.

Oct 26, 2023 1:57 PM

this is the final push.

Oct 26, 2023 11:44 PM

And I’m not bloody shilling for genocide you weirdo. I’m trying to point out who’s really to blame for it. Which apparently is of no interest to you.

Oct 26, 2023 8:18 AM

Steve Hughes already did a gig on this 10 years ago. Why are people still commentating on it?

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 26, 2023 8:47 AM

read the article, he’s talking about now, not then

Oct 26, 2023 7:56 AM

‘They’ have lied about everything for the last 500 years, but this time its real.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 26, 2023 4:44 PM

The Boy who cried wolf. He lied about the wolf every time, until the day when the wolf actually arrived and then no one believed him.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 26, 2023 7:14 AM

We humans can do it. We can break the horrors of this world.

Some very positive happened recently in the fight against Long Covid which can help millions of suffering people all over the world.
Nicotine patches research shows it helps Long Covid suffering people back to life, and that smokers have lesser sick leave than non-smokers in general.

I underscore, even if I recommended to smoke a cigar against the viruses during the Lock Down, I am NOT saying you should start smoking to protect you against viruses.
Only that it helps a lot against all viruses notwithstanding its unpopularity. Like you, viruses simply dont like smokers and think they are disgusting.

Well, Science will speak for itself, here. https://covidinstitute.org/nicotine-patch-protocol/

Oct 26, 2023 7:08 AM

People are in despair.These past three years are too much to endure.
People are being terrorized by governments -physically,mentally,medically.
Its unrelenting.There is no joy.There is no point.13,000 Canadians chose MAID in 2022.
The only purpose,I see, is to help others.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Oct 27, 2023 2:46 PM
Reply to  Hele

The more we follow the way of the world, the more confusion and dispair. The sins of the world is what weighs people down; be in the world but not of the world.

Oct 26, 2023 6:24 AM

Uncle $cam versus Russia, China and Iran


Half a million dead Ukies, 40,000 dead Ruskies.

“They’re all in it together”.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 26, 2023 7:37 AM
Reply to  NickM

Well Putin and Zelensky aren’t dead are they? That’s the point. The guys at the top kill their own people and each other’s people but they don’t get killed.

That’s what “they’re all in it together” means.

Oct 26, 2023 1:10 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Zelnesky has received $200 billion from Creepy Joe to create a new Khazaria.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 27, 2023 7:43 AM

If we say history repeat itself, we will see Prince Igor kick them out again after they start their usury games and child sacrificing up again in Kiev.

Oct 28, 2023 9:09 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

We are seeing it already.

PS the name is Vladimir.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 26, 2023 1:58 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

The days when the King rode onto the battlefield with his army are long gone.

Oct 27, 2023 12:10 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

According to UK PM Camoron who is credited with promising, “We’re all in it together”

Oct 28, 2023 9:06 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Tell that to Milosevic of Serbia, Ghaddafi of Libya, Lumumba of the Congo, Yanukovich of Ukraine, Hussein of Iraq, Palme of Sweden, Kennedy of U$A, and all the other Leaders who have followed a different path than the one dictated by the “Elite” (Chosen).

Oct 26, 2023 3:25 AM

Is it just me or are the blue skies gone?

Oct 26, 2023 2:10 PM
Reply to  Ravensara

bluey grey skies
not many fluffy clouds
plenty of chemi cull skid marks


Oct 26, 2023 4:54 PM
Reply to  Ravensara

Monday morning was a good example here – big BLUE sky at quarter to 7.

By the time i was on the road, twenty to 8, lots of squiggly low and more high, straight trails from planes, on a cracking big blue sky. At least they didn’t paint their rain grids ; )

9a.m. blue sky turns white, 10 a.m. “cloudy” and stayed so since.

People who refuse this fact, need a jab. If you refuse to see the obvious….???

Oct 27, 2023 7:35 PM
Reply to  Ravensara

Yeah, lovely blue sky two days ago til about 12 midday, then I saw the first chemtrailer coming on the main air lane from the east, and within 2 hours they had covered the whole sky and the temperature dropped, Now there’s 2 weeks rain forecast with no real relief.

Oct 26, 2023 3:19 AM

The Hamas-Israeli conflict– just like much elsewhere– is an “arranged event” with collusion between the two “opponents.”
Manlio Dinucci has written an article about it, which is quite unanswerable


jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Oct 26, 2023 5:35 AM
Reply to  Penelope

If the prison break was an “arranged event” was the outrageous, horrific massacre of innocent civilians part of it – for without the outrageous, horrific massacre the security failure would have been the center of everyone’s attention, and it’s certain BiBi would
now be (“bye bye BiBi”) history.

Oct 26, 2023 10:27 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Following on from the map of Israel that was shown just a few weeks before the purported incursion without the West Bank and Gaza included it would seam plans were already afoot. This assessment of events is backed up by this Grey zone article.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 26, 2023 2:02 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

This event has from day one been called “Israel’s 9-11”. Take that as you will.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Oct 26, 2023 10:33 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

So far: two sites have reported that the IDF held a special viewing of a 40+ minute video of gory, butchered Israeli body parts; a video put together from
captured Hamas terrorist vids. The special showing is by invitation only, attended by a fair few journalists. No cameras, recorders, allowed or notes taken. Captured media ? The effect on the attending reporters would “chill” them from any even slightly favourable to Hamas reporting, and chill reporting any atrocious behaviours by the IDF against Palestinians.
The US managed to control the media during it’s war against Iraq by embedding them within its army etc. The IDF has saved on the need to embed reporters.

