Historical Hysterical
Sylvia Shawcross

Anyways…. I was thinking about history again. I’m thinking maybe “they” are right. The ones who live in a perpetual future and only spend their present tearing down, deleting, rewriting and burning the past for the creation of a golden tomorrow. I mean, what the hell good was and is history anyway if for some reason, not having learned a darn thing, we seem to be repeating or are about to repeat every single bad thing that history has experienced? And all at once?
War, Famine, Pestilence, Climate Change and Economic downturns aren’t enough however. On top of that we have the bonus of ever-evolving technological horrors enrapturing the mooing herds to the point of lunacy, redundancy, and triviality and then developing psychopathically to the point that it will replace us all anyway. You have to wonder why they that create such things bother entertaining us if we’re going extinct really.
What good was all that living of all those generations anyway? The stories, the struggles, the lessons… They who passed down so many things so that we could end up in… well… Dystopia. It is a cruel thing. A disgrace. But what is disgrace nowadays anyway? That’s another old-fashioned idea that was most certainly decidedly gone when they invented twerking.
It seems like the only thing history seems to have given us is psychological and behavioural atavism where we fight ancient wars over and over and worship pagans cavorting outside the original Garden. Some are even resorting to physical atavism and inserting horns in their head and tails on their bums and fangs and body parts where body parts never were.
I don’t know if history actually did that to us but it probably gave them all the ideas, don’t you think?
Well, if it is nothing else, it is entertaining in a dark and dreadful and grimaced-smile kind of way. That kind of smile that hisses and make your teeth crack so you have to go to the dentist where they can do 3-D images of your zygomatic zone now and you think, sitting there hopelessly if not helplessly drooling and looking at a screen of your skull, well maybe it isn’t all so bad—this technology.
But it is. In most cases anyway. But then, how would you know that, forgetting as we are what life was like before this. It was better. We had bell-bottoms and telephone booths and tiddlywinks. But never mind all that. The point is history is for the individual. Really it is. Because it is only history that teaches us how to be brave when we would rather make pancakes and play pretend.
It is only history that teaches us how to be feisty when the bad guys are winning and we’d rather believe they are nice so nobody’s feelings get hurt. It is only history that teaches us how to negotiate needs when we’d rather do that mayhem, murder, or torment the enemy thing.
It is only history that teaches us as individuals how joining our fellow humans en masse can change the world.
It is above all only history that teaches us consequences. And it is consequences we are now facing. And they are on “this side” of the golden tomorrow. We have to live them first. Those of us who make it. And as much as the great waves of history can wash us all to sea or strand us on foreign shores or raise us above the fray, it is the individual that lives it. In detail.
As we do. But we mooing herds need not despair because without history happily we can ignore all those consequences we, having erased history, no longer know are coming. There is only the golden tomorrow. Which reminds me of something I actually did sit down to write but of course I digressed onto another train track on another planet there for a minute.
This is what I want to know because I’m pathetic enough to realize that writers sometimes can only ask questions instead of providing answers and this question is a why… or maybe a what if. What if instead of scaring us to death over everything they actually told us what was wrong and showed us both sides of everything and then explained how “we” were going to all do this because it was a good thing and heaven forbid asked us what we wanted? Given the circumstances.
I mean if they had actually done this instead of, for example, scaring the crap out of us about carbon emissions and then starting wars and blowing up pipelines and refineries and delivery systems and banks, they could have explained what the choices were.
Instead of creating horrific divisions in everything and at every level? Do they not think that most people given dire circumstances occurring would then in a spirit of “rah rah rah, we can do it” would comply to their craziness without question because we trusted our leadership? And would follow? And we’d do that because we’d get progress reports and rah rah speeches. Instead of obfuscation and silence and fathomless mutterings on podiums.
But no, generalized terror, contrived divisions and punitive measures prevail in western style democracies. Relentlessly. So my question would be, why did they decide to tell us rather than ask us? We the mooing herds whom they expect to send tax-money to their causes, fight in their wars, eat their crickets, deliver their pizzas, clean their houses, repair and make their things and drive 20 miles an hour? Why in fact did they create all this divisiveness so that we end up “us” and “them?” Why I ask you? Why?
One can only suppose it is because we would have to decide something they wouldn’t particularly want for themselves or to which we would never agree to. I don’t know… maybe depopulation or slave-labour or something equally awful.
I just want to watch reruns of M.A.S.H. At this point, nothing matters. Until the next time a rant is required.
I understand I can’t use clips from YouTube anymore. I hate censorship. So as an earworm I leave you the option of making up your own. Which one do you choose?
