How (not) to Relativize the Holocaust

CJ Hopkins

OK, I owe everyone an apology. I get it now. I’ve seen the light. I finally understand the true nature of my thoughtcrimes, and I take responsibility for them, and I stand ready to pay my debt to society.

I have to thank the State of Israel for bringing about this sudden epiphany. How it happened was, Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, and his delegation wore yellow Stars of David, i.e., the ones the Nazis forced the Jews to wear in public, at a Security Council session to make a statement. According to The Jerusalem Post, Ambassador Erdan then made remarks comparing the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel to the Holocaust.

When Jewish babies were burned in Auschwitz, the world was silent, and today Jewish babies were burned in Be’eri and the towns of the South by the Nazi Hamas – and the world is silent again. I will make you remember the shame of your silence every time you look at me,” Arden said. “I will wear the yellow patch until the Nazi Hamas is eliminated and until the Security Council stops being silent and condemns the October 7 massacre. Some of you have learned nothing in the last eighty years! Some of you have forgotten why the United Nations was founded. So I will remind you. From today on, every time you look at me you will remember. When my grandfather and his children were sent to Auschwitz, the world was silent. When his wife and their seven children were sent to the gas chambers, the world was silent. When their bodies were burned alongside millions of other Jewish children, the world was silent,” Erdan said, comparing the silence of the UN about the Hamas massacre on October 7 to the silence of the international community regarding the horrors of the Holocaust.

Now, I’ll be honest, the first thought that went through my head when I read that Jerusalem Post piece was, “Great! Here’s an Israeli diplomat doing exactly what I’m being prosecuted for doing, and no one’s going to prosecute him! All I need to do is bring this to the attention of the Berlin District Court, and they’ll dismiss my case!”

But then I had my epiphany.

Basically, my epiphany was, I realized the two things are completely different, i.e., Israel’s use of a Nazi symbol to make a political statement and me doing the same thing … well, almost the same thing. I’ve never actually relativized or minimized or trivialized or compared anything to the Holocaust, as Gilad Erdan did at the UN.

Actually, I’ve advised against doing that. But that doesn’t let me off the hook for my thoughtcrimes! No, I did what I did, and I will have to answer for it in January at the District Court of Berlin!

For readers unfamiliar with my case, what I did was, I tweeted these two Tweets featuring the the cover art of my book, The Rise of the New Normal Reich, which is banned in Germany, and referring to the medical-looking masks that everyone was forced to wear during 2020-2022 as “ideological conformity symbols.”

You can read the background on my case here, or here, or here, or listen to me talk about it here, or here, or here, so I won’t go on about it here.

The important thing is, I understand now how totally wrong (and criminal) it was to do that, and how what I did is completely different from what UN Ambassador Erdan just did!

For starters, it wasn’t just those two Tweets. No, on Twitter, Facebook, and in my essays, and interviews, and, basically, every chance I got, for two years, I compared the rise of the “New Normal” to the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. I noted the similarities between these two forms of totalitarianism: the declaration of a “state of emergency” as a pretext to justify the cancellation of constitutional rights and rule by decree; the propaganda; the censorship; the criminalization of dissent; the mandatory displays of ideological conformity; the invasion of bodily autonomy; the segregation, demonization, and persecution of a scapegoat underclass; and so on … all the classic hallmarks of totalitarian systems.

I understand now how wrong (and criminal) that was.

Watching the Israelis whip out their yellow Stars of David at the Security Council clarified for me when it is and isn’t appropriate to compare things to the Nazis.

Check me, but I think I’ve got it straight now.

When governments and non-governmental entities roll out a “New Normal” on account of a completely fictional “apocalyptic pandemic,” lock people down in their homes for months, terrorize them with official propaganda, force everybody to wear medical-looking masks to display their conformity to the new official “reality” and create the appearance of a deadly plague, outlaw political protests, censor dissent, segregate and demonize anyone refusing to conform to the new official ideology, and otherwise transform societies into pathologized de facto police states, those governments and global non-governmental entities are absolutely nothing like the Nazis.

On the other hand, Hamas, the Islamist political and military organization that governs the Gaza Strip, is definitely exactly like the Nazis … except that there are only around 25,000 of them, and their “Reich” is a tiny stretch of land that has been totally blockaded by Israel for years, and is completely surrounded by an “Israel-Gaza barrier,” and has been under Israeli military occupation since 1967. But, otherwise, Hamas is exactly like the Nazis!

See, the thing I didn’t quite understand when I tweeted my thoughtcrimes in 2022 was that being “exactly like the Nazis” has nothing to do with the actual history of Nazi Germany or totalitarianism per se. I was operating under the assumption that it did. That’s no excuse. I should have known better.

Obviously, no one should ever be allowed to compare the rise of Nazism in Germany to any other totalitarian system or movement, no matter how blatantly similar it may be.

In fact, the history of the rise of Nazism in Germany is irrelevant to, well, basically everything, unless your discussion is strictly limited to the Holocaust, or if you’re relativizing the Holocaust in defense of Israel’s right to defend itself … in which case, sure, break out those yellow stars and go nuts with the Holocaust comparisons.

Seriously, check my reasoning on this, because I don’t want to get it wrong again and end up facing yet another prosecution. Based on my new post-epiphany understanding, questioning the details of the official account of the October 7 attack is “Holocaust denial.” Hundreds of thousands of people peacefully demonstrating in support of Palestinians is a “hate march.” “Hamas Holocaust denial is dragging us into a new Dark Age.” The October 7 massacre was “barbarism as consequential as the Holocaust,” or at least as barbaric as the Babyn Yar massacre!

How am I doing? Am I good so far? I haven’t relativized the Holocaust, have I?

OK, one more test, just to make sure I’ve got my mind right around this stuff. If I, or anyone, were to compare what the State of Israel is doing to the Palestinians in Gaza to, I don’t know, let’s say, just hypothetically, the liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto, that would be completely inappropriate, and anti-Semitic, and a hate crime, right?

I mean, the IDF isn’t liquidating the strip. They’re defending Israel against Hamas, and are doing their best to protect civilians as they bomb whole neighborhoods into heaps of rubble, wiping out thousands of men, women, and children, entire extended families, who are trapped inside the “Israel-Gaza barrier,” and have nowhere to run or hide from the slaughter.

If anyone were to make that comparison, that would definitely be relativizing the Holocaust, right? That would be like calling for “the extermination of the Jews,” or literally dressing up like Hitler and walking around barking Nazi slogans in public. In fact, anyone comparing the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip to the Warsaw Ghetto, or to any other enclave of any other Nazi-occupied territory, is relativizing, minimizing, and trivializing the Holocaust, and should be fired from their job, blacklisted, and publicly condemned as “a Hamas-loving anti-Semite.”

Help me out. Am I getting the hang of this?

I hope so. All I can do at this point is apologize for leading people astray with all that stuff I wrote about “The New Normal Reich” and “pathologized totalitarianism” during 2020-2022. That, and try to make amends by humiliating myself on social media…

…which seems to be going pretty well so far.

Anyway, I am terribly sorry. No more “Holocaust relativizing” for me! I have seen how it is wrong, and terribly wrong, to compare anything to Nazi Germany, ever. I have learned my lesson. I’m cured! Praise god!

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Nov 2, 2023 4:50 PM

There are certain very rare times in every person’s life when they are left completely speechless upon observing events occurring in the world around them.

Now is such a time…

Good night and good luck. Peace.