Oct 26, 2023 2:02 AM

This is the ultimate divisive issue and seems to be splitting the nascent freedom movement down the middle I had a previous comment deleted here on another article not sure why but the main point I was making was that I was surprised that Laura dodsworth was pushing the october declaration – had she learned nothing from the covid years of manipulation? She even wrote a book about freeing your mind! Simon Elmer has written a great take down of the October declaration on his Twitter.

Norman Fenton has written a passionate heart felt attack on the anti semitism within the freedom movement but actually ends up justifying Israeli government atrocities in my mind. However we do need to recognise that there is definitely an anti semitic tendency within the freedom movement but it’s important to emphasise that criticism of Israeli state/government is not the same as anti semitism which is the point Elma makes so eloquently. This particular saga will run for a while but hopefully clarity will emerge- these discussions are important.

I did feel sorry for Fenton he’s done some great work on covid stats and feels now further isolated because of his stance on israel/Palestine however I think he’s been blinded on this particular issue because of his close ties to Israel.

Anyway what should an ordinary bod like me do? I’ve been keeping out of any arguments with my friends about this as the manipulation is mainly directed at ordinary people in the west and this is a classic divide and rule tactic. More than ever we must join together against the greater evil.

Oct 26, 2023 8:16 AM
Reply to  Sofia

youve put your finger on it, the divisiveness and the degree it is evident has been engineered from what “covid” taught them and also as a result of the mindset/behavioural changes that came about from it

we are now witness to their attempt at an endgame, they are scared and so they should be, as a result of that fear they are pushing all the buttons, example: sunaks “unequivocal support” for israel war crimes, a few years back the language would be more moderate, especially living as hie does in a nation that has a huge Muslim population

The concept of “critical mass” seems to be very important to their plan, just as mood and dispostion affect the human bodies resistance or otherwise to toxicity/ “dis-ease” in all forms so too it seems our spiritual demanour, hope, faith or lack of, despair etc seems to be linked with the likelihood or otherwise of drawing down what they wish to draw down

And what is that? evil, pure, raw, unfettered, intent on nothing less than making the Realm we share a “living hell”

The majortiy when faced with such will happily walk through the gates of the simalcrum, “earth 3.0”, “beam me up Scotty” as the phrase went, by this i mean the place they have made, a “soul harvest”, understanding why we are here by consent in this 2.0 version helps alot

Those of us that know such can never be an option as 3.0 are perhaps destined to roam what remains of this Realm consistently fighting off the re-animated souless corpses of the departed, animated by the entities that wish to use this Realm as a “demonic disneyworld avatar play pen”

Or maybe i just watched too many “walking dead” ;0)

Far out concepts for far out times

Oct 26, 2023 12:18 PM
Reply to  Duckman

indeed these are far out times, it feels like everything is coming to a head – end times! It’s important to not be divided, to show kindness to those we disagree with who previously would have been on our side but point out all these divisive tactics, we must all come together, that’s why I find the October Declaration objectionable – it just adds more fuel to the fire and does precisely what the powers that should not be want!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 26, 2023 2:09 PM
Reply to  Duckman

“we are now witness to their attempt at an endgame, they are scared and so they should be, as a result of that fear they are pushing all the buttons…”

Scared? I don’t believe they’re scared at all; rather, they’re acting with confident disdain. They do they most outrageous things, and make barely a pretense of hiding what they’re doing. They lie, steal and murder with near impunity.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 26, 2023 10:11 PM
Reply to  Duckman

I find your description to be very precise. Just so you know you are not the only one who independently came to your conclusion.

Oct 27, 2023 7:42 PM
Reply to  Duckman

‘Critical Mass’ creates a psychic pool of energy which can be used, absorbed, manipulated by suitably qualified or I shudder to say ‘talented’ ummm people??
Thus they attempt to create such reservoirs for nefarious purposes such as this.

Oct 26, 2023 1:52 AM

“The War on Horror” CJ is an American – a bit younger than me…but there was no horror..when we were growing up in the USA or England… We didn’t get conscripted into some army or airforce or navy..all that shit had been done before we were born… The vast majority of us didn’t have any jabs too…and everyone got a job – as an apprentice to learn a skill -like being a plumber..or go to college, maybe university and if in luck become a computer operator in a rapid growing industry… No one gave a shit about war. It soon became unheard of – except for some weird freaks who eentually started writing copies of space invaders for a laugh….it was a game.. None of us actually wanted to kill anyone. The vast majority of us, blokes, simply wanted to use any technique we could think of, to find a nice girlfriend, that we could take home to meet our mums, and take into work for The Christmas Party.. and watch them looking eg – f’ck me – Tony does have a Girlfriend – “Jesus” OK so we split up…and moved to London – whatever – Manchester wtf We are Grandparents now, and The Bombs haven’t yet started landing in London yet, where my wife has just travelled from North London to South London to see some band after midnight alone…and just finds this totally amazing piece of art – a working toy – handmade of wood..totally appropriate for our one year old Grand Daughter. We didn’t do War then, and we don’t do War now… Who are These Evil Bastards in Control? They do not represent our culture. Us people who live in England grew up on The Beatles – Not Deep Purple You Americans would’ even give Jimi… Read more »