“It is no achievement to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
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The ‘herd’ is one of cattle, domesticated long ago, owned by and dependent on those, who are breeding them in an unnatural evironment, nowadays in mass cages.
However, there are also some sheep, which are allowed to graze in the open. Yet none has ever known freedom and little idea, what it could mean.
Where is the surprise, the herd only exists to be exploited and slaughtered at the convenience of those who deem themselves owners.
We can only hope for the Big Cow in the skies to intervene and the Big Ram to join her.
(I seem to be getting a bit silly here 😇)
The blatant insanity and violence unleashed upon the world at present is the result of the fact that the Powers of Darkness have decided that it is quite necessary to slam shut the barn door on the “mooing herd” ASAP if not sooner. A question then arises, why this hurry?. Have They not managed to consolidate Their control and wealth efficiently and effectively with the boiling frog approach in previous centuries? Look how successful, for example, the Anal Schwab has been in inserting his Young Global Psychopaths into national positions of “leadership,” not the least being the psycho clown now the purported leader of Sylvia’s own nation. I would say that They have consolidated Their power from the shadows, where only a tiny minority could see its development, as far as possible, and now they must come out into daylight and make a sprint for the goal. The goal being a horrific neo-feudal dystopian global prison. It is this final sprint where They are at Their most vulnerable, and They know it.
But as David Icke prefers to say, by coming out into the open, They have entered the room and the door has shut behind Them and locked with a click. Either They succeed or They collectively will have the same fate as say Mussolini. While They have made substantial progress since coming out into the open, the resistance is increasing in its understanding of the agenda and this increase appears to have entered now into an exponential curve. So it has become a race. Pride comes before a fall, and Their hubris and arrogance is monumental. In the end, it depends on what percentage of the 99.999%, the formerly “mooing herd,” will refuse to comply.
I think mistakes were made at the beginning of the reign of terror and they were forced to speed up their game.
9/11 nearly tripped them up especially WTC7 but, miraculously, they got through that one.
They must have thought they were invincible and emboldened enough to try the pestilence card.
It may not even have been intended to be the climax. They certainly had a climate crisis and a crusade up their sleeves as we can now see.
But no, I think they were pushed into escalation because of a few stupid mistakes.
When the pictures of people falling over in the street, those mass graves being dug in US and that Italian hospital were aired a LOT of people smelled bullshit.
I don’t think that was meant to happen.
But it did.
From that point on they had no choice but to ramp up the bullshit to try to keep the upper hand.
I like the analogy of the locked room and hope that’s where we are now!
Hope you are right. However, they are about to hit us poor primates with everything including the kitchen sink. There are basically two theories as to how the Gaza-Israel Oct. 7 occurred. One is presented most forcefully by Scott Ritter, who is no longer a friend of Zionism, which can be found at:
I highly recommend that one listens to this hour long interview. Ritter is without doubt a warfare expert. He builds a very strong case that the 10/7 event happened because Israeli intelligence and its military are highly overrated, have built up a false world meme of invincibility, and is also intrinsically corrupt. He has discounted the False Flag narrative, not in this interview but in others. I, however, regard that 10/‘7 was every bit as much a FF as 9/11. Where I part company with Ritter is that I do not regard a far weaker Mossad and IDF as an either/or position to a FF. The evidence for a FF is growing as time goes on.
So then the question evolves, what does the Zionist leadership of Israel, and thus the global death cult cabal, hope to gain from this? And if one extrapolates the logic, one unfortunately sees it escalating into a USA war with Iran, and Israel using its nukes on its Arab neighbors as well as Iran, which of course is not Arab. This will lead to a nuclear retaliation which will turn Israel into a black glass parking lot. As Iran, by fatwa, does not have nuclear weapons, it may come from Pakistan, which has publicly said that it would “lend” Turkey some nuclear weapons if necessary, from Turkey overrunning Incerlik and taking the USA nuclear weapons, or possibly Russia which is allied with Iran.
We can only hope this concatenation of events can be short circuited. I would claim that the massive scamdemic injuries to Jewish Israelis proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the Luciferian Zionist leadership of Israel couldn’t care less about the welfare of its Jewish population and would gladly throw them all under the bus for the death cult Agenda.
I agree it smells like a FF.
In UK they’re clamoring for new laws against pro-Palestine demos.
There are going to be ‘terror attacks’ around the world in retaliation for Israel’s actions.
Patriot act II ?
A good video. stating some home truths and expressing common sense ideas. Like you. I don’t agree with the idea that the ‘surprise’ attack showed that Israel wasn’t as strong as it claims to be.
you can’t use clips from utube anymore?