Nov 3, 2023 10:56 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

“Good night and good luck” – the sign-off line from Anglo-American elite asset Ed Murrow used as the title for his 2005 biopic directed by the CFR’s George Clooney.

Nov 8, 2023 4:11 AM

…and the only evidence for the most well documented genocide in history is eye witness accounts and confessions under extreme duress….but no actual documents to speak of….or functional genocidal machinery. Little wonder the vaccine has saved millions from a falling sky. Scientifically proven.
Are trans woman really woman? Good to know….

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 6, 2023 6:15 AM

Blankety Blank – With Caitlin Johnstone
If I was a [blank A] supporter I’d be thinking very carefully about the things I’m posting online in the build-up to what could end up being regarded as one of history’s worst genocidal massacres. The internet doesn’t forget. What you’re tweeting today could haunt you for life. The [blank B] issue is not complicated; an apartheid regime abuses and oppresses a [blank C] group who don’t have the same rights as others. The only reason anyone thinks it’s complicated is because they assume if it were simple, the news would’ve told them so.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Nov 6, 2023 6:16 AM

Why bother quoting that covid-shilling fake indy gatekeeper? She showed what she really is in March 2020 when she betrayed her following. She’s not smart or original either – there are many many decent honorable people to quote on the Israel/Gaza atrocities who have smarter things to say. Leave her out in the cold where she belongs.

Big Al
Big Al
Nov 6, 2023 6:18 AM

So, does she believe Covid-19 is real?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 7, 2023 8:46 AM

“The internet doesn’t forget. What you’re tweeting today could haunt you for life.”

That’s a big myth. The internet only doesn’t forget when it doesn’t want to forget.

I have seen googoo scrub search engines completely clean of certain references.

It is biased by DARPA “like the bias in a bowl.”

Select info, or disinfo, is slyly manipulated and groomed, when its handlers can get away with it (escape most detection, or into plausible deniability and other such devices).

Does not bode well.


“There is a bias in man like the bias in a bowl.”


John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 6, 2023 5:40 AM

Michael Parenti weighs in on all this, relevantly (again) ~

“The dirty truth is that many people find fascism to be not particularly horrible.”

I see this lifelong, written deep into so many brows, invisibly, but graphically as a Charlie Manson swastika, right there.
“Intellectual disgrace
Stares from every human face,
And the seas of pity lie
Locked and frozen in each eye.”

Auden, writing that in Europe of 1939

Nov 4, 2023 1:27 PM

who is enacting for the latest Holocaust? (image of the starstika)

Nov 4, 2023 11:25 AM

The Brits are still holding on to the Communist lie of the Holohoax.

Nov 5, 2023 6:40 AM
Reply to  BuelahMan

It should come as no surprise that the ‘Brits’ are still holding onto the lie of the ‘holohoax’ … After all one might have noticed that they are virtually owned-and-operated by the originators of the myth. Who are the ‘Brits’, Yanks, Kiwis and Canadians terrified of criticizing? … their masters who propagate the BS narrative. isn’t it a real sad state of affairs when one is terrified of being honest with one’s supposed close-friends?

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 4, 2023 10:15 AM

Quote C. J. Hopkins:

“I mean, the IDF isn’t liquidating the strip. They’re defending Israel against Hamas, and are doing their best to protect civilians as they bomb whole neighborhoods into heaps of rubble, wiping out thousands of men, women, and children, entire extended families, who are trapped inside the “Israel-Gaza barrier,” and have nowhere to run or hide from the slaughter.”

1. “I mean, the IDF isn’t liquidating the strip.” — That’s correct. It isn’t.
2. “They’re defending Israel against Hamas, … “ — That’s correct. They are.
3. “… and are doing their best to protect civilians … “ — That’s correct. That’s what they are doing.
4. “ … as they bomb whole neighborhoods into heaps of rubble, wiping out thousands of men, women, and children, … “ — That is in fact what Hamas intended to do to Israeli cities on Oct. 7, but didn’t manage to do. With the difference that Israel doesn’t use men, women and children as human shields. As for the reliability of the numbers of victims in Gaza, Mr. Hopkins might want to consult this (although he appears not to be competent, or confident, enough to give interviews using the language of a country where he has been living for a number of years, he might be at least able to read this): https://www.mena-watch.com/hamas-propaganda-mit-zahlen/
5. “… entire extended families, who are trapped inside the “Israel-Gaza barrier,” and have nowhere to run or hide from the slaughter.” — That’s incorrect. They cannot be trapped inside an “Israel-Gaza-barrier, because they are not completely surrounded by an Israel-Gaza-barrier.

C. J. Hopkins’ depth of thought blends well with the wit of his prose.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2023 1:38 PM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

Ah “what Hamas intended to do to Israeli cities on Oct. 7, but didn’t manage to do”. Did “Hamas” “manage to do” anything at all on Oct. 7?

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 4, 2023 2:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Only someone who has never managed to do anything in his life will ask such a stupid question.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
Nov 7, 2023 12:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Agreed. It was a ‘special operation’/’surprise attack’ with limited scope! Was Hamas going to do a Dresden attack on Tel Aviv, dropping bombs from their paraglider squadrons?

Victor G.
Victor G.
Nov 5, 2023 9:18 AM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

Nuthin’ like a little prevarication, eh bud?
Given your depth of knowledge you surely remember what sweet and beautiful Ayelet said about the “little snakes”?
The title of the article the article I link to is,”‘Mothers of all Palestinians should also be killed,’ says Israeli politician”. The article is from 2014. I guess Ayelet will have much be thankful for during the Festival of Lights.


Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 5, 2023 7:44 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

The linked article is about something someone said, not about what is going on on the ground.

Acquire some literacy, then come back for comments.

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 6, 2023 12:53 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

1. You write: “Nuthin’ like a little prevarication, eh bud?” I am not your bud. (Do you have any buds?)
2. You write: “The title of the article I link to is,”‘Mothers of all Palestinians should also be killed,’ says Israeli politician”. — Yeah, that’s what the title says — and if you had read (and understood) the article, you would have noticed that the title is a plain lie: The quoted fragments do not say any such thing.
3. The article says: “The posts were considered as a call for genocide because it declared that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.” — Considered by whom? And the part in quotation marks will give sloppy readers the impression that it is a direct quote from Mrs.Shaked — but in fact, there is no indication whatsoever who it is that is quoted.. And what “posts” (plural) — no direct quotes from several posts(plural), no links, no screenshots provided.
4. You write: “ Given your depth of knowledge you surely remember what sweet and beautiful Ayelet said about the “little snakes”? — “sweet and beautiful Ayelet”; oh my: Victor G. — some incel seeking consolation in antisemitism.

Nov 5, 2023 6:24 PM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

Usually theses type of posts come with the 100 upvotes,.
only thing missing from your gabble was the cliche script isral has a right to protect her  💤 self. 💤 
no one else has that right,
everyone else is either anti S or attending the hate march..

Nov 4, 2023 1:17 AM

Jacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad’s volunteer
agents). Series of full interviews link in the description.

Nov 3, 2023 11:38 PM

Interesting fact: the zionist in the picture is not even wearing a kippah, so much for his pretending of being a jew, btw. just ask the hasidic jews how they fell about the need for a “jewish” state, Another interesting fact: the vast majority of the german jews were strongly anti-zionist, I guess that is why they were killed, because they were the strongest opposition to Herzl and his crazy crowd of atheists. The first zionist congress (held in 1897) was initially planned to be held in Munich, but the strong opposition of the Rabbis of the jewish community there forced Herzl and his crowd to relovcate their circus to Basel. Zionism has nothing to do with judaism.