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Oct 25, 2023 11:50 PM

If the 10/7 prison break really was due to the failure of the best total surveillance apparatus currently in the world, then take heart , and lessen your fears of the Big Brother surveillance state being implemented globally – though it’s recommended you start practicing some prison break skills.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 26, 2023 2:11 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

“If the 10/7 prison break really was due to the failure of the best total surveillance apparatus currently in the world…”

The idea is ludicrous on the surface.

Ron Marr
Ron Marr
Oct 25, 2023 11:38 PM

The lies go back to sumer and the two-headed eagle. We must go on feeling dirty until they kill us. Do not participate in their fake reality of murder and lies. They are cowards, stand within yourself. Together we form the human spirit the most powerful force on earth.

Canadian Bacon
Canadian Bacon
Oct 25, 2023 10:56 PM

Thank you for this article

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Oct 25, 2023 9:16 PM

Why are some atrocities believable and others not? Why is it ok to say Ukraine or Israel fakes these events but not Palestine or Russia? Or reverse the question if you like, makes no difference.

What if none of it is fake

or all of it is fake?

How would you know? Have you even bothered to check it out?

Maybe you’re being wagged like the proverbial dog and you’re too scared to find out.

Canadian Bacon
Canadian Bacon
Oct 25, 2023 10:24 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

I can imagine us being fed “real life” soap operas thru social media being palmed off as body cam footage and phone footage. We get these little thrills all the time from thinking we’re getting it raw and real online. You know – cop body cam of some murder scene, Hamas body cam of killing people, phone footage of domestic fights or street fights or car crashes or heartwarming moments and other stuff.

I have wondered if maybe it’s the newest type of mass entertainment and if they have units producing this stuff for us. Everything from fake killing to fake heartwarming videos of funny pets or loving couples.

Like, what if the vast majority of everything we consume as reality is actually just entertainment manufactured to keep us dumb or smiling or angry, all the time thinking we are engaged with reality when we’re just being fed streams of fiction.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 26, 2023 7:05 PM
Reply to  Canadian Bacon

What if there are beings at the top of the pyramid that revel in death, blood, chaos, suffering? That feed on such things? What if they create these events for their own entertainment?

Oct 28, 2023 9:22 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

“What if there are beings at the top of the pyramid that revel in death, blood, chaos, suffering?”

Some examples, in their own words:

“I never heard of a war that my sons did not like” — Big Mama Sophie Rothschild.

“The best time to make money is when blood is running in the streets” — John D Rockefeller

“I regret that I enjoy war” — Winston Churchill.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 31, 2023 5:41 PM
Reply to  NickM

I do believe the revelry is “an acquired taste,” as Churchill said of his adult fondness for cigars and whisky.

And it’s not only acquired, it’s contagious for many who make it more and more often. A true disease. THE disease.

But it spreads as soon as people begin to “resist” evil, those taunts to take our peace.

Especially when others make the blood-letting phase for them, or their sons (Cahill, in his “How the Irish Saved Civilization” makes a strong case that Rome fell from an acquired taste of letting the conquered tribes do more and more of the actual fighting; sound familiar?)

But I don’t “believe” violent deadly war is innate.

God never made a bad person. So it appears that is the starting line for all the best social efforts thereafter?

Or, put otherwise, peace is the truer nature. Supernatural?

(Aw, heck, pardon my flagrant musings. At least on the key topic, of all of them?)

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 25, 2023 10:42 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

What I have seen from the Israeli side is pathetic. Folk “diving for cover” while somebody holds the camera at a funny angle and the clearly perfectly composed reporter tries to adopt a cracked voice whilst blabbing about decapitated babies which are way off to one side somewhere.

Canadian Bacon
Canadian Bacon
Oct 25, 2023 10:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Sure, but is it one-sided? how about the presser held after the supposed hospital bombing with the doctors talking from a podium surrounded by bodies. What the heck is that? Did they put the bodies round the podium or bring the podium and put it among the bodies? Either way is it something anyone would really do? Or should do with deceased people? Using them as set-dressing? What about respect, or just hygiene? Whst I mean is I think it’s not just one way

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 26, 2023 7:04 AM
Reply to  Canadian Bacon

You reckon Israelis have actually been killed?

Oct 26, 2023 7:17 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Both sides are being accused of fakery.


This tweet shows a guy writhing in a gurney and says –

Hamas Crisis Actor pretends to be a victim of an Israeli air strike- appearing in a hospital bed while pretending to be in a critical condition as two supporting actors hold his hand. 

In reality, the man is a Hamas musician and actor who has been appearing in various videos for the terror group. 

One video he is seen celebrating in the streets as Hamas fire rockets towards Israel. 

In another video he can be seen ‘crying’ after claiming his apartment was hit by an airstrike. 

And in another video he is seen singing while brandishing a gun while praising Hamas.