Sorry Sabel, that was a misunderstanding on my part. I’ll resume putting in my youtube thingies next time. 🙂
Why, you ask? To project exquisitely addictive technicoloured entertainment for your mental mirror. You do it so perfectly that you would have me so engrossed In my own psychodramatic deceptions that, for a moment, I’d forget that I refuse being part of this ‘mooing herd,’ of which you speak, and that my head is not about to be squashed by a sky that falls under the weight of fake demi gods.
It’s a good thing you abuse the first person plural form to this extent for otherwise there would be a risk I become even more enamored with your lovely prose and ignore the tangled mesh that Morpheus has laid out for me.
Sweet natured Israeli Peace Activist, Orly Noy prophesies “A New Path for Israel”
Stalwart UN Weapons Inspector and Disarmament Negotiator, Scott Ritter excoriates Israel’s current incompetent government of religious fanatics and its “Samson Fantasy”
At least we are past the Inquisition, the Witch hunts.
We are past Black death in Europe. We are past rolling heads down the ladder in Mexico, today only mafias do this a bit.
We are past Pol Pot’s millions of skulls in Cambodia. We are past all the skulls hidden in Paris catacombs. All in all we are doing it better today than we did yesterday.
Yes I know your feelings are hurt, my tone should have been another, I should stop being sarcastic, stop smoking, stop making jokes. Because everything is depressing. Really really depressing.
The Joker is back in town. But we have Batman on our side. Always look at the bright side of life! https://youtu.be/V2YIVhxfNVk
Max Igan
According to Jeff Berwick Max Igan survives on bitcoin donations.Elon’s X has apparently banned him because of his hard hitting videos of the genocide in Gaza.With Igan it’s personal because he actually visited that unfortunate concentration camp.
For those who still refuse to honor the beauty of Woke, this should open your eyes.
Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record – YouTube
At least it shows that a motorcycle is better for the economy than any human because it runs faster.
As for the torturous side of ‘woke,’ it’s problem lies in that its waking is a thing of the past; and this at a time when it’s most needed: now.
Some history that doesn’t appear in the mainstream History books:
(First in a series – currently three parts with more promised with the Reichstag Fire coming next. Available on other platforms.)
A scottish earwig for Sylvia:
Historical Hysterica something like this…
“Manolo, how you’ve changed your thinking!”
“No, Pepe, not at all.”
“Yes, you have, Manny. You used to be a monarchist. Then you supported the Falange. Then you backed Franco. After that, you were a democrat. Not long ago you were with the socialists and now you’re on the right. And you say you haven’t changed your thinking?”
“Not at all, Pepe. My thinking has always been the same: to be the mayor of this town.”
-Eduardo Galeano
Psalm 23 was our headmaster’s favourite for morning prayers at Jewish Government Primary School in old Johannesburg. I admired Mr Aaronson as a very good man but I thought the prayer was old fashioned because, as an African child far from the bestial horrors of WW2 in Europe, I could not imagine the Valley of the Shadow of Death. This drawing has brought that ancient psalm up to date.
“Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me”. Amen.
Ahhh, how interesting. How are you finding living in Israel atm? There’s been a few things taking place there lately, I’ve heard. 🫤
Here’s the BBC’s latest contribution to world history, while also showing how good they are at saving their hard-earned money:
“… sorry not to reply individually, but we hope this will address the points you have raised.
It is normal practice for BBC Parliament to show what are known as ‘story astons’ (or captions) which put debates into context for viewers. They are not comments, but editorial context written by journalists working on the live output.
The first aston made clear to viewers that Reclaim MP Andrew Bridgen had tabled the debate.
In accordance with the BBC’s guidelines on due impartiality, the remaining astons reflected (and are attributed to) the majority medical and scientific view that vaccines are safe.
We’re sorry if you remain unhappy. We have included your points in our overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback at the BBC, and help inform our future editorial judgements …”
So, just in case anybody was wondering: On matters of scientific integrity, the uninformed majority wins.
Individual intelligence, perception, insight, or even brilliance, are not acceptable.
Why do you say, “anyways”? Are you a hillbilly from West Virginny, the place for you and me?
FYI, I just finished watching a video on YouTube by Gabriel Traveler, who’s in a place called McLeod Ganj, India (at the foothills of the Himalayas). And he used the word “anyways” – and I’d bet money he’s not from West Virginia.
Oh. Just an idiot then.
The entire essay was brilliant but the ear worm at the end completed it brilliantly. Thanks!!!!