Nov 4, 2023 4:05 AM
Reply to  T.S.

Facts the insane in power want to keep censored. Equally true of most religions.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2023 9:23 AM
Reply to  T.S.
Nov 3, 2023 6:00 PM

Here are 10 mentions of the 6 Million Jews and the Holocaust published in Zionist owned newspapers before 1939: https://youtu.be/1KaMynWTvhM

Nov 3, 2023 4:38 PM

Anyone got a link to other pages a bit like this, but with more content and no whimsical meaningless nonsense like the post above this one.
I live completely off grid, and have no Internet at home, and on a Friday night I like to store a few things to read in bed.
There’s not much to do in the dark, and candle light makes me sleepy.
The articles here are often interesting to read, and also the commentary, but they are just a bit thin on the ground, so to speak.

Nov 3, 2023 5:13 PM
Reply to  Balgorg

“Whimsical nonsense”? This is satire; CJ Hopkins is a satirist. Satire is a powerful tool for attacking the establishment without coming across as overly negative or dreary as some protesters are wont to do; it is not “whimsical nonsense”.

Nov 3, 2023 6:00 PM
Reply to  Balgorg

I would suggest globalresearch.ca and the corbettreport.com. Global research has lots of articles that you have to sift through, but, all in all, it is an excellent source. I first listened to Chossudovosky during the bombing, of then, Yugoslavia and was very impressed. One of the latest articles is here.

I think, at this time, that the “who you support bullshit” (israel, palestine, globalist agenda) —its obvious isn’t it that its a war against the people, regardless of where they are from—-is a narrative to distract us from the broader implications of future war which they seem to be preparing for, and to, at least in some way, minimize the horrific, democides, genocides, homocides, and apartheids going on in all the present “wars”, including covid. It is also a distraction to confuse narrative and get “normal” people to accept censorship and the “official narrative”.

I have never seen the authors name on here before, in the above GR article, and I usually go by the author in what I look at. But to each ‘is own.

I think the Corbett Report is very good as well. NWNW is one of my favorites though I didn’t appreciate it so much at first viewings a good discussion, as well,
(okay there is a bit of whimsical nonsense, but hey lighten up, its actually good for many of us, overall. )

“I live completely off grid, and have no Internet at home, and on a Friday night I like to store a few things to read in bed.”

How many hours in the dark there?

If this is actually true, much respect.

Nov 3, 2023 4:34 PM

Gaza’s Network Cut by Israel: Google and Apple stymied but Huawei can still communicate via satellite.


A fortnight ago I posted how Huawei not only beat Uncle $cam’s chip blackmail racket but came up with its own home-brew chip and a new 6G phone that a stranded mountaineer could use to make a rescue call via sattelite. As a topical follow up to this week in the NEW New Normal, anyone in Gaza lucky enough to possess that Huawei phone can still call the world from a place which Uncle $cam’s favourite nephew — Little Izzie — would like to render even more isolated than the top of mount Everest.

Nov 3, 2023 3:19 PM

Gaza City has a pretty long history. Would be a pity to see it wiped off the map

In ancient times it was part of Philistia; land of the Philistines, with its 5 principal cities (Gaza, Ashdod, Gath (from whence cameth Goliath), Ekron and Ashkelon). ‘Philistia’ bearing a striking resemblance to the modern name for the region.

The Philistines were descendants of Ham, son of Noah (Noah-> Ham-> Mizraim ->…->Casluhites->…->Philistines.

The Hebrews, as presumably their language, descendants of Eber. Noah-Shem-Arphaxad-Shelah-Eber. Aramaic coming via Noah-Shem-Aram

Gaza first appears in the Tanakh (Old Testament) in Genesis when describing the borders of Canaan.

In Gen 10:19 (and subsequent places) it appears as ‘ayin-zayin (with doubling dagesh)-He’, which when combined with the Masoretic vowel pointing system yields ‘az-zah‘. There being no ‘g’ (or gimel) in the Hebrew. ‘az-zah‘ not ‘Gaz-zah’

Gaza was also mentioned by Josephus and Herodotus (c. 480 – c. 425BC):

Josephus in Antiquities (eg Book 13, Chapter 5, paragraph 5 ($150+) talks of the inhabitants of Gaza closing their gates to friends of Antiochus, and consequently getting sieged. Soon after which they all became friends. A happy ending in that particular case.

And Gaza also appears in Herodotus’ Histories (e.g. Book 2, $159 and Book 3, $5) where it takes the Greek form ‘Cadytis’. Herodotus described it as a city almost as big as Sardis (so likely pretty big).

So, suffice it to say that the place goes back a bit. Worth preserving.

Prigozhin could have taken it in day. No aerial bombardments required

Nov 3, 2023 4:58 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Notes from Cloud Cuckoo Land:

“Gaza City has a pretty long history. Would be a pity to see it wiped off the map”
Israel has not such a long history nevertheless “would be a pity ….”

“The Philistines were descendants of Ham and Mizraim” [ie, African and Egyptian]
More likely descendants of Yavan ie Greek, as in the archaic Greek name for a city, Pulastu, later Polis. From which comes our modern words Metropolis, Policeman, Politician, Polite ….

“Prigozhin could have taken it in day.”
Your Russian chauvinism is talking through its fur hat.

Nov 3, 2023 2:23 PM

Rothschild’s new logo

comment image

Rusty the Dog
Rusty the Dog
Nov 3, 2023 4:50 PM
Reply to  Anarchos
Nov 3, 2023 5:48 PM
Reply to  Anarchos

A pity ????

Nov 3, 2023 12:34 PM

Yep quite insidious and completely delusional. Braverman & co are completely behind this violation of history. An Orwellian nightmare is beginning to appear.

Nov 3, 2023 5:39 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Braverman is scared, to get to the top you need to have sold your soul. Look at Blair, poor evil oozes from his eyes.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 4, 2023 1:01 AM
Reply to  rickypop

“Look at Blair, poor evil oozes from his eyes.”

Looks like pretty high quality evil if you ask me.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 6, 2023 4:42 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

That wordage reminds me of the Agatha Christie detective yarn, “A Murder of Quality” and its mockery of a niche of vilest classism at Oxford.

Although, I believe the use of “poor evil” there, was meant in the Pickwickian sense, as moral poverty, as spiritually destitute?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 6, 2023 2:47 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I suspect poor evil was intended as pure evil.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 6, 2023 5:34 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Probably voice recognition slippage, huh, right …. but if only happenstance, still less clichéd.

Accidental poetry? Like holy faces forming on grilled cheese sandwiches? You never know. We’ll take what we can get.

Nov 3, 2023 12:01 PM

Gaza is a zionist settler colonial project that is the blueprint for the rest of the world if, the criminally insane zealots squatting on top of the food chain, get their way.

Nov 4, 2023 4:16 AM
Reply to  tiggs

This is the direct usage of the military in the service of capital. It reminds me of Kissigner’s directive on depopulating “undeveloped” countries.