Is that true? I don’t have a clue. That guy looks pretty fake. Most of the Israeli vids look pretty fake too. I’m not there. I have no idea what is going on if anything. I am presented with a bunch of images is all. Any choices I make about what to believe are going to be as much about my pre-existing beliefs as anything.

Most of my Jewish and conservative friends believe the Israeli videos are real and Hamas are faking everything. Most of my Left friends believe the Hamas videos are real and Israel is faking everything.

Oct 26, 2023 8:04 AM
Reply to  NeveR

Hamas and Israel are on the same side, against the populations of both sides.

Oct 28, 2023 9:32 AM
Reply to  NeveR

Obective evidence — doppler analysis of rocket whine, and blast analysis of the crater — all confirm that the missile came from NorthEast of the hospital ie from Israel. Also, audio analysis of the Israeli tape confirms that it was spliced together from two different wireless channels (rather than from a normal two-way phone conversation) and “has been so heavily edited as to by completely unsuitable as evidence”.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 28, 2023 10:40 AM
Reply to  NickM

Presumably you can hear a lot of this taking place, living in Israel, as you do?

Oct 29, 2023 10:58 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Your question presumes too much.

Does OffG hear a lot of Truth living in the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist West as you do?

No, you don’t. That’s why Truther sites like OffG are springing up.

“On a steep hill, high and cragged
Sits Truth, and he would approach her
About it and about must go” — John Donne.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 29, 2023 12:17 PM
Reply to  NickM

You previously publicly stated you live in Israel and that you’re married to a Jewish family. Although you certainly aren’t talking from that perspective anymore.

Oct 26, 2023 9:15 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I think you have missed his purpose

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 26, 2023 2:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Were Americans killed on 9-11?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 26, 2023 10:27 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

All of the 3500 killed were Americans.
They were killed by Osama and his 40 Ali Baba thieves with bone knives, because the 1,4 billion Moslems envy our dollares and that we invented the intelligent usury loans.
They cant take that we are more smarter and more intelligent than they are.

Oct 28, 2023 9:33 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Irony alert!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 28, 2023 8:18 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Nah, Obama’s mama killed Osama in Omaha (Nebraska). All the other stories are pure confabulations, like all the other stories are. Not always easy to tell though, at this far remove.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Oct 26, 2023 10:09 AM
Reply to  Canadian Bacon

I saw that press conference! It was unreal! Guys in scrubs standing on a podium surrounded by victims of the Gaza hospital bombing!

My son said to me at the time what you said – did they set up the podium and run all the light and audio cables among the dead bodies, or did they bring the dead bodies and stack them round the podium for effect?

Other thought – daytime temps in Gaza at the time were in the high thirties CELSIUS. Any real dead body left like that would be a health hazard within hours.

Leaving aside the lack of respect being shown to the dead, are we supposed to buy that anyone would conduct a press conference under such circs? Surrounded by quickly decomposing bodies, leaking fluids, starting to smell and attracting flies?

Oct 26, 2023 1:23 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Shilling for mass murder. How does it feel ?

Oct 26, 2023 9:36 PM

I don’t understand. How is questioning the narrative or pointing out actual problems with it shilling for anyone.

Oct 28, 2023 9:38 AM
Reply to  NeveR

Because your questions are directed at one side only.

You do not consider that the Yahoo regime have form when it comes to bombing civilian target: they call it “mowing the lawn”.

Oct 28, 2023 9:35 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Nevertheless, that missile came from Israel — and Israel has form on bombing civilian targets.

Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Oct 25, 2023 11:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Don’t know why this had never occurred to me before someone pointed it out: the famous Zapruder film of Dealy Plaza: Mr. Zapruder, we are told, was just on his lunch break that fateful day, and decided to take his 8mm camera w him to film JFK in town. If you were filming the president and saw the top of his head blown off — wouldn’t the camera jerk a little?

Sonny-Raye Hayes
Sonny-Raye Hayes
Oct 26, 2023 5:43 AM
Reply to  Nick Baam

You saying maybe Zap was CIA filming to provide corroboration of their false flag story. If so, it backfired. Some people are flinchers, some aren’t…. it all happened pretty fast.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 26, 2023 7:28 AM
Reply to  Nick Baam

The whole Zapruder narrative has had 60 years of total immersion in the proverbial bull manure. You will read so many contradictory details the more you dig. I read on one thread that he was a high ranking Freemason. Correct me if I’m wrong.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 28, 2023 8:37 PM
Reply to  Nick Baam

I read on a list that Zap Ruder was a 33° Freemason (before 11.22.63?!). That is troublesome. Unanswered quizzes about that guy and his shtick intrigue just as much as some of the more obvious ones, never asked, during the Warren Commish ~ OR EVER AFTER ~ “officially” about gun or rifle “silencers” ? That lapse struck me years ago, yet EVEN MOST ALL THE “ALT” SITES NEVER EVEN PUT THE QUESTION!

That speaks, or backfires, volumes.

We have heard 60 years (less 27 days) endless verbiage about shots that were recorded and their precise number (few), without anyone bothering to note what Mae Brussell has pointed out to us, one of few, that there were already in 63 silencers available that couldn’t be heard in the next room?! Yet nada noted in the WCR?