Excellent, if a little rambling, but when’s the last time i composed a coherent piece longer than two paragraphs? ; )
That’s a horrible picture at the header.
I’m not sure i believe “history” anymore, not after seeing how they are able to deliver it.
I always enjoyed anthropology/history, so that’s a shame. Tis all a sham?
And, I always thought society was sick tbh, but most people jump in with two concrete soled boots . . sorry Syl no answers from me.
I’d suggest, Eddie Veder (yes, I know), “Guaranteed” as an earworm, that’s what your article brought back to me.
I’ll try and be cherrier next time.
I’d guess a fairly realistic picture for the header, but don’t see the giants eating us slaves. Guess the Gods have gone, no free energy anymore or we stopped listening. Then add 1000 years, all made up.
Believe establishment history ?
All history a sham? I’ll have to quote Pozzo from “Waiting For Godot”: “Don’t you believe it, sir!”
I suspect (and I know I’m going out on a limb here) even the Bible has some “real” history tucked away along with the 900-year olds cavorting about the Levant.
You suspect rightly. Even the Illiad has some real history, as was shown by a practical bussinessman (Schliemann the fur merchant) when he used Homer as a guidebook for the actual location of “Troy the Sacred City”.
I, the def mooing individual in this insupportable loud mooing …(society?), thank you for your thoughts but especially for
Maybe they know something we don’t know, for example there are really cyclical civilizations or something. But how is that no matter how you vote, the psychopaths end up leading us from one disaster to another killing us in the process many times over? And no matter what, they live.
God forbid us, for we don’t know what we are doing.
Thanks for your article, it makes me think of the term ‘Stigmergy‘ that researcher Alison McDowell brings up frequently.
I recently passed through a phase (no, not a sci-fi “phase shift”) where my first love was renewed: Ancient History. I watched History with Cy and Epimetheus all about Egypt, the Levant, Mesopotamia, Anatolia and India – the hub of Ancient History.
But it was confusing: were they talking about yesterday’s events or predicting tomorrow’s events? Was Shalmaneser an Assyrian king or is he Klaus Schwab’s successor? All that ever changes is the names and the building materials.
So I switched over to music videos and began watching Helene Fischer, Jennifer Rush, Mariah Carey (with her 5 octave range, which my poor ancient ears were loath to detect).
Now I go to bed with a smile on my face instead of a frown.
actress with hospital “visitor” lanyard gives Irish pm death shot with invisible syringe, as the caption correctly says
“they are not even trying anymore”
Its called “Signal politics”. He is sending a signal to YOU.
So YOU can also be a member of our common Open Society, our Global Green Initiative, something BIG.
Exactly! Brilliantly expressed!! In the last few years, people who know where I stand on the scams have asked me why anyone would choose to lie to and deceive us. In the absence of an answer, I just said: ‘If someone has stolen your wallet, you don’t ask why, you point the finger and know not to trust them again. The why comes later.’ I believe the why will become evident in the not too distant future. I hope I survive long enough to find that out.
Life is a mystery, and then you learn you are not among the chosen ones.
Go figure.
Go figure skating?
“It is above all only history that teaches us consequences.”
Consequentialism is one of the natural laws they most want to topple. It underlies the war on reality, that 2+2 no longer equals 4. What’s the point of being mega-rich if you get a whim to do something and get told you can’t because of the consequences?
“Nothing is true, everything is permitted”.
Also probably the reason behind the “quantum physics” and “entangled particles” psyop.
Spooky action at a distance indeed Einstein, you utter shit stain.
Wow! As much as I loathe “Science,” I would never speak so ill of Mr. Einstein. My view is somewhat the Christian view: hate the sin, love the sinner.
All Physics is speculation. Some may be borne out, most will not. It’s not the theorist who turns theory to dogma; it’s the endless ranks of Me-Too-ers who do that.
Sounds like Crowley, ‘Do what you wilt shall be the whole of the Law.’ Sound familiar?? You can tell where they’re coming from. All the previously circumstantial evidence is out in the open. You don’t even really have to look for it any more. We’re tripping over it.
‘Everything is permitted” but to avoid Karma is not permitted.
It does seem that we are in a “wheat from the chaff” moment in history. As millions are being poured into creating an In Silica world of propaganda, patented GMOs, medical computer models, virtual CBDCs, and other examples of counterfeit living, genuine reality is sharpening in focus. They may just fake themselves out of existence as they continue to lose touch with reality, because denial is a powerful drug and rather than facing readily available logical solutions, they’ve chosen to trap themselves in the clown car
Welcome to the 5th Generation Psy War
Israel Has Permanently Lost The Argument