Nov 3, 2023 11:42 AM

All the worlds a stage. We are the performing puppets’ We have strings attached to the puppet master who controls our every move. Our brains are straw and our spine is soft. We accept rules, authority, taxes. We believe our leaders and the media. We trust politicians, teachers, doctors, preachers, scientists, lawyers and the bank manager. If you come from somewhere else or dont look like us you may be the enemy. WE get what we deserve because we are gullible fools. We pay our taxes, fines and bills, we fight their wars, we build their world for them. ITS all an illusion, we are slaves to their system, we are all a securitised debt financial instrument. We are all dead CORP(SE)orations, being dead we have no rights or freedoms. Joe Freeman is free and alive, MR JOE FREEMAN is dead. Understand that and know everyone in authority or government or the justice system, or police is the enemy, they are there to control you and protect their banker-warmongering friends.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Nov 3, 2023 3:47 PM
Reply to  rickypop

Agreed. As a conclusion, it is therefore not them or us who are to blame; rather the performance within the stage, the role taken by each actor, the strings attached; in a word our relationship to them.

What is, indeed, a Biden without tax-paying citizens, or a DoD without a a fighting army, or a Powell without believers in currency? Harmless doves. And what is us without all those things?

This is a stage, and thus performers play at being enemies, which nevertheless spills real blood and causes real misery. Once the performance is over though, players regain their true relationships.

Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
Nov 3, 2023 10:59 AM

Look at this tweet claiming “thousands” of bombs were dropped on this square in Gaza.


Does this guy really think that’s whst thousands of bombs looks like? Anyone with common sense look at it and you can see thousands of bombs in an area that size is just ridiculous. But people are getting used to not thinking in terms of physical reality any more.

It’s not reality. Everyone on both sides is talking bullshit.

underground poet
underground poet
Nov 3, 2023 11:08 AM

And if you like your bullshit, you can keep your bullshit.

Nov 3, 2023 3:02 PM

He says “dozens” not “thousands”
Makes your comment invalid

Nov 3, 2023 9:45 AM

Herr Hopkins, wir haben Ihren Artikel gelesen und danken Ihnen für Ihr Geständnis. Wir glauben jedoch nicht, dass Ihre Entschuldigung aufrichtig ist. Sie scheinen sich über das Reich Israel und das aufstrebende Vierte Reich Deutschlands lustig zu machen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Angelegenheiten in Ordnung sind, bevor Sie sich im Januar beim Neue Normalität Volksgerichtshof melden. Sollte Ihnen das Gericht eine Gnadengenehmigung gewähren, weil Sie keinen deutschen Namen haben, bringen Sie unbedingt einen kleinen Koffer mit Ihren persönlichen Gegenständen mit.

Geheime Staatspolizei 
“Herr Hopkins, we have read your article and thank you for your confession. However, we do not think that your apologies are sincere. You appear to be mocking the Reich of Israel and the rising Fourth Reich of Germany.  Please make sure that your affairs are in order before you report to the New Normal People’s Court in January. In case the court should grant you some clemency on account that you do not have a German name, make sure you bring with you a small suitcase containing your personal effects.”


underground poet
underground poet
Nov 3, 2023 11:13 AM
Reply to  Gestapo

You have been found guilty in a universal court, the demise of your dept is on the docket.

I recuse myself of this case and yield it to a higher power as per the timing.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your days on this planet.


Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Nov 3, 2023 7:44 AM

Could of been worse you could of compared the Reichstag fire to the October the 7th attack on Israel. Nasty conspiracy theorists have suggested that the Reichstag fire was a false flag event. Even more nasty conspiracy theorists have suggested that the October the 7th attack in Israel was also a false flag attack.
But that’s just crazy to suggest those nasty and clever Nazi Hamas could not organise and train and gather weapons and break through the border while the Israel defence force was on holiday. Ok Palestine and Hamas is heavily monitored and the border even more so.
It was bad luck that the Re’im music festival had been moved to near the border without a lot of security. It was bad luck that the Israel defence force was so slow to react.

This is the cock up theory and this seemingly impossible level of incompetence and extreme bad luck is the only rational explanation.
To suggest in any way that the October the 7th attack on Israel was allowed to happen or even worse sponsored is just obscene. Ok it does give Israel an excuse to try to remove the north of Palestine.

. Israeli sources reported that at least 3,000 projectiles had been launched from Gaza. At least five people were killed by the rocket attacks.”

Seems a justifiable reason to completely flatten Gaza with bombs.
Next people will be comparing Israel Government to the Nazi how sick is that.

Nov 3, 2023 5:01 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Irony alert!

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 3, 2023 7:26 AM

« … and is completely surrounded by an “Israel-Gaza barrier,” and has been under Israeli military occupation since 1967. »
— Oh, really?
Because facts really should be sacred.

Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
Nov 3, 2023 11:00 AM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

Why isn’t that a fact? Genuinely asking

Nov 3, 2023 11:38 AM

Me,too. Asking.

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 11, 2023 1:14 PM
Reply to  judith

As you are asking:

“In 2005, absent peace negotiations, Israel unilaterally withdrew its forces from the Gaza Strip, forcibly evicting more than 9,000 of its own citizens in the hope that peace could take shape.”


Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 11, 2023 1:13 PM

As you are asking:

“ In 2005, absent peace negotiations, Israel unilaterally withdrew its forces from the Gaza Strip, forcibly evicting more than 9,000 of its own citizens in the hope that peace could take shape.”


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Nov 3, 2023 1:17 PM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

Agreed, that should have been something along the line “under Israeli authority”. Israel withdrew its civil and military presence and infrastructure from Gaza in September 2005 while, however, retaining control over key variables (such as borders, air space, territorial waters, customs, etc) which makes it de facto under Israeli authority, although without occupation.

Anyone wishing to enter or exit Gaza who doesn’t hold a Palestinian ID card (whose issuing is under Israeli administration) has to be notified by the Palestinian authorities to the Israeli authorities (see official UN link below,) which is inconsistent with political sovereignty.

To alleviate economic hardship of a people from whom Israel disengaged but at the same time under its ultimate and effective control, agreements have been signed. For instance:


Nov 3, 2023 5:25 PM

The legal position of Gaza is what U$ apart-hate used to call “an Indian reservation”; and South African apartheid used to call “Native territory”. Gaza is an integral part of the State of Israel but (like the Reservation or the Territory) it is a sort of cattle ranch with a fence round, and people who are “different but equal” are segregated there.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 3, 2023 6:28 AM

You really must learn your lesson and join the Security Services, CJ.

My sister spent the past two months telling me to go on holiday in the UK. Now it turns out that the arch security services hypocrite is off on a month-long jolly to Antarctica in January. One rule for the criminal and conspiratorial, eh?

At the same time, the multimillionaire is one month behind on co-payments for the house and contents insurance of our late mother’s under-probate estate and has suddenly cut her contribution to pay for the gardener by 50%.

No doubt she is pleading poverty from her prime address in London NW3, as she laughs like the psychopath she is at how she is expecting her brother to pay far more than she does, he having saved the estate up to £100k by caring full time for their mother for the last three years of her life.

Never, ever, ever think that the rules of society are just, fair and even-handed, CJ.

The spies and blackmailers do what they want, when they want, however they want.

They then tell the rest of us what not to do, namely what their unique privileges are.

Of course, they expect us to obey them.

It would never do if the peasants rose up and poured kettles of boiling water over the heads of Security Service psychopaths now, would it?

That would teach the spooks that they are legitimate targets for extermination and that all is fair in (love and) war……

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Nov 3, 2023 5:42 AM

Gaza is ~25 miles long and 6-12 miles wide.

Imagine an area of London covering from London Bridge to Ealing/Southhall east-west and from Kenley to Lavender Hill north-south.