Sleepwalkers of America Anonymous.

Correct me if I’m wrong.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 28, 2023 8:41 PM
Reply to  Nick Baam

Unless you’d been coached and rehearsed. Keep a steady hand for “History”.

Oct 25, 2023 11:54 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

It’s always good to be skeptical about everything. Here is perhaps the closest thing to a “real” explanation of what’s happened so far in the Hamas-Israel conflict.

“The Hamas Attack”: What Really Happened on October 7? – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 26, 2023 7:39 AM
Reply to  Howard

Why do you think these blokes have a better bead on it than the rest of us?

Oct 26, 2023 5:17 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Perhaps their either being there or else taking evidence from people who are or were there gives greater credibility to their take on it.

The problem, of course, is not so much the “facts” presented but the re-telling of those “facts.” That’s the infamous “subjective” part of the equation, which renders everything anyone writes suspect.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 26, 2023 7:13 PM
Reply to  Howard

“When the legend becomes fact, print the legend”.

Oct 29, 2023 11:20 AM
Reply to  Howard

From your Link to Ha’Aretz, a daily broadsheet with serious cache’e, something like the old Manchester Guardian:

Instead of the wholescale massacre of civilians claimed by Israel, incomplete figures published by the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz show that almost half the Israelis killed that day were in fact combatants – soldiers or police.

In the interim, two weeks of blanket western media reporting that Hamas allegedly killed around 1,400 Israeli civilians during its 7 October military attack has served to inflame emotions and create the climate for Israel’s unconstrained destruction of the Gaza Strip and its civilian population.

[Click below to Access Haaretz article]

comment image

Sonny-Raye Hayes
Sonny-Raye Hayes
Oct 26, 2023 5:37 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Maybe; but, “once burned, twice warned” …….

Oct 26, 2023 9:14 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

I have made a similar question – but I think you express it better. I am deeply concerned that numbers of dead are a way to put block in road of our sceptic thinking. I am concerned that these numbers are used like weapons by the sides in the conflict, each believing his own numbers and putting aside the numbers of the opponent.

Oct 26, 2023 1:21 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen


Palestine and the bankster West have comparable propaganda mills ? With comparable budgets ? I suppose you believe that 19 boxcutter brandishing cave dwellers did 9/11 ?
In your view the 9/11 truth movement is just pushing another fake narrative. Why believe them and not the bankster media ?

Oct 26, 2023 11:05 PM

Oh please.
The so-called 9/11 (half) truth movement was very likely in place as a catchment area for any skeptics and doubters before 9/11 even happened.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 25, 2023 9:09 PM

I always side with the side where I can get more to myself and my personal Hollywood movie.

Oct 25, 2023 9:28 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

My sense of humour has run dry of late,
and i was never one for sarcasm.
But , i hear you : )

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 25, 2023 9:03 PM

As we lesser creatures struggle with our immature and superstition prone minds it is most edifying to see such beacons of light above us flaring out from that remote tower of Enlightenment: https://www.thejc.com/news/news/over-13-000-people-sign-declaration-of-solidarity-with-british-jews-3y51NXEyKa6a7acqqQweXO “Over 13,000 people sign declaration of solidarity with British Jews The open letter calls for politicians and the media to condemn Hamas as a terror group Over 13,000 people including playwright Sir Tom Stoppard, former Prime Minister Liz Truss, and Richard Dawkins have signed an open letter condemning antisemitism and expressing support for British Jews. The letter, entitled the October Declaration, calls on the media and “everyone in public life” to call out Hamas as terrorists and avoid any moral equivalence between Israel and the Islamist group.” Pardon my reactionary regressive tendencies but I no longer believe in coincidences. “October Declaration” has a familiar ring, does it not? Why yes – that glorious “October” of Russia 1917! And our celeb crusaders are revolutionaries! Rebels! Fearlessly independent minds! Note also Dickie Dawkins in there! Now once again pardon me – this time for grubby cynicism – but I really don’t believe that our Selfish Gene man is all that “up” on Middle Eastern politics. Nah, what happened there is that someone waffed the old Muslim fanatic/ religious fundamentalist epic at him and he gratefully fell into yet another chance to prove his supremely smug and incisive atheist credentials. Rachel Riley has always been a Zionist goon – and interestingly also loves to boast about her atheism! See? Secular saints for liberal vacuity! Well I ain’t ploughing through 13,000 jerk-off supercilious droolers but I wonder if there is a transatlantic connection with a movement exemplified by this cretin: https://twitter.com/WalshFreedom/status/1716260115412591051 “Anyone calling for a “ceasefire” right now is not a friend of Israel’s, is not looking out for the Palestinian people,… Read more »

Oct 26, 2023 12:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That’s not Joe Walsh of the Eagles.