That would actually be bigger than Gaza, which at some points only stretches from London Bridge to Ladbroke Grove.

If you put a fence round this area in 1967 and basically shelled and bombed it repeatedly from then until now, how would there be anything left standing to bomb right now?

This is like 56 years of the blitz on one tiny area of London. I don’t see how this story fits with any building still standing and habitable in 2023.

And even if every house was standing and habitable if you then literally “carpet bombed” this area for a few days I think the whole place would be rubble.

For perspective the Allies destroyed 90% of Dresden city centre in a SINGLE NIGHT in 1945, and Dresden hadn’t previously been under constant bombardment for 56 years.

It just doesn’t make sense to me in real world terms.

If you don’t know London, try doing the maths with a city you’re familiar with.

Nov 3, 2023 6:56 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

“We bombed until there was nothing left to bomb” — U$ pilot over Korea 1948.

“We mow their lawn” — I$raeli pilots over Gaza 2014 & 2023.

Nov 3, 2023 7:39 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

It makes you wonder how two million people can survive in all that rubble… doesn’t it.

Nov 3, 2023 5:32 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

They rebuild. Again and again and again; the city has been rebuilt on the same site for more than 3,000 years. Like the proverbial axe fitted with a now handle or a new blade but is still the same old axe.

Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
Nov 3, 2023 9:21 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

It does make no sense, you’re right, there would be any buildings standing in Gaza even before the so-called retaliation started. It should be literally nothing but rubble now if the stories are even half true. It doesn’t add up.

Nov 3, 2023 1:08 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

I’m sure the Israelis would have loved to bomb every day though. Perhaps the proximity to Iran and being surrounded by several Arab/Muslim countries may have triggered their self-preservation instinct underneath the Neanderthal bravado.

A slow motion genocide has many advantages and is overall more profitable than a swift extermination that amounts to suicide.

But of course shilling for Zion with simplistic teenager analyses is easy and has its perks!

les online
les online
Nov 3, 2023 4:17 AM

Remember, remember
The Fifth of November !

“Let’s finish off what Guy Fawkes Started”
(“V for Vendetta” – the movie)…

les online
les online
Nov 3, 2023 4:22 AM
Reply to  les online

(Rumour has it):
Police are on the lookout for foreign looking
gentlemen giving kids Hamas Skyrockets to
use during Guy Fawkes Remembrance
fireworks celebrations…

Nov 3, 2023 2:11 AM

On the other hand, Hamas, the Islamist political and military organization that governs the Gaza Strip, is definitely exactly like the Nazis … except that there are only around 25,000 of them, and their “Reich” is a tiny stretch of land that has been totally blockaded by Israel for years, and is completely surrounded by an “Israel-Gaza barrier,” and has been under Israeli military occupation since 1967. But, otherwise, Hamas is exactly like the Nazis! Are you kidding? No Hezbollah or Iranian Ayatollahs, no Erdogan, no intolerant Islam worldwide being preached daily? The MSM are full of fellow Muslims worldwide baying for Jewish blood. And Gaza has a 15 km long border with Egypt. Why has fellow Arab Muslim brother Egypt a double wall and army on their side? That’s like the Americans owning one side of each Nazi camp. Hospitals? yes, Hamas builds their HQs under them, always did, still do. Did Jewish prisoners in the WWII camps or ghettos rain rockets on their surroundings? Kidnap Nazi families, shot them at sight? Dug hundreds of kms of tunnels, got billions of outside donated US $? That “epiphany” was hand delivered to you by Allah, the biggest Saithan. Your trial in Germany is also his handy work, that is their similarity. I side with you there: the Covid response was totalitarian in most nations around the globe, courtesy the WEF, WHO & co, including in Israel. Yes, Israelis can also get obsessed by “Shaitan” as they are still Homo sapiens, but self defense in till now the picture. They could have wiped out hundreds of thousands of Gazans with their air force on the first day, but didn’t. What would Hamas have done if they had similar air power? That Bibi is corrupt is well known also in Israel, but anyone… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 8:13 AM
Reply to  Antonym

That wondrous evocation reminds me of Donald Rumsfeld’s “Thunderbirds” diagrams detailing those fiendish underground networks of Al Qaeda after 9/11. With of course the evil Bond villain/ Fu Manchu / Dark Lord Sauron on his throne at the heart of it.

Nov 3, 2023 8:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Good luck with Allah, you’ll need it! He can’t die.
The Xi Jinping’s and Rumsveld’s can.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 8:46 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Ah so Allah is the one under that slidable Thunderbird lake!

Nov 3, 2023 10:49 AM
Reply to  George Mc

How amazing it was that CNN could find OBL there for an interview – but the CIA couldn’t.

Here’s another one of the numerology jokes – if the IDF is re-named with its true name the IOF that translates as 966. 9s and 6s are reversible (the only numbers that are) so it’s 666 again.

Nov 3, 2023 10:52 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Their “home land” is in Russia or Ukraine.

Zion drones detected in the comments thread…

Nov 3, 2023 5:55 PM
Reply to  Nobody

(Exodus background music)

Tony Hancock (agonizes): My people! I want to be with my people!

Chorus: Where are your people?

Hancock: Florida.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Nov 3, 2023 12:15 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Regarding the legal status of the Gaza strip. In September 2005 Israel ended its military and civil occupation of the strip, delegating its administration to the Palestinian Authority, while retaining ultimate and effective control over key variables such as borders, airspace, territorial waters, population registry, the tax system, supply of goods, and others. Israel had to concede supervised autonomy in the economic sector to the Palestinians precisely because Gaza continues to be under Israeli authority, albeit without civil, military, or economic presence, out of which it disengaged itself. If Gaza and the West Bank were independent territories they wouldn’t have to consult and agree with the Israeli authorities on foreigners getting in or out, or, generally, they wouldn’t have to make agreements with the Israeli government in which the latter has the ultimate word. So, and the international community is not unaware of it, Gaza and West Bank are under Israel control even if the former is unoccupied. That’s why, in practice, the Rafah Crossing is a border between Egypt and Israel. Don’t take my word for it, read the “Agreed Documents on Movement and Access from and to Gaza: Agreement on Movement and Access, Agreed Principles for Rafah Crossing”. For instance: “In addition to the number of trucks [crossing the borders] above , Israel will permit export of agricultural produce from Gaza and will facilitate its speedy exit and onward movement so that quality and freshness can be maintained. Israel will ensure the continued opportunity to export.” “Rafah will be opened as soon as it is ready to operate at an international standard in accordance with the specifications of this agreement and as soon as the 3rd party is on site, with a target date of November 25 [of 2005]”. It refers to the necessity for the technical and… Read more »

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Nov 3, 2023 12:31 PM

PS. – In the quotes above, emphases are added.

les online
les online
Nov 3, 2023 1:33 AM

‘[….] questioning the details of the official account of the
0ctober 7 attack is “Holocaust Denial.”‘ CJ Hopkins…
Looks like Egypt is being set up as a Fall Guy…
Enormous pressure is being put on Egypt (even bribes from
the Israeli government) to allow the 2,3 million Gazan to
escape the murderous rage being inflicted on them by being
allowed to move into the Sinai Desert (and thereafter
The idea is being promoted as a Humanitarian Solution –
thus if Egypt refuses it will be solely responsible for the
ongoing massacre…

Nov 3, 2023 6:33 AM
Reply to  les online

Egypt is governed by a Jew, viz. El Sisi, therefore, he will do whatever he is ordered to do by the Rothschild’s proteges.

Nov 3, 2023 6:46 AM
Reply to  les online

What gives Egypt (or Israel) the right to hold the door shut on women and children?

Nov 3, 2023 7:52 PM
Reply to  martin

The Bible….

Nov 4, 2023 6:45 PM
Reply to  les online

All the deserts appear to belong to countries so why doesn’t the UN offer them Antarctica. What with the Climate Holocaust, it’ll soon be habitable.

Nov 3, 2023 1:08 AM

The Sin of Moral Equivalence

Nov 2, 2023 11:24 PM

Hypocrisy and hubris are not, and never will be, in the political lexicon.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 3, 2023 6:07 AM
Reply to  Johnny

What about the sheeple’s (our) lexicon. Whattabout that?
Are we the innocent do-gooders you and me, and the politicians are orchs.
Just asking silly questions.

Nov 3, 2023 7:57 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Nov 2, 2023 10:39 PM

A paradox: the same actions or actions having the same effects on the population which at one time were described as totalitarian, are not today.

This is also curious: Western democracies are heirs of the English, American and French revolutions that overthrew the prevailing order. Thus, all our politicians and private businesses owe their existence as political and economic actors to a revolutionary mouvement; however, the ideas that can inspire revolutionary mouvements are discouraged or punished once the new order is established. So it’s not about logic; it’s about a survival instinct of an order trying to protect itself.

One can listen to what’s being said at the UN and it’s got nothing to do with logic or demonstration or argumentation.

By the way Gilad Erdan gave me an idea: I urge all African delegations next time they attend a UN assembly to wear a black star and deliver an emotive speech whining about slavery and colonialism and demanding compensation to Western governments such as free economic assistance to Africa for ten years… There is more chance they get something: they don’t receive billions from the US and they didn’t bomb anyone.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 2, 2023 10:38 PM

The official Israel have sucked on the 6 mio cash cow hypocrisy for 80 years now. I think people in general are a little tired of this $$$ theme.

underground poet
underground poet
Nov 3, 2023 11:24 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

That cow came for real in 1980 when the U.S. raised the amount of interest charged for borrowed money, guess who had the money, the oil Arabs being paid in bonds and our trusty friends in Israel.

At the time it was criticized for biblical reasons and the fact that in 40 years, social instability would reach a point of no return between the haves and the have nots.

Welcome to reality.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Nov 2, 2023 9:14 PM

Jeesh…if you put it THAT way. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, this is all so obvious, why are only a handful of people getting it?

Nov 2, 2023 10:44 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Not sure it’s that obvious. Perhaps Israel has learned lessons from their American paymasters since WW2, such as annihilating German, Japanese, Vietnamese (etc) civilian populations in pursuit of political objectives. The good guy bad guy narrative whereby the Allies triumphed over ‘evil’ in WW2 depended on the massacre of innocents. Who are we to say that the Israelis are not entitled to do likewise in defence of their people? Is it possible the author has himself fallen into ‘good guy bad guy’ moral relativism?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 3, 2023 6:17 AM
Reply to  apikorsim

One man’s evil does not entitle another man’s evil. On the contrary one man’s evil is an opportunity to show a higher level of true humanity.

Nov 3, 2023 7:01 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

New Testament alert!

Nov 3, 2023 8:36 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

In an ideal world ‘higher levels of true humanity ‘ would prevail. Perhaps the middle east needs the true Christian ethos of turning the other cheek. As practised by ? since it became a state religion. Still….if Jews and Muslims became Christians, who knows!?

Nov 3, 2023 3:30 PM
Reply to  apikorsim

If “Christians” started following the teachings of Christ, who knows?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 6, 2023 4:51 AM
Reply to  Jill

“The Christian is only worse because it is his business to be better.”


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 5, 2023 11:26 AM
Reply to  apikorsim

True Islam and true Christianity are close in their teachings.
You have to separate true religion and corrupted state religion from each other.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Nov 5, 2023 11:30 AM
Reply to  apikorsim

The apocryphal, lost part of the turn the other cheek parable states that one should let the repeat slapper see the big rock you are holding in your hand. Two cheeks being the decent limit …

underground poet
underground poet
Nov 3, 2023 11:26 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

One method of fighting fire, is with fire.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 3, 2023 12:27 PM

All right lets take ref from Mein Kampf then, from the horse mouth himself:
“The only way to fight terror is terror”.

What will you guys do now. Jesus or Hitler?

Papa caught you on the wrong leg again. No playing Gollum thanks ehhh ahhh uhhhh my precious my precious.

Elongated Muskrat
Elongated Muskrat
Nov 3, 2023 2:43 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

For a large part of humanity the mind, around the onset of adulthood, gets set into concrete, so to speak, and thereafter any change is exceedingly difficult. For some, god knows why, they retain the fluidity of childhood throughout life…

Nov 2, 2023 9:52 PM
Reply to  niko

Why would ‘freedom’ warriors choose to prioritise the rights of Israelis over the rights of Palestinians? I don’t know.

Most likely because they are more anti-muslim than anti-israelie or “pro-freedom”, and/or they are simpletons who believe they will be one of the 144000 chosen ones to hang out with their Lord while Armageddon brings on the scorched earth policy for real, to cleanse the planet for good.

Nov 3, 2023 1:04 AM
Reply to  niko

I’m supporting Free Palestine by getting rid of totalitarian Hamas and Hezbollah who would welcome a ceasefire so they can regroup and carry on with their evil totalitarian dictatorship over the Palestinian people.

Nov 3, 2023 7:37 AM

That’s Jesuitical thinking: to get rid of the only Gentile groups who are fighting for the political freedom of Palestinians and the restoration of an autonomous Palestinian country, so that a Jewish group can move in and ethnically cleanse 2 million Palestinians from the 3,500 year old Palestinian city of Gaza; and pat yourself on the back for “Rescuing the Palestinian people from totalitarianism”.

Reminds me of current Israeli thinking: to give notice to citizens of Gaza that you are going to “mow their lawn” (ie, bomb their city flat) and call that notice of eviction “Opening a Humanitarian corridor”.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 6, 2023 4:54 AM
Reply to  NickM

“We had to destroy the village to save it.”

~ [in]famous sound bite on American nightly news, late 1960s.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Nov 3, 2023 8:40 AM

Hamas channels and organises the social violence created by the institutionalised violence of the Jewish state against the Palestinians, itself a consequence of the substitutive nature of the Israeli occupation.

So long as those other matters are not looked into to the satisfaction of both parts (and there isn’t many ways to do that: two-State, one binational secular or bi-religious State,…), but a “solution” on Israel’s terms is adopted, which shall consist in more or less keeping the current status-quo, then social unrest and violence will continue and the suppression of its current organized expression will lead to new organized if not more extreme expressions.

Nov 3, 2023 7:04 AM
Reply to  niko

From your Link to a site called Real Left with photo of a pretty girl carrying a banner: CEASE FIRE FOREVER:

“To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” — Nelson Mandela [emphasis added]

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 2, 2023 8:30 PM

comment image

Whether it was Voltaire who wrote that or, supposedly, a US white supremacist doesn’t take away from the message: Don’t criticise our government, the unelected health officials or Israel.