Oct 25, 2023 7:29 PM

The media coverage of this new “crisis” is uniformly bipolar, and very deliberately so. Normally, the media tells us our new opinion and censors everything else, but this time, from day one, every front page is precisely the same mix of stories: one set tells us that we all seem to support the Palestinians; and another– usually written by older women, for some reason– tells us about the sudden and appalling resurgence of antisemitism. I see none of this when I look out the window. As with COVID, it only exists in the media reports. I suspect that the primary purpose of the whole narrative is the building of a paper trail about Resurgent Anti-Semitism. We’ll just have to wait to see what pre-written agenda required this as a backdrop.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 25, 2023 8:20 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

I think they feed both sides to keep the fire going. They want us locked in hatred of each other because the “pandemic” began to wake us up to who our real enemies are – our bloody leaders who are all in the same big club!

Oct 25, 2023 9:03 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Yes, there’s still a desperate need for more division. There are still some cells on the identity/ideology map that contain more than one person. This is unsustainable! The cellular carrying capacity, for efficient governance, is one. Better: zero. But this particular splitting plane isn’t cutting across a very diverse range of identities and ideologies; it’s merely pointing, very suddenly and very emphatically, at one of the usual boogie-men.

There’s a new purpose here. What’s the point in suddenly screaming at somebody that they’re an anti-semite when you’ve been whispering that to them for seventy years already? If it’s true, they believed you the first time. And if it wasn’t true… well, it honestly looks like you’re trying to convert them.

Oct 25, 2023 9:38 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

And I do think this is the explicit purpose of the style of coverage “Western anti-semitism” is getting right now in the mainstream news: to create the condition in order to justify the remedy. It wasn’t possible to magick COVID into existence. They wanted to do it, they tried to do it, it didn’t happen. But this new disease is a psychological condition whose symptoms have always been in the eyes of the beholder. We have been taught to take that on faith: that prejudice cannot be felt except by the member of the disadvantaged group. They alone have eyes to see it, so believe them when they accuse you. Own it. Act on it. Act like it. And then take the punishment like a man.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 28, 2023 5:00 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

The hatred is real; they simply exploit it.

Oct 26, 2023 11:42 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

Yes, and there is also an anti-Islam ring to the whole thing too. I live in a multicultural city neighbourhood in Europe and the (extra)ordinary folks seem to be carrying on as normal and doing the important things like working and looking after their kids.
Let the fucked up corporations and their media whores sort it out. haha. Stay calm and continue being respectful and kind to the people around you….neighbours,strangers,whatever. What else can you do?
I’m not buying into anyones shitty hate propaganda. Ending up bitter and twisted is not good for your health.

I don’t recall who it was from, but couple of weeks ago,a very wise comment on this site:
‘Don’t watch any MSM, it’s not good for you’

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Oct 25, 2023 7:24 PM

I don’t know if this article should be on here, because, on here, you’re supposed to argue that everything is always equal or else.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Oct 25, 2023 8:43 PM
Reply to  Joe Smith

I expect Off-G to post some porn every couple of days but it disappoints me. I hang on waiting, waiting, waiting. I’m thinking of writing a protest Letter to the Editor, “We need some Sex Porn in with the current War Porn ! Sex it up a bit !!” Just to make it equal or else.
But then they’ll probably reply “No Sex, Please ! We’re British !”

Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
Oct 25, 2023 9:01 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

you ok mate?

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 26, 2023 12:48 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

It’s in the news everyday.

Jonathan K X
Jonathan K X
Oct 25, 2023 7:16 PM

The antidote for avoiding being accused of antisemitism when you discuss Palestinian genocide is simple. We should make celebrities out of all the anti-zionist rabbis who aren’t afraid to speak up. How can you be accused of antisemitism when you let a rabbi do your talking for you?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 25, 2023 9:45 PM
Reply to  Jonathan K X

Strange though, they DO get accused of anti-semitism.

Another quirky thing about this slur is that the Palestinians are semites (dark-skinned, brown-eyes, black curly haired), too, whereas many of the Jewish citizens in Israel are not.

Oct 25, 2023 7:08 PM

This latest iteration of Israeli genocide encapsulates the “heart of darkness” of Western colonialism.

It’s The Trail of Tears 2.0 spread out over 80 years so people don’t notice that it’s just a genocidal land grab.

Any criticism of the ongoing mass slaughter that posits two equally wrong sides is moral criticism which develops into insipid idealism, thus overlooking the elementary difference
between oppressors and oppressed. There is no “both sides”- that is a propaganda technique invented to turn the topic of colonialism and enslavement into a moralistic discussion whitewashing the reality of unremitting century long displacement and mass murder.

Is a slave rebellion a case of “both sides?”

This is about energy interests and water, same as it always was, and a land grab.

dark side
dark side
Oct 25, 2023 9:11 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Hear hear!

Canadian Bacon
Canadian Bacon
Oct 25, 2023 11:01 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

I think it’s about globalism

Oct 26, 2023 8:53 PM
Reply to  Canadian Bacon

Yes it is and resource grabs are always about globalism. Globo cap isn’t about to forego all the resources in any region.

Oct 25, 2023 6:20 PM

Here we all are fighting the great fight, against tyrrany, and authoritarian regimes, against ai and global dictatorship.

Off Guardian now has its own ‘blue tick’…..

Oct 25, 2023 6:15 PM

I doubted the government propaganda on Covid and Russia/Ukraine from day 1 and still do but the origin of the Gaza hospital bombing is still in doubt.
To me, the problem with the hospital bomb story is that it has shoved the events of October 7th down a very deep memory hole. Much of the press is shouting, “Moral Equivalence, even-Steven! Israel, take your bombs and guns and go home!”

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 25, 2023 8:35 PM
Reply to  Weirdpeter

I don’t see why people pick and choose which media stories to believe. They usually base their choice on nothing but their own prejudice anyhow. And the PTB bank on that response and create propaganda tailored to our different political opinions and prejudices and designed to force us into polarized camps. They want us so busy hating on the Moslems/Jews/Russians/Americans blah blah blah we forget what they’re up to and the shit sandwich they’re feeding us

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Oct 27, 2023 12:03 AM
Reply to  Weirdpeter

What were the events of 10/7, weirdo ? More truth from the banksters media ?

Oct 27, 2023 11:18 AM

I’m surprised by your question. Were you sleeping for the week after 10/7 or are you denying those murders and rapes of Jews didn’t happen?

Oct 29, 2023 3:19 AM
Reply to  Weirdpeter


Big Al
Big Al
Oct 25, 2023 5:25 PM

Just to say, the War ON Terror never stopped CJ. If you think it did, then you haven’t been paying attention, or you simply don’t understand what it is.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 26, 2023 2:31 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Just to say, the War ON Terror never stopped CJ. If you think it did, then you haven’t been paying attention, or you simply don’t understand what it is. AMERICAN vice-president Dick Cheney yesterday warned that the country’s war on terrorism might not be over “in our lifetime”. Mr Bush’s deputy made the strongest warning yet that the campaign to stamp out terrorism could be a marathon one in an interview with the Washington Post in which he said, “You can’t predict a straight line to victory.” And the vice-president, regarded as Mr Bush’s most trusted confidant, told Americans their way of life would have to adapt to the threat of more attacks. “It is different than the Gulf War was, in the sense that it may never end. At least, not in our lifetime, ” Mr Cheney told the newspaper. “I think it’s fair to say you can’t predict a straight line to victory. You know, there’ll be good days and bad days along the way.” Mr Cheney, who has returned to the White House after being spirited away to a “secure location” as the FBI issued a warning on October 10 of a “credible threat” of a new attack, said terrorism was now “normal”. “The way I think of it is, it’s a new normalcy, ” he said. “We’re going to have to take steps, and are taking steps, that’ll become a permanent part of the way we live. “In terms of security, in terms of the way we deal with travel and airlines, all of those measures that we end up having to adopt in order to sort of harden the target, make it tougher for the terrorists to get at us.” But he warned the country would find it difficult to cope with warnings which were… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 30, 2023 1:32 PM
Reply to  Big Al

He uses it as a device, for satiric effects. Clearly.

Oct 25, 2023 5:04 PM

The big problem here for the elites is that after covid and, in the UK Brexit, not that many people believe their governments even on routine domestic matters, so why would they believe outlandish lies they spin about Israel – whose government already had a suspect reputation? The desperation of the media is palpable.

Oct 25, 2023 8:41 PM
Reply to  Thom

True. I am skeptical even when they say the sky is blue. And Joe Biden going over there trying to brainwash people? Everyone with a functioning brain knows he’s a pathological liar by now.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 25, 2023 8:48 PM
Reply to  niko

But that doesn’t just apply to the side you don’t like. Killing Israelis isn’t ok either.

The thing is the PTB create tribalist traps that make people start being quantitative about killing. They equate ordinary people with their governments and start rationalizing that if Govt A does something bad and kills citizens of Country B then it’s ok for Govt B to kill citizens of Country A as “retaliation”.

They don’t notice that no one in Govt A or Govt B are getting killed, and in fact they’re making money out of the “war” and are pretty good friends who send their kids to the same schools.

People don’t realize that by equating the citizens of a country with its government and rationalize certain kinds of killing they are helping to perpetuate the war, kill more people and make Govts A and B richer and more powerful.

Oct 26, 2023 9:07 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

The Universal Soldier

Oct 26, 2023 11:54 AM
Reply to  annpower

Oct 26, 2023 3:56 PM
Reply to  annpower

I don’t know WTF the video is that appears in my post (above). I posted the link below, Donovan singing Universal Soldier. I’ve double checked the post reference of the above and it is nothing like the one below. ????

Oct 26, 2023 10:16 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Some random and incomplete thoughts in response. Who’s killing, or killed, Israelis? Hamas, the creation of Mossad and the Zionist state? The evidence points to classic false flag strategy to set up a chosen enemy as aggressor in order to cast the planned aggression against the enemy as defensive in nature, a just war – in this case slaughter by state aggression, and terror, that’s been a constant since the Nakba.   War’s certainly the health of the state running its rackets for ruling classes to enrich themselves off the ‘ultimate sacrifice’ of exploited labor in the trenches of two-dimensional geopolitics while their generals like General Electric and General Dynamics are laughing all the way to the bank as they play 3-D chess. But like gangland wars of organized crime on lesser scales, as with Al Capone in Smedley Butler’s well-worn words, there’s intraclass winners and losers among the bosses brokering continental real estate and resources over dead bodies of working class soldiers and civilians.   In short, elites and the nation-states by which they conduct bizzness as usual are not equal. The U$ hegemon, post-WW2, has usually been the one calling the shots, so to speak, when it comes to the development of global capitalism. Like it or not, our fortunes, or rather fatalities, are implicated in the uneven powers that be and consequences of conquest and colonization. I don’t think there can be a real, radical antiwar movement until class war underlying now this and then that war, from Ukraine to Israel/Palestine and beyond, is taken on by international solidarity and resistance of revolutionary working class movements to reconstitute societies on egalitarian foundations to prevent the inevitable imperialism of ruling classes and their institutionalized violence. In that respect, I belong to “the irregular army of the people” (Eugene Debs).  However, that history cannot be made out… Read more »