Nov 2, 2023 7:59 PM

little canaan khazar helpers killing amelek for moloch
70 warships from all over the west in lockstep
like covid talmudick ritual

Nov 2, 2023 6:46 PM

So glad you’ve seen the light CJ!! Now put your mask on like a good boy…

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Nov 2, 2023 6:38 PM

Like saying Bill Clinton’s motive for going to Epstein island was different to Bill Gates because he only went 30 times and not 50…

Nov 2, 2023 5:54 PM

CJ, the difference is that the honorable Israeli politicians pulled out a “star of David” and not a swastika, you dirty nazi.

Nov 2, 2023 9:10 PM
Reply to  Anarchos

A diplomat for a Country engaged in genocide is “honourable”?

Nov 2, 2023 9:26 PM
Reply to  MattC

I know it is hard to tell irony and sarcasm from brainwashed parroting of slogans but gimme some credit here 😅

Nov 3, 2023 7:41 AM
Reply to  MattC

Like every bum that sits on a green leather cushion in the Palace of Westminster is an Honorable Member.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 2, 2023 5:34 PM

The Israelis have to learn about “if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck” and so on. Like the Nazis the slide into race based extremism didn’t happen overnight for the majority of people, it was a process that happened over time. Also like Germany in the 1930s (read eyewitness accounts) the average German would have been aghast at the mere suggestion that what they were doing was wrong or even inhumane. The yellow stars on the Israeli delegation to the UN are just plain silly except that the “Never Again” is an expression of true irony. The problem for them — and indirectly for us — is how to unwind this situation without causing even more hate and harm. We in the US — or rather, our leaders on our behalf — have been way too indulgent with this country. We’ve allowed it to dictate our policies, we’ve financed it and generally a culpable for this situation so we have to fix it. This is going to be difficult while our entire political system is held hostage by AIPAC but we could make a start by explaining in very clear terms the difference between a religion and a state. There’s no question of the world’s Catholics descending on Rome or even Italy and declaring it their ancestral home etc. so why tolerate Jews doing the same thing? We have to recognize the fact that Israel exists but we don’t have to recognize their settlement expansion, their wholesale takeover of resources like water and any land they fancy and especially their security measures that ghettoize the West Bank and Gaza. The settlers, being extremists by nature, will definitely not like living in Palestine (and being taxed and regulated by the Palestinians) but without Big Brother to come and… Read more »

underground poet
underground poet
Nov 2, 2023 7:43 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

To me it starts with the bankers, and ends with running out of time before the solution was agreed upon.

Nov 3, 2023 8:01 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“things would be a lot simpler if Israel was just a normal state and recognized all the people living within its boundaries as equal”

That is the heart of the problem: Israel is not a normal state, it is an Apart-Hate state (I use the original Afrikaans pronunciation of Apartheid). South Africa is happier for getting rid of apartheid, and so will be The Holy Land of Israel-Palestine-Jordan-Zion call it what you will. I prefer to call the land Palestine because that was its name when I was a boy. Those days are still within living memory: when prominent European Jews like Einstein and Weizmann sailed to the U$ to collect Zionist money for “our Palestinians”.

Nov 3, 2023 10:19 AM
Reply to  NickM

Whether neoliberal, ANC-corrupt South Africa is “happier for getting rid of apartheid” will depend on whether you are Julius Malema singing “Kill the Boer” or one of the white farmers regularly tortured to death in rehearsals for the First Night of said song.

But just keep watching your BBC, you know, the one that has lied about the Scamdemic democide for 3 years? As UK woke liberals, they are good at downplaying/denying/lying about creeping white genocide in RSA as well.

Now what could be the link between the two?

As regards you and Usher: Diversity plus Proximity equals War. Oh and btw, your wokeist deployment of the word “apart-hate” as if hate per se is to be condemned (it is OK to hate Russians and any other official enemy, and whites, and Christians and heteros and the nuclear family, because they are all “problematic”, but I digress….)

No, hate is the obverse of love because if you love something a lot, you hate what threatens to destroy or is destroying it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 3, 2023 12:15 PM
Reply to  Jenner

So the poor innocent white Boer farmers who owned/own farms land in the size of Belgium are exposed to genocide and hate crimes by gruesome natives who lived their last 20-50 years in dirty slum for $50/mth..
Naughty naugthy natives how dare you.

Nov 4, 2023 3:11 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Nielsen reminds me, albeit at a much lower level, of the Grauniad’s Richard Gott. who desperately scribbled as Mugabe’s attack dog in the 80s when it became apparent that tribal-warfare Zimbabwe was not the Black paradise that the unbigoted, compassionate Ian Smith haters had envisaged.

And in fact that now-departed white Rhodesian farmers, notwithstanding their ownershio of the non-malarial uplands, had been quite useful in keeping Black stomachs full.

Said starving Blacks then fled en masse for RSA, where rumour has it that the Black locals are quite Waycist in resenting their presence. (cue Nielsen: Blacks can’t be Waycist!!!” )

Note how Nielsen implies that he has nothing at all against murdering white RSA farmers.But then it was Joe Slovo who noted in his fragmentary diaries that Anglo liberals loved to move blame from apartheid onto Afrikaans speakers only.

So watch this space for Nielsen’s approval of Pallie retribution against Jews in his worshipful One State Solution.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 5, 2023 11:21 AM
Reply to  Jenner

Ohh ohh butthurt. Its not the first time someone show his hurt feelings to me for mention reality: the colonial management of the underdogs in Africa and their resources.

You and your like continue to keep a blind eye to the usury loans from IBRD and IMF and the deep state influence and regime change operations causing the refugee waves that Africa have suffered from since the British Empire.

Its from the black government in SA I heard the problem of white boors own land of the size of Belgium and too many natives own nothing.

It was and is a very light political wish that these gigantic farm lands be divided up in minor farms so every native can get a tiny bit for their own.
But the British Empire Boer rule havent allowed and dont allow even the tiniest improvement in these conditions. Therefore we have these tensions and lawless conditions in the local black community.
Therefore your whining cant be taken serious.

Nov 3, 2023 11:55 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Zionism is Not Judaism, in fact many religious jews do not want such a state, the zionists are impersonators pretending to be jews, while in fact they are not, just ask some hasidic jews how they feel about the need for a “jewish” state.

underground poet
underground poet
Nov 2, 2023 5:13 PM

Tip of the day,

There are two sides to every story,

make sure you are on the right side.

Nov 3, 2023 11:08 AM

Haven’t you heard? Everyone is always on the right side. Ask them. They’ll tell you.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 6, 2023 5:00 AM
Reply to  Rosy

In a salvational or salvific sense, nobody’s wrong if everybody’s right. Hmmm.

As opposed to Steven Still’s iconic 1967 lyric “Nobody’s right, if everybody’s wrong.” [For What It’s Worth]

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 6, 2023 4:55 AM

Better yet, the Left.

Nov 2, 2023 4:51 PM

Propaganda is the new normal as is censorship both nazi tools. The victim becomes the perpetrator.

Nov 3, 2023 8:28 AM

“On that burning ground I saw a Lizard big as a man pursue and grapple from behind to bite in the neck a Man. While I gazed in frozen horror I saw Lizard transform into Man and Man into Lizard; Then the dread pursuit continued across that endless sand. — Dante in Lower Inferno, the Hell of Perverted Intelligence.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 6, 2023 5:05 AM

Well said, precisely. Good cop/bad cop.

The 3rd Reich was the bad cop, roughing everybody up (at least).

The 4th Reich of USA Inc has always been the “good” cop, normalizing Orwellian NewSpeak as PR, and taking the country, and world, by stealth.

Pretty sick, on both counts.

An unblessed quest for stark naked power.

Nov 2, 2023 4:29 PM

Eorum superbia ruinae erit.

Nov 3, 2023 1:14 AM
Reply to  thejackalsmark

Solum veritatum

Elongated Muskrat
Elongated Muskrat
Nov 3, 2023 3:12 AM
Reply to  thejackalsmark

Utinam Latine loquerer ut sensum horum aphorismorum facere possem…

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Nov 4, 2023 4:35 PM

Ole-dole-doff , kinke-lane-koff , koffe-lane-binke-bane , ole-dole-doff.

Robert Koch
Robert Koch
Nov 2, 2023 4:19 PM

I keep thinking of Dresden these past couple of weeks.

Nov 2, 2023 5:42 PM
Reply to  Robert Koch

The fire/terror bombing of Dresden, Hamburg and other major cities was the real holocaust of world war two, not the other supposed one where they were turned into lampshades and soap!

Nov 2, 2023 6:04 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Human bodies are about 70% water by weight and so will not burn down to ash, even if you douse them with large amounts of precious gasoline, and especially if you pile them up in open pits…. however, the evil power of the Nazis was such that the bodies burned anyway!
As reliable eyewitnesses tell us, the nazis stacked the fatter bodies at the bottom to get the fires going! The small size of the camps, too small for burning millions of bodies down to ash in open fire pits, is also of concern only to hate mongers who want Hitler back.

Nov 2, 2023 7:53 PM
Reply to  Anarchos

And then there is that wonderful German engineering with shoddy wooden doors or no doors at all, able to contain deadly cyanide gas, inserted through holes in the roof, then workers immediately would take out the corpses, extract the gold fillings surrounded by deadly gas. ZB was used to disinfect clothing and bedding of lice to stop typhus not to kill people.

Nov 3, 2023 9:28 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Yes, that was the original reason why German Jewish Chemist Fritz Haber invented Zyklon-B.

It is incredibly difficult to extract the truth about the undoubted genocidal activities of Nazi Germany against all those groups of people whom the Nazis “classified” as “subhuman” or “unfit to live”: the Mentall or Physically Disabled, the Communists, Poles, Russians and other “inferior “races”.

Nor does it help that courts in the EU$A now jail investigators whose findings are not to current taste, instead of allowing objective research to stand the test of time by cumulative confirmation or rebuttal of individual claims.

Nov 2, 2023 9:50 PM
Reply to  Anarchos

“Millions of bodies” … 6 million at least. But let’s make it 20 million, so that it’s an even more impressive number.

Nov 2, 2023 11:26 PM
Reply to  Yeshua

Nah. Six million happens to be their lucky Kabbalah number.

Nov 3, 2023 9:47 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Someone posted a page from a U$ newspaper of the 1890s which claimed 6 Million Jews were suffering pogroms in Czarist Russia.

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Nov 4, 2023 4:40 PM
Reply to  NickM

That number , Six million always leaves a Sick smell…ion.
Doesn´t it ?

Nov 4, 2023 6:25 AM
Reply to  Yeshua

Or try to get at the truth. Not easy when you can be jailed under EU Law for digging.

Nov 3, 2023 3:56 PM
Reply to  Anarchos

Six (lol) years ago I visited Auschwitz. I had a strange sense of unease while there. Not from the horror the tour guide was trying to instil in us. A different kind of unease. I was not that awake back then. Looking back, my instincts were telling me the camp/story was phoney.

Nov 4, 2023 6:40 AM
Reply to  Paul

The camps were not phoney; I knew a couple of survivors with the tattoo on their forearms. But the horror has been hijacked by the Jews with their numbers game. Someone posted earlier to point out that the word “holocaust” (Gr. all of them burnt) has now been trademarked with uppercase H — “The Holocaust” TM — and appropriated to “6 Million Jews” TM; thus relegating to various lower case holocausts the 20 Million Russians, 5 Million poles, 4 Million Germans, 1 Million Gypsies and 25 Million assorted victims of Nazism.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 5, 2023 11:24 PM
Reply to  NickM

I know/knew a LOT of survivors in SoCal.

Several had pin-striped kitchen wallpaper to remind them of ovens.

Others I knew quite well and the atrocities were not fictions. Piero Heliczer (filmmaker and poet) won a huge court settlement in the 1950s from the German govmt for his having been forced, when he was 8, with his “shell-shocked” mother in tow, to watch while the Gestapo castrated and killed his father, a doctor and Polish Resistance fighter . That was rather solidly established.

And many other such terrors. The revisionism going on now is just same old same old 6th Reich StierScheiße.

“Meet the new Reich
Same as the old Reich”

~ apologies to The Who


“Nazis! I hate these guys!”

~ Harrison Ford, in Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade, espying the frumious freeloaders from a barn window on high

Nov 3, 2023 12:15 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

But now it’s Slaughterhouse Gaza.

Nov 3, 2023 2:51 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

The uninformed Anglo liberal guilt prattle about Dresden has been going on since 1945, Just put away your copy of Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five and McKee’s book on Dresden

On the off-chance that you read German, the standard judicious work is Goetz Bergander, “Dresden im Luftkrieg”, already 40 years old or so. Btw. Bergander was in Dresden when it was bombed. Otherwise, Frederick Taylor, “Dresden” 2005. And then (2005).Webster, C.; Frankland, N. (1961). Butler, J. R. M. (ed.). The Strategic Air Offensive Against Germany 1939–1945.

And what Sir Arthur Harris wrote on the subject.

When you have done that, come back here to talk to the adults. Of course, maybe you are still hoping for an Aryan victory in Ukraine over the Russian Untermensch…

Nov 3, 2023 7:16 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

~100 German towns and cities suffered heavy fire-bombing. Starvation, exposure and execution killed ~12 million German civilians and prisoners of war, mostly after the war ended. In Japan, fire-bombing a similar number of towns and cities killed ~10 million people.

Nov 3, 2023 8:43 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Other Losses.

Nov 4, 2023 6:49 AM
Reply to  mgeo

They died in various holocausts of WW2. But there is only one “Holocaust” TM — “The Holocaust” where “6 Million Jews” TM died.

Such is the power of Main Stream Media, owned and controlled by a small number of Anglo Zio Capitalists.

Nov 3, 2023 8:54 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Supposedly turned into lampshades and soap. Like the 40 babies who were supposedly beheaded.

Nov 3, 2023 10:55 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Read the book below to confirm your suspicions.Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth & RealityNicholas Kollerstrom
Foreword by
James Fetzer


Nov 6, 2023 12:24 AM
Reply to  David

Good book I read it a few years ago, thanks anyway.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 5, 2023 5:53 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Or a psyop.

Nov 3, 2023 8:51 AM
Reply to  Robert Koch

Don’t worry, Gaza can take it.

That ancient Palestinian city was already more than a thousand years old in when Alexandra the Great genocided its inhabitants for obstinately obstructing his triumphal conquest of the Middle East around 330 BC. And when General Allenby arrived to hand Palestine over to Dear Lord Rothschild on behalf of His Majesty’s Goverment in 1918 AD, Gaza was still standing. Viscount Allenby was impressed by the fertility of Palestine: among other good things in those times, Gaza was the main supplier of barley to brew the beer of Manchester.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 4, 2023 3:57 AM
Reply to  Robert Koch

Keep sinking………….. 😂 .