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 26, 2023 1:36 PM
Reply to  niko

Sorry but you’re still locked into thinking about this horizontally. Like you see different countries as being units of government plus people and you see these units as being in conflict – a horizontal war.

What I and other people who woke up after the scamdemic are saying is this model is basically wrong. The true model is all the governments, billionaires and whatnot in the whole world versus the rest of us. And they use wars like they use everything to manipulate our minds and push their own agenda on us.

They’re killing people right now because they need lots of distraction from what they have up their sleeve for us. And they want us to think the world leaders are divided, hating each other, competing with each other, so we forget the pandemic and how they were all exposed like the guys sitting round the table in Animal Farm where you can’t tell the pigs from the people and it turns out they’re all in it together. We all looked thru the window and saw them being best pals and forgetting all their supposed big differences. They want us to forget it and fast.

Wars are a great way to do that if you don’t mind killing lots of little people just so you can get what you want.

Oct 27, 2023 5:21 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Sounds like you’re stuck on horizontal thinking as an abstract application of divide and rule which erases historical conditions of conflict between people in favor of false equivalence among any implicated. Racism and sexism, for example, create divisions among people for purposes of class rule, but they’re effective because they create very real oppression which must be dealt with if resistance to class rule is to include those affected. Simply dismissing these realities as illusion will further alienate those affected and play right into the hands of elites. And the proverbial 99% of what is after all a slogan comprises factions, like managerial classes over divisions of labor, which collaborate with class rule by reason of interests hardly dispelled by the mere idea of the 1% lording over us as if we’re all in the same condition. As for current wars, they’re both weapons of mass distraction and destruction enabling reset for a new world disorder, facilitating moves on the grand chessboard of geopolitics like depopulation beyond immediate theaters of conflict with breakdown of global supply chains perpetuating economic effects of lockdown, deployment of next generation technology, censorship and repression, build back better schemes, and more. Nor should recourse to tactics like nukes be overlooked as strategy for the world war against humanity since the scamdemic. And no, I don’t see nation-states in the monolithic terms you imagine. To conclude with another quote from Zinn, again: “Nations are not communities and never have been. The history of any country, presented as the history of a family, conceals the fierce conflicts of interest (sometimes exploding, often repressed) between conquerors and conquered, masters and slaves, capitalists and workers, dominators and dominated in race and sex. And in such as world of conflict, a world of victims and executioners, it is the job… Read more »

Oct 25, 2023 4:25 PM

OF COURSE the Palestinians blew up their own hospital! …You know: the same way Putin blew up his own pipeline.

Yeah. Like that.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 25, 2023 6:19 PM
Reply to  RKae

When creating a new explosive device, you are just as likely to blow up yourself as you are the opponent.

Oct 25, 2023 11:31 PM

That’s why you always test your new explosive devices at the hospital. 😋

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 26, 2023 12:44 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

That’s where I test my farts,…. DOCTOR?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 26, 2023 2:33 PM

Anyone who’s ever watched the Roadrunner and Wile E Coyote should know that.

Oct 25, 2023 3:14 PM

The winner is the War Party Inc., a massive bipartisan scam. The White House’s $106 billion supplemental request to Congress for “assistance” especially to Ukraine and Israel is manna from Heaven to the weaponizing tentacles of the military-industrial-congressional-intelligence-media-academia-think tank complex.

Oct 25, 2023 2:45 PM

All this pales in comparison to the treatment the Serbs got in the 90s from all sides. All media and all sides agreed,Russia and USA,Jews and muslims,that Serbs should be destroyed and no lie was too big.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 25, 2023 2:02 PM

I have one rule where America and the Israeli trash are concerned – I do not believe one word they say. Haven’t done since Nam

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 25, 2023 8:53 PM

Do you mean US and Israel governments or all Americans and Israelis? Do you think the governments tell fewer lies and care about their people? I mean they all lie about covid and 9/11 and climate change – and that’s just the stuff we can prove.

I guess my point is, is there any sense in assigning black or white hats to different governments when none of them seem to give two hoots and they’re all pals with each other on the quiet

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 2, 2023 9:05 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Some governments lie less than others (traditionally, I mean). France, as just an example, shares some of its lies, but there seems to be less “generational” proneness.

USA Inc. on the other hand has a resumé as “corporate” and/or institutional oath-breakers extraordinaire that goes back to its inception. It is fairly shocking.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 25, 2023 9:15 PM

Since Sitting Bull. My father’s father and his grandpa’s fathers father and his father told me everything there was to know about this stuff.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 2, 2023 9:00 PM

Are they the only “zero credit” nations?